#holy moly that was A Lot
cloverlink · 5 months
/chin on hands I would like to hear about Jak X and why it's your favorite! If you're up for it/don't mind.
sO I played this game when I was like 8-9-10 y/o. I met the saga through The Lost Frontier lmao but my English was very bad so I couldn't play much of the game and sent my dad to change it. iirc, the game he came back with was Jak X, if not then I got it another time I went to the store and said "surprise me".
since I had tried googling about TLF to help me pass the game, I got familiarized with the rest of the games as well. I had a (very) vague idea of the story through amvs and fanmade content. so then I got to play the game, the story was much shorter cuz it was only one game, and the playing mechanics were basically Mario kart (which I had played a lot previously) so I had a way easier time understanding things. I guess that made me closer to this game in particular. Also I asked the store for the main trilogy but they could never get them.
Plus I actually replayed it a dozen times cause of the fucking save file corruption bug, it was years of frustration cause I could never reach the end of the game without losing my progress. I eventually got a second memory card and tried again, this time with a strategy of cloning the save on each card. But by that time I had already watched the cutscenes on YouTube cause I genuinely thought I could never do it on my own. Still, getting to finish the game was like a life goal being achieved
Tldr years long frustration + learning to like bad guys lmao
NOW since I was a small kid I haTED Mizo's crew with a passion cause they were evil bad guys and that was all I could see. I had a special hate spot for Razer and UR-86. And the fact that I couldn't beat the game felt like they were winning against me and I was failing to save Jak's team from the poison. But then puberty hit and I admitted to myself that I had a crush on Razer LMAO and I became Mizo's crew #1 fanboy. Before I realized I was thinking of backstories, headcanons, ships, self inserting myself on the team or as their rival who ends up warming up to them
I got to play the other games when I was 15 (it was around this time that I got to beat Jak x too) and that made me appreciate X even more because they really didn't need to go THAT HARD yet they did!!! and I'm so glad!!!! It gave us more time with Jak + a different side to him, a lot of depth in world building, character development for Keira (I had very protective parents so I feel her) AND THEY FINALLY KISSED OMG TOOK YOU BOTH DUMMIES LONG ENOUGH + that plot wist with GT and then the Rayn one at the very end holy shit
now a lil on my love for the baddies: we get literally zero stuff from them except for Mizo's daddy issues and Razer's sassyness so this part is mostly me going full delulu. Most of my attention at first was on Razer obviously and I always love/hated him, I feel like I wouldn't stand him but God he's so cool. Then one day I randomly started adoring Shiv?? I just thought he'd be such a chill guy and started picturing us as besties??? Edge I feel would be Shiv's kinda close friend, we see them together most of the time they have in X after all. And then Cutter's the most reserved one, I picture him being actually really sweet but you Have To Get There.
Now I need to draw my self insert so bad omgggg
Also I can recite the Spanish version of the opening scene by heart
OK THAT GOT LONG ENOUGH thank you so much for asking I loved writing all this and would love to hear your thoughts on the game (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)
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trippin-chippin · 1 year
So, can you please explain whiskey and moonshine’s relation? You said they were half sisters, do they have the same mom or same dad?
Idk I just want their backstory, tell as much as you’d like!
No problem! 😆 this is prolly gonna be a lot more than what you asked for tho😅
A little bit of background info: whiskey is two years older than moonshine.
Alright so, whiskey and moonshine are half sisters and they have the same mom (Jackey) and to different dads.
Moonshine’s dad is (Mr Bailey). I always joke about moonshine being the product of a one night stand and well… she did come from one😂
Whiskey’s dad (Daniel). He was married to Jackey and was loyal to her. He also knew about her pregnancy from the one night stand, but he decided to give her another chance because he didn’t want his kid (Whiskey) and the one on the way (moonshine) to live without a mother and a father figure.. lol that backfired. And Jackey wasn’t in the best mental state at the time so he also wanted to be there for her as well.
Now there was a third sister that was whiskey’s twin. Her name was going to be (Rie) but unfortunately she died shortly after birth. So there was actually supposed to be 3 girls, but one didn’t make it.
Alright I’m gonna talk about the incident of 1999 so below this point
(You don’t have to read this part)
TW: gun, deaths, traumatic scenes, suicide, etc…. Some messed up shat
Alright so fast forward to 1999, whiskey was nine years old along with moonshine being six year old. Now like I said, Jackey wasn’t in the best mental state and so that made her have suicidal thoughts… and well, she tried to act upon those thoughts; however, Daniel would try to stop her each time. He’d also get the kids away so if something did happen, they wouldn’t see it. Throughout the past he had managed to stop her and calm her down, but the day in 1999 he was unsuccessful.
That day was quiet and Jackey wasn’t really saying much and she went outside to the backyard with a gun. (Whiskey and moonshine were in the house so they weren’t aware of what was going on). Well Daniel seen her walk out back so he followed her to once again talk to her and calm her down. As he got outside he saw that she had it pointing to her chest, so he ran out to her to stop her. Little did he know, the gun was loaded and was ready to go off, so when he was trying to get the gun away from her it went off, into her chest.
