#his name is fucking poopies thats so cute
sharpth1ng · 1 year
Also, I wanted to drop off some younger hcs for Mickey and Derek (youre unwanted delivery has arrived🥳 alsoI might add some younger Billy hcs)
Derek was probably one of those kids every teacher loved because he actually cared about the class
He'd also have a lot of gfs (not at once hes a loyal one-) and I hc he'd like give them candy or smth and have little playground 'dates' or smth😭
Mickey was that kind of kid who would have a southern family or at least one southern parent
Dereks favorite subject was ethier science or art, maybe music (i hc that in like middle school he'd pick up choir and bro would get so many solos😭)
Mickey had like extremely frizzy hair to the point where even a slight breeze hits him and poof his hair is frizzed.
Derek being the little 'saint' he was he'd pack a spare hairbrush for him
They'd become friends although its obvious Dereks the angel on Mickey's shoulder (who literally begs him not to get in trouble since his parents would freak if they found out their 'little angel' got in trouble
Although Mickey is the more dramatic person Derek is still dramatic
Dereks terrified of bugs and Mickey would pick up a beetle and chase him with it
(Derek is forever traumatized)
Also piggybacking on that one hc list of Billy and stu hcs including his mom, I can see Nancy literally doing a whole detective case to see who called Billy a 'poopy head'
Ok I love these, delivery is never unwanted
100% Derek was a teachers pet and he probably actually got paired with Mickey for projects and stuff in the way teachers would put a good kid with a wild kid to try and like, tame the wild one a little (this doesn't work lol its a bad strategy)
I can totally see Derek being one of those kids who thinks he's a mini Romeo, he's picking flowers and giving handmade valentines
Love how as a fandom we've collectively decided that both stu and Mickey must be at least a little southern
Derek being a choir kid is adorable and nerdy, I would even buy that he did muscals or some shit in high school (its the fucking musical number he breaks out into, the dude has a little theater kid blood in him)
Derek forcibly brushing Mickey's hair for him is adorable
Derek following along on Mickey's terrible plans because even though he doesn't want to break the rules or get in trouble he doesn't want to leave Mickey alone with his unhinged decision making skills
Derek is SO dramatic, are you kidding? The musical number?
Mickey chasing Derek with bugs is pig-tail puller coded, thats cute. I like the idea of Mickey trying to freak him out to get his attention
Lol yeah if a mini Billy comes home upset cause he got called a name Nancy will launch the inquisition.
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Kurasuno dudes and Nicnames
yeah I was bored and so decided to do this. Have fun. Yeah, this is stupid. Have fun.
Nekoma+Seijo, DateTech+Shiritorizawa, Fukurodani+Itachiyama+Inarizaki,
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What he calls you:
☀️ Cherry
☀️It was a pretty evening after a basketball game you were playing in. He doesn’t get to see you play often because of his volleyball schedule, and even then, he had just seen the latter parts of practice when everyone is pretty drained. But at an actual game? Completely different. He had been to plenty of volleyball games but this was different. Usually everyone is pretty quiet in the stands and on the bench. But this? This was loud. And chaotic. From both teams were yelling encouraging each other, chanting the entire time, not just after a point. And in the stands? Oh my goodness, poor baby was not ready for the scary basketball parents yelling about bad calls? My boy almost had an aneurysm. But hey, he found a nice basketball dad to yell with and explain it to him. (He still doesn’t understand anything, but at least he can pretend and yell with someone). But on the bright side, he at least had fun watching y’all zoom around and have fun. The whole thing looked really fun to him, and he definitely was going to try and make you teach him a bit later.
☀️After the Game, He was already stuffing his face full of meat buns, and desperately trying to hype you up.
☀️”You wash sho awshome! You were sho cherry, it was great to she your enthusiasm!” (Translation- you were so awesome! You were so cheery, it was great to see your enthusiasm!)Unfortunately for him, that was not what you heard, with you quickly replying, “Cherry huh? You got a problem with my tits Sho?” ☀️Cue Hinata turning into a tomato and desperately saying , “NO, NO NO ITS NOT LIKE THAT, I LOVE YOUR TITS! WAIT NO, I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT, I MEAN I-“ you quickly shut him up by stuffing a mean bun in his mouth. “It’s ok Sho, you can call me cherry all you like~” And the nickname stuck forever after.
