#hochelga scandal
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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""SCANDAL'S" BOTTOM IS FALLING OUT," St. Catharines Standard. March 11, 1913. Page 1. ---- (Exclusive Wire to The Standard.) Montreal, March 11. - New developments go to show that the cards are getting strangely mixed in the alleged Hochelaga scandal. Eli Lalumiere, who is mentioned as the leader in the suspected telegraph plot, has crossed the border, and Ellis Horner, also implicated in the deed, denies having anything to do with it. Both Lalumiere and Horner, with one Emile Bourassa, are the men whom Mr. Tancrede Marsil describes as having signed the affidavit to be laid before the House. At the Laluruiere house, 19 Drolett street, a correspondent called last night, he was informed by one of Lalumiere's sisters that he had left suddenly for New York last Wednesday, March 5th, and that although he had promised to write as e to his whereabouts, he had failed to do so.
His own people could not tell the reason of this sudden departure from Montreal, and they do not know anything about the alleged corruption charges.
Ellis Horner, seen at his office this morning, did not appear to pay much attention to the matter in which he is named. He says that to his knowledge Hon. Mr. Coderee did not employ telegraphers and added that he may have worked for Mr. Coderre during the electoral campaign at Hochelaga and that if he received money it could not be inferred that it was for illegal work.
As to the trip to Ottawa referred to by Mr. Marsil, Horner says he went to the capital on the date mentioned on private business,,and to see Mr. Arthur Beaucheres of the Department of Justice.
He was asked, "Did you sign an affidavit ?"
"I remember we signed some kind of a document, but I was not sworn," was the reply.
Mr. Horner would not say what the document contained.
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