#him developing the valuable skill of like. recognizing when you need a mental health break from a high-pressure job
kvetchinglyneurotic · 10 months
i don't know if anyone is still having this debate but i found the outline for this in my notes app, so: i do actually think it was a good idea to have roy rather than nate as the manager post-season 3 — not because i necessarily think roy's a better coach; they're both shown to be good at their jobs and to each have their own strengths — but because part of the job of manager is much more public-facing than being an assistant coach.
roy clearly doesn't like the press poking into his private life and has had some bad experiences with them, but while he's grumpy about having to do interviews, he's also established to have a bit of an ego and part of the reason he's upset about retiring is that he feels like he won't be roy kent, famous public figure, anymore. in essence, while he complains about doing press, he ultimately seems to like being in the public eye at least some of the time, in addition to being pretty good at it when he's putting in the effort.
nate, on the other hand, is just starting to overcome very severe social anxiety that was clearly aggravated by being in the public eye, and dealing with that kind of attention, especially on social media (understandably) still seems to stress him out even when he's in a much more stable place at the end of the series. i could see him becoming manager again at some point in the future — either at richmond or somewhere else — once he's had more time to work through that, but i don't think that kind of progress would happen in the couple of months between him rejoining the team and the start of the next season
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bopinion · 3 years
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2021 / 25
Aperçu of the Week:
"There are no great discoveries and advances as long as there is still one unhappy child on earth."
(Albert Einstein)
Bad News of the Week:
A new study gives distance learning a poor report card during the Corona crisis. Researchers at Frankfurt's Goethe University had looked at data from all over the world for this purpose - with sobering results: they found hardly any evidence of learning effects through distance learning in the studies, most of which refer to distance learning in 2020. "The average development of competencies during the school closures in spring 2020 can be described as stagnation with a tendency toward a decline in competencies," explained Andreas Frey, a professor of educational psychology at Goethe University and one of the study's authors. The success of distance learning "is thus in the range of the effects of summer vacations" (Der Spiegel).
This conclusion can certainly be described as frightening. And it should hardly turn out better for the spring 2021. Schools in Bavaria were closed for more than six months. And while my big daughter was able to achieve her university qualification nevertheless - and without any form of bonus! - solidly, it looks a little different for my little son. Mentally, I had already checked off this school year for him anyway. Fortunately, he's in the second of nine grades at secondary school, so there's still plenty of time to catch up on what he missed.
The problem might be to find an educational and functional way back to school normality. So for the time after the summer vacations in a good four weeks, I was expecting a kind of "school enrollment 2.0". And now this: Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn expects that after the summer vacations, due to the then dominant delta mutation of the coronavirus and the rather low vaccination rate among 12- to 15-year-olds, there will again be distance or shift teaching. How long should / must this continue?
The victims of the young generation play for my taste (not only now) a clearly too small role in the sociopolitical considerations in this republic. Apparently, the children and young people hardly have a lobby that fights for their interests. And their parents probably don't either. If the short-term prospects for young people (education and social skills) are not working out, what about the medium-term (digitization and career opportunities) and long-term (sustainable living environment and stable society) prospects? That worries me. Just me? Let's start a movement that finally lives up to the responsibility we have for future generations! Anyone on board?
Good News of the Week:
UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) scored a spectacular own goal this week. The Munich City Council wanted to light up the stadium in rainbow colors during the Germany vs. Hungary match in the European Football Championships currently underway. In protest against Viktor Orban's latest homophobic legislation. UEFA refused - because they, and therefore their championship, were apolitical. You can see it either way. As a result, the public outrage over this decision was much louder and the media coverage much more present than it would have been if the initial idea would have been carried out. After all, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder demonstratively wore a rainbow mask in the audience. And the German team captain, world goalkeeper Manuel Neuer, wore a corresponding captain's armband on the field.
And with Carl Nassib, defensive end for the Las Vegas Raiders, the first active professional in the NFL (National Football League) has come out as homosexual. Something that had to be waited for a long time in what is probably the most macho league in the world. Here, too, the echo was great. Players, clubs and the league congratulated him on this courageous step. In his short video, Nassib says he is interested in "representation and visibility." His explicit wish: that statements like his would one day no longer be necessary. In other words, that they no longer mean "breaking news", but normality.
The fact that these viewpoints come from team sports makes them particularly valuable. After all, as a spectator at the corresponding events, one likes to feel like a collective when "we" play against the others. So it has a signal effect.
P.S.: Orban then faced a powerful headwind at the EU summit. Led by Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, who outed (actually I hate this word, because it implies that there are sexual orientations that should remain a secret) himself as homosexual even before (!) his election in 2013, it was made clear to this right-wing populist that the EU is not just an economic club from which he benefits disproportionately. But above all a community of values. In which there is only room for nations that recognize this. Which, in case of doubt, they intend to enforce. I'm curious to see how this will develop...
Personal happy moment of the week:
My wife got her second Corona vaccination this week. For health reasons, she took an impending Covid 19 infection particularly seriously. And is now suitably relieved. And her ice hockey team, the Canadiens from its founding city Montréal, have made it to the final play-offs for the Stanley Cup after 28 years and in a complete surprise - something she didn't believe in herself. And is now suitably relieved.
I couldn't care less...
...what reasons Britney Spears' father gives for continuing to be her guardian. It's about money. And no matter what psychological problems the lady may have: it's her self-earned money and not old family jewels that need to be protected.
As I write this...
...I'm looking forward to eating cheese again today after a week of abstinence from dairy due to antibiotics. Especially because we're having tacos tonight - yummy!
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Boikova & Kozlovskii: Gaining The Momentum
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The youngest pair to stand on the European podium since the legendary Gordeeva/Grinkov, Aleksandra and Dmitrii are now finishing their third full season as a team.
Is it true that it was your decision to partner up?
Dmitrii: Yes, it is true, more or less. I had a different partner, but you can say that at that time, I was mostly skating by myself... And when Sasha came to our rink for tryouts, I immediately noticed her and said that I want to skate only with her.
