#honestly I do want to know more about Cassie’s dad
pixlokita · 9 months
Okay yeah angst Cassie and Cassie|Vanny but like- Imagine the severe PTSD Cassie has to go through every time she enters an elevator- She really needs (NON Fazbear Entertainment managed) therapy- Poor girl-
Why can't she just live on with her animatronic wolf mama staff bot papa (Controversial there but whatever/ +even more trauma to the already traumatized girl so we better give her the best therapy-) 😭😭😭
And it's part of the reason she gets (most likely) Glitchtrapped in the first place!!!
(I know that we believe differently when it comes to who we play as in HW2 and that's good! I like to see different opinions play out. I'm not going to unfollow you just because we have a different opinion because you're that good of an artist and I love your comics. Period.)
Lmao 😭 eyyy thank ✨ tbh can’t blame Cassie if she ends up with elevatophobia :v as someone who’s been in malfunctioning elevators =w= that is terrifying as heck every time but still better than her straight up dying from the fall >>)b I love seeing Vanny Cassie too tbh just because :v bunby ;w; 💜✨🐰 but yeah too much sad Can get depressing fast TTwTT sometimes you gotta cope with the possible happier outcomes and hope they’re canon so you can enjoy all the sad stuff without guilt
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
Bruce goes to meet the other fathers? Have a barbecue with Clark, Oliver, Berry and talk about their kids?
"Damian told me that I was cool, it's been a while since one of my kids told me that" or "Mia is doing so well at school these days"
those moments when they are all (old men) father proud of the mess the kids are?
The dads: *lounging on beach chairs*
Clark: It's nice to finally get a day off. I think Jon needed it more than me. He's still reeling from growing up and suddenly turning back into a kid again.
Ollie: How'd that happen, anyway?
Duke, walking by: That's just this blog.
Clark: What?
Duke: Nothing. Hey, B, can we use the jacuzzi?
Bruce: Sure, go ahead.
Duke: *gives Emiko a thumbs up*
Emiko: *drains the jacuzzi*
Harper and Cullen: *start cleaning the pipes*
Ollie: I know how you feel, Clark. Roy's the happiest I've seen him with Lian back but it's still a big change. We're working on getting her enrolled in school this fall so she can catch up on what she's missed.
Roy: *sprays the tub with disinfectant*
Jason: *dries it with a leaf blower*
Hal: Speaking of changes, Jaime graduated with honors. I know he's not my kid but I can't help but feel like a proud uncle. Kyle got a new concept artist job, by the way, and I think he really likes it.
Jaime: *turns the jacuzzi back on*
Kyle: *sets up folding tables*
Barry, chuckling: Bart tried to enter a marathon the other day.
Clark: Kon wanted to pay money to go skydiving. I don't get it.
Aquaman: I remember when Kaldur joined an amateur scuba class at that age. Perhaps it's an attempt to feel more human.
Bruce: It's easy for us to forget sometimes too.
Kon, carrying a giant pot: Boiling hot soup, coming through!
Kon: *pours it into the jacuzzi*
Cass: *adds spices*
Tim, with a clipboard: One down, eleven more to go. Bart, stop eating the ingredients.
Bart: It's just tofu.
Tim: That's for Damian. What's he gonna do now, starve?
Bruce: Dick's been coming home more often lately. I can tell Alfred's really happy when he sees us all together.
Dick: *drapes tablecloths over the tables*
Wally: *sets up plates*
Steve, walking in: Mind if I join? Diana's running a little late so she sent me and the girls ahead.
Clark: Of course, feel free.
Donna, holding a basket: Where do these vegetables go?
Barbara: I'll take them. Could one of you get some spoons from the kitchen?
Cassie: On it.
Steve: So where are all the ladies?
Bruce: They're in the living room. Selina's showing off her latest... um... collection. Alfred has tea in the kitchen if you want some.
Steve: Don't mind if I do.
Yara: Should I put the meat in now?
Jon: One sec.
Jon: *scoops some soup aside*
Jon: You're good now. I just needed a vegetarian portion for Dami.
Ollie: Honestly, I'm surprised everyone's doing fairly well given the industry we're in.
Steph, leading a crowd into the yard: And here's where our main event will be.
Bette: *checking names off a guest list*
Bette: That's almost everyone. Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter are gonna be a little late. Avery's on a mission in Shanghai so she can't make it. Beast Boy and Raven stopped to buy desserts. And the We Are Robin kids just got stuck on a stalled subway train but they should be here pretty soon.
Clark: I think it's a matter of good mentorship and giving them plenty of time and space to get acclimated to the superhero lifestyle.
Jesse: *making lemonade*
Ace: *fills the coolers with ice*
Garth and Kaldur: *handing out drinks*
Barry: And giving them plenty of room to grow at their own pace.
Hal: Very true.
Bruce, sighing contently: You can't help but be proud of them.
The kids, chanting: HOT POT! HOT POT!
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nina, pt. 3
Nina woke up in the middle of the night feeling woozy and sick. She committed mentally to staying in her bed and fighting the feeling. She was confident that if she didn't move, she wouldn't throw up. Nearby, she heard giggling. Cassie, and, she was pretty sure, Paul. She wasn't sure what time it was, but it felt late. Or early, I guess. Moving very slowly, to keep herself from getting sick, she moved her head over to face Paul's bed. Oh, she thought.
Paul was sort of straddling Cassie on his bed. Cassie had his cock in her hands, and she was stroking it half playfully and half passionately. "You're so hard," she whispered enthusiastically. "I'm gonna fucking cum," he said.
"Shhhhh," she said. Nina instinctively closed her eyes for 30 seconds. She heard Cassie stroking and Paul grunting. "Fuuuuuck," he said.
Nina squinted. She could see ropes of Pauls' cum shooting out and landing on Cassie's exposed breasts.
"So good," he said. She kept stroking for a while, and when she released it his cock flopped down, deflated.
"Your turn," he said, sliding down Cassie's body. Nina watched as he parted Cassie's legs and put his face between them.
Nina closed her eyes. She pretended to be asleep, but closely followed the slow arc of Cassie's breathy orgasm.
"We should really stop doing this," Paul said. "Why?" Cassie said, "It's so fun."
Paul laughed. He got up then, and went over to his bed and flopped onto it.
Slowly, Nina fell asleep.
She woke up in the morning, rolled out of bed and stood up to stretch before she was concious of the fact that she'd slept naked, and in fact, still had dried cum on her chest. She decided not to cover herself even as she clocked Paul's eyes on her. "You slipped away from the party last night with those two--- what were their names? The twin?"
"Now you and I have slept with sisters," Nina said teasingly. "You slept with them? With her?" Paul asked. "Wow, that's cool." "Well, kind of," Nina said. "She ate me out." "Hot," Paul said, grinning.
Nina wanted to ask him if he really thought it was hot. But she didn't push it. Instead she went over to the free bed and grabbed a banana and ate it casually, standing there in front of him, trying to make no big deal out of the fact that she was completely naked. They talked about who was handling what job that day. At a certain point, Paul got up and stood in the bathroom pissing with a semi-erect cock that he made no effort to hide from Nina as he walked back over to his bed. Nina decided she kind of liked this, this intimacy. It reminded her of seeing her mom and Evan the other day when Evan had pulled his cock out right in front of her mom, not knowing Nina was there.
She asked her mom about it later that day. They were having lunch alone at her mom's site. "Do you and Evan see each other naked a lot here?" she asked her. Her mom laughed. "What a question." "I just… you know, living with Paul and Cassie, I'm just trying to calibrate what is normal." "Well, we always joke that we're in nature." "So, you're saying…" "I'm saying if I was at your uncle's house, I would probably not change my clothes right in front of him. But here at the camp… yeah, I kind of always have." Nina could tell her mom was thinking about it more. "Yeah honestly he sees me naked every day," she laughed. "And I see his fucking dick constantly." "How does he compare to dad?" Nina asked wryly. Her mom snorted. She could tell she liked Nina talking to her this way, as near-equals. She'd been right about that feeling, of reaching the apex of trust and freedom. Her mom lit a cigarette. "Your father has the biggest cock I've ever had," she said. "I mean, he's basically a porn star." "Oh, jeez," Nina said. "Well, you asked," her mom said. "He's got both length and girth. And a lot of stamina. Sometimes, I've already cum three times and I'm just, good lord, just fucking finish!" Nina laughed. "I mean, Evan is fine. He has what seems like a totally servicable, functioning cock." "How do you know it functions?" Nina grinned. "Because he wakes up rock hard all the time," her mom laughed. Then she looked at Nina a little conspiratorially. "Plus," she said, then giggled. "I can't tell you that." "What?" Nina said. "One weekend, your father was up here, and he invited a friend of his from work. This woman who'd recently been divorced. And we all got drunk, and a little stoned and…" "And?" Nina said. Her mom turned red. "Well, we kind of all ended up in the same bed." "Doing what?" Nina asked, openly scandalized. "Well, your father and I had sex and this woman and Evan had sex." "In the same bed?" "For me, the hottest part was seeing your father's co-worker -- a woman he's talked about in little work stories for years -- seeing her get a load of your father's cock. I mean her eyes practically bugged out of her head. I wonder what the drive home was like for them." "Did he look at her?" "Oh sure, there was a lot of looking. She was a pretty girl. Younger than us. Nice and clean." "Clean?" "I mean, she had really nice skin. I remember admiring her back and her ass." "I'm glad you and dad do stuff like that," Nina said. In her head, she found herself thinking that her father deserved it: the attention and adoration of women other than her mom. In the same part of her head that fantasized about him asking for more than her skirt, she imagined his nameless coworker reaching for him on the drive home. Stroking his cock while he drove. Nina had seen this kind of thing in porn online and it was a top ten fantasy for her. "It's important, honestly," her mom said. "You should make sure you marry someone you like to fuck more than almost anything else." "Is that your favorite thing to do with Dad? Fuck him?" Nina asked. Her mom bit her lip. "When I touch myself I think of him." "Do you get a chance to do that much here, with Evan around?" "I do it when he's sleeping," she said. "I don't care. He jerks off in our bathroom. I always find his cum in the sink." Nina laughed. She knew she should find it gross, but she didn't.
When Nina's dad came up to visit again that weekend, Nina felt a little hot in her cheeks when she hugged him, in her bikini, and he said she was looking very tan. After a family lunch, when she and Paul broke off for chores, she found herself quietly circling back to her mom's cabin and once again drifting around the window by the corner of the building. This time, she couldn't see anything -- a curtain was in the way. But she could hear. Thrusting, grunting, moaning. "I'm so fucking wet," she heard her mother say. "My little whore," he said. "Did you trim your bush for me, or are you skinny dipping?" "All for you babe," she said. "It's your pussy, it's all for you, it's your pussy." "Too bad," he said. "More people should get to see this pretty pussy." "Mmmmm you think my pussy is pretty, daddy?" "I'm gonna fucking cum." "Cum inside me, please, cum inside me babe." "Okay," "I need your fucking cum in me. Fill my fucking pussy." "Good girl." "Are you going to cum? Are you gonna cum for me?" "Oh god!" "Yes daddy, yes." Nina slipped back into the woods, and cut back to her cabin. She laid on her bed and touched herself, cumming in seconds.
It was a slow evening at the camp. There were no teens or college kids around to interact with, just older people, and Paul went to bed early. Cassie, Nina, and Uncle Evan hung out down by the river that night, by the fire. It was pretty cold, and Nina and Cassie both wore sweatshirts over their bikinis. They chatted and joked and Nina teased Evan about sleeping in the cabin with her parents. "Do they go into the bathroom to fuck?" He laughed. "No actually. They just try to be quiet." Cassie giggled. "Really? While you're in there?" He nodded. "Constantly. Those two are insatiable." "Aunt Maria is pretty hot, I totally get it," Cassie said. Her dad smiled. Cassie looked at Nina. "I mean, she looks just like you." "She has a bigger ass," Nina said. "Nothing wrong with that," Evan observed. "I know, I'm jealous." "You kind of have bigger tits," Cassie said. "Like just slightly over her." "Thank you," Nina said. She playfully lifted her sweatshirt, which caused her bikini top to pop right off. "Fuck," she said. Cassie laughed. "It's fine. Nice rack." She looked at her dad. "I mean, I see her boobs all the time at the cabin." "Makes sense," he said. "Does Maria walk around naked in there?" Cassie asked. Evan coughed. "Yeah," he said. "Ooooh," Cassie said. "This is so intrusive I know, but, does she shave her pussy?" Her dad laughed. "That is intrusive. And no, she doesn't." "That's surprising," Cassie said. "Why?" "Because Nina is so perfectly shaved," Cassie pointed out. Nina blushed. "Where'd she learn how to do that?" "I just have skills," Nina said. "Why don't you shave anymore?" Cassie smiled at her dad. "Because my mom didn't." "Oh," Nina said. "This winter I had like a total 70s bush," she said. "It was awesome. But I trimmed it up for bathing suit season." Nina giggled. "What?" Cassie asked. "I just can't imagine talking about this in front of my dad," Nina said. "It makes my face feel hot, just you doing it." "We're pretty open," Cassie said, putting a playful arm around her father. "I've seen his big dick." Evan laughed and playfully pushed her. "Can't believe Uncle Jimmy hasn't seen that nice smooth pussy of yours," Cassie said. "Honestly dad, it's immaculate." "Shut up," Nina said. "I feel like you're teasing me." "I'm not! Show him." Evan laughed. "Nina, you don't have to show me your pussy." "Yeah, if you're a pussy," Cassie teased. Nina, practically vibrating with chills, pulled down the very top of her bikini bottom. Not enough to show anything more than pale skin. "You're good with a razor," Evan said. "You could teach your mom a thing or two. She just kinda, cuts it down to stubble with scissors." Cassie grinned. "I think it's cool how close you and your sister are," she said. "I'm jealous." Nina was still taken aback at how Cassie talked to her father. It was flirty, there was no way around it.
