#his shortness results in him being angy
ahgasegotarmy116 · 1 year
Semantic Error | A Jeon Jungkook Series | Chapter 3
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Based off of Semantic Error (bl) by J Soori Summary: y/n meets Jimin and makes Jungkook jealous Pairing: Techie inexperienced fem!reader x Artist fuck boy Jungkook Word count: 2.7k~ Warnings: Explicit language, Idk that's pretty much it for this chapter. A/N: This is heavily based off of the original bl (boy love) Semantic Error and it covers chapters (episodes) 4,5 and 29. I've switched around the timeline quite a bit and got rid of some scenes here and there to make the story progress a bit faster so they're not exactly alike but I would like to stick close to the original story so let me know what you think! P.s. If you don't mind spoilers I would highly suggest reading the original story. I read it on the app Manta with the english adaptation being done by Angy and you can also find the Kdrama on Viki :) Read from the beginning
The next day as I'm walking to the cafeteria I see a guy fall dropping some books and papers all over the floor. I decide to walk past because honestly it's not my problem but unfortunately once I'm in his line of sight he decides to call out to me. "Hey sorry do you think you could help me pick this stuff up? I shouldn't have tried to balance all of it on top of each other" he says clearly regretting his actions. I start picking things up quietly, not making an effort to make conversation and once we're finished I decide to turn and go. 
"Wait! What's your name?" he asks preventing me from leaving. "y/n" I state and wait for him to continue on with whatever he had planned to say. "Well y/n would you mind helping me carry this stuff over to the music building? I'm just worried I might drop it all again" he says taking all of the heavy books and hoping that I'll pick up the folders full of sheet music. I stand there for a second trying to calculate the time it would take me to help him out and if I can fit it into my schedule. 
"If you help me, I'll buy you lunch" he says with a bright almost perfect smile aside from his cooked front tooth. Thinking about it now with that incentive clearly tips the scale, providing him with a favorable result. I wordlessly pick up the things he couldn't manage to carry and wait for him to lead the way. "You don't talk much do you?" he chuckles giving me a sideways glance. "Not unless it's necessary" I say and continue to follow hoping I'll get this over with so I can get back on schedule.
"So...what's your major?" he says obviously trying to maintain a conversation with me. "Computer Engineering" I answer giving his as short of answers as possible. I'm not one for casual conversation, let alone conversation at all. Like I said, only when necessary. "I'm Jimin by the way, and if you couldn't guess already my major is music. Well, music and dance but my course load this semester is very music centric" I nod my head and he decides to keep rambling which seems to be something he's used to doing.
From the casual glances we're getting it seems like he's pretty well known in this department. "Hey Jimin you down to go grab some lunch in a sec?" a guy in a big group of people yells out. "Nah that's okay, I promised to buy y/n lunch for helping me out" he says motioning to me as best as he can with his hands full. "Oh...okay well have fun" the guy says and goes back to one of the many conversations going on over there. 
I turn my head and look back up at Jimin confused, "You could've just given me enough for the cafeteria and have gone with them" I say hoping to brush him off and go back to my solitude. "I'm not gonna buy you food from the cafeteria silly, let's go somewhere! There's a cool pizza place right outside of campus that I've been wanting to check out. You wanna go?" he asks asks and nods towards the classroom that we're meant to leave these things at. "I guess" I shrug not really caring at this point. Since my class doesn't start for another two hours I guess I could afford to go off campus to eat for a change, especially since it's free. 
As we make our way into the pizza place (creatively named Pizza Planet) we're greeted by a pretty big crowd but luckily we're able to find a table near the entrance right away. "Welcome in" someone yells letting us know they saw us come in and they'll be with us in a moment. "This place is pretty cool huh? He says referring to the theme that seems to be trendy these days. "Spaceships, nice" I say barely looking up while scanning the QR code to get the menu.
"Have you never watched the movie Toy Story?" he says, surprised that I don't have a better reaction to it. "No I'm not big on American movies or whatever. My family really only showed us media that was Korean or Japanese" I say hoping to show that I'm not interested on elaborating on the topic any further and luckily before he can say anything again our server comes to our table. 
"Welcome to Pizza Planet guys, what can I get you?" he says with a bright smile until his glance falls on me. For some reason his expression changes to that of annoyance and I'm slightly confused but not enough to comment on it. "Do you know what you want y/n?" Jimin asks me and I take a quick glance over the menu and settle on the most expensive item. It's a free meal so might as well milk it for all it's worth.
Jimin places his order and the server looks back down at me and asks if we wanted anything else to which Jimin denies. "You guys do student discounts though right?" he asks holding out his card and the server takes his eyes off of me to inspect his student ID and confirms his suspicions. 
Once he hands him back his student ID the server's gaze for some reason falls back on me. "Do you need to see my ID too?" I question suddenly weirded out by his glaring. "No" he says full of spite, pushing up the bridge of his glasses. "Okay well then you can go now, don't you have other people to serve?" I say shooing him off, to which he looks down at me with utter confusion and opts to just turn away to go put in our order instead of making an further discussion. 
"Are you okay?" Jimin asks, clearly aware of the weird tension between the server and I. "Yeah I'm fine, he was just acting really weird" I say and shake it off for the time being. "Do you know him?" he asks tilting his head at me. "Why would I know a random guy in a pizza place?" I say confused as to how this all connects in his head. "Well because he goes to school with us, I believe his name is Jungkook, I had a class with him last semester and he seemed like a cool guy or so I thought. Are you guys okay?" he asks clearly concerned, seeing my face contort into an uncomfortable realization when I finally put the pieces together. 
I guess I didn't recognize him because he was dressed so differently while sporting a hat and glasses. Looks like he clearly recognized me though, and he definitely wasn't happy to see me. I watch as Jungkook makes his way out of the shop as another server comes to relieve him. "Would you mind it if I went outside to go talk to him for a second?" I ask already standing up not really caring to wait for his permission. "Oh um yeah okay, I guess I'll just stay here" he says awkwardly while watching me walk out before I'm finally out of his view. 
Looking around I notice that there's a small alleyway between this pizza place and the next building over and I can see a puff of smoke coming out of it as well as hear someone's voice sounding like some sort of argument. I walk over and thankfully it's the exact person I've been looking for. "Hey can you get off the phone?" I say and he looks up glaring at me and he stops leaves a pause in the conversation happening before he tells the person on the phone that he has to go. "What do you want?" he says before taking a drag off of his cigarette. 
"We need to talk" I say seeing if he's open to it. "So talk" he says and purposefully blows smoke in my direction which leaves me having to wave away the smoke and clear my throat before I'm able to start. "I owe you an apology" I start off, "No shit you do" he mumbles under his breath. "Are you gonna let me talk or should I just go back inside?" I say getting short with him. "Yeah go back to your boyfriend, see if I care" he spits out and throws his cigarette on the floor to stomp it out before pushing himself up off the wall and making moves to walk off.
"He's not my boyfriend, in fact not that it's any of your business but we just met today and the only reason I'm here is because he offered me a free meal for helping him carry some stuff across campus" I say in one breath and open my mouth to continue "That doesn't sound like you" he interrupts laughing bitterly at my story. "Well it's the truth and you can ask him yourself if you really don't believe me" I say crossing my arm, becoming aware that this has now become my defensive stance of choice against him.
"No that's fine I believe you, I just find it adorable that you could be so food motivated. Helping out a perfectly good stranger and then making a trip with him off campus. That wasn't very smart of you y/n" he says taunting me. "Just because you're older than me doesn't mean that you get to talk down to me" I say getting even more irritated at this situation. "That's funny that you say that" he says getting closer until he's sure to tower over me, "because it looks like I have to love" he says trying to get some sort of reaction out of me. 
I'm not sure exactly what it could be I decide to take a step back but as I do I find myself slipping on something and I mentally brace for impact but it never comes, now seeming to notice a firm grasp on my waist instead of my back on the cold hard street. "Be careful there y/n, we wouldn't want to have an accident on our hands" he says amused at our forced proximity and my facial expressions because of it. I get back up on my feet and push him away after I've sure I regained my balance. "I apologized okay? Now stop being so hostile, it's annoying" I say while straightening out my clothes. "But I like seeing the faces you make when I'm annoying you" he says with a smirk. 
"What faces? I don't make any faces" I deny. "Why don't you go look in the mirror pretty, I'm sure you'll see why I like it so much" he says before walking past me. "Hey where are you going? Aren't you going to apologize too?" I call after him before he gets too far. "Sorry love, I've gotta go back to work, why don't we pick this up later?" he says sending me a wink before opening the door and walking inside. "But I don't want there to be a later" I say under my breath kicking the rocks that I had no doubt slipped on just moments ago. I shake myself out of whatever headspace he had me in and take a deep breath trying to calm myself down. 
I've never had a rush of so many emotions running through me before, and the only other times it has gotten close to this it seems like Jungkook has been the one to triggered them. I groan and make my way back inside as well and I sit back down at the table not making an effort to say a word to Jimin. "So how did it go? It seemed like he was pretty happy when he walked in" he says intrigued by our polar opposite returns with me being the one who looks upset now. "He's happy because he was able to irritate me and get a reaction out of me. Ugh I should've never went out there" I groan and take a drink of my water.
"Why did you end up going out there?" he questions, clearly interested in the story behind our weird behaviors. "I said some things that were probably interpreted as being mean, I'm not the kind of person who cares much about others but I'm adult enough to admit that what I said was out of line" I say rolling my eye irritated that I let him get the best of me time and time again, but for some reason I end up being the bad guy.
"I swear this man is going to put me in an early grave" I say and then speak of the devil Jungkook shows up with our order. "That's not very nice, are you already trying to be mean to me again" he pouts jokingly. "No but you are being rather rude listening in on people's conversations" I roll my eyes and go back to taking a drink of water. "It's not my fault that you're talking about me right in front of me. Anyways is there anything else I can get you guys?" he asks looking between the two of us.
"No I think we're all set" Jimin responds sending me a smile which I return with a nod. "What about you pretty? Do you need anything else from me?" Jungkook says leaning towards me and tucking my hair behind my ear to see my face better. To which I respond to by choking on my water while also spilling some on the table. "Shit y/n are you okay?" Jimin asks clearly concerned for my welfare. I cough a few times and send him a thumbs up trying to calm my coughs down. "I'll go get you guys some napkins" Jungkook chuckles walking off. 
"Man I swear guys like him think they can get away with anything just because they're more attractive than the average male" he says rolling his eyes at him and handing his napkins over to me. "Thanks" I say and clean up as best as I could while we wait for the rest of the napkins. "It's fine I'm over it" I say clearing my throat hopefully for the last time right as Jungkook returns with more napkins.
"Sorry guys I was just teasing, your meal's on me this time okay?" he says giving us both a charming smile. "You sure?" Jimin asks looking surprised as ever. "Yeah it's the least I could do for interrupting you guys and making y/n upset" he says but I can tell he's still teasing me even though he's behaving in front of Jimin. 
