#him taking my keys and it turning into a physical fight if i tried to get them back . him taking my phone and physically blocking me from
lcriedlastnight · 3 months
Accidentally saying I love you with Lando
tysm for your request anon, i appreciate it so much! p.s lando deserved that win today. max verstappen i am inside your walls.
tw: fem!reader, short and sweet, swears, lmk if there's anything you want me to add.
w/c: 1k
you and were a newer thing. you weren't new new, but new enough that you have not said those three little words to each other yet. you knew you loved lando since the third date, when even though he didn't like seafood, literally couldn't even stand being near the stuff, he took you to a sushi restaurant because you had never tried sushi and you wanted to give it a go. turns out you didn't like it either.
there had been a few times where you had almost let the words slip out your mouth but you had managed to bite your tongue at the last second. you would tell him when you were ready and when the time felt right.
lando was currently in spain for the spanish grand prix and this one was difficult. it was only the first race out of the three in the triple header and yet here you were, laying in yours and lando's shared bed, on facetime to him, close to tears. just seeing his face made you miss him more.
"come on honey, don't cry. don't do this to me. i don't want to watch you cry." lando frowns from his own hotel bed, the sheets too white compared to his usual ones. the bed too empty without you. you were usually really good with the distance but this was your first triple header with lando. there were double headers but even with those you made it to the last race so it was even less time. this time around you can't even go to one.
you sniffle as you try to stop your tears. you wipe your eyes with the sleeves of lando's jumper. "i know. i'm sorry. it's not your fault. i just miss you a lot tonight, lan." you express.
you can see lando nodding along with your words as you speak, you know it's not easy on him either. you sigh.
"okay. sorry. we can talk about something else now." you try your best to shake off the sadness. you can always cry when lando hangs up the phone.
"don't apologise, my sweet girl. i know it's hard, i'll try speak to you as much as i can. and i know i'll be busy but i'm back in monaco for the next three tuesdays." lando tried to find a positive in all of this. it was difficult.
you nod, with a hum taking his word into account. "not gonna let go of you for the full night on the tuesdays." you insist with such determination it makes lando's heart melt.
"is that a threat or a promise?" he asks, cheekily. that stupid smirk on his face as he tries his best to make you laugh. it works, not because it's funny but because his smirk always made you laugh.
"promise." you say through giggles. lando laughs along with you until he checks the time on the top of his phone. he sighs as it reads two am.
"m' gonna have to go now, honey. it's gettin' a little late." lando frowns like the words actually hurt him physically to say. you frown too but you understand so you don't put up any fight.
"g'night lan. speak to you tomorrow. i'm not working so call whenever you can i'll keep my day free for you." you bid him goodnight and send him a kiss through the phone screen. lando smiles at your cute gesture.
"night, honey. i'll call you whenever i can. i love you." it is quick but you catch it. lando blows you a kiss then ends the call. you didn't get a chance to say anything back. you don't think he even realises he said it. well he will now he's laying thinking about it. you think to yourself as you settle down on lando's side of the bed and fall asleep.
it's not until he returns home that it's spoken about. you are happy he loves you too and you are even happier that you didn't say it first. you were scared that if you said it first and lando didn't feel the same then he would break up with you. you let your mind carry you away sometimes.
you wait on the couch in your living room for lando to come in. you hear his key in the lock and the rolling of the wheels on his suitcase through the doorway. it makes you giddy but instead of leaping off the couch you stay where you are. lando notices you there and makes his way to you. he doesn't give you time to think before he is wrapping you up in a hug.
your head resting in the crook of his neck as he picks you up in the hug. you laugh at his strength. when your giggles die down thats when you hear him. he's mutter a quiet stream of "i love you"'s into your ear. this is when the tears spring to your eyes again. you pull his head out of your neck to really look at him.
"i love you too. you didn't let me say it back last time." you try to slip the joke in but lando doesn't laugh. no, he just springs forward, lips locking with yours in the sweetest kiss you've had yet from the brit. he pulls away put sends a quick few pecks to your lips, because he can never get enough of you.
you both spend the rest of the day repeating those words to each other like you have just found out what they mean. lando literally feels the need to shout them to everyone he see's in the airport as you wave him goodbye the next again.
while lando is on the flight with no internet he spends his free time typing the words 'i love you' out individually, over and over again then sending it to you just before he lands so that when he does actually land and you get the message. you will be reminded that you are all he thinks about even when you aren't with him.
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annwrites · 2 months
tell me i'm your national anthem. part three.
— pairing: homelander x collegestudent!reader
— type: part of a series
— summary: you tell john about your childhood & the things you still want despite it, & he tells you about his, knowing once & for all that you’re meant to belong to him & him alone.
— word count: 2,409
— tagging list: @emilynissangtr
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You’re just beginning to drift off when you hear a soft knock against the glass.
You groan into your pillow and could swear you hear a deep chuckle from the other side of the door in response.
You slowly rise—head spinning from exhaustion—and pad over to the door, silently flipping the lock before throwing yourself back down face-first into the mattress, pulling a thin blanket over your bare legs.
John enters the room, staring down at you, arms folded behind his back. “What? No dinner for your man tonight?”
You mentally roll your eyes at him calling himself that yet again, but don’t reply to that particular comment. “I already ate. I’m going to sleep.”
He huffs, glancing around your small apartment, then back to you. “Guess I’ll just climb in there with y—”
“Not with your suit still on you aren’t,” you mumble into your pillow.
He raises a brow in interest, smirking, surprised you’re not trying to argue otherwise. Maybe that’s the key to getting his way, then, until you start caving all on your own: take advantage when you have no energy to fight back. When you’re soft and tired and at his will to do with as he pleases.
“See you’re finally starting to see things my way,” he states smugly.
You roll over then, looking at him. “You’re not wearing your outside clothes in my bed. It’s not a come-on.”
He toes off his boots, then settles his hands on his hips, as if he’s debating something internally.
It doesn’t take much effort for you to understand what.
His suit is his metaphorical armor. You still have yet to understand why he’s so insecure, though—why his ego is so fragile. That’s the one thing about him that should be ‘untouchable’, so to speak. Then again, being physically bulletproof doesn’t have any bearing on what’s inside.
And what’s inside seems, still, like a little boy living in a man’s body, to you.
He needs to feel wanted. He’d seemed pleased last night when you’d talked about seeing him again—like you were finally giving him what he’s been desiring since that day he first set eyes upon you in your university’s auditorium: your willing attention.
Your eyes flutter closed, throwing a bone his way. “I’m cold.”
And that’s all it takes for him to remove his suit—leaving him clad only in a pair of dark-blue briefs. And it makes him want to crawl out of his fucking skin.
But you’re all but finally asking for him. You want him. You’ve finally come around.
He knew you would. No woman can resist. Not even you. Young and pretty you may be, but you’re still not educated enough to know what’s in your best interest, clearly. Best interest being him. That’s the problem with all these liberal ‘schools’. They don’t teach what they used to: love of ones country. Instead, they’d tried to turn you against him.
But he can still pull you back. It seems like he already has as you lie there, waiting for him.
So, he climbs into bed next to you, pulling the covers over himself, and then he pulls you into his arms, holding you against his chest.
He smiles softly when you gently press your palms to his pecks.
“I like you better like this,” you say, cuddling closer, wondering how he’ll react to it.
He tightens his arms around you then and you squeak.
“John, you’re crushing me.”
He loosens his hold, feeling the least bit pathetic.
He’s done this before—held a woman so tightly that it resulted in her life being cut short he was that fucking desperate for affection.
He lets you go entirely then, rolling onto his back, hating himself.
He doesn’t need anyone. Why can’t he get that through his goddamn head? Why the fuck should he care what a weak, useless, lonely little human like you thinks about him—a god? He should just kill you instead. He does that, and you’re no longer all he’s able to fucking think about all day—to a disturbingly obsessive degree. It’d be as simple as—
You scoot closer, sliding a warm, dainty hand up his chest until it’s resting gently against his cheek and his mind immediately goes blank—his face twitching as he fights back tears.
Maybe your superpower is just…comforting maternal gestures, then.
At least with you he won’t have to compete with another to receive them. Unlike Madelyn…and Teddy. The little shit. Taking what should’ve been—had been—his.
But you? There is no competition. He assumes, at least.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” He asks quietly.
You pop an eye open, staring at him as he stares up at the ceiling, his face entirely void of emotion.
Lying would be useless, you’re sure. He works for Vought—or with—you’re sure they could have a comprehensive background check done on you in a handful of minutes…if he hasn’t already done as much. You have half-a-mind to ask, but you’re not sure you want the answer to such a question.
His lip twitches, turning upwards into a smile, which leaves you feeling uneasy.
“So you’re all mine, then.”
You open both eyes, blinking at him, heartrate beginning to climb. “I—”
He shakes his head slightly. “No. Wasn’t a question.”
He turns back onto his side then, sliding a heavy hand over your hip, holding you possessively in his grip. “You said you’d tell me about ‘her’ tonight.”
You brush your thumb against his cheek, eyes drifting down to his chest, not wishing to meet his own now.
You want to go back to his comment—one he’s made more than once now, just in varying ways—about…ownership. He surely doesn’t mean it.
But every time you’ve tried to assure yourself of anything concerning him: that he won’t come back, that he won’t really hurt you—you’ve been wrong.
Maybe you’re not as good at reading people as you like to think you are. Most of all him.
You just still don’t understand why you’re a subject of fascination for him yet. Like you’d told yourself the other day…what’re you compared to any of the other women in his life? But maybe that’s it, then. Just like him, they’re forced to put on a mask, not letting anyone in deeper than surface-level, lest the plastic cracks.
It seems like he just…wants to connect.
No wonder you’ve been so tired the last couple of days—constantly wracking your mind, trying to understand him. As if it’s even possible. He’s been an actor all his life.
You sigh.
“I’m sure you won’t…be able to relate. I’m envious of you in that: your perfect childhood, and life. I wish I’d had that…”
You trail off for a moment.
“My mother,” you say quietly. “I haven’t seen her since I was eighteen and left for college. Half the reason I even went was to get away from her. I didn’t care about student loans and living in debt if it got me out of that house. For the first couple of years I lived in a dorm room…and it was the first time I’d ever known peace. No more walking on eggshells, no more fighting, or being called horrible names, or having to cautiously measure what mood I think she’s in each day—or hour—lest I provoke her.”
You slide your hand down to his neck, softly curling your fingertips inward. “I can’t…”
You pause, tears stinging your eyes.
He pulls you closer to him, silently encouraging you to continue.
“Yet I still feel like I can’t get away from her. Not even here. Not even hundreds of miles from home—if you can even call it that. Because she’s always with me. In my head. Beating me down, making me feel worthless—like…all my self-worth still needs to hinge upon her and how she feels. If she’s happy. When did it become my job to look after her, and not the other way around? And even when I did…she still abused me for it. Nothing I ever did was right.”
You bite your lip trying to fight back tears.
“When I was young, I wanted what we’re all supposed to once we grow up: a husband, a home, babies. And then I got older, and because of her I tried to convince myself otherwise. Tried to pound into my head that I didn’t want kids. That what I really wanted was a hysterectomy. That way, I’d never have to risk turning into her: becoming the monster of a mother that she was.”
You ignore the tears running down your cheeks now. “But it’s how I’m different from her that matters most. She’s taken enough away from me. Stolen enough of my life. I want children. I deserve to be a mother. To have a family. To make my own. She doesn’t get to have that, too. She doesn’t.”
Your chin wobbles and you let out a small sob. “I’m sorry.”
He only holds you closer, unsure what to even say. He’s never known how to comfort others. He’s always expected it to be provided to him instead. But only from women. And only in secret. Because he can’t be seen as some fucking weakling.
Because he’s not. He’s not.
He is the strongest man in all the world. The most superior. The master of his race.
You continue to softly cry, and it’s then that he makes a decision, knowing that if it ends terribly—with you emasculating him, or betraying his trust—well, it will take no effort from him to rectify the situation. But he’s sure that you won’t, because, little-by-little, you’ve shown your true colors: how maternal you truly are.
You just said it yourself. And it’d sounded like the most beautiful fucking music to his ears to hear: how desperate you are for a child.
You want someone to look after? Well, here he is. He needs your love. He can admit it now. To himself, at least. Even if it tastes like rancid vinegar to do so.
“I didn’t have it: a perfect childhood. It’s all fucking bullshit. You want to know how I was really raised?”
You grow quiet then, only occasionally sniffling as you slip your fingers into his hair, gently stroking his soft, blond strands.
“I grew up in a lab like a rat. These…doctors kept me locked in a sterile white room with nothing but a blanket for comfort. Not even a bed. Not a pillow. No toys. No TV. Nothing. All while they performed test after fucking test after—”
He clenches his teeth. “Watching me every second of every day. No privacy. Treating me like some…sideshow attraction. Burning me and laughing at me and just—watching.”
Your chin wobbles.
“I never knew my parents because I was designed in a test tube. I was created to be this. The greatest superhero the world has ever known. They tried to make me perfect. And I am,” he tacks on.
He’s unsure whether he’s trying to convince himself of that, or you.
“But I’m just—”
“Lonely,” you say, interrupting him with tears slipping down your cheeks—your heart shattering, for him.
You wrap your arms around his neck then, finally understanding him. Finally seeing a shred of humanity behind his ‘tough-man’ facade.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” you say between sobs. “I am so sorry for what they did to you.”
All you can picture in your mind’s eye is a sweet, blond little boy sitting in a room all alone, waiting for someone to come for him. To care. To hold, or love him. For them to stop hurting him, all while he was left to wonder what he did wrong to deserve such horrible treatment.
How…how could anyone do that? To a baby? To a little boy?
You shouldn’t care. Not after what he did to you just two nights ago, but you can’t help it. Because in this moment you just see a broken man that has nowhere else to turn.
He slides impossibly closer, burying his face between your breasts, quietly crying.
You shoosh him, running your fingers through his soft hair.
Here lies the most powerful—invincible—man in all the world in your arms—a man who has always seemed a larger than life titan…somehow he feels so small now. You’d been right to see him as just a scared little boy looking for someone to comfort him. And it serves only to break your heart all the more.
 “I’m so sorry, baby,” you say.
And it reminds him of a loving mother consoling her child. Something he’s never had the gift of having.
He mouths it against your breast then, just…wanting to try it—to know how it feels: ‘mommy’.
And it comes to him naturally. Like…this is meant to be.
And he knows in that moment with absolute certainty that you’re the one. You’re supposed to be his. Meant to belong to him alone. You were born to.
He’ll kill anyone who even attempts at coming between the two of you. He’ll rip him in fucking half with his bare hands just to keep you. Just to show you this newfound devotion.
And he’s sure you’d be thankful for it.
Your mother expected you to do everything for her? He can show you the opposite: so long as you love him, he can give you the same.
He’ll take care of you. He’ll make sure you don’t go without anymore. He has more than enough money for the two of you. Is willing to expend the effort to keep you as his sole property.
It’s all he’s ever wanted: to be loved. And now here you are in his arms with an open, maternal heart meant to love him.
Besides…how could you ever dream of doing better than the most singular and superior man in all the world? No other pathetic human specimen could ever compete.
You’ll be thanking him one day for having come into your life. For saving you. But that’s what he does: he saves people. And it seems you—his new purpose—need him most of all.
Before long, you’ll see just how much.
Before long…you won’t have any idea how to live without him. Already he feels the reverse: no idea how to live without you.
Not that he’ll have to, because you’re not going anywhere.
If you tried, he’d simply follow, because there’s nowhere you could hide that he wouldn’t find you.
You’re his.
All his.
His girl.
His woman.
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 9 months
The Danger Zone (Part 17) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Fem!Bradshaw!Reader | OC
Word Count: 5.0k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ ONLY.
Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy; Military Inaccuracies; Medical Inaccuracies; Crying; Fluff; Talk of Marriage; Angst; Use of "You," No Use of Y/N, No Set Physical Description
Summary: Jake gets his orders.
Series Master List
Master List
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It was deathly quiet in Cyclone’s office and the only sound that Jake registered was his heart beating out of his chest. Slowly closing the folder, Jake turned back to Cyclone, who remained sitting with an impassive expression behind his desk. 
“I’m sorry, Hangman,” Cyclone replied quietly, his tone genuine. “There was nothing that I could do.”
Cyclone had been in Hangman’s position before. Twice, actually. And he didn’t relish in handing any man or woman orders that would take them away from their family. Especially during such an important time. But that came with the industry that they signed up for.
“I was expecting it, sir.”
And that roughly translated to: of course, they wouldn’t let me finally be happy
“Still, I am sorry. I’ve been in your position before and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone else.”
“Do you know how long I’ll be away?” Jake asked quietly, holding onto a tiny thread of hope. 
“Anywhere from two to eight months. Most likely, somewhere in the middle.” 
You were about six and a half months pregnant now. If he made it back in two months, he could be there for the birth of your child. But Jake knew from experience that he probably wouldn’t be home by then. And what if the baby came early? He’d be cutting it extremely close if he was lucky. 
Worst-case scenario, he would return home to you when the baby was almost six months old. Six months. He would miss your baby growing and learning all about the world around them. He’d come home and the baby would already almost be halfway to a full year old. He’d miss so many milestones, so many little triumphs. 
