#honestly cant get enough of the buff
honeyhotteoks · 2 months
Okay I'm 5'7 too so thank you for your detailed description of the members and I'm not surprised but kinda am at the same time about their appearance??
Low-key love seeing all the live content but also feel left out as an Aussie atiny BUT I'm seeing skz in October so I'm excited for that!!
Speaking of their appearance, the members of skz are a lot more muscular in person than how they look.
I was expecting them to be skinny and boney but they all look incredibly strong and fit-even Han and Felix-
Han actually looks slightly more buff and muscly then Felix which surprised me and Lee Know is just as defined and muscular as Changbin which no one talks about.
Anyway- yunho brain rot.
I was listening to the audiobook of haunting Adeline because I finally caved in from the TikTok influence and my friend telling me how sexy the novel is.
Idk if it's because I'm going to therapy or I'm too old but I thought it was over-hyped-
I did love how the author described the themes of fear and stalking because when I did get tense when she'd leave the room, come back and there would be a 🌹 on the counter.
BUT I did get delulu and I was reading some scenes where zade is just consumed with Adeline and I was gasping 'like omg yunho could be like this' because his natal chart indicates if he was psychotic and unhealed enough- could delve into stalking territory.
And yes okay- this shit is toxic and scary and awful in real life BUT LET ME FANTASISE FOR A SECOND!
What if yunho was that borderline toxic boyfriend that just CANT leave you alone??
Watches you from afar, sends you messages all day-
Somnophilia thought here-
You don't live with yunho but have given him a key and go to bed with no panties on b/c it's a common occurrence he'll drive over in the middle of the night b/c it's been too long since he's felt you under him and he has to ravish you.
You wake up to his tongue on you clit as he moans and breathes your scent in which eventually leads to you making love with him as he virtually suffocates you with his body and words?
You're mine, you're not leaving me, I'm destined to be with you, on top of you, inside you, I can't breathe w/o you.
first of all........ love that you're seeing skz!!! i'm hoping if and when they announce tour dates for north america next year there's a chance for me to see them
as far as your yunho brainrot goes................. IM DIZZY. i love your natal chart content, and i've been so obsessed with the idea of yunho being like perfect boyfriend great guy................but................there's that part of him that just can't help being possessive and having this sense of ownership over his partner.
i was just actually reading a fic for another fandom along the lines of what you're describing and i was like YUNHO YUNHO YUNHO the whole time. i might write my own version but......... brainrot under the cut
so i think there's two yunho possibilities that i love within this like possessive/stalker/dubcon realm, and one is straight up like suuuuuper healthy relationship but they play with CNC in intense ways and do full on like roleplay OR my current favorite brainrot which aligns with your idea and the fic i was just reading which is like...... desperately obsessed desperately in love fully fixated on reader not leaving him because he just has to consume her fully at all times.
he and reader have been dating for a while and he's honestly the 10/10 perfect boyfriend (she thinks) only.... she knows he gets a little funny about certain things. when other guys talk to her he just has to have his hands on her, and when he worries about her he really worries, almost too much. he gets jealous about the funniest little things, and he's always nervous about change, he just doesn't want anything to burst their little bubble so much so that he's controlling the situation a little too much. but.... she also loves him, and he hasn't really stepped over the line of toxic.......... until she catches him stealing a pair of her panties and realizes his phone is full of pictures of her.
and it starts off like an argument, until he starts to confess his real fantasies. and he knows it might be too much, but she makes him so insane it's like he can't help himself. and the longer he talks about all of those fantasies, confessing how fucked he knows it is and how she really could do better, she just keeps getting more and more turned on. and it's shocking to her too, but she really fucking likes it. she's never had someone take care of her, really and truly take care of everything and just let her exist without having to make all the decisions or take control, and he's just offering it all to her on a platter she just has to let him take it.
and so while he thinks revealing his desires is about to break them up, and he's losing his fucking mind about it, she's ready to double down hard on the relationship and on what they do behind closed doors. so she shocks him when she not only agrees for more but asks for more.
and so that's when she gives him the key, that's when she tells him that he's allowed to come in whenever he wants. to touch her whenever he wants. she wants it all, but all she asks in exchange is that he stops hiding his desires from her, because that's what was driving the wedge between them. he's patient about using the new found control though, because he doesn't know what that will do for their relationship and she doesn't necessarily know what she's allowing him to do..... he can't smother her ALL at once.
but that changes when she falls asleep one night before texting him goodnight, she's been stressed and worn thin and he's not had the opportunity to see her let alone take care of her..... and he's feeling a little neglected too. and he waits a couple of hours for a response, but finally he decides it's time to use the key. so he drives over, slips in quietly, and finds her sound asleep, phone still clutched in her fingers and a video looping on repeat.
he's hard in a second, desperate in a second, and he has to do something about it. so he starts off slow, peeing off her clothes and gently teasing her nipples, getting a blush in her cheeks and making her perfectly hot and receptive to his tongue teasing her sweet clit.
she’s been so tired lately that she’s well and truly out, and she doesn’t really wake up until he’s teasing her wet cunt with his cock, not quite fucking her yet but everything in between. and when she wakes it’s mid-orgasm and desperate for more, and she's aware that something feels different but she just woke up and she's caught between realizing yunho is actually here and pushing himself inside her and thinking it might be a dream.
but he's whispering to her, clutching her close and begging her to just let him have this.... and of course she will, she agreed, but as she comes more and more into consciousness the feeling of him and his words start to make sense. he’s not wearing a condom for the first time ever, and that's not something they've ever agreed on going without before. she's just trying to figure out what is going on but he's fucking into her harder and deeper than before, with a whimpering need on his lips that makes her body curl up in pleasure and she knows she should stop him but truthfully she doesn't want to.
and while she clings to him, yunho's delirious. the feeling of having her completely, of knowing he's the only person who's ever been inside her fully with nothing between them, of knowing that the risk might be worth it. his mind starts to spin until he's a babbling mess, telling her he's going to leave a piece of himself behind for her, make them whole, make sure she can never ever leave.
and even though she knows it's a terrible idea, a decision only made in the middle of sex because it feels good, she finds herself clutching him closer, goading him on. no one has ever wanted her quite like he does and it makes her want to throw everything she's ever cared about right out the window if it means he'll look at her like this forever.
ANYWAYS now i have to write full lowkey toxic possessive yunho with a reader who is down to be fully consumed by him like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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themolluscasometimes · 10 months
(if you havent seen dmeon slayer s3 or read the mange this has spoilers)
okay no but look-
who tf. gave genya a sword an told him to go to final selection
It's stated that Genya calmed down and mellowed out after getting Gyomei to train him. ALSO he got mega buff between when we see him at final selection and when he see him next like yeah he obviously had a growth spurt but the point is he went from scrawny to brawny. He was also a giant asshole at final selection so like. Genya 100% only got trained by gyomei after passing final selection.
