#honestly i always thought it was beautiful. the whole night was dawn.. and there was so much time to enjoy it
pl4n · 4 months
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#my art#some bg elements... who am i#once again posting bc i am filled w thoughts and feelings#i feel so nostalgic...#its a warm night and im lying in the dark#the light of my computer glowing blue in the corner#listening to music from my childhood#i was staring at the ceiling.. and i really felt the presense of night and remembered how endless it used to feel#made me wonder#when was the last time i could go to bed without worrying abt the things i should do the next day#i dunno. these days night has felt so burdensome and limiting. so much pressure and so little rest#i remember looking out the window at night and seeing the sky tinted pink with light pollution#honestly i always thought it was beautiful. the whole night was dawn.. and there was so much time to enjoy it#and i would explore all my little thoughts and ideas and worries and fears and wishes#and somehow id fall asleep#idk what i even think about these days#i just stress about the small stupid things and how i need to sleep and how desperate i am to distract myself from that anxiety#so ofc i cant sleep lol#ahh i miss hearing the sound of the train in the middle of the night#i need to work on letting my thoughts flow freely again.. instead of all these controlled thoughts about what i should do and how and when#i can just feel my little brain shrinking from the lack of breath#i miss thinking and reflecting and dreaming and imagining and all that shit#what am i doinggg man#how did i let my head get this clogged up#fuckkkk ok well anyways im glad im having this time in my feels lmfaoo#ahhh i miss going to the beach at night and lying in the sand and seeing the darkness stretched out endlessly and the city lights in the#distance and just talking about anything thru the night without a single worry about sleeping early to go to work or whatever#ahhhhhhhhhhhhh#i miss wasting time pointlessly and enjoying it without being so painfully aware of the time going by#ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
i don’t know if this is something Jojo is doing on purpose, or if it was an intentional detail but i grabbed and ran away with it, or if I’ve just completely read far to into things and entered the realm of just making shit up, but Warriors and his little crooked smile are so GODDAMN important to me and I am shaking him like a squeak toy (gently)
(big yap/analysis under the cut)
disclaimer, i just have a lot of thoughts, probably way too many thoughts, and 97% of them are about Wars so I might be insane, and what you’re about to read provided you’ve stuck around so far might be the equivalent of your high school english teacher yelling with tears in their eyes about how the curtains were blue to “symbolize her sadness”. also my apologies for weird spelling mistakes or oddly misspelled words, i am dyslexic 💔 but with that being said:
Warriors to me comes off as someone who’s constantly acting larger than life. He masks a LOT in front of the chain, he acts overdramatic and a bit ridiculous on purpose, and to an extent he just is a bit ridiculous, but his reactions to things are sometimes blow way out of proportion or are just larger than life in a comedic way where it just seems like he’s doing it intentionally. He comes across as a very extroverted, talkative person, and he seems like he’d honestly be a bit loud too (whether that’s who is REALLY is or what he’s REALLY like is a yap for another post). His (physical) image and the way his character/personality is perceived by others both seem like things that are not his CORE values or the things that mean the most to him, but they do seem to be at least a LITTLE bit important to him just based on how he presents himself and the way he acts. And to an extent, the whole thing with him caring so much about his looks is canon in LU, with that one sketch of him and Legend where he’s looking at his eye in a reflection of a shield and Legend says “alright break it up you two” being the first thing that comes to mind (which is in the post “Mirror Shield”, click the name for the link)
To me, from what I’ve seen and from my perspective, there are very few times we see an actual genuine smile from Warriors, and when we do it tends to be in moments where he’s not in the spotlight, he’s not trying to command the center of attention, and/or the focus is NOT on him. It tends to be moments where he just seems genuinely happy or at peace, and those seem pretty rare. He smiles a LOT, but the majority of his smiles seem big and flashy and performative, and not that that means he’s not happy AT ALL in any of those moments, but those smiles seem a lot more controlled and closely managed because he’s aware of the attention on him and therefore thinking about how he’s perceived. (I’ve made some posts in the past and I’ll probably make others in the future about how I think Warriors puts on this “Captain” or “Hero of Hyrule” persona because of how an entire war was started because a sorceress found him beautiful, and how he feels like him being just him isn’t really good enough for that and how he feels like he needs to fit in and look/act/seem like the legendary heroes he’s being compared to. He’s created this idea of what he COULD be and that’s what he presents to others, fake it till you make it and all that, but thats another yap for another day)
However there are these little moments where we see him smile, and the same one side of his mouth is pretty consistently always just a little bit higher no matter which way his head is facing (here’s a few examples):
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@/linkeduniverse, from the 2023 monthly art, “January- Cold Sunrise”
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@/linkeduniverse, both from “Dawn pt. 2”
And the thing that really started this whole headcanon of mine that his REAL smile is crooked was this specific part of Dawn pt. 2 where Warriors sees that Twilight is gonna be find for the first time after most likely worrying about him and being up all night:
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That middle panel, to me at least, is probably the most genuine expression of a positive emotion we’ve seen from him this entire time. No one’s focus is on him, no one’s really looking at him, he doesn’t have the pressure of being the center of attention on him, and honestly even if that WERE the case, the genuine relief that hit him once he was Twilight was gonna be okay probably would’ve been enough to get a genuine smile out of him anyways. But the second he walks into the room officially, he kinda, for lack of a better way to put it, announces his presence and starts “acting” again (also from Dawn pt 2):
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And while that same one side of his mouth does seem a bit higher and not very straight, it’s definitely more even than it was just five seconds previously
Now, acknowledging there is an art style, and that I also just might be insane, but Warriors’s smiles for the most part (when they seem controlled) appear to be a Lot straighter and more even to me than when it’s a more genuine moment and he doesn’t seem like he’s “acting” so much (and just a note: it certainly isn’t EVERY time, but in general, in moments like these his smile seems consistently straighter unless he’s just flat out smirking. and im not saying it’s PERFECTLY straight either, just noticeably more even). When he’s being more dramatic or intentionally obnoxious or the attention is on him, it really does feel like his smile is more controlled: here are just a few examples, obviously this isn’t every single time he’s smiled in all of LU
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@/linkeduniverse, from “Swords”
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@/linkeduniverse, from “Shady Escape pt 2”
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@/linkeduniverse, from “Divine Dark Reflections pt. 8”
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@/linkeduniverse, both from “Magic Sword”
am i looking too far into a little thing? probably. am i insane? yeah. but i just really love the idea that when Warriors is truly, genuinely happy, the part of himself that he tries to hide, the sweet and caring person he hides underneath all the dramatics, that true self he’s probably kept hidden away since the start of the war who’s been buried under insecurity and hidden because of the fear that who he is just isnt ENOUGH peaks through, and that person comes out through his happiness in the form of his smile. and yeah it does probably mean nothing and Jojo might not have done any of this on purpose, but i’m crazy, and Warriors’s crooked little smile is so so important to me *insert image of a guy crying face down on the floor because unfortunately i’ve hit the image limit*
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lowkeyremi · 7 months
HI! I just wanna say your fics make me happy and I really enjoy reading them!! But what I’m requesting is a Yuji x reader where a short reader becomes self conscious after finding out he said he likes tall girls, she doesn’t bring it up immediately but he can tell something is wrong. (This is kind of stupid but I thought it was cute lmao) i imagine it would be a kind of angst to comfort type of thing :) I would prefer a female reader but anything is fine! 💗
YOUR TYPE yuji itadori x (short) fem!reader
Remi's note: It's not stupid, hon! I'm 5'3" lololol so I can relate in a way :3 Yuji does not know what he's missing out on !!
content: fluff, reader is a little bit insecure, i kinda followed the timeline but it's no where near canon lol
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When you transferred to Jujutsu High a certain pink haired student immediately caught your attention. In fact, you believe that his presence demands everyone's attention because of how much of a sunshine boy he is. He's tall, cute, kind, and a little bit naive.
Essentially he's most of what you look for in a guy but you aren't too sure you're what he looks for in a girl. Not after hearing him discuss his type with Todo. "I like a girl who's tall with a big butt, like Jennifer Lawrence!" And while you had the whole big butt thing down (sorry if you don't i'm self indulging here sigh), you don't have the height he mentions.
At first you were okay that.. you can still be his type right? You don't have to be tall. You brought the subject up with Megumi and Nobara one day while the three of you were eating lunch, Yuji was away on a mission. "Do you guys think I might still have a chance with Yuji? I know I'm not tall but..." you trail on trying to think of something to say.
Megumi wants no part in this conversation but gives you his honest answer anyway, "Eh, probably not. You two never really talk to each other. He's honestly kinda awkward around you." A frown breaches your beautiful face and you begin to pick at your food. Nobara thinks differently of the situation.
"Ah, don't listen to dumb old Fushiguro. He doesn't have a girlfriend so he can't give anyone advice. I think you two would look super cute together! If you just talk to him I'm sure you could figure out what's on his mind." Nobara's advice sounds more charming but you also take Megumi's into consideration. Truth be told, you and Yuji don't talk much and he's always nervously laughing around you.
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Yuji eventually returns from his mission exhausted. He still comes by to greet everyone though which makes you smile. "Um.. Itadori?" He pauses in his steps to turn around and give you his attention with a weary smile. "Mhm?"
"Do you think I could uh- talk to you sometime tomorrow? Just the two of us?" You gaze at anything in the common room besides him. A sudden wave of nervousness rolls through your gut.
"Um. Yeah, of course! I'm going to head to bed now, goodnight everyone!!" Yuji scurries out of the common room. Was that good? Was it bad? You couldn't get a clear read on him and now you're panicking.
You're able to remain calm though because Panda and Inumaki give you a thumbs up. Nobara smiles at you and whispers, "you got this girl!"
As you were preparing for bed, you had a sudden hope that a black hole would just come and swallow you up before dawn peaks. Worry clouded your ability to rest properly so the night consisted of a lot of tossing and turning. When the sun had barely even peaked through the window you decided to start your day.
Your phone reads 6:53 am. Usually you'd begin your day at around 7:30 but sleep was not an option. Usually rejection didn't phase you much, but you were no longer in a huge school where you could likely avoid a guy who rejected you. Jujutsu High has a total of ten students including you. It would be hard to hide yourself from Yuji after facing rejection.
Once you were properly dressed and had clean teeth you left your dorm room to sit outside and admire the sunrise. You weren't sure how long you had been sitting out there but quiet footsteps gather your attention. The one boy who you were not ready to face yet was standing right behind you, his signature smile gracing his face.
"Mind if I join you for whatever you wanna talk to me about?" You want to tell him no or that you aren't ready yet but you inhale slowly and exhale deeply to rid those negative thoughts from your brain.
You pat the ground next to you motioning for him to join you, "Yeah, be my guest."
He sits down next to you and you sit there trying to think of what you'll say. The silence is awkward and the tension is definitely high. "So I hear you like tall girls." Terrible start. If he rejects you, you won't be surprised.
"Heh, yeah.." You meet those chocolate eyes of his. They hold confusion and the urge to know what you are trying to say.
"Do you.." Pause. How should you go about this? "Do you think that even though I'm not tall I'd still have a chance?" Silence follows your question as Yuji soaks in what you've just said.
You. Like. Him? He's surprised to say the least. Yuji had thought it was the other way around, he didn't believe he had a chance with someone like you. Sure you aren't his usual type but he's fallen for your beauty and your personality all the same.
The silence creates a tight feeling in your chest. He must be trying to find a way to let you down gently right?
"I mean it's totally okay if you don't! I just.. never mind. I think I'll go now." He grabs your wrist before you can try to leave and you look into his eyes wondering what he's thinking.
"You do! Sure you're not that tall but you're cute and funny. I thought I didn't have a chance with you. Oh my gosh a girl just asked me out!!" Relief pours over you almost instantly. So you've been overthinking things.
"You've liked me? For how long?!" He shrugs trying to remember.
"Oh yeah! When Sensei sent you, me, and Fushiguro on a mission together. You were so badass when you exorcised that curse. I was thinking 'damn she's hot as hell'!!!"
A giggle escapes your throat at Yuji's dramatics. He's so sweet and confident and knows what he wants. The fact that he wants you makes your heart swell.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 7 months
I have a Story Stuck in my Head!
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Hybrids Mafia Princess Series
I want to know if anyone thinks of something similar because this one has been running through my head for months. You know the story you tell in your head to fall asleep to? This has been mine for a while.
Mafia!Bucky Barnes and his girl have been together for years now and have a daughter, she has been the light of her fathers life since the day she was born, spoiled rotten.