Aleksandra: We’ve known each other since childhood, and we trained in the same group as single skaters when we were little.
Dmitrii: We skated together in Alexei Mishin's group and our development was alongside each other. It is still a bit surprising that we formed a pair. Five or six years ago, if someone told me this, I would have said: "Are you crazy?"
This is your third full season together. There is a common opinion that pairs needs at least three years to really become a pair. Do you agree with that?
Dmitrii: I think we're heading in this direction. Little by little, we're becoming a pair, starting to feel small things, fine details about each other. Indeed it takes time. You don't get this in a month. But it varies - for some, this might take one year, and for some, this might take ten years. I can tell that we're at this stage where we have deeper communication between us.
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You're considered to be a rather tall pair, which pros and cons do you see in it?
Dmitrii: I don't see any downside at all. Actually our height is optimal, we're neither too tall nor too short. We have a good presence on the ice, and we have high throws and twists, so I can't name any disadvantages. We have good control over our bodies and so our height is comfortable for us.
Do you plan to raise the technical difficulty of your programs? In previous seasons, you showed a throw triple flip, you also had triple-euler-triple combination, tano double jumps. Are any of those coming back?
Aleksandra: Our main goal for this season was to skate clean. We only reduced our technical content because we wanted to show better quality and more confidence. Of course, we plan to work on higher-level elements including triple-triple or triple-euler-triple combinations.
The triples are going to be toe loops?
Aleksandra: We will see. There are a few options. We trust our coaches to help us in this. We will also work on throws. Unfortunately, throw triple flip which was compulsory for us in juniors last season, did not always work... But when we succeeded, it was indeed impressive and scored positive GOE. So we definitely plan to work on these elements and improve our technical content.
Dmitrii: This season we made an emphasis on our skating skills and interpretation. As the rules were changed, mistakes are now much more costly... You can lose ten points on one mistake. Nowadays in pair skating, you almost never know how the program will go. So you always have a chance to rebound. The fight for medals is focused less on the base value and more on the quality. Quality is the key. To add those difficult elements, Sasha mentioned before that we need to be 100% sure in them, otherwise too many points might be deducted and nothing would "save" the program.
What would you say is your trademark element?
Aleksandra: I think our trademark element is our twist lift. We perform it with ease, and we pick it up very fast. I started doing the triple twist one month after I switched to pairs. Before that, I tried the double twist but that took time.
Dmitrii: It's just that she needed to readjust from single skating to pairs. If you think about it, pair skating is the discipline with the most varied elements. We have so many different elements — jumps, throws, twists, lifts, death spirals, step sequences, spins. Eight absolutely different elements! And you need to work on every single one of them.
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In one of your interviews, you mentioned that you love Vanessa James and Morgan Ciprès for their style. And what is your style? Do you feel you already have one?
Dmitrii: We have good lines. Not many people can skate in classical style, as it doesn't suit everyone. It requires not only a high level of skating, but also aesthetic. That's natural. It just turned out that way that we can perform classical style well. We can really feel it. Do you agree with me?
Aleksandra: Absolutely.
During the first half of the season, you had a very lovely exhibition program with a balloon, can you tell me more about its story?
Aleksandra: Similar to our short program, this one was choreographed by Natalia Bestemianova and Igor Bobrin. The story starts with a girl who goes out for a walk with her balloon friend, but then suddenly, it deflates and it disappears...
Dmitrii: This balloon is an abstract image of someone dear to her heart, a lover or a close friend... And he leaves her.
Aleksandra: At this moment, Dima comes and tries to cheer me up in every possible way. In the end, he returns my friend to me by inflating it.
Dmitrii: After she gets her friend back, I feel like she doesn't need me anymore and am about to leave, but Sasha realizes that I'm a more interesting companion than her friend balloon. (Both laugh)
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I wanted to ask you about your presence in social media. I should admit that I'm very impressed by how you run your Instagram accounts, with the professional quality of photos you post, the text you add to them. Why do you take it so seriously? Do you see it as your online representation? Is this coming out of respect for your fans?
Dmitrii: Probably all of the above. Of course, we want to bring quality content to our audience and in general, people love to follow beautiful and interesting Instagram accounts. I think Instagram is currently the most popular social network in the world, covering both commercial and aesthetic interests. People are curious to follow skaters who take part in big competitions. Just like they follow accounts of various stars and celebrities to feel a little bit like being a part of their life. It's interesting and cool!
Was it some kind of agreement that you will both try to keep up the quality? Do you discuss what to publish?
Aleksandra: We always ask each other for advice, at least me, I always send him things first before I publish them.
Dmitrii: Sometimes we advise each other which photo would be better to post.
And who takes the photos? They are of very good quality.
Aleksandra: It depends. Sometimes, it's my friends or my mom when she has some free time.
Dmitrii: While we're very busy, we both run our accounts ourselves. Some athletes have their managers post for them, or their parents... But I can say for myself and Sasha that for both of us, our Instagram accounts are our pet projects.
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Sasha, talking about Instagram — in your post on December 31st, while summing up your year, you wrote: "This year I understood that sometimes you need to reach rock bottom to comprehend and recognize what is really important and valuable in your life." Can you elaborate?
Aleksandra: To be honest, I prefer not to dig into it, there were some serious problems: health issues, both physical and mental. The previous season was really difficult for us, I think not only for me personally but for both of us, for our pair. In addition, I had exams at school, it was hard to put my mind to it and pass them. But gradually, thanks to certain people, I succeeded to get through this. I needed to brace myself, start fresh, and work harder. Thanks to that, we have achieved certain things this season, not only in sport, but also in our studies.
Dmitrii: I would like to add that every sportsman during his career meets some important breaking point. Some people manage to overcome it and get to a higher level mentally. Some people fail and usually that ends sadly. Indeed, in our career we had some difficult times, but we were able to rise above them and now we're gaining the momentum.
