#hob: oh shit! for real? wow. much to think about.
bookshelfdreams · 4 months
finally watched Netflix The Sandman a while back and can i just say, from the way fandom talks about it, I would not have guessed that Hob Whatshisface is a minor side character who was in half an episode, and who's most notable action is loudly thinking about getting in on the transatlantic slave trade.
(before you get your knickers in a twist, I'm not making a judgement on anyone's character for liking him or shipping him with Dream, or whatever. There's just certain tendencies and patterns in fandom, and at some times, they are more apparent than others)
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theskyexists · 3 years
thingy DOESN’T believe that synths will kill their human creators?? thats pure bullshit. of COURSE synths will kill humans in teh future if they attain consciousness that is LIKE that of humans.
also there’s no fucking way this premise makes sense bc the military would have gotten their hands on synths the moment they became capable of holding a gun and hitting shit with accuracy and walking securely through multiple terrains. never fucking mind asimov blocks
the next episode immediately goes back into also blaming mum hahahahaa. i mean it makes sense for the kids but narratively it’s quite....interesting. though ofc matts is right and Laura should deal with whatever hurt Tom is. in fact, that explains the way she’s so....bruised
‘yeah we care about her - how can you not get that’
FINALLY. toby truly lays down the law for his father!
I LOVE old american guy giving Niska lessons in humanity! YAY for the elderly!!
jezus. david elster was a fucking creep (niska) and a total shithead (fred). turns out that their creator was a terrible dad. this explains much about leo also.
wow Matts you’re being a little insensitive to your mother who’s divulging a SHITLOAD of childhood trauma. but i guess that’s just relating this stuff to what she knows. ok she - oh that’s so - aw
does Matilda REALISE that Max is just like Mia???? anyway - i LOVE MAX SO MUCH AAAAGGHGHGHGHGH.
she does
I love it when Max speaks and Leo is quiet for once. just keep him knocked out!!
oh no toby now you’re going too far. i am deeply concerned that the two men in this show will radicalise into synth-killers
ALL THIS TIME I ALSO THOUGHT SHE WAS HIS GIRLFRIEND BUT SHE WAS HIS MUM : ‘’‘‘‘(((( oh Nooooooo. it was already sad and tragic but now it’s 50x times more
has this synth-policewoman fallen in love with Pete?
‘you look young generally’ OH PETE lol. that made me like you again
DOES HUSBAND ACTUALLY MAKE THE FATAL CALL??? they’re really making him a villain!!!
it IS a trap huh...
but this was so stupid aahadhladsflajsdf. he’s much less than you think of him!!!
oh no now leo and max think it was the family that betrayed them!
why would he jump over when he could have used himself as a hostage
(had to look up whether he really dies just to be sure)
did they just expel a sister????
oh god
laura is such a pushover! what about Mia’s feelings?? she just heard that Mia had been inside Anita all along! then bring in the man that....well...it’s not rape in the moral....sense....but in the emotional sense it kinda was
she didn’t practice trigger safety??? POLICE SYNTH WOMAN?? i guess she really is a cop
i knew american dad was dead the moment Niska and he bonded. i love this series! that sounded like sarcasm but i mean that i love the characters and the story.
NOT GEORGE!!! NOT GEORGE!!!! im actually crying
ah - Fred is leo’s BIG brother
‘I was there the whole time’ OH DAMMNNN MIA!!!! balaghglabalghghagh stop
Laura and Mia are becomign real friends!!!!!!!!!!!
Matty didn’t MAKE leo show her. lol.
FRED YOU’RE NOT CLEAN!!!!! he implanted something!!!! or....is fred aligned with him after all? has he been infected somehow?
at least Mia is trying to keep things together.
they are making Joe suffer for his stupidity. not very cathartic tho
Mia desperately tryin to stitch the whole human fam back together. LOL
oh that’s poor timing. Niska you damn zealot
why does Kate keep making the wrong decisions. stupid bastard
teh opening theme is great!
Joe up for redemption!
kill this man now.
KILL HOB! KILL HIM!!!! NARRATIVE KILL HIM!!!! they really baited the audience with Hobb possibly being more sympathetic than it seemed. NO HE”S ACTUALLY MORE EVIL THAN YOU THINK!!!!!!!!!!