“Am I excused, sir?”
“Yes, of course. Take the days before you deploy and spend them with your family.”
“Thank you, sir.”
Slowly walking out to his truck with the most defeated feeling of his life, Jake slipped into the driver’s seat of his truck. He just sat there for a minute, processing the news, and trying to get his emotions under control. 
But once the tears started falling, there was nothing that he could do to stop them. 
Resting his head on his fist, Hangman let a batch of tears of complete and utter frustration slip down his cheeks. He slammed his fist onto the steering wheel of his truck before the fight left his body and he slumped against the steering wheel, letting more tears slip down his cheeks. 
How the hell was he going to break the news to you?
The lights were on in your apartment when Jake pulled into the parking lot. He took the key out of the ignition and slowly slid out of his truck. Staring up at the window that showed into your living room, he took a moment to gather himself before heading inside. 
From the outside, you could be seen smiling to yourself, making dinner for the two of you. Your growing and prominent bump was covered by one of Jake’s tee shirts and you wore his ring on your finger proudly. The joy on your features only multiplied when you heard the door unlock and Jake step inside. 
As you hurried to wipe your hands on a towel, Jake set his bag down, and tried to push his emotions aside when he heard your footsteps. And when you came hurrying around the corner, his smile was pained as you ran up to him.
“We got the house!” you yelled, causing Jake’s mind to shift for a moment. “They took our second offer!”
“Really?” Jake breathed out as you nodded, practically bursting with excitement. 
“We bought a house!”
Jake held out his arms and quickly pulled you close to his chest, his mind still on the news that he had to break to you.
The kiss that you initiated was light-hearted and celebratory, full of playful little pecks. But the kiss that Jake returned was one of deep-seated emotion, like he was afraid that you were going to disappear right in front of him. He held you firmly, his arms enveloping your figure and cradling your bump with every touch of protective energy that he possessed in his body. 
You pulled back, your brows furrowed, as you cupped his cheeks with your hands. Staring into his eyes, you rubbed your thumbs along his cheeks. 
“Jake, what’s wrong?”
From the outside, Jake could be seen leading you over to the couch and sitting you down. He forced himself to gather his courage as you looked at him with concern. Letting out a breath, he turned back to you and finally broke the news. 
As he slowly explained the situation, your expression started to change. There was a flash of fear that built and built until a defeated, frustrated look drew your gaze down to your lap. Jake leaned over, whispering soft words until you picked your head up. Forcing a smile to assure Jake that you were alright, you couldn’t help the tears that started slipping down your cheeks. 
Jake wiped them away with his thumb, starting to cry again himself. The two of you shared another kiss before Jake pulled you into his lap. Curling against his chest, you dug your fingers into his shirt, trying to hold in the sobs that were crawling out of your throat. Jake rested his head on top of your own, whispering all kinds of words of reassurance that neither of you truly believed in. 
He had been in this industry since he was eighteen. You grew up around the Navy. 
And you knew what this would mean for your family. 
The two of you sat there, locking in embrace, as the sun started to slip below the horizon. Jake rested his arm around your bump, hoping that your baby would still be there when he returned. He’d never forgive himself if he missed the birth of your child. Especially if anything went wrong. 
He would never forgive himself. 
The sun had completely set when you finally uncurled yourself from Jake’s chest. Sitting up, you brushed your hand through his hair a few times, causing him to close his eyes for a moment. Jake slowly opened his green eyes, the eyes that you quite honestly pictured your baby inheriting, when you removed your hand from his head.
“We have a few days,” you whispered, your voice cracking with emotion as you tried to find the good in the situation. There wasn’t much to be found, and you were really trying your best to not start crying all over again. “What did you want to do with them?” 
“Spend every minute with the two of you.”
“Anything more specific?” you teased him, trying to smile though Jake couldn’t seem to return it. “You want to take a trip or go shopping for some more baby stuff or . . .?”
You trailed off, trying to think of something else when Jake gently grabbed your hand. You looked down as he slowly turned your wrist over and ran his thumb over your engagement ring. Sharing a look with Jake, you felt another batch of tears start to form. 
“I know you mentioned wanting to wait until after the baby was born because it would just be too chaotic to think about now . . . but—”
“—Yes,” you agreed quickly. “I’ll marry you, Jake.” 
He offered you a genuinely touched smile, a different batch of tears coming to his eyes. You wiped them away while you shed some of your own before pulling him in for a soft, loving kiss. And Jake could only pull you closer, savoring one of his last opportunities to do so. Breaking away a few moments later, you flashed him a painful smile.
“I guess I should find a dress.” 
Sitting with your head in your hands at Bradley and Emma’s kitchen table, you tried to not let your stress show. Everyone was giving you looks like they were waiting for you to finally break and you just frankly did not have the time. 
You were marrying Jake that afternoon and you didn’t have a wedding dress to get married in. 
The day before the two of you had run around like crazy people, making sure that all of the necessary documents were being prepared for the closing of your house. Then you spent time at his lawyer’s office, signing off on wills and other documents to protect yourselves and the baby while Jake was away. And you did a fair amount of crying along the way and so here you were, still without a dress. 
“I just don’t know where I’m going to find a white dress that fits me in time,” you told Penny, picking your head up from your hands. 
“We’ll figure something out,” she assured you, squeezing your shoulder. “Maybe we can find a dress down at one of the department stores in town.” 
“And what if we don’t find something?”
“We’ll find something,” Emma said from your other side. “You’ll have a white dress for this wedding.”
“What about this one?” Bradley called, causing the three of you to turn to him. 
Your brother held up the vacuum sealed bag that contained your mother’s wedding dress from her own wedding in 1983. It used to sit in your apartment closet, up until you moved in with Jake and were pretty much forced to hand it over to Bradley since you didn’t have any space in the apartment. 
After your mom’s death, you knew that you would incorporate her dress into your own in some way. Perhaps with a bit of fabric. Or you would borrow the veil. Something small that would have her with you on your special day, but also not holding you back with eighties fashion. 
You never really pictured actually getting married in your mom’s wedding dress.
For one thing, there was the little detail that your mom was over five months pregnant when she married your dad. 
Apparently, shotgun weddings and unplanned pregnancies ran in the family. 
Walking over to your brother, you inspected your mother’s wedding dress a little closer. It was fitted at the bust, but even with the slight cinch at the hips, the fabric was loose. It had to be. Bradley’s fat ass had to be accommodated. The skirt was a bit full, but nothing crazy. The bodice was covered in delicate lace and it had the distinct puffy sleeves from the eighties. 
“Mom’s dress,” you said quietly, turning to your brother. “You think I should wear Mom’s dress?” 
“It’s the only suggestion I have,” Bradley replied softly. And when he saw a flash of doubt in your eyes, he asked, “What’s wrong?” 
“I just don’t want to ruin it,” you replied, running your fingers along it. 
“You’re not going to ruin it,” Bradley assured you, causing you to turn back to him. “She always said that she would have married Dad in a potato sack. She didn’t care about the dress. She just wanted to get married, that was all.” 
“She never cared about any of that,” you agreed, sniffling a bit. Wiping your tears away, you croaked out, “I just wish she was here.” 
Bradley pulled you in for a tight brotherly hug that you quickly returned. Emma carefully took the dress from Bradley’s hand, letting him properly hug you. You held onto your brother and sobbed, your promise to yourself about not breaking down falling to little pieces at your feet. 
It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair how Jake got called up for deployment when you were nearing your third trimester. It wasn’t fair how the two of you had to cobble together some random ceremony at the last minute. It wasn’t fair how you couldn’t have your parents at your wedding. It wasn’t fair how you could have your baby without Jake by your side for months.
And it all just came rushing out as your big brother protectively hugged you in the middle of his kitchen. 
“It’s going to be alright,” he told you, sharing a worried look with Emma. “You’ll see.” 
“I’ve lost enough. I just wanted to win this one time, Brad,” you sobbed, causing your brother to start to tear up too. “I just wanted him here for a few more months. That’s all I needed.” 
“I know, I know,” he told you, rubbing your back. “It’s going to be alright.” 
The two of you stood there for a few moments, maybe even minutes as you cried and Bradley tried his best to comfort you.
“And Mom and Dad aren’t here to walk me down the aisle,” you continued on, sniffling repeatedly. 
“I cried about that too, on my wedding day,” Bradley told you quietly, voice thick with emotion. “But they’re both here. And they both wouldn’t want you to cry like this on your wedding day.”
“I know,” you whispered, wiping your tears away. 
Giving your brother another hug, you stepped back and turned to see Penny, Emma, and Sarah, who had come in while you were crying to Bradley, standing there, waiting for you. 
“So, do you want to wear your mom’s dress?” Emma asked softly, holding it up for you. 
“Yeah,” you agreed with a small smile, wiping some more tears away. “I’ll wear my mom’s wedding dress.”
Penny walked over and gave you a tight hug before leading you over to the guest bedroom with Sarah and Emma trailing after the two of you. 
“We’ll get you fitted into the dress and while Sarah’s sewing it up, you hop in the shower and get all of the tears and snot off of your face and then we’ll really start getting you ready, alright?”
“. . . and that was how I met your mom,” Jake recorded his own voice, sitting in your shared apartment. 
With you at Bradley and Emma’s house to get ready, Jake was taking the opportunity to put together a little gift for you. He ordered a set of headphones for your bump and now he was recording little messages to your baby. 
Saving that message, Jake was about to start another one when there was a knock on the door. He got up from his seat and walked over, letting Javy in. Just like him, Javy was dressed in his dress whites and he offered Jake a smile of condolence as he walked into the apartment. 
“How’re you doing?”
“I’ve been recording messages. For the baby,” Jake replied softly, shutting the door. “For her to play when I’m deployed.” 
“How many do you have now?” 
“Six,” Jake stated, showing Javy his phone. “I’m hoping to record a few more before I leave.” 
“I’m sorry, Jake,” Javy stated quietly, trying to not let defeat enter his tone. Jake’s expression already had too much of it for Javy’s taste. “You should get to be there. And there’s still a chance, but this isn’t fair and you have the right to be pissed about it.” 
“I’m not even angry anymore. I’m just . . . depressed,” Jake returned quietly. “And I’m worried about her. I’m terrified that this is going to push her into early labor or hurt the baby or something like that.” 
“We’ve already passed around a sign up sheet,” Javy told Jake, who looked at his best friend with a measure of confusion. “Every day, at least one of us is going to stop by and spend time with her. Check on her. Help her with anything that she needs help with. Make sure that she and the baby are alright. She’s not going to be left here alone.” 
Jake nodded slowly, tears threatening to fall. He bit his lip, trying to hold it in, but when Javy pulled him into a tight hug, Jake let a few fall. 
“I’m so sorry, Jake,” Javy repeated sorrowfully. 
Straightening up after a few solemn moments, the two aviators collected themselves before Javy put on a brave face for his best friend. Looking around the apartment, Javy turned back to Jake. 
“So, you got the rings?”
“Yeah, we bought them yesterday,” Jake replied, walking over to your bedroom. 
He pulled out a fabric bag and handed it over to Javy, who opened it and dropped the rings into his hand. To match your engagement ring, the two of you bought silver wedding bands. They were simple, traditional wedding bands, but when Jake got back, the two of you were already discussing getting something engraved on the inside of them. 
But right now, the most important fact was that the two of you got married today. All the other details could come later. 
“Anything else that you’re supposed to bring?” Javy asked, handing the bag back to Jake. “You got all of the paperwork?” 
“Right here,” Jake replied, picking up a folder from the kitchen counter. “I’m just waiting for the text to start heading down there.” 
“Go record your messages to your kid then. I’m going to call Nat,” Javy told Jake before heading out of the apartment. 
Pulling out his phone, Javy pressed Phoenix’s contact and held the phone to his ear as he walked over to the stairwell. After a few rings, Phoenix picked up the call. 
“Hey, you at Jake’s?” she answered quietly. 
“Yeah, I am.” 
“How is he?” 
“He’s fucking broken, Nat,” Javy sighed, rubbing his face. “I’ve never seen him look this defeated before.” After a pause, Javy asked, “How’s she doing? Did you make it to Rooster and Emma’s place?”
“They’re doing some quick alterations to her dress. And Emma is doing her hair and makeup right now. So, we’ll probably be heading out within an hour.” Phoenix took a moment before adding, “She’s trying to pretend like she’s okay but Rooster said that she had a bit of a breakdown earlier.” 
“But she’s okay now?”
“Physically, yeah, she’s fine. Emotionally, I’m worried. But Penny’s keeping a close eye on her.” 
“I just feel so bad for them.” 
“I know, me too,” Phoenix replied softly. “Where’s Jake now?” 
“Don’t tell her because I’m pretty sure that he wants to make it a surprise, but he’s recording messages to their baby for her to play while he’s gone.” 
“Jesus Christ,” Phoenix sighed, shaking her head. “I can’t believe that he has to leave tomorrow. They can’t even fully enjoy their wedding night.” 
“I know,” Javy sighed, glancing down the hall at your and Jake’s apartment. “I’m going to go check on him again. Text me when you guys are heading down to Town Hall.” 
“Yeah, I’ll let you know.” 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
You sat in Emma and Bradley’s bathroom as Emma applied some eyeshadow to your eyelids. She had already braided your hair into a simple updo with some help from Phoenix before working on your makeup.
“Alright, no more crying, okay?” Emma stated as she pulled out your eyeliner and mascara. “Once this is on your face, no more tears.” 
“I’ll try my best,” you returned quietly. 
Closing your eyes as Emma applied your eyeliner, you could hear the sound of footsteps down the hall. When Emma told you that you could open your eyes, you turned your head to see Maverick standing at the entrance to the bathroom. He was already in his dress whites and offered you a supportive smile.
“Hey, Mav,” you called to him before Emma turned your head to apply your mascara. 
“How’re you feeling?” 
“Like I’m tired of everyone asking me that question,” you replied, causing a small smile to crack at Maverick’s lips. 
“Did you find something to wear?” 
“I’m wearing Mom’s dress,” you replied, turning back to him after Emma removed the mascara brush. “Sarah and Penny are fixing it up quickly right now in the guest room.” 
“You’re wearing your mom’s dress?” 
“With a few alterations. I had the sleeves cut off,” you explained, causing Maverick to nod slowly. “But it actually fits pretty well. Turns out that my baby at almost seven months is about the same size as Bradley when he was five months.”  
“He was a big baby,” Maverick replied, missing Emma’s wince. 
“You think that she ever pictured me walking down the aisle in it?” you asked Maverick as Emma finished up with your eye makeup. 
“She was probably hoping that you’d get married first and pregnant second.” 
“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” you returned with a shrug of your shoulders, causing you and Maverick to share a quiet laugh. 
“Well, Phoenix bought you a bouquet. And are you wearing a veil?”
“No, it was just another thing to worry about.” 
“Then that should be everything. Do you need anything else before I start rounding everyone up?” Maverick inquired, straightening up. 
“Yeah, actually.” 
“What is it?” 
“Can you help walk me down the aisle?” you asked him, causing Maverick to freeze. 
“Of course, I will,” Maverick promised you.
Emma stepped aside and you slowly stood up to accept Maverick’s tight hug. You returned it, trying not to cry, but Maverick let a few tears slip from his eyes for the both of you. He slowly pulled away, holding you at arm’s length. 
It was hard to believe that the little girl who he remembered learning how to walk, who asked him to help put her tiara on properly, was now pregnant and getting married. Goose’s little girl was all grown up. Carole’s little girl was all grown up. 
And Maverick knew that he was going to cry about it. 
“You’re going to make such a beautiful bride.” 
“Thanks, Mav,” you returned, pulling him in for another tight hug. 
“Alright,” Maverick sniffled, slowly releasing you. He quickly dried some tears before stepping out of the bathroom. “I’m going to go and make sure that everyone’s where they’re supposed to be and leave you to finish getting ready.” 
“Bye, Mav.” 
You waited for him to go before turning back to Emma, who put the final touches on your makeup. Dabbing your lip color a bit more, she smiled and stepped back. 
“There, you’re all set. Let’s get you dressed.” 
Bradley drove you down to Town Hall in the Bronco because it just felt like the proper send off. Accepting his hand, the two of you started walking up to the building. Turning to your brother with a nervous smile as you linked your arms together, you poked him in the side. 
“Can I ask you something, Brad?” 
“Of course, I’ll act as your getaway driver,” he joked, helping you up the stairs. 
“Actually, will you help walk me down the aisle?” you asked him, causing him to pause for a moment. “I asked Maverick to walk me too, but I have two arms.” 
“You’re sure that you want me to walk you down?” Bradley questioned, turning back to the stairs. “I mean, I know I wasn’t the most supportive of you and Jake in the past. And I just offered to be your getaway driver.” 
“I know, but I want you to walk me down. You’re my big brother, Brad.” 
“Are you trying to get me to cry?” Rooster jokingly asked, refusing to look over at you, because he knew that he would actually start crying if he did. “But, of course, I’ll help walk you down the aisle. I promised you when we were kids, didn’t I?” 
“You did.” 
