#hmmm my little mammon is gonna get some attention later
MC is Half Demon and They Look Awfully Familiar
(Lessons 1-5!)
Part 1 Part 2 Lessons 5-6 Group Retreat Lessons 10-12 Lessons 13-15 Part 3 Part 4
So we obviously know that things would run a little differently with L!MC instead of a normal human MC, but just how differently do things go?
No Mammon, you are not allowed to babysit!
Unlike in canon, Mammon needs to be kept away from MC at the start. Why? He’s known this kid for less than a day, he’s gonna try and use them for scams.
Everyone else in the house? Well, they’re of... observing MC. This is a first, a half human kid just wandering around the house...
MC and Lucifer, despite their amicable meeting, were in this really awkward beginning stage where they didn’t really know what to do with each other.
“So...” MC resisted the urge to twiddle their thumbs as they followed their father through the halls of the House of Lamentation. This was their home for the next year. It was very grand... and also very creepy in some places. “Where’s my room?”
“Right here.” Lucifer stopped suddenly in front of a door in the hallway, nearly causing MC to crash into him. He opened up the door, the room was very very pink. “Asmodeus decorated, you can redecorate as you see fit.”
MC popped their head in and looked around, there were approximately a thousand pillows scattered around the bed. It was the perfect amount! The very pink colour scheme was... okay. Maybe they’d be able to switch some of it out for a nice blue.
“It’s nice! Thank you,” MC was about to say Lucifer, then father, then just shut their mouth. What were they supposed to call him? They had known each other for like... an hour. He seemed like the type to want to be called father, he was too posh to be ‘dad’ or ‘pops’, and calling their father by his first name seemed way too casual as well... Parental Figure..? Guardian? Sir..? Should they call him sir???
The fact that MC ended their sentence like they were going to continue it left the two in a very awkward silence. A+ job at conversation.
“Anyway,” Lucifer finally broke the silence. “If you need time to settle in, we can pick up the tour later.”
“N-no, it’s okay! I didn’t really bring anything so...” MC was in the middle of mentally cursing themselves out, they thought they had successfully avoided falling into the awkward middle schooler stereotype! “We can keep the tour going.”
“Alright then.” Lucifer turned and motioned for MC to follow. Wow... he was very... curt? Was that the right word to use? MC hoped this was as awkward for him as it was for them.
The next stop was the portrait staircase, Lucifer explained each one down to each minute detail, MC listened in rapt attention.
“We received that one from a painter from the sixth layer of the Devildom, it was quite a rare find.”
“How many layers are there?”
“Nine, we’re in the centre most layer. This is the most highly defended part of the Devildom.” Lucifer explained.
“Oh,” MC smiled. “Cool, so it’s like how Dante described it in the Divine Comedy?”
“Mostly, some changes have been made since that time.”
“Ah, okay.” MC nodded, a thought came to them which made them clear their throat to suppress a giggle. “May I ask a question that might bother you?”
Lucifer turned and raised an eyebrow at them. “You may ask one such question.”
“Why did Dante say you were frozen in an ice lake?”
Lucifer looked around, once he was sure that no one was listening, he turned back to MC, his voice was slightly lower when he answered. “I was ice skating with Lord Diavolo, I fell through the ice and into the lake right as Virgil and Dante arrived. Of course, Dante had to embellish or I’d smite him, if only he left out the ice part.”
To MC’s credit, they didn’t laugh, but they weren’t doing a very good job of hiding how hard it was to not burst into laughter. “Oh my... how upsetting...”
Lucifer rolled his eyes. “I’d tell you not to tell anyone but,” his lips quirked up into a smile. “No one would believe you if you said anything anyway.”
MC gasped, but the gasp ended up releasing the laugh they were holding in.
The half demon noticed some of the other portraits on the wall, each of the brothers had a portrait, there were two demons that MC didn’t recognize. So that was their family... they wondered if their picture might be on that wall one day...
“Who’s he?” MC pointed at the portrait between Mammon’s and Satan’s.
“That’s Leviathan, the third eldest, the Avatar of Envy, and the Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy.”
‘Oooo, so he’s a military guy!’ MC thought to themselves. ‘And the third most powerful brother? Wow... he must be crazy scary...’
“What about him?” MC pointed at the seventh and final portrait.
It may have just been MC’s imagination, but they swore they saw Lucifer’s expression sour slightly.
“That’s Belphegor, the youngest and the Avatar of Sloth.” Lucifer explained. “He is currently in the human world as an exchange student.”
