#his cute face... he is such a cutie.......
snowballseal · 24 hours
How they react to you having a lot of tattoos
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LaDS X Reader
Anon Request: I was curious if you would be willing to write the boys reacting to a partner with a lot of tattoos? I feel like MC is pretty covered up and as someone with full sleeves and a large back piece, it’s always interesting to see how people react to seeing them.
Note: Y’all killing me with these fun requests 🥺 I love this. I only have a few minimalist tattoos, but I want MORE. Thank you for the lovely request, anon. The scenarios were fun to think of.
Word Count: who’s to say 🤷about 1000 each
The first time Rafayel sees your tattoos is when you go on a date to the beach. You’re not even thinking about it as you change in the bathroom. When you decided to become a hunter, you knew you would have to cover up your tattoos. The policy, while being outdated in your mind, isn’t all that bothersome since you prefer to wear long sleeves anyways.
So it never occurred to you that Rafayel had never seen the full expanse of the ink on your body.
Which is why, when you step out and his eyes go impossibly wide as he looks at you, mouth dropping open, you’re first and foremost confused.
Wrapping your arms around yourself, you feel an inkling of insecurity curl in your chest as you look down at your two-piece. It’s nothing immodest, just a blue bikini that you thought was cute and also met your standards for support. It’s a little frilly, but a part of you thought he’d love that. 
“Do you not like it? I don’t uh, I don’t have anything else to wear…” Your voice comes out uncharacteristically meek.
That seems to snap Rafayel out of his daze. The artist shakes his head, the tips of his ears going positively red, as he still can’t rip his eyes from the lines decorating your skin. He reaches out, tracing the gentle petals of a flower on your waist.
“How come you’ve never shown me these, cutie?” He asks, voice touched with awe.
Oh. Heat creeps up your neck. So that’s what he was on about. You glance down at your body. You suppose it is a little jarring. It’s not like you’re covered head to toe, but you’re definitely a well covered canvas. Both of your arms have partial sleeves that curl up around your shoulders and continue along your collarbone. A large collection of flowers adorns the right side of your waist, traveling down your hip and turning into a pattern of vines down your leg. You have a few other ones, some silly, some heavy with meaning.
“Sometimes I forget I have them,” you admit a bit bashfully. Rafayel gives a low hum and your breath catches as his fingers continue to trace the lines on your waist, his touch warm and ticklish. “I’ve had some of them since before I started training.”
“I have to say, I’m a bit jealous that another artist has touched your body,” he murmurs, voice dropping to something low. His hand slips around your waist, drawing you closer so he can trace his lips over the intricate ink on your collar bone, ocean eyes glinting up at you with something possessive yet overflowing with adoration. “But even I have to admit this is beautiful work. Befitting my queen.”
Your cheeks go warm. As red at the tips of his ears. There’s something so reverent about his touch and it makes your heart flutter wildly, but you’re all too keenly aware that you’re still in public.
Not that it stops you from poking the fish.
“Would it make you feel better to know my newest one is for you?” You ask, reaching to touch his cheek with a teasing smile.
Rafayel’s face lights up. He draws back immediately, looking over your tattoos like an eager child until he spots the fresher ink on your left leg. You stifle a giggle as he drops to his knees, fingers curling around your ankle to pull your leg off the ground so he can get a better look. 
“Rafayel!” You bark out a laugh, balance stolen away. It forces you to lean on him just so you don’t fall over. “Geez, I could have just sat down, you know!”
“This is for me?” Rafayel, oblivious to your complaints, grazes his fingertips tenderly along your skin.
Shaking your head, you give his hair a playful fuss, “Yes, you impatient fish. It’s not done yet, but it’s about us.”
It’s the beginnings of an ocean scene. A beach circles right above your ankle, depicting the silhouettes of two younger kids, their hands clasped in a promise. As the ink continues up your leg, it transforms into what looks like a night sky, but instead it’s water, swirling lines of blue and purple, full of schooling fish, one in particular standing out, bright red among the cool tones. A familiar symbol. And on the back of your calf swims a graceful looking figure, reaching for the light, edges blurred between fish and man and water.
A lump forms in Rafayel’s throat as he touches the red fish, a familiar warmths spreading across his chest as the same symbol glows faintly. Seeing it on you fills him with an emotion he can’t quite explain.
“You do realize what this means, right?” Those ocean eyes flicker up to you. They glint like dark pearls, iridescent and beautiful, yet carry a depth of emotion that makes your breath catch.
“I do,” you answer unwaveringly.
Rafayel’s lips pull into a small smile. He never expected someone to do something like this for him. Though, of course you would. And it’s beautiful.
“It’s a stunning piece,” he murmurs eventually, leaning forward to press a kiss to your knee, right above the ink, his hair tickling your thigh, “Though I still think the canvas is the most beautiful thing of all.”
A snort escapes you and you bite your lip, heat rushing back to your cheeks, “You’re ridiculously corny, Rafayel.”
“I know.” His smile shifts into a wolfish grin as he stands up, scooping you into a hug. You squeal as he spins you around, holding on tightly despite knowing he’d never drop you. It’s only when you’re positively red that he stops, his mirthful eyes watching your face. “It’s worth it if I get to see this face. I swear, cutie, if you do more things like this, I might become unbearable.”
“You never could,” you giggle and loop your arms around his neck, “Though, I was thinking maybe next time, you could come with me?”
Rafayel raises an eyebrow, “Oh? You want to get matching tattoos? I’ll admit, I’ve never considered it…but if it’s with you, I can’t think of anything more fitting.”
“You’ll have to design it, of course,” you hum, tone turning a little more excited, “Oh, I can’t wait! It’ll be so fun! We can do it the next time I take a break, and after swimming season, obviously.”
Leaning in, Rafayel gives you a short kiss, laughing against your lips, “Anything you want, my lady. As long as it’s with you, I’ll enjoy every minute of it.”
The first time Zayne sees your tattoos is when you reunite at Akso. You’re not sure how long it’s been, having only seen him every so often at Grandma Josephine’s for dinner. All you know is that he’s been busy, and is now one of the most remarkable young doctors in Linkon.
And also your new primary care physician.
“Knock knock.” 
You rasp your knuckles lightly against the door to his office, eyes lingering on the nameplate displayed prominently beside it. A strange sense of pride swells in your chest. To think, your childhood best friend would reach such heights.
“Come in,” Zayne calls, voice as aloof as ever.
You slip into his office and let the door shut behind you. The doctor sits at his desk, flicking through a file on his tablet. You hesitate on the edge of his peripherals, not sure exactly what to do or how to act. It’s been a long time since you two have been truly close, not since- But you’ve missed him.
A lot.
“My apologies, my previous surgery ran longer than expected so I am still collecting your records.” You blink, his voice drawing you back out of your thoughts. “You may take a seat if you’d like.”
Maybe you’re the only one who feels weird about it. He seems completely unaffected, like you’re a normal patient, ever the professional. You awkwardly drag a stool a little closer to his desk, just far enough to not seem weird and so it doesn’t feel like you’re looking over his shoulder.
After the silence goes a tick too long, you can’t help but break it, fingers fiddling nervously with your sweater, “How have you been, Doctor Zayne?”
A faint smile ghosts across his lips. You haven’t changed one bit. 
“I’ve been well, thank you for asking. Work has become quite constant, so I’m afraid I haven’t been able to accept many of Josephine’s dinner invitations.” His eyes dart over to you briefly before focusing back on his screen. “You look like you’ve been doing well since we last saw each other.”
“I have,” you chirp, anxiety easing up a bit, “I’m really close to being finished with training and finally joining the Hunters Association. You should try to make it to dinner this week though! Grandma really misses you. She talks about you all the time.” You falter, cheeks warming a little. “...We’re all really proud of you, Zayne.”
