#hollow knight fandom cant touch me
grollow · 1 year
Hi, hello. Same Anon who sent the first ask. Just came by to say thank you so so SO much for taking your time to answer my ask in details and I appreciate it loads. Your long explaination is so SO beautifully well-written (like seriously, you're so good with words. How are you not writing your own book yet-???).
That being said I'm still unsure I'll warm up to it just yet. Since I've recently got into HK, I'd like to test the waters with other ships and see what sticks and what doesn't. That and I'm hesitant to try it cuz I've had... traumatic experiences with popular ships in the past with other fandoms and it left me scarred so...yeah. BUT thanks to your explanation and from others, I can definitely DEFINITELY understand the appeal and unspoken potential it has and I can and WILL respect you Grollow shippers for your passion and dedication to it ^^
Also I'd like to apologize again for causing so much trouble for you with the other Anons with my ask. I really never meant for things to get so out of hand with it. I'm genuinely sorry.
On a lighter note tho, when you mentioned 'vessel for the radiance' , I thought back to a lovely AU fic in AO3 with the same name and funnily enough, the MC in that fic is the son of the Radiance and technically the nephew of Grimm whom is arranged to be married to Hollow as a 'peace treaty'. Idk why but that was the random thought that popped into my head when you said it ^^;
Ah, you didn't cause me any problems, anon! All you did was show me why the asks I've received in the past were so frustrating. Tone and intent really makes all the difference. Don't worry!
Write book... (Sweats profusely and stares openly at Blinding, which I haven't touched in a few days) ... Uhhh (gulp)
Every time you call Grollow popular I have to do a double take. I guess it kind of is the most popular ship involving both characters, but in the scope of what I consider popular, I see so much more of certain other ships (Lacenet in particular, but I also see tons of Palewatcher-- both of which I support ftr, so this is not a complaint-- as well as Quirrel/the Knight) that I never really considered it to BE a popular one. Especially considering how dead our tag is on AO3 (lighting a candle and saying a prayer for the swift return).
If I'm being honest with you, I don't think it's a good idea to write something off just because you are intimidated by the way that fandom handles it, even though past experiences make that easier. I know that instinct -- I come from animanga background, trust me, I KNOW it well -- but at the end of the day, you might be limiting yourself. For a long time, I avoided fandom entirely as a result of that, and sometimes I think I was happiest when I was full gremlin not speaking to anyone churning out fics from the heart. I wouldn't trade my friends for the world but there's a certain inner peace that comes with connecting with fandom the way that YOU want to. It involves liberal use of the block button and blacklisting tags but it does, in the end, make the internet a more enjoyable place to be.
Whether or not you come around to shipping Grollow, though, I hope I've at least shown you that our side of the fandom doesn't bite. You're welcome in my inbox any time.
I've not read that fic! Maybe I'll give it a shot. When my massive pile of back reading is done. Sweats. I'm drowning under the weight of all the things I want to read while writers block beats me up and calls me names behind Applebee's.
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mimikabii-archive · 3 years
(for the anonymous opinions thing) i haven’t actually known your stuff for that long but it’s a bit funny seeing as i also went through something similar last summer where my art blew up in a relatively new fandom and i got a boost in interaction because of it.., anyways my point is i’m glad you never felt boxed in to just do paper mario stuff and it’s cool seeing someone else just drawing what they love no matter what... you have a lot of talent
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First off thank you for this ask! That's pretty cool that you got noticed more bc of a different fandom, been through that (at least w Hollow Knight on Twitter lol). Gonna delve into the 2nd part cause that rlly resonated with me as weird as it seems
Second of, that last point I'm very glad to hear! I was actually strugglin with that from March-May to the point it was impactin my own mental health on tryin to stick with the same interest for so long (heck if you look up the los on google my username pops up ive been drawin those weirdos a week since Launch lol)
It was more a Twitter issue than a Tumblr issue cause here i can mess around meanwhile on Twitter I'm a Bit More Known there (but not as much) and I usually provided SOMETHING on a daily basis. As you can see, that mentality and being attached to One Thing is certainly a recipe for disaster.
