#homegirl has so much going on shes soooooo *hand gestures* yknow
cheemken · 1 year
what are your Cynthia angst headcanons? :00
This is fun, more angsty hcs hahaha
Anyways have hahah
•did not get to grieve properly over Cyrus even until this point and it fucks her up so much
-gets nightmares abt him really, and it didn't help the ones she usually sees in her dreams are of his younger self, when he was still a bright eyed child filled with hopes and dreams
-he'd look at her, calling out, "Cynthia..." In his soft and quiet voice, then it would shift to his older self, the one before he got trapped in the Distortion World, his glare piercing her soul, then he spoke, voice deep with sadness, "was I not worth it for you as well?"
-and before she could get to him, she's always too late, always too late to save him from Giratina's grasps, always too late to save him from that world
-she doesn't like to sleep anymore
•lowkey resents the Sinnohan people
-while yeah she should've expected the responsibilities of a Champion, she did not expect that she'd be placed on a pedestal so high up she couldn't see anyone anymore, and how they expected her to be perfect as well
-resents Palmer for not telling her, a child when she got that title from him, how grueling it really was, instead he just pat her on the shoulder, said she's gonna do great and left her alone in the Champion chambers
-she was a good Champion, but shit it broke her own mental health
-honestly doesn't want Dawn to be the next Champion, she wants Barry to be the Champion, as she thinks it's fitting for Palmer's kid, who was always so insistent he'd be a strong trainer, to be Champion and also feel the pain she felt without telling him how much the title would fuck someone up, the same way his father did to her
•reading abt history and mythology helps her cope, she loves reading abt them, loves how it shaped the culture of Sinnoh, loves learning about the past
-she knows about Volo, but doesn't like reading more about him, too many times she's been told by her family she was a spitting image of him
-and a few times she heard whispers that she might follow in his footsteps
•dissociates a lot
-like, especially during meetings, which then causes the arguements between her and Lance
-honestly has too many things that runs around her mind, all that untapped grief and sadness would get to her that she'd try so hard to surpress them even more during the times she's with the others
-when she's finally alone in her own home, she'd often just lie down on her bed and stare up at the ceiling, letting her own depressive episode consume her, but shedding no tears whatsoever
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cheemken · 1 year
“how do I put this delicately.. I think it would be best if you die." THATS COLD just like the spear
Girly straight up just said your free trial is over and stabbed her dad
ough Iris feeling like real shit because Kyurem had to pretend to still be under Ghetsis control, and Iris had to watch her grandpa mentor try fight off the legendary. All while Ghetsis is being a dick and monologuing about how powerful he is and the next part of the plan
Iris being an anti-hero is good shit. Like yeah she got rid of Ghetsis and she’s leading Neo Plasma in a different direction, but she’s killing people and doing questioning things to do so. She’s still going down the same path her dad was leading her just without him, because she knows she’s better and smarter than him. Plus she was just sick of the abuse and fear she had over him
You know Drayden really loves Iris cause Hilbert told him about her being seen with N, the enemy, and he still wished for her to be safe and found. Man didn’t even doubt for one moment that Iris was still alive, he knew she was. Even though the rest of the League probably thought she had died sometime in that battle
Homegirl has had enough, I think along w a hug she also deserves to commit murder yknow, as a treat uvu hahahah
But ougndmcbxnxbd please Iris believing she's so much better than Ghetsis, she was stronger and smarter and unlike him she didn't have to forcefully control Kyurem, as Kyurem was already her friend, and Kyurem would do anything for her.
And like right anti hero Iris is soooooo *wild hand gestures* like she really thinks she's doing the right thing, even former Plasma members joined again bc they know she was genuine w her cause, they don't separate people from Pokémon in an instant, but they're also.. they don't hesitate to kill. Iris had said if they ever see a trainer, no matter who it is, mistreat their Pokémon, they should kill them on the spot and save that poor pkmn.
She doesn't understand why the people are still terrified of Plasma. She's not like Ghetsis, it's not like she's doing smth wrong, she's just making sure her pkmn friends are safe. Her brother should know better right. Her brother knows what it's like, her brother should be on her side. But imagine once she and N met again, N had told her that what she was doing is still wrong. Hurting people was wrong, he finally realizes that, and tells her that she should really just disband Plasma, as it's nothing but a connotation of fear for the Unovan people at this point. Imagine him telling her she's no better than Ghetsis, letting Plasma's followers believe what they're doing is right, when it actually isn't.
Oh Iris was pissed, she really thought her brother would know better, but perhaps these humans really corrupted his mind. A shame, really, she did like those kids she met, she befriended them, but she can't just let people hurt pkmn, she just can't. Well, no matter, she's sure Drayden and Hilbert would be by her side, right?
No but like cbmdnd imagine Drayden being so happy that Iris was alive and safe and was back home to him, and like Iris getting so excited for Drayden to really meet Kyurem. And imagine the fear Drayden felt when Iris called out Kyurem, the Boundary Pokémon looking at both of them. Drayden could feel the chill, he held Iris close in fear of Kyurem suddenly attacking them, but Iris calmed him down telling him that Kyurem was sorry for attacking Opelucid. They had to bc they want Ghetsis to believe that he still had Kyurem under his control. And to make it up for it, Iris commanded some grunts to help around Opelucid, making sure the city is safe. Drayden wasn't sure what to feel abt that, he was happy his granddaughter protege was back, but just,, she's still part of Plasma ofc. He doesn't know why she still ties herself w that organization, she has so much potential, but he fears it will be wasted on being Plasma's leader.
Oughh imagine if Drayden actually had a talk w Iris tho, later that night, saying how he knows she's strong, she's a really good battler, a battling prodigy really, that maybe she could give up Plasma and live a normal life. She already has a home in Opelucid w him, and Drayden was kind enough to mention that her brother could live w them too. But like, Iris thinking of smth else tho. Thinking that Drayden was right, she was strong, maybe strong enough to be a Champion. And if she's Champion,, well, maybe people would stop fearing Plasma. Ofc, why hadn't she thought of that sooner, she could become Champion!
Oh, how grateful she was for Drayden, but he can't know she really wasn't willing to disband Plasma. Without Plasma, who would protect those poor Pokémon being mistreated by their trainers? Well, she's sure once she's Champion, people will see her vision, and they'd finally stop being scared of Plasma, they'd finally stop being scared of her and Kyurem. Yeah, that would be cool, she decided, before she slept she promised herself she'll be Unova's Champion, the strongest trainer in the region, and people will see that Plasma is there to help them.
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