“Oh,” MC studied the portraits a bit more. “Cool! I hope he’s having a good time up there.”
“As do I.” Lucifer replied. “Now we should move on to the Underground-”
Lucifer sighed and dragged a gloved hand down his face. “We’ll continue this tour later, MC. Feel free to explore some more, try not to break anything.”
“Because the things might be cursed?”
“That and the things are old and expensive.”
MC spends the rest of the day chilling in the house with Asmo, who peppers MC with ALL the questions.
They does their best to answer... but it’s clear Asmo was hoping for something a little more interesting.
“So, do you run the human world?”
“No. No I do not.”
Finally, Mammon escapes whatever punishment Lucifer’s got him caught up in and tried to get MC involved in something that’ll probably make them lose their money.
Mini HC! A demon’s wings, tail, or horns might pop out randomly if they aren’t paying attention! The demon doesn’t even need to be in their true demonic form for this to happen. It happens more often with younger demons like MC!
Mammon stops his little scheme when he notices that MC’s wings have popped out and left a few stray feathers lying about... he can hear the CHA CHING sound already.
Our favourite dummy tried to Mission Impossible his way into MC’s room but MC caught him trying to make off with some loose feathers after they came back with a dustpan to clean them up.
Eventually, it was dinner time, and Levi was still camped out in his room. Mammon got sent to get him out, and he decided to drag MC along with him.
“I don’t think we should bother him-”
“Sh! We gotta get him out of his stupid room or he’s gonna stay in there until the exchange year’s over.” Mammon snapped, stopping in front of Leviathan’s door.
“I still don’t think we should-”
Mammon rudely interrupted poor, aghast MC by slamming his fists against the door. “LEVI! GET UP! DINNER’S READY!”
The only response was someone increasing the volume on whatever show was playing behind the door. Wow, petty. MC suppressed a snort until they realized exactly what they were hearing.
Was that...
“Is that the Sailor Moon theme?” MC turned to Mammon and asked. The moment the question left their lips the pair heard someone practically bolt to the door. It swung open and hit Mammon right in the face.
Ah, so this was the Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy. MC didn’t know that track pants and headphones were a part of the uniform.
“You like anime?!” Levi asked, MC slowly nodded.
Quick as lightning, MC was pulled into the room, and Levi slammed the door shut, tragically, the door hit Mammon again.
Leviathan didn’t seem too interested in Mammon’s chorus of curse words and angry knocks, he was grabbing some figurines off shelves and showing some to MC.
“Do you know who this is?!”
“That’s White Blood Cell from Cells at Work. What about Mamm-”
“How about this!”
“Violet Evergarden from the show of the same name, now Levia-”
“Whose this?!”
“LEVIATHAN!” MC stomped their foot and pointed at the door. “Mammon said we need to go eat dinner.”
“Don’t interrupt me, human!” Levi hissed, MC rolled their eyes and snorted.
“Nice to meet you, by the way.” MC crossed their arms and let their wings appear and puff up behind them.
“We have to go to-” MC was cut off yet again by Levi passing out. Wow... what a day...
Mammon was still pounding on the door, MC rolled their eyes and opened it.
“He passed out, can you carry him?”
Mammon was decidedly not careful with his dear little brother when he dragged him out of his room and into the dining room. When Levi finally woke up, he got an earful from Lucifer, and tried to kill Mammon.
Apparently money was owed that Mammon wasn’t about to pay.
So yeah, MC and Levi’s alliance did not stem from desperation, it stems from otaku-camaraderie.
MC and Levi planned their credit-card hostage situation over a fun evening of watching anime.
Mammon never knew what hit him...
“Okay Mammon, pay up or your credit card gets cut up.” MC playfully opened and closed the scissors before poising them to cut up the helpless credit card. Mammon let out a shriek and shook his head.
“NONONONONO- don’t do that!” Mammon put his hands up and let out a nervous laugh. “MC... wh-what’s with all the animosity..? We’re buddies, right?”
MC snorted and rolled their eyes. “Buddies don’t try and make money off each other’s feathers.”
“You heard them, Mammon.” Levi snickered. “Pay me back the money you owe me!”
“I don’t have the money right now!”
MC shook their head. “Pity... oh well, bye bye Goldie-”
“The money’s in my sock drawer- just please put the scissors down!”
They slowly lowered the scissors. “What do you think, Levi?”
“Hmmm... you have two minutes.” Levi said, Mammon took off in a sprint out of the kitchen.