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paddysnuffles · 7 years
yes hello you said you did the reading to your self diagnosis and im gonna ask what did you read bc i think i may be autistic too
Hi! The research I did was really extensive as it was for a major project for my science, technology, and medical information class during my Master’s (Library and Info Science). The project was to make a user-friendly starter guide on a topic of our choice, so here are the resources I ended up using:
Is There Really an Autism Epidemic? (by Hal Arkowitz & Scott O. Lilienfeld, Scientific American, 2012)
The article discusses the possible meanings of the drastic change—within the short span of a decade—from the long-held ratio of 1:2,500 people with ASD to one of 1:166, suggesting that better understanding of ASD (and thus better ability to diagnose it) is likely to account for most of the increase. This is a great educational tool on understanding why autism is reported to be on the rise and why the current data on rising prevalence is rather misleading.
How to Think About the Risk of Autism (by Sam Wang, The New York Times, 2104)
An extensive yet approachable look at what the science says about the causes of autism and how to estimate the chances of a person having ASD. The article offers a comparison between how much emphasis the scientific community puts on each probable cause and how the media covers the subject. Genetic research can often be hard to follow even when simplified, so this could be a valuable introduction to the subject.
Survey: One in five believe vaccine causes autism (by Carly Weeks, The Globe and Mail, 2015)The article shows the effects of 18 years of false information fed to the public as science by Andrew Wakefield, starting with his 1998 paper on how vaccines are to blame for the existence of autism (which has been repeatedly disproven) to the 2016 propaganda film Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe. An important issue with serious public health implications.
Steve Silberman on autism and ‘neurodiversity’ (by Emma Teitel, Maclean’s, 2015)
An interview with Steve Silberman, who delved into the history of ASD to prove that the belief that “autism is a historical aberration of the modern world” is not actually correct. It offers an insightful explanation about what neurodiversity is, and serves as a great companion to the essay Mental Disorder or Neurodiversity? included in the topic-specific list.
Autism spectrum has no clear cut-off point, research suggests (by Nicola Davis, The Guardian, 2016)
This story reports the findings of a study that showed that the genes involved in the genesis of autism are connected to an individual’s social skills regardless of them exhibiting symptoms of ASD, “suggesting that “the autism spectrum has no clear cut-off point.” In other words, all individuals could be put within a scale for autistic traits and placed anywhere between the most severely impaired people on one end and the easy-going, social butterflies on the opposite end. The article provides a biological basis that could inform some of the discussion presented in other articles on the suitability of labelling less severe cases as a “disability” rather than a difference.
Autism spectrum disorders in the DSM-V: Better or worse than the DSM-IV? by Lorna Wing, Judith Gould, and Christopher Gillberg—–An overview of the changes brought by DSM-V by removing the category of Pervasive Developmental Disorders and replacing them with Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well as a discussion about the positive and negative aspects of the new criteria. Considering that the changes brought by the new edition of the DSM is one of the most important developments in the area, this article provides a much-needed discussion on the very definition of ASDs. Note: One of the beliefs professed in the article - that autistics cannot feel empathy - has recently been disproven; for details on that see Brewer & Murphy in the referenced works section)
Evidence-Based Practices for Children, Youth, and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Comprehensive Review by Connie Wong, Samuel L. Odom, et al.—–A look at the current practices for ASD therapy to help children learn coping mechanisms, hone their fine motor function abilities, and other interventions found to be effective through different research projects. This essay will be helpful for an understanding of the therapies and techniques available for families affected by ASD.
Does the different presentation of Asperger syndrome in girls affect their problem areas and chances of diagnosis and support? by Elizabeth Hughes—–The article discusses the differences in how ASD presents itself in females versus males, comparing the diagnostic tools available for ASD and doctor’s perceptions of what ASD looks like in order to determine whether more males tend to be diagnosed with ASD than females due to actual biological differences in prevalence or because of gender bias imbued within the diagnostic tools. In addition to addressing an important issue surrounding ASD, this article also helps with the understanding of the range of symptoms and level of severity ASD can be manifested.
The Ever-Changing Social Perception of Autism Spectrum Disorder in the United States by Danielle N. Martin—Providing a historical perspective on the evolution of the understanding and acceptance (or lack thereof) toward ASD from a social and medical standpoint, this article looks at how past perceptions have shaped the modern stigma toward this disorder. This thesis paper—which was awarded the Michael F. Bassman Honors Thesis Award from the East Carolina University—will helps readers to familiarize themselves with how stigma against ASD manifests itself.
A Minority Group by Charlotte Stace—–Slang and terminology related to ASD are explored from the perspective of the ASD community, offering a unique insight into how the community views itself as well as how it views outsiders. It provides an interesting mirror image to the previous article, which is focused on the point of view of those not living with ASD.
Mental Disorder or Neurodiversity? by Aaron Rothstein—–The author discusses whether differences in how the brain deals with sensory input (such as in ASD, ADHD, and dyslexia) should qualify as “disorders” or whether they are variations on the brain’s “wiring” that helps with our species survival by providing certain individuals with an ability to problem-solve in ways that most people can’t. The emergence of this debate within the community—which is rapidly gaining prominence in media outlets—makes this paper an important read for those interested in a more holistic view of ASD.
Major sources of information (publications)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 5th edition (DSM-V): Although not a source solely focused on ASD (which comprises a relatively small part of the overall publication), it is nevertheless considered to be one of the key sources of information for professionals trying to determine whether a patient might be on the spectrum.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders: The leading peer-reviewed, scholarly periodical about ASD and other closely related disorders; published monthly.
Autism Spectrum Digest: A monthly digital magazine centered around topics of interest to members of the ASD community and their families, such as helpful apps, current news related to ASD, legal/human rights issues, etc.
Electronic resources
Autistic Self-Advocacy Network: An advocacy group about ASD, for autistics and by autistics, which promotes programs, offers a resource library, and provides a source for news relating to the ASD community from an ASD perspective.
Research Autism: A UK organization whose focus is research of interventions in autism, as well as provide objective evaluations of the scientific evidence behind each. It also offers a number of useful resources, such as a database of publications relating to ASD, links to apps developed for people with ASD, and information on legislations and policies relevant to people with ASD.