Evan eventually went back to his cabin, and Nina and Cassie got high on the beach. "Have you really seen it?" Nina asked her. "His dick?" "I've seen him rock hard," she said. "He was jerking off." "Oh god. Did he see you see him?" "Yeah," she said. "But he was pretty relaxed about it. He was like, oh, hi. And I was like fuck, I'm sorry! and he was like, it's not a big deal, everybody does it. And I was like, at least you have a big one, and he laughed. And then every since then he's been pretty chill about being naked around him. Like, I see his dick most days. But he's not usually hard." "Wow," Nina said. "So why did you say you were jealous of him and my mom's intimacy?" Cassie grinned. "Because I think your mom sucks him off." "Really?" Nina was scandalized. "How do you know?" "I think I almost caught them once. I came by the campsite at night and I swear your mom was on her knees in front of him by the fire. But they heard me coming and she moved to a chair. But I'm like 80% sure she was fully bottomless. She had a big sweatshirt on but there were shorts and panties on the ground." "How do you like… feel about that?" Nina asked Cassie. "I… think it's kind of hot and kinky?" Cassie confessed. "Really?" "You know, my mom was pretty fucked up in the head," Cassie said. "Right," Nina said, and then felt bad for saying that. "Well, she told me once that when her parents got divorced, she 'took over' for her mom." "Meaning?" "Well, that's what I said. And she said she cooked, she cleaned, she did the household budget, and she slept in a bed with her dad." "Like, slept in a bed or…" "I didn't really ask, but she said she felt like it was her duty to be like a wife to him." Nina was soaked and short of breath. "Oh. Wow." "Yeah so, you know, when she died, I kind of felt like… maybe I needed to do that too?" Nina just waited for more, didn't react, couldn't even really swallow. "But I think your mom kind of beat me to it." Nina remembered when her aunt died. They went there a lot. Sometimes Paul and Nina slept over, but sometimes just her mother did. Nina realized she wasn't aware where her mother had been sleeping. Their dad always stayed home with the dog. "Did she sleep in his bed?" "Yeah," Cassie said. "And she wore my mom's clothes. Including underwear." "Interesting," Nina said, which was an odd thing to say, but Cassie didn't seem to clock it. "It's not a bad move," Cassie said. "I started wearing my mom's panties around the house after that. My dad definitely noticed, and definitely liked it. Started grabbing my butt." "Oh!" Nina said. The idea of her father grabbing her ass made her desperate to touch herself. She looked at Cassie, whose eyes were shiny and dark in the moonlight. "Want to masturbate?" "Absolutely," Nina said. Sitting on their towels, they took off their bikini bottoms and, giggling a little, went to work. "I'm not gonna rush it like in the cabin," Nina said. "Right," Cassie said. "This isn't a race." It was so quiet was they touched themselves that Nina could hear how wet Cassie was. "Is my brother good at eating pussy?" Nina asked. Cassie giggled. "Yeah," she said. "He is."
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lovelytsunoda · 9 months
tell me something girl (are you happy in this modern world) // tom “iceman” kazansky
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summary: after thirty years of marriage, heather kazansky reflects on the time she spent and the love she shared with tom as she prepares to write her eulogy and say goodbye to her husband.
pairing: tom kazansky x wife!oc (named heather)
warnings: canon character death (Tom) and mentions of gooses death from the original movie, depictions of grief, mentions of mental health and medication,
authors note: this is the fic I firmly believe I was put on this earth to write. I wanted to do so much more with it, but honestly would have ended up with like 16k words or something like that.
April 2022, Miramar, California.
“is that the admirals wife?”
“jake, shut the fuck up.”
heather kazasnky had never thought of herself as an impressive woman. she always found herself timid, shy and a little anxious. it wasn’t until the first offshoots of gray started to sprout in her hair, and she’d watched all three of her children grow up that she truly thought sh had done something impressive with her life.
she sat alone at a table in the corner of the hard deck, oblivious to the wandering eyes of her husbands trainees as her slender fingers navigated the keyboard of her MacBook.
she started at the voice, cheeks marred with the flush of someone who had just been sobbing as she turned to look at the speaker.
“peter,” she hummed. “it’s good to see you, maverick.”
heather got to her feet, pulling the other pilot in for a tight hug. “nice to see you too, heather. how are you doing.”
“the best I can. the kids are supposed to be coming up tonight to help with the funerals.”
there were always going to be two funerals. the first was the formal military funeral, where her husband would be buried in the same cemetery as nick bradshaw, and the other was more like a reception, something more human and less structured. for the people who knew him not as admiral kazansky, but as tom.
“I miss him, mav. the house feels strange without him in it. I’ve spent so long being heather kazansky, I don’t know how to go back to being just heather.”
maverick shook his head, taking a seat next to her. “you’re still you, heather. you’re still a mother to three incredible kids, and grandmother to two.”
“with another on the way.” she coughed, somehow managing a smile. “joshua’s new girlfriend is expecting. he told tom before he died.”
“congratulations, heather. how are the kids doing?”
“as well as can be expected. as usual, mitchell is the glue holding us together. cassie’s a wreck. she always was her father’s daughter. and for it to happen so soon after she had jamie just seems cruel. tom was going to retire, did you know that? he was ready to put his papers in, we were going to go to greece. it was finally us time again. he gave so much of himself to this country, and I was so excited to finally have him back.”
pete rested a hand on heathers shoulder, squeezing it through the fur of her cardigan. she was strong despite her age, still well built and sturdy, face marred with laugh lines but not a single telltale old woman wrinkle. “I’m so sorry, heather.”
“thank you.”
she turned back to her laptop, showing the other pilot what she was doing. “I’m gathering pictures for the reception. but most of them are of me. tom always had his fucking camera with him. I should have let the kids do this part. all I’m doing is making myself cry.”
she cast her eyes back to her laptop screen, resisting the urge to reach out and run her finger over the photo, soaking in the good memories as they came flooding back. in the picture, she and tom stood on one side of the kitchen counter, laughing with each other as they cut gingerbread cookies.
it had been their first christmas together.
“oh my god,” maverick laughed. “is that iceman in a cable knit?”
“he was so nervous about meeting my dad for the first time. I had to talk him out of wearing his dress whites.”
December 1985, Richmond, Virginia.
they had been together for six months, give or take the few weeks his team had spent deployed in the gulf, and nothing had intimidated tom kazansky more than meeting his girlfriends father. he had wanted to wear his navy dress whites in an attempt to make a good impression before heather had laughed and made him change into jeans and a sweater before they left the apartment.
even then, he had changed sweaters four times before setting on the white cable knit he was currently wearing.
iceman knew how stressed his girl got during the holidays. her family could bring out the worst in her, and they were both highly strung when they walked in the door.
now, she was off to the side with her sister, cradling a mug of hot coco in her hands as she watched him with a smile, chuckling as he dropped a cup of flour down the front of his jeans.
“you really like him, don’t you?”
heather looked back at her sister, who raised her eyebrows as she took a sip of her hot chocolate.
“I do. I really do, abigail. he makes me feel like I’m worth loving, if that makes sense. everything with tom is just so…easy.”
abigail frowned. “he’s a lieutenant, isn’t he? that means he’s going to be deployed a lot. are you sure you can handle that?”
heather sighed, taking a sip of her drink. “we’re trying. he was out in the gulf for a few weeks in september, and we got through it.”
“he’s barely taken his eyes off you since you got here. and when he looks at you, I don’t see anything other than pure, unfiltered love. I bet he’s got a polaroid of you in his cockpit.”
heather laughed, a warm and giddy feeling in her chest. it was clear how much her family loved iceman, and how quickly they were welcoming him into the fold.
“you know I’m losing him for two months in the new year. he’s off to california, got into some fancy fighter jet training program.”
“you can still go see him, right?”
“yeah, I’ve got a few vacation days saved u- oh fuck.” heather cursed, thrusting her mug into abigail’s arms as she saw what her boyfriend was doing. “give me one second, I’ve gotta stop him from screwing up the gingerbread.”
she pushed up the sleeves of her jacquard sweater, socks skidding across the kitchen tiles as she loosely knotted her hair behind her head.
“kaz, sweetie, give me the rolling pin. you’ve gotta knead the dough.” she smiles softly, putting herself between the pilot and the counter.
one of tom’s flour coated hands came to rest as her waist, his chin on the top of her head as she watched her dip her hands into the bowl of flour, and proceed to knead the gingerbread dough by hand. her lovers hands came to rest over hers, his lips soft and warm against her skin as they kneaded the gingerbread dough together.
“see, you don’t always know everything, lieutenant.” she hummed giddily, running her thumb over his wrist.
“yeah, but I know I love you, and that’s all I need.” Tom laughed, gently using his finger to guide her head towards his and placing a soft kiss on her lips.
April 2022, Miramar, California.
heather paused, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. "i loved that man so much, pete."
the hard deck was getting busier, off-duty pilots and seamen flooding in from the base at miramar as shifts changed for the day. heather knew all about the dagger squad and the hazy series of events that brought pete mitchell back to the academy, often having to speak for her husband in meetings once his first cancer operation had left him unable to speak for himself.
"auntie heather!" a familiar face looked over from the pool table. bradley bradshaw was a spitting image of his father, right down to the way that his moustache was trimmed.
for heather, it sometimes felt like seeing a ghost.
"brad!" she perked up, waving him over to the table. "how are you?"
when she first came to visit her husband at miramar, somethign about carole bradshaw had pulled heather in. she hadn't known the bradshaw's long, but by the time that goose's accident happened, she felt like she had known that family her whole life.
she did what she could to help carole out afterwards, especially when it came to raising bradley, but as rooster got older and time flew by, it was so easy for carole and heather to fall out of touch.
"you look just like your dad." she hummed, hugging the pilot. "it's like seeing nick again."
bradley nodded solemnly. "i was sorry to hear about admiral kazansky."
"thank you. it had been a long time coming, but there's no way to properly prepare to lose the man you love."
rooster gestures to the group behind him, the mismatched group of people coming to meet him at the table. “aunt heather, I’d like you to meet the dagger squad: jake, natasha, robert, reuben and javy. we knew the admiral well.”
“hi.” heather said weakly, introducing herself. “I’m heather, the admirals wife. or, widow, I guess. I’m still not used to saying that.”
“are you getting ready for the funeral?” jake asked, promptly getting jabbed in the rib cage by natasha.
“what hangman means to say is: we all respected your husband very much, and we would be honoured to help you plan his memorial service.” phoenix corrected, taking heathers hand between both of her own.
“thank you for the offer, natasha.” heather smiled. “bradley, I want to show you something.”
she sat back in front of her laptop, using the touchscreen to pull up a video taken the first summer she came to visit miramar. she had timed the visit to coincide with her birthday, a small selfish part of her unable to fathom spending her birthday without tom.
bradley pulled up a chair next to the table, watching as the screen crackled to life, the date stamp in the corner reading june of 1986. they were inside the o bar, the video opening with heather resting her head on tom’s shoulder, then panning over to the massive birthday cake and sparklers set in front of her. carole bradshaw sat on one side of her, and charlie blackwood was at the head of the table, sitting next to maverick.
“is that my mom?” Bradley smiled fondly. “she looks so full of life.”
“she was.” heather laughed. “and you might remember charlie, she was one of mavericks many lovers.”
“hey!” pete scoffed. “things just didn’t work out.”
“she was always too good for you, pete.” heather laughed, pointing to another space on the screen. the group was singing happy birthday, supported by a rockabilly piano backing track. “bradley, there’s your dad.”
goose was sitting in front of the grand piano, a toothpick hanging between his teeth as he hammered away at the ivory keys, aviator glasses over his eyes.
“happy birthday dear heather, happy birthday to you.”
the camera panned back to heather and tom as she blew out the cake candles. tom pulled her in to a soft kiss while the rest of the table cheered, and then the video cut to black.
“mitchell has been digitizing all of this stuff for us. I caught tom watching our wedding videos before he died.”
“remember when slider and wolfman got absolutely shitfaced at your wedding and tripped down the reception stairs?” maverick laughed to himself “did anybody ever get that on video?”
heather shook her head, a bright smile on her tear stained face as she hunted through the original wedding folder. “I’ve got you one better.”
September 1987, Monterrey, California.
mrs. heather kazansky. she could get used to that.
she was sitting with her sister and tom’s parents, the former two who were conversing with each other in polish. she twirled her wedding band on her finger, face flushed and spirits high as she looked on at her husband.
tom was with maverick and slider, the group of aviators dressed in their best white uniforms, beer bottles lifted high as they drunkenly hollered the words to an old rod stewart song.
“and I know your name is rita, because your perfume smells sweeter.”
abigail was filming, zooming the camera lens in on heather as she asked: “are you sure you don’t wanna back out now? till death do you part, you’re bound to this dumbass now.”
heather laughed, playfully smacking at the camera. “yes, I’m sure!”
“stay with me, come on stay with me!”
sliders voice was three decibels louder than everybody else, and he was also significantly drunker. one of the bridesmaids had her eyes on him, and there wasn’t a doubt in anybody’s mind that ron kerner would have somebody in his bed that night.
iceman’s face was flushed, his arm thrown around maverick as they rocked on their feet, skin sweaty and hair mussed.
but in the midst of all this chaos, he still managed to look over at his new wife, blowing her the softest kiss. she smiled, catching the kiss in her hands and pressing it to her heart, a moment her sister was able to capture frame for frame on digital video.
tom had watched the video hundreds of times as he sat alone in his office, struggling to come to terms with the fact that he’d be leaving not just the love of his life, but his three beautiful children as well.
April 2022. Miramar, California.
“that’s the kind of love that people only dream about.” natasha smiled softly. “you’re lucky you got to spend as much time with him as you did. most couples don’t make it as long as you guys did.”
heather smiled shakily, reaching for her drink. she’d left the sprite so long that the ice had half melted, condensation dripping down the glass.
