#his whole youth fuck that his whole life has been spent in hell that's where he grew up and yet he forgives dean with this one painful line
unohanabbygirl · 10 months
Going straight to the deepest part of the seven hells for asking this one but I haven't seen anyone mention this and I'm curious 😭
How would fmbh lucemond react to a miscarriage?? I mean if it's in the earlier years/ after the wedding night (by some miracle misfortune) I feel like they'd lowkey celebrate regardless of who was carrying
But what would become of the relationship dynamic if it happened later down after they resolved some of the tension that's currently occurring in fmbh? Because man that marriage is kept together with hopes, dreams and the westrosi equivalents of ducktape and superglue
Ok, when I say that anything involving the loss of a child or infertility is a fav of mine to read simply because of the emotional turmoil that comes alongside it. It’s angsty, both parties are grieving, tears are shed…It’s a little weird but I own it lol. I’m actually surprised no one has asked before now tbh.
In their early years of marriage a miscarriage would be a saving grace for these two if they were left to deal with an unexpected pregnancy. Neither wants children with the other and their days are spent arguing to the point of major headaches. So a miscarriage is blessing in both men’s eyes. Be that as it may, it doesn’t mean losing this pregnancy wouldn’t come with its own set of problems. Despite being a relief a stupid miscarriage it’s still serious and does leave both dealing with a sense of loss for what could have been if things weren’t just so awful. Luke’s always wanted to be a parent, always imagined a gaggle of babes to love and care for; so as it’s happening the whole process feels like the future he’s looked forward to for so long is truly unobtainable. A final nail in the coffin of giving up his dreams you could say.
He’a grateful yes, but he mourns what could’ve been all the same. Even Aemond does what he can to try comforting Luke considering they’re on less than friendly terms. He’s relieved there’s no child to ruin with their antics but seeing all that blood, the tears his husband sheds and the pain he’s in hits him pretty hard. Neither would actually acknowledge anything with words, instead using actions to express apologies until Luke is back in better health. Their marriage would still be dog shit but it’s the first step in seeing one another as something more than “that man who ruined my life” someone capable of showing kindness and experiencing pain. However, once their parents are made aware this understanding does crumble a tiny bit since they’re still susceptible to adapting whatever their mother’s feel since these two are mama’s boys down to the core. Alicent and Rhaenyra would really do a disservice to this middle ground they’ve come to.
Later down the line is where things would really get heartbreaking. Both Luke and Aemond love each other fully, they want a child and crave that connection, so a miscarriage would be awfully traumatic. For Luke it would affirm every insecurity and fear he’s been battling on his own since he became aware of his “fleeting youth”. Certain it’s a sign that he’s waited too long to finally have a child from his own body. That he’ll never get to experience motherhood in the way he desires most. Coming to point in his loss where he takes a lot of that anger out on Aemond as in his grief striken mind, if his uncle could’ve just outright came to Luke sober and confessed his feelings rather than getting drunk and fucking him before leaving in the night for years on end, then maybe they would’ve had a child years ago. Maybe none of this would’ve ever happened.
Aemond takes it because he knows his husband is in pain as he’s dying on the inside as well. But a part of him being the man he is takes the blame and agrees. Blaming his lack of emotional vulnerability and fear of rejection for why they waited so long and hence, the miscarriage which they automatically assume happened because Luke is “too old”
This would kinda set them back to their old ways, though instead Luke would be the one instigating while Aemond takes the jabs without retaliating. Both would fall into a serious depression pretty quickly, something that wouldn’t be made any easier as both sides of their family would quickly take to blaming the other.
They’ll eventually heal, but that comes after about a year or two of no longer sleeping in the same bed and crying every time they allow their memories to trail back towards that day. Though I can see Aemond offering to carry their next child if Luke’s up for trying again despite being nearly fifty. He still bleeds so the possibility is there.
Luke knows how much his husband still struggles with self-image so offering to carry their child would def bring forth some tears.
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thedragonagelesbian · 11 months
9, 13, & 14 for the tav asks if you want to!
Thank you anon!! I never don't want to talk about my darling tav Cyrus
9: Is your Tav from Baldur's Gate? Why are they travelling there?
Main timeline Cyrus would consider himself to be from Baldur's Gate! He didn't grow up there, spending the first ~25 years of his life on the road with his mother and father, but as an elf, that's barely anything. After his mother passed on a voyage from Evermeet (Faerun's equivalent of Middle Earth's Valinor) to Baldur's Gate, Cyrus got stuck in the city for ~50 years as ward/employee of an orphanage in the Lower City, lured in first while in the throes of grief and unwilling to leave later because he saw himself as the only one protecting the human and half-elf children from the orphanage's negligent headmaster.
The orphanage caught fire and burned down when Cyrus was ~80. He nearly died trying to get everyone else out and was only just saved by a cleric of Ilmater (which is a little Anders cameo because I can't help myself). After a length recovery period, Cyrus has the sudden realization that the orphanage is gone forever, its charges scattered and lost throughout the Lower City and its profiteering headmaster dead in the fire (did Cyrus leave him to die... hm..................). This discovery is at once joyous and terrifying-- or, more precisely, terrifying because it is joyous. There is a part of Cyrus that firmly believes he should've stayed in the city to track down the children and find a way to keep supporting them, and that part of him is disgusted by how selfishly elated he is to cast off that responsibility and finally fucking leave.
But leave he does! He spends ~30 years as an independent adventuring paladin wandering all over Faerun being helpful and charming and very unintentionally breaking a lot of hearts before (in the main timeline) getting tadpoled. During that time, he never went back to Baldur's Gate. Still, it's the place where he spent most of his extended elven youth, so he still considers it to be where he is from.
(I also don't think Cyrus knows how old he is but does one day have a moment of 'oh I've probably hit my first century' and it is. Quietly devastating. An elf turning 100 is culturally a very big deal, but there's no one around to celebrate it with or to oversee his adult naming ritual.)
Ranger Cyrus does not consider himself to be from Baldur's Gate because this timeline is shifted back by about ~140 years and something ELSE traumatic and autonomy-stealing happens to him instead of getting tadpoled. As a result, he's been away from the city for a lot longer, and if you were to ask him where he's from, he'd say he's from nowhere, or suggest that he's lived most of his life in his cottage in [insert remote Faerun woodlands here I haven't worked out all the details yet].
Neither version of Cyrus were intentionally traveling to Baldur's Gate when they were abducted by the illithid, they just sort of happened to be in grabbing range.
13: What are their thoughts on killing? Is it a necessary evil or do they enjoy it?
Nine times out of ten, any version of Cyrus is going to view killing as a last resort (...maybe seven times out of ten for ranger Cyrus, he just doesn't have the patience to talk things out nicely). In that tenth edge case, though, if he's dealing with anyone particularly and intentionally cruel, unjust, and oppressive, he turns into a storm of righteous, murderous fury. Dealing with Nere is probably the best example of this-- Cyrus had been diplomatic for most of Grymforge, and thenNere killed one of the gnome slaves, and Cyrus was like 'okay well now I'm going to smite you to the Hells and back and I'm going to enjoy doing it'. 'Your god, my oath' remains my favorite paladin line in the whole game.
The other edge case is when dealing with entities of ontological evil (devils, demons, etc.) because Cyrus is almost always going to default to killing those things (i.e., doing the worst possible version of the Yugir fight rather than tricking him into killing off his lackeys/himself).
14: What hobbies does your Tav have?
Do self-sacrifice and martyrdom count as hobbies?
For real though, Cyrus loves gardening!!! It's a hard thing to keep going during the adventure, especially in the Shadowlands, but I imagine Cyrus' tent has a couple of small pots or box planters for growing medicinal and cooking herbs.
(Except shadow sorc Cyrus, who neglected his budding plants while dealing with the whole... dying & not coming back right & not feeling like his body is his own anymore thing, and then the plants died too. Shadow sorc Cyrus is having such a rough fucking time from start to finish it's hard to engage with anything that would make him happier. The only hobby he really keeps up with is journaling as like. The One Singular Thread by which he is holding on.)
He'll also spar casually with Lae'zel and Karlach for funsies.
Also not really a hobby, but Cyrus is a big fan of cat socializing and just being around someone else while they're doing a hobby they really enjoy. Sitting with Halsin while he whittles, listening to Gale talk out loud while trying to figure out a piece of magic, watching Wyll practice his lute (because we all agree that Wyll is a bard). Ranger Cyrus takes a longer time to start doing this, but he'll open up eventually!!!
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ourimpavidheroine · 2 years
Hi Impavid! It's been a minute how ya doin? I just got a new job as a youth peer support for kiddos in crisis at this amazing local agency that I'm really excited about. We're starting an lgbt monthly support group next month and I get to work with a lot of amazing people doing amazing things. It's definitely hard and sometimes heartbreaking but it's very exciting. How's life going for you? How's Finland?
Oh fuck me, this has been sitting in my inbox for over two weeks and I forgot to answer. Sorry. My ADHD has been on overdrive for the past few months.
I am going through some changes. My daughter moved out in the beginning of the year and my son is still at home, figuring out what his next steps are. I spent a few days in Amsterdam two weeks ago with my best friend from the US and it really brought it home to me how much I dislike living where I am in Finland, which is very conservative and five hours away from anything interesting. My wife wanted to live here when we came back to Finland and I swore to stay here after she died and see my kids to adulthood/graduating from school and I did that. They are twenty now, and have lives of their own. I don't like this city, and I never really have. I don't think that moving solves every problem, but moving to the Helsinki area where there are a)far more immigrants and diversity and b)far more people and events that share my fannish interests might go a long way to getting me the hell out of sitting alone my flat, which is pretty much all I do at the moment.
I know a new location would have its own issues, and of course I need to look for work down there. So it's a start thinking about it and look into my options kind of thing as opposed to a move tomorrow kind of thing.
I went to a Con for the first time in the spring and met a whole bunch of Nordic folks in my age range who are very much into fandom and made a lot of connections there. I could see more of them and get involved in the scene (and was even invited to do a panel next year) if I wasn't living in the Finnish equivalent of the Midwest.
So yeah. I have been thinking about who I am and what I want to do with the next phase of my life. Raising two disabled kids (and especially for the past 7 years alone, as a widow) took up all of my time and attention. I'm not resentful - not at all! - but I believe it is time I began to focus on me and what I would like in my life. It's been taking up a lot of my time and focus. Not a bad place to be, but not a very secure one!
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pyroclastic727 · 4 years
Owl House said fuck capitalism
So this episode was interesting. Lilith pretty much killed her sister. Why the fuck would she do that?
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Even more interesting: why is Belos like that? How did Hooty put his head through one of those guards? Who the fuck is the Titan, and why does everyone like him? And how are these all tied together?
This episode was a metaphor for capitalism
...and another delicious step towards radicalizing the youth into dismantling this fucked-up neo-feudal system.
We’ll start with Belos. 
Emperor Belos is a weird name, don’t you think? We all thought it was spelled “Bellows,” but it wasn’t. In fact, it’s five letters, starts with Be, ends with os, and describes a megalomaniac emperor that restricts people’s freedom in order to accumulate wealth for himself.
Sound familiar?
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Emperor Bezos Belos created capitalism. He saw the beauty of magic and decided to make himself the most powerful.
Belos created a system that destroys the masses and boosts his power.
 I’m dipping into fan theory a little, because the fan theory fits. We know that people get branded with coven magic that makes it so they can only specialize in one area. We know that Belos is the most powerful witch in the Boiling Isles. We know that the excess magic, magic created by restrictions, has to go somewhere.
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It’s the same system that many viewers see all the time. A job takes up all your day and tires you for the night, so you can only do one skill for the rest of your life. Jeff Bezos is the most powerful man in the United States. Excess money, money taken by restrictions, has to go somewhere.
The magic goes to Belos, like how the money goes to Bezos. Belos created capitalism, and he won it.
The guards aren’t real. 
Look, we’ve never seen their faces. They’re all the same. Why would you work so hard to get to the top, just to become a nameless, faceless killing machine?
Oh, also Hooty stuck his face through one. There is nothing under the armor.
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Why? Well, it’s the same reason you see all those celebrities going around flaunting their wealth and bragging about how hard they worked. Like all those songs about how they grind every day and work harder than everyone else while you’re out clubbing, and that makes them dope. And then you take a closer look at them and see that they had a small loan of a million dollars fueling them, or an entire talent agency behind them, or their dad was a famous country star in the 80′s. 
They’re fake. They’re hollow. They’re a ploy created by the capitalist emperor to try to delude you into working harder. 
Let me put this into perspective. I guarantee that every single one of you has heard stuff like this: “Hard work makes you successful.” “I put in the work, and that’s why I’m successful.” “If you work hard enough, then you can be as successful as Mark Zuckerberg.” 
And unless you’re a robot or really lucky, I’m sure all of you have failed at this. Maybe they told you that hard work would make you good at math, so you spent 22 hours a week working on calculus, only to pass it by 3 percentage points and have it destroy your perfect 4.0 GPA. Maybe they told you that if you talked to people enough, then you would make friends, so you spent a lot of time talking to people, only to end up lonely and friendless. Maybe they told you that if you did well in school, you would get a good job, so you spent all your time working hard to be a good student, and then ended up in a soulless, dead-end job.
The guards are there to delude you. Look, who really gains from you being productive? The answer is the ruling class, the CEOs, the government, the bourgeoisie. It has always been that. All you get from working is a paycheck that lets you survive. They get a paycheck that lets them get rich. Just like Belos gets the magic and productivity of the specialized coven witches.
The guards are there to trick you. The truth is that nobody can join the Emperor’s Coven. It’s just there to make you think that hard work will make you successful. Then you spend your entire life working hard, trying to prove to the person in charge that you’re worthwhile. You give your whole life to the Coven, and they give you nothing. 
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Magic is supposed to be something you pursue for fun. Being skilled at things, being good at something beautiful...that’s supposed to be something you do because you want to. But they took that and made it into a source of productivity. It doesn’t matter if you make good content. All people fucking care about is if you upload the day of premiere, if you make a lot of content quickly, if you maintain a million different conversations with strangers who expect you to be the most interesting person in the room. They don’t care how it hurts you. They don’t care how you crack from the stress. How you cry when you think no one can see you, and then you check your phone and someone can see you, someone did see you, and you have to put on your face and be the charming, magnetic person they want you to be. (oh by the way that’s why I wasn’t online much last week)
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And it ruins it. Suddenly you can’t watch The Owl House without being stressed. You can’t make any content. You can’t make spells as powerfully as you want to. Your passion is replaced by perfectionism and insecurity, a voice telling you to keep being the best at what you do, or else they’ll forget you and let you die.
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There’s also the Titan. 
So nobody has mentioned him before, because in addition to the Boiling Isles being a hellscape full of witchcraft and queerness, it’s also full of atheists. 
But suddenly we have people saying all this shit about him? Shit like, he gave witches the gift of magic, and then they learned to use it in a civilized manner, since being uncivilized was disrespectful?
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I mean, first off, that’s fucking wrong. The island gives people magic. The island, which just so happened to be shaped like a titan-sized human. But the island/titan gives everyone all types of magic. Hell, even Luz gets to use magic, and she’s human. 
It sounds really fucking familiar. (tw for discussion of homophobia and colonialism and misogyny). It sounds like when the news is on and they show some Tr*mp supporter talking about how fetuses have more rights than people and it is their holy duty to take away a woman’s control over her body and force her through unbearable pain and into an 18-year commitment she didn’t want to make. It sounds like all the times people tried to say homosexuality should be illegal, citing a single line in a book written two thousand years ago and heavily edited by a European king. It sounds like all the times people said God wanted them to conquer, to own the entire earth, to force the other races into pain to support them.
This is that bullshit thing people do where they commit awful sins and justify it by citing the will of God. 
Or, it’s the Coven using religion as an excuse for evil.
Look, the Emperor’s Coven is clearly colonizer-coded. Saying that people’s original form of magic was wild (and showing a picture with the same joyous, rowdy energy of an 18th or 19th -century Black or indigenous party), and that it was God’s will for them to be “civilized?” Sounds like that thing that powerful white people did where they went and murdered people and forced them into their twisted capitalist system. God, gold, and glory, is what they said, because history books just love to omit the gore.
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Lilith is passing the abuse cycle along. 
You know, like a good little colonizer. God I fucking hate her. She’s a MILF, in the sense that she’s a Mother I’d Like to Fling off a cliff. 
Ah, enough screaming about how much I want to drown Lilith in a tub of Hooty’s mucus. Let’s go into why I want to do that, and how she took the evils of capitalism and just...adopted those.
So, Lilith is sick and twisted for what she did to her sister. But, uhh, that’s the point. You see, there are so many other people out there like Lilith who would do the exact same thing, if given the chance. These are the people who do mean things when the teacher isn’t looking, and then act nice and try to frame you. These are the people who will hate you if you’re better than them. These are people who would do anything to bring you down, if you dare outperform them.
It’s greed, my friends. The mental illness that capitalism blesses us all with.
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Lilith herself said it: she dedicated her entire life to the Coven. What she wanted was to be the best. And she almost was...except for her own sister. Someone who lived with her, annoyed her at home, bested her at school. Someone she could never beat, no matter how hard she worked. And her sister was younger than her, too! How insulting was that? Lilith wanted to be the best, and someone in her exact situation did better than her.
Lilith was insecure. And it consumed her.
But why? Why does insecurity consume her? I mean, no one can be motivated by insecurity forever. Well, not unless someone conditions it into you.
The lovely thing about the capitalist system is the morals it teaches you. Things like: “You’re only useful if you’re the best.” “Being school smart makes you smart, while being social smart or sports smart or creative smart or fandom smart is worthless.” “Your worth can be quantified by numbers and is based off arbitrary measures like your income or your grades.” Things that can and will drive us crazy if we let ourselves believe them.
And it did drive Lilith crazy. She got so twisted by a society that said being good at magic is her only worth. Look, Lilith used to be good at things, probably. She was good at sports. At times, she slips up and does an okay job of being Eda’s sister. She has a powerful presence when she’s in a room. And she’s wicked good at manipulating people. 
But that didn’t matter. Lilith bought into the lies. She let herself believe that magical skill was the only way to measure her worth. And since she needed to be the best, she hurt Eda for it.
The beautiful thing is, Eda didn’t buy that. "It’s my power, kid. And before you showed up, I spent my whole life wasting it.” Is what Eda said, as she used up the last of her power, the last of her life, to save Luz. In her final moments, she proved that she’s not like them. She’s stronger than them.
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None of this matters. Not magical prowess. Not the hierarchy. Not the promise of joining the Coven and having more power than anyone else.
The only thing that matters to Eda is her family. Her real family. Her Luz, King, and Hooty. And by extension, Willow, Gus, and Amity. Those are Eda’s real reason for fighting, for dying: to protect them. Look, there’s no way she would’ve come out of that fight alive. She has a family, and her love for them is stronger than greed or jealousy or capitalism. 
Lilith never understood that. She thought the water of the womb was thicker than the blood of the covenant. Or, that the water of the womb and the blood of the covenant are stronger than the bonds of found family. She thought it didn’t matter if Eda loved, her, only if the Emperor loved her. Fucking bitch.
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And now, a little something to worry about, before we go. Amity Blight. The girl who wanted to join the Emperor’s Coven more than anything, who dedicated her whole life to doing well in school, to being the best, to being perfect.
And then she met Luz. She fell for Luz. Now she’s in a tricky place, where habit and conditioning want her to join the Emperor’s Coven, but her heart wants her to do the impossible and destroy capitalism.
She wasn’t in this episode. Funny that being injured and unable to work ended up saving her from watching her future mother-in-law die. So she bought some time.
But Luz’s true mom is dead. This is the second mom she has lost, and she’s only fourteen. As powerful as King and Hooty are, Luz needs Amity. Luz needs Amity to support her and help her get back her mom.
So Amity has to make a choice. Fear and insecurity, or love and a high chance of death? 
She’ll probably choose death. Because that’s the message that this family-friendly show is giving us kids. Fuck capitalism. All you need in life is to do what makes you happy and be with the ones you love.
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earnestly-endlessly · 3 years
hi! hope you're doing well :) do you have any domestic!cherik fics? or established relationship ones?
Hi anon, thanks for the ask. I'm doing very well, been super busy because I'm currently moving but it's all good. I have plenty of great domestic/established relationship cherik fics for you. I hope you enjoy!!
Domestic/Established Relationship cherik
Daycare ‘Verse’ – orphan_account, pocky_slash
Summary: A modern AU in which Charles runs a mutant daycare and Erik is his long-suffering engineer boyfriend.
Runs in the Family – Anonysquirrel (chibirisuchan)
Summary: Alex knew his own reputation. Hell, he'd started some of his own reputation, because it kept some of the smarter thugs off his back. Everyone knew Alex's reputation. There was no way Hank didn't know his reputation, but he'd brought Alex into a house with some really expensive things and a lot of innocent little kids and his too-friendly, too-harmless dad.
