#his constant optimism is everything Dream needs
bloomyeu · 1 month
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pairing: bang chan x female reader
summary: navigating the transition into adulthood, reflecting on the past and contemplating the future as you approach your 19th birthday.
word count: 2k
warnings: chan and reader are childhood friends, growing up :[ life
a/n: abeoji means dad
series masterlist masterlist | requests
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As your 19th birthday approaches, a cloud of anxiety hangs over you, making what should be a joyous occasion feel heavy with uncertainty.
You can’t shake the growing sense of dread and anticipation that accompanies this milestone. 
The transition into adulthood looms before you, and the pressure to make significant decisions—about college, career, and your future—feels almost suffocating.
The city around you continues its usual hustle and bustle, but everything seems amplified. The familiar streets and favorite hangouts now feel like unfamiliar terrain, mirroring your own feelings of uncertainty. Each day that passes intensifies your sense of urgency, the weight of expectations pressing heavily on your shoulders. It’s as if the world is demanding you to have everything figured out, and the thought of meeting these expectations only adds to your mounting stress.
In the midst of this turmoil, Chan is a constant, calming presence. His support is like a lighthouse in your stormy sea of worries. You find solace in your time together, whether it’s sharing a quiet moment in a cozy cafe or strolling through the park. Chan’s calm demeanor and unwavering support provide a rare sense of stability in your life. His presence becomes a comforting reminder that you don’t have to navigate this transition alone.
When you voice your fears and uncertainties, Chan listens with patience and genuine concern. His small gestures—like bringing you your favorite coffee or simply being there when you need to talk—mean more than you can express. He doesn’t try to solve your problems but offers a steady, reassuring presence that helps to counterbalance your growing anxiety. His optimism and calmness serve as a soothing balm, helping you to find a glimmer of hope amidst your worries.
The future feels like an expansive, uncharted territory, and you find it difficult to reconcile your own desires with the pressure to conform to others' expectations. 
Feeling nostalgic is normal as you get older
You've been feeling like that a lot recently 
you find yourself drawn to the dusty boxes of keepsakes tucked away in your closet. Curiosity spikes as you begin to sift through the memories stored within: childhood drawings, old letters, and faded photographs.
 Each item holds a piece of your past, a captured shot of moments shared with Chan.
The first box you open contains your childhood drawings—crayon scribbles and stick figures that seem both simplistic and profoundly meaningful now. You laugh softly at the crude illustrations, some of which feature you and Chan in various imaginative adventures.
You remember the afternoons spent drawing together, your laughter filling the room as you exchanged ideas and created fantastical worlds. The memories come flooding back, vivid and warm, reminding you of the ease with which your friendship began.
Next, you find a stack of old letters, neatly folded and tied with ribbon. As you untie them, the handwriting brings back a flood of emotions. Each letter is filled with shared secrets, dreams, and promises made in the innocence of youth. You recall the excitement of receiving these notes, the thrill of writing back, and the bond that deepened with every exchange. 
The photographs are the final treasure in the box. They capture moments of joy and simplicity—birthday parties, school events, and spontaneous outings. In each image, you and Chan are captured in candid moments of laughter and affection. As you flip through the photos, you see how your friendship has grown and changed. From the innocent play of childhood to the more complex dynamics of adolescence, the images reflect the journey you’ve shared. 
With each keepsake, you begin to see Chan’s prominent role in your life more clearly. The playful moments and shared secrets have woven a tapestry of memories that reveal the depth of your friendship. 
You realize how much Chan has been there for you, not just as a friend but as someone who has been a constant source of support and joy. This realization hits you with a new intensity—Chan is not just a part of your past but an essential piece of your present and future. Someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.
As you reflect on these memories, you start to understand the true significance of your feelings. The warmth that fills your heart when you think of Chan is more than just friendship. 
It’s love.
The realization dawns that your feelings for Chan have changed, and that they arent so innocent anymore. 
You first notice it when chan says that he ‘likes the way your skirt looks on you’
Who says that?
Whenever you speak to chan its like theres an unspoken tension.
There’s a playful, flirtatious edge to his remarks that wasn’t there before. He teases you with a twinkle in his eye, his compliments lingering a little longer than usual. His gaze, which once seemed casual and friendly, now carries a depth that makes your heart race. The simple gestures—a touch on your arm, a lingering look—seem to carry more weight, making you question the nature of your feelings.
Chan’s unwavering support is a stark contrast to your growing uncertainties. He continues to be a rock for you, offering comfort and a listening ear as you navigate the pressures of your upcoming adulthood. His ability to remain positive and reassuring helps to ground you in the midst of your self-doubt. 
Yet, as he provides this support, his presence also highlights your own internal conflict. You begin to see how much you rely on him not just as a friend but as someone who might mean more to you than you previously acknowledged.
You find yourself analyzing every interaction, every glance, and every touch, trying to decipher if there’s something more beneath the surface. 
The lines between friendship and something deeper become increasingly blurred. Chan’s seemingly casual flirting feels like a puzzle piece that doesn’t quite fit, leaving you to wonder if your emotions are reciprocated. Is it just a joke to him?
Chan’s flirtation often goes unnoticed by you, hidden in the guise of casual banter. His comments, while seemingly harmless, carry a weight that you only start to recognize in hindsight. 
He makes jokes about your future together, lightly touches your hand during laughter, and gives you lingering looks that make your heart flutter. To you, these moments seem like innocent fun, but to Chan, they’re expressions of a deeper affection that he’s been careful not to fully reveal.
You both seem to be caught in a web of unspoken affection, where neither of you quite understands the full extent of your feelings for each other.
The confusion about whether your relationship is purely friendship or something more starts to weigh heavily on you. As you navigate these complex emotions, you find yourself torn between the comfort of your established friendship and the possibility of something deeper. The fear of jeopardizing what you have with Chan contrasts with the longing to explore the potential of a deeper connection. The growing tension and mutual, unacknowledged affection create a charged atmosphere, making every interaction feel like a delicate balancing act between maintaining the status quo and embracing the possibility of something new.
the weight of future decisions begins to press heavily on you. The pressure of what you want to do with your life looms large, casting long shadows over your daily life. 
The uncertainty of what lies ahead fills you with apprehension, and you struggle with the fear of making the wrong choices that could shape your future.
You just don't know what to do with your life.
 You pore over brochures, attend informational meetings, and weigh the pros and cons of different programs, each decision feeling like a monumental step into the unknown. The fear of failure nags at you, a constant companion that questions your abilities and choices. You worry about living up to expectations—both your own and those of others—and the potential repercussions of missteps.
Throughout this tumultuous period, Chan remains a steadfast source of encouragement and support. 
His unwavering belief in you becomes a comforting thought. He listens patiently to your fears and offers practical advice, helping you navigate the labyrinth of choices with a calm and steady demeanor. 
Whether it’s reviewing your college essays, discussing future vacations, or simply offering a reassuring word, Chan’s presence is a comforting constant in the face of your uncertainty.
He helps you see your strengths and achievements in a new light, reminding you of your capabilities and potential. 
His encouragement helps to shift your perspective, making the daunting task of applications feel more manageable.
He’s just always there for you, and you want to be there for him.
You have so much love for him, it's unbearable.
Today you're 19.
The night is calm, the air crisp, and the sky a deep, velvety blue, dotted with constellations that seem to echo the emotions swirling within you both. 
Chan is with you, as always.
You’ve chosen this quiet moment to reflect, and it feels as if the universe itself is holding its breath, waiting for what’s to come.
Sitting side by side on a blanket spread out on the grass, you both gaze up at the stars. The silence between you is filled with unspoken words and a palpable sense of anticipation. 
Chan's hand brushes against yours, sending a shiver down your spine. His presence feels comforting yet electric, as if something is about to shift irrevocably.
Chan turns to you, his expression serious but gentle. "Y/N," he begins, his voice soft and hesitant, "there’s something I need to tell you." His eyes search yours, and you can see the vulnerability behind his words. "I’ve been trying to find the right moment, but... I love you, I've been in love with you for most of my life."
Your heart skips a beat as you realize the weight of his words. The sincerity in his eyes is both overwhelming and reassuring. You take a deep breath, feeling the lump in your throat. "I love you too," you admit, your voice trembling slightly. "I didn’t realize it until recently, but...I really am In love with you, I think I always was."
Tears well up in your eyes as you both share a look of profound understanding. The confession, while bittersweet, feels like a release—a moment of clarity amidst the complexity of your emotions. Chan’s hand finds yours, squeezing it gently. "I want to live life with you, travel the world, get married, all with you," he says, his voice breaking with emotion.
The weight of the moment feels almost tangible as you lean closer. Chan brushes a stray tear from your cheek with his thumb, his touch tender and affectionate. "I’ll always be here with you," he promises, his voice a whisper in the night air. His lips meet yours in a kiss that is both tender and passionate, filled with the depth of all the feelings you’ve kept hidden. The kiss is a sweet release, a promise of something more that has been long overdue.
The tears that flow are a mix of joy and relief, your hearts laid bare under the starlit sky. The realization of your feelings and the significance of your relationship crystallize in this intimate moment. You both laugh through your tears, the sound mingling with the quiet night. 
As you pull away, your eyes meet, and the smile on Chan’s face reflects your own happiness.
“happy birthday ynnie, to many more with you”
“Thanks channie”
“Hehe your old”
“shut up abeoji”
series masterlist masterlist | requests
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Hii there hope ur booked busy blessed and beautiful rn ‼️‼️ can a get aaaaaaaaa yan! sanemi, shinobu, and senjuro (seperate btw) with a male!reader who has a personality like the coolest dude ever that is Monkey D Luffy?!? pretty please with a cherry on top with rainbow sprinkles on it and some chocolate syrup??
Oml! I love Luffy. The loveable doofus I wanna give a big hug! Our stretch babey boiii and his unbeatable iconic squad! Okay, no more Luffy stanning, let’s go!
Shinazugawa Sanemi
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Sanemi is naturally attracted to optimism and with how much you laugh and smile, despite facing your worst enemies. He absolutely adores you, even from the beginning, he doesn’t want to let you go and that’s where his obsession grows
Sanemi is quite overprotective over you with your carefree nature and very bad sense of direction. You can easily get lost and never be found again, that’s why he clings into you intensely and never lets you out of his sight
Sanemi has paranoia over the fact you want to explore the grand world, concur the seas and is so deadset on becoming the royalty of adventurers. He pulls you away from the ocean and even ties your wrist to his, just so you can’t leave him and escape him. He won’t let you run away
Kocho Shinobu
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Shinobu loves to feed in her delusions over you, as her obsession over your constant positive and hyper demeanour develops each day, she loves to imagine going out on boats with you and doing everything to help make your dream come true so you’ll fall in love with her
Shinobu cannot stand how simple-minded you come out as. You don’t acknowledge her maddening love for you and you just ignore her concerns, she doesn’t really blame you for this but she gets so annoyed that she knows she needs to watch you as often as she can
Shinobu simply adores your fearlessness, though you being in a bad situation scares her, she would never want you to lose your optimism and she will always do her best to protect you from everybody in this world, you will be with just her where she can make sure you’re okay and still smiling
Rengoku Senjuro
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Senjuro struggles to keep up kindness and affection, ever since he lost Kyojuro, but when you come in. Happily chiming your full name and tipping your strawhat politely, he falls in love with you in a instant and he grows obsessed with you and your incredible personality. You’re just perfect to him and he doesn’t want you to go
Senjuro is very possessive over you that it’s insane, you have natural charisma and anybody could fall for you too in and try win you over. No, he won’t let that happen so he follows you around everywhere and he holds your hand firmly, pulling you away from each person. You don’t really notice it but it’s all going to plan in his mind
Senjuro idolises your compassion and the way you sympathise with him. You worry about him and the fantasy that you love him back, cooking up in his mind like he cooks massive meat legs for you at your wish, is coming to light. You must love him too! After all the time he takes to make all that food to satisfy your gluttony, you love his cooking? Right?
111 notes · View notes
xsherewrytesx · 3 months
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↳ Toji Fushiguro x f! black reader
summary. You and Toji were broken up for 8 months+. Your constant pressure for him to improve led to frequent fights, driving him to spend more time at the mechanic shop and racing than with you. Despite knowing you meant well, the strain became too much, and Toji eventually ended the relationship.
genre: heavy angst, modern au, 18+, explicit smut, street racer au
fic warnings. ooc, profanity, mental health issues, toxic relationships, cheating, explicit smut, drug use, mentions of depression + more to be updated as story progresses.
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In the early days, before everything unraveled, before the weight of expectations and dreams became too heavy to bear, there was a time when your and Toji's relationship burned bright with hope and passion.
You were deep into your architecture studies at SCAD university, your days filled with drafting tables and design critiques. Toji, on the other hand, lived a more unconventional life. He worked at a mechanic shop during the day, fixing cars with a skill that hinted at years of hands-on experience. But it was the nights and weekends that defined him—a street racer, known for his daring maneuvers and his loyalty to his crew.
Their worlds collided one night at a local hangout spot, where street racers gathered like modern-day gladiators ready to battle it out on the asphalt. Toji's presence was magnetic, his confidence matched only by the roar of his engine. You were drawn to his intensity, the way he seemed to defy the rules both on and off the track.
Their first date was unconventional, to say the least. Toji took you for a ride in his prized Eleanor Mustang, pushing the car to its limits under the cover of night. The rush of adrenaline, the thrill of speed—it was intoxicating, a glimpse into Toji's world that you couldn't resist.
As their relationship blossomed, you saw potential in Toji beyond the mechanic shop and the late-night races. You believed in him fiercely, pushing him to dream bigger. It was you who planted the seed of owning his own shop, a place where he could showcase his talents and build something lasting.
Toji was hesitant at first, wary of your relentless optimism. "You think I don't want it hard enough?" he would argue, his voice tinged with frustration. "I take my time to learn things right, not rush into something half-assed like you want."
Their arguments became a cycle—a dance of passion and frustration, love and misunderstanding. You both made up after each fight, drawn back together by their shared fire, only to fall into another argument soon after.
The highs of victory at the races were often followed by the lows of heated debates over dinner, their friends, Sukuna, Geto, and Gojo, bearing witness to their volatile love affair.
One night, after Toji lost a crucial race, your disappointment turned to biting criticism. "You were too slow off the line," you snapped, your words a slap in the face. Toji, already raw from the defeat, snapped back with equal force. "I don't need this from you, Y/n! You think you know everything, but you don't understand what it takes!"
You scoffed and rolled your eyes," You sure act like you don't have what it takes." Toji's eyes widen incredulously at your words. He felt his heart crack for the first time since you guys started arguing almost daily.
Toji voice was raised,
"So, this is how you see me huh, just some bum mechanic. I hold my own. I pay my share and more. I do everything I can and more for you, for us. You want L.V, Bottega Veneta, anything you got that plus more. Trips to see your family back home. Tuition fees I help you pay that AND ONE FUCKING NIGHT IM OFF MY GAME AND THATS WHAT I GET Y/N. FORREAL"
Their friends watched in silence as the argument escalated, the air thick with tension and unspoken truths. Sukuna, usually the voice of reason, exchanged a worried glance with Geto and Gojo.
They had seen this before but not to this extent—the clash of two strong-willed souls who loved fiercely but couldn't find common ground.
Toji walked off leaving you with his friends. He walked over to his cousins Maki and Mai who were hanging with Yuuji, Nobara and Megumi, his younger brother.
Megumi sensing his older brother's tension offered him a beer and a quick smoke. Toji took the beer and the joint leaning against Megumi's custom built 2000 Mazda rx7 series 8 in orange.
Megumi stood next to Toji analyzing him before asking. "Wanna talk about it bro. We all saw the commotion from over here. The music was too loud for us to hear but we know it was bad."
Toji sighed not wanting to talk, just think. "Just the usual these days honestly but I'm good man......For the most part." Megumi studied his older brother's face for a moment. He's never seen Toji look so stressed out before. He's usually a bit more carefree and relaxed. Yuuji strode over to offer Megumi another drink and glanced at Toji, who was deep in thought. "Is y/n trippin on him again?" Yuuji inquired, to which Megumi nodded in confirmation.
"Why doesn't he just...idk take a break or end things. They went from the it couple of the meet ups to that old miserable couple who hate each other but stay together for the kids and mortgage." Toji laughed at Yuuji's analogy of his and your relationship.
As the night wore on, Toji retreated into brooding silence, nursing his wounded pride. you, to hurt to stay, stormed off into the night, leaving behind a trail of regrets and unresolved emotions.
The weeks following that pivotal night were filled with tension and distance for you and Toji. What was once a vibrant relationship had deteriorated into a fragile shell of its former self. Intimacy had become a distant memory—
No more shared moments of passion, no lazy mornings in each other's embrace, no whispered promises. Instead, your interactions were marked by tense exchanges and the heavy weight of unspoken issues weighing on you and Toji's mind.
Toji sought solace in the familiar clang of tools and the smell of motor oil at the mechanic shop. It became his sanctuary, a place to bury himself in work, tuning up cars before and after races, avoiding the suffocating atmosphere of his once-shared apartment.
His boss and uncle, Naobito, initially tried to send Toji home at reasonable hours. But seeing the turmoil in his young mechanic, he relented, letting Toji work as long as he needed to find peace in the roaring engines and the adrenaline-fueled world of street racing.
Days stretched into weeks, and Toji's absence from home became the new normal. He spent his evenings at Geto's or Sukuna's place, smoking, chilling and talking about life and racing. He liked being around them. They understood the allure of the fast life and how the life is, especially for him.
When Toji finally returned home, it was almost three weeks since he had last stepped foot in the apartment. Exhausted, he unlocked the door, hoping for a moment of peace, but you were waiting for him, your eyes blazing with anger.
The sight of Toji, worn and distant, triggered a burst of accusations and pent-up frustrations. “Where the hell you been, Toji? Do you even care anymore?” Your voice cracked with anger and hurt.
Toji just sighed not wanting to argue with you as soon as he got through the door. He opted for silence, but you pushed on again
“Toji, where the hell have you been?” you demanded again, your voice sharp. “You think you can just disappear for weeks and not tell me where you are?”
Toji, weary from weeks of turmoil and external pressure, finally snapped. “You think I don’t care? You think this is easy for me? Plus, I’ve been working, racing. I needed some space."
His words were sharp, each syllable laced with bitterness and exhaustion. He was trying not to unleash everything that had been brewing inside him for weeks.
“Man, miss me with that,” you fired back, tears streaming down your face. “You been out here actin’ like I don’t exist. You think I’m stupid? You out there wit’ somebody else? and what's this bullshit about Space...SPACE! You needed space, so you just leave me here, not knowing if you’re dead or alive? You didn’t even call!”
Toji’s eyes flashed with frustration. “I ain’t been with nobody else! I’ve been at the shop, tryin’ to get my mind right. But you always jumpin’ to conclusions. I didn't wanna fight with you almost every night after a day at the shop. I just needed to clear my head."
“You expect me to believe that? You ain’t been home in weeks, Toji! Weeks! and you talking shit about clearing your head” you shouted, your voice rising with every word.
