#honestly i really want to write a fic but i dont think i have the time skill or artistic vision to execute it
simonsrileyhusband · 23 hours
Hello!! I don't really know who exactly you write for but! I'm a huge sucker for cod men.
I'd love to see a reader x (any, completely your choice) cod men. But, reader has Vasovagal syncope. I actually struggle with this condition and know first hand what it's like. Honestly, I just want to make this condition to be a bit more normalized and I'd love to see a reader with the same struggles I have.
In my mind, the one shot, Drabble or fic, completely your choice of what you want to write it as, it's got all three- angst, fluff and smut. But that's just in my mind.
If you don't feel comfortable with this request I completely understand and respect it! After all you are the writer!
note: im not very familiar with the symptoms of this condition, so sorry if i this isnt as accurate.
implied nsfw:
simon is very hyper aware of you all the time, always making sure you don't stress out, stand for too long in the sun, don't get overwhelmed, etc.
but sometimes it just happens, your vision gets blury, your hands feel numb and before you know it his big arms wrap around you and pull you to his chest, keeping you from falling, your head resting against his fast heartbeat.
"come on lovie, lets go rest" he kisses ypur forehead as he carries you to the couch, gently sitting down with you sat across his lap, holding you like a baby he is afraid to let go off. "take your time, need water or something to eat?".
simon is used to you fainting of being close to it, but it still shakes his body, making him act like he hasnt seen you like that before.
"what's wrong baby? talk to me"
"just work, had been thinking a lot about it and... i think it got to me."
"mhm." he kisses your forehead, his lips lingering there of a few seconds. one of his hands rub circles on your back and the other rests gently on your thighs.
"we cant have that happen again, can we? my lovie cant stress out about things like that." he starts kissing your cheek, down to your jaw and neck. "dont worry baby, ill make sure you dont think about anything for a while."
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sokkszn · 3 days
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you know, he won’t
anton x fem!reader
warnings: (his name is mentioned once so you can very much imagine anyone else in his position) angst angst angsttttttt, mention of period, cussing, questioning his sexuality and damn its just angst guys. fluff if u squint and face away from ur screen👍(proofread but take it w a grain of salt its 5.20am rn)
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your relationship with anton was complicated. it seems crazy to say that because you were dating him —have been for years. you knew you loved him, or else you wouldn’t have stayed all those years. it was just how he treats you.
he didn’t treat you badly, you dont think he was even capable of doing so, he was just… so, absent minded? inattentive rather. he just never paid attention. of course theres the cute things that he does like, buying you a fresh bouquet of flowers every weekend, or buying you snacks when you’re on your period. but it was never your favourites, it was never fresh smelling hyacinth, the only flower you found yourself obsessing over, or your favourite bitter-tasting dark chocolate. you remember listing these early on into dating, thinking he would’ve atleast noted it down, but, nothing.
it was all trivial at the end of the day, you know he loves you… he just has an odd way of showing it, you guess. his love was never accommodated to you, he loved you the way he wanted to, there’s nothing wrong with that, you think, but you just wish you could be loved the way you wanted, you wish you could morph him into your perfect man. which sucks, because you knew he was good for you, you knew you loved him, you just wished he was better.
you tried to accept him for what he truly is —distant. but sometimes it hurts? not being able to receive what you want from this relationship knowing he receives what he wants. you know he loves you but why won’t he show it? properly.
you want to hold him in the night, you want to caress his hair to relieve his stress, you want to jump up and down excited with him, you want to love him, but you just, can’t. you can’t look at him without feeling resentment, without feeling like you’re the problem, and sometimes you are, you can admit that, but this.. this is different, its not a fight, its not a disagreement nor is it an argument. you just don’t feel loved, the way you want at least. this makes you feel selfish, but he’s the one being loved, not you. you know that he knows you feel like this, but he won’t do anything about it. you know he loves you, but he wont show it.
he makes you feel disgusting, like you’re unlovable —or rather unworthy of love. but you know he loves you.
it hurts, honestly, it really fucking hurts. you see how he acts with his friends, how he’s comfortable with initiating skinship with them, how he gets excited around them, how he remembers little things about them. honestly? sometimes you think he’s gay.
maybe this is all out of jealousy, but you’re his girlfriend, he just doesn’t fucking act like it.
for some reason, even though you know it’s not your fault, you cant help but feel guilty and tear up at these thoughts, he’s your boyfriend, you’re meant to love him wholeheartedly. and you did, but thats exactly the problem, you did.
maybe, you truly just loved him.
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a/n: guys i’ve never been in a relationship i have no clue where this angst came from 👍 also im ngl the whole time writing this i felt like i was in that one sad video, daddy is the sweetest in the world, daddy wants me to be the best, i love my daddy, but…. but he lies 😭😭😭 guys did i eat w the fic name yes or naurrrrrr 🫦
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Rules: You will be given a word. Share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that start with each letter of that word.
Thank you do much to @zorilleerrant for tagging me! It’s been so long since I’ve been tagged in one of these I’m so excited :D My word is JUICE.
1: J (Unnamed WIP. Yes obviously Billy is the kid, who do you think I am?)