"Thank you so much" Jimin says giving him a thankful shallow bow. "It's fine don't mention it, also you can call me Hyung if you want to, I don't mind" Jungkook offers, clearly trying to get on Jimin's good side. This whole act he's putting on is ridiculous, I haven't known him for long but I can sure as hell tell when people are lying. "Okay, thank you Jungkook hyung" he says and smiles back at me. "You can call me Oppa if you want to y/n" he says offering it to me as well, waiting for me to take the bait. 
"Jungkook is just fine for me, I'll call you JK if you want me to, but that's it" I say not bothering to show any sort of respect and grace to the person who just bought my meal which is probably cold by now. "Aw come on just once?" he says mercilessly taunting me still. "Don't you ever get tired of being a pain in the ass?" I say finally fed up with all of his antics "Nope" he says popping the P at the end before leaning down to whisper in my ear "You look cute when you're feisty" he says making sure to blow on my neck again making me shiver slightly. 
I stand up abruptly and he straightens his posture and takes a step back giving me the tiniest bit of room to pass by. "Jimin I'm leaving if you want I'll wait for you outside so we can take the food back to campus" I say and make moves to leave as quickly as I can, not missing the way Jungkook chuckles at me on the way out. "Um yeah I'll be out in a second. Hyung do you think you could box this up for us?" he asks using the new term he had been encouraged to use. "Sure, see you around y/n" he says making sure I hear it before the door closes behind me.  
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homoeroticvillain · 5 months
reasons why geistverse ocs have relationship issues
geist got turned off romance pretty early since they dated one of adam's friends when they were younger which was the world's worst impression and resulted in adam cutting off said friend. either way geist just generally doesn't prioritize romance at all, they don't really see the need in some one and only since y'know they already have angie. but they do flirt which is how they kinda ended up with luci although of course they end up leaving cause of the commitment issues [commitment to romance, their commitment to the bit is unparalleled]
angie wants romance so so bad. she wants to sweep a girl off her feet and by god does she try, it just never seems to work out. she is not by any means someone to pine, if she's interested she's going to ask them out, and the sheer number of times she gets rejected doesn't seem to stop her from getting up and trying again. sometimes the girl rejects her immediately, some inexplicable part of her intolerable, while other times its after the first date, maybe after a few, and on one absolutely soul crushing time it was after a year. sometimes its her, she's too butch or not butch enough or they think her interests are stupid. but most of the time it's geist, they crosses some line on the acceptable level you can mention your best friend [and the acceptable number of times they can crash your date or cause you to leave cause they've gotten into some sort of trouble]
adam thinks he would like romance in theory, the idea of someone loving him and being obsessed with him sounds great. but by the time he's actually in a relationship or on a date he finds himself picking out some minor flaw about them and why it would never work and how actually he kinda hates them. its just a constant loop of flirting with someone, being genuinely interested and thinking maybe this time it'll work, but never going on another date after the first cause they're too blond and two blonds dating is weird or something similarly inane.
bianca self esteem is so low and she doesn't put herself out there at all that she just never gets anywhere. she gets a crush on almost anyone who is nice to her, especially guys, but she finds the idea of actually confessing to anyone paralyzing so she just relegates herself to hoping someday someone will confess to her. an idea she thinks is incredibly unlikely despite how much her mom tries to reassure her that she is very pretty and that guys should be swooning over her
luci just doesn't have good taste. a fact he didn't know until recently since he just really find himself interested in dating anyone until geist. if he was anyone else he might have thought he was aro but if you had asked him he would of just said it wasn't something he worried and he was sure he'd find someone who was his type. it just turns out his type is short twink-adjacent thieves who are going to end up manipulating him and then leaving him. unfortunate :/
dan surrendered himself at a young age to just forever being in love with luci [someone who he assumed was straight and just very picky] and never having someone. of course this wasn't a fact he told anyone, except watson, the rat, as he was very good at keeping secrets. he just decided to devote himself to studying and his work and dying alone but hopefully accomplished. to say the least he took the revelation that the man he was in love with was dating the thief he was chasing very badly
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Transitioning to Love Island
Bas doesn’t know how to approach being…for lack of a better word, the first of his kind to join Love Island. But he makes some allies. Now he just needs to find love.
The full seven chapters for this fic will be found on this AO3 link.
The last thing Bas expected was to actually get selected.
It was meant to be an impulse decision that would fade into no results, a little joke to himself while drinking after his abysmal dating life, but he didn’t even think he could be chosen. No one like him ever had before.
And now here he was.
Preparing to walk into the Villa.
The show runners had confirmed his status with him, and said they were only expecting him to be as open as he wanted. He didn’t have to tell anyone. But a summer in restricted space with nine or so other people? Especially somewhere he wanted to find someone to love to accept him? Yeah, he needed to make his decisions on who he could trust with the info. And he was going to need to decide quickly.
As the car left him in front of the Villa, Bas was immediately more nervous. It was supposed to be some kind of heart rate dance challenge, right? He didn’t know how to fucking dance! He planned his outfit carefully though, an unbuttoned camo jacket with matching pants tucked loosely into combat boots. He may have still needed a binder, but he’d built up plenty of muscle definition between the gym and his job, so with a well fitted tank top nobody could tell.
Walking in was even more nerve wracking than just getting out of the car. How had he been chosen to be a bombshell exactly??
Swallowing the nerves as best he could, Bas made his way in, heading down the stairs to where the girls waited. ‘This is it. No problem…right?’ He made it to stand in front of them, arms crossing over his chest, but before he could say anything he heard a male’s voice from above him.
“Hell yeah! Who doesn’t love a man in uniform?”
Bas snorted, raising a hand and waving to the air behind him, mentally thanking the guy for breaking the tension. The girls looked at Bas eagerly, but he shrugged. “I’m not a dancer, lassies.”
The one dressed in some kind of cowgirl outfit laughed, “I told them this felt stupid.”
A girl dressed as a mermaid giggled, “Just show us the best you’ve got.” The one dressed like a devil nodded eagerly, shooting him double thumbs up.
The best he’s got happened to be some poor hip hop moves he’d learned in secondary school, but the mermaid was enthusiastic when she clapped for him. When the music ended, he bowed with a laugh, “Sorry, y’all had to see that. I’m Sebastian. But call me Bas, if you don’t mind.”
“I think you did well!” The mermaid, Thabi, smiled and he thanked her.
“Didn’t get my heart racing, but it wasn’t terrible.” Angie shrugged.
“That’s the best I can ask for, I guess.” He chuckled, shooting her a grin. He wasn’t sure about coupling up, but he knew the two of them would get along.
Lexi seemed interested in overly gushing about it, but he knew she was being extra friendly because she had been feeling threatened for her couple.
Bas got a text, that he read out saying he could pick a girl to give him a private dance. He internally cringed, but smiled outwardly at them, “No offense, lassies, but I’m good.” Najuma pouted but none of them argued. You might not be able to see his binder through the tank top, but you could feel it if you touched his chest and he didn’t want to risk it.
A boy came down the stairs a second later, leisurely in pace like he couldn’t be hurried for anything, and Bas had to stop himself from very obviously checking out his ass in the denim shorts he had on, choosing instead to focus on the tattoos that littered his upper body. “Nice moves, new guy. I tried to learn to dance like that but gave it up.”
Bas snorted, “It’s not hard. Maybe I can show you sometime.”
“Sounds good.” Bas felt his cheeks burn as the boy winked at him, “I’m Will, by the way.”
Will nodded, “Good name. Suits you.” Bas wasn’t sure what that meant, but he also didn’t think he’d get an explanation if he asked.
The other boys came down in rapid succession, but Bas could tell none of them would be an option for him. James seemed nice though, somewhat quiet. Bas wondered if he would be a good confidant. He would need to choose a girl and a guy to tell to be safe��
Bas was pacing.
He repeated his steps, over and over again, striding across the roof terrace and back. He wasn’t sure, just yet, if his choices were right, but he’d find out any minute.
He had spent the entire first night and beginning of his first actual day there trying to figure out who would be safest.
Thabi was sweet, welcoming him and asking questions about his life on the outside and his work as a plumber.
Hazeem seemed very polite and accepting, though he seemed nervous Bas was interested in Najuma.
Lexi and Kobi were being overly nice and infatuated with each other- Bas kind of just avoided them.
In the end, Bas decided on two people that seemed blunt enough to tell him outright if they would have a problem with him, but also that seemed understanding. Will and Angie.
When the door opened, for a split second Bas felt his heart stop because now was the time. The two of them peeking their heads out, curious about being asked to meet while everyone else was sunbathing or swimming, before Angie shoved Will out the rest of the way.
This was it. Bas could do this, right? It was just three simple words. He’s said them to friends and family more times than he could count. Though it didn’t always lead to good things. Like his best friend of fifteen years deciding they couldn’t be friends anymore, or his dad no longer speaking to him, or the guy that said he’d love him forever and ran for the hills as soon as the news slipped past his lips, or-
“You good, babe?” Angie’s voiced snapped Bas back to the present.
He gave the two of them a shaky smile, “Yeah, yeah, I’m great. I just-“ the words seemed to lodge in his throat. Bas’s fists clenched subconsciously at his sides. He just needed to push the words out, I am transgender. He repeated it to himself like a mantra in his head, I am transgender, I am transgender, I am transgender, “I am transgender.” Bas’s eyes sprang wide when he realized the words slipped out, before snapping shut again to brace for response.
“Huh? Yeah?” Bas’s eye peeked open at Will’s response, “Bruh, you have the cabinet next to mine. You left the door open last night when you changed for bed.” Before Bas could start cursing at himself for such a stupid mistake, Will waved him off, “I shut the door before the others could see.”
With one reaction taken care of, Bas chanced a look to the other he was waiting for, but Angie just gave him a smile, “Mate, I work as a medic. I can see it, I’m trained to see it. I promise you though, nobody else can tell. Whatever meds you’ve got are working for you.”
When the two them looked at Bas, they could tell he was just…waiting. At a glance, they couldn’t tell what it was, but Will took the chance to voice a statement, “You’re just a guy, mate. I mean, calling you just a guy is like calling the melting colors of the sun going down just a part of the day, but-“
“Bloke’s point is-“ Angie cut in with a halfhearted glare, “We don’t see you differently, mate.”
Bas felt stupid when the tears filled his eyes, as he tried to duck his head and pretend it wasn’t happening. Will patted his knee while Angie astutely turned her attention to the others to act like she didn’t notice. “Thanks, you two. I don’t- I’m not ready to-“
“No worries, mate. You come out in your own time.” Will waved him off again.
“Yeah, we won’t out you. Only a knob does that.” Angie smirked, and for the first time since coming in here, Bas felt like maybe his situation would be okay.
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thelastspeecher · 1 year
Accidental abduction au!!! What are your thoughts on Stan and angie’s wedding day? Or do they even have weddings on their planet? I just love sappy Stan being in love with angie 😍
Also, I loved the new bit you wrote about ford at stan and angie’s house !! Stan not wanting to leave ford alone bc he knows ford will get into his stuff, lmao he still knows his brother well
They do get married! The aliens probably have a slightly different definition of what a marriage is in their culture, and slightly different expectations of what all a marriage entails. But it's close enough to an Earth one where there are two partners who swear under the law of the land to remain together monogamously.
As for my thoughts on specifically Stan and Angie's wedding...
