#hogwarts style
nheystyle · 9 months
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hufflepuff x ravenclaw
art by @nheyguys
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sp7-mr · 2 months
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choccy-milky · 3 months
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⭐ HL x ghibli! ⭐
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ccelicaa · 14 days
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i rushed the hell out of this SO IF IT LOOKS FUNNY MY BAD but!!! just a quick thing i made in between my free time
An AU where Seolhee and Sebastian are dating during their 6th/7th year idk
(it’s kinda hard to see but Seolhee’s like playing with his shirt collar, and dipping her fingers into it ykwim)
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wordsarelife · 10 days
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pairing: draco malfoy x fem!reader
summary: draco and you always come back to each other, sneaking around in secret, unable to let go, even though it’s getting harder to hide and maybe you're not willing to keep the secret any longer
warnings: slight angst but ends in fluff, height difference mentioned
your back was leaning against the castle's wall, arms crossed, you quirked a brow at the boy across from you. he was spotting a similiar expression, his arms crossed like you and face in a deep frown, unmoving as you nodded for him to talk.
"i'm not gonna apologize first" you shrugged, deciding to have it like this if he wanted to be difficult.
"well, me neither" he spat, voice venomous as he looked at you unimpressed, your threat not having the least bit of effect on him. "i wouldn't even know what for"
"you were the one that came back, draco" you reminded. "we agreed that whoever came back first had to apologize"
"well, i'm not doing that"
"then i'm not kissing you" you shrugged, turning your body as if to leave, before his hand grabbed your shoulder, turning you back around in a swift motion.
before you could protest or say anything else about his sudden action, his lips were on yours, pulling you in through the feeling that evaporated in your body.
you moaned into his mouth, not even caring that he didn't apologize, as he pressed you against the wall.
draco and you came from completely different worlds. he was a proud slytherin, someone that valued social standing and reputation above everything else.
you were a gryffindor, hanging along the golden trio most of the time, but basically being friends with everyone, no matter who they were or from which family they came. you didn't mind as long as you liked them.
draco and you had hated each other from the first encounter on. arrogant as he was, he had introduced himself to harry, muttering something about the wrong kind of people (eyeing ron and you) he had chosen to spend his time with.
you rivalry reached it's peak during third year when hermione had hit him and you had caught him days later as he was trying to throw something into her cauldron during potions class. you had slapped his hand back, resulting in him breathing in whatever he had held in there and spending a week in the infirmary, throwing up hours on end.
you gained two weeks of detention from snape, but quickly decided it was worth it, considering you had saved your friend from an even worse fate.
but the real change of your relationship had begun during fourth year. you had noticed that he grew into his looks and you couldn't believe it, but his cockiness actually attracted you.
draco continued making no secret of disliking you and your friends, but you noticed his eyes linger on you longer than they had before.
it had been a week of constant fighting, hormones high and upcoming exams stressing the both of you, where one thing had led to another and you found yourselves in shared detention with professor mcgonagall who punished you to sort through and clean her classroom.
"this is all your fault" draco muttered, cloth in hand as he rubbed it along the table, that picked the water up quickly.
"sure" you nodded with a role of your eyes. the row of goblets in front of you, used for the first year classes, turning out to be a particular hard thing to clean. "as if you didn't start the fight"
"i merely concluded obvious information"
"pff" you made, sending him a glare across the room. "that's not what i would call it"
"let's hear it then, genius"
"i'd call it an uneven distribution of arrogance and stupidity" you smiled smugly as you set down another goblet in front of you.
"you take that back!" draco let go off the cloth in his hand and dashed across the room, pushing his hands to his hips and looking down on you as if to try and dare you to say more.
"no" you shook your head, rising up from your chair so you were on an even level with him.
"one last chance, l/n"
"or what? you will send daddy to straigthen me out?" you puffed air out between your lips, not even caring about his answer. "you've been using the same empty threats for years, malfoy, it's honestly gotten boring at this point."
his eyes widened, switching to collect the glimmer of your lips as a memory and before he could properly think of what he was doing, he had closed the space between you, kissing you softly.
it had taken exactly ten seconds for both of you to realize what had happened, quickly breaking apart.
"you just kissed me!" you muttered stunned, pointing an accusing finger in his direction.
"you kissed me" he shook his head, just as shocked as you, as he tried to remember what had happened exactly.
"no" you corrected firmly. "i'm not taking the blame for this mess. this is solely on you"
"you kissed back though" he concluded, with a final nod. "don't ever do that again"
"well, okay?" you shrugged "i won't as long as you don't ever kiss me again"
the tension between you was palpable, as you kept holding eye contact, no one of you moving as both of you tried to find out what the kiss would mean for your relationship, or more so lack of, moving forward.
it had been a sudden decision, maybe because you had spent all your years at school trying to one up draco malfoy, but you didn't think twice, before you pushed your mouth against his once more.
this time the kiss lasted longer and both of you had to catch your breath.
