#his nerdy ass needs to stfu
b3achysurfer · 11 months
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bros about to tell us about how atoms are formed 🤦‍♀️ BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! 🍅🍅🍅👎👎
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aike-pandas · 2 years
HC’s for a clueless ass Detective 
•worked with Dream at first until Sam found out about them and told them the truth that Dream kept hidden 
•*pushes up Glasses* The evidence you left behind states otherwise. 
•someone stole their glasses once and they couldn’t see and they couldn’t make a case so they just sat down and didn’t move. 
•Taylor fan. 
•Dude stfu I’m trying to find out who the heck has been creating chaos. No Dream I don’t have time for a movie night- Yes Dream I’m very busy, Fine, if you help me with this case. 
•For Dream, he gets all snuggly and cute with only them be had he keeps them hidden and gives them random cases and riddles from L’ManBurg or anywhere he needs info from and gives them to them. 
•Crime shows crime shows crime shows crime shows 
•for Sam, Dream and Detective had a argument over a case and decided to take a walk, and bumped into Sam and stayed with him for awhile. Two crime busters together!!! 
•Goggy and Detective met because Detective moved out to get more cases because they finished all the ones Dream gave them too fast. 
•BBH and/Or skeppy because of a arguement about Tommy and Detective ran away and Bad Took them because well Dream’s Dangerous and whatever leverage they can get they’ll take. And BBH or Skeppy fell in love 
•Literally just Dream being a loud idiot got them to leave :/ 
•anyways Detective always has such cute nicknames like “my favorite riddle.” Or “How’s my Galaxy?” Really nerdy names 
•Bug allergy. Bug allergy. Bug allergy. Bug allergy. 
•do you have a degree?! “I have 5 actually.” 
•your kinda small. “I didn’t do sports alright? Stfu.” 
•owns like a black cat that they trained to sit on their shoulder it was really cute. 
•Yandere Dream? Trying to keep them all to himself? But one slip up and an unlocked door made them lose them. [angst prompt :/]
•movie HC’s with Detective y/n 
•George: sweetheart lays on y/n’s chest and either y/n wraps their legs around him or he does it himself. PLAY. WITH.  HIS. HAIR. 
•Dream: baby boy. Baby baby boy!! Absolutely needs to be held. Being a criminal is hard alr especially if your hiding it from your Detective s/o 
•SapNap: Honestly BBH was the one who tossed a blanket over you two, SapNap can’t stand horror, or crime movies that’s a fact. But y/n loves them so he sucks it up. Ends up probably face into their chest, while they sling an arm lazily over his back running shapes over his back and humming turning down the movie so he can calm down. 
•Skeppy: screams, a lot. Y/n can swear they have bloody ears by the end of it. Refuses to hide though, uses a pillow instead because he’s a “manly man.”  Y/n doesn’t need their 5 degrees to see he’s terrified 🥺
•BBH: He loves horror and crime, sometimes even the Horror is too scary for y/n! So BBH is the pillow this time and they snuggle up into his chest to hide. He’s like a giant stuffie to y/n 
•Wilbur, smokes the whole time even though Detective y/n tells him to quit it. He leans forward to the movie and pays so much attention, ends up helping y/n on some cases saying “well damn not my fault I want cuddles and your work is taking up the time 😐.” And actually really enjoys helping in cases that y/n’s stumped on
•Quackity: was and never will be made for horror, he loves crime though. Always comments how stupid the ideas are from criminals. 
•Foolish: Sweet Bby is so confused why a human would do that to another human. Precious bby boy 🥺y/n and Foolish always  end up watching some Scooby Doo because they don’t have the heart to tell him Humans are just Evil
•AweSamDude: He’s down, all the time, literally it’s a big session on commenting on stupid mistakes and how much they or he would do better. Never watch a movie with those two. 
•Karl Jacobs:  Cried, and screamed. You had to turn it off and play some other movie. Snuggled right up into their chest like a baby. He’s a lot more used to it but still finds it scary. 
•Can’t and Won’t flinch. You could throw a sword at them. Blank bitch face and walks away. 
•”don’t talk to me or my baby boy AGAIN.” -Detective Y/n talking about literally EVERYONE. 
•writes down small details about everyone in a cute way, not a stalker way.
