#hobi i shall love you for a thousand years :’)
hobismilitarywife · 1 year
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trojansblr · 5 years
#FightOn! (02) | ot7
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Summary: The University of Southern California is a prestigious school - only the best or the richest can attend. That means there will be a lot of spoiled brats. Two groups start colliding and the entire college shift alongside them. What will happen when sparks starts to flow between them? Drama will certainly be there.
Pairing: BTS with -eventually- female characters
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut (in the future), CollegeAU!
A/N: Don’t forget that if you want to be part of this fic, you can! Just send us an ask with a couple of infos about yourself like your name, age, your major, some personality and physical traits and we’ll find you a spot in USC! 
The Characters • Day 1 •  Day 2  • Day 3 
After getting out of Jimin's room, Deo walked in a fast pace back to her dorm. Hyori had been texting her non-stop and she was sure she wasn't sleeping yet. It wasn't like her at all. She would want to know every last bit of detail of what had happened in that room and Deo would innocently tell her only to regret it the second right after when she saw Hyori's smirk. The smaller girl already knew what was going through her roommate's mind and she wasn't in the mood for sharing. Not that Hyori minded. She had a whole elaborated plan on her mind already, focused on making her friend see the supposed love she had for the art boy. It was obvious to Hyori so it should be like that to everyone else. 
The next morning, when Deo woke up Hyori was already long gone. She was used to that by now. Every morning the girl would wake up a couple of hours earlier to do some jogging. That and to watch the sunrise as she took some sips from her first coffee of the day. Nearby, a cafeteria started beeping signaling coffee was ready to be served and Jin finished taking the last slices of bacon off the pan onto his plate when a sleepy Carolina swooped it right from his hand with a lazy smile spread across her face.
"Hey!!!" Jin screamed at her. "That's my breakfast!" He said making Carolina let out a chuckle. 
"Why do you need two plates then?" She asked already sitting down, fork in hand ready to dig in. 
"Sure thing captain hook." Jin laughed as he noticed she had her right eye closed, sleepiness and the brightness that came from the window being too much to handle at the moment. 
"Arrrgggh!" She pulled up her sleeve long enough to cover up one of her hands and she let out the pirate scream. 
The two were a handful to deal with. Especially in the morning. And their friends were well aware of it. Considering everything, it would be very hard for any of the two to find such a good housemate as they were to each other. Jin was a quirky guy to say the least and Carolina was even worse so joining the two together you would get the most random interactions ever. Including Jin's curiousness for bras and their engineering, to Carolina's habit of enjoying to walk around naked and meditating at 3 am with her head hanging from the couch and her legs pointed up to the ceiling. Nonetheless, they were great friends. 
Another person that was always fun to be around was Hoseok. He was the life of the party. No, saying that is insulting his whole persona. He was the life of everything. Everywhere he went, people knew and appreciated him and he was always happy. When he wasn’t, chaos was about to happen. But today, he woke up feeling more excited than usual. He was going to skip his first period to have breakfast with his sister. 
They had this tradition for a long time. As a kid, Hoseok considered his sister his best friend, she was a bit older than he was yes, but he knew there was no one else in the world that would get him like she does. When she flew to America to study fashion design he was the one who took it the hardest. So after the first year of college she flew back to Korea and convinced the entire family to move back with her when she returned for her second year. Ever since then, on the second Wednesday of the month, Hoseok and his sister would always have breakfast on a cafe nearby. The distance was exactly the same from the house to it and from the University.
"Jaz~~" Hoseok called out as soon as he laid eyes on his sister that was sitting in one of the corner booths. He was always divided between the sunny window and the comfort of the wall sofa. "No sun today huh?" He asked, after giving her a kiss on the forehead as a hello. 
"Honestly, since we moved here I can't even remember how pale I used to be." She joked. She loved heat and the beaches. 
As soon as the waitress spotted Hoseok sitting at the booth, she started walking in their direction, although she could already guess what they would order. "Good morning Peg, how are you?" Hobi greeted her with a huge smile. 
"Hey Hun." She smiled to the boy. "Is it the usual or you're up for a change?" 
"The same, as always." Jazmine, that used to be Jiwoo decided to change her name as she opened her first store 'Jazzy'. She conquered many achievements but now she had a new challenge and she wanted her brother to help. 
"These here," she said, pulling up a big pile of papers off of her bag and onto the table "I need you to spread them around campus." She bat her eyelashes unnecessarily, Hoseok was already picking up one of the papers and examining it. 'Model needed for fashion show' 
"Can I model?" He asked excited. He was proud of his sister's clothesline. 
"Of course you can. I already did one just for you, but I need more. Boys and girls and since you're so..." she searched for the right word "popular around campus, I'm sure you'll find the right people." 
"I'll do my best!" He placed his arm up to his head, saluting as if she was his captain. The food came right after and they started digging into their plates, not having space for conversation. The only sounds pronounced were "hums" and "woow" from how good the food tasted. 
Carolina was tired of hearing her tummy growl despite the hotel breakfast like she had just a couple hours ago so it was time to take a little pause from her soundtrack class. The teacher wasn't teaching anything new to her so an hour or so away wouldn't hurt much. She could already take this path with her eyes closed. Turning left, go down two flights and then left again and she was at the bar. She ordered her usual chocolate cupcake and climbed up the stairs again to her usual broom closet. 
"What? Do you need a broom?" The guy asked as soon as she opened the door, arching his brow as he exhaled the smoke from his cigarette. 
"Yes, it's witching hours already" Carolina said with a smirk on her face. 
"That's not the usual look for a witch. I guess times were good to your kind." 
"Should I presume you're the artist behind all those drawings?" Carolina asked pointing to her drawings and its correspondence. 