After that whiskey and moonshine heard this, and so being the two curious kids they were they went outside to unfortunately see their mother laying on the ground.
Alright this parts a bit funky so bare with me….. The gun that was used was a revolver, so there was many rounds in it. When the gun kicked back after going off, Daniel caught it, in which he dropped it after he just realized what happened. He didn’t know whiskey and moonshine was outside running to them and the only thing he thought of was that his wife just died. Now like I said here’s the funky part: when he dropped the revolver the “rotating part” shifted (and in some cases when a loaded gun hits something, it can fire) which is what happened. Whiskey was running up to them and when the gun hit the ground it fired again and got whiskey. Moonshine was further away and was out of the way so basically she just was just there and watched the whole thing.
Daniel didn’t know that the girls were outside till he looked over and seen whiskey on the ground with moonshine standing over her (somehow whiskey didn’t die, idk she’s like a cockroach or something). He seen whiskey and Jackey on the ground and he was so caught up in what happened because at that point he thought that he just lost his wife AND his daughter, so he grabbed the gun and committed suicide out of guilt even though he didn’t so anything wrong.
Moonshine just was there and finally help came and stuff like that and Daniel, Jackey, whiskey, and moonshine was taken to the hospital, but Jackey and Daniel was pronounced dead.
ANYWAYS that’s why one of whiskey eyes is messed up and looks like a x cause that is where she was shot. Now since it was in her head her growth was stunted you could say and basic she’s the same height she was when she was nine. Also that’s why moonshine is so up tight about everything.
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nezhanetwork · 1 year
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what was your story about?
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starbittsy · 11 months
His smile has been the ONLY thing on my mind.
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myonmukyuu · 6 months
I would like to congratulate 🎀🎙 on their marriage 🙇‍♀️
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markbandanawitts · 3 months
Things to Never Say to Someone Who Just Came Out, a Keroro Gunsou version ❤️🥰
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I’m sure this has been done before in the fandom but this is the markbandanawitts special (my wonderful two cents everyone cares about)
mois is not here on purpose i promise she’s just not an asshole like the rest of these plebeians . i am also allowing myself to post anything that includes saburo and not just the days counter THIS IS MY BLOG I MAKE THE RULES HERE ALRIGHT
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neoymm · 25 days
while billy himself turn into cap, he is a magical girl and/or without his sister Mary and his best friend Freddy (or brother idfk)
but the whole kids in the shazamily (6) is power rangers (/super sentai my beloved), they are so colour-coded that i think they fit more in power rangers/super sentai
but since mary is also red, imma a lil’ switch in colour and make her costume white (sorry mary :()
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temporary name for them
Marvel Red! (the captain as always)
Marvel White! (wise legendary type)
Marvel Blue! (the cool type)
Marvel Grey! (the tech type)
Marvel Green! (the nice type)
Marvel Purple! (comic relief type or the feminine type — idk man purple is usually the tech one but eugene got the tech one)
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spruzu · 2 months
art block is blocking so as an alternative have these i made in ms paint with my mouse
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i'll probably do more tmwr. Im giving myself a bit of a break from doing proper drawings coz i dont wanna make the art block worse yk.
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floaties-for-arsene · 6 months
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wake up babe ryomina swap au just dropped
more context below hehe :)
I’m gonna try to not go too crazy explaining the AU, so here’s my attempt at a “condensed” outline of the AU!
So the story of Persona 3 happens normally.. up until Ryoji’s revelation. After Ryoji explains the Fall to SEES and presents them with the option to kill him, Minato is insistent that there has to be another way. Eventually he settles on the idea of removing Ryoji’s status as the harbinger of the Fall, and to do so, make Ryoji human.. the problem is, in this act, Ryoji’s powers would transfer to Minato. Hence the swap part of the AU :)
At first everyone is really hesitant about this, especially Ryoji; he’d much rather put himself at risk than Minato. But he persists and eventually the team agrees to trust him. Ryoji and Minato relentlessly plan to ensure that things go as well as they can. On New Year’s, Ryoji initiates a sort of sharing of powers between the two; since the two exist within each other, I’m really leaning into their out of body connection for this.. if that makes any sense. When the swap happens, Minato disappears, and Ryoji blacks out.