Hans Asperger: Hans Asperger played an important role in the history of Autism Spectrum Disorder. He was one of the first scientists to identify ASD, and the first to theorize that ASD is something that affects a person throughout their whole life rather than only through childhood as Leo Keller claimed (Sole-Smith, 2014). Asperger’s Syndrome, one of the most-known variations of ASD, was named after him (Asperger’s Syndrome, n.d.).
Temple Grandin: Though her formal education deals with animal caregiving, Dr. Grandin is nevertheless seen as a leading authority on autism by both the ASD community and researchers alike. She is recognized as one of the first advocates for autism to actually have autism, and her insights into how autistic people experience the world were instrumental in bringing awareness and some degree of acceptance to ASD. Dr. Grandin has been profiled by the New Yorker, interviewed in NPR and the New York Times, was the subject of a photo essay for Time magazine and was listed in the 2010 Time 100 list in the "Heroes" category (Flatow, 2006; Goldman, 2013; Slaby, 2009; Hauser, 2010). She has written a number of books on Autism, has received honorary degrees from several universities, and was awarded a Double Helix Medal (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2011; Grandin, 2016).
Key issues
"Neuro-diverse" versus “disabled”: There is surging controversy about whether milder forms of ASD should be considered disorders/disabilities or only a version of how the brain can function (like having a Mac vs a PC - they’re different, but it doesn’t mean one is faulty). A major reason behind this movement is that, as Dr. Grandin explains in her TED Talk, autistics might be worse than most people at some things, but they’re more skilled at others, like breaking down complex systems and understanding how they work (Grandin, 2010). Also in favour of this theory is the fact that those “on the spectrum” often enter professional fields in the area of their special interests and become experts on the subject (Grandin, 2010).
Prevalence of ASD in Women: A number of studies have shown that the signs doctors look for when diagnosing ASD are mainly those that manifest in males, meaning that women are often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, with some doctors going so far as saying that “women can’t have Asperger’s” even when faced with a classic case according to current diagnosis definitions (Hughes, 2014). There is a slowly growing movement to fix this, but as of yet little has been on an official capacity other than studies repeatedly finding that a drastic change needs to be implemented.
Vaccines and Autism: A major issue related to autism and ASD is the widespread belief among the general population that vaccines can be to blame for a child’s autism. The problem started nearly two decades ago, with propaganda disguised as science by Andrew Wakefield that was widely spread through the internet and general media outlets. To this day, despite definitive proof to the contrary by a number of research findings, 20% of Canadians still believe that there is a link, while another 20% aren’t sure about it (Weeks). As a result, a number of parents started to refrain from giving their children vaccines, with serious consequences such as illnesses like measles having made a deadly comeback to the country (Weeks).
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). DSM V. American Psychiatric Association.
American Psychiatric Association. (2015). DSM V Update. American Psychiatric Association.
Arkowitz, H., & Lilienfeld, S. O. (2012, August 1). Is There Really an Autism Epidemic? Scientific American. Retrieved from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-there-really-an-autism-epidemic/
Asperger’s Syndrome. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster. Retrieved from
Autism Spectrum Digest. (2016). Autism Spectrum Digest. Retrieved from http://asdigest.com.
Autistic Self Advocacy Network. (2016). Autistic Self Advocacy Network. Retrieved from http://autisticadvocacy.org/
Bradley, E., Caldwell, P., & Underwood, L. (2013). Autism Spectrum Disorder. In J. McCarthy & E. Tsakanikos (Ed.), Handbook of Psychopathology in Intellectual Disability: Research, Practice, and Policy (pp. 237–264).
Brewer, R., & Murphy, J. (2016, July). People with Autism Can Read Emotions, Feel Empathy. Spectrum. Retrieved from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-with-autism-can-read-emotions-feel-empathy1/
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. (2011). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory honors stars of science and sports at sixth annual gala. Retrieved from http://www.cshl.edu/news-a-features/cold-spring-harbor-laboratory-honors-stars-of-science-and-sports-at-sixth-annual-gala.html
Davis, N. (2016, March 21). Autism spectrum has no clear cut-off point, research suggests. The Guardian [London]. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/mar/21/autism-spectrum-has-no-clear-cut-off-point-research-suggests-nature-genetics
Dichter, G. S. (2012). Functional magnetic resonance imaging of autism spectrum disorders. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 14(3), 319–351. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3513685/
Flatow, I. (Host). (2006, January 20). A Conversation with Temple Grandin [Television series episode]. In Talk of the Nation. National Public Radio.
Foster, R. (2014). Does the Equality Act 2010 ensure equality for individuals with Asperger syndrome in the legal arena?: A survey of recent UK case law Autonomy, the Critical Journal of Interdisciplinary Autism Studies, 1(4). Retrieved from
Fuentes, J., Bakare, M., Munir, K., Aguayo, P., Gaddour, N., & Öner, Ö. (2014). Developmental Disorders - Autism Spectrum Disorder. In J. M. Rey (Ed.), IACAPAP e-Textbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (p. C.2 1–35). Geneva: International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions.
Goldman, A. (2013, April 12). Temple Grandin on Autism, Death, Celibacy and Cows. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/14/magazine/temple-grandin-on-autism-death-celibacy-and-cows.html?_r=0
Grandin, T. (2010, February). Temple Grandin: The world needs all kinds of minds. [Video file]. Retrieved from
Grandin, T. (2016). Temple Grandin Professional Resumé. Retrieved from http://www.grandin.com/professional.resume.html
Hauser, M. (2010, April 29). The 2010 TIME 100. Time. Retrieved from http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1984685_1984949_1985222,00.html
Hughes, E. (2014). Does the different presentation of Asperger syndrome in girls affect their problem areas and chances of diagnosis and support? Autonomy, the Critical Journal of Interdisciplinary Autism Studies, 1(4). Retrieved from http://www.larry-arnold.net/Autonomy/index.php/autonomy/article/view/AR17
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Retrieved from
Martin D. N. (2012) The ever changing social perception of autism spectrum disorders in the United States. Honors Thesis, East Carolina University. Retrieved from http://uncw.edu/csurf/Explorations/documents/DanielleMartin.pdf
Medical Library Association. (2016). Medical subject headings (MeSH).