"Yeah I am. I was just finishing up answering you." He says with a smirk more guessing than saying but by the intrigued look on Carolina's face he was more than certain that he was right. 
"I think this is the part where I ask your name then." She said in a cool tone but too intrigued on the inside. 
"I'm Ben. Ben Hayes. And you?" He put out his hand for her to shake. 
"Carolina," She crossed her arms, eyeing him up. "Jones" 
"And what are you doing here Carolina Jones? Shouldn't you be in class?" He said in a mocking tone.
"Shouldn't you?" She raised her eyebrow. 
The truth was that Ben indeed had somewhere to be. He had been hired for a couple of weeks now to be the substitute for Miss Finning, the professor of Arts and History. He already knew he was not going to be hired. He had been jumping schools ever since he finished his degree but he never got to maintain his position. He started off in Liverpool, his hometown, then moved to London, travelled to the USA and taught in Michigan, Chicago, Houston and now LA. So he was more than certain he wasn't to stay here either. 
"I don't think that's any of your business is it?" 
"Then I could say the same, Ben Hayes." She winked at him but she was still standing still. 
"But are you going to stand there or sit down? I won't bite unless you ask me to." He winked back with his blue-ish/grey-ish eyes, tapping on one of the boxes next to him. 
"You shouldn't go around saying such things you know..." She sat down. "Someone might ask you to... someday" she says more in a whisper. 
"And I'll be more than ready to attend to their needs, trust me." His british accent rang through her ears, making her almost have goosebumps. "But do you want to stay here or do you wanna go somewhere else? I have a break between classes and I could use your company." 
"I don't know... How am I gonna be sure that your 'more than ready' is indeed reliable? Cause you know, I can't just skip being here in peace for something that isn't true..." Carolina teased. 
"Do you need a test drive then?"
"I don't ever say no to free testing." Ben's arm that was already wrapped around her, pulled her closer and Carolina took no time to react and grab him by the collarbone of his shirt, kissing him hard. The kiss was sloppy and full of tension and their hands were touching everywhere they could to ease their hunger. 
"Shall we?" He asked with a smirk on his face, parting from the kiss and nodding towards the door. 
Noon came pretty soon and the sun was hitting hard, summer was starting to creep in through spring and everyone was starting to gather they lunches, including Hyori. She only had time to have a sandwich with Hoseok before grabbing her book and finding a good spot in the lounge area. She sat down in a table of four, the only one that was available and took her books out. She was too nervous for her own liking, she tried to take down some notes from the class she just had but it was in vain, her mind was rushing through a million of things, making thousands of scenarios in her head. 
"Hey Hyori, have you been here long?" Jeonghan sits down besides Hyori, with a smile on his face, scaring her a little. She was too busy in her thoughts to even notice him coming. 
"Hi Jeonghan! No, I just got here!" She smiles to him, trying not to show how nervous she really is. 
"Should we start studying our biology? I-I mean just biology! Not ours, everyone's." Jeonghan says and then laughs embarrassed. She laughs alongside him, noticing his cute smile. He was also very nervous. 
"Sure, let's do it! Do you usually study just by reading or do you like to talk about it?" 
"Talking. It gets stuck in my mind longer!"
"Same for me" Hyori giggles. "Before we start though I have a question…" This had been bugging her ever since the first text they exchanged. 
"What is it?" He tilts his head to the side, curious, as he stares at her. 
"You're pretty smart yourself… so why would you want to study with me?" She pauses for a moment and then continues, trying to explain herself better. "Don't take me wrong! I'm glad we're studying together!!" She adds, with a blush creeping up on her cheeks.
"I think it's pretty obvious... You are top of the class and I mean... you're very pretty so I just needed an excuse to talk to you." Just like her, he was super embarrassed but he wanted her to know what he really felt, even thought that meant he had to be a little awkward and upfront.
"You're shyer than I thought you would be" She laughs, trying to ease up the mood. "And thank you, if it means something I think very high of yourself too." A proud smile showed up in his face and his whole body warmed up.
"So if we're in a time of being honest... I think I should tell you I came here to do more than studying." He turns his body in his seat so that he is completely facing her. He was holding up his breath and he didn't even realized but he was a man on a mission now. He continued to lean in into her and he could already feel her breath when...
"Oh! There you are guys!" Asa, a cute pale boy with the brightest blue eyes is rushing up to then, holding his backpack just by one strap on his left shoulder. "I thought you did study sessions in the library!" He smiles, totally clueless of the situation that was going on. 
"Oh- Hi! Hm- Who…?" Hyori asked, breathless, while nervously looking between both boys.
"This is Asa. He's my roommate." Jeonghan says, with a big frown on his face. 
"Hi! I heard a lot from you Hyori!" Asa says as he sits down across the table from them and can't help but wink at the girl. 
"So are we studying or not?" Jeonghan asked, clearly upset that Hyori's attention was now divided. 
"Yes! Of course!" She opened her manual on the marked page. "Are you… from our class? I never saw you there." She eyed Asa.
"Oh no!" He said chuckling. "I heard from Jeong here you were giving lessons and I always wanted to know more about biology!" He said as honest as he could be, making Hyori open up a big smile. 
"Well you're always free to contact me, I love biology and I love teaching so…"
"I'll make sure to hold you to that! You will want to get rid of me in no time." He joked, making her laugh but before she could reassure him, Jeonghan spoke again. 
"Can we study? Some of us have exams to prepare for!" 
"I highly doubt it! And yes sorry-" She couldn't help but tease Asa one last time before turning to Jeonghan and squeezing his arm. "Ok, everyone on page 70?"
