#holy crap my old art style SUCKED
randomjellyfishy · 6 months
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I had finished a redesign for a wtdw oc today and decided to use it as an excuse to post them:3
They’re like a scrapped animatronic who’s meant to be an isopod. Their design was originally a pill bug, but I changed them to a giant sea isopod
Nothing has changed with their lore, just their design + their height is 3’8 now
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emospritelet · 6 years
KoL Prompt: 26 - “Whisky is a perfectly acceptable alternative to turkey”
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10] [Part 11] [Part 12] [Part 13] [Part 14] [Part 15] [Part 16] [Part 17] [Part 18] [Part 19] [Part 20] [Part 21]
AO3 link
Gold was beginning to wish he hadn’t agreed to come out for a drink.  Granny’s bar had been reasonably quiet when he and Dorothy had arrived, but now the dinner service was in full swing, and the raucous laughter and clatter of cutlery against plates was making him flinch.  Jefferson suggested that they get a booth, which cut a little of the noise, and ordered burgers and fries for the two of them, slapping the large padded envelope he had brought on the table next to him.  Gold wasn’t hungry, but he didn’t say anything about the burger, figuring that Jefferson wouldn’t listen, and Dorothy would probably eat it if no one else did.
He wished that he could stop stressing out over what she might find out; he told himself that it was likely that Belle both had a boyfriend and was happy with him.  After all, who would ever treat her poorly, if they were lucky enough to be with her?  Her boyfriend would be intelligent and funny and outgoing, easily making friends and with a good career.  He was probably the outdoors type, which was why he looked tanned. The two of them no doubt went hiking or skiing together.  She would have met him at college, and they would go on to get married and settle in a pretty little suburban house and have three kids who they would take upcountry at the weekends.  She’d be happy.
Jefferson was rattling on about some new procedure he’d been reading about, but Gold was only listening with half an ear as he constructed the perfect life for Belle inside his head.  Eventually Jefferson sighed, clicking his fingers in front of Gold’s eyes and making him jump.
“You’re not even listening, are you?” he said, sounding both irritated and amused.
“Sorry,” said Gold, and Jefferson shook his head.
“Fine, I’ll stop with the work talk,” he said.  “Thought it might pull you out of yourself for awhile.  You done with that drink?”
Gold nodded, pushing his glass across the table and reaching into his pocket for some cash.
“Next round’s on me.”
“Fine, but you’d better eat something when the food gets here,” warned Jefferson.  “I’m not carrying you home, okay?”
“Don’t fuss,” sighed Gold.
“Yeah, you can say that, but I still remember Glinda’s birthday party.  I’m not doing duets with you when you’re drunk: you can’t hold a high note and it cramps my karaoke style.”
Gold chuckled.
“I promise to pace myself,” he said.  “Are you working Christmas Day?”
“Nah, Whale said he’d cover,” said Jefferson.  “I covered last year, and it’s nice to spend the whole day with Grace.  You could always come over, you know.  Have Christmas dinner.”
“I’m working,” said Gold.
“After your shift, then,” said Jefferson.  “I don’t like thinking of you alone with a bottle of whisky on Christmas Day.”
“Whisky is a perfectly acceptable alternative to turkey,” said Gold absently.
“As a doctor I can assure you that isn’t the case.”
“Well, maybe I’ll come over for a drink, then,” he said, sitting back.  “It’ll probably be late, though.”
“There’ll be plenty of leftovers, don’t worry.”
“Thank you,” said Gold, and meant it.  “I suppose you’re off work on New Year’s Eve, too?”
“I’m gonna be in this place, waiting to see out the year with a bang,” confirmed Jefferson.  “You working?”
“As always.”
“Next year you should let someone else take over for once.”
“You volunteering?” asked Gold, with a grin, and Jefferson pulled a face.
“Oh, God no!”
“Thought not.”
The diner door opened with a blast of cold air, and they both looked around as Dorothy hurried over, shrugging out of her coat and pulling her hat from her head.
“Right,” she said briskly, fixing Gold with a beady eye.  “It’s as I thought.  You’re a fucking moron and the guy she’s with is just a friend.  Engaged to someone else, as it happens.  So would you pull your pretty head out of your ass and ask the poor girl out before she dies of old age?”
Gold felt his heart clench, but he tried to keep his emotions in check, reaching for his glass before realising it was empty and letting his fingertips dance awkwardly on the table top.  He licked his lips.
“She’s - she’s single?” he asked, and Dorothy rolled her eyes.
“I’d like to ask what gave you the impression that she wasn’t, but we all know low self-esteem’s a fucking drag, so just trust me on this one, okay?  She’s single.  Very single and very in love with you and very eager to say yes if you just fucking ask her.”
“Right,” he said, his voice echoing strangely in his head.  “Right.  Okay.  I - I’ll give it some thought.”
“I swear by all the gods…” she sighed, sinking into the seat opposite.  “Fine.  I’ve done my bit, it’s up to you now, you big dork.  Is that my drink?”
“I ordered a couple of burgers, as well,” said Jefferson.
“Good, I’m starving.”
She took a slurp of her drink, and Jefferson waved a hand to get Ruby’s attention.  She blushed a little as she came over, and Dorothy became very interested in her drink.  Gold rolled his eyes.
“Can we get another round?” asked Jefferson.  “And maybe an extra portion of fries?”
“Sure thing!” chirped Ruby.
She jotted down the order before trotting off, and Gold eyed Dorothy.
“You know, for someone who talks a lot of shit to me about asking people out, you’re really no better,” he said, and she frowned.
“Shut up.  I’m - preparing myself.”
“To do what?” asked Jefferson.  “Perfect the art of telepathy and ask her out that way?”
“Don’t you start on me,” she said, wagging a finger.  “I don’t see you dating anyone.”
He shrugged at that.
“Too busy being a dad,” he said.  “If Grace suddenly turns around and decides she wants another parent, I’ll be back on the market.  Besides, I haven’t had anything more serious than a one-nighter in years, and I’m way too pretty to get hurt.”
“Why am I taking relationship advice from you two idiots?” remarked Gold.
“Because we care,” said Dorothy.  “And we want to see you coming into work happy.”
“With that post-coital glow I just know Belle wants to give you,” added Jefferson.  “And that you’re just dying to give her.”
Gold frowned at him.
“I’m stressing out enough about my Secret Santa present, without worrying about something that will probably never happen, thank you.”
“Well, you could always give her one of these,” announced Jefferson, patting the padded envelope in front of him.
“What’s in there?”
“Our calendars, what do you think?”  Jefferson beamed as Gold groaned.  “I got some advance copies.  They’re shipping the rest next week.  I’m on the front cover!  Take a look!”
He opened up the envelope, sliding out three of the calendars and handing them over.  Jefferson’s picture graced the front, a pose which had him looking off into the distance as he prepared a syringe, one knee up on the edge of a gurney, the leg bent enough that it hid his genitals.  His belly was pulled taut, his muscles well-defined, and Gold could understand why he’d made the cover.
“Well, you look good,” he admitted.  “Perhaps they didn’t bother adding my picture in.  No doubt it would spoil the aesthetic.”
“Au contraire, Dr December,” said Jefferson.  “You look awesome.”