I'll say that it's a very small and private affair. Weddings on Kepler-62f are not big social events like Earth, which suits Stan just fine. He doesn't really want a whole thing. He's been through a lot on this planet that resulted in a big to-do. For once, he wants something important and significant to not basically stop traffic. If you get what I mean.
Their wedding is a mixture of traditions from Angie's side and Stan's side. The ceremony is held in English for Stan, but they wear the typical clothes worn by the aliens. Marriage on Kepler-62f is more a legal thing than cultural/religious one, but per Stan's request, they bring in some Jewish traditions. Stan makes a joke about abducting a rabbi, and Angie's like "...we could see if any of the humans currently off Earth are rabbis" (Stan's not the first person to get abducted, after all) and whattaya know, they manage to track one down.
Stan cries when he sees Angie on their wedding day. He swears up and down that he's not crying, but he very obviously is. Their vows mention the...unique way they came into each other's lives, as well as the difficulties they've had to face since then. Stan cracks a joke in his vows about Angie's scary teeth but he's still all sappy and teary, so the joke comes out a bit choked up. Angie loves it anyways. She has a vow that mentions all the times Stan's gotten sick from eating the wrong thing or being exposed to an alien illness his immune system wasn't prepared for, and says that when it inevitably happens again, she'll be there to nurse him back to health.
It's lovely and sweet and Stan insists on something for him to stand on so Angie doesn't have to bend over and he doesn't have to stand on his tip toes for them to have a proper kiss at the end. He's not gonna be reminded of how short he is on his wedding day.
I'm glad you liked the thing about Stan not wanting Ford to be unsupervised in his house! Ford would break so many things in his curiosity. And might also poison himself if he gets the wrong thing from the fridge.
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Just a bit of a drawing of a scenario for James Lunagazer during the events of UTK 2.
This one I kinda went back and forth on, that being a scenario showing the aftermath of a certain chapter in UTK 2 but from James' POV or this one here.
Either way I kinda wanted to have another crack at James' UTK 2 design mostly in the hair and scrub colours, including adding a custom pin of his personal symbol which I'd like to think was made by Kira.
And also show a glimpse of James when he gets fiercely angry at points in this story, this one here is one of his more... tamer moments but you can probably tell he's still seething and nearly about to lose it, and I'd like to think that like Derek he subconsciously activates his powers when really angry, except due to his emotions his aura would be more pronounced compared to Derek's.
Here it's him doing it to protect Heather either from a creepy doctor forcing his feelings on her for her looks, or him warning off a journalist character who becomes an antagonist during his part in UTK 2's story and the journalist character does also play a bit into Derek's story there too but that will have to wait a while.
Not sure when exactly this moment would be placed, but maybe sometime during in-game UTK 2's Chapter 2, and I'm thinking this could also be an how James properly befriends Heather for the first time and even develops more of his crush on her there.
I'd like to think prior to this, Heather saw James as nothing but a meek-quiet doctor, at least when he's around her alone, thus her surprise at the amount of anger he shows, and that gets respect from her as a result.
I'd also like to think James also got his new confident, not afraid to stand up or speak his mind personality during UTK 2 from Angie, as I'd feel that aside from having similarities to Derek motivation and personality wise, he also has some parts of Angie there too, sorta like a middle-ground between the duo.
However as the events of UTK 2 unfold, it will show that he's more like Angie than he'd like to admit from an emotional stand-point much later on and it even causes a rift between the pair...
Anyway that's mostly it for now, and as for that particular glare James gives off, let's just say he got it from a certain doctor... I'll leave you with that for now.
Though long story short: Don't mess with UTK 2 James when he's angry.
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pathspeedsite · 2 years
Ghost power season 1
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This intimate conversation between Ghost and Shawn is probably the only one the two share considering Shawn drives ghost around so much. God gave you two ears and a mouth for a reason.” Never turn your back on your friends And most importantly know when to talk and when not to. He helps her get through the disappointment of not getting the lead part of Annie but at the same time is speaking on the relationship him and Angie has from when they were kids up until now. This conversation between Ghost and his daughter has a double meaning. Everything you want in life you don’t get the first time. “I know how disappointing it is to work hard for something and not get it. Always try your best to pick up on it immediately and remove it before it spreads. “The moment I detect disloyalty, I cut it out like a cancer”.ĭisloyalty can damage a business if it isn’t removed quick enough. Thinking short term will always set you up for failure and a quick exit. When running a business, you have to always think ahead. “See, short-term thinking creates short-term results”
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Like the great Jay Z said “penalty of leadership”. The very moment something goes left it will feel like the world is against you. When you’re in the position in which you’re leading a pack when all goes well everybody praises you. “One day I’m a hero, next day I’m knee deep in shit” When being a drug dealer, there are only two endings to the “movie”, that’s either the casket or jail. “I don’t know any old, wrinkled drug dealers. In my opinion, I feel Angie will eventually try and help Ghost get out the game. On the flip side with Angie, Ghost must show Angie that there is a secured future between the two. Not only emotionally but keeping the current financial flow of things as well. Tasha is hinting to Ghost she will never betray him as long as she is for certain he will continue being the person he was when they first met, a successful drug dealer. You give her that, she’ll never betray you” “You want a woman’s loyalty? Give her security. This particular scene shows you why Ghost is successful in both worlds. Sheraton showing her he did his homework. Sheraton, if I’m doing my job I should know what you want before you ask me for it” “I make it my business to know what you know Ms. This quote in particular further intensifies the battle Ghost is facing with himself in wanting to leave the drug trade behind him. Power Book II: Ghost has been renewed for Season 2 on Starz.Tasha doesn’t see Ghost in any other form other than being a drug kingpin. We'll see how he'll thrive in a new city in Force. Tommy Egan (Joseph Sikora): Ghost's best friend and Tariq's surrogate uncle knows everything about the game. Rashad Tate (Larenz Tate): With his own political ambitions on the rise, Power Book II: Ghost chronicled some of the chess moves we will see councilman Tate make on his quest for the governor's mansion in Influence. Patrick (Naturi Naughton): After taking the fall for Ghost's death, Tasha spent most of Season 1 of Power Book II: Ghost fighting for her freedom, staying connected with her son, and ridding herself of her ex-husband's legacy.Įstelle Green (Debbi Morgan): As she did throughout Power, Estelle continues to make her presence known in her daughter and grandson's life. ) : Following his father's death and his mother's imprisonment, Tariq is tasked with trying to form his own legacy, freeing his mother, and balancing his education with his drug operation. However, which Power Book II: Ghost characters also appeared in Power ? While all of these stories are connected to the original series, there are tons of new storylines and characters. And finally, Power Book V: Influence will chronicle dirty New York City councilman Rashad Tate's (Larenz Tate) race to the governor's mansion. Power Book IV: Force has also been greenlit and will follow Tommy Egan (Joseph Sikora), Ghost's best friend, as he begins to build an empire on the West Coast. Power Book III: Raising Kanan, which is set in the '90s, will chronicle Ghost and Tommy's friend turned nemesis Kanan (50 Cent) during his teen years in Queens, New York.
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Power Book II: Ghost is just the first of the Power spinoffs. Season 1 of the show followed Ghost's teenage son Tariq (Michael Rainey Jr.) as he attempts to help free his mother, Tasha (Naturi Naughton), who has been imprisoned and accused of murdering the late kingpin.
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The series is the first spinoff to the acclaimed Starz series, Power. Power Book II: Ghost just wrapped up a successful first season.
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I have an idea for a funny post: MC superglued a harmonica to the brother's mouth while their sleeping as a prank.
(This is not an original idea, I got this from Youtuber Ben Phillips. I hope this doesn't count as copyright! ☹️)
I dont think this would be considered copyright but if anything thanks for sharing the youtuber who came up with the idea :)
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As the quality prankster you are, today you've decided to do a little something to your favorite demon bros for some funsies. You saw the idea on deviltube and thought it'd be fun to do it yourself.
- good luck trying to even get near a sleeping lucifer. He is either awake or he will wake up when you enter his bedroom
- the most likely result of doing this prank to him is that he'll catch you in the act and it'll back fire TERRIBLY
- punishments can vary in any form depending on what his mood with you is however dont be surprised if he attempts to superglue the harmonica to YOUR mouth
- if you suceed though then you better pray to god himself that he doesnt figure out it was you cause he'll be pissed and everyone will be losing their minds in the HoL and RAD, you'll embarass him publicly to a whole new level and he will not be soft on you when he finds the genius behind the prank
- easiest one to prank since he is almost with you at all times, all you need to do is to have him sleeping near you to pull out your magmum opus of a prank
- once awaken he'll lose it, of course no one is taking the cursed noises seriously but still, he'll be angry
- he isnt the second strongest of the brothers for nothing pal, he'll show his anger and it wont be pretty either
- be sure to recieve revenge from him once the harmonica is ripped off of his lips, and no, it wont be nice at all
- betrayed, hurt, angy, how could you take advantage of his sleeping self like that MC?
- if he barely left his room before than be sure he wont leave it now, not until he figures out how to get it off of him
- the only annoying part of pranking him in this case would be to wait for him to fall asleep cause gamer man over here sleeps very late, and i mean VERY LATE
- his revenge should be arriving short after yours so stay tuned until then
- another complicated individual to prank.
- unless you have a death wish then dont even bother to do such a thing to him. Lucifer has s o m e mercy with you because idk, but the avatar of wrath is the avatar of wrath for a reason.
- he either already knows how to undo the superglue by all of the books he has read or he will rip it off of him out of pure rage
- run.
- *plays that one tiktok audio* congratulations you just won the prize of ✨🧓who's going to the retirement home🧓✨
- ok but seriously how could you? How dare you ruin his beauty sleep and how dare you ruin his gorgeous demon lips? He is p i s s e d
- will cry and will resort to the softest way posible to remove it from his lips, like come on, do you expect him to ruin his face because you thought you were being funny?
- nice try MC but this boi is definetely taking revenge
- first thing's first you need him to not be dreaming about food. Second thing's second you need belphie to not be around to stop you
- once you've sticked the instrument to his mouth you'll be able to unlock a very sad beel you monster
- how will he eat now?his mouth cant open. He is hungry MC!! You have doomed the entire devildom!!
- please help him get it off and make sure to have a sorry snack plan with you cause he is hungy and sad
- would beat Mammon on being the easiest to prank, he sleeps so much you just gotta be stealthy about it
- at first he'd feel the murderous tendencies rise when he realizes what has happened to him. Then he'd give up and adapt to his new lifestyle. Yep, you arent getting a satisfying reaction of of him
- once you grow tired of the lack of reaction from him you'll have to remove the harmonica yourself cause he is too tired to do so.
- also keep an eye open for a somehow worse revenge prank from him
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cookiesnt · 3 years
DRV3 boys with a chaotic good Ultimate Peacekeeper antag
(Sorry these are short) This sounds interesting... I’m writing each boy as a protag, then making Y/n the respective antag. Hope that’s okay!
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He thought you were chill at first.
An Ultimate Peacekeeper could come in handy.
However, your true colours began to show when the time limit was announced.
He noticed that you started to be more controlling over the other students.
When Kaede’s body was found, he already had his suspiscions.
You can imagine his shock when Kokichi was found guilty, only for the leader to scream about being tricked.