Kate’s so stupid. I hope she gets to be a hero
Pete’s up for redemption!
Come ON Kate!!!!!!!!! jezus was living the life of a simple cop and finally sleeping with the guy you love really SO BAD? they’ve had a worse life on the run than Kate
oh her name is KAREN??? lol i thought it was kate.
why would Hobb be concerned about it becoming clear that these synths have feelings and shit. wouldn’t that help with the marketing? i mean it is a risk what with Niska having killed a man
he’s letting them go entirely?? he knows he’s got Fred so he’s like - eh, ill just lean on this family first
does Karen understand the implications of Hobb having a failsafe?? will she TRULY do anything to stop suffering from proliferating - because this TRULY will cause suffering
I guess fred has been instructed not to kill himself - or reveal himself.
TOBY YOU GOTTA REALISE - Help Fred tell the rest. oh god i dont want to lose fred....wait where’s max. i didn’t see anybody carrying him around. also - wasn’t his brain falling apart?wasn’t that time-sensitive? aren’t they GRIEVING?
Lol - why would they not have made copies? They should have told him- if you bother us again we transmit to the internet immediately. they could do that easily!
Oh max can walk again
these fringes are so BRITISH AHAahaah
Karen is a total wildcard. only Pete being in danger will help though i think
Joe doing a very last Bastard Husband thing by being offended that his wife didn’t reveal her horrible childhood trauma to him as some kind of insult to HIM
‘you didn’t want to hurt us’? what
‘i can’t do anything’ - uh you can bring Mia and Max back to life but you can’t free Fred??? FRED!!!!!!!!???
FUCK! the next goal in this whole series is to free FRED!!!!!!!!!!
why the fuck would Niska walk in heels
couldn’t they restore fred the same way as they’re gonna try and restore max????
why doesn’t he tell Karen about how Hobb has enslaved Fred??? hello? and wants to use the code?? this last bit is a bit strange. what convinced her?
she’s an ideological character but she was moved by emotion?
oh they canjust share - no wires or anything
Karen realised she couldn’t rely on Hobb to kill them - so she went out alone to kill them. aha.
what. that was. out of nowhere
why the fuck did she go from ultimate KILL YOU ALL to - alright then let’s do this in one second. how extremely poorly written or directed or both
she wanted to be part of the fam. then she left. the laura tells leo to let her go. whY?? this last bit is so STUPID
all they need is some coloured lenses and they can fit right in. just GET SOME COLOURED LENSES LOL
i know they trust laura now but like - the program is on a harddrive in her hands - but Hobb knows she’s associated with them. WHY would you put it in her hands. They know what hobb can do with it.
isn’t leo ever gonna say soryy for leaving his adult/9yearold sister in a brothel?
sophie woke up at an opportune moment
it’s funny - the synths can’t cry but their eyes sure can glisten.....
HOBB JUST LEFT THE FAMILY ALONE AFTER THAT???? WHAT LOL. he knows what Karen is and. ok this last episode was a mess. but everything that came before was great. and the theme is also great
the character stuff in this is great. well. not this episode bc like. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ?? THAT RECONCILIATION WITH JOE WAS SO FUCKING WEIRD. HE FOCUSED ON HIMSELF AND THEN -- she didn’t want to hurt the fam? what??? what the fuck are you on about ???
anway things did not at all come together.
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hockeysweetheart · 4 years
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My thoughts while reading The ballad of song birds and Snakes...   ( I’ll be refering Coriolanus to Snow in this because I am not about to write that name who know how many times) ( Please note Many many spoilers ahead)
How  do I say these names... Flips through the book yeah I’m screwed.. 
Trigis is Snow’s Older Cousin Didn’t see that coming 
What’s this... Am I actually Feeling sorry and bad for snow... ( lets see how long this lasts for)
Point 2 seconds  a little upset you have to mentor Lucy gray from District 12 then your over it once she shows her vaule... 
Lucy Gray  wow you sure know how to make an entrence.  I like you... 
Is she the first winner from District 12?  
Did that really happen... 
Roses on the roof really... 
