#holy fuck marie alter is real
bittertomato · 6 months
Me: Okay time to settle down as a Toaru fan for the time being!
FGO: Hey
Me: Oh no
FGO: Hey
FGO: We made Ordeal Call 2 actually worth the wait
Me: Oh come ON
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so! der rosenkavalier!!!
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so first off, the elephant in the room: yes, there are some highly questionable elements of the plot that make me go “hmm! :/“ (to somewhat quote mean girls: “marie therese, step away from the underaged teenagers!”). for the purposes of not driving myself mad, i will try to refrain from discussing these for the remainder of the report.
this music sings. this music delights. still not my fave strauss opera by any means but i would be lying if i wasn’t delighted. the presentation of the rose and the final trio and duet gave me full-body chills. i love the waltzes. so sugary sweet like the gelato i got after the show. there are so many golden little details in the score.
simone young did a great job imo—i’ve seen her get flak online about this run of performances but i don’t get it. she was great. the orchestra and chorus and many comprimarios were all fabulous.
it’s been a while since i’ve seen this production and it holds up really well!!! love the costumes and sets. LOVE them. not a fan of the wwi ending tho—just let octavian and sophie have their moment at long last 🥺 plus it doesn’t fit with the ending musically.
one other thing about the staging: i’m sure this was intentional but goddamn, a lot of the second act was UNCOMFORTABLE to watch, like make your skin crawl uncomfortable (and it did not help that several men in the audience at my theater were full-on laughing when ochs all but assaulted sophie all over that extended act ii sequence when he first shows up at faninal’s). god, baron ochs is such a fucking creep. and while i don’t like him as a person in the slightest, i have to hand it to günther groissböck for making ochs supremely unlikeable while still singing with strong command.
among the comprimarios and non-credited-in-the-intro people, special mention of alexandra lobianco (an excellent marianne) and tony stevenson (an absolute delight as the innkeeper in drag).
speaking of which, gotta say that even with them in new york and me in oklahoma, it was somehow comforting to see people in drag and same-sex kisses in this, given the political climate and the rising sentiments against drag and lgbtqia+ people. i thought about that a lot during the broadcast.
katharine goeldner and thomas ebenstein were HOOTS as annina and valzacchi. love them. rené barbera made the italian singer’s aria sound effortless (and looked GREAT in his white suit). brian mulligan did a great job as herr von faninal—i’d love to hear him in something italian though, his voice sounds made for italian rep.
and now for the three leading ladies, who were all divine both separately and together.
erin morley is one of my fave currently active sopranos right now and this sophie showed exactly why: voice like a dream, great actress, warm, intelligent, full of fire! i love her take on sophie so much. she GETS it. (and i may or may not have cheered when she slapped ochs in act ii.)
lise davidsen is another of my fave currently active sopranos right now (albeit a more recent discovery than erin morley) and her marschallin surprised me in a good way. what i remember most from her ariadne auf naxos hd last year was simply how stunningly powerful and beautiful and BIG her voice was, but this was equally amazing in a totally different way: she can rein it in too, baby! she can be so delicate and tender too and it just mesmerized me totally (and brought tears to my eyes a few times). and she made the part feel and look so natural! great singer and great actress? (and also gorg)—she’s the total package.
i was barely, if at all, familiar with samantha hankey before this but holy FUCK. she won my heart immediately. she is just a total delight and absolutely the real deal. that voice!!! it’s so creamy and beautiful and full of light!!! (and she can alter it at will too—her mariandel voice was SO different and so delightful). and she’s a totally natural actress, INCREDIBLY versatile and moving. octavian is a HUGE role and a VERY VARIED role and she totally fuckin nailed it and i want to see her in basically everything now. mark my words, y’all: she’s sensational. she’s gonna be the next big mezzo superstar.
anyway 10/10 plot weirdness inherent to the opera aside this is a definite recommend
edit: yes i was hoping to NOT have discourse about the plot but rereading this now i realize i may not have been clear about that in my choice of wording in the first few paragraphs. no hate to anyone who DID engage in discourse, that was my bad
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ramrodd · 1 year
The Real Mary: The Marginalization and Transformation of the Jewish Mot...
I'll show how the Holy Spirit keeps in touch. I am beginning this commentary at timestamp 15:12 and in the numerology I employ (and developed in a working partnership with the Holy Spirit over the years. Wicca and fortune telling is more like cooking than any prayer method I've encountered in organized religion excepts the Lord's Prayer, which is an important template for magic. I want to convince you to crown your academic career by pioneering the fusion of the narratives of Mark and John, based on the Ten Events you have identified in Mark 11 and 12.  If he was still alive, I would recommend him to open a Best Practices conclave with other work Episcopalian Bishops on the deployment of the 10 Events in their pastoral work based on developing a working relationship with the Holy Spirit  similar to Jesus. The 10 Events in Mark are a literary bridge between the morning of Psalm, which occurs in Mark 11 and the early evening at the end of the  Psalm Sunday on the Jewish method of recording days, which begin at sundown. For Christians, at least for me, the day starts with Sun Rise. This is when I seek my daily bread, a front-loaded blessing.
  Anyway, 15 is a personal number for the centurion, as an archetype.1 is the number of Purpose and the Mind of God. 5 is at the center of numbers as a dynamical, or chaotic, field similar to a crystal ball in character analysis. 5 also represents sex and architecture how the Myers=Briggs works as part of Kant's Categorical Imperative. 5 also stand for the LOGOS, or what Heidegger referred to as being in the world and Kurt Lewin  Person in his mathematics of Heidegger. B=f(P,E)  So you can see a Purpose and a Person in 15 and I grew up in the Chapel of the Centurion, with a stain glass portrait of the centurion in 15:39 with the spear that split open Jesus. I was confirmed at the Alter of the Liberation Gospel of the Army Protestant Chapel and went to Vietnam on that basis.
  I wanted comment on your interpretation of Jesus's family at the end of Mark 3, but I needed to go to the Veterans Administration for my eyes and couldn't do it this morning, when I usually try to heckle you and the other Jesus Seminar naughty boy's club. But I had to set this video up for now, when I have time to do it justice. Anyway, I just pulled the timestamp to an optic when you begin to discuss Jesus and his family in Mark 3 and, when I sat down to write, 15:12 is the timestamp. The is how I did card reading: I directed the Holy Spirit to guide the hand of the Seeker to post an honest snap shot of their state of mind.   I learned from an authentic Virginia psychic associated with Edgar Cayce, whose method is invariably spiritual healing. Edgar Cayce is the abiding spirit in the Dismal Swamp and was defending, as best could be cone, the spiritually corrosive effect of the proximity of Pat Robertson and his money laundering operation and Christian Broadcast Network. Like Mohammad, Pat Roberson became an unclean spirit in the Gospel of Mark kind of way after he turned aside that hurricane in 1985. I don't know if that was the operation of the Holy Spirit, but I can assure you, it was the influence of the Spirit of God that turned the path out to sea. That's what Jesus is talking to in Mark 4:39 Σιώπα, πεφίμωσο. the planetary force The One put in motion in Genesis 1:2. That's what Pat Robertson was able to do in 1985. And it had to do with the CBN foot print in the path of the storm.
  So, timestamp 15:12 is the Holy Spirit saying "Surf's UP!" He loves it when I fuck with your mind with your own pretzel logic. He wants you to lead the Jesus Seminar into the fusion of Mark and John with the 10 Events in Mark 11 - 12 leading like a lightening bolt to Fohn 11:35 and the moment of chiasm in the epic narrative of the 66 books of the Word of God delivered by the cosmic equivalent of the 1st Amendment.  
Jesus is part of the family business, Jesus and his family live a very bourgeoisie la dolce vita life style. This is not Ireland under John Bull or even Haredim. They are very comfortable, There is a reason why Josephus preaches assimilation with Rome: Living Jewish during Pax Romana was living high on the hog. So to speak. The Young Nobel is John Mark and, when it comes time to get on the bus to Parris island or continue to live in soft comfort of Passovers Yet To come.  The Zealots were the social equivalent of the John Birch Society of  the Ivy League Socialism of the Great Gatsby. The Zealots were probably the element of Jewish society who abused cobain. They were living well but resented the tact that they had to share any of their bounty with anybody and the used the Romans as a handy straw man. These were the white kids in high school whose daddy bought them BMWs and they were always looking for a fight, For John Mark, Passover was like Christmas Eve or the first day of Ramadan for a Muslim kid sitting with his father, looking for the first sight of the new moon. For the Zealots, Passover was the day after Christmas, when they steal or break everybody else's toys.
  I mean, to understand what was going on around Jesus, cast Sophia Loren in the role of Mary Magdalene and Peter as Zero Mostel in Fiddler on the Deck> Cornelius took the job in Caesarea as retirement planning. By 40, he had a villa on the Med and a comfortable family life.
  In the fusion narrative MarkJohn, the next thing that happens is the Wedding at Cana His families business was in the hospitality industry connected with the facility of Mary of Jerusalem, which, I assume, is where the Last Supper was held. One of the things that we learn in John is that Jesus had a base of operation in Bethany which the 10 Legion seemed to be unaware of and Jesus apparently operates from at least 3 venues, the most frequent the household of Mary, Martha and Lazarus of Bethany. Lazarus is John Marks uncle and Martha an aunt. It is not clear to me if Mary of Bethany is Mary of Jerusalem or part of the family in some small town way. Jesus also has a safe hours and, probably, his family are quartered close by but separate from His ministry.
  In Mark 3, Jesus is getting ready to go off the grid. He has selected his A Team and they are working out liaison and logistics with the people who were part of the shadow infrastructure He left behind that did things like have a donkey ready before Passover and to be the cut out between the Disciples and the management of the Upper Room. They are not in the family home of Jesus: they are just in a house. They are already subject to the disruption and subversion of the people who will eventually kill Jesus, but they need to work this stuff out before they go into the blue. And then Mom and James and all the rest come busting into mix, compromising their own future security as associated with John the Baptist's resistance group.  The Romans didn't know who they were and know they knew. Jesus's family was acting like the people around Dave Chappell when he walked away from his NetFlix deal, all of them thinking he was crazy. The idea that Jesus might bail out of the family business never occurred to anybody until He does it.
  And this tension is evident in the exchange in John 2. They are both pissed. He has just set a process in motion that will break her heart and she is just a Jewish mother dealing with a stubborn boy who wants to marry a shiksa. John Mark sees this transaction and is appalled. He's 12 years old and the Pet Lamb of the Bethany/Jerusalem household. The idea of a son scolding a mother sticks in his craw until Jesus hands off His mom to him from the cross (this is probably an invention for that reason).
  It's worth realizing that Nazareth probably had all they wanted of Jesus, growing up. I think the story about him changing 12 clay doves in to birds by clapping His hands is true and reveals His experimentation with the Spirit of God. He lived up to being a bastard and, when they humored Him and He insulted them, they realized they had some old scores they wanted to settle up and He probably ran down the side of the cliff like a mountain goat, laughing all the way. The 10 Events in Mark 11 -Mark 12 leads directly to the 11th Even in John 11, the operation of the Holy Spirit that causes John 11:35 and requires the 12th Event to light the fuse on the explosion of Resurrection. The next thing to happen is the magic trick of withering the fig tree when He locks and loads His cosmic capacitor with the Spirit of God which He will unload on the 35 acres of the farmer's market/regional mall of the Temple. Jesus wasn't crucified for raising Lazarus, which is John Mark's conclusion: it was blowing up the business model of basically the same social strata that condemned Socrates to death for pretty much the same reasons.
  That's what is waiting for you and the Jesus Seminar with the Mark-John fusion. The Holy Spirit hovers all around you guys, but your ego requires you deny his contribution to your success teaching Jesus.
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thatasianstereotype · 4 years
Fuck. I’m Gay.
I’ve been reading a lot of ml salt fics lately (mainly @unmaskedagain which is a literal goldmine of saltiness). And getting into the Damienette ship. Marinette really does deserves better (Fuck Canon) but so does Adrien. He is not a “sidekick”. Chat Noir and Ladybug are partners = equals. So I decided why not write a fic where Adrien gets his own happy ending in the form of a grumpy assassin-turned-vigilante that loves animals more than people. 
Somewhat of a crack writing where creative liberties were definitely taken. 
Lila Rossi is a bitch and everyone knew it. Well, by everyone, Adrien means himself, his good-amazing-make-pastries-for-him friend Marinette, his maybe-not-really-sure friend Chloe and his-not-that-close-really-classmate Nathaniel. 
Yeah. It was a small number. 
But Lila is still a bitch. 
Anyway, Lila’s lies and manipulations have disturbed the status quo and not in a good way. She ended up making the majority of the class fawn over her like she was a perfect goddess and not a pompous-temperamental-hormonal teenager. Teenagers were prone to be gullible; he can understand his classmates being inclined to believe her. But this was utterly ridiculous (man, Chloe is rubbing off on him). No. You know what’s even more ridiculous? Ms. Bustier letting Lila get away with it. She doesn’t even stop the class mistreating Marinette who claimed she was a bully just because of you know who - Fucking Lila Rossi. The audacity of that bitch and her bitchy followers, am I right? 
Growing up he watched the tv shows and the animes. High schools always had their drama but he thought that was to get some plot going on. He didn’t think it was an actual thing that happens in real life. But he was proven wrong. Françoise Dupont High School had their drama and it was way worse than what he watched on screen. 
The worst part was that he couldn’t get away from Lila. Or he’ll be pulled from school (Fuck you Dad). He had to sit next to that bitch and listen to her drone on and on about things they both knew she didn’t do, about things she promised to do for her ever gullible followers friends. And couldn’t say anything against it if he wanted to stay in school. But even his discreet questioning didn’t do that much. It got some of the class to think something’s possibly fishy with her stories but not enough to think Lila was evil. So he just gave up. Because what was even the point? 
He was distancing himself from Alya and Nino. He couldn’t really be friends with people who thought Lila held the sun and moon. They didn’t hang out as much as they used to and he made excuses when they did invite him to stuff. Lately, he was making outrageous excuses - like he had to take his cat to the vet even though he didn’t have a cat - to see if they caught on. They didn’t. It was fun but he didn’t know whether to feel happy or sad about that. But feeling sad-depressed-pain over it was a bitch so he decided to take his victories as they come. 
Chloe had left the school earlier on. Her mom wanted to spend one-on-one time with her daughter (Yeah, Audrey is better at being a mother here). She was completely out of this drama mess. And Nathaniel kept his head down to not paint a target on himself. 
His only consolation and ally in this whole mess was Marinette. His darling angel. His sunshine incarnate. His own goddess (not like that bitch Lila let’s get one thing straight). 
When he was feeling overwhelmed (which was a lot), he spent it at her house. They spent it discussing fashion, trash talking Liar-la and the sheep class, playing video games, and making/eating the best baked goods in all of Paris. If he wasn’t at his photo shoots or at school, he was at her house. And with how often they spent time with each other, it wasn’t long before they accidentally revealed their alter egos to each other. 
(The class’ Everyday Ladybug was actually Ladybug. How amazing is that! Isn’t Marinette the absolute coolest?!) 
Since they outed themselves to each other, they had to give up their miraculous. And new heroes had to be chosen. As the guardian, Marinette decided to give the Ladybug miraculous to herself and the Cat one to Adrien. And make them the superheros of Paris. 
(Just when he thought that Marinette couldn’t get any cooler) 
They both collectively decided that being friends were for the best and put away their obsession crush over the other far far away. Now they were best friends-almost siblings. Oh who was he kidding? He was an honorary Dupain-Cheng. Marinette and her parents said so. And who was he to deny the goddess? 
All was well. 
Until he met this gorgeous boy with raven black hair and piercing green eyes that made him question everything in life. 
Like fuck. His life wasn’t hard enough already? 
It was a slow patrol. Just stopped a few petty crimes. No akuma tonight. He wasn’t really expecting much to happen.
Mari said patrolling regularly gives citizens a sense of security and it helps if one of them were on scene if an akuma does appear. 
He didn’t mind. He loved running on the rooftops and feeling the wind in his face. After some time, he stopped and stood on top of one of the tallest buildings. Just soaking the view. The peace and serenity of it all. Seeing the glowing lights of his beloved city. Seeing the Eiffel Tower standing tall and proud. 
(Forget school. Forget Liar-la and her hoard of bitches) 
This was his city. This was why he fights Hawk Moth with Ladybug. They had something precious to protect. 
He was done patrolling the regular routes and all his schoolwork was already finished. He could go to sleep but he didn’t feel that tired. And he really didn’t want to go back home. Mari shared her theory on his dad being Hawk Moth. She had really good reasons and a plethora of proof. If they could switch miraculous, why couldn’t he and Mayura - most likely Nathalie? Which would explain how Gabriel got akumatized.
After all her support with dealing with Lila, he was way more inclined to believe her even without the evidence. But those things just made him more wary of his dad. And he wasn’t too stoked on spending more time than what he can get away with with the guy. Because his dad being Hawk Moth explains why he wants Lila (his strongest supporter - Chameleon and Oni-chan, anyone?) close and makes Adrien play nice with her. And anyone who enables Lila’s bitchiness is on his enemy list. 
Anyway, he was out here to enjoy the good mood not think about evil bitches and evil dads. So he sat himself down and enjoyed the sights. It was more calming than you would think. 
He heard cars blaring and even a dog barking. The slight breeze felt nice. The moon was pretty bright tonight. The stars too. There was a lone couple walking through the park. There was also another teen in black running on rooftops a few buildings away. 
He blinked and looked again. Huh, there was another teen in black running on rooftops. And it was not a hallucination. 
What the actual fuck?
He was instantly on his feet, baton already in hand as he raced across the roof to reach said stranger. 
But because he was the lucky owner of the unlucky miraculous, the moment he said that, the guy was about to jump off a building to presumably roll onto the next one like Chat was watching him do beforehand. But his call made him lose focus and Chat watched horrified as the guy slipped and started falling into the alley. 
Oh fuck! Mari was going to fucking kill this dumbass kitty!
He hoped to everything that Mari thinks is holy that he makes it in time. Extending his baton, he used it as a huge Pogo stick to basically catapult himself towards the stranger and wrapped his arms around him as he braced himself for the full weight of hitting the gravel at this height and speed. But he wasn’t that that concerned. His suit protected him from the majority of the injuries that would’ve occurred if he wasn’t wearing it. It hurt but it isn’t as bad as it could’ve been. Remember earlier? He takes his victories as they come. 
This was not the smartest of ideas, he’ll admit. Mari had the brains to be honest. But it wasn’t bad if he say so. And he does say so. 
He rolled over and immediately looked over the stranger that was remarkably unharmed in this whole mess. 
And oh.
