#hold on i have to screenshot this stuff i feel like i’m crazy rn
kommetz · 2 years
reading a textbook for class and i’m going insane. why is this just poetry. what. this is a STEM class what’s going on.
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o-taryn-o · 5 years
Watching The Last Jedi Thoughts and Reactions
I’ve been obsessed with reading Reylo fan fiction since the opening night I saw TLJ. Ive seen this movie a lot but thought it would be fun to watch it again and react. I guess I had a lot to comment on Rose and Finn and also DJ. Enjoy~
Wow these opening credits are super vague…
I really love this opening scene it’s 100% my favorite Star Wars opening.
Carrie Fishers daughter is super cool. Hux looks v tired and/or on drugs.
Sansa’s insane aunt from Game of Thrones. Love BB-8, I ship Poe and Hux more then Hux and Kylo tho. “punch it!” I love that they have enough time to say cute one liners when piloting a ship. THIS SCENE IS EDITED SO FUCKING WELL THOOOO. Its literally FLAWLESSLY edited. 2nd “punch it!” When the bombers show up my heart starts beating faster, my favorite action sequence ever. Not even thinking about how theres no gravity in space. I love Paige so much! Have I ever seen a asian woman save the day in a movie ever? Why are her hands so beautiful? I LOVE THE COSTUMES OF THIS MOVIE. I wonder where Kylo is? Finn bb!! I wonder why he’s in a storage room? This movie is SO SEXUAL. Love me some beautiful island porn. LOVE that Luke throws the saber, love subverting expectations. “Master Skywalker?” is so cute I have such a crush on Rey. Wow the huts are so cute. Daisy is literally so beautiful, want to be and also kiss her.  Progs, so cute. Rey literally doesn’t waste anything love it she takes the books later also. “Where’s Han?” and then cuts to Kylo love it. The fuck is a “cur”? ADAM DRIVER fuck. This room is so red, its so pretty. This movie is visually STUNNING. Ben’s hair is fucking glorious, also look at those LIPS! I just want him to be with Rey and happy. Ben is fucking loosing his mind Ryan made him look so broken I love it. “Prepare my ship!” is so sexy. Rey’s accent is so perfect. Literally what Luke said he doesn’t want to do he does by the end of the movie. Love poncho Rey! This island is so fucking cool I need more high quality pictures going around. The green milk is so funny. I love that Rey looks away from the creature in embarrassment but then not Ben’s naked chest. I need to take so many screenshots of this movie, theres so many moments people forget! Rey in the tree, so beautiful, I can’t wait to find out id those books give us any information next film. I hope the next film starts with the vision Rey and Ben saw next film. I want to see Reys dreams. I miss Carrie. 
Poe is so annoying, Leia is so right. What a great line, “get your head out of your cockpit”. How does Finn know what the binary beacon is? THIS is when shit goes down. I really like that everything in this movie goes wrong. “Follow my lead” so sexy. Ben is literally crying feeling his mothers presence. And yet people thing this isn’t a redemption story. *shakes my head* Even The First Orders uniforms are so crispty its beautiful. I really like that Leia saved herself. Finn looks so good in that jacket I’m so excited for his blue pants look. Chewy and Porgs is all I ever needed. The lights in the cockpit of the falcon are really beautiful. The shots in this movie are GORGEOUS. I feel like R2 has a really dirty mouth. I can’t wait for Ben and Rey to escape with the falcon from somewhere and then takeout. IM SO READY.  Luke is kinda creepy? Never liked Luke, Leia should have been the protagonist of the original trilogy. HOLDO is a BABE! Love her look and tone and everything she saids is bomb. I love that she talks about everyone else in the galaxy and the importance of keeping everyone hopeful. Why is there so much sexual tension between Poe and EVERYONE? I do feel like Poe is bi tho. Holdo is RIGHT, Poe is annoying and a dick. Sorry I don’t make the rules. He’s hot but wrong. Finn and Rose are so GOOD, it makes me so happy this whole scene. I’m sorry bb Rose I wish I could give her a hug. “Doing talking…” haha I love Kelly so much. Rose is v smart and I love that she stuns him and then drags him. DRAG HIM GIRL. All the men in this movie are making mistakes and the women are being smart this is true to life. Rose and Finn are honestly so perfect together. Its so annoying that Finn and Poe keep interrupting Rose, also true to life.  