“Clear your head?” you echoed again, your voice dripping with sarcasm. “You mean avoid your responsibilities. Avoid me. Toji, this isn’t working,” you said, your voice breaking. “You’ve been gone for weeks, and you didn’t even think to call me. What am I supposed to think?”
“I needed space! You don’t get it, do you? Every time I come home, it’s like walkin’ into a battlefield. I can’t breathe here! You think I was out there having fun? I was working my ass off, trying to keep my head above water! And you? You didn’t check on me either! You didn’t care if I was alive or dead!”
Toji yelled back, his frustration boiling over.
“That’s not fair, Toji! You shut me out!” you shouted, your voice trembling with a mix of anger and hurt. “You didn’t give me a chance! You needed space? So you just leave? Just like that? What about us? What about our plans, our dreams?” you cried, desperation seeping into your voice.
“Toji, I’m tired of this!” you yelled, your frustration boiling over. “You never take anything seriously! Not our relationship, not your future. You just coast by, doing the bare minimum.”
Toji scoffed, “That's bull shit and you know it I've been busting my ass trying to make something of myself. All you do is nag and push and talk and push and fucking frustrate me and the fuck you mean by plans? dreams? You mean your plans, your dreams. You never asked what I wanted. You just assumed. You pushed and pushed until there was nothing left of me but your expectations.”
“Nah, that’s bullshit!” you cried. “I was tryin’ to make you see your worth. You got talent, Toji. You could be somethin’ big, but you stuck in that damn garage like you scared of success! Why can’t you see that I just want what’s best for you?"
“You don’t get it!” Toji roared back, his face contorted with pain and anger. “I love working on cars. I love racing. It ain’t about throwin’ away potential. It’s about doin’ what makes me happy. But you... you always want more. Nothing is ever enough for you NOTHING I DO OR TRY IS ENOUGH!”
“So it’s wrong to want the best for you? For us?” you countered, desperation creeping into your voice. “We had dreams, Toji. Big dreams. What happened to those?”
“They turned into your dreams, not mine,” Toji shot back. “You never asked what I wanted. You just assumed. You pushed and pushed until there was nothing left of me but your expectations.”
“You think I’m just naggin’ you? You think I don’t want you to be happy? I just wanted us to be happy. To build somethin’ real,” you whispered, your voice breaking.
Toji’s voice, when he spoke again, was cold and detached. “I can’t do this anymore,” he declared.
“I’m done, Y/n,” Toji said, his voice cold. “I’m done fighting. I’m done trying to be someone I’m not for you.”
Toji stared at you for a long moment, his expression unreadable. Then he pulled out his phone and dialed Sukuna’s number.
“Yo, Sukuna. I need your help. Can you come over and help me move my stuff?”
Your shock turned to disbelief, then to a desperate plea. “Toji, please, don’t do this. We can work through this, I promise.”
Toji paused, his gaze hardening. “Nah, it’s too late for promises,” he said flatly, his eyes devoid of emotion.
“Sukuna,” Toji said into the phone, “I need you to come over. Help me move out.”
Sukuna’s voice came through the phone, confused and concerned. “What’s going on, man? You sure about this?”
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Toji replied, glancing at you. “I need to get out of here.”
As he hung up, you continued to shout at him, your voice desperate and raw. “You can’t just leave, Toji! You can’t just walk out on us!”
Toji ignored your pleas, moving through the apartment with a sense of finality. He packed his belongings swiftly, each item a silent testament to your shattered dreams.
Pulling out a wad of cash, he dropped it on the table. “Cover my share of the expenses. It's about 15k”
Overwhelmed by a mixture of emotions—anger, sadness, betrayal—you snatched the money and flung it at Toji hitting him in the back. “I don’t want your damn money!” Your voice cracked with emotion, your heart breaking with each passing moment.
Toji picked up the cash calmly, placing it on a side table without a second glance. He took off his apartment keys, dropping them next to the money. “Use it or not, I don’t care anymore.” His voice was hollow, his gaze distant as he turned away.
“You runnin’ away again, Toji! Just like you always do when things get tough!” you shouted, anger and pain mixing into a volatile cocktail.
Toji froze, his back to you. Slowly, he turned around, his expression hardened by years of unresolved conflict. “Maybe I am,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
“But I can’t keep pretending everything’s okay when it’s not. I’m tired, Y/n. I’m tired of fighting, of trying to live up to your expectations. I need space to figure things out.” Toji said dejected rubbing his temples.
Just as the tension reached its peak, there was a knock at the door. Sukuna entered; his usual smirk replaced with a look of concern. “Yo, you really doin’ this, Toji?”
Toji nodded, his resolve unwavering. “Yeah, I’m done. Just need to be out of here.”
You followed them through the house, your pleas growing more desperate. “Toji, please! Don’t do this. We can fix this; I know we can!”
Sukuna glanced at Toji, his brow furrowed. “You sure about this, man? You wanna throw all this away?”
Toji’s frustration boiled over, and he snapped at Sukuna. “I said, I’m sure! Just help me pack and let’s get out of here!”
Sukuna nodded, silently helping Toji gather his things. You trailed behind, tears streaming down your face, your heart breaking with each passing moment.
“Toji, you can’t just walk away. What about all the good times? What about us?” you begged, your voice cracking.
Toji paused, his eyes filled with a mix of sadness and determination. “I’m sorry, Y/n. I really am. But I can’t keep doing this. I need to breathe. I need to be me, without all this pressure.”
You watched helplessly as Toji packed his belongings, his movements mechanical and distant. In a desperate attempt to stop him, you grabbed at his clothes, trying to yank them out of his hands. “Toji, don’t go. Don’t leave me like this.”
Toji, startled by your physical resistance, tugged his clothes back with a firm grip. “Let go, Y/n. This ain’t gonna change nothin’.”
“Stop it, Toji! Just stop!” you screamed, your voice filled with a mix of rage and desperation. “You can’t do this to us!”
The tussle escalated, both of you pulling at his belongings until Toji managed to wrench them from your grasp. “Enough!” he shouted, his voice echoing through the apartment.
Breathing heavily, you looked at him with tear-filled eyes, your voice a trembling whisper. “I hate you, Toji. I wish I never met you.”
Toji froze, his eyes widen at your words, his expression one of shock and pain. He stared at you; his voice dangerously quiet. “Say that again.”
“I said I hate you! I wish I never met you!” you repeated, each word cutting through the air like a knife.
Toji’s face hardened, the weight of your words settling heavily on his shoulders. Slowly, he reached for the double Cuban link bracelets on his wrists, removing them one by one. He placed them gently on the coffee table, followed by the matching ring and the promise ring you both exchanged on Valentine’s Day last year.
He looked at you one last time, his voice filled with a cold finality. “I hope you’re happy now. Goodbye, Y/n."
With those words, Toji turned away, grabbing his packed bags and walking out the door without a backward glance. Sukuna lingered for a moment, casting a sympathetic look your way before following Toji out of the apartment.
Alone in the silence that followed, you collapsed onto the couch, tears streaming down your face. The apartment felt emptier than it ever had before, the air thick with the weight of shattered dreams and unresolved emotions.
Weeks turned into months, and the ache in your heart slowly dulled to a persistent throb. Toji’s absence became a void you learned to live with, the memories of happier times a bittersweet reminder of what once was.
You threw yourself into your studies, burying your pain in the relentless pursuit of your dreams. Architecture became your sanctuary, a place where you could lose yourself in the creative process, if only temporarily.
Occasionally, you caught glimpses of Toji’s life through mutual friends or social media—snapshots of him at races, laughing with Sukuna and Geto, the tattooed sleeves on his arms a stark reminder of how much had changed.
Sometimes you'd even attend street races, it's been apart of your routine for so long. It was hard to stop.
And yet, despite the passage of time, a part of you couldn’t let go. The memories of Toji—
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𝕆𝕟𝕖, 𝔼𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕥
You hadn't planned on driving through this part of town. Memories lurked here, painful and poignant, like ghosts whispering from every corner. Your hands tightened on the steering wheel as you navigated familiar streets, the echoes of old arguments and broken promises haunting your thoughts.
The engine of your car hummed steadily, a contrast to the erratic beat of your heart. The shop came into view, its neon sign with the words Zenin Auto's flickering even in the bright midday sun.
As you approached, the sound of an all-too-familiar song filled the air, blending with the scent of gasoline and burnt rubber. "Same Old Song" by The Weeknd. Ironic, really.
You saw him before he saw you. Toji was at the center of the garage, his presence commanding, even now. His back was turned, engrossed in conversation with Sukuna near the open hood of a sleek, black Dodge Hellcat.
Sukuna, his lean frame leaning casually against the car, glanced up and caught your eye with a grimace, his cigarette dangling from his lips as usual. He nudged Toji, and Toji turned slowly, a spark of recognition igniting in his eyes.
Toji looked different yet the same. His muscles seemed more defined, his sleeves of his jumpsuit tied around his waist to reveal new tattoos that snaked up his arms like wild vines. A silver lip ring gleamed on the opposite side of his lip scar, a bold addition to his rugged appearance.
His hair, always a bit tousled, now fell just a touch longer, framing his face in a way that made your heart ache with nostalgia. He wore his usual navy-blue jumpsuit with the sleeves tied around his waist, paired with black Timberland work boots and a black fitted vest.
You felt frozen, caught between the urge to turn away and the magnetic pull of unfinished business. Your car idling in front the shop. Memories flooded back, unbidden. Late nights spent waiting for him to come home, the scent of motor oil clinging to his clothes.
The fierce arguments, the passionate reconciliations, and the relentless push from you for him to strive for more. You had meant well, always. But sometimes, love alone couldn't bridge the gap between two people heading in different directions.
Toji's gaze locked onto yours, his expression unreadable at first. For a fleeting moment, it seemed as though time had stood still. Then, a flicker of something crossed his face—was it surprise, regret, or resignation?
He scoffed lightly, a faint smirk tugging at the corners of his lips as he lifted a joint to his mouth and lit it with practiced ease. The flame briefly illuminated the scar on his lip, a mark you used to trace with your fingers in quieter times.
"What the hell is she doing here?" Toji thought, the anger he had buried resurfacing. "After all this time, she just shows up. For what?"
The sight of you, unchanged yet somehow different, tugged at memories he had tried to bury beneath the noise of the racing engines and the smoke of his joint.
He remembered the way your eyes sparkled when you smiled, the softness of your touch that could soothe even his fiercest temper. But alongside those memories, there was also the weight of unresolved issues, the fear of falling back into old patterns that had left you both scarred.
Your thoughts were a whirlwind. "Why does he have to look so good?" you wondered, struggling to maintain your composure. "Does he even care that I'm here? Does he even miss me?"
In that charged silence, you found yourself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions.
The lyrics of the song playing in the background seemed to mock you both.
And now I'm poppin', yeah Ain't nobody showed me how I made it big poppin', yeah Tell me how you like me now I swear I loved you, girl,
a bitter reminder of the love you had once shared and the pain that had torn you apart.
Toji wanted to say something, anything, to break the tension that crackled between you. But pride and stubbornness held his words captive, leaving only the smoke of his joint to fill the silence.
"She really had the nerve to come here," Toji thought, his jaw tightening. "Ain't no way I'm letting her see me sweat."
In that suspended moment, neither of you moved. You could feel Sukuna's eyes on you, a silent observer to the reunion that neither of you had expected.
Toji's jaw tightened imperceptibly as he pushed a hand through his hair, breaking eye contact and turning away with a dismissive gesture. The casualness of the gesture masked the turmoil beneath the surface, a storm of conflicting emotions that threatened to engulf you both.
"I should just leave," you thought, the weight of the past too heavy to bear. But before you could gather your thoughts, Toji turned his back completely, disappearing deeper into the shadows of the garage. Sukuna's lingering gaze followed you as you stood there, grappling with the weight of unfinished conversations and unresolved feelings.
"Toji really gonna let her presence fuck his head up like this?" Sukuna thought, watching Toji retreat.
The decision was made in a heartbeat. With a deep breath, you turned the wheel sharply, the tires squealing in protest as you sped away from the shop and the ghosts of the past that lingered there.
As the distance between you and Toji grew, you fought to steady your trembling hands and quiet the storm of emotions raging within.
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igotanidea · 2 years
The perks of injuries : Morpheus x reader
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Request: Reader is able to enter the dreaming physically, not just while asleep. Time pass, she starts to feel comfortable around lord and acting like they're friends (she thinks they really are, but we know Dream and his "I don't need anyone"). One day something awful happened, maybe reader was being followed in the night on her way home or some natural disaster appeared, so she went to the dreaming out of fear, but Morpheus being his moody self with a lot of work thought she would just get on his nerves or something like this and just sent her back to earth, maybe with saying about her being too loud/clingy for him to normally work. In the real world she got badly hurt and the only person who helped her out was Hob/Matthew/Death. The same day or the next dream found out about it from her saver (if it's hob maybe during their meeting which was due the same day everything happened, matthew when he came back, death when she was just passing by his realm). Ending with guilty, comforting Morpheus.
Oh, hello there. I haven’t seen you lurking  in the shadows.
I don’t think we’ve meet before so let me introduce myself. In this story my name is irrelevant and it’s better if you only know me by my function.  I am the spirit, that little spark that lives inside every human and stays there even after people die. Of course, I am dressed in human form but you should not be tricked with that outside.
Because of my purpose and abilities, during my lifetime I have already met a lot of different creatures, god, embodiments of human believes. Funny how their faith and imagination brings all of them to life and keep them that way.
The Endless are the ones I have to work with most of the time. I already mentioned Death – surprisingly she is the sweetest girl you have ever met, full of optimism and joy but there are another 6 of them. Destiny, Destruction, Desire, Despair, Delirium and Dream. I purposefully left Dream at the end since I have the strongest relation with him. He rules the sleeping domain, but even when people dream their spirit stay active so it’s my job to ensure nightmares or dreams do not become too vivid. It’s my duty to watch over them all the time, much to Dream’s displeasure.
Despite his attitude during the years we were able to make this relation work without interfering too much with one another and that required my presence in the Dreaming from time to time to check out if everything was going smoothly.  Therefore I was granted the ability to project myself in his Kingdom not only while sleeping (since I was still a lot like human) but also in my psychical form. At some point I started considering Dream as my friend, but he was far more reserved with the use of such word.
It was heavy day. October mood started to settle in and people were slowly indulging in their autumn sadness, sleepiness and weariness. Focusing only on the most important things, rarely leaving homes and spending days in front of TV, tucked in blankets. Lack of sun and happiness could be felt by everyone and Despair slowly started to pull her claws on those who were prone to seasonal mood swings and depression. I would lie if I said it all had no effect on their spirits and in result – on me. I was losing energy and focus and motivation to do anything and it was not good. Definitely not. Despite my best efforts I felt all the emotions and instead of acting like a spiritual being I was behaving like human. Which also meant I was more vulnerable than usual.
“Heading home?” my friend from work stopped by my desk on her way out, worry all over her face
“Sorry?” I raised my head from the pile of documents, not sure of the day or even the hour
“It’s late” she said “you should finish for today. You have been working too hard lately.”
“Yeah, maybe you are right” how could I even begin to explain that work helped me get my mind busy. And being a scientist required constant focus on the experiment and researches so it really helped “but you know how it is, if you don’t keep up the pace you will be left behind and we don’t want another team to outrun us, do we?”
“Nope. But we also don’t want a member of the team to die on the shift, so try to remember that. Team, right, we are all in this together so no reason to  act like a martyr.”
“I don’t….” I started but she cut me off
‘You do. I don’t know what’s been going on with you lately, but something’s different.”
“Must be the weather.” I smiled innocently not revealing the true reason behind it all.
“Right. Lame excuse. Go home. I’ll see you tomorrow” she fastened the belt and I waved her goodbye.
Honestly, deep inside I knew she was right. It was almost 7 p.m., the streets were dark and deserted and I was in need of rest. Even if I hated it. Reluctantly I stood up, turned off the lights, closed the door and started walking home. But as soon as I stepped out of the office I felt something was wrong. Seemingly quiet and dimly lit street, instead of radiating calmness and peacefulness was eerie and terrifying. I felt it in the pit of my stomach and my heart instantly started beating faster. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a coward and I’ve seen a lot of dark, scary things inside humans souls, but this…. This feeling was something different. Something more primal, carnal and definitely not coming from Earth.
“Come out now, show yourself!” I spun around searching for the threat. Yes, I know I’ve learned nothing from the horror movies. I should have run the other direction instead of walking straight into the arms of it.  “Are you chickening out now?” I mocked, using all the efforts to make my voice sound firm and confident.
There was no response but the lights flickered slightly and out of nowhere the wind broke off.
“Oh, great” I mumbled “someone needs some demonstration of powers. Why not bring the earthquake or a hurricane.”
“If you wish so, I can make it happen.“
“Desire” I hissed while spotting black-dressed, thin and high figure moving in front of me “are you alone this time?”
“Hello, spirit. Despair sends her regards, but she could not visit this time.”
“Such a shame.” I pouted “but her presence seem to be …. Pervasive, lately. I suppose she is in high spirits?”
“My dear, you can’t even imagine.” Desire purred “and what brings her the most pleasure is you suffering because of your beloved humanity.”
“I bet it is” I groaned as a sharp sting run through my stomach “do you have a business with me, Desire? It’s not often I see you in the Waking.”
“This is an exception from a rule. I know you’ve been suffering lately and I came for the aid.”
“Aid?” I raised an eyebrow “Did you bump your head, Desire?”
“You misunderstood me. My aid is more like ending your suffering”
“I don’t suffer” I folded over in sudden pain and started catching my breath rapidly.
“Liar” Desire put on the widest smile and took a step forward
“What are you doing to me?” I was  now kneeling on the ground, feeling worse and worse with its proximity.
“You should know better, spirit. Desire is something that is detrimental to the …. Metaphysical aspects of human existence. Don’t you ever read any religious texts?”
“I know them too well, actually” I gasped
“Good. Then you will know what is coming next for you” Desire popped a squat next to me and grabbed my chin forcefully causing me to look at them. “You are going to suffer, a lot. I will make you beg for …..”
“Why?” I groaned trying to yank myself.
“Because you are a nuisance. You make people better, more noble and gentle. I don’t like that.”
I hissed in pain once again, not able to hold it back.
“Yes.” Desire purred full of vengeful satisfaction “ it hurts, doesn’t it? And there is nowhere to run.”
“That’s where you are wrong, Desire” I looked them straight into the eyes, sudden crazy though popping inside my mind.
“What? What are you talking about?” their smile slightly dropped
“Goodbye, Desire. I would say it was a pleasure to meet you, but as you know I am not the best liar in the world” I said and hissing and pain gathered all my power to transport myself to the only place that could possibly ensure my safety from one of the Endless.
The portal I opened was so powerful that it made me lose my balance and fell onto the sandy shore by the Dreaming’s gate. Coughing and panting I used my hand for support before my head got injured due to the impact.
“Shit! Shit, shit!” I really hoped I would be able to get straight into the castle but apparently the stress influenced my focus. Even though I was safe now and Desire could not get me here without invitation to Dream’s realm (which was never happening) I jumped and rushed towards the entry. “Please, open up” I put a hand where normally the doorknob would be and whispered silent pleas. I was lucky enough to made it move, in painfully slow and glitzy way. I was not patient enough to wait and slipped through the gap running towards the palace.