The stranger was taller than he was with a lithe and lean frame. He had raven black hair that complimented his tanned skin and gorgeous green eyes that pierced through him, making his heart do funny things. 
He was not expecting him to look as hot as he did. He wore a simply black t-shirt and jeans but he looked like a fucking Adonis, what the fuck.  Even the moon shone down on him, highlighting his handsome features even more.  
He shook himself of those thoughts and focused on what was more important. “I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” 
He was rudely pushed away, but he didn’t take offense. He did cause the guy to fall after all. 
“Do not touch me.” (What kind of accent is that?) “I’m fine. You are truly a moronic imbecile of the highest accord to yell like that. And what are you even supposed to be? Some kind of knock-off Catwoman?” 
At that, Chat looked at Hot-And-Sexy weird. “Are you new here? I’m the superhero Chat Noir. I protect Paris with Ladybug.”
“You’re joking.”
“I know I come off as the goofy hero because I make purr-fect puns all the time but I’m not joking about this.” 
He took out his phone to show the foreign (since he’s obviously not a Parisian) stranger the akuma attacks and Ladybug and Chat Noir being a dynamic duo, saving Paris and beating Hawk Moth. Ok, he showed the stranger a lot of stuff. Sue him. He gets to brag about his Princess. And himself too.
“I never heard about this before.” Hot-And-Sexy (he has got to come up with a better name) said afterward. “3 years this has been going on? Why didn’t you ask for help from the Justice League or other superheros?” 
Chat shrugged. “We tried. But they said we’re obviously pulling a prank and making this all up. So we stopped asking for help.”
For some reason this made Hot-And-Sexy angry. “They ignored your plea for help and left you to fight for yourselves?”
“Pretty much, yea.” 
“You and Ladybug are children.” 
“Excuse me? Are you doubting our ability to protect our city?" He was not apologetic at the sharp edge his voice took. Forget looking hot. How dare he? The audacity really. 
Hot-And-Sexy shook his head. “I’m not. I know some child superheroes who are adequate at their jobs and a few who are remarkable like Robin in Gotham. But the majority of them had adult mentors to guide them. From what you’ve shown me, you and Ladybug had no one. You were left alone to fend for yourself with essentially no help.” 
He never thought of it that way. But hearing it like that made him think: Fuck Adults Who Chose Children to Fight Their War For Them and Fuck Hawk Moth For Putting Them In This Position In The First Place. 
You know what. Just to clear all his bases - Fuck Everyone But The Dupain-Chengs. 
Chat couldn’t help but shrug, not quite knowing what to say to that. “Life is a bitch, I’ve come to find out. But enough of that. Why were you running on rooftops anyway?”
“It calms me down.”
“Is...Is your tail moving?” 
“Huh?” He looked behind him to see his tail was indeed moving lazily. “Yeah. I’m called Chat Noir for a reason.”
“May I touch them?” Chat was used to people (usually kids) pulling on his tail to see if it was real (It was). And it really hurts because they usually rough. Not that he blames them. Kids don’t know any better. Still, he usually says no when people ask. 
But Hot-And-Sexy had such a sincere expression that he said yes. To his surprise and delight, Hot-And-Sexy was extremely gentle (Can this guy be anymore perfect?) and it felt nice to be petted like that. Curse his touch-starvation (again Fuck you Dad).
Hot-And-Sexy was apparently fascinated by his ears and tail. 
“Are you a meta?” He noticed how Hot-And-Sexy’s voice turned softer and fonder (or was he imagining that?).
“Nah. I’m fully human. I just got powers to transform into this.” He looked down at his phone seeing that the time was nearing 2 am.
“Have you suffered any injuries from your stupid stunt?” 
“Hmm?” Chat looked back at him before gesturing to his body. “Don’t worry. I may not look like it but I can take it.”
He can practically feel Hot-And-Sexy rolling his eyes. “What an utter dolt.” 
But there wasn’t any heat behind it so he didn’t take it to heart. 
“Thanks, babe.” 
“That was an insult.”
“And I’m taking it like a compliment.”
Chat stood up and stretched his limbs. Hot-And-Sexy doing the same but dusting off his clothes instead.
“So, uh, need any help getting home?”
“I am perfectly capable of finding my own way, thanks.” 
“Ok. Have a nice night.” He was about to leave when he was caught off guard by Hot-And-Sexy staring at him for a good few seconds, making his limbs freeze in place at the heavy attention.
Before he said. “You should try contacting the Batfamily in Gotham about Hawk Moth. They’re used to dealing with weird things. I’m sure they won’t turn you or Ladybug away.” 
Chat was a bit distracted by how intensely those green eyes focused on him, making his heart beat faster and his cheeks turn a vibrant red. 
He was so screwed. 
He used his baton to shoot himself up so he can run on rooftops, hurrying to the Dupain-Cheng bakery. 
“Mari! I think I’m gay!”
“It’s 2 in the morning, Chaton. Go to sleep and we’ll talk about it in the morning.” 
After a good night’s rest (and thank everything that was right in the world that today was a weekend), Adrien told Mari all about Hot-And-Sexy. And yes, he did call the stranger that out loud. His everything-that-actually-matters sister simply took it in stride after giggling a bit. They spent the majority of the day discussing emotions and everything that came with that bundle. 
Before he finally came to a conclusion. 
He is definitely gay (He liked girls but not like like them). And most definitely had a crush on Hot-And-Sexy with the pretty green eyes. 
Good news: He is no longer having a sexuality crisis. 
Bad news: He is going through an emotional crisis. 
Like dealing with these feelings that is making his stomach flip flop over and over again? The only one he ever had to deal with was the one he had on Ladybug and that (he talked with Mari about it months before. She was amazing with these emotional matters) was more of a hero-worship crush than anything really romantic. 
And his crush on Hot-And-Sexy was so much more. 
So it’s been about 2 weeks since he encountered Hot-And-Sexy. And he still haven’t figured out what else to call him. But the nickname was growing on him. 
(He also told Mari about asking the Batfam for help but she was a bit apprehensive after the disastrous attempts of convincing the Justice League. He shrugged, trusting her opinion and left it at that) 
Anyway, Lila was being her usual bitchy self. Father was being non-existent like always. Mari was his only source of sanity at school. And Hawk Moth was being a bitch. 
Because of course, the day before they have a huge test, he decides to akumatize someone (in this case, a businessman who was really unhappy with getting fired) and cut in on study time. And this akuma took a while to defeat. Guess he drew a lot of strength from his burning hatred of the failings of the corporate world. 
And just yesterday, a teenager who was upset at being grounded got akumatized and terrorized the city for 3 hours before Ladybug could purify her. It did however confirmed her fears. Hawk Moth was getting stronger. It took longer to defeat his monsters. They needed to find him and ended this fast. 
Adrien landed on Mari’s balcony and slipped in her room, crashing on her big comfy bed, de-transforming on the spot. Plagg sleepily floating and laying next to him on the pillow. He was so tired. And photo shoots and school drama were not helping things.
For the record, he was not at all expecting to see Hot-And-Sexy in a bookstore of all places. 
He was so engrossed in looking through the latest Boku no Hero Academia manga (can’t wait until Season 5 comes out) that when someone touched his shoulder, he was not proud to admit he squeaked a bit.
He turned around and his eyes widened his surprise. 
It was indeed the Adonis Adrien had a huge crush on. Today he was wearing a white t-shirt paired with a blue denim jacket and black ripped jeans. Wow. He really can make anything look hot.
No. Bad Adrien. Don’t let him know you actually have a crush on him.
And oh fuck. Hot-And-Sexy was staring at the blonde and Adrien tried not to let himself get flustered. He has a very intense stare. For all he knew, Hot-And-Sexy stares at everyone like that.
Calm the fuck down, heart. You too brain.
He raised a handsome eyebrow in amusement. “Excuse me?”
Adrien felt himself burn with embarrassment, his face turning bright scarlet. No wonder he was fit for the unlucky miraculous or was this just a side-effect? Note to self, ask Mari about this later. 
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t get your name last time. And I just started calling you that in my head. Cause you’re really hot and you have pretty eyes.”
Fuck mouth! Why won’t you stop talking! Please for the love of everything that makes Mari a BAMF stop. Stop digging further into the hole of embarrassment! Abort mission! Abort!
“When did we meet?”
At that, he blink a few times. Oh fuck. He was not Superhero Chat Noir. He was Civilian Adrien Agreste. Mari was definitely murdering his dumbass tonight. Lightning please strike him down right now. Where was an unlucky lightning strike when you need it?
After a few seconds of his horrified silence, Hot-And-Sexy chuckled (he had such a nice laugh). “You are extremely lucky I already figured out your alter ego beforehand, Chaton.”
Before Adrien could even unwrap that statement, he held out a hand and had a dangerously sexy smirk on his face. “My name is Damian Wayne. Would you care to get a cup of coffee with me?”
And Adrien nodded his head, not trusting himself to speak. He can deal with the superhero thing later when he can think straight (hah!) and is not distracted by Damian’s beautiful smile and alluring green eyes and perfect everything.
Guess what?
Ya Boi got game.
(At least, he likes to think he does)
After a successful coffee date (was it a date? Please let it be a date), they exchanged numbers (cue internal squealing) and met up a few times afterward to hang out.
Apparently, Dami was here on business to deal with something for Wayne Enterprises.
“Aren’t you 17?”
“Father believes in preparing us when we’re young.”
Dami was amazingly sweet. Arrogant and pretentious with a stick up his ass but sweet. He treats stray animals with such reverence that Adrien’s heart melt every time he sees it.
It was an added bonus when Damian scorned Lila with cruel words and disgusted looks when she tried to cut in Adrien and Dami’s date(?)/meetup(?)/spending-time-together event.
She cried and whined afterwards and Adrien has to endure his father’s lecture. But it was totally worth it.
Oh yeah. Mari was not pleased that he accidentally outed himself to a civilian. But nothing that a couple of sad kitty eyes can’t fix.
“You are so lucky you’re cute, kitty-cat.” Mari grumbled but she was smiling. “I just need to have a good talk with him on the importance of secrecy.”
That day Damian Wayne learned to fear a certain Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
It was 2 weeks later when Adrien woke up to a package next to his futon in Mari’s room. When he opened it, he saw the Butterfly and Peacock miraculous inside.
There was a card beneath it. And in beautiful cursive script read: 
I dearly hope you enjoy my courting gift, mon amour. Allow me the honor to formally ask you out on a date. I look forward to hearing favorably from you soon.
- Damian Wayne
He couldn’t believe it.
“Mari! Damian likes me back!”
“Chaton, I swear. It is 2 in the morning.”
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mediawhorefics · 3 years
okay but who IS your favoritw average white boy 😭
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hello my name is marie and this, unfortunately, is basic bitch hour ✌️here's an embarrassing list of average white men i, to my deepest regrets, simp for. please don't send me hate.
jack lowden (i have seen this man in real life and what can i say except: holy fucking shit is he hot. also... scottish. and he's dating saoirse ronan, i mean oh, how i wish that was me etc etc.)
george mackay (he has kind eyes, a gentle voice, nice hands and can do a perfect scottish accent: unfortunately i have to stan.)
chris evans (steve rogers anyone? anyone? anyways, chris evans is unfortunately very attractive and sometimes he goes off on twitter in a way that is, to me, very sexually stimulating. also... dog dad. i don't even super love dogs.)
andrew garfield (i don't even have to justify that one, andrew garfield is amazing, y'all know this. always in my heart @ bisexual peter parker as advocated for by andrew garfield before he was fired from the franchise)
hayden christensen (listen. he rocked 13 yo me's world that's a sacred bond and then he was terribly horribly bullied by the sw fandom. now that he's coming back to the franchise, i would punch an average sw bro in the face for him. i would. i will protect and defend sw actors against that toxic fandom etc etc. anakin haters do NOT interact)
hozier (again, i don't need to explain that one. y'all know.)
james mcavoy (again, i have met him and wow. also: scottish.)
jensen ackles (i mean he's the first omega, how can you not stan????? he sings? he has green eyes?? and freckles??? babygirl is everything me.)
robert pattinson (the dude is so fucking weird. i love it. unfortunately.... neil from tenet fundamentally altered my brain chemistry. there's no going back.)
there's also the mlm 🤝wlw list, which is just queer men i don't want to **** but i love to death (@ them pls let me be your friend):
ben whishaw
samuel barnett
lee pace
ian mckellen
dan levy
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nahara-nation · 4 years
Keeper of Mine: The Good, the Bad, the Basics
I rly like this game but there’s like no hype for it so I’m gonna fill the void by shoving it in y’all’s faces. Deal.
SO. MC is an accountant and home baker - she’s quite accomplished in both of these fields, but other than that she’s unremarkable. Until. She’s transported into the canon of her favorite visual novel, “From Hostage to Empress.” Suddenly this working-class orphan finds herself with a doting father, a duchy, and more money than she could ever spend in a lifetime. One problem, though: she’s the villainess of the novel, slated to die at the end.
Thinking the entire situation is a dream, MC behaves recklessly, accidentally altering the plot of the novel. She only meant to change the endgame couple and see her ship come true, but now things are spiraling out of control and with war on the horizon, supernatural violence within the nation’s borders, and burning questions coming to light abut who the real big bad is, the villainess becomes the unexpected hero of the story.
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There are four main love interests: (left to right) Ain, Ray, Kant and Hugh.
Ain is the gentle and sensitive aristocrat who in MC has finally found something to raise his voice for. Ain seems to be the canon love interest, so a handful of his diamond scenes are free, as opposed to the other three characters charging the player. Despite that, he never feels forced onto the player, unlike SOME games I could mention, IAN.
Ray is crown prince of the Haaliskarde Empire, and MC’s on-again-off-again fiancé. Abrasive and temperamental with a soft side, he’s fed up with the villainess’s behavior and is thrown for a loop with MC’s sudden takeover and the resulting change in personality. He hopes that she might have reverted back to the girl he once loved.
Kant is the most skilled knight in the Empire, believing that his only purpose in life is to die for his nation. His loyalty is unshakable, but when the woman he’s in love with makes herself an enemy of the Emperor, he has to decide which treason will be easier to stomach. Kant seems to be the fan favorite, and it’s no real wonder.
Hugh, like Kant, is a commoner, but he’s got the money to match the elite, since his father controls the black market. He’s the designated best friend character, and he and MC continue to stick together and solve problems after they wind up kickstarting the main conflict via a brief misadventure. He’s my personal favorite, and his diamond scenes are comedy gold. But there’s another important member of the main cast...
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Princess Marie, the original main character of the visual novel “From Hostage to Empress.” Despite her wide-eyed appearance, she’s a force to be reckoned with - a proud and powerful mage willing to fight for what she wants, and what she wants is MC. The best part, she’s a love interest too! Hers is a secret ending, but it’s not particularly difficult to unlock.
The Good:
So there’s a female LI. But how is the romance treated as opposed to the m/f couples? As it turns out, just the same! Nobody in the story thinks that a romance between two men or two women is particularly odd - it’s not shied away from, and it’s not made into a big deal either. it just is, and that’s lovely.
MC is absolutely delightful. She’s not your typical clueless isekai heroine, she knows this story like the back of her hand and in the beginning, effortlessly fools other characters out of suspecting anything is off about her. She’s not helpless either, at multiple points in the story she picks up a weapon (or the closest thing to one) and fights. She makes some bad decisions, but they’re reasonable mistakes given the circumstances - if I thought I were sentenced to die, I would also probably curse out the person responsible, just as a last act of spite. The skills she’s accumulated in her world turn out to be relevant to the novel, and she takes full advantage of that.
The family bonding makes me feel things. In her world, MC is an orphan, and was raised in a group home. She put herself through school with no support, emotional or financial. In the novel, however, her father is a loving man who will do everything in his power to protect her from her enemies. At one point he kicks the Emperor out of his and MC’s manor because he doesn’t like the rude tone the prince is taking with MC. When will your fictional father ever.
The Bad:
This is pretty much just going to be content warnings. There is an attempted r*pe shortly after Marie is introduced. Sadly, it’s a plot point and cannot be skipped past the first time you play the episode. The attacker does not succeed - MC and Marie fight back and hold him at bay until he’s caught in the act - and is promptly slammed with severe consequences, but the scene still exists. It is never mentioned again.
There are a handful of throwaway comments where MC threatens to hit an LI for acting shady. Granted, it’s treated as a joke between friends, but I personally didn’t care for it, so if you have a strong reaction to that kind of thing, be warned.
The treatment of mental illness. Holy hell is it awful, at least in the novel. The entire reason the villainess was - well, villainized, is because she’s psychotic. Literally. She showed severe symptoms of psychosis and instead of trying to treat her, other characters in the original canon wrote her off and had her executed. MC points out early in the story how fucked up their attitude towards mental health is, but people continue to call her crazy and spready rumors of her madness coming and going. Even MC leans into it at one point when she’s trying to get the novel back to its original plot by behaving like the villainess.
Anyways play this game I’m starved for fandom 🥺👉👈
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missblissy · 5 years
Rebirth (Chapter Four)
Alastor X Human!Reader ((Reincarnation!AU)) 
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Prologue || One || Two || Three || Four
Tagged: ((You can ask to be added to the tagged list!!)) @alastors-bambi @peachesandkats @riintss @destiny-in-the-universe @dadzawas-eyebags @daedaliaaan @putridjoy @shieldagentofthemonth @originofthedragonjim @animals4ever527 @jexinqq @chaotic-pansexual @geekin-about-alastor @keenhumanoidduckeagle @fafefae​ @honeydrops01010​ @itz-kira​ @xoceanicgemzx @the-monochrome-jester @holdnyvaseline
Fuck! FUCK! Your back was still pressed against the door. You could hear someone coming down some stairs then a deep voice call, “Hello?” Seconds later Vanderlinde rounded the corner and come into the foyer. He saw you shaken form and worried look painted his face, “(Y/n)? What’s going on? Did something happen?”
“YES!” You blurted out. For whatever reason, you felt like you could confess in Vanderlinde. Although he was a professor at the university you attended, he was once a priest who left the church for personal reasons. Maybe he knew something? Maybe that’s why Alastor was stuck outside. You stood up straight and hurried over to the window in the living room. You pulled back the curtain and saw Alastor still standing there. He looked confused even with a distorted smile on his face. It looked painful and unnatural on his human face. 
Vanderlinde was close behind. He was about to ask what was going on but he found out for himself. The second his eyes came in contact with Alastor’s figure, he grabbed you and yanked you away from the window, “Holy Mother of Mary!” Vanderlinde whisper-yelled, “Do you know what that is?!” His green eyes nearly jumped out of his head.