"Oh I don't have a book, can we share one?" Asa said sheepishly.
"Have mine, I can see from yours?" Jeonghan said to Hyori almost immediately throwing him his book. 
"Yes sure!" Hyori let a shy smile as she felt Jeonghan pull his chair closer to hers.
As it was usual on Wednesdays, Jimin and Taehyung would always eat together. This Wednesday it ended up being McDonald’s. They decided to do this every week ever since they moved into their dorms and realized neither one of them really knew how to cook. They would always order individual menus, but ended up having bites out of each other’s food; because Jimin’s wrap looked too good and fresh and because Tae’s bacon was just asking Jimin to take a huge bite.  
Right now, it was almost 4 in the afternoon and Jimin was going to have football practice. They were walking together in silence, they knew each other for too long to have to always keep a conversation; in some, they enjoyed the silence time they’d have from time to time. But Jimin kept sighing and Taehyung knew something was wrong, he was just making his friend hurt a little before giving him love.  
“I have a problem and I need to talk to you about it. Ask me what’s going on.” Jimin mostly cried, putting his full weight on Tae’s shoulder like he had just fainted.  
“Ahhh” Taehyung said in an annoyed tone, followed by a chuckled, before pushing his friend back to his place. “Just start talking! Why are you always like this?!”  
“Are you going to be a good friend or just complain?” He faked a pout before laughing right after, seeing Tae’s side look. “I’m nervous about the game this week. We have to win or we’ll drop down to 3rd place and that’s not nothing something we can afford right now... plus I have an exam of history of contemporary dance on Monday and I don’t think I’ll have time to study.”  
“Look... I don’t think you need to worry.” Taehyung started off confident but genuine. “You are a pretty good quarterback, that’s why they chose you to be it. You'll do just fine, don’t overthink about that. Your body will remember everything once you’re on the field you know?” He squeezed Jimin’s shoulder and then proceeded. “About the exam... I can help? I know a few things so maybe we can just revise it before you go to sleep? I can stay up and read it to you?” Taehyung would do anything to help Jimin, especially if it was about something he cared about. Even when he was little, he used to stood up to boys who tried to be mean to Jimin even if he was scared to death of them.  
“But what about the party?!”  
“What party?” Taehyung asked. Was there a party he wasn’t invited for?
“The volley’s team is playing home. I'm sure there’ll be a party even if they lose, which I doubt. It’s an easy game.” Jimin said, thinking of what Jungkook had said at lunch the day before. He was confident they would win the game by far. “If we go to the party we can’t study.”  
“Oh... It’ll be a pity if we lose the party, right?” Taehyung let an ‘huh?’ “Maybe... we can just not sleep and try to get all that history in your head?” He suggested but the look on his face wasn’t too confident. It wasn’t a party if they didn’t get completely hammered.  
“I’m screwed.” Jimin said after a few minutes of ponderation, letting out again another sigh. “Might as well go out with a bang, right?” He shrugged and they walked a bit more. But then the thought of his parents came to his mind and all the effort they had done for him, he couldn’t let them down and lose his scholarship. “Maybe I should find a job? To help my parents?”  
“You know you wouldn’t even be able to tend to your basic needs if you did that... you’re already all packed!” Taehyung said worried.  
Jimin’s family wasn’t loaded, but they’d always lived well. His dad worked as an accountant for many years now and he reached a point where he was making a lot of money, so much so that his mom even quitted her job. They even found a house in one of the nicest neighborhoods, that’s how him and Taehyung were friends, they were front neighbors and they would play every day. Them and Carolina, but she wasn’t very fond of Jimin and he never quite understood why. But a couple of years back, the company for whom Jimin’s dad worked had a crisis and they had to let go more than half of their employees. Luckily, Jimin’s dad wasn’t one of them but it was getting hard for him to sustain an entire family on his back. That was one of the reasons he had to stay on campus. That and because both him and Taehyung wanted to have the “full college experience”.  
“Did they tell you something? Maybe I could like find a job and help you out?”  
“Not really. I talked to my mom yesterday and she said my dad had been working late. They're threating to fire a couple of people so he’s been doing some extra hours to not be part of the ones who will be fired.” Jimin said in a sad tone that Taehyung picked up right away.  
“I’m sure your dad will be fine! He’s a good worker! And like I said, if you need me to help, I can help you. I'll look for some part times next to our dorm.” And he already knew Jimin wouldn’t be capable of ever asking him to but he would still look, just in case his friend needed help.  
“It’s ok Tae, but thank you.” Jimin squeezed his shoulder and that meant he was grateful for everything his friend would do for him. Taehyung gave him a sweet smile.  
They kept on walking, talking about some random things that would pop into their minds. That was until Jimin stopped on his track, furrowing his eyes as if he was trying to see someone and Taehyung did the same, trying to look in the same direction he was.  
“I know that girl…” Jimin trailed off. “Oh, that’s Jean from my class. Hey Jean!” He walked up to her, followed right after by Taehyung. She was leaning against a tree, a book in hand.  
“Oh hum… hey… Jimin.” She started off shy. She wasn’t even aware he knew of her existence.  
“Are you alone?” He asked and she simply nodded.  
“Oh is that Free?” Taehyung sneaked out of Jimin’s back, seeing the manga the girl was reading.  
“Yeah, I just started reading it.”  
“Woah!” He said excited. “I didn’t know there is a manga for it, I only know the anime.” Taehyung said while peaking over to see the pages.
“You should try it then, it’s even better than the anime for now.” She smiled politely to him.  
“I will!”  
“We’re headed to the field, wanna come?” Jimin said as he pulled his bag up his shoulder.  
“Oh no… thank you anyway!”  