“Dream!” I panted running straight into the throne room catching my breath
“Spirit.” His cold voice made me straighten up immediately to safe the rests of the dignity, but my messy hair and reddened face did nothing to help me. “Why are you here?”
“Oh, you know, I was just nearby and decided to pay you a visit.”
“You were not invited. Your unexpected visitations are becoming a bother to the Kingdom”
“Morpheus ….” that was painful “you surely don’t mean that…..”
“What seems to be the matter this time?” he raised his gaze and looked at my messy figure. “Did something happen?” the last question was barely a show of acknowledgement more
“Yeah, just your sibling came at me trying to destroy my inner peace. No biggie.” I fixed a single strand of hair trying to give shaking hands something to hold on to.
“Who else?”
“I shall deal with my sibling soon then, if you were not able to do so. Anything else?”
“Yes, actually” I started fiddling with my fingers nervously
“What is it?” the way he was towering over me made me feel weak an completely at his mercy. As much as I hated begging there was no other option.
“Please, don’t make me go back to waking. At least not straight away. Let me stay, Morpheus”
“I’m busy, spirit. I don’t have time for that. And I see no reason to do so. “
“You know well enough I have no power against Desire, Morpheus and if they are after me, Waking is not safe. I’m really scared, please. I thought as my friend you would help me.” Oh, forget the dignity, fear got the worst of me.
“Waking is your realm and you should go back there immediately. Dreaming has its own affairs and it’s not a hideout for you, spirit. Go back to your Realm, protect it and I will take of Desire after I’m done with my duties.”
“Morpheus, please…. I….”
“That’s all, Spirit.”
“Fine. Thanks for your help, Dream. Hope everything works well for you here. I suppose I see you when there’s another vortex or some other threat to your Kingdom. You never had any inhibitions to ask for my help."
I marched out the palace and with still shaking hands returned to the same place in the Waking. Luckily, Desire was out of sight, for now, but knowing them, this was far from over.
I had a sleepless night. After my little banter with Morpheus no dream came to me and obviously I did not even enter the Dreaming. He was either acting like a child or was truly busy with some serious and urgent matter, most probably both those reason combined. So when the morning came I was even more tired than before. And there was one more thing, just a little something that normally would not get my attention but since I knew that I was on Desire’s radar I was far more alert. I was becoming paranoid and there was no way I could go to work like that, so the only option was to call in and excuse myself with being sick. The last thing I needed was ending up in the mental hospital or someone discovering my true identity. Muttering some protective spell I walked round the apartment searching for the source of something dark and evil I could clearly feel. It was not Desire, for sure. This was more… infernal, cruel and  well, less sly than Dream’s sibling. Suddenly, the though dawned on me. They send a demon after me. The worst kind of the Hell’s servant, known as Hellfire. Talk about a threat to a spirit. This one could crash me with a single snap of his fingers.
“Spirit.” he spoke contently “such a pleasure”
“I did not expect you in my flat.” I trembled “what brings you to me?”
“A debt to Desire. Seems like today I will finally be able to pay it.”
“I’m not going down willingly.” I raised hand creating some sort of shield between us
“Funny, I was not asking” he looked at me and I felt this kind of pain that really make you wanna give up and die. My whole body was on fire, my insides being twisted and turned and I could only see the blackness. My light and soul power was still there, but it was not enough to go against the demon. Darkness slowly started to creep in, every positive though I had gone and suppressed by negativity, sadness, evil. There was no good in the world, people were ungrateful, greedy creatures, life was meaningless.
“Death….” I whispered faintly before losing conscience and giving in to the devilish powers.
When I opened my eyes I was lying under cover, the demon gone and my flat looking like nothing happened. Was that a dream? But why would Morpheus allow something like that? Was he really that mad at me for seeking his help? I tried to move but my whole body was aching and even breathing was problematic. I also felt some pressure on my abdomen and after lifting up the shirt I discovered some dressing across my stomach.
“Who’s here?” I screamed at the space once again alerted. I was in no condition to fight but I would if I had to.
“Hey, no! Lay back down” black-skinned woman came running off the kitchen forcing me back onto the cushions. “You got pretty badly hurt, dear. You need rest.”
“Hello, Death” I closed my eyes, enjoying her warm hand on my forehead “What happened?”
“How much do you remember?”
“I remember Hellfire coming after me. “
“That is not something you can forget" she muttered” you called for me and that was good decision.”
“Guess my human instincts kicked in. Thank you. Amongst the Endless you are the only one I can count on.”
“How so?” she raised an eyebrow “Actually, wait. I was a bit surprised when I heard your voice. I mean, usually you are rather more fond of collaborating with my brother, so why me?”
“I did ask Dream for help, but he….”
“Wait.” She raised hand stopping me from talking “He denied you?”
“He was busy.”
“He is always busy. And his affairs are usually about him sulking and going through something. I love my brother, but he is an idiot. This could have ended up so bad….” She shook her head and the curly hair bounced around emphasizing her annoyance. “Did you tell him Desire was after you?”
“How do you know that?” I propped myself on the elbow but the injuries made me fall back hissing. “Shit!”
“It does not take a genius. Only Desire would send a demon after you. unless you also have some affair with Morningstar I should know about?” I shook my head denying that “Good. But Dream…., I think I will need a word with him.”
“The boss is already on his way. Will you let me in?” familiar Raven perched down on the sill looking through the raked window.
“Sure, come on in, Matthew” I sighed reaching for the handle and letting him in.
“Are you all right?”
“Besides dizziness, third-degree burns and scarred pride I think I will pull through. Not thanks to Dream, though. “
“He is ……” Matthew started but quickly stopped
“Do not speak in my name Matthew.”
“Oh, hello brother. Seems like you and I have a  lot to talk about” Death smiled at her younger sibling appearing in the room, but tone of her voice was far from happy, rather reprobative.
“Guys” I captured their attention “as much as I appreciate you all coming here, can a girl get some peace and calm to heal? You know, you don’t confront a demon every day. Death, thank you for your help, truly, but can you and your brother get your little fight somewhere else?”
Death eyed her brother carefully while he was hunched, his gaze focused on the floor.
“Sure” she shrugged “you need peace, you are right. But I think Dream might have something to tell you, so I’ll leave you two alone. Matthew, care to join me outside?”
“Sure thing, Lady Death.”
“We will have this conversation, brother, just later. What comes up must go down” she went to hug him and whispered into his ear “tell her!” then the older endless turned back to me, still in bed “see you soon, dear, take care of yourself and if you ever need something don’t hesitate to call me. Bye.”
Without her presence the atmosphere in the room suddenly became more tense. Dream was standing in the same position, his feet rooted to the ground, while I was just biting my lip and trying to look everywhere but on him. Awkward.
“Dream…..” I spoke
“Spirit……” he said at the same time and this made us silent once again.
Finally, after what seemed like eternity he came closer and sat down on the edge of the couch making me move away instantly.
“Please, don’t” he whispered
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t …. Run from me.”
“Run from you?! Are you serious Dream? I run straight into you when I felt the danger coming. And what was your response? I am busy. Isn’t that what you said?” the anger and hurt found the way out at last.
“I did….I…..I….” he stuttered
“I apologize, spirit. I should have taken you seriously.”
“You should have.” I agreed looking away, still hurt. “Well, apologies accepted I guess.”
“No.” he grabbed my hand gently
“No? I don’t understand.”
“You should be mad. You should scream and shout and call me an idiot. But you are just too good for me, aren’t you?” he searched for my face and as our gazes met I finally came into realization
“Morpheus?” I coughed out “what are you…..”
“When you came to me…. I panicked. You make me…. Feel things and that is something I haven’t experienced in some time. “
“Is that bad?”
“It’s dangerous. Every woman I loved, every feeling I held for anyone always ended up badly.”
“Loved?” I opened my eyes in surprise “Dream…..”
“Yes. It’s true. I love you, spirit. And now I feel so guilty for letting you get hurt. And ‘m terrified for your safety. We still have joint affairs and business and I don’t know if I can keep it up like that. Maybe it would be better and safer for you with me gone”
“Shut up, Morpheus!” I interrupted his teary confession unable to take it anymore. “Your sister is right, you are an idiot. Why do you think I came to you in the first place? Why do you think I project myself in the Dreaming every time I get the chance? Why do you think I meddled with humans mentality so they would get your attention and you would come to me for change. Did you believe it all to be coincidental?”
“I…” oh, now he was speechless “I never ....”
“Well, now you know.” I looked down, my cheek turning red. “It’s your decision what to do with it. You can leave but you can…. you know, stay.”
“My love” he whispered and before I realized what was happening he was kissing me gently and mindful of all the injuries  “I am sorry. I’ll stay with you as long as you’ll have me.”
“Then you are up for a long ride. But I believe you have a word to exchange with your sister first.”
“She can wait” he whispered moving in once again but I stopped him by putting hand on his chest.
“She cannot. Before this gets serious you need some sense knocked into your head. Go talk to her and be quick. You made me wait for you long enough.”
“Anything for you, love. “ he kissed my temple and reluctantly, yet obediently left to be scolded by Death.   @somest1 @pinksirensong  
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mynameisnotsoda · 7 months
Explaining my entire dsmpsona playlist because I can
P.s. every mention of Soda in this post isn't me, i just dont feel like putting c! In front of it every single time LMAO
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Also i dont think i ever posted the ref on tumblr!!?!??! Criminal but putting it here is better methinks
I also put this in my studentbur playlist, which feels fitting for both of them. However for Adam its more metaphorical whereas with Soda its more literal.
I have my own shapeshifter lore that's loitering in my brain that i need to write down eventually BUT the basics are essentially that shapeshifters are "born" from the planet. They CAN come from other shapeshifters but only once and most choose not to have a bio kid.
So basically, Soda literally popped out of the ground one day, was found by Sapnap and then adopted by Bad and Skeppy. Soda was maybe physically 9/10 years old and was so curious about the world and excited to experience life. If any creature could possibly be made of pure love, its them.
Growing up Soda got REALLY attached to Bad, they clung onto him a lot and it was to the point where it was probably unhealthy. Of course Bad noticed, which made him actually set some boundaries despite not really wanting to. Skeppy was able to convince him, though, as when it comes to the kids hes the voice of reason.
So, Bad would start off by telling Soda that he was going to be gone, leading up to him just disappearing for maybe a few hours at a time before eventually coming back. Eventually Soda was able to function without Bad, but that ended up backfiring as they just latched onto Sapnap instead.
With Soda's attachment to their brother, they tagged along with him when he went out fairly often but after being weened off of Bad it became more frequent. Soda and Sapnap were practically attached at the hip, regardless of Sapnap's protesting.
With a group of teenagers they were obviously doing some reckless, stupid shit and Soda was just along for the ride! At first Dream and George hated Soda—they were just Sapnap's annoying younger sibling—but eventually they got used to Soda being around. Especially since they may have persuaded Soda to use their shapeshifting for nefarious purposes.
At first everyone found Soda adorable, their cheery optimism, endless energy and amusing naivety was a part of their charm. But then it became...obnoxious.
Sapnap always had a short temper, he tried his best to handle it, but sometimes he'd just snap at Soda when they became too much of a handful. He was always quick to apologize but it affected Soda deeply.
Soda very much struggled with any sort of negative emotions, when they felt it—it hit them hard. One day, it was enough to send them spiraling, having a panic attack alone in their room. This was also the first time memories of their past lives resurfaced. At first it was rather intriguing, though a jumpscare, but then it just got worse.
It seemed like Soda's lives were always filled with turmoil and a constant feeling of dread. The stronger their emotions became the more fragments of memories would appear. Soda didn't tell anyone about this.
Skipping much further ahead, Soda obviously sided with the Dteam during the revolution. They were family, in Soda's eyes at least. Which made it incredibly easy for Dream to use that to his advantage. He used them in every way that he could to win the war, even going as far as to try and make Soda resent Tommy and Tubbo. Soda was a spy, mostly, turning into a cat to effortlessly infiltrate the enemy. They heard and saw everything, but part of them felt bad for it, so they never told Dream everything. He noticed.
The horrors of being a child soldier.
Dream's obsession with power and control was never obvious, not to his friends and certainly not to Soda. They truly believed he had good intentions despite going to war with Wilbur. Then again, Soda doesn't understand what war really is. But the pressure to keep up with Dream's demands and avaid his increasing irritably became exhausting and overwhelming. Yet Soda believed it was their fault.
Tubbo and Tommy weren't safe from the horrors either, they had that much in common with Soda. The three of them went through hell, basically.
Aaaand tumblr wont let me add more songs so im cutting this into parts through reblogs. I'll probably continue this later (bc its almost 2am pFF) and might post the second part before i go to sleep like im doing now :P
I am cringe but I am free
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I’ve gotten a lot so I’m gonna do a big post about them!! 🍉
Please reblog these if you can’t donate. But if you can donate please do.🍉🍉
https://gofund.me/e171bfb4 - Ezz Al Deen Family, they are a family of 7 who lost their home in Gaza and need help raising money to take care of their family
https://gofund.me/4f76ea0b -this is Safaas GoFundMe, Safaa is raising money for their family as long as on their family of tens behalf!
https://gofund.me/83e942b4 - This is Mohammed and he is so close to his last goal! Mohammed is raising money for him and his family.
https://gofund.me/b60fb34d - This is Asmaas go fund me for her and her family of 8! They have lost their source of income and need money to survive this war!
https://gofund.me/2284158c - please donate to help Ahmed and Ahmed’s family from this war!
https://gofund.me/5e69cf5c - Omar’s message- I am Omar Khaled from Gaza. My family and I are not well. We are facing difficult life conditions. Our lives are made up of constant fear, terror, and anxiety. We want you to make a small donation of $15-$25 to save my family's lives from dying in Gaza.
.https://gofund.me/b25cb4bf - Safaas Message An urgent and urgent appeal. Please do not stop reading. I am Safaa Asaad, a university student. I am 26 years old and married. I gave birth to my first child during the war. My life was full of love and optimism. I was distinguished in the field of law. I was diligent and had dreams and ambition. I intended to open my own law firm and defend the rights of others, diligence and perseverance. In restoring the rights to their owners, I got married while I was a student. I married the right man whom I had always been waiting for. We loved to always be together. He suffered before he married me. He worked hard to build the house and collect money to propose to me. His source of income was very good, and we got married and lived a good life. As time passed, the war came, and I had not completed the year. My marriage and our home were destroyed. My husband lost his job. My father, after seeing the destruction that befell our area, became unable to speak and became paralyzed from the outside. My husband, two months after entering the war, gave birth to my first child under difficult circumstances in a small tent full of insects and mosquitoes. I and my son could not live in a tent because of the insects, so we fled to escape. The border is under the shadow of the wall. We are suffering greatly, and now, after exhaustion and exhaustion, I decided to create a donation link to go out and save my family from Gaza. We were insulted and humiliated by the occupation army. The relative died and the relatives were killed. We were displaced. I cannot describe what happened to us. I ask you to save my family and get us out of Gaza with a donation. To us via the link, please donate, even if it is $10, it will make a difference to us. They can save us from death, and your donation will be a reason to save our lives, so my son can live the life I dreamed of, open a law firm, and open a project for my beloved husband. Please donate and support the💔💔😭😭 campaign.
https://www.gofundme.com/f/tahseen-family-from-gaza-not-to-feel-hungry - this is tahseens message- I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you, urgently pleading for your help. I appeal to your mercy and humanity to help us. Please don’t be surprised when I say that you, yourself, are my hope—the hope that can bring life back to me and my children. As you read this message, my family and I are hungry, thirsty, and terrified. We are homeless, depressed, and feeling hopeless. To be honest with you, I can endure famine, thirst, and homelessness, but I cannot bear the thought of watching my children die from starvation. I am a father of three children, striving alongside my wife to secure a decent life for them. After October 7th, our lives took a drastic turn with the onset of the cruel war on Gaza. Tragically, everything we owned was lost when our home and business were bombed and destroyed. We are now enduring a slow death, living a devastating life in Gaza. 
https://gofund.me/c4472150 - this is Ahmed’s gofundme, he is only 19 years old! Please donate to help him escape this war and continue his education!
https://gofund.me/aa7b3ff2 -please donate to help Lobna and Ahmed and their children!
https://gofund.me/9233fc30 - Mohammed’s Godundme! Please donate to help him and his brother escape this war!
Please also reblog their posts and spread these.
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How Nibav Transformed a Family’s Life: Reclaiming Independence, Restoring Dignity!
The challenges posed by limited mobility can have a profound impact, not just on the individual, but on the entire fabric of a family’s life. This is the story of Richard, a 64-year-old Florida resident, and his son Henry, who witnessed the devastating toll that Richard’s confinement to the lower levels of his cherished home was taking on his father’s spirit.
As Richard struggled with the isolation and loss of independence, Henry knew they had to find a solution — but the options seemed daunting and out of reach. That is until they discovered Nibav and our innovative vacuum-powered home elevators, which would allow Richard to reclaim his autonomy without compromising the essence of his dream home.
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Empowering Families, Restoring Independence
At Nibav, we understand that mobility challenges impact not only the individual but the entire family unit. When Richard, a 64-year-old resident of Florida, found himself increasingly confined to the lower levels of his cherished home, it was his son Henry who witnessed the devastating toll it took on his father’s spirit.
As Henry recounted, “Seeing my father struggle with his mobility and feeling isolated in his own home was absolutely heartbreaking.” The barriers that had once been seamless parts of the family’s daily life had become insurmountable obstacles, separating Richard from the spaces and loved ones he held most dear.
A Son’s Determined Search
Determined to restore his father’s dignity and independence, Henry, along with his wife, embarked on a search for a solution that would meet the family’s needs. “We explored everything — from traditional manual lifts to hydraulic and cable-based systems,” Henry shared. “But most of them required major renovations to the house, and the ongoing maintenance costs were simply beyond our means.”
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Discovering the Nibav Difference
It was through a chance conversation with his wife’s friend that Henry first learned about Nibav and our innovative vacuum-powered home elevators. “The moment we heard about Nibav, a glimmer of hope sparked within us,” Henry recalled. “The idea of an elevator that didn’t require major structural changes or constant maintenance — it sounded almost too good to be true.”
Eager to learn more, Henry and his wife arranged a consultation with the Nibav team. “From the very first interaction, we could sense their genuine commitment to understanding our needs and finding the best solution for our family,” Henry shared. “They didn’t just sell us an elevator; they listened to our concerns and tailored their approach to ensure my father’s comfort and dignity were at the forefront.”
Claim Your Difference — Know More About Nibav
Restoring Independence, Reviving Spirits
As the Nibav elevator was installed, Henry watched with a mixture of relief and anticipation, knowing that this was a pivotal moment for his father. “When the doors opened, and my father ascended to the second floor for the first time, I could see the transformation in his eyes,” Henry recounted, his voice brimming with emotion. “It was as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, and he was reclaiming a piece of himself that had been missing for so long.”