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What he calls you: 💙 Bae
💙Kageyama is a simple creature. He only really gets excited about two things; volleyball and you. And the former takes a lot of time in your relationship. But hey, you have your sport too, so you can’t get too mad. But one bad thing that came with his dedication, was a serious lack of romantic experience. Making him VERY susceptible to the terrible advice of his two delusional senpai’s Tanaka and Nishinoya. They barely knew he could could talk to someone without yelling, much less pull as bad a bitch as you. But when they saw you talking, they were astonished. How fucking bland is this mother fucker? You have a total hottie on your arm calling you cute shit, but you only call them L/N-kun? Unacceptable! 💙 That entity of practice, they harassed kageyama trying to convince him to call you literally anything else. “CALL HER HONEYBUNCH!”, yells Tanaka. “THATS STUPID, CALL HER A CUTIE PATOOTIE!”, replies Nishinoya.
💙And you know what? This dumbass actually listened to them. What a dumbass. So the next time he sees you? You are assaulted with the most vile atrocious nicknames known to humanity. I’m talking the big 3 p’s: Pookie, Poopie, and puppy (ok puppies not that bab but coming from his mouth? No.) Upon hearing this you immediately burst out laughing, asking who in gods name compelled him no do that.
“… Tanaka and Nishinoya senpai…” “and you thought that would be a good idea?” “…no”
💙Eventually yall just decided to go with non over the top shit, like babe or baby, later shortened to just bae, because he just kept yelling it while out of breath from volleyball practice. And the nickname stuck.
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What he calls you: 🌙 Shortstack
🌙This one is short and simple. Because he’s an asshole. It doesn’t matter if you’re 4’11 to 6’2, if you’re shorter than him, you are therefore short and will be treated as such. Man is the biggest bully ever, and it doesn’t matter if you’re an eyelash length away from being taller than him, he can and will be a dick about it.This man doesn’t care. Kageyama is 6ft and tsukki bullies HIM bout his hight. But his s/o? I can just hear the carriage ,
“Stop climbing on that Shortstack, you’re gonna hurt yourself,”
“You wanna run that by me again shorty?”
“Need help getting on the bus Tiny?”
it’s a term of endearment for him. He still loves you despite being the biggest asshole since Uranus. I promise he means well, but don’t think for a moment he’s stopping any time soon.( this totally isn’t yamaguchi coded🤭)
🌙And the nickname stuck
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What he calls you:
🩷Because it’s just a yams thing. Like Omg, I can hear him saying it in the same “go tsukki,” kinda way, and my heart is melting. 🩷But like my bro would be so nervous to ask. Like stuttering worse than a Wattpad Y/n. Like my goodness gracious. It’s bad. I’m not gonna do the dialogue because of how badly I’ll gross myself out with the ick. I hate reading stutters and know y’all do too, so let’s just put it there and say it’s baaaaaad. Man turns into a cute little strawberry baby and it’s literally so cute. (Bro I just got the greatest Halloween costume idea for him but that’ll be a later story).
🩷Manz was raised right, and asked for permission before calling you it. Like he always wanted a s/o to be mushy with, now he finally has an excuse to be. He’s so sweet. (We’re both run out of ideas I’m so sorry I’m running on empty in terms of ideas.)
🩷And the nickname stuck.
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What he calls you: 🌸 Peaches
🌸I have no earthly idea it’s your ass. She just sweet like that. Or better yet she thinks you’re that sweet. It just seems like a yachi thing. She’s like yamaguchi but even more anxiety. 🌸Fir her the nicknames are a very intimate thing. She wanted to to have something that’s just you and hers. Something super unique and just for you and her. So what do you do? Think of something that reminds you of your significant other. And whenever she was brainstorming/overthinking, you were just eating peaches. So it was kinda like a sign. If you’re allergic to peaches, first off fuck you, and second, no you aren’t anymore. Sorry I don’t make the rules. And the nickname stuck.
