#his full name is fennel
accelldraws · 2 years
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he is a meow
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kleefkruid · 13 days
Okay are you ready for the fosternames? In the end we went with the vegetable names since a Kotelet is a big piece of meat and it really should have some vegetables around it you know, blanced diet
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On the left we have the smallest of the bunch Spruitje (Brussels sprout) which fits bc Spruitje is also a term of endearment for a small child. She likes to climb all the way on top of Kotelet to nap so I'll hope she'll be a great lap kitty! She needs a bit more time figuring things out like walking but I think it's because she's smaller en therefore taking her time building mussle.
On the right we have the artist previously known as White Baby, 3 week record holder of the fattest baby award and almost a full 100 grams heavier than his sister. He gets the fitting name of Witloof (chicory, the white kind), another classis Belgian vegetable. He's the only boy of the bunch, always the first to figure something new out and the one that travels the furthest from Kotelet (which she hatesss)
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Next up we have the two tabbies with socks, who I just took a quick pic of before their medicine and you can guess who got convinced I was trying to eat her or something. the left one has short back socks and the right one has a bit of a stocking going on, but currently they're very hard to tell apart in pictures so I decided to give them matching names. Say hi to Peeke (r) & Ewrt (l), pekes & ertjes is a regional term for those baby carrots and peas that come together like this.
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and lastly we have the solid tabby who henceforth shall be known as Venkel (Fennel) because that's my favorite soup to make and I feel like it fits. Also 'venkelen' sounds like some kind of complaining and she's the one that figured out how to squeek with her full long capacity and then some. We love an opinionated lady here.
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year
August 2023 witch guide
August 2023 witch guide
Full moon: August 1st in Aquarius
New Moon: August 16th
Blue moon: August 30th Aquarius into Pisces
Sabbats: Lughnasadh August 1st

August Sturgeon Moon
Also known as: Corn moon, harvest moon, ricing moon, barley moon, dog moon, fruit moon, grain moon, herb moon, red moon & wyrt moon
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Leo & Virgo
Animal spirts: Dryads
Deities: Diana, Ganesha, Hathor, Hecate, Mars, Nemesis, Thot & Vulcan
Animals: Dragon, lion, phoenix & sphinx
Birds: Crane, eagle & falcon
Trees: Alder cedar & hazel
Herbs/plants: Basil, bay, chamomile, fennel, orange, rosemary, rue & St. John's wort,
Flowers: Angelica, marigold, sunflower
Scents: Frankincense & heliotrope
Stones: Carnelian, cats/tiger's eye, fire agate, garnet, red jasper & red agate
Colors: Gold, orange, red & yellow
Energy: Authority, appreciation, courage, entertainment, finding your voice, friendship, gathering, harvesting energy, health, love, pleasures, power &vitality
Sturgeon moon gets it's name from the high numbers that are caught at the Great Lakes & Lake Champlain in North America during this time of year. The names come from a number of places including Native Americans, Colonial Americans & European sources.

Also known as: Lammas, August eve & Feast of bread
Season: Summer
Symbols: Scythes, corn, grain dollies & shafts of grain
Colors: Gold, green, yellow, red, orange, light brown & purple
Oils/incense: Aloe, apple, corn, eucalyptus, safflower, rose & sandalwood
Animals: Cattle & chickens
Stones: Aventurine, carnelian, citrine, peridot, sardonyx & yellow diamond
Foods: Apples, grains, barley cakes, wild berries, cider, honey, potatoes, rice, sun shaped cookies, blackberry, corn, nuts, breads, blueberry. berry pies & grapes
Herbs/Plants: Alfalfa, aloe, all grains, blackberry, corn, corn stalk, crab apple, fenugreek, frankincense, ginseng, goldenseal, grapes, myrtle, oak leaves, pear, rye, blackthorn &wheat
Flowers: Sunflower, cyclamen, heather, hollyhock & medowsweet
Goddesses: Aine, Alphito, Bracacia, Carmen, Ceres, Damina, Demeter, Freya, Grain goddesses, Ishtar, Kait, Kore, Mother Goddess, Sul, Sun Goddesses, Taillte, Zaramama, Ereshkigal & Ianna
Gods: Athar, Bes, Bran, Dagon, Ebisu, Dumuzi, Ghanan, Grain Gods, Howtu, Liber, Lono, Lugh, Neper, Odin, Sun Gods & Xochipilli
Issues, Intentions & Power:  Agriculture, changes, divination, endings, fertility, life, light, manifestation, power, purpose, strength, success & unity
Spellwork: Sun magick, rituals of thanks/offerings, bounty, abundance & fire magick
Bake fresh bread
Weave wheat
Take walks along bodies of water
Craft a corn doll
Watch the sunrise
Eat outside with family/friends/coven members
Donate to your local foodbank
Prepare a feast with your garden harvest
Give thanks to the Earth
Decorate your altar with symbols of the season
Clean up a space in nature
Plant saved seeds
This cross-quarter fire festival is celebrated on August 1st or the first full moon of Leo & the seventh sabbat of the year. It represents the first harvest when the Earth's bounty is given for the abundance received.
Some believe this is the time where the God has weakened & is losing his strength as seen in the waning of the day's light. The Goddess is pregnant with the young God who will be born on Yule.
In some traditions, this day honors the Celt god Lugh, the god of craftsmanship; He is skilled in many things including wheel making, blacksmithing & fighting. Though there is some discrepancy as to why Lugh is honored on this day. Some tales say it's because he held a harvest faire in honor of his adoptive mother, Tailtiu.

Farmersalmanac .com
Boston Public Library- The Origins & Practices of Lammas/Lughnasadh by Dhruti Bhagat
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
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imtrashraccoon · 5 months
here’s a drabble idea!
Nightmare sans x dog monster! reader
so the premise is that the dear reader is a dog like doggo, greater dog, lesser dog, etc
and if we want to get REAL specific the dog breed reader is a konoki dog!
Hi! Thank you for submitting this idea!
I was shocked how quickly I managed to think of something for this prompt. I hope you don't mind that I made it a fantasy and soulmate au. I actually haven't written this sort of thing before and I am still buzzing with ideas.
I never heard of a Konoki dog before this and they look super cute! I haven't written this type of character before so I hope you like them. I certainly have fallen in love with them! (I affectionately call them Koko in my notes!)
By the way, I renamed Nightmare (and a few others!) for this to make him a more unique character. There's a note at the bottom for the meanings of their names too.
The Dark Fortress
Nightmare x Kokoni!Dog Monster Reader
Fantasy & Soulmate AU
Word Count: 6, 219
You woke up to the sound of rain softly pattering on your tent. The light was rather dim so you estimated the sun wasn't up just yet. Still, it couldn't hurt to get up and do some quick exercises before your day properly started.
The rain made the air smell good - slightly earthy with a hint of the harsher scent of ozone. The only bad thing was that you didn't like having wet fur, especially when on a mission, since it stuck to your armour and meant your weapon was harder to hang onto.
The scent in the air reminded you of a reoccurring dream that you'd been having your whole life. While the circumstances were different each time, there was always a distinctive smell present. It was earthy and sweet with aromatic undertones similar to liquorice or fennel. It was also slightly spicy or maybe salty was a better description? This smell seemed to belong to someone but you'd never been able to see what they looked like.
Not everyone believed in the concept of soulmates but you couldn't find any other explanation for why you kept dreaming about this one smell. There were instances where a few dogs had been plagued by a particular smell and then ended up finding their soulmate, but this was always in real life and never only in a dream.
With a sigh, you meticulously fastened the straps and buckles that held your armour together. While many of your fellow soldiers preferred full plate, you liked the mobility that light armour provided. This combined with your smaller size and slight frame made you the perfect scout or assassin for the Royal Guard.
You didn't have time this morning to contemplate the possibility of meeting your soulmate. You had a duty to perform and any distractions could put the lives of both you and your comrades in danger.
Your mission was to investigate the dark fortress that had appeared overnight a few months ago in the neighboring Kingdom of Shiftingtails. The kingdom's forces had apparently been completely overrun and destroyed in a matter of days. Word on the conditions inside the country had been scarce but the handful of refugees that had made it out all told harrowing tales of their escape.
Whatever magic that had created the fortress was dangerous. It corrupted the land, killing both plants and animals alike, so that nothing could survive. It was said that it could kill people as well but no one knew exactly how. There were also accounts of the dark horde and their master but no one could decide on what they looked like.
Some claimed that an army of the dead suddenly came to life and raided their homes. Others claimed there were only three skeletons responsible for the destruction. Yet there were other accounts of a single skeleton covered in the dark fortress' corruption with black tendrils. No one wanted to talk about this one any more than they had to though.
You hadn't known what to make of the accounts at first, but the deeper you and your comrades pressed into enemy territory, the more truth they seemed to hold. Thankfully, the Royal Scientist had found a way to counteract the majority of the corruption's effects, so as long as the protective coating on your armour remained intact, you would be safe.
It didn't ease your anxiety though and you knew that your comrades were also suffering from restlessness. It had been days since you had even been in combat, even longer since killing anything, and you just wanted to get this over with.
You weren't particularly bloodthirsty but even you had to admit that you secretly enjoyed the rush that came whenever a person died by your hand. It wasn't something that you went out of your way to do, even though being a soldier often put you in those situations. Everyone knew that while sometimes unavoidable, gaining EXP and especially LV, was a slippery slope to insanity. And so during basic training, it was stressed that it was preferable to incapacitate your foes and only kill as a last resort.
You emerged from your tent and stretched your limbs. It seemed like a few of your fellow soldiers were already up and about, which meant another day of marching was upon you. At least you were within sight of the dark fortress now. It wouldn't be long before you would be able to hear the satisfying sound of your meteor hammer crushing bones and inhale the scent of fresh blood again.
~ ~ /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ ~ ~
Breaching the gate had been difficult but not impossible.
There had been a small horde of tall black skeletons but against the heavily armoured likes of your fellow guardsmen, they were soon cut down. While the skeletons had also been heavily armoured and wielded greataxes, a well placed blow was pretty much all it took to fell them. Even you managed to take one down, although its body didn't turn to dust and simply faded away, and you didn't even get any EXP from it.
That was strange but not unusual if they were merely summons and not actual monsters. Still, whoever summoned them must have an immense mana pool, especially if they were also the one who'd created the dark fortress in the first place.
The moment you and your fellow soldiers entered the courtyard, you were suddenly set upon by three assailants. They were fast, and with how easily they could dodge attacks or appear behind you, must have some form of instant teleportation ability.
You were forced to fight back to back with Sir Draco, which meant your ranged attacks were less effective since you had to be mindful of your meteor hammer's arc. Your own mana was limited so you were forced to fend off blows with your trusty dagger, which you normally only used for finishing off your enemies.
The three skeletons looked similar, like they could be cousins, but at the same time they were quite different from each other. They were on a whole other level from the dark hordes earlier and you were starting to worry that this could soon turn hairy.
