#hint of Demi sirius
munacy · 2 years
@wolfstarmicrofic “Guess what-mph-lads,” Peter starts conversationally, speaking around a mouthful of bacon. 
The passion that boy holds for breakfast meats borders on lunatic, but far be it from James to say anything.
“Wormy, it’s not on to speak with your mouth full, you’ll offend my delicate sensibilities,” interjects Sirius. Bless him; Sirius has no delicate sensibilities of which to speak, so James knows the intervention is on his behalf.
“Sorry!” Peter yelps, swallowing before he’s quite ready and hacking in a way that makes James even more queasy.
“Sorry, sorry. But guess what.”
“If I had to guess…” James wonders aloud. “Your clever little rodent ears have picked up another bit of gossip? I don’t know how you manage it, Petey. Terribly well-informed, you are.”
Peter looks inordinately pleased.
“Quite right you are, James. I’ve just heard that Will Diggory—you know, that Seventh Year Ravenclaw?—well, he’s just come out, and he’s gone public with Devlin Abbott!”
“HA! Wormy, I’m quite sure you owe me a Galleon for that one!” James crows.
Peter scowls. “Not a chance. You only got the first part correct, which I had already agreed with you on, if you remember. Doesn’t count, and you thought he was secretly dating—”
“Now hold on just a damned second,” Sirius frowns, interrupting what is sure to be a feisty debate. “I feel like I’m missing a few things. Come out? Come out of what? Public with what?”
Peter looks bemused, so James takes over, explaining patiently: “Come out of the closet. He and Abbott, who is also gay—” Sirius’ eyes become huge— “have gone public with their relationship. Damn it, you’re right, Wormtail, I did think it was secretly Gregor Klein.”
Sirius twitches. “Huh. I never would have guessed,” he says mildly. “Diggory seems so…”
“So what, Padfoot,” James prompts calmly.
It was an inevitable but fortunately rare byproduct of being raised in an ancient family steeped in ignorance and hatred: sometimes Sirius needed some help opening his eyes to a new perspective. There were assumptions he took for granted because he didn’t know any better, but being a generally kind and open-minded person, the work was not overly hard.
“Well, like such a man’s man. No, no, don’t get me wrong,” he rushes out, seeing the looks James and Peter are giving him. “I’m super happy for him. I say live and let live. But you have to admit that it’s a bit weird.”
“Which par’,” Peter inquires curiously, speaking while chewing his blasted bacon again.
“The part about being attracted to another man. Like, sexually.”
James and Peter go stock-still and make sudden eye contact with one another, mirroring astonished expressions. They’re absolutely trying their hardest not to burst into laughter.
How can it be? He has no idea?
“Oh, I dunno, Padfoot,” Peter says slyly, giving Sirius a side-eyed look. “You can’t think of any bloke you’d hop into bed with?”
The restraint James is using right now is nothing short of torturous.
Sirius laughs. “No, you big jessie! If you want to sleep with blokes, have at it, Wormtail, but I tell you, that’s not for me. Oi, where’s Moony? He ought to be here for this.”
Oh, but he’s almost pathetic.
James can’t resist, so he joins in too: “Hmm….what about William Diggory?”
Sirius sputters. “I mean, sure, Diggory’s fit, for a bloke, but, as implied by ‘bloke’, he’s not got a pair of tits.”
“That’s a good point, Padfoot did break up with Lola Edgecomb last year cos ‘she was too flat-chested’,” Peter informs James in a sardonic aside, making liberal use of air quotes. 
“No, no, Petey, maybe it’s just that Diggory’s not fit enough for our Pads,” James murmurs gravely.
Sirius giggles at their little show, then cries, “Cor! I wish Moony were here right now, and he’d tell you two how silly you are.”
Peter and James share a look again, but it’s lost on Sirius.
“Someone fitter, then, hmmm….” Peter taps a finger to his chin thoughtfully. “What about Professor Jero? All the girls thought he was gorgeous—do you reckon he’s hot enough to warm your bed?”
“Ha! As if! No, but keep going, though, these are funny. I bet Moony would come up with some hilarious ones.”
“Well Pete, maybe it’s not about physical beauty,” James muses theatrically.
“Oh no? The prompt was about sexual attraction, if you recall.”
“Yes, of course, and there’s no doubt that appearance plays a huge role in that, but…”
Sirius watches them volley back and forth, and James recognizes a growing exasperation in his expression. He’s always hated not being in on the joke. 
“But maybe it needs to be a gentleman he knows well.”
“’Knows well’? Just how well should he know them?” Peter inquires with mock wonder, blue eyes big and round. 
“Why, I think ‘extremely well’ would be ideal. In fact—” James turns to fully face Sirius— “I think he’d be most likely to fall for his best friend, no matter their gender.”
Sirius’ face goes blank with surprise, then he scowls and crosses his arms.
“Well I’m not about to bed either of you two idiots, sorry, but I have higher—MOONY!!”
And indeed, there appears Remus, tall and lanky, a gentle, eye-crinkling grin for Sirius that manifests as two dimples nestled in between the freckles scattered across his face. 
“Moony, you’ll never guess what these two wankers—”
“Pads, I’d love to hear all about it later, really, sorry, love—ah, fuck, I’ve made a portmanteau of ‘Pads’ and ‘lads’—I think—wait, no, that doesn’t—never mind that, sorry, I can’t stay, I’m just cutting through the Great Hall on my way to a Prefect meeting!”
“Moony, wait!” Sirius wails, haphazardly grabbing a piece of jammy toast and chasing after Remus’ rapidly retreating figure. “You haven’t had any breakfast, you dolt!”
Sirius catches up to him and shoves the toast in his mouth. Remus pauses to smile hugely and stupidly at him. Then he blinks suddenly and turns about with a wave. 
Peter smacks his forehead. James wonders vaguely if either of them took any notice of James and Peter sitting there throughout that whole interaction.
Sirius returns to his seat, cheeks pink and humming happily.
“Sorry lads, what were we talking about?”
Peter, slumped over in frustration, lets out a groan. “We were hypothesizing whether or not you could ever be sexually attracted to a man, and you kindly let us know that James and I are not up to snuff.”
“Ah. Too right.”
“Say…” James says wonderingly, as if this has just occurred to him. “You know Moony extremely well….Moony’s reasonably attractive, isn’t he?”
Peter sits up suddenly. “That’s right, he is! Tall. Nice curls. He’s alright.”
Sirius scoffs. “I’d say more than reasonably attractive or alright, wouldn’t you? I mean, he’s…he’s…he’s Moony…”
Sirius trails off and starts to blink rapidly, brow furrowed.
“Wow, Sirius,” James sighs unconvincingly, resisting an eye roll with all of his might. “Would you fuck Moony’s brains out, then? Suck his cock? Make him eat his breakfast every morning?”
Sirius has stopped blinking and his eyes appear to have glazed over. He’s gazing at a spot about 4 inches left of Peter’s left ear. James swears he can see on Sirius’ face the moment the realization dawns.
Sirius swallows hard.
Part 2: Duck  
Part 3: Anticipation 
Part 4: Thirst
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ask-noonescity · 8 months
Sirius cautiously approached the three, though it was obvious he was terrified of them his curiosity was getting the best of him. "I apologise, I don't think any of you have told us your names. I know a few demi-deities myself, usually they have true names they use alongside their official titles. Do you have true names or do you prefer to be addressed as your species name, or even your official demi-deity title?" He nervously asked.
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"Oh huh...I dont any of us go by our species names - Omen never named us either..." the zapdos spoke before thinking to himself some more
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"Omen never was born with a name either dipshit- Its the name that the people gave her so she adapted it..." The moltres murmured over the bird before he continued simply glancing at the whisp
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"Since she was never made with a name - neither she found a reason to give us name's but we gave ourselves names to better fit in with the society for obvious reason's" he sort of explained as he shrugged "if its that important to know I go simply by Azazel" before the bird pointed to the zapdos who still stood there puzzled "That is Evander" his finger trailed back to the articuno who just interrupted him
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"I go by Phantasia because I think it fits my whole look ~ " she said happily adding to it - the moltres just deeply sighed rolling his eyes
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"I would have named you Delusion if i could,,,but that names taken,,," he muttered in a annoyed tone then huffing before just waving the curious whisp away "Shoo - you got your answers"
♠Ask hints
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startanewdream · 2 years

Ten Lines Tag Game - WIP edition
@rmwb-fanfics was so kind to tag me and since I've already done it for published works, I thought I could do the same for WIP fics currently on my Google Drive!