“he was so good with the kids, you know. I was on and off depressed for a while after joshua was born. my mental health had never been perfect and I was on a low dose anti-anxiety medication for a long time. but after Josh was born, everything just got so much harder and I could barley get out of bed in the mornings. tom would take the kids to school, make their lunches. he was teaching full time at top gun by then, so he took a few days off to stay with me, make me feel like myself again.”
“he was a good man.” robert smiled, rubbing her shoulder.
“yeah, he was.” heather bit her bottom lip, pulling a photo up on her laptop that had the dagger squad letting out a chorus of ‘awe’s’
the picture was taken in 1989. tom was dressed in a gray waffle knit shirt, a pair of pit viper sunglasses on his forehead as he held a smiling baby in his arms. mitchell’s wide eyes looked up at his dad, his tiny fingers wrapped around in of tom’s larger ones.
his name was mitchell ronald kazansky, because tom had made a lame bet with maverick and slider (that he lost) and had to name his firstborn after both of them (because he was a fucking idiot at times, but she loved him anyways).
the boys were both easy children, but cassandra? she was a daddy’s girl through and through, and tom would have moved heaven and earth for his little girl. whatever cassie wanted, she often got, well into adulthood even. she was the spitting image of her father, from her honey blonde hair right down to the birthmark on the underside of her jaw.
when tom walked her down the aisle at her wedding three years ago, he cried all the way to the altar. but not half as much as he sobbed when he held his granddaughter for the first time, cancer-stricken and barely able to speak, but still brimming with joy as he held jamie to his chest.
“he lead a good life. one he was proud of. he used his last words to tell me as much.” heather choked out, overwhelmed by emotions. “I just wish we’d had more time.”
pete placed his hand over hers, squeezing it reassuringly as natasha rubbed her back, and rooster gently squeezed her shoulder.
there was still so much love that heather kazansky still had to give.
still so much love that she was surrounded by.
and maybe that was tom’s way, even from the grave, to tell her that everything would still be alright.
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @httpiastri @sidcrosbyspuck @twinkodium @sidcrosbyspuck @oconso @thatsdemko @lorarri
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bigfan-fanfic · 10 months
Back Into Trouble (Winchester!Reader x Winchester Bros PLATONIC)
A sequel to Brother Mine
This fic takes place somewhere near the end of season 1, after episode 19 but before episode 20. In addition, there's a song called Brother Mine that is really sweet and cute especially if put into this context of being Sam and Dean's, but especially Dean's, older brother. "I know that I sit and I worry too much/Especially when you come home such a sight/But I guess what you've got to do, boy, you go ahead and do it/And I sure hope things will be all right"
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You may not have enjoyed returning to hunting, but you're damn good at it.
Although it's made even more frustrating when your father actually calls in.
You're not so thrilled about continuing on this... gallivanting cross-country, especially when John is chasing down the demon that killed your mother.
But Sam seems to have come to terms with it, though you honestly feel like that might have more to do with his desire to avenge Jess.
The real problem you see with your little brothers is their inability to let go.
You had all been raised by John in the hunting lifestyle, the family business.
But it's been decades since your mother's death. A horrible thing, that you have had to come to terms with having no real answers for.
And you can understand the desire for vengeance, for a clear-cut answer that will "solve everything."
It won't.
Something you've tried to get your brothers to think about is the future. About what they want out of their lives.
Because you remember how it was, living completely in the moment, day to day, hunt to hunt. And it was Bobby who pointed out that you had potential, that you deserved a life, if not now, then at least the promise of one.
So you convince them to take a rest in Massachusetts after leaving a hunt. Just to take a couple of days for hanging out.
Dean wants to see the Cheers bar and Sam wants to visit the Old North Church, so you get an actual hotel suite in Boston.
You check in with your colleagues and employees, apologizing for being incommunicado for so long. Thankfully the hotel has a business center with a fax machine you can sign invoices and contracts with.
Dean looks at you curiously. "So... you really did just... start a business?"
"Technically I bought it out from the owner who wanted to retire. So more... maintaining."
"You really are just... out of the life."
"I was, til you two called me."
"...sorry." Dean mumbles, and you grab his shoulder.
"Don't be. I was never doing this for Dad. I'm here for you and for Sammy."
Dean nods thoughtfully.
"You saw him. With that girl at the art gallery. He liked her. She liked him."
"And you... with Cassie."
"Your point being?"
"Life keeps building off-ramps for you but you keep on truckin down this road."
Dean scowls. "Look, I'm not stupid. I know this life is dangerous. I know my days are probably numbered. But I'm making a difference. I'm saving people."
"What about you?"
He blinks. "What about me?"
"I'm done trying to force you out of the life, Dean. It's your choice. When we finally deal with all this shit - when the bastard that killed Mom is dead and you and Sam are finally free... I'm not gonna stop you if you go back to hunting."
"You're not?"
You nod. "But I'll be damned if I'm gonna lose contact with you again. I'll be there when you need a place to crash or a voice to call. Maybe you'll even visit me.
"Just... I need you to promise me you're not gonna run yourself into the ground. None of this has been your fault. It's not your fault about Mom, and it wasn't your fault I left, and it's not your fault that Dad couldn't really be a dad to us."
Dean wants to protest but you shush him. "You're gonna do what you do. And I'm gonna stop hunting again. For good this time. But when you decide it's time to come home... I hope you come to me, little brother."
You stand up then, leaving Dean to his thoughts. He's quiet for the rest of the day, but you feel an almost companionable nature to the silence.
And just maybe, after this all... maybe your brothers will follow you away from the things that go bump in the night.
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redsray · 7 months
i have recently been brainrotting about a batkids racing au. all of them have either shitty home-lives or have had their home-lives taken away and all turn to the concepts of semi-legal street racing as an outlet. in the process, they meet people perhaps in the same boat-- perhaps a family.
around 21, has been racing since he was 15
likes riding smaller cars. the tighter fit the better. if it's not sleek and swervy he doesn't want it.
had caring parents who he travelled the world with by car, but they died in a car crash when he was 11. due to lack of living relatives, he was in the foster system for 4 years before Barry (Allen) took him in. he never saw Barry as a father, however, and was never officially adopted. basically Wally's roommate and Bart's older brother figure in a way.
Wally introduced him to the street racing world, and despite being very very reluctant at first (car crash trauma), Wally showed him all the good parts of it and he's loved it ever since
experienced racer, everyone there loves him and he's well known as one of the top racers
20, been racing since 17
he generally prefers driving motorcycles but make no mistake he will shred you no matter what racing vehicle you give him (he's competitive.) in terms of street/car racing he will go for anything with powerful acceleration.
his dad was a mechanic and Jason would sometimes help him out with car repairs when he was younger, although his dad would sometimes drop a bit too much workload on him and not really care for his well-being
mom was a recovering drug addict, cared for Jay but couldn't be around much due to both rehab and hospital visits
his dad was later arrested for underground drug dealing, dying in prison and his mom died of overdose. at 13, he was in the foster system for more or less a year before he ran, living on the streets for 3 more years, doing odd jobs.
at 16, he met Roy, who later (at 17) introduced him to street racing. Jason always had a knack for cars and with his natural talent he won quite a few of his first races, earning money from the betting pools and has been basically splitting rent and crashing with Roy ever since.
absolute MENACE of a racer. showed up at some point and basically showed most people up. can and will judge your car model. might steal your tires for the funsies.
18, new to the racing scene (been racing since 17) but knows A LOT about it through his own love for motorsports (he definitely has car posters in his room)
will drive any car. literally. he will just love it if you give him a car. in fact, give him a broken one so that he can make it BETTER than everyone else's.
lovely and wealthy parents, but they aren't around much. they honestly try their best, but when you're an only child in a big house it can get boring and lonely. he loves his parents and his mom was the one who first showed him motorsports when she was working on a business deal with a motorsport company (Tim got his first free car poster that day)
definitely takes pictures of cool cars he sees
as soon as he found out about the street racing ring in Gotham he immediately snuck in (age 15)
he would come practically every night he could and made friends with the younger racers (bart, cassie, kon) (they 100% would go to him for geeky car tech tips)
one time bart was sick for a race and cassie and kon asked tim to step in for him on the team, tim did-- he performed so naturally well that he caught the attention of other racers, decided to stay with the YJ team permanently
commonly referred to as a rising star, a prodigy in the racing scene
15, literally raised into motorsports. god knows when he drove his first car. he started officially racing in the street ring only recently, but already has a reputation as one of the best
preference for aerodynamic cars. the sleeker the better for him.
commonly underestimated by new racers
bruce is still his bio dad, he literally funds most the betting pools and co-runs the street racing ring under the guise of a totally normal auto repair store
hella competitive, will do everything to outshine you especially if you look down on him
LOVES painting on his car. like everyone customises theirs to a certain point but Damian will sit there for hours just painting on it.
does NOT care for the betting pools, if he wins he will just put all the money right back in. he just wants to win and beat you LMAO
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bluejaysandblackbats · 5 months
Phantom Grin
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Bruce Wayne visits his son's grave on the night of his resurrection. Will it change Jason's fate, or is it all simply inevitable?
Chapters: 6/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Jason Todd Has Chronic Pain, Jason Todd is Disabled, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Resurrected Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Get Along
Chapter Six: Storybook
Later that night, he crept downstairs and ran into Dick. Dick smiled at him, and as he opened his mouth to speak, Jason gestured for him to stay silent. He waved his hands, with fear written all over his face, and Dick took him by the arm, and they went back upstairs. "What's-." Jason gestured for Dick to keep his voice down. Dick nodded and looked at Jason's backpack. "What's wrong?" Dick asked.
"Not safe," Jason whispered, "Help me."
"Help you leave?" Dick asked. Jason nodded. "Why? What happened?"
"Dad... Don't trust Dad," Jason whispered.
Dick looked at Jason, and it was obvious that Jason was planning to leave with or without his help. "Okay, listen to me... Jason, we can get out of here tonight if you don't feel safe," Dick whispered, "But as far as I know, Bruce would never hurt you—."
"Not safe, Dick," Jason interrupted.
"Okay, after we leave, will you help me understand what you mean?" Dick asked. Jason nodded. They crept back downstairs, and Dick took Jason out to the car. Jason felt a tingling pain like electricity, running from Jason's head to his shoulders. Nerve pain. After nearly a month of tests for his persistent headaches, his doctors realized that was the cause of Jason's near-constant pain. He slumped down in the seat and closed his eyes.
"Pain?" Dick asked. Jason nodded. "Is it bad?" He started driving away from the manor, and Jason shook his head. A lie, but he didn't want to risk Dick taking him back to the hospital. "Jason? What did you remember about Bruce that's so bad you wanted to run away?"
"Hitting me..."
"Are you sure it wasn't your birth father? I know Willis—." Jason pressed his palms against his eyelids. "Jason, you never really talked about Willis, but he hurt you..."
Jason lay his head back. Dick sighed. "Jason, do you trust me?" Dick asked.
"Don't know," Jason replied honestly. Dick nodded.
Dick didn't know what to say. He couldn't stop Jason's pain, and he couldn't fix his memories. There was nothing he could do, and Jason needed help. The boys drove outside of town, and as soon as Jason drifted off to sleep, Dick stopped at a hotel and checked in. He didn't do so because he believed Jason's memory. Dick did it because there was no use in stressing Jason out any more than Jason already was. He came back to the car and woke Jason. "Jason, wake up," Dick whispered. Jason sat up and followed Dick up to their room. Jason climbed into bed, and Dick sat on the other bed, watching the tv. Jason lay curled up. Bruce called Dick and Dick sent a text in reply. Dick deleted the message immediately after sending it.
Dick sat awake the whole night, trying to figure out how to help Jason. When Jason awakened, he curled up in a ball facing Dick and mumbled, "Help?" Dick nodded.
"Yeah... Help," Dick replied, "How'd you and Cassie get along?"
Jason gave Dick a thumb's up. "I feel like you two would've gotten along either way. Jason, do you trust me now?" Dick asked.
Jason didn't answer. He wondered if he could trust anyone. Jason felt lost and alone in his own mind as he thought about Dick's question. An answer wouldn't have meant anything. He could've lied if he wanted to. "Who's Robin?" Jason asked.
Dick lay on his side facing Jason. "Robin's who I used to be, who you used to be, and now there's another. Jason, I could tell you everything I know, but it's up to you to decide whether or not you believe me," Dick whispered, "I'm not going to lie to you."
"Tell me?" Jason asked.
"I'm going to tell you a story... This story's true. It's yours, and I want you to pay attention," Dick whispered, "When Jason Peter Todd was twelve years old, he stole the tires off of the Batmobile and made Batman laugh. Jason, at first glance, was rough around the edges, he was temperamental, impulsive, and some would even say he was impatient. Batman didn't care. He saw something in Jason, and he took him home.
There, Jason got to know Bruce Wayne, the man behind the mask. With every passing day, Bruce grew to love Jason more and more, and Jason started to love him. Bruce made Jason feel safe. When Jason felt safe, he showed his true self. He was compassionate, warm, and some would even say charming, but I wouldn't go that far.
Jason became Bruce's Robin. They were nearly inseparable... Then came Dick. He could've been far more understanding when he met Jason, but he was upset with Bruce. Dick felt he'd been replaced, but things eventually smoothed out between the three. As Jason got older, Bruce started noticing how strong Jason's emotions were. Jason's compassion was often paired off with rage. He was harsh in his dealings with wrongdoers, and it frightened Bruce. He couldn't control Jason, so he asked Jason to take a step back for a while, not realizing there was much more going on.
Jason was looking for his mother. He ran away from home searching for her, and Bruce came around and tried to help. Jason found her. In the process, he crossed a horrible man, a man that would later kill Jason.
When Jason died, Bruce's heart broke. He put Jason's costume up and tried desperately to pack away the hurt that came with it. Bruce never wanted to live in a world without Jason... But he had to go on because his city needed him to." Dick took a deep breath, and Jason closed his eyes. Pieces of the story came together for him, and they felt real, but he wasn't sure. Jason couldn't cry. He didn't have the words to explain his tears. He lay there, staring at Dick, who stared back at him.