Maz in the next movie is gonna be into Reylo. Also “union dispute?” what the hell is Maz talking about? How and why does Poe know Maz? I love sleepy Rey, Ben isn’t even mad when he sees her. He looks her up and down so many times throughout this movie. He’s so in love before she is, its cute. Reys outfit is perfection. What Rey said actually wasn’t completely wrong. “s tension, a balance” REYLO! I love that they go into what the force is in this movie. Porgs on the ship is so cute, so is Rey in rain. Ben with his questions, I like that Ben is actually listening to her to see how she feels about him. HE LOOKED AT HER LIPS! WET GLOVES. Finn is so distracted. Pretty cool looks in the casino, those glasses are sweet. Finn/John is so hot. Love watching Rey with her staff. I need one of those belts. An ICON. Could listen to Rey’s theme all day. I feel so bad for the locals, Reys a little bit of a dick. Right when she decides to follow Luke I need that gif! This conversation is great but all I can focus on is the fact that Luke saids “huberous” twice always makes me anxious. I love space operas. Men failing, *a theme*. “I need someone to show me my place in all this” its Ben baby! DJ is cool, why does nobody talk about him. He’s such a interesting character. BB-8 is a badass. Fathiers are so beautiful. It was unnessicary for them to crash through the window and run inside, this whole case is too long. I can’t believe that they have already filmed most of the next movie. I like that Leia and Luke are talking. Now Reys asking the questions, she’s trying to understand him, she wants to understand him. I haven’t noticed till now how inconsistent their voices are over the force. Sleeping baby Ben is my favorite, with his calligraphy set? Precious. Did he show her his past? Or does she just believe him? I want to see the other cut scenes from Reys storyline. Its really cool to see Rey mirroring herself. This is a really cool scene. I’m so happy Ben has long hair in Episode 9. Bens already crying just from her telling him about how lonely she is!! They are eye fucking rn, I know what that look is. I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE SEEING!!! Luke fucking ruins everything. Ben must be freaking out rn. Yeah get him Rey! I love this fight in the rain. Rey is right. The thing is like how do you know someones completely evil? Who makes that judgement call? This scene is cool, love the look of Yoda. Its a lot of pressure on Rey to continue the Jedi order if she’s the one who knows all the stuff in the books, Im glad she grabbed them. “The greatest teacher failure is”, “we are what they grow beyond” GREAT QUOTES. Rose is a badass. DJ is kinda right tho. “Let me learn you something big” so funny. No one can tell me Rey didn’t wash up and get pretty for meeting Ben. Ben made sure he was the first face she saw, he looks hot. Sweet hacking skills. The iron is really fun editing, they all look really good in the uniforms. The first shot of the elevator scene is so sexual, Ben holding her lightsaber in front of him with her hands in handcuffs. Oofff.  Ryan made this scene as sexy as he could. Its so intimate. They want each other so bad. Rey whispers and leans in. Ben is so soft. His trying to hard to focus on his goal of killing Snoke and saving Rey. Rose is so salty “of course you do”. I feel like everyone puts up with Poe because he’s hot,  because he’s a dick. Another failed plan. Yeah Leia get him! I love that she just shoots. Her daughter surrendering is really funny. Leia and Holdo are so cute I hope they made out one night really drunk when they were younger that was ,y first thought when they held hands. I absolutely love Holdo’s hair. Reys outfit in the throne room is so cool. She’s so strong, Ben is trying so hard to keep it together in the back. Theres no way Snoke bridged their minds. Ben got so scared when he said that. “No” she’s so strong. Ben looks so sad. Oscar Issacs ass is fine! John is really good in this scene and Rose’s scream is terrifying. Murder in Bens eyes. Its really scary that Snoke has so much control over Rey. Rey with Bens saber is all I ever needed. Bens gloved fingers are v sexy. Also THAT FLICK! When they look at each other they know, there in love. THIS FIGHT IS EVERYTHING! When DJ saids “maybe” I felt that. They are so powerful together. I love watching them fight together, can’t wait for the 9! Ben fighting off 3 guards is so hot. Rey dropping her saber and backhanding ir is really hot. Wow this moment is so intense its so quiet. Im so mad Ben didn’t stop the fleet though. The way he saids Rey, why are both of their voices so hot. I need Rey to tell him off in the next movie the way he’s telling off her parents. “Please” murders me. Rey is so smart, she knows he isn’t good yet. This is Rey’s moment of “I know what I have to do” Its crazy that Rose and Finn almost died by being beheaded! The silent part is so beautiful. Why was Phasma so far away? BB-8 in that thing is pretty weird though. Finn is so powerful. He’s super reckless in this film. Rose is so good I want to be her and slide hug her. “Rebel scum” is such a good