The smooth, seamless operation of the Nibav elevator and its seamless integration into the existing architecture only added to the family’s sense of gratitude. “Nibav didn’t just give my father a way to move between floors; they gave him back his independence, his sense of belonging in his own home,” Henry reflected. “It was a gift that extended far beyond the physical — it was a restoration of his spirit and his connection to the life he cherished.”
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For Henry and his family, the Nibav elevator has become a symbol of hope, a testament to the power of innovation to overcome even the most daunting of challenges. “This isn’t just about a home improvement; it’s about reclaiming my father’s dignity, his autonomy, and his rightful place in the life he has built,” Henry concluded. “Nibav didn’t just give us a solution — they gave us back the future we thought we had lost.”
At Nibav, we are deeply honored to have played a role in empowering families like Richard’s to reclaim their independence and embrace the life they deserve. By listening intently to the unique needs of each customer and crafting tailored solutions, we strive to restore not only physical mobility but also the emotional well-being and sense of belonging that is so crucial to a fulfilling life.
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kanisema-blog · 4 months
The rhythmic clacking of my keyboard filled the sterile silence of the library. Deadlines loomed, research papers mocked me with their blinking cursors, and my brain felt like mush. A frustrated groan escaped my lips, sending a ripple of startled silence through the once-peaceful room.
Suddenly, a message popped up on my screen. It was from an anonymous user on the research forum I frequented. "Everything alright over there?" it read.
Startled, I typed back, "Just the usual student meltdown. Deadlines, writer's block, the whole shebang."
A moment later, another message arrived. "Sounds like you need a virtual shoulder pat and maybe some...dessert?"
I couldn't help but smile. "Dessert? Are you offering to bribe me with virtual cookies?"
"Even better," the message read. "Have you heard of Chowking Halo Halo? It's this amazing Filipino shaved ice dessert with everything from beans to ube jam. Trust me, it'll put a smile back on your face."
Intrigued, I Googled the dessert, the vibrant colors and overflowing toppings a feast for the eyes. "Oh my god," I typed, "that looks incredible. But seriously, who are you?"
The response was a playful, "Just your friendly neighborhood dessert dealer."
Over the next few weeks, this anonymous stranger became my virtual lifeline. We commiserated over research woes, celebrated small victories, and exchanged ridiculous memes. He, with his endless knowledge of obscure historical trivia and his unwavering optimism, and me, with my sarcastic wit and caffeine-fueled rants.
One evening, amidst a particularly frustrating bout of writer's block, I sent a message, half-joking, half-desperate. "Oh my god," I typed, "it seems like I've killed someone at your level of anger. Can I send you a virtual Chowking Halo Halo so you can chill???"
His response was a single sentence: "Challenge accepted. But only if you agree to a video call so I can see the face behind the sass."
My heart hammered against my ribs. A video call? This was supposed to be anonymous! But the thought of finally seeing the person who'd become my confidante, the one who'd brought laughter back into my stressful world, was too tempting to resist.
Taking a deep breath, I typed, "Alright, you win. But you better be prepared to be amazed by my bedhead and procrastination pile."
The video call was a whirlwind of nervous laughter and stolen glances. He wasn't what I expected, not the stereotypical image of a research forum dweller. He had kind eyes, a mess of curly hair, and a smile that could melt glaciers.
Our conversations, once confined to text messages, flowed effortlessly in real-time. We learned about each other's dreams, fears, and the most embarrassing childhood stories. We discovered a shared love for bad reality TV and a passionate hatred of early morning classes.
Months turned into years, our online connection blossoming into a beautiful offline reality. We met for coffee dates that turned into starlit walks and movie nights that stretched well into the morning. The research forum remained our secret haven, a place where it all began, a constant reminder of the virtual dessert that led me to the real sweetness of love.
Today, years later, we stand in the kitchen, laughing as we attempt to recreate our first taste of Chowking Halo Halo. It isn't perfect, but the mess of colorful ingredients and the taste of accomplishment are a delicious reminder of our journey.
He looks at me, his eyes warm, and says, "Remember when you thought you'd killed me with your stress levels?"
I grin, leaning into him. "And you saved me with a virtual bowl of shaved ice? Best. Bribe. Ever."
0 notes
yunessa · 1 year
Chapter 12: Zealots and Priests
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There is something to be said for inquisitors. On one hand those trained with an eye to be suspicious and trusting of nobody are invaluable in uncovering secrets and corruption. They can find threads you never saw, spot connections and clues hidden with the years to find the cold truth long buried. Their dedication to any cause is admirable and a worthy shield against the enemy. They are the subjects of heroic songs and ballads, inspiration to their fellow soldiers and men alike. On the other hand it’s a zealot. There is nothing worse than a zealot who would burn a forest to destroy a tree or who would burn a family alive  to ‘save their souls’.  Cruel, devoid of empathy, and blinded by the desire to see everything against their cause removed. So that victory is a surety and not a flickering hope. I have never met a zealotI liked, no matter what cloth they were cut from. There is something inherently dangerous in a zealot.  I can’t claim to be a good sort. But I never have tried to say I was.The best you can do is balance. Society changes as time flows, as does its views of right and wrong. It’s good to steal to avoid dying of hunger, but such it is still wrong to steal.  Balance is optimal but how can you successfully balance against mortal nature?  No matter how you set the scales they will change faster than you can adjust for. Such is mortal nature. It is better to work your way above the flaws inherent in your nature than to pretend they never were. The question still remains however: If you lead then at some point you must find some way to adjust the scales. You need suspicious eyes under your command as much as you need those who will ignore the laws to do good. Rules must be bendable or they will shatter under the brittle nature of the law. How do you adjust those scales? How can you, in this moment, this situation, in this position, balance those scales?  As much as I have tried to balance the scale I’ve only found a way to do so when I was able to solely focus on just balance without giving either side their fair weight. But if I focus too much on the scales I lose my compassion, if I am too compassionate I cannot follow the rules that allow society to function. It seems like an easy answer doesn’t it? In practice and theory, it has an easy answer, a easy road. But reality is often far from dreams and hopes, requiring others in lockstep to even come close to accomplishing even a sliver of such a dream of balance. In a way chaos is a balance to law, zealotry, order, and wearing my heart on my sleeve. My heart on my sleeve was my bleeding weakness. How can you balance while feeling for the guilty and innocent alike?  The answer simply put, is balance. For balance, chaos. For chaos, balance. Harden yourself against every wearied and saddened plight or you will be drained by the world, be compassionate lest you forget mercy.  In all things chaos balances. Chaos is a mix, a response, an impulse, an answer. It cares little about rights or wrongs. It is the only true constant, whether right or wrong. It simply is. Otherwise the world would stagnate. -Yunessa
“My beloved brother!” The argument was so loud it was easy to pick out amidst the other suns. “I admire your zeal, of course, but would you not agree this is hardly the time to be standing guard over a hole.” Even where Yunessa stood it was easy to spot the speaker was an aasimar. Metallic curls escaped his hood and his voice was pleasant to hear, his voice raised loud enough he could keep a safe distance from the inquisitors he faced. “ Nobody will ever emerge from such a hole. Or perhaps you;re concerned that someone will go for a nighttime stroll and accidentally fall into it? Such foresight is laudable, brother, but do you really need so many soldiers for such a task?” His melodic voice was cheerful, his hands held out wide as if he was welcoming the group of inquisitors facing him. 
“Can’t your warriors be put to better use, for instance, fighting demons, or clearing rubble while the people trapped beneath it might still be alive.?”  As Yunessa moved closer the aasimar’s voice proved to be deceptively pleasant. The Aasimar’s violet eyes held bitter reproach.
“That’s Ramien of Edme, prior of this city’s temple of Desna.” Daeran was close enough Yunessa could feel his breath on their ear.  “The old man in that armour in Prelate Hulrun Shappok. The enmity between these two is long-lived and quite vicious.” He looked pointedly between the two. “Who you might be planning to help, well, that’s your business, but I would be most grateful if you would help Ramien get out of this situation live.”
“Is Ramian a friend of yours?” Yunessa asked, though Daeran had given no indication he held any care for anyone there. 
He let out a delicate noise. “No.” Then he added. “It’s those curls of his. I adore Ramien’s curls.” He sighed and started to speak again before Prelate Hulrun spoke, his voice harsh.
“Don’t you dare” He began, seething anger in his voice. “Call me ‘brother’ heretic!”  He’d seen hard combat recently. His armour was dented, covered in gore and his sword was held so tightly his arm shook. An unnaturally wane pallor left his skin pale with a tint of yellow.  “How dare you accuse me of doing nothing to protect this city! Especially now when followers of our temple were caught committing treason!” 
Yunessa leaned down to pick up a decent chunk of stone from the street. They were plentiful. Prelate Hulrun continued: “You’re no different than the demon worshippers- those malformed beasts, those heinous miscreants digging beneath the city walls!”
“What is their grudge about?” Lann asked curiously.  But Daeran didn’t answer Lann’s question, putting two fingers over his lips as he watched the two bicker. 
“Dearest Prelate, everyone knows in your zealous approach to serve the queen and defend the city has long caused you to forget the difference between good and evil. Friend and foe are the same in your eyes- and your punishments. My adepts ‘at of treason’ was a genuine attempt to save the city!”
“-And yet again I am forced to repeat myself: While we are wasting time on this pointless quarrel, people are dying under the rubble in our city! People we could be saving now if you set your soldiers to the task, and not keep them here, surrounding a utterly useless hole in the ground that will continue to be utterly harmless.”  Ramien gestured to the hole caused by Deskari’s scythe. “Nothing else will happen with the hole Prelate.”
Hulrun sneered at Ramian. He leaned forward as if to take a step, swayed, and forced himself to stand upright using his sword. “Oh, harmless? Well if a traitorous Desnan like you says so, then that must mean there is someone down there! Your associates below, no doubt. Waiting for us to abandon our posts-” “Good sirs!” Yunessa tucked the hunk of stone into their jacket. “I do hate to interrupt such a cheerful conversation but….” They shrugged, offering a feigned warm smile that had charmed a few drunks in Yunessa’s time.
“You. I remember you!” Prelate Hulrun stared Yunessa down. “You appeared in my city the day the demons attacked and Terendelev died!”
“That is me. I was the one wounded on the walls.” Yunessa agreed.
“What are you doing here?” Hulrun asked, suspicion laced his voice, taking on a more aggressive authoritative tone. “Answer at once, or I’ll have you strung up by your ankles before you know it! Don’t think that the demons have wounded me! I still have enough strength to take on a hundred of your kind.  
“Right now we’re trying not to die and finding survivors with my little group here to take back to a safe place.” The way Hulrun continued to lean on his sword belied his claims of strength. Even the two inquisitors with him looked as if they fared about the same.
Ramien’s gaze turned approving and his expression changed to something warm and pleasant as he slid a hand into his robes.  
So worried you’re searching for a knife Priest?  But Yunessa smiled back as Hulrun searched Yunessa’s group with his eyes. 
“The old fellow leads the inquisitors in this city, right?” Nenio asked as if Hulrun wasn’t there. “Be careful with him, boy-
“- Those people place no value on science and they believe that ignoring scientific questions is the best response. Incidentally the best way to get their attention is….” Her brow furrowed and she reached into her pockets to produce a damaged notepad. “To draw the attention of Iomedae’s inquisitors: Bellow a hearty ‘Hail Baphomet’ and prepare to explain yourself within three seconds or- I need to finish this experiment soon.” 
“What is that hideous creature?” Hulrun pointed to Lann. 
“Lann, at your service.” He ducked his head in a bow that seemed as if he’d practiced it more than once. “My forebearers fought in the first crusade I’ve lived in Kenabres my whole life.” He tapped his boot on the cobblestone. “You haven’t seen me because you’ve never ventured into our underground district.” He shrugged, voice light. “We’ve been meaning to complain to the city authorities that our paving stones below are in dire need of repair.”
Hulrun canted his head. “The first crusade.” He repeated slowly. “That makes you a mongrel then.”
“You’ve heard of Mongrels?” What Seelah had said made it seem like they were a known boogyman myth.  Even Ember who’d lived on the streets had asked Lann why he hadn’t visited above ground.
“Of course I’m aware. Hmph.” Hulrun looked back to Lann. He seemed to consider his options before taking a slow breath, heavily resting on his sword. “All right, let’s be off with you then.” His eyes moved to Yunessa.”If he causes any trouble, I shall hold you responsible. Come to think of it- you haven’t told me who you are so I can confirm you’re not a miscreant.”
“I know you lead a bunch of the inquisitors. But I'm not certain that gives you a right to keep demanding an answer to the same question. I already gave you my name. It’s Yunessa, y-u-n-e-s-s-a. Bard by trade and of little importance.” Yunessa rubbed their wrist, surreptitiously checking their bracelet. But the magic stone remained much the same.
“I decide what’s important. It’s already passing strange you don’t know who I am.”
“Does every stranger need to know your name?” Yunessa asked curiously. 
“They should if they pass through Kenabres. I am Hulrun Shappok, prelate of Kenabres, Inquisitor by the grace of Iomedae, defender of the city by grace of Her Majesty, Queen Gallifrey. Against threats within and without!”  He straightened as much as he was able at the words, casting a dark gaze towards Ramien.
“And you’ve done a sterling job of protecting the city.” Ramian flashed a smile at Yunessa. He’d reached for a wand rather than a knife as he signed the change in situation. “I am Ramien of Edme, Prior of the Temple of Desna, which, alas, currently lies in ruins.” He gestured to Hulrun with his free hand, keeping the wand carefully out of Hulrun’s sharp gae. “Wise Hulrun,here believes it so vital to guard this hole in the ground which he believes is vital as surely, demons will emerge at any moment. I have been trying to convince him the city has more urgent matters and he should do what you’ve been doing. Recusing those citizens who so desperately need our help.”
“You know what? There may be in fact one matter that is more important than guarding this hold. I’ve put it off and look where this has led us.” He pointed an accusatory finger at Ramian. “I should have had you hung from the gates  back when you dared to defend your gang of delinquent demon collaborators. If the Sarkorians had burned Areelu Vorlesg while they had the chance, there never would have even been a war!” His sword arm begin to tremble again. “I will not make that mistake again! I’ll hang you from one of the lantern posts!” The tension between the two was thick enough that Yunessa kept their hands visible.  Hulrun was angry and blustering but his pallor betrayed him as he relied on the sword. The inquisitors with him fared no better, staying close to Hulrun to shield him, but not moving to go for Ramien yet.
  Ramien allowed Hulrun to see his wand as he turned to face the Prelate. Before his voice was melodious, now it held an edge, like broken glass. “You’re a fool Hulrun. A fool, a zealot, and a murderer, but you’re a fool first and foremost. I warned you the Wardstone was weakened. You refused to listen. My young adepts were trying to save the Wardstone - and you stopped them. Of course, those truly responsible forth tragedy are the demons, but you did nothing to prevent it. And now you'd rather commit murder and die yourself, than admit you were wrong. As always.” He began to gesture with the wand and almost immediately the inquisitors around Hulrun reacted defensively. SIlver shields flashed and Hulrun raised his own sword.
To no avail. Ramien simply vanished from existence as if he was never there. Only the sound of the Prior running betrayed that he had used an invisibility spell. Even before the sound faded the inquisitors had moved aside for Hulrun to move in front of them. Seeing no visible sign of Ramien he clenched his jaw. “Beast! Heretic! Traitor and thrice dammned demon cultist! He slipped away again!” He stomped his foot in outrage- though it lacked effect as he exhaled loudly after, shoulders slumping down with the effort.  He turned his eyes on the group and gave Yunessa a foul look. “What about you? Whose side are you on?”
“I hadn’t considered picking one.” It was only partially a lie. Yunessa had no interest in the argument until Ramien’s final words sparked curiosity. “There isn’t a need to pick a side is there?”
“Are you trying to defend him? In that case my soldiers don’t need to be told twice to kill you!” 
“I am only trying to figure this out, Prelate.” Yunessa held their hands out, palms upwards. “I came to the city the day this happened- you were there when they brought me in dying. I have no context for any of this beyond the argument I just witnessed. I can’t be blamed for asking why a servant of Iomedae would hang someone without a trial.”
“You don’t seem to realise what city you’re in Yunessa.-” Daeran spoke up.
“I heard it was called Kenabres but I will allow myself to be in the wrong there.” Yunessa spoke. Daeran’s lips twitched but he continued as Prelate Hulrun eyed him like a particularly unpleasant roach. 
“The Prelate here was appointed by my cousin Galfrey, Queen of Mendev by the grace of Iomedae. Thus, he is in fact, judge, jury, and executioner- and all with the blessing of Queen and Goddess themselves.”  Daeran ‘s expression didn’t change- he seemed as if he could be enjoying a conversation about the weather.
“Blasphemy- that’s blasphemy right?” Lann asked. “Wouldn’t the Goddess want him to have a trial or something? Uplanders still have those right? Innocent until proven guilty?”
“Me? A blasphemer? Perish the thought. But answer me this: Has Iomedae stripped the prelate of his powers? No, she has not. That means she has no qualms about how he’s dispensing justice within the city. The prelate is within his rights- “ Daeren’s eyes moved to Lann. “So that would make you the blasphemer here.”
Hulrun hadn’t interrupted Daeran as he spoke. His hardened eyes stared at Daeran who watched him back as the Prelate trembled- with fury if Yunessa was right. “I’m surprised the Goddess saw fit to let you live-” He began but Yunessa clapped their hands. 
“What is Prior Ramien even accused of? Besides whatever his adepts had done?” Hulrun’s eyes moved over Yunessa’s group, looking them over before they finally rested on Yunessa. “If you want to hang him right off the bat it must be serious Prelate. Especially if there is to be no trial by his peers.”
“Treason. Not long before this city was attacked, several followers from his temple tried to secretly access the Wardstone and perform an unknown ritual over it.” It seemed impossible for Hulrun to get any more angry, yet, his anger still seemed to be rising. Growing in fury like a stroked fire.  “This city’s Ward stone, A gift from Iomedae and they tried to touch it with their filthy hands! The damned Desnans played right into the hands of demons!”
“Do you want me to try and find Ramien for you?” Yunessa needed Ramien. Very much so. But as long as Yunessa kept talking the Prelate’s attention wouldn’t wander. Yunessa was feeling glad their lute was safely wrapped to keep it safe from the rain- what would Hulrun do if he saw the butterflies on the lute?
“Capture him? Yes. Yes! If you want me to believe you’re no traitor then go and capture that traitor! Bring him back to me and he’ll hang!”
Yunessa gestured at the others to follow. “If that’s the case then I’ll keep my civilians with me so you can continue to do your job Prelate, unless you were going to leave this place?”
His eyes narrowed dangerously. “I will not hear another word against it! Demons are hiding underground, the proof is all around you! The hole spawned Nabasu that crawled out of here will not harm anyone now and as long as I breathe I will prevent these underground beasts-” Hulrun paused. “Are you trying to lure me away from my post? Perhaps you’re also a cultist too? Wanting to help your friends underground do you?” 
“Not in the slightest Prelate.” Yunessa shrugged as though unconcerned. Though seeing the light in Hulrun’s eyes, Yunessa would gladly leave the zealot to his hole. Hulrun had focused on that task- aided by his weakened condition- and his argument with Ramien only solidified his already unreasonable heightened suspicions. “I was only wondering where to find you upon my return.”