Dick sat in silence with Jason like that for what felt like hours. "Jason?" Dick whispered. Jason nodded. "We love you. I know you don't know that for sure, but we do. None of us want to lose you again."
"Dad?" Jason asked. Dick nodded.
"Yeah, especially Bruce. Jason, I'm gonna ask you one more time, and then I won't ask you again. Do you trust me?" Dick questioned. Jason nodded. "Then let's call Bruce and let him know you're okay."
Jason nodded. "Mor-ning?" Jason whispered. The word felt unnatural on his tongue, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He knew he didn't get the word right. Dick smiled and nodded.
"You had it... And yeah, we'll call in the morning," Dick replied, "Go back to bed. I'll be here if you need me."
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star-going-supernova · 11 months
SB prompt for ya since it’s almost Halloween!
Gregory for Halloween goes as Freddy and Freddy absolutely goes loses it. I’m just imagining Gregory in the full outfit with shoulder pads, a cute little headband with ears, and face makeup quoting Freddy saying “way to go superstar!” with a huge grin and Freddy just melts.
The mental image of Freddy walking beside a small mini him around the plex is so cute. You can’t tell me Freddy wouldn’t scoop him up and get as many pictures of the two of them as possible.
Also the others would be good natured and jokingly talk about how it’s favoritism and Gregory would just go “well he is my favorite” and cause Freddy’s system to crash.
Here’s tumblr generated prompt number 13! I’m so glad this one got picked, so I can at least say I wrote a belated Halloween ficlet! This is pure fluff! 
Double Trouble
“Hold still!” Cassie complained, not for the first time. Gregory, prone to wiggling, gripped the chair tightly to keep from fidgeting too much. He didn’t actually want to cause problems, for once. 
He desperately wanted to ask if she was done yet, or at least close, but talking would mean moving, and he really was trying to be on his best behavior. He’d asked for this, after all. 
After another few agonizingly long minutes, Cassie leaned back with a pleased smile. “Done! And looking fabulous, if I do say so myself.” 
Gregory leapt from his chair and skidded to look in the mirror. “Cassie!” he cried, beaming. “It looks amazing!” He turned his face this way and that, admiring her work. “I’d ask if you want any help with yours, but…” 
She snickered, tucking herself close to a smaller mirror on her desk to start on her own makeup for her Halloween costume. “You’d mean well,” she allowed, “but I’ll pass, thanks.” 
As she preformed some witchcraft to keep her lines straight and even and symmetrical, Gregory finished getting dressed. He was overly careful not to smudge the Freddy makeup—the blue was a perfect match, honestly, he didn’t know how Cassie did it—thankful that he at least had already put on his shirt. He snapped on the bracelets and slid on the headband with the fuzzy ears and little black top hat hot-glued at a subtle angle. The bowtie was carefully safety-pinned to his shirt, nice and straight. 
The shoulder pads—and Cassie had agreed with him on this—were actually the hardest part of their costumes. They were a little too big and heavy to be clipped, pinned, or glued to their shirt shoulders without them slipping or tugging on the fabric in a way that just didn’t look good. 
Cassie’s dad had solved their problem: backpacks. The shoulder straps were much sturdier and could easily support the foam shoulder pads’ weight. Plus, it made it super easy to take them off without damaging the rest of their costumes. 
Their backpacks were waiting by the front door with their boots. Gregory’s were snow boots covered with foam to mimic Freddy’s feet and the red part of his legs. Cassie’s were just the same, only with Roxy’s purple and black animal print. 
Another bit of practicality, curtesy of Cassie’s dad, who was pretty good at arts and crafts. Gregory’s costume wouldn’t look half as awesome without his help. 
Cassie finished her own makeup (much faster than she’d done Gregory’s, and that wasn’t only because he needed more) and hopped up to finish putting on her own costume. Arm bands, wolf ears—complete with earrings, just like Gregory’s—and fuzzy wolf tail. She blew her green lock of hair out of her eyes. 
“That’s gonna annoy you all night,” Gregory half teased, half warned her. 
She conceded with a disgruntled huff and went to stuff a few spare bobby-pins in her pocket. Pushing him over to the tall mirror hanging on the back of her bedroom door, Cassie squished them together so both their reflections fit. “How do we look?” 
“Awesome. Duh.” 
“Are we missing anything?” 
They each critically examined each other’s costume. Luckily, they weren’t too complicated. 
“Yours looks good to me,” he said. 
“Yours too.” She grinned widely. “They’re gonna freak.” 
Gregory snickered. “This’ll knock ’em both out, for sure.” 
“Perfect,” Cassie said, eyes glinting mischievously. And people thought Gregory was the only troublemaker between them. 
Cassie’s dad took a few pictures once they finished getting dressed up before driving them over to the pizzaplex. The Halloween party was in full swing by the time they got there, and thanks to their special VIP wristbands, they got to skip past all the lines. And bless Mr. King for never asking any questions about how or where they got the wristbands. He just followed along behind them with his own average VIP pass until he split off from them with a reminder to be good, stay together, and text him if they needed anything. 
Unleashed, Gregory and Cassie meandered through the festivities for a while, accepting donuts and cider from one of the many treat tables set up in the building. There were some games scattered around, a few face-painting booths, and reminders for the evening’s activities plastered on every other corner. Almost everyone was in costume, even the employees and some of the STAFF bots roaming around. 
“Oooh,” Cassie said, tugging at Gregory’s arm. “They turned the Fazer Blast arena into a haunted house!” She gave him a pleading look, cheering when he obligingly set off in that direction.
• • •
The annual Halloween party was, at the very least, a pleasant change of pace. It was one of the busiest nights of the year, but Freddy could not bring himself to mind how exhausting it was, not when all the children were in such high spirits. 
The costumes were perhaps his favorite part, though the pizzaplex’s decorations were a close second. They were all so creative and fun to look at. There were costume contests scattered throughout the event, separated by age groups or themes or group costumes. The animatronics were not judges of the contests—they did not have opinions as robots, obviously—but they were expected to attend each one and give out the prizes once the judges had deliberated. 
There was even a contest specifically for all the children who came dressed up as members of the band (with a few of Sun or Moon, or even more rarely, the DJ). One particularly memorable past winner had been accompanied by a service dog wearing a simple homemade wet floor sign bot costume. 
Freddy became increasingly distracted as the night carried on. Gregory had promised to visit during the party, but there had been no sign of the boy yet. It was a large building, and there were many activities to participate in, and so it was most likely that Gregory was having fun elsewhere—he was logically aware of that, of course. 
But that wasn’t helping his patience. 
Gregory had mused about what he wanted to do for a costume since before October had even begun. Freddy had tried to veto all the gory suggestions, though he was still not sure if Gregory had meant them sincerely or was simply messing with him. Last he had heard, Gregory was mostly settled on a character from his favorite video game. 
This was necessary information to better explain the way he short-circuited from surprise when he saw Gregory cross the stage during a costume contest. Specifically the one for kids dressed as them. 
A warning flashed on his HUD that he was in danger of overheating, though he hardly noticed. His friends were all snickering around him, less subtle than normal, as they were safely at the back of the room. 
Gregory did a jaunty spin to show off his Freddy costume—more than one system in Freddy’s body had to reboot, stalling out from pleased shock. 
Roxy elbowed him in the side, grinning, some pointed remark surely on the tip of her tongue, when her jaw dropped open as if the hinge had suddenly broken. 
On stage, Cassie, in a similarly styled Roxy costume, joined Gregory. The announcer was saying something about them being a pair, and both of them were smiling widely as Gregory twirled Cassie under his arm. 
Roxy’s body visibly locked up, and her the lights of her eyes flickered wildly. Beneath his frantically whirring fans, Freddy felt a bit appreciative of karma’s quick turnabout. 
You were saying? he asked pointedly over a private channel. 
Shut—shut up, she sent back. 
They had seen dozens, hundreds, of children dressed as them over the years. They had gotten used to it, and though it was sweet, they did not really feel anything from it anymore. It was nearly comical, then, how these two particular children made him and Roxy feel so much. 
Distracted with trying to regain his composure and stop being on the verge of involuntary shut down, he failed to notice Gregory and Cassie’s approach until the two of them were standing right in front of him and Roxy. 
Given Roxy’s choked little sound of surprise, she had similarly been caught off guard. Curse Monty and Chica for sidling away and not warning them. 
Gregory and Cassie grinned up at them knowingly. “Like our costumes?” Gregory asked, his eyes nearly glowing with mischief. 
“I know you probably see tons just like them,” Cassie said, faux shyly, tugging at the crop top layered over her gray shirt. “Or even better ones. But we did our best!” 
Roxy twitched. Freddy’s attempts at internal damage control were not going well. 
“Yeah,” Gregory said, not nearly as good at playing bashfully innocent when the slant of his smile warned of the one-hit knock-out verbal punch he was about to deliver. “You’re our favorites, after all, and we wanted to be just like you.” 
The punch landed. Freddy’s systems flashed a brief warning before he went into a soft reset. The last thing he registered was Roxy crashing simultaneously with him, which made him feel only marginally better. 
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fire-emblem-poll · 11 months
Johnny Cage analysis part 1
Let’s get a few things out of the way, one being the “bimbo-fication” of Johnny Cage. I’ve seen (mostly on TikTok) saying Johnny is very stupid and some saying he wouldn’t understand what you are saying 80% of the time. Then in turn making him a massive slut and doing anything to get fame.
This I can disprove just by playing the game, background info, and extra items around the house. Example: Sento, previous movies, and his college education.
Sure he’s not the brightest man, far from it, but this man had to be a little smart if he got a degree in Quantum Mechanics. He also knew the story of Sento, thus why it’s one reason to not giving it up to Kenshi (who I could also write so so much about) since he thinks Kenshi is lying.
Then you also have to be pretty smart and a strong willed to do a scene for 40 takes to get absolutely perfect. He want’s everything he does to be perfect and that also requires you to memorize a script.
Yeah he’s full of himself but I think it’s just a front he shows people. You can see it crack after the scene Kenshi’s eyes get stabbed out, showing he cares for someone else other than himself.
You know who he didn’t show that to? Kris. He gave her only what I can call excuses. I think at the end of MK1 he realizes she was right. Though it took her taking almost everything in the divorce to realize.
Though it shows he’s happy, still joking around in his intros and even in the tutorial of the campaigns(?). Plus he’s willing to ask for help.
Something else I wanna touch on is Johnny’s bad mannerisms. In his intros with Omni-man it can be implied that Johnny didn’t have a good father figure in his life.
I don’t know if this implies to the MK1 timeline but it’s implied that he didn’t have a good childhood with no one in his family seeming to like him.
Then with MK11 he is trying to be a better father than his father was to Cassie, basically saying “yeah dad made us (younger clone) bad, but Hollywood made us worse.”
I’m going back to MK1 now, it shows in his living room(?) that he has a bar, now I know people have bars in basements, garages, and maybe a whole room dedicated to it but never the living room.
Then right before Kenshi enters looking for Sento, I think it’s implied he was prepared to drink himself to sleep for the night. Since his wife left him, no one wants to hire him, and he’s having financial issues.
As well as having bad habits if he goes against himself he asks if “he’s still sleeping off (name)’s party.” Implying he has done several things damaging to his health.
Maybe not all the time but I think those two things, maybe even more examples
That’s it for right now, honestly shout out to my boyfriend for talking to me about the awful mischaracterization of him. Simply because I got pissed off at getting 3 posts in a row about babying Johnny Cage.
(Also I have several strong opinions on how people talk about Kenshi, sorry guys people not understanding Sento’s power is showing, also I’m scheduling this for when I go into work just in case people want to add something)
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belaofarc · 7 months
Couch endeavors ౨ৎ
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ೀ Stepdad! John wick x reader pt 2
Summary: after last week's encounter all you can think about was how it all started between you and your step dad John. (5k words)
TW: Stepcest. Strong language. NSFW. Large age gap.
Note: hii lovies <3 I know it’s been a long time, but who knew applying to college would be harder and more tiring than ACTUALLY being in the college smh.
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It’s been months since you and your now step dad have started the problematic relationship between the two of you. At first you hated him… but now… all you can think about is that fateful day
when it all first started…
you had just got out of school.
you and your best friend Cassie, were walking out of the school building waiting outside to be picked up by y’all’s respected parents.
The wind is blowing , making you shiver a bit.
“I’m so damn happy today is Friday, what are you doing tonight?” Cassie asked while staring at the other kids walking off into each car.
“I don’t know honestly, probably playing sims 4 all weekend… the usual”
you say as you sigh.
“I know it’s like we are finally in high school and there are no parties to ever go to when you need them.”
Cassie complained whilst checking her phone.
You scan the place before speaking.
“I know right, like you see in every teenage movie they have some sort of glow up and go to a party and somehow end up almost sleeping with their crush until the nerdy boy they hated then befriended is there somehow, and they decide to run off with him.”
you ramble on about whilst still standing there waiting to be picked up.
“No cause it’s the fact you know the plot of every 80s movie by heart”
Cassie says as you chuckle.
“I guess it’s another win for the virgins this week”
Cassie says sarcastically,
You start to tap your foot while analyzing the kids going in and out the building, as you feel a bit antsy at the thought of finally going home.
you see a black car pull up and instantly realize it’s your stupid step dad. Only one person has that type of nice car you just can’t not remember.
Ever since your mom started prioritizing your step dad over you, you've disliked the man ever since.
John wick… what a name… rolls right off the tongue if you think about it hard enough…
you let out a big sigh and roll your eyes.
He finally pulls up,
“Bye pookie”
Cassie says as you lean in to hug her goodbye.
You start walking over to the car,
“Text me!!” you called out one last time while getting into the passenger seat,
your step dad pulls off, as you're still situating yourself in the seat.