Gold began flipping through the calendar, grinning as he saw Miss Blanchard, photographed with a jug of water obscuring one breast and a small pot plant hiding the other, a thoughtful expression on her face.  Next was Graham, toned and perfect, one hand on the frame of a saline drip and another holding a patient’s chart in front of his groin.  Dorothy’s picture had her with her back to the camera, looking back over her shoulder with a glint in her eye and a grin on her face as she held up a blood pressure cuff.
“I look hella cute,” she observed.
“Okay, here are your dri— oh!”  Ruby’s eyes went wide as she saw the calendar, and she blushed fiercely, pushing the tray of drinks onto the table.  “Um - your order.”
“Thanks,” said Gold, and smiled at her.  “Charity calendars for the hospital, Miss Lucas.  Perhaps you’d like to buy one.”
“I - uh - sure,” she said lamely.  “I’d love to.  It’s - it’s for a good cause, right?”
“Nurse Gale is looking particularly fine, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Yeah,” she said, blushing harder as Dorothy buried her head in the calendar. “I’ll - um - just get your food.”
She rushed off quickly, dark hair swishing.
“I hate you,” said Dorothy, from behind the calendar.
“No you don’t.”
Gold turned the page, grinning as he saw Leroy with nothing but his security guard’s hat protecting his modesty.  The man was seriously hairy.  He turned the page again, revealing the month of May, and his heart skipped a beat. The picture was taken from above, and Belle was lying on the hospital gurney on her front, resting on her elbows.  She was completely naked, her feet kicked up behind her and crossed at the ankles.  Dark curls tumbled over her pale shoulders, and there was a medical textbook open in front of her, a copy of Gray’s Anatomy.  She was looking up at the camera through thick dark lashes, smiling slightly, a hint of promise in her expression, and he swallowed hard as his gaze travelled up the page, along the groove of her spine and over the perfect curves of her buttocks.  The sight of her made his heart thump.
“I’m guessing it’s gonna be May at your place for the rest of the year,” observed Dorothy snidely, and he sucked in a breath, flipping the page and seeing nothing.
“Holy crap, Gold, where have you been hiding that ass?” asked Jefferson.
Gold sighed, flipping through the rest of the calendar until he reached December.  Looking the picture over critically, he supposed it could have been worse.  He was standing with his back to the camera, only his nose and the edge of one cheekbone visible as he studied the chart in his hand, the other grasping the handle of his cane.  He supposed his butt wasn’t bad, considering.  It wasn’t exactly something he had ever looked at.
“I don’t say this often, but that is one biteable butt,” added Jefferson.  “Damn those loose scrubs!”
“For fuck’s sake,” he muttered, as Dorothy and Jefferson chuckled.
“Just think, pretty soon everyone in Storybrooke’s gonna see that ass,” said Dorothy.  “Pretty sure you’ll get some new admirers.  Zelena’s probably gonna paper her walls with Dr December.”
“Thanks, that’s not at all terrifying.”
“Here are your burgers, and one extra fries,” announced Ruby, sliding plates onto the table.  “Oh, nice ass, Dr Gold.”
Gold frowned as Dorothy and Jefferson snickered.
“Told you,” said Dorothy.
“Miss Lucas, are you single?” asked Gold suddenly, and Ruby looked confused.
“I - uh - yeah, why?”
“Oh good,” he said lightly.  “Because Dorothy here is also single and would very much like to buy you a drink.  In fact why don’t I buy you both a drink and you can go and sit in a quiet corner somewhere and get to know each other? There’s some mistletoe over by the bar, I believe it’s an excellent ice-breaker when people want to kiss each other.”
Ruby’s mouth had fallen open a little and a shade of red was spreading up her cheeks.  Dorothy rounded on Gold with a look of fury in her eyes.
“Oh, so you can’t say ‘hi’ to Belle without freaking out like a big wuss, but the chance to embarrass me and all of a sudden you can’t stop flapping your mouth?”
“Oh my God, does he like Belle?” asked Ruby, wide-eyed.
“It’s - it’s not like that…” began Gold.
“Yes it is,” said Jefferson and Dorothy, and Ruby sighed in relief.
“Thank God, I was ready to ask you out for her myself,” she said.  “She likes you, okay?  More than likes you, if you must know.  Just ask her out and stop being a dork about it.”
She wandered off, still blushing, and Gold glared at her back.
“There,” said Dorothy, sounding satisfied.  “You heard the woman.”
“Fine!” he snapped.  “I’ll do it, if only to shut you up!”
“Never gonna happen, but okay.”
Gold flipped the calendar closed, cutting off the view of his rear end and reaching for his drink.  He was going to do it.  He was going to ask her out.  It was time.
“So it’s a no on the calendar for a Secret Santa present?” asked Jefferson. “Pity, that would have been easy.”
“She’ll already have ordered one,” he said grumpily.  “I need to get her something more - her.  Unique.”
“Well, that’s easy,” said Jefferson.  “Just think about what she likes, and what would make her happy.  Then try and condense that into something that costs around thirty bucks.  Piece of cake.”
“Easy for you to say,” said Gold absently, and tapped his fingers on the table top.  Something that would make her happy.  I wonder…
A thought occurred to him, and he sat up straight as it took form.  It might take some effort, and it wouldn’t technically cost anything beyond the calling-in of a favour, but if he could make it work, it would be perfect.  He grinned as he thought about it, reaching out for one of the fries.  Perhaps the festive season wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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afterourhearts · 6 years
This just in: Kim’s Convenience Better than Fresh off the Boat - Much, Much Better
Okay, it’s probably old news for some of you, but I just recently finished binging Kim’s Convenience and holy crap it was amazing. Remember me, a few months back, ripping on Wong Fu’s little short story about Asian-American dude and also on Fresh off the Boat? It’s not that I’m hard to please... they just fell short and were receiving praise just for their novelty and not really because the storytelling was anything good. So when friends told me to start KC, I was like hmm brace yourself Amy for another colossal disappointment and misrepresentation of Asian-Americans, BUT I WAS WRONG. I WAS SO WRONG. KC nails a lot of stuff spot on actually. Even though its about a Korean immigrant fam, even as a Chinese-American I could relate. Korean nationalism/pride permeates throughout, which is hilarious because it’s so true, have you ever met a Korean who doesn’t think Koreans are the best Asian race ever created, lmao... but also, something I really enjoy is that the PARENTS ARE ACTUALLY DEVELOPED AND REAL AND AUTHENTIC unlike in FOTB where they’re just like white-worshipping assimilation-obsessed one-dimensional caricatures. Mr. and Mrs. Kim are like, parents that act like real immigrant parents would, and instead of just showing them be “strict” and stubborn without reason, YOU SEE THE REASONS, and in very nuanced ways, unlike the loud and obvious WongFu style where everything is laid out for you in script as if you had the critical thinking skills of a 7 year old. When the mom in FOTB starts one of her strict Asian mom rants I just want to eye-roll and fast forward but when Mr. Kim yells at his daughter for being ungrateful when he’s literally given everything he has to her it takes me right back to like, last month when my dad delivered the same ass lecture in the same way. KC doesn’t just make fun of these things Asian parents do - it portrays these human beings and immigrant families as real, rational, humanistic, people. 