Just as he was about to start CPR, the kid opens his eyes, looking blearily up at him and breathing calmly as if he hadn't just died. No gasp of air to make up for at least five minutes of breathlessness, no panicked glancing around wondering why they're under tons of rubble. The kid just… blinks at him.
2: U (Unnamed WIP, Clark's POV)
Ugh. Magic. He should have minded his own business from the start. Unfortunately, there's no way he can run from this now, not with Zatanna looking at him with so much hope in her eyes.
3: I (From an almost completed one shot)
"... Is he high?" Barry questions. Victor turns around to glare at him. "What!? I'm just asking!"
4: C (From chapter 6 of 'Learning to Live')
Captain Marvel pulls a jar of metal screws from… who knows where, and hands it to Clark with the most innocent face known to man. He was practically glowing. Hal has no clue whether he did this to screw (hah) with Clark or if he was genuinely just trying to help, but he honestly couldn't care less when he sees the resigned look cross Clark’s face before he eats the entire jar, glass and all, in seven seconds flat.
5: E (from and unfinished fic called ‘Two Halves, Never Whole’)
Excuse him?? Was he just profiled by an old rich jerk with an ego big enough to purchase a gold encrusted pen? (Yes, you heard him right, there is a golden pen laying on the coffee table.) Just because Billy doesn’t have any money, a home, or any way to sustain himself doesn’t mean he’s a thief by default! He’s a hero for goodness sakes! Billy walks past the table, now lacking a golden pen, and plops down onto the ridiculously comfortable couch. Rich people are so annoying.
Doing this made me realize that I dont have nearly as much writing done as I thought. It was really difficult to find all the sentences! Also I got tagged in like three more of these while I was working on this one! Am I supposed to do all of them? I want to but I’m not sure if I have enough drafts!
Tagging @teehhhhhhhhhhh and @wildglitch ! Anyone else is encouraged to join as well! I don’t know who has been tagged already or not.
Your word is “WORD”
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myokk · 2 months
before it felt like a sin, ch. 1
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pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
word count: 3000
summary: Eloise never wanted to be different.
And yet, her differences are what have defined her life up until this point: growing up as a squib in one of the most prominent wizarding families, being exiled to muggle society, and then attending Hogwarts at the age of sixteen.
She finds herself thrust into the life she should have been prepared for from birth but was denied. As she navigates this new life and her new precarious position in her family, she must come to terms with the fact that maybe what she dreamed of her whole life isn't turning out how she ever expected it would.
a/n: Hi everyone!! I decided to post this here too...I'm slowly going through everything I've written so far, and I want to post each chapter here as I edit them. I'm hoping that this can be a way to a) get back in to writing more, and b) get better at my art as I make full illustrations for each chapter. Let me know what you think!! :)
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There is nothing quite as horrible as being a muggle, Eloise thought savagely as she ripped out yet another stitch in the landscape she was embroidering. At least, it was supposed to be a landscape. Maybe with her head tilted to the left and with her eyes almost closed so everything blurred together, it might resemble one. She did just that, trying her hardest to make out some recognizable shape and blast the stupid practice of manually pushing colored thread through a fabric in some sort of -
“And what is this, Miss Babbit?”
Eloise jumped at the sound and looked up at the scowling face of her teacher, and then quickly back down at the tangled thread in her lap. Behind her, she could hear the hushed giggles of the other girls in her class.
“Oh! Er…it’s -”
“How long have you been here?” the woman interrupted.
“One hour…I just -”
“Don’t be smart with me. I mean, at this institute.”
“Five years.” Eloise glared down at her embroidery as if it had personally offended her. It wasn’t like she was actively trying to be bad at everything, but she had the distinct disadvantage - how had it ever come to be that she would be at a disadvantage to muggles? - of not having spent a lifetime being prepared for muggle society and all that it entailed. The last five years had been a monotonous, endless cycle of lessons designed to turn her into the perfect lady: French (a waste of time as Eloise was already fluent), embroidery (a waste of time as the things she embroidered weren’t actually useful), dancing (a waste of time as she was already engaged to be married - why would she bother trying to woo another silly man?), and her most dreaded class of all: etiquette. No matter how many years had been spent trying to assimilate into muggle culture, her thoughts still got muddled when she tried to remember the steps to a dance, or how to properly address the son of a duke.
Did it really matter, anyways, what the other girls thought? She had pretended her whole life to be the daughter she thought her parents had wanted - now she was simply pretending that she hadn’t been thrown into the muggle world without a second thought. What was a bit more pretending - that she didn’t care? That she hadn’t been tossed aside without a second thought?
“Exactly. Five years. And yet, you have shown no progress whatsoever. This -” a finger jabbed accusingly at the embroidery - “is absolutely horrendous. If your parents hadn’t continued to make such a sizeable donation every year, I would have deemed you a lost cause and sent you packing when you first arrived. How your family ever managed your betrothal to the son of an earl is beyond me.”
Eloise grimaced at the mention of her fiance as her teacher clapped her hands together to get the attention of the class - a wholly unnecessary action due to the fact that it was already being given. “Class is dismissed. Please collect your belongings and put them in the correct place. Remember, as future wives and mothers, you must be organized in all aspects of your life. Many of you will be managing important households and the slightest misstep -“ a slight glance to Eloise out of the corner of her eye - “can cause the biggest of scandals.”