You admitted to manipulating him to kill Kaede.
“It had to be done. Both were getting in the way of peace, so I got rid of them.”
After that, most of the other students avoided you.
Yet somehow, you still kept them wrapped around your finger.
He noticed that something was off immediately.
You didn’t seem to trust him, but he didn’t care, since he was a killer after all.
However, you seemed... different from the others.
You had a tendency to boss them around and claim it was for their own good.
But since you were a peacekeeper, he saw nothing wrong with it.
Even once the killing had been happening and for were on your 5th case, he just thought you were doing what was best for everyone.
“The killer is the Ultimate Peacekeeper! You killed Kokichi, Y/n!”
“Yeah, I did. He was in the way.”
The class was confused.
“He was in the way of keeping the peace. That’s my job, after all... Well, Monokuma, let’s get this over with.”
Your execution was swift.
All that just to keep the peace...
He found you interesting.
He’s an expert with humans, so he knew that something was up right away.
Once the killing game was announced, he watched you closely.
“I’ll do anything to keep the peace, Kiyo. And I mean anything.”
He quickly realized that you were telling the truth when he caught you about to kill Kokichi.
“Y/n, how could you do such a despicable thing?!”
You simply stared at him with no emotion.
“I had to keep the peace, and this was the only way of doing it.”
After that, he and the others avoided you.
You didn’t care. As long as peace was kept, it was fine.
Let’s be real here, it’s Gonta.
He didn’t understand why the others barely trusted you.
So he tried to befriend you!
You went along with it, and you did have a solid friendship.
However, everything changed when the 4th class trial happened.
Turns out you were the one who killed Miu.
“Y/n... Why you kill Miu?!”
You shrugged.
“She was in the way. It’s not personal, it just needed to happen.”
He cried during your execution, even as the others explained what happened.
He found you very entertaining.
“Y/n, the reason I hang out with you is because you’re not boring, that’s all!”
You played along with his games, leading him to believe that you were wrapped around his finger.
However, it was all a lie.
Kokichi only realized this when you approached him with a weapon.
“You’re disrupting the peace, Kokichi. It’s nothing personal, I promise.”
He didn’t have time to react before there was a sharp pain in his chest and he fell to the ground.
“I promise it’s not personal...”
At least he didn’t die alone.
He was suspicious almost immediately.
You just seemed... off.
Once the first murder occurred, he knew that he was right.
You didn’t even try to cover your tracks.
“Angie was disrupting the peace, and I couldn’t have that. You understand, don’t you?”
No one understood.
“Well, that’s fine. I did my job. Get it over with, Monokuma.”
It left a weird feeling dangling over the remaining students, especially Kaito.
You were right, after all... Right?
He was never able to see through you.
Emotions aren’t really his thing, after all.
He sees things in black and white a lot; You’re either good or you’re bad.
So when he saw you, the Ultimate Peacekeeper, he assumed you were good.
Then he realized that he was wrong.
You were very good with words and frequently manipulated the others.
It never resulted in anything bad, but you still did it.
When he confronted you, you shrugged.
“The end justifies the means, Kiibo.”
He decided to keep a better eye on you after that.
He had some suspicions about you from the very beginning.
He hated suspecting anyone about anything, but he was a detective. That’s his job.
So it was hard for him.
He managed to catch on to your tactics pretty quickly, but didn’t intervene since you had good intentions.
Then, when Kokichi was killed, he knew it was you right away.
“Well, I didn’t plan on hiding it. He was in the way of peacekeeping. He was stopping me from doing my job.”
Even when you were gone, your words still stuck with him.
Were you really a bad guy?
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irkenheretic · 2 years
Uhhh numbers 2 and 5 if they haven't been done
they have not!!! because of the way the google sheet is formatted, number 2 is actually the first character on the sheet, with row 1 being the column labels, so its real lucky you didnt wanna know number 1!!
anyway, number 2 is 777 himself!! heres where im gonna tell on myself a little and reveal that surprisingly large swathes of the plot has not been done yet. this is because i like to let the story flow on its own and see how the characters develop as i'm writing it, and i don't want to be married to a certain idea and realize that with the way the character's arc actually developed in-story, it won't work. or worse- not realize it and do it anyway and it turning out shit as a result. and besides, we're only on the prolouges! i have LOTS of time to hash out the meat of the story, but as it stands now, the farther away from the prolouges we get, the vauger it gets
i say all this because 777 is largely irrelevant until very deep into the story so theres not too much i can say about his role in the story because most of it just hasnt been set in stone yet, and what has been set in stone, is a spoiler!! i love doing this askmeme but i try to stay away from spoilers as best i can cause this is still a series that will be coming out and i dont wanna spoil everyones fun! anyone who sends numbers is clearly invested in the series if they care enough and i dont wanna punish that care by spoiling the fun
but!! what i can say about 777 is that he and zim are genuine friends- the comics have made a decision to make 777 only cooperate with zim because zim has his kids hostage, but considering thats a stupid fucking decision i will be ignoring it. 777 is also buddies with lard nar, although 777 isnt formally involved with the resisty due to yknow... being in prison. he does eventually get out of prison in the story though, and begins to take a more active role in the story after that ^^ he also knows lefy, and they used to be romantically involved, before 777 broke it off with him due to lefys lack of trust over certain things
also fun facts: i still havent decided on a name for 777, because every time i try to think of one, i just think of the name "sevince vinseven" from in short supply and i cant think of anyfuckingthings else
meanwhile number 5 is a lil guy named angie!! back on the oc train woo woo!!!!
angie is a mating facility drone which is exactly what it sounds like- he works at facilities where irkens go to fuck each other, which for pretty much all conformists, is just in the quest for a smeet and actually is only done in these facilities. pay is low, however, so angie offers an extra service in said facilities
he's a prostitute. there really isnt any nicer way to put it lmfao. escorts and the like are absolutely a thing in irken society, and specific escorts have specific niches- angie specifically caters to conformists. they hire him in his mating facility and mate there, too, technically having done everything "correctly" in irken society. it's not exactly uncommon for mating facility drones to offer this service for irkens who want to do their part wrt contributing a smeet, but cant get laid for whatever reason
however, angie has leeway to work outside his facility for one reason: he's a red eye. many conformists who want to mate outside of a mating facility dont want anyone to find out about it due to how taboo it is to mate for fun and not for a smeet, so the peace of mind that comes with having an infertile mate is something that is.... extremely valued
but here's the thing:
he's not infertile.
angie has a rare eye colorway called "flecked" eyes- the eye will primarily be a base color, with "eye-freckles" of a secondary color scattered over them. he has mainly purple eyes, with red flecks. due to the red-eye gene being not as dominant as in someone like, say, red, he didn't get hit as hard with the downsides of his genetic condition. so, for the most part, he doesn't really have any fertility issues. of course, things have gone wrong for him sometimes, but not nearly as much as red
this is where i need to mention that angie is a LAYER, he is not impregnating anyone based on false pretenses. he really only lets people think he's infertile so he has justification to charge a premium for his services- when he inevitably lays an egg, he lies and says he never caught the name of the fertilizer. his clients get the peace of mind that itll never come back to haunt them since, due to angie lying, the fertilizer is listed as "unknown" in the database, and angie gets fat stacks. everybody wins i guess? yeah fine ill admit, what angie does is incredibly dishonest but im gonna be real with you: its nowhere near the worst thing someone does in this fic. its not even the worst sex related thing someone does- if i had a nickel for a worse sex-related event that involves a red eye, id have two nickles. which isnt a lot but its weird that it happens twice
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homoeroticvillain · 11 months
i keep forgetting to post this so this is chapter one for the varied account of geist [2.4k words]
“Hey, Jello, Buddy? What are we even looking for here?” Said the young women as she peered around the dusty attic her friend had lead her to.
“No clue, Ang. Anything you interesting you can find, I guess” Replied Jello, a name that should be spelled Gelo due to it being a short form but all their friends took the much more fun approach for spelling
“How helpful.” Angie had known Jello since preschool and this whole situation smelled off, and she swore that it wasn’t just the smell of the sheer amount of dust and probably mold in the attic. Examining the room she side eyed her friend as she asked another question, “I’m surprised you aren’t more broken up about this, you and your grandpa were pretty close weren’t you?”
“Yeah.” Came Jello’s halfhearted reply as they dug through a box in a corner that spit up a cloud of dust at them as they tried to card through it.
“Okay, spill.” Angie got to work on another side of the room while waiting for her friend to tell her what the hell was going on. It wouldn’t be the first time for Jello to close of their emotions but Angie was pretty damn sure she knew what that looked like and this wasn’t that.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Jello turned around to flash a grin at their friend, an act that received the gift of some waded up paper tossed at their head, “Ow… what was that for?”
“For you being an idiot, just tell me what the hell is going on in that stupid little head of yours.” Angie glared at her friend, who was pouting at her in a way she had seen billions of times. She pitied anyone it still worked on.
“Okay. Okay.” Jello seemed to ponder to themself for a second, “Are you sure?”
“Yes!” Angie was annoyed with their antics at this point, apparently this is what she gets for trying to actually be a good friend for once.
“No need to shout!” Jello shouted back, “I don’t think Nonno is dead.”
“What? You think he faked his death or something?” Angie raised an eyebrow before turning back around to flip through what she was pretty sure was a box of old tapes, most of them labeled as movies she vaguely remembered watching with Jello when she was young.
“Pretty much, yeah.” Jello nodded as they flipped through the old books stacked everywhere, “Around a week before he quote unquote died, I remember him genuinely telling me he always wanted to fake his death.”
“…That’d do it, wouldn’t it?” Angie sighed, she wasn’t surprised really. It had been a long time since she’d seen Jello’s grandfather but it’d take a lot to forget that the guy was kind of off his rocker. Faking his death didn’t really seem like that much of a stretch.
“Mhm!” Jello loudly hummed in agreement as they held a book obviously upside down, “Either way Nonno left me all the junk in his attic in the will so there’s gotta be something good up here.” They tossed the book aside.
“Watch where you’re throwing things,” Angie barely dodged the flying book, “Anyways couldn’t you have gotten you’re brother to help with this instead of me?”
“Oh, c’mon, Ang. You know you know Nonno better then him.” Jello looked over at Angie with exaggerated disappointment, “Besides you know Adam wouldn’t want to get dirt under his fingernails.”
“God, yeah. I can hear him now.” And she could, she knew Adam well enough at this point that she could hear the exact cadence of his voice pitching higher as he complained about how he had just gotten his nails done and he wasn’t about to ruin them for this.
There conversation died out into a companionable silence as they both dug through boxes, flipped through books, examined old photographs, and on one notable occasion batted off a rat with a broom. An incident that resulted in Jello leaping up into Angie’s arms as she tried her best to balance both her friend and a broom to get the rat to run off down the ladder so they didn’t have to deal with it. Fortunately for the both of them, the rat commotion unearthed a box that looked like it had been dug through recently despite neither of them having touched it so far.
After they, read Jello, had thoroughly calmed down from the rat scare they both peered into the box. It was christened with a fresh envelope on top that read “To my dear grandchild, and Angelica who they likely brought along”
“Hey, what do ya know? Your granddad could read the future.” Angie joked as she picked up the envelope and ripped it open.