"i thought i told you to never do that again"
you nodded, before you smirked, "you said i should never kiss you back"
"yeah" he nodded, admitting that you hadn't done anything he had forbidden. "and you said i should never kiss you again"
"never is such a harsh word" you shrugged and just half a second later you were kissing once more, your hands gliding into his neck as you pressed him closer.
what began that day in the classroom accompanied you through the school years that followed. you and draco would put on a facade in front of your friends and pretend like you still couldn't stand each other, which was, to be honest, not even far from the truth considering he still constantly annoyed you. all while you would meet in secret, sneaking around the castle and hooking up with each other behind everyone's back.
apart from sleeping with each other not much changed between you. you never declared what you did to be a relationship, although both of you never met other people.
draco was the one constant through your teenage years. sometimes you would go longer without the other, but you would always come back, like a drug you couldn't stop taking even if it had the potential to destroy you in the end.
draco ended the kiss, pressing his forehead against your own. "sorry" he muttered and you furrowed your brows in surprise.
he had never apologised before, even if that was your rule. he would always suck up for a while, until you finally accepted that he was somewhat sorry, without actually saying it.
"hmm" you hummed, pressing one more kiss against his mouth, before you broke away and grabbed your bag off the floor. "we've got herbology"
draco nodded and turned around, picking up his own bag. "i'll go around the courtyard, you'll go now"
"sure" he softly grabbed your neck with his hand, bringing you close again and kissing you, more passionately than the moment allowed. you were way too flustered when he let go off you, but he just nodded for you to go. so you did.
you kept thinking about him for the rest of the day. through the whole herbology class, most of potions class and even charms, which was you favorite subject.
it hadn't been yesterday when you realized that you maybe didn't still find him as annoying as you did back when you were children. that you had maybe even grown fond of him a little, or whatever it was that you had.
and there was a stupid part of you that longed for more. for more of whatever it was.
what you had enjoyed at first, was now the part you hated most about your little arrangement. sneaking around, lying to your friends and always keeping something from them, while they viewed you as family, as someone they knew everything about.
you just wanted them to know and maybe you also wanted to know if he would stay. stay at the possibility of people finding out about you.
all that went through your head until the next day. and realistically you knew he wasn't what you wanted him to be. you knew draco well enough. he would never agree to go public, much less to even be in a relationship with you.
so it was pretty clear what you had to do.
you knew that it was the right decision in the long run. for both of you.
you met in the same hallway. you were leaning against the wall when he arrived, a distant smile on his face, that only really broke out when his eyes fell on you.
"hey" he muttered. you let him kiss you, before he stepped back, leaning across from you.
"hi" you said, testing the waters. he furrowed his brows and crossed his arms.
"what is it?" he asked unimpressed. he was used to you berating him for something he had said or done the day before. most often it was something regarding your friends and even though he never admitted it, you noticed his behaviour change, when you had been angry about something.
"nothing" you averted your eyes. you could hear him step forward, on edge, not used to the sadness in your voice.
times you had been apart came normally right after you had fought with each other. always screaming loudly, having found something to be annoyed about, before you decided not to see each other anymore, until one of you eventually came back.
"tell me" draco urged, the calmness in his voice long gone. "did something happen?" normally you would have made fun of him for his unusual care, but now you even felt sorry about it.
"i don't think we should continue to see each other" you shrugged, acting as if you didn't even care.
draco laughed, or rather puffed out air through his nose, before he shook his head. "i told you i was sorry"
"it's not about that"
"then what?" he stepped even closer. "something with you friends? i didn't even really see them yesterday"
"that's not it, draco"
there were a few seconds of silence, before he sighed loudly. "is it a guy?"
"okay, so you're just doing this? for what?" he threw his arms up, like he couldn't understand anything anymore. "you'll come back anyway"
you didn't answer anything, staring at him blankly, not having the strength to even say it out loud. without you wanting him to, he caught the uncertainty in your eyes.
"..you'll come back" he repeated, voice low. "right?"
"draco" you sighed, not knowing what to tell him.
"no, don't be like that" he shook his head and you saw that he was trying hard not to show you how much he cared. "don't act like you have to console me, don't act like you're breaking up with me"
"i'm not" you nodded. "but i'm not coming back either"
he pushed his hands into the pockets of his trousers, not even looking at you when you picked up your bag. you tried to catch his eyes, but it was to no avail. so you just walked away, not even knowing if you felt relieved or sad at the predicament that he would never be coming close to you again.
you walked through the halls of the castle and opened the door to the courtyard. the weather had turned rainy, thick clouds hanging over the towers of the castle, hiding them in the white air. the rain hit the ground mercilessly and you realized too late that it had been a stupid idea to walk across.
"you can't just do that" the voice behind you was so sudden and loud that your bag almost hit the wet ground beneath you.
draco caught up with you quickly, not caring about the rain one bit.