Zayne’s fingers freeze against the tablet. An indecipherable look crosses his face, but he schools his features quickly and gives you a small smile.
“Thank you…you both have always been so kind to me,” he murmurs and finally turns to face you, “I’ll try my best to make it to dinner this week.”
Your face lights up, excitement sparking in your eyes. “Okay! I’ll let her know! She’ll probably make all your favorites. They haven’t changed, right?”
Zayne shakes his head, and you can’t help but kick your feet giddily. It’ll be nice to catch up. You have so many questions, and also so many stories to tell from your training days.
“Now that those plans are made, shall we proceed with your exam?”
“Right, right.” You almost forgot that’s what you’re here for. Nerves coming back, you shuffle on top of the stool. “What do you need me to do?”
“First, if you would remove your jacket, I’ll take your blood pressure and listen to your heart,” he instructs, voice settling back into something professional and neutral.
As Zayne turns away to fetch whatever tools he needs, you make quick work of taking your jacket off. The room is a little chillier than you expect. You wrap your arms around yourself to chase away the goosebumps that erupt across your skin. Your eyes stay glued on Zayne though, watching as he pulls a stethoscope and blood pressure monitor from one of his drawers.
“Do you usually do exams in your office?” You ask offhandedly.
“Not usually. As a cardiothoracic surgeon, I don’t often conduct general exams,” he hums, cleaning off the blood pressure cuff with a sterile wipe.
“Am I special or something, then?”
“With the rarity of your protocore syndrome, I thought it would be most effective to handle your care myself, yes. Though if it makes you uncomfortable we can-”
Zayne’s words cut off as he finally looks back at you. Surprise flickers across his face.
You freeze like a deer caught in headlights, though you don’t know why. Is there something on your face? A stain on your tank top? You glance down, finding nothing of the sort.
“What? What is it? Do I have something on me?” Your hands flicker up to your face, but you don’t feel anything.
Zayne blinks and shakes his head as if coming out of a stupor. The lightest blush warms his ears.
“My apologies. I just wasn’t aware you had so many tattoos.”
Oh. Holding out your arms, you look over the expanse of ink on your skin. You guess it’s a lot. It has taken you a few years, but you’ve effectively covered your arms and shoulders in art. Most of it is florals, with small, meaningful symbols or items hidden in the foliage. You also have a few others, though they’re covered by your clothes.
“I guess you wouldn’t have seen them,” you hum thoughtfully, “I wear a lot of long sleeves to Grandma’s dinners. And work requires us to cover them up.”
“They’re quite intricate.” He sets his tools aside, drawing his chair closer to you. His hand reaches for your arm, but pauses, his eyes darting up to yours. “May I?”
“Go for it,” you whisper, feeling a little bashful now that his attention is focused solely on you.
His fingers graze your wrist lightly, as if he’s scared to press too hard. You watch as he silently turns your arm over, taking in every minute detail of your tattoos. He lingers a little longer on the small, anatomical heart at the center of it all, surrounded by gentle jasmines. They’re incredibly well done, even he can see that, and they all look like they were done some time ago.
Something melancholic and sentimental settles in his chest.
“I remember when you were just a little girl, crying over her popsicle…You truly are all grown up now, aren’t you?” His voice is thick with something you can’t quite pinpoint, his touch turning impossibly tender as he traces the lines up your elbow.
Your heart flutters a little too wildly for your likings. “You’re all grown up too, mister chief cardiac surgeon. That’s a lot bigger than some tattoos.”
Another smile pulls at his lips, breaking his impassive facade.
“These have all healed well, though,” Zayne says, a spark of mischief flickering in his eyes as that strange emotion recedes, “You must have taken good care of them, and that alone is an impressive feat for you. That’s how I know you’ve grown up.”
A mock gasp escapes you and you pull your hand away to press it against your chest. If only to break the contact so he doesn’t notice your racing pulse.
“Doctor Zayne, I am deeply offended at your insinuation,” you insist vehemently, “I am a responsible person, soon to be an amazing hunter! I know how to take care of myself.”
“Says the woman who walked on a sprained ankle for a week out of pure stubbornness.”
“How was I supposed to know it was sprained?”
“I told you it was.”
The first time Xavier sees your tattoos is after a mission that doesn’t go quite right. You come home with a bandage wrapped around your shoulder and chest, and the added instructions to change the gauze once a day. Which, of course, you can’t do yourself.
Xavier glances up from where he’s sitting in the sun, a book long forgotten in his lap. Those sleepy blue eyes land on you questioning. You shuffle awkwardly in the doorway, a roll of gauze in your hand.
“Would you help me real quick?” You mumble, a soft blush warming your cheeks, “I can’t uh, I can’t change them myself.”
“Of course,” he hums immediately, standing and stretching languidly, much like a cat. “I am at your service, my lady.”
“Thanks,” you sigh, shoulders sagging, which sends a twinge of pain down your arm.
It was a nasty cut. You had been so focused on fighting one wanderer that you hadn’t noticed another smaller one appearing behind you. It was your fault, and thankfully it didn’t hit anything serious, but it was in just the right place to make moving your arm difficult.
Xavier silently leads you back into the kitchen. Taking the bandages from your hand, he pulls out a chair and motions for you to sit. You do so carefully, not wanting to jostle your body too much. The hunter sets the gauze aside and kneels down in front of you, his fingers finding the hem of your sweater and pausing, placid blue eyes turning up to you in question. 
Ever the gentleman.
A tiny smile pulling at your lips, you offer him a small nod. That’s all he needs to pull it off, his hands moving slowly, with the utmost care. Thankfully, the room isn’t too cold, the setting sun pouring through the window and warming the space. The fabric musses your hair as he slips it over your head, and you instinctively reach up to fix it.
Completely missing the way Xavier’s eyes go wide as he looks down at you.
There aren’t a lot of things that catch the hunter off guard. But the ink covering your skin certainly does. Even with the bandages, he can tell it’s expansive, curling around your shoulders, dipping down your upper arms, painting the entirety of your back. It’s reminiscent of Starry Night, hundreds if not thousands of strokes forming delicate lines that follow the natural curves of your body, flowing so beautifully that they practically beg his fingers to trace them.
And as always with you, Xavier has a startling lack of self-control.
You blink at the feeling of his fingers grazing your uninjured shoulder. His touch is so light, you could almost mistake it for a breath. Almost like he’s worried he’ll hurt you.
“Is something wrong?” You ask, voice twinged with concern as you try and twist to look at where his touch lingers against your skin.
“Stay still,” Xavier orders gently, and you freeze, brows arching in confusion. Realizing you're panicking a little, the hunter leans down to press a kiss to your forehead, offering a soft explanation, “You never told me you have so many tattoos. I simply want to appreciate them.”
“Oh.” Your nerves fizzle out, replaced with an embarrassed tinge of excitement. So that’s what this is about. “I forgot I haven’t shown you them yet. I guess I’m so used to them that I forget they’re there, especially since I have to cover them for work.”
Xavier shifts behind you, fingers following the lines over your shoulder. They bleed into a wash of color, dark blue and purple and pink splashes across your back. A small planet of light sits between your shoulder blades, numerous stars dancing around it. His touch lingers on the planet, a flicker of light spilling from his fingers as his evol reacts unprovoked.
“What made you choose this?” He asks, voice wavering imperceptibly. 
“I’m not sure,” you hum, shrugging your good shoulder, “I’ve always liked space. My grandma used to take me to the planetarium a lot when I was young, and I used to have dreams about it, of floating between planets and exploring the stars. I always felt drawn to this one planet, it was so pretty and it looked like it was made of light, but I could never reach it…”
Something twinges in Xavier’s chest. How strange. You don’t remember the planet, that’s for certain, yet some part of you was still connected to it. To your home. To him. All this time…
“It’s beautiful,” he all but whispers.