Greater and Lesser Dog were currently taking on a giant of skeleton who had half his skull caved in, a blood red eyelight in his left socket, and wielded a massive, wicked-looking greataxe. He wore a suit of mismatched armour of various materials and styles that had been pieced together seemingly at random. It looked to be mostly plate and hide armour though.
Captain Undyne and Sir Bunbun were holding off a wiry skeleton, who had what looked like corruption pouring out of his eye sockets, a crimson glowing target floating above his chest, and wielded nothing but a cruel dagger as well as his own magic against them. He wore a form-fitting suit of black leather armour that was reminiscent of what the former Shiftingtails Kingdom's scouts used to wear.
You and Sir Draco were focusing on a shorter skeleton who was constantly switching between bone attacks and trying to stab both of you with a well-polished shortsword. He had red eyelights but the left one also had a ring of blue and he wore a red cuirass with a hood and dusty chainmail over top.
"Fall back!" You heard Captain Undyne shout. "We can't let them separate us!"
You and your comrades began shifting towards the gate in an attempt to keep them from attacking your flanks. Although, you'd only taken a few steps when your nose caught a particularly familiar scent. It was sharp, earthy and yet sweet at the same time - the exact scent from your dreams. But where was it coming from?
You noticed a flicker of red out of the corner of your eye and just managed to dodge yet another strike from the hooded skeleton. He scowled and you bared your teeth in response before he darted out of your reach again. He smelled like smoke and death so it certainly wasn't him.
"Come on, pup. If we don't move now, they'll cut us off from the others," Sir Draco rumbled as he blocked another volley of bone bullets with his shield.
You sniffed the air intently, barely hearing what he'd said. That scent...they were here somewhere... Your soulmate was here!
Without really thinking, you darted off in the direction that you were certain the scent was coming from, disregarding the fact that you were also running away from your comrades. You just managed to dodge a bone bullet the hooded skeleton summoned, although it did graze your side. You could hear Undyne shouting at you to return but you didn't listen and kept running. It seemed like no one was actually chasing after you but you could still hear the clash of weapons at the gate, so maybe your comrades had kept them occupied?
The scent was coming from further inside the fortress and only grew stronger the further you ventured, until you managed to slip into a dark building and close the door behind you.
Your paws were great at muffling your footsteps and thanks to your nose, you knew that you were close to the source of the scent. You stepped cautiously around furniture and through passageways until you entered the largest library you'd ever seen.
There was light here, from various lanterns and candles peppered throughout the room, which you were grateful for since you couldn't really see in the dark, although you couldn't help but feel uneasy. You slipped between bookshelves and your ears twitched as you strained to hear the slightest sound. Other than the clinking of the length of chain in your paws and that of your own armour, everything seemed quiet.
Too quiet.
The scent was everywhere and you were starting to have a hard time pinpointing which direction to keep moving in. The fur on the back of your neck suddenly stood on end and you quickly turned, only to come face to face with another skeleton.
He was covered in corruption and four tendrils undulated restlessly behind his back. He wore no armour but underneath the black ooze he seemed to be wearing fancy clothing. He had a gold circlet on his skull and a single cyan eyelight in his left eye socket, as his right was covered by the ooze.
You had barely registered his appearance when he lashed out with his tentacles, slamming you against a nearby bookshelf. You let out a yelp from the impact and heard your meteor hammer clatter to the ground as you lost your grip on the chain.
"Who let a mutt into my home?" the skeleton hissed.
You squirmed but your attempts to escape only caused his tendrils to coil tighter around your body, until it was difficult to breathe.
He drew closer until you were only a few inches apart and narrowed his good eye socket at you. "Are you even a soldier?"
Your eyes widened as it occurred to you that the smell that had haunted you for years was from him. He was your soulmate. Him...the one who'd overthrown an entire country singlehandedly was your one and only.
You pawed at the tendrils around your body. "You're... You're the one..." you managed to gasp.
His smile widened and he let out an amused chuckle. "I'm what? I assure you that whatever you're about to say, I've heard it all before." He let out a sigh and loosened the grasp his tentacles had on you ever so slightly. "But I suppose I can humour you a little bit..."
You couldn't help but cough the moment you could breath properly again. After taking in several lungfuls of air, you looked up at him before trying to explain.
"You're the one I've been dreaming about all my life. My soulmate..."
He stared at you for what felt like an eternity but in reality was probably only a minute. He raised his bonebrows slightly but otherwise showed no further reaction to this revelation.
"Well... That's actually a new one." He chuckled and stepped back a bit but noticeably didn't let go of you. "My apologies, it seems I underestimated you slightly. You're amusing at the very least..."
You huffed and crossed your arms. "I'm serious! I've been looking for so long and now I've actually found you."
He rolled his eyelight before giving you an odd look. "I don't believe you. I don't have a soulmate," he muttered.
"Of course you do! I wouldn't have sought you out if we weren't meant to be together!"
"It's not possible, alright?"
His tendrils suddenly constricted once more, although your ability to breath wasn't as impeded this time. You couldn't possibly break out of his hold now and you were all but forced to stay still.
"I mean it," he growled. "Now, I'm going to ask you some questions and you're going to tell me the truth, understand?"
"Yeah, okay. Just, not so tight please?"
He pointedly ignored your request as if you hadn't said anything at all. "Why are you actually here?"
"My comrades and I were ordered to investigate this place and if possible, take down the source of the corruption. Although, it seems that's you, isn't it?"
"Yes, I am. My name is Lord Donovan, the new ruler of this land." There was a twinge of pride in his voice and he puffed out his ribcage slightly. "Where are your comrades?"
You didn't like how ominous his tone sounded but there was no reason to lie to him. "They're probably still fighting your men at the gate, at least they were before I caught your scent and sought you out."
He gave you an incredulous look. "You broke rank on the off chance that I was your so called soulmate? What a foolish thing to do, almost as foolish as coming here in the first place."
You wrinkled your nose and let out a frustrated huff. "You are my soulmate!" you growled. "How many times do I have to tell you that before it gets through your thick skull?!"
He abruptly yanked you closer until your foreheads were nearly touching, but so that he was leering down at you. "Listen well, mutt. I am not your soulmate. I am an entity of pure hatred and spite. I am incapable of love or any remotely positive feeling for that matter."
"S-surely there's a way to find out?" you whimpered.
He sighed and ran his hand over his face. "Yes, there is a divination ritual that can be performed, but such a thing takes time, something you don't have right now."
You squirmed in his grip. "I don't need some fancy ritual to prove that you're wrong. If you just, let me go for a moment, I'll show you."
He eyed you warily before taking a glance around the library. "Fine, but don't try anything. I would prefer if you didn't ruin any of these tomes with your useless dust."
You gave him a curt nod, although the casual threat wasn't lost on you. "Same goes for you."
He released his tendrils, dropping you unceremoniously to the ground but you managed to land your feet. After straightening your armour and retrieving the weapon you'd dropped earlier, you turned back to him again.
Lord Donovan stood with arms crossed and a critical expression on his face. "I'm surprised that you would risk turning your back on an enemy," he commented.
You chuckled, "Well, you just said that you didn't want to ruin these books."
He narrowed his eye socket. "I could've lied..."
You snorted but chose not to needle him further. Instead, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes before pressing a paw against your chestplate.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm baring my soul to you. What does it look like?" you retorted.
You could feel him judging you but he made no move to interrupt. "You're a fool," he finally stated.
You ignored him and drew your soul out, letting the upside down white heart float lazily in your palm. It wasn't perfect like it had once been but the faint cracks spoke of the many battles you'd survived to get to this point. You could even see your stats, which was only further proof of your strength and the deeds you'd committed for it.
When you met his gaze again, you noticed that he looked a bit uncomfortable. His permanent grin had fallen and he was doing his best not to look at your soul directly. He actually reminded you a little of a bashful child at the moment.
"How does this," he vaguely gestured at you, "actually prove anything?"
You had to grit your teeth to keep from laughing at him. Had he never been taught how these things worked? Even an eight year old could understand the significance of baring your soul to your fated.
"The frequency of our souls are the same and that means we are soulmates," you responded.
He scoffed at that. "I'm not showing you my soul."
"Come on... If you'll just do this one thing, you'll know that I'm right!"
He frowned and shook his skull.
"Please, I'm not trying to trick you..." When he made no move to respond, you sighed and held out your paws. "I understand that you don't trust me; I probably wouldn't either if I was in your position. You can hold my hands if you want, I promise I won't hurt you."
He eyed them for a moment. "Fine...but on one condition..."
You nodded vigorously, "Of course!"
"If you really want to see my soul, then I can't have you leave, at least not alive... Are you actually willing to give up everything, including your friends and family, on something as improbable as being soulmates?"
"With all due respect, I am a soldier. I live each day as if it were my last, as does my family. When I was ordered to come here, I did so knowing that I likely wouldn't return and if this is the price I must pay to find my soulmate, then I am willing."
He seemed to consider your words for a moment before meeting your eyes again. His cyan eyelight flickered for a moment before a new look crossed his face. It almost seemed like one of respect but you couldn't entirely be sure.
"Very well then, if you're certain you won't live to regret it."
He hesitated for a moment but when you didn't pull away, he stepped closer and coiled two of his tendrils around your wrists. His grip was firm but surprisingly gentle and he lifted your paws over your head, so there was no way for you to attack him. In this position, your height discrepancy was much more obvious and you felt rather small next to him.
You felt completely exposed like this, even though you were still wearing your armour. Having your soul floating freely with no way to shield it from anyone else's eyes was honestly a little terrifying. He could strike you down in an instant and there wouldn't be anything you could do about it.
Lord Donovan brought his hand to his ribcage, mimicking the gesture you had made earlier. He focused for a second before pulling his own soul from his body. It wasn't shaped anything like you'd expected, instead it was more oblong than heart-shaped, much like the cross section of an apple. It was jet black with a cyan flare around the edges and seemed like it too was coated in corruption like the rest of his body.
You couldn't help but find his soul oddly beautiful but you kept your comments to yourself for a moment. Instead, you watched him calmly for what he'd do next.
He seemed to be contemplating something before gingerly bringing his soul closer to your own. You were thankful that he didn't let them touch, instead holding it a few inches away.
You waited with baited breath.
At first, your souls simply floated there, slowly thrumming with latent mana.
Suddenly you felt an intense pulse pass through your soul.
It was unlike anything you'd ever felt before, although slightly similar to the high that you'd experienced a few times when your LV increased, except way better. There was a rush of power but also a strong euphoric feeling that made all your uneasiness ebb away.
Donovan seemed utterly stunned. His cyan eyelight had shrunk down at least two sizes and he stood stock still like a statue.
"You felt that?" you whispered, although you couldn't keep yourself from grinning like a maniac.
He seemed completely at a loss for words and it took him a moment to even register that you'd asked a question at all. "I... Yes...I felt that..."