Here, not in order of how soon it might be finished:
1) They should have kissed sooner.
From the final chapter of Come Morning Light.
2) Sirius looks well, with the same high cheekbones and overall haughty expression, but Lily can't refrain from watching him carefully, wanting to check if he has truly recovered
From next chapter of The Song Remains the Same
3) Lily had refused her older brother’s suggestion before, but against her best judgment, she grabbed James’ hand without complaint as they entered the old graveyard; the sun was almost setting and there was an unexpected chilly breeze for the end of August.
From a Next Gen one-shot called Epitaph that just needs a proper ending line.
4) I always dream of him.
From a Only Lily Lives AU that needs to be polished.
5) “Sirius Black,” declares Mary, her voice loud in their dorm.
From that Ace/Aro Sirius, Demi-Lily oneshot.
6) Her mother tells her she is beautiful.
From a Ginny's study of character fic.
7) This is the day I’ll die.
From that prophecies-are-bad Jily fic that I've hinted before.
8) For a very long time, Harry thinks it only exists inside his mind.
From that Harry-has-a-companion-black0dog-that-is-very-suspicious that I've also hinted before.
9) Because of the situation – a girl was taken to the Chamber of Secrets – they call Lily to supervise the work with the Mandrake Restorative Draught.
From the oneshot of Eyes Glistening that will feature Snape and Lily's relationship over the years.
10) It started, very foreshadowing, with Ron’s suggestion.
From that fic that explores how Harry would get to notice Ginny one year sooner.
Tagging @annasghosts @annabtg @athenasparrow @charmsandtealeaves @celestemagnoliathewriter @allthosedarlings and anyone who might want to share their wips :)
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wolfstarlibrarian · 4 years
Hey, Librarian! I have a crush on this girl and no matter how many times I drop hints, she remains oblivious. My friends now laugh at me when ever I approach her to even greet her because they KNOW. Do you have some oblivious pining fics for me?
Oh, oh friend, this sounds SO CUTE. Good luck with your crush! The Librarian will go ahead and name this 1, since there will be probably be more in the future. Hope you enjoy some of these!
Oblivious Pining 1
Solntse by @lumosinlove Sirius, a young Russian billionaire hires Remus, who is working part time as a call boy to make ends meet. Things happen, feelings occur.
I Wouldn't Mind by @weird-fangirling-persona​ Your typical Hogwarts get-together including but not limited to: vicious full moon, teenage shenanigans and drama, excessive swearing, one (1) oblivious idiot in love, one (1) not-so-oblivious-but-still-an-idiot in love and some good old pining.
Never Have I Ever Written a Love Letter by wannnabesuper During a drinking game, Remus lets slip that he's written a love letter. Sirius (and an increasingly large group of friends) won't rest until they get to the bottom of this!
Wolfstar on Ice by @yumenouveau After Sirius accidentally tells Remus he wants a kiss from him, Remus ponders what it would be like to be in a relationship with his best friend as Christmas Holidays begin
Now I Wanna Be Your Dog by @remus-john-lupin​ Sirius clunks about in his Doc Martens and listens to The Stooges and smokes cigarettes and wears his hair much too long and spends more time serving detention than not. And is way too forward about his sudden feelings for Remus. (A story about teenagers and summer love in the 70s.)
The light that blinds my eyes by @aryastark-valarmorghulis Sirius is in love. Remus is too, he just doesn't know it yet. In which Sirius is demi and pines a lot, Remus is oblivious, and they should move together as soon as possible.
Troubles in Bed Sharing by @kattlupin Sirius loves Remus and he has the perfect plan to prove it to him. A night of bed sharing! Or so he had hoped...
Confessional Spaces by ThatFilmGraduate Sirius Black is trapped in an enclosed space with his best friend and fellow Marauder, Remus Lupin, and some interesting truths come to light. Or: Sirius Black asks a lot of questions and Remus Lupin is a moody fucker.
Come In From the Cold by @goodboylupin The first Hogsmeade weekend of sixth year. Alternatively: In which Sirius frets and works to keep Remus warm, James argues it’s not that cold, Remus wishes the cold brought something more, and Peter just wishes everyone would get their heads out of their asses.
It's Me or the Dog by @coriesocks Sirius didn’t realise how much he relied upon his best friend (and took him for granted) until he was replaced. With a dog.
Possibly a Date by charsd773 Basically Sirius asks Remus to dinner, but Remus doesn't realize it's a date.
For more pining fics, check out the Card Catalogue!
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oldofbadchoices · 5 years
Acacia with the ship breakdown?
How did they they meet?
Acacia and George met on their first night at Hogwarts, specifically on the Griffyndor table
Who developed romantic feelings first?
George. Acacia was way to focused on Harry and his well-being to do romance, though she did start to fall in love with him after Wil and Harry basically told her to live her life and not his
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Everyone except for Sirius. Jk, it’s either Wil or Fred
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
Sixth year. Acacia had a panic attack when she left the meeting room thingy after Harry got picked for the Triwizard Tournament. George found her and managed to help her calm down, after that the fact that she like liked him hit her hard and she kissed him.
Who confessed their feelings first?
To each other? If so Acacia, read above though George’s confession followed soon after. But like, half the school knew George liked Acacia
What was their first official date?
Two days after their first kiss, George borrowed Harry’s cloak and they sneaked out to the Astronomy Tower and had a picnic under the stars
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
They’re not really into it, they prefer to savor the precious alone time they have. They’ll probably come up with an excuse if invited.
What do they do in their down time?
Just talk about nothing in particular or just chill in each other’s presence without the need to fill the silence god i ship them so fucking much
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were just happy for both of them. In the afterlife, James is still cursing Fred while Lily hits him and is happy for her daughter
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
As a couple, their first fight was about how she should stop worrying about everything and George wanting her to let loose and Acacia thinking he’s too relaxed cue Wouldn’t Change A Thing by Joe and Demi
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Neither get jealous easily but Acacia gets jealous more easily. Though George will prank anyone who will not take the hint when Acacia tells them to leave her alone
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
Anything sweet but they love to take turns eating those flavored beans and they probably bet over who can get more bad ones.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
Both love cuddling. George lying down with Acacia’s head on his chest
Are they hand holders?
Not really. Only happens sometimes.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
Probably during their seventh year. They’ve been wanting to since summer but it’s hard when George shares a room with his twin and Acacia shares one with Hermione and Ginny. The Room of Requirement is a blessing to them, that’s all I’ll say.
Who tops?
George. Though Acacia will top occasionally
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
Their first war.
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
They both shop and cook, George does the former more often and Acacia, the latter.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Acacia, hands down
Who proposes?
George but Acacia was on the verge of proposing herself
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
Separate. They wanted it to be joined but Wil didn’t let them
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
this is if they had a traditional wedding which is not gonna happen Best Man: Fred/Lee since I have not decided whether to let Fred die or not. Maid of Honor: Wilhelmina. Groomsmen: Lee, Charlie, Bill, Harry, Ron, Percy. Bridesmaids: Alicia, Angelina, Fleur, Ginny, Hermione, Penelope. Bonus: little Ted Lupin as flower boy
Big Ceremony or Small?
Big, only because the Weasley family is so fucking huge
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
Yep. Greece.
Do they have children? How many?
Oh yeah. Two or three, names and sex pending
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matrixaffiliate · 6 years
A Twist of Fate
NEW BLACKINNON AU STORY!!!!  From the dynamic duo who brought you Glimpsing Happiness and Like the Storybooks, PJ and I are excited to bring you A Twist of Fate! Enjoy our third Blackinnon AU!