Heat tinges your cheeks. That’s not usually what people say. It’s not for everyone, you know that. It’s a lot of ink, but you dreamt for so long about getting it. Still, most people usually just make offhand comments, not exactly rude, but not exactly compliments either. Like, oh that must have hurt a lot. Or, you must have saved a lot of money, huh?
Never beautiful.
And yet Xavier traces your ink with what almost feels like admiration. It makes your heart flutter with an uncharacteristic shyness, shoulders jolting up to your neck.
That’s when you remember your injury.
Letting out a low hiss, you drop your shoulder quickly as pain sizzles down your arm. Both of you had practically forgotten about it, caught in the moment. Xavier’s brow furrows again, an apology floating past his lips as he draws his fingers away - much to your disappointment.
“It’s okay,” you breathe, offering him a weak smile, “I just pulled it a little funny. We should probably check it, though.”
“Alright, I’ll be gentle,” he murmurs as he reaches for the edge of your bandage.
“...Thanks, by the way.”
You’re not sure what exactly you’re thanking him for. Helping you or his sweet reaction to the art decorating your skin. Maybe both.
And Xavier must know. He leans down, lips ghosting over your shoulder is an adoring kiss.
“Of course, my star.”
The first time Sylus sees your tattoos is, of course, on the night you attend the auction. There’s no hiding the ink covering your body when you’re wearing a dress, after all. If anything, though, you think they’ll help you fit in a little better in the N109 Zone.
And you love the reaction Sylus gives you when you step out into the foyer.
For the briefest moment, his eyes go wide. Shock, perhaps the rarest emotion you’ve never had the pleasure of seeing on him, flashes behind those carmine eyes. In an instant, it disappears though, hidden with his usual cocky expression, one of his fine brow ticking up in amusement.
“I’ll admit, sweetie,” the man hums, “You’ve surprised me.”
You flash him a cat-like grin, satisfaction burning deep in your veins, and give a little theatrical spin, “Not what you were expecting, huh?”
Hardly a single part of your body remains untouched by ink. Most of the designs are artistic. Flourishing lines twisting and curling around your muscles, strangely reminiscent of the form his evol takes. They form a network of delicate webs across your body, sometimes forming shapes, sometimes with words written along the fine linework. 
It’s hauntingly beautiful. Sylus can’t help but let his eyes slowly rove over your form, taking in every detail. They’re like a map, and his fingers are itching to explore every part of you, to see just how far the ink slips below the hem of the dress. A dress which he bought for you yet can’t be bothered to even notice now, not with such a dazzling sight set before him.
“Who knew the kitten would turn into a tigress at night,” he murmurs, voice going low and teasing as he slowly circles around you, a predatory glint in his eyes.
Your boldness wavers. 
Sylus always seems to have that effect on you. Like a lamb straying from the herd and being found by the wolf. Prey before a predator starved, maw open and hungry, as if he could consume you whole. And all you can do is hold your ground, even if your legs shake, like that little lamb’s.
“Careful, Sylus,” you whisper, trying to appear unshaken by not following him with your eyes, despite the unease you feel not knowing exactly where he is, “This tiger has claws.”
You feel more than hear his presence come up behind you. A shiver traces down your spine when his breath skates over your ear, warm and far too intentional. In the same way, his fingers trace reverently down your arm, following the path of your ink, until they can intertwine with yours and draw your hand up to his lips.
“And that’s how I prefer you.” His voice is low, a mere rumble against your skin as he kisses your knuckles. Another shudder. “After all, it would be a shame to declaw such a beautiful creature. Even if she likes to scratch.”
God, you hate him.
You hate that it takes everything in you to rip yourself away from his enticing warmth. You hate that your heart is racing against your ribs, like it’s trying desperately to escape. And you especially hate the absolutely smug grin that plays on his lips (and the fact that you want to kiss it so badly).
“You’re teasing me,” you breathe unsteadily, putting space between the two of you.
Something dark flashes in his eyes, “Whatever do you mean, sweetie? I was merely giving you a compliment.”
“Then you give weird compliments,” you fire back, arms wrapping around yourself. “It sounds more like you’re making fun of me.”
Sylus pauses. Those ruby red eyes narrow on you thoughtfully, his lips pressing into a thin line. A tick of silence. Then his expression smoothes into something almost soft, and he takes a few measured steps towards you. Long fingers graze your palm again. A question.
And you give in far too easily, not fighting as he intertwines your fingers once again. His other hand skirts along your exposed shoulder, following the lines of your tattoo as they fade at your neck. You’re frozen under the sudden tenderness of his touch, your pulse racing against his fingertips.
“My apologies, kitten. That wasn’t my intention,” he murmurs, eyes boring into yours with an unnerving genuineness, “I simply meant that your tattoos are...befitting of your character. You are truly…” He looks you over once more, his gaze leaving a tantalizing heat in its wake. That dangerous smile curls his lips again. “Captivating.”
You inhale shakily.
No one has said something like that to you before. Not that you can remember, at least. It would sound cheesy from someone else, but from Sylus? The intensity of his tone leaves you feeling as unsteady as your heart. Lightheaded.
All you can do is blink up at him, eyes wide and doe-ish. No smart retort or comeback. Your mouth, in fact, feels remarkably dry. It fills the man with a touch of pride, rendering you so speechless.
Not one to let you stay dumbfounded for too long, though, Sylus lets out a smooth chuckle and taps your chin, “Careful, sweetie. If you look at me like that, I might just think you’re falling for me.”
Which of course works. Because he knows you better than you know yourself.
“I am not!” You squawk, face going up in flames. “You just surprised me, that's all! I didn’t know you were capable of such niceties.”
Sylus grins, drawing away as you swat at his hand, “Then it seems that we’re even.”
You scowl at him. So not fair.
“Now, would you like to accompany me to this auction, sweetheart?” He offers his arm. You keep your pout up for only a few seconds before giving in and slipping your hand around his elbow begrudgingly. Sylus hums in amusement, leaning in to press a ghost of a kiss against your cheek. “Looking like this, you’ll have no trouble getting the results you’ve been searching for, tonight. You’ll be the perfect distraction, my dear.”
“Well then, let’s not keep them waiting, shall we?”
Not gonna lie, Sylus' was probably my favorite. In my head I was kind of picturing the tattoos that Anthony Padilla has (from smosh, yes, sue me), and I just think he would totally call you a tiger since he likes calling you kitten.
Hope y'all enjoyed!
I'm really feeling some angst next possibly...
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orimuraa · 3 days
‧₊˚ 🧷 When you’re not here 911 calling - OT7
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(synopsis) ࣪ ִֶָ☾. when enhypen is clingy ~❀
ot7 enhypen x fem!reader ִֶָ☾. tooth-rotting fluff, crack ִֶָ☾. clingy enha ִֶָ☾. kisses, petnames ִֶָ☾. wc 720
𝑳𝒆𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒖𝒏𝒈 - 이희승
ring...ring...ring...ri- "hello? seungie what's wrong?" you had just left 10 minutes ago to grab some groceries to cook dinner when all of the sudden, you get a call from your boyfriend. "baby? are you done yet? i miss you" your heart melted at the cute, sulky tone of your boyfriend on the other line and you could just envision his pouty face. letting out a soft chuckle, you pay the cashier and head out of the store. "i'm walking home now you big baby" you laugh, adjusting your shopping bag onto your shoulder. "yay!!" heeseung cheered. "you've been gone for agesss" he whined. sure he was a big baby trapped inside of a 23 year old man's body, but he was your big baby.