As she got older though they grew apart, Bucky having no clue what to do with a teenage daughter, he still adores her of course, but she feels as if he has forgotten about her for years…
Cue Klaus Mikaelson!
Y/n meets Klaus at some party her father is forced to bring his wife and daughter to, schmoozing with all of the political idiots New York has to offer and Klaus (who has only recently broken his curse mind you) realizes that Y/n is his wolfs mate, one he has craved since the day he first killed and turned into a werewolf over 1000 years ago.
Klaus introduces himself, getting his girl a drink and flirting, barely noticing all of the looks he receives from the men around the room who all know better than to get that close to James Barnes daughter. They end up in a corner talking about anything and everything, both of them loving how honest they are able to be with each other for what feels like the first time ever, until of course one of her fathers men shows up. She quickly tells Steve to fuck off before pulling Klaus outside, insisting he leaves, giving him time to get away from her father and though Klaus doesn’t care about the man, he sees her fear and he does as she asks.
Later that night, after her mother scolded her all the way home for leaving her security (something that she’s sure was really her fathers issue but he had forced her mother to bring it up, making her feel like her father was avoiding her again) she hears a knock on her window and opens it to find her sexy Hybrid waiting for her to invite him in. They spend the whole night talking and Klaus tells her everything, knowing that his mate would be the one person that wouldn’t judge him or leave him. Y/n also told Klaus about her life, about who her father is and how she feels unloved by him and trapped in this house, and Klaus swears to save her, promises to give her a life away from her fathers business and cruelty (not that Klaus’ cruelty is any better but at least he won’t ever let her wonder whether he loves her or not, she will always know and that is a comfort to her in every way she needed).
One of Bucky’s men sees Klaus sneaking out her window before dawn and informs his boss, running a background check on the man and finding 5 different identities, this convinces Bucky that the man was sent by one of his enemies to hurt him by getting to his daughter. Bucky berates her for being so stupid to fall for this and though she knows the truth she can’t tell him about Klaus, she swore she would tell no one and she won’t break her promise. Bucky breaks Y/n’s heart, believing her so dumb and naive but she allows him to think this of her, already believing her father hates her anyway, which is why she does not hesitate to run away with Klaus later that night.
Bucky searches for her for months, his heart broken at the idea that his daughter thought she was unloved by him. He needed her to know that it wasn’t true and he was just an idiot who didn’t know how to care for a teenage girl. Eventually he finds a man who had been dealing with Klaus lately, clearly not knowing that he was a vampire and ending up injured beside Steve with the rest of his men all slaughtered.
It’s then that Y/n shows up, more beautiful than Bucky had ever seen her, screaming at the creature and demanding he explain why he believed he had the right to harm her family, shocking Bucky and Steve both at how terrified this man was of her. They quickly realized however that it wasn’t really Y/n that he was afraid of as Klaus shows up…
Honestly I have many different endings to that story at this point but it’s been rotting my brain for a while now so I thought ‘maybe someone else will like it too’ and here we are🤣
Mafia!Bucky’s Daughter is Klaus’ Mate Moodboard
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lonelychicago · 1 year
buck/eddie | drabble | idk how many words i just wrote this and then here we are.
eddie's been agonizing about telling buck how he feels for weeks, he's been making this speech in his mind and changing it a thousand times. and it's not that he's scared or he's nervous (although he is a bit) bc he knows buck feels the same... he is 90% sure.
okay! fine! maybe 85% sure, whatever.
but! eddie is pretty sure it's mutual. it's just that there's a lot on the line, the risk is so high and everything needs to be perfect.
buck deserves perfect.
so anyway, the point it's been almost a month and he's had so many opportunities but somehow he always chickens out at the last second. the words stay lodged in his throat.
until one night he just blurts it out— they're in the kitchen, because of course they are, their most important moments always seem to happen there nowadays. and buck looks so beautiful, so... out of a dream, straight out of eddie's most secret fantasies. and buck turns around and he smiles at eddie, that lopsided kind of smirk that makes him feel things. what was he supposed to do?
the words come out before he can fully think about what he's doing. one minute they're just best friends, hanging out in the kitchen... and the next, eddie changes them forever.
he says the words and something shifts, something changes and he knows deep down there's not turning back.
they can go from there, right?
but then— buck doesn't react like he thought he would. and listen, in a perfect world buck would feel the same and he would beam at eddie and then he would lean in to kiss him. and yet, eddie would've still accepted buck letting him down gently. it would've hurt, but eddie could've take it.
none of those things happen, though. no.
instead, buck frowns at him and he takes a step back like eddie just physically slapped him in the face.
"what the hell, man?"
and then buck—
buck leaves. he walks away and eddie can only stand there in the middle of his kitchen with a million of questions haunting him and his heart broken to pieces on the floor.
in the thousands of scenarios he pictured in his head of how this would go, it never even crossed his mind that buck would react like this.
he never thought buck would leave him.
and you know what? fuck this, eddie won't let him do this.
by the time he arrives to buck's loft, the jeep is already parked and the man is nowhere in sight.
eddie spent the whole way here working himself up, thinking what he'll say to buck and now he's just so—angry.
and hurt, and sad and a lot of other emotions he doesn't want to unpack right now. so, we're going with angry.
when buck opens the door to his apartment, eddie charges in.
"what the fuck, buck? you can't just leave like that! and not when—"
"not when what, eddie?" buck slams the door closed and turns to him, matching his anger.
his blue eyes are dark, red and puffy around the edges like he's been crying, his hair looks disheveled like he's passed his fingers through it a thousand times and his cheeks are flushed a slight red. his jaw is locked and his shoulders are so tense, his posture is stiff...
buck is pissed.
and eddie doesn't get it.
"what the fuck? why are you mad at me?"
"because!" buck yells. "because you were mean and honestly eddie? it was unnecessary and i never thought—"
"you think my feelings for you are unnecessary?
"stop saying you have feelings for me!"
"but i do! what do you want me to say, buck? i do! i'm so in love with you it hurts, i'm so in love with you that it's a little pathetic sometimes." eddie groans, rubbings his hands over his face and then facing buck head on once again.
the blonde now looks more shocked than anything and he's blanking rapidly. "w-what? no, y-you're lying."
"why would i lie?"
"because it's april's fools and if you're playing some kind of cruel prank on me, i swear to god, eddie—"
horror dawns on him and eddie hates himself a little for not realizing it.
"buck—" he sighs.
"it's come too far, okay, man? ha ha i get it, now just—"
"i'm not pranking you!" eddie cuts him off, stepping closer and closer until their noses almost touch and their breath mix in the small space between them. "i'm not pranking you, okay? this is real. i'm sorry my timing made you think i was pranking you, but i'm not." eddie cups buck's cheek, his thumb ghosting softly over his birthmark above his eye. "i'm not, buck. please."
"you love me?"
"i do."
and then buck it's kissing him, hard and demanding but it quickly turns soft, and careful. exploring.
eddie makes a soft noise at the back of his throat and returns the kiss.
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Request: Y/N goes to watch Nina and Matthias' wedding but is in love with Matthias. No hate to Nina, just a kind of 'I wish I was as great as she is so you would have married me'. Saying congratulations and meaning it but their heart is breaking.
No Fault Of Hers - Matthias Helvar
Content Warnings: Hurt/No Comfort. Unrequited Love. Watching Love Of Your Life Marry Someone Else. Feelings Of Doubt, Insecurity And Loss. One Sided Pining. Contemplations On Not Being Good Enough. Explicit Language. Not Beta/Proof Read.
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Nina Zenik looks stunning. You had never seen a moment when she has looked anything less than angelic, but now, in that beautiful dress, with her hair pinned back and her smile wide enough to make the whole room shine, you honestly can say she has never looked so beautiful. And you can feel it tearing you apart. Everyone is watching her, and you know why, you think it must be damn near impossible to lay your eyes on Nina, and then willingly look away. But you let yours stray from the sight of Nina, in that dress, that white fur cloak draped over her shoulders, to Matthias, who is watching her the way he always watches her: like she is the sun. Like she is the only light in the world, the only person to exist. Like if all he could do for the rest of time is look at her, even at this distance, he would be more than happy. He would thank any god that would listen for such a gift.
He looks at her the way most people crave to be looked at. He looks at her how you always wished he looked at you.
But you couldn't blame him, not even if you wanted to, not even if you could find the smallest thing to throw his way. How could you blame him for loving her? She is impossible not to love. Her laughter like wildflowers and her smile like dawn. She is everything you could hope for, everything you wish you were. She is the only thing you've ever wanted to be: his.
You've loved Matthias for longer than you can remember, and you never once for a second fooled yourself into thinking he might have those feelings in return. But you waited, you smiled and you shared in every moment you could with him, a slither of hope away from believing that if he loved you for long enough, he might fall in love with you. But that day didn't come. You don't count on the stars thinking it might have, had Nina never walked into his life. You think it's better to not entertain the thought, to not let it keep you up at night. There is no point in wondering, no point of walking down the paths of what might have been. Especially not now, here, watching the man you've loved, and will most likely always love, marry the woman who was made for him.
When Nina walked into Matthias's life you had no expected this, she was grisha, she was the antitheses of all Matthias had been raised to believe and yet she turned his life upside down and inside out with barely more than a smile, even if Matthias would never admit he was so far gone so quickly. He fought himself, hand to hand, mind to fist over and over about his feelings for Nina, but in the end, love won out, as it was always destined to do with Matthias. All the Fjerdan teaching, all the Drüskelle training in the land could not pull the love out of his heart. He was full of it, he always had been, and it was only a matter of time until his heart found someone to give it to. You knew when that time came he would give it all, and with Nina it did not come willingly, it clawed and fought it's way out of his chest but it fell at Nina's feet nonetheless.
He has never looked happier than the moment he pulls back from the embrace that makes Nina his wife, under the skies and the laws of every land they both know, under the gods and the saints they talk of, and before the eyes of the friends they have made, the family they built from orphans and wayward souls, and you, you who smiles for their happiness, despite the twisting thorns in your chest. You who has never wanted anything more than to see Matthias loved and in love in return. Even now, even when it means he cannot love you, that he does not love you in the way you love him. You cannot find it in your heart to be bitter.
When Nina smiles and pulls you into a hug, her arms engulf you, holding you close and you can smell the winter wildflowers in her hair. You hug her back able to keep yourself composed though your heart is breaking. "Nina, you look gorgeous," you tell her, not letting your voice waver.
"Of course I do," Nina says, she pinches your cheek and you feel like you might cry. Like you might lose yourself to it. Nina is so good, she is strong, she is fierce and yet still kind. You do not know how someone could suffer so much and come out the other side as forgiving and as gentle as Nina. "I'm so glad you're here."
You know she means it and that only makes your heart ache worse. You want nothing but happiness for her, you just quietly wish her happiness wasn't the one thing that you wanted for yourself. But you cannot blame her either. Matthias is all you've ever wanted, and you'd be a fool to think no one else would see him as you do. Love him as you do.
Matthias's eyes meeting yours, the moment you feared would be your breaking point, makes your feelings threaten to swallow you whole. "Congratulations," you tell him, not sure you can manage more words than that.
"Thank you," he says. You had not wondered if he had known, in all the years passed you had never once wondered if he knew how you felt about him, but you wonder now. For the most fleeting of moments, as you see something in his eyes you cannot pin, and nearly think it's pity.
"I wish you all the best," you turn to leave and he pulls you in, his hug not as demanding as Nina's, more willing to let you go if you decide to pull back. But you don't. Today isn't about you, you are not here for you. You're here for Nina and Matthias, your friend and the most important person in your life. You can hold it together for this, for a little while longer, for him. Because this is what he wants. Because he loves her and you know that and you would never ask for anything different. "Beautiful ceremony," you tell him as you pull back. He smiles, eyes finding Nina's across the people.
"I love you," Matthias says. Fuck. You look up, not expecting those words, or anything like them to fall from his mouth. "I do not think I tell you enough."
You know what he means, you know that he is filled with this happiness and his belonging that for a moment he wishes to appreciate all and everything that brought him here, that the love in this space is beyond that of the wedding, but that of family, of friends, of those who have seen us through to the moments we are now in. He could never with his eyes on Nina, tell the difference between his three words and yours. So you say them, because you haven't, and you did not think you ever would. Because you'll know he heard them even if he had no idea what you truly meant. You say them because he is here, and you can and you've got no reason not to. You say them because you've never been surer that the words are true, than you have been in this place, watching him start the beginning of the rest of his life with someone who isn't you, who you admire and adore and wish you could be. So you say them, and let him return to the woman he loves with a smile.