For those of you who don’t know what KC is about, basically a Korean fam owns a convenience store in Canada, there’s a son who dropped outta HS and ran away from home because poor relationship with his dad, and a daughter who is I guess more of the “model student” but also not because she is in art school. So the parents aren’t the most conservative parents out there but they also aren’t by any means liberal. They go to church and the hypocrisy of Korean church culture could be developed more but it’s at least somewhat developed. Mostly I’m amazed by how accurate that strained father-son relationship is. We don’t like to talk about it, but Asian kids run away from home. I know of someone and you probably know of someone too. Or, if they didn’t run away from home, they’re just flat out not on speaking terms with their parents anymore. The generational gap can cause divides that seem irreparable. At this point in KC, the relationship is still strained, but it’s also so real and I appreciate that so much. You don’t just see an unreasonable father who you blame the entirety of the strained relationship on - you also see a son who buys so much into Western culture that he fails to see the Eastern way his dad shows love, and is trained into assuming the worst of his dad because of a lack of cultural understanding and not because the dad is a bad dad. One of the biggest issues I have with what gets misrepresented for Asians = our parents. I feel like non-Asians think of Asian parents as like, these devoid of emotion robots who abuse the shit out of their children, which is just so untrue, and what sucks is that a lot of Asian kids who grow up in white-dominated cultures start buying into the white way to raise children being the RIGHT way to raise children, and a lot of these “can’t fix” relationships stem from that friction. And when white people are just like lol these parents are the reasons their kids are messed up it just reinforces the divided relationship. KC doesn’t do that, and it makes me emotional just thinking about how glad I am it doesn’t do that. Thank you KC for tackling the complexity of these immigrant fam relationships with attention to authenticity. Thank you for not becoming the shallow, white-pandering joke of a show FOTB is. Just, thanks, and keep churning out the seasons please. Some white guy was ripping on KC the other day and saying it was way worse than FOTB which only further emphasizes my point that FOTB has found its target audience and it ain’t us Asians, lol. Don’t listen to the white reviewers about our Asian shows. Gogogo give KC a chance, I complain about everything and I even loved this haha. 
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thcbcys · 6 years
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Time to talk about my year and some people I’ve met / Been around a lot in 2018.
Alright, So I started 2018 off in the South park fandom, as I did in 2017 as well. It was fine until Drama started rolling in and I started openly talking about my problems. I got ignored a lot and Had to have some of my actual BFF’s calm me down at times. It had been a shitty few months in this year, Most of the people I use to talk to stopped talking to me, Blocked me or have deactivated and lost contact with. But There’s good some good memories in there, I met a few people I called my family and I love them dearly, I met my lovely girlfriend...and Ex girlfriend this year as well. 
School sucked, I moved a lot and well I still don’t have any real life friends besides my cousin and best friend who I rarely see because She’s gone off to CEGEP / University ATM. I got bullied again and got called names a lot, I’ve gotten comments about my looks and my problems and How I always looked so depressed and down all the time. I guess that was because I was having a shitty time...I mean, I had been moving around a lot, I moved schools 4-5 times in the past 2 years and honestly I was just getting tired of being stabbed in the back by people. So This was the year I started cutting myself, Crying myself to sleep, being more quiet about being sad and triggers started affecting me even more then they use to. My family was being a bitch, My mother was making me her slave while she was on crutches, my dad and I fought, I wanted to move in with my grandmother, I wanted to run away a few times as well. 
Good things that came out of this year actually was I started learning a lot about myself, Like Gender issues and Sexuality. I learned that I really liked girls A LOT. I figured out my art style and kept developing on it. I joined a fandom I was accepted in, Made some really great and beautiful people and Got myself a lovely girlfriend that I love so much. I moved back to my old down as well. I’m going to be graduating this year as well...So yeah. 
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Now Ig’s Its time to talk about some of the people I met and Loved this year a lot??
@stcrmclcud: My best friend, Holy fuck man. Abi’s always there for me and Just knows how to make me smile all the time. She’s a beautiful being that just wow...That’s been my friend for almost 2-3 years now? Like fuck, That’s the longest I’ve ever had a friend for man. This girl here, I would fucking die for her if she asked me to, I wouldn’t even hesitate. Just I’m gonna love Abi until she gets sick of me, Because holy fuck man,,,, Just wow. ily bitch, I ain’t ever gonna stop loving you bitch
@homeonethewastes: !! Darkness holy shit, You are the one and only true fucking friend to have,,, Like FUCK. This man here stayed up with me one whole night a few times because I was feeling suicidal and just crying a lot. He calmed me down once others went to be and just wow. This is the truest friend you could ever have. He’s a big sweetie who needs to learn that he isn’t ugly at all! He needs to fucking remember that I love him sm because GODDDDDD I would die for him too, Like shoot me for him, Pls just let me die for you. Our chats / shitposts are great and I love when we talk and shitpost, I jst love talking with you man. You and Abi are like the main reasons I haven’t left the internet RPC community. 
@kahlvin-cycle: This man right here, This is a man I love. Fucking ALEKS, I love a man named Aleks so much like holy fucking shit. We started out in the middle of this year fucking shit posting, That was our first fucking interaction together ;; Door knob Dick Donovan. And then boom, We became friends after that jewbfew. Listen okay, Aleks is a big fucking sweetie and I love him with my whole heart, He’s another reason Why I haven’t left the Internet as well. His writing is amazing, His art makes me NUT, Just w o w. You need to learn to love yourself or else I’m gonna kick your ass. Another lovely man I would Die for as well. Just /Murder me for him/
@whitetrashugly: SUNI, My big brother,, This boy here holy fucking tiddys. I love him sm, Like??? You don’t understand???? He’s a big fucking sweetie, Has tired and probably still will try and fight someone for me. He’s helped me out so much threw the years, I’ve known him since I started in the South park community, And I will continue to be in contact with him because oof <3 Why wouldn’t I? Bitch ily sm
@creekbrat: LYALL YOU LOVELY PIECE OF CAKE. Guys, this human right here, ya this is a good person and I love them so fucking much. Lyall is a big fucking sweetie and just wow, A fucking joy to be around, Their art is great, I love their selfies as well just ooffff <3 I honestly count Lyall as a good friend of mine, Even if we don’t talk as much as I want to ;y;
@marjorinetenorman: Nyx, My lovely girlfriend. Oof I love you so fucking much, Like holy crap. You’re so beautiful and lovely and I just wanna hug and kiss you all the time. Like, I don’t get why some people don’t like you, Their clearly weird honestly. I don’t see what they see, you are a fucking joy to be around, the conversations we have together are fucking sweet and just wow. I’m so fucking happy to have you as my S/O and I just wish we continue for a long while. <3
@violetreflectixn: Rattie,, omg okay so like.....I started off being so scared to talk to you. And then you brought up that you were into Btd,,, and then I started talking to you ;y; I was a nervous bean. You were there for me when the shit went down in the BTD fandom, you were there for me when I felt like shit. Like wow, You really didn’t need to do that ;y; but you did and I’m like super thankful that you did <3 I’m like super glad to have met you! 
@youbxstards: KITTY, You big fucking sweetie!! Aaaa!! This here, This is the best fucking person you could ever meet. She’s always there for you, she helps you when your down, She’s a big joy to be around, Like holy fuck. She’s like a big sister to me, A mom as well. She watched over me for a while and I was so thankful that she did. ;y; I believe I was the reason she came into the south park fandom,, So that’s a thing,, I encouraged her to make a Kyle blog after we were talking about it on another one of her old blogs. 
@dcvotiion: mmm Jeremy, This big fucking bean. This big lovely fucking bean. I was so terrified to talk with you?? Like?? I was just so fucking nervous. And then I started talking with rattie and then met you and just oof. You were there for me too when I was getting harassed ;y; I’m so fucking happy about that like,, wow,, you didn’t need to do that ether but you did. You’re a big sweetie and ily so much. We have some pretty interesting conversations too wefhbjewbh even if they get weird at times. 