“Oh shut up.” Jello rolled their eyes but didn’t stop Angie from opening the letter herself.
Angie cleared her throat before starting to read the letter:
Kids, I assume if you are reading this letter then my will has been read, that or you have managed to scavenge through here without me noticing in which case good on you! Either way this letter is to tell you that I wish for you to carry on my legacy. You are welcome to share this legacy to any you see fit, although perhaps not my son, I doubt he would be happy I’m telling you about this at all. Nonetheless! It’s best to dig through this box a bit more to figure everything out. I wish you kids luck.
With Love, Your Nonno <3
“Huh. Okay.” Angie tossed the letter to Jello who only barely caught it and read it over again themself. Under the letter lay a thoroughly annotated book, “Hey, Jello? Do you know a Geist?”
“Geist the gentlemen thief?” Jello looked up from the letter which they folded and shoved in their pocket, “Yes. Obviously? Who do you think I am?”
“Well, I don’t know him. Who was he?” Angie stared down at the book she was holding as he prodded her friend with questions. She wasn’t surprised they knew extensively about some sort of gentlemen thief, she had heard plenty of rants about that sort of thing before from Jello.
“Well, he was only the most successful thief to ever live. He was active from the 60s to the 00s, do you know how long that is? He didn’t even stop cause he was caught, he just…. Disappeared.” Jello spoke excitedly while waving their hands enough that Angie had to lean forward more so as to not get caught in the crossfire. “He was mostly active across Europe but there are allegedly some cases of him traveling all across the world, I wish I could have been alive when he was still stealing but he stopped right around the time I was born, which is an absolutely awful coincidence, I curse God for it everyday… Why?” Jello seemed to finally realize Angie randomly asking about a famous thief from decades ago was odd, as they turned to her and raised an eyebrow. Or at least tried to, they couldn’t seem to get only one to raise.
“Well.” Angie held up the book which was adorned with a silhouette of a formally dressed men wearing a mask, “I think your Granddad was Geist.” She dug through the box for a second before holding up the mask the figure was wearing on the cover, a venetian style bauta mask that look old but well maintained.
“I think I need to sit down for a second.” Jello almost fell on the their way down, Angie joined them on the ground for solidarity, “Okay so. Nonno is Geist.” Angie nodded along, “And he is passing this title down to me, to us.” Angie nodded again, “I think I need 5 to 10 business days to process this.” Angie snorted.
“I’ll give you 20 minutes, this attic is stuffing up my nose.” Angie acquiesced and Jello nodded at what they were being given. They immediately collapsed face down into Angie’s lap, she patted their head in comfort. She was honestly impressed they didn’t explode, just completely blown to bits scattered across the room the moment they processed what they were being told.
Angie ran her finger through her friend’s hair, attempted to untangle the curly black mess residing on their head while she waited for them to become functional again. She let herself think for a moment about what this whole gentlemen thief thing would entail, probably crime but that wasn’t really a big hurdle for her. She’d been friend’s with Jello long enough to have broken into a few buildings for the sake of exploring, and she knew that she was the only reason they hadn’t been caught yet. That and calling Adam to pick them up a few times before she could drive. She remembered one time where they’d only known Adam for a few months and him being Jello’s new brother was still a bit of a rough subject for them but the two of them got locked in somewhere on accident and there was only one person she knew they could call. Then sure enough, Adam came rolling down the street to free them in full drag since apparently they had called in the middle of a show and the three of them agreed to never talk about it again. That was a lie since it came up at least once a month. Thinking about it now, it was sweet of him to drop everything to help even if she framed it like that both of them would deny that that was what happened. Idiots the both of them. Although speaking of idiots, it seems Thing 1 was finally alive again.
“We need more people if we we’re doing this.” Jello sat straight up only barely dodging knocking their head on Angie’s chin, “And we are doing this.” Despite their words Jello looked over at Angie for confirmation.
“That we are.” Angie confirmed, “No idea who you want to ask though, it’s not like you talk to people besides me. Unless you suddenly got busy after I graduated?”
“I talk to people!” Jello wave Angie off who had her doubts about their claim, “Wasn’t there some other junk in here?” They asked as they scoured the box some more, and held a stack of business cards held together by twine up in victory.
Jello untied the stack apparently forgetting that doing so would send cards drifting off all over the room, which is exactly what happened. Thankfully Angie managed to grab one of them before they scattered to every corner of the room. Angie inspected the card to find it was for a local mask artist, probably the person responsible for the original Geist mask that had gotten moved onto the floor. One of them should probably move that… It seemed old and expensive.
“What is it?” Jello popped behind Angie, an action that would have made her jump if she wasn’t used to their antics by now.
“Business card for a mask guy,” Angie gestured towards the now scattered cards, “These are presumably all of your Granddad’s old contacts.” Angie flipped over the card to see a handwritten message on it about the artist wanting to help Geist in the future, sounded useful to say the least.
“Ohh coool…” Jello trailed off as they started trying to gather up some more of the cards, Angie made a note to herself to buy a folder or something for all these. It seemed better then trusting Jello to not do this exact same thing again.
“Not very helpful for finding people to help as directly though.” Jello spoke up again after they had apparently decided they had collected enough cards for now, which they were now shuffling in their hands like playing cards.
“Why?” Angie raised an eyebrow, an act that Jello immediately tried to copy seemingly still upset about their earlier failed attempt to do so. It still wasn’t quite working.
“They’re probs all old geezers by now. Their knees couldn’t handle it.” Jello shrugged and shook their head, “We need someone around our age who’d be willing to help us with some most likely very illegal activities.”
“I suppose we do need someone else for that, two people isn’t enough for a proper group of thieves.” Angie tried to think on the people she knew, unfortunately despite graduating high school three years ago now, she hadn’t actually gotten to know anyone that much still. Turns out the only person you hang out with being your childhood friend two years your junior will do that to you. Not to mention that it was the summer and classes weren’t running at the moment so it’d be pretty weird for her to ask any of her school friends about something.
“How many people do we actually need?” Angie stopped her thinking to ask.
“4 to 5 I think? 4 consistent people then a love interest that switches out every new movie or season.” Jello thought to themself for a second before answering.
“I can’t imagine you getting that many people interested in you.” Angie stifled a laugh at the idea, she couldn’t remember her friend going on a date once in their life.
“Hey! I could if I wanted to!” Jello crossed their arms and pouted at Angie before cracking, their face bursting into a smile. A big grin crossed both of their faces and they bumped their shoulders into each other.
“Maybe I’ll be the one with the rotating love interests. I could do it.” Angie’s voice had the undertone of laughter as she spoke, even she knew that was unlikely but damn could a girl dream.
“Mhmm…. Sure you could.” Jello humoured her before laughing at her in the face.
“Okay. Okay. 4 people. We can do that, we already have 2.” Angie tried her best to get them back on track, a task she was thankfully succeeding in.
“Yeah! We’re already half-way there.” Jello seemed to be already patting themself on the back for that, as if they hadn’t just arbitrarily decided a number of people they needed for thievery.
“You know who we could ask?” Angie asked after a second, her brain suddenly striking gold. A gold that she wasn’t sure yet if she was happy with.
“Who?” Jello asked, their brows furrowed. An eyebrow focuses expression they could actually perform.
“Your brother.”
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lacrimosathedark · 3 years
Who'd like some good old fashioned name analysis?
Okay, so, I been doing so much research for Resident Evil stuff and learning shit about fairy tales and timelines and genome editing and searching for impossible Romanian poetry I got overwhelmed and went, fuck it. Why not just look at their names? Maybe I'll learn something there.
So, here I have done it. Name meanings for characters of the Mold Saga so far aka 7 and 8 aka Biohazard and Village.
(Sorry I'm on mobile I'll put a cut here when I can)
Ethan: Firm, enduring, strong, impetuous, long-lived. An incredibly consistently common and popular name. E name just like Eveline, so could be a successor of sorts to the mold.
Mia: Derivative of numerous other names of many possibilities. Mia as a word means “mine” in Italian and Spanish. Mamma Mia is a well known Italian phrase, particularly due to the ABBA song and musical of the same name, and it being the catchphrase of the Nintendo character Mario. The phrase means “my mom”.
Winters: First and last season of the year where everything becomes dormant and cold and either dies or sleeps.
Eveline: Contains “Eve”, as in both the biblical first woman. Also means a night before an event, and the game takes place in the span of one night. The name Eve means “ life”, “living one”, “mother of life”, or “giver of life”. Another possible name origin is as a variant of Aveline, which is a diminutive of Ava, which is the same pronunciation as the name Eva as pronounced in Village.
Baker: Occupational surname. In older times consider an upper-middle class job, much like the family. Also adds the emphasis of the “food” and also how they essentially make more molded.
Jack: God is gracious, supplanter. A nickname for John and other related names, but also a name in itself. It is also a word with a couple meanings, including a heavy lifting tool, to steal something, to take control of something, or an everyman.
Margueritte: Pearl. French name for ox-eyed daisy. Derived from Margaret. Sounds like maggot.
Lucas: Light. Derived from Lucius which means “the bright one” or “the one born at dawn”. Luke is also an Apostle of Jesus and was a physician.
Zoe: Life. Came from the name Eve. Fitting as Zoe was practically pushed out of the family after Eveline’s arrival, replaced as the daughter of the family.
Joe: He will add. Was added as DLC. Short for Joseph. Joseph is the name of multiple biblical figures. One is a child of Jacob and Rachel and Jacob’s favorite son in Genesis (note: Jack is a nickname for Jacob) who was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, but rose to become vizier, the most powerful position nest to the Pharoah, and forgave his family and brought them to Egypt. One is the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus, who loved and raised a child he knew was not his against social norms. Another is a disciple known as Joseph of Arimathea who notably took Jesus down from the cross for his burial and testified when he revived and was gone. 
Rosemary: Dew of the sea. Combination of Rose and Mary or the plant rosemary. Roses as a plant vary in meaning depending on color. Mary and its variations have many differing meanings, among them being, “beloved”, “love”, “bitter”, “rebellious”, “wished-for child”, and “drop of the sea”. There are also the allusions to Mary, mother of Jesus as she is sometimes worshipped with roses, and you say Hail Marys on your rosary which is only two letters from her name. In regards to the plant, it is relatively resistant to drought and cold, though some breeds are susceptible to frost and they don’t like too much water. They have fibrous roots, so they spread and fan out like we see with the mold. They thrive in more alkaline soils and seem to have been named by a taxonomist named Carl  Linnaeus. In stories, folklore, and tradition, the plants or flowers are often used for remembrance, specifically for the dead. It’s also been used as a spice and in medicine.
Miranda: Worthy of admiration. Latin in origin. Character in Shakespeare’s The Tempest, and whether she is a strong female character or not is highly debated, as she frequently defies men like her father, but often when they expect and/or want her to. She is otherwise compassionate and naive. The titular character of a Polish novel in which everyone is a mage and Miranda is a medium connected to another character, Damayanti, who is portrayed as the ideal woman and has a romance with the male protagonist, yet sacrifices her body so her spirit can experience a higher state of consciousness. Miranda can contact her soul, and disappears when she dies. Miranda in the US refers to the required practice by police of reading suspects their rights before interrogation.