Maverick met the two of you up at the top of the stairs. You looped your other arm through his own and shared smiles with your family before the three of you walked inside Town Hall. They led you through the building and to the ceremony room. Standing in front of the big doors, you took a moment to gather yourself.
“You ready?” Maverick asked you softly, causing you to smile and nod.
“I’m ready.” 
The doors opened and you turned forward to see Jake waiting there for you, dressed in his immaculate dress whites, looking like a dream. There was a small crowd of friends and family, but the two of you were only focused on each other. 
You offered Jake a small smile, letting a few tears drip down that you’d held in for the sake of your makeup. Jake rubbed his chin, trying desperately not to cry himself, but there you were, dressed in a white dress, looking like a goddess with your prominent baby bump where your shared child was growing. 
And he started silently sobbing himself. 
Reaching the end of the aisle, you accepted kisses on your cheeks from both Bradley and Mav before Jake gently took your hand into his own. The two of you stepped up onto the very small stage and faced each other as the officiant began the short service.
You reached up and wiped Jake’s tears away with your hands and as you tried not to cry too many of your own. The two of you repeated your vows clearly and without hesitation as you slipped your wedding bands onto each other’s fingers. Holding hands in front of your closest friends and family, you smiled widely as the officiant got to the end. 
“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may—”
Jake’s lips pressed against your own before the officiant even finished his sentence. You smiled into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his shoulders as your friends and family cheered for the two of you. 
“I love you,” you told Jake as he broke away and rested his forehead against your own. 
“I love you too,” he returned softly, stealing another kiss. “My wife.”
“I have a wedding present for you,” you told Jake that night as the two of you laid in bed. 
You rolled to the end of your bed and slowly got up, walking over to your dresser. Jake sat up from his own spot, watching you curiously. 
“You had time to get me something?”
“I picked it up yesterday.” 
Pulling out a simple plain white envelope, you walked over to Jake’s side and sat down beside him. Jake took the envelope from your hand and paused when he saw the logo from your obstetrician’s office. 
“What is this?” he asked you quietly, an edge of concern in his voice. 
“I wanted to wait to find out the baby’s gender until they were born,” you started off with, causing Jake to nod slowly. “But I also want us to be the first two people to find out. And just in case—” 
Your voice broke and you cut yourself off as emotion clogged your throat. Jake quickly swooped in and pulled you in for a hug and a soft kiss. You rested your head against his shoulder, staring down at the envelope as you gathered yourself. 
“It’s your choice, Jake. We can find out now or we can find out when the baby’s born.”
Jake looked down at the simple little white envelope in his hands. You didn’t move to rush him, but you sat up more when Jake pulled the paper out of the envelope. Turning to you, he held out the piece of paper and motioned for you to take the other side. 
“On three,” he stated, causing you to nod. 
The two of you counted down together before you opened it together. Staring at the simple message written there, you let out an incredulous laugh and Jake pressed a series of kisses to your cheek and neck as he pulled you into his lap.
“I knew it,” he breathed out, resting his hand on top of your bump.  
“You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?” you asked him, causing him to shake his head. You let out a bright laugh, some joy returning to you. “We’re having a girl, Jake.” 
“I’ve been telling you,” he insisted, causing you to jokingly nudge him. The two of you shared a soft series of kisses before Jake pulled back. “We’re having a little girl.” 
“She’s going to be a handful.” 
“That was going to be true regardless,” Jake reminded you, causing you to laugh again and sink into his arms once more. “I love you so much.” 
“I love you too.” 
“And I love our daughter so much.” 
“She knows that, Jake,” you replied softly, pressing a kiss to his chest. “She knows.” 
Jake barely slept that night. 
The two of you discussed it the night before and agreed that it would be less stressful on you and the baby for him to leave on his own in the early morning. You said your goodbyes the night before and Jake managed to coax you to sleep after another round of tears and kisses.
Getting up before his alarm, Jake took a quick shower and got dressed in his uniform. His bag was already packed and all he had to do was say goodbye to you and your daughter. 
But that was going to be a difficult process. 
Kneeling on the floor in front of you, Jake rested his hand on your bump and pressed a kiss to your skin before moving his hand around some more. He let a few tears drop as he tried to feel your daughter moving around to no avail. 
“I’ll be back, Baby Girl, alright? I just have to go take care of some things, that’s all.” Jake took a moment and a deep breath before adding, “You’re going to be a good girl for your mom, right? Let her sleep at night and don’t dance on her bladder, okay?” 
Removing his hands from your bump and moving to stand, Jake looked up at your peaceful expression one last time before turning back to your bump. 
“I love you so much, sweetheart. And I’ll be back. Don’t you ever think that I’m abandoning you, okay? I’ll be back.” 
Jake stood up and leaned over to press a soft kiss to your face. Not wanting to risk waking you up, he withdrew and let out a quiet sigh.
“I love you, Honey. I’ll be home as soon as I can.”
A few moments after Jake reluctantly left for base, you snuggled into your pillow, still deeply asleep. As you continued to snooze, there was a small press on your skin, like a little fist was waving goodbye, before it slowly sank back down. 
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kitasgloves · 10 months
You're an Inarizaki graduate in a relationship with the SAKUSA KIYOOMI. You were close with the Miya bros, especially Atsumu, and friends with the entire Inarizaki volleyball club. You already had a longtime crush on Sakusa when you watched the practice match between Inarizaki and Itachiyama. You were forever grateful that Atsumu forced you to watch game because you wouldn't be able to have seen Sakusa.
You're working as PR in the MSBY Black Jackals and got reunited with Atsumu (unfortunately). He knows your big fat crush on Sakusa and tries to be your wingman. His plan? He gets you drunk in a party and forces you in a room alone with Sakusa. He claimed it would give you the enough courage to confess.
You confessed but you couldn't remember what Sakusa's reaction was. It ended up with Sakusa taking you to his place because you're incredibly drunk and unable to get home on your own. You woke up to the worst hungover since college and a shirtless Sakusa making breakfast calling you 'darling'.
The rest is history. You and Sakusa have been together for more than two years. Although you two seemed like the ideal couple, there has been frequent verbal fights lately. It mostly had something to do with conflicting schedules and a lot of dates cancelled. Sakusa was a busy athlete and your job as the PR didn't mix well with his hectic schedule.
"This is the fifth time that I have to cancel reservation, Omi!"
"Then just stop making reservations! You know how busy I am so don't get mad that I couldn't make up to our date!"
"You could've at least made an effort to! Or say sorry!"
"We've gone through this over and over again [Name] and I'm getting sick of it"
"So, what? You're sick of me?"
"Maybe I am!"
This argument was different from the previous. You were left stunned as Sakusa breathlessly glared at you, shattering your heart into smithereens. Immediately, your eyes felt wet as you turned around, grabbed your keys, phone, and wallet and stormed out of the apartment. You completely missed the sheer regret that erupted on Sakusa's face.
You called up Atsumu and asked to meet up at Onigiri Miya. When you arrived there and saw the blonde setter, you quickly went in for a hug and sobbed your poor heart out. Atsumu knew you had another fight with your boyfriend since you've been telling him about it for the past few days. It seemed like today, a line was crossed.
Sakusa tried reaching your phone but you have put your phone in airplane mode. Osamu kindly made you your favorite onigiri as you told them about the fight. Of course, the twins took over your side because they've known you for a very long time. You stayed over at Osamu's and had a sleepover with the Miya twins.
The next day, Sakusa was driving all the way to Osamu's place. He has found your whereabouts through his cousin Komori who he got from his teammate, Suna Rintaro. He sucked in a breath and knocked on the door. What he was not expecting was a very serious-faced Atsumu Miya answering the door.
"The hell are ya doin' here?"
"I need to pick up my girlfriend"
"She doesn't wanna be with ya right now"
"That's none of your business, Miya"
Atsumu gives Sakusa a humorless laugh and gives him the most intimidating glare that Sakusa has ever seen from him. Usually, the blonde setter is all smirks and smiles but seeing this death glare from him actually made Sakusa physically shiver.
"Ya made her cry all the way over here sayin' that yer sick of her! Do ya have any idea of the amount of effort she puts in scheduling a dinner fer the both of ya 'cuz she misses ya so much?"
Sakusa was officially speechless as he gulped. He rigidly stands there and gets his well-deserved scolding from Atsumu Miya of all people.
"[Name] means a lot to me 'cuz she's like a sister so if I ever catch her cry 'cuz of you again, I will personally beat yer ass then skin ya alive and give ya some bonus ass whoopin' from Osamu and the entire Inarizaki alumni"
Atsumu warned him. And Sakusa makes sure to keep that in mind. The blonde sighs and finally takes a step aside from the door.
"Go apologize to her and make up, Omi-kun"
Sakusa doesn't need to be told twice as he rushed inside the apartment, not bothering to take off his shoes and pounced at you in the kitchen. You just woke up but you were pleasantly surprised with your boyfriend profusely apologizing to you.
Osamu places a hand on his hip and looked at his twin. Atsumu was smiling as if he didn't just threatened Sakusa earlier.
"What did ya tell him?"
"Oh nothing, just gave him a little warnin' that's all"
Osamu knows Atsumu is a lying piece of shit.
543 notes · View notes
Success story (not the void)
Maya, as I promised you, I'm writing you my success story. It's quite a wild one, so please bear with me.
My journey started during the Angel era, when I was struggling with the void state. I tried everything I could think of to get out of it - every method, every meditation technique, affirming, intention, lucid dreaming, and even coaching from various LoA experts, including those not so well-known. I was desperate for a breakthrough, a key to unlock the life I deserved. I would have done anything, even ate dirt if that was what it took.
At that time, my family was going through a rough patch. My abusive father, a police officer, divorced my mother and left us with nothing. We were homeless, living out of our car, while my dad was living a comfortable life. He had a new girlfriend, a younger woman, and continued to be respected in his job. Meanwhile, my mom, who was a victim of his abuse, was labeled a liar and lost everything. I was filled with rage, towards him, towards the world, towards the jury that declared him innocent. I wasn’t safe in this world especially being homeless, women and children are the most vulnerable to sexual and physical assault. I was scared, unsafe, and had nothing aside my mother and siblings.
I wanted to enter the void, not just for myself, but to give my family a better life and to bring justice to those who had wronged us. I was at a point where I was harming myself, but I couldn't give up because my family needed me. I remember messaging you, Maya, pouring out my story, begging you to help me enter the void. Despite your initial hesitation, you responded with kindness, sharing some personal experiences, and reassuring me that I wasn't alone.
Your words gave me hope. You made me realize that many people who find the law have gone through, or are still going through difficulties. If they could overcome their struggles, so could I.
So, I decided to let go of the void. Not because I didn't believe in it, but because I had elevated it to a status akin to a genie that would magically solve all my problems. When non-dualism and other loa concepts were introduced, everything finally clicked. I realized I didn't have to be angry, or try to be someone manifesting master, or do all these fake methods. I have always known that my family and I were meant to be happy.
For a month, I went through a process of shedding my ego. It was uncomfortable, and there were times I found myself fighting my own thoughts, telling them to shut up. I was separating my ego from myself. You, Maya, had once said that this process was similar to withdrawal symptoms of someone quitting drugs. This thought comforted me. I was becoming someone new, my old thoughts weren't there anymore.
Living in my car, I began to see it as my mansion. My mom's crying turned into laughter, my siblings' whine for food turned into jokes. We pretended that we were living our dream life, and after a while, my siblings joined me in this game. We would come "home" from school and yell at each other, pretending that the house was so big that we needed walkie-talkies to communicate.whenever I needed to steal food it was because we owned the place and can take whatever we want, not because I had to.
One day, we parked at a field, and I started imagining my life. I tried to become the clouds by thinking I am and accepting that my consciousness could be whatever it wanted. I got my siblings to do the same. We became the flowers, then the sun, then the stars at night. Even though physically I was still in the car, mentally and emotionally, I was living my dream life.
When I woke up, I was in a large room. It was decorated to perfection. I heard my siblings running around, throwing toys, and my mother laughing with a man, who's laugh alone sounded like gold. I explored the house, and it was beautiful. There was no yelling, no violence, only laughter and love. My mom introduced me to her boyfriend, and he was holding a newspaper that read that my father had been arrested for domestic crimes and fraud. He was losing everything.
At that moment, I realized that I had done it. My mom was happy, beautiful, and loved. My siblings had plenty of toys and clothes, and our house was filled with love. My family and I were finally living our dream life.
I have been living my life for about a month and now, and it has been blissful to say the least. I go to a well known private school and I am the top student. I am apart of many clubs, and also spend a lot of time volunteering at domestic shelters, and speaking to victims of intrapersonal abuse. I have made friends of people who volunteer with me, so it’s nice to have people who care about the same thing I do.
I am also apart of my writing club, and found comfort in reading and writing and have decided I want to be an author once I graduate. I have always wanted to be a writer but they don’t make enough money often. But now not only do I know I will be successful but my family has enough money to last us multiple generations plus some more. My Bio father had gotten much to what is coming to him and he will be going to jail. I hope he drops the soap but I have let go of my anger with that barbaric fool. So has my mother who has also recently gotten engaged and I get to be her maid of honor. She has a friend group of mothers from school and I have never seen her happier. My now father treats her like a goddess and treats everyone like that. He spoils my mom and us with gifts and luxurious trips. He also spoils the help such as the maids and cooks and never treats them below us. He does not expect anything from my mother except for her to be happy and spend time with us. He is kind selfless loving and respectful. the real definition of a man. I adore him so much and I’m so happy to call him my father.
I find great joy in the little stuff. I love cleaning my room. My bio dad was a hoarder and the house was always a mess because my mom was the sole provider though my “bio dad” made much more. He instead used it on hookers, alcohol, and drugs. Pathetic excuse for a man I know. I love going shopping, as I don’t have to look at the price tag. It feels normal, there was no shift. This is just life constantly changing. I have 5 pets and spend great time with all of them, and they are all so loving and adore me. I love school, and doing my homework, taking tests, assemblies etc. i love talking to my teacher about my ideas and how I can improve. They’re always so encouraging and kind, and I have never experienced that. I also loveeeee having crushes hehe. I never had time nor the “looks” for that prior to these past few months, but I receive a good amount of attention from a lot of sweet man and the “what if” aspect of having crushes is fun. I just love being a teenage girl, something I was not always able to say. I love the world and the people in it, the creations I bring and make, and all I did to make it what it is. I never worry what happened to my old self or life. It died, it doesn’t exist I am here right now with them and the old story is gone. Like an author erasing a part of a story she doesn’t like and never producing it, I did the same. My one true reality and I am so blessed.
Also big thanks to bloggers like @awarenessis @starbursts777 @consciousnessbaddie for introducing this concepts to Tumblr in a simple and kind way. Love to everyone in this devoted app.
Congratulations on your astounding success story 🥹 Your journey is a testament to the power of the human spirit, and it's an honor to hear about your transformation. This is beautiful wild tale, but it's your reality, and it's absolutely beautiful.
Your story is a powerful reminder that we have the power to shape our reality, no matter how dire our circumstances may be. It's a testament to the power of belief, determination, and the human spirit. I'm incredibly proud of you and wish you and your family all the happiness in the world.
960 notes · View notes
jhdyuiee · 6 months
Where are You?
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✪ pairing: BIKER!yuta x GF!Y/N
✪ warnings/tags: smut!, angst, fluff, arguing/fighting (verbal not physical), make-up sex, name calling (brat, slut, baby, good girl, princess), breast play, oral (m & f receiving), multiple orgasms, riding & doggy, tit sex (?!), spanking, fingering, hair pulling, unprotected sex (only on pill), cum eating, rough yuta
✪ w.c: 2.4k
✪ a.n: hii!! this is 1 of 2 fics i release today 😆 ! yesterday was my sisters birthday so i wasnt able to upload but im back with 2 stories today yay! anyhow i hope yall enjoy this one && thank u all for the love and support on Mirrors 🤍
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3:40 a.m
I turned to the clock once more, the minutes and hours passing with still no sign of him. Yuta promised to be home by midnight, but 3 hours later he’s still not here. His race should’ve finished by now. I tried calling and messaging him but no response. I was about to give him one last call, when the front door opened, keys dingling.
I rushed out and was met with the man. Yuta was taking off his leather jacket, his black tank underneath. His muscular body under the moonlight that shone from the windows made him look even more attractive.
“Where have you been?” I questioned.
He looked up, his eyes meeting mine. “Racing, where else?”
“I know that, but what took you so long? You said you would be back by midnight,” I said, slightly irritated.
“Johnny got into an altercation with the other team when they wouldn’t shut up about the win being rigged,” Yuta explained.
“Yet you couldn’t answer my messages or calls?”
“Look, Y/N I’m tired. Let’s talk tomorrow,” he said softly. However I wasn’t having it. Honestly, this wasn’t even the first time he’s ever done this. For the past months or so he’s been coming home late after his races. In which I have grown suspicious about.
I scoffed, “Sure you are.” Before he could let another word out, I went back to our bedroom. As much as I wanted to give him a peace of mind, I was too tired from staying up waiting for him.
“Y/N,” Yuta yelled when I sat down in the bed. He came storming in. The patience in him evaporated. “What the fuck is wrong, huh?”