But clearly Hank hadn't told his family anything about Alex, just like he hadn't told Alex anything about his family. At least, not about the brain-breaking parts of his family.
"I didn't know where to start," Hank said, for the dozenth time.
Gift of the Magi, But Screw it Up – librata
Summary: He doesn't know if he's buying too much, too little, or even the right things at all, because he's never entertained a guest as important as Edie Lehnsherr.
Making perfect – aesc
Summary: As is the case with most trials in Erik's life, this one starts with Charles gazing beseechingly at him and asking him for a favor. Not that their going-on-three years relationship is a trial, even though it started with Charles giving Erik the full benefit of sad blue eyes and asking him if he wouldn't mind opening his car door since he'd locked his keys inside, but still.
Continue firm and constant – aesc
Summary: Moira hasn't seen her old partner in saving the world from threats human and intergalactic, Erik Lehnsherr, for a few years. When she finally does see him again, she finds a man different from the one who's been with her down in the dark and the dirt and the blood... or maybe he isn't so different after all.
After School Special – listerinezero
Summary: Charles was barely seventeen and Erik was his social studies teacher. But after almost fifteen years together, does it really matter how they met?
Terrifying Domesticity – ishipitsobad
Summary: Erik is the most dangerous and notorious mafia boss around for miles, and yet the strangest things terrify him.
For example: his children, and his very pregnant mate.
Trying is Half the Battle – Pookaseraph
Summary: Post-Cuba, no divorce, Charles and Erik are in an established relationship and when Charles gets sick with a random flu bug, they discover that Charles can get pregnant. They then try to get pregnant, and try, and try.
We’ll all be gone for the summer – pocky_slash
Summary: Charles and Erik's usual family beach vacation gets a little bigger when they agree to watch Erik's teenaged twins for the summer. Charles is looking forward to a chance to bond with his step-children. Erik is terrified of screwing them up even more.
A Summer Day So Late in Coming – helens78
Summary: Fifty years after they fell in love, Erik comes to Charles with a proposal that rocks Charles's world.
Still Going Strong – JackyJango
Summary: Speaking of forty-eight, Erik hates it. Hates it even more that others are aware of it. While he’s pragmatic enough to know and accept that aging is inexorable, the increase in number gives the people around him the freedom to pounce at him with questions, opinions and advice he'd fought to keep at bay all year.
Besides, Erik believes that youth is a state of mind, not a phase in one’s life.
You have a child’s mind in a man’s body, Charles constantly tells him.
But despite his age, Erik is healthy. He works out daily. His muscles are steel and he can dead-lift four hundred pounds. He can break bones without breaking a sweat. Most importantly, he can still carry Charles to the bedroom and fuck him senseless. And as long as Erik can do that, he’s perfectly happy.
Before You Attempt Me (Fair Warning) – kianspo
Summary: Charles helps Raven get ready for the prom. Surprisingly, that part goes well. The prom itself not so much. Erik cooks a lot of unhealthy comfort foods and is incredibly patient. Charles mostly frets about everything, until Erik does something neither he, nor Raven see coming.
And now you will not be alone any more – pocky_slash
Summary: Erik gives driving, sewing, and cooking lessons, soothes nightmares, bolsters self-esteem, and still can't figure out why Charles keeps smiling at him like that.
Some sense of touch and a melody – pocky_slash
Summary: On a day when Charles, for once, finds himself saying the right thing to everyone he sees, he allows himself to be talked into a field trip to a local orchard.
It’s kind of our whole thing – pearl_o, pocky_slash
Summary: After two years of best friendship, Charles and Erik thought they knew everything there was to know about each other. They're surprised, then, when their first summer as a couple reveals that they have a lot to learn about each other and themselves.
Indulgence – grim_lupine
Summary: “The children are still asleep,” Charles murmurs groggily, flinging an arm out as if searching for Erik beside him. “The house is still standing, this is a ghastly hour, and more importantly, I’m still here. Why do you insist on doing this every morning?”
Your Father’s Daughter – ConsultingWriter
Summary: Wanda proves just how much she takes after Erik.
Pietro reeled back before leaning back in "They didn't tell you what happened? Wanda got in a fist fight and totally wailed on this guy, I mean, on one hand I feel kinda embarrassed for him, but it was so epic."
Erik's eyebrows shot to his hairline. Wanda got in a fight? That was....surprising, to say the least. Wanda tended to take after Charles in temperament and preferred talking to violence.
This Crazy Game Called Life – chiasmus
Summary: Raven declares game night in the mansion. Sean finds an elephant, Erik inherits one hundred unwanted cats, and Charles scars Hank for life with misdirected dirty thinking. This is five thousand-something words of crack with a dose of schmoop. I'm not sorry. Written for this kink meme prompt: Raven is tired of the boys going off to play chess (if they're even playing chess!) and pulls out a load of board games from one of the closets in the mansion. Madness ensues.
To my roomba with love – sareyen
Summary: There are a lot of things that Erik loves about Charles. He loves all of the obvious things; Charles’s kindness, his intelligence, his laughter, his eyes. He also loves the little private things; the way Charles sneaks Erik his unwanted tomatoes, his warbled opera singing in the shower, that sensitive spot on his hip.
And he loves the silly things about Charles, especially the way the man has a habit of talking to inanimate objects when he thinks no one is looking. Charles has conversations with the kettle, the washing machine, and their roomba – and every time Erik eavesdrops on him, he falls in love with the man a little bit more.
Everything About it is a Love Song – pocky_slash
Summary: Erik's spent fifty years being a figurehead and he's ready to leave that behind. Luckily, so is Charles.
(aka Old Retired Dudes in Love)
A Very Xavier-Lehnsherr Christmas – zamwessell
Summary: Erik is discovering new things about Charles Xavier all the time. Charles sometimes talks in his sleep. Often about food. Occasionally in Latin. Charles has a scar on his left thigh from attempting to demonstrate relativity to a girl by sitting on a hot stove. Charles doesn’t mean to be so loud when they make love, but sometimes Charles can’t help himself.
Charles is a voracious reader. Charles has an unspeakably filthy imagination. Charles will try anything in bed twice to make sure he wasn’t wrong the first time.
Charles is unexpectedly fond of Christmas. Perhaps that is not the phrase. “Unhealthily obsessed” might be better.
The fluffiest holiday fluff you ever read in your dang life.
Of Crabs and Castles – flightinflame 
Summary: Charles and Erik take their children to the beach. Wanda builds a sandcastle, Nina makes some friends, and Pietro gets some exercise. Some family fun in the sunshine.
Bring Your Daughter To Work Day – listerinezero
Summary: Charles brings three year old Lorna to class with him.
Glasses – grim_lupine
Summary: Charles blinks at him bemusedly, but Erik barely notices because Charles is wearing glasses— wire-rimmed, and Erik can feel the metal humming, traces without touch the way they follow the curve of Charles’s nose and rest behind his ears.
Genetics Isn’t Sexy – pocky_slash
Summary: Charles lectures. The kids aren't very responsive. Erik, on the other hand....
Peanut Butter and Honey (The Fairytale Remix) – pocky_slash
Summary: Once upon a time there was a Princess named Anya who lived in a house with her Daddy and her wicked stepmother Charles. (A wicked stepmother is the person who comes and lives with princesses and their daddies after their mommies go away.) She had a best friend named Leroy, and one day he was lost.
The Bystander (The Consultant (aka A Westchester Telepath in the Avengers Tower) Remix) – Nanimok
Summary: When it comes to Professor Charles Xavier, telepath, SHIELD consultant and compulsive flirt, no one is safe.
Not even the Big Three.
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jamesbuchannan · 3 years
What, Like It’s Hard? | p. one | j.b.b
Summary: Y/N’s boyfriend breaks her heart, calls her dumb, and she decides to go to law school. Also, she spills her coffee on a cute boy :)
A/N: If this sucks pls tell me I will rewrite it.
Pairings: Future Bucky x Stark!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of breakup, self doubt, if there’s more please let me know.
previous part: prologue
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You had sat in your room for weeks. What the hell just happened? I mean, you’re Y/N Stark goddamn it. You’re beautiful, you’re smart, your father is Tony Fucking Stark.
Your friends would peek into your room occasionally to make sure you were still alive, bringing a fresh box of tissues along with them. Yeah you were sad because he broke up with you, but it was so much more than that.
“Sweetie, you can’t sit in here for the rest of your life and wallow over some guy,” Meg stated. You knew she was right, but she also didn’t understand.
“Meg, it isn’t just because he broke up with me. Sure, it hurts like hell. But it’s why he broke up with me that hurts more. How could he say those things to me? I’m just as smart, if not smarter, than he is!”
“I know, sweetie, he’s an ass,” she sighed, “What would make you feel better? Smoothies? Spa day? Watch Gavin Porter play field hockey shirtless?”
“Getting into Harvard.”
Your academic advisor was absolutely perplexed.
“Y/N, we have spent years working on your masters in education, why the sudden switch? Are you sure this is what you want?”
“I’m not giving up my dreams of becoming a teacher, I just think I can do both,” who said you couldn’t go to Harvard while also teaching the minds of todays youth full time? “I swear I can do this.”
“Okay, this sheet of paper here has all of the information you’ll need for the LSAT,” she hands it across the desk, “it will have study information, exam times you can sign up for, and it says there is no cutoff score, but you need to shoot for higher than a 173. You also need to have a few good recommendation letters and a good essay. Good luck.”
Studying was the worst part. What if you’re doing all of this for nothing? What if Kyle was right? Maybe you aren’t smart enough for Harvard.
No, you’ve made it this far. You have studied your ass off, wrote an amazing admissions essay, and have had countless professor write recommendation letters. You’ve got this.
This is the monologue going through your mind as you sit there with your freshly refreshed screen.
Click Here for Your LSAT Score.
“You want me to do it?”
“No, I need to do it,” you sigh, “thanks Meg.”
Holy shit.
“Holy shit!” Meg yelled, “You did it, Y/N! I’m so proud of you!”
Next came your acceptance letter. It all began to feel so real. How is it that in a span of a few months you decided you wanted to go to Harvard, and now you’re holding your acceptance letter?
“You promise you’ll call every single day?”
“I promise, Meg. I’ll even call you on the days where I have to stay up till 4 in the morning studying some boring murder case,” you guys have been hugging for a solid 4 minutes now, “I’ll especially call you if there are any cute boys.”
“Ugh! You better. I need pictures, for science,” she giggles, “and hey, remember, you’ve already proven Kyle wrong. Forget about him.”
“Yeah, I will. I just wanna see his face first.”
The ride wasn’t that bad and your dorm room is pretty nice. You have your own room, which is great seeing as you haven’t had to share a room since freshmen year. You spent the whole first day making your room more personal, needing to feel some form of home.
Luckily, you were able to get evening classes, your first class starting at 4pm. It fits perfect with your schedule at the local elementary school, having gotten a teaching job in the Kindergarten department. You’re worried about the time and workload, but you believe in yourself.
It was around 6am as you head towards the parking lot, away from campus. Suddenly, you run into someone full force, knocking your coffee onto your shoes and this stranger.
“Fuck! I’m so sorry! I am such a fuckin’ klutz.”
You look up in the midst of your rambling to see a massive, behemoth of a man. Great, now you look like an idiot in front of this beautiful man.
“It’s okay, genuinely, it’s fine,” he laughs a bit, “Why are you walking off campus at 6am, do you not have class?”
“Um, yeah, I have class later. I’m on my way to work,” Why are you telling this stranger your schedule? God, he’s making you so flustered.
“Work? What, daddy doesn’t pay your tuition?” your face falls a bit, and he can tell, “That made me sound like a douche, didn’t it? It’s just, most of the students here don’t work while in school, they usually don’t need to.”
“I’m a kindergarten teacher. And yes my dad does pay my tuition, but I teach because I love it.”
“Wow, well I admire that. I can’t imagine being a teacher while being in law school. Well, I’ll let you get to work, but it was nice meeting you. I’m James, but my friends call me Bucky.”
“Well, James, I’m Y/N. Hopefully I won’t spill my coffee on you again.”
masterlists: if you’re crossed out, check your settings. if i forgot you, pls lmk!
master: @criminallyautumn
what, like it’s hard?: @vicmc624​ @teenagedreams-bucky​ @hotleaf-juice @white-wolf-buckaroo @ashpeace888 @ts1mp0ne @buckylokisimp
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stilemawillow · 3 years
Hi can I request a dadlevi x momreader where they have a teenage daughter and the 104th cadet boys gave a crush on her and Levi gets really protective and the reader has to reassure him that she's not a baby anymore pleaseeee thank you😁
welp, i’m usually slow as a sloth with requests but if you don’t mind it being a short drabble i can sure as hell crack up sth soo sorry if it’s a bit too short but here goes, hope you like it anonie (also i kind of said trabble and it turned out 1500 words, sorry) ________________________________________________
“This is getting out of hand, Levi.” Your words were low around the table at the mess hall as your raven-haired husband fixed the cadets across from you with a murderous glare. You put a hand to his tense shoulder and could distinctly hear Mike and Hanji snort from next to you at Levi’s click of the tongue - still, his abuse didn’t stop.
Your daughter glanced at her father once, smiling happily from her place in between the cheerful males of the 104th squad and proceeding to be rather oblivious when it came to his foul mood. Admittedly, he hadn’t spoken about it to anybody but, as the mother of his rather grown-up child and the woman who’d spent well over two decades with him already, you didn’t need a verbal explanation to gather why he was being so pissy.
Since your daughter had been enlisted in the Corps (something her and Levi and you and her had had two separate rather long arguments about), she was in the spotlight, or, well, something of the sort. She was kind enough to communicate with her peers and funny enough to make them laugh, and the looks she’d mostly inherited from you did its part when it came to charming the rookies you’d later checked were named Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun, Connie Springer, Armin Arlert and partly, the very special Eren Jaeger.
They were her comrades and she regarded them as such - close people she would protect and work with in the future, and they regarded her the same with just a little bit of an ulterior motive. Naturally, parents were good at noticing those stuff and the usually emotion-incompetent Levi Ackerman was no exception when it came to Jean’s heart eyes mirroring his own aimed at you in the past.
As a good father who couldn’t, however, reveal his identity straight-up, he made sure to mentor the kids as harshly as he could, strict in his teachings and rather sadistic out of them. The poor boys had handled stable and kitchen duty more than any previous rookies enlisted and two or three of them had gotten lucky enough to clean up a whole storage of 3DM gear and run laps till they fainted. You were nurturing when it came to those undeserved mishaps and ended up playing the good cop who gave the poor boys water and let them sleep for the rest of the day.
Levi didn’t know it but the harder his punishments got, the more reason his daughter had to pity the boys and question her father’s behaviour. We arrive at a moment where he could no longer think of a suitable punishment to pull through with enough reason and, of course, your endless nagging on the topic. Your daughter didn’t need to know about this secret little bickering, as the cadets didn’t know she was your child and nobody but the superiors were aware of your relationship with Humanity’s Strongest Soldier.
“I’m just monitoring.” The raven’s excuse was laughable as you were leaving the mess hall and he literally stalked his daughter and her tall charmers to the training fields, where you decided to pull him along into the building and have a little talk.
“This is ridiculous, do you realise what you’re doing?” Your question struck nothing in him as he made his way to the second floor of the building only so he could observe from above the training the 104th cadets would undertake with Hanji. His hawk eyes pierced the window and the boys surrounding his precious little baby, and in that moment you felt a little soft when it came to reprimanding him.
“I’m watching my fucking child.” He argued with a grumble and crossed arms, making you sigh as you leaned against the window and observed his features. You could guess only by the pissed off twitch of his brow your daughter had been paired to combat with some of the boys he so disliked.
“But she’s not in danger.” You objected with a snort to which he rolled his eyes. “Also our child.” The addition made his frown more sarcastic, then you pushed at his shoulder and glanced outside. The sun was shining and your husband was silent - and you had to be a good wife and mother at the same time. “Now, I need you to hear me out. Our daughter is fifteen years old and she’s part of the worst group possible. Maybe we can concern ourselves more with her safety and happiness, not so much with the boys she has as friends.”
“It’s unacceptable for them to slack off this much, not to mention you’re defending her. You pointed it out, she’s just fifteen.” The emphasis was a cold slap in your face, then you were eyeing him pointedly.
“Levi,” his grey hues left the window for a second to lock with your gaze, “I was fifteen when I met you.” Your words made him suck in a breath but his obstinance had no limits when it came to his overprotective nature.
“All the more fucking reason for me to protect her.”
“No, all the more reason for us to watch from afar and let her live her life. She’s a teenager once and the fact she’s bonding with her comrades isn’t going to kill her.” The brow he quirked at you made you glare, then you beat him to speaking. “She’s not a baby anymore, we take care of her, yes, but we have to give her some freedom too. Otherwise, we’ll get a rebellious period and I can’t handle managing both your explosive asses once that happens.” His spiteful snort was provocative but his figure turned away from the window to glare at you - good, so he was buckling.
“My ass is explosive only when I drink too much coffee.” His childish retort made you chuckle - you took it as him admitting defeat by not addressing the issue any further.
“And when Hanji cooks.” Your joke called forth an eye-roll from him, then his lips pursed and you smiled at his pale countenance. “It’s fine being worried, she’s been sheltered her whole life and suddenly you’re forced to watch her form connections with people who’re not us. I would say, however,” your smile slowly curled into a smirk as you glanced at the training fields through the window, “she can beat up the boys if they annoy her without your help.”
His brows furrowed and his attention followed your gaze, and you watched your fifteen-year-old daughter flip the blond Reiner Braun over her shoulder with a move Levi had taught her when she was ten. He fell to the ground and, from experience, you knew how much it hurt when all the air was pushed out of your lungs in that moment. Next thing he knew, a foot had stepped on his dominant hand’s wrist and a small hand held a wooden knife to his throat.
In your peripheral vision, you saw the satisfied flicker in Levi’s orbs and decided he wouldn’t be arguing with you on the topic of this anymore. Also, he might as well spare the boys their duties. If his daughter could handle the biggest one this easily, she could land a kick to the testicles effortlessly if any of them proved problematic. You shook your head at the sight and how proud Levi seemed due to it, then you realised he was back to watching you.
“On the topic of us meeting when you were still a brat, are you insinuating anything?” You began waving your hands around in a “no” when he glared at the field, then at you. You’d just denied when he tactfully cut in with: “Far as I remember, you jumped me and you had eighteen.” You let out an awkward laugh and his glare got all the more deadly.
“Haha, about that. I actually lied so you’d let me.” The slow admittance slipped past your dry lips and you watched your husband doubt everything you’d told him in your shared life. You could see him recall everything and make sure he was in the right - except you’d been stupid as a teenager and twice as scheming.
“But your birthday had passed.” He argued coldly, unsuspecting of the truth and ever so sweet because he put so much trust in you.
“And about that, my birthday’s kind of a month after the date I told you.” You watched his eyes widen and began ranting, as per tradition when he came close to blowing a fuse and you wanted to avoid being collateral damage. “I know what you’re thinking, I’m so lucky that my wife is even younger than I thought she was, she’s so attractive and youthful---”
“I’m thinking how I’m about to beat your ass in our next combat session for lying to me for twenty fucking years, that’s what I’m thinking.”
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wtnrscap · 4 years
It never stops
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: A lead in the ruins of Sokovia brings a face from the past back.
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Warnings: Set post-Endgame, swearing, a lil angst.
A/N: I have a bad feeling I’ve butchered your ask @badasseddy​ but I hope you still like it. Feel free to complain if you hate it. Currently writing a request a day, so I will get to everyone’s.
I cannot for the life of me remember who made this divider, so if it’s yours or you know who’s it is, please tell me so I can credit them.
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81 years had passed since Bucky had last gone dancing, and he felt as though his eardrums were going to burst. Adrenaline shot through his veins, the alcohol having no affects. Sam nodded his head with the beat and Bucky groaned. Is this really what music passed for nowadays?
It took several punches to the arm for Bucky to realize that Sam was trying to get his attention, and he whipped his head around so fast they almost knocked each other out. Sam yelled and smacked Bucky’s metal arm, before screaming in pain.
 ‘Serves his right for dragging me to this hell’, thought Bucky. He watched as Sam pulled out a photograph and waved it in front of his face, “We’re looking for this girl. She’s undercover. Locate her and contact me on coms.”
 Bucky yanked the photo out of the air and stared at, memorizing the girl’s face. He vaguely remembered her, but he didn’t know why. Her Y/H/C hair was tied in a lose ponytail, with striking Y/E/C eyes and a distinctive smile. Her arms were wrapped out Sam’s shoulder, while Steve’s arm rest on her shoulder. Bucky tried to ignore the youth of his friend and chose to focus on the fact that the girl was pretty. The natural kind of pretty that all the girls wanted but compensated with layers of makeup. Bucky tucked the photo into his jacket with slight reluctance. It was the type of photo where he would have cut the girl out and tucked it into his army uniform, reminding himself what he was fighting for.