@nathanthesoldierboy: Nat,,, Just,,,,omfg<3 This boy here, Ya I fucking love his to pieces. Like, Hes a huge fucking sweetie pants and I wish he would let me help him and make him feel better Like,,, Pls I wish to make you happy, let me do this as a friend. His character is just wow, Himself is just WOW. I love you sm like?? Even if we’ve been mutuals for what? 2-3 months now? idfc, I love you man. I just wanna talk with you a lot more tho ;y; pwease senpai. 
@mayhemandmonsters: Code, You are a fucking lovable potato and I love you,, Like FUCK. You’re so sweet?? and kind?? and Loving and I just?? Can i get some of that. I’m still a nervous wreck to talk to you ;y; But I manage to at least have a conversation in the sever with you from time to time. :”) I just wish to conjure the balls to have a full on conversation on day.
@how-to-train-your-slytherin: Chase love sweetie, doll. I love you. You’re so fucking adorable and kind and I just scream?? Because wow, How can someone be so fucking cute. You’re such a joy, Like holy god, I seem to laugh a lot with the stuff you say and the interactions you have with Kenny. Just ;y; omg I love you,,,
@kill-me-again-im-still-conscious:  Toshire.. I’ve talked to you for what? A few weeks now, I don’t fucking care. I still love you and if anything happens to you I’m killing everyone In the room and then myself. You are a fucking doll and just wow, ily. We need to talk more, We must conversation a bit and help me be a human being. 
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
It has been a while since Jaxnyi cleaned out her room. Not many know about it but she does art in her free time. Still does it as a freelance work though she often times run into roadblocks. Every now and then when she’s in the mood, she expresses her emotions through her art. Before was a different story. Jaxnyi used to do art a lot before, having the motivation and commitment to do so.
She rummaged through her art room, looking through old, unfinished sketches and paintings that she knows she’ll never finish, crumpling them up or just tossing them in a big bin that she’ll throw away. Heading to her cabinet, she groaned in annoyance seeing just a bunch of stacks of paper stuffed in there and decided to take it all out for her to not bother on whether she should keep some or throw away. Easier to just throw it all away.
Struggling to get the whole stack out, she eventually did and some of it fell on the floor. “Fuck!” The blue blood cursed to herself, laying the large stack on the ground and picking up whatever fell off. Wasn’t until one particular sketch caught her eye. She remembers this one sketch. In fact, it is a picture of a girl, beautifully detailed flowers wrapped around the individual with the background being a meadow with a single tree. It was merely a sketch but it was entirely done and she would’ve began coloring it. She didn’t.
She remembers this girl very vividly. She remembers what had happened and to this day, she doesn’t know what she would do if she comes across her again. What kind of outcome could change if she just confronted her then and there? Jaxnyi will never know. But the one thing that bothers is how much she sees this person. In her dreams and sometimes she thinks she sees her out in public. The face is familiar but the name is lost to her. It’s been so long.
- - - PAST - - -
Jaxnyi sat on a table in a cafe, sketching out the outside from what they were seeing to get a particular scene. It’s difficult at times to get the right details with many people walking by but they do their best to catch the specific details when they get a glimpse of it through the crowd. As they sketched away, a girl to came to their table which caught their eye, looking up at her. “Hi?” The blue blood spoke. “Is there... something you need?”
“Oh sorry!” She stammered her words a bit while holding a cup of coffee. “I was wondering if it was okay to sit here with you... I didn’t want to be a bother since you look busy and all that.”
“Huh? Oh, no, it’s fine! You can sit at this table.” They smiled at them.
“Thank you!” The girl sat down across from them, a bit curious from what the other is drawing as they were back at the sketch again, every now and then looking up to the window. “Whatcha drawing?”
The sudden question caught Jaxnyi by surprise, looking up at her as she’s just smiling at them but obviously their eyes says they’re anxious to see what it is. “Oh um. I’m just drawing the flower store across from here. Um... look!” They held it up to show their progress to her. Half way done but it shows that they captured the details of the flower store that it shocked the girl as she looks to her right at the window, seeing the same building and looking back at the sketch.
“That looks amazing! Holy crap!”
“Uh... thank you!” They chuckled a little, blushing a bit from the compliment and just hid their face with their hair.
“Do you draw a lot?”
“Yeah. I do it to keep myself from getting bored. Other times it’s usually if people pay me to draw a certain thing. Sometimes it goes well and... sometimes it doesn’t.” Jaxnyi paused for a bit but smiled. “But! It’s something to make a living out of.”
“That’s really neat. I wish I could draw.”
“Well... it’s not hard. I-I mean it is! Depending on what you are striving for and how you go about it. It takes a lot of practice and sometimes it takes a lot of tries once you find your own... telling? Style? In a way?”
The girl let out an annoyed groan hearing all that but then got an idea, looking at the blue blood with sparkles in her eyes. “Do you think you can teach me?”
“Yeah! In exchange, I can teach you how to sing!”
“You... sing?”
“To myself. It’s my favorite hobby? I guess you can call it? There’s never a moment I don’t sing. And it helps me get in a good mood if I had a shitty day.” She giggled.
“I... guess that’s a good exchange. I never sung before... hmm.”
“Soooooo how about now?”
“Pretty please! I’m dying to learn how!”
“Um... sure! If you don’t have any other plans, we can head straight to my place.”
“I’m ready when you are! OH! Crap! Where are my manners?! My name is [UNKNOWN].”
“It’s good to meet you. Mine is Jaxnyi. You can call me Jax, if you want to.”
“That’s a cool name. I like it!”
The girl smiled and Jaxnyi returned one themselves, blushing a bit from the compliments once more.
Much later on, it wouldn’t be until they both went through the whole process of what they both wanted, merely what she wanted and offering something in return, but they both had fun with it. They would meet each other on numerous occasions and it got to the point that they both developed feelings for each other.
Jaxnyi set up a day for them to meet each other and they both strolled through the park together, talking about each other’s day and how busy everything is.
“So! We had to rush the order right away because of the demand and it was just... UGH! So damn hectic and busy!” The girl finished her story.
“That sucks.” Jaxnyi replied. “You made it through the day though!”
“Yeah. I guess so...”
As they both stopped, Jaxnyi thought through what they wanted to say, feeling lost in their own head and trying to find the right words to say it. Without any hesitation, and wanting to just get over with it, they finally said it. “Hey... um... we’ve been seeing each other for a while now and uh...”
“... You want to ask me to be your matesprit...”
From there, Jaxnyi was a bit surprised that she took the words right out of their head. “Um... yeah!”
“Holy crap... I uh... I wanted to say that to you!”
“W-Wait really?” Now they’re even more surprised but happy about this outcome.
“Yeah! I-I-I mean... I would love to! Holy shit... you have no idea how long I was rehearsing this in my head this whole day. It was driving me nuts!” And without any warning, she brought them in to a kiss, pressing her lips to theirs. The blue blood didn’t know how to process any of what just happened now but they were happy with the outcome.
When they both separated, they pressed on each other’s foreheads and merely giggled to each other. “I love you...”
“Love you, too~”
Days went on and eventually both of them live together. Jaxnyi moved in with her and trying their best to get along with her lusus, seeming that her lusus is very protective, understandable. To Jaxnyi, it seemed like a better life. Even on the days when they are at their worst, she’s there to have a shoulder to lean on.