“Nice job Agent L!” MC chirped, holding their hand out for a high five, Levi looked positively elated and gleefully hit his hand against MC’s.
“We did it! I’m finally going to have enough money to go to the live show! Couldn’t have done it without your help, Agent Near.”
“Wait- why am I Near?” MC asked. “You get to be L and I have to be Near?”
Levi crossed his arms and huffed. “Would you rather be Mellow?”
“No! I want to be Light! We agreed that I’d be Light!” MC hissed. Levi, literally hissed back.
Anyway, Levi got paid, and everyone had a very entertaining breakfast. Well, Mammon didn’t have a very good time, but boo hoo he should have paid Levi back sooner.
I think MC felt legitimately bad for Mammon, all the insults and jabs being aimed at him made MC feel a little guilty...
MC took care to be extra sweet that day, and it made Mammon feel a bit better. You know what made both of them feel amazing?
Screwing with the dipshits that were talking crap about the two of them.
MC didn’t need super-hearing to notice that some of the demons at RAD found it to be peak comedy that Mammon got slapped with babysitting duty.
“...do you want to mess with them?”
“Too late, I’m doing it with or without you.”
Mammon was totally in, obviously. A little magic to move some of the lesser demons’ things around and voila! They were all at each other’s throats and Mammon and MC got to enjoy a fun lunchtime show!
The Purgatory Hall crew got to meet MC too, of course!
“And this,” Lucifer gestured to MC. “Is the other human exchange student.”
MC popped up from behind one of the rows of desks and gave the three newcomers a toothy grin. “Nice to meet you!”
Simeon’s calm and serene expression dropped almost immediately as he quickly looked from Lucifer to MC. The latter just gave him an innocent smile and tilted their head.
“Is something the matter?” MC asked, through the corner of their eye they saw Lucifer smirk slightly.
“N...” Simeon snapped back to reality. “No, nothing’s the matter, it’s nice to meet you, MC.”
“You awful demons!” A much younger voice yapped. “You brought a human child down here?! Shame on you!”
Lucifer rolled his eyes. “I’m overwhelmed with guilt, put me out of my misery.”
“Oh!” MC gasped. “You’re the chihuahua!”
“What?” MC shook their head and shrugged. “What’s the matter with me being a kid? You look like you’re ten.”
“I’ll have you know that I’m well over-”
“Am I just going to go ignored?” The third and final stranger asked, a cheeky/very suspicious looking grin on his face.
“Right, you.” Lucifer sighed. “This is Solomon, another human exchange student.”
“It’s nice to finally meet the other... human exchange student.” Solomon offered a nod.
“Likewise.” MC pretended not to notice the pause before he said human.
The first bell that meant “haul your ass to next period because if the cleaning staff finds you skipping class you will be maimed” sounded. MC slung their bag over their shoulder and brushed past their fellow students.
“Have a nice rest of your day, everyone!” MC chirped as they and Lucifer headed off to their next class.
“What do you stand to gain by pretending you aren’t my child?” Lucifer asked.
MC snickered. “It’s funny! Didn’t you see their faces?”
Lucifer half smiled and shook his head. “Perhaps.”
“That kid is Lucifer’s.” Solomon said the moment Lucifer and MC were out of earshot.
“Oh thank heavens someone else saw too... I thought I was going crazy...” Simeon sighed in relief.
“Hey! We’ll be late to class if you guys don’t hurry!” Luke called from down the hall.
Solomon chuckled under his breath. “This whole year just got way more interesting...”
A lot of MC’s time got devoted to getting to know their newly found family.
Satan was proving to be very... polite? Almost weirdly so? He’d address MC like he would address a formal acquaintance, not like one would address a family member... or even a roommate.
MC tried the delicate dance of trying to respect his boundaries and trying to get him to like them...
Once the glasses incident happened everything kinda caved. MC had been quite rudely shunned by Satan and they were quite done trying to be his friend! Hmph!
...hmph :(
At least Beel was nice... despite MC being a little intimidated by his size and resting bitch face, MC soon found out that Beel was a massive cinnamon roll.
In return for all the snacks Beel shared with MC, they introduced him to at least five human world cooking shows.
“MC, why is the music so dramatic? They’re just revealing the cooking supplies.”
“It’s a reality TV thing... everything is 10 times more dramatic than it needs to be. The music’s doing its job though, I’m very impressed by that pie dish.”
Overall, MC’s first week at RAD was pretty decent! Until... well... until Friday.
MC could only hide their demonic side for so long...
“That’s them?”
MC slowed their steps and turned to look for the source of the voice.