"I love you, Matthias."
"Come on," Nina's voice beckons over to you. You catch your breath, and bring yourself to smile.
"Anything for the bride."
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buckyismybicycle · 1 year
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I don't know how terrible this quality will be on Tumblr, but the higher resolution/original can be found on AO3!
Title: swim for the music that saves you Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Tags: ShrinkyClinks, Social Media AU, WIP/teaser Summary: It all started when he sent a video singing Happy Birthday to his sister, not knowing that she would post it on her social media.
Now, JBuckyBarnes has millions of followers all hearing his story, following his recovery, listening to him sing. Little does he know, he's going to change the life of one follower in particular.
Steve Rogers, chronically ill and spending most of his days inside, has to live vicariously through others. He longs for adventure, trying new things, feeling the sun on his face. A/N: This fic has been sitting in my drafts for some time now... Thanks to @buckybarnesevents: Alternate June-iverse giving me a little kick, I've decided to post an excerpt/the beginning and the rest of it will come in due course.
“Hiya folks… Well, it was, uh.” The brunette on screen pauses and then smiles sadly. “Alright, you know I can’t lie to you. I wanna say it was fine and dandy, but it was honestly rough. That’s why this video’s a bit late, sorry ‘bout that, by the way. It took longer than I thought it would to edit so I honestly kind of gave up.”
He lays his head in a propped up hand, resting against his piano. 
“So, I got home Sunday afternoon and crashed. I don’t even remember getting into bed. Didn’t sleep through the night, of course. I never do. But! That’s just me, my body’s not a fan of the meds. I was feeling crummy — you know when you’re so hungry you’re nauseous but you can’t eat ‘cause you’re nauseous? Anyway, so that for like, six hours. Finally got to sleep when the sun was risin’ but only managed about an hour or so. You lot haven’t heard Brooklyn traffic.”
Steve can’t help but smirk at that because he has, and he is in fact listening to the god-awful Brooklyn traffic outside his window. He could always move his desk away from the window, but he needs some sort of sunlight from time to time.
The YouTube video plays on his phone while he takes a break from work, stretching and wincing as his joints crack.
“So, it’s like, ten in the mornin’ and I decide I’m gonna get something to eat. Nausea won that round, unfortunately, so by three o'clock I am starving. I was cranky for the whole day, and I don’t wanna make cranky videos for you guys. So, that’s enough rambling from me. My brain’s been a little all over the place so I haven’t written anything in ages, but how about a cover of the best of the best? Thanks for sticking around! Hope you like this one.”
Steve watches as Bucky lifts the cover of his piano and stretches the fingers on his prosthetic. Today, it’s the metal titanium one, with its beautiful plate work and a small Hydra Industries logo on the forearm. 
You gotta swim… Swim for your life
Swim for the music that saves you
When you're not so sure you'll survive
You gotta swim… Swim when it hurts
The whole world is watching
You haven't come this far to fall off the earth
The currents will pull you, away from your love
Just keep your head above
I found a tidal wave begging to tear down the dawn
Memories like bullets, they fired at me from a gun
Cracking the armor, yeah
I swim for brighter days, despite of the absence of sun
Choking on salt water, I'm not giving in, I swim
You gotta swim… through nights that won't end
Swim for your families, your lovers, your sisters, and brothers and friends
Steve listens to the beautiful voice fill the empty space of his studio apartment, caught up in the soft yet powerful melody. What really hits him are the words, though. 
Bucky’s life is no secret — except maybe his real first name because there’s no parent on this planet that hates their kid that much. Steve doesn’t know exactly how Bucky had started off, but the channel was a newer discovery for Steve. 
Well, there it is. As always, thanks so much for tuning in! Hope you liked the song, and maybe I’ll see you guys next time with something original, huh? Bye!” 
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sfsolace · 2 months
The soundtrack of the Hakumei & Mikochi anime
Today i will take some time to go over the soundtrack for the Hakumei & Mikochi anime. I'm still in the middle of the rewatch, so I'll share my thoughts on other aspects of the anime later.
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The main OST is done by Evan Call, whose other notable works include Violet Evergarden and Frieren: Beyond Journey's End and it's a real standout in this anime!
It has cozy vibes in general, with a surprising amount of variety! We get some bluesy songs, more orchestral flute pieces, even a song that sounds like marching music. The breadth of musical styles this soundtrack takes on is honestly stunning.
If i had to pick something the soundtrack reminds me of, I'd say Pikmin and Yuru Camp. It can be soothing and calm in one scene, then energetic and exciting in the next; but it always retains a "homely" energy.
It has a pastoral quality to it, with a lot of harmonica, gentle guitars and the occasional piano. Come to think of it, I've heard a bunch of different instruments and the composers still maintains a sort of "palette". No single instrument seems out of place, yet there is something new to every song!
I remember being impressed by how fun the music is on my first watch, but now, rewatching it years later, it dawns on me how much of a feat this soundtrack truly is. I'm very glad Evan Call has found more acclaim and work after Hakumei & Mikochi, continuing with his impressive compositions; but it's very sad that this soundtrack continues to be overlooked.
Even though he has a spotify presence, the OST for Hakumei & Mikochi isn't there. Luckily somebody has uploaded it in it's entirety to YouTube. I really encourage you to have a listen!
Now, onto the Opening and Ending!
The opening features a song called "urar" by Chima. It has an almost post-rock soundscape (something about the sound of the guitars) and the vocals are so very beautiful.
Sadly, I can't find a youtube video of the actual opening of the show. It has these very minimalist high-saturation photos of nature with the credits looking a bit like chalk drawings.
It also features the silhouettes of some of the characters in these natural environments. In general, the whole opening has more melancholic vibe compared to the rest of the show and people expecting big sakuga will be disappointed. But it is quite beautiful and serves as a good intro for each episode.
Now for the ending!
The ending of each episode is set to the song "Harvest Moon Night", which is sung by the voice actors for Conju (Aoi Yuuki) and Mikochi (Shino Shimoji). Canonically it is the song they both sing together at the Harvest festival, which is a great touch.
The song is a favorite of mine and i love it's jaunty, upbeat feel. I can't explain why, but parts of the soundtrack and this song have a "country-like" quality to them. They remind me a lot of the endings to Konosuba.
All in all, the soundtrack is an aspect of the anime even the few fans don't talk about enough and I think it is a large part of what gives the anime its feel and quality, making the OST as well as the anime a true hidden gem!
The visuals of the ending are these adorable monochromatic silhouettes of the characters from the episode, with a the original "Walking Underfoot" segments next to them; a great way to show off the art of the anime and add some flavor.
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sofiasjornal · 7 months
A Court of Silver Flames Review
Let me just say that I recently saw Sarah's interview where she says that Nesta is the most personal she got with her character and that she sometimes felt like Nesta did and I just wanna give Sarah a big big hug! You climbed the mountain, Sarah, just like Nesta did and you're helping many people, me included climb theirs, so thank you! Now the book!
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ and a half (officially second favorite of the series)
If this was the last book of the series I would be very very pissed because I still have too many questions without an answer! But since it isn't (thank the cauldron!) it was a fantastic book!
Nesta's journey was very slow build but I really appreciated that because that's how it is when you're in a such dark place. Sometimes it's painfully slow for you to get to the other side! I loved the Valkyries storyline and that she found friends outside of the night court. I love the night court but just like Feyre has her art studio, Nesta needs also a purpose outside of it. And the Valkyries fit perfectly. Also, how cool was her relationship with the House?! I want one!
I saw some comments online of people saying they ended up disliking Cassian after the book but that didn't happen with me at all. I liked him even more (he's my second favorite brother, for now!) It was so interesting to see him trying the girls and taking care of Nesta, we really got a sense of what a great guy he is. The only thing I thought it was missing was his war general side. I wished we could see his strategic thinking more, or him with his troops.
The two of them are warriors at heart and they fit perfectly together and there's not much to say about that. I had no doubt Nesta would accept the bond, not when she was so obviously in love with him and their relationship just naturally built (it reminded me a bit of Aelin and Rowan to be honest, with the "hatred" in the beginning, and the training, I thought that was cute).
The whole baby Nyx storyline with Feyre and Rhys almost gave me a heart attack! When Rhys told the brothers the baby had wings I got that dread feeling in my got and at the end of the book I just wanted to cry. Also, it was very cruel, good cruel, awesome, of Sarah to make us live through that in Nesta's POV. But I honestly don't think I would've made it until the end if it was Rhys or Feyre's POV. I would've crawled into a ball and just stayed there holding the book. But if one day, Sarah decides to right a novella with their povs, I will buy it and sob!
HOWEVER, all is beautiful, all is magical and all ends well but I have questions.
1- What's up with Azriel and Elain? If the next book is truly about Elain, then it's going to be a mess. She's ignoring Lucien all she can and I don't know how that's going to change. And Azriel, who was all certain she was meant for him, now is making eyes at Gywn. Sure, Rhys ordered him to stay away from Elain, but didn't he move on kinda fast? Also, let's suppose for a second that Eris dies somewhere in the next book, would it be possible for Lucien to be the heir of Autumn court? But as Helion's son (we still have that little revelation to look forward to) would he also be the heir to Dawn court? I also saw someone hypothesizing that Tamlin wouldn't survive in the next book and that Lucien could be the heir to the spring court as well, that Elain would fit well there. So the possibilities are endless...
2- What's the next storyline going to be, hunting for Koschei? Tracking down the other queens? Now that Nesta has given up most of her power, would some of the burden fall to Elain, being she the strongest of the two?
3- Are Mor and Emerie going to be a thing? I'm all for it!
4- Amren and her theory about Rhys being High King Amren always seems to know more than everyone else and she clearly thinks that fate is showing signs of the path forward, where Rhys and Feyre would be High King and Queen. I don't know how I feel about this. But though I love Amren, I sometimes feel like she isn't showing all her cards.
There are probably more but I guess it all depends on how long ACOTAR is going to be. 7 books + 1 novella like TOG? More? Less?
I guess what I'm saying is that we need at least two more ACOTAR books to make sense of all of this!
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away-ward · 5 months
Your response to ask and answered 289 about PD's choice of making Damon and Rika related
"I'm of the thought that Rika and Damon being related served two purposes for PD. One, PD loves walking the line of incest, and the idea of Rika and Damon with their tension (which is sexual), being related was too delicious to pass up. Two, PD loves Michael for being the first horsemen that spoke to them. Damon is their favorite, but Michael was the first and that's special. So while they love the idea of hinting Rika/Damon, they don't actually want people taking Rika away from Michael (also hence why anytime Rika engages with Kai on a physical level, Michael has to be there for it to be okay)."
reminds me of ContraPoints (Youtuber) who talked about twilight, and how stephanie meyer made jacob as renesmee's (bellaedward's daughter) mate because she still wanted to make jacob somehow related to bella, even though bella already got together with edward. So in a way, it's still a win for her, the readers and bella ofc. i don't think that your opinion of this could be so far off, because if it can happen to twilight, why cant it happen to devils night series right? Even the origin of this story and the inspiration behind nichael's name are already questionable, why not just add up the weird shit for the sake of it. That's probably how penelope douglas thinks.
Side note: and recently i saw a tiktok video of penelope douglas interacting with a fan, and omg she's so beautiful!!!!! The impression thati got from her is that she seem very centered, intense and focused. Idk, because i've seen tiktok videos of other authors and PD really did seem different than them, but not in an ovjective good or bad way, but i can definitely tell that this person wrote something crazy. Like when i compare her to kennedy ryan, lauren asher or even sierra simone in events, PD seems like she got an edge? Idk just a vibe? Idk but i kinda like it? Haha, i like it when an author matches the overallvibe of her books. And i like all these authors in different ways, their personality shined through.
btw that tiktok video is from user: devilsreads_
If I remember my twilight years correctly, didn’t SM want to jump from twilight straight to breaking dawn, without giving Jacob the chance to develop? And the editors were like, we need to give that more context? While I didn’t love the imprinting on Renesmee as a whole, I do see how for SM it was a win/win. I am curious if the Rika and Damon situation felt like a win/win to a problem, if it came to them in a stroke of inspiration, or if PD would say it was always planned.
I think PD is very pretty too! I wouldn’t know much to compare their interactions with other authors, but I looked up the tiktok you mentioned and I did like that they seemed to be paying close attention to the fan instead of trying to rush them along.