I slightly flinched at his words. I looked up at him, “You, that’s what’s wrong.”
Yuta came closer, “Me? What the fuck have I done?”
“You never come home! You’re always back so late,” I said, my voice slightly rising.
He chuckled, “That’s it? Really?”
‘Why was he treating this as a joke? Laughing? Nothing was funny about this.’ I got up from the bed, “Yes, I’m your fucking girlfriend for fuck sakes and I barely even get to see your face nowadays.”
He took another step closer, “Sorry, I’ve been so busy I didn't know my girlfriend was lonely.” Yuta didn’t seem sorry at all. “Nice try at a lame apology,” I said, rolling my eyes.
Another step, “Why are you acting like such a brat right now?”
I didn’t respond, I couldn’t. Brat. The word sent a chill down my body, in a good way.
“Huh? What’s wrong now?” Step. “Oh, I got it now,” Yuta said with more enthusiasm. His face brightened up like everything clicked to his head.
He brought a hand down my body, placing it above the curve of my ass. I felt as he fondled it, until he went further down and cupped my sex. I gasp at the touch of his hand on my sex.
He leaned into my ear, “You’ve been needy haven’t you? Is that why you’re so upset?” His hand separated from me, he separated from me. He stood there looking at me as I began to lustfully yearn for his touch.
“Answer my question baby.”
Fuck. He was right. I missed his touch, his kisses, his praises, his cock, his entire being.
“Y-Yes. I missed you so much Yuta.”
He smirked, coming back to me. “Sorry for that princess, I’ve been rather neglectful of you. I’m sorry,” he said, kissing down my neck until he reached my mouth.
His tongue entered my mouth, playing with mine. Our kiss was intense, filled with want. This was something not only I, but what we both needed. Our kiss deepened even more until I ended up back on the bed on Yuta’s lap.
His hands roamed over my back in delicate touches, until they ended up back on my ass. I moaned into our kiss when he smacked it. Soon, Yuta pulled away from the kiss—our saliva connecting—and stared at me with lustful eyes, eyes of an animal ready to pounce on its prey.
“Get on your knees,” he commanded, and so I did. He began unbuckling his belt, his cock springing out. It was already hard, leaking with pre-cum. “Suck.”
I looked up, his hand reaching to grab my hair, pulling me closer to his cock. I sucked in a breath, I wanted nothing more but to get him inside my mouth.
“I don’t have all day,” he reminded me.
I started kissing his cock, tip to base. Then licking him as slowly as possible, making him year for more. “Fuck. You- take it like you always do slut.”
I decided to stop teasing him and took his cock inside my mouth. He’s too big. The tears pooled in my eyes quickly. “Shit. That’s my girl, taking me so well,” he groaned when he felt the sensation of my moans around his cock. His hand grabbed a fistful of my hair and started bobbing my head up and down until he relaxed his grip on my hair, allowing me to take him out. I went into a fit of coughing, and my jaw was starting to hurt.
“Done already?” Yuta teased. I glared at him, “You nearly choked me with your fucking dick.” He laughed at my statement. “Take off your clothes,” he said, when he finished laughing.
One by one my clothes were gone. His hands came in contact with my breast, fondling them and pinching my nipples.
“Such pretty tits,” he said. Then next thing I knew his cock laid rested in between them. He squeezed them together as he thrusted in between them, his pre-cum allowing easier movement. The more he thrusted, the harder and faster he went.
Yuta fucked my tits until the ropes of his cum painted my face and tits. He swiped a finger over some cum that splattered on my face, bringing it to my mouth. I swallowed every single drop he gave me.
“Open up your mouth princess,” he said, when I finished taking in his cum. I opened it, and even stuck my tongue out. With another movement his cock buried itself in my mouth again. This time though he didn’t move me, so I started bobbing my head up and down his shaft, my hand following along. I swirled my tongue around his tip, earning a moan from him.
“Just like that,” he said, stroking my hair. He was close again, so I continued my movements on his cock. Finally then he exploded inside my mouth, the white ropes of his cum filling up my mouth once more. He slid his cock out and gathered the cum that had slipped past my lips, and pushed it back in.
“Such a good girl,” he said proudly. “Swallowed every drop right?”
I nodded, “Please… I need you, I want to cum too.” I pleaded with the man, I was so soaked, I felt it on my legs and thighs.
“Come up here then baby, lay down for me,” he said, patting the bed. “I’ll take care of you.”
I did as he said, laying down while he got on top of me. He spread my legs apart, a smile appearing on his face. His fingers slid down my cunt at a slow pace. He then brought them to his mouth, licking them clean. Yuta let out a satisfied groan, “Always tasting so good.”
“Please,” I whimpered.
He looked at me, descending in between my legs. He spread them apart, and placed them on top of his shoulders. “Fuck, you’re leaking everywhere baby. Sorry, I neglected you for so long, but don’t worry because we’ll take care of this,” he said, kissing my clit.
His tongue then darted out, licking a strip up and down my cunt, repeating it over and over. I squirmed at his touch. He drank up all my juices like a starved man, a man deprived of water. I gripped onto his hair, pushing him a little further in.
“Fu-Fuck right there,” I moaned, when his wet muscle intruded inside my cunt. He added to the intensity when he brought his thumb and began circling my sensitive clit. I was close to cumming, just a little more. “I’m gonna cu-cum!”
Yuta’s tongue went out, causing the sensation to be lost. Fuck. “Then cum baby, you deserve it, don't ya?” Soon his fingers came to replace his tongue, plunging in and out of my cunt while his tongue now lapped and played around with my clit. Yes this was what I needed. A couple more thrusts from his fingers, and I came all over his arm. My chest heaving, trying to catch some oxygen. It was too good.
“Good job baby,” Yuta said, kissing my temple. “You ready now?” he asked.
“Ye-Yes please put it inside.”
“Get on all fours then,” he says. I flipped over, my hands and knees on the bed, awaiting him. I felt as his hand fondled the flesh of my ass, before he landed a hard smack on it. I yelped, not expecting that. I turned back, and was met with Yuta stroking his cock while looking at my drenched cunt. He moved in closer, I felt as his tip touched my cunt.
“So tight, so wet. You feel so fucking good,” Yuta muttered, as he pushed further inside me. I felt the delicious stretch of his cock inside my pussy, and how it reached me deeply inside.
Once he was all in he wasted no time. Yuta thrusted into me like a wild beast, going at an uncontrollable speed and pace. His cock was so deep within me that I felt so full already. The sound of our skin slapping and my moans echoed in the room. I turned my head back, and was met with Yuta’s lustful eyes. He looked so drunk of pleasure.
The grip on my hips was sure to show up bruised tomorrow. My eyes rolled back when his tip kissed my g-spot. We just started but I was already so close to cuming.
Suddenly Yuta’s hand tugged on my hair roughly as he continued his excruciating pace. My tongue lolled out, he took it as an opportunity to spit in my mouth. I swallowed it unconsciously, I was too high on the pleasure to comprehend what I was doing.
“Such a good slut,” he said, letting the grip on my hair go and thrusted even harder. His hand once again came in contact with my clit, pinching it until I finally came undone. My orgasm passed through me. I clenched around his cock, erupting in groans from him. “I’m cumming,” he said and unleashed once again. His hot white cum painting my walls white this time.
I barely had time to recover before he said, “Ride me.” I looked over and Yuta was already head against the headboard awaiting for me, his cock still hard. I weakly crawled over, placing myself on top of him. I grabbed his cock, and pushed myself down as his cock entered me once more.
Once I was in I began moving. Up and down, his hands guiding my hips. Slow, then fast, slow, then fast, slow, then fast. I kept this pace up, but it began to feel not enough. So I started bouncing on him even fast, my hands gripping his shoulders. I kissed his lips, melting into the pleasure he was giving me.
I didn’t stop, until I began growing tired. “Let me help you,” he says. Yuta took over, using the grip on my hips to plunge into me. My tits bounced all over his face, until he no longer could resist the temptation and took one in his mouth. He sucked on my breast, then swirled and flickered my nipple. I was approaching my next orgasm, and clenched around him. He detached himself from my nipple with a pop, “Cum for me baby.”
One thrust, then two, and three. The knot in my stomach unleashed, I came once again on his cock once more. But it didn’t stop there, Yuta had yet to cum. Luckily it didn’t take long. Yuta came after a few more thrusts, I probably milked him dry today.
We stayed in that position for a while, trying to catch our breaths. Yuta hugged and soothed me, gently kissing me. “Let’s get us cleaned up,” he said after a while. He walked us over to our bathroom, placing me on the tub as he ran the water. I was growing drowsy, the sex had tired me.
Once the water was done running, he placed me inside and joined in. I didn’t know what happened afterwards as my eyes shut closed, falling into a deep slumber.
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the next morning.
I tried shuffling to turn the other way, but something heavy was preventing me from doing so. I stirred my eyes, trying to get them to focus. Once they came into focus the sight in front of me made me widen my eyes.
Yuta lying beside me…
Typically the guy would be gone by now. ‘Was he running late?’ I thought. I shook him lightly, softly repeating his name. His eyes stirred, until they finally opened. He smiled.
Yuta smiling in the morning?!
No yeah perhaps I was still dreaming. I pinched myself, and when I felt the pain I knew this wasn’t a dream.
I finally decided to speak up, “What are you doing here? You’re usually gone by now.
He looked at me, his face softened. “I’m sorry Y/N,” he said, pulling me even closer. His embrace felt so warm and comforting.
“I’m sorry I’ve been acting like an asshole lately. I should’ve been prioritizing you over anything, you didn’t deserve that baby.”
I looked at him, my eyes watering. “Don’t cry Y/N, it aches my heart,” he said, wiping the tears that had started falling down my face.
“I love you so much. You are the most beautiful woman in this world, and with the most beautiful soul too. I am so very lucky to have you Y/N.”
Oh fuck. His words made for more tears to come streaming down my face.
“I love you Yuta, I love you so very much. Thank you for your apology, Thank you for understanding. I love you,” I said, as I caressed his cheek.
“I love you so much more.”
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© jhdyuiee
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uluvjay · 1 year
Injuries- T.Zegras
In which your baby of a boyfriend is home for a few days nursing a lower body injury
Trevor zegras x Established relationship reader!
Warnings?; kissing, talk about sex
Lightly proofread!
Trevor had gotten hurt a few days ago against the Avalanche and since then has been home with a lower body injury. Your boyfriend was tough..on the ice, at home however he acted like a baby.
He could pick a fight with veteran players that tower over him but needs you to shower with him because he ‘can’t wash his hair right’ and needs you to scratch his back or play with his hair before he can fall asleep.
And due to how nervous you got after seeing him limp off the ice and how you rushed down to the medical room, he was making sure he exaggerated his injury around you as much as he could. 
All morning for example his leg hurt so he needed all the kisses he could get because they made him feel better, and you had to let him use your heated blanket because the heat helped. He also was in to much pain to get up and make his bowl of cereal.
Currently you were in your shared bedroom getting ready to join Trevor at his checkup with the teams doctor and physical therapist.
“Where are you going?” He asked as he walked into the room to get changed.
“With you”
“What why?”
“Well you know, since your in so much pain still I figured it would be best for me to come and learn what I could do to help. Plus I already asked your Pt and she said it was okay” you told him as you turned to face him with your arms crossed
“You dirty dog” he said laughing
“What? I’m just trying to make sure my poor boyfriend gets better” you said walking over and kissing his cheek “oh and I’m driving”
“What no, your cars so low” he whined
“I know, that’s why we are going to take yours ” you said giggling knowing how he was about people driving “His baby”
After a long ride of Trevor acting like you didn’t know how to drive and keeping his hand tight around your thigh, you made it to the arena.
Trevor walked around to your side as you were getting out and took the keys off you, “My poor baby” he said as he tapped the hood of his car.
“Z I am not a bad driver you drama queen” you said laughing as he grabbed your hand
“Mhm whatever’s makes you happy babe” he said cause you to push him and you both laugh.
When you made it to the team’s physical therapist Lauren he stopped right outside the room. “Are you sure you wanna come in? I mean so you don’t have to hear me describe my pain” he tried
“Trevor shut up and get the hell in there” you told him causing him to drop his head and walk in.
After saying your hellos she had Trevor sit on one of the table things they have in there and started to ask him about pains and their scale and where they’re located.
“Honestly I’ve felt a lot better over the past two days, I’ve been stretching every morning and not doing excessive movements or anything” he explained avoiding eye contact with you.
“Okay I do have to ask, have you had sex?” She asked causing you both to blush profusely.
“No she put me in the dog house, didn’t want me to get injured more by the thrusting” he said with no shame
“Trevor!” You scolded getting even more red
Lauren however was laughing and found lots of amusement out of the situation. “Okay, we’ll we’re just gonna run some test and then you can come in to practice tomorrow and coach will let you know what he wants you doing” she told him.
After he was all finished and you were walking back to the car you brought up his pampering over the last few days. “So, drama queen now was it being pampered these last few days?”
“I was not being a drama queen!”
“Z, you literally just told her you’ve felt good for the last two days and this morning you begged for my blanket and kisses because you were in pain” you said laughing.
“Okay fine..I might have been a slight drama queen” he said as you made it to the car.
“Mhm slight” you said laughing and he pulled your door open for you
“So since I’m cleared does this mean we can have sex when we get home?” He asked a few minutes into the ride back home
“Jesus Christ Trevor” you said laughing
“It’s an honest question!” He replied laughing as well
“Yes Trevor, we can have sex tonight” you told him watching him fist bump the air like a child.
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namakaeggs · 7 months
feelings/ pt 1
eren x reader, childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining, drunk confession
you knew eren before you knew him. his mom and your mom were the best of friends in highschool, and a friendship was fated from the start. from family barbecues to birthdays, you two were always together. “inseparable” is what carla describes us. eren always scoffed when mom would say we would get married one day. my eyes would brighten at the mention.
eren was always the outsider growing up, the rebel. he grew his hair to his shoulders, didn’t get along with the popular crowd, got an illegal tattoo at 16, and religiously wore band tees. as we got older, i noticed him more and more. we were around each other so often, so close. when his voice got deeper and his arms became toned, i couldn’t help fighting my feelings. to him, we were friends. to me, he was more. i knew he never saw me the way because he slept around. he smoked and wasn’t afraid to break a few laws. hes the personification of the boys your mom will tell you to watch out for, because their mystery is so alluring that you won’t be able to resist, and that in the end, they will break your heart. mom would never see eren in another light though. nothing other than her best friends adorable, sweet child.
as i’m about to fall asleep, my phone buzzes on my bedside table and reach for it quickly.
R u awake
it’s 2 in the morning and i know what he’s been doing.
what’s up eren?
i wait anxiously.
Im sorru it’s so latew but can u pick me up from Jean’s please?
i immediately get up and throw on a zip up hoodie. i grab my keys and hurry out of my window. god, the things i do for this boy.
the first time i felt something for him was 6th grade. for a while, he had been trying to slum it with the popular boys, reiner, jean, flock, and zeke, in our class. it didn’t work. he was a puzzle piece that didn’t fit, but he tried and i watched. i watched him try biking every day after-school with them when i knew he preferred to go skating with me. i watched him try to salvage his failing math grade from constantly attempting to meet the demands of these boys, their constant hangouts that eren didn’t really look forward too, telling me how unfunny he thought their jokes were. i watched eren and the popular boys talk to the popular girls. seeing eren laughing with historian reiss made me fume. who was she to even speak to him? she doesn’t know him like that? she doesn’t know him like i do!
it was all jealousy. historia was beautiful, popular, and i knew eren thought so too, because i would see them drinking slurpees at the quick zip every friday after school. i fumed even more. there were rumors that they had even kissed. stupid me thought and dreamed that maybe he secretly wanted me, and maybe he secretly wanted me to be his first kiss. hearing the rumor crushed me. i was heartbroken, but i could never be mad at eren over some dream that would never come true.
but suddenly eren withdrew. historia and him never hung out on fridays and the popular boys treated eren like he were a plague. jean still spoke to him though, even with their bitter rivalry that he would never tell me stemmed from what. me and him were already attached at the hip by that point, but he stuck by me like glue from then on. i didn’t question it. i didn’t care too because that he wanted to spend time with me, me.
we spent the rest of our middle school and high-school years together. always turning around to make sure the other one was behind. always picking the same classes to take so that we’d be together. always going back to my place after school, sitting on my bed to talk about everything the world has to offer over and over again. i would always help him with math, and he would always defend me against the popular guys that pursued me, warning me that he knew their motives. that they didn’t want me for the right reasons. i understood and i kept away. but they didn’t.
junior year, after our AP physics class, the ringleader of the group, zeke, cornered me in the stairwell and confessed how long he had been wanting me. how much he needed me, and that i should come over sometime with his friends. and from that, i already had an idea that this was what eren was talking about. i tried to get out, but he wouldn’t let me. eren pushed him to the wall and fought him. jean and armin had to pull eren off of him. eren got suspended because he broke zekes nose, and he had to get surgery to fix the damage.
during erens suspension, we spoke.