Co-written with @hufflepuffmarlenemckinnon
In Ancient Greece, Fate and Gods walk with mortals and beasts alike. Some gods are flighty, sometimes Fate has a sense of humor, and at one point Sirius and Marlene just hope they'll make it out alive.
FFN and AO3
Chapter 1
Over the course of his life, Sirius had grown rather accustomed to the sound of his mother’s screaming. It wasn’t even always directed at him. He learned to tune it out regardless.
The weather was just lovely outside and as per usual, the vines in his yard behind the family shop grew more prosperous than any of the neighbors. Those vines were a little thing he prided himself on. For all the disappointment and shame he brought his mother, she could never say that he was disappointing in the realm of growing grapes.
He stood in his family's shop beneath their living quarters, the Grecian sun seemed much cheerier than his day was going, but he seemed to have an innate ability to bounce back. Sirius was, by nature, jovial. It surprised even him considering the woman before him was his mother.
“Are you even listening to me!” His mother stomped her foot. “You can’t just give away our food! We have a shop to run! We aren’t meant to let filth rob us! Especially not on purpose.”
His grandfather—his mother’s father, as he knew nothing of his father nor any paternal relatives—had been a merchant. The family, for generations, had managed a little spot at the Agora where they sold wheat and barley, as well as freshly baked bread. They’d started selling fruit and wine as well during Sirius’s lifetime.
“The man was hungry, mother.” Sirius sighed, this was an old fight. “Besides, it wasn’t as if the food was flying off the shelf today. It might have gone bad before anyone came round to purchase it.”
“He was just a slave.” She huffed. “It’s not your place to go feeding other people’s slaves.”
“He’s a person,” Sirius flinched knowing this would not go over well, but nothing really did with his mother, so he let himself continue “And was hungry. I fed him. We’re fine. You’re not going hungry, are you, Mother?”
“You horrible little ingrate! I wish…” She hesitated, “I wish I’d never met the damned god of wine! You have no respect. For me or for humanity in general!”
Sirius froze, “I’m going to put aside how that is objectively false, and ask you… what does this have to do with the god of wine? Dionysus?”
“Yes, I guess that it’s out in the open then. He was the one who left me with you.” She threw a rag at him.
Sirius’ whole world spun around upon itself in an effort to rearrange everything he knew and thought was true up to this point with the last sentence that rang out in his mother’s acid-filled voice.
She had been young when he was born. She was still young, really. Not yet 40. Her dark olive complexion showed no hint of age. Not a single grey had appeared in her thick black hair, which she kept in a braid these days. She would have been a stunning young woman, Sirius was sure, if she hadn’t been so awfully unpleasant. Perhaps she had been better at hiding it 20 some years ago, especially when the god of wine was involved.
Bizarrely, he found himself wondering what Dionysus looked like, and wondering if he resembled him at all. That was an idiotic thought because no god could even be seen in their true form. He probably looked like some sort of great and terrible blinding light. Sirius looked like… a person. Not unlike his mother even, excepting their eyes. The way they saw the world was entirely different. Her amber eyes were hateful while his steel grey ones at least tried to see the good in people.
“...So… My father… is the god Dionysus?”
“Yes. Unfortunately. Clearly, he didn’t have any use for you either.” She spat.
“Does he know?” Sirius turned to stare at his mother.
“Well, I assume that he must. He’s a god and all.” She shook her head in disgust.
“Perhaps he was busy! Forgot to check in!” Sirius looked out at the little town he called home, as if Dionysus would suddenly pop out of one of the shops. “Gods tend to get around you know.” He smirked, “Well I guess you really do know… but…”
“Bite your tongue young man!” She spun to slap him but Sirius was already at the door.
“Mother, you’re going to have to find someone else to mind your shop and take your insults. Turns out I’m not a young man, I’m a young demi-god and I think I’m off to find my father. Thanks for… Yeah, not a lot…”
“You can’t just… leave!” She moved from behind the counter towards him.
“Funny, it seems like I’m doing just that! Farewell!” His voice was entirely casual as he walked out of their front door and down the stone steps in front of the home to which he hoped he’d never have instance to return.
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aroacehogwarts · 6 years
could hufflepuff mod write about demiromantic pansexual trans boy lily and biromantic demisexual trans girl james raising harry together? (i'm not sure what james and lily would change their names to, but i think jamie would work for james!)
I’m glad people (or maybe just one of you =p ) are enjoying these types of stories!
(Trans people aren’t required to change their names, and if they do, it doesn’t have to be close to their deadname. I know that makes things easier in fandom so we know who is who but for the sake of representing this, I chose the name Noah for Lily, who I feel would like the softer qualities of both names, though in Rowling-verse, it’s pretty likely she would choose some sort of floral-inspired name for her middle name, like maybe Ash, Basil, Sage, or Rowan.)
Noah thought it all a little flowery and dramatic, but he truly did love Jamie, and what was wrong with indulging your significant other every now and then? With a flick of his wand, he finished conjuring the last of the flowers to decorate the Potter’s backyard. With a deep breath, he brushed his suit off, felt in the pocket to ensure the ring was there, and situated himself in the middle of the arrangement he’d conjured. In just a few minutes, Sirius, Remus, and Peter would all return to the Potter’s House, where Euphemia would insist on inviting them all in for some tea. Jamie would protest that they’d just gone out for food, but Peter would claim he was still hungry and Remus would shrug like ‘who can argue with your mum?’, then Sirius would drag them all in and flash Jamie a grin. Because the two were so close, the grin would give Jamie her first flutters that something was up. When Euphemia said it was such a nice night that they should gather in the backyard for tea, Jamie would know before she stepped outside what -
Noah smiled at his beloved. He was certain his hands were shaking.
Jamie shook her head and tried to back inside, but an excitable Sirius gave her a rough push towards Jamie. “N-now?” she asked, stumbling towards Noah.
Noah knelt to one knee, presenting the ring to Jaime. He did his best to block out Euphemia, Fleamont, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Marlene, and Alice (the last two of which had been hiding inside in waiting), gathered and grinning back near the house.
“You know better than anyone how rough a start we had, Jamie,” he started, the words tumbling out too low and fast to hide just how nervous he was, “but you should also know better than anyone else what we’ve been through and just how much I love you. I don’t know how long it will be, but I want to spend every last second of our life together. Will you marry me? Potter?”
And then, as if she’d been stuck in slow motion, Jamie rushed the rest of the way to him, bending to pull him up and kiss him, deeply, desperately. “Yeah, of course, No’! Dammit, put that ring on me now.”
Noah laughed as he slid the ring on Jamie’s finger as their friends and family came out to hug and celebrate with them.
Jamie had thought she was the only trans person at Hogwarts. What a silly thought that had been. In fifth year, everything began changing, and that’s when she bit the jinx and came out and moved into a dorm that seemed oddly lonely compared to where she’d slept her first few years.
In the week that followed her coming out (which was in true, spectacular Marauder’s style thanks to her amazing friends), Professor Flitwick gave her five points for good spellwork when she was distracted and goofing off in class, Professor McGonagall asked her to come to her office and treated her to some biscuits, no less than 17 students (spanning all four Houses, no less) thanked her or high fived her for “you know what you did”, and the student he’d been voraciously pursuing since first year offered his (hers at the time) hand and said “things have been quieting down between us for a while now. What do you say to officially starting offer?” It wasn’t until a year later that Noah came out and switched dorms, but that moment had meant everything to Jamie.
“That’s actually called asexuality,” Remus nonchalantly remarked, taking his third homemade chocolate chip cookie of the night.
“Hm?” Jamie distractedly asked, Noah’s legs in her lap as she played with his hair, simply adoring his new haircut.
“What you just described. Well, technically, asexual spectrum - and more specifically, demisexuality. You know. You only romanticaly liking Noah until long after you two became friends and started dating.”
“Wait, what?” Noah said, slapping Jamie’s hands away. He looked very intensely at Remus and Jamie took that as a sign to pay attention.