When Ryoji recovers, SEES seeks out Minato in the Dark Hour. Ryoji is distressed that he can no longer sense Minato’s presence and begins to worry that things went terribly wrong. Ryoji is still weak and it’s soon apparent that he’s unable to summon a persona… and being in such danger, as well as being separated from Minato and dealing with a potential massive failure to protect someone so dear to him, he begins an existential crisis. This conflict eventually leads to Ryoji’s awakening, accepting his mortality and strengthening his resolve to fulfill his end of the plan and have faith in Minato… and when Ryoji awakens to his persona, he feels a familiar, comforting presence :)
So tldr, Minato becomes Ryoji’s persona, and the team work to beat Nyx after taking away her little pawn. I have waaaayyy more I could write about the rest of the AU and I even have epilogue stuff planned but I’ve already rambled enough and I mostly just wanted to put these designs out here since I’m super proud of them lol
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whooiew · 9 months
Kafka Snowsant Support Group
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The support group ever
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moeblob · 5 months
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You know, when I kept getting asked "so you didn't ever have severe pains before now?" in the hospital and I kept replying "I have a high pain tolerance" I meant it. However, there is only so much pain my tiny 4'9" body can hold... (aka I am sweating and in agony bc I'm getting told to use LESS severe pain meds so I don't rely on them too much and it is AWFUL)
#moe talks a lot#i was shaking earlier and despite the fact i sound like im gonna cry#and the fact that my mom can pick out im about to cry from pain bc im trying to take less pain meds#LIKE MY MOM IS INSTRUCTING ME TO DO#shes like well why arent you taking any pain meds#BECAUSE THERE ARE TWO AVAILABLE OPTIONS AND ON A SIX HOUR TIMER#i cant take both at once or else what happens to me if i hurt before the six hours is up#i have to manage them in a way that allows me to benefit from both and being told im doing it wrong#after being told well its your fault it got so bad because you never complained about pain before#YEAH NO JOKE? REALLY? I NEVER DID? because everyone acts like im too young to feel that kinda pain#oh youre hurting? just wait until youre older#and its currently agony to breathe again but that i guess is also my fault bc im trying to use pain meds#holy moly i just want to not get dizzy standing up cause wow dang#sure would be nice if the multiple incisions in my stomach didnt THROB every time i sneezed or coughed or cleared my throat#but since i didnt use much pain meds before because i would be mocked for being too much of a baby its like#welp damn now i could really use some and im being called out for being too reliant#anyway time to sleep more because that means im not noticing my pain#im literally smaller than most children and so i do understand my body size makes people worried about the medication intake#but can i please just go a day without being asked how much im taking or when i last took it or if im gonna cry#anyway sorry for the excessive rant today never really had surgery or anything so this is brand spankin new suffering
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rolethelaglord · 2 months
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greensolsikke · 11 months
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EXCUSE ME! Huhhahhei already surpassed 500k streams in f*cking 5 days 🤯
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nobody-nexus · 4 months
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No joke I've never really hit this many followers in any social media I've been apart of. I didn't even REALIZE how many followers I had until I went to check something
TO celebrate, I'll let you know that I'm actually writing and working on a song right now, one for a character who doesn't have one at ALL. So I think you should stick around for that
But again, thank you all SO much for the support. Even on my smaller posts, I always appreciate when people like my content so much that they give a like or even a reblog as well
Just remember that you all matter to someone in the world ^^
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tezzified · 4 months
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ok another doodle page (closeups under cut)
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lokisis · 8 months
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Alright you [slimes], this is my most recent sneo with lightner soul concept and you’ll Finally get to know why I made them (sorta spoilers for rfas? Not really but just in case)
Originally, I planned for the mansion to start collapsing due to Neo's destruction and corruption of the basement. Kinda like taking out the linchpin yknow? Spam protects the reader from a falling piece of rubble b4 talking with the Addisons. They needed to evacuate everyone. Sneo goes to say he'll take care of the mansion, but a large chunk of rubble falls. He of course saves the reader, by pushing them back with his wings.
But reader and Spam would get separated, corraling one outside and the other further into the mansion. Spam says 'just go up top! I'll get you!' and who are you to disagree? Of course, it's not that easy. The werewerewires attack Sneo, and the remaining staff don't take kindly to you freeing the Neo suit.
You eventually make your way to the roof. Queen greets you up there, she expected this to happen. You fight her and a couple Swatchlings. But you're still... weak. From everything that happened. They force you to the edge of the mansion roof. And of course, because it's already unstable, the roof crumbles under your feet.
You fall.
Spamton fucking freaks (internally of course). He scales the building just to catch you in mid-air. And when you tell him to just take your soul and Finish this, he vehemently tells you No. He won't. He won't! You don't give him a choice. A selfish play, but the only true way to save you both.
You force your soul into the Neo suit.
I wouldn't quite call it telepathy, but you can communicate with Spamton even without your body. You let him have most of the control, hence why it so Heavily leans towards Spamton's design. He leaves your body safely with the Addisons, and goes back to the roof.
You ask what he’s doing.
Waiting for Her.
Giga queen emerges and she's pissed!! Most of the fight is like the one from ch2, save for the size difference (sneo is still only 15 feet tall, giga is around 50). Spam is still at an advantage. He's used to being smaller than most, and it still applies here. Though he does show off, just a bit. When giga tries to punch at him, he grabs her arm, not letting go even when she recoils, and Rips Her Arm Off.
After defeating the queen, Spam gives your soul back so quickly it looks like it burns him to hold it. He doesn't want to do that again. And everyone is ok!! Happy days!!
The end!!
That's not what happens though. And it's not the only ending I've scrapped. Will I add them somewhere else? Who knows ;)
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