•112’s attempt at ponk LESSGO: During a horror movie Depends on which Ponk arc- Before his arm getting chopped off? Screams, a lot, after? Sits there with y/n and hums. 
•Y/n wouldn’t get the memo of “EggPire Bad >:(“ more of “oooooo more people to question with a new experience!” Also BBH doesn’t have the heart to corrupt this y/n because no matter who says what y/n always welcomes everyone in their home that they built away from Dream for movies. 
•super freaking sweet oml
•cop training? Definitely, Law School? Oh absolutely. Parkour? MHMM
Oh my lord- I love all of this
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aclosetfan · 4 years
Sorry for the lack of content :/ (like I gave much anyway lmao) wanted to do stuff for WIP Wednesday, but I have writers block :/
so have my “character sheet” for Brick instead. I know, I know 🙄 another list of head canons, I’m sorry! Its not a hot take on his character, but I make him not Cool (tm). He doesn’t get a lot of dates lol. These are just vibes I try to give off when writing him. Some may look familiar!! I’ve posted about him before. Look under the cut:
- high intelligence, low wisdom, high drama
- has difficulty making friends b/c he’s too smart for his own good and is a rather intimidating arrogant asshole about it
- most of the time he acts that way on purpose to keep people out because he’s the one with the most abandonment issues. He’s an expert at building emotional walls. but a low key part of him still doesn’t get why he isn’t good at making friends. He has a tendency to feel lonely
- does not help that he also has a tendency to come off as condescending. He talks down to people often. social filters do not come easy to him.
- his intelligence doesn’t transfer well into a good work ethic. Pretty lazy and would prefer to shrink off work onto other people. He’s smart enough to talk his way out of things. Another reason why it’s hard for him to make friends, he’s a lazy a-hole. But why work harder when you can work smarter??
- not good with authority figures. He stirs the pot and makes things Difficult (tm)
- not shy but introverted.
- tired, so very tired. The poor kid has been through a lot :/ so when he “goes good” he catches up on sleep. He can sleep a looong ass time. People are a lil worried but they let him rest
- sleeping is still a bad coping skill. And it’s not his only one. Smokes when stressed. Doesn’t eat when he feels like his life is spiraling out of control. And he’s feels that his life is often spiraling out of control. Energy drinks and coffee. If he does eat, he’s really just snacking.
- a skinny kid with a lanky build. Probably too skinny, it worries his brothers. I wouldn’t see him as conventionally attractive. Super freckled with stick straight red hair that’s never tamed or brushed. Just runs his fingers through, pulls into a pony tail, and slaps his hat on. For a kid who’s always sleeping, he’s got dark circles under his eyes.
- Brick (depressed nihilist), who after three days realizes he still needs water to survive, would absolutely take a shot of water from his dirty ass water bottle and go “haha self care.” And Butch (not depressed b/c endorphins—Cue Elle Woods from Legally Blonde), who’s protein diet consists of him drinking two gallons of fucking water each day, would scream.
- but it’s not all bad for lil Brick. If you like dry wit he’s your guy. And when he’s in a particularly good mood he’ll even make fun of himself for the laughs.
- wears crocs unironically. Pajamas to school kid. Like do y’all remember that one girl who went to your high school and always wore the Cookie Monster pajamas pants?? That’s Brick.
- very passionate about the things he cares about and well versed in a good handful of topics from political debates to his fave dorky tv show. He can get pretty animated and it’s in those moments that people see him for who he truly is. Walls come down and he’s a nerdy dork. (Has a wide toothy smile that lights up a room/ he does not like this)
- but if he catches himself having too much fun he pulls back. He doesn’t like the idea of people rejecting him before he can reject them. Despite all that, he’s still a sucker for positive attention even if it embarrasses him (which makes him turn bright red—which is cute, but don’t tell him that). Easily flattered and can be bribed
- Very mischievous. Likes puzzles and riddles. Mystery games are his favorite. He knows how to make a quick buck off of people. One of those kids that some how always has money in their wallet even though you swear he doesn’t work
- takes command of situations very well. His methods of leadership aren’t by the book. He’s Mojo and HIMs son, he’s got some flair in him so his plans almost seem uncoordinated. But there’s a method to his madness. There’s no plan A B or C, but there is a goal and Brick always accomplishes that goal. He’s a quick thinker and has an easy time adjusting to sudden changes, but he does gripe about it if the sudden changes are not of his own doing. (Leadership style is where he differs the most from Blossom//she’s NOT laid back enough at all)
- most at home with his brothers. They’re his favorite people and they see the more passionate, animated side of him most often. Most relaxed around them. They make him feel safe. He doesn’t like them being separated for too long. When they “go good” he feels confident they won’t reject him/leave him behind, but gets his feeling hurt that they’re making friends without him. Boomer and Butch are his security blankets. He needs their unconditional support and relies on Boomer socially and Butch physically. They’re probably the only two people alive who could tell him to stfu and he’d maybe listen. They are also both his favorite people to pick on (that’s how he shows love)!