Remus sighed. “Was that a please-repeat-what-you-said-for-a-third-time-what?”
An annoyed look crossed Noah’s face and he pushed hard down on Jamie’s shoulder in order to stand. The movement was awkward thanks to the eight month old baby growing inside of him. “Remus,” he started, Jamie quickly shifting to help push her husband up to standing all the way, “I am super pregnant, which is making me incredibly uncomfortable. I’ve been holding what is probably my 50th pee of the day for the past half hour, trying to block out your loud-as-Merlin’s-balls-slapping-together cookie crunching, and my ankles are just throbbing. I am also getting more and more dysphoric by the day, so much so that I’m not sure how I’m going to survive another month of this, no matter how much I want this little one, and I was having what was the most intimate time with my partner since this pregnancy began and you and the other’s refused to let us have any time alone. So yeah, when I ask you to actually explain what you’ve barely hinted at twice, I am really asking you to explain.”
Jamie ducked her face below the couch to try and smother out the giggles. She actually heard Moony’s gulp as he set down the cookie and tried to placate Noah with a surrendering hand gesture. Face smoothed over, Jamie peeked up over the couch.
And that’s when Remus gave them a thorough and informative explanation on asexuality and the asexual spectrum. Noah finally took a break to pee, and when he returned, Remus finished by talking about aromanticism. Then, seemingly for good measure, offered to talk about other identities, such polysexual, polyromantic, and nonbinary identities.
Jamie thought that Remus could have shared this information with them much sooner. She immediately pegged herself as demisexual, finally clicking into place what her sexuality was. Not just bisexual but bi and demisexual. For once, she did her thinking quietly, as Noah murmured. “Demiromantic. Oooooh.”
“Hey!” Jamie said. “Does that make us demi buddies?”
Noah rolled his eyes, but laughed. “Demi multisexual buddies,” he smiled. Noah was pansexual. Seems like Remus’ lecture had done the best job of distracting Noah from his dysphoria yet, as her husband looked more comfortable - if he could be called comfortable at this point - than he had in months.
“Hey, how long’ve you been sitting on all that, Moony?” Noah had been the one to teach them (well, Remus, who had then shared it with the rest of the Marauders) about things like gay and bi and pan (Remus was bi while Sirius was gay, they’d eventually realized), so it was interesting now for Remus to be on the sharing side and Noah the learning side.
“Erm… a couple years now. A while after Noah helped me realize I was bi, I got curious. Were these muggle-only terms? Did we have our own terms that had been created? Were there other possibilities, other identities? How common have these been throughout history? So I started doing some research.”
Noah, who was closer to Remus than Jamie, swatted at him. “And you never shared? Rude,” he teased, though he was clearly exasperated. 
“Sorry.” Remus lifted his hand to his neck and rubbed at it. “Things, ah, happened… between us. And it… didn’t seem important after that.”
Oh, Jamie realized. Sirius using Remus and almost getting Severus killed. Yeah. That… had been a terrible year. Things still hadn’t exactly returned to normal, even now.
“You talking earlier. For some reason, it just made that pop back in my head.”
“Harry,” Noah said, smiling down at his precious new baby, finally revealing his name choice to Jamie. They’d both decided to just pick their favorite names and decide which order they should go in after the baby was born. They didn’t do anything like pick a name for either a boy or girl. They just picked their favorites. Harry: a new name for a new member of their family.
Jamie squeezed his shoulder and looked down upon her child, unable to stop grinning. “James,” she revealed. 
Noah looked up at her, then smiled. A name of their past, which also served as a nod to Jamie’s parents. Both had semi-recently lost their parents (Noah’s hadn’t even seen their wedding), though Jamie more recently so and having a lot of trouble moving forward from it.
“Harry James,” Noah whispered.
“James Harry?” Jamie said, but she already knew.
“Harry James,” the new parents said in unison. Harry blinked. Their hearts absolutely melted in cuteness.
“Harry, please, go to sleep,” Jamie begged, rocking the babe for what seemed like hours now.
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had been rallying hard recently, especially against their little family and the poor Longbottom’s, now with a beautiful baby of their own. Just a couple weeks ago, Dumbledore himself had come to Jamie and Noah and insisted they and Harry were in grave danger and needed to hide. With Dumbledore and Sirius both pushing hard for them to hide and the desire to protect Harry overriding everything else, they’d agreed.
Harry was seemingly less than happy at the arrangement. Or maybe Jamie was projecting. 
She loved Noah with all her heart, and she didn’t even understand how her heart beat before Harry had been born, but being locked up inside their house without any of their friends and no news of the outside world was wearing on all of them.
Harry was cradled against Noah’s chest. For once, he was silent, as silent as the tears that rolled down Noah’s face. Jamie herself felt numb. She could be crying. She honestly didn’t know.
Moony looked like shit. Between even more scars thanks to Dumbledore’s work for him and the lack of sleep he’d gotten seemingly singlehandedly trying to organize Sirius’ trail, he was a complete wreck. Jamie’d never seen him look so bad, not even right after a full moon.
“Peter… Wormtail - he… betrayed us?” So much had happened so quickly. How could it have all gone down like this?
“Sirius put things together, realized Peter was going to betray you. Went after them. There was a big duel. Aurors are saying he’s dead, but… you know. Unregistered animagus. Sirius thinks - and I agree - that he’s in the wind.” Aurors had arrested him and tried sending him to jail as a Death Eater, but Remus and Dumbledore had apparently rallied hard last night, immediately after he was arrested, and at least managed to secure him a trial. Jamie hated to think what would have happened if He-Who-Had-Must-Not-Be-Named had gone after them instead of the Longbottom’s. Not just because that would mean their child had been murdered but because then Sirius would be the only one with the knowledge that Peter was the secret-keeper and he’d have no chance even with a trial. As it was, it was only thanks to Remus’ ingenious thought of letting them all communicate through objects charmed with the protean charm in case anything had gone bad that Jamie had known it was time to come out of hiding.
“Alice and Frank?” Noah’s voice cracked. Jamie had known Alice and talked with Frank a few times, but Alice and Noah had been really close, especially after what had happened with Severus.
Moony looked down and shook his head. “Dead,” he said, voice raspy and thin. “Killed protecting Neville.”
Noah shook his head and bent over Harry, kissing the top of his skull and dripping tears on his head.
“Neville?” Jamie asked. Remus had been slowly taking them through everything they’d missed since they’d gone in hiding. Jamie was exhausted and heartbroken. She didn’t want to ask but had to know.
“Scarred. But alive, somehow. I think Dumbledore said something about ancient magicks, but… I wasn’t really listening past Neville surviving and… and defeating Him.”
Jamie shook his head. Neville’s life as a miracle but a miracle she didn’t understand.
“Who-” Noah looked up again, “is he going to?” Jamie understood in that instant that Noah would volunteer them to adopt Neville if their family situation was like hers and Noah’s. And Jamie would absolutely go along with it.
“Grandmother, I believe.” Remus rubbed at his eyes and stifled a yawn.
“Here,” Jamie got up on instinct, her mother’s blood running through her veins. “When was the last time you slept? Borrow our bed. Trust me, we understand exhaustion. Get some sleep.”
Remus looked at Noah for confirmation, but he was done. He held Harry close and stared at the table. Jamie gently led her friend to bed. She had so many more questions, but then, didn’t they all?
“NOAH, NOOOAAAH!” Jamie screamed, too excited to control her volume, even though she knew it could scare Harry.
“What!?” Noah rushed into their living room, and Jamie felt bad for scaring him.
She danced, jumping from foot to foot, and pointed at Harry. “He’s walking; he’s walking!”
Indeed, on chubby legs, little Harry had pulled himself up on his legs and was toddling his fourth step towards his mum.
The worry immediately melted away from Noah’s face as he gracefully sank to his knees and held his arms out. Not to specifically reach for Harry, though that’s what it looked like. Feeling as though she was positively glowing, Jamie followed suit, bending down to the floor and holding her arms art. “That’s right, my little fawn, come to mommy!”