 The pair separated, Sam heading towards the dancefloor and Bucky the bar. A beacon of escape, Bucky decided. Sam had said no drinking on the job, but fuck Sam, if he wanted to drink, then he would. Bucky was immune to the addictive buzz anyway.
 The bar was empty aside from a man in a suit at the end, but he seemed a little distracted, a girl on his lap, giggling at something that probably wasn’t very funny. The girls in this club knew how to make their living. Bottles were stacked almost floor high, dirty looking glasses and a few dripping taps. A girl stood at the end, scrubbing a smeared flute with a grubby cloth. Bucky tapped his fingers and she sauntered over, “What can I get ya, pal? Looking a bit lost there…”
 “Well, I don’t really fit in. You see a lot of faces here?”
 “As a bartender? More than I care to count. Need help with something?”
 Bucky pulled the photo out, folded out Sam and Steve, and slid it across the wet bar, “I’m looking for this girl. Have you seen her?”
 The girl lifted it up gingerly, letting it drip. As she analyzed it, Bucky gave himself a chance to look at her, weighing her up. Her hair was black with green highlights, ending on her shoulders. Her eyes were the same as the girl’s in the photo but the smile, it wasn’t the same. This wasn’t who they were looking for.
 The girl slid the photo back, “She’s pretty, but I’ve never seen her. I think I’d remember her if I did.”
Bucky tucked the photo back into his jacket. The girl straightened up, a crease forming across her brow, “Are you sure you don’t want anything? A dry martini?” the girl looked up at him almost expectantly, but Bucky shook his head, “I’m good. I’ll probably be here till closing time, so if you see her, pull me over.”
 “We can sink no lower…” mumbled Bucky, the toilet creaking dangerously below him. Sam hushed him quickly, “The girl is here. We have to stay ’till we find her.”
 “And that means hiding in the toilets?” snapped Bucky, meriting another hush from Sam. Bucky frowned, “Hey, this is your fault! This was your idea! She never turned up, we could have come back another day, but no, we’re here, hiding in this hell hole.”
 A thump from outside silenced him. Carefully, Sam left his cubicle, closely followed by Bucky, and propped open the door, enough for them to see and hear what was happening.
 “Club’s closed boys. You need to leave…” the voice of the bartender echoed around the room. Several guffaws responded, “We weren’t satisfied with our service.”
 “Not my problem. I run the bar, not the brothel.”
 “I don’t think Batroc will be very happy with that. He employs you, does he not?”
 “Yes…” the bartender’s voice trailed off nervously, “What are you going to do to me?”
 “Show you what we do to unwilling workers. Grab her and strap to the table… That one, in the corner…”
 Without hesitation, Bucky grabbed onto Sam’s arm, mouthing, “I can’t listen to this. We have to help her!”
 Sam’s hand flew over Bucky’s mouth, “We’re not here for her… Stay put!”
 Bucky pushed against Sam, trying to free himself from the Falcon’s grip, but Sam held him fast. A brief squabble broke out, Bucky and Sam fighting against each other, until Bucky used his metal hand to break free, rushing through the door to shocking sight.
 The bartender wiped her lip, staring down at three men, “Touch me again, and I will fucking kill you.”
 “Fuck…” thought Bucky, ‘I should not be this turned on…’
 “Hey, pretty boy? Pretty boy? Pay attention to me!” the bartender’s voice snapped Bucky out of his daydream, “Meet me in the alley in 5 minutes. Bring Sam.”
 The dingy alley smelt of piss and sick, but the bartender seemed unperturbed, flinging her arms around Sam’s neck, “Oh, I’ve missed you Birdie!”
 “I’ve missed you too! We’ve been looking for you all night! Where have you been?”
 “At the bar! Your friend approached me, I thought he would recognize me, but no, and when I said the words, he didn’t reply with the code!” the bartender shot Bucky an angry glance. Bucky snapped, “What words? I wasn’t told of any words. And why would I recognize you? I’ve never met you in my life! This is so stupid!”
 The bartender huffed and pulled on her hair until it come off in her hand, revealing Y/H/C underneath. The black hair was a wig. Next, she pulled out the photo from Sam’s pocket and pulled up to her face and copied the smile. Bucky saw the resemble immediately, “It’s you…”
 “My name’s Agent Y/N L/N, I’m undercover here. You probably don’t remember me, we didn’t really meet, but I helped Steve and Sam disappear in 2016. I saw you from a distance, but you were kinda wiped out, no metal arm and longer hair. As for the words, I was told to offer you a dry martini, and you should’ve responded with ‘I don’t like my martini’s dry’.”
 “I hate martini’s altogether! And I gave you a photo of yourself!”
 “I’ve had 4 people give me a photo of myself today alone! The people after you are on your case!” Y/N’s chest heaved with anger and frustration, “Baltroc will be in the old Sokovian church tomorrow at midday. He’s made several attempts to take over the Sokovian people after the country fell with Ultron. We’ve tried to enlist the help of Wanda Maximoff, but we’ve had no response.”
 “She’s gone MIA… No one knows where she is…” responded Sam slowly, “If what you say is true, not that I am doubting you, then we need to get moving now. You are relieved of your duty. Where will you head?”
 “To New York. I’ll go to the compound.”
 “Well, I’m looking forward to seeing you there…” Sam pulled Y/N into a tight hug before turning to Bucky, “We leave in 10.”
 Bucky nodded his head and looked down at Y/N, “I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you.”
 “Not your fault. I’m sorry I lost my temper.”
 “Not your fault…” Bucky shifted awkwardly. Y/N smiled slightly, “Do you miss him?”
 Bucky’s eyes widened almost comically. He hadn’t expected that from her, the mention of Steve. He noticed the way her shoulders slumped at the question, her eyes losing their sparkle slightly. He wondered how the snap had affected her, and, for the first time, wondered what an Agent like her was doing here, in the burned ruins of Sokoiva. He tried to match her smile, “Everyday… It’s hard… I know that he is still alive, but the whole world believes him dead, and I don’t actually see him very often now, so sometimes, it’s like he’s dead to me too. It just never stops, this life. It’s fast and hard.”
 “I understand…” Y/N nodded her head, and Bucky spied a tear, and felt a pang in his heart, “Did… Did you love him?”
 “Oh God no!” gasped Y/N with a chuckle, “Me and Steve were more like siblings or best friends. He helped me and I helped him… I wasn’t snapped away, so spent the last 5 years with him. I trained with Natasha, and when Scott came back, Steve sent me away. To protect me, he said. I don’t doubt him, but I wonder, if I stayed, would’ve I been able to stop him from leaving?”
 “No. He had his mind set on it…”
 “Why’d you ask if I love him?”
 Bucky cheeks reddened, “Well, after I messed this up so bad, I wondered if once I got back to New York, you’d like to go for drinks… or not?”
 “Sargent Barnes, are you asking me on a date?”
 Bucky shivered at the use of the title, but tried to cover it, “Would you be opposed to the idea?”
 Bucky smiled at her as Sam yelled at him to hurry up. There was another moment of awkwardness before Bucky turned on his heel. Y/N stood still for few seconds before gasping, “Bucky! Wait!”
 It was Y/N’s turn to blush as she pecked a kiss on his cheek, “Be safe. Baltroc has a rep for maximum of casualties.”
 “I promise, doll…” Bucky smiled at took her hand in his, “Never thought the night would end like this. And now, I must really go.”
 Sam frowned as they stepped onto the Quinjet, “How do you do it, man? 5 minutes ago, you barely knew the girl, and now you’re going on a date with her?”
 “It’s called charm, Birdbrain, you should try it some time.”
 “I have charm! And a wingman.”
 “Redwing does not count.”
 Sam huffed and sat down in a seat, “He so does. Besides, when she realizes you have a cyber-brain, she’ll be gone.”
 “Nah, I’ll just charm her again.”
 “Not with that grouchy face. If the wind changes, your face will be stuck like that.”
“I hate you…” muttered Bucky. Sam burst out laughing, nudging Bucky’s shoulder, and the man let out a small snort, smiling gently. 
It might never stop, but Bucky couldn’t deny, when it did, it was nice. Steve was gone, but he had Sam and now, Y/N too. Yeah... All was good.
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Your Friends Were All Standing Around Looking At Your Cock The Other Dayee...
Interior of the farm house. WAYNE, KATY, and SQUIRRELLY DAN stand around the table, looking at something.
KATY: It's a beautiful cock.
WAYNE: Oh, it's a gorgeous cock.
DAN, shifting from foot to foot, uncomfortably: Now I'ms nots denyings that it's a mightys fines cocks. I just thinks its mights not bes appropriates to have sets outs on the supper tables is all.
KATY: Oh Dan, there's been far worse things than a cock on this table.
WAYNE growls: Better not have been them hockey nutsacks.
KATY: I'm a big girl, Wayne. None of your business what nutsacks I'm spending time with.
WAYNE, begrudgingly: True.
DAN: You knows whats you're afters, miss Katys, and that's what I appreciates about you.
KATY, flirtatiously: Oh, is that what you appreciate about me?
WAYNE: Take about ten, twenty percent off her over there Squirrelly Dan.
DAN, looking at the table: Oh hey look. A cock. What is sets most unhygenicallys on the table we eats off ofs.
KATY: Jesus Dan. Hop off our cocks.
WAYNE: Besides, you're a bigger degen than Dary if you eat directly off the table.
DAN: Where is Darys anyways? Ain't like him to miss such a magnificents cocks.
DARY enters the KITCHEN: Sorry I'm late. Spent all morning wrangling my cock into its cage.
DAN, sympathetically: Its was giving yous some troubles thens?
DARY: Kept making itself all big and plumped up. Couldn't get it to fit in the cage. Ended up having to really wrassle with it for a good long while.
KATY: Could say you had to take your cock firmly in hand there, Dary?
WAYNE: Pert near had to choke that chicken, I'd imagine.
DARY: Pert near.
DAN: But yous gots it settled downs and ins its cage?
DARY nods and hefts a rooster in a wire cage into frame: Yup. Tuckered it out eventually. Now it's placid as anything.
WAYNE: Now that's a handsome cock, Dary. A right handsome cock.
DARY, bashful: Aw, it ain't nothing special. Not like yours, Wayne.
DARY:  Now that's a real handsome cock, and well behaved to boot.
WAYNE: Ok, Dary. Dary, ok. Ok, Dary. Dary, ok. Youwannaknowwhat? Here's the scoop and I'm gonna tell ya. I look at your cock and I think, well, I think: good for you buddy. Just like, good for you bud. Like I'm real proud of ya, Dary.
DAN: It's a mightys fines cocks, Dary. Yous gots every rights to be prouds.
KATY: Nothing wrong with a spirited cock, anyways.
DARY, bashful: Still reckon yours'll be the cock to beat down the Ag Festival, Wayne.
WAYNE: Oh it's a handsome cock all right.
KATY: A beautiful cock.
WAYNE: Oh it's a gorgeous cock.
DARY: Not to be pulling your own horn over there.
DAN: Oh yous shoulds nevers do thats. Leastwise nots ins mixed companies.
KATY: Says you.
WAYNE, abrupt: No hard feelings Dary. Regardless of who beats whose cock.
DARY: No hard feelings.
WAYNE holds his hand straight out for DARY to shake: Then may the man with the best cock win.
INTERIOR SHOT OF THE AG BUILDING. WAYNE, KATY, DARY, and SQUIRRELLY DAN are standing around a table with ROOSTERS in cages on it. The DYCKS and the HOCKEY PLAYERS are also there, standing further down the room.
GLEN enters with a clipboard, officiators badge: Wayne! How're you now?
WAYNE: Good'nyou?
GLEN: Oh, I'm just dripping with excitement to be judging all y'alls cocks. Especially yours Wayne.
WAYNE squints into the distance.
DAN: You're judgings the competitions?
GLEN: Indeed I am, Daniel. Although admittedly I misunderstood the nature of the event when I first volunteered to judge. But! I have plenty of experience judging cocks from my years on the family poultry farm. The cocks I raised as a youth...
WAYNE: Pitter patter.
GLEN: Well, fine. If you don't appreciate hearing about my cock judging credentials.
DARY, snickering: Pretty sure pert near everyone in town knows 'bout those.
GLEN: True but uncalled for, Daryl!
NOAH DYCK, joining the hicks: I for one think it is admirable that Preacher Glen has experience handling and judging cocks. And from his boyhood, once.
WAYNE: Noah.
NOAH: Wayne.
DARY: Mr. Dyck.
NOAH: Daryl.
DAN: Noahs Dycks.
NOAH: Daniel. A pity Lovina Dyck could not make it to the cock judging. I'm certain she would have had she known you were showing your cock. For is it not true, mine wife, that the love tree often bears fruit when a young man parades his cock before his sweetheart, once?
ANITA approaches: What nonsense are you speaking now, Noah?
NOAH: Simply that a Dyck chooses a lifemate in part by how well she-
KATY: Or he.
DAN: Ors theys.
NOAH: -raises a cock. Did not you impress me with your cock raising skills when first we were courting?
ANITA, blushing: You say too much, husband.
NOAH: And did not you help raise this cock which I am showing proudly this day, once? Why without mine Anita Dyck's loving and tender hand, this cock would be but small and limp and lifeless.
ANITA: Us Snatches have always had a way with cocks, as well you know.
NOAH: A good thing too. Us Dycks require a skilled hand with raising our cocks. Lovina will be delighted to know you've raised such a magnificent cock as are being shown here this day. Perhaps I shall send one of my young sons to go fetch her, once. So that she might see your cock.
DAN, hurriedly: Oh nos, I'm nots showings anybodys anythings. That's all Waynes and Darys.
GLEN: Daryl! I didn't realize you were showing your cock today too. Oh, this is so exciting! Me, in the middle of a Daryl/Wayne cock sandwich.
WAYNE growls.
GLEN: Although I don't know how I'm supposed to choose between the two of your cocks. I think it will take some lengthy deliberation.
KATY: This is already taking fucking forever, I'm going to go sit down.
DAN: I'll join yous, miss Katys.
KATY as they leave: Still not over Lovina Dyck, eh?
DAN: I don'ts knows that I'll evers stop thinkings abouts Lovinas Dycks, miss Katys. Ands that's a facts.
DARY (aside): Katy's right. This is taking fucking forever.
WAYNE to GLEN: I say again. Pitter. Patter.
GLEN whines.
WAYNE: If a man should be one thing, he should be efficient.
GLEN: Fine. Everyone here? Then lets get y'all registered. What's your cocks' names? I'm sure you've come up with some good ones.
WAYNE: Plenty of good names for cocks.
DARY: Oh, you can have a lot of fun naming cocks.
WAYNE: I'm surprised we're not naming cocks right now.
DARY: Could name one after the fictional prizefighter Cocky Balboa.
WAYNE: Or the legendary real life comedian Chris Cock.
DARY: There's always actor and former wrassler Dwayne the Cock Johnson.
GLEN: Ooh, that's a two-for-one special right there.
WAYNE: Or jazz musician John Cocktrain.
DARY: I like that one.
WAYNE: Not too obscure?
DARY: Nah, it's a gooder. Cultured - but not trying too hard.
GLEN: All right, all right. So what are your cocks' names?
DARY: Cock.
GLEN: Come again? And please note, I'm saying that in a completely different context to the one I usually use.
DARY: My cock's called cock. I din't name the damn thing. I know what it looks like.
WAYNE: Well I should hope so.
DARY: And I only got the one. Not liable to mix it up with someone else's cock.
GLEN: Ok. Fine, Dary. Ruin all my fun. TURNS TO WAYNE. What about you, Wayne? What's the big fella called?
WAYNE: Only nutsacks name their cocks.
RILEY breaking into the group around GLEN: We're all saying our cock's names, boys?
JONESY: Just naming silly cock over here, boys?
RILEY: Just christening silly amounts of cock over here, boys?
WAYNE: Again, only nutsacks name their cocks.
GLEN: Yes, boys. Everyone who's entering the cock judging needs to tell me their cock's name so I can make sure to call out the right name during the handling. It's just so embarrassing to call the cock in your hands by the wrong name...
RILEY: We've got a cock to register for judging, boys.
JONESY: Well, really it's Riley's cock we're entering. And it's a real beauty, buddy.
RILEY: Hey, buddy. It's as much your cock as mine. It is a real beauty though buddy.
JONESY: Just a real beauty of a cock here, boys.
RILEY: Half clapper top cheddar.
JONESY: Guaranteed W. Ferda!
RILEY: Ferda!
GLEN: Now boys, we're talking about roosters here, not actual cocks. Don't feel bad - I too was confused at first. So, while I'm sure Riley's cock is just delightful...
JONESY: It is. He's a registered beautician, buddy.
RILEY: Thanks buddy.
GLEN: Yes. But I just want to stress again – this is the animal we're talking about here.
RILEY: Yeah, boys. Cocks.
JONESY holds up a rooster in a cage: And this is our cock:
RILEY: Four time Stanley Cup winner.
JONESY: Four time Vezina Trophy winner.
RILEY: Hockey hall-of-famer.
JONESY: Goaltender extraordinaire.
RILEY: Terry Sawcock. Ferda!
JONESY: Ferda!
DARY (aside): Kinda surprised they have a whole cock between 'em.
WAYNE: Ain't surprised they share it though, fuck.
DARY: Same way they share a set of testicles. And maybe a tongue.
GLEN: Ooh, don't tempt me Daryl.
WAYNE (turns to RILEY and JONESY): Now where in the hell did yous two nutsacks get a cock from anyways? You better not've stolen it right out from under some poor unsuspecting farmer's nose.
RILEY: We bought it down at the feed store boys.
JONESY: Heard about people keeping chickens as pets boys.
RILEY: How they're so cute and cuddly. Plus free eggs boys.
JONESY: Need plenty of protein to keep up with the gains boys.
RILEY and JONESY flex. GLEN watches avidly. WAYNE is unimpressed.
RILEY: Accidentally bought a rooster though buddy.
JONESY (sadly): Can't get eggs from a rooster buddy.
RILEY: Still a good pet though buddy.
JONESY: Yeah, just really loves to cuddle with us buddy.
RILEY: Yeah, just really loves to cuddle with us on the sofa buddy.
WAYNE: Shouldn't keep farm animals as pets. Fuck.
DARY: Farm animals belong on a farm. S'why they're called farm animals.
WAYNE: Like. You wouldn't let a sow into you're living room. And you wouldn't let a cow into your living room. So why the fuck are you cuddling up on the couch with a cock?
JONESY: Shouldn't knock it till you've tried it.
DARY: I'll knock you.
GLEN: Boys please. Lets not fight. Not when we're all gathered here today for such a noble purpose as comparing cocks.
ALL: Fine.
GLEN: All righty now, let's see. We've got Daryl's cock: cock. We've got Wayne's cock: only nutsacks name their cocks. Riley and Jonesy's collective cock: Terry Sawcock. What do you call your cock, Noah?
NOAH: While there are a great quantity of cocks at the Dyck farm, this is our most quality.
WAYNE: Quality Dyck if you will.
GLEN: Quality Dyck it is.
DARY: Sure 'nough.
WAYNE: Like you see that cock and you say, that's Quality Dyck all right. And no mistake.
GLEN: Mhm! And I know from Quality Dyck. Now, if that's everyone, we can get on with the judging...
MCMURRY barges in: Wait! (Approaching WAYNE) Wayne. How're'you'now? Good'n'you. Ohnotsobad. Okay! (Turns to the GROUP) I, McMurry, am entering my cock in this little competition. So all you sumbitches can make a hole.
GLEN: Well someone's all riled up! You can go ahead and enter your cock right here, McMurry. No need to shout.
DARY (angry): Yeah, no need to bust our balls.
WAYNE (placating): Go have a dart.
DARY (begrudgingly): Yeah, I'll have a dart.
WAYNE and DARY exit.
GLEN: How'reyounow?
AUDIENCE: Good'n'you?
GAIL: All this cock talk's got me wetter than a lighthouse keeper's slicker in a Noreaster, I can tell you that much.
DAN: Gailer!
KATY: First Glen is here judging and now Gail's here.
GAIL approaches KATY and DAN.
DAN: Yeah, Gail. I didn'ts know you were so interesteds in the agriculturals.
GAIL: Less interested in the agriculturals than in seeing some. Good. Hand. Raised. Cock. Specially when I heard Wayne's entered in the cock judging.
DAN to KATY: She knows it's nots actual cocks, rights?
KATY to GAIL: More importantly, is Modean's actually closed?
DAN: Tells me it didn't burns down agains.
KATY: This town needs a fucking bar.
