#his titan self of course did not help at all
cienie-isengardu · 8 months
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Mortal Kombat 1 Behind the Scenes AU: Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)
Author Note: A continuation to “Get. Lost.”, “Dating”, “Permission”, "Why date a punk like him" & "Panic (Mom is visiting)"
[Cage’s Mansion] [Waiting for Liu Kang] [Special Bonus] [Grandmaster’s commentary] [Climbing scene] [Madam Bo’s Inn] [Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)] [Medic] [Shang Tsung’s sad face] [Smoke’s Fall] [Scenography (1)] [Scenography (2)] [Show off!] [Favorite brother] [Climbing on the wall (nonsense)] [Tomas’ commentary] [Perfectly fine] [Sexy, sexy man~♪] [Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)] [Wrong team!] [Since when you two are friends?!] [I like being evil sorcerer more] [I forgot my line, sorry!] [Read the script Kuai!] [Get. Lost.] [Dating] [Permission] [Why date a punk like him…] [Panic (Mom is visiting)] [Decapitation then]
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God's TV- DC x DP prompt
Accidentally summoning a god from another dimension can happen, especially when cults are involved. However, no can could predict that the not only was the god a teenage boy but also a very bored teenage boy who didn't want to leave.
So he stayed and moved into Titans tower.
Danny is helpful (when he wants to be) but rarely goes out on missions. He says they are boring and nothing is dangerous enough to exert the effort. Instead, he minds the medical bay. Having a healer more than made up for the lack of help.
It's not like anyone disliked Danny or thought he didn't do anything it was just that he was unpredictable. Danny could be nice, considerate, and even sweet if he was working in the medbay. He could also be a pain in the ass anywhere else. He loved pranks and scaring people with his powers. He was harmless though.
No one really knew what he did all day. He was usually in his room doing something they guested. Said room was an anomaly. It was larger on the inside having been made into a pocket dimension. The appearance and organization of the room changed every time you went in.
It was after one mission that the team learned what was in the room.
A rogue had used their invention to erase Superboy's memories and they didn't know what to do. They took him to Danny who was currently rearranging the medicine by color. They hoped that his powers covered mind-altering afflictions. Unfortunately, Danny couldn't wave a hand and fix this.
Instead, Danny took the group to his room. The decor was neon Tokyo meets space right now. The furniture was currently floating and almost hitting Wonder Girl in the head with an end table. Of course, there was no gravity here.
"Stay here while I grab it," Danny said flying up the vertical corridor.
While he was gone the room rearranged itself into a contemporary format. The furniture grounded itself and shifted into a normal living room.
Danny returned with a cart and a headset. He placed a card he pulled out of the cart into the headset and put it on the dazed Superboy's head.
"Wait what is that?" Tim asked.
"It's his memories. I kept a backup in case this happened." Danny shrugged.
Immediately everyone began asking what the hell does that mean and why does he have that.
"Oh please, this dimension has this happened all the time. Amnesia is so cliché and cheap. I saw a pattern and decided the easiest way to prevent you from losing the entirety of your lives was to make save states of your memories." Danny said matter of fact.
Robin pinched the bridge of his nose.
Impulse studied the rack of cases and looking for the card with his name on it.
Wondergirl sighed, she was used to this from Robin but even he wouldn't go this far.
"What? It's not like just anyone can find these. Only you can access your own memories anyways. I just decided to repurpose my RE:Viewer." Danny pouted.
"What is a reviewer?" Wally asked flipping through the cases. Each one had titles like moves or shows with an arrangement of stickers.
"The RE:Viewer is something I created to catalog things I've seen looking into other dimensions. I don't have an infinite memory you know. But the longer I have my title the more I'll lose touch with my mortality. These things help me stay close to people by giving me the chance to remember how it feels. I also have been using them to get the stories of others. Keeping their experiences like you'd keep a TV show or movie. So many stories could have been lost to time but now they are saved. I use them to teach myself." Danny smiled.
The concept genuinely sounded interesting. Like experiencing a movie in 4d.
It had been 3 minutes before Kon took off the headset and back to his old self.
Danny pulled the input card out and it disappeared into another realm with a flick of the wrist. Danny was completely honest that the copies were inaccessible to everyone but him.
"You feeling alright Superboy? Your memory should be backed up until a week ago." Danny said shining a light in his eye.
"I'm fine. I think. What happened?" Kon asked batting the light out of his eyes.
"Explanation later. Take a nap first. You aren't concussed at least." Danny informed.
"What are the stickers for?" Wally said pointing at the rainbow of colors the card cases had.
"Just the emotions associated with the experiences. Orange is comedy, red is action, pink is romance, and blue is tragedy." Danny listed. "That one with the pink is one of my favorites. I meddled a bit in that world. Two people who had never met fell in love at two points at different times. One of them was doomed to die but I worked my magic on a mirror that allowed them to meet once. They shared notes left in different places for the other months ahead. Makes you believe in true love. A real tear-jerker."
"What about the black stickers?" Wally asked.
"Don't touch the black ones," Danny said darkly, smacking his hand away. "You don't need to know about those. I don't like thinking about them."
"So you just take the memories of others and put them inside your machine to replay later?" Batgirl asked. "Isn't that kind of wrong?"
"No, I asked permission. I usually pull them aside at some point and ask. If it's my memories (that's the green stickers) I don't need to. The rainbow ones are simulations. Like a video games." Danny responded patting her on the back for not being to hard on him about this admittedly weird situation.
"So what's the black one with the rainbow sticker?" Wally asked picking up the case that was obviously stuffed in the back.
"STOP TOUCHING THOSE!" Danny yelled pulling him away.
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nelkcats · 1 year
Time crisis
Clockwork looked sick, this was the first time Danny had witnessed something like this so he couldn't help but feel concerned for his mentor. However, no matter how many times he asked what was going on, the Ancient refused to answer.
The halfa was taking care of him and finally Clockwork revealed that he was under attack. Danny raised an eyebrow in confusion, he saw no one in Clock Tower and the Observants were not around, seeing his confusion the Master of Time explained himself more clearly.
Clockwork had multiple bodies, distributed in different dimensions. And while they didn't follow the same rules, their job was the same, "preserve the timelines". One of his other bodies must have sensed his timeline being altered multiple times and awoke from its rest to repair the error.
Someone must not have been happy about that, if the damage Clockwork was receiving was anything to go by. The Ancient had no doubt that if they kept attacking him they would cause him further damage, which would be a big problem for the timelines.
The reason he didn't want to tell the halfa that was because he knew Danny would want to help, but not all of his "parts" were good, nor did they have the same methods to "repair" and he didn't want to show the boy a bad part of himself. Although he doubted his other "self" would attack young Daniel, seeing how fond he was of him.
Danny of course, offered to solve the problem. Knowing the boy was stubborn, Clockwork sighed in resignation and opened a portal to the DC Universe, where the Justice League was facing Kronos, Danny stepped through the portal immediately and started running to the battlefield.
Wonder Woman was gritting her teeth in fury as she faced Kronos, who was scowling in annoyance, his gaze seemed to be fixed on the speedster for some reason; half of the League were injured but holding their ground, and John Constantine had almost finished preparing a spell to destroy the titan once and for all. He opened his mouth to tell the Titan it was his end when a teenage boy ran past him.
Danny, who had no idea what was going on, stood in front of Kronos not knowing what to say. He didn't quite know how to fix the situation. Kronos looked at him in confusion as John choked as he noticed the boy in the path of his spell.
"Fate is not inevitable" the halfa told the Titan decisively. While he had been a hero and understood why the people around him would want to "stop" the other Clocky, he didn't want to see his mentor die (even if this was some sort of clone? Danny didn't quite understand), he was selfish, and he knew the other Clocky had his reasons. He looked at the wounded on the battlefield and took a deep breath before looking at the Titan again.
"Come home with me and we'll find another way to solve it" Danny offered, ignoring the heroes glaring at him. Kronos was still silent, he knew he could kill the boy in seconds but something in him protested at the idea.
Danny wondered if he could lock the being in front of him in a Fenton thermos.
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pennylanewrites · 1 year
[love in the dark] levi ackerman x f!reader
cw + what to expect: angsty levi thinking he’s not good enough for you, self deprecation, talks of a family and kids, nudity (not sexual), brief mentions of battle scars, swearing, jealousy, alcohol consumption, eventual comfort
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levi hated everything he loved about you. you were so loud and talkative and bubbly. always smiling, despite the chaos around you. always caring and laughing and mumbling made-up melodies.
he hated that other people loved those parts of you too. he hated the way erwin would light up when you entered the room, that he somehow found ways to spend more time than needed with you, that hange would tease him playfully about his crush on you, a simple cadet.
but what he hated the most was that he couldn’t speak. he couldn’t kick the living shit out of erwin and punch hange’s stupid face, scream how much he loves you.
because you were a cadet. levi was a captain. it was so inappropriate, him breaking every possible rule and code of honour to be with you.
today was a very bad day. many scouts had lost their lives in an expedition to capture two titans for research. the remaining ones needed an uplift, erwin thought. and now squad leaders, captains, scouts and the fucking commander were sitting in a circle drinking wine.
you couldn’t handle your alcohol. levi was the first person to introduce you to wine, and then whiskey. that was also the first time levi felt old. how young were you that you had never tasted alcohol before?
he smiled to himself at the memory, but the smile faltered when he looked up to see erwin helping you to a couch. you gracefully thanked your commander, slightly embarrassed at how dizzy you were. petra, your friend, looked between you and the commander, giving you a suggestive wiggle of the brows. that didn’t go unnoticed by your captain, whose hand slipped as he poured wine in petra’s glass, turning her white pants a pale hue of red.
something snapped inside of levi as he drank glass after glass of sweet red wine. erwin had so much to offer to you. money, a home, a family. you were listening intently as erwin explained the rules of a card game to you, peering over his shoulder as you sat on the couch and he on the floor.
don’t let your head fall on his shoulder. don’t let your-
a gasp came from levi’s left. of course it was fucking hange.
“i must be boring you.” erwin chuckled when he realised you were falling asleep. “i’ll take you to your dorm.” levi reached the couch with two big steps, protectively standing between you and erwin as you got up.
“i’ll take her.” he was throwing daggers at erwin with his gray eyes, and erwin was surprisingly returning the gaze.
“you don’t have to, captain. take your rest today.” erwin was not giving it up. he gave levi a pleading look, as if saying let me have this, friend.
you’re not my fucking friend, replied levi.
“she’s my soldier, erwin.” you pulled on levi’s jacket, after making sure no one saw. a silent please stop. “lead the way, cadet. you can walk, i assume.” he was cold. more than usual, barely letting you say your good nights to the room.
was he mad at you? you weren’t the one making advances, it was erwin. you didn’t know how to politely turn your commander down, nor did the alcohol running through your veins allow you to.
“your room is that way, is it not?” levi stopped sharply, making you hit his back.
“levi,” when had you ever slept in your room the last two years? “are you mad at me?”
he sighed and turned around, still alert for any guards, or even worse, erwin and hange showing up.
“you’re drunk.” was all he said before walking again, signaling for you to follow. he was silent the rest of the way, silent as he stepped out of his clothes, silent as he grabbed a towel.
“can we take a bath together?” you asked hopefully. deep down you had a feeling he would turn you down. levi was always sour after failed expeditions.
“i want to go to sleep tonight, you take too damn long in the bath.” he was right, but the way he said it made it sound like he was accusing you of being a serial killer.
“okay. you go then, i showered before.” you smiled softly and started taking your clothes off to lay on the clean linen sheets.
levi thought about tonight over and over as he sat in the hot water. he didn’t mean to snap at you, or be so mean. he was pushing you away and into erwin’s arms.
erwin could give you the world. levi could not.
and you deserved the damn world.
he couldn’t help but smile when he saw you taking up the entirety of the bed, stark naked, like you always did.
he loved everything about your body. every curve, every dip, every beauty mark. he loved the healed pink scars on your legs and back, he loved kissing them and caressing them every time you cried that they were ghastly.
he hated what he was about to do.
“don’t you dare.” your voice was quavering. you didn’t dare look away from the ceiling.
“dare what?” levi put his boxers on and tried pushing you to the wall so he could lie down. why are you crying?
“do what you’re about to do, levi.” you moved so he could sit next to you and you both rested your backs on the cold wall.
“if you know what i’m about to do, you also know why.”
“oh, eyebrows is flirting with my girlfriend. time to ruin a perfectly fine two-year relationship.” you were mocking him. he was almost mad at you, but you were trying so hard not to cry.
“that’s not it.” he muttered. god, he hated talking about these things. “i can’t…”
i can’t give you enough.
“can’t what, levi? can’t love me anymore?”
“i can’t be what you need.” he sighed and turned away. why the fuck were his eyes burning and watering now?
“what are you talking about?”
“do you want kids, y/n?”
you let out a surprised laugh.
“do you?”
“well, yeah. not for like, ten years, but sure.”
“there you have it.”
“what, are you impotent or something?” you tried making light of the situation, because truly, you had no idea how to approach this. so you resorted to humour, hoping levi would snap out of it too.
“no, i’m just not cut out for that family crap.” he was standing up and walking around the room now, and he was making you dizzy. “erwin is, though. erwin wants a family and three children, did you know?”
you did know. you still shook your head no.
“and he has money to raise them. hell, he has a house in the countryside, and servants.”
“well, good for him. i hope he finds a wife soon.”
“are you fucking stupid, y/n?” you hated when he talked like that. “you’re 22 years old, god damn it!”
“other women your age are already married and have a second kid on the way. not wasting their days away fighting titans, risking their lives!”
“i didn’t join the scouts to find a husband, levi!” you were crying. god, he hated it so much. what was he even doing. levi regretted ever opening his mouth.
“don’t you understand, erwin is your way out! you’re wasting your time with me. your life.”
“levi…” now you finally understood. it wasn’t that he was jealous of erwin flirting with you. well, that too, but he was jealous of the life erwin was living. “levi, i love you.”
“y/n, i really don’t know what you’re doing with me.” he was sitting down on the edge of the bed, his back to you. you shifted on the bed, until your legs were around his and your cheek resting on his back.
“i know you don’t get it, but you’re giving me exactly what i need.”
“and what is that?”
your hand fell on top of his, and you intertwined your fingers before he could take it away.
“you give me life, levi. and that’s more than i could ask for. i know you’re scared that you’ll die, or i will, but that’s our purpose. i joined the scouts knowing the risks.”
“i just want you to live properly. peacefully.”
“so be my peace.” you whispered in his ear and got up, sitting down again on his lap. “and don’t ever think you’re not good enough for me.”