I think PD’s creativity is authentic to them, and that nothing they’ve written is something they’ve done just because it’s a trend. I also think they’re proud of everything they’ve produced, and while I’m not 100% happy with it, I would never resent them for standing behind their work. They have every right to.
When I’m crying out for them “admit they did wrong”, I’m partly joking. It’s not that personal. But also, on a deeper level, it’s that as a creator and artist, we’re constantly growing. The work I produced five years ago isn’t going to be the same as what I produce today. I should have improved on a technical level, yes, but it’s not just that. I’m a different person with new experiences, and those experiences should affect my creativity. If PD can honestly stand there and say they wouldn’t change a single thing about Nightfall or the series as a whole, that seems weird to me. But there are some people who say they would never want to change anything because it represented who they were then, and that’s fair.
So, then, I guess my question for PD would be “if you were to approach Devil’s Night as a new project today, do you think there would be major changes or only minor ones, or none at all? And if there were some major changes, without asking for too much detail, what would they be?”
Thanks for sharing the tiktok. I’d forgotten they were going to France for a meet and greet, and it’s nice they got some good interactions. Also very cool that it seems like the fan got their copy of nightfall signed.
Thanks for waiting on me! And for the message. It was interesting to read, and I never expected twilight to be brought up!
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abhijeetvasudev · 9 months
It's Been A Change
Honestly, if someone had told me 5 years ago that I would be in America with a GC, I would have laughed it all off. Yet here I am. Sitting on 30th street at a co-working space in New York while my wife is working on the floor above, looking across to a view obstructed by a building, and trying to pen my thoughts about it all.
It's been just over a month and of course this comes as the New Year kicks in and I reminisce over the past year and how significant a change it truly is. I am not usually a reminiscing type however, in lieu of becoming an immigrant, I must try and bring at least the last year together.
While moving to America became an eventuality 2 years ago when I married the love of my life, it didn't really dawn onto me until I had the immigrant visa stamped on the passport few months ago. Since then, time's just flew by. Packing and moving, packing and disposing, packing and giving it away - all life filled into boxes small enough to fit into the backseat of the car. Ultimately the 3 big suitcases is all that remained of 35 years. Nothing left behind. The rented apartment quickly filled in by new people. Sure it would take them a bit to fill it all up, but if I ever lived there? - isn't that the question.
If I could surmise the past year or rather years in a few lines, {as the process of getting the Immigrant VISA is full of paperwork, going through questions the consular officer might ask, early morning or late night calls with the lawyer, joining numerous groups on social media, reading terrible experiences of the people in similar situation, and projecting their grief into our lives}, Lenin's quote would be the most fitting - There are decades where nothing happens, and then there are weeks where decades happen!
As soon as the stamped paper came, the process of letting go began. Life of pie has this beautiful quote - in the end, I suppose, all of life becomes an act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking the time to say goodbye - delivered most brilliantly by the late Irrfhan Khan.
I think I didn't say good bye to most things I was letting go {I know about the context of the quote but I do feel it with things too - after all our things are us}. As I sit here, overlooking the windows of the building opposite, I guess this whole thing is my way of saying goodbye.
Goodbye to my apartment, to the bed and the television it faced. To me coming home, alone, always looking forward to FIFA or a new movie/series, and FaceTiming my wife. To my second hand A-star which in the end fetched over 40K {bought it for 60K 8 years ago}. To the numerous nicks and knacks I collected over the years. To the beautiful things my wife added into my apartment and made it a home. To the uncle who lived on ground floor and always had some kind of an issue {he wasn't bad}. To the convenience of 'Blinkit' , 'Zomato' and 'Swiggy'. To the countless helpers, plumbers, electricians who were a phone call away. To the FIFA tournaments at Akarsh's place. To the always-complaining-about-our-maid, flatmate and friend - Shashank. To my workplace where I hit more milestones in 7 years than ever before and amazing people I met there - including my better half. Most importantly, saying goodbye to the feelings of familiarity to the country you are born in, the city where you live, the roads you travel, the restaurants you go to, the food you eat, the people you call friends and, and to the familiarity of the Mundane - waking up everyday to do the same things, having a routine - that is what I am taking a moment to say goodbye to.
Here's looking forward to 2024 and creating all these familiar things in a new country. What's life without an adventure eh?
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bitchkay · 9 months
Lore from the Rio fanfic I'm writing that I have no idea what direction I wanna take it but its adorable and I love it
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I'll honestly probably write it all in peices and like... put it together👁👁
It's a part two(or more) to Three's a crowd, fours a party♡, I been wanting to write a second part for it but I kinda dont know how?????????? So I won't❤ it will remain a "work in progress" until I can think cohesively
I just love family man Dad! Rio yall, I made a whole universe where bro loves the fuck out of his kids and yall are happily married and so much fluff so much fluff☺️💞
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Your first borns, fraternal twins, Adephasia Aurora Voleri (Rio calls her Angel, you call her 'Phasia), and Gulliver Aiden Voleri
The twins are literally Rios doppelgangers
They share Rio love of food and beautiful sun beaming smile
Because Rio represents the sin of gluttony I wanted their first borns especially, names to reflect that as well and their middle names —all of Rios kids in fact— share a sunny bright meaning
Gulliver comes from old french meaning "glutton" or "greedy person" and Adephagia from Greek mythology, the goddess and personification of gluttony. It was kinda hard to find names that weren't inherently bad pertaining to gluttony, like there were some names that sounded beautiful on the tongue but the meaning and usage was like... oh... oh no
For their middle names I wanted them to reflect their sunny disposition, because like I said they really are Rios minis and their bright smiles are no exception
It was far easier finding names pertaining to the sun, sunshine, or bright light because ya know... it isn't a sin--
For Gullivers middle name I kinda wanted keep with the same tradition going on in this universe where the princes inherit their grandfather's name (Rios middle name being Armand from his grandfather) which would obviously make his middle name Aiden because his grandfather in this case is Rios father but I looked into it more, the name Aiden actually means bright and illuminated☀️.
For Adephagia, she had so many different names cus none I really felt fit her. There was one name I was so set on because it was beautiful, it flowed well and it sounded really poetic on the tongue and then I found out it did not mean what I thought it meant💀 and I was like nah I am not putting a curse on this child👁👁 So we ended up settling with Aurora, I like it though. Aurora meaning dawn, the light before the sunrise. With her peachy chubby cheeks and how she clings to her papa I thought it was perfect
Rio was overjoyed while you were pregnant but was actually a sea of nerves after they were born, I mean you really only signed up for one baby and got two but I guess Rio sperm was a little too potent--
They were big babies two, no wonder this pregnancy caused you so much trouble, how the fuck did these full grown adults come out your coochie, oh hell nah they come out already knowing how to pay bills💀💀 /j
The twins weighed 12 pounds combined at birth and you definitely felt the difference after getting them out of your body, especially for your first pregnancy, were there bad complications during birth they could've killed you. Rio was there with you every step of the way, he'd never miss the birth of your children. He held your hand, kissed your forehead and reassured you through the whole process. He also made sure to tell you hes proud of you went it was all over too, and urge you to rest for as long as you need, you body just went through a lot just now after all
Rio always dreamed of having a family of his own especially since falling in love with you but since recently being promoted to king and plagued with new duties and the burden of governing the whole kingdom of Voleri —with help of course— he was filled with feelings of inadequacy as a father, to him he could be doing so much more.
He's a very good dad and he's a king for god sake so you spend alot of nights stroking his head while telling him he's doing amazing and he's just doing his best and that's all you need
You're also a queen now, and even though you do spend a majority of the time with your kids you now have your own duties to attend to. Although being not of royal blood, you are considered the queen consort, spouse of the king, so you deal more so with social affairs rather than political ones but you're main job as queen consort is to support your husband which you would do anyway.
Thoma being Rios valet, is now promoted to head valet that serves directly under the king period😌💅🏾✨
Which also makes him your nanny.
Gulliver and Adephagia love him though, it's so cute they started calling him uncle Thoma I love it😭😭
Thoma was also the one that was there for you when ever Rio couldn't be around during your pregnancy since he was only very recently crowned king at the time, and it was also still his duty since you were also crowned queen.
Rio absolutely adores his first borns, he will like hide one of them under his cloak when he has a meeting meanwhile your panicking tryna figure out where your goddamn kid went
Imagine Rio talking business with diplomats with a two year old on his lap, they being good, they have a toy, not being naughty nor disruptive, they just happy to be sitting with daddy, might just fall sleep right there against his body tbh meanwhile your running up and down the castle hallway with the other twin on your hip looking for your child
This is a regular occurrence but it still would've been nice to know where your kid is at before the meeting starts
I found these pictures and I was like OMG this is literally you Rio with the twins and I screamed outloud😭😭
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Like that's yall fr
Adephagia is the older twin and that consistently becomes an arguement point when they're a little older and they're fighting
*10 year old Adephagia and Gulliver fighting over dumb shit cus they're siblings*
'Phasia: Well I'm older so I think I should--
Gulliver: Well, but I'm taller--
'Phasia: We're the same height!
The twins are fast, even before they learn to walk they're constantly sending you and Rio on a chase through the castle halls zipping and zooming on they're hands and knees crawling up and down the place
Both twins have as big an appetite as their father but Gulliver takes after Rio in nearly every sense, being friendly and outgoing, and he loves to play, even so much as taken an interest in sword fighting and the traditional Volerian hunt when he was old enough. He actually loves being a twin because he always has someone to play with and he loves playing with his sister. If you see him he's always bouncing around and very energetic, also easily distracted. Adephagia however is more on the shyer side and is far more quiet than Gulliver, she does love playing with her brother but often times you'll see her staring off in space or engaged in independent play. She also took up fencing when they got older but she enjoys it more as a hobby or way to clear her head. Gulliver refuses to admit Adephagia is better than him at it
Both twins have ADHD. Adephagia has the inattentive type and Gulliver has the hyperactive type.
Rios a family man and he wants a big family and despite how fast you got pregnant after getting married —three months in and you're breeding for him, he's been stuffing you full of cum since your wedding night— you don't actually have your kids back to back you guys actually wait a couple years before having another kid but not too long cus you want your kids to grow up together
Rio wants to adopt!!!
Rio cares a great deal for the children in the orphanage and is really wants them to find good homes. Thoma is from the orphanage too so he supports the cause, and is forever grateful to have been taken in by someone he would one day follow through all stages of life.
You guys visit the orphanage quite a bit and the care givers are always welcome to your company even if its just a visit
You do end up adopting two young kids after your second pregnancy though
Speaking of second pregnancy😼
Halo Marisol Voleri, born a few months after the twins turned 3 and were going to preschool, just as the name suggests shes bright eyed and bubbly, lighting up the whole room with her smile. Rio calls her sunshine❤
"Good morning sunshine! Did you have a good sleep?"
From Greek origins, the name Halo means, divine aura and disc of the sun or moon. Your pregnancy with Halo was worlds different than with the twins, to every one that saw you, you emitted the "pregnancy glow" as they say and you also didn't experience any terrible symptoms either. While you were pregnant with the twins you were miserable for the most part so you I knew quickly this one was different. Halo was also born during a solar eclipse. It was dark outside due to the obstruction of the sun but in the hours later after Halo was born you saw the sun creep in through the window bathing you two in an ethereal light.
Both you and Rio freaked out.
Not in a "oh my god it must be fate🥰" way, no. You were ready to go into hiding. Cus ain't no goddamn way this happened for real🤨
It's said to be an incredible gift to be born on a solar eclipse too, you guys literally felt like you were holding god reincarnated in your hands, AND with your powers... yea you were frightened
For her middle name, Marisol has a Spanish origin meaning sea and sun. She was also born in the summer if it matters--
Despite feeling like you may have birthed a literal deity, Halo ended up... causing you stress to say the least.
Everyone was absolutely enamored with her and with that comes pure evil.
As an infant she was very fussy and picky about alot of things and sometimes just wanted to cry. I mean sometimes babies just cry.
A happy baby nonetheless loves to play, and adores her older brother and sister but damn this baby is overstimulating
Halo reminds Rio ALOT of his little sister Nica, especially in looks. Them Voleri genes are strong as hell
Halo growing into a toddler she stayed her sweet bubbly self but was still demanding and often threw fits.
He magic also manifested really early too so you definitely felt like you had to watch her a little more closely, you didn't want it to go haywire if it is that this tiny ass baby had ultra powerful magic at her disposal
If you thought Adephagia was attached to Rio you should see how Halo hangs off his arm like her purse.