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What he calls you: ❤️My Queen/king
❤️ Because it’s Tanaka. Like were you expecting anything else. Man is the human manifestation of a simp. Especially if you’re a pussy personal, omg man is the craziest mf ever. ❤️And when I say princess/prince treatment, I mean that shit. Like chivalry on meth. You see a puddle? Jacket is going on it. A door existing? Consider it opened. No problem too big (unless it’s math,) no issue too small, he puts full pussy into keeping you happy.
❤️Another situation where noya is responsible for the nicknames. And since im too lazy to put shit in between dialogue so we going text format
Noya- bro. Why tf you ain’t tell me you pull? Tanaka- BRO I DIDNT KNOW I COULD! Noya- BRO THEY SO FREAKING FINE Tanaka- LIKE FRRRRR😫 Noya- Bro treat them well or I will treat them better Tanaka- I will bro but back off bro 👿🫵 That’s my Queen/king Noya-
❤️He’s literally so baby girl it’s unforgivable. And the nickname stuck.
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What he calls you: 🧡 Mamas
🧡For one it’s cannon. One of the first lines we hear of noya (dub) is him yelling, “COME INTO MY ARMS SWEET MAMA!” Like a fucking menace. And that was kiyoko, imagine what it’s actually gonna be like with his s/o. Fucking hilarious, that’s what.
🧡But how did all this came to be? Well I have two hypotheses. A) he probably just came out the womb calling any hot Bahama mama he sees mamas. And low key it’s hilarious thinking of baby noya calling his preschool teacher mama. 🧡 But you know what, let’s go the route of it being special to you. And you know what that probably is? Imagine this. You’re on a date, and just chilling with your boyfriend. He took you out to a restaurant to eat for once. And then what happens? He ends up getting mistaken for your child. By some means, Tanaka found out and wouldn’t let it go. And the nickname stuck.
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What he calls you: 🌷Beau
🌷I have no fucking idea. He just does. He doesn’t even know. He didn’t want to be a basic bitch, but once again, Tanaka and noya came to raise hell. 🌷If you’re one of the genderqueer bitches like me, he’s doing it to be respectful. He doesn’t like always resorting to baby, or babe, he wants something special. And everything else was either super cringey to him or gendered.
🌷So he thought, what about beau? It’s short, unique, doesn’t make you uncomfortable, and is simple enough where he doesn’t feel uncomfortable calling you it in public. 🌷Sure he was a little nervous to call you it at first, (to be honest it probably just slipped out at first) but after that, it kinda became second nature to him. He literally introduced you to his friends as , “my beau, Y/n”. and the nickname stuck.
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What he calls you: 💜 Sweetie
💜She doesn’t have a reason. It’s just so normal to her. Or at least that’s what she told yachi. The real reason is simple. You’re a sweetie pie. Always so nice and gentle to everyone. She wants nothing more than to swaddle you up in a fluffy blanket and press little kisses to your face. 💜Like all I want in life is to cuddle her so bad.
💜And Apparently that’s all she needs. And to be fair, don’t we all need a kiyoko hug? Eh whatever, and the nickname stuck. (Can y’all tell I’m getting tired?)
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What he calls you: 💧Sweetheart
💧Same as kiyoko tbh. He’s definitely a gentleman, but pretty cliche. Writers block is kicking my ass so yolo.
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What he calls you: 🪷Sugar
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What he calls you: 🪻Angel
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What he calls you: ❤️‍🔥Baby
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What he calls you: 🌺Hun/Honey
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trylobite · 3 years
literally NO ONE gives poopies enough credit
he is a jackass legend forever idgaf i better not see any shit abt cute little poopies or i will start some major shit
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kin-cosmic · 4 years
i just finished kid cosmic season 1 and..
[spoilers obviously]
man..ONLY 10 episodes? I mean I guess it’s getting a continuation so that’s good. anyways heres my thoughts of the overall season and show
so from the animation alone? fucking beautiful.
people said before that it reminded them of gorillaz and I didn’t see it, but NOW I do. it’s so fluid, and it can be chunky at times, but like, spider-verse type you know? anyways it’s just perfect, it’s fluid, it REALLY fits the hero-comic style of the show. and the BACKGROUND ART. GOD. I WOULD JUST PAUSE AT TIMES AND JUST OBSERVE. OF HOW TRULY BEAUTIFUL IT WAS FOR ME. ITS SO COOL.