line. Snokes lower body falling off the throne is super graphic. Ben is so mad Rey left. I can’t wait to see more of soft Ben, I don’t like him choking Hux even though its Hux. Rose and Finn are very lucky they made it below that door. I think everyone always thinks of Rose and Finn as cute and funny, but they are honestly serious and smart. So many people died in this movie. I don’t understand how they aren’t wearing goggles if its salt, they would be crying right now. This run takes a lot more time then it is distance wise. Its so pretty though, so I don’t care. Rey and Chewy saving the day is my favorite thing. “Wooh I like this!” so cute. I love watching Rey shoot. The crystal creatures are so pretty. Finn no! Yes Rose! “I saved you… dummy. Thats how were gonna win, not fighting what we hate, saving what we love.” Rose is right everyone! Listen up! Why does Ben say “no prisoners”, maybe he is bad? I love Reylo I don’t understand I believe in Ben. Is he lying to himself? Could he actually kill his mother? Luke and Leia are so sweet. Also their conversation about Ben makes everything more confusing, so he’s not gone? Aw Luke kissing Leia’s forehead is really sweet. Lukes wink is funny. This music is so good. Finn taking care of Rose is my favorite thing. The editing is so beautiful. Rey in snow >>>> Also “Lifting rocks” how does she know thats what normal Jedi start training with? Ben is such a baby in this scene, he’s so upset. I love that Rey and Finn normalize intimate friendship. Ben is the truest definition of a ‘Dark Prince’ if Ive ever seen one. I’m really glad Luke died here, its time, the sunset it really nice. 
Bens eyes say it all here. Chewy and Leia so sweet. Reys smile is so AWW. Finn putting a blanket on Rose is the best. Rey knows she’s thinking about Ben. “We have everything we need” I bet Leia had a big part in 9 I’m so sad Carrie is gone :(
This last scene with the kids is really the perfect ending, HOPE.
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micahs-journal · 4 years
05/23/2020 12:37pm
Please don’t go.. please don’t do this.. I stayed.. I’m still here...
I want to go crazy and reach out I’m every form or fashion imaginable again. I know you just need space. You’re going to come back. I trust you. You always do. I just need to be patient.
I meant what I said on Snapchat. I wasn’t lying or trying to omit any truth. I meant what I said the other night. That things would be different. I don’t lash out at you or hold things up anymore. I vent them because then I feel better and I can let those feelings go. I write them down so I remember and can see my progress.
I should’ve screenshot that last picture of you.
Jess I want to make you happy. You said you didn’t want to lose me so please don’t push me away.
I don’t even get to keep the drawing. Please Jess don’t do this.
How do I fuck up even when I’m trying to be better. And why do I upset you so much? This isn’t fair. What do I need to do? I just wanted to show you it’s be better. I know it will be and I just want to prove it. Why do I not get that chance?
Please come back Jess. Don’t do this. I’m not going back to them. I chose you. I know if you give me a chance it’ll be worth it.
I can’t eat. I tried and I puked it up. I’m sitting in my room just thinking. Jess don’t be scared I’m going to do anything. I’m not. I’m just venting.
I’m starting to believe I know why people hurt themselves when they’re sad. It’s not for attention or to make them selves feel better. It’s self punishment and something to take their minds off the emotional hurt.
I just want you Jess. I don’t need to date rn. You’re not ready and I understand that. I wasn’t going to press anything till you were ready. I just wanted to spend the day with you. Don’t leave me Jess.
I hope the event is going well. I wish I could see how much fun you’re having. I wish you could share the day with me. I wanted to see you and start getting closer again. One bit at a time.
How was drifting? I’m sure it was exhilarating. I’m pretty jealous you got to do that. I don’t think I’ll ever get to. I don’t know anyone who wants to do fun stuff like that. I’ve not even talked with alanna. She doesn’t make me happy. I only want to talk with you.
Did I fuck up the day we spent together. I thought that it went well.
I turned on my location services for you on Snapchat so you knew I wasn’t lying. I wanted to be open for you.
I left my room to go to the bathroom. I’m all alone in the house. I guess I’m happy no one has heard me crying. I don’t want their pity anyways. I hope you’re doing well and have thought about not leaving. I don’t know what I’ll do if you do leave.
I don’t understand how you make me so happy but I make you so unhappy. I just want to make you as happy as you make me. I don’t know how and I want to so badly.