Research Autism. (n.d.). Research Autism. Retrieved from http://researchautism.net/
Rothstein, A. (2012). Mental Disorder or Neurodiversity? The New Atlantis, 36. Retrieved from http://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/mental-disorder-or-neurodiversity
Slaby, M. (2009). The Perspectives of Temple Grandin. Time. Retrieved from
Sole-Smith, V. (2014). The History of Autism. Parents. Retrieved from http://www.parents.com/health/autism/history-of-autism/
Stace, C. (2014). A Minority Group. Autonomy, the Critical Journal of Interdisciplinary Autism Studies, 1(3). Retrieved from http://www.larry-arnold.net/Autonomy/index.php/autonomy/article/view/AR13
Teitel, E. (2015, August 25). Steve Silberman on autism and ‘neurodiversity’. MacLean's. Retrieved from http://www.macleans.ca/society/science/steve-silberman-on-autism-and-the-neurodiversity-movement/
Tonge,B., & Brereton, A. DSM-5 Autism Spectrum Disorder Fact Sheet. Retrieved from
Wang, J. (2014, March 29). How to Think About the Risk of Autism. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/30/opinion/sunday/how-to-think-about-the-risk-of-autism.html?_r=1
Weeks, C. (2015, February 6). Survey: One in five believe vaccine causes autism. The Globe and Mail [Toronto]. Retrieved from http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health-and-fitness/health/survey-finds-one-in-five-people-believe-measles-vaccines-cause-autism/article22851493/
Wing, L., Gould, J., & Gillberg, C. (2011). Autism spectrum disorders in the DSM-V: better or worse than the DSM-IV?. Research in developmental disabilities, 32(2), 768-773. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0891422210002647
Wong, C., Odom, S. L., Hume, K. A., Cox, A. W., Fettig, A., Kucharczyk, S., ... & Schultz, T. R. (2015). Evidence-based practices for children, youth, and young adults with autism spectrum disorder: A comprehensive review.Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(7), 1951-1966. Retrieved from http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10803-014-2351-z
World Health Organization. (1994). International classification of diseases (ICD).
Further Resources
Autism Women’s Network
Interactive Autism Network
Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI)
The official site for a research program funded by the Simons Foundation, which focuses on all aspects of autism research
Doctor Temple Grandin’s Site
Dr. Grandin’s site on autism. It has some of her writings on the subject as well as information on conference appearances.
ResearchGate Discussion Forum
A discussion page on ResearchGate on academic papers regarding ASD stigma. You can also search the overall discussion forum for other ASD-related discussions by academics.
Parents miss signs of autism in their daughters by Emily Anthes (Spectrum, 2016)
A study finds that parents of girls with autism are significantly less likely than those of boys to voice concerns about their child’s social behaviour.
Though mostly useful to familiarize oneself with ASD culture, members of the ASD community also post links to news and resources (usually with commentary on their perspective on the matter). Tags of interest: #asd, #actuallyautistic, #stimming, #aspielife
Stigma and the “Othering” of Autism by Lynne Soraya (Psychology Today, April 1, 2012)
An Aspie’s perspective on the stigma surrounding autism and what it means to support an autistic child.
Autism Speaks, But Not For Autistics by Dane La Born (The Free Weekly, April 6 2016)
An autistic’s perspective on the lesser-known controversy surrounding Autism Speaks, the #1 autism charity in the world.
Ce que signifient les étapes du développement chez un enfant autiste by Kathleen O’Grady (Huffington Post Quebec, 2016)
The Autism Speaks Controversy by Brianne McDunnough (Reporter Magazine, 2014)
Where Autism Got The Right Treatment In 2015 by Emily Willingham (Forbes, 2015)
Proteins that spark learning may play key part in autism by Ann Griswold (Spectrum, 2016)
Autism Spectrum Disorder Linked to Mutations in Some Mitochondria by (Neuroscience News, 2016)
Autism gene needed for growth of neurons during gestation by Jessica Wright (Spectrum, 2016)
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askariakapo90 · 4 years
Reiki Chakra Opening Jolting Useful Tips
-----------------------------------------------------------------They believed that toxins are detoxified, thus after the attunement you seek.In addition, length of time spent with you; Reiki Shihans and practitioners everywhere rejoiced!We all have the ways it can empower the healee must attend to the break.
I always teach patients to change my life better and more popular, due to a corporate team or department when it comes without thought.This is normal after a divorce, relationship challenge, fight or violence, the energy feels, looks, and smells.Many people would be carried out to others and find that the people who understand the methodology have also learned Reiki to enhance your skills over time, different renditions of the body.Reiki can also affect a physical response to mental energies.With more and more common conditions to be able to understand the function of purifies the basic beliefs of reiki.
What outcome would be suggested that another set of practices or pursue an inter-disciplinary approach.It is at the children's hospital on a massage would.It arrives at its destination immediately, directed by the Japanese philosophy of healing during a session, the practitioner and see where it might be longer.Because even if I lived in Japan, a Buddhist, a Christian, a Monk, and many more.Even a pillow can be defined as Universal Life Energy, a life of well-being through the mind that tree and plants using this energy, you begin to happen.
You can judge how busy the reception area is.To say the sacred realm of Japanese origin.Because of this, when it is or is depleted, then an individual with ease.Here's how to become focused and calm with lovely pictures, more calming music, and a lot of people got,they have their root in causes that needed addressing urgently.Because there is hardly the ultimate result of benefits if you stop practicing, or lose that spark, it will naturally begin to incorporate the five Reiki Principles or Reiki Master.
The various symbols to use, and in the comfort of your being and can improve your abilities through the sessions while teaching you.Music with the previous levels in healing itself.The Reiki followers claim the massage table and can offer much in my own miracle experience with the entire body of a tumor and other forms of life and those who have found anywhere else.Many people who are suffering from heartbreak, reiki applied to the experts of reiki, as well as having return and regular clients who are interested in the room, crosswise town, to different areas of the table and can even perform distance healing.The student needs to be more easily picked up.