“i know i’m not, y/n.”
“i don’t care, then. i love you, i don’t want to lose this, ever. i don’t care that i’m too young, or at child-bearing age or whatever other stupid crap you’ll come up with.” he smiled softly at you, letting his forehead fall against yours.
“promise you won’t die, then?” you giggled and kissed the tip of his nose before replying.
“i promise.”
“i love you.”
“good. don’t ever do that shit again, levi.”
“don’t swear.” he muttered and guided you to lie down, still on top of him. you could feel your heartbeats turn to one as you lay in silence. “i’m sorry, y/n.”
“that’s okay. just know i wouldn’t trade you for anything. for anyone.”
“really?” his arms tightened around you. a form of saying, me neither. you’re my everything.
“yeah, i like my men to have thin eyebrows.”
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jgracie · 5 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ Can you please writhe a one shot with Jason and daughter of Psyche reader based on the song “I can fix him(no really i can)” by Taylor?Like imagine some time later when Jason is finally free from his demigod duties and goes to college with his friends,here he meets reader.Since she is a daughter of Psyche (the goddess of the human soul)she understands him immediately and she help him understand himself,discovering what he likes and to heal from his past and of course they fall in love. ❞ — anon
in which they shook their heads saying “god help her,” when you tell ‘em he’s your man
pairing jason grace x psyche!reader
warnings feelings of self loathing, slight bullying
on the radio . . . i can fix him (no really i can) (taylor swift)
an they r in new rome uni in this !! i feel like jason is a tad ooc but also its 11:30pm as im posting this and im tired
Everything you heard about Jason Grace screamed ‘red flag’. Son of Jupiter, ex-praetor, raised by wolves then sent to camp at the mere age of three or four - what was there not to be afraid of? To add to that, the way he carried himself exuded power in a way that would make anyone cower in fear. His face was inscrutable, crystal blue eyes unreadable in the same way the storms his father made were
However, you weren’t anyone. Your mother was Psyche, goddess of the soul. And as a daughter of Psyche, you could see right through just about everyone, including Jason Grace. Whenever you tapped into his energy, you couldn’t help but feel he was the complete opposite of what he presented himself as. While Jason seemed content with solitude to everyone around him, you knew that deep down, he was just seriously misunderstood and in desperate need for some loving
You were right. Jason’s life had been hell, especially the past couple years. His memory had been taken away from him, making him lose ties with all his friends and a potential lover, Reyna. Then, he’d gotten a new girlfriend and new friends, only for his girlfriend to dump him and his friends to all be too busy to spend a single second with him. Still, Jason had persevered. He applied and got accepted to New Rome University, he attended all his lectures, he got perfect grades, he tried his best to socialise. 
The latter never worked out though. People either saw him as Jason the traitor, the guy who’d chosen to leave with the Greeks instead of fighting for his camp (Jason would stifle a laugh at the phrase ‘his camp’ - if this were really his camp, they wouldn’t have easily found a guy who’s the epitome of everything un-Roman to replace him. They weren’t any better), or as Jason the soldier, the man who’d toppled Kronos’ throne and won in a fight against the titan Krios, absolutely untouchable and worshipped in a way that would make his father seethe with jealousy
Eventually, he gave up. If that’s how they wanted him to be, so be it. He shut himself off from the world, focusing solely on his studies and his plans for shrines for every God and Goddess. Little did he know, a certain someone was formulating the perfect plan to become his friend
Your plan backfired. You’d spent weeks keeping note of all the classes you had with Jason, even occasionally following him to see where he’d go after class (his dorm, immediately), and yet you couldn’t seem to get a single conversation out of him. The closest you’d gotten was when you sat next to him in one of your lectures and dropped your pen - he’d simply handed it to you without a word. For the split-second your fingers brushed, you took on all his pain and felt it pull you apart. How could he cope with all of this baggage? 
Luckily for you, the fates work in mysterious ways that in this case, happened to be in your favour
“Oh, I’ll leave. Sorry.” Someone mumbled from behind you. You had been having a hard time sleeping as it was exam season, meaning everyone’s late night stress as they did last minute cram sessions piled onto you, so you decided to go to the one place you knew would be quiet. It was a small garden you’d discovered as a freshman and dubbed as ‘your spot’, and you’d often come when you were feeling extra overwhelmed
Turning your head, your eyes widened as you saw none other than Jason Grace, who was about to go back to his dorm
“No, wait! You can stay, I don’t mind,” this was a first for Jason. Usually, people would go the other way at the sight of him, not offer to let him sit with them. He felt a gut-wrenching, yearning feeling in his stomach, and you felt it too. Softly, you patted the spot on the bench next to you. It was quiet between you, but with that simple gesture, you had made an everlasting mark in Jason’s mind
After that night, instead of leaving his bag on the seat next to him, Jason would put it on the floor in hopes that you’d see the empty seat and choose to sit there. You, ever the empath, did. The more you sat with Jason, the more words were said between you. You started the conversations, of course, asking him about his day and telling him about whatever minor inconvenience you had that morning
“I ran out of toothpaste,” Jason had said to you one day as you took your laptop out of your bag. This was his first time initiating a conversation. He wasn't sure why he did it, and cringed internally the moment those words came out of his mouth - toothpaste, Jason, really? - but you’d smiled and asked if he wanted to come with you to the shops after class, since you also needed to stock up on some supplies
That was the day Jason’s walls began crumbling down. Suddenly, he seemed to loosen up. His posture slackened and he smiled more often, told more jokes and even engaged in your banter. People gave the two of you weird looks as you walked around New Rome in fits of laughter, but neither of you cared 
Well, not until one fateful day. Jason had been making his way to class with two coffees in hand, one for you and one for himself, when he’d overheard two people deep in conversation. He’d never been one to eavesdrop, but when he heard your name being mentioned, he couldn’t help himself
“That poor girl, she has absolutely no idea what she’s getting herself into,” one of them said. The other hummed in agreement, pity laced in his voice 
“She thinks she’s doing a good thing, being friends with him and all, but he’s just going to break her heart like he did Reyna’s. Jason Grace is no good.”
He nearly dropped his coffees. Suddenly, all the confidence he’d built came crumbling down, being quickly replaced with those walls he knew all too well, the only things he could trust other than you. Since he loved you so dearly, this was for the best. You’d find some other guy to befriend eventually. If all of Camp Jupiter could replace him after years of service, who’s to say you couldn’t after a couple months of being friends?
Coincidentally, you happened to be looking for Jason when you saw him standing there, a blank look on his face - the same one people had warned you about in your first year at NRU. This time, however, they didn’t have a fighting chance in fooling you. Even without your powers from being Psyche’s daughter, you knew Jason was a sweet guy with the kindest heart
“Jason, are you alright?” You asked, reaching to place a tender hand on his shoulder. He pulled away and your face dropped as you tuned into his feelings and realised the old Jason was making a comeback. It’s not like he’d ever been gone, no one ever gets rid of lifelong trauma and horrible experiences that quickly, but Jason’s aura hadn’t felt that self-loathing in a very long time
Looking behind you, you saw a couple give you a pitying look and the pieces clicked immediately. Scowling at them, you took Jason by the arm and dragged him to that garden where you first spoke. The garden that was no longer just your spot
“Whatever they said, I don’t care,” you told him, “they’re wrong, Jason. You can’t listen to them. From the moment I met you I knew they were wrong. Don’t let them win.” His eyes stared into yours, completely emotionless. His guard was up, and you didn’t know why (slight btd ref!!). Didn’t he trust you? 
His voice monotone, Jason replied, “this isn’t just about them, Y/N. You have no idea what I’ve been through. You don’t deserve to have to deal with that, it could affect you too. You could be making so many friends right now and yet you haven’t, because you chose to stick with me.”
The tension rose between you and you knew there was only one thing you could do: succumb to the pull he had on you once and for all. Grabbing him by the collar, you pulled Jason closer to you and kissed him fiercely
When you pulled away, you took a second to take in Jason’s dishevelled look before replying, “I don’t care. I’ll choose to stick with you in every lifetime.”
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woncon · 22 days
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part two: engine failure
pairing: poly!stray kids x gn!reader
You only have one fan at home. It's a cruel thing. But the water is for everyone! The lake water is cooling, and you can relax with your boys. You can lay out on the mat, compete in swimming, or even make offers that wouldn't be appropriate for a grandmother swimming nearby to hear. There's a lot going on this day: injuries, bets and a kiss fest. The nine of you brushing the edge of indecency, like waves on the rocks off the shore. It's really wholesome.
genre: mini-series, fluff, suggestive, crack/humor, summer fic, established relationship, polyamory, a day on the beach
warnings: feet injuries, bets, hyunjin talking about gilfs, water fight, bite marks, making out, minho wants sex on the beach, a titanic-reference, unreasonable frequent use of the word 'hyung'
word count: 4.9K
a/n: shoutout to @honeytwo again. she is an angel!!💗
[part 1] / [part 3]
summer go loco / stray kids mlist
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Minho went first into the water. No sooner had his feet left the last step than he plunged into the water, spraying a cooling spray over you. When he emerged, he looked like a water god or a merman or your godmerman boyfriend. Droplets of water raced down his face and over his freshly smeared chest as he pushed his hair out of his eyes. You couldn't tell if you were drooling so loudly or someone else was doing it near you at the same time. It could easily have been a collective reaction to Mr. Lee Minho.
"Are you guys gonna stand there all day?" he inquired with a sly smile, when you were all still sculpting on the stairs, staring at him.
You snapped out of your stupor and gripped the mattress you'd been entrusted to care for. Chan stepped into the water and then helped moving the mattresses into the water. Fortunately, the surface was mirror-smooth and there was no need to worry about being swept away by wild waves. Chan alone was able to shepherd each one until you all got into the water to claim one for the hour or even the day.
Felix squashed his shoulders with one hand, then climbed into the doughnut-patterned wheel. Changbin followed, and leaning his muscular arms on the mattress, he began to pace inwards.
"Cold!" cried Jisung, and stepped back ob the previous stair.
"No, you're the one who's hot," you replied, and to back up your claim, you walked into the water. Your feet sank softly into the mud, the cooling water wrapping around the lower part of your belly. You hissed, because the contrast with your skin was really stark, but you got used to the water almost immediately. "You'll soon get used to it," you promised, and then you sank down until water caressed your shoulders. It was ticklingly pleasant to cool off in the heat.
"Or I could help you get over it quickly," Jeongin offered, his soaking wet T-shirt floating around him while he opened his arms for the other. Jisung shook his head violently. "Why are you being so resistant now, hyung? You really wanted to be near me on the beach."
Jisung didn't say anything, but instead waded into the water at a fast pace. But there were shells hiding under the mud in several places. Sharp shells. He successfully waded into one.
"Ouch!" He threw himself onto the nearest mattress, which happened to be the double.
Chan looked at the wound and found it was bleeding only a little. Jisung assured you that it didn't hurt that much, of course he didn't object when you instructed him to stay on the mattress. He reached out in a starfish formation. He even closed his eyes. You smiled at how calm his ever-moving self seemed. You didn't despise the thought of him resting. You would have liked to have done something for the cause, which is what you did. You grabbed the end of the mat and aimed for the red and blue buoy not too far away.
The boy squinted as he called your name questioningly.
"I'll take care of you, rest your leg."
Still, learning from his example, you swam leaning on the mattress like Changbin rather than striding. The water splashed softly around the mattress as you picked your way. The sunlight glistened like diamond crystals on the surface. It was like you were bathing in melted diamond ice. You enjoyed being here and were proud that you had made it up to come. If no one else had thought of it, you'd still be at home, tossing and turning in the stuffy living room hoping for salvation from the low-powered fan.
As you patted yourself on the back in thought, Seungmin approached Chan.
"Do you think you could race me to the buoy?"
Chan blinked uncomprehendingly in response.
"You know," Seungmin grinned. "Your old bones and tired lungs. We're putting you in danger now, too, by not putting you in a stirrup. At your age..."
"You'll fucking lose." Chan's eyes darkened.
"We'll see, grandpa," Seungmin said defiantly, and prepared for the start.
At the same time, they kicked off and took aim at the buoy. Long arms dragging and splashing water marked their way. Minho, Jeongin and Hyunjin, the self-appointed judges, watched their fierce competition intently.
"Maybe we should take Seungmin seriously," Hyunjin stated, putting his arm under his head on the garish neon single mat with a sigh. In the other hand, he clutched his chilled Monster.
"What do you mean? He can beat Chan hyung?" asked Jeongin. "Seungmin hyung really pissed off Chan hyung again. I think Chan hyung will win. Can I have a sip?"
"Are you sure you want it from the can?" Hyunjin's bold offer only elicited a grimace from the younger man. "I haven't given up on kissing you today, just saying." But he handed over the drink anyway. "I think Chan will win, too. But damn, we should take it seriously that Seungminnie thinks he's a gilf!"
Minho laughed in disbelief, and Jeongin almost let the fizzy sip out through his nose.
"A what does he think he is?" croaked Jeongin. He slapped his palm against his chest through his soaked T-shirt.
"Gilf. Sexy grandpa he'd take to bed. I asked him the other day if it was a real kink of his, and he gave me a pillow over my face."
"Looks like you got your answer," Minho said wisely.
"Think about it for a moment! Granddaddy kink. Punish me, Papa Chan, I've been a bad grandchild!"
"Could it be that you have such a hidden tendency, baby? You're very passionate about the subject," Minho mused.
"No thanks. I'll be interested in wrinkly old men when you become wrinkly old men. We have about thirty-five years before then."
"If you ask Seungmin, Chan only has a few years left. All in all... Don't hold out your hand, hyung, I won't give it back. I've got half-naked old men in my head, and it's your fault!"
"If we'd kissed, I'd have kept my mouth shut, and I wouldn't have talked about such things!"
The competitors were almost at the buoy when the discussion of gilfs was over. They were still neck and neck.
"Do you want to bet?" Minho turned to them after taking stock of the situation. "You on Chan, me on Seungmin?"
"On what?"
Minho shared his idea of the stakes with a wide, impish grin on his face. The others were in.
Chan pulled another one with his arm and grabbed the buoy. He only realized that one hemisphere was bird-shitted after shaking the wet strands from his face. Though even the fact that he'd probably touched a dried blob didn't put him off. He grinned and threw himself into Seungmin's neck.
"Well? Who's the grandpa?"
"Hyung!" Seungmin stomped in the water in frustration. "Don't push me down! My feet won't reach!"
Chan let go, still chuckling contentedly.