“Well, I’ll see you in class then!” Jimin waved off, starting to walk back to the field.  
“Bye Jean!”  
“What are you going to do now?” Jimin asked, noticing they were just a couple of feet away from the field.  
“I’m going to lie down there.” Taehyung pointed towards the bleachers where a couple of cheerleaders were already sitting down. “Imma watch you play and I'll take some photos to remind you how great you look.”  
“Ah~~!” Jimin let out an overexaggerated sigh, his hands over his heart. “You are my best friend, you know that!”  
“I know, I'm the best.”  
The boys parted ways. Jimin went into the locker room to change into his uniform and Taehyung took out his camera, ready to take some shots. The cheerleaders were all gathered, sitting in a circle going over the routine for this game and he noticed Deo, from the night before. Their eyes met for a couple of seconds before she looked away, turning her attention to what some other girl was saying. Soon the boys got out of the facilities, helmets under their arms and walked straight to the coach. It didn’t take long for Taehyung to fall asleep. His tummy was still kinda full from lunch and the sun was just making everything better. He was warm and the hard wood from the bleachers didn’t seem so bad so he just laid down, taking up 5 spaces. He woke up a couple of hours later, with Jimin shaking him up, laughing hard. ‘Oh man, your forehead, no bandanas for you for a couple of days.’ And as soon as he touched his forehead, he hissed. Did he really had to keep his arm all over his face BUT miss his forehead, no luck.  
On the other side of the campus, the study session got a little bit calmer after Hyori started explaining everything the best way she could and Asa was trying his best to pay attention but it was hard. Even harder for Hyori, who kept on laughing at his jokes and interventions. Jeonghan was regretting ever telling his roommate about his plans for the afternoon but he couldn't just kick him out, at least not in front of Hyori. After a while, Hyori's phone kept on beeping and she just had to excuse herself from what she was teaching Jeonghan to take a look at it. 
"Guys, the study session is great and I wish I could stay more but it's getting late and I promised my friends I would have dinner with them…" She pouted a little. "You guys mind if I go?"
"Of course!" They both said at the same time.
"Kiri I'll be waiting for our next study session!" Asa says getting up, mimicking Hyori's movements. 
"Stop being annoying!" Jeonghan whispered to him, widening his eyes to Asa. 
"Please do!" She laughed to Asa, not even noticing Jeonghan's face. "It was really nice to meet you Asa. Thank you, you two for today, I had a good time" She smiled kindly to the both of them, giving a kiss in the cheek to each one of them. "Bye guys~ See you around!"
“Dude what the hell!” Jeonghan slapped his roommate’s head, annoyed that he ruined his little date.  
“What did I do?!” Asa scratched the place where he was hit, still looking at Hyori fade in the distance.  
Hyori was hugging her books so tight; she kept her eyes on the floor, overly excited by her study session and was trying her best to steady her breathing. She already knew she was going to get teased for being late, something she never did and always complained when Jungkook was. Her pace her face and she as a hole bumped into a tall boy that quickly apologize. She did the same.  
Namjoon kept on looking at her as she walked a little too fast. His heart tightened a bit, did he hurt her when they bumped into each other? He was so focused on going over his speech for debate club on his head that he didn’t even noticed where he was going. That and the fact that tonight’s debate was against Najma Aweys. She was this pretty girl who was majoring in English Lit and she caught his eyes ever since his first debate against another college. That was the moment he first noticed her.  
His dad was nagging his head for over a month now because the semester was almost over and he still didn’t have any extracurricular activities to add to his resume alongside his perfect record of attendance and grades. So tired of hearing him, he joined the debate club and the president was so impressed by his arguments that he was invited to join the regional contest.  
He remembers that day perfectly. He was so nervous he was afraid the sweat was going to be noticeable on his armpits since the air-conditioner wasn’t working and it was almost 38°C. Najma was wearing a soft blue flowy dress that fitted her curves perfectly and made her look almost like a princess but once she started talking and disarming her opponent, that was when it really hit him. He was crushing on her.  
“Hey Najma!” He waved at her as he saw her talking outside the debate club with her girlfriends. “Nice suit.” He winked as she smiled politely to him.  
“Hey Nam!” It was her nickname for him.  
He was too awkward to have a full conversation with her, the only thing he always managed to do was these small interactions. And to him, it was better than nothing. Jin would always tease him about having to make a move 'Dude if she has a nickname for you that means something. Who knows more about girls than me?’ and that would always make Carolina laugh and tease him about how even the clueless Tae was smoother than himself, the old timer.  
Hyori was now jogging. The café that was only a couple of minutes away from campus seemed like it was miles away and she was getting frustrated for being late. Even Jungkook was already there. She stopped when she saw the sign right around the corner and she turned it, all her friends were sitting outside, in a table that clearly wasn’t made for 5 people but they were all squeezing in to be together. Once they noticed her, everyone stopped talking just to pick it up right back, but now directed to her.  
“Oh look who finally decided to show up!”  
“There she is!”  
“Can we eat now? I’m starving!!”  
“Sorry I’m late!” Hyori said trying to catch her breath from all the jogging but still making her best to look normal.  
“And where have you been to be this late?” Jungkook put up his wrist tapping on it like he had a watch there and his left eyebrow was arched. This was the perfect moment for him to excuse himself from all the times he was late and nag Hyori.  
“None of your business.” The girl said taking a seat on the end of the table, right between Deo and Jimin.  
“Is everything ok?” Hoseok asked, honestly concerned.  
“What do you mean none of my business?” Jungkook stepped all over Hobi’s question. “I always have to tell you where I was!”  
“And that’s because you’re a child.” Deo teased, sticking her tongue out making Jungkook scoff and make some comment about not knowing why they were even friends. The only thing he wasn’t doing yet was pouting.  