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑱𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈 - 박종성
"ynnieee" you heard your boyfriend whine. you set down your pen and walked over to the couch where jay was currently snuggled into. "i miss you" he frowns and oh does it melt your heart. "awww by jongie missed me? i was just 5 feet away in the other room silly!" you giggle, sitting down next to him on the couch. without warning, he wraps his arms around you, pulling you down next to him and planting a big, fat smooch on your forehead. "shhh, it's cuddle time with my princess"
𝑺𝒊𝒎 𝑱𝒂𝒆𝒚𝒖𝒏 - 심재윤
“jaeyun??? jaeyun are you okay??” you called out frantically after receiving a distressing message from your boyfriend that read: “come back quick pls. i need you here right now” so you turned your car around immediately and sped back home just to find your boyfriend greeting you—perfectly fine— at the door. “hi baby! you came back!” he giggled, his puppy smile showing. “yah! sim jaeyun! what is this?” you yelled, holding up the message on your phone. “ohhhh that! i just missed you!” he smiled. “why you little-” it was safe to say that you loved your very clingy boyfriend very much.
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒏 - 박성훈
you had just woken up to your alarm and you were about to get up and ready for the day when a pair of arms pulled you back down. “nooo please don’t leave” a sleepy voiced mumbled from behind you. “more cuddles please” sunghoon asked as he nuzzled his head into your neck. “aigoo hoonie, how can i say no to you” you smiled, giving in to his ask. it was rare for sunghoon to be this clingy so how could you deny him his cuddles? you would never do such a thing anyway.
𝑲𝒊𝒎 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒐𝒐 - 김선우
“yah! where are you my ynnie???” sunoo yelled out. you had left precisely 6 minutes and 24 seconds ago and sunoo was already calling you back. all you needed to do was finish the cookies but somebody was a bit too clingy today (it’s okay you didn’t mind one bit) and needed you with him 24/7. “cominggg” you giggle at your boyfriend’s clingy actions. walking into his bedroom, he immediately lights up when he sees you. “yay ! you’re here!!!” he then proceeds to tackle you onto the bed, securing his arms around you to make sure you can’t leave him. you always loved when sunoo got clingy.
𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒘𝒐𝒏 - 양정원
we all know that jungwon has his times of being this adorable little cat. so it wasn’t shocking when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waste and small kisses being gently placed on your neck. “hi wonnie” you smile, knowing he was feeling clingy today. “mm, come cuddle please, pretty” the small whisper of his voice melted your heart and you just couldn’t say no to such a cutie! he took your hand and led you to the couch where he already had a movie and a warm blanket ready for the two of you. “ta-da! now you can’t escape me!”
𝑵𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒂 𝑹𝒊𝒌𝒊 - 西村 力
ni-ki didn’t like showing physical affection in public, but he was a big baby behind closed doors. “babyyyy” he whined, trying to get you to comeback and give him more kisses. “pleaseeeee, i’m dying here without youuu” you playfully rolled your eyes as you walked back into your bedroom where your boyfriend was waiting. “now, kisses please” he sat up straight and smiled to you. gosh he was so cute. “whatever you say my big baby” you were so glad that he felt safe enough with you to show this side of himself to you and only you.
hiii! i’m back from the dead!! this made me giggle a whole bunch and while writing ni-ki’s, i just had that image of him making heart fingers for jake (iykyk) anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this and i’ll be back to posting every day if i can! <333
⚘. Perm taglist: @vmpivory
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happylittleshrub · 3 days
Rocket Plushie Review
My thoughts on Rocket plushies! I only own some of these so for those I'll go into a little more detail, but most of this is just based on vibes lol
This isn't in any sort of ranking or order
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I love this one! His fur feels so soft and he sits on my desk and keeps me company. Reminds me of Pokemon's "Sitting Cuties" line of plushes. Sometimes he'll fall over a little but that's really only if he's sitting on a more uneven surface like a bed or sofa, on my desk he sits fine
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This one looks like one of those Littlest Pet Shop toys. So many of the other Rocket plushies look good I don't know what happened here.
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Sweet, sleepy boy I love to cuddle him ❤️ Both huggable and snuggable. My sleep has improved 120% since getting him 10/10 would recommend
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This is my son my precious little child I love him I want the world for him he is the greatest thing in all of existence. He is so very soft and the perfect size to hug and to hold. ❤️
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This is the first Rocket plush I ever got he is very special to me 🥹 I like the chibified design, very adorable! He does have a hard time sitting up on his own because of his disproportionately sized head, I usually have to lean him against something. His ears are velvety soft!
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Tiny gremlin, an actual creature. He is full of bad ideas. I like that he comes with a tiny gun
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This one looks kind of like a dog more so than a raccoon. Maybe it's just this picture. Idk he still cute tho
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This one is good but something about his eyes feels a little off. I don't know if I trust him
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Absolutely adorable! He has Animal Crossing vibes. I would buy him but he's over forty dollars 🙃
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This one is cute but uh... this is legally distinct off-brand Rocket Wolf not Rocket Raccoon
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He is 100% friend shaped I love him I want to give him a hug
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"I can't believe I'm taking orders from a hamster." -Some Nova Corps Guy. I like this little dude, he's smol and squishy like a marshmallow!
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This one is cute, but I do kinda wish his face wasn't so flat, otherwise no notes
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This is so adorable wth you can carry Rocket around on your back like he's a sleepy little child I love it
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Bro's lookin' like a finger puppet. He's very small and cute!
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This Rocket looks like he needs some love. Well, that's all Rockets but especially this one. Looks like he'd be standing alone a street corner somewhere. Someone needs to bring him home and make him soup
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I feel like this one should be the reference image next to the word Blorbo in a dictionary. This is the embodiment of blorbo and all other blorbos should bow to him
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Shadow the Hedgehog wannabe. Gritty 90s reboot edgelord
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This Rocket is smiling but I feel like he's screaming on the inside while this rando pulls on his ears
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Football Head here stares into my soul. He can and will beat me up
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Cute but not the best. I'd probably put him in a B-Tier (Shrub, you said you weren't going to do rankings!)
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Adorable little guy! He has tiny magnets in his hands with which to hold batteries and other stolen items. You can also buy little outfits for these types of plushies so 20/10! During the colder months I let him ride around in my hoodie ^-^
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This one is up to no good I love the mischief in his expression lol
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I love Disney Tsum Tsum so this little peanut is an absolute winner in my book
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"Until a second ago I thought you were a build-a-bear."
He's so sweet and adorable would absolutely bring him home and love him forever (would be even better if he came with sound like some build-a-bears do)
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The way they did his eyes reminds me of Spiderman
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He's a sweet boy he just needs someone looking out for him and to be his conscience and stop him from stealing batteries 💛
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Bro's got them sparkly anime eyes. Also sideburns
Alright I've reached the photo limit so that's all for now. If you read all the way down here thanks for checking out my silly ramblings!
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bad268 · 2 days
Merda (Joao Felix X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/FC Barcelona
Requested: Yeah (ILY ZEP)
Warnings: Google translate Portuguese, mentions of being called puta
POV: Second Person (You/your but fem accents)
W.C. 1004
Summary: The reader wants to learn Portuguese.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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“I feel left out,” You said one day when Joao came back from practice. Immediately, 101 thoughts ran through his head about what you could be left out of. You were pretty close with his friends, you had the freedom to do whatever you wanted, you had the job of your dreams, and you were still able to travel with him whenever you wanted. He always made sure to make you feel included in anything he did, so he had no clue what you could be left out of. 
“Am I missing something here?” He questioned as he set his bag down by the door and walked over to where you sat at the kitchen island cautiously. He gently leaned down to see what you were looking at on your computer, and it was Google Translate. “What is this?”
“You and your friends always talk in a language I don’t speak!” You exclaimed as you flung your hands up to rest against the sides of your face while you looked over at Joao. “I feel left out of your conversations because there’s a language barrier. I just want to know what you’re all saying. I want to be part of the conversation.”