Fear was written all over his face. What was the reason? You stood beside Vanderlinde with concerned eyes, “He’s a demon-”
“THE DEMON!” Vanderlinde jumped at you. He placed both his hands on your shoulder and nearly shook the life out of you, “How? How did you get him here? Why did bring him here?” Vanderlinde’s voice shook in his throat, “Why did you bring The Radio Demon to earth?!”
“I-..I don’t even know who he is, Van!? He- he said his name was Alastor-”
“Alastor the FREAKING AXE HUNTER!!” That sounded familiar but you didn’t quite pick up what Vanderlinde was saying. Luckily he went on, “The serial killer from the 1920s? Ya know? They called him The Southern Axe Hunter? A radio host that’d trick you with a smile into a dark corner? Kidnapped his victims then take them home and dismember them? While they were still alive! He killed all those people to summon an Eldritch spirit that is not of this universe!” 
“I didn’t summon him!” You quickly defended yourself, “Him and his little shadow friend Eon broke into my home. He started spouting some nonsense that he knew me in a past life! He wants to take me back to hell!”
Vanderlinde stares at you with wide eyes. He didn’t say anything for the longest time and it started to worry you, “He wants to take you to hell?” he repeated your words in the form of a question. 
“Y-yeah. He said my soul is too pure to go right now. I think he’s trying to taint me or make a sinner-”
Vanderlinde cut you off again. His face now stern and cold, “Come with me.”
You silently followed after him. Less than a few days ago this was your home for what felt like lifetimes. You had been roommates with Vanderlinde and Sage for almost 3 years. The house was exactly the same way it was when you last saw it.
Vanderlinde lead you downstairs and into the basement. What could possibly be down here beside the laundry machines and dozens of canned foods? Well, a lot of things. You watched your friend head towards a door you’ve seen thousands of times but never dared to open when you lived here. It was always locked so you just assumed it more storage of some kind.
It was an old round wooden door with black hinges. Vanderlinde pulled a necklace out from under the collar of his shirt and snapped the key off the string. He unlocked the door and pushed it open with ease. As the door squeaked open, a deep earthy smell with the overpowering scent of herbs and chemicals wafted from within the darkness.
You were stunned by what you found inside. As Vanderlinde flicked on a light that dangled from the ceiling you came face to face with the lovechild between a science lab and a witch’s hut. Dozens of herbs hung from the walls while a cauldron boiled and smoked from the center of the room. An altar made of skulls, bones,  and candles lit itself to life all by itself as Vanderlinde got close to it. In the corners of the room were benches filled with test tubes, beakers, Bunsen burners and all sorts of chemistry equipment. It looked like a haunted science lab from high school chemistry class of the undead.
You noticed the floor was made of dirt with rocks placed in circle patterns embedded into the ground. You stood beside Vanderlinde at the alter and asked “Has this been here the whole time? What is this?” He still had that stern and cold look on his face. It was odd to see him so stressed out, he was normally a very relaxed person. Seeing him like this made you worried that things were worse than you first thought.
“Yeah, it’s Sage’s lab. I’m not going to hide this from you anymore seeing as we have a literal code red, but we’re demon hunters,” He didn’t take his eyes off the spinning orb at the center of the alter. Vanderlinde hovered both his hands over it as he went on to say, “Well, Sage is. She’s a witch and demon slayer. I’m just the researcher, I don’t actually slay anything other than words and books.” How did you not know this about your two best friends? And witches? They were real too?! What’s next? Vampires!? Mermaids!?
“Where is Sage?” You asked as you realized she hadn’t shown up yet.
“She’s on a hunt. That job she’s always traveling a lot for? It’s to kill demons.” Huh, you wished you knew that sooner.
“Okay, so can you get rid of Alastor then?”
“I’m going to try my best,” He said with a worried smiled. As he placed his hands on the glowing orb you watched with amazement and wonder as he pressed his hands into the orb. They seeped into the glass as if it were water, “I don’t have a divine weapon. I can’t kill him without Sage or her rapier. So this is going to have to do,” He pulled his hands from the orb and in his grasp was a black dagger, “You can only kill a demon with holy technology. The weapon’s of angels work the best. If you don’t kill them with a divine weapon, they just go back to Hell and then the fight starts all over again.”
You watched him hold the black dagger with just the tips of his fingers. It looked like it was made of obsidian. Vanderlinde then started to pluck herb after herb while tying them to the handle of the dagger with string. He went over to a large makeshift dresser and started pulling out bird beaks and feathers, he tied those to the dagger too. Lastly, he took a large bucket from under a bench and popped the lid off. You were instantly met with the fermenting, rotting smell of animal blood as it washed around in the bucket.
The smell was awful enough to make you nearly barf. Vanderlinde didn’t even seem fazed. For an Ex-preist, he sure did use a lot of dark rituals. He dipped the very tip and only the tip of the dagger into the bucket of blood then held it upright with the blade pointing to the sky. You watched the little drop of blood fall down the center of the blade then drip back into the bucket. Vanderlinde waved the dagger a few times the muttered words in a language you didn’t know.
In a firey explosion of smoke and sparks, the dagger changed right before your eyes. Once black obsidian, the dagger was now crystal clear glass that you could see right through. This must be magic... You thought.
Without a word spoken between the two of you, you followed Vanderlinde upstairs and to the window. Alastor was still there but this time he was tapping his ghostly microphone onto the magic barrier keeping him off of the property. He was testing for weak spots. Vanderlinde took in a deep shaky breath then whispered a prayer to God before heading to the door.
You made sure to stay behind him as you left the house. Alastor was still standing there on the sidewalk with a twisted smile that tore apart his human flesh. His eyes were bloodshot with slivers for pupils, much like that of a cat. Anyone would have guessed that he was possessed in some kind of way.
“I thought I smelled some type of trash lingering around here!” Alastor said with a grin, “Where is the witch?” You and Vanderlinde stood in the driveway, only inches away from the sidewalk. You had only just noticed that Vanderlinde had a rosary in one hand. His thumb passing the beads through his fingers as he nervously counted each little bead. Alastor let out an evil giggle, “You’re foolish if you think that can work against me, Father,” You saw Vanderlinde flinch at the jab Alastor was trying to make.
“I don’t work for the church anymore,” He said slowly, he lifted the dagger up to Alastor’s eye level and for the first time you saw an emotion plaster itself on his face.
He jerked away in disgust and hissed and spat out vile sounds, “What kind of Christian taints their soul with Voodoo!?” Alastor’s smile wavered and thinned but never dropped from his face. It only shifted in size, “Did you really throw away your only chance at Heaven just for this little trick?”
Vanderlinde’s eyes flashed harshly with an emotion you couldn’t describe. His gaze was firmly locked with Alastor’s as he brought the crystal blade to his hand, “I was never getting in anyways,” He quickly sliced open the palm of his hands to let his blood flow onto the sidewalk. It splattered around Alastor’s feet and even managed to get on his shoes. Ghostly transparent chains sprung from the ground and trapped Alastor there as they tangled around his legs. 
Surprise coated Alastor’s face and you could see Eon watching from his shadow on the ground. A pair of hollow empty holes stared up from the pavement as Eon absorbed what was going on.
“Now that I’ve got you stuck here,” Vanderlinde started. He dropped the dagger to the ground and watched it break. He stepped on the shards and crushed them even more into little bits of broken glass, “You’re going to answer some questions. First off, why are you here, demon?”
There was a battle happening on Alastor’s face. He must have been under some kind of truth spell because you could tell he was fighting to keep his mouth closed. Whatever Vanderlinde did with the dagger must have worked. After a minute or two Alastor gave up. The static returned to his voice and his words were strained, “I’m here for (Y/n). I’m bringing her back home,” He sounded like a robot, he even kind of looked like one. His face was stone cold and didn’t move. your stomach twisted into a knot as you watched his smile grow larger and larger by the second. Even his eyes were fixed and locked on Vanderlinde. He didn’t blink once or even dare to look away.
“What do you need (Y/n) for? Who is she to you?” Vanderlinde asked. All while this was going on, you made sure to stay behind your friend. You didn’t want to get to close to Alastor because as ever second past more of his human features melted away.
A pair of horns started to grow from Alastor’s head as he helplessly answered the question like an automated voice message, “I want to take her home so we can get back to our afterlife in eternity. She was my wife,” Alastor’s hair started to fade into shades of red and black as it grew out. His skin started to turn an ashy gray color as blood soaked into his eyes, giving them the red tint they usually had. Two long and fluffy ears flipped from his hair and stood upright.
Shock jumped onto both yours and Vanderlinde’s face. That was it? That’s all he wanted? You felt something in your chest crack and scream. You were his wife in your past life? Or afterlife? When exactly did your past self meet him? At the same time, something in your heart made you feel extreme pity for Alastor. Another part of you felt fear, anger, and confusion. Mostly anger.
Alastor’s answers only brought up more questions. Thank God that Vanderlinde was thinking the same thing as you, “When did you first meet (Y/n)? And who was (Y/n) before she was reincarnated?” He asked.
By now Alastor was looking more and more like his demonic self. His voice never wavered once and stayed uncomfortably calm, “I met her the day I died in 1933 at the seventh and final gate to Hell. She was The Crybaby Demon, (Y/n) (L/n), and Hell’s Gatekeeper, similar to your Saint Peter at Heaven’s gates,” Alastor’s words meant something to Vanderlinde because he snapped his gaze to you for only a second. You had no idea what this Crybaby Demon was or what Alastor was talking about.
There was a cold chill that slapped the back of your neck and suddenly Alastor freed himself of the chains of truth. Now fully in his demonic form, Alastor gave a quick and toothy smile as he stepped forward and place a foot onto the driveway. The magical barrier was useless against him now. He got into Vanderlinde’s face and chuckled.
With a click of his tongue and dark little giggle, Alastor threatened Vanderlinde “I best hope you have your little witch around next time, Father,” He said in a dark and demonic tone. Alastor’s voice was so warped and demented that you could barely tell what he was saying, “The next time you see me will be your last,” Alastor snapped his finger and then -POOF- he turned to dust in the wind and just like that... he was gone.
He wasn’t irritated. He wasn’t mad. He wasn’t angry. He was enraged. He was full of wrath and hate and malice. His little radio heart THUMB THUMB THUMBED in his ears as he peered at his own reflection through a mirror he broke seconds before.
Alastor was having an incredibly difficult time dealing with his emotions. Normally he had them under complete control. He underestimated the power of Vanderlinde and Sage. He had been keeping tabs on these silly little demons hunters and he was sorely unprepared for that little attack that Vanderlinde pulled on him. 
As Alastor peered into the Water Well, he could see through the eyes of Buck, your cat and his familiar. Though Buck’s eyes, Alastor watched you and Vanderlinde cleans your apartment head to toe with Voodoo rituals that were so secret and private that Alastor nearly flipped the Water Well over in a fit of rage. 
“HOW!?” He yelled, baring his teeth with an ugly and large frown, “Where did he find it!? Where did he even get this kind of knowledge!?” Thank god he was alone. Alastor watched as Eon’s shadowy figure formed before him.
“Calm yourself, friend,” That was kind of hard to do right now, “We’ll get them next time. Do not worry about it,” 
Alastor ignored Eon’s words and bent as close as he could to the Water Well without getting wet. His large red eyes filled with hate as he watched Vanderlinde teach you forbidden Voodoo rituals that no outsider should ever have the right to know. Voodoo was a very closed and secretive culture that didn’t welcome outsiders, “Who is he!?” Alastor snapped, “Who is that stupid little bitch witch!? What clan does she belong too?” 
Suddenly there was a knock on his door. Alastor stood up tall and slapped a smile onto his face. He hid any sign of his rage and opened the door to his grand hotel room. 
He was going to quickly send off whoever it was, but it was Charlie. Instead of quickly dismissing her, he smiled and asked, “Something I can help you with?”
The little demon princess had a worried look on her face as she raised her brows and peered beyond Alastor and into his room. She noticed all the broken glass and furniture, “Uh, haha- um-” She weakly laughed with a sad smile, “I was wondering if I could actually help you with... whatever you're dealing with? Everyone heard a bunch of loud bangs and crashes coming from your room-”
“Yes, yes, yes,” Alastor cut her off and waved his hand in her face, “Everything is fine, Charlie,” He started to close the door on her when suddenly a voice snuck into Alastor’s mind. It was Eon, whispering into his thoughts so only Alastor could hear him. We could use her help, Eon said, “Actually,” Alastor opened the door up again. A natural yet sinister smile was on his face, “I think you can. Do you think you could de me a sweet little favor? Something nice and easy?”
Charlie lit up like a firework with a smile on her face, “Sure!” She always loved helping others, “What can I do for you, Al?”
He chuckled then leaned down to her eye level. There was an overwhelming sense of happiness and joy in his twisted smile, “Call your father for me?”
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Watching the NYC special aka 955 words I could’ve used somewhere else
I’ll be posting my thoughts as I go, they’re under the read more, so spoilers under the cut
here’s the link I’m using https://bemiraculouslb.com/en/episodesen/s3e27.html
also I’m half way done with the second part of the MHC drabble
First: flight suits, seem op.
Ooo, Flower Language
oh good Chloe’s not in this special. I mean I love fandom!Chloe but her in canon  is really annoying and I hat- Nevermind
Also Mrs.Bustier is pregnant?! The fuck. I feel like this won’t be expanded on
What the fuck Kim, You live in Akuma central watch your words
I’m now at the point where I pause every 5 seconds to scream
Oh god I forgot Lila was here
At least it seems she won’t be in NYC (4:40)
Oh and second hand embarrassment, I was wondering where you were (4:48)
Also isn’t this after miracle queen. Is there consequence, other then Mari being the guardian, like does Chloe feel bad (unlikely) are the other heroes out of commission because hawkmoth knows their identities, or is everything going to be swept under the rug
(4:51) hmmmmmmm, yes.
4:57 ohh, real smooth there Mari
5;02 oh no here’s the inspirational music
5;08 I just audible said I can’t loudly enough for my roommate to come in, realize I’m watching MLB and then leave
5;21 the inspirational music is still here, and it starting to feel like a soap opera
My father won’t let me
Then I shall talk to your father
But my father is a difficult man
I will never let a friend down
Now tell me is that a soap opera or Mlb
5;34 the scene is over why are they still talking like this
5;42 what the fuck
5;49 sure jan
6;01 oh and Alix is finally getting more lines
6;44 no shit its a miraculous
also the fucking chances that hawkmoth would be leaving Paris the same time LB and CN were is so low
I’m going to stop doing this every few seconds. I’m just going to watch this in 10 minute chunks and give my thoughts on them. Unless something big happens like character development or something
first chunk (7;00 to 17:37)
8;06 what the fuck was that, was that a kiss, what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck
11;46 what the fuck, is that another kiss, oh god, what the fuck also called it the flight suits are op, flying from the US to France like its nothing
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but rose, I don't think that’s safe. Anyways Fuck Yes, GAy relationship. Thldis is the best confirmation we might get, and I am Living for it.
Alright this chunk is mostly just the plane. We got a couple nice adrinette moments. We also got JULEROSE moment, and Alya and Nino complain about their 2 dense idiots of friends.
Chunk 2 (17:37-27:07)
20;33, Female superheroes, and mother daughter relationship yes please
21;50, Americans have a superhero for everything troupe is a troupe I didn't know I needed
22;19, S U B T L E, but that’s still not enough to combat the dense
22;31 how did no one comment on a superhero just on the roof of the bus, or is just America and no one questions it? (I feel like I should point out I’m American)
23;32 can no one hear them? they’re talking at a normal volume.
24;00 Alya Cesaire, queen of the subtle. Also :SabrinaBlush: :SabrinaBlush: :SabrinaBlush:
26;23 :SabrinaBlush: :SabrinaBlush: :SabrinaBlush:
SO, in this chunk, we finally get to America. and in America there is apparently a hero for everything (mother fucking Hot Dog Dan)
Chunk 3 (27;07-37;26)
28;36 Moonlight dance
29;06 are superhero alter egos just common knowledge in America?
29;07 I guess they are
30;08 I have done this exact thing to get people to confess
34;30, Sparrow is a girl, you know what Valid
Ok more girl superheroes, I love it. The action has kicked in
Chunk 4 (37;26-46;26)
40;07 WHAT THE FUCK, and do I smell lasting consequences?
43;00 HOLY SHIT lasting consequences? oh my god
43;44 lasting consequences, LASTING consequences, LASTING CONSEQUENCES. HOLY FUCK CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, maybe
I put character development up there as a joke, but holy fuck
45;05 oh dark owl’s a women, I didn’t expect this, and lesbian(?) relationship, I think
oh my god, there’s actually an opportunity for character development, and lasting consequences. But let’s see how long it lasts
Chunk 5 (46;26 - 1;02;57)
47;09 holy shit, holy shit, Adrinette
47;50 holy fuck, holy fuck Adrinette
49;00 this is actually a really terrifying power for a super villain
53;58 Sparrow is fucking dope
54;36 holy fuck, ladynoir
57;54 Yes, miraculous user Jess, also new miraculous hero
1;00;19, genderfluid hero? genderfluid hero. and healthy lesbian relationship? man this is great
1;02;24 OH MY, more miraculouses
Final thoughts: I went in with low expectations, but by golly this blew them out of the water. First, lasting consequences. Mari might be getting more confidence, Adrien might be coming out of his shell. Paris has to rebuild, and CN & LB might have a stronger relationship. Two, more heroes/miraculous. This is just exciting. Three, lgbtqa+ representation. We had a Julerose moment and two female superheroes in a relationship, one of which used both female and male pronouns. This was worth it
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joseph--reed · 4 years
Here’s to surviving the apocalypse
03.05.2035 It has been roughly two years since the world went into lockdown due to a worldwide pandemic that swept the nation within a blink of an eye. The cause of all this mass hysteria is a virus which affects the tissues in the brain, permanently altering them to change the human body. Currently, there is no cure although the world health organization has tried countless times to manufacture a vaccine however each trial for a vaccine has so far been unsuccessful. Therefore a worldwide lockdown was imposed for the virus to be contained. Even with a lockdown, there have been many casualties due to this virus and the numbers of the infected only seem to be on the rise.
 It's a dark and dangerous world out there, every man or women for themselves. Many people formed pacts, groups they can rely on to survive others chose to go at this world alone. There is no right and wrong in this world, many people who went in groups have now become infected and the same can be said for those who went at alone. It's survival of the fittest and you've got to work with what you've got to make it because not everybody is built to survive this harsh pandemic. My wife and daughter being among the many who didn't make it. Not a day goes by that I don't long for their existence. It still haunts me that I had to leave them that way, in that house, the house we were all supposed to live in, grow in, die old in yet it seems fate had cruel intentions instead. 