You throw your book bag in between your legs.
“Hey John…” you said awkwardly, not knowing what to say.
“Hey kiddo, how was school?”
He asked while patting your thigh.
you freeze a bit, your thoughts racing as you realize what he just did.
His huge muscular hands compared to your thigh.
you instantly start to blush and turn your head towards the window so he can’t see your whole face lighting up in embarrassment.
you didn't want to admit it but you kinda liked the attention….
“ NO! You can’t…
You can’t… you hate him… but do I reall- yes you must ! It’s because of him your mother never has time for you anymore”
you thought to yourself, trying to reason with yourself whether you should like John or not.
“Wouldn’t you like to know…”
you replied with a scoff, and continuously stare out the window trying not to pay any attention to the man.
He sighs, opening his mouth preparing to speak…
It takes a few minutes for him to reply, you could see the sadness in his expression.
“I… look… I know you're not happy your mother and I are getting married but I promise I’m not trying to destroy your relationship with your mother… We both care about you deeply.
I just wish you’d open up more,
Now that I’m your step dad I just want what’s best for this family.”
He lectured, while continually driving.
Where? God knows.
you rolled your eyes, and scoff turning your head to look at him.
“Since you wanna know so bad, it was pretty okay. Kinda boring but other than that, I got a 98 on the math test we took today.”
you replied without giving any thought to what he had just said.
“Good job, kiddo” he gave you a small grin, and patted your upper thigh.
you couldn’t help but feel some sort of energy … not the normal kind.
But you decided to just shrug it off cause it���s out of your reach, you’ll let this pass.
“ how about we go get something to eat to celebrate, a little father and daughter bonding time. it’s on me.”
you nod your head as a response and pop in an earbud.
You connect your earbuds to your phone and turn on
“Swallowed my key” by slater.
32 minutes later y'all end up at The Cheesecake Factory.
You sit there in the parked car registering how and why your step dad whom you hardly know just took you to your favorite restaurant,
You both step out of the car and start walking towards the door.
He ends up at the door first and opens it for your.
“Ladies first!” he chuckles.
“You’re such a geek.” you scoffed and walked inside.
you walk over to the desk waiting to be seated,
John followed close by.
It turns out John was taking y'all there anyways and had already called ahead for a reservation.
He tells the desk man his last name, the waiter picks up two menus and tells y’all to follow him.
y’all finally arrive at the table.
Yall both sit down and the waiter pulls out his notepad, placing 2 straws down on the table.
“What would you two like to drink?”
Asked the man with a big grin.
“I’ll have a water with extra lemon”
Replied John with a sour face.
“I’ll have a sprite”
You answer while playing with the straw on the table.
“Perfect, I'll have those out as soon as they're done!”
The waiter turns to look at you and winks.
He finally walks away.
you could tell John saw what the waiter had done and now he’s all pissy.
“Sooo… what cheesecake do you want when we’re done ?”
John asks awkwardly… trying to break the ice.
you say plainly scrunch your lips up, and look around at your surroundings.
“Great choice!”
He replies with a reminiscing grin of assurance.
you could tell he wants to get closer to you but you just can’t… you hated how he came in between you and your mom.
You’re spaced out in Thought until John broke the silence by clearing his throat and stroking his beard in thought as well.
you were a bit startled but you couldn't help but stare at him… the longer you observed him the more reason you understood why your mom wanted to bag the man, I mean Christ…. His phyzic, his raven black hair… his dangerous ey-… you shake your head at the thought of you starting to like your step father…
“I mean yeah he was handsome, but… maybe… just maybe I was misjudging him… “
He finally realizes you are staring at him, he flashes you a bright smile.
you decided to flash him one back.
“You know… your a very pretty girl”
He compliments you while chuckling and looking away from your eyes in embarrassment.
You could tell his cheek were red and flushed,
“Thank you…”
you honestly started to blush until you realized he’s literally your moms fiancé, and your step dad.
No matter how much you couldn't stand either of them you would never…
Maybe… just maybe…
Y’all sit in silence until the waiter arrives,
And place the bread and drinks in the middle of the table.
“Are y’all ready to order?”
The waiter announces while holding onto his notepad and pen waiting to jot down the orders.
“Uhhh yes”
John mutters then tells the man his order.
you could tell John was staring into the poor man’s soul with Ill intent.
you couldn’t lie, it kinda made you blush at how possessive he was over you.
You kinda liked this side of him.
you thought to yourself until you realized the waiter had handed a piece of paper to you.
John quickly snatched it out of your hand and crumbled it, placing it in his pocket.
He places his knuckles in front of his mouth and clears his throat.
“You won’t be needing that...”
you wince at John with confusion and anger.
He’s already taken plus he’s not even my real father… Why does he get to play god with my love life?
Just as you started to open up he pulls this.
you got annoyed and hesitatingly tell the waiter your order, as he’s jotting it down,
He then walks off with a confused and frozen face.
“Why did you do that… he could’ve been a nice guy.” you complain to John while pouting.
“You don’t need distractions from father and daughter bonding time.”
John replied with a smile and pats your hand which was was reaching for
a piece of bread.
“If you saw so..”
You roll your eyes at his reply.
He got sick and tired of the silence between you too so he decided to ask you random questions about yourself to break the ice.
“What’s your favorite artist…”
you looked him dead in the eyes and you realized he’s serious about this.
you sigh and comply with the chitter chat.
“Lana del Rey, maruex, the smiths… the usual.”
you reply, trying not to sound too boring.
“Ahhh yes the smiths that brings me back, I actually met Johnny murr”
He replied while reminiscing.
“No way!! That’s so cool…. I hope that didn’t sound sarcastic”
you giggle
“But genuinely that’s cool as fuck.”
He chuckles and tilts his head.
“He was a pretty cool guy not gonna lie.”
He replied
“What’s YOUR favorite artist?”
You asked whilst staring into his beautiful dark brown eyes.
you wanted to know about him… you hated to admit it but the fact he’s actually taking time to know you actually makes you a bit sympathetic again.
He was so perfect, so mysterious you couldn’t even be mad at him for too long.
Also not to mention I’d be awkward to make a fool of yourself…
“Why do I care about this all the sudden…”
you thinks to yourself, a bit conflicted at how you feel about the man.
“Well… it’s a pretty hard question but probably… the talking heads…”
“Amazing pick choice !! I love their one song,
psycho killer, but once in a lifetime is also really good!”
you enthusiastically replied, you could never pass up a good conversation about music you enjoy.
“You have amazing taste sweetheart.”
He grinned.
you instantly started to blush, you can’t believe he called you that, I mean he’s your step dad of course it has no romantic meaning behind it… but you kinda wish it did.
“Favorite show?”
He asked, tilting his head and clearing his throat yet again.
“Ermmm probably what we do in the shows… it’s my favorite!! I always loved the thought of vampires”
you replied while smiling at the thought of him being so interested in your interests … you hated it but he had this.. energy when you’ve been around him long enough,
Almost like you're hypnotized.
The waiter finally came back with the food.
About time…
After eating your meals and taking your desserts to go y'all finally walk out of the restaurant,
As you're going down the steps he reaches to grab your hand.
You decide to comply not to make it an awkwardly uncomfortable experience.
He digs in his pocket to grab the car keys to unlock the car,
he walks you over to your side of the car and opens the door for you.
you couldn’t help but smile at the gesture…
It’s the small things that count.
you hop in and wait for him to get in.
“Thank you John…”
You smile while buckling in your seat belt.
“Your welcome princess.”
The way he says it comes naturally off his tongue.
“Can I play some music?”
You tilt your head as you ask.
“Yeah sure go ahead, princess.”
He replied handing you the aux cord,
You instantly pull out your phone and connect it, it takes you a while but you then decide to play,
“Burning desire” by Lana del rey.
About 30 mins later y'all arrive home, you get unbuckled and grab your stuff to exit out of the vehicle, when he grabs your hand and pulls you to stay in the car a bit longer.
y'all sit in the car for a bit in silence for what feels like forever, you could tell John wanted to say something but was nervous to say it.
Hell It made you even more nervous.
He sighs and turns his head, taking initiative and leans in to kiss you,
After a bit You realize what’s going on, the cute pet names, the way he was so protective, it finally all made sense.
You snap out of it and realize this is real… you're actually kissing your hot step dad, you decide to deepen the kiss.
John puts his hand to cup your cheek.
He finally breaks the kiss and looks at you, staring at him always gives you butterflies now you're only inches apart.
you're dazed… did you really just kiss your step father… outside of the house… what if your mom saw!?
“I’m sorry… I just had to let that out.”
John confessed while looking straight ahead trying to not look at you, he felt a little bad for the sudden kiss but he just wanted to let you know how he genuinely felt.
The passion he felt for you all thought he knew it was wrong.
“… honestly I liked it…”
you confessed sheepishly, still shocked at the encounter.
You grab his hand before he could move once more, you decide to quickly reach over to his side to kiss him one last time on the cheek.
“John… we should really get inside before mom gets suspicious.”
He lifts his hand up to his cheek to where you kissed him.
In a bit of a daze he smiles at you.
He looks around for a bit, still a little nervous on what his next move was.
John grabs both of your food and opens his door to hop out.
You collect your items and open your door making your way to the house door, you stand there waiting for him to follow.
John grabs the keys from his back pocket to open the door, the jiggling keys making you wish you had him all to yourself.
No stupid mom to take him from you.
He finally gets the door open,
your mom comes from the kitchen and greets y’all, she walks over to John.
“I hope you had a good time baby!”
She exclaimed to you whilst grabbing onto John.
You look back and realized they are kissing and laughing,
you couldn’t help but feel a little jealous.
“What if that was me…”
you couldn’t get the thought out of your head.
you head up the stairs into your bedroom.
you trip over a cord and turn on the light.
Plopping onto the bed and pulling out your phone and started messaging your friends about the encounter.
They all agreed it was extremely strange but whatever he’s hot …
you get up off the bed and decide to shower, after today's endeavors, you need to cleanse yourself.
You pull out your boom box and connect your phone to it,
You turned on
“Les” by childish gambino.
Turning up the volume to half way to not get yelled at by your parents.
You go over to the sink to brush your teeth,
Now going over to the shower.
you start to undress and hop in,
And start doing your routine.
finally done, you decided to turn on some Jonathan Bree to get you in the mood to be alive, you feel numb, the feelings you have for your step dad is not normal but… you can’t help but feel angry, resentment, jealousy, all consuming you.
you dried off and put on a white colored lacy nightgown that went down to your knees.
you go back to the bathroom to do your nightly facial routine.
Until you hear a knock at the door, it’s your mom.
“Hey honey.”
She spoke softly.
“Hey mom…” you replied back awkwardly,
Ever since y’all been distant it’s been so strange to speak to your mom like how you used too.
“How was dinner with John?”
You stopped what you were doing to look at her.
“It was nice, he’s very kind.”
You turn back around and continue your routine.
“I know it’s been a while since we last spoke alone, and I didn’t know how to tell you this but I’m going out of town for a couple days for work. And I want you to be good while I’m gone, it’s only gonna be you and John here. And if anything happens please don’t be scared to tell me.”
You nod your head in agreement.
She walks over to the door
“I love you honey, goodnight I’m going to sleep. Have sweet dreams.”
You nod and
She finally walks out the door, closing it behind her.
You put away your lotions and walk over to the door to
headed downstairs to get a glass of water.
Every step makes you feel weightless just thinking about you and your step father alone all weekend.
you joilt up when you realized your step dad is in the kitchen as well.
He’s leaned against the counter drinking a glass of what looks to be tea.
you walk in, and when he sees you he snaps out of his thoughts.
He says clearing his throat after taking yet another sip.
You replied monotone.
“What are you doing up so late kiddo?”
He asked you curiously while stroking his beard.
“Grabbing some water…”
You say as you grab a cold water bottle from the refrigerator.
“It’s always good to stay hydrated…Your gown is very pretty.”
John says as he walks closer to you.
you could tell there is an awkward feeling in the air from earlier, you hated it but what’s done is done.
“Wanna watch a movie?”
He asked, looking at you curious with his eyebrows furrowed.
“…. Uhhh sure…. What about mom?”
“Trust me, when she’s sleep, she’s dead asleep.”
you say as you take a sip of water,
John grabs a bag of popcorn and tosses it into the microwave.
you decided to walk over to the couch and take a seat.
He waits for the popcorn to get done and pours it into a bowl, he finally makes his way over to the couch and sits down to the left side of the couch and scoots a bit closer to you.
“… sooo what movie are we watching?”
you grab a bit of popcorn.
He reaches for the remote and turns the tv on flicking through the movies.
“I was thinking of a scary movie.”
“Sounds good.”
you continue to reach for the popcorn.
About half way into the movie y’all both find yourselves cuddling next to each other.
His hand on your knee while your leg is stretched over his lap.
You had the urge to just lean your head up and kiss his handsome face.
But you fight it off, find some dignity you thought to yourself.
you instantly snapped out of your thoughts when you realized there's a sex scene on the tv.
you can’t help but feel awkward at the thought
Of watching this whilst you're sitting next to your step dad of all people plus ealiers encounters, you decided to excuse yourself to the restroom.
As you walked into the downstairs bathroom, you stared at yourself in the mirror feeling a bit nervous and awkward to even step a foot back into the living room.
you couldn't help but wonder what the sex is like between him and your mom, it makes you sick.
you turn the faucet on and cup the water to splash onto your face… you still feel like you're on autopilot.
Dry heaving over the sink.
A couple minutes go by and you finally talk yourself into heading back, until you realize he paused the movie.
Right in the middle of it.
you awkwardly sit on the end of the couch not wanting to be too clingy, or show any attention to yourself.
He then pats the couch at the spot you were just in to signal you to go back to cuddling with him, you decided to comply and Scoot back and go back to the usual position but this time it was different the air was thicker and you noticed his hand was positioned on the upper part of your thigh instead of your knee.
The sex scene plays out for what feels like forever.