“I could always not speak Portuguese around you,” Joao chuckled in disbelief of the reason as he draped an arm around your shoulders. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“But it is!” You almost shouted as you dropped your hands and snapped your head to look at him. “That’s your native language, and I’d never ask you to stop speaking it around me, especially not when most of your friends speak Portuguese or something similar. I don’t, but I want to!”
“Google Translate won't help you,” He chuckled to himself, finding the situation amusing. “I could always teach you.”
“But that would require me asking for help,” You said simply as you eyed him, “And you know that’s something I struggle with. But if you wanted to offer,” You eyed him again, gesturing to the screen, “I wouldn’t say no.”
“Are you busy with Google Translate now or can I take you on a date?” He asked easily as he gestured to the screen.
“Like now? Tonight? Did you not just hear me?” You rushed out as you looked between him and the screen again. “I’m having an existential crisis right now. Can’t you tell?”
“I can see,” Joao replied, moving to close the laptop. “C’mon, go get ready.”
The following week you were able to sit down and actually start learning with Joao. It was very laid back for the most part.
“What do you want to learn to say?” Joao started the day by saying. It was a rare day off for both of you, and you were keen to spend the day cuddling away. You were resting against his chest as you just woke, and he decided now was the best time to talk about learning his native language.
“Can we start with cute things? I want nicknames to call you,” You said in a quiet tone as you pulled back a little to look at him. “You always call me different things, so it would be nice to know what they mean. Like amour, querida, amada, meu tudo, and fufinha.”
“Love, darling, beloved, my everything and cutie,” He listed off quickly. “You could call me those as well. Just change the end from a to o. Portuguese is a romance language, and the people who made the language decided to gender every word. It’s complicated, but all you need to know right now is that when you talk about a guy or multiple people, the end is an o. If you're talking about a female or a group of all women, it ends with an a.”
“So I can call you amouro, querido, amado, meu tudo and fofinho?” You asked a little confused.
“Not amouro, just amour,” He chuckled lightly as he left a light kiss on your forehead. “You can also do some funnier names like idiota, meaning idiot, cornel, which sounds bad but means sweetheart, or lindo.”
“What does lindo mean?” You asked skeptically. There’s no way he would have conveniently left that one out.
“Handsome,” Joao whispered into your hair as he moved to place butterfly kisses around your face.
“So, if I started calling you “lindo”, would you answer?” You teased as you moved your head around to try and get him to stop the flutter of kisses. “Meu lindo namorado? Did I do it right?”
“Wait, did you just call me your handsome boyfriend?” He gasped as you let out a laugh as you nodded. “But I didn’t teach you that!”
“Maybe, maybe not,” You shrugged lightheartedly as you turned to get up from the bed. You start walking to your closet to pick out your outfit of the day and head for the ensuite. “Now, come on, minha vida. Last I checked, we had plans with seus companheiros de time. I think Pedri, Fermin, and Ferran will throw a fit if we’re late for lunch.”
“Where did you learn that? My life, your teammates?” Joao got up in shock as he followed you to the bathroom, practically caging you against the sink. “When did you learn all of that? I’m proud of you, but I want to know when you learned that.”
“Let’s just say I listen,” You teased as you pulled his face down to leave a kiss firmly on his lips. You pulled back with a teasing smirk on your lips when he tried to chase your mouth. Not so fast, Mr.” You put a finger to his lips to gently push him back. “Does your mother know you call me “puta”?
“Merda,” Joao said under his breath as he looked to the side. He knew this was teasing but that didn’t stop him from playing into your antics.
“Fuck me is right,” You teased back. “I don’t know everything but let’s just say I have an idea now.”
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privategurlsblog · 1 day
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What’s Done is Done - A.T
Not suitable for minors. 18+!!!!
Warnings: PIV, he’s innocent, you’re a minx. pretty standard. cheating.
PLOT: You & Alex get assigned to the same halls in University. They say you shouldn’t shit where you eat, you must not have got the memo.
You watched out the window with your ice lolly at hand, a curious expression on your face. The boy that had caught your attention had a cigarette in his hand and his lip caught between his teeth. The woman beside him barely resembled him but you could tell merely from her fussing that she was his mother. Their muted conversation intrigued you. While her mouth moved at one hundred miles per hour, his barely moved at all.
His nerves were palpable even through the thick double glazing of the window you were stood at. Made evident mostly by his shifty gaze and the fact that he couldn't keep still, moving from one foot to the other without barely a second passing. Surely his feet couldn't get tired that quickly?
A few bags sat at his feet, not nearly as much as you'd lugged up to the flat yesterday afternoon when you'd arrived. Your eyes scanned over the items that were showing, spotting a guitar case. You nearly rolled your eyes, the thought of hearing the harrowing sound of inexperienced fingers against those strings sent a shiver down your spine. If he ever interrupted your sleep with it, he'd soon learn his year would be full of misery.
Your peering was cut short though when he suddenly glanced up. His eyes were large, nervous and yet somehow still intense. You didn't break your gaze, even as they lingered over you curiously. Instead you lifted your fingers, a smirk growing on your lips as you offered a waggle of your fingers.
He looked awkward, body tensed and a civil smile with his lips pulled inward before he offered one back. So awkward that you had to refrain a laugh.
"Look at this cutie outside," you called over to one of your flat mates, a girl called Lucy you had fast made friends with after a night out drinking.
She practically ran over, intrigued herself as she caught sight of him stood there. He'd be the only boy, there was only four people in this accommodation. The other girl had already stated she had a boyfriend she stayed with most nights. The poor lad has no idea what he's in for.
"Awww," she cooed, waving at him which he returned once again, just as awkwardly, "he looks so nervous bless him."
"I'm sure it'll be hell living with three girls," you rolled your eyes, your sarcasm making Lucy chuckle.
You both moved away from the window and sat at the table, discussing the freshers event that would be on tonight. Before long you heard the sound of the door opening, paired with a soft northern voice that sounded like an old lady, maybe old was harsh, but she didn't sound young.
Followed soon after by a soft spoken, younger sounding tone - also northern. It must be the lad from outside. You and your flat mate widened your eyes at each other, smirks growing on your lips as you rushed to the kitchen door to peer round it, watching him struggle with a large box as he entered into his room behind his mother.
Your eyes travelled the length of his body; short but not too short, lean but not too skinny that he'd snap, nice little perky arse. He definitely needs some tips on fashion though, judging by the ugly loose jeans barely hanging on his hips and the atrocious electric blue Harrington jacket he had on. His shoes looked like they'd been washed in a pile of shit and he walked like he was edging towards horror itself when he entered the room. But cute, a cute face at least.
It was hours until he left his room, his mother had left sometime around noon and the sky had already started darkening before he escaped his solace. You and Lucy sat in the kitchen, playing a game of beer pong in preparation for the night ahead. You were both dolled up to the nines, with green on as you were off to a traffic light party and both hoping to pull.
The boy walked in and stopped short in the doorway when he caught sight of the two of you, his eyes widening to an extent that he looked quite frankly, mad. A beat of silence passed where you all exchanged looks, a giggle bubbling on your lips as tension filled the space, all awkward and uncomfortable.
"Hello," Lucy smiled, her voice gentle as if she was approaching a toddler. He gazed at her in wonder, the shock being replaced with something soft as the tiniest of smiles took place on his lips.
"Hi," he muttered, his voice cracking halfway through the one syllable word. You remained silent, watching the exchange with your chest burning from how much you wanted to laugh. But you weren't that mean.
"I'm Lucy," Lucy shook his hand like it was a formal business meeting.
"Alex," he replied, his voice practically slurred. He appeared to be rather soft spoken, though he straightened his stance trying to feign confidence.
"Nice to meet you Alex, can I call you Al?" Lucy was speaking to him like he was a specimen from out of space and it was making you really struggle to hold in your laughter. A weird sound left your lips which made his eyes quickly avert to you.
"Yeah, um....they call me that, back home anyways," Alex mutters, his eyes flickering between the two of you.