I don't believe I am one of the lucky ones. Who would want this life but then again who would want that life either its all one big catch twenty-two and the "lucky" ones are stuck in the middle trying to survive on the bare minimum. The government are supposed to help but they hardly do shit. They'll hand out scraps to the common folk and keep anything worthwhile to the rich assholes. Yet they'll have their military parade about the streets vowing to "protect us" when we all know that's a facade. God, I hate people in the office. 
"Okay enough of that." Joseph mumbled to himself as he placed his pen back into the middle of his diary before carefully closing the black leather book and stowing it away in his bag. He knew if he continued to write he was going to go on a tangent about how he hates the oval office and that would just be a waste of paper. That diary is there to document any thoughts he has about the pandemic, not his political views. For that, he can get a spray can and deface a public building however he would rather not be thrown into any kind of government solitary. Just as he is pulling away from his bag his eyes catch a glimpse of the wooden photo frame that is beside his bed. A soft sigh escapes his lips as he leans over and carefully picks it up, his icy blue hues scanned the picture as his brain relived the memory. The photo consisted of him, his wife and newborn daughter at the beach together. Oh, how he longed for better days like those in the past. "I miss you both." The male whispered to himself before gently placing a kiss to the glass. He took another moment the gaze at the photo before setting it back in its rightful position. "Another day of this bullshit." The dark-haired male spoke to himself as he started to get geared up for the day ahead. He needed to find some new supplies, mostly he needed food but any other equipment he could find along his way that he could trade for food would also be a bonus. 
Joseph got himself dressed in his usual 'work' gear before he loaded up his bag with essential supplies for his trip. He took one good look around the room to make sure he hadn't forgotten to pack anything before he set off for his day out. It is still early hours of the morning, the sun only just rising but in this day and age you needed to start any essential travel very early otherwise all items of value will be gone. It's not the world we were all once used too, there are no self-checkouts, contactless payments, take-aways, click and collect. there is none of that, supermarkets seize to exist as we once knew them, you get rations — if you can even call them that. Most days you can't even get basics like bread because they are gone within an instance or the government 'forget' to restock your designated food area. Most folk try to survive on their own without having to wait on government hand me downs, it's a hard life but it sometimes works out more beneficial if you know how to play the game. 
"It's a beautiful day." Joseph murmured as he stepped outside his house, taking his first steps into the world as he set off in search of supplies. The sun beamed down on the dark-haired man, The male still had a slight twinge of blonde in his locks however his natural colour dominated. Joe took a slow walk through his town — town as if you could hardly call this place a town, it was just houses and a few rationed shops barricaded in by the military some life huh? "Out again Joseph?" Mary — one of his neighbours called out to him as he made his way to the gates which gave him access to other areas outside of his town. "You know me, can never stay still." A dry chuckle escaped his lips- Joseph wasn't one for small talk nor did he want anyone to pry into his life. "Do rememb—" Joseph quickly put his hand up to silence Mary. "Do remember there is still a curfew and anyone outside the gates after 9 pm will be locked out there. I remember. It's been the same message every day for the last two years." Joseph replied. "Now, if you'll excuse me I'm off to try and not get infected." With that, Joe closed the conversation and exited his town.
 Stepping outside the gated community you could tell the world is in an Apocolypse. Inside those gates, people were still desperately clinging onto normality however it's a whole different ballgame once you cross that line into the real world. Everything is falling apart, buildings being blown up, mother nature taking back her earth. Everything manmade seems to be crumbling, this city didn't even look like a city no more. There are no cars, no mass crowds, no architecture. It all just looks run down and out of place, it is not eye candy that's for sure but this is the new normal and it has been for the last two years. 
Roughly about 35 minutes into Josephs journey is where it started to get interesting. He knew from doing this routine every day that the first hour or so he would never find anything worthwhile. Maybe a scrap here and there but nothing worth any value. Finally, he has managed to stumble upon a small cottage, untouched. No forced entry, no broken windows and it is all perfectly intact. A rare yet exciting sighting. "Now now what do we have here.." The male mumbled to himself as he observed the cottage from a good distance. Although it seems untouched that doesn't mean it actually is. People have gotten craftier these days and this could easily be a trap therefore he knew he had to be cautious before entering the cottage. Just as he was about to move in closer that was when he heard the dreaded noise of an infected. "Fan-fucking-tastic." Joe grumbled as he pulled out a small pair of binoculars to scope the area to try and find the bastard. "Gotcha." Joe whispered as he locked sights on the infected who was currently lapping its way around the front of the cottage. "Time to deal with this." He ran his hand through his hair before carefully creeping behind a set of knee-high stones that were perched in the front garden, thus giving him enough cover so the infected doesn't seem him. 
Gingerly Joe peered up from over the set of stones to gauge what kind of method of attack he'd need for this infected. It only seemed to be a stage 1 infected given by the bite mark on their arm and the small lacerations down their neck and back. A very recent case, An hour or two give or take. Was this person trying to get into this cottage? Is this the place it all went pear-shaped for them? Either way, Joe couldn't fixate on the questions at hand, he needed to get rid of it and fast. He waited for the right moment before he tiptoed up behind the infected and grabbed it by the neck making sure to cut off any air supply. Of course the infected didn't go down without a fight as it wriggled its way around in Joe's grasp however it was unsuccessful and after a few moments of thrashing around it soon died. "And that's that." Joe concluded by dropping the lifeless body to the ground and stepping over it before walking up to the front door of the cottage. He placed his hand on the cool brass before giving it a turn, nothing. It's locked. "Pickin time." He muttered as he crouched down before grabbing his lock pick set from his bag. It was a tricky old bastard but he got there in the end. 
With the door now open Joe stepped foot into the cottage and to his surprise, it is actually untouched. "Holy shit." He said as he made his way into the kitchen as he started to raid the cupboards, taking any supplies he could before some other bastard stumbled upon this find. "Peaches, spaghetti, soup." With every item, he placed in his bag Joe was taking a mental note of what they were. Just as he was about to move into another room he heard the floorboards of the front room squeak. God damn it who the fuck has found this place already? Joe drew in a quick breath before he grabbed his 9mm from his holster, he carefully pulled back the hammer and took off the safety as he kept the gun to his side as he moved towards the door. The closer he got the door the higher he raised his gun, who the fuck was he going to find today?  @elsierenshaw
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lamptracker · 5 years
FIC: Counting Down the Days (part 1/?)
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Here we go with part 1.
FIC: Counting Down the Days
Pairing: Peter Parker/Female Reader
Inspo: “Cancer” by My Chemical Romance
Summary:  While visiting a children’s hospital as his alter ego Spider-Man, Peter meets a girl his age. She’s sweet, she’s smart, she’s funny… and she’s dying of cancer. When she laments the fact that she probably won’t get to live long enough to have the typical teenage experiences of prom and a boyfriend, Peter offers to fill those roles for her.
Warnings: Talk of death. The usual cursing (he is from Queens). Endgame spoiler. 
Tagged: @flokidottir-imagines-br  @babyplutoszx2   @musiclover1263   @judemoos   @drxgxnslxyer   @hollanderheart   @thequeensardine   @ive-got-some-lies-to-tell   @captainbuckyy   @xxtomxo   @deleteidentity   @yessterekthings   @itsyaspacemom   @upsidedownparker   @starksparker
(if I tagged you and you don’t want to be let me know, k?)
“Mr. Spider-Man! Mr. Spider-Man!”
A boy, about five years of age, ran full-tilt down the hall at St. Mary’s Children’s Hospital; he only stopped when he ran smack-dab into a pair of blue and red legs.
“Oh!” Peter Parker, known to many as Spider-Man, looked down at the small boy hugging his calf.
Peter had recently decided to give back to the community he helped keep safe. His aunt May had suggested going to a children’s hospital in uniform, to help brighten the patients’ spirits. St. Mary’s was the closest, so he tried that one; he soon fell in love with the small patients there.
“Hey, DeMarcus! How’s it goin’, buddy?”
“Guess what, Mr. Spider-Man!” DeMarcus’s little brown eyes gleamed under the harsh fluorescent lighting. “The doctors say I’m all better! I have something called re...re...  ugh, Mommy, what was that word?”
“Remission,” DeMarcus’s mom said, smiling widely.
“Yeah, that. But I get to go home, Mr. Spider-Man! Isn’t that awesome??”
Peter held out his gloved hand for a high-five, crouching down so he and DeMarcus were eye level. “That is so awesome, dude! I think that calls for a high-five.”
DeMarcus giggled as he returned the high-five. “I’m going to miss you, Mr. Spider-Man.”
“I’m gonna miss you too, buddy. I’m sure I’ll see you around, though.”
“Mommy! Can you take a picture of me with Spider-Man?”
DeMarcus’s mom pulled out her phone, snapping a few pictures of the two of them together. “Thank you for doing this,” she said. “It really made him happy, that a real superhero took time out of his day just to come see him.”
“The pleasure’s all mine, Ma’am, really. DeMarcus is a good kid, I really am going to miss seeing him. Hey, buddy, can I get a hug?” Peter asked, crouching down again.
Wordlessly, DeMarcus flung his arms around Peter. “I love you, Mr. Spider-Man.”
Peter chuckled. “Love you too, buddy. I’ll see you, okay? In the meantime, be good for me. Study hard in school and stay out of trouble.”
DeMarcus nodded, firmly grasping his mother’s hand. “Mommy! I can’t wait to go back to school and tell everyone I’m friends with Spider-Man!”
Peter chuckled as he walked down the hall.
“Is that everyone?” he’d asked a nurse.
The nurse checked her chart. “I know you don’t normally go there, but you could visit the teen wing, maybe? It’s not usually very full, which is why we don’t usually have you go there. But… we have had one patient in there for a while now. Would you like me to see if she’s up for a visitor?”
“Sure.” As the nurse walked down the hall, Peter sat down in a chair. “Karen, any messages for me?”
“Text message from Science Bro Shuri. Displayed or read aloud?”
“Displayed is fine, thanks, Karen.”
Hey Spider-Doofus. When you get done there, come by the lab. Got a little something for ya
Peter chuckled. Probably a suit upgrade, again. Ever since she came to America to work for Stark Industries, carrying on Tony’s work, she had been upgrading his suit at every opportunity.
“Follow me,” the nurse said. Peter followed her down a hallway, into a room on the corner; the nurse peeked her head in. “(y/n)? You ready for your visitor?”
“Sure. Forgot to ask who it is, though.”
“It’s Spider-Man.”
A chuckle. “Is it really Spider-Man, or is it just my uncle Leo in a rented costume again? Because that was kind of a bummer.”
“It’s the real deal, (y/n). Can he come in?”
“Make him prove it,” the girl called out skeptically.
Without another word, Peter shot one of his webs through the crack in the girl’s door.
A long pause, then: “Yes, I’d love to see him.”
Peter laughed as the nurse opened the door wider, allowing him access. He paused at the end of the girl’s bed.
She was thin, not painfully so but definitely thinner than she was supposed to be. Her hair had all fallen out, but based on the pictures littering her nightstand and taped to her walls it had been (y/h/c). But the thing that struck Peter the most was -
“Holy shit, you’re my age,” Peter breathed.
The girl chuckled. “Yeah, I- wait, what?”
“How old are you, anyway?”
“Me too.”
“No way, really?”
The nurse had left at this point; Peter closed the door behind her and webbed it shut for extra insurance. “You cannot tell anyone about this,” he said.
The girl scoffed loudly. “Probably in this joint for the rest of my life,” she said, almost bitterly. “And I practically have nobody. Who am I going to tell?”
“You… well, we’ll get to that, hold on.” Peter carefully removed his mask, looking at her; he ran a hand through his thick auburn curls.
“Wow, you’re cute,” she mumbled to herself; Peter laughed. “Do you, uh, do you live around here?”
“Sort of. I don’t know you from school, though, where’d you go?”
“Townsend Harris. Where do you go?”
The girl laughed. “Ah, smart guy, huh? You know I missed getting in there by like three points? I got held back in fifth grade, because I missed so much school when I got sick the first time. It’s a long and winding explanation but to sum it up, it’s cancer. My name’s (y/n), by the way.”
“I’m Spider-Man. But my real name’s Peter, Peter Parker.”
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Peter Peter Parker.”
Peter smiled warmly at her. “So… what do you mean, you have practically nobody?”
(y/n) sighed. “Well, my dad left when I got sick the first time. Said having a sick kid was causing too much stress on him, turns out he’d been cheating on my mom since I was four. Um, he pays child support but it’s not much so my mom works two jobs just so she can pay for my bills. If she’s not at one of her jobs, she’s here. But she works such crazy hours that she’s not here as much as she wants to be. I don’t have any siblings, both sets of my grandparents are dead. I have cousins but they live in Maine.”
“Any friends?”
“Oh, sure. They come by once in awhile, but they never stay long. I know being with someone who’s dying is kind of a bummer. I’m still in the group text and on Snapchat, but it’s hard watching someone live the life you’re supposed to be living, y’know?”
Peter just nodded solemnly.
“I’ve had this twice before,” she added, “and I’ve beaten it both times. But this time, it’s spread too far and my body really can’t handle anymore chemo, so… I’m just around until I’m not around anymore, I guess.”
“Wow,” Peter said. “That is incredibly not fair.”
“Tell me about it. My friends are all stressed out about their SAT’s, what college they’re going to pick, and here I am wondering if I’m going to live until dinner.” (y/n) puffed her cheeks out, exhaling slowly. “That’s dramatic, I’ve got at least a month or two but you know what I’m trying to say. But anyway, prom is in a few weeks and they’re texting me pictures of their dresses and they’re all going to look great.” She smiled sadly.
“But you’re not going to get to go,” Peter said softly.
“Nope. That’s the thing that sucks about this the most. They get to have lives, Peter. They get to go on dates, have boyfriends, go to prom. I won’t get to do any of that.” A tear slid down her cheek; she hurriedly wiped it away. “I’m sorry, you came in here to cheer me up and now I’ve bummed both of us out.”
“No, no, it’s okay! It’s okay.”  Peter smiled at her warmly.
But the wheels in his head were turning. And once they’re in motion, he finds it very hard to get them to stop...
“Hey,” he said finally. “What if I did that?”
“What if you did what?”
“Well, I-I know you can’t leave, right? But maybe… maybe you could have a date? In here? With me? And-and maybe we could have our own tiny prom?”
(y/n) scrunched up her face in confusion. “You just met me, you’d do that just for me?”
“Sure, why not?”
“Because you’ll get attached,” she said simply. “And then I’ll be gone, and then you won’t know what to do?”
Peter laughed bitterly. “You think I’ve never lost anyone close to me before?” he asked, voice tinged with sadness. “Let’s see, I’ve lost… um… both my parents. My uncle Ben - who I watched get shot, by the way. And you’ve heard of Tony Stark, yeah?”
“Yeah. That was so sad, I… oh, no.”
Peter nodded. “He was my mentor, the closest thing I had to a dad since Uncle Ben died. And I watched him die too. So… I’m sort of used to it.”
“God, Peter. I had no idea, I’m so sorry.”
Peter shrugged. “Eh. You never know what’s going on with a person just by looking at ‘em, y’know? So, um… what do you say, huh?”
“You can't fall in love with me.”
“I can’t promise that, I fall in love very easily. I almost married a key lime cheesecake last week. Our children would have looked really weird.”
(y/n) laughed slightly. “You know what? Okay. Let’s do this. What have I got to lose, huh?”
“That’s the spirit.” Peter winked at her; they both burst into laughter. “Okay, um… I have robotics club tomorrow after school, and then I need to-”
“Robotics club? God, my fake boyfriend is such a fucking nerd.”
“And my fake girlfriend is really fucking mean.”
(y/n) started laughing again.
“But anyway, I can’t come by tomorrow but I can the day after? I’ll bring coffee, where’s your favorite coffee place?”
“I always like Rosita’s on the corner of 41st Street and 43rd Avenue?”
Peter nodded. “You got it. I’ll text you when I’m close to there, you can tell me what you want when I get there.”
(y/n) grinned slightly. “Well, Peter Parker, how you gonna do that without my phone number?”
Peter cocked his head to one side in confusion, then laughed. “Ah, (Y/n) used flirting! And… it’s super effective! You do raise a good point, um… can I see your phone?”
(y/n) nodded, handing him her phone; he programmed his number into it quickly. “Here, I’ll just text you so you have mine, I… it’s complicated, I…”
“Phone built into your suit?”
“My fake girlfriend is really smart too.” Peter shook his head as he dissolved the webs holding her door shut. “Okay, so… see you in a couple of days?”
“I’m really looking forward to it, Peter. Bye. Great Pokemon reference, by the way.” She waved slightly as Peter returned the gesture, then slipped his mask back on as he walked out the door.
“I don’t know what you two were talking about in there,” the nurse said as Peter stepped out of the room, “but that’s the most I’ve heard her laugh since she’s been in here. I think that’s just what she needs right now. You will come by and see her again, right?”
Peter laughed. “I promise.”
He thought about that old adage - To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
He’d only known (y/n) for about a half hour, but he already knew her world had been filled with hospitals and sadness. He hoped that he could make what was left of her world a little bit brighter.
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shrimpkardashian · 5 years
I have a list of ~900 albums from 2019 that I still want to eventually listen to / review [IMPOSSIBLE PROJECT ALERT]
For this project (already 125+ releases deep), which is just impossibly daunting and makes me head hurt. IDK how to streamline this process or is any “critic” out there really listening to “all” the good music? It’s impossible I guess... BUT needless to say, these have made this list from an even larger pool of music that I either listened to briefly and immediately dismissed or (gasp!) never even came across my radar (radar = many many music blogs I follow via RSS). 