GAIL: Nah, Modean's 3 is still alive and kicking sure as this old goat. But when Glen told me he'd be judging cocks at the agricultural festival I figured the whole fucking town'd be here rather than down Modean's.
DAN: Nots a bad turnsout for Letterkenny's first evers ag festival.
KATY: A great fucking turnout.
GAIL: Plus, I get a chance to see Wayne's cock today – and that's worth a day's profits right there.
KATY: Gross.
GAIL: Not that I've actually lost a day's profits. Bonny's been making the rounds at the Ag festival and apparently, business. Is. Banging.
KATY and DAN whistfully, along with CROWD: Bonny McMurry?
GLEN (impatient): Can I have your attention please!
GLEN: The event we've all been waiting for – I know I have – the cock judging. Lets meet our contestants!
GLEN gestures to the stage like a game show host: First up is Wayne!
AUDIENCE applauds.
WAYNE enters with his rooster and stands stoically, hands in belt loops.
GLEN examining the rooster: An impressive cock. Sturdy. Well built. And a real big fella. Nearly eight pounds, and pure muscle. Wayne, I think you've got a real champion cock here.
WAYNE nods stoically.
GAIL: And that's not the only cock of his I hear is impressive.
GLEN: Oooh, tell me more.
WAYNE: Glen.
GAIL: That rooster's not the only cock almost eight somethings.
MCMURRY (from backstage): Wait, is that measured over or under the balls.
GAIL: And plenty of stamina to make it through those cold Canadian winter nights. If. You. Know. What. I. Mean.
GLEN: No, please continue in explicit detail.
WAYNE: Glen!
GLEN: Ok, fine. (Gestures WAYNE to move to the rear of the stage.) Moving along, next up is Dary!
AUDIENCE applauds.
GLEN examining the rooster: Oh, you've got a feisty one here, Dary. Plenty of personality! A little smaller than Wayne's but still an excellent cock. And those freckles are just too cute!
DARY: Aw, thanks Glen.
GLEN: And I'd happily take a look at your other cock if you want, Daryl.
DARY: Thanks for the offer Glen, but like I said, I only got the one.
GLEN: Oh never mind.
GLEN waves DARY off the stage.
DARY moves to stand next to WAYNE.
GLEN: Here's our next contestant, Noah Dyck!
AUDIENCE applauds.
GLEN: Now this is something special, y'all. An excellent example of a Canadian heritage breed, known for being an excellent layer and quite robust as well. Yes, I think we can all agree that this is certainly Quality Dyck right here.
NOAH: Thank you Preacher Glen. Such comments mean much coming from such an experienced judge of cocks as yourself.
GLEN: Oh, Noah. You'll make me blush. (GLEN rapidly ushers NOAH to stand next to DARY and WAYNE)  Anywho, our next contestant is Riley and Jonesy!
AUDIENCE applauds with some confusion.
DAN: What, both of thems? Collectivelys?
KATY: It makes sense. They do everything else together.
DAN: Everythings?
GAIL: Ev. Ry. Thing.
DAN: Katy?
KATY: Can confirm.
DAN: Wow. Didn'ts needs to knows thats.
KATY: You did ask.
GAIL: It's not like we gave you a blow. By. Blow account. But if you really want to know...
GLEN: This cock's a little smaller than the ones we've seen previously. Not as much muscle – might want to exercise it a little more, boys. Just really put it through it's paces.
SHORESY: Yeah! Give your balls a tug titfuckers!
RILEY: Fuck you, Shoresy! Where's your cock, if you think you're so good!
SHORESY: Fuck you Riley! If you want to know about my cock, just ask your mom. She saw plenty of it last night. Rode me so hard reverse cowgirl style I thought she was going to snap it off.
JONESY: Fuck you Shoresy!
SHORESY: Don't worry, Jonesy. Your mom was there to kiss it all better.
RILEY and JONESY: Fuck you Shoresy!
GLEN: Well! All audience commentary aside, I think you've got a very shapely cock, Riley. And I think if you put in the time, worked hard and raised it properly, you could have a real champion cock on your hands.
RILEY: Thanks, boys!
JONESY: Yeah, thanks boys!
GLEN: You're welcome. Now go sit down so we can get to our next contestant!
RILEY and JONESY fistbump and move to join the others.
McMURRY pushes forward through the other contestants: Yes, I McMurry am here to have my cock judged in front of all of you. And I'm gonna win this cocksucking cock competition, just you watch.
MRS McMURRY: Knock 'em dead, baby. Love you.
McMURRY: Love you too baby.
GLEN (awkward): Well, this cock's a little on the small side...
KATY: And that's a little bit of an understatement.
JARED KEESO CHARACTER #1: It's fucking tiny, McMurry. I've got a bigger cock hatched out an egg yesterday.
JARED KEESO CHARACTER #2: How'd you get a woman like Mrs. McMurry with a tiny cock like that?
JARED KEESO CHARACTER #1: You're a piece of shit, McMurry.
MRS McMURRY: Don't listen to him. Your cock's perfect, baby.
GLEN: Yes, well. They say it's not size that counts, but in this case – and a few others – that's just not true. Sorry, McMurry. You're out of the competition.
McMURRY: Goldangit all! (Exits STAGE mumbling profanities)
MRS McMURRY rushes after him.
GLEN: Now on to our last competitor! Modean Three's own Bonny McMurry!
AUDIENCE applauds.
DAN: I's hads no ideas she raised cocks.
KATY: I seem to remember her raising your cock pretty frequently there Dan.
DAN: I seems to remembers yous were plentys affected as well, Miss Katy.
KATY: What can I say? I like a woman with a championship cock.
GLEN: And what an excellent cock it is! A little on the slender side, but shapely! And what a lovely temperament. Outgoing without being pushy! Oh, it's just gorgeous!
WAYNE (aside to Dary): Now that's a lovely cock.
DARY: It's a beautiful cock for sure.
WAYNE: Oh it's a gorgeous cock.
GLEN: I think we have a winner folks! Let's hear it for Bonny McMurry's excellent cock!
DAN: Recon Miss Katies is going to wants her seats back anytimes soons?
WAYNE: I imagine she's occupied for the evening.
DARY: Can't really blame her. I mean, who knew Bonny McMurry had such a championship cock?WAYNE: Hell, anybody'd want to go celebrate down MoDean's after a win like that. She's more than earned it, showing up all our cocks like that.
DARY: Still, there's no shame in coming second, good buddy.
DAN: Especiallys nots against such stiffs competitions.
WAYNE: I reckon you're right there, Dary. Andyouwannaknowwhat? Ain't no shame in coming third neither.
DAN: Especiallys nots against such stiffs competitions.
WAYNE stands and holds his hand out for DARY to shake: Congratulations Dary. That's a mighty fine cock you've got there.
DARY stands and shakes WAYNE's hand: Not as nice as yours, Wayne. Congratulations on the cock.
WAYNE and DARY sit.
WAYNE looks at where the roosters are sitting next to each other: Well, I'll give those hockey nutsacks this. They are cuddly little fuckers, aren't they?
DARY hawks a loogie in agreement.
WAYNE: Still not letting 'em in the fucking house though.
WAYNE, DARY, and DAN take a drink of PUPPERS.
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butwhyduh · 4 years
The Batmobile
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Jason todd x reader
Warning: angst, fluff, smut, it’s fucking in the fucking batmobile 🤷🏻‍♀️😏
It was a whole year ago that you found out about Jason being Red Hood. He had left a spare helmet in the back of his closet and you had pulled it on top of you when you grabbed a hoodie. After mentally freaking out, Jason had gotten you a bag of ice for the knot on your head.
It took a whole freaking year of knowing his secret and almost 2 years of dating for you to be invited to the Wayne Manor. Okay, actually Bruce had invited you within the first 6 months of dating. Jason was the one who wanted to keep you a secret.
You spent a good 2 hours looking through your entire closet to find something to wear. What the hell do you wear to dinner at a billionaire’s house? You relaxed a little when you saw Jason wearing plain jeans and a hoodie. Okay, yeah good. Casual was better. Not to mention that you were taking a motorcycle there.
You arrived in skinny jeans and a leather jacket that felt like a protection. You could act like a punk and most people won’t touch you. Especially when Jason had the scowl he was currently wearing. You followed his eyes to see the unmistakable form of Bruce Wayne in the drive.
Did Bruce specifically find children that resembled him? Much like Jason he was tall and muscular with dark hair and as you got closer you could see he also had blue eyes. He had a few wrinkles around his eyes and grey in his hair that seemed to add to his beauty rather than take it away. You’d never met a billionaire before.
“Hello,” Bruce said.
“Hello.” You shook his hand.
“I apologize for not having you over sooner but Jason seems to have wanted to keep you a secret,” he said with a tiny smile you almost missed.
“I wonder why,” Jason whispered sarcastically. Bruce ignored it. “Hello demon spawn,” he said and you gasped at the person you hadn’t seen before standing only a few feet from you.
“Damian Wayne,” he said with his hand out to you. You shook the young man’s hand and stated your name. He was only a inch or two within your height despite his youth and heavily resembled his father except for his deep olive skin tone and green eyes.
The door opened and a voice called out, “perhaps you should bring your party inside the manor. It will be snowing soon.” The polished English accent must have been Alfred.
Bruce moved to the side and you all walked in. Alfred had walked to the dinning room. The hallway had deep polished wood walls and was dimly lit by candles on candelabras. As you walked towards the room, a warm body grabbed your hand and you shrieked.
“Sorry! Sorry!” He said releasing your hand. You flushed, embarrassed. “I thought you saw me. I’m Dick.” He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
Jason grasped your hand and stepped towards Dick with a look of murder on his face. You put your hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay. It was an accident,” you said with a little awkward laugh. Jason relaxed a little.
Alfred stood in the doorway to the dinning room with a small smile. He gently cleared his throat and you all followed him in the dinning room. It was then that you truly took in the beauty of the house. You had been too nervous about meeting his family when walking in.
The room was breathtaking. A long mahogany table was lined with emerald tuffed chaired and heavy gold curtains over the windows. The wooden floor gleamed and you noticed that your feet were the only ones making any noise as you sat down.
“Hello master Jason. It’s nice to see you here again. And you must be y/n. I’m glad he finally brought you around,” Alfred said quietly, shaking your hand. “Excuse me, I must serve dinner.”
A lovely smelling soup was placed before you all and water and wine was served. You watched as everyone ate. Bruce ate casually while Dick animatedly told a story. Another brother, Tim, shook your hand across the table before eating and typing away on his phone. Jason stared at Damian while eating and the teen glared back. You put your hand on Jason’s knee and he seemed to relax a little.
“I need to speak you, Jason, about work after dinner,” Bruce said casually. All of Jason’s tension came back.
“Not today,” he said. “We can talk later.”
“Well it’s quite important WE business,” Bruce said and everyone at the table watched the two closely.
“Is that why we came over? For you to talk business?” Jason said. He almost had a grimace on his face.
“Of course not. We wanted to meet your girlfriend,” Dick interjected. Jason ignored him.
Bruce finally spoke. “He’s right. We can talk about it later. Tell us more about yourself, y/n.”
“Oh, uh...” you said quite put on the spot. “I’m a photographer.”
“You should have brought your camera. The courtyard can be very pretty in the evening,” Bruce said. “Do you work for a newspaper?”
“Of course she doesn’t,” Jason scoffed.
“I don’t. I mainly take portraits but I have been taking urban photos lately,” you said. “Like the effects of urban areas. I mean-“ you felt a loss of words to describe what you meant.
“She takes photos of the worst parts of Gotham to expose the poverty. That’s where we met. I don’t really let her go alone anymore,” he said with the smallest hint of a smile. “It’s pretty damn dangerous.”
“I’ve been fine,” you insisted and Jason thought back on the multiple shady characters he’s had to beat for you to get your shots without knowing what he was doing. “But I’m putting together a piece for South Gotham Gallery. A few more shots and it will be complete.”
“I’ve heard certain areas can be very dangerous,” Dick commented. “I would be very careful. Especially with a camera.”
“Yeah, like the East End,” Tim said.
“I grew up there,” you admitted with a laugh. “Stay away from Crime Alley and you’re probably okay. During the day.”
“It’s unwise to visit at all. Crime has risen 11 percent in the past 3 years,” Damian said. Alfred served a salad next.
“And unemployment by over 15 percent in the Bowery. That’s why I’m doing my piece. Poverty and crime is caused by wealth,” you said frankly before realizing that you just said that to a bunch of billionaires. Jason stifled a snicker.
“I suppose so,” Bruce said slowly. Jesus, you had just insulted your boyfriend’s adoptive father.
“Sorry,” you said quietly looking at your salad.
“It’s fine. It’s true,” Jason said with a shrug.
“So do you two live together,” Dick asked, changing the subject.
“You’re saying that crime is caused by wealth? Can you explain,” Damian said. Jason almost crushed the stem of his wine glass.
“I just mean, Gotham’s rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer and the ones with the money can control that,” you said delicately.
“So the rich can prevent poverty? All poverty?” Damian asked. And to the 13 year old’s credit, he just seemed to be curious. He could clearly feel the tension he was creating but didn’t actually care as he wanted answers.
“Paying people enough to live, healthcare for all, rehabilitation services that actually rehab, good education. All will help prevent crime and poverty. Many studies have shown this,” you said and you wanted to remain impartial but your voice betrayed your passion for the subject.
“We donate and run many foundations that support most of those things. Right father?” Damian asked. You sighed but kept silent. Throwing money doesn’t solve a problem.
Bruce cleared his throat. “Yes.”
“Drop it Damian,” Tim said. He roughly stabbed at his salad.
“I just want to know how she could possibly know what the rich do if she has always been poor.”
Jason crushed the stem at this point. “Shit,” you said quickly wrapping his bleeding hand in a handkerchief from the table. He looked close to exploding.
“Don’t forget that she’s not the only poor kid at the table. I grew up on the streets and moved here. Rich people are shit,” Jason said. He started standing and Damian watched him with a glint in his eyes. He was ready to fight too.
“Sit down, Jason,” Bruce commanded. “He’s just a curious boy.”
“Not surprising. He gets it from his old man. Disregard for anyone else,” Jason all but growled. Tonight was only the tip of the iceberg. You put a hand on his forearm. The last thing you wanted was a fight.
“You’re angry,” Bruce said quietly. He swallowed harshly. “Sit down.”
“I’m a grown man,” Jason said scoffing.
“Not acting like that,” Bruce said. Jason’s hands twitched towards his gun on his hip but he resisted the urge.
“Come on. Let’s get out of here. Alfred, food was great. Fuck you, Bruce,” Jason said grabbing your hand.
“Don’t leave,” Dick called as Jason pulled you down the hall. He didn’t go towards the front door but downstairs to a garage. There was probably 20 cars. Many of them were cars you had never seen in person.
“You wanna go for a drive?” He asked and you felt a thrill.
“One of these?” You asked.
“Nope,” Jason said pressing a code into a computer. A hidden garage door opened to expose a very conspicuous vehicle. The batmobile. You’d definitely never seen that car in real life.
“Seriously? Won’t he get mad?” You asked a little shocked.
“Fucking furious. We’re just going to get something to eat,” Jason said grabbing the key and unlocking it.
“Ugh... what the hell? Why not? Yeah,” you finally said. You knew the value of not missing a ride in the freaking batmobile. He grinned and opened the door for you. You climbed in and noticed a billion buttons. As Jason started the car, a string of lights pulsed on before the car showed multiple sensors. Jason pressed a few buttons before shifting the gear and driving out of the garage. The front gate automatically opened and he started putting on some speed once the car hit the road.
It felt like he was driving 50 when the speedometer was showing a cool 120. Your heart beat quickly in fear and excitement. Jason slowed down to 70 and grasped your hand. You could see tiny little cuts on his hand from the glass he crushed earlier.
“Is your hand okay?” You asked looking it over.
“It’s fine. Doesn’t hurt at all. Let’s get some food. I know a spot. But you’ll have to wear this,” he said pulling out a small black mask to cover your eyes. He took his own. “Can’t exactly drive the batmobile and show our face.”
The spot he knew was a tiny little taco truck strung with Christmas lights and a white board advertising “elotes con chile y limon.” It was on an empty corner lot in a not so great area of Gotham. It was extremely conspicuous as the pair of you got out of the car. Most people watched but as they thought they were watching freaking Batman order tacos, they didn’t say or do anything.
“Hello,” said the truck owner nervously. “Would you like something to eat? Elotes? Carnitas?”
“Yeah, 6 carnita tacos with cilantro and lime. A Mexican coke. 2 orders of sopapillas. What do you want?”
“That’s all for you?” You laughed always amazed at the amount he could eat. It made sense with all the energy he used but still. “Same but just 2 tacos and and a coke.”
Jason wrapped an arm around you waist and swayed slightly to the Mexican music playing in the truck. People started to get used to you both being there. Maybe Batman just wanted some tacos?
After receiving a plastic take out bag with foil wrapped tacos, a sign of good tacos, you both climbed back in the car. The masks were haphazardly tossed on the dash. Jason drove you both back the way you came and you wondered if you were going back to the manor when, no he was taking you to a quiet rest stop outside the city. You ate the tacos and sopapillas on the hood of the car. You watched as Jason added way to much spicy green chile sauce to his tacos.
“Want some?”
“I choose life but thank you,” you said. You giggled as he cleared his throat and gulped down his coke. But to his credit, he ate it. Maybe he just enjoyed pain? “Now what?” You asked watching the stars. They weren’t visible in the city.
Instead of answering, Jason pulled you close. Your back against his chest and he wrapped his arms around you. You held his hands and looked at the little scars that littered his skin. Always fighting. Jason bent to kiss your neck.
“Wanna be really bad,” he asked with audacity that you knew meant something interesting. You leaned into him more.
“What do you mean?” You purred. Dating a guy like Jason Todd, you weren’t exactly new to taking some risks.
“Let’s fuck. Right. Here,” he said and with every word he slowly spoke in a husky voice, he pushed his hips against you and you knew exactly what he wanted. You went to turn in his arms but he moved quicker and you were quickly bent over the car with a gasp. He pulled off his jacket and threw it on the hood. Little did you know but he was covering the camera.
Jason’s hand ran along your back and you shivered as your skin pressed against the hard metal. He kissed the back of your neck and kneaded the flesh on your hips and he ground his hard on against you. “Fuck you’re pretty. And letting fucking Bruce know what you think of the rich. That was hot as shit. I’ve been wanting to do this for months.”
“This was on your bucket list,” you asked grinding your hips back against him. “To bend me over the batmobile and fuck me?”
“Jesus,” he said before pulling down your jeans and panties in one push. You shivered at the cold air touched your ass. “Your fucking mouth, Princess. I love it.”
You weren’t cold for very long because after a few seconds of rustling with a belt and zipper, you felt Jason press against your ass. He rubbed his cock through your folds a few times before pulling away. You turned to whine only to see him rolling on a condom. He sunk into you without ceremony. His fingers roughly held your hips as he thrust into you.
You moaned and the echo reminded you that you were outside. Anyone could come up on the pair of you fucking on the goddamn Batmobile. It made you moan even louder. He rubbed his hand up and down your spine before sliding down to the front of your body to rub your clit. It didn’t take long for you to grip him tighter.
“Fuck, Princess, are you close?” He moaned in your ear. His thrusts were rough and deep and his fingers moved quickly over your clit.
“Yeah, oh shit, yeah,” you moaned. “Jay,” you whined when he readjusted his hand.
“I got you. Let go, Princess,” he purred in your ear. You reached a hand up and grabbed his hair. You pulled him close and moaned his name on repeat as you came. He grunted and a few more thrusts found his release. Jason pulled out and pulled up your pants with a pat on your ass and took care of his condom.
“We probably need to get the car back before Bruce come looking for it,” he said grabbing his jacket. Jason gave you a long sweet kiss before getting back in the car.
“Does he have a tracking device in it,” you asked with sudden realization.
“Yeah but all we did was get some tacos and stopped to eat them,” Jason said with a wink. “He won’t care too much. Plus he’ll only be mad at me anyways. Don’t worry about it, Princess.”
You held his hand all the way back to the front drive of Wayne Manor. As soon as you were in his car, his phone lit up and before he put it away, it was a message from Tim. “Clean it before you bring it back. I don’t even want to know what happened and Bruce is ofc mad.😩”
You laughed a little and Jason went from grinning to laughing out loud. “At least we didn’t fuck in the car,” you said. He laughed some more.
“Maybe next time, baby,” he said with a wink before speeding out of the drive.
“Oh god. I wouldn’t do Alfred like that.”
“I knew I liked you for some reason. Let’s get home. It’s cold as balls out here and I’d like to spend some time with my hot as shit girlfriend before the other shoe drops,” Jason said taking your hand again.
“That’s a fan-fucking-tastic idea.”