“Jungkookie, we’re your best friends, stop being grumpy.” Jimin said, squeezing the boy’s shoulder.
“Everything is fine Hobi, just took me a while to get here.” Hyori smiled to the boy that was on the other end of the table, completely ignoring Jungkook.  
“Where were you then missy?” Deo asked again, since Hyori had managed to escape the question.  
“I was on the library studying! I lost track of time! Oh~” she looked around to the plates of some boys that were already ready to be ate. “What are you guys eating?  
“I ordered some fries! With cheese on top.” Hobi said proudly, looking at his dish.
“Pizza, but don’t- I need to know!” Deo whined.  
“Of course she wasn’t in the library” Jungkook rolled his eyes, joining Deo and folding his arms to give his sentence more impact. “No one loses track of time in a library.”  
Hyori gave Deo a knowing look that she understood right after. It meant ‘please shut up I’ll tell you everything at the dorms’. “Well that’s because you have no braincells.” she finally answered Jungkook. 
“And it depends on what you’re doing there.” Jimin teased.  
“Are you serious?” Jungkook pretended a hurt look. “Woah… I should find new friends.”  
“Oh stop you two! Let’s just eat!” Hobi said, tired of waiting to eat his chips that were getting cold.  
“She started it!” Jungkook whined, making everyone laugh.  
“It’s ok, I’ll ask for a round for us Gguk!” Jimin whispered to the boy.  
“Shut up virgin boy.” Hyori furrowed her eyebrows making Deo automatically spit her drink, not being able to control her laughter.  
“You’re going way too far, Lee!”  
“Guys!” Hobi and Jimin both said at the same time, tired of hearing them.  
“Ok kids, that’s enough.” Deo said standing up and pulling Hyori right behind her. “We’re going to order her food.”  
“Bring beer!”  
“Don’t forget my sprite!”  
“On it!” Hyori said winking to Hobi. Once they stepped inside the door Deo started asking a million questions.  
“So~~ you’ll tell me now or you’re going to make me suffer and wait until we get to the dorms?”  
“Please don't do a scandal, and I'll tell you better once we are at the dorms but basically I was with Jeonghan but a friend of his arrived and sat there with us and he was like the cutest” she emphasized a lot in the last word “I must have blushed like tons"
"You're still blushing, it looks like you ran a marathon" She chuckled, excited with her friend’s life. "But ok, serious face on but once we get to the dorms, you'll have to tell me everything!"
“I literally ran a marathon to get here!” They both laugh and the waiter finally comes.  
Hyori orders a plain burger with fries, she’s not very hungry. And after all she ran if she ate a lot she’d probably throw up. They pay the drinks and the food and the waiter informs them the food will only take a couple of minutes and he’ll bring it to the table. Once they step outside, Jimin shushes the other boys.  
"Oh yes, such nice weather here!" He says a little too loud, pretending nothing happened, but the girls were too smart not to notice their whispers.  
"What do you think of the weather Jungkook?" Deo asks Jungkook, arching her eyebrow to him. Next to him, Hobi was looking up to the clouds, almost whistling, making his best to avoid eye contact.  
“The weather?” His voice got up an octave. “Yup, super nice! We should go to the pool and uh… have a party?” His tone was nothing but confident and Deo couldn’t help but laugh at his silliness.  
“Oh~~ we should really go to the pool!” Jimin said now excited with the thought of a swim. “Let’s go after we eat!”  
“Ok cut the crap. The weather? Really?” Hyori said still standing up next to the table, one hand on her hip showing even more authority.  
“It is a nice weather.” Deo joked.  
Hyori arched her eyebrow and looked at Hoseok that immediately look everywhere but to her. “Hobi look at me.”  
“Hey don’t force eye contact like that! You weirdo!” Jungkook said but she ignored him.  
“Hum…” Hoseok trailed off, exchanging looks with the boys. “Sorry bro… basically there’s this new girl-”
He’s interrupted. “Dude what the fuck!” Jimin and Jungkook said at the same time and if it weren’t a desperate time, they would’ve high fived.  
“Jimin likes her, she’s one year older than him and her name is Sarah. That’s all I know.” He lowered his head in defeat and then turned to Jimin. “Sorry!”  
“DUDE BRO CODE!” Jimin said, frustrated.  
“Wow, we can’t even talk in peace now.” Jungkook shrugged.  
“Huh…” Deo started, “and you weren’t going to tell us!”  
“Sorry! I’m an honest guy!” Hobi said, putting a chip right in front of Jimin’s mouth that he just couldn’t refuse.  
“Oh please tell me all about her!” Hyori now sat down, waiting expectantly.  
“See! They can help!” Hoseok added.  
After that, Jimin was forced to spill all the details he had on the Sarah girl. He didn’t really know much but Hyori and Deo already were with their phones on their hands searching on social media for the girl. If she was majoring in Investigative Journalism, she had to have any form of social media, and if she did, they would find her. Jimin wouldn’t be able to hide the girl from them for a very long time and in a way he was glad Hobi spilled everything because although Jungkook loved a good gossip, he was terrible at getting information. By the end of the dinner, the girls already found out that Sarah was friends with one of the boys Hyori tutored and now it was only a matter of days until they started planning a super scheme to make her and Jimin talk. They were good friends like that.  
Jungkook was the first to abandon the hangout because he had practice and he, obviously, didn’t have his bag done to shower. Once he got to his floor, the smell of barbeque filled his nostrils and he wasn’t walking anymore, he was more like floating, following the amazing smell. He ended up in front of his own door. Once he opened it, he saw Yoongi and Namjoon eating.  