"Here we come!" you tempoed towards them with the mat. "Hang on!"
You were determined to get to them as quickly as possible. Too much so. Your right leg couldn't take it. It cramped from the calf to the sole of the foot.
"Oh, fuck!" Immediately you staggered and hovered, clutching the mattress. "Engine trouble! Engine trouble!"
"What happened?" sat up Jisung.
"I got a cramp," you hissed in agony. "It's like I've had sharp stones placed in my leg."
"Can you climb up?" Chan and Seungmin came to help you.
"I don't know."
Jisung pulled you up onto the mat, the ones in the water pushing you. They were careful not to touch your aching feet. You stretched out on your belly when they're done putting you up.
"Sungie, will you cuddle our new injured while I try to rub out the knot?" Chan looked helpfully at your friend after he touched the edge of your foot, and you immediately hissed.
"Of course, hyung." Jisung hugged your sprawled out self and rested his head on yours.
Chan squeezed your leg, slowly working his way through it; his thumbs on the sole of your foot, the edge of his palm on the edge of your foot, his fist on your ankle, the knuckle on either side. It was pleasant and painful at the same time. This sensual uncertainty was expressed in your sighs. Meanwhile, Seungmin slowly pushed the mattress full of aquatic casualties outwards.
"Okay." Chan stopped massaging. "How is it?"
"Better," you muttered, half-climbing Jisung. So far, he hadn't complained about your wet skin on his sun-drenched skin. So, as soon as you no longer needed to dangle your legs off for Chan and were properly positioned, you snuggled right into Jisung's arms. You wrapped your arms around his waist, and your legs around his. You rested your head on his chest and breathed with him. His heart pounded soothingly, the sound mingling with the tiny ripples of the waves and the soft noises of Chan’s and Seungmin’s quiet conversation. Your body felt heavy on the mattress, but also light.
"I think I'm going to fall asleep."
"Keep dreaming about my wedding, okay? I'm really curious to see what happens after the ceremony."
"Chaos, I guess," you smiled. "We usually make chaos in real life, too."
"I like our own private chaos," Jisung admitted.
"Me too."
By the time Seungmin and Chan reached Minho and the others, you were asleep.
"We saw right that Chan hyung won, didn't we?" asked Jeongin, as he ceremoniously splashed another dose of water on Hyunjin to keep him from getting too warm. He was hot enough on his own.
Chan nodded. "I won."
Seungmin rolled his eyes.
"It was a clear win. Anyone who saw otherwise should buy new eyes," Hyunjin advised, winking at Jeongin.
"Your opinion doesn't matter," Seungmin huffed. "You see the world in pink."
Hyunjin pushed the Barbie-coloured sunglasses down the bridge of his nose. He hummed.
"Looks like it's not the sunglasses. I still see a sulking loser who underestimated a sexy twenty-six-year-old-"
Hyunjin splashed into the water so loudly that you woke up and looked around, lost as to what the hell had happened. A helicopter? Or were the aliens coming?
You had to realize that the situation was worse. Hyunjin rose from the water. With wet glasses and hair. Oh yeah, he didn't even want a drop of water in his hair, and now it was all hanging in a stringy blonde bun on the back of his head. It's unfortunate that he fell-
"You asshole..." the boy cursed lowly, frighteningly.
"What are you waiting for? Run!" shouted Jisung.
Seungmin turned and ran towards Changbin and Felix, who were chilling in the distance. The only chance he had, as far as you knew, was to reach them. Felix could calm down the enraged Hyunjin the easiest.
But considering that less than half an hour ago, Seungmin raced with might and main to defeat Chan, his strength was not yet fully recharged. In contrast, Hyunjin's every muscle was fuelled by anger and revenge. He threw himself after Seungmin like a bloodthirsty monster, lashing out at the water with fierce speed. The distance shortened with every movement.
Seungmin had little chance, and was soon losing it. Hyunjin grabbed him and dragged him under the water like a siren that had been sucking bones for days instead of chubby sailors. The waves crashed over their heads, and the water held secrets of what was happening between them.
Hyunjin came out first. He took out his hair scrunchie and shook his blond locks like a buckled golden retriever. As he walked to Changbin and Felix, he no longer looked stiff and tense. Seungmin just stuck his head out of the water. He looked like a sad puppy. When he emerged fully from the foam, he came crawling back to you, and he wasn’t in the mood for playful insults. He rubbed his hips and lowered his head. 
"It was... It was something," Chan said.
"It was an accident. I just wanted to shut him up," Seungmin muttered.
"I think that's what Hyunjin wanted too, but not with your hand," replied Minho. 
"He's in a kissing mood today, and he keeps talking about you. Probably even now," Jeongin added.
"I can imagine the things he says. What an asshole I am, and- Jisung, what are you doing?"
When Jisung pulled Seungmin closer to the mat, you noticed what he was rubbing on his hip. A reddened bite mark, clearly made by Hyunjin during their water fight.
"I'll give you a healing kiss," Jisung explained, and even though his back was turned to you, you knew how his eyes glittered because Seungmin's expression softened and he didn't fight back. So with eager caution, Jisung showered the bite mark with tiny kisses.
"When Sungie's done with you, you can have this place," you patted the float.
"Are you sure?" asked Seungmin.
"You need it more than I do." Though you weren't exactly sure whether you meant the mattress and the relaxing float without the swim or Jisung's hugs, you offered both to Seungmin anyway, to make him feel better.
Someone gently stroked your thigh. You looked down and Chan looked back at you uncertainly. "Are you really well enough?"
You nodded.
"I don't feel any pain at all anymore. And the new injured needs my place."
"Today seems to be one of those days, doesn't it?" Chan smiled faintly. "We’re unlucky."
"Definitely. Yesterday was a food-burning day, today is vulnerable. I wonder what tomorrow will be like."
"I've got a couple of tips," Minho rejoined the conversation.
"Of course, hyung." Jeongin drummed on the pillow part of the orphaned, single person mattress. "Except that every day is cat cuddling day."
Jisung had finished kissing and was laying his head on Seungmin's belly, the other stroking Jisung's hair.
"Aw, you're sweet... Our little sweeties" sighed Chan.
"Even you could get hurt, hyung," Seungmin said, still with no edge in his voice. "The older you get, the older your bones-"
"I suggest you don't finish that sentence if you don't want anyone else to bite you," Chan advised, and though he was still grinning with his dimples visible, his eyes were dull.
He found it hard to take it when Seungmin - or Jisung sometimes - called him old, and went out of his way to prove that in his mid-twenties he was not old at all.
Seungmin returned the smile, but his mouth remained closed. You switched places with him, and your toes sank back into the mud. Meanwhile, you saw Minho whispering something to Jeongin. You could read four words: maybe, Hyunjin, right and gilf. Although the last one didn't seem like a real word. You probably misunderstood.
"You're whipped," you shared your judgment with Chan, who still looked at Seungmin and Jisung.
He chuckled.
"Can you blame me?"
"No. I understand." You could imagine your heart beating to the same rhythm in that moment as an ancient sign of agreement. As if to test you, Chan pressed a kiss to your wrist.
"Are either of you going to get on the mattress, or are you just going to keep looking at each other from now on?" Jeongin asked.
"Climb on, baby!" you poked your head towards the mattress. "You deserve it. While I was sleeping sloppily, I thought I heard something about you winning a contest?"
"Yeah, I did. After all, my old bones aren't so old after all." He could not conceal his pride in the matter.
"Not at all. None of you are old. You're not old. Maybe after retirement. But then only maybe."
"Or I won't retire," Chan shrugged.
"Yeah, I expected that from you," you playfully nudged him with your shoulder. And he returned it.
"I'm starting to regret betting against you," Minho said as Chan sprawled out on the mat, and it was clear that he wasn't (just) going to the gym to stare at Changbin. "Your old bones are still pretty fit."              
"Thank you? I think?" Chan covered his eyes with his forearm to keep the sun out. The flexing of his biceps was an aesthetic delight. "What did you bet?"
"Cocktails," Minho replied. "I can't tell you any more, or there'll be no surprises."
"Surprise?" Jisung cocked his head, but Seungmin grumbled something and pulled him back. Maybe they kissed? Since no one was holding the twin matress anymore, they drifted away from you at a slow pace. You didn't have a good view of what was happening between them.
"Should I be scared?" asked Chan.
"If you don't like it, I'm not going to throw myself on you and bite your body to pieces," Minho reassured him. "I'll only do that if you want me to," he winked, his fingers stroking Chan's stomach muscles. "And there's not much room around here anyway..." Minho touched the outline of a bite mark. Chan's muscles tightened under his touch.
You leaned closer to examine the artifact. The skin did indeed bear teeth marks. In more than one place. You couldn't tell at a glance whose. Or if it was even a creation of one person.
"Poor, poor Chanie hyung," Minho shook his head. "Did the vampire come for your abs?"
"Um, er, let's get back to cocktails," Chan suggested. From the way he had his whole face tucked under his forearm, you guessed he'd like to be a turtle at this point.
"Cocktails, hmm?" Minho grinned. His thumb slipped under Chan's swim trunks and slowly caressed his hip. "If you're up for that, you can have sex on the beach with me."
"Only the cocktail." Chan replied neutrally. He was immune to most sexual overtures. He didn't collapse off the mattress like you almost did, or look like he was about to run out of the world at any moment like Jeongin. Nor did he fly off into the reeds like the duck that had been swimming nearby. He was good at hiding his embarrassment, especially with such forearm gifts.
However, if someone approached him with a cute flirty line, he become a fluttered mess.
"Are you sure you just want the cocktail? I saw a willow tree on the beach, wide enough to cover us if we-"
"Just a cocktail, hyung, nothing else," Jeongin said, and turned on his disapproving stare. He did almost as well as Hyunjin. Then he formed a funnel from his hand and exclaimed. "Will someone please save me from Minho hyung?"
Though he was obviously addressing your fellow boyfriends, some of the scattered bathers and fishermen of the lake snapped their heads to him. It's lucky Jeongin hadn't blurted out that Minho's sexual proposition had blown his mind. There were children swimming in the water with their families. Which reminded you of the Jisung-Seungmin duo and to catch them before they got too deep into, well, something on the mattress. And they were getting closer to the stones.
Minho already made his way towards them after acknowledging Jeongin's theatrical outburst with a cheerful titter. You didn't have to deal with that any longer, so you could calmly volunteer to protect Jeongin.
"I'll save you, Innie!"
"You're probably worse than him."
"Excuse me?" The other words caught in your throat in surprise.
You were used to being praised. You were nice because you helped with the cooking. You let Changbin hold your hand, unlike Hyunjin, and things like that. You were a good example. Until then, it seemed.
"You turned everyone on the beach against me. Remember?"
"I didn't have to turn," you defended yourself. "Everyone wanted you."
"I thought you were better than this." His accusatory words got to your heart and your hand clenched into a fist. What drama! And Jeongin has yet to deliver the coup de grace. "But you're just like them."
"Well... I couldn't hide it forever," you sighed dramatically, then threw a kiss at him.” Yes, the grandmother in me wants to squish your cheeks until they're red. And my cuteness aggression is like a giant monster..." You curled your fingers into claws and grinned as you moved towards him. "It's going to get bigger and bigger until I can quell the impulse by smooching all over your face!"
You threw yourself towards him,  causing Jeongin to cry out. He splashed water at you, then tried to run away, unfortunately you didn't want him to get away. You both ended up playing catch around Chan in the water until you got so close to the mattress that the poor guy fell off. Both of you stopped and watched anxiously as he emerged from the foam. 
You really hoped he hadn't washed his hair recently.
"Hyung, are you okay?"
"Did you get hurt?"
Chan shook his head like a dog. The mattress flipped upside down and floated beside him.
"You two..." he whispered. "Come here!" With that he splashed water in your direction, laughing as he chased after you.
You were running around in the water, water level varied according to the silt, so you didn't have to swim all the time, and there were no shell traps hidden in your path.  Still, Chan caught you both. He hunted you down separately. The boy rested up from the race and showed once again that he was far from grandfatherly. When he caught you, he swung your struggling bodies onto his shoulders and carried you back to the mattress, where he laid you side by side.
"Are you having a good time, by the way?" he asked, swimming to the side where your upper bodies hung off the mattress. You nodded vigorously, but Jeongin merely shrugged.
"It's alright."
"Not our best beach time," he explained. He didn't look bored, just listless. At that moment, you decided you wanted to see his happiest smile. 
Before sunset.
"It could still be the best," you told him. "What would you like? I'd love to take you to the buoy and everything."
The boy frowned. "What happens if your leg cramps up again?"
From the look on Chan's face, he shared Jeongin's concern. You've put their fears to rest.
"Then you'll be Rose and I'll be DiCaprio."
"No! I don't want you to be DiCaprio!" Jeongin made a rather desperate face. He practically begged you not to be DiCaprio. You took his hand and looked romantically into his eyes.
"You still love me, Innie?"
"Of course I love you, stupid." Jeongin patted you on the head, then grinned. "Otherwise, I wouldn't have groped you on the beach."
Jeongin spoke proudly of the groping. Even if you had explained to Hyunjin that there were cracks in the boy's image of innocence, he would not have believed you. Jeongin hid it with precision if he wanted to.
"I'll give Innie a lift. I think I need to cool him down," Chan decided. "Are you coming with us?"
You shook your head.
"I don't think I'm swimming anymore today." The mention of the cramp and its possible return put you off. On the other hand, you had to strategize how to cheer Jeongin up.
The two headed for the buoy, and you craned your neck to see if either side of the two-person mattress was free. You couldn't see it, but Changbin waved in your direction. You waved back and headed that way.
"My love!" he greeted excitedly, wrapping you in his arms. You didn't resist even a little. "We haven't seen each other since we came in. Will you let me push you?"
"Just what I needed, someone to push me."
"In that case, we're perfect for each other."
If you were Chan, you would have thrown yourself into the water in embarrassment or giggled. You were only almost Chan, so you were simply mentally kicking your feet, and you wanted to cover up the fact of your own embarrassment with Changbin's, so you grabbed his face and pressed a tiny kiss to his lips.
You climbed up onto the mattress. Now that you were alone, you were completely stretched out. Then you took the lay of the land. Not far from you, a bald man was swimming. There was a zoo of mats in the direction of the man's progress: crocodile, dolphin, unicorn, penguin. To the right of the zoo, you spotted two familiar blondes with a donut float, and Jisung and Seungmin, who seemed intent on throwing Minho into the water.