Eloise raced to gather her things and leave the classroom before everyone else. No matter how many years had been spent at the school, she couldn’t help but hate sitting through the classes amongst the judgmental stares and snide remarks. Although things had started out shaky at the finishing school - to be expected, really, when you’ve grown up in wizarding society and then are then forced to live as a muggle - it still stung that after all these years, she still hadn’t found a friendly face. She was treated as if she were a pariah: it was as if the other girls just knew that something was different about her. But…wasn’t that the great irony of it all? She wasn’t different than them. She was a filthy squib.
When she first arrived at the school, she was an anomaly. A twelve-year-old girl who didn’t know how to play the piano or who the queen was. It was clear to everyone that Eloise wasn’t the charity case of the school - her parents were obviously quite wealthy - and yet they seemingly wanted nothing to do with her. Whereas the others got regular letters and visits from their family, it was as if Eloise were an orphan. Nothing new to her of course, but to her peers this otherness aided them in her ostracization.
Upon entering her room, she was abruptly pulled out of her thoughts. Something wasn’t right. Everything seemed the same: a twin bed perfectly made opposite a small wardrobe, a plain wooden desk placed between them. The weak afternoon sunlight shone through the window, illuminating her desk. But…there.
Placed on her bed, resting on the pillow, was a letter.
She never received letters.
Eloise shoved her embroidery under her bed and hungrily grabbed at it, pausing when she saw the address. Miss E. Babbit. The Third Bedroom on the Left… It seemed vaguely familiar to her in a way she couldn’t quite put her finger on.
As she read the letter, though, it became apparent to her exactly why this was. Although not exactly the same as the one her brother had received six years earlier, it quickly became apparent that this was a Hogwarts letter. For her. For Miss E. Babbit.
Hands shaking, she set the letter down on her desk and sat on the edge of her bed. She smoothed her hands over her skirt over and over, taking comfort in the familiar softness as she tried to even her breathing.
How was this possible? She had all but accepted the fact that she was a squib. The shame of her family, a dirty secret to be hidden away and never talked about or mentioned again. Her parents had suspected as much by the time she had turned seven without any signs of magic whatsoever manifesting around her - not even a basic transformation of brussel sprouts to sweets during dinner. It was ultimately confirmed, however, when her own Hogwarts acceptance letter never arrived. She had spent the whole year before her banishment daydreaming about her life at Hogwarts, still optimistic that there could be something magical inside of her. Her brother, Leo, came home every holiday with wonderful stories of his new friends and teachers, and the subjects he was learning at school. Even back then, at twelve years old, Eloise hadn’t been sure if he was actually hopeful she wasn’t a squib, or if he had been trying to prolong the fantasy for her before it all came crashing down.
Although she had had five years to come to terms with her new life, there was still a small part of her that hoped. A small “what if…”. She had tried time and time again to squash that tiny ray of optimism that would escape every so often, tried so very hard to cultivate a hard exterior that wouldn’t let any sort of vulnerability shine through. And that optimism was a vulnerability, after all. It was that vulnerability that had made it absolutely impossible for her to fit in the muggle world, and made it so that she didn’t really want to try.
Five years to come to terms with the fact that she needed a new purpose for her life and…
…not anymore?
Eloise grabbed the letter and greedily read through it again, drinking in all of the words. She paused at the end, thinking. Was this a forgery? Some sort of awful joke orchestrated by her brother? Leo had never been cruel to her in the past; in fact, he was the one who always encouraged her and was the most probable source of the small optimism that remained within her. However, she had no way of knowing how he had changed since she had last seen him. It had been, after all, five very long years. And not once had she heard from him, even though he had promised her through huge sobbing gulps that he would never abandon her. Maybe their parents had slowly poisoned him against her. It would be right on the nose for them, after all.
Looking at the envelope again, however…Third Bedroom on the Left…no. It was too specific. Nobody in her previous life had any reason to even want to contact her again, and nobody in her current life even knew what Hogwarts was, let alone have the ability to convincingly forge a letter just to have some fun at her expense.
A light, bubbly feeling began to spread throughout her body as it sunk in that this was real. She was going to Hogwarts. Soon, a - squinting at the letter again - a Professor Fig would be contacting her and giving her things to study. A huge grin slowly spread across her face and she hugged the letter to her chest as she fell back on her bed. She read through it again. Was it the fifth time already? It felt as though no amount of times rereading the letter would ever be enough.
Eloise got up and walked over to look at the calendar on her desk. She was surprised to see that September 1st was in only two days. The days at the finishing school moved in such a strange, sluggish way. They all felt the same. Monotonous. French and Latin and embroidery and household management and Merlin even knows what else all blending into each other in an endless parade of dusty classrooms and gossip and boredom.
The light feeling left her in an instant as, after years of practice, the optimism was squashed back down. But how will you even get to London? And, her brain added sneakily, you haven’t even shown any signs of magic. Maybe you’ll just be returned back here after they realize their mistake.
No, she thought fiercely, gripping the letter. Until -
A tapping came from the window. A tentative smile returned at the sight of a tawny brown owl with another envelope in its beak. She ripped it open as soon as it was in her hands (again addressed to Miss E. Babbit) and along with the letter a small, purple pouch fell out of the envelope and onto her bed.