“i don’t like how the guys are,” he starts, fixing the pink pillow under his head,” they get me so fucking mad.” he’s been staying at my house ever since he got suspended. his parents are mad.
i look up from the book i was reading. “it was only zeke who really pushed it? why are you so pissed about the whole group?”
erens eyebrows furrow. “y/n, they’re guys. i’m a guy, and you’re not. i know how guys like them are!” he suddenly looks uncomfortable. “it’s disgusting.” he mutters, “and i don’t like that zeke wanted you to come over.”
“but still?” i argue, “just because you have something against zeke doesn’t mean you should hate the whole group with a passion. i know they’re obnoxious, but don’t let them get to you.”
“of course i have something against zeke and his friends! he forced you into the corner and told you how bad he wanted to fuck you!”
i cringe at the honesty. “i meant that you’ve hated him since middle school. like.. obsessively hate.”
eren lets out a laugh at the idiocracy. “first of all, i am not obsessed with zeke fritz.” he takes a deep breath like he’s preparing for the finale of a grand speech. “and second of all, he’s always pissed me off.”
“even when you hung out with him and his friends?” i tease.
eren grows silent. “i don’t want to talk about it.” and i dropped the conversation.
i pull into the round-about where jean lives. i’ve had to pick eren up a few times from here, but lately, the only reason he’s been here is to get drunk at jeans college parties. jeans parents are loaded, lawyers who travel for work, which leaves him at home with way too much freedom.
the music is vibrating the ground from here. i wonder when the police are gonna show up to shut down this party for the noise disturbance. i need to find eren, soon. i open the front door and see people leaning on the walls with drinks, talking, joking, some making out. i look away and try to find eren. i don’t see him anywhere.
after scanning the entire first floor, eren jeager is no where to be found. i head towards the stairs and start walking up, hoping to find him upstairs.
where are you? i text.
as i’m walking down the hallway, i hear a familiar voice.
“In here!”
i walk toward the sound of his voice, the last door of the hallway that has the name “jean” written in bright blue letters. i open the door and see the unexpected.
well, not fully unexpected. i see eren, his almost- shoulder length hair pulled back into a bun and his body adorning grey sweatpants and a navy hoodie, who i was expecting to see, laying down on jeans bed, smiling at the ceiling like a weirdo. yep, he’s one drink away from blacking out. but what i didn’t expect to see was historia reiss, sitting at the end of the bed, picking at her split ends and chewing her gum with her mouth open. my stomach turns at the scene, but i force down my feelings.
“hey!” i say. historia turns to me with a look of disappointment on her face and eren lifts his head and laughs drunkly when he sees me.
“uh,” i suddenly become uncomfortable under historias arrogant stare, “sorry i didn’t knock, i’m here to get eren.”
she looks at eren and then looks at me, saying, “okay..” condescendingly and walks into jeans bathroom. she wasn’t wearing any shoes. erens not wearing any either.
“heyyyy,” eren slurs as i walk over to him. “i didn’t know you partied!” he jokes before bursting out laughing
“you texted me. how much did you have to drink?”
he looks dumbfounded at the simple question “what?”
“i said, how much did you have to drink?” i repeat. i can barely hear my own voice over the booming music.
“uhhhhh-,” he replies after a few seconds, “i don’t know.”
“okay, cmon. get up eren. we’re going.”
“yes ma’am.” he says, giving a military salute. surprisingly, he can stand just fine despite how drunk he seems. i make sure he has everything
and we leave jeans house. we walk over to my parked car and i put eren in the backseat incase he pukes all over my dashboard again. i don’t want a repeat of the last time i picked him up.
“there’s a plastic bag in the right pocket if you need to puke, eren, just letting you know.” i mention as i pull out of the round-a- bout.
“okay, mom, thanks” he scoffs.
i pull unto the main road, stopping at the red light.
“so,” i start,” historia, huh?” my voice filling the silence.
“huh, what’re you talking about?” he says in a genuine, drunk confusion. “did something happen”
“i just didn’t know you guys were really friends.” i reply. and i murmur, “obviously more than that though.”
you’re eyes are fixed on the road, but erens eyes are dead fixed on you after that snide comment that he definitely heard.
“yeah,” he rolls his eyes, sarcasm and the presence of alcohol in his tone, “we had so much fun, y/n. you don’t even know.”
i look at him through the dash cam window and he’s staring at me with a smirk and an indepipherable look in his eyes, testing me. i grip the stealing wheel and drive faster. i know he’s joking, but i can’t tell if he’s hinting at the truth or just telling a lie to get a reaction out of me.i just want this conversation i started to be over with.
“uh, so, how’s jean?” i change the conversation.
“what, you like him or something?”
“what! no!” i deny. “i never said that, eren?”
eren leans back into the seat, head resting on the head rest as he looks up. “whatever.”
unlike eren, there’s no alcohol in my system, but i’m feeling bold today. “what do you mean whatever, eren? you think i like jean?”
“uhhh, haven’t you always?” he states like it’s the obvious. “i saw the way he looked at you in art class.”
“just because he looked at me once or twice doesn’t mean i want him to fuck me or something.”
erens eyes narrow and his brows furrow, lifting his head in interest. “what the fuck did you just say?”
“what the fuck are you saying?” i fight back. “i ask you how jean is and you act like i’m begging on my knees for him. god damn.”
now he’s fully attentive, elbows on his knees and leaning in as if he’ll learn more by his upright posture. “i don’t like the idea of you liking jean,” he states, the slurring of his words still audible , “aaand i don’t like the idea of jean liking you.”
my heart races. “why?”
“maybe it’s the same reason you don’t like seeing me with historia.” and suddenly, he sounds sober.
my heart stops. he heard the comment i made under my breath.
“eren, i don’t care who you see.” the lie is evident in my tone, but eren is so drunk that i don’t bother to hide it. “you can hook up with historia for all i care. have fun with mouth herpes.”
“see, this is what i don’t like,” he slurs out, “did it really not bother you when you saw me and historia in the same bed?”
“why would it bother me? we’re just friends.”
“is that what you want to believe?”
“is that what i shouldn’t believe, eren?”
eren sighs and leans back again. “you remember when i hung out with zeke, flock, reiner, and jean like way back?”
“that entire time. all they talked about is who would get you first. who would be the first to- fuck. fuck!” he slurs “i never wanted to tell you that!”
my mouth is to the floor. “seriously? that is so- why woudlnt you tell me?”
he looks out the window, “because i was scared that if i told you they liked you, you’d like the attention and shit, and then you wouldn’t be mine.”
my heart is beating out of my chest. “my god, you’re so drunk. eren, you’re speaking nonesense.”
“i’ve been in love with you since the 6th grade.”
“eren, stop.” tears brim my eyes. in the morning, when he’s sober and remembers this, he’ll regret his drunken lies and i’ll have to pretend like this drunk, fake confession didn’t mean the world to me.
“i left the digusting group for that. i hated that me and those annoying dogs had something in common, wanting you.”
“you never wanted me, eren!” i snap, “ you would fake a gag every time our moms shipped us together! and what about historia, huh? don’t act like you two haven’t been sleeping together since highschool. oh, and what about mikasa? you and her-”
“i don’t care about them! all i want is you y/n! i thought you already knew how bad i had it for you” he cuts me off.
“fucking lies.”
he grows quiet for a while.
“i pretended they were you everytime,” he admits,” they didn’t turn me on. i had to pretend they were you, ” he leans in, “and honestly? i still do.”
his words send butteflies rushing to your stomach, but you know better. “eren. you’re drunk”
he pulls his hair out of his messy bun and puts his hood on. “drunken. words. are sober. thoughts!” he enunciates before laughing.
we pull into his house driveway.
“i’m sorry for teasing you about me and historia tonight.” he apologies, and i smell beer from his breath. “im really sorry.”
“i thought drunk words were sober thoughts?” you retaliate with hurt in your tone. you didn’t want to argue, but you didn’t want to not stand your ground.
“i just- wanted to make you jealous. im sorry, y/n” he hugs me, arms wrapping around me tightly as he fits his head into the crook of my neck and sniffs. “god, you smell so good..”
“eren.” you warn.
“your perfume. it drives me insane.” he whines and starts peppering kisses down your neck.
you blush and your heart stops before you push him off of you. he stumbles back, having to regain his balance due to the alchohal in his system. he’s drunk, he’s drunk and he’s so fucking drunk.
the look in his eyes are nothing short of hurt. “y/n..”
“we’ll talk in the morning” you breath out. “go sleep this off.”
“i’ve already tried,” he replies as he walks up the stairs to his room, “why do you think i get so drunk all the damn time. seeing historias face sober every weekend makes me remember that she isn’t you.” he gets to the top step and disappears behind the wall.
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specterllaw · 1 year
Dad or Harvey - Dad! Harvey and Reader and Mike Ross x reader
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You were scared, you sat in an interrogation room, your hands shaking so bad you couldn't even call your step-dad yourself, you had to have a deputy do it. You were taken in for suspected murder suspect and you weren't even sure why. Your dad was a big time name partner lawyer and he was a feared lawyer by alot of other firms in the city, your mom, Donna married him almost three years ago and you and Harvey had been at each other's throats ever since.
You could hear Harvey's shouts from the other side of the door and you immediately broke down, why'd you have to call him? He was gonna be livid at you. "How dare you speak with my client without me being present! I am her attorney and you will not pull this stunt again or I swear I will have your ass in front of a judge before you can even say murder!" You heard Harvey scream before the door swung open "Let's go" He demanded giving you a cold harsh glare, you nodded standing up quickly grabbing your phone from the deputy rushing out behind your step-dad, terrified of what would happen, you were freshly 18 so he could kick you out if he wanted to, you always felt like he hated you anyways. As you both sat in the back of the car you kept your eyes trained on your shoes "What the hell did you get yourself into, y/n?" He asked looking towards you, sniffling you looked at him, trying to make yourself as small as possible "I-I don't know....M-my classmate was killed..and they said I did it..-I didn't do it! I swear Harvey!" You whimpered going to grab his arm but you stopped yourself, in the three years of knowing Harvey you knew he never liked physical touch by anybody but your mother. It shocked you whenever Harvey wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug "It's gonna be okay, y/n" He whispered kissing your head before you felt the car stop "I'm gonna leave you with a close friend..his name is Mike Ross..He works for me he's gonna keep an eye out for you while I go get started on your defense okay?" Harvey explained opening the door before taking you to an apartment and leading you to the couch "Leave the door locked, only your mother, Mike and I have a key so you'll be safe until he's home" He said to you kissing your forehead before leaving quickly to his office.
It had been a week since Harvey started your case, you had been staying with Mike since then and you both were enjoying it alot, Harvey on the other hand was a mess, working basically days and nights. He now stood in front of his window in his office, trying to hold back tears, having to turn his back as he watched you talk with your mom and other people from the office, you slowly approached his office, walking up to him slowly but still keeping your distance "Harvey?.." You whispered slowly glancing over to see a file on his desk, opened with your name on it, and at the bottom in big bold letters 'Defendant must pay 420,000 dollars to vicitim's family and serve 35 years maximum in New York state prison'.
"I'm gonna be blamed for it aren't I?.." You whispered looking at him, he kept his eyes on the window taking a drink from his whiskey glass before taking a shaky breath in "Not if I can help it.." Harvey whispered, anger laced his voice but you could tell he was about to start crying "Dad...It's okay..You don't have to fight anymore..." You whispered "No...no...Y/n..no I'm going to fight this. You didn't do it and I'm going to make sure you don't go away for it." He said trying to keep his stern rude tone but it was cracking "Harvey.." You tried to argue but he turned towards you grabbing your shoulders "Its okay, y/n..You're gonna be okay" He whispered hugging you tightly before looking at you hiccuping a bit to suppress a sob, he rushed off, somewhere you didn't see leaving you alone in your dad's office.
"Hey stranger" You heard a familiar voice call out to you, you turned around smiling at him as he walked into the office "Hmmm...I dunno..You look pretty professional behind that desk Ms. Paulson" Mike smiled towards you acting like his hands were a camera "I told you Mr. Ross, ever since my mom married Harvey it's Ms. Specter" You reminded again walking over to him smiling "What's up? Ready to go?" You asked tilting your head whenever his expression and body language changed "Y/n..." He started rubbing his hands together "Oh god..Rachel doesn't want us sharing the apartment anymore does she?" You asked panicked, they had only been on one date but you respected Mike and Rachel. "N-No no..Sweet that you care though but I actually....stopped seeing her..I realized I liked someone else" Mike smiled looking at his shoes "Who?.." You asked smiling softly, Mike could only smile back, he could see the care in your eyes, and he knew he made the right choice. "Shit she's looking over right now" he gasped looking away, you did the same before fixing his hair, suit jacket, and tie before patting his chest "You look amazing, go talk to her" You offered motioning to the door "I am" He whispered looking at you nervously "Y/n..You're amazing...the way you care and love and appreciate so little and give so much-" You cut him off by kissing him softly cupping his cheeks "I like you too, Mike" You smiled pulling away before messing up his hair "Heyy! My friend just did that so I looked good talking to you" He defended trying to flatten his hair down "I like messy hair Mike instead" You whispered kissing him again, biting his bottom lip teasingly before pulling away. Mike brushed his hand over yours as Harvey walked back in "I know how we're gonna solve this cas- Mike. Y/n. What're you two doing?" He asked crossing his arms "Harvey..." You said defensively before he smirked at you "In my office kid? Really?" He asked raising his eyebrow towards Mike "I oughta kick your ass" Harvey added on before sitting down "So Y/n you were on the phone the time of the murder correct? So, how could you swing an aluminum baseball bat with one hand and murder someone with only one hand?" Harvey asked you "It'd be impossible...I read I don't work on my muscular physique" You commented looking at him in shock "You found it, dad" You whispered in shock, he smiled standing up giving you a tight hug "Now, You're gonna stay with Mike until the end of trial for your safety, and no funny busy or I swear to god, Mike" Harvey threatened as he rubbed your back feeling your body shake lightly with sobs, relieved you wouldn't have that weight on you anymore.
I'm definitely doing a part 2
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dekariosmagic · 1 year
Memories of You - Gale x Tav
Paring: Gale Dekarios x Tav/Reader (Referred to as Tav)
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Word Count: 3,626
Description: Following Gale's use of the orb to save the city, Tav realizes she's been left with more than just a broken heart, and seeks out help in Waterdeep.
Based on this post from @dragonagitator (They wrote the first few lines 🙂)
Warnings: Mentions of possible canon death of a main character. Pregnancy. Sadness. Gale isn't alive in this. It hurts, but I tried to make the end a bit happier/hopeful.
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“Morena Dekarios?” Tav approached nervously, her voice shaking. 
The stern-looking woman in front of her turned and looked her over with an expression of mild befuddlement, “Yes? Do I know you?”
“No, sorry, my name is Tav, and… I’m carrying your grandchild, and I don’t have anywhere else to go!” Tav blurts out, blinking back tears. 
The woman’s eyes widen, staring at her in shock as Tav instantly regrets her outburst. 
“I- I know Tara… and Elminster, if that helps,” she offers weakly. “They know Gale and are together. Were together…” she corrects and stares at the pavement trying to collect herself. 
“Give me your hand,” Morena finally responds, holding her own out. 
Tav quickly lays her hand in Morena’s palm. The older woman clasps it in her own, her eyes glowing blue as she stares seemingly through Tav for several minutes. 
As her eyes dim back to their normal shade, she takes a deep shuddered breath and pulls Tav into her for a hug, “Come with me dear. We’ll collect Tara on the way if she’s home.” 
She nods and wipes at the tears on her face and Morena takes her arm and leads her down the street briskly. “I’m going to want to know details. Later. What happened to my son,” she says roughly. “But not right here.” 
Tav’s gaze drifts to the buildings they pass as they walk in silence. Wondering how many of these buildings Gale had visited in all his years in Waterdeep. The city he grew up in and loved. The city he would never make it back to. 
He should have been the one to make it back here.
She fights back the tears again, spotting a library sign as they pass it, she locks her jaw in place. That building he’d definitely been in she concludes. Thoughts of him wandering through the aisles of shelves, the soft smile on his face when he found a book he wanted to read… the little expressions on his face as he concentrated on the words… 
The world gets blurry as the tears build in her eyes, scolding herself for losing it once again. She should be able to walk past a library without bursting into tears.
The buildings blur together, and she gets lost in her thoughts until Morena stops outside a building. Looking at it closer, she sees ‘Gale of Waterdeep’ written under the house number. Morena walks up the steps of the thin tall building, waving her hand to dispel a shimmer of magic and slots a key into the door. 
They hear the sound of hundreds of little mechanisms turning, and finally the door to the tower swings open. 
“Always a flair for the dramatics,” Tav mutters under her breath, Morena chuckles in response.
“Always, from the time he was a little boy. You’d think we’d told him he was to be starved and hung by the ankles because we wouldn’t get him a kitten. That he was so unloved and ‘punished unjustly.’ Then he summoned Tara within the week.” 
“I think he still took being told no on having a kitten as one of life’s great tragedies,” Tav laughs and steps up to run her fingers over his name on the building. “Anytime we would need to be stealthy anywhere, I might as well have just told him to run headlong into the build himself with how he reacted to having to sneak anywhere, we would not hear the end of it about his knees. Which to be fair, did crack quite loudly.”