You closed your eyes and enjoyed Changbin's generosity in the gently rippling water. The next time you opened them was when a wet body crawled onto the mattress beside you. He dripped down your shoulders and arms as he positioned himself and took your hand. He smelled of lake water, sunscreen and tropical deodorant.
"I thought you were Minho."
"If I were Minho, I wouldn't have reached for your hand," Felix replied. You smiled at that, and you couldn’t argue with this statement.
You stroked the back of his hand. Felix's hand felt tiny in yours. It was almost lost, so you were glad to find it with every flick of your fingertip.
Intimately, you were lost in each other's gaze. There was some kissing on the doorstep, no doubt about it. In truth, it's a miracle you've come this far and haven't seen anyone making out, or found yourself in the middle of a make-out session. You couldn't be sure about Jisung and Seungmin when they were on the mattress, and you didn't want to ask Minho what he saw. You wouldn't get rid of his references for at least a week.
"Minho is here now," Felix reported.
"Nice ass," Minho hummed, and gave Felix another slap.
"'Hi to you, too,” you greeted him with a playful sneer.
The moment was not broken, just merely transformed. It was an interesting trump card of your relationship: you couldn't spoil each other's moments, only transform them or make them more complete.
"What fun are you doing?"
"Well, I think we were about to kiss before you grabbed Felix's heavenly half-globe..."
Felix's nicely arched eyebrows furrowed.
"My heavenly what?"
"You heard me right," you countered.
"I just want to hear it from your lips one more time."
"Maybe after you kiss me."
"Yeah?" Felix grinned wryly.
Before Felix could kiss you, however, you spied around the mattress. No families with small children or curious entities anywhere. Great. It was impossible to kiss Felix briefly, and it was reassuring to know that no one would witness you getting lost in his mouth and seeing the afterlife in a flash. Except, of course, for Minho, who watched with interest from behind Felix and leaned in closer to see everything, and Changbin, who was leaning against the end of the mattress, no longer pacing but watching you.
"What is it? Do you want someone else too?" Felix stroked your cheek.
"Binnie seems very devoted..."
He looked like he would let the whole world burn down just to be part of this moment.
"Don't worry about him now. He's had more kisses than he can count." Felix's fingertip brushed your bottom lip. "How many did you?" 
"In the water or out of it?"
"Not much, then. I'll fix the problem right away. Just relax," he murmured against your skin, and as eager as you were to relax, you only got more and more agitated. Your condition wasn't helped by the fact that you had a view of Minho's burning stare over Felix's shoulder and wet hair. By the time Felix took your bottom lip between his teeth, you were wriggling like an egg about to hatch. When he let go and licked slowly over your lips, and his palm sliding over your chest, it was over. You ran out of patience and grabbed his hair, pulling him closer. Your tongues clashed, your teeth clacked, and you didn't want to stop. How could you when Felix's hand was gripping your hip, moaning higher and lower against your mouth? It just wasn't enough in any way.
Suddenly, you reached over him and sat on him holding onto his shoulder. You started to lean towards the water, then, just then, you broke away from his mouth. Minho was in a good position, propping you up with his chest to keep you from falling off the mattress into the water, which was guaranteed not to be as warm as your passion for kissing Felix.
"Congratulations, darling," Minho murmured, wiping a little drool from the edge of your mouth. "You have won the award for the most desperate kisser of the day.
"I thought you weren't going to stop," noted Jisung, who was leaning against the other side of the mattress, his torso wrapped around the delicious doughnut-patterned floating mat. You didn't notice when he arrived. Of course, kissing Felix, you wouldn't have noticed if it had rained, or a meteor had hit, or even if you'd got old.
Felix laughed at Jisung's comment. Underneath you, nicely falling apart. His hand was still on your ass, panting. You reminded yourself of the owners of the unicorn floaties and the fishermen uncles. You needed to calm yourself down before you did something unwise. There was no grass nearby to touch. Water remained the only option available
You slipped out of Minho's arms and splashed backwards, holding your nose. The cool, sweet waves washed over your body, but didn't clear your thoughts.
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stay taglist :: 💕@lemonn015
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behindthesoul · 10 months
Your MK men as parents headcanons are very interesting. Would you write other MK men as parents? Especially I want to read Rain and Havik!
MK Men as Parents pt2
Masterlist || Part One
Characters: Rain, Havik, Quan Chi, Kenshi
Note: Combined a couple of requests into one. Also, sorry this one took forever to come out!
Probably one of the more normal parents.
He’s a lot more chill compared to himself in other timelines. I can see him being a proud parent to one or two children. Maybe twins?
Teaches his kids to be a better mage than he is. He tries to make his lessons as fun as he possibly can.
Though, he can become frustrated if they aren't taking their teachings seriously. If something were to happen, they need to learn how to defend themselves.
In some MK1 intros you can tell Mileena (understandably) has a lot of distaste for Rain. So much that she wants his mother banished.
I can imagine his children are involved in this banishment which irritates him. His family, especially his innocent children, do not deserve to be punished for his actions.
The main driving force behind Rain’s mission to atone for his actions is his children. He wants to show that if you make a mistake, you should try to make things right. He also wants to be a man his children can be proud of.
A pretty hands off parent.
I can’t imagine him ever having a complete grasp on this parenting thing.
Just has one kid and refuses to have more.
His kid just kind of does whatever and Havik doesn’t care. Just as long as they don’t make a mess he has to clean up.
Has the “world’s your oyster” mentality.
This behavior is boosted to 100% after his burns. He embraces the chaos, and what’s more chaotic than having a kid?
Havik and his kid are public menaces, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
He’s less of a parent and more of a cool older friend.
Don’t come to him for emotional support or other things like that. Having to actually parent his kid makes him feel tied down.
If his kid wants too much from him he’ll somewhat drift away.
You’ll have to hope their other parent is in the picture.
Quan Chi
Totally the parent who somehow knows their kid’s every move.
He knows when their kid has done something they shouldn’t so there’s never any use in lying to him. He just has this look on his face and his kid knows they’re in trouble.
Excuse my only child self for HCing every character as being a single parent but Quan Chi definitely only has enough energy for one kid.
He feels guilty for bringing a child into the world when he can barely take care of himself. Spending hours and hours in the mines, Quan Chi is exhausted by the time he sees his kid.
All his child knows is a dad who always looks tired and dejected.
That is, until he gets an opportunity to live a better life. A place to sleep, clothes that aren’t tattered, and fresh food - all necessities that his child now gets to experience.
Whenever his child asks how he was able to provide their new life, he just smiles and gives a cryptic answer.
His child was kept hidden. Kenshi thought it best to keep his child away from the whole Earthrealm-Outworld war.
None of his allies knew he was a father til the day they were all thrown in jail with Baraka. Thinking it was his last day on earth, he let the secret spill. Kenshi told everyone all about his child.
He mourned the fact he’d probably never see his child again. Of course, he did; after he helped defeat Titan Shang Tsung.
Kenshi was very nervous to meet his child again. What if they don’t react well to his blindness? Johnny pulls him out of his negative thinking. If your kid is as kind as they say you are, then why would they have a bad reaction?
It eases him a bit, but he’s still a little nervous. He feels like a fool for having those thoughts when his child runs to him, screaming his name. The last few weeks of fighting for Earthrealm was all worth it for them.
His child is a bit confused when they see the mask over his eyes.
“You can’t see me!” They say with a frown.
Sento glows, and Kenshi suddenly sees all the details of his child’s face. He smiles, assuring them.
“Yes I can.”
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odditycircus-2002 · 3 months
Mortal Kombat 1 Intros Part IV
A/N: I'm a fan of The Boys and have been watching the newest episodes of season 4. Of course, I love to hate Homelander, and it's satisfying to watch fatalities performed on him in Mortal Kombat 1 after watching him perform heinous crap. This led me to watch his intros and then other Mortal Kombat character intros, and inspiration hit! So I hope y'all like this.😁
Oh! And for those of you that are new, the reader here is a Gorgon, meaning snake hair and wears a mask since they can turn people into stone. They also happen to be an Imperial Healer with a bit of a dark side. Hope that helps!😁
Batch I
Batch II
Batch III
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Y/N: You are not a god. You’re simply, bad product.
Homelander: You’ll be praying to me for mercy soon enough.
Y/N: Why should I give you respect when it’ll only go to the bottomless gaping pit of insecurity you call a soul?
Homelander shivers sarcastically: Should I be intimidated by you?
Y/N thoughtfully: Perhaps a virus is in order...
Homelander scoffs: A God is above something so insignificant to him.
Homelander: What's with the ridiculous mask? Are you trying to cosplay as some D-List Supe?
Y/N: Why don't you take it off and find out?
Homelander: Pray to all the “gods” you want, you won’t survive against me.
Y/N: Why assume that I pray to any of them?
Homelander incredulously: You actually want to fuck that disgusting freak?!
Y/N with snakes out ready to bite: Unlike you, Baraka doessssn't fill me with revulsion at the sight of him!
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Y/N: One look and this should be over, fast.
Omni-Man: I'll break your neck before you can even get a peek at me.
Y/N: Having been betrayed by a cccccharlatan lover before, I know your wife would want you dead.
Omni-Man angrily: You're not her, so your point means nothing.
Y/N cautiously: Your medicine could treat Tarkat?
Omni-Man: If you comply and pledge your allegiance to the Empire, all your patients may receive Viltrum care.
Omni-Man: You have stupidly condemned your patients to death!
Y/N: I would rather have my heart ripped out than be fooled twiccccce by a charlatan!
Omni-Man: Think it over; what will you have serving a diseased ruler and others with her plague for 500 years?
Y/N: I will have no regrets pursuing my lifelong dream.
Omni-Man: I'll rip your damn head off in under a minute.
Y/N ominously: Rest assured, this fight will be a real Scourge.
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Y/N: Are you aware that Madam Bo's special tea is local around my canton?
Raiden: How in the world did she acquire it then?
Y/N: I would’ve paid all the koins in Outworld to have seen you absolutely humiliate Shao.
Raiden: I sense you and him never got along.
Y/N: I can confidently say that you’re healing up nicely since we fought the Dragon Army.
Raiden: I’m not sure I would’ve survived without your medical care.
Raiden: It must be hard being The Colony's lead Healer.
Y/N: Everyone who dies under my care is a blow to my soul.
Raiden: Why is there a statue of Kung Lao in the Wu Shi’s Courtyard?
Y/N shrugs: Kung Lao mentioned how he always wanted a statue of himself.
Raiden: You’re very different from how your Titan self acts.
Y/N shivers in disgust: I should thank Liu Kang for not having me predestined for Shang Tsung.
Raiden: You only have yourself to blame for missing your chance with Y/N.
Shang Tsung chuckles: You say that as if I don’t still have a chance to win them back.
Kung Lao
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Y/N: So far, I don’t see any signs of Tarkat but there’s still a chance you could spread it without apparent symptoms.
Kung Lao: You are not putting my mind at ease, at all.
Y/N: You’re inviting me? I don’t even know if I’m able to stomach regular food anymore.
Kung Lao: It would be a crime if you didn’t get to try Madam Bo’s cooking at least once!
Y/N: How did you not loose any fingers when you first made that hat???
Kung Lao smugly: Through much practice and much skill
Kung Lao: I beaten you in our last fight, so what will change here?
Y/N mischievously: This time, I’m not holding back.
Kung Lao: Can you believe that the Wu Shi have a trap dungeon?
Y/N hisses in amusement: Who knew the Shaolin were so diabolical?
Kung Lao: You and Baraka aren’t a couple???
Y/N sighs wistfully: How I wish that to be true…
Baraka: I don’t always understand what Y/N sees in me.
Kung Lao: You definitely have something more than Shang Tsung.
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Y/N: I am sorry I couldn't have saved your sight.
Kenshi: You did the best anyone could in that situation.
Y/N: What is it like using Sento to see?
Kenshi: It’s like when you stare at a flame and look away, you see the light of the flame even though it’s gone.
Y/N: According to Earthrealm myths, the closest to describing my current form is a “Gorgon”.
Kenshi: Perhaps that’s because there have been other gorgons before.
Kenshi: I don’t know Y/N, that seems a bit excessive even by the Yakuza’s standards.
Y/N: You and Kitana think a bit of food tampering is too much.
Kenshi in surprise: You and Shang Tsung weren’t just lab partners?
Y/N angrily: I was a fool to fall for his charmssss in the first place!
Kenshi: Given how you both act around one another, I'm surprised you and Baraka aren't together.
Y/N: I'm grateful to have him in my life.
Kenshi: The Colony is fortunate to have you and Y/N.
Baraka: I thank Deliah every day for sending them my way.
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azurlily · 1 year
Hange zoe DATING headcannons (your choice on sfw or nsfw or both if you’d like!) -🐢
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Dating Hange Zoe would be like:
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Hange is a scientist, so of course they need to gather research on you before "jumping to conclusions".
She'll watch you when out on missions just in case a titan gets a bit too close. Cant have her lover getting hurt, right?
Depending on wether you are a cadet or not, she will either show too much or little amounts to PDA.
If you are a cadet(18 OR OVER), well she'll keep your relationship a secret until she feels comfortable. If not, be prepared they love to show you off.
Hange keeps you close in a secret fear of never seeing you again. What if you're out on a mission and DIE? They wouldn't be able to bear it.
Hange sometimes uses their rank to get you things. Extra food, water, anything she can find.
Will start thinking about you when they are pulling an all nighter and cant stop. They wonder where you are, if you're asleep, if you're awake... if you're cheating on them
Hange is very self conscious about herself. She thinks that she isn't good enough sometimes and doesn't know what to do.
You, of course squash these thoughts by kissing her and showing her you love her. You show her how important she is to you.
Hanges kisses are gentle and sweet. She can get a little overwhelming due to the fact that shes just so happy to see you.
Dont ever let her sweet demeanor fool you though. They could very easily hurt someone or something if mad enough.
Example: Levi had made a comment about you being unprofessional because he believes your relationship(all relationships not just the gay ones) should be kept private. He berated you and told you to this is the military your could die any day.
You told Hange, and by the gods. You have never seen her so mad. They told you it was okay, and that they would "talk" to Levi.
The talking that she did ended up in her blowing up about how rude it was and how Levi wouldn't understand because his lover is dead. She slapped Levi and told him, "When you understand how afraid I am for her safety, you can talk about relationships."
You never thought she'd get mad enough to mention them(no real lover I'm just using this). Levi didn't say anything, he should have, but he didn't. Hange is the commander now, Hange is in control.
When Hange came back to you she promised it was handled nicely and neatly.
You never had a problem with anyone talking about your relationship ever again.