ok now for the characters themselves? first off, the kid, he’s just perfect, he’s so pure. everything from his tragic backstory to the connection of his scar? yeah. deep. but THATS what makes him so flawed, and ngl i feel like I relate to him there. the show is OBVIOUSLY revolved around him, cause. kid cosmic. but obviously for not TOO long, cause the OTHER characters, that are ALSO great.
like JO! ok, as a teen, i feel like they kind of captured the characteristics of what a teen would “act” in situations on these, so when jo would just stammer and go insane, i RELATED to that sm! anyways she’s a good character! definitely the mom friend of the group, I see her as kid’s older sister, and she’s badass >:)
MOVING on to rosa! I ALSO related to her too, bonus start off because she was hispanic! as a mexican person, I was REALLY HAPPY to see someone cartoon, on screen, that RESEMBLED me you know? anyways besides that, she’s adorable, she can be a perfect kind of that “toddler-annoying”, and ironically SHES the muscle of the group, but yeah, she’s adorable, she’s such a cool chaotic baby! <3
NOW WITH PAPA G. MAN. he’s like, my PERSONAL favorite character in the show, though I WISHED he had more screen-time but the time I HAD with him, I just, loved him, so much. first off I thought it was already amazing how STRIKINGLY similar he is to WANDER. like. they’re the same person i stg, i wouldn’t be surprised if his design was at first a humanized version of wander DRAWN by craig, if you don’t believe me? watch woy, or just SIMPLY OBSERVE the hat. he EVEN says quotes that wander would say and EVEN said when he was in space that “he thought it was a flashback” THATS EPIC. anyways from his character, he’s ALSO the heart of the group, he is so caring and sweet, and especially to kid, and the fact that he is old, idk why that makes his character even MORE great, because he is ALSO so chaotic and ecstatic for a old ass guy . he also gives kid GOOD advice since, he lives with him, like the “freaking out, breathe it out” quote? swag af. anyways as you can tell, he’s my favorite character lol. i love papa g sm. OH YEAH, HIS NAME REVEALED TO BE GEORGE TOO SO . BUT YEAH, LOVE THIS OLD DOG.
SO ALSO WITH TUNA SANDWICH. not much to say here, id say he got the LEAST screentime , makes sense, cause he’s just the cat, but like at episode 8, he starts TALKING, and it’s just 😳 I was SUPRISED, this kinda overhauled his character, anyways besides that and his kinda useless power imo? he’s an adorable old cat, i almost cried when I saw him as a kitten and ALSO saw BABY KID. like that’s so cute how he’s attached to the kid, and THATS how he uses his power in advance, huh, guess it’s not that useless after all? anyways cute cat, funny too, he fucking cursed too so..
now to the side characters? i wasn’t expecting chuck to TURN good? like ok? 😳 i thought he would just be that stereotypical villain throughout the series in which i can love sometimes, but that wasn’t the case? first off his voice change? I feel like that was good! his stitch voice is cute btw lol. and him having MORE screentime too? following along with tuna? ALSO good! also tom kenny did a good job with his performance of him! now the other side characters like jo’s mom, thought she was ok, I wish the others like rosas parents were in it more you know? also the ACTUAL villain? the biker guy, kind of weak, but he was ok too.
now to the plot, I was EXPECTING for this show to be STORY-DRIVEN, and not like a reset cartoon episode like craig’s LAST cartoon was, and wasn’t let down a bit! the pacing goes by fast, but it says EVERYTHING it needed to be said, and it’s TO THE POINT. like the little details too? such as the foreshadowing when jo saw a glimpse of the newspaper about the car accident in the first episode? oof. then it being EXTENDED where to the point the kid gets flashbacks and cries? that hurt, but that was IMPORTANT to the story kinda, it’s also WHY papa g did that fake robot thing, kind of dick move george, but HEY! he did it for his grandson! besides, it never hurts to he- ok I’ll stop LMAOO, anyways i thought the story was good, so was the pacing
the art style was cute imo, great shit here my dude,I already can’t wait for the continuation, it actually ended in a cliffhanger so that’s kinda poopy. but yeah! craig and his crew went ALL out on this show you can tell! his wife and son even worked on this, EVEN ANDY BEAN! a person that WORKED with craig in woy! It’s great! i almost recognized ALL of the voice actors too, except jack fisher, I had NO idea who he was, but to KNOW an ACTUAL kid CAN give good performances? really says something, HES A PERFECTLY good example for a kid voice actor, he was great! as for the others, and the STARS TOO? such as KEITH FERGUSON, AND FRED TASTIACORE, AMANDA C MILLER, GREY GRIFFIN, KEVIN MICHAEL RICHARDSON, PHIL LAMAAR AND EVEN RICH FULCHER!! they were no joke, and obviously GREAT! im surprised keith can do such a good old man voice, wait never mind, he’s done the “orlando-bloo” voice before and that’s kind of a old voice? idk. but here we are.