“Yep.” A second voice confirmed. “Human kid, like I said.”
Ugh... of all the times to have needed to stay late after school... the hallway MC was in was completely empty and they had no clue where anyone they actually knew was-
MC whirled around to see the two gossiping demons standing right behind them. They instinctively took a few steps back before the taller of the two demons grabbed them by the wrist and yanked them forward.
“Geez, are all humans this tiny?” The taller one asked as he slowly lifted MC off the ground. MC fixed him with the nastiest glare possible, he tried to scowl back, but ended up looking away and laughing to the shorter demon. “Look at them, barely enough for a snack, no wonder Beel hasn’t eaten them yet.”
Turning to the shorter demon, MC gave them a similar glare. “Put me down.”
“Tsk, quiet.” The taller demon snapped, he turned back to the shorter demon. “So if we just nab them now, how much do you think someone’ll take for their soul?”
“I-uh...” the shorter demon couldn’t pry their gaze away from MC’s as they tried to sputter a response. “I don’t think we should...”
“Why not? The exchange program’s still in its trial phase anyway, we kill this human and they’ll just bring in another one.”
The way he was speaking about them made MC’s skin crawl. How dare he? How dare he talk about them like they were just common trash? Who did this... person think he was?
An old familiar feeling bubbled beneath the surface. It had always been there, the intense, sometimes overwhelming desire to let the whole world know that they were better. The feeling coiled its way up MC’s spine and wormed its way into their head where it settled.
“You can’t be spoken to like that.”
Every single time this feeling had flared up, MC had done their best to suppress it. They didn’t know what would happen if they gave in, and frankly, they didn’t want to know.
“Let them know you’re not to be trifled with.”
The burning desire to crush the two demons like ants was almost impossible to ignore. MC felt their hands twitch and sparks snap between their fingertips.
“I’m not going to tell you again,” MC growled. “Put. Me. Down.”
“Human,” the taller demon turned back and cooed, his mocking tone made MC want to rip his throat out. “I said be quiet.”
His grip on MC’s wrist tightened until a sickening crack echoed through the empty hallway.
Bile immediately rose in MC’s throat as they let out an earsplitting scream. Their wrist seared in pain and their heart began to race hammer against their ribcage.
The desire to give in only grew and became harder to control, MC could feel themselves slipping. The feeling only had one simple question to ask, one that MC knew the answer to.
“Are you going to let them get away with that?”
Their face morphed into a cheek splitting grin despite the pain, their head tilted to the left as they stared down the two demons.
Horns twisted and burst out of their skull as they dug their rapidly sharpening nails into the demon’s arm. Their teeth grew and sharpened while formerly hidden fangs burst through their upper gums. The agonizing pain of their bones growing, snapping, and shifting in and out of place as their demonic form took hold for the first time numbed as MC revelled in their new power.
Through the reflection in the taller demon’s horrified stare, MC could see their pupils stretch into almost catlike slits. He dropped them onto the floor while he and the shorter demon backed up. MC’s impossibly wide smile only grew as they watched the realization dawn upon the lesser demon as he stitched together what he had just done. The human he had decided to bother wasn’t quite so human after all.
“Oh?” MC cooed as their wings split through their back and unfurled behind them. “Where do you think you two are going? We haven’t even gotten started yet.”
Lucifer was jolted from his conversation by a sharp blast of blue light and the sound of screams from a nearby hallway. He instinctively rolled his eyes.
“Lord Diavolo, pardon me but I need to go deal with a disturbance in the halls.” Lucifer said, Diavolo sighed mournfully on the other end of the call.
“Alright, if you must, but make sure to come over later! There are events that need to be scheduled.”
Lucifer knew full well that Diavolo was making half of the school events up as an excuse for basic social interaction. Oh well, it wasn’t the time to think on his prince’s social woes, he had a problem to solve.
How many times did he have to tell some of those idiotic students to take their petty squabbles outside?
Lucifer made his way over to where the fight was happening, he wasn’t walking with particular urgency, a fight on school property wasn’t too unusual, until a massive shockwave spilled through the hallways and slammed into him.
The Avatar of Pride felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand straight up, that was his magical signature... wasn’t it? No, it was just different enough...
“Dammit.” Lucifer doubled his pace, when he reached the end of the hallway, the sight was just what he feared.
MC stood straight in the middle of the hallway with their back to him, two other demons were lying in crumpled heaps on the ground, one was next to an incredibly dented row of lockers while the other was lying next to an almost completely broken drinking fountain.
