briefartist · 1 month
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Its been 4 years since I've created an amazing ship with an equally amazing person.
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dragetunge · 1 year
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@timewept sent:❝ i was lost without you. i was lonely. ❞ (douxie)
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It was never his intention to hurt them. Not ever. But here he was before them once again and all he could feel was what he had before all of this happened. Seeing them again. He couldn't help but reach out and hold them. Cradle them as he had once before all those years ago. Douxie had cried in his arms for hours. He too had shed more tears than he had known for a while. Things were so different from back then. They were different. But in a good way.
But himself? Untouched, unchanged by time itself.
He couldn't begin to fathom the countless years Douxie had been on their own. What they had gone through without him. He had promised to always be there and he broke that promise to them. And it stung him worse than a sword driven into his chest. "Hisirdoux..." His voice was so low he could hardly believe that it was his voice that had come from him. He had no words really to help comfort them. He didn't even know what had happened. He just remembered falling asleep and then suddenly there were strange buildings and unfamiliar faces besides that of Vendel. Who had gotten so old since the last he saw him. Outside of him, Toothless was the only thing he knew. The language of the three who freed him from the spell to begin with were strange. Unfamiliar to even he.
"I...I-I...'m so sorry..." He begins but feels a finger press against his lips. Looking down to the other curiously as he feels their weight shift. Allowing him to see eye to eye with them. Oh gods there wasn't a day he couldn't get lost in those gorgeous golden eyes of theirs. He couldn't help but stare unabashedly into theirs. He still was cast under that spell of mapping out every detail of those eyes of theirs. The outer ring of their eyes such a beautiful gold as they were speckled with blues, greens and browns towards their pupil. Those very eyes he always caught watching him while he had worked. The last things he saw when he went to sleep every night with them curled up in his arms.
How they made his heart flutter....
He had hardly noticed them fully sitting in his lap. Forehead pressed to his as he could smell the sweet scent of cologne that stuck to their skin. He smelled like their shared home. How he missed that smell already. His eyes closing to take it in. His arms adjusting to wrap fully around them as he held the other. He truly missed him so. They sat that way for what seemed like an eternity before he heard them speak again. Their voice just as low as his own as he opened his eyes to look at them again.
❝ i never forgot you. not for one moment. ❞
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Just hearing those words he felt a weight on his chest lift. Tears welled once again in his eyes as they flowed freely again. He didn't think he could have shed so much as he had in the past hour or so they had been reunited. "Mitt hjerte, tilgi meg..... vennligst tilgi meg..." The viking sobbed as the arms around the other tightened.
He hurt them more than he could have imagined. The one person he vowed to always love and cherish in this entire world. There was no coming back from that. Even as unintentional as it was the fact remained he had broken Douxie's heart. In a way he should never had.
He left them alone.
Slowly his face disappeared into their shoulder as he felt his sobs bubble over. His form wrecked with them as he pleaded 'tili meg' over and over again. His voice disappearing into their shoulder as he tightened his hold on the other. Terrified if he loosened his grip they'd disappear forever on him.
How many tears had they shed because of him? How many days did they isolate themselves from others because they had thought of him? How was he going to fix all of this? How could he ever amount to being better if he had done so much damage already? All these questions were now circling around inside of his mind.
He let those sobs come so freely. Hearing them echoed by the other as they clung to each other for dear life.
Hiccup was going to make up for all of this. No matter what happened he was going to make it all up. He had to. His heart was still too full of love for the other. The thought of being without them again pained him too much to think about. But he had them again in his arms again. And he wasn't going to let them go so willingly.
Not ever again.
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frie-ice · 2 years
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This crossover ship collage of Douxie and Hiccup is based on drawings I have seen of these two together on Tumblr.
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artistdhd · 4 years
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me: okay this is just gonna be a quick sketch-- 1 hour later
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reallybriefartisan · 4 years
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Douxie you signed on for this dumbassery
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briefartist · 2 years
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It’s been a while
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dragetunge · 7 months
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@timewept sent: over the years, the amount of rushing and planning has eased as you fall into a sort of annual routine. you've managed to not burn the sweet rolls yet (knock on wood—you're very careful !), and now as they sit atop the stove to cool, their aroma wafts across the entire vicinity, still dark as you have to beat the sun to wake up before your husband does. even so, you'll make sure to wake hiccup up yourself, entering your shared bedroom and silently making your way to his side of the bed. you brush aside soft auburn locks, taking a moment to look over his peaceful expression before placing gentle kisses to his forehead, his cheek, and his lips. "morning, my love." more kisses follow shortly—too tempting to resist. today is going to be all about him. you'll bribe toothless if you have to, but flying is definitely on the agenda, even if you must hold on for dear life—anything to see his bright smile, hear his sweet laughter, and be part of the cause of it all, because even though he's been gifted with another official year of life, he's truly a gift to you, too. "we have a full schedule planned today. unless you have other ideas, of course. anything your heart desires, i'll gladly provide." (from douxie, of course)
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A very loud protest had been made when Douxie had pried themselves away from him in the early hours of the morning. A kiss to his forehead and a swap for their pillow had been made to sate his protest that the viking happily took and fell back to sleep. He had not a thought on his mind as he flopped to face the other way until many hours later.