Which MEANS either someone ELSE sent a kid that cant use breathing to final selection with a sword OR he got himself there. I dont believe anyone wouldve willingly sent him given how important breathing is to the demon slayer corp
also. The only trainers we really see are hashira or former hashira. Im SO convinced there are other that we don't see given that not every water breather couldve been taught by Urokodaki but it still makes sense that these teachers are retired professional demon slayers that lived long enough to be no longer in active service even if they aren't hashira
which leaves us with options:
genya tried to learn breathing from a cultivator/some other demon slayer, failed, stole a nichirin sword and probably shook the poor sod down to get info on the when and where for final selection
When the person who tried to teach breathing to Genya refused to continue after finding out he cant Breathe Right, said teacher was too strong for genya to really do anything about it (see: they're teaching him and it seems likely that the teachers of demon slayer tend to be upper ranked at least) Genya fucked off and assaulted some weak random demon slayer to steal a sword from and get info
Or, you know, something along these lines because he had to get a nichirin sword and infomraiton from somewhere, and Im doubtful it was willingly given to him since he like. cant fucking breathe.
when we see him at the end of final selection, he's like. mega obsessed with the sword thing. like. super. like yes these are special swords but here's the thing everyone there already has one of the special swords, just not one of their own.
It kinda maybe implies that Genya. Doesnt have a special sword. So.
Genya has been roughing it with a regular ass sword for seven days and given that he can't Breathe his primary form of defense would've been step one: cut the demons arm off. step two: monch. step three: beat the demon to within an inch of its life with demon enhanced brute strength until he can get away or force it die in the sun.
In which case Genya was not likely to be doing much direct demon slaying during those seven days.
(even if he HAD a nichirin sword theres no guarantee that without breathing he wouldve been strong enough or skilful enough to use it to kill all the demons he ran across but given how obsessed and intense he is with getting his hands on a nichirin blade and how much not one single person would want him to go to final selection, i honestly think he had just some random sword. It would explain why he's so desperate to get one, other than being generally unhinged. Anyway-)
While everyone else was roughing it, surviving and slaying demons in the night, Genyas experience of the final selection exam was somewhere between a survival challenge and an all you can eat buffet, with not a lot of demon slaying involved.
can u imagine being part of his cohort and running across some dude that needs you to cut off this demons head thats missing a suspicious amount of its body bc he doesnt have a nichirin sword for some fucking reason. also he has really, really, fucked up eyeballs.
can you imagine watching one of your fellow exam participants use a sword only to defend himslef bc its a functionally useless offense only to attack by eating the fucking demons.
can you imagine seeing him at one point, looking a certain way bc hes been eating a demon and then seeing him again later looking human. or looking like a different demon. or both.
can u imagine struggling to feed yourself during these seven days and this man is having a straight up feast. and also couldnt be assed to show up with a sword for demonslaying to the exam for fucking demon slaying
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raccoonspooky · 2 years
Reasons why diff slashers are out there doing ~All That~
Michael Myers:
He’s got something stuck in his teeth and no matter wtf he does he cant get it. Someone take peepaw to the dentist please. He’s got an inner thigh rash from them nasty ass coveralls and probably needs some aveeno.
Honestly please wash those or get him new ones because the reason he sits up the way he does is because the fabric doesnt crease any more so he just has to very straight leggedly stand up every time hes knocked down.
Billy Loomis:
He’s abstained from jerking off for too many months, the anti nut mindset has rewritten his brain chemistry and now all he can do is ~mansplain manipulate manslaughter~ dude’s backed up so bad he can see shrimp colors.
Bo Sinclair:
The entire events of the movie happen because he was staring at himself in the bathroom mirror like a bird flirting with his own reflection. He slipped on the tile and gave himself a REALLY bad concussion. He can see sounds and taste lights. He wears a baseball hat at night and leaves his keys in the ignition, if he takes off the hat all the blood swelling in his brain is dispersed way too fast and he’ll sputter out like a de-inflating balloon.
Vincent Sinclair:
He listened to evanescence one time.
Billy Lenz:
Dude has straight up rabies. And like some weird bacterial disease that you can get from being bitten by a bat. Its actually a medical anomaly that he’s on two feet at all? Yknow that post that says that like 60% of bacteria found on NYC subways has no known origin? Basically Billy Lenz is the canadian equivalent of that.
Jason Voohees:
He’s actually a meat puppet for thousands of single celled organisms found in the lake. Imagine if your spore creation gained sentience and then it evolved itself into a giant buff guy, like ur spore creation would immediately go on a rampage duh. Dude is a macro-biome habitat of millions of critters all playing QWOP with his arms and legs.
Brahms Heelshire:
His mother was really into those baby mozart and baby einstein VHS tapes. Dude’s been weird since the WOMB. He’s also got a critical vitamin D deficiency and is likely anemic. No, he wont eat his spinach to help with the iron issue. But he will hide it in the walls and then huff and whine that something smells funny and that you should maybe go clean it up. Give him a flinstone vitamin gummy pls.
Alternatively: He’s like that because he’s bri-ish, you eat enough mushy peas in your lifetime and this bullshit just sorta becomes you. Sure, whatever! Eat beans on toast, put on a mask, live in the walls!
Any of the texas chainsaws:
Tapeworm. Why? Because its funny. Hungry ass tapeworm infested ass cannibals. Gotta eat up to appease ur worm!
OG big boy is really into that QVC old lady channel and every time the women are talking about lipsticks or lotions or whatever he’s seething in jealousy. Therefore he must kill.
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cyber-phobia · 1 year
Does Masaki have a signature dish? Some lines about his hobbies and things he likes and dislikes?
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Their dish is an ATK buff!
Here's some miscellaneous lines I'll probably make silly comics for later:
WHEN THUNDER STRIKES: Thunder? I wonder if she's upset...
VISION: They gods have a cruel sense of humor. My vision came to me during a conversation with Guuji Yae. I wonder if she's the reason the Electro Archon knew of it... I don't know if it would've been better or worse if I had recieved an electro vision that day.
INTERESTING THING: Crabs are actually quite curious, they'll eventually crowd to you if you sit on the beach long enough. Oh? You cant wait that long?
HOBBIES: Most of my old hobbies were tasks required of a Shogun, now though, I think I'd like to travel.
ABOUT US: Friends? Perhaps I will consider us... friends if you introduce me to Captain Beidou.
ABOUT YAE MIKO: That fox definitely dislikes me. Whether or not it's mutual... I honestly haven't had the time to decide.
INAZUMA: Truthfully, I haven't seen much of Inazuma. Anything I'd seen before has likely changed centuries ago. I'd prefer to be far away from here. I heard the Geo Archon passed recently... Yes, Liyue sounds interesting.
FAV FOOD: Crab is easy to get in Inazuma and has lots of variety.
LEAST FAV FOOD: I'm not fond of crunchy textures. It feels wrong to eat.
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queerbrainrot · 10 months
time to watch episode 3 of the thai live action omegaverse show
hell yeah Babe is not getting sold back to his evil-adopted-dad!