“Hey man.” Yoongi said once he noticed him.  
“You want some?” Namjoon asked, turning around in his chair to see Jungkook.
“The smell in the hall… amazing guys.” He chuckled. “Thanks, but I have to say no, I have practice in a few.”  
“This late?” Namjoon said already feeling sorry for the boy.  
“Are you sure you can handle going to practice on an empty stomach?” Yoongi asked. He didn’t hang much with Jungkook but he liked to have him as a roommate. He was quiet, clean and he liked the same type of food as him.  
“Yeah, we have a game Saturday and coach is going crazy with our practices. We’re even playing with the girls now.” He laughs lightly. “I ate like an hour ago. I’ll probably end up bringing something home.” He says turning to Yoongi that only nods.  
“With girls? Like… girls in mini shorts?” Namjoon says already excited, the thought of joining the team, running through his mind.  
“Wish it was that good bro.” Jungkook laughs dryly, tapping on his shoulder. “Most of them look like Hulk, they enter full beast mode.”  
“Oh… that must be- uh… Nevermind.” He turns back to his food.  
Yoongi couldn’t keep a straight face to Namjoon’s comment and laughed lightly. He heard rumors about a party and Jungkook confirmed it right away, inviting them to join after the game. They talked a little bit more about their crazy front door neighbor. It was an old lady, maybe in her 60’s and she acted like she was 20. Hell, she even lived near campus. Besides her, everyone in the building was a student. The new good story was that she was developing a crush on Namjoon. Every time she heard him leave the house, she would peek her head out of the door, with rolls on her hair and say ‘have a good day handsome’.
Jungkook excuses himself and goes inside his room, picking up his gym bag from the floor. He quickly shuffles through his clothes and picks up a random shirt and a pair of shorts, a towel and his flipflops. He crossed the living room, saying goodbye to the older boys that were finishing eating and left, towards the elevator.  
“Oh hey Jin.” Jungkook said once the elevator’s door opened, revealing his neighbor from the top floor.  
“Hey man, how are you?”  
“It’s been a while since I last saw you. Since the photoshoot...” He recalled the moment they were together for the last time. It was a photography class and Carolina had brought Jin and Taehyung to model. Jungkook ended up befriending both boys and took photos of them as well.  
“Ah~~” Jin lets out a satisfied sound, remembering that day as well. “It was fun and the shoots you took of me looked great.”  
“If you ever need new ones hit me up.” They reach the ground floor and both exit the elevator, walking side by side until they leave the building completely.  
“You have practice?” Jin asked, only now noticing Jungkook’s bag.  
“Yeah, it’s in a few.”  
“I can take you. I’m going out with a friend but it’s still early, I can drop you there.”  
“I won’t say no to that. If I had to walk all the way back to campus I doubt I'd be able to score.” He chuckles. They got inside the car and it took Jin a while to start it. “Is everything alright?”  
“Oh yeah, I'm just waiting for Carolina, she should be coming down any second. She has practice too.”  
‘Oh boy’ Jungkook thought to himself. Carolina only frowned when she saw him but before she could say anything Jin told her to get in or else they would be late. She had to get into the backseat, very reluctantly and once they got to campus, she quicken up her pace to not even have to talk with the so called virgin boy. He honestly didn’t mind, after the last time they were together, things went south really fast.  
The vibe was bugging Jin and he made a self-note to ask Carolina what had happened between the two but probably not today. He was going out with his friend Harry, a boy from his major that finished off last year but they maintained contact. If he didn’t get home very drunk, it wasn’t his friend Harry. But once he woke up, he would remember to ask.  
> Day 3 <
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thedefinitionofbts · 7 years
In Memory of Your Wings
Pairings: Jung Hoseok x Reader
Genre: Dancer!Hoseok, Dancer!Reader, Angst
Words: 3K
Description: As requested by anon: “A Hoseok scenario where he meets a girl who's passionate about dancing and ends up getting some tips from her. They eventually fall in luv but when she faints one day he rushes her to the hospital and finds out that she has an illness she’s been hiding from him and doesn't have much time to live.”
A/N: I cried so hard. It’s only a short scenario but daaaamn. Thank you for sending in the request! I hope you like it :) 
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“Your moves lack emotion.”
Hoseok’s head jerks around at the sound of a girl’s voice reverberating through the empty dance studio. The lights weren’t even on and the only source of brightness making anything visible was the subtle glow of daylight flowing in from the glass windows.
“Well, I’m not exactly a dancer.” He continues to look at you, titling his head to the side and pursing his lips. “I was just waiting for a friend.” Referring to Park Jimin, his actual dancer friend, who ought to be here by now. Where the hell is he anyways?
“But you’re here and you’re dancing” You point out the obvious, albeit what he was doing wasn’t technically what you considered to be dancing, but he had potential, that’s for sure.
“You’re point is?”
You chuckle lightly. “You won’t know how good you are until you try. Are you interested in becoming a dancer?”
Hoseok ponders over your question. He had never seriously considered it, although he has been amazed at Jimin’s skill every time he watches the younger male dance, he’s never categorized it as something he could actually pick up, let alone excel in the way his super talented friend was able to.  
He shrugs. “I guess.” Can’t hurt to try, right?
 His response leads to the two of you exchanging phone numbers and setting up a time and date to get your “private lessons” started. Since he was a novice, you had suggested personally teaching him the basics before throwing him in a dance group. All of this almost leads Hoseok to believe that if getting a gorgeous girl’s number was this easy; he would’ve signed up for dance a long time ago. That is, until he finds out how serious you are about your coveted art form.