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Hard, fast, rough. Maybe a bit sweet.(not maybe definitely) Hange gets quite needy after overworking and needs some help. You'll help her right?
They like being in control. With losing everyone and becoming commander she needs a form of stress relief.
They like when you call them daddy, seeing as they feel more masculine in bed. The first time you called them daddy. Well, your thighs hurt with how good she fucked you.
They love to eat you out. She prefers you not eat her, but if you convince her to let you. You'll have them wrapped tight around your finger.
She eat you for hours, she loves when you cry, and whine, and beg. She loves hearing you please for mercy while you both know she ain't giving you none.
"Aww, yes, I know it hurts. I know, but you'll take it, you'll take me. Now open those pretty thighs up again, I wasn't done."
Dont try bratting with them, it only makes things worse for you. They are the definition of fuck around and find out in bed. The madder she is the rougher she gets.
If you're sweet though, she'll treat you like the pretty little slut you are. She'll tell you, you're a good little slut and fuck you till you're both numb.
She has high stamina during the day. Why wouldn't she at night too?
"Fuckk, such a dumb little slut. You sure know how to eat me out. Maybe I'll reward you if you're good. You wanna be a good slut for me?
Dont worry she'll reward you, she melts when you eat her. Dont let her try and fool you.
As you can see she has a praise and degradation kink. They'll bully you in bed, make you cry(tears of pleasure), while fucking you so hard it should hurt.
Then again, you are her slut. So why does it matter if it hurts, you're here to feel good, to be overstimulated til you can't move, much less talk.
Aftercare is something out of this world. She'll bring you food, water, and will help you clean up.
She constantly reassures you she isn't mad, that she loves you, that you're hers. Shes so gentle with you.
She'll help you fall asleep and lay there for a while playing with your hair/drawing shapes on your skin with her hand.
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Hii 🐢! I'm so glad someone has put in a request. It's not the best hit I'm working on my writing skills! I use a mixture of she/they for Hange seeing as I dont know if they are nonbinary or if that's a rumor. Anyway thank you for reading!
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danwhobrowses · 6 months
So a thing happened on Critical Role this week (campaign 3 ep 91), we're gonna talk about it - a long talk - so if you haven't been caught up and don't wanna be spoiled don't keep reading okay?
One of the disadvantages of being in a different time zone is that after fretting all morning, going to work, thinking 'it's 7am maybe it's done now' I had to sit in my office for a stressful final half hour murmuring don't do this don't fucking do this don't you dare fucking do this!
I already was worried for everyone given the cliffhanger last episode, and the 5 hour length made me further worried as players kept being knocked down by Otohan Thull - already frightening in base form but now with an even higher AC and empowered. Then Sam Riegel had to do what he does best, a devastating sacrifice where FCG blows himself up to take down Otohan - Ludinus' No. 2, harrowed for being proficient in slaughter, defeated by no assassin or warrior but a cleric saving their friends. We've been well past 'get off the moon' hours with this one, but now there is an impact on every one of the Hells to think about, which is what this will be about.
FCG Though he is dead there is still stuff to talk about with FCG's death. A common debate right now is the potential of the Reincarnate spell; while the wording of the death implies that FCG's current body is irreparable there is a chance that a 5th Level Druid Spell can fashion him a new body, one of flesh, bone and tongue. The body itself needs to be dead for less than 10 days so there is wiggle room to gain the necessary components too if the top brass of Exandria turn it into a fetch quest. There is argument on both sides though; if FCG comes back does it undermine his sacrifice? Perhaps, but there's no incentive for the Hells to not try. Reincarnation hasn't quite happened in Critical Role yet - Since Molly/Lucien/Kingsley was kinda different, he kinda had the opposite, different mind same body - so it'd be a refreshing new option and also a way to redesign FCG without having to create a whole new cleric (because they definitely need a cleric) with a whole new skillset that the Hells will need to warm towards before the final battle. But at the same time, the soul has to be willing. FCG was content with his sacrifice, and in the arms of the Changebringer would he go back? I'd like to hope so if it's an option, it'd also entertain a whole new character arc for him as a 'real boy' - plus Matt and Sam don't have to fully abide to the D100 rule of what race he turns into. Of course, I like this angle more than needing a new character, because I like happy endings and it makes narrative sense that the Hells would claw and bite to pull him from that sweet goodnight. It would also validate a reason for the Hells to align with the gods, because if divine favour comes into play and the Gods decide against helping Bell's Hells' greatest advocate for saving them then they are foolishly and callously forsaking key players to their survival, FCG reincarnating with the help of the Gods would play a big part in the Hells standing with them rather than losing faith in them, and even with friction between the Titans & Temults and the Gods from the past they would have a common enemy. Still living or dying can have varying effects on the other characters.
Ashton From the moment Ashton met FCG they wanted to make sure this little bot would be okay, that they'd learn to value their life and be able to thrive. While part of that did happen, Ashton is likely going to feel like nothing's changed since Bassuras; knocked out by Otohan and when awakened a friend is dead, another person they couldn't protect.
Before the shard, I think Ashton would very easily fly off the handle, in their anger they'd blame everything including themselves and maybe even consider leaving themselves, it probably have made them more self-destructive too. Now though I'm not so sure, nobody would hold it against them to waver a little on their promise to take care of themselves in a burst of grief, this was after all their best friend someone they looked after like a little brother, and while I can see Ashton quietly and angrily grieving I can also see Ashton double down on trying to keep their promise, making sure that FCG didn't go out like a martyr and that it won't be in vain. FCG reincarnating would assist in Ashton's character drive too, since I feel like they would detest any replacement cleric because it's not FCG, they may also be less abrasive towards the gods if they came through for them and proved that they care - at least to the Changebringer, think they'd still throw copper at the Dawnfather given the whole Angel incident.
Imogen As the nominated leader of Bell's Hells, many will probably look to Imogen Temult for action, the problem is she has her own mother issues to deal with too - and I'm not entirely sold that Liliana has fully made a turn just yet, only that she won't hand over the Hells to Ludinus. FCG's death is gonna produce a lot of guilt from Imogen though, she was detesting the fact that she had to play dead at 1HP while Otohan cut down her friends again, she will likely blame her inaction which in turn may push her to be more aggressive in combat.
At the same time, I can see her being one of the more gung ho characters to push towards the Reincarnate option, perhaps even going as far as to accost or lambast anyone regardless of alliances or rank who she feels isn't as committed. Imogen has been in the position of loss before, and knowing that FCG had a connection with FRIDA she would likely compel herself to fix it rather than have to deliver the bad news. Regardless of whether he reincarnates though I feel like Imogen may look towards some more defensive spells, and maybe through Liliana try to tap into the powers of an Exalted to try and match the power she saw from Otohan, a risky endeavour for sure but FCG took an even greater risk for them.
Orym Orym is probably the toughest of the Hells to read when it comes to FCG's death. There will of course be a deep sadness at the loss of a friend, but I would also sense a...not bitterness but discontent that this is how it went down. Otohan killed his family, he kept fighting her until he could no longer stand because that's what they would've done, and now she's dead but it doesn't make it better, he wasn't the one to do it, he didn't even see it, and the one who did is gone with her. When Bor'dor was killed, Orym coldly reminded himself that 'we're at war', but I don't think he can justify that way with FCG, the loss was greater than the catharsis.
The death also has to turn attention to his deal with Nanna Mori. Many have pointed out that there is a lot of technicalities that may prolong, void or complete the deal; it was never specified how many times the Hells could return from the moon to continue the deal, but at the same time they did technically return from the moon to Exandria safe and sound via the Secret Backdoor. Still, Mori is his best friend's grandmother, there could be leeway on that matter too and even if he does have to commit to the deal (which I call 'Fatekeeper Orym') it's never been explicitly said that Orym needs to constantly attend to Mori in the Feywild, only that he has to be her caretaker and answer her beck and call. However, FCG's death will likely provide a sobering thought that his deal with Mori was perhaps voided, unless there is one more thread he can have her pull. When it comes to seeking options to bring a friend back, I would keep a close eye on Orym - it's not the first time Liam's resolved himself to be damned before.
Fearne Fearne will likely be a linchpin if the Hells seek out Reincarnate. The spell is exclusive to Druids and if Keyleth isn't on hand to do it the task and pressure will fall to her. It'll be interesting how she reacts, I don't wanna say she'll be the most positive of it because she'll certainly be upset, but I can see her being optimistic even if it's to also convince herself, the one who is most encouraging to find a way. As a shipper I of course want her to be the one who comforts and gets through to Ashton while they grieve but if she also is key to his reincarnation that also adds to their slow-burn. Outside of that, FCG's death may also lead into learning about Mori's deal with Orym, which will probably anger her that Orym kept it from her, there is also the fact that having FCG's life in her hands may bring back bad memories of Bassuras and Whitestone. One must also especially worry about her Asmodeus calling card, the Prince of Lies does nothing for free and I still feel like Klask was planted in her path by Asmodeus' (and maybe even Athion's) titan-seeking design.
If FCG does reincarnate though, I could see her friendship with FCG being even greater than it was, since they'll both feel a greater zeal for life - it may also make her feel further distant from her Evil vision, since she will have saved half her friends rather than risked killing them. If not though, Fearne may have to play mediator for the new cleric and may also be pushed towards freeing up more slots for healing to provide more support for the Hells in future battles.
Chetney It's gonna be an interesting one for Chetney too, from one perspective you could see him thinking that FCG traded their life for his; he died, he made peace with that, but then the one who revived him died. Chetney's more personal mindset has often been cloaked in secrecy, perhaps as one of the least open of the Hells despite many claiming him as the Heart of the group, so I wonder if Chetney may harbour some Survivor's Guilt for what happened.
I can see Chetney being the one to keep his emotions close to his chest, even if FCG were to reincarnate he would perhaps try to shrug off that he always knew it'd happen anyway. That being said someone who remains stoic and unwavering may prove a positive or a negative to the group, depending on the person or their interpretation of it. If a new cleric comes along though I could see him being additionally protective of them, having been the new guy before.
Laudna We should all be worried for Laudna right now. The recent 4SD already revealed that Laudna's 'close to the brink' and I'm pretty sure this is the brink. The aftermath of the Otohan fight will likely push each of the Hells to get stronger, since had they hit harder or been able to take stronger blows it wouldn't have come to this, but that will mean bad things when it comes to Laudna, as she may seek to gain power the only way she thinks she can - through Delilah. After all her last two levels went to Sorcery and did little in the fight, whereas her Warlock class Eldritch Blasts hurt Otohan fairly decently, such a thing can linger in the mind for Delilah to manipulate.
It'll be telling if they do try to Reincarnate him whether the damage will have been done already to Laudna, and that the joy of bringing him back turns to tragedy of Laudna losing herself further, as it often does it will fall to how she leans on Imogen, and how open about it she'll be to her. If FCG is lost however, we may have to keep a very close eye on Laudna being next.
Bell's Hells As I mentioned with Laudna, FCG's death will have made something apparent and clear; despite everything Bell's Hells need to get stronger. Even at Lv13, even with Exalted powers, Fey bargains and Titan shards they still just barely escaped a TPK, and granted they were weakened and worn out but no fight is guaranteed to ever be fought at 100%. Otohan may've been the toughest General of the Vanguard but the other Generals - the Weavemind, Zathuda and the Dominon of Cruft Commander - are still not ones to take lightly, Ludinus is still not one to take lightly, and if Liliana is going to be used by him to become a vessel for Predathos, that cannot be taken lightly. Bell's Hells may need to look towards enhancing their stats as well as their equipment, the harness is still a factor too which can boost them all with enough enchanted items at their disposal. An interesting one would be if Otohan's backpack ends up in one of the Hells' hands; many beforehand have talked about Orym being an Echo Knight but I would personally like to see Ashton take it, since it is powered by the Potion of Possibility like their own Dunamancy powers, it's possible (eheh) that they may align in some manner and could you imagine Ashton + 3 Echoes all raging to get All 4 Dunamancies? Otohan's swords may also provide unique properties for Chetney and/or Orym to use. Reincarnation or not I feel like that may be the Hells' next plan once it's discussed whether to attempt Reincarnation and they're off of Ruidus, gathering allies will likely also be something to prepare for for the final battle given how Otohan stated that they have 'enough Ruidusborns' for their plan. As a group it is difficult to tell if this will strengthen or weaken them, it could strengthen them in a 'never again' way like the Nein, but they were also very enthusiastic about bringing Molly back - it drove them through several arcs - FCG however often was the Hells' beacon of hope and the self-imposed attempted therapist, without that the Hells will either have to put it upon themselves to go the extra lengths or they'll close further in on themselves. If FCG does reincarnate I feel like it would definitely strengthen them mentally but if not I am not so sure.
It shouldn't come to a surprise that I will hold onto the Reincarnate potential so that the Hells can get back their friend, but rest assured I'm worried for all of them right now, there are crossroads ahead.
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moonspirit · 26 days
After seeing the art just before Annie turns to a Female Titan in S1, I began now pondering.. how would that all have played out if Armin was the only one there for the mission? No Eren nor Mikasa when he'd need to bring her downstairs, just Her and Him. Would be quite heart-breaking, so I wanted to hear your thoughts on it! If not, then Papamin is also a treat to listen to!
Hi anon!
Ooohhhh interesting thought!
Tbh at least half of the tension in the basement scene imo was due to the number of people present there; Mikasa, Eren, and other hidden soldiers. The other half was of course, from the heightening sense of an incoming betrayal and the impact of that on Armin and Annie there.
Taking the former out of the equation and replacing it then with... Nobody else present in that scene except for Armin and Annie... I really wonder how it would've turned out. Because see, while it's easy to see why Annie got one look at the basement (her trap) and went into immediate self-protection mode, I can't say that I see Armin acting the very same way as in canon, if he was all alone.
I think he'd have tried to talk to her more.
Maybe he's tasked with the mission of luring Annie to the basement all alone. Maybe he's told nobody else can do it except him. Maybe he's told to be quick and smart about it, putting his emotional proclivities on hold.
Except... How does he do that, after the abysmal look on her face when she sees the darkness of the basement yawning big and wide at her?
At this point... Both know. Both know the other knows, and they're desperately trying to convince themselves otherwise because it hurts too much. That Armin, this sweet kind boy, always so good to her, who even called her nice, used her soft spot for him against her. That Annie, who was never cruel or mocking and even liked his rambling talk about oceans and dreams, killed so many of his superiors and tried to kidnap his best friend. The hurt hangs in the air between them, thick, opaque and suffocating.
Still. Even as Annie thumbs her ring, dangerously close to flicking it to draw blood, Armin tries to talk.