Tony is such an evil, megalomaniac name, perfect for that dude
Babe if you keep being this confident life is going to humble you hard
oof babe got angry enough to leave even CHARLIE on the track
i'll be honest i don't remember who Mr Zipper-Turtleneck is but he gotta be dead inside, also "you're the apple of Daddy's eye" sounds so WRONG
why do we talk about wagging tails
Jeff reminds me of L from Death Note, i can't explain why.
i admire Jeff's confidence to boss around his own boss but also boy if this wasn't a BL you'd be fired so fast
"family is not everyone's safe-zone" LOUDER JEFF FOR PEOPLE IN THE BACKWARDS AGES!!!!!
this cup noodles looks so unspiced i cant get over it
"uncle will take you to get some snacks" another version of kittens in the basement, or at least Jeff seems to think so
Way, how do you even know the rich socialites who can borrow you money??
Way you deserve so much more
i feel like charlie is way too good at playing the poor little pouty boy
oooh we getting Babe's backstory!!
oh no he and his dad were homeless? and then the dad disappeared?
this old man Tony is creepy and should go away from the children
Charlie "well... is it okay now?" charlie. cHARLIE. ITS NOT WHAT YOU SAY AT ALL OF THIS. please muster up more complex emotions.
okay but they failed addressing Babe's backstory astronomically, like man pours his heart out and Charlie just is "well, is it good now? lets go back to topic of our situationship and sex"
it also still breaks my mind a little that in novels Charlie was buff and throwing around "i'll get you pregnant" but drama Charlie looks like high school boy
Alan exists to cause Feelings™ in Jeff
Charlie what are you up to.
the good dreams talk is an innuendo huh
does every gay own a striped shirt/sheets, i'm saying this as a gay who does in fact own at least one
evidence???? LET US SEE
please the racing suit looks so big on charlie
Way looks ready to smack someone and honestly he deserves
whaaat why is charlie going into elevator with some random
Babe caught feelings and now he's hurt who would have seen this coming~
oh but babe confronts him actually in semi healthy way, this is new! and charlie's lying oh not good
Charlie what are you doing sneaking off at 3 am
who is this random guy with arms around Babe's waist is this the sad bitch era
babe losing because he didn't "concentrate" before the race <3 when your own body betrays you trope, almost??
Winner being definition of fuck around and find out for the end is amazing
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alicemation-1 · 1 year
i started this last Thursday and then forgot about it whooopssss
i love this
first of all, is the fin and jake stuff on prismo's tv like a re run? i THINK fin looks slightly younger but im not sure. So still no jake confirmation (plus i think prismo's state is a result of jakes death so idk)
ok so first thought is that fionna and cake when they first get to oo reminds mne so much of season 1 fin, super reckless; however they dont really know whats going on so its kind of understandable that they harm innocent people
honestly poor astrid like she was rude but at the same time she cant be older than 12 due to the cities age she just wanted to adventure :(
ok apart from the translator thingies advancing since we last saw them in season 1, im gonna move onto episode 2
i was SO sure that scarab was gonna be prismo's boss but if he isnt, WHO TF IS??? will we get to see them???
fionna struggling to adventure in the skirt is so real i love her for that
(also cake struggling to shape shift back to normal makes so much sense i love it)
simon being a stubborn little dude is so real for him like he has seriously given up on his life (if that wasn’t evident enough by him wanting to be ice king again)
also the pattern of the episodes being named after characters continues, so i wonder who will be next; because of the intro im fairly certain that we will see ooo 1000+ and buff baby fin but whoooo knowwwwsssss
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victimized-martyr · 2 years
44 + 45 for the ask game :]
44.Who would confess their love first?
I have no idea, because both of them would be absolutely terrified that the other would have that knowledge. It’s really a matter of who lets it slip and freaks the fuck out afterwards.
With Kyle, it’s entirely possible that Cartman’s playing the long game (what that game is, he isn’t sure) and accounted for Kyle’s inevitable speech of love and commitment and other gay things. Kyle can't risk that. Playing directly into Cartman’s hands is dangerous. Cartman’s taken advantage of Kyle’s vulnerability towards him before… who’s to say he’s not taking advantage of it now? He could be distracting him with fun dates and gifts while something far more sinister is happening behind his back. Also… Kyle may feel strongly for Cartman, but why on earth would he feel the same way? He can sway crowds and make friends easily. Cartman’s tastes are like himself—loud, extravagant, his ambitions are grand. Kyle isn’t any of those things… there’s no way that he simply likes Kyle for who he is.
With Cartman, it’s a lot more complicated. Yeah, he loves Kyle, but that’s because he was tricked into liking him and no one else. What a genius plan on Kyle’s end—Cartman’s wrapped around his dick, has no choice but to succumb, eventually forced to confess his love only to be publicly rejected and humiliated! That’s his plan isn’t it? to make everyone think he’s no longer cool? To make it so that no one else will ever be enough for him, leaving him wanting and miserable for the rest of his life? Cartman’s already in too deep—Kyle won in that regard, but he won’t let him have the satisfaction of knowing just how gone he is. Kyle’s niceness might go away at any moment. He could suddenly stop being the best boyfriend ever and start call him fat and a piece of shit like he used to (which is totally not true. Cartman is awesome and buff). Maybe Kyle won't change his mind if Cartman starts wearing nicer shirts around him... Maybe if he asks Sheila more about their faith or something.... Yeah... Kyle won't leave him. Kyle CANT leave him.
aww shit i made myself sad :(( But honestly? It slips at a very inopportune moment, they freak out, the world falls apart and gets put back together, because their feelings for each other (whether those feelings are love or hate) have been reciprocal as far back as when they were kids and they can’t pinpoint when or how the FUCK they ended up like this, but goddamnit they don’t have eyes for anyone else and they’re gonna make it everyone else’s problem.
45.Who gets most excited about holidays? e.g. Christmas
Cartman! And he goes all out for decorations. Kyle notices he overdoes it for jewish holidays— overcompensation, it’s obvious. if Kyle doesn’t tug on the leash, Cartman WILL steal power from the entire town towards whatever the fuck he’s planned for that holiday. (think Holiday Lampoon levels of going all out)
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kozykricket · 1 year
im voting for the scrubbadingo i mean the armadillo because as much as i love the crab and penguin for being more unique than just generic usual penguin/crab, and representing a unique critter, teaching me of something that i didnt know existed (fiddler crabs are very neat) ...i just cant see myself interacting with them that much? like, okay, yes crab claws are the most useful of the uses, but im not looking to how useful they are very much im looking for a mix of how cute they are and how i think theyll effect my general experience. and even if i pretend that mangroves spawned often, would i really interact with crabs that often? id probably just grab a claw and be outta there, which could be annoying if it took a lot of time, or just... mm, i think id rather reaching farther be not related to a random animal penguins seem goofy and fun but boats are fast enough, and i see myself just kinda... spending a BIT of time with them ig? but not really appreciating them but armadillos? they spawn in the biome that currently, i view as just a disappointment honestly. i feel disdain seeing savannas, since theyre just like, worse plains with occasional llamas? plus, they could eat termites if they ever get out of the ideas purgatory honestly, i just... theyre all so cute, and 2 of them represent really cool creatures that should get more attention, but i just cant see myself playing with them much. armadillos i can imagine myself having a farm of, especially if the scutes are passive instead of... once in a lifetime like turtles, which creates just. me killing turtles. same might happen for crabs tbh. id love to have crabs, because theyre a unique twist on the usual crab design, and they are silly and cute lil guys. if they win, ill be happy. itll also mean that a lot of mods wont need to have crabs necessarily or can more easily make beach crabs based on these ones but hey, armadillos r nice. maybe their scutes could even be a potion material! and maybe, maybe just maybe, wolf armor will make mojang realize just how squishy pets are, when they add it and realize that wolves will still die in like 2 hits. maybe pets in general could get more safety buffs, to make the wolf armor seem relevant, since mojang only really likes giving attention to areas of the game if theres something new theyre adding thats relevant to it. if we get crabs, why would they improve pets at all? also, i do want to name armadillos scrubbadingo, habanero, jalapeno, vine sauce.