He spoils the fuck outta her too, they're just as bad as each other
If mama says no, daddy will probably say yes in a heart beat apparently
She does mellow out as she gets older, and you two do make sure that she has a safe space to calm down instead of scolding her, or punishing her for acting out when you know theres a reason for this behavior, especially if she knows better
Aside from that she isn't a troublesome child, shes an angel when shes willing to compromise and cooperate and is very cuddly with her parents and siblings as well as and especially with uncle Thoma♡ (halo develops a crush on Thoma when shes a bit older but don't tell Rio🤫)
Like I said she loves to play and is very frequently seen playing with toys or with her older siblings that love her to death
The trouble the twins caused when they were babies is truely compacted into this tiny little thing with the added bonus of screaming
Halo loves playing chase when your trying to get her dressed, running up and down the castle halls as fast on her little feet as the twins were combined, ear shattering screams flying from her throat as she ducks and avoids both you and Rio who chase her as she runs around in her diaper the two of you just trying to put her dress on. She thinks it's a game.
Unlike Gulliver and Adephagia, who took an interest in fencing in their own right, Halo stray from that path taking up dance instead and light on her feet she is.
Halo becomes the nation's sweetheart when shes older.
I'm not sure about all the specifics yet but you adopt two young kids, very young, toddlers even, maybe a little after Halo turns four. They're not related to each other and you get them on two separate occasions but in both cases their story is very similar
In one of their cases the father negligent and the mother died during childbirth, leaving the child without a legal guardian before they're even 6 months old. Rio after hearing this story especially after failed attempts to contact the father saw it to watch over this child at the orphanage the next few months every time he visited, because reports say the father both left the country and has no intention of ever wanting anything to do with the child. He grew attached to them in the few months he knew of their existence and the two of you made the decision to adopt them.
The other child is a case of abandonment. A basket was left on the steps of the orphanage with a baby inside, very recently been born, not probably cleaned, umbilical cord still attached, but there was a degree of care from how the baby had been wrapped in the blanket. The orphanage suggests the it was likely an alarmingly young mother that had no business being pregnant in the first place. Delivered her own baby and dropped it by the orphanage know she couldn't take care of it. This child had no papers, or birth certificate. You and Rio just happened to pass through while the caregivers were cleaning them up and putting them down to sleep before trying to sort out their legal documents. I have a vivid image in my head of the caregivers pausing what they're doing to give their king a respectful bow, Rio dismissing it immediately. You guys hear the story of the infant sleeping in the nursery and it was that moment you made the decision. Rio picked their name.
I imagine you were also pregnant again at that time listen this man wants to breed you-- and you were realizing how big your family was getting, this pregnancy makes baby number 6 but your 3rd pregnancy overall.
Once you're done having kids, you're both done having kids. Period. Rio love his family and he love his kids and he loves being a father to a big big family and he especially loves you when you're pregnant but you're not only his wife but the mother of his kids. If you're done, he's done. You have plenty of kids already, no need for more.
Here are the age gaps between the kids
Gulliver & Adephagia -> Halo — 3 years
Halo -> adopted child 1(the abandoned child) — 4 years
Adopted child 1(the abandoned child) -> unnamed child 5 — 5 months
Unnamed child 5 -> adopted child 2(the neglected child) — 1 year
Just to make it a little easier to understand, this is how old each child is at the time
From oldest to youngest:
Gulliver and Adephagia are 3 when Halo is born.
They are 7 when Halo is 4, and you are about 7 months pregnant at this time when you guys end up adopting your first child, the child is three months old at the time you adopt them.
You give birth 2 months later. Your adopted child is 5 months old at this time while your 5th child is a new born.
Two years later, Gulliver and Adephagia are 9 years old, Halo is 6, your first adopted child is 2 and your once newborn baby is recently turned 2, you guys adopt another child, this child is 1
So the following year Gulliver and Adephagia are both 10, Halo is 7, your 4th and 5th chilld are 3, and your youngest is 2
Please tell me that sounds cohesive😰😰
Yall stop after kid 6.
Not only are your kids still really young —like still below highschool age, half of them below kindergarten age— for you to just keep popping out babies as if you got all the time and space in the world to care for them all, your also scared of having twins again--
It's a real thing, once theres twins in your family, especially if you've already had twins, it's much more likely to happen again and Rio sperm is very potent and going from 6 kids to 8 kids????? Uhhhhh Let's wait until your three oldests are older, at least then they can care of themselves a reasonable amount, and if you still don't want any more kids great, we're doing a service to the world tbh it's already overpopulated, not about to be Saligias Nick Canon--
you do eventually have up to 8 kids tho--
Now let's double back before yall had kids okay? Okay😋
I'm not gonna include details about your wedding in the story but I will say, the both of you didn't want to do anything too extravagant but at the same time you wanted to be able to declare your love to each other for all to know, not in a show off or PDA kind of way but in a oh my god I love this person so much and I don't care who knows it.
Rio is also a royal so a royal wedding does end up being a big deal
You ended up having two weddings actually
The first was was very intimate and small. It was kinda a secret🤐
In the small wedding you basically got all the legal paperwork done and declared your love for one another in a very romantic way. All the other princes and their valets were present + Sherry and Violet cus they couldn't miss your wedding for the world. Roy and Sherry signed as witnesses and from then onward you had officially taken the last name Voleri.
The second one was mostly for kingdoms sake, much larger and more extravagant but not too extravagant because it is still your wedding. This wedding was the "official" wedding. The royal wedding the people of Voleri look forward too and celebrate. You walked down the aisle, read vows, sealed it with a kiss, had a reception, had a wedding cake, everything you expected to have at a wedding. Though you were already legally married, it felt like a dream all the same, because unlike the more intimate wedding where you only had your closest friends present, at this one you were around Rios family that accepted you into the family with open arms and nothing but warmth
You knew you had their approval long before Rio had even proposed but this really solidified it in your head. Meeting his extended family and how they adored you, all the important people in Rios life that were ready to love you as if you were one of their own just made you feel so warm inside.
Now like I said before you were pregnant not long after you got married but not so soon as to before Rio was crowned king.
You had a private little honey moon on one of the islands surrounding Voleri where uh... you were definitely making babies😳 Rio stuffed and filled you like a goddamn oreo.
From the moment the two of you had moved back into Voleri castle preparations were being made for Rios coronation, preparing for when King Aiden is to officially step down and pass on the title. Once your wedding passed preparations were in full force and by the time you returned from your honeymoon it was only a month away.
This coronation was a big deal for the both of you, not only because Rio would be inheriting the crown after all the long years of his life but as his wife you would gain the title of a queen.
The both of you had new royal formal wear made and tailored for the ceremony. You had expensive mesh and velvets draped over you and for the first time you felt like you'd earned this new title and phase of your life along with your place at Rios side.
Preparations continued in the weeks leading up to the ritualistic crowning of the new king, rehearsals going on just as meticulously as it was for your wedding until it was the day before the ceremony.
Yes you did in fact make love the night before.
Not cus he wanted to breed you tho, Rio just loves you
The coronation was a lot like your wedding in some ways but alot more sacred and dignified and definitely gave off the air of a new monarch taking place
I don't know alot about coronations that aren't particularly religious however I do have an image in my head of how it would go
The sitting King Aiden and queen are seated on the grand throne at the altar at the end of the aisle, crown upon his head. You and Rio enter, arm in arm and walk down to alter. You both kneel before the king, Rio right before his father and you a little ways behind. The king and queen stand and a minister takes place where some words are stated about Voleri, its lineage leaning up to the line of succession. Rio has to take an oath and swears to do all in his power to be the king Voleri needs and deserves. After this the floor is turned to his father who also says a few words, this more about kingship and about his oldest son. Aiden then removes the crown from his head placing it atop Rios, and unclip his cloak, putting it around Rios shoulders. He is declared king and Aiden gestures for his son to stand and Rio turns to the crowd dignified and regal before sitting on the throne his father once sat. After this you kneel before the queen and the minister takes place again and says a few words, a shorter speech aimed at the line of queens before the queen steps up the speak. She speaks of Queenship and what it means to be a queen with the added heartfelt message to reassure you. The same thing happens where she places her crown on your head and cloak around your shoulders. You are then declared queen and give the crowd your most dignified look before sitting in the throne next to Rio. To finish off the ceremony you and Rio stand hand in hand before the crowd and are officially named King and Queen of Voleri. After this you are then seen on the balcony overlooking the courtyard where many citizens of Voleri cheer as you are announced to the kingdom as new monarchs.
Two months after the coronation and three months after getting married you find out you're pregnant with your first child(ren)
Uhhhh what else can I say this is already a long ass post
I mentioned before that yall end up having a big family and honestly if it was literally any other consort I wouldn't be able to see it, with some consorts I cant vividly imagine yall having kids in the first place but with Rio idk he strikes me as the type to love and want a big family
Rio has more siblings than just Teto yk
He has a baby sister that is revealed in his book 2, this adorable little munchkin little Nica, and provably a few more (source: Rio asking Teto how the rest of their siblings are doing as well as Aiden asking Toto to look after the rest of their siblings so he has to have at least 2 of three more than that) cus we probably just never needed to know them
Anyway Rio has always been a big brother to at least 3 or more siblings and he loves kids and kids love him so the idea of Rio with his little sperms climbing all over him like a tree is a wholesome one❤
Your biological kids end up being so tall thanks to Rio
Gulliver probably ends up at least 5'10 by the time hes 15 with Adephagia racing close behind at 5'9. I can imagine Halo going to maybe 5'7 or 8 by the time she reaches highschool age, and same with the your 5th child that doesn't have a name yet.
Can yall think of names actually? We need a name for the both adopted children and the child of your third pregnancy. Remember your 4th child(first adoption) and your fifth child(third pregnancy) are the same age(5months apart) and the 6th child(second adoption) is one year younger. Also their sexes. I think the 6th child could be a boy but I really haven't thought too much about it other than that you do in fact have this kids in this kind of sequence and circumstances ya know
I can imagine you getting pregnant again after some years. Your kids are fairly self sufficient at this point y'know? Can retrieve their own juice from the fridge and stuff. Maybe 5 years after your youngest turns 3?
The twins would be 16, your youngest would be 8
This pregnancy not planned at all, well sure the other 3 weren't really planned either but you guys were in full parent mode, tiny little baby's everywhere, that were all really close in age so you at least were prepared for it, most of your baby stuff was still pretty new.
At this point you haven't had a toddler arround for a few years, sure your kids are still young but the soothers and baby bottles been collecting dust yk?
Now this isn't really a problem cus you guys are royals are are catered to for the most part
The thing that was actually throwing you off is that you were pregnant with twins.
This is exactly what you were afraid of in the first place.
This was the whole reason yall took a break from having kids bruh--
You do end up going through with the pregnancy but after this you put your foot down, no more babies nuh uh, your getting your tubes tied
Rio is put on probation and has lost his coochie privileges for the next 6 years cus how tf is your goddamn sperm so fucking potent🤨⁉️⁉️ cus two babies bitch you couldn't just give the woman one?? And its another set of fraternal twins bitch like your swimmers so hungry they got at two separate eggs🤨⁉️ if they were identical then that's cool, it's one egg that just split in two but two eggs bruh⁉️⁉️ damn
Rio isnt even an inherently sexual person he just loves to cum inside apparently and every time he do you get pregnant now look at yall with 8 kids🤨🤨
Pull out game: weak😠👎🏽👎🏽
You end up with two girls this time around, two beautiful girls.
You thought you would struggle to some degree due to being somewhat out of practice but your other kids end up helping out a great deal. Adephagia and Gulliver especially help when they think you and Rio need a break and they're twins themselves so they're actually happy to take the girls sometimes
Adephagia and Gulliver were/are the spitting image of Rio growing up so as it ends up the girls end up favoring you a great deal
The girls end up being best friends.