“I always told him if he spent all his time sitting around reading, he’d regret it when he got older and lost youthful flexibility,” Morena says with a small smile. “Have you been here before?”
“Not… physically no,” she admits, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly. “He showed me illusions, would bring us here in our down time at camp. He… always would say how he’d bring me here one day when it was all over. Thoughts of this place pushed me through many battles.”
“Well, welcome to Gale’s Tower, officially,” his mother says, heading into the building and up a set of stairs. “You can look around if you wish, I’m going to look for Tara.”
Tav squares her shoulders, sets her jaw tightly, and steps through the doorway, swinging the door shut behind her. Almost immediately she’s hit with the scent of old books. A small smile pulls at her lip at the smell, the very one that seemed to always linger on Gale himself.
She wanders aimlessly through the base floor, discovering his kitchen at the back of the house. Surprisingly big for a one person household, but not particularly surprising for Gale. She runs her fingers over the cookbooks stacked on the counter, flipping one open to find notes stuck on nearly every page. His familiar handwriting with adjustments and comments on each recipe after he tried it. 
Setting the book down, she heads up the stairs to a small living area. A dark wood couch and chair with red cushions sat in the middle, surrounded by all manner of art work, statue, and knick-knack. And books. Of course books in every direction. 
Heading into the adjoining room, she freezes as she realizes it’s his bedroom. The big blue four poster bed he’d often conjured for them in the middle of the woods when they chose not to use illusions sits in the center of the room. 
She takes a few hesitant steps toward it, running her hand across the top blanket, clenching it in her fist as the familiar fabric touches her skin. Crawling onto the bed, she snatches one of the pillows and buries in her face in it, the scent of the shampoo he still always seemed to have on hand somehow during their travels still lingered on it. 
Her fingers tangled in his hair, his breathtaking smile, his teasing words.
Her eyes close as she sinks onto the bed, her arms shake as she clutches the pillow as tightly as she can. Her hand brushing another piece of fabric under the pillow as she moves. 
Lifting her head to pull it out, she finds a short sleeved bed shirt buried amongst the pillows. Plainer than the clothes he wore around camp, but a similar blue in color. Cradling the fabric in her arms, she collapses face first into the pillow and lets the tears she’d been fighting all day free. 
His home, his books, his bed, his pillow, his scent, his clothes. The tower equal parts comforting and devastating to be in. Laying here on the familiar bed she could almost pretend that any moment he’d join her. That the past few months had just been a nightmare she’d just awoken from to find his smiling face before her again. 
She brushes her hands over her belly, not exceedingly obvious yet, but not easy to hide. The only physical proof that their love had existed, that they’d gotten lost in one another countless times. That for a moment she knew what it felt like to be blissfully happy despite all odds. 
Everything else was gone or never existed. They’d always been together, no letters between them to be had. They hadn’t exactly sat down for a portrait, and the only people who really knew their love were dead or scattered across Faerûn by now. Tara knew, briefly. She’d not spent much time with the tressym, but Gale had told her later that he’d told Tara of their relationship in the few moments they took to rest and catch their breath. But it wasn’t as if Tara had lived at the camp with them.
“Tav?” A voice calls out, Tav lifts her face from the pillow in response to see Morena standing in the doorway, her own sadness evident on her face. 
“I’m sorry, I… I don’t know what to do. Or say,” Tav mutters softly, sitting up and moving to the edge of the bed. “
“Oh dear,” she says with the shake of her head, crossing the room to sit beside Tav and wrap an arm around her shoulders.
“How did you know I was telling the truth?” Tav asks as she tries to clear the rough sound from her voice. “I’m grateful, but I understand it sounded crazy.” 
“Oh it did,” Morena nods, stroking her arm. “I may not have pursued magic as he did, but I know a fair amount. And I can sense his magic.” 
“You could sense his magic on me?”
“Indeed. He left a message on you in a sense. It seems it was meant for Tara, since she’d have always been able to sense it on you. And also for you.” 
“A message?” She perks up immediately. “What did it say?” 
“If you would like, I can show you?” Morena asks as Tav nods immediately. They join hands once again, and Tav feels the same magic flow over her. “Close you eyes, count to five, then open.”
Eyes drifting shut, Tav tries to steady her breathing as she counts, but nearly gasps as she opens her eyes to an illusion of Gale.
The illusion of Gale smiles at her, gesturing with his hands nervously, “Well hello! Either Tara or Tav. I’ve placed this message on Tav in the event I don’t come back from our lovely little battle tomorrow. Tara, I’ve asked you to seek out Tav if you didn’t hear from me, and thank you for doing that. Any paperwork will be where you would expect it, copies amended as will be needed. Thank you for being my faithful friend all these years, I couldn’t have asked for a better one. I only made it this far because of you.”
The illusion shifts in his seat, glancing to the side for a moment before looking back at her. “Tav, my love, if you’re watching this… I’m sorry. I hope we do find another way tomorrow, but I know the reality is we may not. Or even if I’ve not used the orb, but met my end somewhere along the way. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to take you home, and that I’m going to miss that date we had planned. I want nothing more than to steal you away right now and run home to Waterdeep. Right now you sleep soundly beside me, I confess I used a spell on you to ensure you do, you of all of us need to be well-rested for what we’re attempting. 
“So I will get to my point my love,” his voice cracks with the words. “I love you, beyond words, beyond reason. I would spend the rest of my days beside you, no matter how long or short they are. If we make it through this, I plan to ask you to marry me. I want to be Gale Dekarios again, I want you to be Tav Dekarios, I want us to go back to Waterdeep and retire from all the blood and gore and danger. Wake up to you each morning, end each evening on the balcony with your form glowing with the sunset light. With my humble tower feeling even more like a home simply because you reside in it. 
“I want many things, and have precious little time for it with what may happen tomorrow. No matter how the day ends, never doubt that you were the single best thing to happen to me, and I don’t regret a second spent in your presence. You made me feel more alive in our time together than I have felt in an entire lifetime. That being said, the tower is yours. I told you it would be our home should you want it to be, and it is. Tara will help with any legalities of that, including, if you wish, being a Dekarios. Call me selfish or vain, perhaps just plain foolish to think you’d want to marry a man that can no longer be at your side, but should you have a similar sentiment, I’ve already signed the paperwork for that as well.”
He sighs deeply, once again glancing to his side where past Tav presumably sleeps beside him, “I hope I can remove this message from you at the end of the day tomorrow, and that you never have to see it. But should it come to pass that you are watching this, if there is another life we both come to exist in, I will find you. No matter how far I have to search or how different we are, I can imagine no world where my heart doesn’t desperately call out for yours. I love you, please take care of yourself my love.”
The illusion slowly fades away, leaving Tav sitting on his bed next to his mother once again, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. 
“Were you able to tell him about the pregnancy before, before he passed?” Morena asks quietly. 
“No,” Tav shakes her heads, squeezing the shirt still in her hands tightly. “I found out about a month after he passed that I was about two months along.” 
“Tara mentioned she ran into your traveling party outside Baldur’s Gate, and there has been news of, quite honestly insane reports of what happened there. I’m to assume that is where it happened, you two were part of this group saving the city?”
Tav nods slowly, “We all were fighting, but Gale saved the day. He… never wanted to worry you with the condition he had. A magical orb in his chest that craved magic, if it didn’t get that magic, it would explode. Mystra bid him to blow up the Elder Brain in Baldur’s Gate with it, but I convinced him to keep trying. That we’d find a different way.” 
She laughs bitterly and shakes her head, “We did for awhile. But in that final battle we were being destroyed. I was always the one with the plan, and I suddenly… had no plan. I could see no way out of it. He chose to use the orb to save us all. I cried and screamed and clung to him. Begging him to change him mind, begging him to let me at the very least die with him. But he wouldn’t let me. He told me he loved me, and to look to the sky for him. He teleported us outside the city, and did it. The explosion shook the city, took the Elder Brain out, and left the most beautiful aurora in the sky… the same as the night he told me he loved me for the first time. And he was gone.”
Morena sits beside her silently, her own eyes squeezed shut as she listens. She reaches over to gently grab Tav’s hand in her own. 
They sit in silence for several minutes absorbing the situation, Morena eventually speaking, “I watched the message. I know his feelings for you. You may not have married him, but he clearly wanted you to.”
She turns and grasps Tav’s arms to look into her eyes, “I am here for you, you are my family. Your child is my family, and I will care for you both. For many years it was just Gale, Tara, and myself. I’ve lost my son, but you are giving me a beautiful gift in coming to me and letting me be a part of your lives. I know Gale has left the tower to you, but you are also welcome at my own home. It’s not quite as large, but it is open to you.”
Tav practically dives into her arms, tears running down her face as she hugs Morena to her tightly, “You don’t know how much that means to me, I’ve had no idea what to do. I just… want our child to be safe and happy.” 
“They will be, my grandchild will be bordering on spoiled if we’re to be honest,” she smiles and pats Tav’s back. “Now how about we head upstairs and you can speak with Tara. She’s practically chomping at the bit to speak to you again, hopefully you have already accepted that you have a tressym in your life from now on. She intends to practically attach herself to your side.”
“After all the tales I’ve heard of her, I’m quite looking forward to that problem.”
-Seven Years Later- 
“Young Mr. Dekarios, you simply must set that down!” Tara chastises the young boy as he runs through the house with a large tome in his hands. 
Tav slips out of the next room and manages to snatch the book from his hands with a tut, “And just what do you think you’re doing with this? Advanced Wizardry isn’t exactly appropriate for you yet Orion.”
Orion stares up at his mother with his bottom lip protruded, flipping his long brown hair out of his face, “No it’s not! I can do it please!”
“No, right now the spells in here are too dangerous for you.”
“But you said I’m good at magic!” He shouts dramatically, throwing his arms out. 
She sets the tome down on the table beside her, kneeling down to his eye level she brushes his hair behind his ear, “Honey you don’t have to rush this. You are good at magic, but there is no shame in mastering each step before you take on something harder.”
“I- but I-,” he stutters, crossing his arms and staring at the wooden floor. “I want to be like father.” 
“Orion…” she says softly, reaching forward to pull her son into her arms for a hug. “You’re more like him than you know, but you don’t have to master his level of magic by now. He had years and years of practice and study.” 
“They talk about him at school,” Orion responds eventually, kicking at the floor as he hangs onto his mother. “He was in our textbook for inventing a spell. The other children made fun of me for not knowing it… I need to know more, I have to be the best or I shame him.” 
“I guarantee they don’t know the spell either, and they can talk as much as they want but you are his son. Magical ability aside, one day you will be able to do that spell just as well as him because you have his dedication to do it. There is no shame in not knowing a spell your father created in his late 20s, at age seven. Also I’m sure most of them can’t say they’ve learned some spells from Elminster himself.”
Orion pulls back with a laugh, “I learn more about cheese than I do magic from him!” 
“No one else needs to know that detail,” Tav teases and taps his nose. “But Elminster would not put his time into someone he didn’t believe in, as your father once said ‘you don’t get to be thirteen centuries old without becoming a sound judge of character.’” 
“How is he even that old? What kind of magic is that? Was father really old?” Orion asks, his eyes twinkling.
“Your father was most decidedly not anywhere near that old,” she chuckles. “No age altering magic for him, at least at the time. I wouldn’t have put it past him to have eventually looked into it. Whether he used it or not, he would have wanted to know.”
“Well I want to know!” He exclaims. “I could be the great Orion Dekarios, Arch mage and defier of time itself!” He leaps up onto the couch as he poses, muttering a spell under his breath to summon fire into his hand. 
“Alright put the fire away great mage,” she grins and stands up, ruffling his hair. 
“Arch mage,” he emphasizes, the spell disappearing from his hand as he turns to Tara. “With my trusty Tressym at my side, how could I fail?” 
Tara purrs in amusement, “Certainly Mr. Dekarios. You’ll need me to keep you out of trouble.” 
“Now you go get cleaned up,” Tav says ushering her son toward the hallway. “Your grandmother is going to be here soon for dinner.” 
“Grandma is coming?” He asks excitedly. “Do you think she has a new adventure book for me? Or chocolate? Or one of dad’s old things?”
“You should be excited just for her coming,” she teases him and shakes her head. “Not what gifts she brings.”
“Well duh of course I want to see grandma,” he rolls his eyes dramatically. “But she brings the best gifts too.” 
“Fine fine, you go get ready,” she shoos him off, watching until he disappears into a room down the hall. 
“He’s growing into a fine young man,” Tara says with a long stretch. 
“He is,” Tav agrees, picking up some of his books from the floor. “I just wish Gale was here to see it.” 
“Mr. Dekarios would be far proud of him,” she assures her. “And of you. You’ve done an exceptional job.”
“I try my best,” she answers with a soft smile, turning to look at the portrait of Gale on the wall. A younger Gale than she knew. In his late 20’s with no sign of grey yet in his hair. From a time Morena had managed to get him to sit for a portrait. 
She brushes her fingertips along his face, looking to the portrait of Orion hung beside it. 
Glancing behind her to see Tara had gone off to her own affairs, Tav turns back and leans up to press a kiss to the portrait of Gale, whispering words under her breath, “Thank you… for giving me the best times of my life, and the greatest blessing I could have ever imagined.”
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f9clementine · 1 year
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enchanted to meet you ⋙ 16. two christmases
⋙ written part included 『••✎••』
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The phone only rang twice before he picked up, "What's going on?"
You glanced behind you at the empty dark street, biting at your bottom lip. The hair on your neck was standing up and you couldn't fight the feeling that there was eyes on you. "I... I dunno, it feels like someone might be following me?" You whisper. "I'm probably still jumpy from last night, though."
"Where are you?" Minho asked immediately.
"I just got off the bus and passed the convenience store."
"Okay, stay on the phone with me. I'm heading to meet you right now." You could hear rustling on the other end followed by the sound of a door opening then closing. "Talk loudly so whoever it is knows you're on the phone."
"Okay," You meant for it to come out loud but your voice faltered and you winced. You took a deep breath, cleared your throat, and tried again. "Okay!" You chirped loudly this time.
"Perfect, just like that. What happened at work today?"
You started to talk loudly, almost obnoxiously, about the different animals you had seen come into the veterinarian office that day, listening to Minho make little sounds of acknowledgement through the phone. You kept wanting to turn your head and look behind you, but made yourself stare straight ahead as you walked.
"... Oh, and then I got to talk to the clinic's owner today about coming back and possibly doing my residency with them once I get my veterinary degree and my license."
"But that won't be for a couple of more years, right?" Minho asked.
"Probably about five. Veterinary school will take about four of those though. But I still have to graduate college-" You stopped, finally turning to look behind you as your steps faltered.
"Y/n?" Minho prompted and you could hear his already running footsteps picking up speed.
"I-I'm here. I just... Are you close?" You whispered, "Because I swear, I just saw something moving out of the corner of my eye."
"Don't stop walking. Keep heading towards me. I should be there in a minute." Minho panted and you nodded, turning to walk forward again. "Hey, take your keys and put them in between your fingers."
"What, like Wolverine?" You asked, incredulous but still did as he said, placing them in your palm before closing your fist around them, protruding between your fingers.
"Exactly like Wolverine. If you need to throw a punch, it won't feel nice for you, but it'll hurt like hell for the other person."
"I only got the two keys, so I'm a pretty shitty superhero though." You remarked.
"Two is enough to take out an eye," Minho said dryly and you physically recoiled at the idea.
"I-I don't think I could do that then!" You whined, stomach rolling at the idea. "Oh my god, I hate the idea of that so much."
"Better their eye than yours, Y/n. Hey, I'm about to turn the corner, ar-"
Minho was cut off as you yelped, almost running into him as you were turning the corner yourself. You jumped back, feeling your heart running a mile a minute. "Minho!" You gasped, the surprise quickly turning into relief at seeing him.
Under the streetlight, you could see his cheeks were red from exertion, his hair mussed and pushed back from his forehead. His normally calm eyes were wide, looking over you as he fought to catch his breath. "Are you o-"
You cut him off, stepping back up to him and wrapping your arms around him. Your hands were shaking as you grabbed fistfuls of his jacket, placing your head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I just- I was so scared." You whispered.
Minho froze for a second, his own arms hovering above you. Slowly, he wrapped them around you and pulled you tighter towards him. "It's okay. I got you." He murmured and you could feel him resting his cheek on the top of your head. "It's okay now."
You nodded and took a deep, shuddering breath. You could feel all the stress of the last few minutes melting away. "Thank you."
"Of course. Whatever you need, Y/n." He replied quietly. "We should get you home, though."
You nodded again, but held onto him for a heartbeat more before pulling away. "Yes, please, I'd really like to go home."
"Here, give me your bag." Minho slid it off your shoulders and onto his before grabbing your hand, starting to tug you along. You felt your face suddenly burn, your cheeks on fire, hyperaware of how his hand felt so warm around yours. You couldn't help though but grip his back in return. "Jeez, what's in this bag? It weighs a ton."
"Textbooks. I was doing homework in between patients tonight." You dazedly replied, fighting to focus.
"You could do some serious damage with these, but we're gonna get you some sort of self defense keychain or something." Minho shot over his shoulder and you were thankful for the dark hiding your raging blush.