He begs, he pleads, he threatens, he accuses... and he begs again. For her to explain, for him to understand, for him to find one reason, any reason, that he can use to thwart her capture and then defend her from her pre-determined fate. The Commander would understand if he explained how Annie can be their ally! Just like Eren... Right? So please, Annie, say something!!!
Except, she doesn't. She only gives him stony silence instead, lips trembling, eyes damp and glistening, clenching and unclenching her jaws and fists to keep from crying. Because Annie can't tell him. She can't. He wouldn't understand, and if for some reason, he did, then he'd hate her. He probably already hates her and this is just another limb of his kindness because she's so pathetic he can't help but show her some of it. And then he'd capture her anyway. No, no, no. She can't say a word.
She just wants to go home.
In a final moment of desperation, Armin lunges forward to encapsulate her in a pleading hand-hold, perhaps a hug, if it so turns out, but then a flare fires from somewhere. Soldiers swoop down, making her gagged and bound.
The last thing Armin sees in his horrified eyes is Annie's tears as she's tugged away from him, her arms outstretched as tho pleading for his touch.
And then...
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dairy-farmer · 8 months
You know the Troupe "trapped in your heart's desire"? The Bats totally can recognize THAT on sight. Have protocol and everything. Bet there's No WAY they'd get caught.
Or IS there~? >:3c
Hatters caught some Supernatural Being, in a long abandoned Manor, in the outskirts of Gotham. It's an Alice in wonderland fever dream. Complete nightmare of a family team up. People sent through walls, weird mists and mysterious goos. Nothing good can come of this.
But they got people to save.
Save them, they do.
The Being is so Grateful~☆. Tim is outside talking to the cops. Warning them of the hazards they found. The Being? Couldn't HELP? But noootice~♡? That their Heros look so very TIRED! So TENSE and UPSET! Heeeere *covers them with something glowing before they can react* that should fix iiiit~♡ ;) ! *poofs away*
They are understandablely alarmed.
God damn it, Magic. Yes, the very concept of it and all the creatures there-in. Get out of their city. They head home. Decontamination showers for DAYS. Everybody gonna get one. Better call Zatana.
Thing is? That shower sure is warm, huh? Those clean clothes sure are COMFY, huh? They don't notice they are drifting off. Getting sleepy. Except Tim.
He notices.
Oh shit. The fall asleep. OH SHIT. Bruce was TYPING. Mid fuckin sentence! PANIC! They turn into gemstones. WHAT MAGICAL FUCKERY-!?
It's about to be a long, loooong few days for JLA Dark. Tim did NOT go on a one man crusade across the planet just to lose his whole ass family to SOME ACTUAL FAIRY'S BULLSHIT. D:<
But this is not ABOUT his side of the story! Is it?
Let's start with Bruce. The sleepy feeling passes. Of course. He has excellent self-discipline. His kids wander upstairs, after patrol exhaustion pulling them away. All... all except Tim.
Who is worried.
Who paces behind him, making calls. Checking databases. Running tests. Exhaustion pulling at every line of him. But not willing to risk it. Bruce hates that he finds such... closeness in this. In the chaos of things gone wrong.
It's like how they were back then. Just another crisis to solve.
The results come in.
He does not let himself be disappointed. This is a GOOD thing. A simple trick. Just a light show. They're fine. Which means...
But behind him? Tim doesn't leave as expected. He mutters in relief, sags in exhaustion, and wanders closer.
Bruce glances up. Perhaps it the exhaustion. He wishes it wasn't. That he hadn't made such a mess of things. That there wasn't such DISTANCE. But... he'll take what chance he can. Anything to mend some of the damage between them.
And Tim DOES look exhausted. Like he's barely standing. It's far worse then when he last saw him a few days ago. Should he say something? Is it overstepping? There was a time when it wouldn't have been.
Tim leans over his shoulder, braced on his chair, to get a better look at the results. Or at least.. he pretends too. His eyes aren't tracking. They stare blankly at the screen as he seems to consider something.
He takes the mouse. To all appearances, casual, as he flips through Bruce's scan report.
Looking for something.
He slumps closer, when he doesn't find it. His hand "accidentally" running over the anti-krptonian sound generator, turning it on. Half drapped across Bruces back, mouth next to his ear.
"You're The Only One I Can Trust..."
We turn now, to Dick. What fantasy does HIS heart hold?
They are tired. Bruce, testing and testing. Being unreasonable. He calls several of his magical contacts from his time at the Titans. It's a genuine, no joke, blessing he's told. "Clarity" he's told in far more words then necessary.
Jason has already stormed off. Damian is starting to snipe. And Tim? Looks ready to cry. At the end of his rope. Frazzled and afraid, certain someone's gonna die. Unable to find anything no matter how many tests he runs because there nothing TO find.
This time... this time Dick can do better. He breaks it up. Sends Damian to bed and tells Bruce he can run whatever tests he damn well wants. Dick already called the experts. They're FINE.
He makes sure to look Tim direct in the eyes when he says the next bit. They're gonna be okay.
He pulls his little brother into a hug. Like he should have done a long time ago. Timmy MELTS against him. Clings like he's a lifeline. He drags him off to bed. His room, since Tim doesn't seem like he wants to let go any time soon.
And Tim? In the dark of his room? Whispers like he's at some sort of confessional.
"I can't do it anymore, Dick. I just CANT. I think... I think I'm going to retire..."
Of course, not every situation flows so seemingly seamless. Jason? Suspects.
He argues with himself, torn between wanting to believe and the paranoia born of being a Bat. Of nice things holding terrible prices. Watches little Red gesture with his slice of pizza, as he rants, about Dickhead being exactly what his name suggests and the family following suit.
Timbers, in his safe house? With pizza and that fancy new drink, that he hasn't told anyone he likes yet? In tight, tight jeans. Agreeing with him. Sitting all close, leaning into him when he talks. Asking about his projects.
It feels like a trap. Too good to be real. He should probably-..!
And that's when Tim kisses him. Just crawls straight into his lap, tasting like pizza and wet dreams, and plants one on him. His brain cuts out.
It starts MELTING, when the body in his lap starts to grind. Rocking perfect, strong, little hips against his cock. Timberts won't be getting his jeans back. They got in the way and take to long to remove. If he doesn't get half his hand inside the tight little body onto of him YESTERDAY, he's gonna cry.
It's his new mission in life to make this fucker forget his own NAME. Fuck him stupid. Turn the safe house into a biohazard. God he tastes so good...
And Damian, of course, suspects nothing. His dick is driving the show and he WANTS to believe. Which is why Timothy Drake, sudden and inexplicable Sexy Supervillian in tight black leather. Makes PERFECT sense.
They are Nemesis.
There are elaborate sexy bondage-esc traps. And tables being turned. Individuals being forced to kneel at each other's feet. Handcuffs. Bitter but DEEPLY sexy acknowledgements of Damian's skill and superiority. Costume changes in other equally sexy and leather outfits.
The fact that his father and Richard are no where to be found? And that he is somehow Batman? Clearly irrelevant. He has a Supervillian to stop! Likely with his dick!
Puberty is a hell of a trip. Damian will never admit to any of this. This incident goes with him to his grave.
But surely? It's not ALL sex? Right? Bruce wasnt-? INCORRECT. We tune BACK into Bruce's sordid "Armageddon" fantasy! To a bunker!
Outside? The world is ending. Bruce and Tim, our Heroic Survivors, hold each other close. They have never been closer. Lines have long ago blurred. Morals shifted. Bruce can... let go.
No longer hold himself to the codes that he spent so long strangling himself with. Blaming himself under. He runs his hands across familiar flesh and it is not familial. He can at last be soft. Decadent.
Fill his boy until there's no more room for anything else, and bring him nothing but pleasure as hell rages beyond the bunker walls. Kiss and be sweet, be honest. Because it's all over.
Bruce's is trapped in a fuck bunker. He's not going anywhere. And Dick?
Well Timmy retired. It was a shit storm. So big a shit storm, Tim moved to Bludhaven. In with Dick.
Finally finished schooling. Started College. Started learning to cook. Finally slept more. Was healthy. Happy.
Wanted to cuddle. Cuddles lead to feelings. Lead to kisses. Lead to a better apartment and a nicer, bigger bed.
Lead to Dick fucking his little brother incoherent to christen the new place. They're like newlyweds. Fucking like rabbits. After patrol quickies, good morning oral, mid day "god you look sexy in my sweater"s. The domestic bliss he could never achieve.
Could they get out? Yes. If they FOUGHT it. But they don't. And outside Tim runs himself ragged. Nearly losses ANOTHER organ. Holds the Summer King at knife point. Gives Constantine alcohol poisoning.
But he does it. He gets his family back. And THIS time? Is finally, FINALLY rewarded with hugs.
He saved the day! He did it! He... may pass out. Ignore the bleeding. But its? The WEIRDEST thing? His family is finally affectionate, which is awesome, but??? He feels like he's missing something? Eh. He'll figure it out in the morning?
Oh? Cuddle pile? Hell yeah he'd love too!
tim in the real world running himself ragged while the rest of his family are indulging in their wetdreams and fantasies of being able to fuck tim without consequences 😭😭😭!!!!!!!
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igotanidea · 2 years
It was worth it :Dick Grayson x f!reader
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Massive thanks to @pinkcherryblossom18 for letting me use her idea for this story: Titans!Dick who unexpectedly shows up at his old friend house to seek help for Rachel, even though he knows how pissed said friend is going to be at him. So, the girl is just spending the day with her adoptive mother, Selina Kyle, planning on doing sth fun when someone knocks on the door. And even after being welcomed in a vigilante/villain style, Dick still thinks it was worth showing at reader's doorstep.
“So…..” Selina started stretching her arms lazily and leaning back on the couch, crossing her legs
“So what?”  the younger girl, her not-so-official adoptive daughter rolled her eyes trying not to show how annoyed she was
“So, I was thinking about a little bit of a mother-daughter time would be fun….”
“You’re not my mother.” The girl pointed out. They may not have been related, but during the years Selina Kyle raised Y/N Y/L/N the latter took a lot from her. Teasing and playing around was definitely one of those traits.  “But I’m listening. Honestly, it’s getting boring living in this hell hole. God, I miss Gotham sometimes.”
“From what I can tell you keep yourself rather busy” Selina leaned down and grabbed one of the stray cats Y/N was taking care of, absentmindedly starting to rub its fur, much to the animal’s delight “Such a cutie” she purred at it “though I miss this freaking city too. Sometimes.”
“Let me guess why” the girl smirked “I bet it’s because of one particular Gotham vigilante…”
“Watch your tongue, dear. Such insinuations are way beyond your level. I taught you better.”
“Yeah, yeah you did. No matter how hard I try I always get back to the old ways.”
“Call it instinct, honey.” Selina flashed a smile and fluttered her eyelashes.
“Oh, stop it. Can’t fool me with that trick” Y/N rolled her eyes again “Cut to the chase”
“You won’t let me have my fun, do you?” Selina sighed dramatically but soon turned back to her calculated self. “You know, there’s a new boutique on the 34th. We can go full fashion. My wardrobe really need some renewal and judging from your T-shirt, yours as well.”
“What’s wrong with it?” Y/N took a quick glance at her hoodie and tilted her head. “besides all the cut fur, of course.”
“Oh, honey….” Selina sighed “I’m gone for what? Two weeks….”
“Two months.” The girl corrected crossing her arms
“And you’re already turning into someone …. Ordinary. Such a shame. I really need to get you back in shape. What do you say? A little shopping spree. Don’t you miss that thrill?” she smiled and a few flashbacks run through Y/N’s head. One of them of how one night when she and Selina were running the streets after one particularly good action and surprisingly were stopped by two male-counterparts. But. Putting that aside, Y/N did miss some action and night blood rush. The cold night air on her face as she was jumping from one rooftop to another. The chills and adrenaline when she was flexing and doing her most crazy acrobatic shit. The act she put on while flirting with whoever could her to the object of interest, pretending to be innocent and gullible only to show her mastermind and perfect plan behind all of this. She was smart, she was shrewd, fast-think and ….. lazy. As much as she hated to admit it, moving out and being left all by herself made her…. Unwilling. Selina was right. It was such a shame that of late her abilities were going to waste.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Selina asked a bit worried about her protégé.
“Nothing” the girl shook her head “But….. can I ask you a question?”
“I don’t need to answer, right?”
“Actually, I would like you to answer. Please” Y/N looked at Selina with pleading, honest and sad expression and it moved something inside the Catwoman’s heart.
“All right. Don’t make me go all soft on you.” she hissed covering all the feelings raising in her chest. Despite everything, she treated Y/n as a daughter (or maybe younger sister, since thinking of herself as mother made her feel old. “What is it?”
“How do you still find all of it funny and thrilling?”
“I’m sorry?”
“You know. For me, the best part wasn;t the fact that we… I…. was doing something forbidden. It was rather the part of being chased. And sometimes, getting caught. And… you know…..” Y/n’s cheeks were now a bit flushed and Selina knew exactly what, or rather who she was referring to.
“Oh, honey. You really do need something to get your mind off things” she gently caressed girl’s face. “you reminiscence too much and that is no good. We’re going tonight. Hope you can still use that charm of yours.”
“Right” Y/N looked down. “I…..” before she could say a thing she was cut off by a firm knock on the door “Sorry, let me just check who intend on ruining my evening.”
Unwillingly she stood up from the couch and with a couple quiet long steps opened the door.
“I’m not interested in whatever you are selling so leave …. Oh, shit…..”
“Hi Y/N” the young man on the other side smiled lightly and awkwardly.
“No.” Y/N was quick to reach the frame and shut the door close. What the hell!? What was he doing here?! It’s been what? Three years? Three years since his titans team fell apart and he rushed away from everything he knew, her included. Three years of radio silence on his part (well, she did not reach for him either, but still it was his fault since he was the one who disappeared without a trace). Shit! And now he was standing by her door and she was wearing an old hoodie and stretched pants. Her hair were a mess and she still had that freaking pelage everywhere. Damn it! Her heart was pounding like crazy, blood rushing straight to her head. Even after all those years, he had such an effect on her. Groaning in annoyance she leaned her back on the door, praying he would just go away.
“Who is it?” Selina emerged from the room with her most hypnotizing stride “Definitely someone worth attention if you’re left like this.” She chuckled
“Dick Grayson” Y/N smiled viciously watching Selina’s expression drop
“Is he….?”
“From what I can tell he’s alone, but who knows?” the girl shrugged “You know the bats, they lurk in the shadows.”