Anyway, because I’ll most likely never get to this (whatever this is, an Xgau parody or something)... Here is the list (please ignore some of my notations/typos):
1 matana roberts, coin coin chapter four 2 jeffrey lewis 3 negativland 4 camedor 5 the darkness 6 jai paul [leak] 7 shikoswe 8 anatolian weapons 9 cakedog, doggystyle 10 carly rae jepsen (LP, plus single w Gryffin) 11 parsnip 12 the comet is coming 13 girl in red 14 ezra furman 15 the kvb 16 freddie gibbs & madlib 17 say sue me (single) 18 denzel curry 19 fatamorgana 20 vivian girls 21 wobbly, monitress 22 helado negro 23 anamanaguchi 24 paul demarinis 25 comet gain 26 personal best 27 king princess, LP? big little lies single 28 marble arch 29 mini dresses 30 matt christensen 31 jade bird 32 black mountain 33 body meat 34 pat, Love Will Find A Way Home 35 acid arab 36 the 83rd 37 common holly 38 wicca phase 39 mark ronson 40 spirit in the room, single 41 rebe, “pienso en ti a todas horas” [just a single?] 42 a giant dog, neon bible cover LP 43 hey collosus 44 moon king (meh/ or *) 45 vanity productions 46 velvet negroni 47 g perico 48 budokan boys 49 skryptor 50 oscar scheller 51 the muffs 52 larry gus 53 these new puritans *** 54 angel olsen 55 bleu nuit 56 meatraffle 57 josephine wiggs 58 jennifer vanilla 59 big|brave 60 rico nasty 61 friendship, dreamin' 62 mike, tears of joy 63 bellrope 64 gbv 65 machìna, archipelago 66 toy, songs of consumption 67 ayankoko 68 the intelligence 69 drahla 70 corridor, junior 71 urochromes 72 david hasselhoff 73 aMAZONDOTCOM 74 kehlani 75 ne-hi EP (final) 76 avey tare 77 bonnie "prince" billy 78 battles 79 snapped ankles 80 mannequin pussy 81 toro y moi, soul trash 82 twen 83 self discovery for social survival comp 84 bad heaven ltd 85 eric frye 86 the mattson 2 87 duncan park 88 pure bathing culture 89 arthur russell, iowa dream 90 wild pink 91 flaming lips 92 pan amsterdam 93 flaural 94 knife wife 95 hannah peel & will burns 96 klein 97 meat puppets 98 tnght 99 james ferraro 100 royal trux / ariel pink 101 new rain duets 102 black marble 103 sui zhen 104 liam the younger 105 the mountain goats, welcome to passaic 106 frank hurricane and hurricanes of love 107 sebadoh 108 xylouris white 109 lindstrøm 110 franck vigroux 111 joyero 112 dorian electra  113 ride 114 crumb, jinx 115 nonconnah 116 cup, spinning creature 117 brutus 118 bjarki 119 khotin 120 alexander tucker 121 gunna 122 operator music band 123 tony molina 124 nanami ozone 125 sad planets 126 bemydelay 127 laurie anderson et al, songs from the bardo 128 teebs 129 deerhunter, timebends 130 tr/st (2 LPs) 131 dolores catherino 132 liturgy 133 floating points 134 sasami, LP + xmas EP 135 trikorder23 136 moor mother 137 have a nice life 138 la dispute 139 lingua ignota 140 lina tullgren 141 earl sweatshirt 142 entrail 143 alexander noice 144 shock narcotic 145 rakta 146 munya 147 el drugstore 148 buck gooter 149 caribou, single - more? 150 rosenau & sanborn 151 kevin abstract 152 pile 153 e for echo 154 animal collective, new psycho actives vol. 2 + live album 155 harlem 156 sudan archives 157 lil peep, posthumous ep 158 young guv, i and ii 159 orville peck 160 75 dollar bill 161 institute 162 tove lo 163 the chocolate watchband 164 foie gras, holy hell 165 french vanilla 166 chuck cleaver 167 kollaps 168 spirits having fun 169 game 170 badgirl$ 171 medhane 172 alberich 173 show me the body 174 the night watch, an embarrassment of riches 175 inus, western spaghettification 176 pregoblin, singles? 177 ra ra riot 178 de lorians 179 kool keith 180 kaspia & stride 181 glen hansard 182 dpeee 183 berlin taxi 184 foghorn 185 ionnalee 186 american sharks 187 sitcom, dust single 188 pip blom 189 j balvin & bady 190 fenella 191 tanya tagaq 192 sean o'hagan 193 j robbins 194 peter ivers (comp) 195 neon indian, not sure if single is part of larger proj? 196 triad god 197 yeule 198 roland tings 199 schoolboy q 200 ava luna EP 201 fried eggs 202 drugdealer 203 half japanese 204 todd anderson-kunert 205 emily reo 206 christelle bofale 207 brion starr 208 jan jelinek (reissue) 209 peaer 210 devin townsend 211 vik 212 young m.a 213 default genders 214 night lovell 215 rocketship 216 kim gordon 217 ellen arkbro 218 george clanton and nick hexum [single?] 219 the minus 5 220 penguin cage 221 felicia atkinson 222 take offense 223 moon duo 224 chemical brothers 225 nef the pharaoh 226 daniel norgren 227 unkle 228 pup (?) 229 baroness 230 velvet bethany 231 resavoir 232 gruff rhys 233 lana del ray 234 empath 235 burial and the bug, flame 2 236 russian baths 237 quelle chris 238 corpse flower 239 roy montgomery [reissue] 240 clinic 241 a.g. cook, [single] 242 why? 243 beck 244 francis lung 245 thom yorke 246 warmduscher 247 uv-tv 248 aa bondy 249 max richter, ad astra ost 250 younghusband 251 stereo total 252 julie's haircut 253 aa matheson 254 eartheater 255 kelly moran 256 mana (seven steps behind) 257 c.h.e.w. 258 sarah mary chadwick 259 midsommar ost 260 beabadoobee 261 life, a picture of good health 262 dumb, club nites 263 dame dolla 264 endless boogie 265 burna boy 266 lungbutter 267 wand 268 future punx 269 yves jarvis 270 kim petras [LP, halloween EP] 271 bts world 272 pikelet 273 panda bear, single 274 samiyam 275 red river dialect 276 ryan pollie 277 ryuichi sakamot (reissue) 278 jackie mendoza 279 dark blue 280 jay som 281 stephen mallinder 282 neutrals, kebab disco 283 foodman 284 capitol, dream noise 285 new pornographers 286 mark korven, the lighthouse ost 287 gauche 288 the japanese house 289 cave (re-issue) 290 ybn cordae 291 the vacant lots 292 arwen 293 rhucle 294 lil b, @ least 2 releases? 295 tea service 296 chai 297 black pumas 298 program, show me 299 marika hackman 300 sonny and the sunsets 301 lillie mae 302 mean jeans 303 the stroppies 304 poppies 305 twin shadow 306 vanishing twin *** 307 portrayal of guilt [EP + split single] 308 lucki [2 lps] 309 absolutely free 310 girl band 311 black midi 312 torche 313 perfume (best of) 314 white denim 315 clipping 316 the hu 317 big business 318 metro crowd 319 ex-vöid, 7" 320 broken social scene 321 lil pump 322 uranium club 323 doon kanda 324 hesitation wounds 325 sorry girls 326 bibio 327 red mass 328 the shins, single 329 lil keed 330 yeasayer 331 bts / blackpink KPOP 332 galen tipton, fake meat 333 the world, reddish 334 lanark artefax, ep 335 ladytron 336 g.s., schray 337 just mustard [single, more?] 338 mdou moctar 339 rangers, spirited discussion 340 tyson meade 341 dj nate 342 kelly lee owens 343 bambara 344 kilo kish 345 lusine 346 ralph heidel / homo ludens 347 psychic graveyard 348 homeshake 349 wives, so removed 350 proto idiot 351 let’s eat grandma, ost ep 352 foals 353 caroline shaw & attacca quartet 354 juan waters 355 mount eerie with julie doiron 356 mestozi 357 patio 358 oh baby, the art of sleeping alone 359 earth 360 haybaby 361 anna meredith 362 the caretaker (6) 363 rich brian 364 sunn o))), [two LPs] 365 alessandro cortini 366 ty segall 367 injury reserve 368 elucid 369 budos band 370 tim hecker 371 waqwaq kingdom 372 william doyle *** 373 innercity ensemble 374 filthy friends 375 prurient 376 shlohmo 377 bon iver 378 sean henry 379 yeesh 380 faye webster 381 megan thee stallion 382 squid, town centre 383 simulation (hausau mountain) 384 flying lotus 385 horse jumper of love 386 rap, export 387 lansky jones 388 the gonks 389 cate lebon 390 rome fortune 391 chain cult 392 empty set 393 big thief (2 lp's) 394 laura cannell [and polly wright album ?] or is there just a laura c album too ? }} 395 froth 396 thugwidow 397 organ tapes 398 the new pornographers 399 zonal 400 bbg baby joe 401 whitney 402 guards 403 anemone 404 sheer mag 405 nots 406 fujiya & miyag 407 kool aid, family portrait ep 408 frankie cosmos 409 kaputt 410 quelle chris 411 operators 412 marco benevento 413 elvis depressedly 414 school of language, 45 415 rob burger 416 pozi 417 redd kross 418 randy randall 419 yatta 420 hide, hell is here 421 bobby krlic, midsommar ost 422 planet england 423 kev brown 424 robedoor 425 tropical fuck storm 426 haram, 9/11 ep 427 candy, super-stare single 428 sly and the family drone 429 kevin morby 430 porches, rangerover [single] 431 odae 432 pottery 433 saint pepsi 434 slowthai 435 iggy pop 436 swans 437 iLOVEMAKONNEN 438 mukqs 439 feels 440 luke temple 441 oli xl 442 orphan swords 443 post pink 444 deli girls 445 nilüfer yanya 446 idk, is he real? 447 interpol 448 priests 449 galcher lustwerk 450 smokepurpp, various? 451 kindness 452 ex hex 453 sampa the great 454 methyl ethel 455 ellis, the fuzz ep 456 jeanines s/t 457 water from your eyes 458 twin peaks 459 sam cohen 460 fontaines dc 461 spiral stairs 462 the hecks 463 nicola ratti 464 four tet, various (inc. "wingdings" alter ego side proj) 465 holy ghost 466 half stack 467 cherubs 468 juana molina, forfun EP 469 jpegmafia 470 bedouine 471 fury 472 melvins/flipper 473 the curls 474 izambard 475 heart eyes 476 drinking boys and girls choir 477 big search 478 glenn branca 479 rose elinor dougall 480 bat for lashes 481 young knives, [single, more? 482 hot chip 483 alex lahey 484 hemlock ernst & kenny segal 485 dj seinfeld 486 joni void 487 rema rema 488 spencer tweedy 489 trash kit 490 dry cleaning [2 ep's] 491 mega bog *** 492 saudade 493 monster rally 494 wilco 495 chromatics, LP + EP 496 slayyyter 497 maral 498 blarf 499 pernice brothers 500 la neve 501 marie davidson 502 tredici bacci 503 deathprod 504 lowly 505 russian circles 506 angel witch 507 fires were shot 508 amy o 509 q da fool 510 clams casino 511 automelodi 512 paradox 513 dababy (2) 514 david kilgour 515 missy elliot 516 baby smoove 517 boris 518 thanks for coming 519 yves tumor [single w/] 520 ΜΜΜΔ 521 falcon/falkland 522 noel wells 523 ecstatic vision 524 amyl & the sniffers 525 barrie 526 bianca scout 527 katie dey 528 prince rama 529 control top 530 duster, comp + new LP 531 foxes in fiction 532 slowthai x denzel curry [single] 533 the murlocs 534 plaid 535 ela orleans 536 gobby 537 cfm 538 carla del forna 539 pale spring 540 pixx 541 širom 542 lightning bolt 543 cate lebon & deerhunter 544 channel tres 545 sigrid 546 help, s/t 547 shellac, live 548 crack cloud, pain olympics (ongoing) / s/t (2018) 549 notes underground 550 fat white family *** 551 gloop 552 equiknoxx 553 nakhane 554 czarface meets ghostface 555 the rubinoos 556 shannon lay 557 tim heidecker 558 droneflower 559 john vanderslice 560 your old droog 561 bats, alter nature 562 zvi 563 justus proffit 564 lower dens 565 anna of the north 566 yg 567 holly herndon 568 good fuck 569 clark, single 570 charli xcx 571 the nativist 572 low life 573 jonsi & alex somers 574 kazu 575 günter schickert 576 odonis odonis 577 kelsey lu (+ remix EP) 578 young thug 579 thaiboy digital 580 hatchie 581 hiro kone 582 cocorosie 583 sabiwa 584 oh sees 585 rex orange county 586 311 587 erland cooper 588 jtamul 589 the brilliant tabernacle 590 free love, extreme dance anthems 591 jeff lynne's elo 592 dutch courage 593 booji boys 594 giggs 595 ceschi 596 inter arma 597 psychic sounds ensemble 598 eli kezsler EP 599 thelma 600 haiku salut 601 julia jacklin 602 otoboke beaver 603 colin self 604 mark mulcahy 605 rosalia, single "a pale" more? 606 chris lott 607 royal trux 608 weyes blood 609 mikal cronin 610 hissing tiles 611 grace ives 612 vic bang 613 nick cave 614 sugar world [single] 615 herzog 616 offset 617 mike adams at his honest weight 618 real life buildings 619 aldous harding 620 pye corner audio 621 doja cat 622 bleached 623 book of shame 624 kate davis 625 i was a king 626 pendant, through a coil 627 joseph arthur 628 great grandpa, four of arrows 629 modern nature 630 stef chura 631 spaza, s/t great 632 the alchemist 633 pond 634 aiden baker, etc 635 kirin j. Callinan 636 possible humans 637 greys 638 kizuna ai 639 little simz 640 big bend 641 membranes, what nature gives… 642 young nudy 643 car seat headrest (live) 644 seahawks 645 dumbhop's party 646 julien chang 647 pacific yew 648 pharmakon 649 lomelda 650 versing 651 olden yolk 652 mekons 653 the dream syndicate 654 the gotobeds 655 amy klein 656 bABii 657 bill callahan 658 grlwood 659 van dale 660 ziúr 661 delicate steve 662 debby friday 663 dehd 664 south city hardware 665 kesha 666 (sandy) alex g 667 computer slime 668 fka twigs 669 rob halford, celestial 670 dean hurley 671 school of language 672 nicolas godin 673 blue hawaii 674 leggy 675 ceremony 676 his name is alive 677 third eye blind 678 sadgirl 679 ariana grande 680 skepta 681 dylan moon 682 jay mitta 683 the drums 684 kero kero bonito, ep 685 charly bliss 686 lee renaldo etc 687 rina mushonga 688 ulla straus 689 cherushii & maria minerva 690 slaughter beach, dog 691 maps 692 dj shadow 693 tool LOL 694 diiv 695 pixies 696 cuco 697 black peaches 698 subhumans 699 gurr 700 cashmere cat 701 brockhampton 702 fire-toolz 703 lambchop, LP + EP 704 messthetics 705 neuland 706 westkust 707 haelos 708 sturgill simpson 709 maria usbeck 710 king gizzard (2) 711 earthgang 712 paranoid london 713 fet.nat 714 bethlehem steel 715 neil young with crazy horse 716 tengger 717 guerilla toss 718 spelling 719 lizzo 720 wiki 721 dr00p, mkULTRAHD 722 ghost orchard 723 jane weaver 724 usa/mexico 725 carl stone 726 richard dawson *** 727 rafael toral 728 test dept 729 sacred paws 730 big krit 731 mallrat 732 jenn champion 733 moE/Mette Rasmussen, tolerancia picante 734 facs 735 yung lean, single (blue cup) and ep, more? 736 pissgrave 737 moodyman 738 sing sinck, sing 739 tyler the creator 740 sleater-kinney 741 dean blunt, zushi 742 cursive 743 barker, utlity 744 gemma 745 octavian 746 pronoun 747 girl ray 748 julia shapiro 749 nodding god 750 daniel saylor 751 jakob ogawa 752 richard youngs 753 diät 754 w00dy 755 omar souleyman 756 vōx EP 757 topdown dialectic 758 penelope islea 759 gbv 760 glass beach 761 james hoff, hobo ufo 762 euglossine 763 dream ritual 764 terry allen 765 office culture 766 ghostie, devour 767 beat detectives 768 red channel 769 octo octa 770 julien baker [toyko single] 771 shackleton as "tunes of negation" 772 sons of raphael 773 lena raine 774 fitted, first fits 775 velf 776 cvn 777 black country, new road, [2 singles only?] 778 chief keef 779 andrew bird, LP and EP 780 tamaryn 781 vagabon 782 zelooperz 783 brian jonestown massacre 784 angel dust 785 pere ubu 786 vatican shadow, church... 787 spencer radcliffe 788 mr muthafuckin exquire 789 earth to mickey 790 beak> 791 byron westbrook 792 major murphy 793 nicole yun 794 the divine comedy 795 sote, parallel persiao 796 the radio dept. 797 prince daddy & the hyena 798 mudhoney 799 truth club 800 shura 801 underworld, drift 802 lil texas 803 that dog 804 gary wilson / r. stevie moore 805 divino nino 806 spiral heads 807 claire cronin 808 devendra banhart 809 c.y.m. EP 810 dude york 811 sangri 812 vegyn [2 lp's?] 813 brooke candy 814 caroline polachek 815 hurt valley 816 O.L.I.V.I.A, modo avion 817 ziúr 818 pepper mill rondo, it's christmas time 819 ben vida 820 nick hexum/george clanton 821 meara o'reilly 822 tyler holmes, devil 823 blood incantation 824 guenter schlienz 825 gavilán rayna russom 826 loraine james *** 827 lithics, Wendy Kraemer EP 828 navel, ambient 2, in space 829 the proper ornaments 830 jon hopkins & kelly lee owens, single 831 julianna barwick 832 park hye-jin 833 bea1991 834 men i trust 835 erika de casier 836 ducks unlimited 837 lyzza 838 refused 839 jim o'rourke, to magnetize ... 840 analemma, 2 singles on a comp? 841 zack fox, "the bean kicked in" 842 real life rock n roll band 843 prefab sprout 844 daniel lopatin, uncut gems ost 845 kaytranada 846 the voidz, 2 song single + video? 847 grandaddy, single (add scissors icon) 848 dark thoughts, must be nice 849 loose nukes 850 sam mallet 851 very good, adulthood 852 henge, nothing head 853 kaleidobolt 854 nebula, holy shit 855 terminal cheesecake 856 uzeda 857 wet tuna 858 sean mccann 859 black dresses, love and... (2nd LP) 860 nefew 861 taylor swift ??? 862 lala lala, the lamb 863 jenny lewis 864 33EMYBW 865 blood orange, angel's pulse 866 caterina barbieri *** 867 yusu 868 white reaper 869 rozi plain 870 bamboo, daughters of the sky 871 seragina steer 872 clear channel, hot fruit 873 patience, dizzy spells 874 mope grooves, desire 875 current affairs, object & subject 875 comfort, not passing 876 bill orcutt 877 bonnie baxter 878 carl stone 879 thurston moore 880 alameda 5 881 john zorn 882 the membranes, what nature gives... 883 meemo comma 884 ana roxannne 885 whistling arrow, s/t 886 dis fantasy 887 giant swan, s/t 888 buck young, buck ii 889 abdu ali 890 ifriqiyya électrique 891 $hit and $hine, doing drugs, selling drugs 892 ghold 893 theon cross 894 yao bobby & simon grab 895 solange *sure whatever ok 896 the comet is coming 897 the utopia strong, s/t 898 karenn, grapefruit regret 899 brìghde chaimbeul 900 nav, bad habits 901 chance, big day 902 nostalgia critic's the wall 903 uboa, the origin of my depression 904 hobo johnson 905 ana frango elétrico 906 dorian electra
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EOR SE.RA.PH Singularity: Act 3
Haish... The livestream feels more or less expected, since some part of the fanbase got the character they wanted for Servant. Reines definitely feels unexpected... At least Waver is still forever suffering with her now as a Servant
And... Now in the mid point of this Singularity’s story! I’m... Just.... DW JUST GIVE US A FAKER CLASS OR SOMETHING THAT BEATS 2.0X DAMAGE TO ALTER EGO ALREADY!!!