He had been slowly been drawn from his deeper sleep to something sweet wafting through the air as he made a mumbling noise before shuffling deeper under his blanket. Pulling most of them around him before he tried to gain a little more shut eye. He had been busier than usual. His own work busier than ever but he decided last night he was done for a while. He needed rest lest he get sick from working too hard and worrying his beloved. A small whine escaped him as he felt the blanket being pulled away from him. But it quickly silenced as soft kisses are placed on his face. To his forehead, to his cheek and finally to his lips with rouses him out of his slumber. Gently thumbs were rubbing his cheeks as he nuzzled into them. An arm snaking out from under what was the blanket that remained on him as he pulls Douxie close. "You're awake before me....." That was an odd matter in this whole ordeal. Douxie never woke up before him. Least not before the sun was barely visible in the skies.
What made today the exception?
Tired eyes looked up at his beloved husband. There was a sweet smile on their features as he slowly rose from laying down. Slowly replacing with him leaning forward and nestling his face into the others shoulder. "Why? We going somewhere?" He asked tiredly. A loud yawn following it as he tried to shake sleep from himself. It takes him perhaps a bit too long to register the wonderful smell in the air. He knew that smell.
"Sweet rolls?" He questions curiously. Not just any sweet rolls. The very same ones Gobber would make him but once a year. Realization settles in as he sits back up looking at the alarm clock sitting on Douxie's side of the bed. "It's today? Already????" Hiccup questions.
Did Douxie truly go through all that trouble already for him?
"Mitt hjerte...you know you don't have to do anything for me." The vikings voice is low and sweet as he leans forward again to press a kiss to his lips. "Why do I have a feeling you're going to be spoiling me rotten today hm?"
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dragetunge · 1 year
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the wizard presses a kiss to the vikings lips as they hand off the filled out card. "you know i'm not the biggest fan of flying, but i'll always go flying with you, no question."
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"It is why you're truly my perfect other half." The viking smiled and pressed another small kiss to their lips.
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dragetunge · 1 year
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@timewept sent: it's nice that hiccup has found something to entertain himself with while you've been busy with work, but now you're home...and you'd like a little attention for yourself. as soon as you've kicked off your shoes, you make your way over to where the viking is still concentrating on the controller in his hands and the screen above and simply nudge your way into his lap, making yourself comfortable. "ahh, you make a perfect cushion, my love."
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The viking had hardly noticed the time of the day. He drew the curtain in the living space he and his beloved shared with one another to be able to see the screen much better. It was because of his younger brother he had found the hobby in the first place. Waiting for Douxie to return home from work was rather boring when you're hobbies had been quite literally slashes down to so few since your own time. But this helped with keeping him entertained.
He had hardly heard the door unlock itself or open as he focused hard on the puzzles he was given to solve. Some more difficult than others but still rewarding at the end when they were solved.
The controller only lowering from his hand as the other placed themselves on his lap. The time really had slipped away and he hardly had remembered to do his small chore list it seemed...
Arms wrap tightly around the other as he smiles happily. "Oh do I now?" He questions as he readjusts to hold them better in his lap. The game idle as he turns his attentions on the wizard before him.
"Mmm suppose I'm just the perfect fit for you hm?" He smiles as he leans in to press a sweet kiss to their lips. "But then I could say you are the most wonderous distraction~"
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dragetunge · 1 year
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@timewept sent: "my love, you can't just say things like that !" ( from a very flustered douxie uwu )
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"Oh yeah? And why ever not?" He questions trying feign an expression of innocence as he turns to his beloved. Their face as red as can be. Showing the faded freckles splattered across their face as he leans in a bit more. Finger sitting under their chin to tip it upward to have them look him back in the face.
"Why can't I say such things?" He cocks his head a bit smugly as he leans in for a kiss to their lips. Only pulling away hoping to entice an answer from them.
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dragetunge · 2 years
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@timewept sent: ❛ are you wearing my shirt? ❜ ( uwu )
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"W-Well you see. I uh..." He had a very good reason to be wearing one of his beloveds shirts. He had been doing laundry and then spilled something on the original shirt he had been wearing. And seeing he had placed a load of laundry into their wash he pulled a random shirt from the dresser closest he could. Not really paying attention.
Red covered his freckled cheeks as he looked away only as the wizard got closer and he couldn't help but falter under their gaze. "P-Perhaps I am.." He fiddled with the shirts hem. But the very low and deep cut of the tank cave away that it was in fact of one Douxie's shirts.