"This is Y/N," Lucy thins her eyes at you, your eyes full of mischief, "she's unserious."
"Welcome to the flat Al," you emphasised his name with a little wink, "how exciting for you being surrounded by girlies."
Alex blushed, it spread across his cheeks and neck within seconds and his eyes grew shifty, darting to the floor rapidly like looking at you might be trouble. Perhaps he's right, you're certainly a riot and he'll soon figure that out. But you'll give him time to make his assumptions first.
Lucy chuckles, "wanna play beer pong? Are you coming to the party tonight?"
Alex shook his head, "um, wanted to settle in first, you know....get things sorted."
"Boring!" you announced, slamming your drink down and he visibly jumped, his heart might as well have been pounding out of the cheap speaker beside you, it was that loud, "join us Al! Please, we could do with a ref. This bellend keeps cheating."
Lucy quickly protests and Alex has no time to as you guys drag him into your game. Suddenly he's got a drink at hand, fruity wine as if he's one of the girls.
Once your heads are clouded enough, the game is forgotten and you all start dancing. Well, all is a little bit of an overstatement, Alex sits on the settee watching on with his back straight like he's sat amongst the queens of England.
But you drag him up, pulling him to his feet as his blush deepens even more, though he's practically been growing red all night. At least he'll fit in with the vibe at the party later.
"Come on Al, why don't you loosen up?" you chuckled as he stood still beside you. Lucy had gone to make you all drinks, chuckling at you as you teased him much like you'd been doing all night long.
"I'm not much of a dancer," he groaned, his hands plastered to his sides as you turned your back, pressing your arse against him as you rolled your body to 'Promiscuous Girl'.
"Then I'll dance, just hold my hips, like this," you grabbed his hands and moved them to your hips. His grip was loose, his fingers trembling. You could feel his heart racing against your back as you pressed harder against him, still dancing to the music.
You found it incredibly endearing how nervous he was, it was practically seeping through your skin, making your own belly flip. He was cute, and yeah a bit good looking but you weren't looking for anything serious. You're not particularly fussed about the rule of not shitting where you eat, as long as you're satisfied at the end of it.
You sung along at the top of your lungs, pressing into him more and more as your hips swayed. Alex was having an incredibly hard time not getting turned on by you, to be fair to him it could've been anyone, but it was you. And you were fit. He'd thought it since he'd seen you at the window with your puffy lips wrapped around a fruit pastel ice lolly, waggling your fingers at him with a glint in your eye he could see even from several feet away.
And now here you were, grinding on him like it was the most casual ordeal ever, holding his hands captive against your side. Though he wasn't exactly trying to pull them away.
"Going for a wee!" Lucy shouts, but neither of you seem to care as Alex's hips start moving against yours, the instinct overtaking his mind. The lust has began seeping into it anyway, clouding his judgement as your hands drop from his, yet his never drop from your hips.
"See, I think you're doing a great job," you say, glancing over your shoulder at him. Your eyes are hazy with amusement, your smirk barely being contained even as you took your lip between your teeth.
Alex suddenly became very aware of how good looking you were, the warmth of your body seeping through his own, opening up a burning fire in the pit of his belly. And with that, came the rise of his cock. He felt it pressing against his jeans, the heat of his arousal overwhelming him enough to quickly pull away from you.
"Sorry....I....my girlfriend wouldn't like it," Alex quickly mumbles out but you hardly seem to care as you twirl around. His hand comes trawling through his hair, feeling the dampness from how much he's been sweating over you.
The sudden reminder of his girlfriend, probably sat in her bedroom crying over him leaving, is like a bucket of ice water being thrown over him. Something tugs at his heart, yearning, guilt, despair....whatever it is, it's not enjoyable and he's desperate to get out of here. Desperate to come back to before he does something stupid, something he'd never usually dream of doing.
"Ooo Alex you better put on some red then before the traffic light party!"
Lucy comes parading back into the room, breaking the lust filled fog that was clouding it prior to her arrival. You're over having the time of your life, barely recognising any tension in light of your excitement.
"I'm not going," he insists, his eyes fixed on you still, your hips specifically in the criminally short skirt you had on that stretched over your pert little arse, "I'm gonna go call her. Have fun though."
"Thanks Al!" you shouted behind you, "have fun tossing yourself off!"
He blushed again, shaking his head as Lucy, already cut, started cackling at your quip. He's never moved so fast in his life leaving that room, trying desperately to get back to the solace of his room where he could regather himself.
It turned out the traffic light party was boring. While Lucy had found her fix straight away, you were looking around with a sour face at your options or lack there of. None of the boys were doing it for you, your haziness was fading alongside your excitement. As Lucy informed you she was going back to her fix's place for a shag, you decided to go home.
The door crashed behind you and shook the entire flat, the sound echoing down the empty corridor where the ugly, piercing blue lights came to life above you. Your eyes flickered to the doors in front of you, grazing over your own, annoyance flickering through you as you realise you'd left the light on.
But then your eyes carry on to the next door, where you see the light spilling out of the gap under Alex's door. Now that you think about it, you already found your fix earlier.
A smirk grows on your lips as you toss your handbag to the side, moving swiftly towards his door where you rap your knuckles on it slowly. You hear some shuffling before it swings open to reveal him, still in the ugly outfit from earlier, with tired eyes and messy hair.
"Just woke up?" you mutter, letting your eyes travel the length of his body. God, he's cute. So shy, so timid. You love yourself a little peach like that.
"No," he swallows as you glance behind him into his room, bare of anything except a photo frame on his desk, not that you can see what the picture contains but judging by his earlier declaration, you have some sort of idea.
"The party was boring, thanks for asking," you swan in like you own the place, walking effortlessly in heels that are tall enough to make Alex wince. He watches you glance around his room, a smile gracing your lips at the plaid bedsheets and the welcome pack his mum clearly made him.
"Wanna hang out?" you turn, facing him, catching him off guard as he shrugs in return, his heart already racing far ahead of his incomprehensible mind, "we're living together, we should get to know each other."
And that you do.
Alex sits on the bed and you perch beside him, fiddling with a teddy bear he's had for years after you'd dutifully teased him for it. You talk all about where you're from, your parents, siblings, your course at uni. You ask him a little bit about himself but he's less willing to give and so you take the lead, feeling the alcohol wear off completely by the time you finish.
Alex sits with his back against the wall, legs stretched out in front of him. He's an attentive listener, an eye contact king which you find a contradiction to how he comes across in his vibe. You decide he's not completely timid, but perhaps just gentle, impassive. You're intrigued, let's just say that.
"You're fit Alex," you said, your face unmoving from its casualness despite saying something that was dripping in confidence. Alex went silent, the air stilling around you both as he gazed at you with wide eyes, trying to conjure up a way to approach this.
You shifted, deciding to bite the bullet. His body is practically screaming for you, the blush and bulge clear indications that he thinks the exact same. You get it, he loves his girlfriend from college. But this is uni. She's in the past, and you're in the next room.
Alex watched you with caution, his hands already gripping the sheets like he was sucking power through his palms to leave, though he didn't move another muscle.
You suddenly moved, shifting your thigh over his. He remained wordless, watching you do it and you smirked as you fell into place in his lap, your crotches aligning as well as your faces.
You could smell the lingering scent of wine off his breath, the cheap cologne coming off his body, a little old smelling since he'd probably put it on this morning. He'd shed that horrific jacket, thank God, and was clad in a T-shirt that fit him snugly, hugging his taut body. You felt jealous of the fabric. You wanted in on a piece of him.
"Do you think I'm pretty?"
Your whisper fell across his face and his eyes fluttered closed. Already, he could feel himself getting hard. All you'd done is sit on his lap, he was yet to say or do anything. You were yet to move in it. And he was already hard? Christ, he's pathetic.
"Al? Do you?"