It seems to be one of those days. A knock on the door was heard and Jaxnyi got up to open it. “Hello?” The person in front of them was on of their clients that commissioned them to do a specific art piece.
“Hey uh... I’m gonna need to cancel that commission.”
“Wh-what...?” Jaxnyi was confused. They were almost done with the piece of art at this current moment.
“I said I’m cancelling it.”
“But... I’m merely done with it... and you paid me already for it at this point.”
“I don’t care. I’m saying I’m cancelling it ‘cause I got to someone who is willing to pay cheaper for it.”
Without any other words, Jaxnyi nodded to them, telling them they will relay their money back to their account. The client accepted this and leaves, the blue blood closing the door and walked back to the living room with a concerned matesprit. “It’s okay, hun...” She brings them in to her embrace, rubbing their shoulder comfortingly. “I know you worked hard on that piece...”
“It just... they would get what they paid me to do but just... making up their mind when I told them it’s nearly done...” They let out a sigh, feeling their hair being caressed as they just closed their eyes. “It’s aggravating...”
“There’s always others that will actually wait for your finished work. And they’ll get what they paid for. For now... just... forget about that asshole. Just focus on what comes next!”
Jaxnyi smiled, opening their eyes and looked up at her. “Thanks... I love you...” She gives them a peck on the top of their head and hummed happily to them.
Months went by and coming up is their second anniversary together. Jaxnyi has been spending days on end working on a certain art piece but constantly teased her about it. A special piece that meant a lot to them and they think they’ll love it. When the day finally arrived, the blue blood had the finished sketch and flowers, heading to the cafe of where they’ll meet her. The same place where they first met.
They were in a great mood. They couldn’t hold their excitement. Across the street from the cafe, Jaxnyi sees their matesprit sitting at a table along with a guy they have never seen before. Possibly a friend from her work place? Perhaps. With the items in their hands, Jaxnyi crossed the street, getting through the busy crowd. Through that time, thoughts of what could happen began racing in their head. Hint of jealousy began to swell up inside as they looked back at her and even through the glimpses among the crowd, they saw what they didn’t want to see. Both her and the stranger exchanging a kiss to one another. Lip to lip and the stranger offering her a gift.
“No... that... wh-why...?” Jaxnyi stopped in their tracks. It almost as if the world around them slowed and everything was muted. A constant ringing noise was the only they heard as they dropped the flowers on the ground. They are trying their best to hold back the tears, rolling their art piece and it in their inner pocket of their jacket. From there, they don’t what happened all throughout the day. Jaxnyi’s body went on autopilot, heading back home, gathering their own things, and leaving without a trace.
They remember few things that happened that day but all they know that they are now in some random alley, sobbing to themselves. They were confused. They thought they were both happy together. Why cheat on them? So many things going through their mind. Panting and letting out shaky breaths, they wiped away the tears, rummaging through their pocket to see how much money they have on them.
Getting up, they walked around and found a motel for them to stay in the mean time until they find their lusus and find a new home together. As they settled in, they sat in the middle of the floor, taking out the art piece they were finished with. What’s the point of it now? It’s no longer special if the person they drew it for betrayed their love like that. Jaxnyi wants to rip it. Tear it up into pieces. Part of them can’t. No matter how much they want to, they just can’t. The blue blood looks at it one more time, hides it among their binder full of other scraps of paper, hoping they’ll forget about it. Perhaps forgetting this will help them. Perhaps...
- - - PRESENT - - -
Jaxnyi stared at the art piece, placing it on her desk as she just sits their in silence. She remembers this scenario. On the ground, her thoughts on that day as she just tries to think what went wrong or what she could’ve done to prevent it. In the end, there’s nothing she could do. Even she knows that she did a terrible thing by just disappearing without leaving a note or anything. She can’t change the past.
“I... I hope she’s doing okay...” Jaxnyi spoke to herself. “Maybe she’s happy with that guy she’s with... I... I hope so... maybe even happier with him than... with me...” The blue blood began tearing up, cursing under her breath as just grabs whatever pieces of papers that were on the floor still and just crumples them up in her hands as she just forms a fist fist. “F-Fuck... god fucking...” She sobbed, trying to calm herself down and thought up of something that was taught to her, humming  softly to herself albeit a bit quiet from her shaky breath, slowly calming down as she wipes away the tears from her face. “... I r-r-remember the face, but I can’t recall the name... now I wonder how wh-wh-what’s her name has... been...”
0 notes
hyungtop · 7 years
Could you do an intro post for vixx like you did for sf9?
so for those of y’all who read my sf9 intro post, i’m sorry bc this is prob gonna be a lot longer I”M SORRY how can you guys ask me to do this for my faves
vixx (synonymous with “concept kings”) stands for “visual, voice, value in excelsis,” which is meant to say that vixx has the best vocals/visuals and all that but after 5 years many people think that the “v” in vixx also stands for violence oops. before debut, they were in a survival show called mydol with a few other trainees. under jellyfish entertainment, vixx debuted may 24, 2012 with the song superhero. since then, vixx have been known as concept-dols because of the way they incorporate themes into their teasers, outfits, mv and go way beyond in terms of expressing these particular concepts.
one thing you have to know about vixx is that they’re relatively popular but somewhat overlooked because they create music and concepts that they are interested in, which don’t necessarily overlap with what the majority of the kpop consumer body wants to see or hear. but they don’t care. they are happy making music and are grateful for all of their fans, no matter how small or big their fanbase is.
(another thing: vixx is literally 80% legs)
vixx’s fanbase name is starlight! starlights are known to be very respectful of the group’s space and privacy and for that reason the members are pretty “close” to us, their fans.
n (cha hakyeon)
born june 30, 1990
main dancer, lead vocalist, leader
is actually perfect: sings, dances, choreographs, acts, cooks and is responsible, caring, hard-working, treats everyone with respect
neck chops
known for his sexy gaze and charisma onstage
has a very stressful job watching over five hooligans
beautifully tanned skin that he takes very good care of
proudly watches over vixx as they cheat on variety segments during games
kinda insecure abt showing his forehead which sucks bc it is glorious
a makeup genius, as shown on lipstick prince s2
lead in “in the heights” musical
has acted in web dramas and dramas like sassy go go, what’s with money, tunnel, perfect wife
makes candles in his free time and i believe the profits from what he sells go to charity
has choreographed bits of vixx’s choreography over the years and most recently choreographed “take it out” by myteen
do yourself a favor and watch some n fancams after you finish reading this post
leo (jung taekwoon)
born nov. 10, 1990
main vocalist, composer
mr hot body, resident shoulder gangster and athlete
used to be painfully shy on camera but recently he’s opened up a lot. before he used to give cold stares but now he’s screaming and smiling and laughing
huge soft spot for cute things, mostly babies and animals
powerful vocals
but has a soft, sweet speaking voice
hyuk’s ramen shuttle
yaoi hands
iconic long hair during hyde era
ripped jeans
nicknamed “hamzzi” (hamster) by ravi and it kind of stuck…
but it’s a fitting nickname, leo’s always stuffing his cheeks with food bc food > camera
really really likes coffee
also called the head fairy because he bows his head and shows the top of it when he’s embarrassed
has acted in musicals like full house, monte cristo, mata hari
he used to be vixx’s dad but now he’s more like vixx’s grandpa
wishes for the good old days when hyuk and the rest of vixx used to take him seriously
ken (lee jaehwan)
born april 6, 1992
main vocalist
aegyo king/wink fairy
starlights are his babies
bffs with bts jin and b1a4′s sandeul (@ celebrity bromance where is my 92 grandpa squad episode) and also exid’s hani!!!