Adephagia and Gulliver fought so much as kids and sure the girls will have disagreements but they do everything together
Any time they meet someone new they're holding hands and like 'This is my sister!😁'
Despite not being identical twins they like to act like they are, wear matching outfits and have you guess which one is which, but you humor them and pretend as if you can't tell them apart, they know they don't look the identical though
Even when they're older and grow more independent from each other they're still really close
Very big family of wonderful kids you have, you always try and make sure everyone of your babies feel like they belong, especially your adoptive children, you don't want them to hold any animosity towards their other siblings and want them to feel just as much apart of the family as possible and if one day when their old if they want to meet their biological parents if that's at all possible, you and Rio will support them but they will assure you that you guys are their real family regardless of who birthed them or not
The Volerian royal family of 10😋
Gulliver and Adephagia still find it so crazy that they're like 17 looking after their one year old baby sisters or that they're arguing with an elementary schooler or that Halo is starting highschool(or what ever the equivalent of that is in Saligia) (it's at this time that she has a crush on Thoma shhhh) I'm sure when they were 3 years old running around and could horde all their parents attention they never would've imagined having 6 younger siblings
I can imagine when your pregnant with the twin girls you told them first before the rest of the kids
They probably looked at yall in disgust cus they 16 atp so they know damn well where babies come from and in their opinion they already have ENOUGH siblings
You: 'Phasia, Gulliver? Can you come in here for a moment?
A/G: Yes mom?
Rio: Angel...? Gulliver...?
A/G: Dad...?
You: ... I'm pregnant.
Rio: *places a hand on your stomach lovingly*
Adephagia: ...
Gulliver: ...
You/Rio: ...
Adephagia: Dad get off her! Don't you think you have enough kids, how old are you anyway?! You're too old to be doing all that. Keep your hands to yourself!
Gulliver: We definitely didn't need to know what you two get up to when we're asleep, keep that to yourself! This place is full enough as it is.
Adephagia: Mom? I think dad needs a time out.
Gulliver: I agree, we should neuter him.
Rio: Hey!
Adephagia: Really dad? 7 kids? I think you two need to be separated for a while.
Gulliver: You two are getting a little too excited, can't leave you alone for too long
Those two will humble you!
Rio might be the king of Voleri but that's still their dad they can clown him as much as they want
When tending to the twins Rio would sometimes call one of them Adephagia💀
'Phagia perks up like yes dad?
Rio realizes his mistake.
Rio sometimes gets so emotional when either Gulliver or Adephagia are playing with the little ones
They're his oldest children🥺🥺 he wonder where the time went😓😓
Even Halo, once upon a time she was attached to his hip, he put her on his shoulders and swung her arround in his arms and now look shes a teenager
Even with his adopted children he feels this way, remembering the times when his babies would try to climb up his legs, or getting used to being apart of the family, receiving affection when they were small
He remembers the day he took all his babies home for the first time, be it from the maternity ward or the orphanage, he loves them all so much, hes sad the newborn phase doesn't last forever :( (you need to stop him from knocking you up again-)
You take him out of these thoughts with a kiss on the cheek tucking yourself under his arm with one of your youngest on your hip.
You always know how to lift his spirits :D
You lift the toddler up to his face and she smiles nice and brightly and says Hi daddy and Rio response hello little one wheres your sister♡ and takes her in his arms and it's like any mourning of the passage of time never existed
It makes his heart feel full knowing not only his kids are happy to have him as a father but also that the people of Voleri are happy to have him as their king, but most of all hes happy to have you as his wife♡
Yo I just realized, 8 godamn kids and only 3 of them have a name💀
I feel like if I do complete this itll be in multiple one shots apart of the same timeline but yeah I think we should name these children💀
Can we actually like sort that shit out hold on
Starting at the top we have
Adephagia Aurora Voleri (first born daughter, fraternal twin sister)
Gulliver Aiden Voleri (first born son, fraternal twin brother)
Halo Marisol Voleri (second born daughter)
_____ _____ Voleri (third born child, adopted)
_____ _____ Voleri (fourth born child)
_____ _____ Voleri (fifth born son, adopted)
_____ _____ Voleri (sixth born daughter, fraternal twin sister)
_____ _____ Voleri (sixth born daughter, fraternal twin sister)
Now I already said all their middle names will have some sunny, bright, light kind of meaning so starting there should work, its easiest at least
I feel like their names reflect their personalities to some degree but at the same time I haven't fully developed all their personalities yet let alone their sexes
I'll actually leave this here for now actually
I'll update it at some point later with the children's names and stuff when I think if it but I think I've said all I wanted to say
This post is long as hell anyway
This post has been in my drafts since Rios birthday(May 16th) so yeah it's way overdue already
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Adephagia Aurora Voleri (first born daughter, fraternal twin sister)
Gulliver Aiden Voleri (first born son, fraternal twin brother)
Halo Marisol Voleri (second born daughter)
Genesis Nova Voleri (third born daughter, adopted)
Theo Luca Voleri (fourth born son)
Atlas Nikko Voleri (fifth born son, adopted)
Dylan Ayla Voleri (sixth born daughter, fraternal twin sister)
Eliana Kira Voleri (sixth born daughter, fraternal twin sister)
Welcoming the new additions to the family we have Genesis Nova Voleri
Genesis is your first adopted child, she's the one that was abandoned, left in a basket outside the orphanage freshly birthed with no papers. You and Rio did plan on adopting but on that visit to the orphanage you didn't expect to walk away as parents to your forth kid especially since you were already pregnant and will soon enter your third trimester.
You and Rio just happened to pass through while the caregivers at the orphanage were trying to sort out the legal documents of this unknown child placed at their doorstep, cleaning them up, checking for signs of trauma before putting them to sleep in the nursery. The caregivers suspect it's a case of an alarmingly young mother that delivered her own baby, dropping it off at the orphanage knowing it would probably have a much better chance at life there(the caregivers also infer the bio mom was in her early teens and at serious risk were she to keep it and made a gamble delivering it herself)
Upon hearing the story of the infant sleeping in the nursery you and Rio had to step out and have a serious conversation. You did want to adopt this child, you both did, but you had to talk about what you did and didn't want for your family, the child and their circumstances, and what it would mean if one of the bio parents were to find the child before they were one month old. Legally an infant has to be 7 days old to be adopted but after if the bio parents change their mind in 21 days, the child has to be returned to the biological family. This child you've only just found out about is not more than a few days old, even their birthday has to be inferred by the caregivers because not much is known about them yet and their legal documents are yet to be filled out
Because this is your first adoption, this is a big decision for the both of you and even the royal family
This decision made you seriously consider your wealth and privilege as members of the royal family to be able to have as many children as you want, to be healthy enough to have children as well as have the option to adopt children if you so wish because not many are afforded this luxury especially since Voleri is a very fairly rural and agricultural state. Alot of your conversation had to do with weather you were adopting because you loved being parents and truely wanted this child and for it to be in a good home or just because you could and it was available to you
You ultimately made your decision to adopt this little baby girl, upon meeting her you were attached right away and you couldn't part without her
Rio picked her name. Genesis Nova Voleri.
The name Genesis is a Spanish name meaning "creation" or "beginning" the name chosen to symbolize a new life for the infant and as your family's first adopted child and the growing of your family as you give birth to your fifth child months after bringing Genesis home.
Nova, her middle name takes a similar meaning coming from the Latin word novus meaning new and in astronomy the term nova is given to bright stars that appear suddenly in the sky and release powerful energy. The name Nova itself means bright star and goes along with the trend of all of Rios children's middle names having a bright meaning ☆
You bring Genesis home at 2 months old, your 7 months pregnant at this time and three months later you go into labor.
When babies are born their hearing and eyesight aren't fully developed so at 5 months old Genesis is full of personality and is starting to recognize her own name when you say it and might turn toward you when you say it, shes super observant and it's not uncommon for her to just be looking at you, shes just trying to recognize your features.
Babbling her heart away making sounds and having most of her parents attention until now means theres quite a bit of a transition when the new baby comes along
Speaking of new baby
After a long labor you bring home a beautiful baby boy Theo Luca Voleri
Theo is a Greek name meaning gods gift and is often associated with intelligence, and ambition as well as creativity and a zest for life
As he grows Thos becomes --I don't wanna say this but🤭🤭 such a boy you know
He likes playing in the dirt, climbing trees, he likes bugs, he'll find a pretty looking bug and bring it inside for one of his siblings as a gift, he likes going outside in the rain just so he can see all the worms surface
Rio says Theo reminds him alot of himself as a kid but that smile is all you
Theo is also really friendly with the town's people and will often come home with little gifts he got from his sweet smile and a love for play
It was hard to find good balance with two young babies at the same time especially since they're 5 months apart and have different needs
When Adephagia and Gulliver were babies you could keep them more or less on the same schedule but when one baby, curious as can be and starting to learn to talk and crawl while the other still needs their head supported and sleeps more frequently you had to find a way to keep up
Not to mention Halo is 4 at this time and the twins are 7, you're pretty such in full parent mode 24/7
You will say though you don't ever regret adopting Genesis only months before Theo was born and you love watching them gro together
When you brought Theo home for the first time you wanted to cry seeing how small he was compared to Genesis, despite being less than 6 months apart you couldn't help but reminisce on when Genesis was that small and she was just an infant in and orphanage nursery and you could already see time flying impossibly fast when Theo gets bigger and your celebrating Genesis's first birthday with a 7 month old on your hip, it gets you all emotional
Theo's middle name Luca is an Italian name meaning bringer of light
Many would actually say Theo and Halo are near identical or that Theo is Halos male version despite being 4 years apart
They do though look alot alike and Theo looks up to his older sister so of course some of their mannerisms are the same not to mention they're siblings that share the same mother and father, if they didn't look alike that would be concerning.
Theo does though take up similar hobbies as Halo like dance and arts but even still, it seems Theos more attached to Genesis than Halo, this mostly due to being raised more or less simultaneously and being the same age
Despite being months apart and not technically biologically related, Genesis and Theo are treated as twins, are super close and are often not seen without the other, they've known eachother all their lives and couldn't ask for a better sibling
I imagine this only slightly changes as they get older but they're still really close
Next we have Atlas Nikko Voleri
Atlas is your second adoption and 6th child aka the child before you take a 8 year break from having kids💀💀
Atlas is a slightly similar case to Genesis and when I say similar I mean that he was pretty much just dropped off at the orphanage unannounced
Unlike Genesis he had papers when he was put into the adoption system so you and Rio didn't have the luxury of picking his name but you do still love him all the same
Atlas's bio mother died during childbirth and his bio dad wanted nothing to do with him, going as far as to leave the country and surrounding regions
Still only being an infant Atlas was bounced around different family members that were ultimately deemed unfit to take care of a child before being sent to the orphanage and put under the care of the various caregivers there in the nursery
After one particularly hectic day you urged Rio go take a walk to wind down for the day and that you'll take care of the kids for now, he was hesitant not wanting to leave you alone or leave alone but agreed and took a little stroll through the town and paid a short visit to the orphanage
The smiles on the children's faces did lift his spirits evidently and he played with them for a little bit before noticing one of the care givers bouncing a small child on their knee. A baby, not more then 6 months old
The caregivers give a small bow in the presence of their king and that's when Rio is introduced to little baby Atlas
Rios weak weak heart melts as the baby smiles at him and his first thought is to run home and tell his wife about this fuck ass baby he met on his little stroll💀💀
From then on you and Rio looked in on Atlas for the next few months and anyone could tell your connection to this child was strong, you even witnessed his first steps, you almost sealed the deal and brought him home with you on the spot
On one of your visits, little Atlas was standing holding himself up by the side of the chair he was holding on to, he 10 months and hasn't started walking yet but oftentimes with grab onto the sides of furniture and pull himself up to his feet. This particular time when Atlas was standing up, he caught glimpse of the both of you at the door and set his sights on Rios tall figure as he came further into the room. The baby boy reach out one of his little hands toward Rio knowing exactly where he wanted to go before letting go of the chair. Rio noticed the little boy standing next to the chair just as you joined his side, Atlas reaching his hands out toward you two as he wobbled a little bit trying to find his balance before taking a shaky step forward. The caregivers gasped as he took another wobbly step forward, Rio approaching the little boy to close the distance, Atlas taking another little step before falling on his bum at Rios feet. Rio picked him with nothing but praises and little tickles until the caregivers ran over saying those were his first steps. Both you and Rio were even prouder of the little boy knowing this and played with him some more before going home.
And it was on that walk home where you chated about adopting him. You brought him home with you after he turned one.
The name Atlas is of Greek origin meaning "enduring" or "to endure" or "bearer of the heavens" Atlas in greek mythology also represents 'the freedom at the heights of the spirit'
His middle name Nikko means "person of victory" in greek from greek Goddess Nike, goddess of victory and root origin of "Nicholas", Nikko in Japanese also means "Daylight"
It also reminded me of Nica, Rios little sister🥰🥰
And lastly the baby girls, the twins, the princesses Dylan and Eliana Voleri!!
