#honestly forget mods that give Sims occult preferences and new interactions to go with them
victorluvsalice · 2 years
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We have hit Spring Sunday in the Chill Save as of this update, and once again there’s a lot to cover, so let’s get started! And, as you might be able to tell from the pictures, Part One of this update is mostly “Victor’s Bad Day In The Magic Realm.” XD After setting some new occult preferences with Spinning Plumbob’s latest mod (with the extra help of Zerbu’s Unlimited Likes And Dislikes -- Victor, Alice, and Smiler all like vampires, werewolves, spellcasters, and humans, with Victor and Smiler also liking ghosts), having Smiler finish up their term paper, and Alice fix the kitchen sink, chat with the spooks, and take care of the chickens, I figured the household was in a good place for Victor to use his Glimmerstone to pop over to the Realm for a bit, look for tomes, get himself a wand and a broom, and perhaps get some good spell practice in!
He achieved ONE of these aims. His scan of the bookcases for tomes led to him finding a familiar orb instead -- the orb of the Veild! This is that Voidcritter familiar that’s actually fairly rare -- while I intend for Victor to get a dragon familiar instead, I can’t deny that this thing is at least worth good money if I wanna sell it ($777). So I guess not a bad find, even if it wasn’t what I really wanted. Before I could get him to do anything else, though, I noticed he had to go to the bathroom. . .and that the only available toilet had been pranked. *sigh* “Ah well,” I figured, sending him over, “he needs it, and I can always have him try Repairio on it. It has to fail less in the Magic Realm, right?”
NOPE. Not only did Victor fail to successfully Repairio the toilet TWICE IN A ROW, he actually picked up a curse from how often it’s been failing on him -- the Curse of Uncontrollable Charge, meaning all charge gains for him are now doubled. >.< Good thing I picked up “Discharge” as his very first perk, huh? *facepalm* After he put out the second fire, I decided to cut my losses and just get him down to the marketplace to buy a wand and a broom. Ended up picking up a very nice bone wand (it felt appropriate) and a classic broom with pink bristles (only other choice besides a mop, which I didn’t want), and then sending him straight home again. Oh, Victor. . .one day you will stop setting everything on fire trying to repair it!
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