"what?" you asked, continuing your quick walk through the yard. but admittedly it was to no use, considering that you were already wet to the bones.
draco grabbed your shoulder, making you halt in your step and turn to look at him. "you can't just decide that" he said "it's not your decision to make"
"it's not yours either"
"why are you like that?" he ignored your previous answer. "i thought you liked this"
"i did" you nodded, seeing no reason to lie. "until i didn't"
"what does that even mean?" draco pushed his wet hair back annoyed. he wasn't able to understand you and scarily enough, that was the first time in years he failed to read what was going on with you.
"that means that we have to stop seeing each other"
"but why?"
you ignored him, moving your arm so he lost his grip on you, walking further through the wet garden. draco followed you.
"why?" he repeated, "what do you want me to do?"
"nothing, draco, it's fine"
"if this is some psychological trick, i swear to god"
"it's not, draco" your voice became louder, trying to drain out the rain that muffled it. "just forget about me"
"what if i can't?" he had stopped moving, staring at you blankly when you turned around. you had never seen him like this. so vulnerable, so honest.
"it didn't even matter" you simply said, "it was nice for a while, but it's over now"
"so you just decided that?"
"but it wasn't just nice" he came closer, his face painfully twisted, as if to try and see your reaction to it. to get something from you. to see if it really didn't matter. "it was different. it wasn't just something"
"then what was it?" you pushed him to say more, to hear what you needed to for so long. "tell me why it was different? i thought you hated me"
"i did everything but that" he muttered and you had a hard time understanding him.
"why did you never say that before?" you asked, stray tears mixing with the rain on your face. "why are you so desperately trying to convince me of something you would've denied if i had asked you before? why didn't it matter before? why didn't you say something sooner?" your voice evolved into a scream, begging him to answer.
"why do you think i always came back?" he matched the loudness of your voice, anger blending with desperation as his blue eyes crashed into yours.
"why do you think i did?"
"i thought you knew" he shook his head, not understanding how it had come so far he had to explain it to you. "i thought i made it clear"
"thought you made what clear?" you asked, your voice louder than his, as he had grown more quiet. "that you didn't hate me? tolerated me even? that you—“
"that i fucking love you" his scream made you shut up immediately, eyes wide as you stared at him. "and maybe i should've actually said that or maybe i'm not what you want anymore—"
"what did you think would happen? did you think i would just accept it? not knowing how you really feel?"
"no" he shook his head "but i had hoped you would stay until i finally gathered up the courage to say it"
"how long?"
he sighed, looking annoyingly sweet as raindrops fell down from his hair and onto his cheeks. he looked like he was crying in an artful way. beautiful even, you thought, as you kept your eyes on his face like your life depended on it.
"mcgonagalls detention in fourth year"
"you couldn't have possibly loved me back then"
"maybe i didn't" he shrugged "but it was the first time i felt like this, when you kissed me"
"you kissed me" you corrected, but unable to stop the smile from breaking out.
"well, what do you say?"
"you want to hear it back?" you asked.
"preferably yes, but for now a sorry would do"
"for now, a hot shower would do" you rolled your eyes. "alone"
"and after that?" his voice lost a bit of it's cockiness, returning back to the insecurity it had held a few minutes before, "what then?"
you pressed his lips against his and he took the kiss with surprise, before he reciprocated it.
you pulled back, looking up at him, drenched from head to toe, but absolutely beautiful in his eyes.
"i'll come back"
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moonstruckmoony · 2 months
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Someone had too much fun playing with thestral foals in the swamp vivarium… 🐶
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myokk · 2 months
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the black lake🫶
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hazyange1s · 6 months
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A firebender!Seb AU that was rotting in my brain while watching the live action Avatar
used this photo of zuko as a ref 🔥
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diana-bluewolf · 6 months
He’s more of a cat person.
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In many cultures, black cats are considered bad omens, so people usually try to avoid them. Just like many wizards tend to keep away from those whose last name is Gaunt.
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thatslytherinqueen · 7 months
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More gta style Sebastian fanart edit 🐍💚🐍💚🐍💚🐍💚
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choccy-milky · 7 months
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older seb and clora on a job as curse-breakers💖 seb likes working with clora bc it means he can always spend time with her & keep her close, but it also still stresses him out bc of how dangerous it can be LOL. and i love worried + overprotective seb, so ofc i had to draw one of their close calls 🥺💖💖
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evaskjew · 1 month
I've just thought it might be fun to put together the 3 drawings from my little series of biros sketches.
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lovisus · 2 years
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malfoy kiss 10/10
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sparxyv · 3 months
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sketchy seb.. what do y'all think he's yapping about???
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myokk · 2 months
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boxdstars · 4 months
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I've been meaning to draw Lyla for literally forever, and with @keri-mcberry having drawn Amara ages ago, I have been since dying to return the favor. So, here's the darling puff herself, in all her whimsical glory ^^
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