“You have to think of as the act of you telling a story.” You explain, demonstrating a short piece so can visualize what you are talking about. “You know, like how music can tell a story without lyrics or how a picture is worth a thousand words.”
Hoseok nods, trying to grasp the main point of your spiel while at the same time rooted in the spot, mesmerized by the way your body is able to flow so effortlessly.
“Once you get the basics down, it’s all about practice and perfecting each little movement that act as the building blocks of the story you are painting with the motion of your body.”
“Does that go for all kinds of dance?”
You nod. “You need to learn and understand how your body moves before choosing your area of specialty. But from the looks of your sharp movements and natural tendency for adding your own…flare, I think you’d be good at hip hop, but don’t limit yourself to only one type of dance because many styles can overlap and result in unique combinations. Just like your friend the other day.”
“Yeah, he was dancing hip hop, but I can tell he’s had training in contemporary.”
“Oh, wow, you’re good” Hoseok flashes you a thumbs up.
“Shall we get started then?”
Hoseok gives you the okay to proceed.
 Dancing is a lot more physically taxing than Hoseok had previously thought. He learns that it is as mental as it is physical, especially in the beginning when the movements haven’t solidified as muscle memory yet, and he would mess up if he wasn’t thinking or started spacing out.
“So I can tell you’re really passionate about dancing.” Hoseok comments, trying to keep up with your more advanced moves. Your turn and glance at him with a cheerful nod before signaling for a short break.
You walk over and grab a bottle of water while tossing one to Hoseok as the two of you sink to the ground in exhaustion.
“I love it more than anything. There’s nothing else in the world that makes me feel like I can express everything I’m feeling the way that dancing does. It makes me feel sort of unstoppable, you know?” You laugh, light and carefree, and Hoseok wonders why he can’t seem to tear his eyes off of you at that moment. 
“Wow” Hoseok whispers, not knowing how else to respond.
“Dancing gives me wings.” You state, standing up and getting ready for more practice.  
He doesn’t understand it then, but he figures he might someday.
 Jung Hoseok’s group of friends is a rowdy bunch and sometimes they do things that make him wonder why he even hangs out with them. At the moment, he was watching Taehyung down a bottle of coke as quickly as possible while crowded in a booth at their favorite diner in town.
“New record!” Jungkook hoots like a frat boy. 
“Yaaassss” Taehyung cheers, giving the younger boy a high five. He turns to Hoseok right after the celebration dies down. “Oh, hyung, I heard you’ve met a girl recently.”
“Yeah, he scored private dance lessons with Y/N. Y.N.” Jimin cuts in, crossing his arms and shaking his head like it was unbelievable. “Like dude, how the fuck did you get her number, when I’ve been secretly crushing on her for years?”
“She came to me.” Hoseok reminds. “But yeah, she’s pretty amazing. I can see why you were heads over heels for her.”
Jimin almost chokes on his water. “Thanks.” He mutters sarcastically. “I’m glad we can agree on one thing.”
“What I got out of the story is that you shouldn’t have invited Hoseok to the dance studio that day, and then arrived twenty minutes late.” Jungkook comments.
“Or maybe she just thinks he’s better at dancing than you.” Taehyung adds nonchalantly.
“Guys, stop rubbing it in.” Jimin sighs. “I’m over it.”
“That’s because you were never in it to begin with.” Jungkook cackles, and it’s so obnoxious that Jimin punches him in the shoulder.
To be completely honest, Hoseok didn’t understand it either. He didn’t know why you had offered to teach him how to dance and subsequently opted to spend your precious time with him almost everyday since, when you literally could have any other guy you wanted. You were beautiful, sweet, super talented, and sought after by every guy at the dance academy (according to Jimin) and he was just…Hoseok.
“Remember when I said your moves lacked emotion the first time I met you?”
“Yeah.” Hoseok clearly remembers that unexpected day that changed his life in a way he couldn’t have even dreamed of. It was one of the most memorable things that has ever happened to him and had been less than a month ago, so of course he remembers. He always will.  
“Well that wasn’t entirely true.”
“What do you mean?”
“There was a indecipherable kind of sadness I felt when I watched you dance. Has anything traumatic ever happened in your life? Sorry if I’m being nosy, but I think that emotion is still there even as I watch you dance now.”
Hoseok is stunned by your ability to analyze expression in dance, because never in a million years would he suspect anyone to be able to read him like a book the way you do. He hasn’t told anyone about his past, about being raised by a single father after his mother left him. He had become an expert at hiding these things, not wanting to bother anyone with his old scars that he thought had faded completely.
But you somehow became his soothing balm because he’s never felt this comfortable talking about his vulnerabilities with anyone, and certainly not this early on in any kind of relationship. He wonders if you’ll ever feel comfortable enough to open up to him in the same way he has to you because you were much stronger than he was on many levels, and yet he didn’t feel the need to outcompete you or prove himself in order to impress you. He liked the way you guided him and showed him the world through your eyes because everything you saw was artistic and breathtaking just like you. And thinking back, maybe he shouldn’t have made you feel like you had to be his stability in the turbulence that is life because it’s much easier to balance on a moving train when two people are leaning on each other.  
 “Are you ready for your first performance?” You voice echoes through the dance studio once again as Hoseok’s gaze is still trained on his moving reflection in the mirror.
Another month had passed, and you had finally deemed Hoseok ready to enter into a dance competition. You’re team needed an extra person, and Hoseok had improved immensely just like you had predicted he would, so he was the perfect person to take the spot.
“Oh god, Y/N, I’m so nervous. I think I’m going to shit myself.”
You laugh out loud. “Come on Hobi, you’ll be fine. You’re dancing with a group, and I’ll be on stage with you.”