hair porn
wiggly butt
an expensive hoe…he has so many shoes and overly expensive casual clothes
proud of his big nose
loves attention from the members
angry gamer
beautiful, goosebump-inducing falsetto
has a dirty mouth and has gotten in trouble for it…but it’s okay(if you watch vixx mtv diary there’s one episode where he starts cussing in english to lose a game)
rising musical actor, starred in chess, cinderella, and hamlet
also acted in the drama boardinghouse 24
loves to draw! he’s had a few “art lesson” vlives and draws the characters for their vixx tv videos
eats everything in sight
but he’s been working really hard and is going around shirtless now (famously dubbed as “having a tits party”)
ravi (kim wonshik)
born feb. 15, 1993
main rapper, lead dancer, vocalist
loves dogs and is a doggy daddy, he has a french bulldog named butt aka ongdongie (don’t go googling “ravi butt” now)
in the top 10 idols with royalties, boi is raking in the $$$$
resident fashionista, looks good in any style and any clothing (and any hair)
currently has 5 tattoos
deeeeeeeeeeeeep voice
seems very manly but is actually the softest and cries the most
knows how to work DEm HIPS
very touchy, especially loves doting on ken
expressive eyebrows
loves his younger sister and wanted to become a bodyguard for her when he grew up
hates bugs holy crap it’s not even a joke he is terrified of them
shy with girls
he’s going to lose his hair at this rate he’s been every single shade of the rainbow and more
professional photobomber/meme
has cute cheekbones that come out when he smiles
is a little bit of a shit to n but we know ravi loves him
debuted as a solo artist in january 2017 with bomb
judging since born sept. 29, 1993
vocalist/rapper, visual
savage motherfucker but also smiley cutesy bean who laughs at everything
ravi’s soulmate
signature dimples and toothy smile
very deep but sweet and clear voice
cringe fists when he’s embarrassed
underrates himself and it’s really sad bc he’s way more than just a face if he made it this far
arms and jawline sculpted by the gods
teased for his short legs and baby hands
notable achievement: ranked #7 globally in overwatch for playing hanzo (sorry i don’t know gaming terms)
kind of emotionally constipated. he said he would “follow n anywhere” but mostly just acts like his life’s goal is to be as far away from him as possible
can be kind of mature but automatically turns into a huge dumb when put together with hyuk
well-known for his role as wang chiang in moorim school
recently starred in the drama “wednesdays at 3:30pm” check it out on viki it’s super cute!
hyuk (han sanghyuk)
born july 5, 1995
lead dancer, vocalist, maknae
from daejeon, making him the only member not from seoul
the boss of vixx
a die-hard belieber
used to be terrified of leo but grew 5 inches and muscles and now leo is his punching bag
but honestly everyone is his punching bag…except hongbin
hyuk is hongbin’s prodigy so there’s some obligatory respect there
aspiring songwriter and rapper
potato nose
fiercely competitive
hates aegyo
also a huge gamer nerd with hongbin
once abandoned by 5vixx at a gas station when he was only 16 or 17 and many speculate that this was the beginning of the end of sweet maknae hyuk
the worst cook in vixx, he can’t even fry an egg
always covering his smile
english cover king
very very wild dancer
up and coming actor! he starred in the 2016 film “chasing” as an overly aggressive delinquent with a dirty mouth and has a webdrama coming out in october with apink’s chorong!
list of comebacks and respective concepts:
superhero; may 2012
rock ur body: august 2012
on and on; vampires; april 2013
hyde/gr8u: jekyll/hyde; may/july 2013
voodoo doll: blood and gore warning; november 2013
eternity: time travelers; may 2014
error: androids; november 2014
love equation: probably the most “mainstream” song they’ve done; march 2015
chained up: love slaves; november 2015
dynamite: zelos (jealousy); april 2016
fantasy: hades (death); august 2016
the closer: kratos (destruction); october 2016
shangri la: paradise; may 2017
scentist: perfumers/scent; april 2018
some other non-title tracks that are treasures:
light up the darkness* // spider // love me do* // desperate* // black out
*choreographed by cha leader
vixx lr subunit:
vixx lr consists of leo and ravi. they had a subunit debut in august of 2015 with beautiful liar and more recently came back with whisper in late august 2017. both leo and ravi are heavily involved with song production, with both of them writing lyrics and composing for tracks on these albums.
beautiful liar
words to say
beautiful night
important videos:
plan v diary
only u
this iconic hyde performance I’M SORRY
stress come on!
blossom tears
one fine day (subbed episodes here)
bingo talk
white day // bloopers
ask in a box 1 2
king of masked singer n leo ken
asia where vixx loves
star 360 1 2
ken on duet song festival
i want to fall in love
don’t go today
moon of seoul
hyuk’s covers
call you mine
love yourself
hug (original)
ships: most of the ship names are pretty easy to figure out. the most popular ones are probably wontaek (leo/ravi), neo, keo, raken/kenvi, rabin, luck (leo/hyuk), chabin (n/hongbin).
i hope this helps! let me know if any of the links are funky :)
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artsy-alice · 7 years
Hi koa-chan! I only know you for We Are Young and Sparks but when I checked your Fanfiction profile I was really surprised!!! You have 90 fics?! Thats so many!!! :O Can I ask what's your favorite fic you have written?
I received this ask like a month or two ago? Sorry anon I was busy and… didn’t really want to go through my fanfic archive just yet :P But now I have some free time so—
I have written quite… a lot? More than the 90 in FF.Net, really, since my Voltron Sheith Bleach AU and Alikou Week fics are only in Ao3, and also some oneshot/drabbles I never really put up online :P I’ve been writing for around 10 years and I’ve been into many fandoms!
Hmm. My favorite fics I’ve written…Well, here goes, in no particular order:
We Are Young (Fairy Tail, High School AU) - my baby for 3 years, I love it so much.
Sparks (Fairy Tail, Dance/Musical AU) - because it was so challenging but so much fun to write!
Four Speeches (Fairy Tail) - my first FT fanfic, and good old LoLu.
Flowers in Her Hair (Ano Hana) - the flower fic I’ve always wanted to write, worried for a month over, and then actually managed to write.
Your Universe (Magi, the Alikou Week fanfic) - because… i was able to write… exactly what I wanted to write? for once?
Semper Fidelis (Code Geass) - people call this my ‘comeback piece’ but I always consider as the ‘line’ between my older works and my newer, more nuanced writing style.
Cradle (Naruto) - i left the fandom for a really really really long time without a single contribution, read only the ending, speed-wrote this 15k-word headcanon compilation after the movie, dropped it in the ship tag, then left again. i did not expect the amount of love it would receive.
Haven (Magi) - Reim fam goodness!
Need (Bleach) - that good ol’ IchiRuki angst yo.
My Rainbow and My Sky (Code Geass)- when I first realised I am really… really starting to love CLuCLu…
Not Duty, Nor Responsibility (Double Arts) - WE HAVE LIKE TWENTY FICS IN THE WHOLE FUCKING ARCHIVE THERE’S A REASON I HAVE A ‘double arts comes to me like seasonal depression’ TAG???