You could tell he was thinking about something the way his breathing is shifted, and heavy.
He starts rubbing your thigh up and down, causing you to freeze.
you looked down and noticed he has a bulge, you couldn't tell if he’s hard or what but the light from the tv screen lights the curve perfectly.
Curious, you decided I’d be a nice idea to tease him, and placed your hand near his boxer shorts.
He adjusted a bit, you look up and notice he’s a bit flustered.
you decided you wanted to see if he’d bite, you just wanted to know if your mom married the sweetest, most faithful man in the world, you wanted to break him, you wanted to see his dark side for once.
you peeked your head up a bit to kiss him on his cheek.
“Thank you for suggesting we watch A movie… daddy.”
He looks at you a bit puzzled, he tries to speak but starts to choke instead.
Was all he could stutter out, the random change of emotion from you was very noticeable and confusing.
you could tell he’s flustered at the nickname.
you decided to go even deeper and placed your hand above his boxers… slowly making your way to his bulge and caressing it.
you couldn’t help but blush at how huge it felt.
He takes a deep breath, you could tell he’s getting even harder just by your touch.
He understands your memo and drags his hand up your body onto your chest, trying not to be too fast, he decides to rub the lower part of your breasts.
At this point it’s driving you crazy, you need him… every inch, you could feel yourself getting wet just thinking about it.
you then made your way back up to the top of his boxers and placed your hand inside gently rubbing his cock, your eyes still on the movie.
you made your way to the tip and you realized he has pre cum already and you haven't even done much.
you bit your bottom lip at the thought of his cock being in your mouth…
“Fuck~” he gently moans, as he tilts his head back.
He finally reached inside your nightgown, flicking your right nipple, every touch making you get wetter and wetter,
He starts making circles around the sensitive buds, causing you to jolt.
Making you want to break down right then and there and drop to your knees.
So you decided to do so, at this point there's no point of return yall both knew y’all had this chemistry.
This secret y’all both could just share… between daughter and step father.
you stands up and gets onto your knees, looking up at John with pleading eyes.
His head nodded in agreement.
you then pull his boxers down to his ankles,
His cock springing up as it’s finally freed from the torture of conseslment.
your eyes widen at how huge it is…
Just earlier you were plotting his murder now you're on your knees begging for your step fathers cock.
you lean in to give the tip of his cock a kiss, your hand grabbing not even nearly the entire thing.
you then make your way to the base and lick it all the way back to the tip, every inch making you crave more.
You start to make out with the base of his cock, the taste driving you crazy, wanting nothing more than to just have his cock be yours and only yours forever.
You then lift your head up a bit to get a good look at it, the thick veiny cock towering over your face, intimidating yet breathtaking.
Losing your virginity to your step father was definitely not on this year's bingo card.
you then place both hands on each side of his cock jerking up and down in soft motions,
Placing yet another kiss on the tip.
Finally opening your mouth to take in his huge length, hardly getting past the tip you're already concerned about how it’s all gonna fit but this is what you wanted… you can’t back away now.
Still placing both your hands around his dick to cover the parts you couldn’t fit around your mouth, you start bobbing your head up and down the length you can take.
Turning him into a groaning mess.
you take it out and let out a soft moan, your left hand tight around the base as your right is pumping it up and down.
your mouth is all covered with spit and pre cum.
His cock was so big you didn’t even know if you could fit it inside your cunt.
Wondering if y’all would even be able to go that far without one of them getting hurt and or getting caught at some point.
you spit on John's cock while continuing to pump his it up and down, he raises his hand to caress your cheek as you slide your tongue along the side of his thick cock.
Savoring every inch,
“Good girl.”
He praises you as you continue to slurp up and down.
you couldn't get enough of it, you just wanted it all to yourself, at this point you resented your mother, how lucky you were to have such a handsome and loving husband but also a big dick in bed and loads of money.
you then take his dick whole again but this time attempting to push yourself further along it, until you're a gagging mess and can’t go further .
He then places his hand on your head and grabs a bit of your hair, forcing you to go up and down at a faster pace, tears streaming down your eyes.
The way he’s looking into your eyes, you could tell he was starving for more… he wants you… every little moan from your pretty little mouth.
He finally let’s go and you pops his cock out your mouth,
Absolutely drooling and mesmerized and heaving for air.
you wanted nothing more but for him to cum deep inside you.
Babies ? you didn’t mind at this point,
Whatever you could do to keep him in your life as much as possible.
“Get up princess”
John ordered.
you obeyed and got up onto your feet, he signals you onto his lap.
you dropped your panties, and slipped out your nightgown.
You climbed onto him placing one arm around his shoulder, the other one caressing his face.
His hands were placed on the sides of your hips.
The movie still playing in the background,
He leans in to kiss you, placing his tongue onto yours.
The taste of each other's saliva combining was enough to make him combust right then and there.
you become more hypnotized as you moan into his mouth, and place sloppy kisses all over his face, he instantly starts groaning whilst grabbing at your ass. And places soft yet firm slaps onto it.
Each bounce makes him wish he could take you right then and there without caring what your mother thinks.
you pause and look into his eyes with despair…
“I need you …. John… please…. Please daddy.”
you beg as you place another kiss onto his lips.
“Are you sure.., what if it hurts… your only so young”
He questions in a worried voice.
He sighs but he complies, he takes his cock and starts gliding it along your wet cunt, causing you to jolt at how good it feels.
The thought of losing your virginity to your step father was just enough to drive you crazy, what would your mother think if she saw y’all like this… she’d be furious.
But fuck it… it’s too late.
John then lines his cock along your tight slit, causing you to cover your mouth from the pain.
He isn’t even half way in until you start biting your lips from how much the pain was.
He decides to leave it there, until you get more comfortable with the length and decide to move on your own.
He didn’t wanna hurt you, that was the scariest scenario to him, not wanting to scare you but also wanting to absolutely destroy your cunt.
He places a kiss onto your forehead.
“You're so beautiful…. ever since I first met you that day, I’ve wanted you.”
He confessed while caressing your cheek with his left hand whilst the right is on your ass.
“To be honest… I resented you because I thought you were trying to steal my mom from me…
But now I can understand why she was so obsessed over you”
Y’all both start to giggle and share another kiss with one another .
“I could never do that to you princess…”
He whispers softly.
you finally decide you are ready to take his full length or… at least try?
As you glide down you can’t help but tear up a bit, whimpering at the pain, John then starts to coax you to make you feel better.
It hurt so bad but felt so good you just couldn’t stop, every inch filling you up in all the right places.
Due to the exstacy all you wanted to do was moan as loud as you could, fuck your mom and her sleep.
John realizes you're too hypnotized to snap out of your own world. He places his mouth on yours, so you’d be able to whimper and moan into his mouth not to wake up your sleeping mother.
you finally reached the end of his full length, grateful that you made it this far, but now you have to go back up.
your eyes tearing up a bit,
Dreading but also enhanced at the feeling of it.
you sit there for a bit just staring into his beautiful dark eyes, whilst rubbing the side of his face.
“You're so handsome…”
you confess.
you then lean in for another kiss,
Your tongues exploring each other yet again, every time making them feel pure bliss.
The way his warm mouth mixes perfectly with yours, was enough to drive you crazy.
You raised his hand up to your left boob and start playing with the bud,
Causing you to moan a bit louder into his mouth.
Saliva dripping from your mouth from the sloppy make out.
You pause and look at his lips how perfectly crafted they are.
How his features just compliment each other so well.
Until you speak.
You looked at him with soft eyes.
“I don’t think I can take it all.”
He hushed as he reassured you it’s all okay, and you can start when you're ready.
Taking initiative, you lean in for another kiss and start to lift your body up his cock, every part making you teary eyed yet satisfied.
“Oh daddy…”
Y’all start groaning in unison as the friction causes y’all to heat up.
He notices your hair in your face, and moves it aside.
He grins whilst staring at you, you can’t help but blush, the way his eyes Pierce into your soul.
you lead back causing your head to fall back whilst closing them at how good and stimulating it felt to have his cock finally satisfying your urges.
The way it’s so lengthy and huge makes you feel like the luckiest girl in the world, you can’t help but feel like it’s a dream from how too good it is to be true.
you fasten your pace, your mouth half way open and drools dripping from your pretty mouth, causing him to groan at the sight.
He makes his hand down to your thigh and reaches your clit, rubbing circles along the sensitive buds causing you to jolt and instantly place your hand on your mouth to stop you from moaning too loud.
Your muffled moans causing him to want nothing more than to cum inside that pretty tight cunt of yours.
The way it’s so wet, you can hear the noise it makes as he’s entering you.
Each flop caused you to Shriek at how he was bruising your young cunt to no return.
“I love you so much daddy”
you say as your practically out of breath panting from the increasing of your pace,
“I love you too kiddo”
He breathlessly blurts out as he’s in pure bliss.
Every thrust made him fall deeper and deeper into lust.
He leans his head towards your chest to
Take one of your nipples into his mouth, causing you to moan, you practically looked mindless the way you were relentlessly riding his cock, mixed with the stimulation of his mouth in your nipple.
Every thrust caused him to want to release his load.
He starts humming to the Rhythm that you created between y’all two.
“Please daddy… fuck…”
you whispered in his ear causing him to close his eyes at the blissful sound and sight of him fucking you.
The sound caused you to become nervous from how loud it was but also not caring anymore.
The ending credit song in the background was just the icing on top.
Times like this you wanted nothing more than to just stay at home for the rest of your life.
you make your way to the base yet again but this time they’ve reached their breaking point, you realize y’all both are finally reaching the point for y'all to both climax you instantly lift yourself off his thick cock, causing him to then cum on your back.
Y’all sit there, dizzy and light headed.
Your brains still foggy from the climax,
John leans in for another kiss, you complied and kissed him yet again,
The way they connected so perfectly melts your heart.
He finally breaks the kiss and peepers one onto your forehead.
“Smart girl…”
He whispers as he gently traces his fingers along your face.
you kiss him softly on his cheek and yawn.
John then realized the movie was finally over.
He picks you up and Carries you up the stairs to your room, he places you onto the bed and cleans you up.
He sits on the side of the bed and leans down the kiss your head,
“Good night princess, have sweet dreams my love.”
He peppers one last kiss and gets onto his feet to head out until you call out for him.
“Please lay with me for a bit… please John…”
you say as you ruffle around in your sheets.
John, with a sigh, makes his way over to the other side, scooting closer to you to cuddle under the covers.
you turn over and look at him, his warm embrace giving your butterflies.
you starts playing with his hair,
“You're so handsome John…”
“Thank you princess.”
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venbetta · 1 year
What would be your top 5 favorite fnaf characters?
//Mild Ruin Spoilers
Never really thought about it, but from the top of my head I'd say:
5. Glamrock Bonnie
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While he didn't have a lot of screen time, his initial mystery of his absence is what interested me. The fact we got to see remnants, and even sadly, what remained of him in ruin made the hype kinda worth it. Also... gay bunny.
4. Roxanne Wolf
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I didn't like Roxy at first, I mean she was kind of a bitch in the base game, but I will admit her design is cool and she's pretty as fuck. Ruin made her look even more gorgeous like... I could kiss the artist that made those cutouts of her. Her little "death" scene made me sob. She grew on me.
3. Cassie
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Not sure if human characters were included but I say, fuck it and included Cassie. She's so brave, I love her and she didn't deserve anything bad to happen to her. She's cute, her relationship with Roxy was precious even if it was hardly mentioned, her design is top notch (honestly. She's either mixed or light skinned. I love her either way).
She's resilient as fuck, my only gripe is that as a black girl myself, girlie, why the fuck didn't you leave as soon as you felt sus by "Gregory"... I mean we wouldn't have Ruin if she just left but... please. Cassie. I love you. But GET OUT.
2. Freddy Fazbear
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Call me basic, but he was my original favorite from the first game. He scares the shit out of me still and I love that. When you think Freddy Fazbear, he's the face you think of. He's like stereotypical Barbie (positive). I feel like I could hug him and he'd just tell me stories about life and his experiences (not in a long-winded Mr. Hippo way either).
I remember in 5th grade when the game came out I told my friend, "I like Freddy." And she called me a furry... I didn't know what that was until she explained it and I quickly said "...No. he's just my favorite." ...
1. Glamrock Freddy
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Uhm... I think he's the reason why I identify as a furry now in the current year of 2023. I could write an entire essay, make an entire presentation as to why I love this animatronic bear more than his original predecessor... (I should do that...).
Also. If I said what I really wanted to say ... I'd have to leave the internet forever. There's no cleaning my digital footprint anymore. It would sound like I'm speaking Morse code from how many things will be censored when I talk about this bear. Anyways. He's my favorite and I'm very normal about him. I have a decent relationship with my dad. Thanks for asking.