Please Jess. Don’t leave me. I need you. You promised you wouldn’t leave me and that you wanted me in your life. I’m sorry I got upset. Of course all that was going to hurt. But I didn’t take any of it out on you. Why am I getting punished for having feelings?
Why are you leaving me? I don’t even understand what I did wrong. I didn’t lash out at you. I didn’t call you names or stupid. I vented how I was feeling. I didn’t call you a cheater because you aren’t one. So why am I here again? What do I have to do Jess? I’m trying to give you everything and all I want is time, understanding, and communication. Where is the love you told me you have for me? How can I not be upset with how things are turning out when I’m actually trying with everything I can? I still managed to fuck up and you leaving doesn’t make things hurt less Jess. They hurt more then ever. Please come back Jess.
You’re coming back. You told me I just need to trust you and give you space. I just need to not fuck it up in the mean time. I believe you Jess. I just need to go for a drive.
I went on my drive. I nearly puked. I pulled over and cried once. I drove all over the place with no actual direction or destination. All I thought about was you. About all the things I want to do with you. All the adventures and things I want to share with you. How happy I would be. I’m ready to be yours. I’m not going back to them. They’re not who I want. They don’t make me happy. They didn’t make me happy. You do.
I need to try and eat. I’m too broke to afford anything, we basically ran out of food at the house, and no one will be back until tomorrow. Going to try and eat wheat thins I guess.
I also tried to reach out to Spencer about all this. He was too busy to talk and will be busy tomorrow. I didn’t really want to talk anyways. I don’t know what I expected. Telling him how I feel about you would probably annoy you anyways.
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mysmess-seol-blog · 7 years
Jumin’s Day 10, 1AM Call - Korean vs. English Comparison
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Hello all.
Sorry for my lack of posting for the past few days. To be honest, I went through so much stuff that I just don’t know how to handle right now. I also went through course registration for my upcoming semester and I filled 22 credits. Kill me.
Without getting too personal, just know that I am slowly getting back to the way things were going and I hope to keep it that way ^^
Also, in my little unannounced absence, I got a lot more requests to go through! Wow! I can’t believe I got so much interest from all of you guys~ thanks so much! The anon may know this, but while I usually answer questions/requests in the order of which they are submitted (minus the personal questions), I went through them all and found this one to be the quickest to gather screenshots and answer/debate. I am a bit short on time because of current affairs, so I please hope that you guys understand that I am answering this one first!
This call is by far my favorite call in history. Why is this man so irresistible? My love for Jumin Han is just out of this world. In all my 23 years of living, he is the most charismatic character I have ever come across, I swear.
Please join me under the cut if you would like to hear my analysis (more like opinion) of this breath-taking phone call ^^
Please note that although this is an analysis, there may be opinions that may differ or be consistent with mine! While I can give some sort of Korean background, for debatable topics, I do not represent all of the Korean minds for respective topics. Also, please excuse any errors or let me know if clarifications are needed, for English is not my first language! Thank you and enjoy!
Okay, so let’s talk. Nonny! You said there were four options, and to be honest, I don’t even know if I unlocked all the options…if I remember correctly, I only got three? So I am sorry in advanced if I didn’t get all the ones you wanted ㅠㅠ when I replay Jumin’s route when I have the time, I will check out the other choice (really want to know rn tbh…) and edit this post, but for now, I will just do the three that I have.
Also, note that this call is preeeeetty similar in terms of how they translated it compared to my translations so I probably won’t post as many screenshots. But the ways I interpreted could be different, but more than an analysis, this is more about how I perceived and how much I enjoyed this call, because lol, I did…♡
So we start off with Jumin sighing as soon as he answers the call. To which the English version says, “God…” which I don’t actually know why it does?
The Korean version just has it written out as it is which is, “하…” (Ha…)
He asks why you are up and calling him at this hour since he was sure he told you to sleep. Also to stop fidgeting and whatnot. To which you have two choices.
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Choice 1: 그럼 머리 쓰다듬어 줘요, 잠이 안와요. My translation & translation version are the same: Then stroke my hair, I can’t sleep.
Choice 2: 후~ 이렇게 바람 부는 건 괜찮아요? My translation & translation version are the same: Hoo~ can I blow wind like this?
I am a 여우같은년 (fox like simply put, bitch lol) and I blew wind to him first buuuuuut, I’ll go with the stroke my hair choice first ^^;;;;
He says something like telling you to come closer and proposes a deal. He will stroke your hair if he can feel with his body that you are closer to him. I’m not posting a screenshot because my translation is pretty similar and only has minor differences so it would seem a bit pointless.