Best Friends (Code Geass) - just CC and VV being silly together and making immortal jokes
Thane and Maiden (Garth Nix’s Seventh Tower Series) - i’m just… really fond of it?
The SteinMarie Domestic Bliss Trilogy (Soul Eater) - it’s filled with typos but I love each of them dearly
First Kiss (Kimi to Boku) - *sweats* holy crap this was so shoujo oh god H E L P *muffled screaming* IT’S SO FLUFFY. i can’t keep a straight face that’s how silly embarrassing cute pure wholesome this ship is i just… i can’t
…and that’s it! Some of them are my faves because I think they’re good, while some of them might suck but I was really fond of them.
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redphienix · 5 years
Alright, it’s an improper moment to let this ramble commence- literally moments after getting all emotional about vibeo games I already beat because I’m researching to write (or try to) a fic about it and reliving it through a replay made me emotion heavy- but let me say a fuckin’ thing about monster hunter for a second.
My hunting partner and I have reconnected, or are trying to, after our falling out and things are going well and I’m happy and all that jazz- unimportant (outside of explaining why I’m looking at monhun again before Iceborne has come).
And yesterday we got to talking.
You see, we love World, we do, but we have a lot of things in world that we find infinitely pick-a-part-able because not everything in world is an upgrade to the monhun formula.
Just for shits and giggles, a short and unexpanded upon list of things I’m not about to ramble about but still suck would be:
Weapon designs are boring and crap- severe lack of “awesome” “silly” and “ridiculous” in favor of “steal blade with a flab of scales on it”.
The adjustment to RNG by taking charms out of tables, removing crafting of decorations, and changing how skills work AS A WHOLE (as in the three systems put together in world) has given us a net gain of RNG rather than a net loss and it’s just altogether more fucking annoying. (IE: Get an ‘okay’ charm in old monhun and you’re feeling fine enough, but there is no such thing as an ‘okay’ decoration in world so there is no equivalent, you either get 500 worthless decs or ONE good one which isn’t enough to make a build- compare that to old monhun where even with bad RNG you could fit 2/3rd of your build without the charm and an ‘okay’ charm would fill you out more than well enough- the RNG in world for fine tuning builds is simply worse. We should be able to craft decs again, even if they made them all take gems to make it’d be infinitely more rewarding and I said I wouldn’t expand on this but holy hell it’s a pet peeve).
Poor implementation of the gathering hub leading to online interactions feeling more ‘loose’ and ‘unimportant’. (also partly SOS’s fault but I think SOS is more good than bad)
Arena doesn’t give nearly enough actually useful rewards (could be bias from blackbelt torso up memories so this is a BS point)
Slinger is half baked and feels like it should just be forgotten altogether (upcoming expansion seems to want to fix this and the claw is a plus but the countless ‘scatter shotgun blast mid combo’ moves are.... not. It looks entirely weak and worthless)
True Charge for GS is bad, come at me. Old GS was consistent, new GS moveset convinces new hunters to only go for TS which means they contribute nothing and likely quit playing, and ignoring that- regular charge? hits in front of you, strong charge? hits in front of you, true charge? hits awkwardly two meters away from you with a stupid double slam flip animation. It feels like a really really really bad generations hunter art baked into our base moveset.
Charge blade is still in it.
No Great Jaggi
But you know what we dwelled on yesterday? Something we’ve complained about before, no doubt, but it was extremely relevant none the less.
Fucking lord I hate the “live service” style “maintain engagement through drip feeding and arbitrarily limiting access to things” events in world.
Basically, we were talking about the good times in world and what we could do to both get back in the groove of things after our break and further refine our builds that itty bitty bit more for Iceborne and G rank and we ran headfirst into that brick wall of stupid fuckin’ design decisions.
We started talking about what we think is the objectively most fun hunt in world (and monster hunter in general, not that we think world’s hunts are the best, I just mean the conversation also dwelled heavily on Gog and how much I want him in World or Rajang and how much he’d fit in in world but that’s besides the point) and that would be Kulve.
We talked about how we didn’t really let ourselves fully enjoy Kulve when they were new because we were burning ourselves out and we were optimizing like crazy to make the hunt last only a few minutes so we could grind the weapon drops- we basically talked about how much we would love to fight Kulve right now because it’d be fun and it would technically be ‘progression’ since we can still get some decent weapon drops- only to both start feeling annoyed that Kulve is timed and not available right now because fuck us you know?
Then we talked about what few quests still exist for us to do- like he needs to do the lvl 100 quest (no big deal), we both need to do both behemoth slays (not the prior one) because we quit when Behemoth came out (I still think his hunt is bad because it’s not conducive to the ‘jazz’ gameplay of monster hunter but that’s besides the point and I can respect an MMO fight so it’s fine), we both need to do the hunter v Leshin hun (doing that today) despite that gaining us nothing of use, and grinding decorations is (unforntunately) always good but the two events meant for that, surprise surprise, aren’t available.
Or how about how arch nerg and arch luna are the ONLY hunts I still need for anything viable in my builds but neither are available because arbitrary accessibility?
*sigh* I know I’m not conveying this well but seriously, I hate the desperate pull for engagement by limiting access. It’s fucking stupid. If content is worth doing people will do it, don’t fucking limit us in the hopes of funneling us into the ‘current week quests’.
Having 100% access has worked for literally every previous monhun, I’ve hopped on fucking THREE ULTIMATE **YEARS** after the fact and have been able to gather a full 4 people for pointless event runs because back then the agreement was ‘take turns on events, pick whatever one’ etc. Now it’s fucked by the current matchmaking, it’s fucked by the weekly system, and it’s just fucked.
Since people are railroaded to do the ‘current’ events you never really find anyone doing events at all UNLESS they are new, because they felt obligated to farm them at release, so they did, so now no one does.
You ironically killed it all while making it so when we WANT to do quests, we fuckin’ can’t.
Thanks, asses.
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trespeak · 7 years
™ The wonderful @raytaku tagged me for a meme thign. U da bes, Ray!
5 things you’ll find in my bag:
my iPad Air 2
my journal
a pair of Finn and Jake Funko Pop keychains (technically on the bag but w/e)
a fortune cookie to read on my radio show (except when I fucKING FORGET TO PUT ONE IN THERE)
no writing utensils, infuriatingly
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom:
posters (the ones I had up in my dorm before I moved out were these)
Adventure Time (Finn riding on Jake’s back with a sword and shield in front of their house)
Bravest Warriors
Daft Punk on the cover of Rolling Stone
the album art for 4x4=12 by deadmau5
Destiny: The Taken King
an Iron Giant print made for an on-campus screening
a stylized version of the O2 Arena in London
Regular Show
a 70′s style version of the Enterprise for Star Trek Beyond
the teaser poster for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
a homemade Tiny and Big one
a promo poster for streaming the radio station I DJ on/volunteer at. 