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roseworth · 8 months
Could I get your thoughts on Teen Titans #78 and 79? Also how would you have concluded Rose's character arc regarding her family?
i LOOOOOOOOVE that story <3 its such a great representation of roses relationship with slade w the way she comes there to kill him then later on goes "nvm i love him and dont want him to die. this sucks."
not to mention!!!! it shows the difference between rose & joey's relationships with slade sooooooo well bc joey was raised by slade and thinks theres good in him! but rose wasnt raised by him and doesnt believe in any good in him (but loves him anyway)!!!!! GOD.
i love it its a fantastic wilson family story and gets all their dynamics down rly well <3 i love rose & joey in that story i love it when they get to hang out (disregard the zombies theyre just hanging out) 💕💕💕
as for how i would have concluded the arc. i have thoughts.
first of all it haunts me every single day of my life that the new 52 came and stopped anything from happening with this. her mom was ALIVE and she was being talked about!!!!!! then n52 came and erased her from existence and i will never not be upset about it (also the last panel lili has ever appeared in they made her BLONDE.) i wish i could contact jt krul and ask him what the plan was i need to know so badly
but honestly. if it were me writing it i would not have brought lili back. i think the story would be so much more intriguing if rose was basically on a wild goose chase since the only evidence she had wasnt very strong but it gave her HOPE so she clung onto it for as long as she could
plus i feel like rose would have a lot of guilt surrounding her mothers death (since she died protecting her) even though she doesnt outwardly show any guilt and just blames slade for all of it, so shes doing everything she can to a) prove to herself that she didnt actually kill her mother and b) make up for the fact that it was her fault (in her mind) and get forgiveness for it. but she doesnt get any closure or forgiveness so she has to learn to accept that she did have a role in her mom's death but it doesnt make it her fault
anyways after obsessing over finding her mom just to realize that she actually was dead the whole time rose would have a catastrophic breakdown and probably take it out on slade, who would probably make it worse on purpose
i havent thought about it in depth so i dont know exactly how it would happen but i would say that eventually she realizes that the titans were there for her while she was looking for her mom and while she was in the middle of her breakdown, then be like "the titans are my family and its great <3 fuck my stupid dad"
then she has insane lesbian sex with cassie and then everyone lives happily ever after until another writer comes along and decides to retread the same drama and ignore character development because thats what they love to do in tt03
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strawbubbysugar · 1 year
1. What would Monty's reaction be to Stink? Y'know, once the big guy is fixed and not acting like a sewer rat. Will he help take care of him?
2. Are we going to get a oneshot of Morgan and Monty interacting in any way? Maybe Morgan seeing Monty be slowly repaired with every visit and even helping when they can, or after he's fixed and they go home together where they talk things out and have a heart-to-heart conversation? I like to imagine ""The Big Talk"" happens on the way back home in Morgan's dinked up truck after a few minutes or even hours of painfully awkward silence and a bit of strained small talk, but seeing Monty's reaction to Morgan's home and us even getting to know what it looks like would be nice, too! I think seeing the home or living evironment of a character helps me understand them better, plus it's just interesting.
3. A bit of a continuation of my previous question- what does Monty think about Y/ngineer not being his soulmate? Will he ever find out what Morgan did to Y/ngineer? If so, how will he react to it? I can't remember if he even knows they're soulmates with Sun/Moon/Eclipse, so how will he feel if he saw them being affectionate, whether he knows or not? Is he over Y/ngineer and ready to move on with Morgan? On the other hand, what does Morgan think of Monty being their soulmate, Monty in general, and about having an animatronic for a soulmate? I can't remember if this was ever discussed, I apologize if so.
4. Will we get an update on how both Roxy and Chica are doing on the farm that's set a couple of months or so in the future, after everyone is repaired and the dust has settled? Will we get a little fluffy look into their daily life, relationship and how they both react to farm work? Or rather some hurt/comfort when the sky is depressingly dark, the house is dead quiet and the memories and phantom pains won't stop? I miss my girls. 😢
5. Could you share some thoughts you have for a potential oneshot with Cassie and Roxy? Maybe a bit of hurt/comfort with Cassie visiting and comforting Roxy after, y'know, everything, or seeing her when she'll all fixed up? Will Cassie get to meet Chica? (I'm assuming Cassie has a mother that's still around so would that make Chica her 3rd mother? 🤔)
6. How is Maddie? I think we had brief mentions of her near the end but I hope she's doing well and spending enough time with her dads! Juggling repairing 5 animatronics, taking care of a baby, and planning for the future must be overwhelming for Matt, even with Y/ngineer, Eclipse and his parents there to help him. :( Will we see Y/ngineer or/and Eclipse play with little Maddie? That would be so so cute! I suspect the boys didn't see a lot of infants in the daycare. 🥺 Speaking of... how did Maddie react to the long trip to Twin Falls? She's is an angel but I assume she didn't take the move too well.
I honestly think he'd be scared of him at first. like not over the top screeching but he'd refuse to hold him, and he'd freeze when hes put on him. eventually hed have a begrudging respect for stink bc stink likes to bite
Oooh that really puts me in the mood to write about them! Maybe Ill do a oneshot tonight for morgan & monty :)
He isnt stoked about the fact that they arent soulmates, he was starting to feel pretty sure that they were. but he isnt distraught over it - its more of a workplace crush than a real true "i need you" crush. He'd be pissed that morgan did what they did to them, but at the same time, hes done some pretty bad shit to people he cares about too - its another thing they can relate about. he sees morgan trying to be a better person and respects that. If monty were a human man he would 100% be morgan's type down to a t. however, they arent the monster fucker robot lover the y/ngineer is, so it takes more time for them to get used to the idea of a giant crocodile machine being their soulmate. it gets easier they longer theyre together, and the more they get to know each other!
I might write a oneshot for it possibly, along with cassie coming for a visit!! :) it'd be touched upon in the sequel if I ever write it!
tbh I have less ideas for these guys than I do other characters (mostly bc roxy is a mother NO DRAMA and no drama means less story hddsf) but I could see myself writing a oneshot where cassie comes and sleeps over with her dad's permission!
Maddie is doing wonderfully! She's a little angel and her grandparents are watching her while Matt and the gang make the move to the new home! Matt will drive back and pick her up once theyre settled in, so it isnt too much for her. Once shes there and all settled in, Eclipse ends up watching her most of the time while matt and y/ngineer run the shop. After someone sees him doing so well with their kids at the playground while babysitting maddie, they ask him if he runs a daycare, and he decides that YES, he does! Which is how Clear Skies Daycare starts! :)
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What are the odds?, Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Relationship(s): Geri Broussard & Sam Winchester, Walker Family
Tags/Warnings: Amnesia, Alternate Universe, Mistaken Identity
Summary: "Cordell" returns home and everyone does their best to help him settle in
Written for @augustofwhump day 6- Confusion
Taglist: @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks, @klaatu51, @itsjessiegirl1, @neptunium134
Cordell (it still felt weird to call himself that) was let out of the hospital after a few weeks. In that time, he’d met everyone in his family, even those not related by blood.
Abby and Bonham were nice as parents (though he still wondered where they pulled that name from), if a bit overbearing. Abby in particular never seemed to want to leave him alone for more than an hour and he could tell she was holding herself back with that. Navigating around his parents felt strange, but he supposed it would be odd for anyone who was old enough to be a parent themselves.
Liam was a good brother, always helping field the family when he got overwhelmed and happy to argue with the doctors when he felt they weren’t listening to Cordell’s needs. Out of everyone, he was the most sure that Cordell would eventually get his memories back. The fact that his brother believed it made Cordell a little more assured of that too. Trusting his brother was the most natural part of this whole thing.
He’d also met Larry James, Cassie Perez, and Trey Barnett, all good friends from work. They were excited to see him back in the office again, but understood it would be a while. He needed to get at least some of his memory back if he ever planned to certify again, after all. For some reason, being a Texas Ranger didn’t feel quite right to him, but that was alright. Maybe that just meant it wasn’t his dream job. And he was nearing retirement age; maybe no one would judge him if he decided not to return to that.
And then there was Geri Broussard, an old friend from high school. She’d been in his life for longer than his late wife. He liked Geri. She was nice and sometimes he thought he might remember her.
Honestly, the hardest part of learning his family was his children. Stella and August. Great kids, as far as he could tell. And he didn't remember a single moment of their lives. He felt guilty for that, like he’d just missed everything. Their first steps, their first day of school, their first romances. He hardly knew how to talk to them. And they must feel that way too, because they never seemed to know what to say either.
Moving back to the ranch almost made it worse. Both the main house and the farmhouse he and the kids lived in were full of family pictures with people he didn’t recognize at events he didn’t remember. Sure, he could put names to faces, but none of them really registered. There was no memory, no sentiment.
He wanted it. He wanted it badly. He wanted to remember his past, to connect with the people in his life on a deeper level. He just wished he knew how.
“Hey, Dad”
He looked up from the pictures on his dresser to see August standing in the doorway. “Yeah? What’s up?”
“Nothing. I just- I’m glad to have you home. We all are. I know Stella’s a little…distant right now. But she’ll come around. You know how she is….” His son trailed off.
Cordell coughed. “Uh, I don’t. Not right now. Not yet. But I’m looking forward to learning about her again. And you. All of you.”
“I know. It’s just….”
“It’s hard. I know it is. A-And I’m sorry to put you through that. But it’ll get better. We just have to hold onto that.”
His son smiled. “I know. We’ll get there. We always do.”
It hurt him to know his family had been through hardships like this before, especially knowing it all likely stemmed from his work. It hurt him more that he didn’t have those memories to hold onto and draw from.
But he had hope, and so did his family. That was more than enough.
Geri sighed as she pulled up in front of the farmhouse.
She didn’t know why she was doing this to herself. It hurt to walk in there and see Cordell take a few seconds to remember her name and who she was. She didn’t even bother trying to explain that they were dating. Then being friends was the most she could expect, and even that was on thin ice.
Still, every day she dragged herself out here and talked to him. She tried to help him remember things, telling him stories he didn’t remember, stories that other people wouldn’t know. She brought little mementos, hoping something would spark a memory and he would come back to them.
But it never worked. He would just stare at her and whatever she brought, confusion etched on his face.
It was almost like he wasn’t even the same person anymore. And that hurt.
But she loved him all the same. So she wouldn’t give up trying.
She got out, carefully holding today’s memento. It was a snowglobe he’d bought for her on her birthday trip last year. She was going to try a more recent memory this time, just to see. She knocked on the door and waited patiently.
Soon, the door opened and Cordell was smiling at her. His eyes searched her face for a moment. “Hey, Geri! What brings you by?”
It almost felt normal. Almost.
“Hey! I just wanted to see how you were doing today. And I brought a little something….”
His smile dimmed a bit. “Oh, yeah. Well, come on in.”
They made their way to the living area. “So, do we start with the experiment or the small talk?” Cordell muttered.
She sighed. “I’m sorry. I know this is…stressful. I know there’s a lot you don’t remember. I just… I keep hoping that seeing or hearing something will help.”
His face softened. “I know you’re just trying to help. Everyone is. I just wish I knew what would help so we didn’t keep just banging our heads against the same walls.”
She nodded. “That must be frustrating.”
“It is.”
She reached for his hand. “We don’t have to try anything today if you don’t want to. We can just… Talk.”
He shook his head. “No, no. I want to try. I mean, maybe this is the day the dam breaks and I remember everything. We won’t know unless we try, right?”
She nodded. “Okay, if you’re sure….”
They sat down on the couch and she pulled the snowglobe out of her tote bag. She sat it on the coffee table and gave him a minute to look at it. Maybe just seeing it would spark something.
He looked at it, picked it up, turned it upside down…. But said nothing. Just like every other time she tried it, he just looked at it confused, like he’d never seen such an exotic item before. “I…. I don’t remember Oklahoma City,” he confessed.
She nodded. “You took me there for my birthday last year. You made a whole trip of it. I hadn’t been back there since I was a kid….”
His confused eyes turned to her. “A birthday…trip. Just the two of us?”
“Uh, yeah. I don’t know how you planned it without me-”
“Geri, are we…. Were we a couple?”
She flinched. “....Yes. We… I was planning on moving in, actually.”
He nodded. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“I know,” he said softly. “I’m still sorry.”
“I know.” Everyone was sorry. Geri was sorry, Abby was sorry, Liam was sorry…. She was starting to get tired of hearing that.
Geri shook herself out of her thoughts. “Yes?”
“I…. I know I don’t really know you. Not right now. And I know we can’t exactly jump right back into dating a-and I swear I’m not just saying this because you told me we were dating but… I don’t know, I just feel something with you.”
Geri’s breath stuttered.
A feeling. It was a feeling. Which wasn’t much, but it was something. It was something more than they had a week ago, or even yesterday.
“That… That’s really good to hear,” she said. “I’m really, really happy to hear that.”
Cordell smiled, and it looked familiar for the first time in a while.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 6 months
Bonnie being angry and disappointed at Freddy when Cassie helps bring him back only for him to see the destruction and decay of his family and home that Freddy allowed to happen because of Gregory, and breaks up with him.
Bonnie later slowly starts falling in love with Proto Freddy (maybe a bit of it is Bonnie projecting but he's def falling) instead.
And Freddy can see it happening from where he is.
Gay drama~
(Long post. I went off on one lmao and can't use read mores on my phone, sorry mobile users)
Ohhh that's a fun one! Bonnie rebounding onto Protobear and after a while those feelings become real... he deserves it honestly. He deserves a happy ending after everything, and so does Protobear! Bet that's an emotional rollercoaster to get through though... That party doesn't sound fun... For them anyway. Very fun for us though! Sucks to be them!
You know what else is fun for this? Bonnie falling for whoever Freddy believed deactivated him. Freddy treating someone differently before the events of SB, and side eying them all the time, not trusting them at all because of what the must have done to Bonnie... It must have been them! They're the only one the makes sense! They're the one that made him disappear and is trying to act like everything's normal! They must be to blame! They took his Bonnie from him and won't tell him what they did or where he is! Whether he's right or not is irrelevant, if he believes it's true, he's going to want nothing to do with them! They need to stay away from Bonnie!
And now here he is. Watching Bonnie flirt with that person. Be it Monty, Roxy, Moon, Chica, whoever. Freddy finally saying out loud what he's felt he's known for a long time now, that this animatronic killed him, how could Bonnie possibly even still look at them, never mind fall in love with them after that?!
Bonnie's face falls flat. He turns to Freddy and stares him right in the eyes. "They didn't do it, Freddy." or even, "They did it to save me, Freddy. What did you do?"
Absolutely devastating. The gay drama is so good
On another note, this is making me think of Protobear and Roxy being fucking hilarious. "Hey, you wanna really freak him out?" one of them asks and they start fake dating in front of Freddy to piss him off. Like they're the most over the top, mushy couple with the most insufferable nicknames, trying so hard not to laugh their asses off, and the first one to crack loses. Everyone gets in on it. Whaaaaat?? Roxy and Protobear?? Oh they're sooooo in love so so so in love, they're not pretending, they would never pretend!!