Okay  that was kinda sweet (  showing up to the train station with the rose) 
Wait what it’s not the luxury that is seen in the other books.They are treated like well zoo animals.  anywhere outside of the zoo ( before a certain point they are in handcuffs  also they are literally all in the same cage at the zoo and people can visit them too) ( Not fed/ mot trained basically they go into the arena as they look and wear the same clothes too)  (( I am doing this in one big point so then I don’t do like 50 points on this) 
No wonder there is a law  “No fighting with the other tributes before the games start”  
Who the actual **** is this Dean Guy... 
Okay thats sweet Snow is actually trying to make Lucy Stand a chance....  Whats this Snow is actual kinda sweet what are you  doing to me.. 
Sejanus Is feeding them too... 
Okay the Picnic was kinda sweet.. 
He knows Marcus... Oh wait I forgot hes from District 2 
Well that escalated Quickly... 
How didn’t these games get cancled...  I said this to myself about 10 times... 
Okay you did what to that girl because she told a lie...
Dr Gaul I have so many questions but frankly I am scared for your answer..
Okay Kids lets go on a field trip  where you will die in a few days.. 
What is this arena... 
How is this guy on the loose... 
Then I realized the games haven’t even started yet...
About the public humlationn really  you treated them bad enough... but now the dead... ughhh 
Okay Snow is being sweet again. Why am I blushing.. 
Okay I am convinced this Lucy Gray is related to Katniss somehow... 
Okay that was sweet for Trigis to help out for the interview cleaning her dress and making sure lucy was washed up a bit... 
Is it that hard to find a gutair.... 
It’s not over until the Mockingjay sings... 
Lucy Grays Interview  wow.. BRAVO BRAVO..
Wait a second. Snow you didn’t just say that You own Lucy Gray.... Just because  her interview was amazing... and she’s a bigger shot then you... Takes a sip of a drink... Well I should of seen this  coming.. 
Okay its okay to let Lucy Gray cheat in the games But when Katniss pulls out those berries its like oh hell no... 
Now I see why they check the Tokens from home befroe they are approved for the arena.. 
She really kissed you and we were about to whitness a makeout session... ( I almost yelled get a room) 
Now the games are gonna beggin actually  I was like is this a false start..  
Oh its Happening...  
Whats the point of throwing Marcus pretty much dead in like that... 
Who is Lucky Flickerman  and this guy with the camera in there faces...
What in the actual were those Parachute gifts...  
Guess there are no trackers on them... 
How in the hell. Did  Sejanus get in the arena... Why are you making Snow go and get him... Grow some and get in there your self...  I just defended Snow whats wrong with me... 
Snow actually Killed a tribute... what the....
Why is guy from 11 Making a morgue.... 
Laughing a little  when other tributes grab the gifts 
Oh a little Jealous of Lucy Gray and her District partner 
Okay did I really just read the words STAR CROSSED LOVERS.. your killing me here..
OH wait.... Okay that was kinda sweet.. What the mentor for the male of District 12 did to save Lucy... 
Well that Alliance is over... 
Rat Poison.... 
District 11 your no fool... 
So let me get this you can only send gifts if you can see them where the hell are all the cameras... 
Really messing with the snakes so they don’t attack Lucy... ugh... so you can win the prize to pay your way... Pops another bottle  
Lucy Gray looks like this snake whisper.... 
This morgue is weird... 
I like my town with a little drop of Poison...  
How the hell did she Poison that pond... 
Well Lucy gray is the winner... ( As expected..) 
Oh shit now Snow is in trouble...  
And how in the hell he got approved to be a peacekeepr in district 12... 
Okay it is kinda sweet he is going after someone he loves...
Snow  one step in District 12.. Oh my god air nature get me outta here... Me rolls eyes.... 
Thank god  Sejanus is here. 
Are you are you coming to the tree... 
Snow sees one Mockingjay and is like Oh hell no...  Me Katniss Everdeen .... 
Maybe once he sees Lucy he will change   
The only Days free is Sunday .... 
The Hob really... 
trading  Sejanus Ma’s goods... 
Hmmm they are kinda looking like the peacekeepers from 12 around Katniss’s time... Kinda chill.. 
Okay Maude Ivory shes cute.. The Covey Love them.. 
When you think oh they are finally going to meet face to face again Bam... Billy Tate and Mayfair Lipp ruin it..  ‘
You really went to the bakery...  HELLO DARKNESS MY OLD FRIEND.. 