So when I got into a different thing, it sorta made me on edge considerin the fact that I already had a base and was unsure if theyd care I mean, it's not the stuff they're used to. Sure the attention Hits Good but when you're personally not having fun then you should probably reconsider why you're doin somethin in the first place. so then it hit me.
why the heck should I care what other ppl think in terms of what i put out.
Honestly i recommend that for those that also want to get out of their own little box. if youre feelin trapped then just open ur boundaries more n just touch into somethin else for a while. Nothing says you cant go back. Eventually you'll get some interactions (now if only that can happen on Twitter...)
But yea thanks! ill keep just messin around with whatever the hell gets my interest ever so often
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captainshyguy · 4 years
not to be a little melancholic but i've been thinking a bit about all the people that have come and gone in my general social circle like. not just irl, but online too. the close friends, who eventually left, and the ones on the outskirts, but were always there. at least, for a time. the people you never quite talked to, but were in your bubble, in your life, if just for a bit. the people who will only be icon, words on a screen to me. the people who will forever be 14 in my memories, because its all i have of them 
its just...its weird yknow? not even getting into social circles from school, friends you grew apart from, friends of friends of friends in your class that you had an odd connection with
but online its like. i’ve been in a few online communities in my time. the penguins of madagscar community on fanpop, one for the same fandom on deviantart, the agents of shield one here, then the maze runner, then star wars, then mario, then star wars again...i’d say ‘and hollow knight now’ but lets be honest, i haven’t made....many friends or even mutuals through it solely X]
i guess my point is like. all of these communities were different people. and over time, whilst i’ve generally stayed put (until i was physically the last one left, and jumped ship, like fanpop) people just. they left yknow? maybe it took a couple of months, maybe a couple of years, but they did, and its such an almost...odd thing to experience
im not saying people cant leave, not at all but it just made me think how many people i’ve known, how many i’ve been friends with, how many existed in my orbit. how many i only have pieces of. and i guess...how many people’s orbits i was in. the person i was in the past lives on through each and every one of then, and i have no idea what stuck. what’s their ‘luke’ memory, their takeway. heck, some of them wouldn't even have it by that name. 
one thing im glad about in a way is like. from each of the communities that like. meant something to me, i managed to grab a few people almost. a few that also dug their heels in, a few that are still in my orbit, however close or far, but they’re there. they’re posting actively or somewhat actively and i know where to find them. and thats nice 
it just makes me wonder sometimes yknow?? how many people currently in my circle, currently in my orbit, will eventually leave one day? who will stop posting, who’s icon i simply will never see again.
i do hope, with all my heart, that all the ones that i fell out of touch with are doing well 
(im musing about specific people under the read more, WILL get long kjdfhnd) 
from my primary/secondary school i dont have anyone exactly. the closest i have is one guy i was pretty fond of but not like. romantically. i follow his youtube and whilst i dont really watch the videos seeing his face pop up every now and again is nice. but man i do think back on those secondary school friends. funnily enough by the end whilst i liked my “official” best friends i honestly ended up more fond of others. sarah, priya, shriya, zarah, zi yu, kyle. danny, introducing me to treasure planet, hiding away with him and his friends to watch films in forgotten rooms when it was near the end of the year, then liam, of course, man..its weird he was my best friend in the first few years when i moved there, then we got put in different classes so we just didnt see eahc other much. but that fondness was always, always there. god, and jake....i wonder if he thinks back fondly to the two of us pretending to be transformers. i wonder if im still jazz to him. god, and then sophia, just, not even hanging out but having our little ‘hot buttered toast’ song. i hope thats the memory she has of me. (i haven’t even listed everyone from this part, and i couldnt! it was a 7-8 year period of my life! right during my brain developmental stages!!)
its weird i was in love with ryan for nearly three years. a lot of those memories are soured knowing one of my friends spread it around school and everyone secretly knew, (and looking back i was way out of his league like, morally lol) but still. maybe once or twice a year i’ll dream about him, and for a brief moment, im there, sitting with him in geography as he shows me magic tricks, during that period i do genuinely think he liked me too (before it wore off for him lol) and im still in love. 