"But that sounds so... violent." You shot back, brows furrowing as you thought about it.
"You have to be able to defend yourself." Minho calmly replied, "I'd rather have you unharmed than some creep's eyeball, Y/n."
You whined loudly and shook your head, hating the mental image. "Ugh, I hate that so much though."
Minho was quiet for a few moments, adjusting your bag on his shoulder as he stared ahead. "From now on, I'll come get you from the bus stop. Call me when you're close and I'll walk you home. But we're still gonna get you one of those keychains shaped like a cat. Just in case."
You felt your heart flutter and you suddenly couldn't look at Minho anymore, instead casting your eyes to the side. "That sounds... good." You replied weakly and were grateful when Minho didn't say anything further.
He led you the rest of the way back to your apartment, keeping hold on your hand even as he pulled you to your door. He held his free hand out for your key and you handed it to him, watching as he began to unlock your front door.
"Now that we're home, and you've calmed down, I want you to tell me what happened. Did you see someone-" Minho opened the door and stopped suddenly, one foot in the threshold.
"Minho?" You asked worriedly, closing the distance between you two to peer into the apartment over his shoulder. "What is-"
Changbin leaned against the kitchen counter, his arms were crossed over his chest as the emergency key you had given him hung from his belt loop. "Hey, Y/n. How was work?" He asked.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
hi! would you please do a dating seeley booth headcanon sfw/nsfw? i really love your work ❣️❣️❣️
Dating Seeley Booth Headcanons:
Paring: Seeley Booth x reader
Summary: just some headcanons about dating the toughest, cutest FBI agent I know.
A/n: some NSFW content is included so beware
❤️Dating Seeley Booth Mood board ❤️MasterList
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So you work at the Jeffersonian, I just feel Seeley is just attracted to badass smart girls, and that's what you are.
He can't help but love your nerdyness and you never sees to amaze him.
So you guys would be through Cam, she was your best friend and she thought you two would hit it off. That was true but what she didn't realize the age gap.
It's not bad and there's no reason to go into too much detail, but I feel like Seeley would indeed go for you the second he got the chance but I think he'd be insecure about his age.
We know he doesn't really talk about his feelings, but the thoughts about being too old would cross his mind. He's probably only like five years old so it's not a big deal, but when he sees you laughing with Lance he can't help but feel you deserve someone your age.
You got that thought out of his head quickly and reassured you wanted him and only him.
Of course it's now a joke to you two, now you can joke about it and your Friends do to.
“Hodgins, you call it daddy issues, I call it taking care of the elderly” you joked. Seeley spit his beer out not prepared for your response.
Now, let's stop being so down in the dumps and talk the good stuff.
Now this would be a friends to lovers, at first he was your best friend and your shoulder to cry on, but it didn't take long for you to fall head over heals for him.
You tried to ignore it and didn't want to really ruin your friendship, but you quickly found out he felt exactly the same.
He has no problem opening up to you, in fact if he wasn't to talk about the war or maybe a rough case he'd go to you. Your his 'Shrink' and it annoys Lance like crazy.
You wear his dog tags for luck, one time when he was off in another state for a case you wore them because you missed him. The it kinda turned into a good luck charm.
It made his heart swell with love when he found out, you didn't really think he'd be mad but you didn't know what his response would be.
“they look better on you anyways”
Being with and FBI/army man means you have a designated bodyguard, you never felt so safe than you do when your with him.
One of your first dates was a hockey game, that peaked your interest and you asked him to teach you how to play.
He's always there to catch you when your about to fall on the ice, and if he can't get you in time he'll fall too so you don't get embarrassed.
After awhile you guy just ended up sword fighting with the hockey sticks, he also kept the Puck you guys played with and he keeps it in his office.
Speaking of office, you can go in his when ever you want cuz he made a key for you.
If your cold you'll steal his goofy socks or his jackets, he had theses black socks with cute little aliens on them that he now only sees if your wearing them.
He gives the best bear hugs, you just feel so safe and warm in his muscular arms.
You love just being in his arms, there's no feeling better than that.
His arms or hands will he around your waist any chance he gets, he loves your curves and your body... He just wants to hold you all the time.
There's a lot of neck and forehead kisses being handed out by this man. He loves wrapping his arms around you from behind and just trail soft kisses down your neck.
This man need physical contact a lot too. He's a big cuddler and just needs you in his arms, he's really just a big ol' teddy bear.
You joke about that, he can be so mean looking and tough but he's really just a big teddy bear.
“I'm not a teddy bear” he said trying to not to smile. You shook your head and held him tighter. “Yes you are, my big teddy bear”
He loves it when you curl up on his lap when he's working, he can't get enough of you running your fingers run through his hair.
He's a rough kisser, he's way taller than you so usually he hold your chin between his fingers and lift for head up to kiss you.
He also loves forehead kisses, it's just such a soft and gentle gesture he loving doing. But I think he likes it when you do it more.
He likes laying his head in your lap while your on the couch, he finds it soothing when you run your fingers though his hair too.
He loves cuddles, if your in bed or on the couch he needs to be holding you. He loves it when he's laying in bed and your lying on top of his chest.
He also thinks it's cute when you just kidda space out and play with his tie while your in his lab waring for him to get his work done.
Seeley refuses to sleep unless you have fallen asleep first, he just needs to know your okay before he can have a good night sleep.
Most of the time he'll wake in the middle of the night and need to hear you breathe, or just make sure you’re safe beside him and unharmed.
your entire relationship is based on natural and domestic intimacy, you guys don't care where you are if you want to touch or kiss you will.
So like, I said he's super over protective, so that includes his driving habits changed drastically, he once drived like a maniac, but the first time he had you in the car he drove safer than he did when he took his divers test.
But when you guys got comfortable with each other his old habits came back.
He either drives like a maniac or a grandpa. There’s no in between.
“Jesus Christ, Seeley, we Are Not on a race track, why Are You Going so Fast?!!?!?”
You guys don't really fight, the only thing you fight about is when one of you is being reckless in your line of work. You hate how Seeley thinks he's Bulletproof and don't really care about the danger he's running into.
“You don't always need to be a fucking hero, Seeley.”
“I know what I'm doing, can you just trust me on that?"
“You'd lose your goddamn mind if I pulled even half the shit you do.”
“You’re damn right I would.”
You love doing undercover stuff with him, no matter what it is. One of your guys favorite ones was when you had to investigate a killing that was linked to an Elvis impersonator conviction. Seeley knows you love Elvis but the impersonators are questionable to you.
“this is like the worst and best thing that's ever happened to you” Seeley chuckled.
You guys just like staying in and watching movies or hocky. You got him into the marvel movies and now he loves them just as much as you do, he loves Moon Knight and you convinced him to dress up as Capitan American one Halloween.
Your Favorite show to watch is Supernatural.
You also like watching Family Feud and making fun off the dumb awnsers or just play along. “that's the naked grandma guy!”
Your like a mom to Lance and always getting on to Seeley if he's teasing your 'kid' top much.
“leave him alone” you said slapping his chest.
NSFW headcanons:
He finds it hot when you cuss, at first he was suprised to hear such nasty words fall out of your adorable mouth, but now he can't help but feel his pants tighten when he watches you pace around the room, speaking all kinds of disrespectful verbs and adjectives.
He has a tendency to grip the headboard when he's close to cumming.
there's alot of office sex with him, they're mostly quickies which aren't his favorite but he's never apposed to it.
He's a soft/mean Dom, it just depends on his mood. But no matter what he always makes sure your comfortable. He loves to take control in the bed but would never push you.
Bondeg kink, handcuffs, his ties, belts, he'll tie you up with anything if your comfortable with it.
He love getting head. I feel like he’d like having you on your knees. Plus, feeling your lips around him pushes him closer to cumming in your mouth.
He loves missionary, keeping eye contact while he fucks you. He loves how you dig your nails into his back and wrap your legs around his waist to bring him impossibly closer.
He has big chocking kink, he won't be too rough about but he loves wrapping his fingers around your neck and feeling your pulse when he's ramming into you.
Hair pulling, he loves feeling your fingers in his hair or he'll tangel his fingers in yours and tug on it when he's getting head or about ready to cum.
Loves eating you out,your legs around his head. He loves your legs in general and loves leaving kisses on the insides of your thighs. He'd rather pleasure you for hours than receive.
This man is amazing when it comes to aftercare. He knows exactly what you need. After your both cleaned up, he'll pull you to his chest to cuddle.
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letstevengrantsleep · 1 month
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Part Eight
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Eddie Munson x reader slow burn
part summary: Eddie bumps into Rob as he's on a walk to clear his head, and finds out something that will absolutely devastate you.
word count: 1,314
warnings: angst, swearing
a/n: So... you know how I said that we'd be on the up and up now that the reader is with Eddie..? That's coming, I swear :')
main masterlist series masterlist
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Eddie's boots echo softly against the damp pavement. It was late, almost midnight, and he'd stepped out to get some fresh air, smoke a little and clear his head as you slept. His mind was a whirl of thoughts, all about you. You're safe, tucked up in his spare room where Jake can't get you. It comforted him, knowing you were sharing his space, that you were somewhere he could keep an eye on you. It was making him feel funny, the protective streak he had rearing its ugly head as his paces got wider. He took a slow drag from his cigarette, the ember flaring to life and casting a warm, fleeting glow across his face. The soft crackle of burning tobacco broke the silence of the night, as well as his thought process. Something he was grateful for.
As he turns a street corner, Eddie spots a figure learning against a lamppost.
"Hey, Eddie!" the figure calls out, pushing off the lamppost and walking towards him, further into view. Rob.
Eddie nods politely and tries to keep walking, his guard immediately up as Rob continues to walk nearer.
"Hey," he catches up, asking if Eddie's seen you around lately. "How's she doing? I tried calling today but no answer."
Eddie's eyes narrow slightly as he takes another drag. "She's okay. Just dealing with some stuff, you know?" It's cryptic, Eddie knows that, but something is nagging at his gut. Something that tells him he shouldn't be completely honest with Rob right now.
"Stuff? Like what?"
Eddie keeps his tone casual, but firm. "Personal stuff. She needs some space, hasn't been great at answering my calls either." He's lying through his teeth, and hopes Rob can't tell.
Rob's concern seems genuine, but Eddie can't shake the feeling that there's more to his questions than meets the eye. "Is she not staying at her apartment or something?"
Eddie's jaw tightens. "What?"
"Jake's been asking about her. Mentioned about going round to her's to get some stuff he left." Rob gestures vaguely, shrugging, too casual for Eddie's liking. "I mentioned about the spare key still being under that plant at the front, you know, right? Said I'm sure she'd be okay with him using it. I think he was planning on going round last night to grab his stuff. That's why I tried to call."
Eddie's fists are tight at his sides. "Fuck."
Rob blinks, taken aback by the sudden intensity in Eddie's gaze.
"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Eddie takes a step forwards, finding it hard to veil his anger. "Jake showed up last night and it turned into a huge fight. He was so aggressive towards her that she had to call for help." Eddie finds himself laughing at the look of sheer dumb fucking idiocy on Rob's face.
"Shit, man. I didn't know-"
"You talked to her. You did know."
"No, no listen man, she said he was a bit angry, but-"
"She has a fucking bruise on her face because of him, and you thought it'd be okay if he went to her place?"
"I swear, I didn't think-"
Eddie's had enough. "No, you didn't think." His voice is low and dangerous. "I had to step in and physically remove Jake from her house."
Rob's face pales, shoulders slumping.
"You need to understand how serious this is. You put her in danger. She trusted you, and you let her down. If you care about her at all, you'll stay the fuck out of her way until this has blown over and you'll keep your mouth shut."
Rob swallows hard, nodding. "Got it. I'm really sorry Eddie. I didn't mean to-"
"Fuck off, Rob." Eddie says, his tone makes it entirely clear that the conversation is over. He throws the butt of his cigarette to the ground and storms off, heading back to the trailer park.
Eddie lies on his bed, staring at the ceiling, the conversation with Rob replaying in his mind. The trailer is quiet, save for the occasional creak of the structure settling. He can feel a knot in his stomach as he thinks about the implications of it all, that you've put your trust into this new friend and he's already gone and broke that trust. He knew. Rob knew what Jake was like, that's the reason you were even talking to him in the first place: because Rob knew how horrid Jake had taken the breakup.
Part of him wanted to believe that Rob really didn't mean to put you in harms way, but he can't help but think back to how you'd described your first meeting with Rob, the way that he'd given you his number because he knew you might need support through the whole thing. Because he knew what Jake was like.
He turns onto his side, pulling the blanket up to his chin. The weight of the conversation presses down on him, making it hard to breathe. He knows he can’t keep this from you, but the thought of causing you more pain is almost unbearable.
When you sit down across from Eddie at the breakfast table the following morning, something feels off. Of course it does, you're sitting eating breakfast with Eddie Munson, unable to go back home. But it's more than that, something about the way that he won't meet your eye.
"Are you alright?" You mumble, spoon in hand as you push your cereal about in the bowl in front of you.
"Hm?" He asks, glancing up at you for a second. You can tell something is on his mind. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, everything's fine. Just didn't get much sleep." Eddie looks to you, hoping you'll buy the excuse.
As the day goes on, Eddie finds it harder and harder to maintain the facade he's put up, trying to be helpful but also avoiding conversation. He wants to be honest with you, but figuring out how he can do that without hurting you is making his head hurt.
He knows he can't keep this up forever but for now he can convince himself that he's doing the right thing for now, keeping the information to himself until he can figure out the right way to tell you.
"Can I use your phone, Eddie? I want to call Rob."
Well, shit.
"Uh," Eddie looks like he's just seen a ghost. Shit, he mumbles under his break before taking a step towards the phone, picking it up off the hook on the wall."You can," he holds it out to you, "but can I tell you something first?"
You stare at him, confused.
"Right." Eddie starts. "I went out for a smoke last night and ended up walking into town. Saw Rob, and he got talking about a couple things." He looks over to you, checking you're still listening. "He said that Jake had been asking about you, about wanting to pick up a few things from your place that he's left behind. Rob was the one who told him the spare key was still in the pot by the door."
The room is so quiet you can hear the creaks of the trailer as the metal expands in the heat of the summer sun. The heat does nothing to stop the chill that runs down your spine though. There's a horrid sense of betrayal that runs along with the chill, your thoughts swirling with confusion and a twinge of fear.
The one time you try and make a friend and it comes back to bite you.
"Right." You choke out, words caught with a sob in the back of your throat, eyes welling with tears. You're embarrassed. And as the seconds tick on the self loathing sets in, that horrid feeling of worthlessness. Are you not worth a true friend? Is this what it has come to?
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pippin-katz · 11 months
I need a cast audiobook of RWRB. If no one else, then at least Taylor and Nick reading Alex and Henry. I need it in my life.
And in ACD fashion, here’s a few lists of lines/conversations from the book that I am desperate to hear them say. I want to hear them read all of the lines, but these are the ones that pop out to me!