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Act 3 (1/3
... Seems like spend a good time designing this whole place for their territory. Good reminder from Tama Cat we left Gawain behind with Passionlip, guys! I hope he’s really fine against that Alter Ego... And he’s definitely still alive, Emiya Alter! So, don’t even write off that he’s dead!!
And... You again?! Meeting Suzuka Gozen, now she’s really after our heads for intruding her place!! Hey, we don’t have nor want your fucking number here! Because knowing you, your welcome party is the last thing we really need!! And no thanks, not into waifu for blind-ass dumb devotion, Melt. And also, I don’t need your Tsundere bullshit jealousy just because this is harem route again
Also... Suzuka, meet Tama Cat whose actually one of Tamamo no Mae’s nine tails. Yup, this is not even the real one since it got swapped out. Yeah and unlike the original, Tama Cat has a pure-heart. Must be nice to continue acting like an irritating high school brat huh...
.... Never mind, this is actually a delicate issue! Now, we’re really dead this time round! Or for the first round fight!
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Plot wise, for an excited high school with Chunnibyou probably, that’s some fucking defense you have! And... While Suzuka got her own reason to get recruited, she got a call? Guess BB orders her to retreat this time round. Ask the stupid AI who decided to start letting us roam around at ease instead of just killing us
Giving us the next direction to go aka Nape, Suzuka left but giving cryptic hints it was all the staff’s fault in Seraphix that caused this Singularity in the first place...? More unanswered question as we’re right in the middle of this story singularity...
Emiya Alter confirmed while the front is more or less general Oil Rig facility.... The back is more than what it seems? And as much as it’s tempting to save Gawain, let’s use this chance to get to the Command Room first.
Act 3 (2/3)
At the nape here, Melt revealed this was meant to be a gate granted to special employees. Both Emiya Alter and Gudas immediately guessing that the special employees are the Mages themselves, ones connected to Chaldea Organization.... Or rather, the Animusphere family themselves.
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So much for the whole security system to be digitized... But before we could move on.... Robin?! Wait, you’re not fighting us? Can’t possibly beat Lip... Gawain?! Safe to say, Passionlip is waitng for us back at the front, assuming she’s roaming around there.
So aside as usual offering her way to remove the restraint and to take the money.... We’re still going forward to remove her restraint to talk to her! Robin say the tickling hand is useful, so a way to unlock her restraint? Thanks for being our escort back to the front, Robin.
Act 3 (3/3)
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Heading back to fight against Passionlip, Robin assures we’ll be rewarded well for rescuing Passionlip. With one rub, we’re heading off as Emiya Alter remains behind with BB showing up
Emiya Alter disagrees completely how they are nothing alike with BB. He shares about himself a bit on the past, and knowing BB have something he wants, vice versa. BB expectedly wants him to kill everyone and capture Gudas for her dirty work, knowing it’ll help his job as a counter force.
Meanwhile... We got ambushed all of a sudden, and I’m not surprised if it’s actually BB just to see us suffer, Melt! In any case, let’s just clear 6 eaters and 3 knights class Servants!
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Mobs gone, time to save Passionlip! Now before we jump into the unnecessary R18 session, what the AI meant was entering her mind aka the unnecessary bullshit fanservice groping
And... Gawain! He’s fine but bloodied! And with his help after declaring to aid saving her.... We entered into Passionlip’s mind!.
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33 turns later... DW, just give us a fucking class to beat Alter Ego already!! Back to the reality, the restraints on Lip finally break! Gawain, good job, take that well-needed rest now! Or... At least do your prince charming job to bring Lip back to the Chapel to rest
Tama Cat went ahead instead to bring Lip back to the Chapel, and Robin left while we’re busy... He did finish his job, so I think he feels that he’s not needed for now.
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God to admit... Despite it fucking tough for gameplay, it’s oddly different in story wise for an actual demon pillar. Don’t know what that was, but we meet another Seraphix staff who thanked us for coming to save them.
Arnold, secretary to the previous dead director of Seraphix... We explained to him the situation a while later. Someone has an instant flipped switch from grateful to an ungrateful bastard. Thank you Gawain, for that nice indirect threatening words against this asshole.
A miracle for him to survive on his own so far...  As expected of Arnold getting shock, no Melt, you’re a bratty little Tsundere who enjoys poking buttons at every Servant, treating Gudas like your own toy. Caring for Melt, but keep acting like an insecure little kid because of who you are. So no, you and BB are nowhere a lifesaver and goddess.
Unfortunately... It really is Mable and Arnold the only survivor left in this organization. Gawain then suggested to immediately start searching the records of where the Planetarium is to fix this Singularity. Well Arnold, if you must know, the last director aka Olga Marie, got killed by Lev, so no one but Da Vinci is the temporary director of Chaldea.
Aside Melt being suspicious, all the datas were even gone too. Noticing a familiar code from the chapel, Arnold explained about one of the church members who got killed by the staff, left the code behind. And the Demon God Pillar appeared out of nowhere from their point of view and killed them all one day... Before leaving, Melt is upset of Arnold having to join us back to the church.
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Returning back... Yep, Arnold definitely care about himself since he didn’t expected Mable to be alive. Tristan welcomes us back with him frowning at unable to see Gawain’s heroic acts........ Yeah, everyone in Knights of the Round Table are fucking huge ass perverts
Emiya Alter returns back with Melt mocking at his earlier disappearance earlier. And Tama Cat, she finally brings out Lip who is now finally awake and well at last! Gawain, we meant her restraint BB put on her. Can you please not fucking shove words into our mouth unnecessarily?!
Lip is definitely nice and polite compared to the other two of the Sakura faces. We’re not going to bail on her, her claws are huge but her personality is the thing that’s important! And Tama Cat’s right, come to Chaldea and you’ll see more scarier than yourself. Lip then offered herself to fight, something which Gudas agreed and accepted wholeheartedly.
Reminding Gawain you said you fight to end her tears aka her huge ass boobs, he then accepts Lip’s gratitude to him. Tristan despite still not trusting Alter Egos, he accepted Melt’s combat capability. But... He has his mistrust against Emiya Alter.
While Mable makes her internal monologue how Arnold lie they are enemies to kill when they can talk things out... Yeah, typical Arnold decided to push all the responsibility onto us so he’s not at fault if anything happens! Mable then left with Arnold to show him to his room to rest...
Gawain then brought up the passcode they found before resting. We opened up to read the journal... By the record keeper again... No wait... Demon God Pillar Zepar?! Wait... Unless like Mozart, the record keeper is the Demon God pillar host!!
But they revealed that Seraphix was originally created to run an experiment. Oil Rig on the outside, magecraft workshop on the inside. It then began a record of the humans they brought... Like with Mash’s case... it turns out they are also experimenting on another case beside her by the Animusphere family.
Continued on with Seraphix being able to restored despite its digitized state... Around that time, Zepar had spoke to record keeper when they locked themselves up. So it’s definitely was one of the runaway pillars in Solomon Singularity and arrived at Seraphix...
So it took copy of the host personality to learn more about Seraphix.... And hence, the record keeper became the unwilling/willing traitor to turn this whole organization into a Singularity. And once it was digitized completely, there’s something about connection?
The purpose of rayshifting was to prepare Zepar to be reborn while hiding away from Chaldea’s eyes... Some point, Zepar left and made partnership with BB....
Yeah, this is why you’re not a goddess but tsundere ass bitch, Melt. It turns out this was a Demon God Pillar incident after all, therefore making it part of Epic of Remant! Restriction excuses aside, you got your own reason like to see us being screw around obviously
So the whole Holy Grail War and summoning of Servants.... For a fuel, why is everyone killing each other instead of keeping them alive? Time to defeat the remaining Sentinels and BB before getting towards Zepar
During six hours later of rest, Lip pointed out Melt’s consideration beneath her harsh words. While Melt still dislike humans, at least she knows not all are the same. Lip then teases Melt on meeting Gudas that changed her perspective.
WELL MELT, if you just ACTUALLY asked them instead of being a freaking Tsundere to beat around the god damn bush, they will hold your hand. But no, your sadist side backfired at you so too bad. Then Melt shared to her what happened to her hands... A bittersweet memory Passionlip summarized of what she sees. Once settled, Melt then asked for aid to take down the monster...
Meanwhile, Gawain.... HE GOT KILLED WHAT THE HELL?! And next morning... GAWAIN REALLY DID DIED LAST NIGHT!!! Woah hold on, before we jumped to the conclusion, we don’t know what even happened here, Tristan! So, neither Melt or Lip did it okay?!
We’re not disposing them as the Master of Chaldeas, Arnold! Tristan then decided Emiya Alter to accompany us this time on the next mission.
Remaining 2 Acts... With all the pain in the ass boss fight.... Yup, going to continue this later. In mean time, time to work on a little for JP’s side to see how far I can go with guide + running blind if they haven’t go far yet
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thanatophobix-blog · 5 years
🖊 + all do it coward
Yelling about my OCs // ACCEPTINGRabbit, you are a fool and so am I. I’m just gonna, like… give a headcanon per OC on this blog under the cut.
Achilles - His semblance is called Disconsolate. It makes others able fully feel what he is feeling, from absolute sorrow, blind rage, to pure joy, right down to the last ounce of pain he gets from a paper cut. It can take over other people’s rational thinking processes and make them react as he would, which is often never good (and leads to his death).
Alexus - She doesn’t have any real senses, even if she says its a simulated thing, she has none. She’s a cpu program! HOWEVER, she can still smell charred flesh from when her girlfriend shocked & burned to death. It’s burned into her mind even though her mind can no longer comprehend what a sense is.
Artharrachadh - Doesn’t actually like 7/11 or gas stations, they just give off the vibe he strives for in life. The mystery, the scandals, the robberies. It’s so out in the middle of nowhere that its perfect. Although, thanks to 7/11 he developed an addiction to slushies. Cherry/blue raspberry, for our god of liminal spaces, baby!!
Cas - Her powers have limits. Without her power retaining equipment (essentially, a choker, two bracelets, and two ankles), she would have ripped herself into shreds after a few usages of her powers. Her speed could send her cells into different dimensions, her ‘pyrokinesis’ could set herself on fire since she is not impervious to fire, and if she uses her luck too much, karma returns the favor with brain bleeds.
Cephriel - As angelic as they are, they are more monstrous and demonic than they’d like to admit. They eat sinners alive for nourishment, but it is all for the holy conquest. Plus, the more souls they consume, the stronger they get. The stronger they get, the quicker they can accomplish the holy conquest.
Dolores - She really wanted to get back in touch with her son but she could never find him. She went back to LA looking for him only to find that he’d been adopted and shipped off to Germany. She felt so, so horrible. It’s her fault that he was sent off to a totally abusive household and she lives with that guilt so, so horribly.
Dominique - Has never once acted like a true criminal, more like a robin hood type figure. He doesn’t kill, he doesn’t hurt, he doesn’t do anything like that, the worst he does is steal from the rich and give to the poor. Either through charity donations or through mysterious wads of cash showing up at people’s houses. However, since he steals from the rich and not the poor, that makes him evil for the media.
Eirian - Has never been one for conflict. Avoided school drama all throughout high school (minus his tiff with Lizzie which was created by him being an idiot). Now he’s running from town to town with an eldritch being chasing after him with so many guns in the back seat of his truck its almost fucking criminal. He’s learned, so, so much combat things that it scares him. He’s practically a weapon himself.
Erik - Has the hardest time keeping the ‘we’re all monsters or demons’ secret a secret out of all of Clearfall’s citizens, and he’s the one that made the whole thing happen. Lucky for him, Corey Booker, the human reporter, is kinda dense. Unlucky for Erik, he thinks that Corey is hot shit and would gladly sell him his soul to stay in Clearfall. But, for Corey to stay in Clearfall, he’d have to be turned into either a werewolf or a vampire but he doesn’t want to do that because Erik’s both a wimp and doesn’t wanna hurt
Eva-Marie - In Hell, everyone wears the sign of how their died. People shot have their bullet wounds, knife wounds, the blood loss makes you incredibly lethargic and cold, sickness makes you permanently sick and tired, burning makes you always feel like you’re on fire, and maybe you are! But Eva-Marie doesn’t show signs of her death, or at least, not if you’re not paying attention. She has perfect posture and never lowers her head, the thick choker on her neck is blood red, sometimes she starts choking and coughing up blood. She was killed via beheading, and she takes perfect care to make sure that her head never falls off.
Fane - Has extreme commitment and attachment issues because of how many loved ones he has lost. He couldn’t save… anyone. When one of his last surviving relatives, his great great great great hella fucking great nephew, Lucas, died, he was there. Fane was teaching him how to drive and they got in an accident because Lucas couldn’t take his fucking foot off the gas because he was scared shitless and they got whacked by a semi and Fane has never, ever forgiven himself for that. Or any other of the deaths.
Florian - Is destined to become fully evil, and will thrive in that evil. He was never meant to be a florist, to live and survive off of cuddles on couches and cheap pays for a good job well done. At the end of the day, he has a strong sadistic streak that was never fulfilled as a child. Florian is all smiles and no substance on the inside, and was going to kill himself if he ever had to live another second in that flower shop doing nothing, that’s what the explosion was, an attempt to end it. Now? He’s soft and sweet on  the outside as a cover, and on the inside, he’s ready to seduce your husband and blow up your house.
Fritz - Doesn’t need to sleep and doesn’t sleep. You see, on his home planet, people move so fast that sleeping was essentially something of a social death sentence. Entire empires would rise and fall while one of them was asleep, your wife could start another family and leave you behind because you would be out cold for another millennia. SO! To bypass that, they engineered a serum that would alter their chemical makeup so they’d be constantly producing energy to replace sleep.
Henri - Does not miss being a royal. She knows that the second she gets back, she’ll be forced into an arranged marriage with a guy who a) she will never love because she is a lesbian to every degree and b) she hates anyway, the guy’s a fuckin’ douchebag to every degree. She just wants to stay in NYC with the punk rock and the grunge and the Crownweaver gig with her punk gf, Dex, and never look back.
Jack - Used to be a Team Spectre Admin. Dated Salem for years, was there when the whole team got launched under Salem’s reign. They were really, really into the whole thing too, believed that the world would be better if they could just wipe everyone’s memory clean and start over with the same people, but have everyone listen to a group ‘concerned about their health, their sanity and their well-being’. Eventually realized that it was all bullshit, all of it, shit, bullshit, and that Salem? Asshole! Shit boyfriend, shit person, shit… just shit. Left, went legit, went good.
Julia - Knows everything about you. She has no clairvoyance or telepathy or omniscience or anything like that, but she knows everything about you. She has connections, her connections have connections, she’s met practically everyone in town and if she doesn’t know everything about you when you first meet? You can be sure that she’s going to hunt down someone who at least knows something. She’s incredibly well informed, scarily well informed, and also good at social cues.
Kennedy - Killed a man in university. It was her first kill and by far, her favorite. The rush she felt, the understanding of why people murder for fun, it made her understand. She had a knife on hand, took it out of the restaurant she was eating at just beforehand and completely forgot about it, but she was glad she had it. She gutted him, top of the chest all the way down to the lower stomach, and she hanged him from a fire escape by his own intestines. He was coming onto her and she was not about that life, rest in peace, fucker.
Klaus-Michael - Has a really hard time hiding his job from his father, aka the Spider-Gold job. Yes, his father is in Germany and Klaus-Michael himself is in NYC, however, it is a requirement between the two that they have a video call once a week. He comes home after fighting off an army of bad guys with so many bruises and so many cuts and dings and busted lips and broken bones and casts and oxygen tanks that his dad should be suspicious, especially since his dad is a genius. But, Klaus-Michael always seems to have some sort of excuse tucked up his sleeve.
Liz - Finds Atlantis. She does! With help, she arrives, and, unlike the dis.ney movie, there is no one alive. Skeletons line the streets of the drowned city, the location is crumbling, and she is horrified. The haunted location gives her the creeps the second she is in there, and for good reason, because something  is watching her. Not something living, but machinery, and once it catches up to her, it brands her on her side for the rest of her life. A marking, a warning.
Lizzie - Has slight celestial heritage. Didn’t think Arhkangelskaya was chosen as her last name for a reason? It was! While she doesn’t have archangel blood per say, she has guardian angel blood, and that’s what brings her back (her ghost back) from the dead to look after Eirian’s dumb fucking ass. The guardian angel blood comes from her great grandfather who was her great grandmother’s guardian angel, ever since then, the arhkangelskayas have returned as ghosts to the person they feel needs the most help.
Lori - Is destined to die at the age of twelve. In a way, she feels invincible because who in their right mind would kill a child? She thinks, that, because she’s so young, nobody is gonna raise a finger against her when she walks in to kill them, because she thinks that they don’t think that she’s going to kill them! And then, one day, she realizes that everyone is an assassin and assassins don’t have rules, assassins just want money. And, on that day, that is when she dies.
Lukas - Is not out for anyone but himself and his town. If you die, and it’s his fault, it’s not on his conscience. He’s not here to fix your problems, even though he fixes way too many of them anyway, he’s here to get the money and go. He’s here to get enough cash to either buy enough medicine to last him and his hometown years and years and years, essentially ridding them of their poisoning, or, he is going to use that money to entice scientists to search for a cure. He’s tired of having slag course through his veins, it hurts, more than he likes to admit.
Lux -  Is not impervious to fire. If she emits it from her body, she only does so from her hands for this reason, she’s not some hum.an tor.ch lookin’ chick, she’s completely human to every regard and her powers are created by machines. She can use her powers of vibrating molecules to a frequency on objects that she is not holding that are within close range, but she can also ‘set the air on fire’ (more like oxidation). She doesn’t realise this, but its how she makes her fireballs. The palms of her hands are incredibly scarred.
Madeleine - Killed a man in self defense and nobody will ever, ever know about it. Or, at least, she hopes so. She doesn’t want anybody to find out about it, because she knows that she’d be sent to jail. Sure, it started out as self defense when the main pulled out a gun at her at semi-close range in an alley way after a case where she sent a criminal away for life and she stabbed him through the heart with her rapier. It was when she took the gun and the sword and started going overkill with panic that it became less about self defense and more like making sure that that guy would never come back. She got an old friend with connections to clean the scene.