Miss Eloise Babbit,
I am pleased to be the wizard charged with such an important task as escorting you to Hogwarts in two days’ time. It is something extraordinary to be accepted in your fifth-year, and as such, I expect extraordinary things from you. I have enclosed a small pouch along with this envelope, and in it are some items that will be vital to you in the upcoming days. I have included books for you to study at your leisure, and a small gobstone that will bring you to our rendezvous point in London. All you have to do is touch it at noon on the 1st and you will be transported instantly.
Your family has not been informed of your acceptance. I am sure you understand why - at this, Eloise scoffed quietly to herself - which is why I will personally be your escort.
I am looking forward to meeting you and bringing you to the sorting ceremony in two days’ time.
Eleazar Fig
The handwriting was tiny and spidery and cramped, but it didn’t stop Eloise from reading it with the same vigor as the previous letter and as many times. Finally, she turned to the small pouch that had fallen onto her bed when she opened the second envelope. It must have had an invisible extension charm, because it was filled to the brim with books on basic spellwork and general wizarding history. Professor Fig had no way of knowing, but Eloise had already read many of these books and many more during the year her brother had started Hogwarts, as she had needed to know absolutely everything about what would be awaiting her. A few years may have passed since she had stepped foot in her family’s library, but she couldn’t get the books or their contents out of her brain even if she had wanted to. She had really wanted to forget everything she knew about the magical world when it was confirmed she was a squib but it was a futile effort. As she zoned out during her piano lessons, she would find herself mentally going through the movements to cast different charms.
It was painful to be thinking about things from the life that had been ripped away from her, to know that what she was thinking about would never come to pass, that she would never be able to wield magic - and yet she couldn’t find herself able to stop.
As Eloise picked out one of the books and settled into her armchair, a steely resolve overcame her.
She would prove that she deserved to be there, and was just as capable as any of they were. She would make her parents regret ever discarding her like she was nothing.
She was worthy. She was capable. And she would prove it.
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The morning of September 1st dawned cold and rainy. Absolutely perfect.
Eloise had pretended to be sick the night before, and no one had suspected a thing when she stayed in bed long after all of the other girls had gotten ready and headed to breakfast. As the last of the chattering faded away down the hallway, Eloise finally got out of bed and prepared herself for the day. It was difficult to sit still long enough to braid her hair. Her fingers wouldn’t stop trembling and she had to restart countless times. Finally, she tied the black ribbon at the end into a neat bow and turned to the drawer of her desk to retrieve the small purple pouch she had hidden away.
Everything she deemed important enough to come along with her had already been placed inside: the books from Professor Fig, the hair ribbons gifted to her by her brother many years ago, and some clothing. Nothing else was coming with. She needed the fresh start. Besides, anything else she might need would be supplied, as her acceptance letter had specifically stated that any school supplies would be provided to her.
Waiting the hours before noon came along proved to be more difficult than Eloise had imagined. Time seemed to be moving slower than the molasses that had come with the breakfast sent up to her, the steady patter of the rain becoming a sort of metronome keeping time as she paced back and forth. Wasn’t there anything that could distract her, even for a bit? She glanced at the clock. Only five minutes had passed since the last time. 10.35.
The second hand ticking away in tandem with the sound of rain splashing against her window.
What if this was all a trick? What if she arrived at Hogwarts, and they turned her away because they realized they had made a mistake? After all, why would they admit a sixteen-year-old? Surely she was too old; every other student had started Hogwarts at the age of twelve and had shown signs of magic much earlier than that. She still hadn’t shown any signs of magical capability whatsoever, and didn’t feel any different than she had before receiving the letter. It had to be a fluke.
As her thoughts started veering into the melancholy she was prone to, she shook her head. No. Today was a happy, exciting day. She wasn’t going to squash the optimism down today, not when she needed it most. All of these thoughts she was having were simply that: thoughts. Not reality. Hogwarts never made a mistake, and in all of the history books she had read, she couldn’t recall an instance of someone being turned away at the door. Granted, she had also never heard of someone being admitted so late. But, better to focus on what she did know, which was that she had gotten the letter. It must be right in its assumption that she had magic.
Trying to pass the time was easier said than done. She ended up quizzing herself on all of the charms she had memorized in the books sent by Professor Fig, moving an imaginary wand in the precise movements needed to successfully cast and focusing on her pronunciation. She had studied all of these forms late into both nights she had had the books, and when she would eventually close her eyes to sleep, the wand movements were all she saw.
Eloise was determined that she would receive pity from nobody. Nobody was going to look at her like she was lacking. She had gotten enough of that to last a lifetime, and now that she was given this opportunity she wasn’t about to waste it.
When noon finally struck, Eloise was ready and waiting. She eagerly grabbed the gobstone that was sitting on her desk and felt the familiar tugging sensation in her navel as she was whisked away to London and the beginning of her new life.
next chapter
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Hey, so, if you wanna see more than just Frenrey from me, you could always like. send me prompts or something.
Can't promise I'll do them but I have no brain and no ideas aside from a few exceptions, one of them being frenrey.
or if it's bothering you that much you could always just... block the tag?