"Mhm," he mumbled, half arsed, opening his eyes to find you gazing curiously into his, your lips upturning at his compliment.
"Do you wanna fuck me?"
"I have a girlfriend," he defended himself which seemed counterintuitive when you were sat in his lap like this.
Your lips ghosted over his as you leant forward, and what was even better was that you could feel him prodding you. The high flush on his cheekbones and his expanded pupils proved his arousal all the more, and you were amused if anything.
"Where is she then?" you said against his lips, your whisper breathing something sordid into him. His eyes fluttered closed, long eyelashes tickling his cheeks as he attempted to control himself. His fists twined with the sheets beside him, his slumped body felt heavy and uncontrollable.
You shifted the slightest bit with all the intent to tease him, his breath hitched and his eyes shot open as the pleasure from the pressure on his crotch shot through him.
"I-I'm not a cheat," his hands come to rest of your hips and yet don't stop you when you shift again, the touch featherlight, completely unsure. It makes your lips quirk up, a devilish smile on them that doesn't aid his problem.
"You're not doing anything are you?" you shrug, moving your hips again. He mewls this time, head slamming back against the wall with a hard smack, the skin of his neck flushed a deep red as he tries to swallow the lust.
"Y/N...." his voice trails off into a groan when you roll your hips again, harder this time, his zipper digging into your panties and making you moan lightly, "I....fuck....you need to stop."
"You have the power," you whisper, pecking his lips, taking his bottom lip between your teeth and nibbling on the supple flesh. They swell under your own lips, the blood rushing around his body as the words linger in the air, the lies in them hanging over you both.
"Do you want me to fuck you?" you whisper, stroking your tongue across his bottom lip, soothing your own teeth marks indenting his skin.
"Christ....fuck," Alex splutters the words out as you grind harder, pushing your chest flush against his, the feel of your boobs pressing into him making him lose all sense of self for a second as he looks down at your impressive cleavage, eyes widening like a kid in a candy shop.
"No....no, I can't do this," Alex groans, his neck elongating as he presses his head against the wall. You pout, but hear him out, stopping your movements.
"Okay," you shrug, going to move off him. He watches your body move, before he knows it his hand has reached out to touch your thigh. It's not that much indication but you look round nonetheless, catching sight of his desperate gaze. He doesn't want to admit it, but he wants you. And he's begging you to take from him, what he can't offer.
"How about we don't talk?" you resume your movements, watching the relief seep into his gaze as you start rocking against him again.
"Then it's not really happening, is it?"
"Mhm...." Alex agrees through thinned lips, eyes still lingering on your boobs, your nipples hardened through the fabric of your slutty top. He'd love to rip it off but he wouldn't want to break the rules.
You shuffle back so you're sat on his thighs, cupping his bulge under your small palm. He looks well endowed judging by the press of him against his jeans, you're practically salivating as you start to rub your hand up and down the fabric.
"Fuck," he whines, hips shifting upwards, chasing your touch. He flushes red at his own desperation, his own roughness even though he'd tried to say no. It was so obvious he hadn’t meant it.
You fiddle with his zip, eyes fixed on him checking with him if it's okay and he gives the slightest nod - nearly enough for you to miss if you weren't watching him so intently.
He whines again when you undo his button, your fingers rubbing against the damp spot where his cock is pressed to his boxers. Even the slightest friction has him thrashing and you chuckle, pushing his hips down and fixing him with a warning glare, full of teasing.
"Shhhh," you look into his eyes, your movements easy for you despite the fact you're not even looking. He feels the pressure relieve against his cock when you finally undo the zip and button, but still it's pressed against his boxers, straining the fabric.
Alex doesn't stop you. He doesn't want to, if he's honest. He should, he knows he should. But he can't help but indulge in how you're going about this, making him feel helpless, already taking the blame for something he's equally as guilty for.
You pull him out of his boxers in a swift motion, a slight wince forms on his face when he slaps against his belly, the cool air making his red hot skin twitch. Neither of you look towards it, you shift on him, your movements subtle, almost unnoticeable. He can't hear a thing outside of his beating heart, echoing through his ears. He can't feel a thing except your hands aligning him, and then the inevitable feel of your wet heat as you sink down onto him with a slight gasp.
His mutter was so quiet, you almost didn't catch it. But you certainly caught the way his eyes rolled back, how his grip on the sheets tightened and the sheen of him under the yellow tinted lights.
You started to ride him, your hands taking solace on his shoulders as you bounced curtly on his cock. Alex had a hard time pretending it wasn't happening, his lip caught between his teeth biting down hard enough for blood to escape into his mouth, the metallic taste a mere afterthought.
His eyes followed you, up and down, and back again, watching the way your head fell back and a moan left your lips as you made yourself feel good. His hands stayed at his side; he was unmoving almost like a statue or a toy for you to use. And it was so hot. He felt guilty for even endorsing it but his cock wasn't lying, you were worth standing for. And he'd be your toy any day.
The pleasure wrapped around him like a warm blanket, his skin prickling with it, starting to sweat from trying to hold back. You were moaning like crazy, your nails digging into his shoulders, eyes rolled into the back of your head. Your sounds reverberated through him and increased his pleasure tenfold, the pressure in his lower stomach starting to coil tight despite the fact it had only been minutes since you'd first sunk onto him.
"Boys like you always have big cocks huh?" you drawled, looking down at him with a sultry gaze, your pupils swallowing your irises whole. Your hair hung over your eyes, making you look sinister but in the best way. Momentarily, he held your gaze and pretended this wasn't wrong, a groan bubbling between his lips.
You bounced harder, overwhelming him completely as his eyes rolled back and he struggled to cope. He felt himself pulsing, his belly tightening enough for it to hurt. As you looked down on him, you realised that he wasn't going to last much longer, the twitchiness of his body said it all, his deep heavy breaths a clear indication of how much he was struggling.
"If you carry on," Alex hissed through his teeth, voice ragged with the promise of his release, "I'm gonna cum."
"Shhh, I don't need to know," you whisper, your fingers curving against his face to silence him, "this isn't happening, remember?"
Alex groaned, his head smacking the wall again and his legs twitching. The pleasure was almost too much, the way you've muted the situation somehow amplifying it by a tenfold.
He couldn't hold on any longer. His head rolled back, the pleasure overriding his ability to speak or move as you overwhelmed him with it, speeding up your hips as you felt him twitch. His eyes squeezed shut and his cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of red as his cock twitched, his release spurting inside of you.
His groans were cute, echoing through the room so quietly as if they were shy. And perhaps they were just as much as he was, refusing to look at you, his eyes squeezed shut as his hips jolted up again and again.
When you felt his body go slack beneath you, you quickly jumped off him, pulling your panties up before his eyes had even opened. He was like a puddle in the middle of his bed, his eyes drowsy looking, his mouth slack, lips swollen. He looked a sight for sore eyes but now that you were done with him, you were healed.
"What's her name?" you leant against his desk, a little dangerous smirk on your lips.
"Huh?" he sat up a bit, trying to regain his composure. You were acting so casual he nearly rubbed his eyes as if that might bring him back to a reality where you hadn't just rode his cock. Where you weren't stood there with his cum staining your panties.
"Your girlfriend, what's her name?"
"Hm," you giggled, your hand running over his desk until it led up to the cute framed picture he had of himself and the girl, "cute."
"Look I....that shouldn't have happened," Alex finally regains his ability to speak, his voice timid and yet the alarm in it was prominent. You looked around with a quirked brow, wondering where this insistence was when you were riding him minutes prior.
He stood on shaky legs, tucking himself back into his jeans, the blush growing a deeper shade of red on his cheeks as he zipped himself up. The shame was written all over his face and his poor tensed body looked extremely hard done by. But you didn't care, he could well have stopped you and he didn't.
"It's done now," you shrug, "I'm not telling."