- closest person outside his brothers is Blossom. They actually become close because they play off each other’s differences quite well. He reminds her to chill, she challenged him to be better. He also can just say things to her and she just gets it without further explanation (Vice versa), which they both find refreshing. He would consider her his best friend if he’s ever admit they were friends.
- He appreciates Buttercup for her sense of humor and courage. He’ll admit she’s pretty tough to beat. She doesn’t expect anything of him and that’s a relief b/c half the time he’s at a loss when it comes to being good. She’s a good anchor for him to have.
- Bubbles, on the other hand, makes zero sense to him, but they get along by picking on Boomer. Bubbles swears her and Brick are best friends (despite their bickering—she’s the optimism to his natural pessimism). This 1) flusters Brick b/c obviously she wants something from him 2) or she’s being genuine and that’s somehow worse.
To sum up Brick’s characterization, remember this pic:
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Some of my live reactions I wrote down while watching VLD S4
"remember purely intelligence gathering, do not engage" is that Keith? proly who else would you have to say that to (plus look how small he is compared to other two, also p sure I spotted his lil knife handle) I noticed other Marmorites have fanny packs does this mean it's a genetic instinct thing for Keith or he learned it from his mom or from dad who picked it up from mom or just a logical thing to do for those who think smart about being prepared aww Keith, need to be more sneaky dude, learn from Lance. But wonderful knife throw oh my gosh Keith, such good boy, poor boy struggling with Marmora protocol ooh boy tell him aww Shiro AWW Pidge, Lance! Please be more understanding pls don't make that face Keith can they not know about his BoM missions? oh they should, so why RAZZLE DAZZLE TIME! pfft drama queen "It's rigged to blow!" yep gotta be for sure now, this boy knows his bombs Regris... also nice parallelism from parade to mission gone wrong go Keith pls Coran "I said I don't want a lecture" oh no does he want to go grieve for Regris (and maybe blame himself? he did mention at least planting tracker fore leaving) yep Keith's da bomb boy oh poor dear you need to realise their importance of moral so you can better explain to them and they can finally understand you you tell her boy poor Shiro... imagine having to listen to your family suffer and you can't do a thing awww yissss! it had to be Shiro's mental state of mind that prevented himself "we have–... I have to take it" oh Keith Keith...no also this "catch phrase" says so much bout his thinking and personality "I can't tell you how much that means to me " screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee– *group hug* quiznakin dead I love you all! I love vld so much aww Pidge "Reunion" yas yas yas YOU STFU! you are the best nerd Pidge "hey Pidge?" Fuuuuuck (yeah fuck it at this point I'm straight up saying fuck) *sigh* feels oh dear Matt is also hot and cute, I'm Love (also is his voice  different? maybe just because he's not in terror or excitement thrill) srsly dude, easy money for info not your goods and you want to fight someone strong enough to get that security footage "auspicious occasion" need to integrate that into my vocab use for small things to makes them feel more important not just the eyes but yep no te-osh look at that girl go, saving countless lives and gaining alliances oh ho ho hacker Holts "most powerful processor" ahh wise Matt, truely a man after my heart no no no no no no no no no no no please be visiting a grave please be visiting a grave please no heart break (top 5 tragic anime death, I am so sorry I am trying not to break down over a character I've fallen so hard for) oh oh oh!!! thank you thank you thank you smart siblings so clever thank the ancients but srsly my heart, too much in a few minutes yay! Thank you thank you thank you!! "well I'm one of the paladins" smirk