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woulddieforloki · 2 years
i wanna write a valentines day fic but idk who or what to write it about lol
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quil12 · 1 year
Tell me why this chapter is literally over 20 pages and almost 7k words and I'm not even done with it...
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huuuuughes · 2 months
First Time Feeling - Mat Barzal x Reader
Pairing: Mat Barzal x Fem!Reader
Word count: 6.4k
Warnings: so much fluff, did i go overboard? maybe lol
A/N: this was my first time participating in a fic exchange and i honestly had so much fun. this is for the summer fic exchange 2k24 hosted by the lovely @wyattjohnston. it is written for the also fantastic @ahockeywrites! i am your friendly neighborhood exchange writer. i hope you enjoy it as much as i did writing it!
also i used google translate for the french. pls dont come for me if its not right im doing my best
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It’s that time of year, when hockey pauses and every hockey player you know has a wedding because they scarcely get to have them in season. Growing up a coach's daughter, you were not unfamiliar with NHL weddings, and it meant your best friends were other kids from the organization your dad was in at the time. Now that you were getting to be that age it meant everyone you knew was having weddings.
Except you.
You were the one single person remaining in the bridal party for your best friend. Everyone did their best to try and include you without making it feel like third wheeling but sometimes it felt like that anyway. It wasn’t like they could help it and you were always happy for them. Weddings just seemed to rub salt in a wound now. Being alone scared you more than a lot of things. Which is why you were taking this bachelorette weekend to let loose and have fun. At least more than you usually let yourself. Your ability to do shots at a fast pace and without hesitation got you to that buzzed feeling a little too quickly.
But everyone was having fun. The band that was playing for the bar was insanely good and every song kept making you wanna dance. You managed to drag a few of your friends out onto the dance floor with you and it was the first time you felt free in a very long time.
“We’re gonna go get a drink, do you want something?!” Hannah attempts to yell over the volume of the music.
“YEAH, just water is good! Thanks!” You didn’t want to leave the dance floor- you were having a really good time. You let the music be your happy place for the moment, forgetting any problem you had before coming in the door. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed a trio of men looking at you. And then you have to do a double take, because you’d just seen those same 3 men at the previous bar, and the one before that…
Moving to a different spot on the dance floor didn’t seem to help. Hannah still wasn’t back from the bar and you were starting to think that these creeps were trying to form some kind of blockade. It was unsettling, but your usual fears were blurred by the alcohol that was currently coursing through your veins. You had forgotten there was a reason you didn’t like to drink that often. Then there was a tap on your shoulder, and as you turned around one of them was right there.
“You wanna dance sweetheart?” He screamed in your ear.
“No thanks! Just waiting for a friend!”
“I don’t see that friend anywhere right now, why don’t you want to dance?” Attempting to get closer to you, he moved forward causing you to back up into a stranger. Another one of his friends, you discovered, once you saw the first one smirk like there was some kind of inside joke that you weren’t in on.
“I said no.”
“That’s not what that outfit says.”
“Get away from me you fucking creep.” Your voice was firm, attempting to just go back to having fun. You closed your eyes, trying to let the music flow through you again. When you opened them there was yet another man coming at you, but this one didn’t feel threatening. He looked familiar, like you had maybe seen him before in passing. You couldn’t place it sober, and you definitely couldn’t in the current state you were in. He was making a beeline for you, pushing the first creep out of his way and almost onto the ground.
“Holy shit babe, there you are!You, my love, are too drunk! Time to go home!” Before you knew it he was reaching for your waist and your feet were no longer touching the ground. He throws you over his shoulder like you were nothing but a paper weight. Instead of the panic you should have felt, you relaxed over him. You didn’t fight the motion, it felt good to just stop for a moment. But then you realized that you really didn’t know who this was either and you just let a strange man pick you up and carry you out of the dance floor area.
“UM YEA HI, WHO ARE YOU?” You attempted to yell at him but the music was still loud. He either didn’t hear you or chose not to respond because you didn’t receive a response.
“Excuse me! Sir! I demand to know who you are please!”
Still nothing from him. He was like a big brick wall.
But then you were on the ground again. It had felt like years before he set you down again but when he did you were once again reunited with your friends. You finally had a chance to get a good look at the stranger who carried you. He was definitely over six feet tall, and was honestly the hottest man you’d ever seen in your life. His eyes were a soft brown color that you could almost drown in. His hair was also brown, and fell in different directions all over his head. The expression on his face was a neutral one, but you felt drawn to him.
“Girl holy shit, why didn’t you tell us those creeps were still following you?!”
“Stop shouting at him babe, you are FINE!”
“You guys failed to mention your friend was such a chatterbox when she’s intoxicated.” The man laughed, but you could barely focus on anything with the way the world seemed to be swaying about.
“Thanks so much Mat, for rescuing our friend. She’s kind of key to the wedding festivities this weekend.”
“No problem. I hope your night gets better from here. Tell Coach I said hi. Maybe I’ll see you this weekend ladies.” He winked, like he knew he was going to but was just saying that to be clever. He looked like he felt accomplished about your frustrated state. As if he found it cute or endearing that you were so small yet had so much anger.
“You know she’s single Mat!” One of your friends interjected. And with that the handsome stranger who now had a name walked off and out of the bar, and you wondered who his friends were. You watched as a smile broke out on his face again, as if he was thinking hard about the proposition just said to him.