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immren · 2 months
heyo: my tav's name is Faz, (image linked) human wild magic sorcerer romancing wyll; very tall, very buff in a powerlifter way, wears the angelic scion outfit (red) like it's normal clothes
befuddling vibe, very straightforward but so chill it's kind of offputting. one of those guys who is constantly mistaken for being high but has never smoked a day in their life. disarmingly charismatic ; he knows exactly how people tick and how to make them do what he wants but doesn't know how to spell the word orange. can often be seen giving his boyfriend the 🙏🥺 to get him to steal stuff and telekinetically feeding himself grapes
also; just got back from a year long camping trip to avernus and is taking some ✨✌️me time💅✨in the middle of the woods with said boyfriend and leaving out honey to convince halsin to be their third
OMGG he’s awesome!!!
honestly (and fortunately) none of these traits would make immren actively dislike him!! immren would tolerate him and appreciate the fact that faz is so chill and straightforward. he would most likely think faz is a dumbass though (just going off the “cant spell orange” tidbit. HAHA)
them both being charismatic enough to make ppl do what they want is very interesting to think about how they would interact with each other! immren would recognize what he’s doing for sure LOL
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apothecarywormcrud · 9 months
🥀 and 💭?
🥀 Talk about some of your fictional crushes and why they aren’t your F/O!
p much all of these the reason is either there's not enough story for me to work with, said story is incomplete, or i just don't think about them very often. sometimes its also a vibes thing. idfk.
rammattra (overwatch) - big sexy robot! phenomenal fucking design! animations designed to Get My Ass! however, overwatch lore is garbage so i cannot be assed! this also applies to moira. i am not immune to evil butch scientist but bro there is nothing there. im stealing her and filling her with bloodworms. shes my oc now. billy (backlash) - hi. read backlash. look its right here go go go go. i love billy so fucking much she's charming she's smart she's funny she builds robots and loves anime and she can see ghosts and shuffle souls around into different bodies! i get heart palpitations when she smiles. trans lesbian queen of my heart. fucking look at her.
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i do actually have a backlash insert but they're busy trying to kiss the world's most garbage man. they can probably do better. honestly i have crushes on most of the women in this comic. hot ghost grandma pls dm me. lady sorcia (thieves and kings) - ok this ones. kind of obscure. rlly good comic tho you should also read thieves and kings. she's a sorceress who gets a good chunk of her power from a magical cloak and swords that are basically extensions of a dark force that really, REALLY doesn't want her gain indipendence. sometimes she does murders about it. i was entranced by her as a kid (for reasons that would become obvious to me later) and i still think she's really cool and tbh maybe i SHOULD make myself an insert for thieves and kings. do i not deserve a funny little wizard. glados (portal) - one time i played a VR game where you try to fix a robot and then when you fail she gets up real close in your face and berates you and chucks you into a pit of lava or whatever. fundamentally altered my brain chemistry in. a way. makoto nanya (blazblue) - super buff squirrel girl fights evil with the power of friendship and incredible violence! shes cute shes smart she's ride-or-die for the people she cares about and i would let her princess carry me into the sunset. unfortunately i cant reciprocate because my arms are limp spaghetti noodles but i can dream.
💭 What’s your favorite uncommon headcanon about your F/O?
i saw a comic where law tattooed his back by temporarily removing his own skin w/ Room and just went at that shit at his desk w/ a tattoo gun and it lives rent-free in my brain. that shit fucking rules. also i think he's autistic and on the aroace spectrum. idk how uncommon these are bc i don't interact with fandom much but anyways hes JUST like me frfr.
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lexa-griffins · 2 years
Clarke and Anya are gym bros and trying to flirt and get the attention of their gym crush Lexa
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeaaaaahhhhhhhh anon, you and me ↔️↔️↔️↔️ same braincell!!!!
Lexa always comes in alone, headphones in, never caring much for anyone around her, clearly focused on her workout.
Anya and Clarke are the annoyingly typical jock type girls, constantly being just a little too noisy at the gym, constantly competing and trying to show off. To their credit, it does pay off, i mean they are these two hot buff cocky blonde girls at the gym, who wouldnt fall for them just a little? Lexa whoever doesn't seem to even look their way. God knows theyve tried, like two fucking peacocks trying to show off to their little crush, laughing at each other when she seems to comically ignore just about anything they try.
Its a day like any other when Lexa swears up a storm in the locker rooms because she forgot to charge her fucking headphones. But she's already here and although she hates working out without them and she knows those two girls will be here and itll be harder to ignore them.
She was right, they are fucking annoying. Terribly so. Not even smooth at all, just loud and obnoxious, acting like they own the place. But without the headphones is harder for Lexa not to at least look. And okay fine. Both of them are really hot. One tall, lean and muscular, the other one shorter, buff and fuller. She cant help but smirk slightly as they jump from one machine to the other to try to impress her, and how hard they laugh at each other when it all fails.
And then she finds herself trying to impress them too. Putting a little more emphasis on her core strength and making sure to work on her legs. She doesnt even get /why/ shes trying to show-off, they are annoying and loud and she doesnt come to the gym to flirt. So, she tries her hardest to get back on her workout and ignore wahetever childish foolishness they are attempting.
She can hear them. Shes doing her push up set and she can see their fucking shadows moving around and its pissing her off now. When she finally had enough she pushes herself up intent on telling them to leave her the fuck alone when she comes face to face with them right /there/, her face dangerously close to their nether regions. She immediately jumps back, red in the face, from embarrassment or anger she cant tell which. The two girls jump back with her, seemingly not noticing how close they were.
With very uncoordinated apologies they both try their best to ask Lexa out. And any other time Lexa would have rolled her eyes and tell them to fuck off but honestly? Its kinda cute seeing these two seemingly confident women stumbling over themselves to try and ask her out. And after all, she does got two hands 🤝🤝
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ac-liveblogs · 2 years
Love how the payoff for psychologically torturing a woman is said woman showing up in the background as an extra during nilou's dance cutscene. Great use of time. Great characterisation for Nahida.
Also love how Cyno is like "Treason against an archon is the greatest crime." Violations of privacy? Kidnapping? Discrimination against desertfolk? Stealing dreams? Not worth mentioning!
Like, this is clearly the part where under a competent writer Cyno lays down All The Crimes and then adds up All The Years spent in jail as a pre-battle taunt, but bc HYV is absolutely OBSESSED with archons and nothing else it all has to come down to Nahida.