Lucifer’s own true form was out in a flash as MC turned to look at him. their eyes glowing a shining blue. Their lips curled into a snarl as they let out an otherworldly growl.
“Go away.”
“MC, calm yourself down.” Lucifer said slowly as he approached them. “Return to your normal form.”
The half demon bowed their head slightly and took a few steps back as he stepped closer. Lucifer almost patted himself on the back for such a show of authority, until MC paused and looked up defiantly. The glow in their eyes doubled as any sense of fear left them completely.
“I said, GO AWAY!”
They lunged at him, which he easily sidestepped, only for MC to quickly turn and latch their claws into his arm.
The child packed a surprising amount of force into their strikes, but he was able to block and redirect almost every single one. If this were any normal fight, Lucifer would have just swatted them away and have been done with it, but this wasn’t any ordinary opponent.
MC was his child, the exchange student, and going through their first transformation. They weren’t exactly rational or directly responsible for any of their actions at that moment.
During a first transformation the demon is almost completely relying on base instincts to function, they’ll go completely ballistic for a while, trying to tear through anything in their way until they run out of energy and pass out. Which is why during a demon’s first transformation usually happened much earlier in their lives under the watchful eyes of parents or guardians.
It was clear to anyone with even casual knowledge of demons that MC had fully given themselves over to their pride and wouldn’t stop trying to prove their superiority until they passed out.
Even though Lucifer was blocking and avoiding most of the blows, MC had managed to get in a few good scratches.
They snapped at Lucifer’s right hand, narrowly missing it and aimed their elbow at his jaw. Almost casually batting the hit away, he hissed in frustration.
“Damn it... MC, control yourself!”
MC snarled and sloppily lunged forward, only for Lucifer to use his wings to bat them to the side. They slid across the floor, their glasses falling off and skidding away from them. MC lay still for a few moments, their chest rising and falling rapidly.
Lucifer stood in place, waiting for any sudden movement. For a few moments, the hallway was quiet, save for the massive gulps of air MC was taking and the occasional groan of pain from one of the demons on the floor. MC slowly sat up and blinked a few times, then looked from side to side.
Something important dawned on Lucifer, he didn’t know just how blind MC was without their glasses.
MC’s rapid breathing began to slow as they continued to squint and search the area around them for their glasses. Lucifer almost audibly sighed in relief as the blue glow in his child’s eyes began to dull.
“MC.” Lucifer allowed his demon form to disappear as he slowly moved towards them, making sure MC could hear him approaching.
The half demon stopped scanning the area for their glasses and looked up at him, they awkwardly covered a yawn with their hand as their wings sleepily fluttered behind them. It would have been much cuter if MC wasn’t spattered with blood.
Lucifer slowly offered his hand, which MC eyed suspiciously. “Come on, let’s go.”
MC blinked a few times, then yawned again and awkwardly accepted his hand. “Mmph... m’tired...”
“That’s good,” Lucifer said quietly. “Everything’s okay.”
MC half nodded and awkwardly stumbled as they tried to find their footing. Lucifer tried to help steady them, but it proved ineffective as MC collapsed into his arms. Sighing, he picked them up and began to walk back to the House of Lamentation.
Just before leaving the school, Lucifer passed by Simeon and Solomon, who looked from MC, who had curled their wings around themselves and was sleeping soundly, to Lucifer, who had a few scratch marks on his face and whose hair was a complete mess.
“Ah, you two, one of you do me a favour.” Lucifer said as he brushed past them. “One of you go to the biology hallway and pick up MC’s glasses.”
Simeon and Solomon nodded and mumbled out an affirmation as Lucifer left the school with MC. Hmph, it seemed MC was right, their confused/shocked faces were quite funny.
MC woke up the next morning with the worst muscle pain they had ever and hopefully would ever feel. On the bright side, their wrist wasn’t broken anymore :D
They had literally built their true form. Their skeleton just stretched and rearranged itself, horns grew out from their cranium, their wings broke through their back and a new set of fangs decided to break through their gums... and then all of that new stuff was gone as MC lay in bed in their normal form like a deflated beach ball.
Not wanting to seem like a wimp, MC dragged themselves to breakfast, and everyone was all: “MC, go back to bed, you can’t do anything when you’re like this.”
“Quiet, I’m fine.”
“MC, if you’re fine, then give Beel a high five, make sure it makes the slap sound.”
“Alright then, Beel, come here.”
Beel didn’t exactly think to take MC’s shorter stature into account when holding up his hand for a high five. He’s tall, okay?