“Have a safe night ladies.” He lifted his head in a nod and you watched him walk out of the bar and out of your sight.
Everyone in your group had also decided that they had enough for the night and you booked it back to your hotel. The wedding was in 2 days, and the rehearsal dinner is tomorrow evening. Tonight was the last night to let loose and perhaps you had come too loose.
The next morning…
Your head was pounding. Opening your eyes was a no go, the light too painful to look at. It was like your entire head was pulsing. Liquor should definitely not be mixed with any other type of alcohol, you thought.
“WAKEY WAKEY BITCH, UP AND AT EM!” The bride came into your room, clearly more ready to tackle the day than you were.
“Oh my god Hannah. STOP YELLING. My head is killing me…” you groaned.
“Oh I know, I was there too, bestie. I’ve brought Tylenol and water, and there’s breakfast in my room. Oh and here’s some sunglasses. Those might help for a bit.” She thrust all of the items in your arms and helped you sit up without dying.
“Come on, we have a bridal party meeting, maid of honor!”
You loved Hannah, you really did, but if she didn’t lower her volume you thought your head might explode. After a quick shower, some meds, and an outfit change you were ready for the bridal party meeting there was to be had. When you walked into the room it was a mixture of excitement and groaning. All of the bridesmaids looked like they’d been through it, but the groomsmen were relaxed. The groom had his party a few weeks ago, just in case any shenanigans ensued.
“There she is!”
That voice. You knew that voice…God why did you know that voice?
You almost dropped the plate of food in your hands. When you turned around the shock of who it was rendered you speechless. It was the man who carried you across the bar last night. The man you thought you’d never see again after that embarrassing spectacle you’d caused. The memory was slowly coming back to you, and you really, really hoped there wasn’t video evidence.
“Good to see you survived your journey home.” He smirked.
“Wait! Do you know Mat?!” Clutterbuck asked. You knew Cal from your dad’s years in the league. You knew most of the people in the room, but Mat had been a pretty private guy. You didn’t really know much about him other than he was damn good at hockey and had pretty nice eyes. Since you only knew him in passing, you had never heard him talk much and drunk, you definitely did not recognize him. You felt like the blood had entirely drained from your face all you could think of was how quickly you could get out of that room.
“Apparently I do.” Your eyes tried to stay fixed on the ground as the meeting got started. It was basically just going over who was going to walk down the aisle with who and what everyone’s entrances would be for the reception.
“So, you’ll be with Mat. You guys good with that?” You locked eyes with your best friend. You knew exactly what she was doing. She was trying to play matchmaker without even asking you first. How would she even know if he was your type?
“I mean I-,” You stammered.
“Yeah, it sounds great to me.”
Finally you had to look at him. Of course he would say that, maybe he was in on it, you were being tortured by all of your friends. You had to begin lining up to practice, making sure you didn’t fall flat on your face and embarrass the bride. They all knew him, there was definitely an underlying motive. You had a feeling it was because they didn’t want everyone to pair up and you were left by yourself. It was a nice gesture, but being filled in would have felt nice so you did not in fact have a strange man picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder in a bar.
Being the maid of honor, you were last in the order to go. You waited patiently in the back of the line, the only one who was not linked in arms with their partner. Mat offered his arm to you, attempting to show some good will.
“You gonna take it?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Listen, I’m sorry about last night. Your friends told me to come get you by whatever means necessary so that is what I did.”
“So you decided the only way was to pick me up with no warning? Who taught you to do that?” You threw your arms up in the air almost in defeat, you didn’t know what to make of what he did. You may have been drunk but you were never going to forget looking down at the ground when being carried across the room.
“I don’t know what you want me to tell you.” He shrugged and still somehow managed to look smug. He knows what he’s doing, and he definitely thought that he was being charming by doing so.
“I want you to tell me why you did that! All you had to do was grab my hand and lead me away!” You’d had enough of his games. You were going to get some answers before the night was over and done with.
“They all seem to know you, but I don’t. Why is that?” You had turned to face him, staring him down in order to get him to crack. It was almost your turn. You’d run into a slight issue when the bride decided she wanted to switch up the order of things before the honors of maid of honor and best man. All this meant was more time to get him to crack, which if he had known any better, would not take you very long. His resolve was weakening, and quickly.
“I’ve been around. You just haven’t noticed me.”
“I think I would have noticed you.” It would be hard to miss someone as pretty as he was. Did you really just admit that? Your dad hadn’t been with the Islanders for several years, but you still knew who most of the team was. Based on what you had managed to Google on the walk from the meeting to the present rehearsal location was that he was a pretty damn good hockey player.
“I don’t think so sweetheart. Your friends have told me all about you too, you know.”
“Oh yeah? What did they tell you?” You were almost angry but didn’t know why.
“Well for starters they just want you to be happy. They know you haven’t been happy for a little while now.” He smiled at you, and you tried not to melt in response. The way your body reacted so physically to him when all he did was smile was not something that you could ignore.
“And what else?” You prompted.
“My last relationship was some time ago, and let’s just say it didn’t end that well. They’ve noticed I haven’t been happy either.”
“You look happy to me.”