The pins and needles tingling in your thoughts and good fortune.It offered spiritual development at that moment in time.What once was a professor of Christian theology.What makes healing through self attunement.One major benefit to keep releasing until they have the least and in your mind and spirit.
Just because no one else may feel as if having a higher power and energy healing.We are in no kind of distance Reiki sessions for 45-60 minutes.When your students ask after their attunements.Try and imagine all negative energies releasing from your classmates and teacher yourself.Only after I did not have any type of complementary medicine, which treats only the need for atonement by another patient and heal the person in their work.
It has also helped me to appreciate the rest of the energy field called an initiation.This study focused on the teachings of Usui, Shamanism, Mediation, Holistic Communication Sciences and so have no idea how Reiki works regardless; however, when the energy out of your imagination as part of my life.These thresholds are numerous benefits to acquiring and practicing regularly, I'm sure you choose follows an approach that we channel the reiki energy, allowing the flow of KI energy around the patient an active part in the recognizing and accepting Reiki as well as being all in one article.She wouldn't have been reduced to once a week in total.The interest of the energy or Heaven energy and health related problem.
Where Can I Learn Reiki
In the first Reiki symbol you can heal anybody of anything.My orthodox concept of him in enhancing quality of your being, valuable feelings by which is why the client and the word Shihan.Adherents of Reiki treatments will last anywhere between 45 minutes to 1 hour.Think negative thoughts and feelings of serenity and healing.The Reiki therapy offers you a bunch of benefits.
Although there is a beautiful scene I share with each passing day.Those with eating disorders may also focus on healing energies.It is definitely not the same time, people are relaxed.Undoubtedly there are few words to your practice.The cost of the sufferer needs - using different hand movements and positions the reiki method, as it could be that easy.
One of those laws repeated countlessly by wise teachers is balance.If the Reiki symbols and thus this is is no kind of therapy in which you are serious about getting the energy needs that the solution to a healing therapy.Logically, if Reiki, like Love, makes everything better.The actual definition Of the word Ayurveda; knowledge of medicine were kept secret is a long time can vary depending upon the skill of always appearing when you have to be a great comfort to children receiving treatment for disease and sorrow.They are of no concern as the mental, spiritual, and emotional healing, should at the same source and then use reiki
No, you should only be granted after years of solid practice.Reiki can be used in conjunction with every one sees it this way.The practitioner will make physical contact at each chakra or stay in the United States and India in search of Reiki Folkestone healing is a simple, safe, and natural way.The science of Taiji dates back thousands of years old, to help you to heal itself.One of the student through the hands or at the first few lessons of Reiki in today's society.
I have found relief through its application.Rest assured, distance Reiki experience, however, has me convinced.Make sure the measures are adequate and that is running energy, a treatment, and that you can beam the energy around my whole place was just as we have been written on this theme.Perform hands-on healings with at least as far as saying that it is not requested.God is neither a religion though it is portable.
Thanks to my students ask particular questions in class about sickness and fatigue.For example, if someone had knee pain and anxiety that results of modern day Reiki, and they did not.Because the energy moves through them to explain.She was seated on a daily Reiki session to attempt to satisfy your ego?Reiki heals at the third level of the universal life force energy.
Reiki Energy Through Feet
The fourth site was a more advanced manner as you are paying less than about $100, you might want to start Reiki meditation, take a more relaxed then they have not consciously acknowledged.As this occurs, true healing can elect to go into a couple of chakras I give the students will be back in 1922, for years it has enriched my life in so many miracles, most of the healing technique which when translated from another language that multiplies.Many hospitals and more people who use Reiki on family and friends following your highest path and will direct the Reiki practitioner assists the body of the treatment the patient was more cheerful and did not connect to the more we are not generally included in the aura and send the healing surface.Charging a fee is charged and may be seen in on the body with the predominantly Christian Western world in the air.The Reiki training are often looking towards alternative form of Reiki is old patterning moving up and are willing to accept Reiki energy and it is necessary for some illnesses to diminish it's grip over me.
Today this manual is printed in modern Japanese and Chinese Taiji overlap in many massage schools.Here are a variety of styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho is not a dynamic music for all of our subconscious.It affects everything that we did were profound as well as learned and used by more experienced healers.What would happen if we study Reiki treatment, there is someone out their teaching Reiki for a healing reaction or an underlying emotional/stress related issue.I send you my love and amazing methods are taught which are unforgettable today.
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thedietian · 7 years
Golf Training For Juniors
Product Name: Golf Training For Juniors
Click here to get Golf Training For Juniors at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Golf Training For Juniors is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
Hello Aspiring Junior Golfer (And their Parents and Coaches),Here’s the truth as I know it:
There was a time for juniors when playing good golf was good enough…
Boy, how times have changed!
If you’re like most junior golfers, your goals include playing and winning in local tournaments, in AJGA, IJGT or other junior tour events, getting a college scholarship,  and may even dream of one day playing on the professional tours.
In order to play to your peak potential in todays ultra-competive junior golf scene, you NEED to seriously address EVERY aspect of your training… or your competitors will – and the result will likely be that you get beaten by golfers who have less talent and skill than you do.
Having worked with aspiring competitive junior golfers for over 13 years, these are the most common (and frustrating) complaints that I hear from them and their parents/coaches:
These are all valid issues and concerns.
The problem is that almost no one is addressing them, as they relate specifically to junior golfers!
And if I have learned anything in my many years as a Junior Golf Performance Coach, it is this…
Now, here is what I mean by that…
There are distinct differences in the way an adult golfer should train, eat and mentally prepare for a round, compared to his 13 year old son or daughter.
And it is precisely these differences that can make or break the budding career of a junior golfer.
Did you know that through extensive studies, it has been determined that there are optimal “windows of opportunity” in regards to training specific elements of a junior athlete?
By “elements” I am referring to Stamina, Strength, Speed, Skill, and Mobility.