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Choice 1: 그런 게 어딨어요? 그냥 쓰다듬어주세요. What is that? Just stroke my hair. Translation version: Don’t be like that. Just stroke my hair.
Choice 2: 그럼 그냥 자겠습니다. Then I will just go to sleep. Translation version: I’ll just go to sleep now.
I know this man. I think we all know this man. He is a businessman and without even thinking, I just said at first in my playthrough that I would go choice two because lol, I could already predict that he would lecture me about dealing with a businessman buuuut, let’s start with choice one.
Lol, and well, this choice was really boring. It was boring because I was right lolol. He said something really similar to my business professor and I was very usgohiahp about the choice. I mean, he’s right, and honestly I used this material for a business meeting simulation and got brownie points (is that the right expression? lolol) but still. I want to make this man tempted LOL.
Let’s go the choice two.
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Hmm? That, I don’t like. Don’t turn your back on me. I don’t want to miss a single moment of your sleeping face/appearance(?).
Lol, Jumin, what was that you said about your wonderful business philosophy? ( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)
After that, he says something about how he wants you to hold your chin up and that even if it is uncomfortable, it can’t be helped because he is selfish and wants to see your face and omg i was red while relistening to this call pls help.
He also says how we should talk responsibility for being so nice to him and making him the way he is right now and uh, yeah, I’ll take responsibility anyday. Take me now pls.
I’ll talk about how the call ends for all the choices soon at the end, but for now, let’s go back to the very first choices we came across in this call.
We will blow air and lol, yeah. It’s my favorite. It was like some crazy ASMR shit and I get goosebumps every time.
You tempt him and he was briefly about to since he was contemplating to himself whether he should keep his cool or not.
If you chose this choice then you all know he wants to teach you a lesson and blow into your ear to proof how sensitive of an area it is and to feel how tempted he was and lol, I died.
I live by myself and the apartment next to me came running thinking I was in trouble. He thinks I’m crazy now lolol. It was like 1 in the morning. Sorry 오빠♡
Okay, so this is where I can’t for the love of God remember if there was only one choice or two. Because nonny said four choices, I am going to assume I didn’t get one here. Please let me know if that is the case =w=
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I understand…I won’t do it.
LOL, if there were two choices, I don’t know what came across me to choose that one because I would have been shook and just jumped the man, but apparently I chose this one haha.
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It’s too late to regret it now. Since you started it…hang up and look forward to it.
I think the English translation version is very similar to mine. Too lazy to check lolol.
Then as we all know, he wants to hang up since it is “only getting in the way” and the wonderful, “거기 가만히 있어…” (stay still).
Man, the way he says that made me feel like I was going crazy. I could not sleep that night LOL.
Okay, so your debate! What did they do after that phone call?
Goooood question! ( ͡°⁄ ⁄ ͜⁄ ⁄ʖ⁄ ⁄ ͡°) 
Well, I am definitely not an innocent mind lolol. I don’t know how to put it without sounding extremely creepy but I mean Jumin did say to look forward to what was going to happen after hanging up and I mean, my mind was already ready to pounce that man, sooooooo.
As the MC of MM in my own mind and imagination, lol. We can all assume how I think and they aren’t innocent thoughts. shoot me.
For one, he is a grown 27 (26 for outside of Korea) year old man and if anything, MC me, you, us asked for it if we were pretty much testing his patience and teasing him like that ;)
A lot of you guys know how I feel about Jumin and the topic of sexual experience because I talked about it in my old account. There were many implications in the Korean version, and frankly, the world realistically isn’t just some rainbows and unicorn thing or some magical shoujo experience where love is always innocent, as we all know.
Which is why I like this game. I mean, yes there are fictional aspects about it that definitely is too good to be true, but it isn’t so much where I can’t play it. I am usually not a fan of otome games because of many reasons. I could feel 심규혁 (Yoosung’s voice actor) in his free talk about how he was trying not to sound “오글오글” (I think it means closest to cheesy?). I think even with some cheesy aspects, I could relate to a lot of these characters because even if they are in a fictional game, they all have a pain of sorts and it isn’t always happy-go-lucky.
That was a random tangent.
So simply put, to give my answer to this debate, yeah, I’m pretty sure something went down, at least in my imagination and that is how I want to think of it ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
I have my fantasies too (^ //// ^)
I want to hear what you guys think? What was your reaction to this famous call of Jumin’s? Either leave a comment or send an ask below~^^
- 류설♡
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