During this point I thought Snow you have seen how food  doesn’t come by really good here....WHY HAVEN’T YOU FED THEM BETTER IN THE 65 DAMN YEARS.. .
Really  from the seam...  ( Starts to make a list of every possbile place that Belongs to Katniss Everdeen) 
Not only does Snow Find Lucy Gray in the medow ( Deep in the meadow) But with a goat too...    ( adds it to my list)   and shes Sing the song she wrote the hanging tree...  adds to my list....
And now they start making out/ Which basically almost ends up in make out session every single time they meet up..  ( Now i was okay with this since I am sucker for a love story)
Did Lucy Live in the same house as Katniss did....  
Snow also realized real fast how the Districts don’t watch the games too much...
Billy whats his last name and   Sejanus hmmm  Hiding a map but wait Snow saw it... That could of happened smoother...
Snow has this plan to Kill the mockingjay.... ( Sweetheart that didn’t work 65 years later).... 
They go to the lake in the woods on a sunday no less... damn 3 things to add oh my god Katniss everdeen list... 
Snow literally 2 seconds into the woods oh hell no... ROLLS EYES... 
Now your swimming in the lake and in the “house” Keeps writing down)...   and the Deep in the meadow song is sung... I am going to need a bigger piece of paper.. 
Finds Katniss plants... now at this point i am not surprised... 
Gets approval to Kill the Mockingjays because they care me BIG WOOF....
Trapping the jabberjays... why is snow so interested... Oh shit the scientist knows me.. 
Sees Lucy again at singing at the hobb but he has a little before the show if you know what I mean.. then he notices Sejanus  sneaks out ( which he clames he was going to the bathroom... which was  a lie) 
Maude Ivory is Wearing a buttercup dress... whats next Primrose  is gonna make an apperence... 
Snow really looking threw  Sejanus stuff... ( I was so like hes gonna take the money and run) 
Sejanus oh my dear Sejanus He played you like a fool ... He recorderd the whole damn thing... at least he cannot get worse then that... your kinda like the idiot in those movies that lays out the whole evil plot to someone to only 10 seconds later get caught for it....
What the actual BEEEP happened in that shed.. Please let this be the first and last gun Snow ever gets his hands on... 
The fact that Maude Ivory found the bodies is not okay... 
The gossip at the BASE is gold.. 
At least snow felt Guilt for his killings... 
are you are you coming to the tree 
Well  Sejanus Sorry to see you go..
Now a little make out session at the commarders party when the Covey sings...  She really wrote a song for him okay thats kinda sweet.. 
Now  Lucy asks Snow to run away with her.... ( Writes this down) And he says yes... he literally didn’t make it five miles...  but then he found out he passed a test the day of but attemps to run away with Lucy... but....  
Before this tho Snow sends all of  Sejanus Money to trigis ( oh yeah i forgot to add basically they are loosing there place) 
Now in the Woods...
5 seconds in snow is like oh hell no....
Lucy Figures out that Snow is the reason  Sejanus is dead... 
Lucy  says shes gonna get katniss plants and then she get the hell outta there this is after Snow finds the murder wepons... 
Snow gets bitten by a snake... ( Sips wine) 
Who in the hell Let Coriolanus Snow touch a gun...   he is shooting left and right... 
Lucy Grey GAME ON.... ARE YOU ARE YOU COMING TO THE TREE.... and then bam gone...
My reaction to those events was what the actual hell did i read there.. Oh it gets better... 
So snow makes it back thinking hes gonna die from a non poisnous snake bite... and hes outta district 12.. But back to the captiol to where Dr Gaul said you passed the test...  
Now here is the part I literally almost threw my book... 
When Snow used  Sejanus Parents to his full advantage... never telling them oh he is the reason there one and only son is dead.. and Basically the parents “Adopt snow..” pay for his schooling now, makes sure he is well fed and dressed..” I was beyond pissed at this point...  
So now my last point Snow said the games must go on which duhh ( since we meet Katniss everdeen ) and that they will be better and everyone must watch... and more twists and turns in it...