Eva: Latin form of “Eve” and meaning “life”, “mother of life”, or “giver of life”.
Duke: A ruler of a duchy. A title bestowed by royalty or passed through family, often given to royalty or nobility, but can be given to anyone. In France,  the peerage system was abolished in 1789 (vive la révolution), brought back in 1814, and finally perma-abolished in 1848. 
(Note: While the wife of a duke becomes a duchess, the husband of a duchess does not become a duke. At least, from what I gather. This shit is confusing.)
Alcina: Strong-willed. Greek origin. There are two operas using the same story about a sorceress named Alcina who lives on an island with her sister Morgana and seduces every knight who comes to the island, but turns them into plants, animals, or stones when she bores of them. When the source of her power is destroyed, she, her sister, and their palace crumble to dust. The Hungarian name for Alțâna, a commune in Sibiu County, Romania in the historical region of Transylvania.
Bela: Bela Lugosi was an actor who famously portrayed Dracula. His name is Hungarian and meant to be spelled Béla meaning “heart”, “insides”, or “intestines”, roughly translating to “having heart” or “having guts” in modern terminology, as in being brave. However it is considered a male name and as Bela is female there is also the possibility of the influence of the name Bella short an l, Bella an Italian name meaning “beautiful”.
Cassandra: The one who shines and excels over men. Name of a Trojan princess and priestess in Greek mythology. She was given her gift of prophecy by the god Apollo but, in most versions of the tale, he asks for sexual favors in return, and she initially agrees but then rejects him once she’s gotten her gift. In anger he cursed her to always tell true prophecies that no one would believe and was thus thought a madwoman. She served a temple of Athena, goddess of wisdom, handicraft, and warfare. When Cassandra was assaulted and possibly raped in Athena’s temple and dragged out while desperately clinging to Athena’s statue, Athena was so enraged by the damage done to her temple and/or her priestess that she enlisted the help of both Zeus and Poseiden to exact revenge on the Greeks for failing to punish the man who attacked Cassandra and caused the resulting damage. Zeus gave her one of his own bolts of lightning and she struck them down at sea. While Cassandra was never believed, she was always right.
Daniela: God is my judge. Feminine form of Daniel. Daniela is also a genus of moth with only one species in the genus, Daniela viridis. It is also another name for the Italian wine grape Prè blanc.
Dimitrescu: Child of Dimitri. -escu suffixes in Romanian are like -son suffixes in English, it derives from parentage (ex. Jackson is Jack’s son, Dimitrescu is Dimitri’s child). Dimitri means “devoted to Demeter”. Demeter is the Greek goddess of the harvest, agriculture, sacred law (i.e. cycle of life and death), fertility, and the earth. Like many Greek myths, she is repeatedly wronged, and rather severely, by multiple male figures. Demeter in particular is a mother who has her daughter Kore, later known as Persephone, stolen away from her and goes on a rampage searching for her and those responsible.
(Note: Considering the founders had these names it’s a bit dumb seeing as this trend of parentage -escu names supposedly came about mid 19th century (1800s for those who find that confusing cuz I do), long after the Village was founded)
Donna: Lady or lady of the home. Italian name and a title of respect. Derives from the Latin term Dominus. The Romanian form of the word (not the name) is Doamnã. The Atropa belladonna aka deadly nightshade have berries and foliage that contain tropane alkaloids including atropine, scopolamine, and hyoscyamine which are extremely toxic and can cause hallucinations and delirium, but are also used in pharmaceutical anticholinergics. Throughout history people cluelessly used the berry juice as eye drops to cosmetically dilate their pupils, giving them a seductive doll-eyed appearance. Symptoms of belladonna poisoning are dilated pupils, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, tachycardia, loss of balance, staggering, headache, rash, flushing, severely dry mouth and throat, slurred speech, urinary retention, constipation, confusion, hallucinations, delirium, and convulsions. The plant's deadly symptoms are in atropine’s ability to disrupt the parasympathetic nervous system’s involuntary regulation like sweating, breathing, and heartbeat.
Angie: Diminutive of many names containing “angel”. Angels are messengers and warriors of Heaven, a realm souls go after death. Angel statues are also common grave markers. Children are also often told they have guardian angels, a being watching over them to protect them.
Claudia: No sure meaning has been found, but some think it comes from claudus, meaning “lame”, “limping”, or “crippled”, or clausus, which means “shut” or “closed”.
Beneviento: Good wind. Neapolitan spelling of Benevento, the name of both a province and its capital city, located in the Campania region of Italy.
Salvatore: Savior. Italian name. In the movie version (I specify as I have not read the book and the movie synopsis has more on the characters) of The Name of the Rose, the character Salvatore is hunch-backed and twisted, and has a history of not-really-acceptable religious beliefs. He was also tortured and falsely accused of witchcraft. He dies when a library is set on fire.
Moreau: Moorish, dark-skinned. French surname. Titular doctor in The Island of Doctor Moreau, in which said doctor performs disturbing and torturous experiments on people and animals, especially through vivisection, to make beastial humanoid creatures.
Karl: Free man, strong man, manly. Werner Karl Heisenberg was a German theoretical physicist who made notably important contributions to hydrodynamics, ferromagnetism, cosmic rays, and subatomic particles. Karl Marx was a German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist, and socialist revolutionary who believed societies develop through class conflict, and in a capitalist society this is the “ruling” class (the bosses) having power over the working class. He believed people should have equal footing and should and would inevitably fight for it. Karl Jaspers was a German existentialist philosopher and psychiatrist. His humanist ideals had him dissatisfied with the medical community’s approach to mental health and worked to improve it, and philosophizing on it after.
(IMPORTANT NOTE: Since I’ve seen accusations of the RE character and his influences being so, I feel I must state it here. Karl Heisenberg is NOT a Nazi. Both Heisenberg and Jaspers lived through World War II and neither were Nazis. Jaspers was blackwalled because of his Jewish wife. Heisenberg was forcibly drafted into the Army Weapons Bureau, but pre-war he had been repeatedly slandered as a “white Jew” and his career held back, and post-war became more political, worked against traditional primacy in the education system, and actively protested the government considering equipping the army with American nuclear weapons. Capcom reps have also stated that Karl Heisenberg has nothing to do with Nazis.)
Heisenberg: Calling mountain (could not find a specific definition, “heisen” means “to call” and “berg” means “mountain or hill”). Reference to Werner Karl Heisenberg, (explained above). Likely unrelated, but another well-known (in the US at least) name thief of Heisenberg comes from the popular TV show Breaking Bad as the alias/street name for the main character Walter White who takes the name and starts selling drugs when he is unable to afford medical care for his in-need child, but grows more twisted throughout the series. Also place name.
Berengario: Italian form of Berengar, which is derived from Germanic root words meaning “bear” and “spear”.
Cesare: Italian form of the Latin word Caesar, which is an imperial title like an emperor or empress. The word Caesar itself may come from caesaries meaning “hairy”. 
Guglielmo: Italian form of the Germanic William, meaning “vehement protector” or “desired helmet”
Nichola: Anglicized form of the Greek Nikolaos meaning “victory of the people”. Also a variant of Nicholas (Considered a female variant but fuck gender roles and the description says he.). This character is also referred to as Father like a priest I looked into saints and while I found no notable Saint Nichola (meaning on Wikipedia) there are multiple Saint Nicholases, most notably Saint Nicholas of Myra, also known as the Wonderworker and the model of Santa Claus. Stories of him include gifting gold coins through a window of a home for three nights to prevent three girls from being forced into prostitution, calming a storm at sea, saving three soldiers from execution, and chopping down a possessed tree. More connected to where his treasure is found, there is also a tale of him resurrecting three children who had been murdered by a butcher who had had intended to sell their meat as “pork” during the famine.
By that I mean these are less important so I did slightly less research and/or didn’t  feel like typing all the research so there’s less info, but it’s still relevant, so here you go!
Chris: A rare name in its own right, often a shortened version of names like Christopher, meaning “Christ-bearer”, and Christian, as in the religion.
Redfield: Literally red field. Fitting for the trail of blood in his wake because have mercy on any of his enemies, but regrettably including many of his friends and allies (rip in peace Piers Nivans). 
Elena: Shining light. Greek origin.
Leonardo: Strong as a lion. Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese version of Leonard.
Lupu: Wolf. Romanian surname. Fitting as the surname of the man we saw become a lycan before our eyes. 
Luiza: Renowned warrior. Polish, Portuguese, and Romanian name.
Iulian: Romanian name from the Greek iulius meaning “youthful” or “juvenile”, or ioulos meaning “downy-bearded”.
Vasile: Romanian name from the Greek basileus meaning ”king”. Vasile Voiculescu wrote a poem called Schimnicul, The Recluse in English, about varcolacul.
(Note: For those who don’t recall or didn’t notice his name in Ethan’s diary, this is Luiza’s husband.)
Rolando: Famous throughout the land. Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese variant of Roland.
Elba: Spanish form of Alba, which can mean “dawn”, “white”, or “elf”, depending on origin.
Dion: Shorter form of Greek Dionysios meaning “of Zeus”.
Wilson: Lineage surname, “Will’s son”. Very common surname in English.
Charlie: A name in itself but often a nickname for names like Charles meaning “man” or “warrior”
Graham: Gravelly homestead. Habitational surname, apparently derived from Grantham in Lincolnshire, England.
John: God is gracious. The most common name ever with the most variations.
Perlman: Ashkenazi Jewish surname. Also literal, “perl” possibly meaning “pearl” thus being an occupational name, or Perl being a woman’s name making it mean “husband of Perl”.
Emily: Rival. Latin name. 
Berkoff: Could be Jewish, Dutch, or German surname. Definition not quite certain, but likely related to birch trees.
Josef: German, Czech, and Scandinavian version of Joseph.  
Simon: He has heard. From Hebrew Shim’on.
Roxana: Bright, dawn. Latin form of Greek Rhoxane and Persian Roshanak.
Anton: Priceless, praiseworthy, flower.
Sebastian: From the Latin name Sebastianus which meant “from Sebaste”. Sebaste is a town in Asia Minor and comes from the Greek word sebastos meaning “venerable”.
Eugen: Well-born.Romanian form of Eugene. From the Greek name Eugenios. 
(Note: This is the man who lived in the house with the red chimney.)
Ernest: Serious. Germanic name.
(Note: This man is noted to be missing in a letter to Luiza and his diary is found with the Cannibal’s Plunder in Otto’s Mill.)
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thelastspeecher · 2 years
Whoops I wrote more Firefighter AU with Stan and Angie interacting.
             Stan walked through the front doors of the obviously brand-new Gravity Falls Fire Station.  He looked around.  The only person in the lobby was an intimidatingly large, muscled, and tattooed man.  Stan walked up to the man.
             “Do you know where I can find the chief?” he asked. The man turned around.
             “Why?” he rumbled.
             “I’m a new hire.”
             “Oh.”  The man pointed down a hallway to the left.  “Down there, first door on the right.”
             “Got it.”  Stan strode away, glad to be away from the rather threatening man.