Giggles burst forth out of Harry as he sped up and fell into Jamie’s arms. Jamie laughed and picked him up, holding up towards the ceiling. “That was amazing, little fawn!”
Noah’s one arm snaked around Jamie’s waist as the other reached up to grab at Harry’s hand. He clutched Noah’s hand back, happily kicking his legs, glad to have made his parents happy.
“Sirius is going to kick himself for missing this!”
Noah kissed her cheek. “I bet winning that money from you and Remus will help him get over it, though.”
Jamie lowered Harry to her chest. “What?” she sputtered. “I don’t-”
Noah laughed and leaned towards Harry to kiss him on the cheek too. Harry clapped. “You think I don’t know when you bet on our son with your friends.” Noah shook his head and lightly slapped Jamie on the butt. “You should know me better than that by now, dear.”
Jamie laughed, relaxing. She kissed Harry’s forehead and was rewarded with more giggling and clapping. “Let’s see how far you can walk,” she said proudly, gently placing Harry back on the ground.
Noah returned to the other side of the room, lighting up. “Yes, that’s right. Can you walk all the way over here, Harry?”
Merlin, oh Merlin, it looked bad! “C’mere, Harry,” Noah said, heart pounding furiously. “Let me see.” His five year old son sobbed, big ol’ gator tears that, for once, Noah was frightened by. “Just let me see it, okay?”
“Ow, ow, oooow,” Harry cried, not lifting his hands from his knee, though even through the hands, Noah could see the blood.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Jamie said, coming to a rest behind Harry instead of hovering over Noah. “Oh, I’m so sorry, just let dad have a look, okay.”
“Noo, hurts!” Harry hiccuped. 
“Here,” Noah said. “Breathe with me, Harry. Look, breathe in… Okay, out. When you breathe out, take your hands off, okay? It’ll help it not hurt.”
Jamie combed her fingers through her kid’s thick, wild hair, as wild as her own. “And when you let go, you can hold my hand and squeeze it as hard as you want, okay?”
Harry nodded, already sniffling.
“Breathe in… Ready? And out…” Noah gently lifted Harry’s hands from his knee. Jamie reached in, taking Harry’s small hands in her own. He immediately started squeezing tight, sucking in a breath of air through a wavering lip. Jamie kissed the top of his head.
Noah’s eyes crinkled and tightened. Nearly immediately after, Harry’s grip relaxed and he dropped Jamie’s hand to pull at his knee, eyes wide in amazement. Noah’s expression relaxed. “See, all better, right?”
“Mommy!” Harry said, already forgetting he was supposed to be appearing pathetic. With another wordless spell, Noah cleaned their son up, taking the blood of his - and Jamie’s - hands as well. After another moment’s inspection, Harry grew bored and stood up by putting his hands on the ground, sticking his butt in the air, and then straightening up. Jamie laughed.
Harry ran back to the toy broom he’d fallen off of only moments later. The floating spell had deactivated as soon as Harry had rolled off, and it started up again as Harry put his hand over it and the broom jumped into his hand. “Again, again! I wanna ride more!” He bounced on his feet, looking expectantly at Noah and Jamie, trying to decide who’d be most likely to let him back on the broom.
Noah shook his head but didn’t dissent. With a whoop, Jamie leaped up and went to help Harry back on the broom, though she did flick the hover down lower so if Harry fell again, it wouldn’t be from so high. When it was clear Harry had his balance back, Jamie went to stand by Noah. She gave her a friendly elbow. “Did you see that? He’s a natural,” she grinned.
“You mean he doesn’t know when to quit,” Noah deadpanned, but Jamie knew she wasn’t angry.
Of course they’d brought Harry to Diagon Alley before, but there was something special about bringing your kid to Diagon Alley to go shopping for their first year of school.
They’d gotten Harry’s robes, books, and wand (holly with dragon core, slightly springy). They’d run into Hagrid at Madam Malkin’s and had a friendly reunion, introducing Harry to the groundskeeper. The two had immediately hit it off. Hagrid, unfortunately, couldn’t spend much time chatting, as he’d gotten Dumbledore to convince Augusta Longbottom to let him pick up Neville’s supplies. Apparently Augusta didn’t let the boy out much in order to avoid all the attention he would draw. Hagrid promised Harry they’d see each other again soon, though, and hustled off to his next stop. 
The three of them were currently at Eeylops Owl Emporium waiting for Harry to pick out an owl before they finished up by celebrating at Florean’s, where Remus and Sirius were waiting for them. Usually so decisive and quick to form an opinion, this was the longest either Noah or Jamie could remember him putting hard thought into something. (Then again, he was 11, so that was allowed.) They’d started at Magical Menagerie, where Harry had spent most his time eyeing the various snakes. When they’d realized Harry was likely to go for one of them instead of an owl, as they’d intended, they’d gently pushed him towards Eeylops, saying they should be sure to get a good look around everywhere they could.
Harry had lingered for a while over a large, snowy owl, who’d hooted softly and nipped at him. He’d also spent some time with a young burrowing owl who seemed playful, almost playing a game of hide-and-seek with Harry, who’d laughed and poked a finger in the cage and had to be reminded that wasn’t okay here.
“He’s taking this rather seriously, isn’t he?” the amused clerk commented.
Noah grinned, and Jamie nodded, happy to make some smalltalk as she continued to watch Harry. So far, nothing seemed to have piqued his interest as much as the snakes. Jamie whispered as such to the clerk, trying not to be overheard by Harry who, she and Noah hoped might forget if he stared at the owls for long enough. The clerk coughed to cover up their laughter, then addressed Harry.
“You know, Harry, it can help to talk to them. Just introduce yourself. See which of them speak to you.”
In true, confident 11-year-old fashion, Harry waved her off with a hand. “Owls don’t talk like us.”
Noah pinched the top of his nose with his fingers. The clerk simply smiled. “No, they can’t speak to us like humans speak to each other. But if you take good care of your pet, it can become your familiar. That means forming a bond with it. Your familiar can understand you when no one else does, and you may find that you understand your familiar more than just as a pet. To be able to do that, though, you need to know that you can have good communication. If you say hi to one of these owls, and you don’t feel like it’s listening, then it may not be the pet or familiar for you. But if you feel like it could understand you, that’s a good sign.” The clerk’s eye twinkled.
Harry stared at the clerk, head tilted to the side, deep in thought. He looked over at Jamie, who nodded and smiled encouragingly. Finally, he looked at Noah, who had that serious look on his face that Harry knew meant something was somehow important to his dad. That broke it. Harry smiled and started babbling away to the owls. 
“Hi, owl! Hi, owl! Hi, owl!” he went around waving at several owls. “We have a cat, you know. Dad says owls and cats don’t always get along together. Do any of you feel brave enough to face our cat? I want someone who will be friends with my cat, can you do that?” Harry wandered through the cages, taking the clerk’s words to heart.
Noah looked over at the clerk, raising an eyebrow in question. The clerk winked. “Just wait,” she said. “Any minute now.”
When they looked back, Harry was standing in front of the cage of a gorgeous barred owl without a nameplate. “This one!” he said brightly, turning to them all. Jamie was sure her grin matched the one on Noah’s face. No snake for them today. That was good. To be honest, Jamie was the tiniest bit frightened of snakes. She was pretty sure Noah’s worries were more along the lines of feeding the thing, since snakes weren’t allowed at Hogwarts as pets.
An owl heavier, they finally headed off to Florean’s. All Harry’s supplies, except his wand, which Jamie made room for in her own wand holster, were stuffed in a bottomless bag, which they had Harry carrying across his back. Noah held the owl’s cage, promptly named Owlbert (which Jamie loved and knew Sirius and even Remus would get a kick out of, too), in one hand and Jamie’s hand in the other. Harry walked - nearly skipped - in front of them, leading the way.
Jamie squeezed Noah’s hand. “Calla’s pretty old. Think she’ll survive the shock of us bringing an owl into the house.”
“Don’t even joke. This owl better prepare itself.”