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taronfanfic · 7 years
Graduate’s Escape
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
Chapter 9
A week had passed since you last saw Taron. You texted every day but the conversation was always interrupted by the demands of your jobs.  It was always going to be difficult when you worked nights and he worked days. So as your regular Saturday evening off work approached you grabbed your chance and invited Taron round to your flat. The thought of him coming over filled you with nerves, your flat was tiny and filled with second hand furniture, but it was the best an Art Graduate could afford. You’d put your bed in the smallest room to free up the master bedroom as a make-shift art studio. The living space tagged onto the kitchen and was separated with a small breakfast bar which was tonight doubling up as your dining table. You’d offered to cook, something you usually got great enjoyment out of, but tonight’s nerves had taken hold and things just weren’t going your way. The small kitchen sink was overflowing with used pots and pans, growing higher by the minute as you tried to multitask without burning anything.
A small knock at the door signalled Taron’s arrival so you rushed round to open it. A bouquet of beautifully wrapped red roses filled the doorway and started to move forwards towards you as Taron made his way into your flat.
“Hey!” he greeted you cheerily as he lowered the roses and leant forwards to kiss you on the cheek. “I got you these.”
“Oh wow! They’re beautiful, thank you.” You were taken back by his gesture, the most your ex had managed was a single red rose on Valentine’s Day, bought at the table of a restaurant just to conform with everyone else there that evening.
“Something smells good.” Taron commented as he looked over your shoulder and into the kitchen behind you.
“Shit! I need to sort that out, just give me 5 minutes and then I’m all yours.” You ran back to the kitchen to rescue the sauce from the hob.
“No problem, shall I put your roses in a vase?” Taron called back from the entrance as he took his shoes off and hung up his jacket.
“That would be amazing, I think there’s one in…. First door on your right, top of the shelf on the back wall.” You called back, leaving Taron to explore for himself. “You’ll need to use the bathroom sink for water though, this one’s a bit full!”  
He returned a few minutes later and added the flowers to the end of your breakfast bar.
“You didn’t have to go to so much effort, I would have been fine with a take away. It’s so good to see you again though.” He admitted, a hint of shyness creeping in to his voice.
“It’s just lasagne, nothing special, and this looks worse than it actually is.” you replied, gesturing to the state of your kitchen. “My art room is normally a total state, but I actually tidied that this morning.”
“Creative mess is different though, it’s a sign of good things. I didn’t want to be too nosey but that large painting you’re working on is so good! How long has it taken?” You took Taron back through to your art room and talked him through the pieces you were working on, explaining how they linked together as a series and were a continuing idea from your final degree work. He was taking in every word you said, asking loads of questions and smiling warmly as you talked with passion. You told him about your plans to show your work in a gallery somewhere, hopefully sell a few paintings and save up to buy your own studio space so you could finally have a bigger bedroom back.
“Sorry, I’m talking too much. My family stopped asking about my work years ago so I must have bored them to death!”
“Don’t be silly, I’ve been answering questions all week so it’s nice to be able to ask some and just listen for once. You’re so talented and it’s a very attractive quality.” The cheeky tone returned to his voice as he flirted.
“Right back at you!” you pushed him playfully causing him to laugh. “You hungry?”
You’d continued to flirt playfully with each other whilst you ate. As your friendship grew you could tease each other with insults and push the boundaries with your sense of humour; both of you had been crying with laugher at one point. It made for a good change compared with your usual lust for sex when he was around. Taron checked his watch quickly as he lowered his cutlery to his empty plate.
“You don’t have to rush off, do you?” You asked him.
“No, I’m here for the night… hopefully.” He crossed his fingers. “I had to film the Jonathan Ross show a few days ago and it’s on tonight. I was hoping you’d like to watch it with me?” he couldn’t hide his smile.
“…Why? …What have you said?” you asked with strong suspicion.
“Well I don’t know what’s going to make the final edit, but I’m pretty certain one bit will and I know you’ll love it!”
You grabbed a tub of ice cream and two spoons for dessert and snuggled down together in front of the TV waiting for the show to start.
“Is it not weird watching yourself on TV? I’m pretty sure I’d hate it.”
“It was weird the first few times but I’m kinda used to it now. I don’t watch every single interview I’ve done, but I had to be here to see your reaction for this one.” Taron teased again, rubbing his hand up and down your thigh in anticipation.