Additionally, the obsession with archons really harms narrative tensions and discourses around legitimacy. Are the sages illegitimate because they've done bad things and tyrannically centralised power? Or because they stole Sumeru from Nahida? is Nahida a good god because she's trying to protect her people? Or is it just because she's an archon? The way the traveller is constantly saying "you've always been a good archon." instead of "I believe in you. Until now, you've been imprisoned, but now you're free, you'll do amazing." Implies the latter which is frankly kinda basic.
At least this quest was a lot more consistent than Inazuma. They have a proper resistance, the cast is involved, the plan makes sense, when the status quo is bad, they don't wait like 9 months to change it in Nahida story act 2.
The Akasha thing is funny, though. We get like 15 minutes of people shit talking it, then Nahida says it's the greatest invention ever, also we're shelving it permanently because even though it was integral to defeating Scara and represented the combined wisdom of all humanity it's bad.
One unironically good thing tho! We finally have an opponent who the national team cant shit on bc holy cow do you need skill healing to deal with scaramouche! Or at least I do (my bennett doesn't heal enough OR get his burst back in time). I do kinda dislike how they shoehorn you into ranged attackers for phase two, though. I guess it's another Yoimiya buff?
I was wondering if the Setaria thing would actually be addressed in Nahida's personal quest, which I haven't played yet. But yeah I was at least expecting Nahida to mention off hand something about apologising/explaining to her in some way. Guess we'll see!
The issue, imho, with having Cyno giving the Sages the verbal smackdown for All the Bads They Did is that, as General Mahamatra, he's complicit in a lot of them himself - though as an enforcer. You could handwave about how he mostly targets runaway scholars or whatever, but he was still absolutely part of the Akademiya's upper echelon and condoned everything else the Akademiya did that he was aware of - at least by association.
Which at the very least is the discrimination and dumping of mad scholars in Aaru Village and apparent authorization of torture on suspects. And I do kind of wonder how much he knew and didn't speak up about? He's way too high up the chain to have been completely out of the loop. Same deal with Alhaitham, honestly, but at least the narrative acknowledges he's shady.
The dream stealing at least was in the Akasha by design...? I did wonder about the Akasha, being controlled by the Sages, as an analogue to China's Great Firewall - especially regarding the threads about the people that rely on it too much becoming unthinking automatons that blindly and uncritically swallow whatever information (or propaganda) they're fed. "Internet good, but also, internet bad." I wonder how intentional that was.
Additionally, the obsession with archons really harms narrative tensions and discourses around legitimacy.
YES!!! YES SO MUCH!!! They wasted so much time focusing on dead gods that half the cast barely did anything interesting at all! The concept of a character besides the Archon having a character arc during the main story is apparently beyond HYV entirely! What's the point of upping the playable characters in the cast if most of them aren't doing anything interesting? We really spent all that time talking about Deshret and meeting Rukkha's Ghost of Validation instead of building up Scaramouche as a credible, relevant threat? Making use of Collei's character at all???
Like, I acknowledge the ways this quest is more technically competent than Inazuma - the pacing is more level, use of the playable cast has improved dramatically, etc. But man, Genshin is still struggling to find ways to use it's non-Archon characters, and even then it only seems to do so reluctantly. I don’t think anyone changed or grew at all during the main story, which is buck wild to me when the cast is so large. 
Is Nahida a good Archon because she cares about her people and her people would prefer her? I don't know, should we have her interact with the main cast in any meaningful way before the epilogue? Nahhhh, she's the Rightful Archon and the Sages Are Mean, so she needs to be rescued (valid) and returned to power because... she's the Archon and... she's nice? Is she a good Archon? I don't know, but she's certainly Nice and Cares About Them.
I’m honestly more interested in the new 6 Sages. Also, the sages are doing fucking community service because Nahida is too goddamn nice, gh-----
Honestly, I found the plan extremely convoluted and unnecessarily so - problems you run into when you go out of your way to establish how COOL AND POWERFUL AND AMAZING the Traveller is, but the Traveller also can't just kick down the Akademiya's front door and storm right in - even once we've recruited Cyno. It's a particular pet peeve of mine when a team sits down, lays out a plan, and then it goes off without a hitch. The plan should always go wrong! The game faking out the plan going off the rails and then going back to reaffirm "no, actually, all according to keikaku!", flashbacks and all, really annoyed me. It actually reads as lazy, even if the writing is more involved.
The closest we got was the mess with Dottore, but even then the takeaway was "eh we're fine after all", so. Whatever.
/squints at the Scaramouche boss/ I honestly wasn't impressed with his boss design. It's baffling to me that the first really giant boss we get... in the region that spent a considerable amount of time training us to use their ziplines to get faster/higher easier... didn't incorporate that gameplay into the fight at all (beyond letting you jump a couple metres at a time to grab bunny-cannon ammo). I also just used Kazuha DPS because I wanted to pretend that storyline had any climactic payoff whatsoever. I don't use meta teams and quite honestly the idea of burning through a boss as quickly as possible kind of annoys me on principle so... eh.
on the plus side, the kaveh and alhaitham scenes were actually funny. kudos to whoever wrote those, they felt like actual characters with history and an established, amusing dynamic and distinct personalities! unlike cyno, who still hasn’t told one bad joke-
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wagh bawkwock
RAGH MY HERO MY EVERYTHING MY BEST BRO!! i mean look heres the thing. give me a buff jockish dude who's kind of an asshole but has a good heart and i sleep. give me a buff jockish dude who's kind of an asshole but has a good heart and also FUCKS MEN and im wide awake. ragh is the latter and thats so important to me. anyways
favorite thing about them honestly i just love the way brennan plays him in-game. he's so fucking stupid and says the funniest shit that theres no way i can think of just a single moment where he wasnt my everything. the time he reassured fabian about eating glass? the time he charged a dragon while coming out to everyone in school? the time he told gorgug to drink salt water? banger after banger, this dude never misses
least favorite thing about them the fact he's not a mainstay in the party. i want more ragh content but the only thing you could do to give me that would be to either have one of the main cast members romance him or have him be a PC. the former probably won't happen so im crossing my fingers for a spin-off where someone plays him.
favorite line "check it out im gay" changed society as we know it, but my personal favorite would be "full stop. you know dude? we are some dudes who have for real have NOT PROCESSED."
brOTP RAGH AND TRACKER! RAGH AND TRACKER! i need to know what went down with them that caused ragh to come back to town for boys night campaign. was there drama? a fight? brennan lee mulligan i know you wanted to do a fun lil seven maidens campaign but wheres their spin-off??
OTP ragh and ME because we should kith
nOTP uuuuh idk, probably like that weird elf dude. threthrelial or whatever.
random headcanon ragh is actually multi-classing in some magic-based class right now but he did it on accident and hasn't been paying enough attention to actually use any magic
unpopular opinion dude's not like, skinny. he's got a gut canonically in his portrait. i get his original portrait showed him probably having abs but still, the man had pretty broad shoulders. he's not a twunk.
song i associate with them obv "Check It Out I'm Gay" by sig figs
favorite picture of them the whole oggs collection, i cant pick one. also theres this one fanart thats like a fake magazine cover thats pretty cool
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trevanent · 2 years
part 2!! and now for some buffs!! well rounded are weapons that i read as just passable but that feel a bit limited, i like playing a lot of these but often feel a bit cloystered by their underwhelming aspects and think theys hould be tuned upa bit to rly feel fun!