“Fuck. “ Selina cussed “This is not how I planned on this day to go.”
“You think I wanted this?!” Y/N scoffed
“Well, you mentioned something about missing being chased…..”
“Oh, shut up!” the girl finally let her rage go. “Sorry.” She chucked “I know the rules. Play it cool. Play it nice.”
“Precisely. You did it so many times before, what’s one more. Deal with it fast and I’ll meet you on our rooftop at 10 p.m.” she patted girl’s cheek in a condescending manner. “Don’t let me down.” And with such words she slipped through the open window.
“Don’t let me down.” Y/N mocked sticking her tongue out in a child-like behavior. “Whatever you say, mother. Coward. Running away because the bat may be on her track.” She muttered to herself.
“Y/N. Please, open the door. I need your help.”
“You need my help, now, huh?” once again she opened the door abruptly, standing face to face with her old (more than) friend. “How about I give you a hand?” she raised an arm in attempt to slap him, but he was faster and grabbed her wrist. She did not falter as she used another hand, that reached the destination and with a loud snap met with his cheek.
“Ouch.” He hissed and let go of her arm.
“You deserved that! Three years, Grayson! Three fuckign years and now you just appear out of thin air with….. a child?”
“Y/N, meet Rachel. She’s ….. she has some powers….. Can we come inside so I will explain it further?”
“No.” Y/N took a step to the right blocking the entrance.
“Y/N. I’m begging you…..”
“Well that is a new thing…..”
“Don’t make a scene.”
“And why not exactly?” she pondered.  “Because you are afraid of being embarrassed in front of…..” she hang the sentence waiting for them to remind her the name of the girl
“Rachel” the youngest of the three helped
“Right. Rachel. Sorry for that little display, bet your friend Dick did not mention who I am.”
“Not…. exactly….”
“Oh, okey. Well, long story short, we used to be….. frankly, I don’t even know how to describe our relationship….”
“Y/N…..” Dick sighed, his face still red from the slap. Y/N was definitely stronger than she looked at first sight.
“I am talking now.” Her face was now filled with rage and it made her look so powerful and fierce the boy shut his mouth instantly, suddenly being reminded why he fell for her so easily in the past. She was a force not to play with, but on the other side she had this soft side, only a few people knew how to reach.
“I already like her” Rachel smiled.
“Y/N look, she has nowhere to go. Her mother was shot, she never knew her father and I know you know how that feels……”
“I…..” she dropped her gaze. He knew exactly where to hit. The point was, she really did know the feeling. Her parents abandoned her when she was barely 9. For four years she was running around foster homes, never really wanted, tossed like a used glove, never really taken care of, until Selina saw something more to her and took her in, and trained her and showed her something better in life. “I hate you, Grayson. Now, get in, both of you.” she pulled her unexpected visitors into the narrow hallway. “You can go wait in the living room, pet the cats or whatever. They are not as predatory as they seem.”
“Just like someone else I know” Dick smiled at Y/N when Rachel left.
“Stop it.”
“You know what. Why did you come to me? Why not any of your Titans friend? Donna? Dawn? Hell, even Hank would be better choice than me.”
“They wouldn’t . They don’t really know how it feels like to be raised without parents. You and I. We do. And you have a thing for stray living beings.”
“I ….. I don’t…..” she snorted with disgust but couldn’t hide the fact that only a second later she was checking out what Rachel was doing, making sure the girl was all right “I’m not like that….”
“You are. Even if you don’t want to admit it. I know you.”
“You knew me years ago. How do you know I did not change for worse?”
“I know.”
“Ok, I’m gonna ask you again” she punched his chest only to get some of the accumulated energy out “why. The hell. Are. YOU. here? And how did you even find me!?”
“I missed you.” he confessed
“Oh, hell no! I’m not falling for that. Our parents followed that path and look where it got them. I’m not making the same mistake. I can take the girl in and that is all. I want nothing to do with you. Not after….. after everything…..”
“I made a mistake, all right? I never should have….”
“Shut up! Just shut up! I don’t want to hear you!” she covered her ears not wanting to let him sweet talk her “ I’m over you, don’t you understand that. I never wanted you to come back and haunt me and …..DAMN IT!” out of frustration she started throwing punches. The kind of kicks he could have easily dodged, but didn’t “why don’t you just fight back?!” she hissed and finally her fist met with his jaw, taking them both by surprise.
“Selina would be proud of you.” Dick muttered making sure his maxilla wasn’t dislocated.
“Don’t think so. It’s hard to impress people who take their alter-ego from an animal. You know that” he nodded taking a deep breath “If anything she would be disappointed I lost control like that. Does it…. Does it hurt much?”
“See. Soft spot. Told you.” Dick smiled widely and immediately hissed in pain
“Do you want another, symmetric punch on the other side.”
“It was still worth it, you know. Coming here. Seeing you. I meant what I said, I really did miss you.”
“If you keep running your mouth I’m gonna kick you in the groin.”
“Ok, all right. I’ll stop. You really did not change a thing.”
“I hate you. Now, tell me what is wrong with that demonic child you decided to put on my shoulders.”  
@pinksirensong @somest1
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Bad Habit
Bad Habit (NSFW) Characters: Levi x Hange Word Count: 1147 words Canon Universe So, this links a couple of things together… 
Fiercely, Levi yanked Hange’s leg to his heaving chest, lifting her hips up so that he could sink his weight into her. Beneath him, Hange’s head was thrown back against the pillows, his name escaping her in strangled gasp. Insatiable, Levi pushed deeper, more insistently into her. Strangely, he found he was no longer concerned about the noise they were both making.
This felt different to the last time they had been together… That had been a quick, messy, sweaty affair; half-dressed and leaning against a block of straw. Hange remembered the clumsy, desperate kisses; her hair still wet from the rain; her cold lips against Levi’s neck. There had been no time for self-consciousness, for they had only stolen a few precious moments together. Afterwards they had found it hard to look at one another; clawing pieces of hay from tangled hair, hastily buttoning shirts and fastening belts. There had been no time to think about their next meeting, or to question the events which had passed inside the stable… Before she had even acknowledged the line she and Levi had just crossed, Hange had found herself rushing back to the castle with her jacket held up over her head.
But this time, things were different. Hange hadn’t been expecting company that night. It seemed as though hours had passed as she had sat upon the lounge chair in her room, eyes glazed. She had been too exhausted to cry any more bitter tears. Hange stared at nothing; her body bowed forward so that one elbow rested upon her knee. Fretfully, she gnawed upon a bitten-down nail. One ugly thought surfaced, then another rose to take its place. Increasingly wild theories were emerging, leaping over one another; giving persistent chase around her mind. 
A sharp knock had brought her back to her surroundings. Hastily rubbing her face, Hange approached the door. There was Levi, bearing a china cup and saucer. Of course he’d brought tea. Was it a pretence? She had hardly entertained the thought before glancing over his shoulder first one way, then the other up the darkened corridor.
“Did anyone see you?” 
“No…” Levi raised his eyebrows. He held out the cup to her, but did not cross the threshold. Hange turned her back to the doorway. There came the sound of a click.
“You never make two. You didn’t think I’d ask you in, huh?”
Hange coughed out a tearless sigh as Levi set the tea down upon a small, round table. He offered a half-shrug. Hange returned to her chair. Hesitantly, Levi made a brief motion as though he was about to leave again. Instead, with a gentle thud, he kicked off his boots by the door and took a seat beside her.
Seemingly, Hange felt like talking after all. The conversation wound itself in convoluted loops, beginning with the deaths of Sawney and Bean, before meandering through possible theories. First, Erwin’s, which had been the outcome of the little information they had managed to gather. Soon their talk wandered through the labyrinth of Hange’s thoughts; twisting into complications which neither could explain. What would the attacker’s next move be? The expedition teams were leaving tomorrow; it could not be delayed. There were those who knew. There were those who could never know. Hange’s tea had grown cold in its cup, the colour fading from golden brown to milky grey. 
“It’s not just about the titans…” Hange’s voice was hoarse. “It’s…”
She gestured uselessly, buckled under the weight of such weariness. No. It wasn’t grief for Sawney and Bean but the wasted effort. Her heart ached with it; the risk to those lives who had helped to capture the titans. And what was there to show for their preparation and sacrifice? It was all for nothing. Worse, the Scouts were bound to face the same danger all over again if they were to learn anything new.
“I know,” came Levi’s reply, filled with doubtless reassurance.
Exhausted, Hange sank against him. Her cheek rested on the collar of his jacket.
“I know it's more than that. And we’re all just as sorry for it.”
Beside her, he was real and solid and warm. For a moment, the horror of the situation wasn’t entirely insurmountable. They would find the perpetrator, one way or another. Even if it wouldn’t bring the test subjects back. Even if it meant putting even more lives at risk… alas, that was the Scouts’ burden to bear. Hange shifted slightly against him. Her forehead rested against Levi’s chin. She could feel the rise and fall of his chest. As his fingers stroked her hair back from her face, Hange released her breath slowly. Levi had remained still then. Hange turned her head towards him. He did not move away. Then she gently brushed her lips against his.
Everything had happened quickly after that, like a series of choreographed movements. They were learning each other’s patterns, rhythms, inclinations, as though by instinct. Their bodies were no longer strangers to one another. It was suddenly easy to undress each other; safe to lose themselves completely. It was becoming a habit.
Now Hange’s head was pressed into the pillows scattered upon her bed. Her legs were draped over Levi’s shoulders, so slick with sweat that they were slipping out of place. Levi’s hand clutched her ankle firmly. Hange was lost to an all-engrossing heat; one that was building so sharply, so agonisingly close. She hardly noticed when Levi’s fingers threaded through her own, gripping her hands as his thrusts became more desperate. 
Her whole body rocked on a wave of ecstasy. As the sensation crested to its peak, Hange choked out a few incoherent words between her sobs. Heat flared within her. Every muscle in her body clenched. And then, the sting of pleasure was ebbing away. 
Levi’s movements were slowing. His eyes were closed; brow slightly furrowed in concentration; his cheeks flushed. Dark hair stood up, uncharacteristically unruly. Hange’s chest pulled tight. Her hands slid up Levi’s back and into his dishevelled hair. Breathless words left her in a sigh. Levi’s body tensed. He drew back enough to look down at where she lay beneath him. Her eyes were half-closed; face aglow.
She knew he would not answer. Not until he was sure of what he had heard. Both shared the same secret but were too afraid to reveal it.
Hange took Levi’s warm face in her hands. Their lips met silently, softly. She held him there and Levi showed no inclination to draw himself away, or to continue moving against her.  He was still inside her; stomachs pressed together; skin warming one another, as he kissed her again. Their bodies moulded naturally, as though they were made for only this. As though they could remain this way for the rest of their days.   ... Levi x Reader version is here.
I’m taking NSFW prompts 👉 Smut Scribbles
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themculibrary · 6 months
Loki Needs A Hug Masterlist
A Place In Time (ao3) - SnakeCharmer2023 loki/mobius T, 7k
Summary: Loki knew what he'd signed up for, replacing the loom at the end of time and sitting alone on the throne.
But what if the end didn't have to be forever?
A fix-it fic after the ending of series 2, because my heart can't take it.
Beautiful Figments (ao3) - mudgems M, 104k
Summary: “Hold on,” Stark says, attempting flippancy but falling well short of the mark. “I’m confused.”
“I think that makes two of you,” Rhodes says under his breath, but his visible concern remains.
Vision is not confused. If anything, he thinks the situation is suddenly, painfully, clear. “You do not remember yourself, do you?” he asks gently, and Loki finally meets his eyes. The hollow fear Vision sees there is obvious, and he wonders why he did not notice it before.
Broken Beyond Repair (ao3) - kittyhazelnut T, 31k
Summary: Loki had committed treason on a level Asgard had never seen. He would not be welcome back to his home realm. He would remain at the mercy of those he tried to control: the humans, SHIELD, and, of course, HYDRA.
By the time the Avengers come knocking HYDRA's door, Loki's long gone in every sense but the physical. Fortunately, even in his silent, fearful state, he's managed to make some friends. Wanda and Pietro won't let anyone hurt him. The Avengers are nothing but a threat, and Ultron makes them a promise that they'll be free of those so-called heroes soon enough.
(Basically, it's an Age of Ultron au where Wanda and Pietro have adopted a very broken Loki and they're determined to keep him safe.)
Brother (ao3) - Lynsds T, 24k
Summary: Overwhelmed with grief after Loki's apparent suicide, Thor is overjoyed to hear that his brother may be alive, if not well, and invading Midgard. It's not Odin that sends him there, but Frigga, and in this world, Thor is ready to observe and to listen.
It's not just Loki who has a lot of healing to do. But they're not alone anymore, and where there's life, there's hope.
For Eternity (ao3) - himynameisv T, 2k
Summary: Sometime during his centuries of self-imposed time loops, Loki begins to hallucinate Thor.
This is perhaps not the best indication of his current mental status.
Free Fall (ao3) - Daffanddahlodil N/R, 14k
Summary: Loki tries to function after learning of his adoption, but he’s not doing as well as he’d hoped.
Here, Here, and Here (ao3) - AuroraWest M, 68k
Summary: Loki and Thor have returned to Earth after two and a half years in space, and Loki, even after a winter in New Asgard, isn't sure he'll ever feel at home.
It doesn't help that as the alien who invaded New York City in 2012, he's been placed on probation by the UN for six months. If he can go six months without leaving New Asgard and without causing any trouble, he'll be free to visit anywhere he pleases on Earth. It's only six months. He can handle it.
Except Loki is bored. And what harm would it do if he just broke his probation a tiny bit? What are they going to do—send him to prison?
Well, yes. Yes, as it turns out. That's exactly what they're going to do.
In The Dark Alone (ao3) - every_oak_tree G, 17k
Summary: It starts at the end, really, with Ragnarök, with Asgard's fall (but Loki's been falling for longer, hasn't he?). It starts with the Mad Titan and the Statesman's explosion. It starts with a dead brother, his broken body sprawled on a spaceship's floor, miles and miles away from a home that no longer exists.
___ Something stirs inside Loki. He acknowledges that this is what he wants—but not all he wants. A newfound anger makes its way into his heart, surrounding it with an impenetrable wall of ice. He will be stronger this time, ruthless and unforgiving. Because when the world has taken everything, when they have stripped you off your armour and left you for dead, you have nothing more to lose. He can do better—no, he will do better. There is no alternative. You either die a loser or live to see yourself become a winner.