             I get a weird vibe from him.  He came to the door the man had indicated.  It was already open.  A smile spread across Stan’s face at the sight of his new boss. Of course it’s her.
             “Shoulda figured you’d be the only one nuts enough to hire an ex-con like me,” he drawled.  The fire chief looked up.  She grinned broadly.
             “Stanley Pines,” Angie McGucket drawled right back. She gestured to the chair across from her desk.  “Take a seat.”
             “Sure thing, boss.”  Stan sat down.  “So, how’d you end up being the fire chief in a town like this?”
             “Funny thing, actually.”  Angie leaned back in her chair.  “Apparently there was some sort of lab-related accident what resulted in a fire.  Said fire got rather out of hand, and the city decided they couldn’t get by with just a volunteer fire department no more.  They wanted some professionals.”
             “You got hired to start up this town’s first fire department?” Stan asked.  Angie nodded. “That explains why the building is so new.  But why’d they get you, specifically?”
             “One of my older brothers works fer a researcher here.  Actually, he works fer the researcher responsible fer the fire I told ya ‘bout. He put in a good word fer me and that was that.”
             “Huh.”  Stan grinned. “I’m kinda into the idea of meeting one of your older brothers.”  Angie rolled her eyes.  Though they had been friends back in California, because Stan was incarcerated, he hadn’t been able to meet any of Angie’s siblings.  But he’d heard so many stories, he felt like he knew them already. “Which brother is it?”
             “Fiddleford.  And apparently the researcher he works fer ain’t too quick to clean up his act, so you’ll have plenty of opportunity to meet him durin’ the many calls we’ll no doubt get.”
             “Was he one of the ones involved in…”  Stan gestured to his right eye.  “Y’know?”  Angie touched the burn scar on her face.  It was the first thing Stan had noticed about her when they met, though in his defense, it was very distracting, stretching from her right eye to halfway down her neck.
             Kinda stinks it’s the first thing everyone’s always gonna notice first.  There are a lotta other things about Angie that should get attention.  Her caramel-colored hair was in an even shorter pixie cut than when Stan had last seen her, but her long, narrow nose and insanely muscled arms remained the same.  At least the accident didn’t mess with her eyes.  She’s got some damn pretty peepers.  Her bright blue eyes were misty as she thought back to the day she’d gotten her scar.
             “No,” Angie said softly.  “Fidds wasn’t part of that.  Harper was the one what set off the firework without realizin’ I was close by.”
             “Right.  The only one with a normal name,” Stan said.  Angie chuckled.  Stan smiled, glad to have lightened the mood.  “Y’know, you said you’d tell me what Angie was short for after I finished serving my time, but by the time I got out, you moved on.”
             “You want to know my full first name?” Angie asked. Stan nodded.  Angie sighed.  “Fine. Banjolina.”  Stan snorted.  “That’s it?”
             “Whattaya mean?”
             “I was expecting full belly laughs from ya, to be honest.”
             “Hey, I gotta show some respect to my boss.”
             “Darn tootin’, ya do,” Angie said with a nod. She glanced at her wristwatch.  “All right.  We should get down to business and actually start the on-boardin’ process.”
             “Before we do that…”
             “The linebacker out in the lobby, what’s his deal?” Stan asked.  Angie raised an eyebrow.  “Is he an ex-con, too?”
             “Yup.”  Angie messed with some paperwork on her desk.  “Most of yer coworkers are.  I’m callin’ it my Second Chance program.  ‘Cause everyone deserves one of those.”  She cocked her head, smiling.  “But you knew I believed in that.  Otherwise, I would’ve never let ya come back from insultin’ me ‘n pointin’ out my scar the very first day we met.”
             “Yeah, I gotta learn to shut my mouth more.”
             “If that’s the case, we’ll discuss it at yer first performance review.”  Angie grabbed the ballpoint pen tucked behind her ear.  “Now, let’s get this introductory paperwork out of the way so’s I can show ya ‘round the place.”
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kitkat404 · 3 years
Peggy Carter’s Soulwords
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes
Steve’s mark has faded, as has Bucky’s; loves long since lived and lost. The right partner and What are we waiting for? Decorate her shoulder blades, one for each, with Steve’s neat print in light sky blue and Bucky’s untidy scrawl being disguised by once shining, now dull silver.
You have no idea how to talk to a woman had printed itself on Steve’s left pectoral, as red as Peggy’s lipstick. When he first came out of the vita-ray chamber it stood out glaringly against his glistening skin. She had tapped it with a finger, a bit stunned by its appearance, the action was brushed off as her simply being in awe of his new form.
The words Bucky received marked the inside of his left wrist; I might, when this is all over, go dancing. Peggy used to trace each delicate line with the tip of a crimson nail when they were sitting in strategy meetings, Steve always on Bucky’s other side, ankles locked together under the table where ‘til the end of the line mirrored itself across their skin.
Angie Martinelli
Angie’s words are the color of blooming violets, a shade befitting of royalty. Coming right up English! winks back at Peggy from the skin above her knee, similar to Angie’s playful wink upon taking her order. Her handwriting is neat, a result of having to make all the food requests she jots down in quick succession legible for the chef to read.
Rounded ruby script marches down Angie’s right arm, spelling out I thought I might tell you about my day. The sleeves of her uniform don’t quite cover it, and Peggy can’t help but grin every time her eyes land on the mark while she’s having her morning coffee at the Automat.
Then Peggy moves to Los Angeles, and somewhere along the way Angie’s words fade. She already knows they’ve both moved on when she calls back to New York; Angie’s engaged to a man named Thomas, he frequents the Automat and listens to her monologues, a sweet guy according to Angie.
Peggy is happy for her, because Angie deserves someone stable, someone whose job doesn’t take them all over the world at the drop of a hat. And for as much as she’ll miss New York, Peggy loves L.A. and its dry heat and horrible traffic. The Jarvis’ are here, and Howard, and the SSR L.A. branch needs more experienced agents. Sometimes, people just grow apart, and life has other plans; it’s a much happier end then Peggy could have hoped for them.
Daniel Sousa and Jack Thompson
The words Daniel leaves on her body are deep blue and match the hastily scribbled notes she finds in the margins of all his paperwork. You deserve it more peeks at Peggy from just underneath her jaw whenever she looks in a mirror; a constant motivator, so innocent and earnest even without a face to match the phrase.
Jack’s mark is warm grey, with large hand writing snaking around her wrist like a thick bangle. Truth be told, I like the kid’s yeti story better; the first time Jack didn’t seem eager to drink up his glory. It’s only later, on the flight back to the states, that Peggy would learn why. After that mission, they began trading the occasional nod of greeting, not quite friendly, but understanding.
A perfect copy of Peggy’s loopy handwriting curls itself below Daniel’s ear. It spells out one word: Congratulations. Singular, but still poignant in its simplicity, speaking volumes of her respect for him even then. The vibrant shade only serves to further highlight the bold disregard for normal that decorates their history.
Her mark on Jack has painted itself across his right hip, the vivid red almost as jarring as the words Snap out of it mate, c’mon, get your arse into gear. Hard to forget, even harder not to recognize. He came clean about the mark at the same time he came clean about his cross, claiming to not want to hold anything back.
There are extra long tails on all of the y’s and g’s in his writing, taupe-colored words stretching across the back of Daniel’s neck; Don’t sell yourself as short as that stump, you’re better than that. The compliment was so lost in a sea of more degrading remarks that he didn’t put two and two together for weeks. It wasn’t until one of Jack’s reports ended up on his desk by mistake and the lengthened letters caught Peggy’s eye that the dots began to connect.
Now that had taken some explaining.
But one comparison between the blue mark circling Jack’s ribcage (Sure, can I borrow your forehead?) and Peggy’s You deserve it more has all three of them sitting in Jack’s hospital room in stunned silence, the resounding question of “what now?” goes unsaid, but not unheard.
Things are far from perfect, but with Jack on the road to recovery, and Daniel and Peggy on the case for justice, the path ahead is starting to look a bit less daunting.
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stevenbasic · 3 years
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The Tale of Queen Angie, p3
*BEEEP* Throughout the whole drive that Monday morning, AJ felt like he was in a heavy fog. He had zoned out at a red light, and the car horn from behind him jerked him back to reality. Jeez… he thought to himself, no sleep, no coffee yet, I’m a zombie. He waved, apologetically into the rear view of his pickup, and took off again down the road.
But it wasn’t just that. He didn’t just need his coffee. Though in a daze, a depressed funk, AJ’s thoughts were nonetheless racing as he pulled into the parking lot. Why had Angie insisted they take separate cars? She said it was “to maintain appearances”, whatever that meant. But, he couldn’t help but frown. It would have been so nice to come to work together. It was both of their first days, after all - strangely at the same place. Or, at least, at the same location. It would have been nice to be with her, even if only for the fifteen minute ride. They could have talked...
Taking this new job, basically as an entry level schlub for Collective Construction (“Building the New World - Together!”) was a major ego blow. They were the same company - totally female owned and operated, from what he’s heard, though they obviously used guys for the grunt work  - that had snatched up the contract for the stadium job, and got the bid on a bunch of other projects he’d kinda counted on getting around the city. At first he had taken it personally, but it seemed like the same thing had happened to a bunch of other construction companies - so maybe he shouldn’t feel so bad. They seemed so well-funded and well-connected, and as upsetting as losing business was, they were basically impossible to compete against. Eventually, when his work dried up and he had to close up shop, dissolving the company he’d started himself, built from nothing, Collective purchased his equipment and hired him and a few of his guys. Though he needed the work, it was nonetheless humiliating and emasculating. It was hard not to feel...absorbed.
So, the first place they were putting him was on a demo team. Apparently there was a big remodel happening in the office building where Angie had scored her new gig, working in the accounting office of some sort of medical practice. It kinda sorta seemed like a weird move for her; her career, in contrast to his, had been on fire as she’d been managing a few branches of the bank she was with. But, whatever. She’s a smart girl, she seems to know what she’s doing, sees the potential for growth here, I guess.
As he pulled in where the other guys were parkedi, nto a spot far from the building, AJ took a look around. Though some teams were here already - he saw a chick in a hard hat pointing people around - his shift wasn’t set to start for another fifteen minutes. Damned if I’m giving them any free work, he thought, and sat back in his truck to think. Maybe Ang and I can grab lunch together? Being around Angie always made him feel better, even if she had been a bit distant lately. The part of his brain that tried to put a positive spin on things was saying that her distance was just the result of her new position and the stress of starting a new job. Maybe she was just distracted, or nervous…although her outfit and demeanor this morning portrayed nothing but confidence. Just the memory of her pulling on that short dress with the lemons on it, having him take pictures, had his hand drifting between his legs as he sat there in the truck. The other part of his brain, a much louder part these days, began calling attention to all the recent moments in their relationship that made him feel small, weak, and desperate. Their relationship had certainly taken a turn over this last months. It had been...he couldn’t even remember...since they had last had real sex, months since she last offered her mouth. Weeks since her last handjob, and that was through his pants in the changing room at Harold’s Department store when she was trying on new work clothes; he still shuddered at the embarrassment of having to walk around the Galleria with the stain on his pants. No, come to think of it, he couldn’t even remember the last time he had seen her naked, despite spending all his time at her place...with her...at her beck and call. No. More and more their time spent together was acts of pitiful and pious worship on his part. She’d been really playing up this domme thing recently, and he was embarrassed to admit just how easily he’d found himself getting more and more “sub”. Because, despite her distance, she seemed determined to keep his balls drained. Hours and sometimes whole weekend days were spent worshiping at the Altar of Angie, with her wearing something skimpy (or even just her work attire, he thought)…belittling him... as he jerked off to the swell of her big, white tits over and over again. He thought back to this morning, feeling an overwhelming mixture of arousal and shame.