"Do you believe me now?"
"You were right about the frequency being the same..." He finally tore his gaze away from your souls and gave you an intense look. "You can't leave me."
You chuckled and tried to move your arms, only to remember that he still had you restrained. "A deal's a deal. I saw your soul and we're soulmates now; seems fair to me."
"Indeed..." he murmured, before guiding his soul back into his ribcage. You noticed that he hesitated to do the same for you.
You chuckled softly at his apparent awkwardness. "I can do it myself if you'd rather not, you'll just have to let me go first."
"No, it's fine..." He took great care not to graze your soul with his claws as he returned it to it's proper place in your chest. His movements were rather stiff though, almost like he was handling fine china and was afraid of smashing it.
His hand lingered for a moment, as if he was debating if he should actually touch you or not, before pulling away. "Forgive me...but this is a lot to take in at the moment. I never thought-" He cut himself off and changed the subject. "I never even asked for your name..."
You smiled and told him your name as his tendrils around your arms loosened, allowing you to lower them back to your sides, but not actually letting go just yet. The tips wound softly through your fingers like they were curious or maybe they just wanted to hold you like a lover might.
"I suppose there is still the matter of your former comrades." He looked off in the direction you thought the gate was in before asking a question. "How would you prefer I deal with them?"
You felt your heartbeat quicken. "I'd prefer they leave with their lives, but knowing Captain Undyne, she wouldn't give up until every one of her men got out safely."
"That poses a problem," he hummed and tapped his mandible thoughtfully. "As my own won't quit until they eliminate all resistance."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "Maybe I could talk to my comrades and convince them to leave?"
"No." His expression darkened and he turned back to you. "They won't leave if they see that you're alive."
"So what do we do?"
He thought for a moment before turning to leave the library, tugging you along with his tentacles. "I have an idea, come with me."
You let out a small yip as you nearly stumbled over your own hind feet while trying to follow him. He spared you a glance over his shoulder but kept quickly moving through the dark passageways. He did mercifully let go of one of your arms so you would have a bit more balance though.
He led you into a room that, from the shelves of tonics and the racks of drying herbs, reminded you of an apothecary. The various herbs and ingredients all melded together into a slightly musty smell that you weren't fond of.
Donovan pulled a specific vial down from the shelf and brought it over to the work bench. You walked over and leaned against it to see what he was doing. After adding a few ingredients and swirling it together, he turned back to you.
"I need you to trust me..." He trailed off and glanced away before muttering, "Not that I've done anything to deserve your trust so far..."
You gave him a gentle smile and stepped closer to put your paw on his arm. He inadvertently jumped at the contact but didn't pull away.
"Of course I trust you. Whatever your plan is, I'll go along with it."
His bonebrows furrowed and he lightly stroked the fur on the side of your face with his claws. "Can I have your dagger?"
"I'm surprised you even noticed I had one," you chuckled as you drew the blade from its sheath and held it out to him.
He hummed and took it from your grasp. "I think you'll find that there isn't much that escapes my attention." He eyed the sharp edge for a moment before glancing back at you. "How attached are you to this?"
You frowned slightly. Your dagger wasn't too special to the naked eye but it had served you well ever since you'd been gifted it after your first successful mission. Even though it wasn't your primary weapon, any of your comrades would recognize it as yours if they saw it.
"It's just a dagger," you answered. "It's a small sacrifice to be with you forever."
He watched you for a moment before nodding. "Very well. This will hurt, but I'm only going to do what's necessary for you to be free of them."
You felt his tendrils coil around your body, cradling and holding you in place. He caressed your face and seemed to study your eyes for a second longer. You took a steadying breath and nodded.
And then he ran you through with the dagger.
You should've found something to bite down on before agreeing to this but your scream of pain was cut off when he abruptly yanked you into a kiss. It was a rough kiss and, if he wasn't holding you in place, you might've fallen over from the forcefulness.
He pulled away quickly and pressed the vial to your lips. It had a harsh taste but you managed to get it down without choking. Almost immediately, you felt an odd warmth flood your body and your eyelids began to grow heavy.
Lord Donovan laid you down on a bed that hadn't been in the room and you wondered if he'd brought you somewhere else. You knew he'd just inflicted what would normally be a mortal wound but somehow your body wasn't falling to pieces. If it weren't for the pain and sudden exhaustion, you probably could've run a mile. Whatever was in that tonic was obviously far stronger than any healing potion you'd ever been able to afford.
Your gaze met his own and when you held eye contact, he seemed relieved. He still held your dagger but it was thoroughly coated in what you instinctively knew was your own dust so that not even the handle was spared. He then took it in two of his tendrils and snapped the blade in half, as if it were nothing but a twig and not hardened steel.
Your shocked expression must've been concerning as he frowned and moved closer to you again. He combed his claws through the fur between your ears in a comforting manner.
"I'm sorry, but this needs to be as convincing as possible if they are to leave and not return in some foolhardy attempt to rescue you."
You swallowed thickly and managed to nod.
"Rest now, I will deal with them myself. You have my word that they won't be unnecessarily harmed."
You were out before he even left the room.
~ ~ /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ ~ ~
You awoke to the sound of several unknown voices. There was a loud voice that spoke the most and the fastest, a softer and more raspy voice that occasionally answered the first's questions, and then there was a third much deeper voice who only spoke in clipped one word answers. They immediately fell quiet as soon as they realized that you were awake.
When you risked cracking open your eyes, you came face to face with one of the skeletons from earlier, specifically the one that had corruption leaking from his eye sockets. His skull took up most of your field of view but you could just barely make out the other two skeletons near the doorway.
"well well, look who's finally awake~" he teased.
You narrowed your eyes at him. "I suppose so. Now can you back up a bit?"
He smirked but mercifully stepped away from the bed so you could sit up. Your armour had been removed at some point although you were still wearing your tunic. You would likely need new gear after Donovan stabbed you anyways, but you didn't like being in the same room as three very dangerous people while unprotected.
There was still some pain but you seemed perfectly fine otherwise. Maybe later you'd have to check where the wound had been to see how it had healed. You could feel that a bandage had been wrapped around your abdomen but that was all that seemed to have happened.
"so, word is you and the boss are thick as thieves all of the sudden..."
You glanced up at him sharply. There was no point in denying it but should you really tell them why he'd spared your life?
He chuckled and glanced over at the other two, who seemed like they could care less. "we've just been dying to meet you, haven't we?"
The large skeleton huffed and the hooded one merely rolled his eyelights.
He didn't seem phased by their lackluster enthusiasm and soon turned back to you again. "you got a name then, cutie?" he asked way too sweetly.
You raised your head and squared your shoulders before introducing yourself.
"aw, it suits you!" He grinned, although it was a tad too wide. "i suppose introductions are in order then..."
"the big guy goes by maul," he said and pointed him out to you. He bent down to whisper in your ear, "he doesn't talk much, but between you and me, it's rumoured that he used to be the headsman during the coup in the horrur kingdom."
You believed it. The way you'd seen him swing that greataxe was proof enough of his strength. You were curious how he got the head wound if he was just the executor, but you weren't about to ask.
Maul's single red eyelight observed you coolly before he nodded slightly. At least he didn't seem like he wanted to tear you apart right away.
"mr. broody goes by reven." He directed your attention to the skeleton in question before repeating what he'd done earlier. "pretty sure he still wears his old paladin armour, despite breaking his oath after his brother got dusted. he's the one responsible for the crimson stabbings, didn't you know?"
You pulled the sheets slightly closer and swallowed nervously. You remembered how afraid everyone had been during that time and how at a loss your superiors had been. The murders had gone on for years before just stopping without any conclusion being reached.
Reven narrowed his eye sockets suspiciously but he seemed to like the effect that his supposed reputation had on you.
"it's actually kinda impressive you held him off for as long as you did back there~"
Reven scowled at his loud mouthed compatriot's words and crossed his arms. You certainly didn't feel proud of yourself and if it wasn't for Sir Draco, you knew he would've overwhelmed you quickly.
Trying to distract yourself, you turned to the last unnamed skeleton in the room, who was still a bit to close for your comfort. "And who are you?" you asked.
"You can call me Dirk, or anything else you feel partial to~" He practically beamed at the revelation that you were even remotely interested in his backstory. "I used to run with some brigands and we made a decent killing for a while. Although, I was always meant for something more than that boring life so I killed them instead."
You didn't know what you had been expecting but how flippant he was about committing murder was more than a little unsettling. You really shouldn't have been so surprised though.
"Your armour doesn't belong to you, does it?" you asked carefully.
"oh yeah." He grinned before adding, "i stabbed a guy for it!"
You ran a hand down your face and sighed. "Of course, why did I think you would've done anything otherwise?"
In an effort to change the subject, you glanced at the others and asked a different question. "What happened to...my companions?"
Neither Maul nor Reven seemed interested in answering although the latter suppressed a small chuckle.
Dirk pulled a face and shook his skull. "they ran like cowards," he muttered.
You frowned. "That doesn't sound quite right. Are you sure?"
"well... the fish lady got pretty mad when the boss revealed that you were 'dead'..." He made finger quotes and chuckled. "she actually tried to fight him but he taught her a lesson real quick."
Reven chuckled as well. "she had to be hauled away by the rest of them..." he muttered under his breath.
You felt your heart drop. Donovan had promised that he wouldn't kill them, but you still couldn't help feeling concerned. What if she succumbed to her injuries before getting to safety?
You glanced over at Dirk and immediately noticed that his permanent grin had fallen slightly.
"how do we know that you didn't just trick the boss into thinking you two are... what's it called?" he paused for emphasis before continuing, "soulmates, or some other dumb crap?"
He took a step closer to the bed and you inadvertently tried to back away from him. Seeing movement out of the corner of your eye, you noticed that the other two had seemed to take interest as well. Maul stayed by the door, although his grin widened in an unsettling way and he crossed his arms. Reven narrowed his eye sockets and took a few steps closer.
"Of course not! I wouldn't-"
Your protest was cut off when Donovan suddenly materialized on your other side. The boys paused and turned to look at him, although at first he said nothing and shot each of them a look of displeasure. Without saying a word, he wrapped your body up in a few of his tendrils and pulled you closer to him.
"If any of you so much as look at my soulmate wrong, I will not hesitate to strip your souls from your miserable bodies and torment you for eternity," he growled quietly.
You felt a shiver run down your spine but his threat seemed to have an effect on the boys. Maul glanced away and Reven seemed to visibly deflate. Dirk seemed to grow uncomfortable but outwardly didn't appear intimidated.
Donovan eyed each of them for several long seconds before he turned to you and seemed to visibly relax. He gave you what was supposed to be a comforting smile but it still looked a little scary on him.
"I didn't go for a killing blow but holding back is a little difficult for me. She'll probably just lose an eye if treated properly," he stated. His tone came across as pretty ominous but you did feel some relief that he'd at least attempted to keep his word.