Jskdndk they get Cassie in on it and she starts calling them mum and dad 2 and Freddy is pointedly trying to leave the room as quickly as possible, but as usual, the fucking doors aren't letting him out again. They're always on the blink now, it's absolutely never Roxy using her security clearance to play Musical Doors with him. Nope. Never. Look at their fake mushy romance boy, you can't escape.
Freddy has never been more confused and sickened in his life. He's always hated Roxy and Roxy's always hated him, this is the worst thing to have to watch ever. He's even more upset if Bonnie pretends to be their partner as well, and even more so if Roxy was who he assumed deactivated him. This is a nightmare scenario and he's being so brave about it.
Sat there trying so hard not to say a word. He's so fine. Not glaring at all. No no no, he's not staring listlessly at them, he's just trying to contact maintenance via the network, obviously. He's not resisting the urge to grimace and not wishing the floor would swallow him up right now. Absolutely not. He would never. He's so so so happy for them. Yup. So so happy. Could not be happier. Why won't these fucking doors open?!
You could apply the fake dating to Protobear and Bonnie specifically too. Bonnie's going through a rebound, and he knows it, so he stays away from Protobear for a while. He tries to take care of himself and the others are right there to help him out the best they can. When he's feeling better, he starts gradually spending more time with Protobear (who has had the situation of Bonnie and Freddy explained to him and is very understanding about it) and the two start slowly building a friendship. Slowly, so as to not rush Bonnie through anything. Protobear himself has walked away from several hangouts because he can tell that Bonnie is struggling, even if he won't admit it, they're handling this with the utmost care...
But then Bonnie, Roxy, Monty and Chica, the four that should never be trusted without supervision, get talking. Bonnie is laughing at these three clowns telling him all about how they're fucking with Freddy for fun, and let him in on some of their schemes. They're hilarious, and he would have thought so before everything happened too, even if he did think they were a bit mean at times. I mean, rallying a bunch of kids to gang up on Freddy in their Fazerblast game as a 'super secret mission' is a touch mean, right? Not anymore. He deserves it.
But then they get to thinking. Bonnie wants to try messing with him too. They bring him in on some of their dastardly plans, and come up with several new ones for him, and believe me, at this time, not a single one of them has the braincell, so you can imagine the bullshit they come up with lmao. He finds this weirdly cathartic. The ability to moderately inconvenience Freddy in funny ways is more fun than he thought it'd be. He was worried it would hurt, worried it would make him think about things too much, and while it does hurt to look at him sometimes... Well his heart is more with his friends than ever now. He feels no desire to be nice to him, or to go back to how things were anymore. He's okay now and this is what makes that real to him...
Then one day it hits him. His own plan to mess with Freddy. Completely his own, the three stooges had nothing to do with this one. It hit him when he was hanging out with Protobear and DJ. What if they were fake dating in front of Freddy? Bonnie and Protobear! Madly in love, with the most sickeningly sweet pet names and the worst pick up lines you've ever heard in your life! DJ thinks that would be pretty mean... But would get him so good, he's a surprisingly petty guy sometimes. Protobear agrees and is completely up for this, it sounds hilarious, but... is Bonnie sure he's ready for that? Is he sure he can handle that?
They think on it a bit and talk to the others about it, who think that's fucking genius but have the same concerns as Protobear. Sunny thinks it's a bit much (and he's probably right) but is very excited to play along with this. He loves playing pretend, he's where Cassie gets it from. When they decide they're gonna do it, they set a few boundaries just in case, make a safe word for if they feel they start going too far with it, and swear to eachother to call it off if it all starts getting too much... Or maybe too real.
Oh my god they have so much fucking fun with it. Protobear has never laughed so hard in his life. The others joining in, helping them pull this off, and building on the joke too make it even more fun! They're having a blast and Freddy is suffering greatly! Customer service mode can't save him now!
But after a while, things start to change. Some of the flirting becomes a little too heartfelt. The insistence that they're not actually a thing becomes less frequent. The act starts to spill over into their everyday lives. Suddenly, they're not so sure this is still a joke anymore. Suddenly, the overdramatic cuddles last until long after Freddy has left the room. Suddenly, they're starting to wonder what it be like to be together for real.
Realisation hits and oh god oh no oh fuck this was NOT the PLAN god DAMN IT
So much fun to be had here!
One more funny one: instead of just Roxy or Bonnie pretending to be with Protobear, what if it's everyone? Protobear has one giant polycule going on where everyone apparently adores him and he dotes on everyone cause he loves them all so so so much. Freddy is staring in disbelief at the 'romantic' cuddle pile Protobear is right in the centre of like this is the most normal thing in the world. It's a Plex wide competition to see who can be the most insufferable in a fake relationship and whoever cracks first loses. It's a team effort! A coordinated attack! And sometimes they actually do fluster Protobear and eachother they're all having fun!
I'd like to call this plan the Protocule :)
(Also, hi jellycreamjammedart! This is the first post I've made today so you may wanna check I've not reblogged with more additions later on. I know you get online kinda late in my timezone, or at least that's when I tend to see you around, so saying this is just in case!)
#comedically torturing freddy is my favourite thing to do it's so funny#he has this massive grip on what emotions he displays it's like he's in permanent customer service mode sometimes#watching him struggle so hard is Roxy's favourite pass time lmao#long post#pop rox answers#OH GOD I'LL REBLOG WITH THIS ADDITION LATER TO MAKE SURE IT'S SEEN#BUT BONNIE ACCIDENTALLY USING THE PET NAME HE HAD FOR FREDDY IN PROTOBEAR#AND PROTOBEAR DOESN'T KNOW SO BONNIE FLINCHES EVER SO SLIGHTLY#WHILE PROTOBEAR TURNS TO LOOK AT HIM A BUT FLUSTERED BY THE NAME AND SMILES SO SWEETLY#BUT SO UNLIKE FREDDY AND BONNIE IS MELTING ABD OH GOD OH NO WAIT A SEC IS HE FALLING OH GOD OH NO#wait is this bullying? i feel like roxy would bully him but hmm. I'll have to think on that...#maybe it's the doors specifically that's suddenly bugging me#hmmmm i dunno. anyway#i love waking up to things that give me ideas dnjdjd#now imagine proto is zags the old freddy and the confusion is rising djdnjd#to be clear freddy is unaware most of this is just them fucking around#he's suspicious of a few things but not everything#they're all very sneaky about their crimes and the vast majority are harmless and just inconveniencing#very few of them actually want to hurt him but will mess with him a little from a distance if it's funny#they would all mess with eachother before hand they just weren't sneaky about it so the whole 'getting caught' thing is all that's really-#-changed. not for roxy though. she's always fucked around with freddy specifically as sneaky as possible#was just less often before now...#I'm wondering what the scenario is here btw. how did we get to a presumably open plex that freddy is a part of?#i feel like certain animatronics wouldn't let him through the fucking door again#hmmm anyway
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antvnger · 1 year
((I'm so frustrated right now. I keep seeing videos on Youtube saying that Ant-Man 3 is the worst way to end a trilogy or it's the worst MCU movie 'EVER' and other things. It's driving me nuts.
Can you do us a favour and tell us all the great things about it? 😭))
*pulls out soap box and megaphone and stands on the box*
*speaking into megaphone* Testing, 1, 2, 3. Testing, 1, 2, 3.
Attention good people! I am here to remind you about the really good things about Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania! Because this movie deserves it!
First of all! To those who say this movie ripped off Star Wars, lemme tell ya, Scott Lang is a Star Wars nerd and if he was told a part of his life reminded people about Star Wars, he would eat that crap up!
And honestly, that was one of the coolest atmospheres I ever saw in an MCU movie. The Quantum Realm was beautiful and full of really creative creatures and landscapes and colors and it was better than I envisioned. I love how they portrayed the Quantum Realm.
While we're on this subject, the probability storm was ingenious and really fun to watch in my opinion. OF COURSE the QR would have something to that effect. It was an intriguing premise, and I would love to learn more just about probability storms in the QR tbh.
And what's even more beautiful is showing ALL of those Scott probabilities teaming up to help save Cassie because no matter what the challenge may be there is a 100% chance Scott Lang will do anything to help his daughter!
AND THEN if that wasn't enough, having all of Scott's probabilities and Hope's probabilities merging into one unit as if every probability led to them succeeding when they work as a team???? Poetic cinema, y'all!
I got ahead of myself, let's jump back to the beginning. Here we find Scott Lang living his best life, and I am here for it. He is successful, he is happy, he is loved, and he is loving people and life and getting the recognition he so rightfully deserves.
Those kids in the library dressed up as Ant-Man and with Ant-Man action figures and stuff? *cries* Scott deserves that.
And he also gets to enjoy life now. He gets to be a dad and tell dad jokes and finally relax and not have to worry about prison sentences or missing out on stuff or some crazy crisis pulling him away from his family. He's happy, and he's earned it.
Cassie calling Hank "Grandpa" gives me life.
Having my headcanon confirmed that one of Scott's favorite places to be is on top of the Golden Gate Bridge and him and Hope having a cute little date up there? I mean how cute are they?
Scott and Hank's relationship has grown so much, and it makes me happy like seriously. *so proud* "You read my book?" *so proud* "Every goddamn word." And when you read the book, there's a really nice interview there between Scott and Hank which makes that scene that much better to me now. Like it's wonderful.
People have been saying that Scott acted ooc in this movie, and I'm like no. No, he did not. He's not the same guy we met back in 2015. He's grown up some, he's figured some things out, he's got a better handle on life than he did back then, and he wants to protect and preserve it as much as he can. Especially Cassie's life and happiness. And why not? We all know he was like that before Endgame and then after Scott watching Tony with Morgan and knowing better than literally anyone else there (I take that back, literally everyone else there except for Doctor Strange of course) what Tony sacrificed...Scott's not ooc in this movie. He's growing. And good for him.
Paul Rudd's acting, I swear. He's amazing. The entire performance was phenomenal. Period.
This was a really good intro movie for Cassie as Stature. I'm really hoping that's what they'll go with because it sounds so much cooler than Stinger. And it's a really good intro because not only does she have her dad teaching her things midbattle that click for her later on, she is facing a ghost from her past that traumatized her. I think it was important she face Darren again. Facing him, evading him, and eventually overcoming him and her fear of him is a good jumpstart for Cassie, in tandem with the legacy her dad and grandad built, into this superhero role she so desperately wants. It was a growing moment for her too, and for her to realize that the monster that haunted her childhood wasn't a threat to her anymore was empowering for her. She's outgrown Darren Cross, and honestly, if I think about it a little more, there's a really good message for us in there too.
"This has been a weird day." Like Scott, my sweetheart, you're so relatable, I love you.
Could Hope have had a bigger role? Yes. *shrugs* I get what they were doing, but it could have been done better. But hey! She came in clutch at the end, which only underlines everything from AMATW: "Maybe you just need somebody watching your back, like a partner." And that's exactly what Hope is and did! My boy Scott was ready to make the sacrifice play yet again, and Hope swoops in and was like not alone you're not! All hail Queen Hope van Dyne!
And MicroSCOPE fans rejoice, I love you's happened! For those who are like "why didn't they kiss??" like hello? Covid restrictions, my dudes, so calm down.
Also what Hope's doing with that company of hers now? Like oh my gosh! She's doing what I've been saying Pym Tech should do with the shrinking technology, and I'm so glad Hope agrees because now I feel smart ;)
"She wasn't you, baby." Like please. I want someone to tell me this. That's love and devotion and a breath of fresh air from how Hank was in the comics.
Alright, I know you all have been waiting for this, so here it is. We get Kang the Conqueror. We set up the upcoming phase for the MCU. We show the importance, the intensity, the severity of what's to come without sacrificing the heart and humor of the Ant-Man movies. And honestly, I think they pulled it off.
And Kang was phenomenal. The controversy surrounding Majors aside, he was an incredible actor in this movie. He did such a good job, and I hope we do not suffer a recast.
Speaking of Kang, let's not forget that there is nothing quite as...fascinating as a character we know to be good and pure and sunshine personified just absolutely go ham. GiAnt-Man getting angry over Kang having Cassie in his grasp is really good, hot tea y'all, and I love it. After having imagined instances where Scott would get genuinely angry and imagining what that would look like and then to see it in canon? I feel validated.
I've said it a million times: Momma Bear ain't got nothing on Ant-Dad!
"I don't have to win. We both just have to lose." This quote still haunts me. It's so good and honestly it's so...Scott.
And also! For those who said it would have been better if Scott and Hope got stuck in the QR, shut up. No it wouldn't. No. It. Would. Not. It would have been predictable, and I feared it. I knew it was coming, and I was prepared to cry over it. Seriously. The intense relief I felt when Cassie rescued them genuinely choked me up a bit, I'm not gonna lie. It's good they're not trapped.
Also, I'm guessing those of you who are saying being trapped in the QR would have been better than the ending we got don't deal with anxiety and worry eating away at your insides until you feel like they're just gnawing at your bones, don't ya? Because my boy is seriously trying not to panic over the fact that he may have very well doomed the universe he just finished rescuing.
And honestly, that's more relatable. That's more human. We can relate with that, we can ache about that, and honestly, me just thinking about Scott trying not to have a panic attack over all of this is making my chest tight too like I'm in his shoes. The human element, very prominent in the Ant-Man movies.
Seriously. Did these people watch the same movie I saw? Because this movie has so many of the things we love about the Ant-Man films. It has heart, it has comedy, it has that familial love we love to see, it has a gorgeous and mysterious landscape, it has a badass villain, and most importantly it has ants.
And anyone who says this is the worst MCU movie probably hasn't seen all the movies because I can think of 4 off the top of my head that made me want to bang my head against the wall. And guess what? Quantumania is nowhere on that list.
I could go on, but apparently I hit a text limit in Tumblr, so I had to cut back. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. No, I am not up for debating the amazingness of this movie. Any and all hate towards it will be removed from this blog, thank you.))
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