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participation trophy weapons
sploosh o matic: god what the fuck is even going on with this one. its been buffed in some goofy ways as sis with insane object damage and a unique swim speed effect that reall has no justification lore wise. but yeah its still so silly and rekegated to ambush attacks. honestly i would just reduce its shot rng, i know its a spray shooter but its not rly a good painter cos of how stupidly short its range is, so making it slightly more cpaable of killing from more than point blank could make it just a bit more threatening of a supportish skirmisher!
splattershot jr. : an actually good support shooter! the ink tank buff is very fun even if the bombs piss me off.but this is sans bombs balancing (imo splat bombs and burst bombs should both be nerfed p notably but thats another subject), it actually wants to paint, so instead of rng reduction, if say just make its jump rng less severe by default by a little bit to give it a little bone :)
l-3 nozzlenose: a silly guy :) i honestly v much agree w the notion that of the semi sutomatic shooters its gooft it has jump rng unlike the rest given the rest of its drawbacks feel fair enough. give it perfect jump accuracy :) ill pick it up again then. maybe a bit worse falloff in case that makes it a little too strong tho
range blaster: rsnge blaster is my glorious lover. id say shed be perfect if the base jump rng wasnt so bad. this, on top of making intensify action slightly more effective for blasters across the board, would make them less gesr dependent and more fun to experiment with gear for, and also just less agonizing to move around with
splat roller: straight up, rollers just feel so pathetic without a good painter. just buff its damage in a similar way to dynamo roller and make its roll speed slightly booster by run speed. in general though i cam up witha concept for all rolling weappns to reach max roll speed fast and to have an option to drop their flick to immedistely start rolling. this would make them actuay feel like they have a mobility option, and their roll ink efficiency should be buffed a bit. roll sucks horridly anyways so i think this option wouldnt be too much of a buff for roller, just makes it easier to get away or move thru enemy ink in certain situations! i also laid out that rollers flick cancel shoukd have mroe end kag depending on the roller, light rollers and brushes can even do it (ink brush too even if its silly) they can all do it almost instantly since they cant immediately kill with roll anyway. i shouldve mentioned this before oh well. anywaus thats all i think splat roller would need to be more fun :)
flingza roller: flingza is only good cos of its fat paint rly, its apparently good at fighting too but sheesh i dont love its vertical flick min damage at max range. i rly dont get why its minimum damage cant be 45 :p i think thatd be all it needs cos i do get how the weapon can be kinda strong as is along with cancellable flicks and mobility implemented
octo brush: implement cancellable flicks! give it run speed boostie! and return its melee hitbox so you can kill faster at point blank its fun!
bamboozler 14 mki: boost the damage!!! to 91!!!! irs crazy how much you could boost its damage with mpu before honestly but yeah sometimes its annoying how rare those random one shot combos from teammates can feel now. i think this and increasing its shredding power would be great for varying good counters to hp specials and boost bamboos fight. also, everyone ntoe these buffs all assume better special balance soon so that you dont freak out abt nerfing splatana object damage
ballpoint splatling: bp is scary honestly, the only thing i would change is giving it better shot celocity for its ling range mode,it feels goofy bow long those shots can take to hit lol
heavy splatling: i almost consideried boosting range, cos honestly heavy sucks without the choke point hp special blitz goin on rn, and it needs a better chance fightign charger. imo it should get a buff similae to the nautilus one, after maps r fixed its charge should let it shoot 14% longer and its shot rng should be reduced a bit so it can more reliably challenge chargers in certain situations!! and then you will all see...
tri stringer: tri stringer feels rly solid after the paint buff honestly, and i like its high ibject damage as a unique strength, however, as things stand, i think given the potential i do think it has, it should be able to charge fast in midair imo thatd make its mobility feel real good
too many flaws pt 1 (i will get to the rest of the list in one final post)
.96 gal: JUST REDUCE THE FUCKING RNG ALREADY GODAMMIT! But inly slightly cos if it git too accurate itd be way too op 😭 it still has to be kinda bad, but it should be able to paint a little better to make up for it :p and make its base jump rng penalty a little lower for the sillies cos it is still oretty fkawed design wise. a little smthn smthn
aerospray: keep it a five shot but buff its damage. make it do like 24.5 for better dps and damage vs objects also boost its range a little bit and i think making it have zero penalty for jumping, since every spray shooter seems to have some kindof unique trait to itself, and i think aerospray would actually have reasons to be played in higher level matches! after all, its rng is already bad enough lmao
splattershot nova: honestly this shits so fun and i kinda am glad im the end they didnt make it the new dualie squelcher . just lower its rng a bit so it can fit a bit better cos the five shot kill is bad enough as is even if its rng doesnt worsen over time 😭 its bad enough as is. the paint buff was excellent, and buff its damage to 24.5 like aerospray for dps reasons and boom bobs yer uncle
splattershot pro: i heavily agree with chara that it should just get a damn fire rate buff, but also a bit of a damage buff by a few damage points for better object damage, and i feel its strafe speed a lil buff, yeah its a long range shooter but it feels relatively fast strafe speed is a staple for splattershots so :p
h-3 nozzlenose: LITERALLY just reduce the endlag by like. two frames and h-3 will feel usable. id even go so far as to make its range just slightly longer, give it a unique range value like squeezer, cos if squeezer gets that much range but not h-3 come on!!!
luna blaster: unironically reduce its endlag. like by literally two frames to make it feel nicer i guess, and give it a bit better object damage multipliers to set it apart a bit more from the other blasters and octobrush!!
carbon roller: give it all rhe roller cancellability and mobility buffs! and faster max speed to make it better at mobility and better roll ink efficiency. actually make tha tink efficiency fairly signifcant so it can use the hell out of its roll for mobility , and make its roll do 80 just for fun! better silly combos. give it better damage scaling to make up for mpu and give it a higher minimum damage honestly, to make up for how worthless it is for getting thru mid , and make its horizontal flick just a liiiiitle longer range cos it feels silly how pathetic that feels sometimes. also its horizontal flick should paint a bit better to give it a bit something extra. cos in mt ideal world burst bonbs should be nerfed decently and i love carbon deco but . yeah
dynamo roller: CANCELLABILITY AND ALL THE OTHER ROLLER WID EMOBILITY BUFFS!!! the damage buff was huge and honestly i think cancellable flick, although it should have the most lag on cancelling its flick, would be huge for minimizing its horrendous weakness to splatbombs. also heres a real fun idea i just had, it should be able to crusb bombs. itd be super risky and situationaly but with the roll speed changes itd be more doable in certain situations for a bit of cheese and an anti bomb option, which i think this game needs a bit more if honestly. finally, i think its min damage should be raised to 47 and its horizontal flick should paint more consistently!!! how fun how unique!! :3
stay tuned!!