"Thank you, I appreciate that you still tried."
~ ~ /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ ~ ~
Later, once you were properly healed, Dirk approached you in the common area while you were attempting to salvage what you could from your old armour. You inadvertently tensed up but he flashed you a smile that was probably supposed to look friendly.
"so, i've been thinking," he started to say.
You raised an eyebrow. "That's worrying," you responded with an awkward laugh.
Across the room, you heard Reven snicker but he didn't bother trying to join in.
Dirk's smile grew wider. "heh... anyways, each of us has a place on the team. maul is the muscle, reven is good with both melee and ranged fighting, and i'm the assassin but i dabble in ranged attacks too. so, what do you do?"
You took a moment to think it over. You wanted to get along with them and if proving yourself a competent teammate would help, you were determined to do your best.
"Well, I'm generally a forward scout but I'm more than capable of holding my own in melee combat."
Dirk nodded, "fun! i guess we'll have to eventually come up with a nickname for you." He held out his hand and tilted his skull all the while smirking at you. "welcome to the dark fortress."
You grasped his hand and smiled. Maybe you'd like being here a lot more than you originally thought.
A meteor hammer is kind of like a flail. It is a weapon with one or two weights attached to a length of chain. It may be impractical, but I had a distinct mental picture of MC swinging it around that I loved.
Donovan is an Irish name and means dark warrior.
Maul is actually named after the weapon of the same name (although the verb is kinda fitting too!).
Reven is short for revenant and a nod to one of the coolest characters in Star Wars (Darth Revan).
Dirk is named for a type of dagger.
Did you catch what kingdom was taken over by Donovan and his gang? I had a hard time coming up with one that made sense so Storyshift it was. In this world, each AU is its own kingdom, meaning pretty much every major AU can and probably does exist somewhere or somehow.
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rippleclan · 2 months
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[Image ID: Fennelspot sits under the title of the post, “Name Deep Dive: Fennelspot”.]
It’s time for my BOY! The first cleric of RippleClan!!!!
Prefix: “Fennel”
Fennel is one of the most popular herbs in the five Clans. Grown alongside dry soils near the sea and the river, it is most commonly used as an addition to recipes. Like many plants, it cannot be used to excess or cats will start vomiting, but it provides a tasty addition to various flavorful dishes. Many cats love the taste, and it is considered an important strengthening herb, brewed into a tea for travelers.
Ironically, fennel does not grow well in SlugClan’s wetter soil, making it an odd name to see in a cat born in SlugClan. Regardless, the prefix is wonderful for future cooks and implies a particular interest in the culinary arts. Like all plant names, it also works well for clerics. “Fennel” in particular implies a light and casual strength, easily found and well-cherished.
Suffix: “spot”
“spot” is another of those suffixes that doesn’t have a lot of innate meaning on its own. Similar to suffixes like “fur”, “stripe”, or “tuft”, “spot” is used for cats with, well, spots! This works especially well for Fennelspot. He has a lovely rosette pelt, considered beautiful in SlugClan and AshClan, alongside a particularly notable dot of white underneath his looping vest.
Full Name: “Fennelspot”
Fennelspot’s name works well for a cleric! One of the two mental images conjured by a name like his is of finding patches of fennel around the territory. Clerics and caretakers can feel lucky to have found these herbs so they can then take them and move them to their gardens. In SlugClan, you only find fennel in the Dry Patch, the special portion of the territory used to grow herbs outside of the wetter soil, so finding a random spot of fennel is exciting to plant-minded cats.
The name also reminds many of fennel seeds, as a seed could be considered a small spot of fennel as well. Fennel tea is often made with fennel seeds, and fennel seeds are considered to be stronger than other parts of the plant for medicinal purposes. As such, this interpretation of the name better highlights the small strength implied by the prefix.
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hazyange1s · 3 months
MC: Ronan Sharp
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Full name: Ronan Finley Sharp
Nickname(s): Ron (pronounced with a hard o), Sharpie, Prince Charming (by Sebastian)
Gender: male
Species: wizard/Selkie
Date of birth: September 21, 1874
Nationality: English and Irish
Blood status: pureblood
Wand: laurel, unicorn hair, 13 in, reasonably pliant
Hair color: dark auburn
Hair style: loose, short waves with some curtain fringe
Eye color: hazel
Skin tone: fair; often with a light tan
Height: 6’1”
Body type: lean and toned
Clothing style: wears all colors (but especially loves light neutrals, warm tones, and black), prefers comfortable and unique fabrics (flannel, cashmere, fur)
Wears the Sharp family signet ring
Enjoys the occasional hat
Keeps his mother’s picture in his pocket watch
Other distinguishing features:
Freckles (of course)
Scar over his right eye (tried to Apparate at thirteen and splinched himself — still has poor vision in that eye)
Traits: friendly, enthusiastic, fun-loving, clever, sarcastic, perfectionistic, bossy
Likes: shakespeare, comfort food, medicine/biology, fall, making people laugh, generosity, genuineness
Dislikes: superiority complexes, dishonesty (from himself and others), large birds, flakes
Hobbies: chess, healing, charm creation, archery
Fears: the BIRDS man, abandonment, not being good enough
Enneagram: 2w3 (268) so/sp
Zodiac: virgo sun, cancer moon, sagittarius rising
Temperament: sanguine
Archetype: the Caregiver
Similar characters: Apollo, Cedric Diggory, Richard Gansey, Lily Potter, Padme Amidala, Derek Shepherd
Father: Aesop Sharp
Potions master and Slytherin alumnus
Stern with high expectations but well-meaning
Married his step mother when Ronan was five
Mother: Kassady DesRosiers (Fallon)
Dragonologist, Gryffindor alumnus
Killed when Ronan was 15 — he never got to meet her
Sibling: Raegan DesRosiers
Half-blood (same mother, different father)
Technically twins — Ronan was conceived and born first, but they shared a womb for 7 months
Don’t meet properly until their sixth year
Pet: Apollo (tawny owl)
Received after his Hogwarts letter
Sort of the “communal owl” that all of his friends “borrow”
Gets into fights with the other owls oops
Friends: Poppy Sweeting, Diana Blackwine, Arthur Plumley, Adelaide Oaks, Ominis Gaunt, Garreth Weasley, Leander Prewett, Natsai Onai
Boggart: ostrich (lame)
Patronus: seal
Polyjuice: turns light green and tastes like fennel
Amortentia: lemon, butter, sage, frankincense
Special abilities:
Selkie blood — passed down from his father’s side and dilute enough to present rarely in a bloodline. Allows him to hold his breath underwater for extended periods of time; great swimmer, affinity for sea-dwelling creatures
Does not possess ancient magic
Exceptional and instinctual Healer
Ronan was born in Cambridge, England in secret. His mother Kassady had hidden him from her abusive husband — as well as the fact that he was the product of a love affair with her former suitor; Aesop. Ronan grew up not knowing his birth mother (or the fact that he had a half/twin sister); raised by his father until Sharp married when his son was five.
He had a relatively happy childhood, though Ronan always felt slightly out of place. He was not the overly studious, serious type, which caused misunderstandings between him and his strict father… especially when Ronan is sorted into Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin (the Sharp family’s ancestral House).
But as he grows and learns more about his past and his family, he begins to come into his own as he becomes a Charms prodigy and a guiding light for the next generation of Keepers 😉.
Best Subject: Charms, Magical Theory
Worst subject: Ancient Runes
Favorite teacher: Ronen and Kogawa
Least favorite teacher: Sharp (he’s harder on him than the rest oop)
As a student:
Very popular and personable; gets along with pretty much everyone (but isn’t a pushover)
His dyslexia causes him some trouble. Overall his intelligence and hard work helps him find ways around it
Mischievous — sort of a “thief in the night” that nobody suspects
Career: Mediwizard
Ronan desires to make something of himself; to make a difference and be somebody useful in society. After seeing the impact that the goblin rebellion had on people and watching his sister/friends struggle with all manner of ailments (both mental and physical), he changes his career path from an Auror to Mediwizard.
He’d always had an interest in biology and medicine. The job allows him to dive deeper into those fascinations while giving him the adventure and variety Ronan secretly craves — he winds up traveling around Europe after Hogwarts under the employment of St. Mungo’s. Specializes in curses and mental illness.
Future spouse: undecided for now (side note: I’m always open to MCxMC ships! Ronan is pansexual so we’re not picky 😂)
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So here you will be able to find all my musings, all my POVs, all my theories, metas (?), etc about this show that I love soooo much. Enjoy, follow the #tag & share, please!
🐻 General panel → #GINGERPOVS ̉
Follow the tag for updates ⬆��
🐻 Sydcarmy themed↓
Not being capable of saying "I'm sorry"
Leading with the ❤️
The Sydcarmy dynamic
It all comes down to this
The Syd factor
The Thom factor
Come back
3 of swords
Not there yet
The heart of the show
The Bear
Important vs Enough
To the Platonic crowd
Can't wait
Side notes
Guys' mindset
Sydcarmy numbers
My dream Sydcarmy ending?
Shooting for the Michelin 🌟🌟🌟
Sydney Adamu
Vibrant Collab
VC gone wrong
Menu S3
Menu S3 to S4
Ying Yang
Flushed Carmy
Scorpio eyes
Blue - Rosé
The awful truth
Stuck under the table
The end of Carmen Berzatto
Best ❤️ declaration ever
Short ribs beef
S1 Sydcarmy foreshadow
Syd's territory
His whole arc
Wrong crowd
Sydcarmy's song
💋 💋 Blowing chef's kisses
🐻 Claire Dunlap↓
The Claire factor
Plain sight
Strange currencies
We may never meet again
She drove the relationship
Full circle
Claire's dark side
Enjoyment and amusement
Claire's characterization
Claire's characterization according to MG + Storer
🐻 Miscellaneous ↓
His music
The Mikey factor
Unpopular opinion
The Bear The Movie
Double date
What dish will it be?
Flavor profile symbology
S3 predictions
S3 predictions II
S3 predictions III
S3 predictions IV
S4 predictions
Storer is Storing
Luca - Carmy - X
Carmy & love
How bears bear?
The jacket
Common dark side
Coach K's plot layout
Storer's language
Season 4 Predictions Vol.1
Remember to Reblog this thingy and thank you so much for loving The Bear! 💋
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the-hawthorns-ocs · 2 years
Trainee Aphid
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Scared little boy... Save him.
Character Bio:
Kinship: The Hawthorns
Gay; tom; he/him
Age: 9 moons; 13 Hyrs
Voice Headcanon: Callum - The Dragon Prince
Future Title meaning: -eye =  a cat with especially good eyesight; this cat can spot things that others cannot; a very perceptive cat
Role: Trainee
Mother: Lily'mist
Father: Shadow'whisker
Siblings: Wasp
Other notable kin: Soot'storm (uncle), Sheep'puddle (uncle), Bee'briar (grandmother), Larkspur (grandfather), Termite'tooth (grandfather)
Extra Notes: his previous name was Fennel and his "warrior name" was going to be Fennelsight, but I decided to change it to Aphid (with the help of a poll) bec it fit him so well! His new full name will be Aphid'eye!