“Go ahead” She had suggested, proudly putting herself together for her first day of work, “Grab that lotion and get started. You can watch me get ready for my new job as you stroke.” She’d smiled to herself, he remembered, as she watched thru the mirror and he wordlessly reached over for a couple pumps of lotion. She had barely looked at him or acknowledged him after that; she just continued putting on her makeup. He was pulled out of his thoughts - and pulled his hand away from between his legs - by two women, giggling to one another, walking past his truck towards the office. Holy shit, he thought, the ass on that Indian chick is ridiculous. And the figure on her friend is nothing to sneeze at, either. Even though they were both in, like, medical scrubs, their outfits and just the way they walked seemed designed to flaunt rather than conceal. Man, Angie is going to fit right in here, he thought, thinking wistfully back on how her hips looked this morning. Glancing at his phone, he realized he had been sitting in his truck for almost 10 minutes. He sighed to himself and had just turned off the engine to head over for his assignment when he saw- hooolllllly jeez whooo is that?!? Is that Angie’s friend Melissa!??
He’d known Angie had heard about this place, this job opportunity through one of her groups of friends, the girls she never really let him meet. Melissa was some sort of manager here, a job - by Angie’s accounts - for which she really wasn’t qualified but had scored nonetheless. Again he’d never met this Melissa but had seen her in some IG post along the way...the tits grabbed his notice. When he had asked about her, though, Angie seemed to bristle, so he’d let it go.
But good god look at her! AJ thought, as his right hand found his crotch again, leering through his windshield as he watched Melissa hook up with the pair in scrubs and start giggling along with them, headed to the front door. So tall, she totally dwarfed them, dressed sharply for a day at work. She must be six and a half feet in those heels, he figured, as he absentmindedly started rubbing himself again, marveling at a figure that he’d only seen in...well...he’d never seen a body like that.
In moments the three were gone, though, having entered the glass doors that led into the front atrium. He sighed again, and closed his eyes. He was going to have to steel himself for a tough day, physically and emotionally. He hadn’t worked for someone else, taken someone else’s orders (well, except for Angie’s, of course…) in years. This was going to be hard, but he had to suck it up. With one final exhale, AJ opened his eyes, put on his hardhat, and went to work....
Thanks to Friend of the Basic AgeoftheGiantess for his help on this one!
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milkiijustwrites · 4 years
Hi, I want to make a request, but if it's too specific or long for you then I understand not doing it. Could I have a scenario of Korekiyo and Male!Reader where the two of them are friends in the V3 killing game. And could this then lead to scenario where Korekiyo kills Tenko (not because of the 100 friends thing but because of a different reason) but he survives because Tenko was the one who killed Angie (First come, First serve rule) and the Reader is the only one who wants to stay his friend?
No problem! The more specifically, the more easier for me to write, but also kinda hard. Thank you for requesting either way!! I hope you like it <33
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I just realized it was male!reader omfg wjshiwvwjwvsjafshsfsbwu <3333 now I'm more comfortable writing it
🥛 Mod Kiibo 🥛
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Raffle ends tomorrow!! The results will come out soon!! If interested, join in today!! If you want to request me don't forget to check out the pinned post 🥛Also I'm not very confident of my writing so bare with my grammar 🥛
❗Fluff❗(idek if this is a warning but-)
❗Slight slight angst❗
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The trial ends , everybody know the truth. They know, they couldn't believe it but they surely do. How do they treat him the way they treat him before again?
Shuichi had a sorry look hanged on his face, looking at korekiyo, he Hesitated, should he apologize to him? Would it even made things less awkward?
" there's no use in apologizing shumai, korekiyo is a killer, we can't believe in him anymore!'
Just as when Shuichi is having a hard time thinking, kokichi appeared behind him and lay his hand on his shoulder, he uses his usual teasing tone saying the sentence out loud for everyone to listen.
"H-hey! Kokichi! That's roug-"
Shuichi was about to correct kokichi as he slowly stuttered. But then it was interrupted by korekiyo's slightly trembling voice.
" no, no it's fine, I understand if you guys want to treat me like that, I have no objections for this"
He said, as he wrapped his hands around himself, as if he was trying to comfort and hide himself from the others.
" see, shumai. He's now a person with a Killing intention, we can't believe a killer like him! "
Kokichi stated, loud and clearly, nearly everyone can hear what he said. Everyone stood at there quietly, no one had any objections on what kokichi said. This scene made a certain figure trigger.
They Stepped hard on the floor, making a loud stumping voice echoed through the entire room.
" Stop it-! Stopit stopit stopit stopit stopit!"
There was a trace of hoarseness in the voice, the person screamed,
The person was you.
You and korekiyo are friends, he was the one by your side when you can't believe the truth. How he comforts you when kaede's death happened. How he supports you and motivate you to don't give up on your life.
Of course, you couldn't believe what he done, he tried to kill tenko. But, this doesn't stop him from being a great person to you.
How kokichi just treated him just now, just made you mad, angry, sad.... You dont want anyone to treat him like that.
He doesn't deserve this at all....
You ran across the crowd, tears flows through the air due to the strong Wind resistance.
While running , you can also hear footsteps, chasing behind you. Whoever's doing that, it's annoying, you just wanted time to be alone.
"Stop- Y/N!"
You hear a familiar voice behind you, it was soothing, calming , but what they said just now, were mixed with some trembling, is it the person you're thinking of ? Is it him?
Suddenly, you felt something hold onto your hand and tries to push you over to their side.You turn your head, locked with the person's eye. Slowly, you stopped running...
It was the person you're thinking of, of course it is.
Korekiyo stood at where he was, holding your hand. He looked at you, tenderly.
" w- what do you want"
Though you don't mean to imply it that way, that mean tone, but you couldn't think anymore, you just want to talk to him.
"... Why"
Korekiyo splatted out a mumble , it was spoken really softly underneath his mask, but you could still hear it.
" why... Did you acted like that just now... Are you... Concern about me?"
After hearing his statement, you burst out tears as he slightly jump out of surprise, you were mad, of course you are concern about him, he means the world to you!
" what are you talking about? Of course! Of course I concern about you, you don't deserve this at all! I mean it! I don't want anyone to treat you like that!" I don't!"
You splatted out all the words you've kept in your heart, saying it out while crying at the same time.
Korekiyo Feeling distressed, he holds you in his arms. You could hear short breathing as he softly speaks to you, with a gentle tone.
" ... Thank you..."
You then grasps his back tightly and stated to him as well,
" I'll forever be your friend no matter what others treat you, so don't give up on your life as well, take back what you said just now in the trial room!"
After hearing what you stated , his heart starts to get warm, he don't deserve a friend like you, but if he said that out you would have to lecture him again. So he kept it in his heart.
" I take back"
He said, Although it's just three simple words, but the meaning and love inside of that towards you never failed to transfer it to you as well.
You guys smiled at end while looking at each other. You'll forever be by his side, you would always be!
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biracy-draws · 3 years
Never posted writing on here before in my life but I’m trying to get in a habit so here we go. It’s shit, I don’t edit, I made it last night while falling asleep, 700 words of Jo and Angie being gal pals under the cut
Angie was fascinated with Jo Rigby.
Angie knew she wasn’t some shining beacon of social conformity, but she’d honest to God never met anyone as off-the-wall as Jo. 
She had so many little habits that Angie started to pick up on the more time the two spent together, oddest of which was probably her tendency to climb up on counters, tables, and chairs instead of just asking for help. Angie guessed this was a symptom of being short-short, and that asking for help was an invitation for mockery. Angie didn’t mind helping, though, lifting her new friend up to help her reach a certain book or utensil. It was a nice opportunity for physical contact that Angie liked.
Related to Jo’s height was her affinity for… skulking. Angie had watched Jo hunt many times before, and she had no doubt mastered the art of stalking, but it didn’t seem to be something she knew how to turn off. Even in her hard boots on Angie’s wood floors, Jo managed to make no sound, and she often forgot about Angie’s right side and would take her off-guard. This also resulted in physical contact, though not the kind Angie would’ve preferred. Jo didn’t seem to mind, though; Angie supposed a lifetime of wrestling with cousins and being bowled over by excited dogs could help a person adjust to unexpected attacks.
What surprised Angie greatly was that Jo liked to touch and be touched very much; when they watched TV together, which was often, Jo would put her head on Angie’s chest or her boots in Angie’s lap or her arms around Angie’s waist (as she was too short to reach her shoulders). When teaching Angie about fishing, archery, and darts (a futile attempt to get around Angie’s lack of depth perception), Jo was a hands-on instructor, taking Angie’s hands in her tiny, rough ones and guiding her fingers, her aim, her throw. For someone who seemed so reserved, so solitary, for someone who had a bad habit of sitting still and staring at you for what felt like hours on end, for someone who admitted that she’d spent the last fifteen or so years touching hardly anyone but her dogs and dead fish… Jo was affectionate.
But easily the biggest bombshell Jo dropped during their friendship was just how much she talked.
Jo had been unnervingly quiet when she’d met Angie, who hadn’t minded, because she wasn’t much of a talker and figured it could still work out. The more time they spent together, however, the more Jo started to talk. It wasn’t just “she was quiet when we met, and now she talks normally”, it was “she was near dead silent when we met, and now she doesn’t shut up.”
Jo was intensely excitable; she was someone who took her hobbies seriously and was ready to unload a truckload of information about anything from bass fishing techniques to the best brands of camping stoves and water purification pellets and that-time-I-was-stalked-by-a-joogabinna-you-shut-up-I-know-what-I-bloody-saw. 
The thing was that Angie didn’t mind. She listened to Jo talk with genuine interest, responded to her enthusiasm with encouragement, and actually learned a lot from the little fisherman. Where Angie was usually irritated by talkative, knowledgeable, excitable people, she found herself actively engaging with Jo in a way she never had before.
It didn’t hurt that Jo had a nice voice.
Angie had a long history of being hyper-aware of her own voice, how high and feminine and utterly unlike her appearance it was. She had always held a secret envy for Lune’s voice, which was smooth and deep and near-affectless, his Mexican staccato or Texas twang only showing through on choice words. It was far too nice a voice for someone like him, and every time he spoke, only ever to whine or mope or fish for compliments, Angie found herself furious.
Jo’s voice wasn’t like that at all.
Though she spoke a lot, Jo didn’t speak quickly. She had this slow drawl that was easy on Angie, who found her rough, low voice to be soothing. Even if it was late at night and Angie was falling asleep and zoning out for just a couple seconds meant completely losing the meaning of what Jo was talking about, she didn’t mind. It was just nice to hear her talk.
It was just nice to be around her.
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