overall. this show? i rate it 10/10
cant wait to see more of it!
it’s already such a comfort show for me!
i love it sm!
tysm craig for giving me ANOTHER of your cartoons to simply OBSESS over for, you’re the best man! you’re my idol!
k well I guess that’s all. sorry if it was a lot. i just. wanted to say something long about this show.
k well BYE BYE 🧡💜‼️
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Busted, But it’s ok chapter 2 (Power pack)
"JACK YOU CAN'T!" Alex cried out, even as the little sissy was still wetting his diapers, reaching out with his powers and trying to snag the cellphone away. "Ah ah ah, be a good gurl Alex." Jack said, grinning ear to ear. "it's linked to the cloud and saying there. Now I MIGHT think about not uploading..if.." Jack said and paused for dramatic effect. The red faced older brother though not looking the part, that was for sure) slumped his shoulders in defeat, and relaxed his power. "If?" Alex whined. If somebody promises to keep being a good widdle maid and doing alll of my chores. And my homework. Of course to show I'm not a totally heartless monster." Jack said and popped his cellphone in his pocket then walked over and patted Alex's diaper butt, making the sissy squeak. "I'll make sure you can wear your widdle outfit while you d it.~" he said and laughed. "...C-Can I do the chores in my big boy clothes?" Alex mewed. He knew when he was beaten but even then, he had to at least try and save some face..even if the idea of being a little pamper maid had squirming lots. "Of course not! if my -snort- big brother wants to waddle around in his sissy baby maid outfit in private, he can do it in front of me. Heck, I'll sweeten the pot: I'll even change your diapies for you 'sis'" Jack said then paused. "Speaking of, looks like widdle Alex piddled himself." Alex whined and nodded, then looked down at the front of his diapies. the princess had indeed faded from the heavy fear based wetting he'd unleashed. "I um..I.." Alex said and squirmed LOTS while Jack patted his diapered butt, there was just something about getting diaper pats from someone else that was breaking down any form of common sense for poor little Alex. "Yes Little sis?" Jack asked. "I..I set these diapers up for lot's of wettings.. S-So I don't need a change yet...Big brother." Alex said and closed his eyes, his face crimson. "oh I See~ So you LIKE sitting in soggy diapers. Noted." Jack said and took his hand away, then seemed to pause before looking sheepish. "Uh..One little thing though..I mean.. I suppose I'll change them if I have to..but..you don't..you know.." Jack asked and then trailed off. It took Alex a full 10 seconds before it dawned on him what Jack was asking and he let out a cute squeal. "N-NO! I ONLY WET MY DIAPIES!" he Yelped out MUCH louder then he'd meant to them covered his mouth, looking around. "Well thats good to know..though I think half the block knows it now too." Jack laughed. "Finished doing the dishes, I'm gonna go play a few games on your switch..." Jack said and turned to leave. "But..but..I JUST got that and-" Alex started to whine. "I can always go on YouTube instead." Jack called still heading out of the room. "..Try the new Pokemon! it's fun!" Alex called and then turned back to the dishes. Suddenly doing all the chores for everyone didn't seem so fun.