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The Days of Your Youth
Young Enji Todoroki x F! Reader
Hanahaki Trope + BNHA Universe
Words: 5.9k
Warnings: Angst, Enji is an asshole, sexual content, A bit of the redemption arc at the end, graphic descriptions of violence, Characters are 18+
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Asagao flowers bloom so beautifully in Sakai; what a shame that Musutafu is four hours away from those gorgeous flowers. So, you knew whenever Enji came bearing the dark blue edged flowers with purple insides, that he had endured the voyage to get them. It was small things like this that made you fall in love with him. If only you didn’t, then maybe you'd still be alive.
The two of you met in your youth when you both attended U.A. High School, both of you having dreams of being the number one pro-hero for the next generation. You hated him at first, which is understandable seeing as he’s brash and cares for no one but himself. He always argues with you, he doesn’t hold back during training, and he has an unhealthy obsession with your childhood best friend Toshinori Yagi, known to the public as All Might.
Your quirk was strong, the ability to heal from any wound and regeneration of your limbs but, he made you feel trivial in comparison to him.
“You can take a bullet, great. How useless that would be in a battle with a villain? You can’t even inflict any damage,” his words stung. All your life, you’d been ridiculed as having a “rescue” quirk, always being told that you’d never have the chance to fight “real villains.” You wanted to prove them all wrong...although, you didn’t prove anything in the end.
Because of the nature of your quirk, you were often paired with Enji whenever it was time to spar. He’d hit you with his fire, blistering your skin with no mercy. He’d knock your teeth down your throat, making you cough blood at his feet. He’d choke you with your own support weapon, making you feel weaker than what you thought you were. He made your life a living hell. So, how did you fall in love with him?
Your love didn’t happen overnight. Actually, the relationship between the two of you changed drastically after that day. The day is clear in the archives of your mind, almost like you’re watching a movie through your own eyes.
“Are you sure you can handle Todoroki today?” you were walking to the training rooms with Toshinori Yagi. He loomed over you as he glanced anxiously at the man in question. Everyone knew about the obvious tension between the two young men however, that day was different. Something primal was lurking in Enji’s glance whenever he looked your way.
“Regeneration, remember? I’ll be fine,” you pat the large man on the back. “Plus, I don't think he could kill me even if he tried.”
“I’m just worried. He’s off today. More confrontational.”
“He’s like this every day, Toshi. He’s probably just on his man period or something.”
“...Y/N, you do now men don’t have menstrual cycles? Right?”
“Yes, Toshi, you’ve told me dozens of times. It’s just a metaphor...till I can get some proof,” he facepalms as you rub your hands together to mimic scheming hands. “He’ll have to take his clothes off eventually.”
“You’re a menace to society; I love it,” you lean against each other as you laugh, attracting the attention of your classmates. “But, seriously, I’m worried.”
“Toshi, I will be perfectly fine. What’s the worst that can happen?”
“More! Get up,” you were gripping the right pant leg of Enji’s training suit, trying to pull yourself up to face him again. You body begged you to stay down but your mind -your pride- forced you up. The right side of your face was scorched. One of your eyes was missing from its socket. The guns you normally wield for support were thrown elsewhere, leaving you vulnerable to his onslaught. “You’re pathetic. U.A. isn’t meant for the weak. You don’t belong here with us.”
“You don’t get to tell me where I belong,” you charge to attack, switching your technique at the last minute so you could throw a hard jab to his abdomen. He countered with raising both of his fists above his head in a gorilla fashion and slammed them down on your spine, once again taking you to the mat. But, this time you heard a crack from your spine.
“I don’t know why you waste my time. Sensei just needs to let Yagi and I fight,” you laid at his feet paralyzed. However, the inability to move doesn’t hinder your ability to speak.
“Awww, Todoroki, you miss your boyfriend? I knew you had a hard on for him,” and, while you felt there was nothing wrong with being homosexual, you knew Todoroki was a traditional man who wouldn’t want a rumor like that to be spread. You snicker at his silence. “Must be true if you haven’t denied it.”
Words are meaningless if he can show you with his actions. He wastes no time dropping to his knees so he can lean over you, pushing you into your back as he slaps your face from side to side.
“You,” smack. “Have,” smack. “Issues,” smack.
“ENJI,” you hear Yagi yell in the background as rushes in to save you from your beating. Toshinori’s strong hands pull Todoroki up by the scruff of his neck, looking at the bloody mess your body has come to be, checking to see the rise and fall of your chest before he deals with the man he’s holding. “You could have killed her!”
“She can’t die,” to prove his point, Enji encircles your form with a ring of Fire, the smoke clogging your lungs as your skin is barely holding its form. However, you don’t feel the familiar tingling sensation of your regeneration.
“It doesn’t matter if she can’t die. She’s still human!”
“I’m making her stronger.”
“You’re abusing her,” they both glance down to see that you’ve stopped twitching. You look like you’ve been hit by a land mine: body bloodied, bones exposed, missing limbs. The smoke has cover you in a fine layer of soot, the particles of your own flesh smothered in your nose. “Fuck, Y/N? Y/N?! ANSWER ME! PLEASE! SENSEI!”
There’s only a few things you can recollect clearly. You were rushed to the hospital and you could hear the urgency in Yagi’s voice. If you closed your eyes long enough, you could still see your Sensei’s face looming over yours as he tried to get your attention. The smell of Enji still invades your nose whenever you remember how he sat next to you in the ambulance. You think he felt guilty for letting his desire to measure up to Yagi blind him once again. It’s just a shame that you had to be beat close to death’s door for him to feel remorseful.
You awoke to an obnoxious beeping to your left, a throbbing pain in you head, and a nuisance fire wielder to your right (you had to do a double take to make sure he didn’t beat the sense out of you).
“You’re awake.”
“No thanks to you,” he winces.
“Let’s just be thankful you’re alive.”
“That wasn’t a funny joke.”
“Who said it was a joke?” you spot Asagao flowers on your bedside. “Who brought the flowers?”
“I did.”
You move to sit up but hiss and grab your side. “Welp, that’s new.”
“Take it easy,” Enji rises and gingerly presses you back into the bed.
“You expect me to believe you spent eight flowers just to bring me flowers?”
“Yagi told me they’re your favorite. I figured it’d be a good way to start amending for what I’ve done.”
“You almost killed me. All because you have a superiority complex that I’ve done nothing to fuel. And, you call yourself a future hero?” you snort. “Oh, wait, let me correct myself, you call yourself the future NUMBER ONE hero!?” you turn to face him so he can’t escape your eyes. “Everyone’s right about what they say about you. You’d do anything if it meant you’d have a chance at facing Toshinori. You don’t care how many people get hurt in the crossfire. As long as you win this competition Toshinori doesn’t even know he’s a part of,” you laugh at the irony.
“What part of ‘I'm sorry’ do you not understand?” Enji growls as he pushes your body into the hospital bed, face coming to stare you down.
“What part of ‘you almost killed me’ do you not understand?” you return his energy with a sneer. “You don’t intimidate me; I’m not some bitch that will tuck her tail and run just because you try to throw a hissy fit.”
“You’re playing with the wrong person, little girl,” he fingers caress the side of your cheek.
‘Once again, this dude has issues.’
“I’m definitely playing with the right person. You need someone to knock you down a few pegs,” and this was when the doctor came to check on your condition, catching Enji and yourself so close that your foreheads were touching. His hands were parted on the sides of you as he puffed out some smoke through his nose.
“Sorry, lovebirds. I should’ve knocked. I’m Doctor Sugo and I have a few questions,” you nod in comprehension.
“Fire them off,” you intentionally use those words to make Enji tense. After years of verbal, physical, and psychological abuse, this was your opportunity to exact your revenge.
“You came in with extensive burns, missing limbs, choking around your neck, blackened lungs, and, it looked as though you died from asphyxiation. Your sensei notified us of your quirk, however, your behavior was reckless and had unforeseen consequences. I doubt you burned yourself alive. Did someone try to kill you?” this was your chance to end Todoroki’s chance of being a hero and end this silly game he’s created in his mind. It would’ve been easy.
“No, we were sparring and it got intense. Enji wanted to stop but I’ve been pushing my quirk limits to the maximum with the coming of our graduation. He lost control of his quirk,” you’ve never been the type to do things the easy way. “I apologize for the trouble my actions have caused.”
“Are you sure this wasn’t a young-domestic abuse situation?” he eyes Enji’s burly frame.
“No, Enji would never hurt me,” to prove your point, you intertwine your fingers with his and kiss the back of his hand, maintaining eye-contact with him. He blew more puffs of smoke into your face.
“In that case, I’ll notify your Sensei of what happened. Just let me check your vitals and I’ll leave the two of you to talk,” the whole time the doctor was in the room, Enji kept blowing smoke. You figured it was something he did when he was uncomfortable but, you couldn't be sure this was the first time you witnessed something like that in person. You both waited a couple of seconds after the doctor left before you continued the actual conversation.
“What the fuck was that?”
“That’s the first time I’ve ever heard you cuss...Do it again,” he gives you a pointed look.
“Answer the question.”
“For someone that’s ranked at the top of your class, you’re pretty dense. It’s simple; I’m blackmailing you.”
“Because, you need to be held accountable for your actions and, selfishly, I want to make your life a living hell. It wouldn’t be practical to let a strong quirk like yours to be sent to prison for attempted murder; you’re useful to the world and there’s no way I can’t acknowledge that you’d be formidable if you chose to become a villain due to my inability to keep my emotions in check,” he just stares. You spot Toshinori in the door frame and wave. “Toshi! Come in. I was just explaining to Enji what’s going to happen to him from now on.”
“Y/N,” he said in a warning tone. “Are you sure this is a good idea. He tried to kill you.”
“Shut it, Toshi. You’re too loud,” you roll your eyes. “Yes, I’m sure. This is perfect.”
And, it was perfect. Graduating U.A. High felt unreal at times; it felt even more bizarre as you managed to become a pro-hero alongside your friend, Toshinori, and your personal butler, Enji. Yep, he became your butler as a way to repent for his actions (his words, not yours) and you actually found his company enjoyable when he wasn’t engrossed with beating Yagi. He’s dedicated to the tasks you give him, even if they’re demeaning like walking around with a collar (the press had a field day with that one) or task oriented (like making you fresh coffee whenever you please).
“ENJIIIIIIII,” you’ve taken to bothering him immensely. “Put on this skirt.”
“Y/N, I’m not putting on that skirt. It would tarnish my image.”
“Hm, guess I’ll have to call Sensei. He'd probably believe me if I said you attacked me again. I mean, I’m just an innocent woman. I could just say I was scared the first time,” and that’s how Enji Todoroki was seen wearing a skirt for training multiple times. In all fairness, he looked like a menacing kitten. And, you've grown to like him. Maybe, it was his guilt for almost murdering you but, he found himself showing you tenderness as well. He just couldn't hate you no matter what you did.
“You idiot. I told you not to jump in front of me,” he was carrying your limp body in his arms as though you were his bride. Holding close to his heart, he could feel the warmth of your breath on his chest.
“Why wouldn’t I? I can’t have you dying on me yet. I haven’t gotten you to dress in drag yet,” blood spills from your ears as you blank out of consciousness. There were plenty of times you protected Enji from a villains attack and each time you told yourself you did it because you wanted to continue to blackmail him to be by your side. But, you just wanted him to yourself.
As the years roll on, you find yourself getting closer and closer to him, just barely missing his flames. You became used to patrolling with him as the Pro-Hero ‘Zombie.’ You enjoy going to Sakai in search of the perfect flowers. You treasure being able to see him every day. But, it’s not all peaches and cream.
“Enji, get over it. Toshi worked hard to be first,” you’re arguing again. Two years after the incident and he still hasn’t let go of his yearning to be the best. While sometimes you want to admire his hard work, you can’t help but question his motives. He’s lost the very reason he wanted to become a hero.
“Toshi just leaves to go to America, didn’t tell you, comes back to climb the ranks of the hero charts, and you’re just okay with that? Meanwhile, you lose your mind on me after I don’t answer your call on the first few rings?” he’s sitting on your bed, his jogging pants hanging down dangerously low on his navel, a few red hairs peeking at you. You lick your lips.
“I’m not saying what he did was okay but, you’re blowing this out of proportion. You’re twenty years old. You need to let go of this foolish rivalry,” you throw your legs over his lap. “It’s not healthy.”
“I’m not having this argument with you again. You always take his side,” you slap his chest, gulping at the strong pecs. You wonder how’d they feel bearing down on your back as he-
“Y/N, are you listening?”
“Flamehead, you know I don’t listen to dumb shit,” he puffs out smoke in irritation. “But, I’m not taking his side. I just think we’re getting too old for this.”
“That’s what you always say,” and you laid there with him watching t.v. The conversation ends like it always does but, you can tell Enji isn’t upset with you. It’s the same routine you always follow whenever he wants to talk about Toshinori’s “false achievements.”
Somehow, you end up cuddled into his chest, head pressed firmly into his neck as you feel the warmness of his pulse move underneath you. His arms keep you against him, caging your legs around his hips (it takes a lot to keep your mind from wandering off).
His fingers play with the exposed skin of your back, leaving scorching trails around his fingertips.
“Are you hungry? I still can cook-” Enji’s phone goes off. He gets up and softly pushes you to the side, answering his phone as he absentmindedly rubs your hair. He’s soon getting up to get his things, pulling on his hoodie and ending the call, staring at the phone for a few seconds.
“Who has you up and in a hurry?” you’re kneeling at the edge of the bed, his jacket in your fist to keep him from leaving.
“My finacé’s family.”
“Fiancé? Who is she?”
“I don’t know yet. All I know is that her quirk is the perfect compliment to mine, which is the only thing that I need,” he’s pulling away. You’re speechless. Is-Is this jealousy? Is this bubbling fury jealousy? Is this small pain jealousy? Is this mind-numbing sensation jealousy? You can't be jealous. Not of some woman you don’t even know. “I have to go. I need to get ready to meet her?”
“B-But, you don’t even know her!”
“I know she’ll ensure that I beat All Might,” so, that's what this was about. Another last ditch effort to win something with no prize. You should’ve known those touches meant nothing but, how could you when they felt so tender? “Plus, you shouldn’t care. Soon, we’d both have to leave and start our own families; this would have had to happen eventually.”
“You don’t love her. You just want to beat him,” you slump down, your calves touching the back of your thighs as you feel a stirring in your chest. “I just don’t want you to do anything you’ll regret when you’re older.”
“That’s not your concern. I’ve got to go.”
You cough up an Asagao flower, staring at it with trepidation.
‘Oh shit.’
The next time you see him is two weeks later. His hair is still styled upwards, his scowl has deepened making him look older than what he really is, his eyes darker than before. Both of you sit one a rooftop, starting over Musutafu. His body is curled in on itself, the flames of his suit keeping you warm in the brisk fall night. Part of his arm is slung over your shoulder, drawing you into his side.
“Have you ever been in love, Enji?” you see him puff out a few smoke clouds, a telltale sign that you've either made him embarrassed or uncomfortable. “Like, real love? The type of love that doesn’t go away no matter how much you try to kill it?”
“You know I don’t have time for sentiments like that,” he looks at your wistful expression, wondering to himself how you manage to look even more breathtaking than the last time he saw you.
“But, what if you could fall in love? What if things like time and being a hero didn’t matter? Wouldn't you want that?”
“No, there’s no girl good enough for me or my love,” such sweet lies sound true coming from him and that burns you more than his fire ever has.
“What about marriage? Kids?”
“You already know I have an arranged quirk marriage. I met her and she is adequate enough to give me a child fit to be the number one hero of the new generation.”
“Jeez, you sound like you’re quoting a business proposal.”
“It is business,” he sounds like he’s scolding you for not knowing this. You feel your stomach fill with more flowers and you feel some crawling up your throat. It’s suffocating you but, you chalk that up to your nerves bothering you. “I’m guessing you brought this up because you think you’re ‘in love.’ “
“I know I am,” you stop your sentence to cough into your arm, catching a few Asagao flowers in your elbow. So, this is how you’re going to die? Dying from a disease that even your regeneration can’t save you from? Choking on flowers because Enji can’t reciprocate your feelings? “As you can see, it’s one sided.”
“Leave them alone. Feelings go away,” but, they didn’t. It just got worse and worse and worse. Because, as much as you knew you should leave Enji, you just couldn’t. Your heart longed for him. Your heart belonged to him. And, Toshinori couldn't understand why.
“Y/N, please, I don’t understand why you'd die for someone that wants nothing to do with you,” Toshinori chided. “Get the surgery. They can take the feelings out. I’ll be right by your side to help you.”
“You’d never understand, Toshi. You'd never understand waking up every morning, wanting someone so bad you have no motivation to do anything but lay in your own tears. I’d rather die loving him than pretend I never felt these feelings at all.”
“But, why?”
“Because, he’s hurt me so much; this is my last ‘fuck you’ to him. Because, I know one day he’ll change. One day, he'll want to see me and I'll be dead. I want him to feel the same pain that I feel now. He needs to feel my rage, he needs to feel my abandon. HE NEEDS TO FEEL ME!”
“Y/N, I’ve already lost Nana. I can’t lose you too.”
“I love you, Toshinori Yagi. Be great for me,” and that’s the last thing you ever said to your childhood best friend.
When you opened the door, Enji wasn’t expecting to see you only in a long shirt, tuffets of a flower stuffed in your mouth.
“What the fuck, Y/N? You look like shit. You can’t open the door like that,” he comes in and you immediately cling to him.
“I love you.”
“I’m in love with you Enji.”
“You can’t be.”
“But, I am,” you hold one of your saliva covered flowers to his heart. Your eyes are tired and barely stay open but you can't take your eyes off of him. “This is for you. All of them are for you. Loving you is killing me,” you laugh at the irony. Who would’ve thought Enji would end up killing you anyway?
“Then, stop,” Enji rips the flower from your fingers and throws it to the side. You dive for the flower, causing him to follow you down to your floor. “Let it go.”
“I can’t. It’s all I have right now,” you’re sobbing while retching up flowers. His arms encase you, almost like he’s trying to keep you from falling apart. “I can’t just let go. I can’t just stop loving you, Enji.”
He doesn’t really say anything to you. Maybe, he’s too stunned or maybe he’s too afraid he’ll say the wrong thing but, he finds that it’s better to just hold you.
“Enji, could you do something for me?”
“Could you make love to me?” he can’t deny you your wish with how pitiful you look. So, he scoops you up in his arms and takes you to your bedroom, heart pumping hard at what he’s about to do. He’s getting married in a week yet, he’s here about to give his body to you.
Laying your body down on the bed, he watches as your covers fan around your head like a halo and, for a moment, he wonders if that’s what you would look like as an angel. Ethereal and tired. The air in the room is growing hotter as he sweats, nervous to strip you down. He’s no stranger to sex but, this is the first time he’s ever focused on someone else’s pleasure.
“Just, lay there.”
“What the fuck else am I going to do? Run off,” he chuckles. Leave it to you to find some comedy in your weakest moments. He starts with stripping you of your long shirt -actually, his shirt that had gone missing the last time he stayed at your house- and stares at your body, naked and exposed to the air.
He takes a few minutes to take in your beauty, ghosting over your skin as he watches you quiver in anticipation. Your eyes are blown and a petal is on your cheek, reminding him of what had happened to you. Your hands wrap around his forearm as you silently beg him to touch you.
“Always have been needy,” when he kisses you, it makes your toes curl from his smokey breath. Envisioning his taste held no comparison to what he really was. It’s like he was breathing his smoke into your lungs, making sweat bead on your skin.
His hand grasps your neck and you moan at the warmth that he gives you, toes curling at the pressure he puts on your throat. The flowers slide down your esophagus, allowing some of your essence to mix with his. He’s weighing you down into your mattress as he’s ripping off his shirt, buttons flying everywhere as he tries to shimmy out of his pants. His kisses trail down the column of your neck and he’s groaning at the way you whine. Your body reacts so wonderfully to his touch.
“You should have told me sooner; you could’ve had all of my cock before this,” you giggle at his attempt of dirty talk. It’s weird to have the proper and correct Enji speaking naughty in your ear. “Damnit, woman, will you stop laughing? I’m trying to be romantic.”
“I can’t help it. You're like Recovery Girl whenever she tries to be cool.”
“Why did you have to bring her up?” he drops his head on your navel. “Are you trying to kill my erection?”
You did a mouth zipping motion and laid your hands on his shoulders, looking down your body to catch him staring at you as he licked below your belly button. The sensation of his textured tongue against your smooth skin is almost enough to send you into your orgasm. He brings his arms up to grab your breasts in his hands as he continues to slide down to your slit. Your smaller body is completely open to him as he tongues your small clit, keeping your legs spread around your head.