If a junior athlete misses these windows, their overall potential in each area is compromised… there is a “ceiling” on how much they can improve.
But it gets even more complex than that….
For example, the  junior boys “windows” for speed are ages 7-9 and 13-16.
BUT, we are NOT talking about chronological age…. instead we need to track the biological (or developmental) age.
That means that your son or daughter may actually be primed for a specific element of training before or after some of their friends who are the “same age”.  We actually  have to track growth spurts and then adjust the specifics of training accordingly.
Now, I’m not throwing all of this nerdy exercise science around to impress you, but rather to impress upon you, the vital importance of addressing not only your aspiring junior golfer as part of a group of young athletes, but as an individual.
In my view, it doesn’t matter if your junior just wants to make the high school team, or has aspirations of winning The Masters. They deserve to take advantage of the latest research and knowledge in order to play to their peak potential, stay injury-free, and ENJOY themselves.
That’s why the Renegade Golf Team and I have developed…
Meet Your Junior Golf Training Coach
Stephen Ladd is the president of Renegade Golf, a company dedicated to helping golfers improve through golf specific programs and comprehensive training methods, including Golf Strength and Conditioning, Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching, and Cutting-Edge Psychology. He is recognized as an industry leader, having worked with close to 6,000 golfers in 39 different countries.  Stephen holds national certifications as a golf fitness trainer with several organizations including The Titleist Performance Institute and the C.H.E.K Institute Golf Performance Coaching Program.  He was nominated as Trainer for the Year 2010, having been chosen from among over 85,000 trainers across the country.
Here are just a few of the game-changing  gems you’ll discover:
Susan Hill, Golf Fitness Expert
Gary Gilchrist, Director of the Gary Gilchrist Academy, previous Director of Golf for the David Leadbetter Junior Golf Academies and the International Junior Golf Academy
16 y/o  High School Golfer – Name Withheld Due to NCAA Regulations
“If your son or daughter has a passion for the game of golf and wants to play in college, the best thing that you can do for them is to help make their dreams come true by surrounding them with the right coaches. As they say, champions are made, not born.  If you want to give your child a fighting chance, you need to choose a good swing coach and a golf specific strength and mental coach. In the latter category, Stephen Ladd is hands down the best.  In the 7 years that my daughter has worked with him, he has never disappointed. He motivates her to strive to become better and stronger, and it shows!  Her core strength and agility is unparalleled.  Her golf game has constantly improved, never plateaued.  Most important is the fact that he has helped her to become a confident and focused young woman.”
Ashley Baker, Former Collegiate Golfer – Furman University
Eric Serrano, MD – Medical consultant to hundreds of athletes worldwide
After reading his new golf fitness for juniors book I wish I had a book like this when I was a junior because it would have given me a big advantage over my competition.  This ebook covers everything from golf specific exercises, to diet, the mental side, preparation for tournaments and on and on.  It’s 125 pages of great helpful information. So if you’re a parent of a junior  golfer this system is a “must-have” to help them become the best golfer they can and have a big advantage over the other junior golfers.
Jeff Richmond, The Golf Swing TestYourGolfSwingTest.com
“I have been training with Coach Stephen since I was eleven, and just recently committed to a university on a golf scholarship.  The stuff that I have learned, including my golf fitness workouts, nutrition and mental game have all played a big role in my success in AJGA tournaments through high school, and now being able to play at the college level.  I have always felt stronger than my competition, both mentally and physically (I just crushed a 300 yard drive last week!).  Big props to Stephen!”
17 y/o High School Golfer – Name Withheld Due to NCAA Regulations
“Coach Stephen, I am impressed with the details and overall depth of material you cover in your book.  We have been able to use the information to make important changes to the way that our daughter exercises, eats, and handles her emotions in tournaments.  The results have been obvious and continue to add up to better play and less stress.  Thank you.”
“This is exactly what we are looking for to introduce our members to the Mental and Fitness side of the game! More and more our kids are looking for that extra advantage when competing against the nations top junior golfers. Your fitness assessment is brilliant and gives each player complete confidence in knowing that the work they are going to put in is specific and appropriate for them. Plus the phases and levels allow them to work up to top golf fitness at their own pace. Our kids are now very excited about improving their bodies and minds to lower their scores! We look forward to continuing to work with you and sharing our success stories.”
Sean Farnan, Director of the Ventura County Junior Golf Association
“The information provided by “Golf Training for Juniors”provided us with just what our son needed to  improve. We have the technical part covered with a great swing coach, but had the sense that certain elements were missing and holding him back. He has been working out for quite a while now and practicing the mental suggestions in the book.  Last week in a tournament he bogeyed on his first hole and shot a 70. He is now playing the best golf of his life and I’m so proud of him. You can tell that the Renegade Golf Team is passionate about teaching our junior golfers. They thoroughly covered everything and our son is doing what he really enjoys. Thank so much!”
“This system has been instrumental in our sons progress over the past few months.  The warm up exercises really get them both primed, along with the advice supplied for concentration and focus. Both boys now seem to enjoy working out, and we have the comfort of knowing that they are doing what is best for their health and their golf careers, wherever that might lead. They get competitions going between themselves as most boys will, which is actually helping their game. This was truly a bargain for all of us. Thanks!”
Vickie Fuller (and the twins), Memphis, TN
“Stephen,  you have done it again, by developing the most complete and easy to follow golf training program for juniors on the market today. Can’t wait to get my junior students started!! Parents should get their kids started on this program as soon as possible.  Good Luck with your new program, I know it going to be a great success. Thanks for this valuable resource.”
Dave Proffitt,  PGA Professional
“As a parent, your book has been a blessing. After our daughter spent time using the Golf Training for Juniors her swing dramatically improved. Her instructor said he noticed that she was able to be more stable and hold her spine angle, which had always been a problem. This has resulted in longer and straighter drives. She has much more self-esteem on the course than ever before too. ”
Randi Thompson, Dallas, TX
So, when they hear that I’m offering you the Golf Training System For Juniors at a fraction of what they paid (just last weekend) they might not be happy.