Jack chuckled and sat on the sofa, playing on Alex's switch, which he was going to let the sissy know was now going to be technically HIS, and thought of all the fun he was going to have with his sissy cream puff of a big brother. In hindsight after the shock of just seeing Alex dressed like this, he wasn't actually all that surprised his brother was a little diaper sissy. Alex had always seemed a little well, wussy and had been in good-nites off and on for years. Actually thinking about it, That begged the question was Alex a sometimes bed wetter for real or had been just faking to get his butt diapered and treated like a little boy by their parents. He had been blushing but grinning like a fool when they'd remind him no drinks for a hour before bed after all. Having dealt with the smells of a bed wetting roomie for so long Jack didn't think he'd mind changing the sissies diapers all that much, couldn't be worse then having to take a soggy good-nite to the trash when Alex had leaked and their parents had been calming the sobbing sissy down. That said, he was glad Alex had had such a negative reaction to the thought of crapping his diapers. If it came down to it Jack would do his own damn chores before he'd wipe a poopie butt.
With the dishes done, Alex waddled to the closet and took out the vacuum cleaner then started to head into the living room then paused. the curtains were wide open and while earlier he had loved the thought of being risky he'd had enough thrills for one day. Jack was laying on the couch and from the sounds coming from the switch ('MY switch..' Alex huffed mentally) it was clear he'd taken Alex's advice and was playing Pokemon. "Um, big brother?" Alex called, trying to keep his voice nice and sweet. "Hmm?" Jack sat up and looked over. "Done with the dishes? Oh and ready to clean the living room I see. what's up soggy butt?" Alex squirmed at the name calling but forced a smile on his face. "Um, could you pleasssse close the curtains for me? I..I don't want anyone else to see me." He said. "heh, and I don't think I wanna share your cleaning services yet. though I suppose after the mess I made at Franklin's, I might be able to get back in their good graces by sending you over." Jack teased. "Y-You wouldn't!" Alex yelped and wet his soggy diapers more. "I might." Jack winked then added. "Depends on how well behaved my widdle sister can be for me." He set the switch on the couch and got up, heading over to the curtains and pulling them shut. "oh, by the way, I deleted your file and started a new one. I don't think a little lady like you needs to be playing video games anyways. Don't worry..I'll get you a coloring book of Disney princess to draw in instead.I know, I spoil you." Jack laughed and got back on the couch. Alex fumed, he'd been half way though the elite four and from the sounds of things Jack had basically just claimed the switch that Alex had saved up for for MONTHS as his own. "Is there a problem? don't tell me your gonna be a bad girl and have a fit?" Jack asked, a smirk on his face. "..N-No not at all Big brother." Alex said though clenched teeth. "I bet your SO happy I'm taking your video games away and giving you coloring books instead you wanna thank me don't you?" Jack said, a shit eating grin on his face. 'Son of a BITCH!' Alex thought, fuming and clenching a fist. Instead he took a deep breath and let the fist go and pasted a fake smile on his face. "of course Big brother. Thank you sooo much for taking my video games from me. I'll color you lots of pretty pictures." Alex said. "Your VERY welcome Soggy butt. Oh, before you start cleaning in here, be a dear and go make me a sandwich, and bring me a soda." Jack said and went back to his game. '..I'm gonna murder him.' Alex thought. A wave of submissiveness swept over him though and a little voice in his head reminded him that this is technically a form of what he wanted, and to be a god girl. "Yes big brother, right away." Alex said and did a curtsy as best he could with the swollen diapers around his waist.
Jack swallowed hard as soon as Alex was out of the room. For a second despite how calm and cool he'd looked, Jack had been scared he'd pushed things too far and Alex had been about to throttle him, Video or no video. 'Maybbbe dial it back a little there Jacky boy..and let him play some of his games so he'll think you were just role playing.' He thought to himself. Going back to the game he started to wonder what was taking the little sissy so long in the kitchen when the smell something delicious hit his nose and he sat up. Alex had not only done as ordered, but went about just a cold cut sandwich and had in fact made a bacon and grilled cheese sandwich for Jack and poured him a tall glass of cola with ice in it, carry it in on a tray and setting it on the coffee table and then curtsying again. "Anything else Big brother? Or may I go back to cleaning?" Alex asked. '..Did I fucking break him or something?' Jack wondered in his head then out loud. "Nope, this is good. Good girl soggy butt. Maybe I'll rethink the video game ban after all." Alex's answer caught him off guard however. "That's OK Big brother, little sissies shouldn't play video games." Alex coo'ed and then with anther curtsy went and plugged in the vacuum cleaner, and started to vacuum. '..I fucking broke him.' Jack thought and gulped, then dig into his sandwich worried about his brother.
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