“Enjiiiiii, please,” you beg for your release. The inner sadist inside of Enji preens as you beg, his mind thinking you look beautiful at his mercy with a few tears in your eyes. He plunges his tongue inside your hole, only shallowly fucking your tight hole. He brings one of his hands beside his mouth, which is an awkward position for his large frame, and pushes his finger inside your tightness till he’s met with some resistance. You’re met with wide eyes.
“You didn’t tell me you were a virgin.”
“You never asked.”
“I’m serious, Y/N. If I didn’t find out, were you just going to let me pound into you,” he smacks your thigh as a way to punish you.
“As long as it’s you, I’d let you use me like a doll,” the words incite a new type of fire in Enji’s body. He gets hotter as he enjoys the words of someone that’s completely submitted to his control.
“Then, I’ll use you till I can’t use you anymore,” he places one last kiss to your hole and slivers up your body. Everything about this moment is perfect for you; the man you love is hovering above you as he looks at you with adoration and desire.
“Are you ready?” His forehead is leaned on yours as he wavers on top of you, his cock kissing the entrance of your folds. You can’t speak due to the flowers that are lodged in your throat, so you nod as you stare into his eyes. For the first time, you can feel the love he has for you. If only this moment could last forever for you as it would for him.
The first few moments of him stretching you make you whimper in his ear, your nails cutting into his back as you try to ground yourself in the moment. He tries to push into you at a slow pace, bottoming out and sitting there for you to adjust. Your pussy clenches him like a vice, testing his self control as he wants to grab you by your waist and use you like a fuck doll.
It’s hard not to scream when he pulls back slightly and snaps his hips into your own. Both of you are breathing into each other's face as he fucks you with slow, deep thrusts, pulling your hips to meet his thrusts in an angle.
“Such a problematic woman. Couldn’t just tell me you loved me,” you whine as he sits up on his knees and begins to fuck you with fevor. His cock rubs against that spongy spot in your pussy, pushing you toward your first orgasm. “Such a bad girl. I didn’t tell you to cum yet.”
“Enjiiii please fuck please I’ll be good for you,” he smiled through the pleasure that rips through him and pulled out of you to lay on his side behind you. He wasted no time lifting one of your legs and pushed into your heat, fucking you deeper in this position. He could now see the way you try to push your hips against his, fucking you with a patronizing smile.
“Such a horny girl,” you moan into your hands as you try to hide yourself from his gaze but he rips your arms away from your face, forcing you to scream for him. He makes it a point to fuck you harder as he’s addicted to your beautiful voice. “Scream for me little girl.”
“Dadddyyy gonna cum again,” your tearing u again as he keeps brutalizing your pussy.
“Oh I’m daddy now,” he’s grunting as he feels you clench again. You give him no answer as you cum once again, this time pulling him into his orgasm as you feel him spurt deep in your womb. But, even though he cums, he doesn’t stop. He’s determined to fuck you into oblivion.
“I’m not done with you, keep cumming in my cock,” your toes keep curling as you try to push away from him. However, that makes him wrap his arms around your shoulders and slam you down on his cock, keeping your legs spread as he fucks you so hard some of his cum is dribbling down the side of his cock. You’re shaking hard as your pleasure blinds you, the pressure in your abdomen building in a different way.
“Fuuuuckkk Enjiii, I-I- love you,” clear liquid squirts from your pussy as he slows down his thrusts. You lay there in your juices with his cum splurging out of you once he pulls out of you completely. He leaves you there as he runs you a bath, leaving you to think about what just happened.
He didn’t say he loved you back but, you hoped he would. With gentle hands, he put you into your tub, softly rubbing your hair like he had done many times.
“Y/N, we need to talk,” you smiled over at him. His pants were pulled back on his hips but he couldn’t meet your eyes. “You know I care for you and you know I wouldn’t want to hurt you but, you need to get the surgery. I can’t just love you the way you love me and, I don’t want you to die because of that. I’ll pay for the surgery. I’ll pay for you a new apartment and everything. I’ll even-” you droned him out.
“You know,” you shiver in the warm water as you start to tear up. You hacked up flowers and continued with a shaky voice. “I thought that having sex with you and telling you would make it go away. I thought that maybe, just maybe, I meant more to you than what I thought. I’m such a dumbass. You’ll never love me; you’ll never love anyone but yourself. Why can’t you just be a man and tell me I’m nothing to you compared to whatever the fuck you have with Toshinori? IT’S BEEN YEARSSSS,” you croak out as you sob, your heart hurting. “AND, YOU HAVEN’T CHANGED AT ALL. You’re still the Enji Todoroki that tried to kill me. I just tricked myself into thinking that you were a different person.”
“Get out,” you turn to the shower wall, too heartbroken to stomach the sight of him.
“Y/N, just listen to-”
“GET OUT,” he goes silent as he looks back at you from the door frame. He wants to say something but, the thought of ruining his future keeps him silent. He leaves with a look of pity for you.
“I’ll leave money for the surgery on the table by your bed,” he calls before he leaves, the door slamming pushing you to your last limit.
And, he left you there to you die in your bathtub alone, body worn from the sex you had with the man that you knew you couldn’t have emotionally. Your flowers soaked up the water as they kept falling, your eyes glued on one of the bruises he left on your leg. It’s too painful to try to move, so you lie there as your quirk does nothing against the disease. Getting the surgery would have saved you but, your body and mind would still remember the pain of your first and last love.
Per your request, Toshinori has your body cremated after they perform the autopsy. The young hero, grieving the loss of his best friend, doesn’t contact Enji to inform him of your timely death. He’s pained that he’ll never see you smile or hear your jokes or call your name and hear you respond. You're gone and part of him feels like he’s the blame. He can’t help but think that things would have turned out differently if he told Enji that he never cared about being the number one hero.
As for Enji, he doesn’t look back as he goes on to have his family. He goes on to marry his wife that he’d always compare to you (her hair wasn’t vibrant as yours, her voice wasn’t as smooth as yours, her eyes don’t set him ablaze like yours did). He goes on to have his kids and he wonders what they would look like if they came from your womb. He goes on to be the number one Pro-hero yet, he doesn’t feel like he’s won anything. He goes on to have a decent relationship with Toshinori yet, he feels as though he’s missing something -someone-.
“Toshinori, do you have Y/N’s number?” he called Toshinori one day, tired of letting his pride get the best of him. He’d grovel at your feet, stay by your side, sleep at your doorstep till you find it to forgive him.
“Enji, she’s dead.”
And, he sits in his house alone. His family has left him, their bonds slowly resurrecting from the dead but still fragile. His career being the only thing he has left, slowly showed him how truly unprofilling his life has been. His love for you, eating away at his heart. Why did he have to be better than Toshinori? Why couldn’t he tell you how much he loved you? Why did he let the both of you waste the days of your youth?
He coughs a single Asagao flower, the process of his unrequited love beginning. Because, let’s face it, how can you return his love if you’re dead?
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@orokayagi @sakurashortstack @sinclairsamess
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fockfjdkfncnfn · 4 years
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Quite the ride | Luke Hemmings smut
summary: it’s a normal day and you didn’t have much plans except for dropping off some overdue books at the library. on the way, you decide to stop by at a cafe and you meet Luke there for the first time. you hit it off really well and on a cute date with him to a carnival and then things escalate.
warnings: unprotected sex, sex on the first date, oral uhmmm yeaaaa
requested: YES!! this is my first request from one of my friends i’ve just made here on tumblr! <3 their @ is @lukeshemmo. they write too so go check their stuff out!
word count: 3125
A/N: hiii!! thank y’all so much for 36 notes on my first smut!!!! i was really shocked to see so many people had read it and liked and tevloghed and stuff so thank you so much and i hope you enjoy this one <3 remember, requests are open to feel free to leave some!
ps. the book/cafe names i used in this are random ones that i just found in google lolol okay enjoy!
It was a chilly winter morning and you were woken up by the sounds of your bed creaking as you were rolling over. You fluttered your eyes open and looked out the window to see the frost on the corners of your windows and the slightest bit of sunlight shining through the tree branches outside. “So cold” you whispered to yourself as you reached your arm out from under your warm blanket to grab your phone. as you took the charger out from your phone, you saw the screen light up, showing a reminder you had set for yourself the night before so that you could see it first thing in the morning. “Return books to the library,” it said. annoyed, you groaned and set your phone down beside you. You secretly wanted to stay in bed all day because of how chilly it was, but you knew that if you didn’t take the books back today you’d have to pay for it. 
With that thought in mind, you sat up and stretched your arms above your head and planted your feet on your cold hardwood floors, and made your way into the kitchen. You wanted to have a quick and simple breakfast since you weren’t feeling too hungry, so you settled on a bowl of cereal. 
you grabbed out a white bowl and poured your cereal and milk into it, thinking about what else you could do for the rest of the day after returning the books. You sat down at your kitchen island and started to eat. as you were eating, you scrolled through Instagram on your phone and an ad caught your attention. 
“Groundup cafe! grand opening happening today downtown! Come visit and enjoy some fresh, deliciously made coffee”
“That sounds interesting,” you thought to yourself as you ate another spoonful of cereal. You did some more research to see where the cafe was located and noticed that it was only a couple of minutes away from the library you were going to. “Maybe I’ll go after'' you thought to yourself as you finished the last of your cereal and put the bowl in the sink. 
You made your way into the bathroom and took a quick shower and brushed your teeth. You wrapped your hair up in a towel and one around your body then walked out to go to your closet. “Hmm what should I wear?’ You thought to yourself. Outside it was lightly snowing, so you decided that layering up would be a good idea. You decided to wear some cream white corduroy jeans, a black turtleneck and a short black puffer jacket with some high top docs. For makeup, you didn’t wanna go too heavy since it was a cold snowy day, so you just did some foundation and mascara. To finish the look off, you dipped your ring finger into a pot of tinted pink lip balm and spread it across your lips to give them some life, and used the residue left on your finger to spread on your cheeks to bring some color back into your face. You dried your hair and curled it, put on some earrings and you headed out the door with a tote bag that had the books in it. 
Since the cafe was on the way to the library, you decided to stop by there first and maybe get a drink since your hands were numb from the cold wind.
When you arrived, you put your hand out to grab the cold copper door handle and pushed it to make your way in. 
You were greeted with the smell of coffee and the sound of people talking amongst themselves, not to mention the noticeable temperature change in the atmosphere which was comforting. You went up to the counter and looked up to see what drinks they had on the menu. Your thoughts were interrupted when the barista started talking to you. 
“Hi! What can I get ya?” They said with a cheery smile on their face. 
You shifted your eyes slightly down to meet theirs and as you opened your mouth to respond, you suddenly got pushed, and then you felt hot coffee run down the arm of your jacket. “Fuck” you said with an annoyed tone. as you tried to use your other arm to wipe the coffee off of yourself,  You looked up to see who had rudely bumped into you, but your rage quickly melted away when you were met with the most beautiful pair of blue eyes. 
“I am so sorry,” he says with a sense of urgency in his voice. “I didn’t mean to, the person behind me was in a rush so I tried to move out the way and I accidentally bumped into you, let me go get some napkins for you and I'll buy you your drink,” he said as he quickly turned to get some napkins. 
as he was walking away, you couldn’t help but notice his beautiful golden curls and also how tall he was which was one of your biggest turn-ons. confused at what had just happened, you quickly turn to the barista and say “I’ll just have a peppermint mocha please” with a soft smile and you sit down at the nearest table. 
You see him walk towards you, drink and napkins in hand and a look of remorse on his face.
“I am so sorry for what happened back there,” he says as he gently places the drink in front of you and hands you the napkins. “Are you okay?” He asks 
“Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you” you say as you take the napkins from his hands and try to wipe the already dried coffee off of your sleeve. 
For a second it got a bit awkward because he was just standing there, but he gave you a little smile and glanced over to your bag which was open, putting on display the books you had in there. 
“Is that the east of Eden??” He says as his face lights up with excitement 
“Yea!!” You respond smiling and looking up at him. 
He quickly sits down at the empty chair across from you and you both start talking about the book. He asks questions like “what's your favorite chapter?”, “who’s your favorite character?”, “do you like the ending?” And before you could even catch each other's names, you both noticed that the cafe which was full when you first arrived was now empty, the only other people occupying the space being the workers cleaning up the machines and floors. 
“Woah, I didn’t even realize we had been talking for so long!” You say as you glance down at your phone to see the time. 
“Yeah me too” says with a soft laugh.
“What was your name by the way?” He says, looking at you with his bright blue eyes 
“Oh, its y/n” you say with a smile 
“Well, I'm Luke,” he says, playfully offering a hand out to you for a handshake. “Nice to meet you, beautiful”
After those words fell from his lips, you could feel butterflies swarming your stomach and blood rushing to your cheeks. 
“Nice to meet you,” you say giggling, taking his hand, and shaking it. 
His grip was strong but caring. You knew that it was crazy to feel such a strong connection to a person you had met only a couple of hours ago but when the workers informed you both that they were closing, you just didn’t want to leave. 
As you grabbed your bag and now empty coffee cup he stood up and asked,
“What are you doing tonight?’ 
It was like he read your mind and felt the connection too 
“Nothing” you quickly blurt out
“There's this carnival happening tonight just across town, would you maybe want to go?” He said hesitantly with a shaky voice 
“I'd love to!” you say, smiling up at him. 
You both walk out of the cafe and he leads you to his car. As you were approaching his it, you saw the library that you needed to go to. The whole reason why you left your house in the first place, but this was much more important, you thought to yourself. 
You hopped in his car and he drove the both of you to the carnival. It was dark now, still cold but not as windy and it wasn’t snowing anymore. You saw bright flashing neon lights, children running around with their families, and young couples going on their first dates. “what the hell am I doing,” you thought to yourself for a brief second. When he hopped out of the car, you watched as he made his way around to your side to open the door for you. As he did, you took the few seconds you had to yourself to process what was happening. You planned to go to the library today, met some random stranger who spilled coffee on you and now you’re going on a kinda date with him to this random carnival. “But how could I turn this down?” you thought to yourself “he’s my ideal type. I mean, he’s tall, handsome, has the most hair, we talked non stop for like four hours, it's hard to find a connection like that with anyo-'' your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the car door opening. 
“The carnival awaits” he says holding the door for you and offering you a hand to help you get out
“Thank you,” you say giggling, taking his hand, and stepping out of the car. 
The whole night was filled with laughter and youth as you both chaotically ran around the carnival like little kids and going on ride after ride. The connection between the two of you became stronger despite how little time you really had spent with each other. Everything was starting to quiet down and you both decided to finish the night off by going on the Ferris wheel. While waiting in the line, Luke turned to you and rest his hand on your shoulder 
“I'll be back, I'm just gonna.. go to the bathroom” he said in a suspicious tone, a grin displayed on his face. 
You didn’t think much of it and just waited in line till he got back. You had your hands behind your back, rocking back and forth from heel to toe smiling out of pure joy. You hadn’t felt this happy in a long time. 
When it was finally your turn to go on this Ferris wheel, Luke just got back in time and you both hopped in and looked at the sky as it started moving, bringing you both closer to the stars.
“I had a really great night tonight,” Luke says with a soft smile. 
“Me too” you say, returning the gratitude. 
You felt the butterflies emerge again as the ride stopped. you were now both at the top of the Ferris wheel and looking into each other's eyes. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asks with a soft and gentle tone 
Without any thought, you leaned in to connect your lips to his and as they did, you felt sparks going off in your heart. your hands gently cupped his jaw as his hands gently wrapped around your waist. as you break away from the kiss, you both look at each other for a second and giggle. 
“This is crazy” you say giggling, still cupping his face 
“I know,” he says laughing. He looks down and away for a second and his eyes shoot back up at you.
 “Would you possibly wanna come to my place?” He asks, looking at you with the eyes of a puppy 
“Sure” you say softly, smiling.
The Ferris wheel eventually started moving again and you slowly felt the grass under your feet again. He helps you out and instead of letting your hand go, he keeps it there, and your fingers intertwine. 
“Wait, before we go,” he says. “I have a surprise for you” 
Confused, you look at him with furrowed eyebrows. “A surprise?’ You say. 
He unties his fingers from yours and reaches around his back and pulls out a rose. 
“For you” he says 
You look at him, mouth slightly open realizing that when he was going to the “bathroom” he was really going to go buy you a rose. You stood there saying nothing because of how sweet this gesture was. He playfully turns around to see the flashing colourful lights. 
“The lights are interesting than this flower?” He says jokingly 
you laugh. “No!! I just, this is so sweet” you say. “Thank you” you say quietly as you take the rose from him.
“Of course y/n'' he says. You liked the way your name rolled off his tongue. It just sounded right. 
When you finally leave the carnival and make it to his house, he opens the door and moves aside so that you can walk in first. His house felt warm and welcoming, despite the fact that you had never been there before. 
“This is my home!” He says smiling as he shuts the door behind him. 
“It's beautiful” you say in admiration, looking around. 
“Not as much as you” he says as he walked towards you and wrapped his arms around your waist. His lips crashed onto yours and your hands wandered around his broad back. As you were making out, he picked you up so that your legs were wrapped around him and you giggled into the kiss as he carried you to his bedroom. Once he was there, he set you down gently onto his bed, using his arms to support you on the way down, and kissed your forehead once you had landed. 
“Is it okay if I take your shirt off?” He asked with a soft and loving voice 
“Of course” you say smiling, knowing what was about the unfold 
He started kissing your neck and making his way down to your breasts and you quickly unhooked your bra and tossed it to the side. He wrapped his lips around your left nipple while his hand cupped the other. You let out a small whimper at the feeling of his tongue swirling around your nipple. You felt his other hands move from your waist slowly down to your core, stopping just above your pussy as if to ask for permission. He looked down to see where his hand was and looked back up at you. you nodded, letting him know that this was something that you were okay with. 
He moved down so that his face was now in-between your legs and he unbuttoned your pants. You bucked your hips to help him pull them down along with your underwear, leaving you now completely exposed. 
“God you’re so beautiful” he whispered before diving in to eat you out
Your breath hitched as you felt his lips wrap around your clit and his tongue swirl around, making you become even wetter for him. 
“Ugh, right there” you moaned out as you tangled your fingers through his hair and moved your hips to match his movements. He moaned into you, making you feel the vibrations. 
He inserted a finger into you making you squirm in pleasure. 
“Fuck” you say as he pumps in and out of you. 
“I'm close” you say as you throw your head back onto the sheets. 
After he hears that, he stops, and before you can complain, he crashes his lips onto yours, forcing you to taste yourself. He moaned as he rubbed his bulge against your body. 
“You're such a tease,” you say with a grin as he breaks away from the kiss. 
he giggles and quickly takes off his shirt, along with his jeans and boxers exposing his length that was extremely hard. 
“Need a little help with that?” You say as you stand up and go on your tippy-toes to kiss him. You loved how tall he was compared to you. you watch as he sits down on the bed and you situate yourself between his legs and get on your knees. You lick a stripe from the base of his cock to the tip and he lets out a moan which makes you want him so bad. 
“Fuck it, just get on top of me” he says, lust-filled in his eyes as he looks at you with a hungry expression. 
You’re quick to follow his orders and stand up and get on the bed, your knees now on either side of his body. 
you lower yourself onto his length and you both moan out in pleasure. You start rocking back and forth feeling him inside of you. 
“Fuck y/n yes, don’t stop” Luke moans as he grabs your hips to help you move with him.
“Holy fuck” you moan out as you continue to move your hips faster. You start to lean forward, placing your hands on his chest and he bucks his hips up and down to pump into you. 
“Oh my god Luke” you moan shakily as he roughly thrusts into you, getting the perfect angle to hit your g spot. 
“Rub your clit for me baby” he moans and you do as you're told. 
The feeling starts to become overwhelming and you could feel your walls tightening around him. you felt your high coming and you knew that you were close. 
“I'm close Luke” you moan out breathlessly as you continue to rub your clit and feel Lukes long and thick length pump in and out of you. 
“Just hold on a little longer” he moaned out as he started to thrust into you even faster. 
He moved his hands from your hips to your back and flipped you over and pounded into you 
“Fuck Luke” you moaned with each thrust. He loved hearing his name fall from your lips.
“I can’t hold on much longer” you barely manage to say as you were trying not to cum before him 
“Cum with me beautiful”
That's all it took for you to let go. You moaned out his name, making it echo in the room. He came with you moaning out in pleasure and satisfaction. He sloppily thrust into you so that you could both ride out your highs and then flopped down next to you. 
Once you caught your breath, you turned to see his beautiful face and you reached your hand out to move a curl out of his face so that you could get a better view. 
“Out of all the rides we went on today, you were the best” you say giggling into his neck 
“It definitely was quite the ride” he says as he wrapped you in his arms.
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peninkwrites · 3 years
Ooh #3 for the fanfic asks???