ahh Jinx holts "let's show em what the holts are made of" I love y'all so much bloody brilliant nerds okay okay okay cute pics but also Sheith/Broganes in background!?! Nice Holt backstory, now I’m itchin for Shiro and Keith’s so nice to know for sure how she got his glasses aaahhh ha hah! fuckin nerd such a heavy feels ep, wonderful can Haggar please realize and go back to her Honerva happy times "memory reminants deep to claw out" hmm you would know like Spirit Away radish god lift scene Hunks laugh! so pure very appropriate reaction Matt but also fuckin nerd (bet he loves anime, I would know) yes yes Lance the Allurance vibes!also a ruval has appeared? Alluraatt? Mallura? "wayward son" blasts Kansas nerdy siblings such pure excitement fuckin puns... Please Pidge may I marry your brother srsly great husbando material right there Alteans love for milkshakes and misunderstanding of them and Kaltenecker, too adorable oh That's an adorable expression Lotor hmm sad aw yeah Smirk™ no Narti please don't betray Lotor "what are we, animals" siblings, I love proud Hunk is such a good look haha he keeps trying even after he misses, like I would prefer to practice in private so so glad they got the video game working, knew the geniuses could do it hopefully it's Kova not Narti spying amazing smarties ah sibling like Lance & Pidge what where did they get second chair no pay attention this only happens when Lotor is involved aww Narti no oh ho ho Outlaw Lotor "The Voltron Show" amazing I hope it's kinda like the AtLA play RAZZLE DAZZLE! i miss keith (sorry I love him too much) "legend not documentary" LOL hahaha funny I just mentioned him "just act really moody" First Pidge now Coran, dude if two smartest people in the castle say so, it is law Keith is emo confirmed (also proof he is not an emotionless meanie) "holds bayard dashingly, oh" awwww Lancey living for the show so cute Coran. Coran please no no no don't take the suspicious drugs! no I thought of you as one of the wisest Stop! Leave Coran alone! your feelings are very validated but you do not need to continue for so long do you? you don't know his side I do not fancy this ep of putting Coran down aww Alfor fanboy Eww! No! look! the Purple alien who Lance winked at & ate Hunk's delicious food, dating a space cowboy (also can someone draw Keith or Lance or both in space cowboy gear) geez Coran that voice Thank you Rhys Lance is all about that life whaaaa okay that is an awesome performance Shiro is so acrobatic!? Look at Lance lovin it Go Go Power Rangers! cute Hunk Bii-Boh-Bi. oh my too cute Too good, Voltron on Ice stick signature signing "Loverboy Lance? It's perfect cause it's true" oh geez that is so lance but I also heard some Jeremy suave in that These nick names... amazing Shiro the Hero!! We've been saying that! Cuz it's true! aww I don't care for humerous hunk so much, being for comic relief sterotype but still cute cause it's Hunk "now put on this tight shirt and get out there" fuck. Coran knows his schist oh my lioness...pole dancing Lance Yes Please. Admire that muscle strength aww Coran please rest "except for you Shiro never you, you're our most popular character" Wow. writers tossin in that shade priorities Lance pfft that's obviously "get ready we're on in five" come on Lance oh I hope Keith saw part of their shows and is thinking fondly of his friends Varkon?!!? you think Plaxum was dreamily watching Lance? (ofc I ship it) *bii-boh-bi shurg* mood "help me bii-boh-bi, you're my only hope" wonderful bii-boh-bi, the true mvp I love this Voltron Show theme music aww I love you Coran but don't talk to Bii-boh-bi like that! ah fuck I just quietly squealed Keith to myself as an automatic reaction to seeing his face, I love him too much "Pidge and I can handle that" cute! (Punk!) "pow pow pow! easy peasy" I love you Shay! (Alluray!) aww Axca's trust for Lotor (ship? ship, I'm so sorry I love shipping) Rolo! Nyma! Beezer! daww Pidge holy crow Fandom totally predicted Matt being the smarts of Pidge with the humour & flirtiness of Lance oh what