Character Summary: 
Aphid was born to Lily'mist alongside his sister Wasp, the liter's father is Shadow'whisker, though he doesn't act like it much. Lily was AroAce and never wanted a mate, but she did want kits, so she asked Shadow to be the donor of her liter and he accepted because he wanted to carry on his bloodline. The main interactions Shadow has with his kits are him looking at them judgmentally whenever they do something that doesn't live up to his expectations.
Aphid LOVED his mother, she was kind, and strong, she always made him feel safe and more confident. Aphid was always an anxious cat and he always felt more confident around his mother. However once Aphid and Wasp became trainees, Lily'mist and her brother Sheep'puddle disappeared and Aphid has become more anxious than ever before.
Monarch Spider'web claims that they ran away and abandoned the kinship. She says they were weak cowards who were not fit for the kinship life. Most cats believe her, including Wasp... however Aphid is not so sure. Aphid is a smart tom, he knows his mother would never abandon her kits, and that his uncle would never abandon his pregnant mate. Plus Aphid may have been young, but he noticed how much distaste Lily and Sheep had for the Monarch, they spoke out against her and her decisions often... and Aphid cant help but wonder if the terrifying leader might have something to do with their disappearances. Of course this would most likely mean they are dead... and Aphid is heartbroken at the thought.
Aphid's relationship with his sister is strained at best, Wasp believes what Spider'web says about her mother, and Aphid is horrified that his sister would think so lowly of their mother and uncle. Not only this, Wasp is also obsessed with being approved of by their peers and kinship. Aphid is considered the weakest of the trainees, and Wasp, being desperate for approval is pushing him away. She can often act quite cruel toward him these days, similar to how the trainees Bone and Ash treat him, but still Wasp hasn't been accepted by the more popular cats of the kinship, both siblings are alone... Aphid wonders why Wasp doesn't realize that Aphid is her only real ally and by pushing him away she has just sentenced them both to being alone.
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mrsarnasdelicious · 10 months
EAC 3 - November 3 - 5
What a weekend y'all....
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What a travel, firstly. I took the eurostar from Schiphol or Charles de Gaule. I had orginially planned to meet up with @sihtricfedaraaahvicius, but it was soo busy we could not move from our assigned seats. We met once we left the train and crossed the airport in search of a bus that would bring us to the hotel, which we did not find. So instead she ordered us an uber-ish ride, which also was half an adventure.
But we got to the hotel in the end and we had a full welcome commity waiting for us. It was so good reuniting with all the people I met in the Nowalls discord and grew close with after Dortmund. It was like coming home to so many loved ones. I also met a great many new friends and took many of them into my heart.
I received a few wonderful gifts from my friends.
After settling into the hotel, we went to the mall with a group, which was rather chaotic. We had lunch there and I found a Thestral figurine.
Once back from the mall we hung out at the hotel for a while and I changed into my 'party' clothes; white jeans, white tank, hard rock london shirt and black thin cardigan. I looked good, NGL.
While waiting in line for the cocktail party, I met Lucile, who is now my bestie. We supported each other through our nerves and when I felt a litlte faint. This was mostly because I hadn't eaten or drank enough. After two glasses of cola, I was most certainly feeling more perky.
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[Photo credit by Lucile]
First at our table [us being Rike, Gemma, Lucile and I and later Carlotta also] was Jacob. Young man was carrying a cup of tea, going 'how British am I, I brought tea to a champain party.' which was too cute. I tried to guess it was fennel tea, to which he said he wished it was fennel, but it was mint. I told him my late granddad was also named Jacob and showed off my newest tattoo. Jacob liked the tat a lot.
Second was Tim and I am still not used to that thin ear ring. It suits him, but somehow still surprises me when I see it, every time. He asked us about halloween and I want to ask him about Fallen, but the convo did not go that way.
I am not sure of the order after this, so bear with me as I sort of wing it.
Stefanie was 'omg you have Eadith hair' right away and I was very awkward about taking the compliment on my hair, even though I am quite confident about my hair.
Eliza started about halloween, but it meandered and she ended up spotting my tattoos. My hands were admired and she was like 'Arnas is gona scream the moment he sees these' and she was not wrong...
James decided he wanted to ask us a question and he asked us what film had most influence on our lives. I of course said Harry Potter. The Wizarding world has absolutely been formative for my passion for stories in all forms. James defo loved that answer.
Christian talked mainly with my friends, demonstrating his talent for languages. I couldn't help getting lost in those beautiful blue eyes, though.
I don't remember what Ossian talked about, I just remember that he came in for a hug right away.
Harry talked about his appearance on Nowalls' first live show, which was a good little laugh. He also remarked on how the cocktail party felt much more posh than it actually was.
Mark greeted me with 'your hair has grown' which made me feel some type of way. I mean, this man remembers enough of me to recall an approximation of my hair length. We then talked about his moustache and how most of us really disliked it.
Last to our table was Arnas and he came in loud. I scolded him for it and he went on a whole spiel about how he still had all the gifts I had given him and how he kept it all on his nighstand and that I was too hard on him. He took a good look at my tats and said mine looked so much better than his on the show, which is of course absolute nonsense, but I appreciate the effort. He comlained about missing the eurostar, because he missed the boarding time. I asked himif he had checked his ticked for the boarding time, which of course he said he hadn't, like a true ADHD man. When he made to leave, I pulled out my rings to put them back on and this absolute man holds out his hands (only later I realised the missed opportunity for me to put a ring on this guy and forever joke about him being my fiance). I go 'Excuse!?!' and he sasses me back with 'wat wil je?'
There was a group photo after that and we were ushered out to await the werewolf games.
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Werewolves was an invaritable mess.
I was in a village with Mark, James, Jacob and a reasonable measure of my friends. Barely anyone had ever played the game and the GM was very basic in the story telling.
I had quite a good back and forth with James before the game got started and he was pretty down for having me GM, but I knew that would not be in the cards. No, in the cards for me was the Witch.
We first got a round of introducing our 'characters' and then it was right off to the first night. Cupid matched my friend Angela with Mark, completely at random, but Angela suspected it was me. The werewolves were allowed a victim right after, which happened to be me. I resurrected myself with my potion and the day started. Mark had the bright idea of all putting their hand down and raise your hand if you are a villager. My autism needs computing time, so I was of course the last to raise my hand and I was once more set to die.
I got to spectate the rest of the game. It was quite a mess and Mark ended up either fogetting he was matched with Angela, or going into his role too deep, because he decided to off her and then he had to go too, because the lovers cannot continue the game if one of them dies. Mark and James were the werewolves and James ended up surviving the whole game on his own and thus winning.
We had some time after that and ended up playing word chain for a good while, until we took another group photo and I rough housed with Angela and Jacob a little bit.
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After the games there was a viewing of SKMD, but I was very tired, so Mary and I headed to her friend's flat. The friend was not home that night, so we could get some fangirling in before sleep.
We got up early in the morning, because I had to be in time for the selfie lounge.
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I had the selfie lounge with everyone's favourite Sihtric-fic writer. So we waited together and once admitted sat on the last chairs of the first line of chairs. It looked like an AA meeting at first, but once the guests came in, it was more like a fashion runway. Especially Arnas enjoyed showing off.
@sihtricfedaraaahvicius and I stuck together and we even got a selfie with the both of us and Eliza and with James, which was very sweet.
I noticed that most of the guests had to be sort of directed towards us, because we sort of stayed on one side of the room. I am not the person to just accost the guests for a picture.
We got pics with all the guests, but I did not get to the plans I had. No due selfie with Arnas and no Sihtric + Sigtryggr for my friend. I'm sorry bestie. We also both got an Eys hug, which was adorable.
Arnas was the before last to come to us. He had a good back and forth with my friend, but to me he said 'our lives are so intertwined now' and that is genuinly all I recall he said to be in the Selfie Lounge. The sentence most certainly had a running up, but I can't recall it.
My friend said, once we left the Lounge that Arnas enjoys getting a rise out of me. Gee thanks, Guy...
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After the opening ceremony, I lined up for the photo op with James.
I left it up to James to make up a pose and he decided he wanted to pretend to take a pic of me, which turned out cute as much as imaginative. Another friend says it looks like he is using the force on me instead, which is also a fun interperation.
I felt very at ease around James, not at all nervous. He is so sweet and kind.
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Secondly I had the photo op with Stefanie. We did s simple, sweet hug and I quite like the pic. Stefanie is so wonderful and sweet and I can't wait to see her again. Hopefully next year!
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And then I had Arnas' Photo OP...
I still had some nerves about him, so I came up to him a bit tense. 'Oh we're going for nervous, are we' he told me and I just could not let him tease me, so I tried to pull him over.
And he went with it, giving me some pressure in return even.
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And then came my moment, the individual meeting with Arnas.
Good gods, this man. He asked about my daughter and what her thing was now. We had a small confusion about miffy/nijntje until I indicated the bracelet I had given him in Dortmund, that is when the dime dropped. It really warmed my heart when he asked about her.
I gave him his giftbag and we just spent the five minutes calmly going through it, along with some small talk. He loved the Jellycat plush, proclaiming he'd take it everywhere and wanted some weed to go with the donuts I brought him. So next year we are bring him edibles.
He was also ravingly enthusiastic about the scribble-drawing Fayen made him and even took a selfie with it. I have yet to recieve it though, hoping he did not forget, Don Chaot!
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Then it was time for me to get some autographs and first was Stefanie. She is just such a lovely person to talk to. She gave me a sweet hug and even asked me to sign the rose photo and Nowallsona pics I brought her. I hope she'll return next year because I soooo wana talk to her and hug her again. (Woman Crush Wednesday fo sho!)
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I went to Eliza next and that woman is an absolute queen. She said that I attract people to me with my sweet and warm personality and that meant so much to me. She also gave me the sweetest hug and I swear I fell in love a teensy tiny bit with the woman, because Gods she is just everyone's hype woman and I feel that on a spiritual level!
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Then I went to James and he sort of got me stumped, and I don't know how, guess I was hit with his awesomeness all of a sudden.
I got a big hug and he wanted me to sign my rose photo for him and he was just so sweet and there were too many things I had wanted to ask him, but I forgot all of them, because he is just too sweet and kind.
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Next I went to Timothy, who looked like he was about done with his day. I asked him if he was okay and he admitted to having had a coughing fit a few minutes before. We talked a tiny bit and he gave me a sweet hug.
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I saved Arnas for last that day and my Gods was I not disappointed by what he gave me. I told him he would hate me for what I was going to ask of him, but he was such a good sport about it, telling me knew what this is for. He did his very best and I am actually so enamoured with his handwriting. I adore it.
He gave me a big hug as well and that was a good end of the day.