“I won’t take a single step away from here! If you keep up talking nonsense and have you strung up for treason!” He seethed. 
“Of course then-where can I find Ramien?” Yunessa asked and Hulrun paused, his fury gone abruptly as he thought. 
“The weasel couldn’t have gone far.” His eyes looked down the street. He’s probably in some dark hole like the traitor beast he is, and he’ll be trembling and waiting till he’s dragged out of there.”
“With the Prelate after you, it’s the sensible thing to do.” Woljiff quipped. Ember had watched it all quietly, her eyes observing the situation with the same eerie gaze.
“I know you! I remember when Father and I first arrived in the city, you met us!” Her hand wrapped around Yunessa’s, squeezing  it tightly as she smiled at Hulrun. 
“What is this gibberish?” Hulrun stared at Ember as if he just noticed her. “As if I have nothing to do better than meet with beggars! We’ve never met.”
“We have!” Ember insisted loudly. “You and the other knights tied us to staked and started lighting the bonfire. Father died, and then one of your knights changed his mind and pulled me out… but then he died too… don’t you remember?”
There was no lie to be found in Ember’s face or voice. “Did you burn a child Prelate?” There was something about that which made YUnessa’s blood run cold. Ember had several visible scars, some old and some new. But Yunessa would have never guessed someone tried to burn a child alive.   “Surely you wouldn’t burn a child.”
“If I burned a child, as she said, then it was with good reason. She said some traitor helped her escape from the fire? That’s a crime in itself which means that the child would have been evading justice all these years.”  He sighed regretfully. “If it wasn’t for this invasion I’d review your case and see that your sentence was finally fulfilled. You’re lucky we have more important matters to deal with right now.”
“He didn’t look like he does now.” Ember explained helpfully to Yunessa.” Not wrinkled and grey. He was young with a big moustache. Ember’s smile was broad. Soot let out a displeased crackle of noise above.”He probably forgot about me. It was a really long time ago, back when this was the river city-”
“A hundred years? Since the first crusade?” Daeran murmured. But Yunessa didn’t catch it. Their blood was slowly turning curdling in the cold as Ember kept talking. “He probably forgot all about me and Father- it was a long time ago.” Perhaps Ember could sense the growing mood in Yunessa, how the stillness was the calm before an angered storm because she added: “I’m not angry with him! He’s a hero. He just got really, really mixed up about who was good and evil. It’s okay, really!”
“It’s alright if Hulrun burned you and your Father alive? He should be asking for forgiveness.” Ember squeezed Yunessa’s hand, her expression shifting from that oddly unnatural perceptiveness to one more understanding.
“It’s alright.” Ember repeated.
“You should ask for forgiveness.” Lann stated bluntly and it drew an annoyed noise from Hulrun.
“Pah! Hardly! Anyone can ‘look’ innocent. How did the girl survive the fire? And what about that crow flying around her? I advise you to take a closer look at this innocent lamb of yours- if you ask me she ‘looks’ highly suspicious indeed!” He waved a dismissive hand.
“He was only doing what he thought was right How do you- how do you- maybe you’ve done something thinking it was good, but you were really doing something bad that hurt someone? But what if- what if I’ve done the same thing? You can’t get angry at people for making mistakes when you might be no better than them.” She squeezed Yunessa’s hand desperately with all the intensity of a child trying to convince their parents everything was fine. “It’s fine.” She repeated. “I promise.”
“- let’s go Ember.We have places to go.”
“Yes! Bye-bye kind knight!” Ember waved to Hulrun with a carefree mile. Hulrun, to whatever credit he might have possessed, grimaced and looked away.
“Is this it, Aranka?” The church of Desna was beautiful, even in ruin.A garden with a simple stone chapel, works of art were left surrounding, and doubtless, inside the church. It eased Yunessa’s heart to see that it wasn’t entirely in ruin. The tall stone building held symbols of Desna, from butterflies to music scratched in the stones- a chaotic mix of art and beauty. It still retained tranquillity in the air, even as smoke carried the smell of death and lost lives in the air.
Around the temple was a well-tended garden. Trees and flowers- from weeds to roses- provided what must have been a very soothing and calm air before the city had been invaded. But even with the invasion the greenery remained untouched.
Divine blessing or luck?
Trees lined the cobblestone  street leading to the temple’s steps. Their reddish orange leaves lay in piles on the yard, spreading onto the cobblestone. The temple was silent, the joyous bell that would so often ring to announce services gone. Torn away, if Yunessa had to guess, by a demon large enough to reach the top of the church. Large claw marks showed where it had raked its talons over the church over the roof.
Despite that the divine power in the area must have rendered some form of safety- there were no demon or cultist corpses to be seen on its sacred ground.
What do you see?” Aravashinal demanded. He  was tense in the silence, his head turning this way and that. 
“Right now? A nice quiet space that would be better if this city wasn’t under siege. I don't see Prior Ramien.” Yunessa gestured. “Aranka, are any of your fellows here? If they aren’t then it’s better to go to the Defender’s Heart.” An autumn breeze caressed Yunessa’s face.
“He doesn’t have a home in Kenabres to stay in.” Aranka chewed her lip. “He wouldn’t have gotten hurt by the things in the city now. He’s a good healer- too good. Desna wouldn’t let Ramien die.” 
“We can try opening the church doors. They look closed like normal- he might be there.” Lann pointed. “And the sooner we find him, the better.”
“I would like to rest for a while. We’ve been doing this for a good amount of time.” Yunessa searched the grounds as they walked up to the church. “As much as I don’t want to admit it, if we can’t find a priest I’m shit out of luck.”
 “If I called for him…” Aranka began. Her eyes moved around the yard, searching every single shadow.  “Would it summon more of the undead or a demon?”
“It can’t hurt to try.”
“I’m sorry Yunessa. I’m not a priest but I could try to help.” Aranka offered. “Desna wouldn’t forsake you. I’m sure she’d listen.” Aranka’s eyes searched around. “We should try inside the temple. It still looks intact and we can rest there after.”
“Try calling for Ramien. If he isn’t here, then we’ll search somewhere else and take you both to Defender’s heart.” Yunessa said, but tension had their chest wound up like a spring and they pulled their sleeve back to study their arm. The bracelet continued to draw stress, as dull as the tacky stone looked. “We could still search the temple. I’m good with locks.” Woljif offered. “You know, to check for survivors.”
“Always willing to go the extra stretch Woljif.” Rubbing their arm Yunessa tugged their sleeve back. “ No, if we can’t find Ramien here, we’ll make our way to the inn- I haven't forgotten I said I’d help you as well.-  But Irabeth seems like she has enough power to stop Hulrun from trying to hang everyone he sees.” Lann looked back with a frown. His eyes shifted up to the sky before he quickly looked back down again. He’d refused to look at the sky for too long. Yunessa couldn’t blame him- somehow the rain seemed dark, the clouds menacing.
Ramien?” Aranka called out. Standing straight she searched the grounds with her eyes once more. Turning to see the rest of the group had her back she drew strength from it and then louder: ” Prior?” She raised her voice to call out loudly.”Ra-”
“There’s no need for that.” Ramien’s voice answered and the air shimmered against the cobblestone before the aasimar priest returned to visibility, standing to the side of the group. He’d been watching them from  the safety of the foliage. He smiled at Aranka before his eyes shifted to Yunessa. “So you found me.” He held his hands out, palms facing upwards in a universal sign that he had no weapons on him “I’m at your mercy. I have nowhere else to run. Kill me if you wish- but hear me out first, I ask!”  He grasped Aranka’s hands as the bard reached out to him, smiling warmly at her.
“I can’t imagine someone would go so far as to kill you Ramien. Your gaggle of good little worshippers wouldn’t allow such sacrilege to pass.” Ramien blinked at Daeran, startling as he realised who it was. Daeran smiled at Ramien. “Why didn;t you seek safety with me? I would have helped… out of solidarity for a fellow Aasimar and to relive that one summer’s eve.” His smile turned wistful.
“Daeran?” A question and a statement. Ramien’s hands lowered and he tugged his priest’s hood back, golden curls spilled out as he relaxed. “You travel in…unexpected company Bard.” Turning his attention back to Daeran, he shook his head. “I would never consider trying to save only myself. I wanted to help the people of this city. Not idly wait out the storm in safety. Not even for that one summer’s eve.”
“Yes, self sacrifice is a common affliction among clerics, it seems.” Daeran looked around them meaningfully. “This isn’t the worst place in Kenabres to die. But you really should have considered running to go to safety. It’s not worth your life to die for this city.”
“Now isn’t the time for selfish pleasure or self-interest. Our city is burning and the prelate has lost all reason.”  Ramien began but Aravashinal spoke before Ramien could continue, his hands gripping his staff tightly:
“And of the Blackwing Library?” Aravashinal asked, a hint of desperate edge to it. “The temple of Desna is atop the hill- surely you can’t have missed the sight of it in the distance.”
“The library? I don’t know what happened to it. In the chaos I have not been able to keep track of the whole city.” Ramien’s tone was politely apologetic and Aravashinal’s lips thinned. “It is the smoke- between it and the rain I cannot even tell if it was morning or at night.”
“We’ve been doing this since the morning, Prior. Do you want to talk inside the church- assuming, that is, that the church is safe to rest in.” Sitting down felt like a better idea the longer Yunessa thought about it. How long since they had been to a temple of Desna? A proper temple to rival that of other gods of stone and wood. “I don’t intend to harm you.” Yunessa added. “But if Hulrun leaves his hole we’ll at least hear him trying to get into the church.”
“They saved me, Ramien.” Aranka spoke up. “And the bard- Yunessa- let me come with them to find you. Please help them- Hulrun won’t listen to us but he might to them.” She pointed a tapered finger at Yunessa.  “Please.”
“You did say you needed a priest.” Ramien said slowly. A tad reluctant. “I know what’s on your wrist,.” His eyes moved to Yunessa’s wrist where the bracelet lay. “I won’t deny you. Come then, let’s go inside so your group can rest. I’ll tend to you myself.”
The doors were deceptively thick but at Ramien’s touch they opened with nary a sound. It had been left intact despite demons and potential would-be looters.“Ilkes!” Ramien called out and Yunessa spotted a second wavy figure on the lawn as they moved. “Come in with me- I will let you rest inside until you’re ready to move again.”
The inside of the Desnan church felt more akin to a comfortable home than a place of strict worship. Images of Desna were painted on the walls, her old statue looking down at the group with a serene smile as Ramien closed the doors.  The rain began to pour once more as the door was locked  with another gentle touch of Ramien’s hand against the door.
The inside of Desna’s church was tranquil. Soothing and quiet despite the world outside.  Comfortable benches and floor couches had been pulled into service again and Yunessa’s group had made themselves comfortable. Soaked coats had been set to dry and a brazier had been lit to provide some small light and warmth.The protections of the temple had been layered on over time and still managed to hold as the rain continued to fall, determinedly attempting to wash the building away.
The group had found a brazier with two of Ramien’s adepts- Aranka and Ilks- helping them to turn the coals into a small fire. As quickly as they had covered ground in the city it had come with the price of weariness. The cold from the rain had sunk into Yunessa’s bones over the day but they  forced themselves to sit by their drying coat.
“It wouldn’t be hard to hide here until the Queen’s army arrived.” Yunessa remarked. Lann had taken over keeping watch and Yunessa felt Lann’s eyes on them asRamien came close to them, having finished giving the group whatever supplies were in the temple.
“It would be easier.” Ramien countered, his voice light. “But it wouldn't be the right thing to do.”  
“I suppose not.” Yunessa agreed. “You can’t deny the thought is nice, Prior, even if it isn’t right.”
Ramien sat next to Yuenssa. “I wouldn’t accept the easy option if it meant others suffered. Not even if the Queen overlooked it herself.” He held his hand out and Yunessa hesitated. 
“Prior, I just need a blessing that will last.” Yunessa began but Ramien’s smile took away some of Yunessa’s words, leaving them fumbling to pick up whatever they could. “Don’t trouble yourself.”
“You saved my adepts and far more than that. I will bless your bracelet.” Ramien paused. “But later, in a safer place, we can talk about it in-depth.” He eyed the group. “If there is time.” 
“Why do you need a blessing elf boy?” Nenio inquired. She’d sat near the fire, a crumpled wad of paper and charcoal stick in her hands already.
“I told you, I won’t-” “Then don’t ask until you’ve learned my name.” Yunessa said bluntly. Nenio’s lack or- or a desire to- learn Yunessa’s name, wore away at Yunessa’s goodwill. “I have a name. If you don’t learn it then you’ll never get an answer.”
Nenio frowned at Yunessa but Daeran made a comment and her attention quickly shifted as Daeran pointed to the ground, his words so soft Yunessa couldn’t catch them.
Ramien studied Yunessa’s bracelet, turning it this way and that as he did so. “I want to help the city, despite Hulrun seeking my death- he will try to hang me from the highest post- and he will get it if he cannot be brought to see reason.” Ramien’s lips tugged into a bitter smile. “But if you are able to tell me- reassure me Kenabres hasn’t fallen and that the city still lives. If there are pockets of life, resistance in the city were I can be of use, I will go there to help the citizens of the city.”
“It lives. You can go to the Defender’s heart. It’s run by Irabeth Tirabade.” Yunessa promised and Ramien squeezed Yunessa’s arm. 
“Thank you.” He breathed. “Irabath- I know her wife Anevia. She’s a regular at the church’s services.”
“Irabeth has set up the place well. The three priests I saw there were cutting up their own robes and working until they were close to collapse.” Ramien studied Yunessa’s bracelet but Yunessa could already guess at what would draw him to places. Souls like Ramien’s strove to do good.
“I’ll go there. If my adepts come with me then we’ll make a difference.  I know the way to Defender’s Heart- if you’re going to the Blackwing Library then we can accompany you until your street changes.” His expression shifted to a warm smile. “Thank you Yunessa.”
“There’s no need for that. I haven't done anything.” But Ramien smiled at Yunessa and  they could only sigh when Ramien began to murmur a blessing. His voice was a sweet whisper  as he prayed.  He was favoured by Desna- that much was obvious as his fingers brushed against the tacky bracelet gem- as the light gave off faint impressions of butterflies flying around Ramien. 
  “ᴼʰ ᴰᵉˢⁿᵃ, ᵇᵉᵃᵘᵗⁱᶠᵘˡ ᵍᵒᵈᵈᵉˢˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵖᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵗᵃʳˢ ⁱⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ⁿⁱᵍʰᵗ ˢᵏʸ ᵂʰᵒˢᵉ ᵇᵉᵃᵘᵗⁱᶠᵘˡ ᶠᵒʳᵐ ˡⁱᵉˢ ᵇᵉⁿᵉᵃᵗʰ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵗᵃʳˢ ᴵˡˡᵘᵐⁱⁿᵃᵗᵉᵈ ᵇʸ ᵗʰᵉⁱʳ ˢⁱˡᵛᵉʳʸ ˡⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵃˢ ʸᵒᵘ ˡᵃʸ ⁱⁿ ᵃ ᵐᵉᵃᵈᵒʷᵉᵈ ᵖˡᵃⁱⁿ ᴬ ᶠᵉʳᵗⁱˡᵉ ˡᵃⁿᵈ ᵒᶠ ᶠˡᵒʷᵉʳˢ ᶠᵃⁱʳ ᴹᵃᵏᵉˢ ⁱᵗˢ ʷᵃʸ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ʰᵉʳ ᵗᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᴼʰ ᴰᵉˢⁿᵃ, ʰᵉᵃʳ ᵐʸ ʷᵉˡˡ⁻ʷʳᵒᵘᵍʰᵗ ᵖʳᵃʸᵉʳ, ᴿᵉᶜᵉⁱᵛᵉ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᴾʳⁱᵉˢᵗ ᵗʰⁱˢ ˢⁱˡᵛᵉʳ ᶠᵃʳᵉ, ᴬⁿᵈ ᵏᵉᵉᵖ ᵗʰⁱˢ ʷᵒʳˢʰⁱᵖᵖᵉʳ ⁱⁿ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᶜᵃʳᵉ
When the curse was suppressed by the bracelet it felt like a rush- a mixture of relief, clarity, and awareness returning as the world seemed to sharpen Yunessa was no priest and lacked the ability to feel the bracelet’s power. But it was obvious in the way the tacky gemstone brightened in colour that it was being charged.
ᴼʰ ᴰᵉˢⁿᵃ, ʷʰᵒ ⁱˡˡᵘᵐⁱⁿᵃᵗᵉˢ ᵗʰᵉ ⁿⁱᵍʰᵗ ˢᵏʸ ᴮʳⁱⁿᵍ ⁱˡˡᵘᵐⁱⁿᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵖᵉᵃᶜᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᶠᵒˡˡᵒʷᵉʳ ᵗᵒᵒ, ᴮʳⁱⁿᵍ ᵖᵉᵃᶜᵉ, ᵇʳⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʳᵃⁿqᵘⁱˡˡⁱᵗʸ, ᵇʳⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵉ ʷⁱⁿᵈˢ ᵒᶠ ᵉˡʸˢⁱᵘᵐ ᵀʰᵉⁿ ᶜᵃˡᵐ, ᵃˢ ⁱᶠ ᵃᶠᵗᵉʳ ᵃ ˢᵗᵒʳᵐ.  ᴰʳᵉᵈᵍᵉ ᵘᵖ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜᵃˡᵐ ᵃᶠᵗᵉʳ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵗᵒʳᵐ  ᴰʳᵉᵈᵍᵉ ᵘᵖ ᵗʰᵉ ˢʷᵉᵉᵗ ᵖʳᵒᵐⁱˢᵉ ᵒᶠ ˢˡᵉᵉᵖ, ᵁⁿᵇᵘʳᵈᵉⁿᵉᵈ ᵇʸ ᴺⁱᵍʰᵗᵐᵃʳᵉˢ ᴼʰ ᴰᵉˢⁿᵃ, ʰᵉᵃʳ ᵒᵘʳ ᵖʳᵃʸᵉʳ ᵃⁿᵈ ˡᵉᵗ ᵘˢ ʳᵉˢᵗ ᵇᵉⁿᵉᵃᵗʰ ᵃ ᶜᵃˡᵐ ˢⁱˡᵛᵉʳʸ ᵐᵒᵒⁿ.
The fog in the back of Yunessa’s mind receded as if it was never there and they watched Ramien pray, blessing the bracelet. It chased away their weariness and Yunessa felt the magic knit what was left of their shoulder wound knit together, stinging as the start of an infection burned away.