MC then proceeded to grit their teeth and try not to scream as they lifted their arm to weakly hit their hand against Beel’s.
“It made the noise..!”
“No it didn’t, I didn’t hear it.”
“Couldn’t hear it, go back upstairs.”
When MC trudged upstairs, Asmo practically squealed and pointed out that MC had called Lucifer father for the first time. It’s a shame no one took a picture of happy/surprised Lucifer.
Side note: after the whole event calmed down, Lucifer was crazy proud that his kid kicked the asses of two grown demons.
Funnily enough, this incident is what kickstarted MC and Luke’s friendship! Luke heard MC got into a fight and brought over get-well cookies! Sure... Beel, Mammon and Levi stole most of the cookies but they were still good!
At school on Monday... hooooooo boy... the two demons that tried to kill MC had lived to tell the tale thanks to MC getting distracted by Lucifer, and now the entire student body knew NOT to fuck with MC.
A few weeks into the exchange year, things had settled into a somewhat normal routine... until one really shitty night in particular.
MC was curled up in bed, their new comforter and sheets were a pain to put in, but they suited MC’s taste much better than the pink that had been there previously. Sighing in contentment, MC felt themselves drifting off to sleep-
Mother fucker who was texting at the ungodly hour of 10:30 pm on a Sunday? ‘Twas the lord’s day and the lord of the house stated that everyone needed to get their asses to bed at a reasonable hour.
MC picked up their phone and put on their glasses. After being blinded by the light of the phone for a brief moment, MC read the text.
Not-Rich Uncle Pennybags 💰🕶: Oi! MC! U want a snack?
Not-Rich Uncle Pennybags💰🕶: I’m in the kitchen! Get down here!
After debating whether or not to throw Mammon to the wolves and rat him out, MC decided that they did in fact want a snack and hopped out of bed to go to the kitchen.
“Hey kiddo!” Mammon said through a mouthful of something in a container, a loose note hung limply from a piece of tape that was stuck on the Tupperware. “Next time, hurry it up, got it? Ya can’t keep me waitin’ like this!”
“Mm...” MC grumbled, rubbing their eyes and looking around the kitchen. “What are you eating?”
“Custard!” Mammon smiled brightly. “Ya gotta try this!”
Oooo, custard! MC grabbed a spoon and practically skipped over to try some. Right before they were about to try a bit of the heavenly deliciousness, MC paused and finally caught a glimpse of what the note said.
‘Property of Beelzebub, you eat it, you die.’
Uh oh-
Okay, the next few bits of this WILL come out in order, I promise! Kinda... not really... eh... but it matters not! I hope you all enjoyed this! I didn’t leave you with a cliffhanger this time considering Lessons 5-6 are already out ^_^
So uh- wanna fight the demons that tried to hurt MC? I’m bringing the pitchforks, who’s driving?
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jazeswhbhaven · 8 months
been thinking about valefor's kink change. the fact that they went from "he likes being an inanimate cuddle object (plushie)" to "he likes getting his rocks off vicariously" makes me wonder what the original intention was with his kink, bc the kinks usually are just a small part of the devs' ideas for the characters' sexualities. it seems like he was meant to be sort of cuck kink-adjacent/submissive top? idk how to explain it. like i can imagine a scene that would feed into both plushophilia and vicarphilia, where valefor is tied up or not allowed to move (cuz plushies dont move) while mc grinds on him describing their plans or sexual experiences with others. idk but i just feel like there's some kind of link there. what do you think?
In the simple, boring sense...the devs felt that didn't match his personality and changed it after executing him during the event stories and the L-card stories. Also, he just was randomly introduced by us pulling him in the gacha with no official announcement like the other nobles before the game debut. In my fun little head, and after reading your analysis here, I think the two kinks go hand and hand as well, but maybe vicarphilia is more Valefor's style because of how curious he is and wanting to see things play out all the time. He gives me the "I really do like watching..." kinda vibe and because he very much believes in the "we all belong to Mammon" mindset, he would for sure share his partner with Mammon and love to hear how much fun they had together because it makes him feel good that he has a partner that his majesty can enjoy just as much as he does. But if we bring in the plushophilia, MC telling him he's so soft, cuddly, comforting, despite always wearing that armor, being a gym bro, the way his eye is, this would make him feel more "not in boss mode" all the time if that makes sense? Truly, I feel like playing around with this idea of mixing both...and I'll need someone to remind me later because otherwise, I will forget ;.; lol
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