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The next day I had the Marnas shoot I had purchased the day before, first.
I told Mark they had artisic liberty/liscene and they set to work right away. Mark grabbed my pendant, yelling that I was not a real Dane and Arnas jumped right in, knowing that I am indeed a mostly Norse leaning Pagan. That was a lovely little nod to what I had told him in Dortmund, which warmed my heart as well.
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Swiftly afterwards I had my OP with Mark and I asked him for a big squeeze. And let me tell you, this man has made up for his loosey goosey hug from Dortmund ten times over. What a squeeze, I adored it!
The photographer had to tell me to lower my shoulder for some reason, but hey, the photo is defo one of my best so far. I am not at all nervous around Mark anymore, after having scolded him, haha.
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I had myself a double with Arnas, because I could not choose if I wanted something sweet or something bookspo, so I got myself an extra OP.
First was the sweet one and Arnas offered me his arm and I swear I did not mean to look like I was ready to take my mans home, but here we are.
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The bookspo one is the one that really got to me, though.
I asked Arnas to pretend to be angry with me, explaining it was for the book I was writing. And by the Gods did he deliver, shouting 'not this again Tessa, I told you not to do this' or something much like it, grabbing my hand firmly and making an angy Sihtric face. In the moment it was exactly what I needed from him.
Once the photo was shot, he petered off to the side and I was so in my feels that I backhugged him, which made him chuckle and nudge me to go in a gentle way.
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After lunch it was time for my Marnas polaroid, my favourite moment of the entire weekend.
I was the first to show up, so I got to be the first in line, before anyone with prio. Sometimes it pays off to be anxious early. I got to see James get his stuff ready and watch Mark and Arnas get themselves amped up. I think they spotted me, because they started to overshout each other.
Mark won.
I sat down between them and Mark asked if I had something in mind, which I obvi did not. So Mark goes 'I am going to look at you very affectionately.' He's set the edge. And Arnas walses his arse right over it with 'I just realised I am madly in love with you.'. HAHAHAHAHAHIMNOTOKAY.
James had left the safety on his camera and it took him like four tries to realise this, but I was happy enough to sit between these two warm men, looking at me like I was the best thing since sliced bread.
Afterwards I got sent two pictures by about all my friends on several insta pages with two different angles from my polaroid. My favourite is on top of the post and the second one is below.
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There after I went to Jacob for a signature and got a sweet hug from him as well. I told him I'd whisk him away and adopt him. He said he would not be able to breathe in my luggage though. We had a little laugh together and he was very happy with his gifts.
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Ossian was next. Got my hug in, told him I wanted to adopt him and he wrote a very sweet message in my booklet.
He is so adorable.
Later when I was in line for Harry, he came over to Nat for a goodbye hug, which warmed my heart so so so much!
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Then I went to Eysteinn, telling his I smelled something about free hugs.
Eysteinn was very gentle and kind and gave me another loosey goosey hug. But I also got the feeling he wasn't fully at ease. I am not sure if that was me or the entire situation.
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Next up I went to Christian.
He is such a darling. He loved his afirmation card and we had a lil back and forth about creating your own joy and that he doesn't really agree with carpe diem and is more a crea diem kind of guy.
He gave me a sweet hug and wasn't really good at me telling him he has stunning blue eyes, he made a joke about blaming his parents for it.
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Thereafter I lined for up Harry.
I was a few paces behind @charming-merlin who made Harry's fanbook. It was such a well made all round piece of art and I adored Harry's reaction to it, he was so so so happy and so impressed and I have hardly ever seen a man filled with so much awe and delight. All kudo's to her.
Harry tore into my bag of gifts right away, too and I got a big hug as well. He is such a joy to talk to and his hug was real tight.
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And off I rushed to Mark.
Mark was already standing on 'my side' of the table, which was great for handing him his gift bag. He loved the Nowalls shirt and the pepernoten.
I got two hugs from Mark. One was for practise and one was for real. He was such a good sport about it and we had a brief little chat. He is genuinly a delight to be around and I just want this man to be my friend!
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And last, but not least, of course I had to go to Arnas one more time.
Or ... two times, because I forgot my selfie so I had to line up again like a dumbass, but Arnas was very sweet about it.
I told him a little bit about the inspiration for my book and asked him to write something motivational for when I have writers block. He listened closely, which sort of messed up his writing, but I love it all the more because of that.
I got in a few more hugs and the selfie turned great!
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I had an amazing weekend, making new friends and meeting so many lovely people. I laughed and loved so much and I fell in love a little deeper.
Thank you, friends and fabulous people for Paris!
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ythrial · 1 month
yippee i finally did one of these 🙏 i was tagged by my sweetie friends @latenna & @ordinarymaine to do some oc associations ^_^v / tagging @camillathe6th, @dannyburke & @greenecreek if youse wanna do it i’ll link a blank version here 🤲
for fialine of course 🫶
white mountain ermine, buck moth.
off-white, saffron yellow.
francis – hayley hendrickx, max garcía conover. (but there’s something on your skin that you can’t get clean, there’s a fawn in the fence that you can’t get free)
mountain spines – marika hackman. (let me hold back the tears i’m sitting on, i will be plagued with your blood)
aethusa cynapium, fool’s parsley – foolishness, gullibility, to burn. 
cinnamon, peppermint, pine. 
thulite – expression, passion.
time of day.
nautical twilight.
melodia’s garden at moonrise – once full of sweet, powder blue flowers that shimmer in moonlight. / a cove just beyond the gate – isolated and untouched. 
spiced apple porridge, cinnamon hard candies.
mulled wine. hot tea with ginger.
cinnamon, fennel, nutmeg.
enveloped by nimbostratus clouds, dark and dull with jagged edges.
the serenity of heavy snowfall. 
magical power.
blindness, command, healing word.
eight-flanged mace, imbued with radiant light. lovingly engraved with an ancient prayer. 
method of long distance travel.
on foot.
art style.
mythological creature.
piece of stationary.
a worn, unremarkable carte de visite.
three emojis.
celestial body.
cepheus – the constellation named after the myth of king cepheus, who attempted to sacrifice his daughter to appease poseidon. one of its brightest stars, alfirk, loosely means “flock of sheep.” 
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theoihalioistuff · 4 months
Re: Dionysus being a hermaphrodite - I'm not sure if I'm missing some context because I did take a look at the said Orphic hymn
"Call Thesmophorus, spermatic God [Dionysos], of various names, who bears the leafy rod:
Mises [Misa], ineffable, pure, sacred queen, two-fold Iacchus, male and female seen"
Does it seem to be implying that Misa is supposed to be the female form of Dionysus? Isn't it more probable that Misa is the female form of Iacchus, a separate divinity (but sometimes identified with a few other gods)?
Hi! I'm sorry it took me a while to answer. Asks are kinda piling up and I'm right in the middle of exams 🥲. If you're waiting to have a question answered, I'm sorry if it takes a while or if I'm not able to get to all of them.
I find the Orphic Hymns to be such a headache, because they differ so much depending on the translation (specially in regards to punctuation, which changes the entire meaning):
Call Thesmophorus, spermatic God, of various names, who bears the leafy rod: [colon] Mises, ineffable, pure, sacred queen, two-fold Iacchus, male and female seen: Illustr'ous, whether to rejoice is thine in incense offer'd, in the fane divine; Or if in Phrygia most thy soul delights, performing with thy mother sacred rites (...) – Thomas Taylor (1792)
I call upon law-giving Dionysus who carries the fennel stalk, unforgettable and many-named seed of Eubouleus, and upon holy, sacred and ineffable queen Mise, whose two-fold nature is male and female. [Full stop] As redeeming Iacchos, I summon you lord, whether you delight in your fragrant temple At Eleusis, or with the Mother you partake of mystic rites in Phrygia (...) – again Apostolos N. Athanassakis (1977)
I call upon law-giving Dionysos, who carried the fennel stalk, unforgettable and many-named seed of Eubouleus, [comma] I call upon the sacred and holy, upon the ineffable queen Mise, whose twofold nature is male and female. [Full stop] Redeeming Iacchos, lord, I summon you, whether you delight in Eleusis in your fragrant temple, or with Mother you partake of mystic rites in Phrygia (...) – Apostolos N. Athanassakis and Benjamin M. Wolkow (2013)
I call on law-giving Dionysos, who bears the fennel wand, much remembered and many-titled seed of Eubouleus and on the holy, sacred, queen Mise, ineffable, with two natures, female and male, the liberating Iakchos. Whether you rejoice in your perfumed temple in Eleusis, or whether you perform your mysteries in Phrygia with the Mother (...) – Patrick Dunn (2018)
As you say Iacchos was frequently a separate deity, but his identification with Dionysos was also quite commonplace. Considering that when several names are listed together in the other hymns they're referring to a single invoked deity (and the orphic obsession of syncretising anyone and everyone with everything and their grandma), it's most likely that Dionysos, Mise and Iacchos are considered the same entity in this context.
Mise is an obscure figure to say the least. Appart from her hymn we only have (as far as I'm aware):
A dictionary entry in Hesychios s.v. [Μισατίς] Μίση: "One of those next to the Mother, whom they also swear by". Radcliffe Edmonds' Redefining Orphism would also see a reference to her in the entry for μισήτην: "They call misētēn the ones who are insatiable; 'and the misētēn women will use dildos' (Cratinus, fr. 316), and some simply call 'misēton' the one who is insatiable for food."
A reference in Herodas Mimes 1.56 that mentions a boy who spies a girl "at the Descent of Mise", referring to a festival or another cultic context.
Two inscriptions in Pergamon, one of which (IJSK 5.38) is the dedication of an altar "to Mise Kore" by the priestess Anthis.
An Orphic fr. 391 mentions Dysaules and Baubo as parents to Protonoe and Nisa. Some would correct the last name to Misa.
I've seen theories that range from claiming she's originally an Anatolian goddess, to claims that she's not a specific entity, but a generic divine stand in for the initiates (μῠ́στης).
Frankly I've become thoroughly annoyed with Orphism. You can't say you're a proper polytheistic religion if you claim that Nyx is also Aphrodite who is also Demeter who is also Gaia who is also Hestia who is also Rhea who is also Isis who is also Selene (who is also Hekate who is also Melinoe) who is also Artemis (who is also Prothyraia who is also Eileithyia who is also Hera) who is also Persephone who is also Mise who is also Iacchos who is also Osiris who is also Adonis who is also Attis who is also Dionysos who is also Phanes who is also Physis who is also Erikepaios who is also Priapos who is also Eros who is also Metis who is also Zeus (who is also Eubouleus who is also Hades who is also Poseidon) who is also Helios who is also Apollo who is also Paian who is also Asklepios who is also Herakles who is also Chronos who is also Kronos, and everybody's also everybody's father and mother and sister and son, and to be honest it all makes me wish that the cosmic egg had never been hatched and I'm glad that Orpheus got torn to pieces.