ᴬᵐⁱᵈ ᵒᵛᵉʳʷʰᵉˡᵐⁱⁿᵍ ᵗᵘʳᵐᵒⁱˡ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵃⁿᵍᵘⁱˢʰ ᴵ ᶜᵃˡˡ ᵗᵒ ʸᵒᵘ   ᴱᵃˢᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵖᵃⁱⁿ, ᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵉᵃʳⁱⁿᵉˢˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵇᵘʳᵈᵉⁿˢ ᵘˢ  ᴬˢ ʷᵉ ᵈᵒ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ⁱⁿ ʸᵒᵘʳ ⁿᵃᵐᵉ  ᴸᵉᵗ ᵘˢ ʳᵉˢᵗ ⁱⁿ ʸᵒᵘʳ ˢʷᵉᵉᵗ ᵉᵐᵇʳᵃᶜᵉ,ʸᵒᵘʳ ʷᵒʳᵈˢ, ᵗʰᵉ ʳⁱⁿᵍⁱⁿᵍ ᵒᶠ ᵍᵒˡᵈᵉⁿ ᵇᵉˡˡˢ.  ᴾʳᵒᵐⁱˢⁱⁿᵍ ᵘˢ ᵖᵉᵃᶜᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ᶠʳᵉᵉᵈᵒᵐ
The chapel seemed to light up and Ramien’s voice took on a serene tone as the priest continued, his voice intoxicating to listen to.
  ᴼʰ ᴰᵉˢⁿᵃ, ᵖˡᵃʸ ᵃ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ᵒᶠ ʳᵉⁿᵉʷᵃˡ ᵒⁿ ʸᵒᵘʳ ˡʸʳᵉ ᵀᵒ ᵈʳʸ ᵗʰᵉ ᵗᵉᵃʳˢ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵒˢᵉ ʷᵉᵃʳʸ ˢᵉⁿᵈ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵐᵘˢⁱᶜ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵇᵘᵗᵗᵉʳᶠˡⁱᵉˢ, ᵀʰᵃᵗ ᵗʰᵉʸ ᵐⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵃˡˡ ᶠᵉᵉˡ ʳᵉʲᵘᵛᵉⁿᵃᵗᵉᵈ ᴼʰ ᴰᵉˢⁿᵃ, ᵖˡᵃʸ ᵃ ˢᵒᵒᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ᵃⁿᵈ ʳᵉʲᵘᵛᵉⁿᵃᵗⁱⁿᵍ ˢᵗʳᵃⁱⁿ ᶠᵒʳ ʸᵒᵘʳ ʷᵒʳˢʰⁱᵖᵖᵉrs
Aranka began to hum and Yunessa felt the urge to play. They didn’t recall reaching for their lute, but Ramien’s voice blended in with Aranka’s as her voice rose high. The rest of Yunessa’s group had gone silent. In the moment Aranka, Ramien and YUnessa’s voices became one as Yunessa followed their instinct, the music was enthralling, a hypnotic melody as Yunessa began to play their lute. From the depths of their soul, the song rose and swelled before the divine magic Ramien had called began to ebb away, and with it, the music.
When the music stopped, Yunessa opened their eyes and found themself in a place that looked nothing at all like the ruins of Kenabres or the inside of Desna’s temple. In the blink of an eye the entire world had changed. From a dimly lit temple to deep inside a twilight forest.
It was twilight in this world, with streaks of silver moonlight across the sky. Just dim enough the forest took on a mysterious air. A shallow stream murmured softly behind Yunessa, it’s peaceful sounds uninterrupted even when Yunessa walked into it to try and peer moe deeply into the forest.
“First it was an angel sword, now I’m in a mysterious forest.” Yunessa began to count off on their fingers. “A forest with nobody around.” Yuness stopped to look at a tree. So old its trunk made Yunessa feel small- all of the trees were ancient, so big were they. Garlands of unfamiliar plants twined around their trunks and falling from their branches with some remarkably looking as if they could double for swings. 
Yunessa took a slow breath, breathing in the fragrant smell of the grasses, lichens and mosses glowed, providing a surprising amount of light to see by. Reaching into the stream, they picked up one of the smooth stones in it. It gleamed silver as if it had absorbed all the light that shined down on it. “It looks like stars.” Yunessa looked back down to the strem and countless other stones inside it all winked and gleamed at them like stars. A stream of stars carried by the shallow stream into the forest.
“Is this Kyonin? It feels familiar…no. Not there.” As soon as Yunessa said the words, they knew them to be false. “Well. The stars have never led me wrong before.” And Yunesssa walked along the stream bed, following the silver gleam of the smooth stones. They had never been here before, but it felt like home.
Wandering was peaceful, pleasing as Yunessa began to find things hidden they hadn’t caught. A garland of plants had anther’s that gleamed like polished gems in its petals.The leaves of one tree looked like silk, but the one Yunessa plucked was different. Yunessa walked for a time, finding nothing that failed to be different until the stream passed by a small group.
At a distance they reminded Yunessa of elves but when Yunessa grew close they saw the butterfly wings on the backs of two. One of them had cloven feet, swinging on a garland carelessly, but all three spotted Yunessa, turning to watch them with interest. 
“Don’t mean to be a bother- where am I?”
“ ʸᵒᵘ ᵈᵒⁿ’ᵗ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ʷʰᵉʳᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ? ” The one with butterfly wings and antlers asked in amazement. 
“I was brought here by music when I was in Desna’s temple. I’m afraid I do not.” A tree branching hanging over Yunessa creaked as another of the humanoid creatures watched from above. A flower slowly fell down to land in Yunessa’s hair, but Yunessa barely noticed as the swinging humanoid laughed.
“ ᵀʰᵉʳᵉ ᵃʳᵉ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗˡᵉˢˢ ᵖˡᵃⁿᵉˢ ᵒᶠ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵗʰᵗᵃᵏⁱⁿᵍ ᵇᵉᵃᵘᵗʸ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵃˢ ᵐᵃⁿʸ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵃˢᵗᵒⁿⁱˢʰⁱⁿᵍ ʷᵒⁿᵈᵉʳˢ, ᵇᵘᵗ ᵒⁿˡʸ ᴱˡʸˢⁱᵘᵐ ⁱˢ ʷᵒᵛᵉⁿ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜʳᵃᵛⁱⁿᵍ ᶠᵒʳ ᵇᵉᵃᵘᵗʸ, ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵉˡⁱᵉᶠ ⁱⁿ ʷᵒⁿᵈᵉʳˢ.”  The  creature gestured around them all. “ “ᵀʰᵃᵗ ⁱˢ ʷʰᵉʳᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ⁻ ⁱⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵒˢᵗ ᵖᵉʳᶠᵉᶜᵗ, ᵖᵉᵃᶜᵉᶠᵘˡ, ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐᵒˢᵗ ʷᵒⁿᵈᵉʳᶠᵘˡ ᶜᵒʳⁿᵉʳ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᵖˡᵃⁿᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵇᵒᵘⁿᵈˡᵉˢˢ ᶠʳᵉᵉᵈᵒᵐ.” Movement caught Yunessa’s eyes- the creature had a dozen different tails.
“ “ᵂᵉ ᵃʳᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵃᶻᵃᵗᵃ, ᵗʰᵉ ᶜʰⁱˡᵈʳᵉⁿ ᵒᶠ ᶠʳᵉᵉᵈᵒᵐ.” Said the swinging creature. “ᵀʰⁱˢ ᶠᵒʳᵉˢᵗ ⁱˢ ᵒᵘʳ ʰᵒᵐᵉ ᵗᵒᵈᵃʸ. ᵀᵒᵐᵒʳʳᵒʷ ᵒᵘʳ ʰᵒᵐᵉ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵇᵉ ᵃ ˡᵃᵏᵉ ᵃ ʰᵘⁿᵈʳᵉᵈ ˡᵉᵃᵍᵘᵉˢ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵉˢᵗ, ᵒʳ ᵃⁿ ᵘⁿᵈᵉʳᵍʳᵒᵘⁿᵈ ᶜᵃᵛᵉ ⁱⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒᶜᵉᵃⁿ, ᵒʳ ᵃ ᶜᵃˢᵗˡᵉ ᵒᶠ ᶜˡᵒᵘᵈˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ˢᶜᵃᵗᵗᵉʳˢ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵃ ᵇʳᵉᵉᶻᵉ.”
“ᴹᵒʳᵗᵃˡˢ ʳᵃʳᵉˡʸ ᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵉˡʸˢⁱᵘᵐ.”  The creature with the butterfly wings, antlers and tails spoke. “ᴺᵒᵗ ʷʰⁱˡᵉ ᵗʰᵉʸ’ʳᵉ ᵃˡⁱᵛᵉ. ᴮᵘᵗ ʰᵉʳᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ, ʷʰⁱᶜʰ ᵐᵉᵃⁿˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ⁱⁿ ʸᵒᵘʳ ˢᵒᵘˡ ᵇʳᵒᵘᵍʰᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ʰᵉʳᵉ. ᴵᶠ ʸᵒᵘʳ ˢᵒᵘˡ ᵈⁱᵈ ⁿᵒᵗ ʰᵃʳᵇᵒᵘʳ ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ˢˡⁱᵍʰᵗᵉˢᵗ ˢᵖᵃʳᵏ ᵒᶠ ᶜᵒᵐᵖᵃˢˢⁱᵒⁿ, ᶠʳᵉᵉᵈᵒᵐ, ᵒʳ ʸᵉᵃʳⁿⁱⁿᵍ, ʸᵒᵘ ʷᵒᵘˡᵈ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ⁿᵉᵛᵉʳ ᶠᵒᵘⁿᵈ ʸᵒᵘʳ ʷᵃʸ ʰᵉʳᵉ.”
Yunessa looked around once more. The peaceful forest remained as it was. More flowers fell down as the creature above giggled, full of mischief.  
ᴺᵒʷ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃⁿ ᵃⁿˢʷᵉʳ ᵗᵒ ʸᵒᵘʳ qᵘᵉˢᵗⁱᵒⁿ, ᵃⁿˢʷᵉʳ ᵒᵘʳˢ. ᵂʰᵃᵗ ᵈᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵃᵗ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵐᵒᵐᵉⁿᵗ?” The azata with many tails watched Yunessa. There was only the same curiosity in their eyes. 
Yunessa’s mind ran with a hundred questions and the desire to keep moving along the stream. Elysium, real, genuine Elysium! Yunessa had played songs and sung about it, but never ever had considered this would happen. Not even a speck of thought in their mind.
“I wish my companions were here with me. But seeing as they are not,I have to return.” Even knowing that, Yunessa felt reluctant to leave. “I am needed.”
The azata with the cloven feet that had remained silent until now, watched Yunessa seriously, nodding at them in approval. “ᴵᵗ’ˢ ʳⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵈᵒ ⁿᵒᵗ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵗᵘʳⁿ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ᵒⁿ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵒˢᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ˡᵉᶠᵗ ᵇᵉʰⁱⁿᵈ. ᴵ ˢᵐᵉˡˡ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠⁱʳᵉ, ᵇˡᵒᵒᵈ, ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗᵉᵃʳˢ ᵒᶠ ʷʰᵉʳᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ ᶠʳᵒᵐ, ᵗʰᵉ ᵖᵃⁱⁿ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʰᵒˡᵈˢ ʸᵒᵘʳ ˢᵒᵘˡ ⁱⁿ ⁱᵗˢ ᵍʳᵃˢᵖ. ᴵᵗ ᵃˡˡ ᶜˡⁱⁿᵍˢ ᵗᵒ ʸᵒᵘ.”
“ᴮᵘᵗ ʷᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵗʰᵉʸ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᵃ ᵐᵉᵐᵉⁿᵗᵒ?”  The azata above murmured. “ᴬ ᵍⁱᶠᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵗᵃᵏᵉ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵗʰᵉᵐ, ᵃ ᵐᵉᵐᵉⁿᵗᵒ ᵗᵒ ʳᵉᵐⁱⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵉᵐ?”
The azata fell silent, even the one swinging above slowed to watch Yunessa. There was a weight in the air, a feeling of time pausing to watch as Yunessa considered the question. Such questions were never asked lightly in places like these, by creatures like them- every song, every book Yunessa knew reinforced that truth.
Words held power, like spells or military commands. But there were very few times such questions allowed simple words to have such a bearing on life and destiny. Even the stream seemed to have gone silent, the air heavy with expectation. The forest itself was watching, waiting. All was patient and whatever answer Yunessa gave wouldn’t be taken back.
“Yes. I would really like to.” Yunessa said finally.
“ᵀʰᵉⁱʳ ᵖᵃᵗʰ ⁱˢ ᵗʳᵘᵉ.”  The one from above murmured. The azata drew closer, surrounding Yunessa in the blink of an eye. Surprised, Yunessa was startled. But the azata were calm, expectant and when they spoke, it was all of them at once and none of them.
“ᵀᵃᵏᵉ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵐᵉᵐᵒʳʸ ʷⁱᵗʰ ʸᵒᵘ.” “⁻ᴬⁿᵈ ᵗᵃᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ˡⁱᵍʰᵗ.” “ᴬⁿʸ ᵖᵉᵇᵇˡᵉ ˢᵗʳᵘᶜᵏ ᵇʸ ᵃ ᵐᵒᵒⁿᵇᵉᵃᵐ ᶜᵃⁿ ᵇᵉ ᵉqᵘᵃˡ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵒᶠ ᵃⁿʸ ˢᵗᵃʳ.” “ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃⁿⁿᵒᵗ ᶠⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵉᵛⁱˡ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᶜˡᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵖˡᵃⁿˢ ᵘⁿᵗⁱˡ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵒⁿqᵘᵉʳ ᵗʰᵉ ᵉᵛⁱˡ ⁱⁿ ʸᵒᵘʳ ˢᵒᵘˡ.” “ʸᵒᵘʳ ˢᵒᵘˡ ᶜᵃⁿⁿᵒᵗ ᵇᵉ ᶜˡᵉᵃⁿˢᵉᵈ ᵒᶠ ᵉᵛⁱˡ ⁱᶠ ⁱᵗ ⁱˢ ⁿᵒᵗ ᶠʳᵉᵉ.”
“ᵀᵃᵏᵉ ᵒᵘʳ ˢᵒⁿᵍ.” They breathed and Yunessa suddenly knew what their song was as if they’d known it all their life. How to sing it, how to play it. The knowledge flooded through their mind, searing itself into Yunessa’s soul, never to be forgotten. 
“ᴿᵉᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱᵗ ᵐᵃʸ ʰᵉˡᵖ ʸᵒᵘ⁻ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵒⁿˡʸ ʷʰᵉⁿ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ ᵗʳᵘᵉ ᵗᵒ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᵇʳᵒᵘᵍʰᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵇᵉⁿᵉᵃᵗʰ ᵗʰⁱˢ ˢᵏʸ.”
The azata blocked out the twilight sky and the view of the forest, as tall as the sky as the light quickly faded and Yunessa felt themselves began to slip back to where they came from.
“ᴿᵉᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱᵗ ᵐᵃʸ ʰᵉˡᵖ ʸᵒᵘ⁻ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵒⁿˡʸ ʷʰᵉⁿ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ ᵗʳᵘᵉ ᵗᵒ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᵇʳᵒᵘᵍʰᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵇᵉⁿᵉᵃᵗʰ ᵗʰⁱˢ ˢᵏʸ.”
"Wҽ'ʅʅ ɱҽҽƚ αɠαιɳ."  A soft whisper as loud as it was silent was the last thing Yunessa heard.
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littledreamling · 2 years
Listen I ship Dreamling as much as the next person but consider: if Hob had gotten to the point where he did seek death, where life got to be too much for him, he would’ve made a FANTASTIC Raven for Dream
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rrocketmann24 · 3 years
Cognitive Functions
If anyone’s interested in functions like myself and wants to learn more or type themselves, I wrote up this easy guide on cognitive functions for beginners to learn and understand. I hope you guys enjoy.
Te users are organized and efficient. They easily follow logic, sequence, and organization, and they also rely on the facts in front of them, or from experience. They are more likely to act on their ideas and plans. They want to use their knowledge to accomplish a goal.
 Dominant: Manifests as the ability to clearly envision the most effective outcome to any given situation or problem and the ability to set the corresponding plans into action. (ESTJ, ENTJ)
 Auxiliary: Manifests as the ability to take concrete, efficient action on the Te user’s analysis of what the best thing to do would be. (INTJ, ISTJ)
 Tertiary: Manifests as the ability to source whichever resources are necessary to make the user’s desire a reality. (ENFP, ESFP)
 Inferior: Originally manifests as the inability to set one’s external desires or plans into motion. As Te matures, the user finds themselves steadily more able to source the resources they require to make their dreams a reality. They also find themselves developing the ability to express their thoughts to others in a straightforward, logical manner. (ISFP, INFP)
  Ti users are excellent problem solvers. Often very clear and concise with their words which can often come off as harsh or critical. Ti users are more likely to be cautious about implementing their ideas into the real world and prefer to just think. They want to use their knowledge to get a better understanding of things, and feed their thirst for knowledge.
 Dominant: Manifests as the constant identification of logical patterns that exist in ones external environment as well as a keen perception for any deviations from those patterns. (INTP, ISTP)
 Auxiliary: Manifests as the identification of how the logical systems in the user’s external environment could be manipulated to work to their advantage. (ENTP, ESTP)
 Tertiary: Manifests as the organization of the user’s pre-existing knowledge in a logical, systematic format.  (INFJ, ISFJ)
 Inferior: Originally manifests as an excessively critical view of others, as it searches for objective (and often harsh) truths about other people. As Ti matures, the user will find themselves using the objective truths they pick up on about others to nurture and guide others in a positive fashion, rather than manipulating them for their own gain. (ESFJ, ENFJ)
 Fe is more focused on the people around them. "How would others feel about this?" "How would this affect the group?"
 Dominant: Seeks to identify what is moral by identifying what those around them value, and then to enforce those values as a measure of keeping the peace in their external environment. (ESFJ, ENFJ)
 Auxiliary: Manifests as the urge to apply one’s understanding of a given situation in a way that will satisfy the needs and desires of others. (INFJ, ISFJ)
 Tertiary: Manifests as the ability to pick up on the motivations and emotions of those around the user. The immature Fe user may then take advantage of those feelings by manipulating them in a way that supports his or her own ends. The mature tertiary Fe user will search for a means of incorporating the needs of others into their personal plans and actions. (ENTP, ESTP)
 Inferior: Originally manifests as the user being reluctant to dabble with or express emotional concerns, as the user cannot logically make sense of many of their own emotions and therefore doesn’t feel confident in moderating them.
As Fe matures, its user will feel increasingly comfortable making and keeping emotional commitments to others, as they grow more confident in what is expected of them. (INTP, ISTP)
  Fi is more focused on their own self and emotions. "How do I feel about this?" "How will this affect me?" "What's important to me?"
 Dominant: Manifests as a moral compass that points its user toward the direction they ought to explore next, based on how they feel about the information at hand. (INFP, ISFP)
 Auxiliary: Manifests as a method of reflecting on and assessing how the user feels about their past actions. (ENFP, ESFP)
 Tertiary: Manifests as strong, unwavering set of morals and values which the user draws upon to dictate many of their major decisions. (INTJ, ISTJ)
 Inferior: Manifests as a general disdain for emotional expression and a fear of being perceived as ‘weak’ by others. (ESTJ, ENTJ)
 Se lives in the moment and takes in new experiences. They see, touch, smell, and listen to everything going on in their external world. They easily pick up on details and are aware of their surroundings. They are also more spontaneous and likely to take risks.