Just so you know the twins were birthday sex.
Your birthday.
This is Rios fault cus yall were done having kids
Adephagia and Gulliver are 16, Atlas is 8, yall living nice, yall happy, nice domestic life, Rio king, you queen, your six sweet kids that are more or less self sufficient, you know the vibes, they don't call you for every little thing anymore but they're still your babies, it's nice
And then your birthday comes and Rio decides that it's time the twins become babysitters for their youngest siblings and you and him are going to get away from the castle and have sex. Loud nasty adult, no kids in the other room sex.
And listen we is not complaining cus Rio laid it tf down
Yall haven't had sex like this since before yall had kids
Bro laid it down flipped it and reversed
Only it's been enough years for you to forget how fucking potent this mans swimmers are💀
And look you weren't entirely mad
But the fact that they were twins was so fucked up😭😭
Rios coochie privileges were revoked😭
Cus one of the reasons you took a break from having kids is cus you were scared of having twins again cus you already had 6 kids, even 7 sounds like a little overkill but 8⁉️⁉️
You're getting your tubes tied when this is over😭😭
And they're also fraternal twins again like-
Rios not allowed near your vagina ever again cus bitch the garden ain't the only place he planting seeds nah you getting an IUD
Dramatics aside your LAST children didn't cause you as much trouble as the others oldly enough
When you were pregnant with Adephagia and Gulliver you were absolutely miserable and sure this set of twins definitely felt like you were pregnant with twins you didn't want to cry yourself to sleep cus it felt like them mfs were having a WWE fight in your womb and you were in so much pain
The birth didn't almost kill you like Adephagia and Gulliver did but they were also really big babies
Dylan Ayla Voleri, the first to pop out of the two
I really like Dylan as a girls name and Dylan means "great tide" or "great flow" from the Welch sea god "son of the sea" or "born of the ocean", Dylan also has Irish roots meaning "a ray of hope"
Dylan's middle name Ayla means moonlight, halo or halo around the moon in Turkish, but in Hebrew it means terebinth tree or oak tree or from the name Ayala meaning deer
With the name Ayla meaning Halo around the moon it making me think of the solar eclipse, not to mention older sister Halo was born on a solar eclipse
And now baby girl Eliana Kira Voleri
I kinda fell in love with the name Eliana when I saw it tbh, it sounds so pretty and idk it just fits yk
Eliana means "God has answered" and "sun."
With Hebrew roots Eliana is a variation of Eliyanah, sharing its meaning "God has answered." but Eliana is similar to the Latin name Aeliana, meaning "sun," derived from the Roman family name Aelius and Aelius is related to the Greek word helios, which refers to the sun. In both greek and Latin Eliana means "daughter of the sun". Eliana also means "bright" and "mercy"
In other words she's definitely Rios child--
Her middle name Kira means mistress/lady in greek, the Indian name Kira means light, and in Japanese it means glittery/shining/twinkling
Her name literally means shining sun♡
that's all for our little babies, I just made a long ass post even longer
I'll probably add more lore if I think of it but I actually wanna start writing stories now like I feel inspired, I love Rios family❤❤
8 notes · View notes
diyuhnnn · 1 year
living through the sharp edges 🤍
Have you ever stared at a wall blankly then thought about your life decisions? Have you ever felt happy then suddenly, waves of your past surged inside you? Have you ever felt so helpless as you try to go outside a prison? A place where you put yourself into? 
I am one of those people who still lives in a box. I am one of those people who are constantly trying to break free from their “traumatic rooms.” Do you wonder who locked me inside this dungeon? It was me, I am and will always be the problem. I once made a decision that I thought would bring me to a haven of euphoria, but little did I know, it was the opposite. Years have passed but it still haunts me from dusk till dawn. I would still stare at others' reflection but not my mirror. I would still feel my insides shambling whenever I remember the days. The days that will stay as a secret from everyone.
That one night, If I only became smart to protect my innocence. If only I did not give the consensual signal, I can look back. If I only thought of my future. Then the predator should have not come into the picture. 
A predator who hungrily swallowed the existence of its prey. Contrary to the common belief, time might pass but I will never forget nor forgive. Because of that person, I was not able to enjoy the moments of my childhood. I was supposed to be playing and joking around, but instead, I was crying my heart out for an infatuation that I falsely believed. I was supposed to be studying back then, and not romanticizing the time I spent with the demon. I was supposed to be savoring the moments with my peers and not with an adult who abused a kid.
Honestly, I will always be embarrassed of this chapter of my life. It is disgusting, hideous, and broken. But I need to embrace it. I need to embrace the thorns before I can fully bloom into a rose. I admit that I am not still healed, nor will I be in this lifetime. However, I have to live with it. I have to surf through the waves; the low and high. The waves that once destroyed my whole being. And now the reason why I am continuously surfing. 
If the first-ever time machine is created, I will not hesitate to step inside of it. I will not think twice and save that 12-year-old girl. I want to save that bright and contagious smile, her state of innocence, the beautiful things that kept her living. Even if it will cost me more than everything. 
0 notes
ithinkabouttzu · 2 years
Thank you so much ☺️ (For the fem Pacific ship) Okay.. I have grey eyes & long curly light-brown hair. Neutral lipstick! Loose & pretty clothing - satins, fluffy fabrics, etc. Personality is relaxed, comfortable to be around, focused, direct, accepting, open-minded.. A bit neurotic, at times, but I got a good hold on that. Oh, I love cooking, painting, walking around the old streets, being with good company, comfy evenings at home.. Thank you; I so appreciate it 💗
Yes of course thank you so much for requesting!! 💖💖
I ship you with…
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- Okay let me tell you how GORGEOUS she thinks you are when you first meet her.
- Like she doesn’t even know where to began, she absolutely adores your pretty gray eyes, just everything about you is beautiful to her
- She would remind herself that she doesn’t think of you in that way and would rather have you as a friend (girl is literally lying to herself) but when you guys hung out she would catch herself staring at you all the time and would realize she is actually in love you
- I think she would try to hide her feelings as best as she could when you guys hangout, she would keep trying to brush her feelings off until one night after a long walk around the city, she took a chance and kissed you impulsively.
- This would be her first relationship with a girl, so I could see her being timid to come out at first or even mess something up with you, Sometimes it’s just hard to explain those emotions when they aren’t familiar to you and you completely understand that
- I think you would help her a lot in terms of a relationship. You’re her bestfriend AND girlfriend meaning you have her heart FULLY but i think you would show her what wlw relationships are like and would really open her eyes to that type of love.
- PRETTY PRETTY COUPLE like you guys are so dang gorgeous together, when y’all would walk around town with eachother, most guys would try to flirt with one of you, thinking that you guys are friends. Come to find out you guys are in a relationship would be a SHOCK 🤣
- She loves how comfortable she can be around you, she honestly just gets this peacefulness from you when nobody else can make her feel that way.
- Oh my gosh, she would absolutely adore your cooking, just cooking in general is such a loving gesture in your guys relationship. Most evenings, just cooking up in the kitchen together, stealing little kisses here and there, and enjoying each others time with each-other is always so cute
- You’re more of like the chill one in the relationship while she’s more of the go go type, sometimes she’ll wake you up literally at the crack of dawn just so you guys can go do something together
- and you’re just like ??? but you can’t say no to her because she’s literally so adorable and it would almost be a crime to decline her requests
- So you guys would just be out in the early morning, exploring the city together while you’re just over here like 🥱 trying your BEST to not just fall asleep on her shoulder or something
- but also you’re trying you’re best to be supportive of her spontaneous exploring so you hold out from falling asleep, until you guys get home when you’re practically dead
- Wait Let me remind you how much she LOVES your paintings actually like omg, like every time you paint something new she’s so eager to see it, Like literally jumping at her feet at the thought of seeing your work.
- CUTE DATE IDEA 💡: You guys having a sweet couples picnic, the best snacks and in your nicest dresses, just painting the pretty view ahead while, Stella just looks at you like 🥹 the whole time bc she’s just so in love with you
- Wait I got another one : You guys staying in watching movies together because you guys NEED a day of rest after being busy all week, but Stella can just NOT watch the movie, she gets just a random burst of affection and gives it all to you 🤣
- and you would never decline her love but you’re just over there like, “Hun, let’s watch the movie and we can cuddle up later” but she’s having NONE of that, so you suffer in silence while she suffocates you with your kisses (it’s okay we all know you’re secretly enjoying it though)
- But she absolutely loves having a girlfriend to be with and spoil completely with her love 😭
- as we all know, first wlw relationships are something you just CANT get over so even if you guys didn’t work out (which would never happen, you guys WILL be together) she would still be so in love with you
Omg omg thank you for requesting this so much!! I love writing for some wlw and I hope you enjoy!! :))) 💘
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grayce427 · 2 years
Nights With You
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battinson!bruce wayne x f!reader
2,170 words
cw: explicit / nsfw 18+, smut, fluff
a/n: first ever fic for fun, result of my most recent hyperfixation, enjoy !! also on ao3.
The faint, musty scent of mildew permeated the old walls of Wayne Tower. A hint of smoke from the fireplace downstairs drifted into your room and swirled around your bed. It smelled lonely.
You were used to these solitary nights, when the only sounds that permeated the still dark twilight were your own breathing and the incessant tick-tock of the grandfather clock in your bedroom, counting down the seconds until Bruce returned.
It was during times like these that your thoughts were left alone to wander.
You understood the sense of duty that impelled Bruce to don his black armor and cape every night. You understood why he chose to leave tired every night and return even more so, always covered in new scrapes and cuts and bruises.
And you were the one who washed away the blood on his clothes, both his and others’, darkened by grease and mud and shadows. You were the one who carefully cleaned his wounds, who gently bandaged his injuries, who kissed away his pain and exhaustion.
Sometimes you thought that Bruce’s irrepressible need to “save” Gotham was almost like a love of some sorts. And you of all people knew that when Bruce loved something, he would stop at no lengths to protect it.
Sometimes you thought that this stubborn, unmoving commitment would be the end of him. One day, the villains would outnumber or outsmart him, and the Dark Knight would finally fall.
It was often difficult for you to not ask Bruce to stop throwing himself into danger, to beg him to stay with you in the comfort and safety of your shared bed. However, you knew that you could never bar him from defending his city, so instead you chose to support his mission.
But even if you could completely extinguish your misgivings and worries, it was impossible to quell your other wants.
Because no matter how plush and feathery your pricey silk pillows and velvet quilts were, you always felt a little cold laying in bed alone.
And nights too long and lonely always left you a little needy.
So when you heard the telltale albeit muffled screech of the Batmobile’s brakes in Bruce’s lair, you were already out of bed and tiptoeing downstairs.
You avoided the creaky wood planks of the stairs, taking care not to awaken Alfred. If how you felt already meant anything, then things were bound to get heated tonight, and you didn’t want the poor butler to see or hear anything that would provoke a heart attack.
As you rounded the corner, Bruce finally emerged from his Batcave, blinking at the dim lights you had turned on in the manor. His eyes widened when he saw you, taking in your lithe frame, draped with only lacy black undergarments that left little to the imagination.
“Why aren’t you asleep?” he asked, clearly both concerned and amused at your current disheveled state.
Bruce had only just slipped out of his armor, and was dressed in a simple black oversized T-shirt and sweatpants. His mussed brown hair was still damp with sweat from his cowl, and his black eye paint had not yet been completely wiped away, the remaining residue deepening the shadows underneath his eyes.
If anyone else had seen him, they probably would have thought that he was a depressed insomniac who hadn’t slept in days. And honestly, he probably hadn’t.
But to you, he was the most beautiful thing in the whole universe. He looked ethereal, like an angel, his pale skin glowing in the comparative dark of this sacrosanct moment, when it wasn’t quite night anymore but also not quite yet morning.
After so many years together, slipping into this eccentric pattern of dusks in solitude and dawns together in bliss had become your norm. But still, to you, Bruce’s beauty and charm never faded over time, and you never ceased to admire and revere this man who had become your everything.
“I was waiting for you,” you whispered.
The space between your bodies was almost excruciating. All of your nerves protested the frigid air touching your goosebump-covered skin and yearned for Bruce’s blessed touch. Inadvertently, you leaned forward towards your own piece of heaven.
“Sure that’s the only reason?” Bruce smirked. He cleared the remaining distance in a few powerful steps.
Bruce usually played the gentleman, respecting and delivering your pleasure whenever you desired it, but teasing you still granted him a little novelty and excitement.