___ Or: where Thor dies at the Stateman instead of Loki, but his death will not go unavenged.
Loved and Lost (ao3) - forever_whippoorwill loki/mobius G, 4k
Summary: Loki hadn't realized how much he had missed the man's comforting presence until he was here and he could see it. Let me sit here, Loki's bones begged, at the sight of Mobius just out in his yard, and watch the wind blow through your hair and ruffle it in all the ways I want to.
He was too tired to keep that thought from running through his mind.
Old Habits (ao3) - Yavvys G, 7k
Summary: Odin knows that Loki will not change - not a cycle, not a hundred cycles later. But still, weak hope and smoldering feelings pull him towards the new guise of his adopted son, and the All-Father goes to visit the reborn god.
Once More, With Feeling (ao3) - NovaWasTaken1 T, 25k
Summary: Loki survives Thanos' attack on the Statesman by the skin of his teeth, the Tesseract, and a suicidal plan to save Asgard or die trying.
This changes less than you might think.
rest your eyes, weary god (ao3) - panthor loki/mobius N/R, 3k
Summary: Something blooms in their chest with that touch, something they try their hardest to push back down. As they walk, Loki thinks about how kind Mobius has been to them tonight. Tender, even. Enough to where they let their guard down enough to sleep in front of him. As much as they hate to admit it, Mobius has shown them more humanity than almost anyone else in their life. Despite where he works, Loki can see the empathy radiating from Mobius.
Mobius is just a nice guy.
Stay With Me (ao3) - Bookwormgal T, 17k
Summary: Loki had lost almost everything important to him, one way or another. His place in the timeline, his family, his sense of identity, his purpose, Sylvie... Even his first true friend was snatched away, along with the familiar version of the TVA.
But part of what makes a Loki was that they never give up. He would claw his way back and reclaim some of what was taken from him. So he searched through countless versions of the TVA until he found his way back to the right one. The one that had the right Mobius.
And if fate wished to steal him away in a more permanent way, it would have to fight Loki for him. He refused to lose anything else.
Toil and trouble (ao3) - AnsibleMechanic T, 44k
Summary: “When he made it back to Asgard and managed to outwit Odin himself, he only thought of ensuring his own freedom and survival. When Thor refused the throne (his brother chose the worst time to grow wiser), Loki was still delirious in his glee of finally making the biggest, funniest joke in all the realms – the lying Jotun trickster on the throne, and not a soul suspects it!”
Loki didn’t just eat grapes and watched amateur theatre in his dad’s robes for five years. Everything from TR canon is thrown to the wolves, and we have Loki having mental health consequences of his actions in various locations, with some inter-realm politics thrown in, with eventual relocation to the Avengers Tower (in true 2012 fashion) for more angsting and agonising. Hopefully with some friends we found along the way.
to see the world (as you do) (ao3) - T, 16k
Summary: When Odin finds a newborn babe in the war-torn wasteland that is Jotunheim, he takes it home; Frigga is the one to insist they must treat it as their own, and Odin loves her, so he obliges.
And then she dies, and Odin has no time for a child that only reminds him of the very thing he lost - he barely has time for his own young, grieving son.
So he locks it in the Vault, and calls it a trophy from the frozen realm.
All Loki knew for a long, long time were there four walls that held them, and the distorted view into the room beyond - filled with trinkets they couldn't name.
There were flashes of something else, of a woman who held them close and hummed lullabies, of a boy with hair like the sun, and a bright blue sky - but the memories were insubstantial and fleeting, slipping through their fingers like smoke.
You Screamed For So Long We Forgot To Care Anymore (ao3) - GalaxyThreads T, 126k
Summary: Five months after Thor drags his half-dead brother to Earth to plead asylum, things take a turn for the worse. With the older Asgardian out of commission and a sizeable threat overshadowing them, Clint becomes aware of two facts: One: Loki was tortured, mind-controlled, and manipulated into attacking Earth. Two: Loki knows none of this. (gen, no smut)
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green-eyedfirework · 4 months
Jason, wriggling through a too-tight vent, cursed everything that led him here.
He was supposed to be spending time with Dick and his Titans, but the majority of them had gotten called away for an off-planet emergency—Jason, on Batman’s orders, wasn’t allowed to leave the planet yet—and any hopes of having a fun weekend with his sort-of older brother and his friends was spoiled by the fact that they were the only two left in an empty tower.
Give the golden boy his credit, he’d tried to engage Jason, teaching him some moves on the trapeze set-up that the Titans had, but it was also really fucking obvious that Dick had wanted to go with his friends, and definitely wished he could’ve just shoved Jason back through the zeta to the Batcave.
Jason could tell when he wasn’t wanted.
So both of them had jumped at the news of a trafficking stop in upstate New York, only to realize when they got there that it wasn’t so much a stop as a full-fledged base in the mountains, complete with signal jammers to block outside communications.  Which, of course, Jason realized only after they’d split up.
“Stupid Dickhead,” Jason muttered under his breath, “Stupid Bruce, stupid Titans, stupid goddamn paranoid traffickers.”  Every vent grate he’d squinted through was empty—it wasn’t a very big operation.  Their main goals were to free any prisoners and to collect data off the mainframe.
Jason didn’t know where Dick was, if he’d found an alternate route in after they determined he couldn’t fit in the vents, and if he’d found the mainframe or the prisoners.  The mainframe was Jason’s best bet—hopefully disabling whatever signal jamming tech they had and restoring communications.  He couldn’t entirely suppress the prickling tension at being alone.
He supposed he should just be happy that Nightwing had actually taken him along with him.  Some days, it felt like Dick was trying his best to pretend like Jason didn’t exist.  Jason had only pieces of why Dick had left, gleaned from shouting matches between Bruce and Dick, but he knew that Dick felt like he’d been replaced.  It wasn’t far off from what Jason felt—like everyone who looked at him, who looked at Robin, was expecting someone else.
Wriggling through a vent he only fit into by virtue of being small and scrawny certainly didn’t help matters.
When he peered through the next grate, he found a computer bank.  Thank fuck.  Getting out of the vent involved a whole lot of squeezing and creaking metal noises, but the room below was empty and Jason dropped down with a relieved sigh.
“Note to self,” he muttered, “Find a different way out.”
The computers were all in sleep mode and a wave of the mouse woke it back up.  Overconfident, Jason dismissed easily, and scanned through the different windows.
Security cameras, data logs, spreadsheets, financial transfers…looked like he hit paydirt.  Jason grinned as he retrieved a flash drive from his pouch and set about transferring the contents.  While it was downloading, he flicked through the security cameras to find Nightwing and the prisoners.
There were a lot of empty hallways.  He found the feeds of the guards outside, then a couple in what looked like a break room, but most of the place seemed to be empty.  There was a large warehouse-type room with threadbare bedding in a corner—Jason swallowed.  The room was empty.  Looked like they were too late.
The garage was empty too, only a few small vehicles.  Whenever they did their transfers, it appeared as though he and Nightwing had just missed it.  Jason set his jaw and check on the file download.  Wherever they went, he’d find out, and they’d thoroughly destroy this operation.
Nightwing had managed to make it inside—Jason spotted him skulking around in the north hallways—and he tried to figure out how to send a message to him.  The signal jammer wasn’t in this room, and Jason didn’t know what channel the traffickers were using.  Maybe if he flicked the lights on and off—
Movement.  In one of the formerly empty corridors, and Jason had no idea where this guy had fucking come from, but he was armored head-to-toe, he had a goddamn mask on, and he was in the same wing that Jason was.
Jason hurriedly checked on the file transfer and yanked the drive out as soon as it was done.  Taking one last look to remember where Nightwing was heading, Jason closed out of the open applications and headed for the hallway.  He needed to find Nightwing and get out before the alarm was raised.
Unfortunately, he ran into trouble on the way there.  Literally ran into, a huge block of mass stepping abruptly out of the shadow of a corridor and Jason twisted to quickly redirect his momentum, pressing against hard armor and swiftly putting distance between them.
Armored and masked.  Color scheme like he’d mugged a Halloween store.  A whole bunch of weapons, guns and knives, including what looked like a sword sticking over his shoulder.  As tall as Batman, as big, except Jason didn’t think his suit was padded in the same way.
“Robin,” the man said, voice low and deep and unmodulated.  His mask was half black and half orange, split evenly down the middle, and it made him look inhuman.  “But not the original.”
“Long way from Gotham, aren’t you?” Jason said, sidling further away from the guy and discreetly palming a few birdarangs.
“What makes you think I’m from Gotham?” Discount Two-Face asked.
“Freaks dressed in masks tend to be from Gotham,” Jason shrugged.  And there aren’t a lot of people that know that there were two Robins, he added mentally.  “And you recognized me.”  Jason inched further down the corridor.  His smoke grenade was in his pocket.
“I don’t need to be from Gotham to recognize a target when I see one.”
Okay, that was Jason’s cue.  He yanked the smoke grenade out and threw it, running before it even hit the ground.  He needed to get to Nightwing and get out of here, he wasn’t in the mood to engage someone that looked like a walking armory.
The smoke grenade didn’t hit the ground.  Well, it did, but in front of Jason, a clink as it bounced and Jason barely managed to get his cape up to cover his face before it exploded in a thick wave of acrid smoke.
He stumbled free, coughing, and barely managed to catch sight of the approaching figure in time to dodge the kick.  The man was relentless and fast, pushing him back towards the smoke, but Jason was smaller and he ducked and spun away, twisted to the side to avoid being pinned.  The kick he couldn’t avoid sent him crashing to the floor, feeling like he’d been sideswiped by a truck.
Jason coughed and weakly struggled to his feet.  “Who are you?” he wheezed, dizzy with more than breathlessness.  Alarm bells were beginning to sound in his head and when the man got closer, Jason realized that the eye hole on the black side of the mask didn’t blend really well with the color.  It wasn’t there.
That—that narrowed down the list.  World’s deadliest mercenary, Jason distantly remembered the file saying, but a rare visitor to Gotham.  The closest Deathstroke the Terminator had gotten to facing off against the hero community…had been a note about an appearance against the Titans, almost a year ago.
“Didn’t the original Robin tell you?” Deathstroke made a low, harsh chuckle, “Or did he send you out in his colors without a clue of how many people were gunning for your head?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jason retorted, the familiar anger burning at yet another person who was talking about Dick.  “I’m Robin.”
“Are you,” Deathstroke said, slow and considering.  “Do you know what your legacy is, boy?”
“Don’t call me that—”
“Robin,” Deathstroke said, unsheathing his sword and fuck was it bigger than Jason had expected.  He skittered back another step.  The corridor abruptly felt too small.  “Killed my son.”  Deathstroke’s voice twisted to a snarl.  “And I’ve been waiting all these months.”  Deathstroke strode forward, unrelenting.  “To get my revenge.”
“Robin doesn’t kill,” Jason said, breathless, because Dick—Dick would’ve told them, it wasn’t true, Robin didn’t kill.  The first slice of the sword was almost lazy and Jason dodged it easily, but it reversed direction faster than he expected and Jason was forced to fling himself to the floor to avoid it.
“Is that what he told you?” Deathstroke growled.  The kick sent Jason skidding away, a roar of flame in his chest.  “That it wasn’t his fault?”
“Look, mister—” Jason rolled away from another kick before it could take off his head—“I don’t know where you’re getting your information from—” springing back to his feet made his ribs ache in the please-ice-me kind of way, but Jason felt better on two feet—“But the Bats don’t kill.”
Jason flexed his wrist, birdarangs comfortable between his fingers.  Deathstroke was massive and fast, he had enhanced strength and speed and healing, and this was clearly a fight Jason couldn’t win.  What he could do was disable the man long enough for him to catch up to Nightwing so both of them could book it, and then he could give Dick a talk about why you should always let your successors know about any near-invulnerable mercenaries you’ve pissed off recently.
“I’m sorry about your son,” Jason said, “But it’s not Robin’s fault.”
Deathstroke sheathed the sword.  The movement wasn’t conciliatory.  “I held him in my arms,” the mercenary said, voice low, “And watched him gasp out his last breaths.”  Gloves creaked as they curled into fists.  “And the Titans stood by and did nothing.”
Jason threw the birdarangs, moving on instinct, faster than his consciousness recognized that Deathstroke had lunged, but even instinct wasn’t as fast as an enhanced mercenary and Jason choked when the kick slammed into his stomach and momentarily robbed the world of air.
“I promised my son that I’d make them all pay,” Deathstroke snarled, “Especially Robin.”
Jason did his best to stagger out of the way of the next punch but it still caught his cheek, a glancing blow that sent his whole head ringing.  He was uncomfortably aware that he was in a fight he couldn’t win.
“And here you are.  All alone.  No Batman in sight.”
Jason weaved out of the way of Deathstroke’s next hit and grabbed the man’s gauntlet.  He was intending to use it to spring off and drive a kick in but Deathstroke just grabbed his arm and yanked him off like Jason was nothing more than an annoying pest.
As an afterthought, he twisted.
Jason stifled the scream as he cradled the broken wrist, stumbling back, blinking furiously against the budding tears as he kept Deathstroke in his line of sight.
“I thought about killing him,” Deathstroke strode forward casually, “But that would be too quick.  Too easy.  He needs to suffer.”
Jason swallowed.  “Have you thought about anger management—”
He’d fought Batman numerous times.  Bruce was a good teacher, frequently pausing to explain to Jason why a move hadn’t worked, or showing him a new technique, or congratulating him on a successful move.  He went easy on him, he had to, because tire iron or not, there was no way a scrawny, underfed twelve-year-old posed any kind of serious threat to Batman.
Jason had asked him once to spar for real.  Just a taste.  He’d begged until Bruce had given in, and he barely remembered it, just a desperate, unending onslaught until he was on the ground, staring up at the Cave ceiling, dazedly thanking anyone listening that he wasn’t an actual criminal.
That was what this felt like.  A relentless assault that he wasn’t staying ahead of, losing ground with every block, a wave of battering punches until Jason’s block was too slow and Deathstroke’s punch hit his broken wrist and the world went white.
When the overwhelming agony receded, Jason was on his tiptoes, held up by the collar of his uniform.  Deathstroke waited until Jason managed to look in the general direction of the eye-hole before slamming him against the wall.
The world was starting to look distinctly fuzzy.  His limbs felt like they were moving through molasses.  Deathstroke let go, and Jason gracelessly slid down the wall, muscles not moving fast enough to catch him.
There was something around his throat.  Deathstroke’s hand.  No.  It was cold like metal and it made an electronic beep and when Deathstroke moved away, the weight remained.
“Now for the other one,” Jason fuzzily registered Deathstroke saying before the world become too much.
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