The show started in its usual fashion, panning round the Green Room to announce all the guests. You let out a small cheer as they showed Taron on screen, causing him to chuckle gently beside you. The first guests were brought out and interviewed, nothing very exciting had happened so far, but both of you were still absorbed in the show. During the next advert break you could feel Taron’s body temperature rising, he was starting to fidget more and show his nerves.
“Please give a warm welcome to our final guest of the evening, Mr. Taron Egerton!” Jonathan Ross announced.
“Oh hello! Someone’s looking handsome in their sharp suit!” you commented as you watched Taron walk out to the audience, giving a big smile and wave.
“How are you doing young sir?” Jonathan asked.
“Very well, thank you.”
“Good, I’m pleased to hear it. Now you’re obviously here to talk about the new Kingsman movie, The Golden Circle…” he paused to let the audience cheer. “But before we get to that, there’s something I need to ask you about…”
“Go on…” Taron looked genuinely intrigued.
“Now last week we had the delightful Hugh Jackman on the show.” The camera cut back to show Taron pursing his lips as he tried not to laugh. “… and he showed us something very interesting.”
“I think I know where this is going…” Taron smirked. “I was actually out in a restaurant last weekend when my mum started facetiming me to tell me what was going on!”
“He showed us this photo.” Jonathan gestured towards the large screen which once again showed the same topless photo of Taron, causing the audience to erupt into screams. “… and he told us that you’d drunk text him with it and a winking face!”
“I think I should explain…” Taron spoke up, hiding his embarrassment behind a confident exterior. “It was actually a dare. I was playing a game of truth or dare, and my dare was to send a topless photo to Hugh.”
“Now that’s not what Hugh told us, so one of you isn’t telling the truth here are they… Taron.” Jonathan accused him. “We were under the impression that Hugh had been your wingman and left you chatting to a lovely young lady, and that this photo was meant for her, but you’d had one too many and got the wrong number!”
“Well half of that is true. Hugh is an excellent wingman, but after he left the game of truth or dare started…and the very, very, lovely woman dared me to send it.” Taron explained further.
“Sounds likely…” Jonathan didn’t buy his story.
“Well people are going to believe whichever version they want and there’s nothing I can do about it.” Taron folded his arms, defeated.
“Very, very lovely, am I?” You asked Taron before kissing him quickly.
“Wait wait, I don’t think they’ve cut it!” Taron looked back towards the TV.
“Actually, there is one more thing…” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. “I bet Hugh didn’t show you his reply to my text…”
“No!” you shouted as you sat forwards. “Taron you didn’t!… Fuck!”
Taron reached over and showed Jonathan the photo on his phone.
“OH MY GOD that’s not real!” Jonathan did a double take at the photo. “Bloody hell!”
“I know right.” Taron put his phone back in his pocket.
“We can’t show that!” Jonathan was still in shock. “To give you some kind of indication it was a very… excited Hugh Jackman. Taron, why do you still have that photo on your phone? You’re not claiming it as your own are you? Using it to attract beautiful women?” Jonathan continued to probe.
“If I was they’d be very disappointed when they got to the real thing…” Taron was quick with his comeback, glancing down to his crotch as he raised his eyebrows.
“Is that what happened with the very lovely woman who you were playing truth or dare with then?”
“Oh so you do believe me now then?” Taron carefully swerved the question.
“If it makes you happy, then yes. So has she seen the photo?” Jonathan was persistent.
“She has.”
“and, we didn’t.” Taron was being deliberately short with his answers now.
“We did before though!” you scoffed.
“Ah I’m sorry, Taron. Hugh had high hopes for you both, he wanted to be best man and everything.”
““It was only the first time we’d met, you’ve got to be treat a girl right first!.. It’s still early days…and she is very lovely.” Taron finally caved, giving an adorably cute smile.
The show cut to another advert break, giving you a chance to recover from all the excitement. You could hear Taron’s phone vibrating in his pocket as messages came in, presumably from his family and friends.
“You handled that so well.” You wrapped your arms around Taron’s shoulders and pulled him in for a hug.
“You think so? I was trying not to say too much. It’s hard though because I just want to tell everyone how amazing you are.” Taron pulled back from your hug so he could look into your eyes as he told you.