Jamie laughed and felt Noah’s thumb rub over the back of her hand. Noah loved that cat. Jamie wasn’t sure if they’d ever be able to get another cat again if Calla died.
“Aww,” Jamie said, leaning her head to rest on Noah’s shoulder as they read Harry’s letter together. “His first crush!”
“Maybe.” Harry’s own description was confused on how he was feeling. “Did we prepare him well enough?” Noah worried.
Jamie laughed. “For what?”
“I don’t know…” Noah lifted a hand to twirl it in the air a few times. “To understand how he’s feeling. I know it was a long time ago, Jamie, but do you remember how confused and lost you felt before you knew bi was a thing? Heck before you knew about demisexuality?”
Jamie immediately quieted. Honestly, she hadn’t remembered. It had been a long time. Were they really that old?
“Coming in!” Sirius bellowed from the fireplace, already inside. Jamie laughed, thankful for her friend breaking the awkward silence.
“In here!” Jamie shouted.
Two sets of footprints announced that Remus was with Sirius a moment before they entered the kitchen. “Wazzat?”
“Letter from Harry,” Noah said, handing it over. Harry loved and trusted his Uncles. They were basically extra parents to him. He knew and expected that all letters home would go to Moony and Padfoot, too - often left them special messages in his letters.
“Aww,” Remus smiled.
“His first crush,” Sirius finished. “How exciting. Third year, though. Does that seem sorta late to any of you?”
Noah shrugged. “Not to me.”
They all stared at the letter. Then Jamie laughed and clapped Noah on the back. “He might take after you, then, No’!”
Noah smiled and looked down, but Jamie saw the worry roiling underneath. She knew they’d spend the rest of the day crafting a letter back to Harry. None of them minded, though. Harry was pretty much the center of all their worlds. And with all the trouble he got into at school, this was a mild problem in comparison. One they could actually help solve.
When they’d finished crafting, they put their heads together and worked on modifying a howler to calmly and lovingly give their messages to Harry. He deserved to at least be able to hear their voices for this, if they couldn’t be there to answer his questions in person.
This was worse than the first time. The first time, they were scared for Harry, but they could fight for him. He was theirs to protect and look over. This time, Harry was nearly as old as they had been and facing He-Who-Had-Must-Not-Be-Named’s presence at Hogwarts since first year. He was old enough to make a choice, and he had. Right after they’d all returned from the mess of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour’s wedding. Although Ron and Harry were schoolmates and pals, Harry wasn’t a close enough friend of Ron’s to warrant an invite to his brother’s wedding. All Order members had basically become family of Molly and Arthur Weasley’s, though. The attack had come after the ceremony. Neville (who was closer with Ron than Harry), Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna had all disappeared as the attack started.
A terrified and ferocious Jamie and Noah had found an ashen-faced Harry sandwiched between Remus and Sirius, wand still held out in defense. They’d rushed to Harry’s side, checking for injuries. Remus quietly told them that Harry had done great, been holding his own before Remus and Sirius made it over to him. When they’d finally gotten him to talk, he’d only whispered, “Ginny”. Turns out, their son had been flirting with the youngest Weasley for the past year, and they’d been secretly toying with the idea of a relationship. Harry had seen it when her group had disapparated (or, more likely, Hermione apparated them all away - genius recognizes genius and the Marauders and Noah continued to be stunned by Harry’s stories of her successes, even secondhand told).
Even though returning to Hogwarts meant going to school under a Death Eater, Harry had stood proudly before the four of them and declared, “I don’t care. I’m going back. Other students won’t have a choice. Me and the others, we have to be there for them.”
Jamie steeled her heart and didn’t let her face react. She was sure Noah’s, Sirius’, and Remus’ were much the same. Proud and steely. Worried. Wishing they hadn’t raised such an independent, compassionate Gryffindor. Noah nodded, but it was Jamie who stood and wrapped Harry in a hug. “You give ‘em hell from the inside. Your dad and uncles and I will give them hell from out here.”
Harry gave a half-laugh, half-sigh. Slowly, Noah, Remus, and Sirius stood to join them. Sirius ruffled Harry’s hair. “Always stand up for yourself, Harry.”
It was Noah’s plea that broke the dam, though. “Come back to us, Harry.” His voice broke as he said it.
The night that they sent Harry back off to Hogwarts, the station full of tight-lipped, crying, gray-faced families, Noah and Jamie laid in bed, limbs completely entangled and periodically crying. They didn’t sleep a wink. They rose to Sirius lying awake on the couch and Remus starting coffee for them all. The house was oddly silent. Noah and Jamie, and likely Remus and Sirius as well, felt more resolved and determined than ever. It was time to finally see the end of this damn war.
The Battle of Hogwarts, like all battles, had its downtimes, in which time moved too slowly and things were too clear. During the action periods, everything moved too fast, but at least there was no time to wonder or see who all had died. Jamie and Noah had managed to stick by each other’s side, but they hadn’t seen Harry since the Order initially confronted Headmaster Severus. Sometime after that, Remus and Sirius had been assigned to protect different sides of the castle as them, as well.
When they knew Neville was marching off to the forest to die for them all, they did find Augusta and do what they could to be with her. She’d screamed, a harsh, broken sound, then broken down in tears that she staunchly ignored as she paced back and forth.
It wasn’t until the Battle was over and bodies were being dragged into the Great Hall that Jamie and Noah saw any of their family again. “Merlin, no,” Jamie had whispered, spotting him first, and dashed in between students and families and staff alike. Noah saw what she was headed to a second later and broke into a run after her.
Kingsley Shacklebolt and Minerva McGonagall were carrying an all too familiar body. Minerva caught sight of Jamie and Noah headed toward’s them. Her stony expression fell for an instant, and she said something to Kingsley. They changed course and laid Remus Lupin on the ground.
“No, no, no, no, no,” Jamie was saying as she skidded to a stop, kneeling before Remus’ body. Her hands ran over his face, his neck, his wrist, trying to somehow pass some of her life into him. Noah hovered over his wife, the fear clear on his face. Minerva put a hand on Noah’s shoulder, then Jamie’s, then left them. The tears had come, and Jamie couldn’t stop them. Noah looked frantically around him. Please, please don’t have let them all died.
From across the hall, Noah spotted Sirius’ iconic hair. Almost in slow motion, Sirius turned and made eye contact with Noah. He shook his head, at first unable to move, then walked stiffly towards them, as if forcing himself to come and see who had died. When he was close enough to ID Remus, he roared and fell to his knees where he was, still several feet away. The Hall was a place of grief and mourning for the moment. His roar of heartbreak had hardly been the first and no one bothered looking at him or telling him to shush. Unmoving, unable to join Jamie or Noah over one of his best pals, he looked up to Noah. “Harry,” he mouthed. A question. An order. Noah didn’t know, but he couldn’t look at Remus any longer. Hoping that Jamie would understand his plan, he turned and walked out of the hall. He had to find his child. He had to find Harry.
They all should have helped move and recover bodies, but none of them could. Noah walked past the Weasley’s, bent over the body of one of theirs, past Augusta practically smothering Neville as Luna, smothered by her own father, seemed to be working to get them both a little air. He walked past bodies of children who looked too young to have been allowed to stay and fight. He walked past the bodies of elves, only being grieved by other elves for the moment. He walked past groups of people working to move chunks of stone and make sure no one was underneath.
Noah walked what seemed the whole of Hogwarts, barely taking stock of its immense damage, unable to process all the death he passed. Finally, he stopped and turned to the portraits. Most in this hall were empty - many characters were running around the castle pointing out where they thought they’d seen bodies get buried, while others were simply visiting friends, mourning just the same as everyone else. An old wizard with a long, gray beard and a blue hat and a young woman in a pale, yellow dress were present, though.
“My son,” he tried, “my son, Harry Potter. Do you know him? Have you seen him?” The woman sadly shook her head no. Noah could no longer take it. He made his way back to the Great Hall, hoping Harry, still alive, would have made his way back there by now.