“I-I can’t do this.” Hoseok shakes his head, trying to calm his erratic breathing. “I haven’t been able to sleep and my hands are clammier than they’ve ever been.”
“Be brave, I believe in you.”
Hoseok doesn’t know if it’s because of your angelic voice or the determined look in your eyes as you lift a hand to caress his cheek, but in that instant he forgets about his nerves and worries about messing up or forgetting the steps on stage, because he would do anything for you, and if you believed in him, he was unstoppable.
 It was on a cold rainy night when you faint in the dance studio for the first time. All Hoseok remembers is hearing a loud thump on the ground and panicking as he sprinted over to shake you awake in vain. There were a million thoughts racing through his head at the time. He didn’t know what to do and his mind wasn’t clear enough to be rational, so he lifts you up on his back and runs.
He runs and runs and runs. Faster than he ever has in his life, through the pouring water that is trickling into his eyes and blinding him, choking his airways as he tries to breath while he sprints through the dark and empty streets, fueled by pure panic and limitless adrenaline. He doesn’t know how serious this is, and he’s praying that it’s only a side effect of fatigue. And for a moment he’s actually able to persuade himself it could be just lack of sleep or the result of skipping a meal, but what it actually was, was something Hoseok could’ve never been prepared for. Even in retrospect, he still doesn’t know how he survived the ultimate revelation of your disease.
You had been diagnosed with a type of incurable cancer several years ago. Initially the chemotherapy had kept the malignant tumor at bay, but as expected of such vile diseases, it relapsed not too long ago. You had wanted to tell Hoseok, you really did, but you didn’t want to be responsible for tainting his sunny smile with the crimson from your dying body, not when his past wounds were just beginning to heal and his laugh had become your favorite sound in the world. But you were a fool to believe you could hide it from him forever.
“I’m sorry Hoseok. I’m sorry I’m scaring you like this. I wanted to tell you, but-”
“It’s my fault.” Hoseok shakes his head, biting his hands that are balled into fists. He hates himself for being the weak one. He hates the fact that you could never lean on him the way he leaned on you. It made him realize just how small and pathetic he was, and even now with tears streaming down his face uncontrollably as he watched your limp body lay on the hospital bed, he’s still fucking powerless.
“No, Hoseok, please don’t blame yourself. Don’t you dare ever blame yourself when someone else leaves you. Listen to me, it’s not your fault, it never is and it never will be.” Your voice is barely stern enough to sound cutting, but it was as sharp as you are able to manage with your vocal cords growing weak.
“Y/N, why didn’t you tell me?”
Your mouth curves into a faint smile. “Because I’ve always wanted to be strong, so I can show you what it feels like to have wings.” Your voice is weak, and your eyelids are droopy, but Hoseok’s grip is firmly latched on to your hand and somehow you’re able to convince yourself he’ll never let go.
 One month.
That was how long your projected lifespan was according to the doctor, and as short as that may seem, as unfair as it was, you were thankful that you at least had that amount of time.
You couldn’t dance anymore, and that was perhaps what hit you the hardest, to have the one thing you loved most in this world ripped away from your soul. But you had Jung Hoseok, and you soon came to consider him to be the best trade-off you were lucky enough to be granted because he had become your sun on the gloomiest of days, the sweet scent of honeysuckle in the summer when you were banished into an endless winter. And it was precisely because he was the thing that replaced your long-held passion that made you realize just how deeply you had fallen in love with the him.
“How was your day?” You ask as he walks into your hospital room with a bouquet of flowers and a first place dance medal in his hands.
“It was great! We won Y/N! Your choreographed routine got first place!” He chirps, hoping over to your bedside and handing you the shiny gold medal.
You smile sadly. “I wish I was there to watch you perform.”
Hoseok takes a deep breath and sits down, taking your free hand and cupping it in both of his. “I was thinking about you the entire time I was dancing. I think that’s what made the performance perfect.”
You laugh. “So cheesy, I’m cringing.”
“Hey, I’m just speaking the truth.” Hoseok defends. “You’re the one who told me dance can allow you to express anything. I was dancing as if you were right there on stage with me, so technically you were the one who won this.”
Whenever he has time, Hoseok comes to visit and pushes you in a wheelchair around the hospital grounds. It was a good way to let you breath some fresh air and feel the rays of the sun hit your skin and warm your soul. Winter was coming to an end, and spring was just around the corner, so Hoseok hopes you can see the flowers bloom at least one last time.
“I’m glad that I met you, but I’m also sad I’m putting you through this.” You voice as you gaze at the empty trees that are just barely beginning to sprout green leaves. The wind was a bit chilly, but you felt strangely warm because your world now had two suns.
“I’m glad that I met you, and I’m grateful you’ve shared so much of yourself with me.” Hoseok repeats. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Hoseok.”
 You left this life when the wild flowers started blooming in the spring. It was a peaceful death, although not without pain, but Hoseok was by your side the entire way through, like he always was, like he always will be, and like you always will be there for him. He was able to send you off because you had made him brave enough to face loss with a strong heart, to forgive misfortunate events because they give birth to everlasting memories that make you stronger.
And to this day he still misses you like the sun misses the moon, like star-crossed lovers miss each other from across chasms that separate worlds. He doesn’t think he’ll ever not miss you. He knows his heart will continue to search for you endlessly, reaching out towards that light he’ll continuously be racing towards and maybe he’ll never reach it, but at least he knows exactly where to find you.  
He can still hear the airy sound of your voice each time he steps on stage. When he’s trembling with nerves and has to take that deep sedative breath right before stepping under the limelight with the cheer of the crowd encouraging him to move like the wind, which he’s now able to do because you gifted him your wings.
 “Be brave, I’ll always believe in you.”
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