Marque - Isn’t trying to provide chaos to provide the world with equal opportunity to rise from the ashes and anarchy as a new, better evolved race, he’s doing it so he can control Giratina and take over the Reverse World. If he takes control of the pokemon, then he is also, by default, the master of the Reverse World. If he allows other to live within the other dimension, he will become their leader by default. And, by causing chaos in Kalos, Sinnoh and the other regions, he will have more and more people wanting to move into the Reverse, gaining more and more subjects and more and more power.
Matthew - Will not be able to survive if he ever leaves the Entity’s realms. His body is emaciated beyond what should be humanly possible (not like the hag is, more like he’s 6′4″ and 90lbs) and he’s surviving based on the Entity alone. His blood is complete and utter drugs at this point and he’s fragile. He’s skeletal, but in the same way that b.ane works, the drugs kind of give him a boost? They give him the strength to keep moving, but he will die if all of them ever get out because he was only a little better than this before he got into the realms.
Myles - Is suffering from unknown internal damage thanks to the facial scar that he is unaware of. The deal with this is, the scar pushed the outer layer of metal inward and, while it hasn’t damaged any of his inner workings yet, if anything happens to his face… welp! A good hit to the cheek, falling head first, anything like that will push the sharp metal further inward and damage his internal wiring. This could potentially be fatal depending on how hard the hit is, or how many times he gets hit. He is very stunned after a good head injury.
Ollie - Is a little hypocrite His whole episode is about the importance of not doing drugs, but in itself, the episode really leans towards how ‘some drugs are good’. Big companies will gladly sponsor a tv show into corrupting the minds of children to think that certain drugs are alright to take by hiding information about them, just like the tobacco industry in the past with cigarettes. Ollie, the pill bottle filled with prescription drugs, may say that some are bad, but he himself offers the pills he contains to the members of the show, getting them addicted, like a fucking hypocrite.
Richard - Wants to move onto news reporting on television, but is held back by Thomas. Their personalities are incredibly similar thanks to the method of their creation, but Richard’s has always been a little bit louder and more personable and much, much more suited for news reporting. He’s always taken to celebrity incidents more, so he’d be suited for something like…. eta.lk or en.tertainment toni.ght. Plus, wouldn’t it be fun to report a death on tv that you caused?
Salem - Does not understand that he is in the wrong. Like, you know how some villains understand that to do some good things, you need to break a few eggs? And they deal with that guilt?? LIke uh, shit, like Negan had guilt on cheating on his wife and all that, like they can realize that they’ve done bad shit? Salem is so insecure that he projects all guilt and anger and anything wrong onto other people. World falling apart? People losing their families to memory loss? Not his fault, all yours.
Shae - Never wanted to be the hero. She’s watched too many superhero movies to see how it all turns out. Metr.oman? From Meg.amind? Yeah, she doesn’t wanna turn out like that, but she knows that she’ll burnout from all the people saving and all the heroics and that one day she might just have to kill her best friend so as sunshine-y as she is she’s always dealing with this black cloud that hangs over her head and heart and it hurts her that the world is always so in danger and she can only do so much. She wants to have a break.
Sinclair - Has never lived for himself. He only ever helps others. When Jack disappeared, he took it upon himself to defeat the Team Spectre residing within the League. He took over so that people could still experience the League even though he didn’t actually technically become the champion. After all that happens, he leaves to go help others because he has nothing else to live for, he doesn’t know what to do but help. Even as a child, he poured himself into others rather than building himself up.
The Boys - Used to travel the world to sate their hunger before fully settling in their new home, a now dead, formerly economically booming, rural town that still sees some people coming in. When they travelled, they were not known as the boys, more as The Figure, as they did not hivemind as much. It is only thanks to their new setting where they take place in the high school like to eat teenagers that they hivemind as seven different boys (the most they can manage with having separate personalities and appearances while still being connected).
Thomas - Once tried to have a family outside out of Richard without Richard knowing to see what it was like. They aren’t connected other than their purpose, so they share no hivemind, just basic personality. He soon realised that a family would not be for someone like him, as they would always die before him, leading him to fake his death so it’d make human sense. He lost track of where his descendants are now, however, he doesn’t care because he’s dependant on Richard.
Virgil - In Agents of Mayhem, Virgil becomes M. Squelette, the title gained when becoming the leader of the Ivory Skeletons. Either way, his Saints Row verse, he still was a member of that gang, but he left the gang life there to move to Stilwater and then got rescooped into it. He has a lot of Saints ink, the fleur de lis and all that shit, one on his neck, y’know. However, he has a piece of Skeletons ink that he refuses to blot out because its… really nice. Like the tattoo artist obviously worked really hard on it and as loyal as he is to the Saints, he also has a large respect for the arts so there is no way in hell he’ll blot out something so nice looking. Besides, he can just pass it off as something he got when he was drunk considering that he never talks about his time as a Skeleton to anyone.
Woodland - Learned how to ‘speak English’ thanks to the dying screams of the people she killed and ate alive. Some people would try and bargain with her, others would just string together a stream of ‘shit’s and ‘no’s. Of course, this doesn’t help when learning English, as you only learn certain words and all their connotations are fucked and disjointed. She tries her best though. Also, she doesn’t actually have a name. Woodland is just a term.
Xander - Found out that he was a god when he didn’t die when he should have. By all means, he should have died. He was in a car accident with some sorta not really friends (all his other friends were in the other car, thank gods) and all the other ones died horrifically. Someone got flung out the windshield and into a tree, someone stepped out of the crash and got hit by a passing truck, when the car caught on fire, two people were stuck inside. Only Xander lived, but he was in a hospital with wounds that should have never healed, but they did. He then got a message from his fathers telling him about his true parentage.
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okay I’m so upset.
after watching the first ep of spn this season I had this INSANELY IN DEPTH fanfic idea and I was like HOLY SHIT I HAVE TO WRITE THIS OMFG LKAJF:ALJFKLDJF and I was putting it off and putting it off because I just kept thinking of more and more twists and backstories to go with it. Then the second episode aired, and I was like, welp.. Maybe I’ll wait until hellatus so I can use some canon in the newer episodes..
AND THEN FUCKING MICHAEL PARTIALLY STOLE MY IDEA!! So no If I write it i will look like I am super un-creative and just used part of the story...
Please ignore any typos I’m just throwing this together real quick. I’ve been thinking about this non stop for two weeks now..
Here is a quick, unorganized, mess of what the main events in my fanfic idea are:
like my idea was supposed to take place right after that scene in 14x01 where *SPOILER ALERT* Sam kills that demon and is all like “There will be no new King of Hell. Not today. Not ever. And if anyone wants the job, you can come through me. Understood? So, What's it gonna be?" and the demons hesitated for a few seconds then smoked out and Sam's all like "That's what I thought.“ I was gonna write a story where one of those demons is my OC and is so done with Sam’s shit that he decides to start his own super army to take back Hell. He knows he can kill Sam pretty easily if he got him alone, but that’s not good enough for him. He doesn’t want to just capture or kill him he wants to PULVERIZE him. And Michael is being a pain in the ass killing tons of monsters and any demons that get in the way so it pisses my OC off to the point that he wants to kill Michael. And take over Heaven because why not.
My OC was gonna come up with the idea where he wants to give monsters demon strength in addition to their own strength to become wickedly strong. At first he tried demon blood, it barely has any effect, and the few that it did work on, ended up turning against him.
Then he has the idea to ditch his meat suit and possess different monsters. Vamps, Shifters, Djinns, etc.. They each had different sets of pros and cons. Eventually he realizes that werewolves are his best option, due to their strength and agility. He possesses different werewolves and works his way up in packs trying to find the most powerful Alpha.
There are different breeds of wolves some only change on full moon, some can change whenever they want. Some have absolutely no control of their change others have little, some have complete control.
As he works his way through the ranks, he still isn’t satisfied. He wants to find the STRONGEST Werewolf there is. Eventually he learns of Fenrir Greyback, supposedly the most powerful werewolf that ever lived. He learns of Hogwarts from so many collected memories of student werewolves he has possessed. But the more and more he heard about Greyback, the more he learned about how little he was actually able to control his powers and that he was a hot-mess and crazy killing machine.
Disappointed by this, and about to leave Hogwarts and settle for a different wolf, he finds out about Remus Lupin.
Not only was Lupin a werewolf, he was also a WIZARD, and an Defense Against the DARK ARTS Professor at Hogwarts. Amazed by this information, my OC decides he HAS to possess Lupin. Lupin didn’t have complete control over his inner Moony either, but he was a better organized individual and he did have ALL of the knowledge and ability to preform dark spells that can inflict serious damage and easily kill. Greyback had the ability to perform magic as well, but he was killed by a couple of students, verses Lupin who was killed by a powerful Deathe Eater that took many lives. If he can control Lupin, he would not only has his werewolf strength and agility combined with his own Demon strength, but also ALL of that magic, and easier control of his inner wolf, Moony.
He can take down Sam, Michael, Heaven, Hell, and everything between..
So he finds out as much as he can about Lupin and devises a plan. He easily gets himself (as a student) into trouble at Hogwarts so that he can meet with the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Professor Minerva McGonagall. After they’re alone in the office, he jumps her, beats the shit out of her and FORCES her to take him back in time to back before Lupin is killed. It just so happens to be around the time the Order of the Phoenix was prime and before any serious attacks on Voldemort have occurred.
My OC isn’t strong enough to time travel without the help.
Long story short he possesses Lupin, petrifies McGonagall and goes back to the present and begins his rein.
Throughout his story-line, I was going to have cuts to Sam and Cas searching for Dean. Michael killing everyone he considered liars, trying to weed out the population to only people he could trust, Jack trying to learn how to be human and training to become a hunter with Bobby, and Mary working with all of the survivors from the alternate Earth taking down any monsters they can and watching for signs of Michael for Sam and Cas.
After Lupin is taken from the past and McGonagall is found by Kingsley Shacklebolt, she explains everything to him and the rest of The Order. The whole Order is extremely upset but have so much going on with Voldemort and the Death Eaters that they can’t do much about it. Plus Lupin being gone is one less member which doesn’t help their situation, so sending more members after him, will only cause harm to them. Meanwhile, Sirius Black refuses to not do anything and demands to go with McGonagall back to the future.
McGonagall and Black, back to the current time, try to meet with the current Minister of Magic, Hermione Granger, only to find out the second they return to the future that EVERYTHING changes. The plans made by The Order are altered and don’t work out, mostly due to missing two members and having different ideas for priorities. Greyback never died, Voldemort took over the entire Wizarding World and magic is no longer a secret to muggles who are terrified of everything happening.
Sam and Cas hunt Death Eaters in addition to monsters (which has been a normal thing since 1998 when the Battle of Hogwarts failed horribly.) Shit is chaotic AF. A few weeks later after a lot of extremely traumatic events. There’s going to be an insanely intense fight between Michael and my OC as Remus. McGonagall and Black are there hiding planning on waiting for my OC and Michael to fight each other almost to death than jump in to intervene.. Meanwhile, Sam, Castiel, Mary, Bobby and Jack are there hiding out waiting for the exact same thing to happen and try to save Dean. They accidentally meet at the scene of the fight, almost fight each other then find out they’re on the same team and decided to work together to stop the madness. There’s going to be an insanely painful scene where Sirius as Padfoot is fighting my OC as Remus/Moony and Sirius is going to be seriously injured by him and Remus will be fighting with Moony internally trying to force the demon out and self harming trying to escape to reality. He almost kills his Padfoot. Similar to that parallel in that scene in SPN where Cas almost kills dean and Dean breaks Naomi’s mind control on Cas, Padfoot will eventually get through to Remus enough for Remus and Moony to team up for a few seconds for just long enough to overthrown the demon, but the demon escapes.
No amount of exorcising can kick him out of his body, Sam and Castiel have tried relentlessly, but he used Lupin’s magic to hex a make-shift force-field to trap his demon soul into the body. When Lupin overpowered the Demon, there was a second where the hex was broken due to lack of concentration and he was able to smoke out of there.
Meanwhile, Michael isn’t giving up and things get so bad that it has come down to, stop trying to save dean, and just kill Michael. With the demon gone, everyone is now trying to kill Michael/Dean and it is pure carnage and mayhem. Eventually they succeed by combining multiple killing spells and and being stabbed by both Ruby’s Demon killing blade, Cas’ angel blade, and a shotgun blast to the head, all at the same time.. Michael and Dean are both obliterated. It seemed like extreme over-kill but it was just barely powerful enough to kill the Arch Angel.
The scene is incredibly painful and Cas tries and tries and tries to heal the damage but it’s too late. Dean is gone. Cas doesn’t give up, he keeps trying and trying until he is so physically exhausted he cannot physically use another ounce of his Angel juice. All he was able to really do was patch up most of his scars and mend some of his limbs back into place. Sirius and Remus, although extremely weak also tried to help, with their magic but both failed.
Minerva felt horrible watching and nobody noticed her slipping away, probably to prepare a potion to go back in time.
But then she comes back, with the Philosopher’s stone. Thought to have been destroyed by Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel years ago. Apparently right after the Battle of Hogwarts, Minerva back in time to stop them from destroying it, so she can use it to talk to Dumbledore and so others can use it to talk to their loved ones who had passed away during the war in her timeline. She has had this stone in her possession ever since. Never once using it’s true power of Resurrection. She knows that the stone can only be used toe resurrect one soul before it destroys itself, so she’s been keeping it locked away somewhere only she knew the location for it.
She didn’t even hesitate, she went to work straight way. She used the stone and with a brilliant flash of green light and a collection of ghostly voices and an almost theatrical scene that took everyone’s breath away, everyone stared on at Dean. Nothing happened. Hours go by, Cas refused to leave Dean’s side and Sam tried to force himself to accept the reality of he situation and plan what to do with his body.
McGonagall gives Remus and Sirius ALL the information they need to actually stop Voldemort. She doesn’t tell them anything about their deaths. They asked her about that topic earlier on. She said that they didn’t die in her timeline, but that they must be dead in the current reality because of Voldemort, which is why they can’t find themselves. She lied to them because she can’t risk having more alterations to the timeline that could have catastrophic results again. She is very much away that she is basically sending them to their deaths for the greater good, and she is going to have to live with that for the rest of her life. She will never forgiver herself, but it is what must be done.
Sam, Cas, Mary, Bobby and Jack, distraught take Dean’s remains to Lawrence, Kansas. Planning on burying him properly where their story started.
Sam and Bobby dug the hole while Mary and Jack built a casket of sorts for him. They don’t want to burn his remains, its not something Dean would've wanted. They close the lid of the casket and carefully lower him into the ground. They say all that they can’t think to say and start to bury him.  They all lingered afterwards, not wanting to leave. After about half an hour of staring at his grave, Sam starts to walk back to the car. They have a long drive back to the Bunker where he can properly mourn.
Cas, however, doesn’t step away from the grave. He is knelt down with his with his hands a few inches deep into the dirt just over the grave. He is still in shock and refuses to accept this. After awhile longer, his sadness turns into anger. He becomes uncontrollably angry and slams his hand down as hard as he can, disheveling the dirt around him. He looked up to the sky and is seconds away from screaming at Chuck for letting such a horrible thing happen. But just as he’s about to leap up to his feet and scream, a faint tapping noise catches his attention.
All of his anger suddenly gone, he, kneels forward and presses his ear almost to the ground, listens intently. He doesn’t hear anything, but he waits; still not giving up hope. After a few seconds of silence, he heard the sound again.
tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap....
He screams to Sam. “Do you hear that?” Sam quickly joins him, and listens. He hears nothing. Mary and Bobby and Jack hurry over and also hear nothing. They think Cas is making it up because he doesn’t want to accept it.
Cas insists on hearing a tapping noise and grabs the shovel out of the car and starts digging.
Bobby makes a move to try to stop him, saying don’t bother, the boy’s dead. Cas angrily shoves him away too hard and starts frantically digging. When he’s about halfway down and has screamed Deans’ name half a dozen times already, sudden Sam started to hear the tapping. Sam was doubtful for a second but then as Cas started digging deeper the sound started to sound like a knocking. Sam and Mary realized in unison that the impossible might have actually occurred. They both started digging with their hands alongside Cas as fast as they could. Still uncertain, with tears blurring their vision.
Cas still screaming Dean’s name and digging faster and faster. The knocking started sounding like banging, and there was another muffled sound accompanying it.
Almost through to the casket, the banging was getting louder and louder and the muffled voice was Dean’s voice screaming “Cas!” over and over again. They thew open the casket and destroyed the door in the process.
Dean was alive!! The stone worked! It took just over twenty four hours, but it worked!
Dean was groggy, and in a lot of pain. He could barely lift himself into a sitting position.
Cas hugged him tight then quickly healed his wounds as much as he could, before he and Sam lifted him out of the grave and onto solid ground.. Sam, Mary, Jack and Bobby each got a chance to hug him. All of them laughing is disbelief.
“Don’t let me say yes to another dick with wings--.” Dean coughed up some blood. “--Ever again.“
“Yo-ou bet.” Said Sam with a smile, trying to hide the break in his voice.
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jackblankhsh · 6 years
Why I Quit -- Santa’s Elf
"In my Mom's rendition, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer eventually goes on a rampage, beating elves to death with his hooves, and disemboweling reindeer with his antlers. As for Santa, well, lemme just say ho-ho-holy shit.  Thing is I can't help thinking she taught me the right & wrong lesson with her variation.  
 "Allow me to elaborate.
 "Nothing motivates a person to grasp at any job like a looming eviction that'll cast one out into Chicago winter.  It is a wicked season.  Polar bears stalk the streets.  Great glacial mounds dot the city wherever the homeless, huddled together for warmth, have frozen into human icebergs.  And always there those driven mad by cabin fever who turn into winter banshees, their screams echoing down the icy streets.  
 "Call me a coward, but I've lived here long enough to know better than risk Winter on the streets. So, following the word of a grape vine bird, I went to the Brick House Diner.  There I found Chari chowing down on a burrito.  
 "Chari is a queen in the skin grift game commonly known as stripping, though she prefers the term gash flasher.  Folks often misperceive Chari, given that she spells 'Cherry' C-H-A-R-I; however, she's certainly innovative.  Consider how she alters her act for holidays.  Around Easter she dances as Bunny, near the Fourth of July she's Booty Ross, and close to Giftmas she's Mary Christmas -- 'merry' spelled M-A-R-Y.
 "We met at a bachelor party.  When the groom asked if Chari might be inclined to acts other than sexy dancing she rewarded those hooker implications by performing an act of surra de bunda so severe it broke his nose and gave him a concussion.  Always respect a woman who can use her butt as a wrecking ball.