Noah passed Minerva on his way back into the Hall. She grabbed his arm. “Your son needs you,” she said, pointing him roughly outside the castle’s entrance. Noah didn’t bother to ask for details, simply rushed out of castle, desperate to see Harry alive.
There he was. Brown skin, black hair, taller than Noah by a couple inches now, breathing hard and staring up at the sky. Noah didn’t break stride. “Harry!” he called. Harry, face ashy and dirty and covered in blood and all tear-streaked, turned towards him. “Harry,” he said, enveloping his child in his arms. Alive. Harry was alive. Noah breathed in his scent, one head firmly on his back and the other over the back of his head as Harry fiercely returned his hug, bent down to fold into his dad.
“Uncle Moony is dead,” Harry said, voice muffled.
“I know, little fawn,” Noah said, “I know.” 
When Harry was able to straighten again, Noah asked if he’d been seen by his mom or Sirius. When he said no, Noah managed to convince him to come inside. Bringing his son to the body of his dead uncle felt like torture, but Jamie and Sirius needed to know Harry was alive, and Harry needed to hug them just as much as he’d needed to hug Noah.
“Any idea what Harry’s news is?” Sirius asked, in lieu of saying hello.
Noah shook his head. “Come on in, Sirius,” he teased. Harry was now 23. At this age, calling a meeting to talk to his parents couldn’t be that many things. Maybe he was sick with a serious illness or was announcing a surprise engagement to a secret partner or even was here to tell Jamie and Noah and Sirius they were too old to be living by themselves anymore. Though only 44, Noah felt much older than that. Had ever since the end of the war five years ago. Political and social recovery and improvement was a long, slow road.
“I’m betting he lost his temper, lost his job, and wants to move back in with us!” Jamie yelled from the living room.
“Jamie!” Noah admonished. 
Sirius laughed and stepped inside. “Yeah, have some faith in your kid, Leaps! I bet it’s a promotion.”
Noah rolled his eyes as he followed Sirius into the living room. Sirius and Jamie had long since stopped hiding their betting over Harry from Noah. “You’re just saying that because Jamie’s had to do with Harry’s job.”
Sirius shrugged. “So what do you think, then, if you’re so smart?”
Noah shrugged back. “I think Harry has a right to reveal what he wants to talk about himself.”
“No fun,” Jamie teased, sticking her tongue out.
“What’s no fun?” Harry’s head asked, appearing in the fireplace.
“You!” Jamie teased again. “Get in here, already.”
Harry’s laughter was cut short as his head pulled away and he appeared in a flash of green a moment later.
“Ten galleons,” Sirius whispered to Jamie, and they shook hands.
Harry rolled his bright green eyes, looking startlingly like Noah in that moment.
“So what’s the news, kiddo?” Jamie asked. Noah joined her and Sirius on the couch, giving Harry the stage.
He took a deep breath. “Well, mum, dad. I’m… like you. I finally figured out why I’ve felt… different all these years. I’m agender. I don’t really identify with any gender. I feel more like I… don’t have one. I’m also grayromantic. My romantic attraction is both really low and fluctuates. And… I think I might also be bi, but I’m not really positive yet.”
“Oh, Harry!” Jamie jumped up to hug him, planting a big kiss on his cheek as well.
“That’s not quite all. I, well, I kinda like being called your son, and I like the name Harry, but I want to start using they, them pronouns instead of he, him.”
“Of course, Harry!” Noah beamed, coming in to hug Jamie and Harry together.
“Proud of you, squirt,” Sirius said, coming in to hug Noah, Jamie, and Harry all together. “You know, we all know how hard coming out can be.”
“And how hard figuring out how you feel is,” Noah added.
“You know you’re my favorite kid, yeah?” Jamie asked.
Harry laughed, squirming out of the group hug. “Yeah, yeah,” they said. “So did you make lunch? I’m starving?”
Noah laughed as Jamie playfully shook their shoulder. “That’s my son!” she said. “Knows what’s most important. Of course we made lunch.”
Sirius’ stomach growled.
“Sometimes I think you all only show up here for the food,” Noah sniffed. Sirius grinned and threw an arm over his shoulder.
“Nah, the food’s just a bonus. I enjoy the company most of all.”
“Me too,” Harry said as Jamie copied Sirius and threw her arm over Harry’s shoulder.
“Well, I am just here for the food,” she said. “I can’t believe it took you two decades to figure it out.”
They all laughed. Jamie and Noah shared cooking duties, of course. Noah stuck an arm out behind him. Jamie and Harry both grabbed it and gave it a good squeeze.
“Thanks for being so chill about me being agender,” Harry said once they’d all sat down with full plates, “and grayro and possibly bi. Seamus and Dean finally got engaged and told their families. Dean’s family took it pretty well, if a bit stiffly, but I guess there was some name calling in the Finnigan household.”
Sirius, who was sitting closest to Harry, reached over to put a supportive hand on their shoulder. “We’d never treat you like that, our little fawn all grown up.”
“Never,” Noah and Jamie echoed. And they all meant it.
~Hufflepuff Mod
17 notes · View notes
mechanon · 7 years
Chocolate Box 2018
General DNWs: Underage (sexual activity that would be Explicit/Mature rated under 16, any sexual/romantic interaction under 13), snakes, m/f or m/m unless otherwise requested, polyamorous relationships or poly evangelism, queerplatonic discussion, the split attraction model, asexual headcanons, trans headcanons, AUs other than canon divergence. 
General dislikes: Incest, infidelity (breaking up because of an attraction to someone else or an unacted upon attraction are fine), sexual/romantic relationships between teachers and pupils, significant power or knowledge imbalances in romantic relationships
General likes:  Unhappy endings, character studies, POV change scene rewrites,  casefic, gen, het, slash, femslash, similar levels of respect and affection between people in romantic relationships,
The Invisible Library - Genevieve Cogman
Fandom Specific DNWs: Unrequested relationships
1. Irene/Bradamant
I love Irene and Bradamant’s relationship in canon. Anything that explores their pre-canon relationship would be amazing or something that explores their feelings after The Burning Page.
2. Irene/Zayanna
Zayanna lives and gets to be a secondary character in Irene’s story or she dies and Irene explicitly grieves for her. Or she gets her promised assignation with Irene properly.
Rivers of London - Ben Aaronovitch
Fandom Specific DNWs: Thomas Nightingale/Peter Grant
Fandom Specific Likes: Newtonian Magic, the hints at other magic systems, scientific exploration of magic, the demi-monde, Beverley/Peter.
1. Beverley Brook/Sahra Guleed
How does Sahra reconcile magic and the river gods with her faith?
Sahra and Beverly working together or just chilling together.
Sahra and Beverly swimming together in Beverley's river or the Thames.
2. Caroline Linden-Limmer/Beverley Brook
Caroline and Beverley are both really interesting characters who have very determined mothers. How do they get on?
3. Helena Linden-Limmer/Varvara Sidorovna Tamonina
Did Varvara and Helena ever meet before canon when they were both wild young things? How would they get on meeting post the Hanging Tree?
4. Jennifer Vaughan/Sahra Guleed
Both Jennifer and Sahra feel like they’re coming at magic from the same direction and are both professionally ambitious through conventional directions.
5. Mama Thames/Varvara Sidorovna Tamonina
Any time period would be great but precanon before either of them were settled in their powers would be awesome or post Night Witch when Varvara is constrained by the Folly would be amazing.
6. Miriam Stephanopoulos/Original Female Character(s) (Rivers of London - Aaronovitch)
Miriam Stephanopolous and her misses in the country interacting would be brilliant or Stephanopolous trying not to collect every case with possible Falcon link or being called by other DIs who’ve got to deal with the Folly.
7. Molly (Rivers of London) & Thomas Nightingale (Rivers of London - Aaronovitch)
Molly interacting with people outside the Folly or taking care of Nightingale would be cool. An exploration why is she so scared to leave the Folly or her relationship with Nightingale outside of Peter’s observations. A Molly/Nightingale take on any of these would be good.