“Looks can be deceiving. The cameras and the media pick up only what they want to see.” This time he didn’t meet your eye. Which told you everything you needed to know. You would never understand how strangers and the media thought they knew someone just by what you see them do as an athlete. As if they don’t have personal lives or things that are important to them. Your suspicions were confirmed, but not in the way you thought. Of course your friends wanted to set you up with someone. Not to be funny or to try and make a joke, but they hated to see you so unhappy. Things were starting to make a little more sense.
“So you knew their motives?” You asked, feeling bad about how you had sort of gone at him without knowing why. You couldn’t undo the years of crappy guys that you had to deal with in the past, but now you could learn to give Mat a better chance.
“Partially. I knew they wanted to set me up with someone, but I don’t enjoy the anxiety of blind dates. They didn’t want me to say anything to you- they wanted to protect you. Based on your reaction I’m guessing you don’t enjoy surprises either.”
“Correct. So what would you like to do about this?” You asked, hopeful.
“I think we should see where the weekend takes us, and go from there. How’s that sound?”
You hoped that he couldn’t see the blush starting to appear in your cheeks. Your friends did this on purpose. They wouldn’t just set you up with some hockey player they didn’t know or trust, they knew he had to be vetted first. They also knew that you wouldn’t just take being set up with someone due to your stubbornness, so this was the only way they knew how to get to you.
“I’d like that.” His smile was infectious and you could feel yourself reciprocating.
Once the rehearsal dinner was figured out, the rest of the evening seemed to go as planned. Most importantly, the bride was happy. You noticed Mat across the room, smiling at you. You were alone at the bar, and watched him excuse himself from the conversation he was having to walk your direction.
“You wanna get out of here?” It was almost a whisper, so only you could hear it. You looked around the room to make sure that your absence wouldn’t be noticed.
“I thought you’d never ask.” You took the hand that he offered you and followed him out of the room. His car was already waiting, the perks of having the wedding on Long Island was a lot of the wedding guests already lived in the area.
“I feel like a teenager sneaking out when I’m not supposed to!” He held the door open for you as you slid in, and he climbed into the driver’s seat, “Where are you taking me sir?”
The sun was starting to set, making the sky an orangish pink color. It was like all of the colors of the sky melting together, painting a beautiful scene that no camera could ever do justice. He reached over and grabbed your hand as he began to drive. It looked like he was going nowhere in particular, and he squeezed your hand gently. You appreciated a first move when you saw one, it took the anxiety out of the way and you instantly felt more relaxed around him.
“There’s somewhere I want to show you. It’s not that far from here, is that okay?” You nodded. According to maps, the destination was only a few miles away. It was almost dark out, but not quite. The sun rested quietly in the sky, hovering just above the skyline ready to disappear. Mat still held your hand in his, gently squeezing every so often as if to reassure you of something but you weren’t quite sure what yet. When you arrived at your destination, there wasn’t another car to be seen. The only sound came from a distance, and then you looked around.
“Where are we?” You asked.
“Crescent Beach. I used to come here a lot when I first came to New York. The city can be overwhelming sometimes, but out here you can actually hear yourself think. The sunset’s here are something to behold, I’ve heard.” He held out his hand for you to take, and led you on to the beach. He had already grabbed two blankets from his trunk. You laughed a little bit, you always kept blankets and towels in the back of your car just in case too.
“It looks like we’re just in time for sunset.” Mat laid down one of the blankets on the sand. You were close enough to the water to be able to smell it, but not close enough that the tide could touch you. He placed the other blanket over the two of you, sitting down beside you after you got comfortable.
“The sky looks beautiful right now. I would have never thought a sunset in Long Island could look like this!” You closed your eyes for a second, taking in the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves. It was the peace you were looking for during the wedding weekend.
“New York can be beautiful when it wants to be. You just have to know where to look.”
“I like to think that whenever there is a sunset this beautiful, it’s just someone you lost saying hello. Like a little wave from the sky, you know?” You asked him. He nodded, looking out across the horizon. “Tell me about you Mat.”
“What do you want to know?”
“Why did our friends want to set you up with someone?” You were curious.
“I’d been on and off with someone for a long time. It was unhealthy for me, and for anyone to be around me. Let’s just say I wasn’t always the most pleasant person. I want to start a family one day. With as much as players can move around, my home is with a person. Not a place or anything like that, if that makes any sense at all.”
“I was the same way with my dad. We moved around every few years, it felt like I could never really put down roots in one place.”
“What’s your favorite color?” He asked, seemingly out of nowhere.
“What does my favorite color have to do with anything?”
“It says a lot about a person to me.”
“You’re a little strange, has anyone ever told you that?” You both laughed, his was infectious.
“Just answer the question!”
You tell him your favorite color, smiling.
“Don’t you want to know what mine is?” He asked.
“Tell me.”
“It’s blue.”
“Like Islanders blue?”
“Any blue, but right now, blue like the ocean.” The breeze started to blow hard, quickly reminding you that you were in fact in New York, not a beach somewhere tropical. Mat was good at making you feel like you were somewhere else but in a good way.
“Tell me something else about you Mr. Barzal.”
“Is this 20 questions or something?”
“It is now!” You playfully smacked his thigh, you were so close together it wouldn’t take much for you to lean in and kiss him.