 Dominant: Manifests as the desire to engage fully with the sensory aspects of one’s environment, without any restraint or pause for analysis. (ESTP, ESFP)
 Auxiliary: Manifests as the desire to experience and experiment with the sensory aspects that the user has determined to be the most enjoyable or useful. (ISFP, ISTP)
 Tertiary: Manifests as the user’s ability to pick up cues from their external environment and react to them with a sense of natural confidence. (ENTJ, ENFJ)
 Inferior: Originally manifests as a distrust of the physical world that surrounds its user, or the pervasive belief that one’s intellect can and must be trusted above the sensory information that is available. (INTJ, INFJ)
  Si tends to focus on subjective information and contrasts personal experiences and information to new information. Si users easily pick up on patterns and are quick to notice inconsistencies. They are more likely to be cautious and responsible.
 Dominant: Manifests as a powerful memory for what has worked well in the past, and the desire to structure one’s life around the traditions and positive outcomes of past experiences. (ISTJ, ISFJ)
 Auxiliary: Manifests as the preference to rely on the tried-and-true method when working to accomplish a particular goal. (ESTJ, ESFJ)
 Tertiary: Manifests as a proneness to nostalgia, as well as a method of contrasting the new and exciting with the old and the known. (INTP, INFP)
 Inferior: Originally manifests as a resistance to tradition or conformity of any sort.
As Si matures, the user will find themselves steadily more able to determine when traditional methods are useful in accomplishing their goals and when they are not, and will begin to feel comfortable integrating tried-and-true methods into their experiences as they see fit. (ENTP, ENFP)
 Ne focuses on what could be, and always sees many different possibilities. They often like change and can be a bit idealistic at times. This can cause them to have problems in relationships due to getting bored.
 Dominant: Manifests as a seemingly never-ending plethora of theories, possibilities and inventive ideas that the user is constantly picking up on. (ENTP, ENFP)
 Auxiliary: Manifests as a plethora of possibilities that arise to support or expand upon a thought or decision that the user has come to. (INTP, INFP)
 Tertiary: Manifests as a series of creative solutions that may go into solving a given problem or moving them towards a goal. (ESTJ, ESFJ)
 Inferior: Originally manifests as a reluctance to try new ways of doing things, occasionally giving way to anxiety over the unknown. As inferior Ne matures, its user will become more comfortable dwelling in uncertainties and entertaining new possibilities. (ISTJ, ISFJ)
  Ni focuses inwards, on the internal world of thoughts, ideas, and concepts. They focus on the big picture more than details. They can sometimes reach random conclusions that seem to come out of nowhere.
 Dominant: Manifests as a keen perception for the meaningful connections that exist between the thoughts, concepts, events and occurrences in the Ni-user’s environment. (INTJ, INFJ)
 Auxiliary: Manifests as an understanding of how one ought to go about accomplishing his or her goals, based on a keen intuitive perception of how various courses of action are likely to unfold. (ENTJ, ENFJ)
 Tertiary: Manifests as the desire to optimize or perfect upon one’s pre-existing talents or skills. (ISTP, ISFP)
 Inferior: Manifests as a scorn or distaste for over-analyzing what is obvious or over-planning for the future. As inferior Ni matures, the user may find themselves developing a keen ‘hunch’ for the way things are bound to unfold in the future and will enjoy entertaining these ideas. (ESTP, ESFP)
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messers-moony · 3 years
Tomorrow | S.B
Paring: Sirius Black X Wife!Reader
Summary: James is nervous to marry Lily so he asks his best friend how he managed to marry his wife.
A/N: I know that this is vote number one instead of number two (which won) however, I decided to scrap what I had for number two because it wasn’t good. This is better and I’ll continue to rewrite number two until it’s to my standards. I hope you understand.
His hands were sweaty. He was nervously pulling his hair which received multiple slaps from his best friend for ruining his hair. James stepped foot in the full-length mirror readjusting his bow tie while Sirius stood behind him, chuckling at his nervous best friend.
James sighed, “How’d you do it, Pads?”
“How did you marry Y/n?”
Sirius chuckled, “Have you turned daft?”
James tilted his head in confusion, “You were my best man! You were there the entire time.” Sirius replied playfully.
“No, no, I mean, how did you really do it? Like step on the altar and marry her?”
“I just did?” Sirius answered, and James gave him a look, “Bullshit.”
“Okay, fine! Fine!” Sirius relented, “I was practically shitting myself. Y/n means a lot to me, ya’ know?”
James was silent, letting his best friend rant about his wife, “Y/n means everything to me. She’s been with me through thick and thin. There’s nothing more I wanted than to marry her even if it was in the midst of this war.”
“You’ve been chasing Lily for years, mate. I can promise you that she wouldn’t have said yes if she didn’t really want to.” Sirius assured.
“You’re sure?” James inquired insecurely, “I’m one hundred percent sure.”
A knock resonated on the door with a soft voice on the other side, “It’s just me!”
The female voice on the other side of the door walked in, styled h/c hair and makeup placed upon her face. She was greeted with Sirius, and a hug pulled tightly into his chest. She saw James looking at them nervously, and she let go of Sirius to hug James tightly.
“You’re going to be okay? I promise.” She stated, pulling apart to look at his hazel eyes, “Lily loves you. Godric, she loves you more than anything!”
“Thanks, Y/n.” James smiled softly, and Y/n pulled her lips to his ear to whisper, “Lily’s liked you since second year.”
James and Y/n laughed as they pulled apart, “But that stays between us!”
“Oi!” Sirius interjected playfully, “Taking my wife, are you?”
“Never.” James replied smiling, all nerves having left, “Thank you both for being here. Seriously it means a lot to me.”
They smiled, “Anytime.”
Someone cracked open the door and spoke, “We need the maid of honor and the best man so we can start.”
“Suppose that’ll be us?” Sirius questioned teasingly, “I think so.” Y/n smiled.
Y/n kissed James’ cheek, “You’ll do fine, and we’ll see you soon.”
“Of course, Mrs.Black.”
Sirius wrapped his arm around Y/n as they walked out to the aisle and altar. Sirius took his spot on the right and Y/n on the left. Smiling at each other from the side, remembering what it was like only a few months ago when they got married. When Lily was in the maid of honor spot and James was in the best man spot. Now roles were reversed.
James stepped out, gaining a reassuring smile from them both. Lily following not too far after with her father. James and Lily looked like lovesick puppies. It was adorable. Vows were exchanged, and tears were shed, especially from James and Lily. On the alter, someone took pictures of the four of them together. Sirius told an absurd joke making them all laugh. A picture was taken at the exact moment.
It was nice. Y/n and Sirius sat at a table together. His arm was around her shoulders as they watched their best friends dance together and laugh together. Sirius took the clips out of his wife’s hair and scratched her scalp, causing her to move into his hand. Multiple hours of clips in Y/n’s hair gave her headache, and Sirius was relieving it.
“Feel nice, love?”
“Yes, these bloody clips. Make sure you save them. I’m going to throw them at Lily later.” Y/n stated, and Sirius chuckled, “Mhm, okay.”
Hours later, James and Lily began to act like fools. Y/n picked up one of the clips from the table, aiming precisely with some help from Sirius - a former Quidditch Beater - and threw it at her. At first, she didn’t notice, but after the third one, she did. The smile on her face was unmistakable.
Lily picked up the three clips and turned toward her maid of honor with her hair down completely. Another one was thrown at her, and Lily laughed loudly. Then one was thrown at Y/n and Sirius. Fortunately, Lily threw it and missed Y/n completely, instead hitting Sirius right in the face. James, Lily, and Y/n were laughing like the only people in the building.
“Oi!” Sirius yelled, “Control your wife, Prongs!”
Y/n stood up, reaching a hand out for Sirius, “C’mon Siri. Let’s go join them.”
Sirius smirked and took her hand, joining their best friend dancing together, jumping around like fifth-year Gryffindors in the common room. They looked like complete idiots, but that didn’t matter. Lily and Y/n holding hands, twirling each other around, laughing together. James and Sirius began to throw the clips at each other. Remus and Peter were on the side watching the idiots.
Lily and Y/n traded. Y/n danced with James, and Lily danced with Sirius. The girls could remember back in sixth year complaining about their boyfriends in the girl's dorms but always remembering that they love their idiots. When the night was over, just the four of them at Godrics Hollow, they just laughed the night away.
“So, Mrs.Potter, how’s it feel?” Y/n teased, “Surprisingly, it feels great.” Lily replied.
“How about you, Mrs.Black?”
“Being married to Sirius is a dream.” Y/n joked, “No, no, but in all seriousness, he’s delightful, sweeter than I imagined.”
Lily’s eyebrows quirked, “What’s he like?”
“Perfect?” Y/n replied, “Does laundry, cooks, cleans, makes my coffee every morning before order stuff?”
“Mother of Merlin! I never would’ve expected-“ Lily exclaimed, “I know! It’s crazy!” Y/n interrupted.
“We got lucky, didn’t we?”
“Indeed we did, sister.”
They clinked their glasses of firewhiskey together. Both girls finally married, finally together. Lily and Y/n hit the motherload with their husbands. Both were gentlemen and chivalry experts. Both girls fell asleep together on the couch, leaving both boys to bring them to bed. Sirius and Y/n in the guest bedroom. James and Lily in their bedroom.
The following morning the four of them woke up. Lily and Y/n were making breakfast while the two men tried to help despite having no knowledge of cooking. Two hours later, breakfast was made and being eaten at the dinner table. Clinks of forks and sounds of chewing were the only sounds coming from the table.
Until Sirius spoke up, “So, how was yesterday, newlyweds?”
“Perfect.” James answered, Sirius then turned to Lily, “Despite everything going on, I think we really needed it.”
Y/n nodded, “Completely agree. It was nice to let loose for a couple of hours.”
The conversation then went quiet, “I don’t know what I’d do without you guys.” Said James solemnly.
“Yesterday was great, but what we don’t know is the future, and I know that right now it’s a dark time. It’s probably one of the lowest points I’ve been in my life. My parents being terribly sick, the Dark Lord on the rise supposedly. Everything seems to be going in a downhill spiral.”
“But for the first time in months, yesterday I felt like a first-year at Hogwarts performing my first prank. I felt like that second-year who blew up Y/n’s cauldron for fun. The third-year who decided it’d be a brilliant idea to dye Sirius’ hair pink.” James stated as everyone laughed, “Let’s just say I didn’t have hair for a week.” He murmured.
“Fourth year when I stole Remus’ book, and he nearly killed me. Fifth-year, when I turned into an animagus for Moony. Sixth year when Lily finally decided to give me a chance. Seventh year when we blew up fireworks in the Great Hall for the graduating class of 1978.”
“Not knowing what tomorrow brings leaves us anxious and nervous. But there’s one thing I’m sure of.” James informed, “That if anything ever happens to me, just know, that every second we’ve spent together, every memory we have together, I hold them close to my heart. They all mean something to me. Even if it’s as simple as sitting in the common room together.”
“I’m not finished.” He interrupted, “This is a scary time, but I’ve always been certain of one thing, that thing is you guys. You guys have always been constants in my life. Always been there for me through thick and thin. Sirius being my brother, Lily being my wife, and Y/n being the little sister I never got and my shoulder to cry on.”
Y/n chuckled, “Hey!”
“I still love you.” James replied teasingly through his tears, and she smiled, “I know, Prongs.”
“I’ll eventually have to repeat the same speech to Moony and Wormtail, but for right now, I haven’t felt happier. I wanted to say all of this at the wedding, but Lily didn’t want to dampen anyone’s mood, which I understand. Yesterday was a breath of fresh air for what’s to come.”
“But tomorrow, we will all go back to our Order missions and meetings. One thing I can be sure of is that I can always trust you guys, through and through. If for some reason something happens to me, just know I love you guys.”
“We love you too, James.” Lily replied.
Sirius sniffled and smiled through his teary eyes, “Nothing will happen to you guys. Not with me here. You guys have given me too much to let you guys go without a fight.”
“And that’s why we love you, Padfoot.” James stated, smiling at him.
“Everything will be okay. We’ll get through this.” Y/n said with hopeful optimism that would always brighten her friend's days.
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damnesdelamer · 4 years
Recommended reading for leftists
Introduction and disclaimer:
I believe, in leftist praxis (especially online), the sharing of resources, including information, must be foremost. I have often been asked for reading recommendations by comrades; and while I am by no means an expert in leftist theory, I am a lifelong Marxist, and painfully overeducated. This list is far from comprehensive, and each author is worth exploring beyond the individual texts I suggest here. Further, none of these need to be read in full to derive benefit; read what selections from each interest you, and the more you read the better. Many of these texts cannot truly be called leftist either, but I believe all can equip us to confront capitalist hegemony and our place within it. And if one comrade derives the smallest value or insight herefrom, we will all be better for it. After all... La raison tonne en son cratère. Alone we are naught, together may we be all. Solidarity forever.
(I have split these into categories for ease of navigation, but there is plenty of overlap. Links included where available.)
Classics of socialist theory
Capital (vol.1) by Karl Marx Marx’s critique of political economy forms the single most significant and vital source for understanding capitalism, both in our present and throughout history. Do not let its breadth daunt you; in general I feel it’s better to read a little theory than none, but nowhere is this truer than with regards to Capital. Better to read 20 pages of Capital than 150 pages of most other leftist literature. This is not a book you need to ‘finish’ in order to benefit from, but rather (like all of Marx’s work) the backbone of theory which you will return to throughout your life. Read a chapter, leave it, read on, read again. https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/Capital-Volume-I.pdf
The Prison Notebooks by Antonio Gramsci In our current epoch of global neoliberal capitalism, Gramsci’s explanation of hegemony is more valuable than much of the economic or outright revolutionary analyses of many otherwise vital theory. Particularly following the coup attempt and election in America, as well as Brexit and abusive government responses to Covid, but the state violence around the world and the advent of fascism reasserts Gramsci as being as pertinent and prophetic now as amidst the first rise of fascism. https://abahlali.org/files/gramsci.pdf
Imperialism: The Highest Stage Of Capitalism by V.I. Lenin Like Marx, for many Lenin’s work is the backbone of socialist theory, particularly in pragmatic terms. In much of his writing Lenin focuses on the practical processes of revolutionary transition from capitalism to communism via socialism and proletarian leadership (sometimes divisively among leftists). Imperialism is perhaps most valuable today for addressing the need for internationalist proletarian support and solidarity in the face of global capitalist hegemony, arguably stronger today than in Lenin’s lifetime. https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/imp-hsc/imperialism.pdf
Socialism: Utopian And Scientific by Friedrich Engels Marx’s partner offers a substantial insight into the material reality of socialism in the post-industrial age, offering further practical guidance and theory to Marx and Engels’ already robust body of work. This highlights the empirical rigour of classical Marxist theory, intended as a popular text accessible to proletarian readers, in order to condense and to some extent explain the density of Capital. Perhaps even more valuable now than at the time it was first published. https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1880/soc-utop/index.htm
In Defense Of Marxism by Leon Trotsky It has been over a decade since I have read any Trotsky, but this seems like a very good source to get to grips with both classical Marxist thought and to confront contemporary detractors. In many ways, Trotsky can be seen as an uncorrupt symbol of the Leninist dream, and in others his exile might illustrate the dangers of Leninism (Stalinism) when corrupt, so who better to defend the virtues of the system many see as his demise? https://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/idom/dm/dom.pdf
The Conquest Of Bread by Pyotr Kropotkin Krapotkin forms the classical backbone of anarchist theory, and emerges from similar material conditions as Marxism. In many ways, ‘the Bread book’ forms a dual attack (on capitalism and authoritarianism of the state) and defence (of the basic rights and needs of every human), the text can be seen as foundational to defining anarchism both in overlap and starkly in contrast with Marxist communism. This is a seminal and eminent text on self-determination, and like Marx, will benefit the reader regardless of orthodox alignment. https://libcom.org/files/Peter%20Kropotkin%20-%20The%20Conquest%20of%20Bread_0.pdf
Leftism of the 20th Century and beyond
Freedom Is A Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, And The Foundations Of A Movement by Angela Davis This is something of a placeholder for Davis, as everything she has ever put to paper is profoundly valuable to international(ist) struggles against capitalism and it’s highest stage. Indeed, the emphasis on the relationship between American and Israeli racialised state violence highlights the struggles Davis has continually engaged since the late 1960s, that of a united front against imperialist oppression, white supremacists, patriarchal capitalist exploitation, and the carceral state. https://www.docdroid.net/rfDRFWv/freedom-is-a-constant-struggle-pdf#page=6
Postmodernism, Or, The Cultural Logic Of Late Capitalism by Frederic Jameson A frequent criticism of Marxism is the false claim that it is decreasingly relevant. Here, Jameson presents a compelling update of Marxist theory which addresses the hegemonic nature of mass media in the postmodern epoch (how befitting a tumblr post listing leftist literature). Despite being published in the early ‘90s, this analysis of late capitalism becomes all the more pertinent in the age of social media and ‘influencers’ etc., and illustrates just how immortal a science ours really is. https://is.muni.cz/el/1423/jaro2016/SOC757/um/61816962/Jameson_The_cultural_logic.pdf
The Ecology Of Freedom: The Emergence And Dissolution Of Hierarchy by Murray Bookchin I have not read this in depth, and take issue with some of Bookchin’s ideas, but this seems like a very good jumping off point to engage with ecosocialism or red-green theory. Regardless of any schism between Marxist and anarchist thought, the importance of uniting together to stem the unsustainable growth of industrialised capitalism cannot be denied. Climate change is unquestionably a threat faced by us all, but which will disproportionately impact the most disenfranchised on the planet. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/murray-bookchin-the-ecology-of-freedom.pdf
Why Marx Was Right by Terry Eagleton I’ve only read excerpts of this; I know Eagleton better for his extensive work on Marxist literary criticism, postmodernity, and postcolonial literature, so I’m including this work of his as a means of introducing and engaging directly with Marxism itself, rather than the synthesis of diverse fields of analysis. But Eagleton generally does a very good job of parsing often incredibly dense concepts in an accessible way, so I trust him to explain something so obvious and self-evident as why Marx was right. https://filosoficabiblioteca.files.wordpress.com/2018/12/EAGLETON-Terry-Why-Marx-Was-Right.pdf
By Any Means Necessary by Malcolm X Malcolm X is one of the pre-eminent voices of the revolutionary black power movement, and among the greatest contributors to black/American leftist thought. This is a collection of his speeches and writings, in which he eloquently and charismaticly conveys both his righteous outrage and optimism for the future. Malcolm X’s explicitly Marxist and decolonial rhetoric is often downplayed since his assassination, but even the title and slogan is borrowed from Frantz Fanon.