“I think you’re amazing too. I feel so lucky to have met you” you finally admitted out loud. Taron leaned in and kissed you tenderly.
“Did you notice how many roses I bought you?”
“No, why?”
“Apparently the number of roses has a meaning, so I chose 10.” He explained.
“10… Am I going to have to google it later?” You giggled nervously.
“It means you’re perfect.” He smiled widely. “Perfect 10.” As your lips met again you took things slowly, caressing his face and drawing out the affectionate kiss for as long as you could.
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vivalasthedas · 7 years
I just got screamed at for being angry that my mom nearly started a house fire because she’s shit faced :D
so about two hours ago i left the room when my semi drunk fuck beast parent started going in on me about the fact i always tell he that the ‘demon’ cat is scared and shes never hurt me because wow i dont treat her like shit (worded nicer im just not in the mood now) 
and i close the door behind me because it’s not worth it and i just hear her say ‘i hate that kid’ and start chewing me out to her drunken ass self 
i go downstairs, the kitchen is smelling of smoke and there’s a crackling sound 
i find her now completely shit faced self sitting in the living room talking to the only thing close a friend she has, a similiarly fucking terrible parent and divorcee who only hangs around because he wants to bone her and he too thrives on dysfunction an being treated like shit like both her exes did 
anyways, i ask what’s on in the kitchen and she snaps at me that the oven’s empty. Fine. I go get a drink from the mini fridge she made so we have to walk past her to get to it because it’s the only way she can force us to interact with her at times and i hear her very loudly tell her on speaker idiot ‘friend’ that she cant tell him what she wanted to right now. 
Make a loud, rude af quip at her about oh, can’t drunkenly bitch about her kids in front of their face, huh?
And she starts, predictably so, I brought it on I know this, screeching at me
walk back into kitchen to get food. Nope. Not an empty oven at all. The hob is on. The gas hob is on and has completely boiled down an entire pot of water and it’s smoking really badly. I rush to turn it off and then really fucking mad now walk back to her pouting bitching miserable ass and say a less angry moe matter of fact and parenty version of hey fuck face you left the hob on and i was right about there being something wrong. She screeches that no, there’s nothing. So I repeat. She stomps her dumb fuck feet into the kitchen and suddenly ‘ohhh i forgot about that’ oh really. really. 
your drunken ass just forgot they had a large active flame unattended for what must’ve been close to an hour. 
And I hear her telling her fuckwit friend how mean i am to her and how lovely she is. And I just. I can’t help it. I’m so fucking pissed off. 
Oh, i’m mean for getting mad when you could’ve caused a fucking fire? I’m mean for being sick and tired of your drunken ass? 
At this point she gets the worst teen girl fuck you face in the world and holds the phone out so he friend can hear what i’m saying like it’s some indictment of me. 
Her comeback? Her great wonderful comment, given to her by fuckface mcgee on the end of the line ‘it’s insured’ 
mine? Okay. So the animal lives, the cats, remy, ME. We aren’t worth you giving a shit about? I then poke the bear and ask her to please at the very fucking least take this as a bit of a fucking wake up call and stop drinkig so fucking much. 
When I left she was still telling her idiot friend - who is on speaker and agreeing with everything she says - how evil and terrible all he family and her kids are. 
Because she only wants people like her ex who reward her bad behavior and enable her toxic bullshit to convince her she’s the real victim. The kids who want nothing to do with her and wont even answer the phone after midday because she’ll be shit faced? They’re the real abusers. 
The daughter she continues to send drunken abuse to every other day after SHE canceled sisters’ birthday plans and got mad at sister for being at all upset about it and now claim sister is tearig the family apart. That daughter is the real problem. 
The fact her nephew wanted to tell her off for making his mommy cry, the fact that none of her extended family even Want to talk to her and haven’t for decades but she’s been able to spin the tale to everyone around her that they’re the problem not her two hour long drunken scream calls once a week, we’re all the Real problem. 
And if you don’t fall in line with her thinking there, you aren’t welcome as part of her life. 
I hate her. 
My relationship with her has been a financial one since i was a teenager and wised up to the fact that she would never be a parent or a mother but could help me financially. And I know that’s shitty, I know full well it doesn’t help. But god i don’t really care. 
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