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faegirly · 3 years
hey man i recently watched arcane and omg i love it!! my pan heart cant take all these pretty boys and buff ladies bdbsbsbsns
i was wondering if u could do something with viktor? like some good ol touch starved yearning content? no rush or anything lmao ♡♡ ily
hello there Anne 💫 yaay! im so happy you got into and love Arcane! its honestly amazing and i couldnt be happier that you enjoy it too. and honestly... its really got me thinking about if i might be pan too 👀 but that's another conversation lol. and of course, anything for our best boy Viktor ✨ I hope you enjoy!
Just A Touch - Touch Starved Viktor x Gender Neutral Assistant Reader
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The Hexcore throbbed and pulsed against the confines Viktor had been working on it within, struggling against his testing and hissing as he turned dials over and over. in the dim laboratory, the high ceiling catching the echoes of the subject's resistance and sending them back down to the scientist from the cool walls, surrounding him in a thin hurricane of metalic and organic sound. but Viktor kept his eyes fixed on the illuminated core, hardly blinking despite the dryness he was unfortunately getting used to in hopes of maybe figuring out how to make the Hexcore respond the way he wanted it to.
"Come on, you're meant to expand, not contract. Work with me here." the brown haired young man muttered under his breath, his accent turning harsh as his frustration rose.
he couldnt remember how many days it had been since he started his, now, 23rd attempt to make the Hexcore respond to organic matter in a productive and sustainable way, but every time he tried something new, a new rune combination, a new base for it to draw energy from, the result was the same. and as if in response to his encouragement, the Hexcore span and hissed again, relaxing back into a tightened state, the light eminating from within the crevaces dimming as if it were frowning at him.
"Stop it!" the scientist nearly snapped back, his eyes bagged but burning with fatigued determination. "I have been more than patient with you. The least you could do is take the samples I provide and grow with them, through them. not... suck them dry of all the nutrients and leave the husk behind."
and again, just as he settled to turn the large dial on his right 12 degrees more to the left, the Hexcore sputtered and turned, each row of runes recalibrating into a new combination before settling again, rendering Viktors current hypothesis null and void.
the burst of rage that rushed up through his blood was enough to make him kick away from the work bench with a stiff shout of "DAMMIT!" followed by strings of curses and damnations for the core that it wouldnt understand. it wasnt sentient like he was, or so he thought. but in his anger, bowing over to push his hands through his slightly greasy brown hair, the marrow deep ache in his spine making itself known once again, he was unaware of your presence entering the room.
"Viktor?" you called, pushing the heavy gold framed door of the Academy Laboratory open with your back and then started the long trek over to the main area.
when you got no response from the man you knew would always be there, you smiled and called again. "Viktor, I know you're here, and have been for nearly three full days now. Heirmerdinger is getting worried, and wanted me to check up on-" but your words were cut short when you finally rounded the pillar in the centre of the lab and spotted your studious colleague hunched over by his work bench, muttering to himself in a familiarly worrying way.
you quickened your pace til you reached Viktor's side, setting the tray of food down atop some of his papers before asking again, your voice softer now, "Viktor? It's me, I brought us something to eat."
nothing. the scientist seemed oblivious to the fact that you were in the room, let alone beside him. you sighed slow then crouched and said, "It's your favourite. I made it myself since I know youre not fond of how... sharp the chef here makes it usually. 'Takes away the organic flavour' you said." you chuckled a little, remembering how serious he'd been about it when he'd complained the first time, but when Viktor didnt look up again, you lifted a hand and gently placed it on his back, whispering now, "Viktor? You ok?"
immediately, Viktor sucked in a sharp breath through clenched teeth as his eyes shot up. he sat bolt upright, cheeks flushing as his gaze darted around the blurred room til he found you smiling and crouched at his side. he blinked absentmindedly at you for a moment, not sure why he'd reacted so strongly, but when you smiled a bit more and rubbed his back with your thumb-
that tremour of fluttering heat rushed through his skin once more, making his eyelids flicker with the shock of the sensation before he choked out, "O-oh, I- ahem, I'm.... s-sorry I didn't... I didn't hear you come in."
"It's alright," you grinned, standing and pulling your hand from his back as you continued, "I know you work hard but you gotta take a break every now and then, ok?"
"Y-yes, um..." Viktor's heart was crashing into his throat at a mile a minute, and while he couldnt understand why, he knew that the moment you pulled your hand from his back, a strange coldness replaced where your touch had been. it pushed a frown to his brow and guided his eyes to your hand as it moved with you. he couldn't look away.
sighing as you pulled up a chair beside him and set his bowl of hot soup before him, you carried on, "But like I was saying, Heirmerdinger was worried when you didnt come to give him a report about the progress with the Hexcore last night. Is everything ok?"
the brown haired scientist's eyes were glazed over with shock and confusion, so much so that the sudden appetite he'd felt for a second on smelling his favourite meal disappated as he muttered, his voice distant and light like he was talking in a trance, "... No.... nothing to report...."
Your eyebrows lifted as you took a mouthful of your own meal, the heat a much longed for relief in the cool room. "Nothing? Hm... I was hoping at least you got some results of note."
finally, Viktor's gleaming amber eyes lifted to your face, his sallow cheeks skill clinging to the ghost of the blush that had filled them not moments ago as he asked, "What... did you do?"
"Well, I was trying to follow your notes, the ones you copied down for me three days ago when you tried the core with those plants. I'd been in the greenhouse, trying all kinds of bases since, I thought, maybe that was the root of the issue of its rejection. Unfortunately no matter how many I tried, they'd all eventually-"
"No, that's... I'm not talking about the Hexcore." Viktor interrupted, blinking quickly down to his pale palms, pressing his thumb into them and shuddering an exhale.
a slight frown pressed into your forehead as you swallowed, setting your dinner aside to ask quietly, "What is it, Viktor?"
the sun was beginning to cast it's golden eye over the city of Piltover, it's clean rays resting on rooftops and cutting through the glass of the windows that turned the city into a shattered mirror, sending the burning light, not so different to that in Viktor's eyes, reflecting back up into the clouds above.
The muted thrum of the Hexgate sending another ship out of the city rumbled through the room as Viktor's blush darkened softly and he finally muttered, "...How long have I been in here?"
You checked your pocket watch and slowly sighed, "Three days and 15 hours... and counting."
Viktor stared at his hands as the Hexcore whirred behind him, then slowly reached over his shoulder til his fingertips grazed where you had touched him. when he tried to clear his throat, his breath caught but he ignored it to explain as succinctly as he could, "When you came in with the- with our food, you.... you touched me..."
before he could continue, your eyes blew wide, a tremour of regret spiralling down into your gut and pushing up a rushed spluttering apology of, "Oh I- Viktor, I'm sorry if that wasnt ok. I didnt mean to make you uncomfortable by-"
"Uncomfortable?" he glanced up at you, a curious eyebrow raised before he smiled ever so slightly and shook his head. "No, not... not in the slightest, I don't think. If it did, I would've told you, believe me."
You frowned a little, but this time let him continue, though he seemed not to really understand himself. "When you... touched me, my... s-something in me just... well, everything in me reacted in a way I haven't felt before. I was all... w-warm and... my heartrate increased significantly. and when you pulled away I-"
"Viktor." Now it was your turn to interrupt him, gently and grinning as you stood close enough to get his gaze to lift to yours. you watched him swallow dryly before offering your hand.
