#hokke looks rly good too tbh
yume-fanfare · 2 years
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his art attack slay
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ensemblepositivity · 7 years
Can I please have a (romantic) match up? ~ I'm a short (5'2) girl. I tend to act tough & rude/cold, but in realtiy I'm quite sensitive & insecure rip. I actually care/worry (too much) about the people I like & I'm much more open/warm around them. I don't rly have any hobbies, but I like to watch (trashy) horror movies & read books. I also prefer animals over humans tbh. Other than that, like anime, memes, dark/weird/bad jokes & I dislike people who are 2 hyper | Congrats on 50 followers btw! :^)
I’m stuck between Tsumugi, and Yuuki
Reason for Tsumugi: He’s used to the tough/rude personality (even if he reacts a bit more hurt by rude remarks, he can still tolerate them to the point of being a push over, really,) and he’d be absolutely fine with your true personality, if not prefer it. Tsumugi could probably tolerate trashy horror movies and he would definitely enjoy reading with you, being part of the library committee and all. He most likely has seen one or two anime unlike Adonis, but he might still be a bit confused with jokes (and the ones he does understand with being dark/weird might cause him to react really strongly) but he wouldn’t mind you teaching him about em, he’d probably look some up and try to impress you actually haha. The relationship could work out, but because of Tsumugi’s pushover tendencies, in order to make it work, establishing boundaries is a must.
Reason for Yuuki: While Yuuki isn’t used to tough personalities (Izumi is... a unique case,) he’s probably the one to not care at all and still hang out with you regardless. He’d avoid making fun of your personality as soon as he learns you’re insecure, and generally he’s actually a pretty nice guy who’s willing to understand and adapt. Horror movie wise, I don’t think he can tolerate it too much (see: main story, where he jumped just because they went into the light music room when it was dark and screamed really loudly because Hokke showed up) but I’m sure he’s willing to play some cheap horror games with you~ Yuuki, unlike the others, has a really good knowledge on anime, memes, all that type of junk and would probably appreciate bad jokes more than the other two (dark jokes, maybe not, but he won’t hate you for them) A relationship with him means a relationship with a socially awkward nerd who’ll care about you as long as you care for him, and the most important factor in this relationship would be communication since that’s Yuuki’s weakest link. Communication in any relationship is important, but helping him out here and there would be great!
(sorry this is so long, I really am kinda stuck between the two, and originally Adonis’ was one of the candidates but I think he’s much better suited as just a close friend for you haha)
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