"I think you should go," Alex couldn't stand how casual you were being. His heart was racing beneath his chest and he had to sit on the edge of the bed and hold his head in his hands, his gaze well away from you to try and form a coherent thought.
You weren't really bothered. He was cute but you've had your fix. With a gentle sigh, you turn in your pep and head for his door.
"Bye cutie," you looked round briefly to find him leant on his thighs, head in hands. Oh well, what's done is done.
A/N: this has been lingering in my drafts for a few days. I promise at some point I’ll write something other than fetus Al LOL (I love him sm). found this so cute 🥲 what’s wrong with me
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blondieeu · 1 day
love letter. constance “connie” s.
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“dear diary, i met a boy today. he said his name is constance but his friends call him connie. really cute nice swag kinda tall, he told me that he hoop but he don’t look like he play ball!”
connie falls in love with you the day he sees you at the park.
it be a hot summer day, the middle of july actually. one of the hottest days of the week and connie decides to go out and play ball with jean, onyankopon, eren and a couple of the other boys.
they play a couple games, everyone in their wife beaters, the white nike compression shirt he wore damp with sweat with still a couple more games left to play and people start to sit around them, it’s what normally happened when you played in parks.
but connie couldn’t even play the game anymore after he noticed you, so pretty sitting on that bench with your friend. your hair was pulled into a low ponytail and you wore these ridiculous big golden hoops.
“connie cmon lock in you could’ve got that!”
“my fault bro”
for the rest of the game, every time he made a shot he couldn’t help but turn around a wink at you or point to you, like he was dedicating it to you. how could he not when he caught the sweet smile that would spread into your face after?
after the game is over, he drinks some water and comes over to you with a smile on his face and good intentions ready to sweet talk his way into your phone, also being internally thankful he went to get a line up the day before.
more tattoos threatened to spill from the cover of his compression shirt and a pretty golden chain laid against his collarbones, studded earrings decorated the males ear.
“i like to hoop sometimes as you ladies can see, ya’feel me, but id like to get to know yall more.. specifically you,”
and then he’d flash you an overly charming smile when you pulled out your baby pink colored phone and began setting up a new contact. connie stuffed his hands in his basketball shorts pockets, a little sheepish and giddy you agreed.
“you’re cute..?”
“connie. my names constance but everybody that kno’ me calls me connie”
“you’re a real cutie connie, don’t ruin that”
“so you like me too?”
“i’ll see you later connie”
he can’t get you out of his head for weeks after that.
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blondieeu xx
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fictionalmenxyn · 5 hours
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•✧𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰✧•
Pairing: Drew x singer/actress!reader
(The parts that are Itallic are what you would see in the video rather than in person)
Warnings: language, slightly emotional reader (for good reason)
Face claim: Billie Eilish (what a cutie 😊)
Once again, your time has come. Your yearly interview.
This time, Drew was sat behind the camera. You sat in the directors chair. You smiled at the camera and spoke “Hi, I’m Y/n Y/l/n.. it’s currently October eighteenth, twenty-twenty-four” you smile.
Other versions of you repeat those words, only difference is the year… oh! And also your appearance, obviously.
Drew was sat on a chair opposite you and behind the camera. A big smile on his face. He loved these interviews of you.
First question ‘biggest thing that happened in your career?’ You smiled and scrunched your nose. You then lean forward in your chair and whispered the camera “I got two oscars.” You balled your fists in excitement and scrunched your face. “Two! Not one, but two… still feels like a dream”
You watch your year-younger self, “I got six Grammys! Ah!” You chuckle at your past self. You looked to the camera “two oscars and six Grammys… damn..” you and Drew laugh.
‘What’s the most important things to you right now?’ You smiled at the question. You tilt your head to look around the camera and to Drew. You answered “my love, my everything… Drew mother fucking Starkey…” he chuckled. You wave him over “c’mere, babe…” he got the green light from the director and walked over to you.
You opened your arms, he leaned down and hugged you as you sat in the chair. As he pulls away slightly, he kissed your forehead. You smiled “this is whats important to me… my Drew…” you both knew the fans were gonna make edits and comments about this. You were honestly excited to see the edits. You loved how cute your fans were when it came to you and Drew.
You and Drew watched your younger self “uh probably my boyfriend… he’s the best-” younger you looked to the camera “I love ya, Drew!” You both laughed.
Drew kissed your forehead once more, then went back behind the camera; sitting in his chair once again.
‘Craziest fan moment?’ You answered “it was at New York, my latest tour. I noticed a girl in the crowd. She looked like she had something in her hand. So when we did our usual ten minute break. I walked over to her, cause she didn’t leave her spot. She held a box, saying it was a gift for me and she couldn’t get vip tickets to meet backstage. So I opened it, and i literally broke down crying, happy tears of course. What was in the box, was a handmade painting of Drew and I. In a frame, it was our photo I said was my favourite of us. On the set of outer banks, still dressed in our characters clothes. On our characters dirt bikes, our heads against each others. She said it took her eighteen hours. It’s not a crazy moment, but definitely sentimental…”
You watched younger you, ‘dude, everyone kept throwing T-shirts with Drew’s face on stage!” You laughed. Still having them shirts. You never got rid of them. Never crossed you mind to get rid of them.
‘Do you have a boyfriend?’ You smiled and shook your head “no I don’t…” your grin grew bigger as you lifted your left hand up “I got a fiancé!!” Drew’s smile only grew bigger. God you were so cute in his mind. Always have, always will.
You look at last year’s clip “yes I do, Drew, my childhood bestie, and lover, love his soul… miss my baby, haven’t saw him in a few hours… gonna see him later though excited.” You laughed at your younger you.
‘Describe your style in three words’ you smiled and tilted your head “open to opportunity.”
Your 2023 self said “live laugh Drew” you bursted out laughing and replied “I said that?!” You laughed.
‘Favourite movie?’ You smiled “ooo probably Beetlejuice… the original, although the new one is really good.. you know I love a good Tim Burton movie…”
You answered “Batman The Dark Knight, Cillian and Heath are soooo good in that movie, so was Christian Bale… but Cillian and Heath…” you playfully roll your eyes at younger you. You remarked “god I was practically drooling over that movie” you laugh.
‘What are you working on currently?’ You smiled “well, as you recently found out, I’m working on an album… which is half done… and I’m starring in the newest Outer Banks season, once again…”
2023 you spoke “a movie and Outer Banks… oh! And a single…”
‘One thing you’d like to do with your career this year?’ You smiled “as usual, to star in a Tim Burton movie…” you wink at the camera.
Younger you answered “obviously star in a Tim Burton movie, pretty sure I said that since like the third year, right??” You chuckle.
You look to the camera, “thanks for checking in on me, Vanity Fair… once again a great yearly catch up! I love you guys!” You waved Drew to come back over. Which he did. He leaned down to get into frame. You both smile, you spoke “we love you all! See you soon!”
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meownotgood · 1 year
it's been a year since we first saw aki's anime concept arts <3
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lost-in-fandoms · 2 months
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papita474 · 3 months
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The line art,and a more detailed picture🏌‍♂️
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dizzybizz · 5 months
some xianzhou portraits or smth
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propertyofjameswilson · 7 months
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he's my jelly baby
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itshyuka · 1 year
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yeonbin capture time 📸
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onesmolbean49 · 1 month
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He has no right to look so PRETTY!!!
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samwise1548 · 1 year
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[ID: An animated gif of Jonathan Sims of the Magnus Archives. He has brown scarred skin, and short grey hair and a moustache. He's wearing a brown hoodie with cream colored sleeves and pull strings. Jon happily pulls the hood over his head and flips the little cat ears on top of it upright, one at a time, saying meow each time. The background is pink with pink paw prints dotting it. The short animation loops over. \End ID]
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Link to the original post below!
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