(I also want a Death Cab one and might end up printing myself a Scud the Disposable Assassin one and/or a Does It Offend You, Yeah? one. We’ll see.)
lots of old trash from food I haven’t bothered to clean up
an aging desktop rig and a Xbox One S
my fledgling collection of physical CDs, film and games:
Daft Punk’s Random Access Memories (first album I distinctly remember buying for myself)
Death Cab for Cutie’s Narrow Stairs (my favorite album ever, and a new addition)
Forza Horizon 3
Porter Robinson’s Worlds
Snakehips’s “All My Friends” single and remix EP
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (and the first two books in color and Seconds)
Sunset Overdrive
Turbo (that snail is fast)
White Sea’s In Cold Blood
Zedd’s Clarity (the Deluxe Edition)
a shit ton of cables and wires
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life:
Git gud with a shit ton of music-related things (a more traditional DAW like Ableton or Logic, a MIDI controller like the Novation Launchpad or MIDI Fighter, turntables, etc.) and improve the quality of my production skills
Make a vidya gam! I have a license for GameMaker: Studio that’s kinda just lying around.
Start a podcast and streaming on Twitch/Beam/etc. Right now in the case of the former I actually do have a bit of a plan starting to come together (my working title is Late Night Game Night, and I’m gonna start with a six-episode season of fun little stories about games I love), but the latter has kind of hit a snag because I can’t get streaming to work on the networks in my dorm. We’ll see how it goes next year, I suppose.
Build myself a personal website that isn’t on Tumblr and doesn’t suck. (I’m actually kind of getting really close to this? I took a development class and it kind of lit the flame under my ass to teach myself how to get a site in working order.)
Go to E3, Coachella, Bonnaroo, Ultra Music Festival, Ibiza in general, Gamescom,
5 things that make me happy:
electronic music (holy CRAP yes, even beyond the stuff that’s gotten popular with the EDM revolution we’ve seen the past few years; a lot of my favorite artists are either kinda low-key or otherwise popular but without real mainstream success to speak of)
my Things (special interests) / characters in media that I end up heavily identifying with for whatever reason
when I scream about things I like on Twitter and actually get acknowledged by the creators of said things
my family and my friends, both here at home and in Kentucky
writing and being able to express myself through a variety of different means
5 things I’m currently into:
Scud: the Disposable Assassin (Drywall is my goddamn SON I love him so much y’all)
Pickle and Peanut (h8rs make me famous)
Gorillaz and Damon Albarn in general (Humanz has rekindled my love for Blur and Plastic Beach in a significant way)
Titanfall 2 (I’m loyal robot companion trash and I want to play it pretty badly even though I’ve spoiled myself on the plot)
Samurai Jack (I’mma get caught up real soon, I think)
5 things on my to do list:
get my finals done
read some comic books
apply for some jobs?
see how to go about getting college credit for an internship I’m doing over the summer
5 things people may not know about me:
I have an off-the-wall universe of fictional stories focused around a really unusual place called Greyson City living in my head. The Stuck trilogy (which is 100% mine) and the Sparks spinoff series (created by my best friend, but developed with my help) are the core bits that really sorta serve as the foundation for it, but high school really pounded my ability to commit to because it was almost impossible to invest myself in it without having an adverse effect on my performance in classes. I’m slowly but surely coming around to the concept of coming back to it, though.
I make music. After the whole Stuck thing slowed down I needed a new creative outlet that I could still invest myself in without exhausting my ability to focus on my schoolwork when need be, and I found that music was much easier for me to do so with; I was still stimulating myself by getting into it, but it never ate into my time enough to have a negative effect on me the way my writing unintentionally did. I’d like to think I’ve gotten much better at it as time has gone by, too; my work has helped my personal projects stand out in college and is present throughout the near entirety of an indie film our film club made at school.
I was kind of an aggressive jerk when I was a kid; one time I punched a kid in the face in first grade for cutting me in line. (I feel like a fundamental change in personality happened with me between 1st and 2nd, and since then I’ve kind of just been a Soft Boy™ like most know me as today.)  
In relation to the last point, I was bullied pretty ruthlessly in my earlier years, particularly during the second half of elementary school. I wouldn’t go so far as to say my experiences were something I’d choose to make happen if I had the option, but I do credit them for helping me develop a sense of empathy I probably wouldn’t have had (or at least been able to outwardly show) otherwise.
I’m tagging @rocketverliden, @ovisiphorus and @electro-bolt, and anyone else is welcome to do it too if they please
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11 Questions
Rules: 1) Always repost the rules 2) Answer 11 random questions posted for you 3) Create 11 new ones 4) Tag 11 people!
tagged by @monstax-nm​ caroline my luv <3
1) What style of music, apart from kpop, do you listen to ? - i listen to a lot of genres tbh, depending on the mood but I tend to favor (i’m not good with classifying music i am sorry) “indie” sounding music (i.e. honne, gallant, etc.) also, i am in love with old music and i am currently collecting vinyl records, some of my faves are Nat King Cole, Perry Como, Etta James, etc. I have the same tastes in music as Taehyungie also. 
2) What is your main goal in life ? - to be happy, i guess? to do the things i love tbh
3) Your Myers Briggs personality ? (find out here) - INFP! Accurate af tbh.
4) How many concerts did you go to ? Who were the artists ? - the legit ones, 3 and all of them were The Vamps hehehehehe mah babies. Then we have little concert thingies when I was in high school that featured local bands so that’s cool. Oh wait, I also went to the 1D concert here but it was more of a closure kinda thing with my friend since I wasn’t that big of a fan anymore but it was their first concert here (the first time zayn didn’t go to the concert i cri)
5) Favorite ships ? (Kpop or not) - i ship a lot of them tbh but it’s more of a hOLY CRAP THEIR FRIENDSHIP IS SO AMAZING AND IT MAKES ME SO SOFT AND I BELIEVE IN HUMANITY AGAIN kinda thing. but my main ones are namjin, yoonmin, yoonseok, jeongcheol and a loooot more
6) What is your ringtone ? - i always have my phone on silent so it’s just on vibrate haha
7) Sunset at the beach or Sunrise in bed ? - ahhhh i miss the beach so so so so so much so i pick sunset on the beach, also i have witnessed too many sunrises in my bed either from waking up early to go to school or catching the sunrise since i haven’t slept from studying kinda thing.
8) Favorite books/movies/series ? - i am weak for harry potter, Dan Brown books (LKASHGDJKHDGS) a lot of korean drama, Big Bang Theory, Castle, HIMYM, Friends, and a whoooole lot more
9) Who would play you in the movie telling your life story?  - me. hahahhahahha even though i suck at acting but idk, i just can’t see other people portraying my life
10) You are allowed a day with your bias and your bias only, what are you gonna do? - road trip!!! stopping over some very nice diners, the beach, and just chilling while listening to good music and ajsgkahfklsdhjs please
11) Any passion ? - i love love love art and i mean like just about any type of art. and it just makes me so happy and i just wanna surround myself in it and i want to cry cause i feel like i’ve been neglecting that side of me because of my studies and just akldgkafjhasiludksa I LOVE ART
My questions: 1. Give at least one song which means a lot to you. And if you’re okay with it, tell me why. 2. If you are free to do anything you want for a day, what would you do? 3. Beaches or mountains? 4. What’s one thing you are passionate about? 5. What is your favorite piece of art? (Can be a painting, song, book, etc.) 6. What was your first impression of me? or why did you first follow my blog? Hahahahaha 7. Give me one thing you absolutely love in nature and why. (i.e. moon, ocean, etc.) 8. During your bad days, what cheers you up the most? 9. What is your ultimate comfort food? 10. If you had the chance to spend a day with you bias, what would you do? 11. How have you been today?
I tag @overthemoonjoon @ctrbl @wae-tae-wae @peachychubs @hoseokjinns @jin-oppa and literally any one who reads this and wants to do this please please please please, i’d love to get to know you all. 
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