#3 favorite line/scene you wrote this year
I have realized that doing an ask game where I have to pick favorites is impossible for me! Well, lets go with a few favorites, depending on the fic :D This is gonna be so much more than necessary, and there's more that I'm definitely forgetting, but to be fair I've written more this year than I have in the last three combined! And it was fun to look back on my old fics.
“It hurts worse to know he was loved enough to be mourned but not enough to be saved.” -about Tommy
And I think the scene with Tommy running to Techno in chapter 5 might be one of my favorites I’ve written!
Rocks that Bleed:
“The extent of his empathy is no longer a hard line but instead a fickle, malleable thing outside his control.
He hates being out of control.” -About Sam
And the scene in ch 8 of Sam and Ponk talking. Love me some tragic awesamponk.
Rage and Fear Are Two Sides of the Same Coin:
“Everything I am goes to them.” -Tubbo
“Youth doesn’t give priority in suffering, but none of this was fair.”
"These last words slip out before he can stop himself, even as he knows it’ll deepen an already open wound, betrayal is worse than hatred, betrayal requires trust.  “And he said he loved us.” -Tubbo, about Wilbur
A Talk Long Overdue:
“You promised to take care of me, so why aren’t you? Do you even know what that means?” Tommy to Wilbur
“Puffy had walked into this prison like she thought she was meeting someone else, only to see the face she’d spent so much time taking care of, just as loving and reverent even with the blood on his hands.” About Dream
“Dream reminds her of Tommy, she realizes with a twist in her gut.  Tommy asking for the clear steps that lead to recovery, Dream expecting instructions that lead to forgiveness.  They’ve infected each other.”
“He supposes that was what Dream was trying to do. Manufacture a piece of hell where Tommy would grovel and gladly lay his life in Dream’s hands. Dream had dug his claws in so deep he even infected Tommy’s suicide.”
(this is a long one, but this whole confrontation was so fun to write) "Tommy’s grief is traded for rage in an instant.  It still isn’t hate.  He wishes it was.  “I was there for you in Pogtopia! I never gave up on you, I never fucking gave up when everyone else wanted to– and if you’d been there– you would’ve left me alone with him? With him?!  Knowing what you know?” He snarls every word, wishing it wasn’t from an open wound, now he steps forward, jabbing an accusing finger into Wilbur’s chest.  “You would’ve left me to die with fucking Dream!?”
“But you didn’t die then–“
“YEAH I FUCKING DID!” Tommy’s voice breaks as he screams it out, grabbing fistfuls of his jacket, refusing to let him go as Wilbur tilts back.  It’s as close to a hug as they’ve gotten.  “He fucking killed me out there and I still crawled out.  All that blood, all that hurt, ‘cause I was actually fucking alone, Wil.  Don’t pretend you know what that’s like,” disgust grows for the man Tommy had wasted himself to save."
Is your blood as red as this?
“What do you mean I sound like you?
The endless horror of recognizing the self in the other.”
Wilbur’s Mistake
 In that moment Wil would’ve loved you enough to save you.  Can you imagine that?  Can you imagine being saved, Tommy?  Can you see it?  Dream dead on the ground, you already know what blood smells like, what’s the scent of a little more?  What’s the harm in one more piece of tnt turning that man into a scar on the earth?
Your big brother, your shining hero.  Would he have gutted Dream in that yellow sweater of his?  Would he have hugged you after, or is that different from killing for you?
And he’s the only Wil you have.  He’s the only one you’ll have ever again and this Wil says he loves you and if he’d been there he would’ve done nothing as Dream made you afraid.  Would he bottle his anger?  Or has he let go of it entirely?  If this Wil had gone back to that day, would he have walked away from you and Dream and the hole he’d dug for you?  Or would he have stayed, would he have the decency, the cruelty, to witness his hero break his favorite toy?  Break you apart even as he says he still loves you?  Would he dare say that to you if he stayed to watch the reckoning of his own violent pacifism?
Love is Violence:
“I know you’re a good person, Ponk.  I’m sorry that it’s been so hard for you to stay that way.” -Niki
“The last act of love between them had been a lie.” Awesamponk :(
In Which Punz is a few minutes late:
Maybe Tommy was always just meant to hurt.  He was made for violence.  That’s what it always came back to.  Tommy wasn’t meant for music, that was always Wilbur, he wasn’t meant for peacetime, that was always Tubbo, he wasn’t meant for control or justice or certainty.  He was always meant for this.  He taints everything around him.  Wilbur died.  Tubbo died.  And somehow he’s still here.  He’s meant to break things, not keep them safe.
(this little fic reads almost like a long poem, there are so many lines that I love, so here's just one favorite)
“But you and your brother had each other.  He was angry, hellbent on becoming a ghost, on haunting the place you’d fled like a threat and an echo all at once.”
Guilty (after)Party
“Three lives. To the final control room they owed a life, to Wilbur’s betrayal-driven descent into madness they owed a life, and now to Foolish they owed a life.
They were living on borrowed time.” Eret :(
To Protect
“You burned the tree, right?”
“I did,” Niki said stiffly. She took no pride in that fact. It was another casualty of a conflict she never wanted to begin with.
“Niki…” Jack put a hand on Niki’s shoulder, an offering of support as she wavered. “You are rooted in this conflict. And it has taken root in you. That cannot be burned.”
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theconstantsidekick · 3 years
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I posted 1,445 times in 2021
389 posts created (27%)
1056 posts reblogged (73%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.7 posts.
I added 1,623 tags in 2021
#static verse - 342 posts
#bucky barnes x reader - 255 posts
#mcu fanfic - 153 posts
#marvel imagines - 147 posts
#mcu fic - 143 posts
#marvel x you - 127 posts
#marvel fanfic - 127 posts
#bucky barnes fanfic - 113 posts
#marvel fic - 109 posts
#bucky x you - 107 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#his whole youth fuck that his whole life has been spent in hell that's where he grew up and yet he forgives dean with this one painful line
My Top Posts in 2021
Keep You Entertained | b.b
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader, Past Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings)
Genre: So much fluff, wow.
Summary: Bucky thinks he might be a boring boyfriend and thus begins his mission to ensure that he doesn't get dumped by Y/n because of it.
(This takes place after the events of Static: Get, Set, Glitch. However, it can be read as a stand-alone piece. But it’s fun. I promise.)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Recreational Drug Use, Mentions of Sex, Implied Smut Minors DNI, 18+ Only.
a/n: Idk why my one-shots are getting longer. But this is also pretty long. Like over 6k long. But I like it too much to shorten it down. It's kinda like an apology for all the angst I've been throwing your way recently.
sidenote: okay so, I think for a while all you're getting from me are one-shots cause I'm not sure if I should continue Static Verse. I want to, I just think it might be getting too long. Let me know what you guys think.
Bucky Barnes, The Boyfriend (other one-shots) | The Falcon, The Winter Soldier and Static | Static: Get, Set, Glitch | Static Verse Masterlist
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“Really, Buck? This is how you wanna spend Friday night? Anyone ever tell you you’re boring? Y/n maybe?”
“And yet here you are, willingly spending your day off with a 107-year-old man. How much more fun could you possibly be?”
And that is how it starts. It starts as friendly banter between him and Sam. And at first, he doesn’t take much offense to it. Yeah, he’s boring. He likes to spend his day in, with his friends, his girl, or his surrogate children (that are technically not his, but totally are) and enjoy the soft silences.
Can you blame him?
His life has never been calm and outside of the aforementioned soft silences, Bucky Barnes is seldom granted freedom to just be. Without some bomb going off in the distance, without worrying about being on the run from the government, without the threat of the Winter Soldier making a reappearance nagging at him in the back of his head, just getting to be? Yeah. That shit’s better than any drug-induced high he could possibly score. Even though he’s yet to try that acid that Y/n keeps talking about, he’s pretty sure the feeling of just relaxing cannot be outdone by anything.
That is until he’s sitting there on the couch on a random Tuesday afternoon staring at the television, burning time before Y/n comes back home from her brunch with Pepper.
And before he elaborates on what exactly he’s watching, you have to understand, he’s got a lot of stuff to catch up on, alright? You don’t really discriminate what media you consume when all you got for 70 years was a filthy beating and cage matches in the name of entertainment, alright? So, keep that in mind.
With that out of the way… he was watching some chick-flick. It was mostly mindless entertainment that he wasn’t thinking much about. But then the girl dumped the guy. He’s not even like 15 minutes into the movie and she just dumps him! What’s worse is that she goes out and dates some other guy right after without even a hint of remorse. She just discards him like yesterday’s trash cause he wasn’t as fun as the other guy, whatever that means! Bucky finds it a little hard to not let the whole thing get to him. But he is who he is so he gets pissed off and turns off the T.V. and grumbles to himself about it till Y/n comes back and kisses his pout away.
She’s a good kisser. Best kisser.
“You okay, sunshine?” She asks, from above him.
Bucky’s lying on the couch with his head in her lap, legs dangling off the end as she reads the book in her left hand and plays with his hair with the right one.
“Yeah. Why?” He asks with his eyes closed, trying to soak up as much pleasure as possible from her ministrations in his hair.
Like he said, he loves the soft silences.
“You’re grumpier than usual,” she answers.
“That’s mean.”
She chuckles, “Truth hurts.”
He frowns. “I’m fine.”
“You’re frowning now.”
“Cause you said I’m grumpy!” He defends.
Then she leans and drops a soft kiss on his forehead. “I love my grumpy baby.” Honestly, how’s he supposed to stop the smile that slips out? She’s a smooth motherfucker. No point in contesting that, is there? “We staying in tonight too?”
He frowns again. “Yes. I don’t wanna go out.”
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343 notes • Posted 2021-08-15 21:54:02 GMT
Age of Ultron | s.r
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, Steve Rogers x Peggy Carter (hinted), Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader (future)
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Summary: When Ultron strikes against the Avengers using the Maximoff kids, the visions that Wanda shows Y/n Stark make her lash out and use her powers—powers that her team didn't know about. This is the aftermath.
(These scenes incorporate y/n into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced. Whatever events from the canon aren't mentioned, take place without much change.)
Warnings: Mentions of canon typical violence.
a/n: Okay, okay. So this basically a flashback set during the events of Age of Ultron to provide some more information on Static's origin. There are more scenes that incorporate her into several of the films, if this does well, I'll add them as well. While this can stand alone, it is a tie-in to The Falcon, The Winter Soldier, and Static series. Also oh, the tag list is open.
sidenote: I'd really appreciate feedback on this one. Also, buckle up kids, it's a long one.
Truth(5) prev part | One World One People (1) next part | Series Masterlist | Static: Get, Set, Glitch | Static Verse Masterlist
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“Folks, this is Laura,” Clint introduced, as he held—who Y/n presumes is his wife—close to his side.
“I know all your names,” replied Laura, hesitantly and waved a dismissive hand.
Laura looked around the room.
Y/n could taste the awkward tension in the room on her tongue. She could even spot Tony next to her throwing out a small wave at the woman. She was standing between him and Bruce, still in her gear while leaning heavily on the beam to her left.
She tried to reciprocate the smile on Laura’s lips but could only muster a twitch of her lip. The exhaustion felt evident even to herself.
Which was fairly understandable considering she had just blown away half an (abandoned) industrial complex to bits only a few short hours ago. She hadn’t used her powers in a considerably long time; give or take half a century, so it was an unusual situation for her to say the least.
Suddenly she could hear multiple footsteps approaching.
Clint turned towards the door and said, “Ooh, incoming,” as a young boy and a girl came rushing down the stairs.
“Dad!” the girl exclaimed as Clint picked her up.
“Hi, sweetheart!” Clint greeted them. He pulled the older boy in for a hug, kissing his head, “Hey buddy! How you guys doing?”
The joy in his voice warmed Y/n up from the inside.
“These are...smaller agents,” Tony remarked.
Y/n wanted to roll her eyes but it would’ve taken effort she wasn’t sure she could dish out at that moment.
“Look at your face!” Clint placed another kiss on his daughter’s head before putting her down. “Oh, my goodness!”
“Did you bring Auntie Nat?” the girl asked, ever so sweetly.
“Why don't you hug her and find out?” Natasha replied from the corner of the room. She stepped forward as the girl rushed towards her, picking her up in her arms.
“Sorry for barging in on you,” Steve apologized sincerely, with his hands resting on his belt. It was his ‘Captain America’ stance and she knew why he was wearing it. He was realising that he knew very little about his team, about the people he had been fighting with. So he was putting up the composed facade to stop himself from breaking at the seams.
“Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed.” Tony retorted.
Natasha put the little girl down and stood between Bruce and Clint, who had his arms around his son and Laura on either side.
“Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined,” he answered. “He kept it off SHIELD's files, I'd like to keep it that way.” He looked at Y/n. “I figure it's a good place to lay low," he added.
There were some more conversations, but Y/n had mostly zoned out for it. She could spot Thor leaving, passing them by and Steve following behind, before she lost her resolve, almost falling to the ground.
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350 notes • Posted 2021-06-02 08:22:44 GMT
Power Broker (2) | b.b
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader, Past Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, OC x Stark!Reader (brief)
Genre: Fluff with a touch of angst
Summary: Bucky breaks out Zemo. Sam suggests they need help handling him, seeing as he can push Bucky's buttons unlike anyone else. So they go to the only person who can handle both Bucky and Zemo, the only Stark left in the Superhero business... well kind of. Only problem is, she seems reluctant.
Warnings: A little nakedness? Pretty sfw tho. That's all I can think of.
a/n: Alright, this is me trying something out. This is my first y/n fanfic, that too on tumblr. I write a bit on ao3, Destiel stuff, you can check it out if you like, link in bio. But this is just a shot in the dark. If this gets enough notes, let say... 100? I might write the whole thing, cause I have a lot of ideas. The reader is enhanced and has a pretty deep backstory that I wouldn't mind revealing if this interests anyone. So let me know what you all think, I guess? And oh, the og character? Yeah, it's Ben Barnes. :) But dw, Bucky gets the girl.
sidenote: y/f/n is your full name. y/n is a shortened version which you prefer to go by.
Power Broker (1) | Power Broker (3) | Series Masterlist
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The door opens and the first thing Bucky sees is a tall, bearded man with messy hair, who is… shirtless, with low hanging sweatpants… with marks all over his body… And he can hear his stomach fall. Sam next to him is completely frozen as well. Until—
“You’re not the pizza,” The man speaks with an accent. British, Bucky ventures, but there’s some other influences, he can’t quite recount.
“And you’re sure as shit not Y/n,” Sam counters.
A smile breaks onto the man’s face.
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415 notes • Posted 2021-05-25 20:45:30 GMT
The Falcon, The Winter Soldier and Static Complete Masterlist
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This series is now complete.
Summary: A series of scenes with y/n (Static) during the events of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. Wherein she’s a somewhat retired superhero, doing a solid for the boys, while coping with the aftermath of losing her only family, Tony Stark.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader, Past!Steve Roger x Stark!Reader
a/n: The series goes episode by episode.
Power Broker
Power Broker (1)
Power Broker (2)
Power Broker (3)
Power Broker (4)
Power Broker (5)
Power Broker (6)
Power Broker (7)
The Whole World Is Watching
The Whole World Is Watching (1)
The Whole World Is Watching (2)
The Whole World Is Watching (3)
The Whole World Is Watching (4)
The Whole World Is Watching (5)
Truth (1)
Truth (2)
Truth (3)
Truth (4)
Truth (5)
Age of Ultron Flashback
One World One People
One World One People (1)
One World One People (2)
Find other works in this same universe—
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759 notes • Posted 2021-05-26 05:37:30 GMT
Static Verse Masterlist
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader (endgame), Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings), Past Peggy Carter x Stark!Reader (brief, one-sided), Natasha Romanoff x Stark!Reader (shameless flirting)
Summary: Tony Stark's sister's a fucking badass, codename—Static. Here's her story through the MCU.
(These scenes incorporate y/n into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced. Whatever events from the canon aren’t mentioned, take place without much change.)
All of these are complete stories in and of themselves but fun to read together if you'd like.
Warnings: Swearing, Canon Typical Violence, NSFW content tagged in the particular chapter.
In order of release—
The Falcon, The Winter Soldier and Static
A series of scenes with y/n (Static) during the events of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. Wherein she’s a somewhat retired superhero, doing a solid for the boys, while coping with the aftermath of losing her only family, Tony Stark.
Age of Ultron (ft. Static)
When Ultron strikes against the Avengers using the Maximoff kids, the visions that Wanda shows Y/n Stark makes her lash out and use her powers—powers that her team didn’t know about. This is the aftermath.
Static: Get, Set, Glitch
Following the events of The Falcon, The Winter Soldier, and Static several people from Static’s past make their way back into her life. One of them just so happens to be her ex, America’s Ass; Steve Rogers. How will she deal with Steve’s return, her fragile yet burgeoning new relationship with Bucky Barnes while simultaneously fighting off demons from her past?
Static Verse Snippets
Just some snippets from Static Verse that didn't make it into concrete fics but are fucking important anyway.
Iron Man 1 (ft. Static)
Tony’s standing at the press conference, contemplating whether or not he should tell the world he is Iron Man. What does his (secretly an alien with cool powers, codename: Static) sister have to say about it?
Bucky Barnes, the Boyfriend
Set somewhere around the events of The Falcon, The Winter Soldier, and Static and Static: Get, Set, Glitch, these are small stand—alone snippets with Bucky and his girlfriend (who’s not only enhanced but also a Stark and an Avenger; codename—Static) being hopeless idiots in love.
The Avengers (ft. Static)
The events of the Avengers take place but Tony’s sister’s, y/n (yet to be codenamed—Static) is there to participate in the action.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (ft. Static)
The events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier take place but Tony’s sister, y/n (yet to be codenamed—Static) has to become a reluctant participant and she fucking hates every second of it.
Avengers: Infinity War (ft. Static)
The events of the Avengers: Infinity War happen. Thanos comes bringing reckoning along with him. And Tony’s sister, Y/n (codename—Static) is right there next to her team, ready to fight.
Avengers: Endgame (ft. Static)
The events of the Avengers: Endgame happen. Y/n (codename—Static) get blipped away. And for a while Tony makes peace with it but then Steve shows up to his door and he discovers time travel. So how can he not at least try to bring her back?
Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been?
The last thing Bucky expects is for Y/n to side with Steve on the matter of killing the man who tortured him into becoming the Winter Soldier.
The Sound of Silence and Static
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834 notes • Posted 2021-06-05 13:10:04 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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morepeachyogurt · 4 years
we are good people (and we've suffered enough)
word count- 2.5k      Pairing- Temily
Summary- After Scratch, Tara and Emily run away to Italy to start a new life, ft. cats, cafes, and gardening. Based on this post, and this prompt. 
Part 2 of my, maybe we’re from the same star, series, work is a standalone, part 1
read here on ao3
tw’s- very minor mentions of substances and ptsd
Things were never the same after Mr. Scratch. The two of them were filled with more trauma than they had room for in their hearts to still hold each other in. Nights were no longer filled with a movie and cuddling, or talking about philosophy but tense sentences, paranoia, and nightmares. Tara knew that something needed to change, anything to stop the monotony of desolation. But still, they went to work every day and drowned their sorrows in killers like that would bring back the part of her that died when Scratch took Emily. There are only so many times one can be held captive and wait for death before something inside them breaks.
One night they get wine drunk, Emily laying sidewise on their black couch, and Tara sitting on the table staring at the ceiling.
“I miss being young, god, that’s such a weird thing to say. I mean, I spent my youth hating it. Hated my mother, and all of our traveling, never could make friends. I hated that I never belonged, hated not being in control of my own life, and here I am 50 years old working for the government that I used to despise trying not to cry myself to sleep every night,” her voice takes on a bitter tone.
“We love in our old age the things we hated as children. Does that make us matured or foolish?”
“Both, I think.”
“What was your favorite place to live? I mean it sounds like hell to keep moving between places but there must have been someplace you loved, right,” Tara’s voice fills with a tang of desperation as she searches for a way to help her lover.
“Rome. The weather and the scenery,” her voice takes on a dreamy tone, “and the food! Man, the food is good, don’t tell Rossi but his carbonara tastes like Olive Garden compared to the real thing,” they both chuckled at that, knowing it would have sent Rossi in a fit if he were to hear that.
“That sounds really nice honey.”
“I miss it sometimes you know? I think about how gorgeous everything was. It feels like home in my distant memories.”
“Then let’s do it. Lets, go move to Rome. You aren’t happy here Emily, I know you say you are, but you do this job for our team, not the position now. I miss when you laughed,” both of them sobered up by now, knowing that it has taken a turn for the more serious.
“No, no we can’t. I, I can’t keep leaving this team and our friends. And, people need us. You love this job Tara I can’t take that away from you, not for me.”
