#hire me for a rime route at least
over--and-out · 3 years
Rime Route prompt
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Here's your food, enjoy
Your eyelids were clenched shut, bright light flashing against them. You had thought that maybe somebody lost their cosplay prop, so you bent down to pick up the (staff/sword.) When the bright light shined in your eyes, you clenched them shut as tight as you could. Now it felt like you were floating on air. There was a soft humming sound all around you, almost as if you were the one humming. Your breathing evened and you felt calmer now. The calmer you got, the more distant the humming sounded until it sounded as if a person was standing just in front of you letting their voice run free. It was beautiful, melodious. You felt compelled to draw closer to it as if a siren was calling out to you.
Maybe one was.
With great hesitation, your eyes fluttered open and the more they did so, the gentler the light was on your eyes. As if somebody was turning the brightness down as you were opening your eyes.
A gasp left your lips as you found yourself staring into beautiful garnet red eyes, the person across from you doing the same. You were frozen, staring at those beautiful doe eyes that were framed by long lashes and tanned skin.
You stepped back and the person across from you did the same, slight confusion clicking in your brain as you noticed that you weren't actually standing on ground. You noticed that the person across from you mirrored your actions down to every breath, a perfect replica of your movements.
They were bare from their waist up, hair long and a pale coral red color. You noticed a scar mapping across their chest, spiralling out like a flame dancing along the flesh. The most prominent thing you could notice were the soft looking ears protruding from the side of his head, and the horns coming from the top of their head.
"You're staring." His voice was airy and melodious. Almost calming.
"Was that you? The humming earlier?" Curiosity laced your tone and you wrung your hands together. Their eyes widened and a warm blush spread across his face.
"Ah, possibly? I wasn't aware I was doing so... But might I ask where we are? Or..." Their voice came to a sudden halt and you noticed what he was looking at right as he did. That thin white line that misted between the two of you. Protruding out of the middle of both of your chests and a glowing orb in the center between you, you both felt drawn to each other. The male tilted his head in curiosity. You could see how his hair was getting paler, and it seemed as if you were almost pulling his life from him.
Your eyes widened when a smaller orb pulled out of his chest and he gasped. He gripped his chest, his gaze snapping to you and sharpening and you noticed the white starting to bloom at his routes.
You felt yourself weaken drastically, a sudden pull drawing you from consciousness. You stumbled to your knees, but when you looked up, the male was right in front of you.
"Thief, you're stealing my relic!" His eyes sharpened and you gasped when he suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you to your feet. You could hear his voice waver and he trembled. "Why are you doing this, why did you bring me back?" You didn't answer, your mouth gaping and in a snap the warmth in his eyes was gone and the misty white flooded into your body.
You gasped as you felt yourself being pulled from the very void you stood on but a sudden hand around your neck stopped you. You choked on your breath as you were yanked to face the man. His flat eyes glared into yours and black spiderwebbing tendrils of mist swirled around him until he was clothed in sheer robes. His hackles raised in a snarl and his voice was dangerously low.
"Give it back... GIVE IT BACK!" You harshly shoved him away and he growled at you, but it was just enough of an opening for you to jump back. "YOU BRING ME BACK JUST TO KILL ME AGAIN?! I WON'T LET YOU! YOU LITTLE-" You felt yourself drifting away the longer he spoke, a dark green surrounding your body and just as he was about to grab you again, you were gone.
A loud gasp left your lips as you felt yourself land on a cold tile floor, warm arms wrapped around you.
'I'll find you eventually, don't you think you've escaped...' The words echoed in your mind and you knew that you had just barely escaped him.
Oh, what would have happened if he got his claws around your neck again...
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