special window for the cute dog? they important or just reppin? ah I love Allura's leadership/inspirational speeches "no pressure" I feel ya Hunk Yass! Hunk smash! oh oh Female Galra Commander!! ahh cute doggie leading the charge!! "a third of the rebel forces have been decimated"...no war is truely sad "copy that we're in route" I'm still sad but Keithy! look it them so bad ass Aww yiss!! Keith is ready to pilot, gaze upon that beautiful smile of eagarness, such a precious boy *galra holding breath,sweating while hoppin away* pfffft same "see if the blades can use thier cannon to take down the sheild" woah. that voice. very nice voice also I love captain dog so much!? great thinking Allura! man they work so well as a team now, I love them so much. I've missed the full out transformation sequence aww no Zethrid, Ezor, especially Axca Keith to the rescue! smirky smirk™ woah! wicked Lotor "good" oh no oh no oh no no no, oh schist what's that mean!?!? "A new defender" who it be!?? nice sheild reflect the way I feel about Lotor is the way I feel about Yagami Light argh Zarkon actually made a wise decision ugh woah!! Lotor's determination is a match to Keith's! "awake Naxzela!" Oh shit wad up!? What she doin?? oh no please don't be a huge bomb/quintessence drainner Listen to Lance's instincts please Listen to Hunk oh good only looks like gravity field please please oh no look at Team Voltron go! come on bring on the magicalAllura No! Allura! Team! "are you okay?" Allurance!! hexamite!! Fuuuuck I hate when my bad predictions are right! Bloody bomb oh gosh oh gosh "10 solar systems" oh schist "Victory or Death is the Galra way. They never stop attacking " yes yes! exactly Keith put your galra culture thinking to good use! wow look at Keith being a great leader as soon as others don't pressure him You go Keith go be a great Leader when you need to, please recognize the greatness Shiro sees in you Look at Lance thinking awww his wonderful encouragement, this is why you are wonderful!! also great Allurance material right there! Magical girl Allura!! "Thank you Lance" "that was all You" I love them so much "What the ruggle is that?" new vocab "evasive manuvers" oh it's doggo captain coool I thought it might have been Axca "we're not going to make it" No! Please God no! Please! if this is a Keith Sacrifice, God Please No! This atmosphere I can't!!! Please No!! Don't you fucking dare make that face Keith!!!!! No!!!! aaaaaahhhhh please! No!! No!! No!! Stop making that face!! "Maybe not with our weapons" SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE– "Wait Keith what are you doing? Keith no!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! S A M E!!!! Holy Crow!!!! Holy Crow!!! Holy Crow!!! Holy Fuckin Crow!!!! I can not Iliterally can not all these emotions so strong and in such a short time I  am dead thank you Lotor I love you so much female commanders
"I think it is time we had a discussion" oh yes please. So good. They finally get to meet each other's beautiful faces Also I hope Matt tells the team how Keith was about to SmAsH his FigHTer into the fLiPpiNg PArTicLe BArRiEr!! Can we see the team’s reaction? Please dreamworks A much more preferable "cliffhanger" compared to previous seasons Thank you for this break seeing as I've already been slain
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catchthesejorts · 7 years
willlow grove gc  chap 1
hi this is the first thign ive ever done but basically its a group chat of the foxes, but imagine them kids as aussie teens in like perth or smth. idk why but im australian so here we GO
Willow Grove Softball Team
CharlieB created a group chat with SohlM, Poppy and Parker
CharlieB added BenMax
CharlieB added Dallass
CharlieB added Pheebs
CharlieB added Ari
CharlieB: who have i forgotten
SohlM: blake and tylaaaaaaa
CharlieB added TyTy
Charlie B added Blake
Dallass: hi
Blake left the chat
BenMax: fuckin blake
BenMax: get back here bitchboy
CharlieB added Blake
BenMax: gday
Blake: shut the ufck up
SohlM: calm ya faaarrmmmm
SohlM: charlie what this for??