“They’d understand Emily, they all love you so much. Yeah, I love this job, I won’t lie. But, I love you more, and I’m not happy if you aren’t. So let’s do it. Let’s fucking run away to Rome together and be happy .” The two sit in silence for a minute, the unanswered question still hanging in the air.
“Okay. Let’s do it. Maybe I’ll fulfill my long-lost dream to have a nice, big garden.”
The team took it surprisingly well, they’d all noticed a change in Emily in the months following Scratch and knew that Tara had Emily’s best interest at heart. Of course, they were sad to lose two of the best members of their team, but Emily was family, and family looks out for each other.
“I’m going to miss you my favorite dynamic duo and your guys’ jokes. Ugh, it’s going to be so quiet without you two lovely ladies,” her eyes are welling with unshed tears as she says goodbye to more of her family, “Send me things from Rome or I will install a virus in your phones,” they both laughed at Penelope’s antics and promised her that they’d send as much stuff as they could. The last two weeks of their stay in the United States were filled with mixed emotions. They were excited to start the next chapter of their lives together. Away from all the serial killers and monstrous people out there. They could finally live with a fraction of the naivety that most people carry. On the other hand, Tara only speaks minimal Italian, and now they’re going to be living in a brand-new country, surrounded by strangers. A fresh start, but one filled with anxiety.
“Okay 4:30 is way too early for a flight,” Emily grumbled as they made their way to the airport. The pair had woken up at three, knowing that Tara can’t sleep on planes they tried to go to bed early and were now making their way to the airport in the dead of morning.
“Wait, babe, look! It’s a full moon,” they pulled over just for a moment and got out of the car to sit on the hood. The silence between the two is peaceful, the wind was the only whisper in the air. Moonlight shone on Tara’s face and Emily knew that there was no sight in the world as beautiful as this. With the moon reflected in her eyes and a small simple ghosting on her lips. She’s home.
Security was a breeze, they are former FBI agents after all, and they made their way to their gate. Airports always have a certain air to them, a place where time seizes to exist yet completely runs the place. Their gate was quiet, filled with the tired murmuring of people excited to travel.
“Tara, honey, wake up we’re boarding.”
It was odd for the two of them to be flying commercial after all those years on private jets. It was nice to feel normal though, to fade in the background instead of being other . Human desire is both to be noticed and forgotten all at once.
Italy’s airport is very similar to the DC airport, it would seem like they never left. Outside was a whole different story, bustling crowds and hot air hits them as soon as they step outside the building. They had picked out a quaint apartment building a week prior. Yellow walls with a terrace looking out to an alley. The couple's belongings had been shipped and were waiting to be unpacked. Not right then though. Now, it was time to explore.
Hand in hand they walked leisurely down the narrow alley way of the small Italian town they are now calling their home. Vines and every other type of plant that could grow did. Hanging off banisters, and climbing up orange brick walls. The sunlight was close to blinding, and it hit Emily just right. The golden rays hitting her face and illuminating the ghost of the smile now appearing on Emily’s face. That smile told Tara all she needed to know about their decision. Emily catches her staring, “What are you looking at,” humor evident in her voice.
“You, I’m looking at you miss Emily Prentiss. You’re smiling again,” her words come out softer than she intended, but they convey her point.
Happy couples seem to fill the streets, old and new, young and old. The town may be old, but it was filled with a life that they had been lacking. They pass a quaint little bakery. Bread, cupcakes, and assorted pastries fill the windows. There're bookshelves on all the walls filled to the brim with different books. The walls are light blue and there are flowers everywhere. It looks like something from the movies.
“Un Piccolo Angolo di Paradiso,” Emily reads the name of the building in front of them, they’ve since stopped to admire the view in front of them. It reminds the two of them how Emily asked Tara out. With a cupcake and book who had ‘I know there’s plenty of sugar in that cupcake but it’d be even sweeter if you went out with me. Let me take you to dinner Tara? ’ written on the inside.
“As much as I love hearing you speak Italian, what does that mean? Something heaven?”
“Little Slice of Heaven.” It’s truly a perfect name for the place.
“Okay, now we have to go in,” they’re both smiling now. They push open the glass doors, greeted by the high-pitched ringing of a bell and the smell of freshly baked bread.
The woman at the counter finishes the greeting, “Benvenuti nel piccolo angolo di paradiso, cosa posso offrirvi, adorabili signore?” they blush at the compliment and Emily orders them both cupcakes and coffee. Tara busies herself with admiring the books. Some of them have the most beautiful covers she’s seen. She knows not to judge a book by its cover but sometimes the most beautiful things are just as gorgeous on the inside as out. Just like Emily. She buys a book, and they take their drink and desserts to go. They make their way to a waterfront and sit down on the stairs, side by side.
“Rome is just as beautiful as I remembered. I missed it. It really does feel like home, although, anywhere I’m with you is home,” at the end of her sentence, she turns to face Tara, a look of pure love shown clearly on her face. And for that, Tara just has to kiss her.
The next day they unpack their boxes of belongings into their apartment to help rid the homesickness. Paintings go up on the walls and furniture is placed with the best view in mind. After a couple of hours they’re done, their apartment a bit more homey than before. They crack open a bottle of wine, put on an album, and sit out on the terrace. They watch the sun set over the water, the sounds of big band music filter in as the soundtrack for their night. The sky painted yellow, orange, and pink in the way only nature can create. If nature were an artist they’d be in every museum and sold to the wealthy. Instead, they are for the masses, the beauty of nature is for all to enjoy, free of cost, for those who wish to escape and fly into the night sky.
“You know what I’ve always wanted to do?” Tara leans forward on the balcony, not taking her eyes off the view in front of her, even as the colors begin to fade the sky darkens.
“No, tell me, what?”
“I always wanted to open my own bakery. I know it’s stupid, me a baker. But, I don’t know making things, it feels so uncomplicated. Just me and the dough.”
“In this alternate universe, I’d be a gardener. You and your dough and me and my flowers against the world Tara. Wait a second. I think you and I are onto something my dear,” Emily’s joined Tara at the balcony, the two of them leaning against the railing.
“Actually? You’re serious? You want to do this.?”
“Yeah! Why not? We’ve got enough money in the bank for us to last a bit, you can work at Un Piccolo Angolo di Paradiso,” the Italian rolls of her tongue in a way that drives Tara nuts, “I’ll find a gardening place to work at. We’re in fucking Italy let’s make our dreams come true.”
“Okay. Let’s do it.”
Alessia, the owner of the bakery, is pleased to have another employee. Especially one that is actually interested and isn’t in high school. Tara learns the basics of bread and pastry making. She has some skill, she used to bake with her mother before she died, it had been awhile since she had been able to bake without bumming herself out. Now it’s a nice memory of her. Gone but not forgotten, as is the saying. Emily comes in every lunch break for whatever Tara’s whipped up and to get her caffeine fix. One of the things that she still keeps from her law enforcement days.
They aren’t perfect. A move across the country isn’t going to cure PTSD, she has good days, bad days, and worse days, but now they have the time to deal with it. There was never anytime to process things at the FBI. It was always, distract yourself and throw yourself into solving cases. Now they can slow dance in the kitchen and stay up until three am telling stories from college. They fill their days with the happiness that was once stolen from them and bathe in it like perfume.
True to their word, they send Penelope all sorts of things, books from the café, pressed flowers, trinkets from the small shops to adorn her desk. In return, she sends them pictures of Sergio.
“I miss Sergio, his little paws, and his ability to climb on top of anything.”
Emily finds a job at a nearby garden that sells flower arrangements and herbs to local restaurants. It’s convenient, more than they would have thought. Emily now gets to stop into the bakery on occasion to deliver herbs and has plenty of flowers to give her lover. She also sends a few bouquets back to DC. Hoping that the flowers can brighten up the office in a way that fluorescent lights never can.
On one of their late afternoon walks, they hear a rustling by a trash can.
“What’s that noise?”
“I don’t know, let’s go look, it almost sounds like an animal. Could be a mouse,” Emily suggests, absently reaching to where her gun used to rest on her hip. They open the bag to find three small kittens. Seemly abandoned in a corner.
“Oh god, they’re so cute. We have to keep them.” It’s not a question, Tara knows that Emily is thinking the same thing, their minds connected in the way people who love each other’s minds always are. They look up the nearest veterinarian to make sure that their new pets are okay to take home and healthy.
The vet is sterile and a stark reminder of all the hospitals they’ve spent time in. Tara squeezes her girlfriend’s hand to remind her that they are both safe .
“They look fairly health, a bit malnourished but that is to be expected in these circumstances,” the vet is an elderly man with a mustache as thick as his accent,
“I’ve give them the shots they need, for now, come back in few months and let me take another look. Ciao.”
The kittens are fast asleep by the time they make it home. They gently scoop the kittens out of the bag and into their arms and the couch.
“Okay, what are we naming these angels?” Emily’s voice is pitched up as she talks to the kitten in her arms.
“Well, I’ve always been a classics enthusiast, what if we name them Artemis and Apollo?”
“That’s adorable. Little tiny archery kitties, yes, isn’t that right!” she coos, “And I think I’ll name this one Carter.”
“I love it, and you. Come on, sit with me, you look tired,” Tara grabs Emily’s hand and pulls her onto the couch. They fall over a bit and Emily yelps in surprise. They put the old music back on, a sense of peaceful needs for their new lives. The two sit on the couch, Emily’s head in her girlfriend’s lap, a hand playing with her hair. Apollo climbs on Emily’s feet and lays down to rest.
“I love you, Tara,” she doesn’t respond, just lays a gentle kiss to the back of her head.
The world is big and scary but the two of them feel safe in each other's arms.
taglist- @royalpenelope @criminalmindsvibez @haleymalaffey @scandinavian-punk @abitcriminalminds @hellskitchensmurdock @criminalmindzz2 @rosesonmyheart @ssaemxlyprentxss @reidrights if you’d like to be added to my taglist, the survey is here
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anntoldst0ries · 4 years
Lost in Translation
If someone told me a couple of months ago how invested I’d be in OH and the story, I would laugh at them. But here we are, isn’t life full of surprises :) 
Apologies for mistakes, if you notice any please feel free to let me know!
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC 
Word Count: 2,358
Summary: What happens when it’s just Dr Ramsey and his thoughts?
Warnings: None, just a tiny bit of angst & fluff. A lot of introspection!
After what felt like the longest shift ever, Dr Ethan Ramsey finally entered his apartment. He closed the door, leaving the whirlwind of his professional life outside.
A biscuit golden retriever jumped at him with all the might in his paws and the sore muscles of a 37-year old diagnostician almost gave up under the pressure of furry ball of fluff.
“I’m happy to see you too, buddy. But you need to go easy on me today.”
Jenner just stared at him with those big black eyes, licked his hand and went back to solving the most important problem of the day: how to cadge some real food, the one hooomans eat.
Although he was far from contemplating whether dogs have what resembles an intelligence (it was someone else’s specialty) he couldn’t help but think Jenner knows. This constantly salivating, instinct-driven creature somehow understands what it is that Ethan asked him to do and why.
“Great, Ramsey. You are going crazy, may as well admit yourself to the psychiatric ward right now. Dr Keller will be delighted to see you. And all the predators of Edenbrook will finally have a proper fodder - Ethan freaking Ramsey has officially freaked out.”
Having poured himself a decent glass of scotch, he stood in front of a giant window overlooking the bay. The waters were quiet and calm, a total contrast to the fire burning inside him after taking a long sip. There was something soothing in the almost painful feeling. 10 years ago downing a whole glass of neat scotch was way beyond his repertoire. One of the perks of being over 35, he guessed. It was scientifically proven that man’s tastebuds change drastically after reaching certain age. He had to admit, there was at least a grain of truth in this. The gold liquid was no longer just bitter and harsh; it had texture, flavour, a complexity - something he wasn’t able to appreciate before. As a doctor, he also knew that he’s got 20, maybe 25 years of this experience left - until ruthless time and ageing will blend all tastes into one.
The lights of the night danced around the spacious living room, their gold reflections creating an aura of mystery in a dimly-lit apartment. He looked around and his gaze landed on antique vase, a present Naveen brought him from Greece for his 35th birthday. It complemented tasteful interior design, expensive decorations and custom furniture perfectly.
As beautiful as they were, all these things made him feel nothing. It was almost ironic that this unquestionably beautiful property, paid for with his own blood, sweat and tears, he couldn’t possibly care less about. Right now, he could have been in some shithole in Roxbury, sipping cheap beer and it would make no difference whatsoever. Except, it would have saved him a mini fortune, which he was now spending on this goddamn penthouse in Beacon Hill. A place he never ever spent more than 4 hours at a time in.
He smirked at the thought - that’s exactly what Naveen said about his own lake house before saying goodbye to his mentee last year. Back when he thought he was going to die soon. Was it surprising? No, everyone was expecting that Ethan will one day take Naveen’s place as the best diagnostician in the world. He considered this not so much an honour, but rather a tribute to his biggest idol, his friend, his father figure. If he was to ever repay Dr Banerji for everything he’s done for him, there was only one way - he needed to be the best among the best.
They called him the best diagnostician of his generation. Although he resented the title, this label given to him by the mutual admiration society (that he had zero respect for), he was very much aware that he was exceptional at his job. Ethan never thought of this as bragging, because bragging made people vain. He liked to think of it as self-confidence, which, as it grew stronger, made him work for his patients even harder than he ever thought possible. The people whose lives he saved, they had to have confidence in him. They had to believe that he knows what he’s doing. And how could he instil a sense of confidence in them, had he not had it himself?
“You can’t give what you don’t have.” - the sentence kept echoing in his head. Tobias used to say that to him all the time, he lived by these words. It was probably the only relic of their once unbreakable (or so they stupidly thought) bond and also the only thing relating to Tobias that didn’t make him want to gag.
So Ethan accepted his role as a successor of the greatest diagnostician in the country. Because there was a mission and a responsibility behind this fate. Because there was a sense of safety in predictable realms of medicine. Also, because… it felt like kicking Tobias right in the crotch. Although he’d never admit this to anyone, least of all himself, the unwritten competition they were subject to for the past 17 years, helped him keep a laser focus on the tasks in front of him. And every time he was able to wipe the smile off Mass Kenmore’s ‘star’ handsome face, Ethan felt satisfaction.
Becoming the man he was today required a lot of changes. He got rid of all the needs of usual Everyman. First, he swept his feelings under the carpet of indifference and cynicism. Then, he learned how to live among people, but without delving into deep and ‘meaningful’ relationships. This was his bauble and he was perfectly… content with it. That is, until it hadn’t been smashed to pieces because something happened to him.
Someone happened to him.
Oh fuck.
He made a desperate attempt to try and stop the inevitable, but it was too late.
His head was instantly flooded with images, followed by ubiquitous tingles that filled his body. In his mind’s eye, a face shaped instantly, the image so vivid that he was almost blinded by it. It’s as if the person was standing right in front of him. The feeling was as mesmerising as it was painful.
Damn it. She didn’t even have to be here to do things to him. To make him see things. Smell things. Hear things. Feel things.
Ethan and The Feelings. This band rarely played together. Ethan wasn’t really a team player and The Feelings were loud, untameable and too unpredictable for the likes of him. He had to learn to tolerate them, because wherever she went, they followed.
He couldn’t rid of her presence, no matter where he was or what he did. Not that he wanted to - he just couldn’t, for the love of god, comprehend all this. Having been a king of self-control and master of his own life, it was beyond Ethan’s understanding how this woman, almost a decade younger than him, managed to turn him into… well, Jenner. He’d do anything she’d ask him to do. He was an electric ride-on, the one they buy for children. And she was holding the remote.
No, this wasn’t the most fortunate comparison. Because an electric toy was not capable of feeling things. And he was. A lot. More than he ever thought possible and more than he wanted to.
The fear of being misapprehended stopped him from telling her that sometimes he hated what she was doing to him. Not her, he could never hate her. He hated this unexplainable power she had over him and wasn’t even fully aware of. It frightened him. That she clawed his composure back so easily. That her youth, enthusiasm and energy were like a tornado to the illusionary beach he used to inhabit in his head. The force of her personality wreaked havoc on the well-oiled cogs of the machine that was once his life.
It took all the strength he had to stay away, from the day he first saw her. No, that’s not right. From the first time he felt her. Ethan’s mind was definitely against him today, because the images materialised within seconds, before he even managed to fully accept the presence of the thought.
He was sitting in his office, wondering why the hell has he agreed to help Harper with reading pages of blabber from wannabe surgeons and doctors. They were all the same and if he got a cent for every time they got under his skin, he’d be a millionaire. But Harper was an old friend and his ex, he had a lot of respect for her. She’d just been promoted to the Chief of Medicine and although she was more than capable to do the job, he understood that transition from theatre to bureaucracy was scary and challenging for her. It was the least he could do to help and certainly a task way easier than being a shoulder to cry on.
Having gone through pages of “I wanna change the world and find a cure for cancer” he almost fell asleep on his desk. Not that there was something wrong with medical research or a quest for deeper meaning of one’s career - but what he read in those applications sounded like an extract from a beauty pageant. And, frankly, when he looked at some of the photos attached to applications, he couldn’t help but think beauty pageants were a better fit for some of these people than a hospital.
“Christ, are they giving away medical degrees for free these days?” He sighed loudly, sending another handful of pages onto the pile of would-be Grey’s as he called them, because he was more than certain that majority of these people derived their idea of work in hospital from the TV series Grey’s Anatomy. All Ethan knew was that he’s never seen anything more divorced from reality, having watched one episode after all the nurses kept chirping about Dr Derek Shepherd for a whole week.
Fully prepared for yet another disappointment, he turned the front page of next file. Looking at him was a young, beautiful woman with raven hair. Her gaze was daring and gentle at the same time. Even though it was just a photo, he couldn’t shake the feeling that she looked right through him.
Things only got better as he kept going through the next pages. Her application was a riveting read, it was honest, filled with passion and well written, all without being cliche. He saw the most incredible potential, but more importantly, he felt it. She made him feel things, even though he never met her. It was all just pouring from the pages. Ethan would always remember how excited and nervous it made him feel. He almost suffered from a head-on crash with gurney whilst running to Harper’s office, because he had to make sure that she gets the residency position in the hospital. His own feelings played no role here, she simply deserved this position and he knew Dr Emery won’t even question his judgement.
And then he met her.
To be honest, he completely forgot about the interns’ induction, he’s seen so many in his life already that he couldn’t care less. The new case Diagnostics Team took onboard was occupying him completely on that day.
Looking at it now, he couldn’t help but think of one of his favourite movies, Picnic at Hanging Rock. There was this line that he always felt drawn to, but could never fully understand:
“Everything begins and ends at exactly the right time and place“
He was walking down the long corridor, when he heard Danny, one of the nurses, screaming. A minute later Ethan was on his knees, next to a woman in her 50s. He figured out quite quickly what was happening to her, but if his diagnosis was correct, he was going to need some help. Having lifted his gaze, he looked for a familiar face. But there was no one around. That’s when he remembered about the stupid intern induction.
“Damn it, where are the doctors?!” - he asked out loud.
“I’m a doctor!” - responded an unfamiliar voice. Ethan turned around and saw a young woman with black hair in fresh scrubs. He never saw her before and figured she must be one of the new interns.
“You, Rookie. Come here!” - he literally wouldn’t mind if she was an actress playing a doctor, he needed an extra pair of hands. Right here, right now. She kneeled on the patient’s left side, her sight piercing him, waiting for instructions. That’s when it hit him.
It was her.
The fate didn’t spare her - Ethan knew as well as she did that having to deal with Hemothorax on your first day was a tricky business. But she was brilliant. A little nervous, yes, but brilliant.
All she needed was a push. That’s why he picked her to pieces, leaving her confused and probably upset. She will understand one day and she will be grateful.
He said what he had to say and then he just disappeared behind the corridor. He couldn’t be around her more than necessary. Because she made him feel. And this was the last thing he needed right now. Or ever.
What the hell?
Dr Ramsey shook his head and woke up from his daydream. He felt his loyal furry companion licking his hand with a pleading gaze. Suddenly, the weight of the thoughts crushed him like a tidal wave, the feeling so intense that his legs instantly turned into Jell-O, forcing him to sit down. That’s exactly what he was afraid of. The moment he’s had a minute, he immediately gave into thoughts. That’s what she was doing to him. Every part of him wanted to take an extra shift, but common sense and medical knowledge prevailed. He needed 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, otherwise his body would give up soon, making him no use to anyone, especially not all the patients who desperately needed him.
But he was a fool to assume this was going to happen.
Tag list (please let me know if you wish to be removed, I tagged the accounts I follow and truly admire!): @terrm9 @openheart12 @openheartthot @rookie-ramsey @alwaysmychoices @brooks-eden @drethanramslay @starrystarrytrouble @justanotherrookie @caseyvalentineramsey @incorrectopenheart @heauxplesslydevoted @perriewinklenerdie
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