#holy shit that was a revelation
sharptoothed-gaze · 8 months
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 4 months
Oh my gosh Isaac Newton!!! My boy Isaac Newton committing atrocities against God and nature!! You’re doing amazing Isaac!!!
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localceilingdevil · 8 months
slides my ieratorsona over gently
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pools of gold my beloved !!
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loveandthings11 · 1 year
Arian said Stewy said to Kendall “do you remember what your dad did to you as a kid? I was there.” And it was cut.
I might never sleep again.
Arian Moayed for The Prestige TV Podcast
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mischiefmanifold · 2 months
spent the last three hours reading the book "Sociopath: A Memoir" by Patric Gagne and I'm reeling in a positive way
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I don't blame people for not knowing, IH did a lot of rebranding after all, but IH is definitely at least right-leaning. Alt-lite, if you will, where he doesn't say too much blatantly alt right stuff Tucker Carlson style (put a pin to this) but if you know the dogwhistles, you'll realize that he's just better at hiding his political tendencies. A cryptofascist, if you will. I knew because a) well, look at his fans and b) I was a fan since his very beginning, when he just released the Dashcon video and also back when I unfortunately was right-leaning anti-SJW. And boy looking back there were a lot of dogwhistles I was familiar with.
Take a look at the bikelock video (still up to this day!) where even outside of the blatant 1488 reference it's clear he's not fond of antifas. Or the HWNDU video where it's just /pol/ wankery and lots of clips of people being very antisemitic being shown uncritically. The most blatant proof of him being alt-lite is the deleted Seize video that hbomb mentioned. He admitted he watched Tucker Carlson (!!!), he put a clearly anti-semitic username on display and even said it, and he did racist caricature of Japanese people. Clearly too much bigotry for an alt-lite so he deleted it.
Again, these aren't blatant alt-right declaration like say, Sargon of Akkad or Stefan Molyneux (yeah remember that piece of shit). But put the pieces scattered across his videos together and you have someone very fond of right-leaning ideology. But with enough plausible deniability so when people brought it up he'll have an army of defenders saying stuff like "duuuhhhhh 14/88 is just a number triggered much" or "these r 5 years ago he changed!!!!!!1!". Lol if he truly changed he would've denounce his fans' antisemitism but he didn't do anything.
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
Headcanon time: Dr Atlas' overworld counterpart is the same scientist that created Doc and Stress (also trio trauma bonding, because why not)
Also I can't help but imagine this scenario happening if Tango gets kidnapped and taken back to Hels:
Non Life Hermits: "You're back early."
Life Hermits: "Tango was kidnapped."
Non Life Hermits: "What?"
Life Hermits: *grabs weapons* "Tango was kidnapped."
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……. so how’d you feel if your ‘headcanon’ became ‘canon’
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dearreader · 4 months
going from one side of the “i gave them the power to hurt me” spectrum (i know im half responsible and that makes me feel horrible. why did i stop it all, god why did i stop it all?)
to the other side of “they could only hurt me if i let them, they needed me just as desperately as i thought i needed them” spectrum (i know i made you the big star/i let you butcher my big heart/but it’s my song and my stage/and it’s my coming of age!)
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monstrumpuella · 1 year
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chaoticspacefam · 2 years
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(Miette voice (obvi)) “You abandon Khem Val?? You leave him on the ship like the droid?? Oh oh! Jail for little Sith! Jail for little Sith for ten thousand years!!”
He’s SO dramatic about being asked to wait on the ship, I love him 🤣🤣🤣
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 6 months
I am not the person I was 3 hours ago.
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danothan · 9 months
weird question but it came up in conversation recently and now i’m curious: if you had repressed memories, what was it like to have them resurface?
personally, i don’t think my life was better living in “ignorant bliss,” but i can’t rly say i’m glad i remembered either. i wonder how other ppl feel abt this kind of thing. i’ve been living w the UNrepressed memories for the amount of time i had forgotten now, so ig i’m just thinking abt it more w my bday coming up. wow that’s crazy, i’ll have remembered for longer than i forgot
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ssaalexblake · 20 days
considering restarting my cm rewatch but i'd just hit minimal loss and i really can't deal with that entire thing
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Lila: *gets akumatized to make people believe Marinette is Monarch*
Me: You don't need akuma for that, just tell them like this and they would believe you.
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beevean · 1 year
The Great Ace Attorney
Announce the Truth
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thebl00dyparallels · 1 year
Imagine if Blitz and Stolas had this conversation since Blitz and Lucifer’s both have self-hatred and was brought up in dysfunction with neglected fathers. Then Stolas tells Blitz to forgive himself the same way Chloe had to Lucifer
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