"I-I uh...might be stuck." He admits. He was able to get into it just fine. But he was sure he wouldn't be able to get back out of it without assistance. Douxie's clothes were just a bit tighter than his. By a bit.
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dragetunge · 2 years
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@timewept sent: "I have layers. I’m like an onion. An irresistible one." ( from douxie dksjdhf i couldn't resist )
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The viking who had been rather silent until their beloved had finished speaking there was a loud thunderous laugh that erupted from him. Arms wrap around himself as he used the counter space behind him to keep his support while he laughed. Nose crinkling as tears were visibly forming on the corners as he laughed.
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The laughter continued for a few more minutes as air finally filled the viking's lungs as he slowly returned to his full height. His hands rubbing his sides from them feeling like they were going to burst from laughing so hard.
"Oh...oh gods that's as bad as you..haaa-wanting to live in my skin." He visibly wipes his eyes from the tears that had started strolling down his freckled cheeks.
"Not as bad...but nearly there."
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dragetunge · 2 years
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@timewept sent: With a wicked grin after a glance at the greenery dangling above them, the wizard dramatically (and securely) dips the viking to place a kiss upon his lips. (for mistletoe prompt)
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Yule was the most favorite time of the year for the viking. Spending it with people who wanted him around as well as his family he has since found which he adored and loved just as much. In the times of loss he had experienced it was nice to have the ability to be surrounded by those he loved most in the world.
The chatter was loud in their home as he did his rounds making sure their guests were well taken cared of. Family scattered about as well as friends. Smaller ones with family members clambering on top of his dragon who seemed to be eating up the attention of such tiny hands on him. Using him as their personal jungle gym as he seemed to not mind too much.
He hadn't been overly paying attention to the doors he was going through as he chose a particular one to lean against as he wraps his arms around himself and watch fondly at the merriment in the entire house.
His attention his caught as he feels arms around himself as he smiles and sees his dearest one pulling him around to face him. "Mitt hjerte." his voice sounds fondly as a loud squeak of surprise comes from him as the other dips him.
"Mm!?" Lips on his own as he holds onto them tightly so they didn't fall , or well at least he didn't as they kissed under the mistletoe he had carelessly forgotten about.
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He simply melted into their kiss before the two parted and the viking was left to look up at the other. "Well...I.." For once he was a bit speechless. He was still reeling on the fact the wizard dipped him for a kiss.
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"Well..why don't you bring me back upright and I can give you some more proper kisses?" He smiles up at the other. The fond smile on his freckled features as he brushes his thumb against Douxie's features. "Unless you want to hold me like this all night~"
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dragetunge · 2 years
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@timewept​ sent: " if you could only see yourself through my eyes... "
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“Well if I was able to to that then you very well couldn’t try and live in my skin now could you?” He teases looking at the wizard before him. He knew this was supposed to be a serious moment but sometimes the best way to lighten any dour mood was to made a light joke. 
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dragetunge · 2 years
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@timewept​ sent:  " i don't hate you. god, i could never hate you... "
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There was a solemn look upon the vikings face. Things seemed to have shifted during their marriage. Something he had done wrong....something he said. Somehow he felt responsible for pushing the other away as he simply sat where he was and looked at the other. It had been weeks since they had sat face to face. 
Not since he got sick. That was the last time he really remembered seeing them before he got back to where he was and they disappeared off into the woods again for hours on end. 
He had to ask. There were so many memories from before that came back and made him the way he was. He wasn’t entirely himself these days seeing he sat waiting for his husband to return home to him. 
There was a lump in his throat he had to swallow as he looked away for a moment trying to gather his thoughts. There was so much he wanted to say in such a short amount of time but when he wanted to say them they disappeared completely. 
He didn’t know why the words were evading him as he twisted the blanket that was draped over his shoulders. 
His mouth opened for a moment as he slowly closed it again. He couldn’t even look at his husband in the eyes his heart hurt. He was both so happy and upset at the same time. But his words were faltering. 
“Wh....th-then....why does it hurt so much.....like you do.....a-and thats why....you didn’t want to be here?” He slowly pulls together as he felt tears threatening to spill over his eyes. 
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dragetunge · 2 years
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@timewept​ sent:  " i'd move all the stars in the sky if i thought it would ever make you happy. "
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A smile crosses the vikings features as he goes to meet his beloved halfway. They were sitting in their little study filled with books and other magical artifacts as he takes their hands into his own. Looking at them before lifting the two and pressing a small kiss to the top of them. 
“My darling , all the happiness I need is here right in front of me.” Eyes that were focused on their hands come up to meet their golden-hazel eyes as he carefully closes the gap between them. His hands helping to wrap their arms around his waist as he slowly presses his forehead against the wizard’s.
His lips slowly pressing to theirs . Enjoying their presence so close to his own as he holds it for a moment longer before pulling away from their lips. Looking into their eyes upon opening his own again.
“You are all I need mitt hjerte~ “
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