Post Writing Note: These turned out to be way longer than I thought they were going to be 😭😂
Alex Lines:
Oh yeah, that was a wild night. Two whole keynote speakers. Nothing sexier than shrimp cocktails and an hour and a half of speeches on carbon emissions. - page 5
'Archnemesis' implies he's actually a rival to me on any level and not, you know, a stuck-up product of inbreeding who probably jerks off to photos of himself. - page 7
Jesus Christ, it’s like they can see into your soul. Cornbread knows my sins, Henry. Cornbread knows what I have done, and he is here to make me atone. - page 77
I always thought you’d kill me in a more personal way. Silk pillow over my face, slow and gentle suffocation. Just you and me. Sensual. - page 80
Shut up, shut all the way up, oh my God. - page 131
For fuck's sake, man, you just had my dick in your mouth, you can kiss me good-night. - page 145
What in the rich-white-people-sex-dungeon hell? - page 149
Bisexuality is truly a rich and complex tapestry. - page 194
Listen: I'll fly to London right now and pull you out of whatever pointless meeting you're in and make you admit how much you love it when I call you "baby". I'll take you apart with my teeth, sweetheart. - page 204
You don't get to sit up here and pretend like it's someone else's problem. None of us do. - page 209
i want to see a cage match between your grandmother and this fucking ghoul running against my mom. - page 221
I do think I got a gut feeling with you, I just didn't have what I needed in my head to understand it. But I kind of kept chasing it anyway, like I was just going blindly in a certain direction and hoping for the best. I guess that makes you the North Star? - page 244
Henry! Your Royal fucking Highness! - page 269
Really nice. Fuckin' ghost me for a week, make me stand in the rain like a brown John Cusack, and now you won't even talk to me. I'm really just having a great time here. I can see why y'all had to marry your fucking cousins. - page 270
I fucking love you, okay? Fuck, I swear. You don't make it fucking easy. But I'm in love with you. - page 271
I'll leave, as soon as you tell me to leave. - page 275
Okay, I'm into making history. - page 280
I completely fucking love you. - page 291
I'm there for whatever you decide you want to do, just, like, let me know if I need to start practicing gazing wistfully out the window, waiting for my love to return from the war. - page 296
AN INCOMPLETE LIST: THINGS I LOVE ABOUT HRH PRINCE HENRY OF WALES Note: just the entire list, I need it, but I'll point out some of the best ones anyway lol
9. How hard you try. 10. How hard you've always tried. 11. How determined you are to keep trying. - page 303
16. Your huge, generous, ridiculous, indestructible heart. 17. Your equally huge dick. 18. The face you just made when you read that last one. - page 303
20. The fact that you loved me all along. - page 303
God, I want to fight everyone who's ever hurt you, but it was me too, wasn't it? All that time. I'm so sorry. - page 303
Listen, I'm telling you right now, I will physically fight your grandmother myself if I have to, okay? And, like, she's old. I know I can take her. - page 312
You and me and history, remember? We're just gonna fucking fight. Because you're it, okay? I'm never gonna love anybody in the world like I love you. - page 312
Sería una mentira, porque no sería él. (It would be a lie, because it wouldn't be him.) - page 317
but i've kissed your mouth, that corner, that place it goes, so many times now. i've memorized it. topography on the map of you, a world i'm still charting. i know it. i added it to the key. here: inches to miles. i can multiply it out, read your latitude and longitude. recite your coordinates like la rosaria. - page 319
give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart. there's so much of you. - page 320
Zahra, you're my mean friend. - page 339
I've never... I haven't been through anything like that. But I've always felt it, in him. There's this side of him that's... unknowable. But the thing is, jumping off cliffs is kinda my thing. That's the choice. I love him, with all that, because of all that. On purpose. I love him on purpose. - page 344
For what it's worth, that is the bravest son of a bitch I've ever met. - page 347
My life is a cosmic joke and you're not a real person. - page 371
You are, the absolute worst idea I've ever had. - page 372
FIRST SON ALEXANDER CLAREMONT-DIAZ'S ADDRESS FROM THE WHITE HOUSE, OCTOBER 2, 2020 - pages 372-375 Note: just, the entire speech, the whole thing
America: He is my choice. - page 374
Henry Lines:
Hmm, I always liked Luke. He's brave and good, and he's the strongest Jedi of them all. I think Luke is proof that it doesn't matter where you come from or who your family is--you can always be great if you're true to yourself. - page 45
The turkeys are not going to Jurassic Park you. You’re not the bloke from Seinfeld. You’re Jeff Goldblum. Go to sleep. - page 82
You are the thistle in the tender and sensitive arse crack of my life. - page 73
fucking eyelashes - page 142
I shall just have to make it the best orgasm of your life. What can I do to make it good for you? Talk about American tax reform during the act? Have you got talking points? - page 196
How is a man to get anything done knowing Alex Claremont-Diaz is out there on the loose? - pages 202-203
They wanted something less fruity than the truth, but truly, what is gayer than a woman who languishes away in a crumbling mansion wearing her wedding gown every day of her life, for the drama? - page 205
Someone else's choice doesn't change who you are. - page 229
Most things are awful most of the time, but you're good. - page 230
The phrase "see attached bibliography" is the single sexiest thing you have ever written to me. - page 241
Should I tell you that when we're apart, your body comes back to me in dreams? That when I sleep, I see you, the dip of your waist, the freckle above your hip, and when I wake up in the morning, it feels like I've been with you, the phantom touch of your hand on the back of my neck fresh and not imagined? That I can feel your skin against mine, and it makes every bone in my body ache? That, for a few moments, I can hold my breath and be back there with you, in a dream, in a thousand rooms, nowhere at all? - page 242 Note: based on the parts of this we did get to hear Nick say in the film, I think this would kill half the fandom lol
When have I ever, since the first instant I touched you, pretended to be anything less than in love with you? - page 272
I never thought I'd be stood here faced with a choice I can't make, because I never... I never imagined you would love me back. - page 273
The Mail will write mad speculations about where I've gone, if I've offed myself or vanished to St. Kilda, but only you and I will know that I'm just sprawled in your bed, reading books and feeding myself profiteroles and making love to you endlessly until we both expire in a haze of chocolate sauce. It's how I'd want to go. - page 294
Here lies Prince Henry of Wales. He died as he lived: avoiding plans and sucking cock. - page 298
"Because I'm not like the rest of the men of this family, beginning with the fact that I am very deeply gay, Philip." - page 298
But the first time I saw you. Rio. I took that down to the gardens. I pressed it into the leaves of a silver maple and recited it to the Waterloo Vase. It didn't fit in any rooms. - page 300
I thought, this is the most incredible thing I have ever seen, and I had better keep it a safe distance away from me. I though, if someone like that ever loved me, it would set me on fire. - page 300
And then, inexplicably, you had the absolute audacity to love me back. - page 300 Note: I really wanted to just type out most of the page, but I restrained myself lmfao
I don't know if I would have chosen it yet, but it's out there now, and... I won't lie. Not about this. Not about you. - page 338
Bit short for a stormtrooper. - page 340
I've bloody well had it. I've sat about long enough letting you and Gran and the weight of the damned world keep me pinned, and I'm finished. I don't care. You can take your legacy and your decorum and you can shove it up your fucking arse, Philip. I'm done. - page 347
I've been as gay as a maypole since the day I came out of Mum, Philip. - page 353 Note: there's never too many times to hear the words "gay as a maypole" and the emotional infliction here is lot different lol
Am I offending you? Sorry I'm not obsessed with you like everyone else. I know that must be confusing for you. Do you know what? I think you are. Only a thought. Have you ever noticed I have never once approached you and have been exhaustingly civil every time we've spoken? Yet here you are, seeking me out again. Simply an observation. - page 18
This is idiotic. Let's get it over with. I'd rather be waterboarded. Your country could probably arrange that. Go fuck yourself. Hardly enough time. - pages 36-37 Note: yes, I know Nick read this part in his book-to-screen video thingy but it's not the same as having them both saying the lines fully in character.
What does Jedi have? Fuckin' Ewoks. Ewoks are iconic. Ewoks are stupid. - page 52
yo there's a bond marathon on and did you know your dad was a total babe I BEG YOU TO NOT - page 84
I'm going to die. I'm going to kill you. Yes, you are. - page 133
You were jealous. You want me. Yes, you preening arse, I've wanted you long enough that I won't have you tease me for another fucking second. - page 137
Hi. Hello. I'm gonna take your pants off now. Yes, good, carry on. - page 141
Ugh, you look ridiculous. Should I-- What? No, of course not, keep them on. Oh my God, what are you doing? I can't even look at you. No, Jesus, I just mean--I'm so mad at you. Just, come here. Fuck. I'm quite confused. Me fucking too. - page 150
I'm not... historically great at talking about things. Well, I wasn't historically great at blowjobs, but we all gotta learn and grow, sweetheart. - page 165
Bitch, you took me there. alskdjfadslfjad NORA YOU BROKE HIM - page 212
D'you know what I want? What? I want, to do the absolute last thing I'm supposed to be doing right now. Then tell me to do it, sweetheart. Fuck me. Well, when at Wimbledon. Just so we're clear, I'm about to have sex with you in this storage closet to spite your family. Like, that's what's happening? Right. Awesome, fucking' love doing things out of spite. - page 217 Note: I think this conversation could singlehandedly kill the fandom if we got to hear Taylor and Nick deliver these lines
Can't you ever just do one thing without having to be so goddamn extra about it? That is bloody rich coming from you. - pages 260-261
What do you want? I want you- Then fucking have me. -but I don't want this. - page 273
You seem... less pissy. You're one to talk. I wasn't the one who stormed the palace in a fit to call me an 'obtuse fucking asshole'. In my defense, you were an obtuse fucking asshole. - page 277
I honestly have never thought I deserved to choose. But you treat me like I do. You do. I think I'm actually starting to believe that. - page 279
What about you? What about me? Christ, Alex. The whole bloody time. The whole time? Since the Olympics. The Olympics? But that's, that's like- Yes, Alex, the day we met, nothing gets past you, does it? 'What about you,' he says, as if he doesn't know- Shut your mouth. - page 283-284
Hello, what was that for? I just, like, really love you. - page 286
What are you doing? I'm taking a picture of a national gay landmark. And also a statue. It's funny. I always thought of the whole things as the most unforgivable thing about me, but you act like it's one of the best. Oh, yeah. The top list of reason to love you goes brain, then dick, then imminent status as a revolutionary gay icon. You are quite literally Queen Victoria's worst nightmare. And that's why you love me. My god, you're right. All this time, I was just after the bloke who'd most infuriate my homophobic forebears. Ah, and we can't forget they were also racist. Certainly not. Next time we shall visit some of the George III pieces and see if they burst into flame. - page 289
If Alex from this time last year could see this. He'd say, 'Oh I'm in love with Henry? That must be why I'm such an arse to him all the time'. - page 387
Thanks for reading!! If you enjoyed this post & would like to support me, you can give me a tip on my Ko-Fi! ☺️
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ilylovelyz · 1 year
play fighting with tsukishima, that turns into a heated argument after you accidentally punched him in the face?
⍣ ೋ all the lonely nights in your life
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˚ · . tsukishima x gn!reader
: ̗̀➛ fluff to angst, yelling + arguments, unintentional physical harm, unresolved/dubious ending
are you crying in the kitchen? are you sleeping in too long?
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boisterous laughter bounced off the walls of the shared bedroom you inhabited with your beloved boyfriend.
"heh - stop it!" you whined out, cheeks a soft red due to his unrelenting teasing. you enjoyed the moments like these, where the two of you could just laugh at the most random things forever.
your cheeks were sore, straining from all of the intense laughing you were doing. his big hands were attached to your waist, keeping you in place against him. you writhed in his grasp, practically out of breath from the hard way you were trying to escape his teasing.
he grinned amusingly at you, golden-brown eyes crinkled up into happy crescents while he watched you adoringly tried to escape him. he loved teasing you, it was just a normal instinct of his naturally, and it just seemed to double since it was you he was teasing.
he always knew not to go so far when teasing you, especially since you were much more sensitive and conscious about yourself. but, there was no harm when it came to play-fighting right? he doesn't even need to apply that much of his strength before you're pinned against whatever surface you're laying on.
though, he should've known that what is little of his strength, is very much all of yours.
"agh-kei!" you squealed out once more, trying to fight off tsukishima's tickling hand and eventually fighting it off away, holding it just above your face. suddenly, his hand moved and yours is slipping.
the sound came first before the realization. your eyes widened at sting of the impact on your hand before your eyes shot back up to your boyfriend's face, a clear red impact mark on his cheekbone.
before you knew it, the once soft and happy atmosphere turned sour and gloomy as tsukishima pulled away from you and climbed off the bed. "i-i'm sorry kei! i didn't mean to-" you cried out, a red embarrassed twinge settling onto your cheeks.
he checked out the damage in your vanity's mirror with an annoyed expression, "why did you do that?" his tone was almost scary to you, while you've seen him angry before, it was never directed towards you.
you stumbled over your words, wondering how to answer his question. "huh?! hello?" he asked once more, eyebrow raising at your silence.
you tilted your head with confusion at his taunting, is he talking to you? "w-what do you mean by that? are you saying i did it on purpose?" you unexpected said, eyebrows furrowed at the clear misunderstanding.
your heart sped up at the thought of arguing with tsukishima, a well-known argumenter, who probably has the easy ability to make you cry. but you weren't just about to let his tone slide, nor take the blame of a clear misunderstanding.
"well you did hit me? you didn't need to put your whole strength into it, what the hell?" he said back, voice getting higher and higher with every sentence. "what do you mean? were we not just play-fighting? i-is that not supposed to require strength?!" you said back sarcastically.
"you-" "do you not know the difference between a man's and a woman's strength?! i didn't even know i was using that much strength! i thought you were smarter than this." you coyly said, pointing a finger at him.
he turned red at your last statement, a stress crinkle forming on his forehead. yeah this wasn't gonna end pretty, you thought. "and besides, it's not my fault you moved last second. if there's a blame on anyone here it's you." you concluded, arms crossing over your chest defensively.
he started at you with that angry look, the one that always made you nervous for whoever he was looking at. you never imagined he would be looking at you that way in a million years, but here he is now.
still, you held your ground. "you can stare at me all you want, it still won't make a difference. we can either just get over it, or you can spend a night or two on the couch, angry, and alone."
you didn't expect him to walk out of the bedroom, slamming your door shut during his walk out, causing you to flinch at the rough sound.
regretting your offer, you were left sitting on the bed, a little too cold for your liking. wrapping a blanket around you, you resisted the urge to cry, blinking away the stinging tears brimming at your waterline.
"what a jerk." you pouted.
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hannahbisssssss · 6 months
Creep Josef Headcannons
Someone Tries to Hurt You
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Oh boy.
Josef is ON THEM like hornets in their nest.
Instantly comes to your rescue, knowing that you’re being harassed the second he sees how uncomfortable you look. 
Josef is not a physically intimidating guy per se, but he knows how to hold his own.
I mean. Come on. He’s killed 39 people. He’s learned a thing or two. 
There is an almost instant fight. 
Josef, contrary to popular belief, doesn’t like to fight unfairly.
For you, however, he would fight a thousand times over in the most unfair way possible.
“We can do this right here, or outside. Honestly, I’m fine either way.”
If you try to hold him back, he’s incredibly gentle with you, grabbing your arm or holding your hand. 
“Let’s just go.” 
“You’re one lucky son of a bitch.”
Punches the dude in the mouth if he tries anything else.
It had been a particularly rough day at the office, and Josef suggested that you go out for the night. He didn’t tend to enjoy large crowds, but he knew you were more comfortable in them and wanted to cater to you. You both decided to go to a low-key bar downtown, as it offered a larger area than the house, but a small enough area so you could both see each other. 
When you got to the bar, Josef instantly went to order drinks for the two of you. He doesn’t tend to drink, but is comfortable doing it around you. As he walked away, you went to find a place to sit. You found a nice booth near one of the windows, which showed the beautiful scenery outside. Something for the both of you.
“Why hello there, darlin’,” a thickly drawled voice came from behind. Turning around, thinking it was Josef trying to play a trick on you, your smile fell as you saw a large and intimidating man staring at you. 
“Hello,” you tried to keep the conversation short. 
“How are you this fine evening?”
“I’m alright. Just waiting for my boyfriend to come back with our drinks.” That should work.
“Oh come on, sweetheart, how about you and I spend the evening together?” Or not.
“I’m not really comfortable with that. Thank you though,” your politeness would be the death of you. Josef always tried to teach you to be more assertive, which clearly wasn’t working tonight. 
“Alright, alright. I’ll leave you alone for the night.” Thank god. “If you give me a kiss.” Jesus.
“Look, I’m not trying to cause a fight or anything, but I would really appreciate it if you just left me alone.”
“You making friends over here, my dear?” Josef’s voice came from behind the mountain of a man. You have never been so relieved.
“You could say that,” the man said, turning to face Josef. 
“If you were lying you certainly could,” you responded. The man turned back to scowl at you. 
“Well, it seems that my girlfriend is not comfortable with you being around her, and I suggest that you listen to her. Once is more than enough times to tell you to fuck off.” Josef’s smile was intimidating; his eyes were deadly serious. 
“I don’t take kindly to smaller guys telling me what to do,” the man stood up to his full height.
“And you clearly won’t listen when anybody tells you no. Now, big guy, I would seriously recommend you take a few steps back so I can hand my girlfriend’s drink to her. I don’t want any trouble.”
“I’m sure you don’t, little guy,” the man took a step towards Josef. 
“Let’s just go, Josef,” you said, trying to gently move towards him. Unfortunately, the man was still in the way, and he grabbed your shoulder as you tried to get close to Josef. Now, you weren’t exactly sure what was going through Josef’s mind, but it wasn’t good. You knew this wasn’t going to end well, so you pulled yourself away from the man’s grip, grabbing Josef’s arm. 
“It’s okay, honey. We can just go home, alright?” Josef, clearly not wanting to leave the situation, had an unsettling smile on his face.
“After this son of a bitch apologizes to you, I would be glad to, Y/N.” 
“I ain’t apologizing for shit,” the man spat towards you.
“That’s what I was hoping you would say,” Josef spoke casually. Quickly, he threw the two drinks at the man’s face, punching him in the mouth the second he was blinded by the liquid. The man staggered, trying to wipe the alcohol out from his eyes. The punch disoriented him, however, and Josef took the opportunity to kick the man in the balls. 
“If you ever come around here and harass my girlfriend, or any other woman, I’ll make sure to find where you live and fuck you up there, too.” That was clearly a lie. He would be looking up where this man lived the second he could. The bouncer was nearing us, ready to throw the two of us out. You rested your hand on Josef’s shoulder. 
“Let’s get out of here, honey.” Josef just nodded, shrugging off the hand of the bouncer that tried to grab his other shoulder.
“We’re already leaving.” The two of you walk out together, making the trek back to your car. 
“I really appreciate you standing up for me.”
“I could’ve fucking killed him right then,” he growled. 
“I’m glad you didn’t. I wouldn’t want to have a boyfriend in jail,” Josef finally sighed, smiling at you. 
“That wouldn’t be good for either of us,” he replied. 
“Nope!” With that, I kissed him on the cheek, ready to head home after the hectic day the two of us had.
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