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powerfultenderness · 2 years
An idea for a Halloween drabble with Adrian:
A lot of the staff at Fennel Fields dresses up for Halloween and so do you, but everyone mistakes your costume for something else. It really starts to annoy you and you’re actually on your way to the restroom to change when Adrian arrives for his shift and sees you look aggravated.
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Rated: T+
Word Count: 1858  
A/N: ty for the request, hope you enjoy! 🎃
[#Vigilante Halloween Masterlist] 
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It wasn't that you hated the Fennel Fields uniform, but you were a little bored of it. So when your manager said those working on Halloween were allowed to wear costumes, you instantly started thinking about what kind of costume you wanted to wear. 
There were a few restrictions, of course. Nothing that would get in the way, such as wire wings or tails that could potentially hit someone or knock something over. Similarly, nothing that dragged on the floor as that also presented a tripping hazard. Not that you had planned on anything with any of the restrictions, but now that you’d been told what you couldn’t wear, every idea you did come up with was restricted in some way!
By the time you figured something out, and collected everything you would need, there were just three weeks left until Halloween. It was somehow so close yet so far at the same time! 
Initially you were quite excited about your costume. Despite having to leave the prop weapons at home, you thought it was a pretty spot on portrayal of an awesome movie character!
Come Halloween you’d taken extra time to get the blonde pigtails and sailor girl outfit just right. Maybe that’s where you went wrong…
The first person to greet you after you clocked in was a fellow server, Blake. She wasn’t in full costume, but had cute little devil horns peeking out from her curls.
“Don’t you look cute and hot!” 
You grinned, “thanks!” 
“Who are you supposed to be, though? Some cute little anime school girl?”
You expected that from her. You’d made countless movie and comic and video game references to her before and she never understood them.
“No. Babydoll from Sucker Punch.” 
“Sucker Punch?”
“Yea. It was a movie that came out a while back.” 
“Ooh! Gotcha! Well you look good!” 
You thanked her again and the two of you started your shift.
Your first table pretty much said the same thing. “What anime are you from?” 
You gave a generic answer and hurried onto their orders. 
Taylor, one of the dishwashers, walked past you and smiled. “Sailor Moon?” 
You wanted to sigh, he wasn’t the first person to make that call. But since he wasn’t a customer, for some reason you thought it was ok to correct him. “Eh, not quite. Sucker Punch.” He raised an eyebrow as if asking you to elaborate. “Came out in like 2011.” Still a blank look. “Zack Snyder?” He shook his head. “Babydoll,” you gestured to your costume, “was played by Emily Browning…Vanessa Hudgens? Oscar Isaac!”  You listed off the more famous actors in the movie.
After a few seconds he nodded, “Oooh! Wow! I think I remember that one!” 
You smiled with a strained chuckle before returning to your job. 
Really! It wasn’t like Sucker Punch was some obscure indie! 
Over the next few hours you put up with being called Sailor Moon. For the most part you just smiled and quickly moved onto doing your job and people forgot the costume. But, it was getting increasingly annoying.
By the time your break rolled around you practically ran straight to the parking lot. You had the foresight to bring your uniform and leave it in your car, just in case the boss thought your costume was inappropriate. You were not going to spend the rest of the night feeling moderately embarrassed about your costume! 
You were too busy rummaging through your back seat and muttering a few annoyed phrases to notice someone walking by the car, until you heard a familiar voice call your name.
You turned, maroon uniform in hand, to see Adrian dressed in a black and red jumpsuit with a matching baseball cap that he wore backwards. The random, and mostly fake, sponsors on the suit and the big NASCAR printed on the cap made his costume clear. You had to admit, for a costume that covered him even more than the usual Fennel Fields uniform, he looked hot.
For a moment all of your earlier frustrations disappeared. “Wow! Looking good, Driver!” 
Adrian stared at you for a beat too long and you worried that he too would not get your costume. Considering how everyone else mistook your costume, the fact that he hadn’t said anything sent another embarrassed rush of blood prickling at your face. 
He was quiet, a little wide eyed, until you nervously wrung the uniform in your hands. He shook his head, blinking rapidly, as if he’d dazed off in the middle of talking to you.
“Me? You look fucking amazing, Babydoll!” 
Even though he was just calling you by the name of the character, hearing him calling you Babydoll sent your heart racing and the blush on your face burned hotter. You let out a sheepish and nervous chuckle, "oh, thanks…wait! You know who I am?" 
Adrian grinned, cute little dimples framing his cute little smile, "are you kidding? Sucker Punch is one of my favorite movies!" 
"Really?" You excitedly asked, while internally you were doing back flips. Finally someone got it! 
"Yea! It's so cool!" He started but blinked and tilted his head. "Did you just get here too?" He then pointed at the uniform in your hand. 
"Oh. Uh. No. My shift started a couple hours ago. I was actually gonna change out of this, because people keep calling me Sailor Moon." 
“What? That’s stupid!” He took a few steps so that he was close to you, and you winced slightly as you thought he was talking about your reaction. He just wanted to make a point though, because he brushed one of your blonde pigtails over your shoulder. “Sailor Moon’s hair is way longer!” 
You blushed even more, if it were possible, as he continued. “And she doesn’t use guns, so she doesn’t have a holster!” He plucked at the brown faux leather straps at your shoulders. You stumbled forward a bit from the gentle force of the tug, your chest close to his now. 
He slowly moved his hand from the leather strap to the rather flimsy material of your top, the back of his fingers softly tracing down your arm to the edge of your sleeve. “And she wears a totally different color.” He paused, his hand leaving you for a moment as he glanced up to his left, “unless you were wearing Babydoll’s white costume.” His eyes flicked back down to yours, “but you’re not.” 
His hand returned to your shirt, his knuckles gently dragging across your exposed midriff as he lightly pinched the hem of your shirt. “And I’m pretty sure Sailor Moon wears a one piece.” He let go of the shirt and his hand slid across your bare skin to rest just above your hips. His hands were so large that thumb still played with the hem of your shirt, while his pinky slipped under the band of your skirt. 
You shivered under his touch, but you were far from cold. Not even the low fall temperatures could cool your blood at this point, especially with the way he was leaning down slightly, his face so close to yours. 
“Adrian,” you whispered, your eyes flitting back up to his eyes from his luscious pink lips. 
“Yea?” His voice was low, gravely almost, and his breath tantalizingly danced across your lips. 
As much as you wanted to shove him in the back seat of your car and climb on top of him, now was not the time. You licked your lips, he mirrored the action, “my break is almost over…” 
“Oh!” He practically jumped back and away from you, and you already missed his warmth. “Y-yea! I need to clock in too!” He scratched the back of his neck and looked away from you. 
You tossed your uniform into your car and slammed the door shut, locking it as the two of you awkwardly made your way into the restaurant. 
You quickly got back to work, and tried not to think too much about Adrian, but every time someone called you Sailor Moon, you wanted to run to him and tell him. You weren’t sure why, or what he could even do, maybe he could say you looked “fucking amazing” again. That’d be nice. 
“Hey, Babydoll.” Adrian caught your attention as your last table for the night left. 
You smiled at him and tried not to be too obvious as you stared at his bare arms. Pretty early on in his shift he took off the top half of his suit and tied it around his waist, leaving his incredibly well defined muscular arms on display, as he’d only been wearing a muscle shirt underneath the suit.
It also didn’t help that throughout the night he called you “Babydoll” a few times and it sent an excited rush through you every time. 
“Are you doing anything later?” He asked as he stacked the dishes in the gray tub.
You shook your head, “not really. Probably gonna eat a buncha candy and maybe see if there’s any good scary movies on.” 
“Sweet!” He grinned, though it immediately faltered as he noticed your raised brow. “Uh, I mean, it’s great that you’re not doing anything!” 
You tilted your head and pursed your lips together, even more confused.
“Not that I’m happy that you don’t have any plans! I mean, if you did have plans I’d understand!” 
“Are you trying to ask me something?”
“Yea.” He took a breath and spoke quickly. “My friend is throwing a Halloween party at his place, do you want to come with me?” 
“Sure!” You smiled, “sounds fun. Much better than what I had planned.” 
He smiled too, and he relaxed so visibly that you couldn’t help but act on the little mischievous thought that popped into your mind. You stepped in front of him, maybe a little closer than socially acceptable, but he either didn’t notice or mind. “Can I ask you a question, now?”
“Huh? Sure..?”
You had your hands behind your back, acting like you were hiding something from him, “trick-or-treat?” 
He grinned and rocked back and forth on his feet. What an easy choice, a trick or a piece of candy from someone so pretty? “Treat!” 
You pushed yourself up on your toes and kissed him. It was supposed to be a quick little peck, but once Adrian felt your lips on his, he acted quickly and grabbed your hips, pulling you flush against him, and deepened the kiss. Before things got too heated though, someone cleared their throat and the two of you pulled away from each other. 
“We should finish cleaning up.” 
He nodded and grabbed the tub of dishes, “yea.” He only got one table away before he turned back to you, “hey, Babydoll?”
It was official, this costume was your best idea ever. “Yea?”
“What would you have done if I picked ‘trick’?”
Honestly, your plan was to kiss him either way. But you just grinned at him, “I'll tell you later.” 
Adrian pouted for a moment before smiling to himself and getting back to work. He liked the treat you had given him anyway.
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vigilantebarbie · 1 year
i keep my jealousy close chapter one
chapter two
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It all started with finding out that there was a vigilante in Evergreen, appropriately named Vigilante. It scared the shit out of you knowing that there was some murderous person out there who seemed to be killing anyone who broke even the smallest law.
Some jaywalker had been found cut to ribbons one morning, and another day someone the traffic cameras had picked up speeding through a red light was found shot in their car. You didn't realize how bad it was until you went into the Italian restaurant, Fennel something, next to your laundromat to break a $20 when you overheard the staff gossiping about the latest death. Some bank manager who was on trial for embezzlement was found dead in his home, along with his partners in crime. "It was another Vigilante job, apparently. The security cameras were cut before the murder." The hostess squeaked out, sounding almost panicked when she said that, almost like she was guilty of the crime herself. She looked barely older than sixteen, so there was no way in hell she could even commit that sort of crime. Not if she was working at a restaurant for her first job.
"Maybe the bank guy killed someone, Madison. Personally, I'm glad Vigilante got rid of him so now we're all safe." Your head whipped around to find out exactly who had said that & your eyes settled on who appeared to be a busser, based on the half-full dish tub in his hands, standing there and looking directly at the hostess, Madison, with what looked to you like anger and disbelief. Vigilante had a fanboy, who knew? "The less scummy people the better if you ask me" Fanboy chimed in before Madison could get another word in "But what if I accidentally run a red light like that guy last week? I'm only seventeen, Adrian!" This was going to get interesting fast. Sitting down silently to watch the two argue for a few minutes before clearing your throat to finally get your change so you could do your laundry.
