#honestly genesis spoiling tifa is exactly what I needed thank you
lxckheart · 1 year
@poeticphoenix asked: [ shower ] sender helps receiver wash themselves in a shower
PROMPTS FORCOMFORTABLE INTIMACY*  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of the prompt
[ shower ] sender helps receiver wash themselves in a shower
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Tifa had been so exhausted all day. She had run herself ragged during what she did best---and to her own fault, taking care of others. Making millions of promises and favors that seemingly caught up with her. To the point when she and Genesis reunited in her apartment later, she could barely keep her eyes open talking to him, sitting across from him attempting to eat some take-out he had brought for them. That's when Genesis had seemingly picked her up bridal style, from her chair--much to her surprise and blushing embarrassment, and insisted that he was going to be taking care of her tonight no ifs ands or butts about it.
That's when he had brought her first--to her small cramped bathroom. Which consisted of a small bathtub with a shower attachment above it---to which she heard Genesis turn on and soon help her out of her clothes, slipping her top over her head and helping her to unzip her skirt. His touch--it was so gentle, so caring, so kind. He turned on the shower head and told her to sit down in the tub, guiding her with his palm before she was in the tub and the warm water was hitting her hair and back. With her knees to her chest, she let the water rush over her, as Genesis reached for her favorite bottle of body wash and a wash cloth.
She grinned as she felt his careful touch caress over her back, and shoulders. A soft pleased sigh leaving her. "I could get use to this you know." She told him with a small giggle. "You--spoiling me like this. Be sure to wash right behind my ears okay? Don't skimp or I'll have to leave a very displeased review."
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