And usually, you played along, but today you were too far gone to slow down.
You delved into Bruce’s arms in an instant, relishing his strength and warmth. He chuckled and lightly pecked your forehead. You raised your face and moved your soft lips to his in a single chaste kiss.
You felt his rough stubble on your cheeks and breathed him in, perceiving the scent of rain, of car grease, of Gotham. And underneath that was his expensive cologne, the scent of cedarwood, of musk, of the woods.
When you separated, you looked up. He was smiling, and that rare, endearing smile was one of the things you treasured most in this unforgiving world. And if this one kiss was all that you had, just making Bruce smile would have been enough.
But where was the fun in that?
You grinned devilishly and slowly licked your lips. You watched as Bruce’s eyes tracked your tongue’s deliberate movement, left to right and then back again.
“Looks like someone’s a little feisty today,” he murmured, so tantalizingly close. And then suddenly, his own tongue shot out, grazed your ear, and traveled down your face to your lips.
At first, it caught you by surprise. Then you thought,
Two can play that game.
You slid your right hand under his shirt and up his chiseled stomach to his chest. Bruce’s arousal was obvious even underneath the thick gray fabric of his loose sweatpants. Without looking down, you moved your left hand to his growing bulge and squeezed lightly. He stiffened but didn’t pull away.
You felt his hands snake up to your breasts, felt the slight squeeze he gave them, once on each side. His touch was warm, so warm, but you felt chills vibrate down your spine, all the way from your neck to your waist.
You deepened the kiss, no longer maintaining any image of innocence, and searched with your tongue for his.
You were both underwater, engulfed by a vast ocean of desire, and neither of you wanted to return to the surface. After an eternity you wanted to never end, you finally let go, gasping for air. But still, you wanted to plunge back in even deeper.
“Fuck,” you inhaled. “I can’t wait any longer.”
“Lucky for you, then,” Bruce rumbled.
He dipped back down for another kiss. Your hands kept roaming, feeling his body, feeling the staccato of his heartbeat, that rapid thump-thump-thump that meant that he was here and present and alive with exhilaration and passion and love.
You felt him moving, felt yourself moving, but everything was fluid like time and space didn’t exist and you were just together until you weren’t and then there you were, lying on your bed, and there he was, slamming the door shut.
He turned around and you gazed into his ice-blue eyes, darkened by a blazing fire, and you thought to yourself that you would do anything to keep those flames burning, even if they consumed you too.
When he joined you once again, neither of you hesitated. He tore off your bra in one swift and easy motion, and you fumbled with his shirt until his long fingers covered yours and he pulled it off himself.
He trailed delicate kisses down your neck, down your collarbone, down to your bare chest and stomach.
He reached your thighs, nipping your sensitive skin, closer and closer to your clit.
“Jesus,” Bruce heaved. “So wet already, baby.”
Impatiently, you wiggled your damp panties off and pitched them off the bed, not caring where the hell they landed. Bruce had one hand gripping your leg and the other grappling with the strings of his pants until somehow they unknotted themselves and slid off with his boxers, joining the rest of the clothes on the floor.
Now you were completely body to body, skin to skin, but still you wanted more.
“Bruce,” you gasped. “I need you in me.”
He slid one finger into your leaking slit experimentally and when you whined, long and loud, he joined it with another and then another. He slowly glided his fingers back and forth inside your aching pussy.
Bruce reveled in this vulnerability that you exposed only for him. He loved how he was the singular person who could unravel you into such a mess of wet spasms and ragged moans.
His fingers never stopped moving, but now he began to kiss and suck at your neck, your collarbone, your breasts. He left angry red marks on your skin, like they were a claim to you, a label that showed everyone that you were his and only his.
You fell apart in his arms and he fell in love with you all over again, as he did each time, and now all he wanted was to please you, to be the one to bring you to your climax.
“Fuck,” you groaned. “Please, baby. Fuck me, please.”
Slowly, he lowered himself, inch by inch, into your writhing body. He savored your whimpers and whines at every slight shift of his bulky cock.
You were reflexively bucking your hips up and down, agonizingly trying to near your release. Ever the gentleman, Bruce began to help with strong, powerful thrusts, in and almost out and all the way back in again.
Your five senses were magnified by your arousal, and each contact Bruce made with you was a sensory overload, an electric shock, an explosion of thrill and intensity. You were on fire, alight with warmth and lust and desire.
You felt the blaze deep in your stomach increase in heat and power. You were grasping Bruce’s shoulders, his back, his hair, anything that you could reach. His lips found yours again and you didn’t care if you couldn’t breathe, didn’t care if the overwhelming pleasure became pain, because you were holding onto each other, in each other, and that was all that mattered.
But you were right on the edge, so close to your release, and Bruce was right behind you.
His name was the only thing your voice formed, like it was a mantra, like it was the only thing tying you down to Earth.
“I’ve got you,” he assured you huskily. “I’ve got you, love.”
So he gave you one last push and you let go, let the waves of pleasure wash you away, let yourself disappear back into that ocean of emotion and passion. And soon, you felt Bruce join you in your paradise of ecstasy and love. You wanted this moment of fulfillment and bliss to last forever, to be able to lay in his arms forever and never return to reality.
But as with every sea, the tides eventually bring everything back to shore. When the world came crashing back into focus, the first thing you saw was Bruce smiling softly at you. And that made so much sense to you, because that was exactly what he was - your world.
“Hope that satisfied you,” he teased, breaking the silence first, silent laughter and mirth dancing in his beautiful blue eyes.
“Would’ve rated that ten out of five stars,” you returned his banter. You felt so full, both literally and figuratively, that your heart felt like it would burst.
You pulled Bruce close, ever closer, always closer, and buried your face in his chest.
“I love you,” you sighed contentedly, tracing patterns of love on his skin. Tenderly, he kissed your forehead. You knew he wasn’t adept at expressing his feelings with words, but that single compassionate action was enough.
After such an eventful night, you were both tired and sleepy. Bruce hugged you tightly and then relaxed, allowing you to choose how you wanted to rest. You didn’t pull away, instead intertwining your hands with his again in a tangle of limbs and intimacy.
You watched the slow, peaceful rise and fall of his chest, marveling at this wonder of a man.
During the night, he was the vigilante Batman, and during the day, he was the billionaire Bruce Wayne. But during this sacred time, when it was only the two of you, he was just Bruce. And he was completely yours.
The warm dawn gradually bathed the room as the sun rose over Gotham, painting your bodies with glowing shades of light and infusing life into Bruce’s pale face.
You breathed him in, the scent of the man you loved.
He smelled like nights in the streets of Gotham. He smelled like nights at fancy charity galas. But most of all, he smelled like nights with you.
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drakenology · 3 years
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pacify her - bakugo x reader
“...but was he yours if he wanted me so bad?”
author’s note: this baby's for the decadence collab. - thank you to @sugawara-sweetheart​ for allowing me to participate in your lovely event. i hope you and everyone else enjoys! 
warnings: smut, mutual pining, infidelity, cum, unprotected sex, perv bakugo?, male masturbation, fantasizing about reader, car sex... filthy car sex, light degradation
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Your relationship with Katsuki was far from appropriate. Especially since he was already spoken for. Yep, Katsuki and your best friend had been dating for a few months now much to your dismay. Still, the chemistry you two had was so natural. You talked so fluidly, conversations flowing like water since you had so many things in common unlike her. You totally called dibs on him. You just hoped your friend would respect you enough to avoid him. Ha. 
She started flirting with him right in front of you, dangling him in front of your face like a treat for a puppy. When she kissed him, she marked her territory for good so it seemed. 
But even after they started seeing each other, Bakugo’s interest in you never faltered. His eyes always followed your curves when you came over his girl friend’s house for game night, ass begging to be groped and spanked sore. He flirted with you slyly from time to time, winking at you behind his girlfriend’s back or grabbing your hips when he needed to get by you- his crotch somehow finding its way to your ass to brush against it. He wanted you and he always made that so clear with every nibble of his bottom lip as you walked by. 
The attention is why you dressed the way you did. A message of, “This could be all yours” written in every short skirt and high heel you adorned your pretty body in, just further decorating his meal. Oh shit. He almost forgot he had a girlfriend. He just wished he hadn’t fucked his fist to the thought of your tight cunt squeezing his cock snugly, his hot cum oozing from the tip with a hiss and a grunt while she slept peacfully. He wished he hadn’t replaced his girlfriend’s face with yours as he rutted his hips into the soft skin of her ass, imagining he was inside you instead. 
It was game night when your relationship went just a bit too far. Your best friend invited you over to their shared apartment, he of course sitting in the living room pretending to be inconvenienced by the whole thing as usual to not blow his cover. You walk in, looking as scandalous as always, hugging her as you wink behind her back at him - licking your lips to seal the deal.
“So glad you came, Y/N. We have so much to catch up on.” She said, smiling at you genuinely. You smile back with a glint of mischief in your eye. 
“That we do.”
You spend the night with mindless chatter and shitty wine coolers, the ones she always drank. He sat beside her, watching the sports event that was playing on the television with a sigh of disinterest. She gushed about their new apartment and their new life and how their getting a puppy and blah. blah. blah.
All of her irrelevant blabbering went through one ear and out the other as you gawk at her boyfriend with “fuck me eyes”. He was so gorgeous. How’d a basic bitch like her land him? His blonde hair sat in a nuzzled, careless messy atop his head. Crimson eyes that grabbed you by the throat and told you to take it like a good girl. His body was sex itself. All you could think about were the absolutely raunchy thing you wanted to do to him right now.
“I-I’m gonna run to my car real fast, okay? I’ll be right back.” You say, flustered. Your best friend sends you away with a jovial response, you grabbing your keys and walking outside to your car. Once you unlock your car, you fan yourself, your thoughts overtaking you more than you thought. It all happened so fast as you leaned back into the seat, hiked up your leg onto the steering wheel and shoved your hands down your panties from under your skirt. Your other hand catches your breast, pinching and playing with your nipple as you cry out his name. 
It was like he was summoned. Your movements halt with the sound of abrupt tapping on the window of the passenger’s seat. And there he stood outside under the warm glow of the street light above him, his bottom lip caught under his teeth at the sight of you playing with that pretty pussy of yours. You sit there for a while before opening the door and letting him in. He grabs your wrist and sucks on your fingers, savoring your sweetness with a groan. 
“Been waitin’ to get my hands on you.” He grunts before kissing you, making you taste yourself on his lips. 
And that’s how you ended up under him, your legs hitting the ceiling as his cock plunged deep inside your aching cunt. 
“Dirty fuckin’ whore. Getting off to me and your friend’s just inside, huh? You’re fuckin’ sick.” He smirked, licking his thumb before flicking your swelled clit with a groan, eyes closing in bliss when he feels you clamp down on him. You cover your mouth as if the whole neighborhood could hear your whorish screams, the car rocking back and forth with rusty squeaks as Katsuki demolished you. He suddenly disconnects himself from you, slapping your thigh and telling you to bend over. 
Of course you flip your ass right ‘round, lowering your pretty pussy onto his cock with a drawn out whine. Katsuki meets your ass with his hips, his thrusts deep and purposeful. It was beautiful. 
“Shit.. you fuck your girlfriend like this?” You mutter, your hands supporting your balance against the window as you back your ass up on him, attempting to fuck him back by matching his brutal thrusts. 
“Heh.. Wouldn’t you like to know.” He teases, smacking the ass he’s been wanting to smack since he laid eyes on you. You cry out, your nails digging into the interior of your car as he took you. Katsuki’s own noise was muffled as he leaned into your shoulder, nibbling on the skin of your neck to leave marks all over it, not thinking of or caring of the consequences.
“I-I’m about to cum, Katsuki. Yes!” You gripe, his hands finding their way to your breasts to squeeze them, savoring every part of your body. 
“Tha’s it baby, cum on my dick. Cum on my fuckin’ dick.” He encouraged, his hips snapping to finish the job as his own release come near. Your cunt hugged him tightly as you came, Bakugo following right behind you as he pulled out, glazing your ass cheeks in his hot cum after fucking his fist a few times. You both pant aloud, drinking in the high you both shared as your hands wipe the sweat from your brow. Then it dawns on you. You really just fucked your best friend’s boyfriend and honestly, you were ready for any consequences that came with that. You hum as you feel Katsuki’s hands soothe your thighs, asking if you’ve got a couple napkins to clean you up until another hard tap on the glass freezes you both in place. 
“Are you FUCKING kidding me?!” 
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