from college, man....ewan was like. i have a feeling he was leading me on since he had a girlfriend lmao, and was just flirting for fun bc he saw i was shy and was trying to get me to react, but it never felt like bullying yknow? i dont think he was actively trying to make fun of me. so i dont know, it was nice, it felt nice and it still kinda does. 
khairun.....im so glad i still have her. i’m still a little gay for her. i remember sitting with her on the bus, riding for hours as we were on the geology trip, and she would ramble about the game of thrones video game and she’d squint so happily and her eyes would sparkle. she talks about dark souls now and i only see her messages, but i can still feel her enthusiasm. or tanisha and fatima, my other geology friends, my maze runner friends. seeing the scorch trials with fatima in the cinema. joking about newt and thomas with tanisha. sitting around the table with my actual friend group, in the big lounge chair reading the tolkien dictonary, joking about the flash with bindiya. sleeping around maddie’s house and playing would you rather. 
heck, i didnt even touch on teachers!!! teachers i connected with so much on a genuine level!!! mrs chambers, mr hauge, mr wrght, miss lloyd, mr hutchinson, miss petra, mrs young! mrs mohammed, mr santa maria, mr longdon, miss langley, mrs maize, miss davies. i know with teachers, the kids must start to blur together at a point. but i just....i hope, at least. with those first two, they’ll remember me, just a bit. i keep having dreams where im in my old school, and i try to find them., i’ve found mr hague a few times. but until about a month ago, whenever i got to geography, miss chambers was never there. im glad i finally found her. 
then fanpop...lexii, having the same birthday as me, talking with kait and roleyplaying as penguin ocs in high stakes situations. dating dylan fkjdngjdh, rigging the club’s presidential election. its weird, i dont have a lot of memories from this time. just....just people? people posting their ocs, people drawing ech others ocs. kaitlyn, anya, kait, dylan, lexii, imaneasel, mya, peacebaby, madascargirl, kate, starslight, imogen, tressa, sammi, crystal, cc, syliva, jasmine, hikari, amber,  yellow, steff, lilly, blue, richard, monique, sharpey, hannah, icicle, ratking, cian i- god, there was so many of us. theres more, i can think of more names. there was so many
anya did what i did pretty much and went to deviantart then kinda dug her heels in and didnt leave, though i don think she’s more active on toyhouse. and yet, i still see her art there, so its nice. having her throughout the years has been nice, watching as both of our art improves. she’s always been a bit ahead of me. then cian i’ve been talknig with pretty much every day for about 6 months now, thats been nice 
and then here, man! the agents of shield fandom! man! i dont remember a lot of names honestly besides the ones who stayed, and sam. i hope sam’s okay. y’all who stayed, who are still mutuals, the hm....five of us i think? though the one ofy’all i was closest to isnt around as often X[ but still. im happy y’all are here 
some of y’all that have been around long enoguh will know i was best friends with kacie for a while. from....i think that was my brief stint in the dan and phil fandom. she. well. she’s okay, the last i heard of her. but my overtalking screwed that up i think. my last message from her, a few years later, was amicable at least. i still feel awful about that if i think on it too hard
i think i only picked up ronan from the maze runner, at least, that i talk to, yeah, right, there’s two others that are still about but i dont think we’ve ever held a convo X] 
and u current peeps! from mario, star wars and.....im not quite sure where for some of you! i love u all! especially y’all that have been around forever, just, liking each others posts every now and again., i dont know how many people you all follow, but i follow less than a 100. i might only be a blip on your radar, but i like seeing y’all, genuinely. thank you for being in my orbit. i hope i’m a comforting or at least. nice reliable presence in yours, for as long as we all stick around.  
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lost-kinn · 5 years
cant believe you two just invented a entire ship that nobody had even touched before in the hollow knight fandom and now it's a whole thing just based off your fanfic lol, i love it. let these two old bugs adopt ghost and go treasure hunting lol
u and me both anon......................... one day i’ll understand how this happened but today is not that day
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