8. Olivia Jane McAllister-Thames/ Phoebe Beaumont-Jones
What’s it like dating someone who’s mum can drown you if you piss her off? How did Tyburn being the last to know affect Olivia’s relationship with her mum? Is Olivia innately magical?
9. Peter Grant & Abigail Kamara (Rivers of London - Aaronovitch)
Peter experimenting with magic. Abigail and Peter having lessons. Nightingale getting permission from Abigail’s parents to start teaching her.
10. Peter Grant & Lesley May (Rivers of London - Aaronovitch)
Lesley is a far more interesting character to me as a villain than she ever was as a god guy and I’ve loved the recent comic hints that Peter’s perception of her as a better police officer wasn’t shared by their senior officers. Please don’t make this a deep cover mission for her. I find Peter’s continued belief that she could be saved interesting and would love to see whether she wants to be saved or to corrupt him explored. An outside perspective on their relationship would also be interesting
11. Sahra Guleed & Peter Grant (Rivers of London - Aaronovitch)
I love Peter and Sahra’s interactions in canon and would love more particularly in the form of case fic or case interludes.
Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Fandom Specific DNWs: Cursed Child mentions
1. Crookshanks & Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter - Rowling)
I love Crookshanks as a character and would love to see him interact with a feline animagi. Given his support for Sirius it would be interesting to know if he’s a rule breaker who causes McGonagall problems or if they get along.
2. Crookshanks & Mrs Norris
I love Crookshanks as a character. Given his support for Sirius and Hermione and co.s’ tendency to be in trouble with Filch it would be interesting to see a rivalry or dislike between him and Mrs Norris.
3. Crookshanks & Sirius Black
I loved the relationship shown between Sirius and Crookshanks and would love to see more of it either during PoA or GoF when Sirius is hiding outside Hogsmead or during OotP at Grimauld Place.
4. Fleur Delacour/Nymphadora Tonks (Harry Potter - Rowling)
While they never met in canon they are both very competent women who as presented should have a lot in common. Whether that results in them rubbing each other the wrong way or connecting instantaneously I would love to see them together on Order business.
5. Hannah Abbott/Susan Bones (Potter - Rowling)
They’re the classic femslash ship of HP for a reason. I would like to see them fumbling their way through life outside of Hogwarts after the war and dealing with the aftermath.
6. Hermione Granger/Ginny Weasley (Potter - Rowling)
This is another ship where I’m mostly interested in it post the war. They both went through very different but equally traumatic experiences. Can we pretend that Hermione/Ron never happened but the fall out of Harry/Ginny and their relationship would be interesting?
7. Hermione Granger/Lavender Brown (Potter - Rowling)
HBP era jealousy would be amazing but not if that jealousy focuses on attraction Ron.
8. Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood (Potter - Rowling)
I loved Luna and Hermione’s interaction for OotP on and would love to see either awkward one-sided crushes on either side during the Hogwarts. Academic disagreement leading to sex/snogging where neither side is exactly right is my favourite kind of post-Hogwarts Luna/Hermione.
9. Lavender Brown/Parvati Patil (Potter - Rowling)
I love their friendship and would love to see it as more. I’m a sucker for heart wrenching grief so kill one of them off and make them suffer.  I would be happy with m/f end game for this ship especially if that was Lavender/Ron or Parvati/Ron coming together as a result of either Lavender or Parvati’s death or they look back on their relationship fondly and not as an experiment.
10. Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley (Potter - Rowling)
I like one-sided pining for this ship. A childhood crush for Luna where she has to watch Ginny pine for and then catch Harry or a post-war attraction of Ginny’s where she has to watch Luna be happily married to another woman especially if that woman is Hermione and Ginny worried that she would lose Harry to her before marrying Harry.
Shetland (TV)
1. Alison MacIntosh & Jimmy Perez (Shetland (TV))
I loved Tosh and Jimmy’s relationship in Shetland and would love to see more either as case interludes or case fic.
2. Phyllis Brennan/Rhona Kelly (Shetland (TV))
The conflict between Phyllis and Rhona in the aftermath of season 3 really appealed to my love unhappy endings. I would love to see their relationship disintegrate either specifically as a result of Phyllis’s actions or another reason
3. Rhona Kelly & Jimmy Perez (Shetland (TV))
I enjoy Rhona and Jimmy’s relationship. They have similar experiences as new comers to Shetland even though Jimmy is from Fair Isle and I would love to see that explored. Please no Jimmy/Rhona implications or implications that Jimmy’s relationship with Fran is not real.
4. Rhona Kelly/Alison MacIntosh
I would particularly be interested in this as a destructive post season 3 relationship where they are both hurting but something prior could be very cool.
Crossover Fandom
1. Abdul Haqq Walid (Rivers of London) & Jimmy Perez (Shetland - Ann Cleeves)
I would love a crossover between these series and Dr Walid feels the best character to drag up to Shetland as he at least has family in the Highlands. Case fic, pretty please.
2. Jennifer Vaughan (Rivers of London)/Fran Hunter (Shetland - Ann Cleeves)
While the timeline would have to be massively messed with I’d love to see these to women interact and they are my second choice for the best characters to mesh these series together. Watching Jimmy’s mind blow as he realises his wife/girlfriend has had a previous relationship with a woman is a big part of the appeal.
3. Hermione Granger/ Bradamant (The Invisible Library) or Hermione Granger/Irene (The Invisible Library)
Let’s be real, this just sounded hot to me and with the amount of time Hermione spends in Libraries they’ll have to meet at least once.
4. Hermione Granger/Beverley Brook or Hermione Granger/Cecelia Tyburn Thames
Seeing these to very different worlds would mesh would be great. I’d love to see the conflict between Beverley and Hermione’s very different personalities or Tyburn and Hermione’s very similar personalities
5. Natasha Romanov (MCU)/Mama Thames or Natasha Romanov (MCU)/Varvara Sidorovna Tamonina
Natasha is my favourite MCU character and I figure she must have come across Mama Thames or Varvara at some point in her travels. I would love to see how Natasha deals with these women with who are so much more personally powerful than her and in the case of Mama Thames, politically more powerful. Varvara and Natasha dealing with how Russia has moulded them but still not being what Russia wants would be cool.
6. Jane Marple (Marple - Christie)/Minerva McGonagall (HP)
I would love to see Miss Marple in the Wizarding World. I imagine she and Augusta Longbottom would coldly but politely disagree. I would like to see how she deals with the Wizarding World especially if she is a muggle or squib. Whether she and McGonagall have a fractious relationship of people who are too similar and have all the same faults they dislike in themselves or they get along like house on fire it just sounds like fun.
Original Work
1. The Anthropomorphization of Death/Half-Orc in Search of a Honourable Death
I’ve never seen an anthropomorphic death I didn’t love and the idea of death dealing with someone who wants death sweet embrace is interesting. I’d love to know why the Half-Orc is searching for death, whether that is death as a concept or this specific death, and why their death needs to be honourable, and what for them constitutes a honourable death.
2. Bored Female Physics Prof who Built a Time Machine Last Week/Female Human Intergalactic Ambassador
I love time travel and xeno species. I would love to know more about what the intergalactic ambassador is doing and how the physic professor meets the ambassador. Does she appear on another planet that the ambassador is based on because the location of her time machine is no longer on earth? Is the professor from our world or has alien contact already happened and this is an on going relationship when she gets bored and builds a time machine?
3. Confused Courier/Inhabitant of an Impossible Address
I love the concept of this. I would love for impossible addresses to be a known thing in this world but for the courier not to know this address is impossible. It feels like the kind of story that lends in less to a 5+1 style format with five failed delivery attempts or that strangely work and one successful delivery, for example.
4. Female Squid Selkie/Original Fisherwoman
Wow oh wow, what did you catch? And can you keep it?
Squid selkies are and awesome idea and sea based smut with tentacles would be amazing.
5. Forest Witch/Female Embodiment of the Forest
I would love for the embodiment to be very much a metaphor in this case.
6. Witch & Witch's Cat
I would love to see the trouble the cat manages to get into when magic is another obstacle. What is different about a witch’s cat compared to your normal domesticated cat?
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