Feminism and gender theory
Sister Outsider: Essays And Speeches by Audre Lorde The primary thrust of this collection is the inclusion of ‘The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle The Master’s House’, probably Lorde‘s most well known work, but all the contents are eminently worthwhile. Lorde addresses race, capitalist oppression, solidarity, sexuality and gender, in a rigourously rhetorical yet practical way that calls us to empower one another in the face of oppression. Lorde’s poetry is also great. http://images.xhbtr.com/v2/pdfs/1082/Sister_Outsider_Essays_and_Speeches_by_Audre_Lorde.pdf
Feminism Is For Everybody by bell hooks A seminal addition to Third Wave Feminist theory, emphasising the reality that the aim of feminism is to confront and dismantle patriarchal systems which oppress - you guessed it - everybody. This book approaches feminism through the lens of race and capitalism, feeding into the discourse on intersectionality which many of us now take as a central element of 21st Century feminism. https://excoradfeminisms.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/bell_hooks-feminism_is_for_everybody.pdf
Gender Trouble: Feminism And The Subversion Of Identity by Judith Butler Butler and her work form probably the single most significant (especially white) contribution to Third Wave Feminism, as well as queer theory. This may be a somewhat dense, academic work, but the primary hurdle is in deconstructing our existing perceptions of gender and identity, which we are certainly better equipped to do today specifically thanks to Butler. Vitally important stuff for dismantling hegemonic patriarchy. https://selforganizedseminar.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/butler-gender_trouble.pdf
Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink Or Blue by Leslie Feinberg Feinberg is perhaps the foundational voice in trans theory, best known for Stone Butch Blues, but this text seems like a good point to view hir push into mainstream acceptance where ze previously aligned hirself and trans groups more with gay and lesbian subcultures. A central element here is the accessibility and deconstruction of hegemonic gender and expression, but what this really expresses is a call for solidarity and support among marginalised classes, in a fight for our mutual visibility and survival, in the greatest of Marxist feminist traditions.
The Haraway Reader by Donna Haraway Haraway is perhaps better known as a post-humanist than a Marxist feminist, but in all honesty, I am not sure these can be disentangled so easily. My highest recommendation is the essay ‘A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century‘, but it is in many ways concerned more with aesthetics and media criticism than anything practical, and Haraway’s engagement with technology has only become more significant, with the proliferation of smartphones and wifi, to understanding our bodies and ourselves as instruments of resistance. https://monoskop.org/images/5/56/Haraway_Donna_The_Haraway_Reader_2003.pdf
The Wretched Of The Earth by Frantz Fanon Perhaps my highest recommendation, this will give you better insight into late stage (postcolonial) capitalism than perhaps anything else. Fanon was a psychologist, and his analyses help us parse the internal workings of both the capitalist and racialised minds. I don’t see this work recommended nearly enough, largely because Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks is a better source for race theory, but The Wretched Of The Earth is the best choice for understanding revolutionary, anti-capitalist, and decolonial ideas. http://abahlali.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Frantz-Fanon-The-Wretched-of-the-Earth-1965.pdf
Orientalism by Edward Said This is probably the best introduction to postcolonial theory, particularly because it focuses on colonial/imperialist abuses in media and art. Said’s later work Culture And Imperialism may actually be a better source for strictly leftist analysis, but this is the groundwork for understanding the field, and will help readers confront and interpret everything from Western military interventionism to racist motifs in Disney films. https://www.eaford.org/site/assets/files/1631/said_edward1977_orientalism.pdf
Decolonisation Is Not A Metaphor by Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang In direct response to Fanon’s call to decolonise (the mind), Tuck and Yang present a compelling assertion that the abstraction of decolonisation paves the way for settler claims of innocence rather than practical rapatriation of land and rights. The relatively short article centres and problematises ongoing complicity in the agenda of settler-colonial hegemony and the material conditions of indigenous groups in the postcolonial epoch. Important stuff for anti-imperialist work and solidarity. https://clas.osu.edu/sites/clas.osu.edu/files/Tuck%20and%20Yang%202012%20Decolonization%20is%20not%20a%20metaphor.pdf
The Coloniser And The Colonised by Albert Memmi Often read in tandem with Fanon, as both are concerned with trauma, violence, and dehumanisation. But further, Memmi addresses both the harm inflicted on the colonised body and the colonisers’ own culture and mind, while also exploring the impetus of practical resistance and dismantling imperialist control structures. This is also of great import to confronting detractors, offering the concrete precedent of Algerian decolonisation. https://cominsitu.files.wordpress.com/2020/05/albert-memmi-the-colonizer-and-the-colonized-1.pdf
Can The Subaltern Speak? by Gayatri Spivak This relatively short (though dense) essay will ideally help us to confront the real struggles of many of the most disenfranchised people on earth, removing us from questions of bourgeois wage-slavery and focusing on the right to education and freedom from sexual assault, not to mention the legacy of colonial genocide. http://abahlali.org/files/Can_the_subaltern_speak.pdf 
Wider cultural studies
No Logo by Naomi Klein I have some qualms with Klein, but she nevertheless makes important points regarding the systemic nature of neoliberal global capitalism and hegemony. No Logo addresses consumerism at a macro scale, emphasising the importance of what may be seen as internationalist solidarity and support and calling out corporate scapegoating on consumer markets. I understand that This Changes Everything is perhaps even better for addressing the unreasonable expectations of indefinite and unsustainable growth under capitalist systems, but I haven’t read it and therefore cannot recommend; regardless, this is a good starting point. https://archive.org/stream/fp_Naomi_Klein-No_Logo/Naomi_Klein-No_Logo_djvu.txt
The Black Atlantic: Modernity And Double Consciousness by Paul Gilroy This is an important source for understanding the development of diasporic (particularly black) identities in the wake of the Middle Passage between African and America, but more generally as well. This work can be related to parallel phenomena of racialised violence, genocide, and forced migration more widely, but it is especially useful for engaging with the legacy of slavery, the cultural development of blackness, and forms of everyday resistance. https://dl1.cuni.cz/pluginfile.php/756417/mod_resource/content/1/Gilroy%20Black%20Atlantic.pdf
Imagined Communities: Reflections On The Origin And Spread Of Nationalism by Benedict Anderson This text is important in understanding the nature of both high colonialism and fascism, perhaps now more than ever. Anderson examines the political manipulation and agenda of cultural production, that is the propagandised, artificial act of nation building. This analyses the development of nation states as the norm of political unity in historiographical terms, as symptomatic of old school European imperialism. Today we may see this reflected in Brexit or MAGA, but lebensraum and zionism are just as evident in the analysis. https://is.muni.cz/el/1423/jaro2016/SOC757/um/6181696/Benedict_Anderson_Imagined_Communities.pdf
Discipline And Punish: The Birth Of The Prison by Michel Foucault Honestly, I am not sure if this should be on this list; I would certainly not call it leftist. That said, it is a very important source to inform our perceptions of the nature of institutional power and abuse. It is also unquestionable that many of the pre-eminent left-leaning scholars of the past fifty years have been heavily influenced, willing or not, by Foucault and his post-structuralist ilk. A worthwhile read, especially for queer readers, but take with a liberal (zing!) helping of salt. https://monoskop.org/images/4/43/Foucault_Michel_Discipline_and_Punish_The_Birth_of_the_Prison_1977_1995.pdf
Trouble In Paradise: From The End Of History To The End Of Capitalism by Slavoj Žižek Probably just don’t read this, it amounts to self-torture. Okay but seriously, I wanted to include Žižek (perhaps against my better judgement), but he is probably best seen as a lesson in recognising theorists as fallible, requiring our criticism rather than being followed blindly. I like Žižek, but take him as a kind of clown provocateur who may lead us to explore interesting ideas. He makes good points, but he also... Doesn’t... Watch a couple youtube videos and decide if you can stomach him before diving in.
Additional highly recommended authors (with whom I am not familiar enough to give meaningful descriptions or specific recommended texts) (let me know if you find anything of significant value from among these, as I am likely unaware!):
Theodor Adorno (of the Frankfurt School, which also included Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm, and Walter Benjamin, all of whom I’d likewise recommend but with whom I have only passing familiarity) was a sociologist and musicologist whose aesthetic analyses are incredibly rich and insightful, and heavily influential on 20th Century Marxist theory.
Sara Ahmed is a significant voice in Third Wave Feminist criticism, engaging with queer theory, postcoloniality, intersectionality, and identity politics, of particular interest to international praxis.
Mikhail Bakhtin was a critic and scholar whose theories on semiotics, language, and literature heavily guided the development of structuralist thought as well as later Marxist philosophy.
Mikhail Bakunin is perhaps the closest thing to anarchist orthodoxy. Consistently involved with revolutionary action, he is known as a staunch critic of Marxist rhetoric, and a seminal influence on anti-authoritarian movements.
Silvia Federici is a Marxist feminist who has contributed significant work regarding women’s unpaid labour and the capitalist subversion of the commons in historiographical contexts.
Mark Fisher was a leftist critic whose writing on music, film, and pop culture was intimately engaged with postmodernity, structuralist thought, and most importantly Marxist aesthetics.
Che Guevara was a major contributor to revolutionary efforts internationally, most notably and successfully in Cuba. His writing is robustly pragmatic as well as eloquent, and offers practical insight to leftist action.
Hồ Chí Minh was a revolutionary communist leader of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and a significant contributor to revolutionary communist theory and anti-imperialist practice.
C.L.R. James is a significant voice in 20th Century (especially black) Marxist theory, engaging with and criticising Trotskyist principles and the role of ethnic minorities in revolutionary and democratic political movements.
Joel Kovel was a researcher known as the founder of ecosocialism. His work spans a wide array of subjects, but generally tends to return to deconstructing capitalism in its highest stage.
György Lukács was a critic who contributed heavily to the Western Marxism of the Frankfurt School and engaged with aesthetics and traditions of Marx’s philosophical ideology in contrast with Soviet policy of the time.
Rosa Luxemburg was a revolutionary socialist organiser, publisher, and economist, directly engaged in practical leftist activity internationally for a significant part of the early 20th Century.
Mao Zedong was a revolutionary communist, founder and Chairman of the People’s Republic of China, and a prolific contributor to Marxism-Leninism(-Maoism), which he adapted to the material conditions outside the Western imperial core.
Huey P. Newton was the co-founder of the Black Panther Party and a vital force in the spread and accessibility of communist thought and practical internationalism, not to mention black revolutionary tactics.
Léopold Sédar Senghor was a poet-turned-politician who served as Senegal’s first president and established the basis for African socialism. Also central to postcolonial theory, and a leader of the Négritude movement.
I hope this list may be useful. (I would also be interested to see the recommendations of others!) Happy reading, comrades. We have nothing to lose but our chains.
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madametrashbin · 3 years
Of Gods and Stars
Brain went brr at work and while thinking about lovely Dainsleif (sir, please come back soon I miss you-) so Khaenri’an Reader. God!Darling is a Khaenri’an.
That’s it. Everything else in this story is pure improvisation from whatever dramatic story I can come up with through the power of memes (that’s really just how my brain functions at this point haha I’msofuckinghopeless).
@nicebonescomrade wanted something like this so I’ve tagged the creacher of skeletons that has some of my bones right now (not that I mind since I don’t make optimal uses for them).
Huge divergence in plot, I guess? Uhh... I apologize, but I’m dogshit at warnings as you might’ve witnessed. Still, hope you like this. Am going on a posting spree because I gotta make up the time span from last post.
Might also be super messy and short because it’s just brainrot I need to clear my head out of.
You grew up a little isolated from the world... your parents, middle-classed as they were, treated you as though you were something else that wasn’t their child. 
(That all started when you told your parents of the weird dreams you had, of a bountiful world where only nature and its creatures thrived... civilization was no seen then, and many giant creatures roamed the lands as though they belonged there. 
You never understood the faces your parents made then... you were still but a child in heart and mind.)
People, just about everyone in the kingdom, treated you with something you couldn’t pinpoint- something your young childish mind couldn’t comprehend at the time as you grew up pampered and spoiled rotten with the luxuries of the Kingdom at your fingertips. 
You were so young then, so you didn’t understand the significance of your existence.
As years went by, you learned to understand things better. You understood the meaning of why people acted the way they did now. Everything you’ve seen, felt and experienced in the moments growing up made more sense.
The voices you heard from the land, sea and sky... the way the animals never ran from little old you... the way everything seems to be in your favor, or how it followed your moods.
(You learnt on your own that you were a God reincarnated... a God so special that created the world you walked on. It was hard to take in though... even if you finally had answers to why you were treated so well and essentially isolated from the world and its people.
But... there were other memories you saw in your dreams, one that had nothing to do with this world and of something entirely unknown to you... you couldn’t figure it out at all, but that place looked a lot better than what you had now.
You were more free over there.)
Your world comes crumbling to pieces, literally as the kingdom you lived in burned... Gods and their followers alike had attacked out of anger for reasons you knew not of... but Gold, a friend who was a constant source of comfort and company when everything felt like too much, had told you to leave the Kingdom and hide before calling upon an endless sea of terrifying monsters to fight back.
The last you had heard of them was after the Twilight Sword had carried you up in his arms tightly, running out of the kingdom as he had strange black and blue marks crawling up the right side of his body amidst the flames and strange cubes as though his very existence depended on it.
(Perhaps it did, because it was you that they wanted... and as a Khaenri’an through and through, he could not allow them to have you. You, the Creator, was reborn a Khaenri’an... so it was obvious that you belonged to them the same way as they were all made for you to use to your heart’s content.)
You cried the day Khaenri’ah fell... tears falling endlessly until you had nothing left within you to share your grief. 
The white stars that one dazzled in your gem-like eyes turned black from grief, the anguish you bear in your heart became unquenchable even if the knight that stuck by your side for centuries had tried to console your weeping soul but was met with no avail and could only be there for as long as he could.
The stars had fallen with your tears... and just like them, never returned to where they belonged.
Home is gone, and all you have left are the remnants that linger on the world as stains filled with sins.
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especdreamy · 2 years
👀 penny for your controversial c!Ranboo opinions? (u get him so i'm sure they're fine)
ok gonna preface this with I am so content starved and having a constant feedback loop with myself + i dont rewatch vods (except specific clips sometimes) + Sometimes I have difficulty wording things in a way that I feel couldn't be misinterpreted. so Please if you want clarification/debate me on this you can bc rn I have talked about this with like. 2 people. and they both agreed.
Short answer: I don't think c!Ranboo AND ew!Ranboo are good people. But they're not EVIL either. But I also feel like ew!Ranboo is much more logically driven than c!Ranboo is.
Long answer? putting under a readmore because oh my god
There's A LOTTTT i got to say abt my perception of ew!Ranboo. I saw someone say how it'd be more interesting for c!Ranboo's whole character if he, for whatever reason, willingly worked with c!Dream. And as someone who at the beginning of the year was very partial to the "Worked with c!Dream at first, got blackmailed afterwards" idea, I also kind of saw where that person was coming from, and how ew!Ranboo working with c!Dream because he saw it optimal, necessary, or whatever else, is probably a very interesting conflict to the story.
I have said in dms that I belive ew!Ranboo is more Goal oriented. He's a "The ends justify the means" kinda person. He genuinely believes that whatever he's doing is for a better cause (Ending conflict on the server).
And I used to say that at least at the beginning ew!Ranboo willingly working with c!Dream seemed very plausible! Because c!Dream also had a whole spiel about ending conflict on the server, it's just that his real goal is a very corrupted version of that. And that similar but different goal is what had lead to ew!Ranboo being allies with c!Dream up to the disc finale. And I used to say that after that, he didn't align with c!Dream's views anymore and was blackmailed into doing everything that came after.
BUT I started thinking. What if he wasn't being blackmailed into it? I don't think that ew!Ranboo sees eye to eye with c!Dream at all times, I wouldn't even say that he likes him or enjoys his presence. But I do think that he believes working with him is something that is gonna help with this "ending conflict in the server" deal, and whatever talking that c!Dream does to convince him into doing things like the prison explosion are kinda up in the air.
So that's the controversial opinion, at least in my close circle I belive? ew!Ranboo works willingly with c!Dream, he isn't being blackmailed, I would even dare to say that he doesn't even feel regret. Guilt maybe! but not regret.
And why? Because of his reply to c!Ranboo after the lessons stream:
I am someone who stops conflict. I need to make sure that if any conflict arises to try and help in any way possible.
This is what I need to do. Trust me.
There's something about the "try and help in any way possible." and the "This is what I need to do. Trust me." that scratch my brain in that way. c!Ranboo was asking him "Who am I?" after being bombarded by memories and the lessons that were pretty much driving him towards a panic attack. I feel like ew!Ranboo wouldn't be WILLINGLY causing him turmoil by hiding any information that'd make it clear that actually he didn't want to do some of the bad things.
Instead, he tells him to trust him. that this is what he has to do.
He KNOWS c!Ranboo doesn't like the stuff he's remembering. He KNOWS c!Ranboo hates c!Dream, would rather have him dead, would rather die than willingly work with him.
ew!Ranboo in that book was basically saying "I know that you don't like what you're remembering. That you don't like what you've done. But I promise you this is for the greater good."
I think whatever past c!Ranboo has that he doesn't remember (but ew!Ranboo DOES) gives a very different perspective of the situation, and maybe a different mentality on how to approach the problem of "Conflict in the server" and just. c!Dream as a whole.
I'll clarify I dont think ew!Ranboo is evil. I don't think c!Ranboo is evil either. But I don't think either of them are good people and both are very grey characters.
I think ew!Ranboo genuinely believes that working with c!Dream is for the greater good of the server, whether or not c!Dream is hiding stuff from him or giving him his full intentions is something that I cannot say fully. I think that ew!Ranboo doesn't regret things like the prison explosion because he thinks it's all gonna pay off in the end. The ends justify the means.
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digimonloving · 2 years
Ogremon and leomon witnessing how much their now adult tamer changed. Gone is the kid with eyes full of dreams. Now a tired person who constantly feels the weight of the world on their shoulder. Its time to teach them how to man up again.
Ogremon couldn't believe his eyes! Is this REALLY what happened to his Tamer after they left the Digital World and grew up? He really didn't expect them to turn out like that, especially after they hung out with him of all Digimon for a good part of their childhood!
They look terrible, and he does flat out tell them that. It's partially supposed to be a joke, but he's also fairly serious about it, too. They've seen better days no doubt, and Ogremon is pretty sure he's here to help set them straight and get them to believe in their dreams again. He's not sure exactly how he'll do it... but he'll do it!
Ogremon doesn't leave their side, and shows a strange amount of optimism to counteract their attitude of feeling like everything is on their shoulders. Ogremon assures them that it shouldn't be their issue to deal with everything, and they need to get a new perspective. Maybe they should go back to the Digital World together, just for a little while like the old times and let off a little steam! He thinks it's just what his Tamer needs to get them out of their funk and to get back to how they used to be.
Truthfully, it hurts Leomon to see his old Tamer the way they are now. The way the light has drained from their eyes, how tired they are. He can't believe this is what became of them, and he feels terrible about it all. Maybe if he was there for them growing up more, he would have been able to help them.
But sulking about the past isn't going to help, and so Leomon vows to be there for his Tamer until he can get them feeling better about life in general, and to see their tiredness wash away from their body. They deserve better than what they got, and Leomon is going to help them out the best he can to make them see that!
Leomon is a constant support to them, and a great shoulder to lean on. Especially for things they can't do through the day. He gently encourages them day after day, to try and show them so much more that they can do and that they don't need to feel like everything has to come down to them alone. He's there to offer his aid, and to help lift that weight off em until they're smiling again.
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