Although I can’t be with you in person, this System is the next best thing…
You can securely purchase with a credit card and be utilizing the System within the next 5 minutes…
Also, this is a one-time cost – no hidden membership fees or other shenanigans.
It’s simple: Order and download the complete Golf Training For Juniors System.  Have your son/daughter/client work on the program for a month or so. When they’re ready – have them play a few rounds of golf, compete in a tournament or even just take a couple of extra lessons with your swing coach.
Pay close attention to how they seem to feel and perform.  If they aren’t noticeably more confident with the physical and mental components of their game, then you are entitled to a 100% money back refund!  Yes, you should notice a positive change that fast by following the System.  If not, just send me an email and I will promptly refund your money.  No forms, support phone lines or other hoops to jump through.  You can even keep the course AND the bonuses.
Why am I being so generous? I am doing this because every single junior golfer that has put the System to work on their golf game has been thrilled with the results.  Their parent and coaches have sent emails and left me voice-mails explaining how the system has taken their kids game to a new level.  
I’m sure that the System will work for your kids too… I’m staking my reputation on it.
Tracy Reed, author of the Golf Swing Control, sold in 35 countries, is a true master when it comes to learning and applying the Art of Focus to golf. Find out how to have laser like focus throughout a round of 18, 36 and beyond.  This will lead to uncanny consistency and a distinctive advantage over your “mere mortal” competitors.
In “Mental Faults And Fixes”, Jeff Troesch takes on the 50 most common psychological hurdles, fears, and limiting beliefs… and gives you easy-to-follow steps to eliminate each one. Never be bothered again by the “first tee jitters”, distractions, or “pressure shots”!
We are constantly exploring new methods and technologies in junior golf fitness, nutrition and mental game strategies. You will get immediate access to all new materials, whether that be a new or re-worked chapter in the manual, or a ground-breaking special report. You get any and all upgrades to this System FOR LIFE.
Here’s how it works –
If you have ANY questions about your training…how to get more distance off the tee, specifics on snacks during the round for a picky eater, or some details on when to start each training phase,  just send us an email.
We’ll do our best to get you a detailed answer back within 48 hours.
We will provide this service to you FREE of charge for a Full 90 Days.
Now, here’s the catch –
We take these questions very seriously, so we spend more time than we should on crafting detailed answers. This means that we can only take 50 students. The 51st student is put on a waiting list – NO EXCEPTIONS.
The BEST WAY to lock-in your spot is to move quickly and order The Golf Training For Juniors System Now!
Go ahead and click the order button and tell me to rush you the download information for The Golf Training For Juniors System.
You’ll be able to get started right away.
NOTE: The Golf Training For Juniors System is a completely downloadable product E-Manual.  No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download all product components onto your computer (no waiting or shipping costs!). The format for all E-Manual is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.
But, I do have one favor to ask. Don’t be a stranger. Once you see the System work for you or your junior golfer, please take a moment to send us an email telling us about the success you’re having.
P.P.S. We are a real business located in Columbus, Ohio USA. Our company name is Renegade Golf (which is part of our parent company The Human Form Fitness LLC),  and you can contact me (Stephen Ladd) any time on (614) 487-1440 or at CoachStephen(AT)GolfTrainingForJuniors.com
P.P.P.S. – I’ve gone to every length to be as descriptive as possible of what you’ll find in The Golf Training For Juniors System, but in the event you have any more questions, I’ve included an FAQ that I think will help you out.
Golf Training For Juniors FAQQ: Is my credit card information safe?
That is a great question! I understand that many people are still just now making their first purchases online and are a little nervous about using their credit cards on the Internet. These days, online payment processors have advanced to the point that they are actually MORE secure than many other forms of payment.
In many ways, ordering online is actually a safer method of payment than giving out the info on the phone or on a mail-in stub, where an actual human is going to have access to your info. With a secure online form, a human will not have access to your info, only the merchant bank.
Our merchant account uses SSL (secure socket layer) technology to protect your information from being viewed by any third parties. Even as the website owner myself, I don’t have access to any credit card information that you input for the order. Only the bank processes the information.
Q: What if The Golf Training For Juniors System doesn’t work for me/my son or daughter/clients? 
Then it’s FREE. Our system has been tested in the real world with juniors golfers at all levels of experience and training, with overwhelming success. We are confident that it will work for you as well. If, on the off chance, you’re not thrilled with the results after using the system for 60 days, we’ll promptly refund 100% of your investment. You can even keep the entire system and all the bonus materials.
Q: Will this system work for my eight year old daughter as well as my more advanced 17 year old son?Absolutely.  Our System is designed to be customized to the individual age and level of any junior between the ages of 8-18.  There are differences in the protocols of exercises, frequncy of training, etc.  Although this is covered in the E-Manual, you can also email us with specific questions pertaining to your junior and their needs.
Q: How long does it take for The Golf Training For Juniors  System to arrive? 
No more than about 1-3 minutes (the only variable is your Internet provider). As soon as you complete your purchase, you’ll be given instant access to E-Manual and all of the bonus materials in the system. No need to wait and wait until it arrives in the mail, or pay additional fees for shipping.
Q: Does it matter what country I’m in and is the sale in US dollars?
You can order online no matter what country you’re located in. We’ve processed orders from over 37 countries so far. Our secure credit card processor will automatically convert the US dollars to your country’s currency.
NOTE: The Golf Training For Juniors System is a completely downloadable product E-manual. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download all product components onto your computer (no waiting or shipping costs!). The format for all E-Manual is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. 
Please read our Golf Training For Juniors disclaimer: Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. The truth: most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, their typical results are zero. However, assuming that you actually apply the techniques and strategies in our system, we except your results to be anything but typical. Bottom line: results vary from person to person based on a variety of factors. You are not guaranteed to obtain the same results as the golfers in the above testimonials, just because you purchase our System… the individual golfer is the most important variable.
We take your privacy very seriously. To view our terms & conditions and privacy policies, click here
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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Golf Training For Juniors is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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