 "After the usual chit-chat kindling we fired up the real conversation.  
 'I heard you know about a job.'
 "She nodded, 'You know I pick up all kindsa stuff.  Guys think they're impressing me, or some shit.  Can't complain though.  My stock portfolio is crazy good.'
 "Fishing in her purse she produced a pamphlet.  Passing it across she said, 'I think the guy who gave me this was thinking like save the stripper, or whatever.'
 "I chuckled, 'The ol' respectable job angle.'
 "She smirked, 'Like I'll be so grateful I'ma just have to suck his dick.'
 "I said, 'Well, as a man, I can say we're raised with the grateful BJ delusion.'
 "She rolled her eyes, 'Oh please, you believe it because you want it to be true.  Ain't no different than Jesus saves.'
 "Glancing over the pamphlet I said, 'Speaking of grateful oral...'
 "She said, 'Don't be getting ideas.  This is me paying you back.  That bachelor party was gonna kill me.  Besides.' She smirked, 'I think you'll be an adorable elf.'
 "The next day I found myself in the beige office of a mall manager in Niles.  After introducing myself we stared at each other in silence for well over a minute.  I think he kept expecting to pull off my face, revealing Chari beneath a mask, and his pornographic fantasies of gratitude would come to life.
 "Finally, playing off that note, I said, 'So about this job, Chari said I'd be a good fit.'
 "He nodded, 'It's not hard.  Tricky part is whether you like kids.  You like kids?'
 "A few years back I attended a family gathering.  The three year old crotch fruit I'm supposed to call my nephew got to its feet.  The whole family cheering it on my brother's rat child started baby-staggering towards me. Arms spread wide it giggled. Leaping off the couch I shouted, 'Not today Satan!' and punted it across the room.  (I may've been drinking.)  
 "As such, I informed the manager, 'I know how to handle kids.'
 'Okay.  Let's get your costume.'
 "I shuddered. Though aware of this aspect of the job I didn't look forward to it.  I've often had vivid nightmares about a sweaty Walt Disney furiously masturbating to forlorn actors sadly donning the mouse costume.  
 "The manager said, 'Follow me.'  
 "He led the way through a network of halls behind the shops taking us to a locker room. While he searched for a box containing my costume I waved to a maintenance worker in overalls.  
 "The maintenance guy said, 'What they rope you into doin'?'
 "He grimaced, 'You let me know when you wanna die.  I'll kill ya.  Did it for the last guy.  Least I can do, ya poor bastard.'  
 "Right away, I liked him.  
 "The manager returned carrying a battered cardboard box.  Handing it over he said, 'Put this on then go to the middle of the mall.  Santa's there.  You can't miss it.'
 "Opening the box I sighed heavily.  Inside I found red tights, a green short sleeved shirt, and a red and white striped long sleeve shirt as well as a pointy green cap, and a set of fake points for my ears.  Everything smelled like diseased feet, and the points felt like uncooked chicken. Yet, I soon found myself transformed into an elf.  
 "Walking the mall is like roaming the belly of a beached whale.  The labored breathes of certain patrons even helps conjure a vivid image of the leviathan struggling to breath as its own weight crushes it out of existence.  Meanwhile, despite everything in a state of slow decay, creeping towards death, delusions of survival abound like the leather store believing yalmukes will save the dying retailer, or the lingerie shop's unsettling new line of preteen thongs. Like dynamiting a beached whale it would be merciful to burn this place down.
 "I spotted the ersatz Santa village long before I reached it.  It appeared to be constructed on a budget of zero fucks, and discarded pizza boxes.  Buildings, particularly Santa's workshop, stood so crooked they must've been constructed by a German expressionist.  In front of it all sat Santa, enthroned on a thrift store recliner spray painted gold.
 "Next to him stood a perky albino asparagus who introduced himself as, 'Todd.'
 "Santa introduced himself as Santa.
 "I said, 'I see we're going method.'
 Todd beamed, 'If it makes the kiddies happy that's cool.'  If he smiled any wider his head would've come out his mouth.  
 Slapping a nicotine patch on Santa said, 'Lez do dis.'
 "And so it began... a job that made me want to smoke heroin out of a shotgun, get a nice double barrel overdose going.
 "Later, unprompted, Santa said, 'Been doin' this job fer-fuckin'-ever.  Started when my bitch wife took off with the kids, and I was missing children, which is something never thought I'd say.  So I was like, "Mall Santa!"'
 'Why'd she leave?' I asked.  
 "He shrugged, 'I's fucking our neighbor, and that asshole got it in his head I wanted him to kill her.  So there was this whole misunderstanding.  Oh, hold up.'
 "Todd lifted an approaching child into Santa's lap.  The kid stared in wide eyed wonder.    
 "'Hello little boy!' Santa said, 'What do you want for Christmas?'
 'I wanna thister.'
 'Then send us your mom,' I said.
 "Santa choked down a laugh.  He told the kid he'd see what he could do, but if there was anything else, say a toy of some kind... but the boy insisted on a sister.  
 "Todd snapped the kid's photo with a digital camera.  Then I helped the boy down.  Delivering him back to his parents I asked if they wanted to buy the photo.  Like most they declined having already snapped pics with smart phones like the cheap bastards they are.  The same way they used Santa as a scapegoat, blaming him when they couldn't afford gifts for their kids.
 "So it went, eight hours a day for the next twelve days.  
 "Occasionally packs of mallrats tried to storm Santa's village.  This usually involved Goth kids screaming about Krampus.  We kept giant fake candy canes at the ready, and though bludgeoning teenagers is always a perk, it made the job feel worse afterward.  Those battles sent me to such dizzying heights the drop back to reality felt like orbital skydiving -- too much time to fully consider the fall.  
 "Todd, on the other hand, possessed a mystifying ability to always smile.  After one fight he said, 'That young fella had some skills. Good for him.'
 I said, 'Maybe next time he'll kill you.'
 'Then he'll be a winner!' Todd said.  Watching him bandage himself with wrapping paper and gauze, I considered stealing a pinch; suspecting I could get a cheery high sucking on Todd's bloody gauze.  
 "But most days belonged to managing the slow procession of beaming children accompanied by bored adults lobotomized by parenthood.  
 "In the locker room one night a gruff voice asked, 'You wanna die?'
 "Startled I leapt forward bouncing hard off my locker.  Spinning around I found the maintenance guy standing directly behind me.
 "I said, 'Not yet. Things are okay... I guess.'
 "He nodded, 'When you're ready, say the word.  You won't even know I'm coming.  Just.' He snapped his fingers, 'Lights outs.'
 'I don't doubt it,' I replied, 'Hey, I'm just here until I've got enough to buy a gun.  Then I can rob a bank like someone who still has their dignity.'
 'Like Todd,' he said.
 "Todd having dignity proved hard for me to swallow.  For instance, his frog eyed crotch stared down kids all day, and despite even the most direct statements he never did a thing about his huge man-el toe. Yet, it does take a stalwart individual to be so... Todd.  Like physics, and voluntary celibacy, optimists have never made sense to me.  Despite whatever obvious negativity I sent his way Todd remained a prince of the bright side.  Some days my only motivation for work orbited some contrived scheme to break Todd's smile, yet I slowly began enjoying his immutable nature -- the seemingly eternal persistence of his mood.  
 "The maintenance guy's words echoing in mind, I started seeing Todd in a new light. Instead of a silver lining seeking lunatic I started seeing a young man impervious to the world's woes.  Of course, I harbored doubts.  Perhaps in private he metamorphosed into a snarling bitter dick, a speculation I held on to until one fateful day.
 "Close to the end of work we let our guard down.  We each wanted to go home for our own reasons.  Santa had been peed on four times; it being payday meant I was anxious to get my drink on; and Todd wanted to hurry home to make a gingerbread house for his grandma.  We didn't notice the circling, growing Krampus kult clad in black... until it was too late.  
 "A wiry teen jumped atop the phone case kiosk.  
 "Holding high an ornate, impractical dagger he bellowed, 'Death to the red lie!'
 "And then the stygian tsunami came from all directions.  Surrounded, we didn't stand a chance.  Still, we fought the good fight.  At one point I frantically threw children at the legion of incoming Goths, bowling them over.  Santa put on a pair of reindeer antlers, and charged into the swarm head first. Anytime I saw a piercing I grabbed it, and pulled hard as I could.  
 "About to be overwhelmed I shouted, 'Robert Smith is dead.'  As the swarm paused to check their phones I used that as our chance to flee.
 "Grabbing Santa I said, 'We gotta go!'
 'Ho-ho-hold up,' he stammered, 'Where's Todd?'
 "I saw him lying face down.  Shoving Santa to kick start his exodus, I hurried over.  Scooping up Todd I fireman carried him back to the locker room where I dropped him unceremoniously on the ground.
 "Gasping, I declared for the millionth time in my life, 'I gotta quit smoking.'
 "Then I noticed a pool of blood spreading from Todd.  Rolling him over revealed a set of pentagram themed shuriken stuck in his back. It didn't look good.  Also, it's entirely possible when I dropped him I may have inadvertently driven them deeper into Todd.
 "Kneeling beside him I lied, 'You're going to be okay.'
 "Todd said, 'As long as the kids are happy.'
 "Then he died. Smiling.  Later I watched the maintenance guy mop up his blood, erasing what was left of Todd, save for a vague stain on the locker room floor.  The next day I arrived to find a doughy guy in the locker room struggling into the elf costume.  It'd been washed, but there were still holes in the back.  
 "Wrestling with the tights the guy said, 'This fuckin' shit better be worth it.'
 "Seeing that sourness, I told the new guy, 'When you the manager come around, tell him I quit.'
 "Chicago winter isn't the worst thing in the world... like Rudolph, Todd was born with a gift people didn't appreciate until they needed it.  To see him replaced so easily, well, frankly your honor, that's why I burned down the mall."
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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(The image was made by me)
It’s a real good image. I want to let you know from the beginning of this review that CD and I have both been raving about what a good troll Charyl is from the second she set (prosthetic) foot in our inbox. She’s so so creepy and we both love her so much.
FIRST: Alternia, and she’s closer to being in the Hiveswap setting then the Hivebent one.
I think given our current info re: Hiveswap all that tells us is that she is living before Feferi was hatched.
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why): Charyl (derived from one of the Deathstalker scorpion’s venom known to cause paralysis) Thytue (from a genus of scorpion called ‘Tityus’)
Age: 7.85 sweeps
Strife Specibus: Needlekind (the sewing kind)
I like it, especially since you can also swap it with the hypodermic kind. If I may suggest another option, maybe stringkind? She could use anything from silly string (comedic), to thread (thematic), to fishing line (deadly).
Fetch Modus: I can never think of a good one, lol.
I have two for you! The first is a simple SINGING MODUS based off Singer sewing machines.
The second is a CLAW CRANE MODUS like the ones you see in arcades and are invariably rigged to some extent. I like this for a few reasons:
1) it harkens back to her toy theme which is present throughout her bio, and
2) you could have the “claw” of this modus be her limp doll hand, which would just look so creepy.
Blood color: Cerulean,
Symbol and meaning: Scorrius, sign of the cunning (Hope + Derse)
We’ll get to that later in your bio!
Trolltag: tetraplegicTrinket (it’s referring to her dolls, which are trolls that are essentially permanently paralyzed, and she dolls them up)
It’s a good name! If you want to alter it slightly you can go for quadriplegicTinkerer so her abbreviation can be QT.
Quirk: Sh3 tr13s to 1ncoporat3 h3r s1gn 1n h3r sp33ch! (i want to find something that suits her better, if you have any suggestions!)
|-|-|-|- H(::)w about that she begins and ends her sentences with f(::)ur stitches and replaces “o” with (::)? -|-|-|-|
|-|-|-|- B(::)th as a d(::)llmaker and as s(::)me(::)ne with bifurcated visi(::)n eightf(::)ld? -|-|-|-|
|-|-|-|- Als(::) it mimics the cutesy way s(::)me l(::)lita girls talk by making their (::)’s r(::)under -|-|-|-|
Special Abilities (if any): Vision eightfold, with it being split to both her eyeballs, to appear like buttons, going along with her doll-like theme. It doesn’t really do much for her.
I mean tbh that holds up. We don’t know how much of Vriska’s own abilities were from her vision eightfold, her psychic mutation, or her eventual role as a Thief of Light. The girl had a lot of stuff going on.
Lusus: ScorpionMom, a giant scorpion that paralyzes Charyl’s dolls for her with her giant stinger. She also eats the trolls that die after being turned into dolls. Charyl also laces her needles with her lusus’s poison, to kidnap trolls she finds fit for being turned into dolls. Their relationship is pretty good, all things considered, though ScorpionMom keeps to herself, most of the time. This adds on to Charyl’s feeling of isolation.
I think this is oddly permissive for a ceruleanblood lusus; while Vriska’s Spidermom was obviously an extreme case, it seems that bigger lusii generally need to get fed, and will not necessarily take kindly to their ward dangling almost-available food in front of them while they finish playing with it. I think it makes more sense that Charyl uses her lusus’s poison to paralyze (and eventually kill) her victims where Scorpionmom’s full sting would out-and-out kill a troll. It can still play into her isolation because she’ll need to work to keep away from her mom while her doll is still alive, and it still gives her an easy method of getting rid of the bodies.
Apperance: She is a tall troll, around 5’9, and rather thin. Charyl has vision eightfold, though split, and makes her eyes look like buttons. She styles her hair into two long twintails, and a bow wrapped around her horn that has her symbol on it. Charyl dresses in gothic trollita garb, which is mostly made by herself, consisting of a black, frilly dress with a cerulean bow, and mary janes, and knee-high socks.
Charyl is a quadruple amputee, from an accident where one of her dolls, a fellow cerulean blood, was under-dosed, and managed to mind control Charyl into breaking and contorting her own limbs, as a way of revenge. The cerulean blood escaped, and Charyl managed to recover from the life-threatening experience. She managed to take some rather large doll parts, and fashion them into workable replacement limbs with the help of an acquaintance experienced in robotics.
Hm. So I like the premise of this a lot. With that said, do we have evidence that psychic cerlueanbloods can influence their peers? After all, part of what makes them so dangerous is that they have psychic abilities on par with a lowblood sans their requisite vulnerabilities. If I may suggest a different scenario with a similar outcome, perhaps an indigoblood with a particularly STRONG immune system failed to succumb to the poison in the expected timeframe and overcame her with their remaining strength. This could spur her distaste for kidnapping highbloods and still leave her disabled.
Personality: She’s pretty bubbly and energetic, and quite motherly. Sometimes she wishes she were a jadeblood so she could take care of a wriggler. She also treats her dolls (both living and nonliving), like her children, loving to dress them up and take care of their needs. However she is also very controlling, and is quite uncomfortable whenever she isn’t able to offer her opinion, or do things how she wants.
She’s pretty spoiled from her highblood upbringing, but is equally friendly to both highbloods and lowbloods, due to her not caring about the hemospectrum that much (though she turns more lowbloods into her dolls than highbloods, due to them being easier to abduct). Charyl is a lonely troll, and uses her dolls as a way to not feel as alone as she does, due to her lack of friends outside of the ones she meets online.
Yeah kidnapping lowbloods sure is easier when everything about the hemospectrum makes them easier to kill huh?
Due to the experience with the cerulean blood (which is one of the reasons why she prefers lowbloods for her dolls), she hardly leaves her hive, aside from going outside to find new victims. She is also socially awkward, and prefers the company of her dolls, mostly due to not fearing the social apprehension she feels when interacting with highbloods.
Interests: Charyl absolutely loves fashion, especially gothic trollita clothes. She likes sewing, and making her own dresses and accessories, for herself, and also her dolls.
If it wasn’t obvious, she also is obsessed with dolls, though her favorite type are the trolls she kidnaps, and permanently paralyze with her lusus’s poison. Most are unable to speak, and eventually die to the poison. Charyl dotes on them, dressing them up and taking care of their needs. She has a rather large collection of both living and nonliving dolls.
Charyl also likes playing doctor, though treats “patients” through the process of bloodletting, with the same needles she uses for her sewing.
Title: (got any suggestions?)
I do, because I don’t think she’s actually a Hope player. I mean if we wanted to stay on that track she’d be more likely to be a Rage player because her whole schtick is narrowing her own and others’ options, and I could make arguments for her being a Life or a Doom player, buuuuut.
You’ve made her bio one that’s very Of Things. She likes having material things, whether they’re bodies or dolls or clothes. And her hobby of kidnapping real, actual trolls to turn them into dolls is technically a form of recycling and of creativity.
Basically, she’s a fucked-up kind of Space player. More specifically, she’s a Thief of Space, which is GREAT because she’s like if Kanaya and Vriska had a creepy and fashionable lovechild, ESPECIALLY given that you said she sometimes wishes she was a jadeblood!
Her inverse would be a Page of Time, which I think kind of works given that she’s effectively fucking with others’ time both by freezing their progress and by dramatically shortening their lives!
Land: Doesn’t have one yet! Still on the fence on if she’ll actually play sburb or not
That’s fine! For the sake of argument let’s say her land is Land of Chloroform and Frogs (LOCAF). All these frogs just floating in chloroform. Maybe some of them are splayed out like an anatomical diagram. Maybe some of them have been taxidermied. Many of them will be dissected like a high school bio unit. It’ll certainly make it easy to see which frog have the anatomical traits you want in the future Bilious Slick. The Land probably isn’t even safe to traverse without a gas mask given how damn fast the stuff works. It’s macabre and fits really well with how Space players’ frogs tend to be frozen in time in some manner.
Dream Planet: Derse
I definitely agree that she’s a Dersite given how much she seems to be in her head. With that, she’s a Scorga, sign of the Deviser, which sufficiently vague that I guess it works?
…Oh MAN I just looked that one up and the fuckin’ arrow tail looks like a scorpion poised to strike! It’s perfect for her!
Thanks again!
Thank YOU for this creepy creepy lady! My redesign will be very very minimal but HOO BOY did I have fun making her sprite!
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This is gonna come with my requisite list of credits especially because I do not have a tablet and had no goddamn idea where to start with spriting her dress. That base is from deviantart user Thefantrolls and was then heavily edited to match your picture. The horns are straight-up Vriska’s, the bow is from naphal, and the hair was made by compositing like 4 different fan-troll templates.
For the redesign, I used a prosthetic base by hmnj to make it a little more obvious that her legs are prosthetic while maintaining the doll aesthetic. For the hair I wanted to do the scorpion callback but didn’t want to do anything as obvious as the stinger braid (especially since it might lose the lolita aesthetic), so I took a note from Gothorita’s design and tried to give her scorpion claw buns?
Anyway thank you again for this scary scary woman I can’t wait to see her in action.
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