CharlieB: i thought id make the team a groupchat!! it can be where we can share motivation and ask questions if you like :)
Blake: as IF
Blake named the group die in hell
TyTy: dude same
CharlieB: well im going to mute this chat now until we have any big events, text me individually if you need anything
SohlM: thank qqqqqqq
Dallass: whatd i miss
BenMax: nothing much mate
BenMax: except this ASS
SohlM: honestly shut the fuck up ben
BenMax: make me ;)
Blake: yuo two are disgusting
Dallass: whats up every1
TyTy: am legit just sitting at home
TyTy: a cold milo in hand
TyTy: staring outside
Dallass: edgyyyyy
TyTy: daallas i love u but dont fuckin interrupt me
TyTy: anyway
TyTy: look down at my phone and what do i see
BenMax: ya mums nudes
Dallass: ew
TyTy: no and SHUT the FUC up
Blake: what do you see teyelr
TyTy: i see,,, with my bare eyes...,
TyTy: a tiny spider
Dallass: ew???
Parker: oMg
Dallass: parker!!!!
Poppy: yooo parker
Parker: !!!!
TyTy: UR
TyTy: this tiny baby siutting on my screen so obvs i freak
TyTy: and i try to flick it off
TyTy: but this bitch jumps
SohlM: this bitch empty
BenMax: YEET
BenMax: sorry ty continu??
TyTy: i stg im blcoking u all
TyTy: a n y w ay
TyTy: so the fuckr jumps onto my hoodie and now idk where its gone
Dallass: aw shiiiiiit mate
BenMax: LMAO
TyTy: get fcked ben x
BenMax: im tryin mate x
Dallass: lol
Parker: i want more details on the spider????? what sort??
TyTy: honestly didnt really spend too much time looking tbh
Parker: hfhg
Parker: thats boring tyler :(
Blake: hope its not poisonous
BenMax: hope it is
BenMax: kidding kidding ily bae
TyTy: die
SohlM: i wanna know where phoebus is
SohlM: missing this great chat
BenMax: mans out doing nerdy stuff w ari
BenMax: geez louise mal keep up
SohlM: how u kno
BenMax: i chekc my fuckin snaps boo
SohlM: truuuuuu
SohlM: why are they out its cold ,
SohlM: i want it to be hot
BenMax: u look so hot today rhonda
Dallass: liek a sunriseee
SohlM: iaudfshgdojpkadsfv
BenMax: anyone else had a crush on ketut when they were younger or was that just me
SohlM: nah man ketut was a LAD
BenMax: rhonda was p cute too
BenMax: i legit love rangas
TyTy: subtle much
SohlM: 👀
BenMax: blocked
Willow Grove Softball Team
Pheebs: aloha mi amigos
Dallass: hey ppheobus
SohlM: did?? u?? just?? mix?? two?? languageS??
Pheebs: what
Pheebs: shiT
SohlM: me, a multilingual, confused
Pheebs: stfu babes like half of us are bilignaul
Ari: you cant spell for shit mate
Pheebs: fck u ur small i can sit on u and u wil die
Ari: size doenst matter
Pheebs: **ari and I
Poppy: shut ya face ur not my english teacher
BenMax: YOurE NoTm y DaD
BenMax: hey hey hey lads im at coles
SohlM: oooooooo
TyTy: once again the only thing ben contributes to this chat is vines
SohlM: gummi worms,
BenMax: tyeler stop bullying me : (  
BenMax: sure thing boo xxx
Pheebs: get me a hwole roast chicken babe
BenMax: no
Pheebs: consider urslef blocked then :)
BenMax: consider ur mum blocked
Poppy: ben can u get me a slushei from 711
BenMax: whats in it for me
Poppy: my love and affection obvs
BenMax: sold ding ding ding
BenMax: anyone else here want sht
Blake: no coles can fuc off i only shop at real stores like iga
BenMax: whom
Dallass: IGA is so expensive thoguh
Blake: did i ask for your opinion margo
SohlM: oi
BenMax: take ur petty arguments elsewhere children
BenMax: i have a bag full of food and im gheading to 711 for my fasvorite gal
Poppy: :') am loved
SohlM: i would die for benjamin maxwell
Dallass: ben, the love of my life,
Poppy: the only man who matters
SohlM: the real slim shady
BenMax: WHFH
Pheebs: im sorry the old ben cant come to the phone right now
Pheebs: why?
Pheebs: oh!! cause hes dead
BenMax: ..
BenMax: gonna ignore that real quick
BenMax: im sittin at espalande park with all this food yall better get over here
Pheebs: u dont own me
BenMax: consider this: i have chips
Pheebs: omw
Poppy: im runnign as fast as my tiny legs can carry me
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