Both of them jumped at the sound of your voice, Madison hastily apologizing for making you wait. "It's okay, promise" You assured her with a genuine smile "I was just wondering if you could break this $20, the change machine at the laundromat only takes fives and ones." You were semi-new to Evergreen, you needed a fresh start after ending a long-term relationship that hadn't made you happy since the beginning. Leaving that loser behind was the best thing you had ever done for your mental health. But now you had to make new friends and create new experiences. Thankfully you were a writer and could work just about anywhere since you always got to work from home.
"Sure thing!" Madison chirped, counting out loud as she counted the change a little slowly, but who could blame her? Numbers suck. You couldn't help looking around as you waited, noticing the fanboy busser, Adrian as you recalled hearing Madison call him. You definitely admired the guy for being able to work semi-peacefully with a teenager. You'd never really liked teenagers, even when you were one. He had to be around your age, roughly late twenties.
Trying to not stare when he heaved the full bus tub up with ease, you turned your attention back to Madison, fairly certain that Adrian had seen you looking at him. “I appreciate it. Hopefully, I won’t be back to break a bill again & actually remember to get what bills I need for laundry. Or save for a washer & dryer so I don’t have to go to the laundromat anymore.” You rambled. Now you had to actually leave before they started to judge you for not being able to shut up. "Anyhoo, see you guys around" Raising your fingers in a salute, you turned and left, hearing Madison mumble "Old people are so weird" on your way out the door. Shoving the change in your pocket while you went back to the car to get your laundry and headed into the laundromat with your airpod knock offs connected, portable charger ready to go, you put on a podcast to listen to while you passed the time between loads being switched over, thinking about the weirdo from the restaurant. Why had he defended Vigilante so eagerly? And why had you been so impressed by the way he lifted that full bus tub onto his shoulder? You couldn't get that image out of your mind for some reason and it was driving you insane. So much so, that your Fitbit picked up your heart rate increase while you were sitting there, listening to two strangers talk about American Girl dolls or whatever.
Little did you realize that Vigilante fanboy, Adrian, had noticed you too, and had heard everything you told Madison about the laundromat. After his shift ended, he made his way to his car, conveniently parked close to yours without him even realizing it. He could see everything through the big window, watch everything you were doing. That was creepy. But he couldn't bring himself to look away while you sat on top of the laundry counter, singing along to some song he couldn't hear, swinging your legs and aggressively pointing your finger like you were at some punk show and not doing errands.
This wouldn't be the last time he'd see you, he decided. It couldn't be. Not when you were so intriguing.
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allmoshnobrain · 9 months
did you watch Saltburn? if so, I wanna know your full opinion plz
I've heard so many contradicting opinions and yours is very important to me
I did, love, I watched it last week! I only watched it once though, I want to watch it at least one more time so I can really absorb and process the whole thing
I'm not sure if you want my opinion on any specific aspects so I'm gonna ramble for a bit
This might get quite long though so, opinions under the cut!
(Please be aware this will have spoilers. Like, a lot.)
First of all THE AESTHETIC OF THIS MOVIE!!! Everything looked so beautiful and I just loved the way they chose to portray everything, I'm a bit of a design and arts nerd so the photography and lighting choices made me so so happy because it fit the movie's mood perfectly
Also, did you know that the title card was made in stop motion and it took like MONTHS to make it because every frame took forever to be hand drawn and animated?
I saw Emerald Fennel comment somewhere that the movie is all about a beauty that drives us mad and I am so not normal about this concept. Like please I just need more of this in my life
I had been spoiled about the "shocking" parts and honestly they were a lot more okay than I imagined based on what my friends were saying lol
I just love the whole unreliable narrator thing. The way the film starts with Oliver's narration and finishes with it - we only ever get to see his point of view of the whole thing and I think the main thing here is how he was drawn to Felix since the beginning. Maybe because Felix represented the life and status he wanted to have, maybe because he was just in love because, well, he says all the time I WASN'T IN LOVE WITH HIM but then we get all of this shots of him just LONGING over Felix and well, yes, I do think he was in love, at least with the idea of him.
I don't think he planned to murder the entire family from the start, I think he wanted to get closer to Felix in that mix of infatuation over him and over his status, I think he was very happy manipulating his family to like him and driving away anyone who could threaten that, like Farleigh. But things kind of get out of control when Felix figures out he's lying and I think also when Farleigh gives him the "you'll never belong here because it's a blood/family thing and you are nothing" speech.
And now he's drunk and heartbroken and angry and then no one even knows his name when they sing Happy Birthday to him and I think he realizes then that even if he gets Felix to forgive him he'll always be just a pet to these people. Their little "poor" friend who's a novelty to all of their rich aristocratic friends and families. I think that's then that he decides to murder Felix.
And there is all this Romeo and Juliet references/subtext, like they both swallow the poison but then Felix is left to die alone because Oliver refuses to drink the poison. I've seen some people saying he was planning to die with him and gave up last minute but I don't think that's what happened, I think he decided to kill Felix that night because he realized he was never gonna have him the way he wanted. I don't think he even wanted to kill anyone else at this point, I think he just kind of wanted to kill Felix and then take his place in the family, to sort of become him.
But then after when he talks to Venetia he realizes that plan's never gonna work because apparently Elspeth is the only one still under his spell. So he's never gonna have Felix, he's never gonna have Felix's place in this family and now Felix's sister and dad know how obsessive and manipulating he is, so he's probably gonna lose his spot in the family as Elspeth's darling real soon, so he kills Venetia as well. Now I don't think he actually kills her in her sleep or something, I think he just knew she was unstable as fuck and left the razors there knowing she would do the work. I think he would have planned something real quick though, had she not taken the bait.
And then there's the ending where he gets everything - Saltburn and probably the family fortune as well - and he finally gets to become and own the beautiful, beautiful things he longed for SO LONG. I've seen people saying Oliver is a genius and stuff, and I think yeah his plan worked for the most part, but only because he adapted and eliminated his prey swiftly. I think his original plan was to be with Felix, so when that couldn't happen he wanted to become Felix, but that went wrong as well, so he resorted to the last option - devouring everything Felix held dear. In the end, he was obsessed with Felix - he loved him, he admitted that himself.
And I do think he was in love as well lol
I think Oliver is such an interesting character - he's fascinating at times, but also repulsive. He's smart, sure, and he knows how to pull the right strings at the right time, but I think his original plan failed. He just let himself be driven mad by the fascination he felt for Felix and for how everything about him was so, so beautiful, and then devoured everything he could with no restraints. And that was sure a crazy ride to watch!
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01libra · 9 months
Notes on saltburn from an oxford uni student bc why not
- using zadok the priest as the opening for this movie of all things is sacrilegious. nothing else more aptly sums up this film’s inflated sense of it’s own importance
- Basing this in brasenose is pure wish fulfilment from fennel who went to a flop pph (permanent private halls) that no one’s ever heard of that doesn’t exist anymore .. stealing that big famous college clout. Not hers to claim 🙄 (sorry I’m a chch alum and bitter)
- Keep getting distracted by how old this “uni student” Oliver looks. Looks like he’s 40 😭
- All the tutorial stuff is 100% accurate though. Oxford vibes for the most part are accurate but not surprising since the film is written and directed by an oxford alum.
- the eating and talking in the college library is upsetting me. Maybe it flew it 2006 but wouldn’t now LMAO
- “What college are you in mate” 100% authentic first question to ask anybody. “Yours mate” is brutal 😭 hasn’t often happened to me ..
- posh public school kids 100% don’t befriend lower class people I cannot stress this enough. That aspect keeps throwing me off it’s so not the way of things.
- Felix’s eyebrow piercing is putting me off I don’t know a single person of his class demographic with an eyebrow piercing and I know a lot 😭
- ChirpSEEing? I’ve only ever heard it pronounced chirpsing 😭 probs just me being wrong though
- This is literally an upper class fantasy of what the evil lower classes are up to frfr like we are NOT that obsessed with them I promise omggg
- “Only rich people can afford to be this filthy” so real though my college cleaners had to report my Westminster school neighbour in first year for her room being so filthy …
- Why are there no transitions between any scenes in this movie
- Inaccuracy: calling them exams. First year exams are called prelims bruh no one calls them exclusively exams like this film does
- Being able to spot a rental tux from a mile off is real
- Hanging casually in the Magdalen deer park as brasenose students with no explanation as to why they are there ? Sure ..
- Walking across the manicured grass at saltburn ??!! With a suitcase ??? After a year at oxford he would know better 😭
- I rly don’t get why these guys are friends like what do they even talk about … nothing has shown Oliver to be likeable
- The way Felix says “it’s like .. black tie” all bashful. Is so real
- “Lucky for you I’m a vampire” top 10 worst lines in film history
- This film is so evil for making me like the upper class guy more then the middle class guy like … this is a new kind of insidious
- People not knowing Oliver’s name feels overplayed idk like the public school kids at MY oxford college knew my name even if they didn’t like me. Like him being Felix’s friend would ensure that people would know his name even if they didn’t like him lol Oxford colleges are small lmao
- “You’ll eat us from the inside out” fennel announcing what she thinks abt poor people …
- The final speech abt the rich not having any natural predators except one ?? What ?? Poor people ??!!!
- The full frontal nudity at the final scene . Way to hit us while we’re down 😭
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spacefinch · 1 year
Thoughts/headcanons on Pokemon Trainers' names
Goes by full first name (NOT a complete list):
Red (that is genuinely his name. No, I don't make the rules. Red is his real, legal name.)
Blue (same situation as Red.)
Barry (everyone assumes it's short for something, but it isn't. I looked it up.)
Cheren (he's fine with his friends calling him "Cheri" or "Cher", though)
Hilda and Hilbert
Ingo and Emmet
Falkner (everyone assumes it is his surname. It is not.)
Cilan, Chili, and Cress
Olympia (or "Lady Olympia")
Calem (also goes by "Cal")
Goes by last name:
Literally all the professors
Goes by a nickname or codename or whatever
Looker (we don't even know his real name, for Arceus' sake!)
Kris (short for Kristine)
Bugsy (came up with that name themselves)
Crasher Wake
N (come on. Only someone as evil as Ghetsis would name a kid "Natural Harmonia Gropius." It sounds like the Latin name of a weird deep-sea alien critter, not a person. N doesn't mind his middle name, though.)
Morty (short for Mortimer-- but DO NOT let him hear you call him that. Unless you want to be cursed for all eternity.)
Bea (short for Beatrix)
Nate (short for Nathaniel)
Rosa (short for Rosalind)
Hop (he got his nickname from how energetic he was as a young child)
Larry (short for Lawrence)
Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars (If you're a Team Galactic commander, you get a cool space nickname. Even the lower-ranking grunts have codenames based on dwarf planets, asteroids, and stars.)
Roxie (yes, her full name is Roxanne. Just like the first Gym Leader from Hoenn. No, she did not shorten her name because of that. She was already calling herself Roxie before she found out about another girl sharing her name.)
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