Viktor hesitated for a few seconds, holding his breath before placing his hand in yours, and just like he'd been half-expecting, the rush of heat filled his body again. it knocked all the air from his lungs, making him gasp as he rocked on his feet, trying to find even the slightest balance, but before he could catch hs breath, your body was pressed against his own, your arms wrapped around him, your cheek nestled in the crook of his neck and against his angular jaw.
you were so warm. so... incredibly warm.
the scientist felt his knees quiver and nearly give out beneath him but before he fell, he clung to you, panting and gently trembling with a relief he didnt know he needed. it was heavy but at thw same time, weightless and the longer he was against your body, the closer he wanted to be.
Viktor's face was now a blushed canvas of satisfaction and gratitude, his whole being sinking into your arms like you were quicksand as you softly squeezed his sides and rubbed his back with your thumbs. Viktor melted into you, a blissful tender smile gracing his lips as he exhaled, "Yes.... this was the feeling. I..."
the serene moment in the light of the setting sun stilled momentarily as Viktor asked, "Touch... starved?"
You smiled then too, whispering against his neck, "You work so hard. You should take time to lighten up a little."
the scientist tried to laugh but again, his bfeathgot caught in his throat, making his voice crack as he asked through a soft chuckle, "And... this is how I.. lighten? I suppose?"
"It's one way." You smiled. "But don't worry, I'll be here to make sure you're never touch starved again."
but you just chuckled and held him closer, humming as he returned the pressure of your embrace in turn and shook your head, "I'll explain once you're feeling better and we're eating. That ok?"
Viktor was too enraptured in the feeling of his body against yours to respond, and you understood. he couldnt remember the last time someone had held him like this, so surely and tightly, but he was grateful that the cold emptiness that had cloaked him for so long was now replaced with a warmth he could rely on, from a person he now had another reason to appreciate and cherish more than ever.
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enderspawn · 2 years
fuck it, jrwi riptide wizard101 school placements + in-depth reasoning below cut ^_^
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SO ^-^ i placed gillion as a storm wizard with the secondary school of ice. part bc its the main types of magic he's used in canon, but also bc i feel like they're the most fitting
storm magic is ALL about high risk high reward. they have the lowest base HP and the lowest accuracy at only 70%, but they get the max fucking deeps. SO much damage dude. which feels fitting for gillion who also tends to go all in with combat even at great (usually personal) risk. they work best, at least early on, with a team to help make up for their low accuracy +general risky gameplay generally at the benefit of the whole group. plus, storm is like. half lightning themed half just ocean themed.
ice is only an average damage and accuracy school tbh, but where they excel is as the tank. they have access to tower shield, the best shield spell in the whole game which reduces damage by 50% AND they get the max base hp out of any school. which, again, works with gill bc he functions a LOT as the party tank + defender
its a fun contrast of him being made up of the glass canon and tank schools, but i chose storm as his best part bc i felt it fit better but also bc he was raised as a weapon to attack: he CHOSE to become a shield to defend. (also bc uh. i think gill only has a tiny bit more HP than jay, he mainly tanks so much bc his high AC and bc he's very reckless jfklsdjk)
so. controversial opinion, but jay is a balance wizard with fire as her secondary. I KNOW. IN CANON shes more fire coded, but within w101 terms i feel like balance fits WAY better
so balance is a kinda middle school. average damage, alright accuracy, etc. its unique quirk tho is that it's the buff/debuff school. and that doesn't mean relegated support either: balance base damage isnt much to write home about, but w all the traps and blades it can hit like a TRUCK (much like how jay can hit like a truck w her colossus slayer + hunters mark)
BUT, to do that damage it needs TIME. time to place all the traps and blades and build up pips (ESP if they're casting judgement). so they have to be deliberate and slower in their actions and use time to prepare, which i feel like is a fun way to show how jay is usually more (in theory) strategic in her fighting and how she's more reluctant to jump into battle. its equivalent to her having to take an action/bonus action to cast hunters mark, you use time in battle to give yourself an advantage when the time is right to strike.
but also..... balance in w101, thematically, is about duality. and duality is a MAJOR theme for jay in riptide, w the duality of being both navy and a pirate and having to balance those two sides of herself. her story is inherently ABOUT balance, so i feel like you HAVE to put her in that.
fire magic's main quirk is higher end damage + good chunk of AOE and damage over time spells. which, from my own experience, is actually a pretty shitty school to pair w balance bc it means you cant place traps half the time but shhhhhhhhhhh JFKDSLJ. honestly, the fire quirk doesn't have much connections within the gameplay front, mainly its thematic and taken from riptide itself. which is another reason for balance to be her main, bc it has more meaning
chip...... i struggle with. no school in particular calls out to me for him. on my first post, i said myth wizard w life secondary. myth was part bc the fake name he came up with (Felix Lionsgold) FELT like a myth wizard name, part bc it just fit, but im not too sure tbh?
the life one i feel more confident on. life school's gimmick is healing, they get up to 7 healing spells and they can heal anyone (while most schools can only heal self without investing into life). funnily enough, chip is the one pc who CANT heal tho.
i feel like life works tho bc 1. symbolic due to the fact that chip has been LIVING for so long when like. mans shouldve died like 4 times. but despite all he goes through, he picks himself back up and keeps going. in this case, the heal spells are more for self-sustaining than support 2. life directly counters death magic, which i think is a neat way to work in chip's aversion to killing and death-- he LITERALLY is against it (and does more damage to it).
but...... despite it fitting best, i just cant see chip as a life wizard. for sure life as his SECOND SCHOOL, but not as his main. its too many healing spells +support, non-flashy damage, etc. he doesnt feel like a life wizard to me (and my main IS a life wizard, i know how it can play + clean up battles).
myth..... myth's gimmick is summoning, then later stun spells and some multihit attacks that can help get rid of shields (but dont work well w traps). it's pretty versatile and evolving over time which is a good description for many rogues. i think the stun and multihit can work w how he's a crafty lil rogue bitch whos good at going in for chip (heh) damage + how he can nope tf out of combat before the other person can hit him back-- stunning them in this case. but beyond that.... not much
the other school i considered for him is storm, but purely for aesthetic reasons-- gameplay wise, i actually think its a VERY poor fit for him. 1. i DO think arlin would be a storm wizard, so chip being storm could be a motif to arlin. 2, storm as mentioned is the water/ocean class and hes a pirate
...... thats all i got for storm. other than them both being squishy bitches, i got nothing.
despite my unsurity, i think i am gonna stick w myth + life for chip.
....actually, yeah, i REALLY fuck w that and you know why? myth and storm are opposite schools. they both do more damage to the other type-- its a fun foil between chip and gill, esp w ep 15 in mind. they're quite literally opposites.
and life is his secondary to be able to not only keep himself up but help others when he can (bc despite his outward selfishness, he cares a lot abt the ppl around him). neither school is uber flashy or cool, both are mid to low damage, but they're reliable and they're adaptable
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