“Tes yeux sont les plus beaux que j'ai jamais vus.” You could tell he was speaking French just from the way he changed his accent. Since when could this beautiful man speak french?!
“You can speak french?”
“A hobby of mine, you could say.” From the way the words flowed out of his mouth, you knew it wasn’t just a hobby.
“What did you say?” You turned to look at him, slightly shorter so that you had to look up to look at each other. Everything else seemed to disappear behind him. There could have been roars of people around you, but you wouldn’t have been able to hear them. It was true what they said, when you found the right person it was like everything else melted away.
“I said you have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.” You couldn’t even attempt to hide the blush you could feel forming in your cheeks.
“Is that how you get all the ladies?” You managed to speak finally, after gaining your composure again. But your voice was quiet, like you didn’t want to know the answer.
“Tu es le seul que je veux.” His forehead came to rest against yours. You could feel his hot breath against your face, lighting the nerves in your body on fire.
“Tell me what you said.” You breathed out, trying to catch your breath as if it had been taken from you.
“You are the only one I want.”
“Okay.” You didn’t know why you were saying it. But he seemed to know why, and crashed his lips against yours. His hand came up to cup the back of your head, bringing you as close to him as you could get. The ocean breeze no longer seemed to matter as you began exploring each other’s bodies. He pulls you onto his lap, wrapping the blanket around you in one fluid motion. His lips tasted slightly of whiskey and chocolate, inviting and warm. Warmth blossomed in your chest, like you wanted to be engulfed in each other. You could feel his hands wanting to go under your shirt, and you nodded into the kiss to let him know that it was okay.
You pulled back just for a moment to catch your breath, but not letting your forehead leave his. You were breathing hard against each other as one, in sync already after the slightest touch. His eyes told you everything you needed to know, and you felt safe in his arms. Mat placed his hands on either side of your face, allowing you to feel just how much the moment meant to him. To him, he was holding his world in his hands and now he never wanted to let you go. His next kiss felt like fireworks, and now you knew what it felt like when people said they never wanted something to end. A kiss like the two of your lives depended on it, and you wanted to get lost in him. His kisses were soft at first and increased in intensity every time you drew back for a breath. You wanted more, you wanted all of him.
He breathed your name, realizing that it was in fact now dark outside. The only light came from the street lights in the parking lot and the small flashlight Mat had brought from his car. He brought you in for a hug against him, tucking your head into the nape of his neck. You fit there perfectly, and the smell of his cologne engulfed all of your senses.
“We should probably head back to the hotel.” He whispered, but didn’t make any moves to let go of you.
“That doesn’t mean we have to be alone tonight.” He squeezed you, the reassurance washing over you. You nod, and get up off the ground. Mat shakes off the blankets, trying to get rid of as much sand as possible. But you knew that there would be sand all over you for days, in places you never think sand would end up. He got you settled in the car, placing the supplies back where he got them from. Once back in the car, he took your hand once more and you drove quietly back to the hotel.
“Where do we go from here?” You asked.
“I like you.” Another hand squeeze. You didn’t know what to say back to him, too afraid that anything would scare him off just like the other guys you’d dated. “You don’t have to say it back yet, I just didn’t want this night to end without telling you that. When I know I want something, I won’t stop until I can have it. If you’ll let me, that is.”
“What about tonight?” He didn’t answer you, but that was okay. It was unspoken, hanging in the air like a cloud, but you knew you weren’t going to be alone that night. Or the rest of the weekend, if Mat had anything to say about it. Arriving back at the hotel, Mat handed his keys off to the valet and led you inside.
“Is there anything you need to get from your room?” He asked once in the elevator.
“Not that I can think of.”
“Good.” Once the elevator doors opened to his floor, he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder once again. But this time you were more than okay with it. He had to set you down in order to open his room, but picked you up again once you were inside. He laid you down on the freshly laundered bed, throwing your shoes across the room and his along with them. You crawled under the covers together, and all he did was hold you. There were the occasional make out sessions throughout the night, but nothing more. He told you about his childhood and growing up playing hockey, and you told him about the life of being a coach's daughter.
He told you about the way he likes his eggs cooked, his pregame rituals, and all the movies he liked to watch. You talked about anything and everything that came to mind, eventually falling asleep in his arms. When you woke up it didn’t feel strange, it felt like you were supposed to be there. The morning after was always an awkward moment, falling over your words and trying to sneak out without the other person noticing. There was no sneaking out this time, instead you woke up with a kiss from Mat being planted on the top of your head.
“Good morning, beautiful.” He whispered, kissing around your neck and cheeks as much as he could.
“It’s wedding day today.” You smiled, you were excited to get your best friend in the world down the aisle. In helping her find her happiness, you had also managed to find some of yours.
“I’m guessing you have to go soon?” He asked, looking down at you.
“Well I am the maid of honor you know, I think someone will notice if I’m not there.”
“But what if I told you I just wanted to hold you all day instead?” He smirked. The hold that this man already had over you..
“What if I told you, that starting tomorrow you never had to let go of me again?” He sat up quickly and looked down at you.
“You mean it?”
“Well I don’t just spend the night with anyone, Mathew. I think our friends might just be right…” You smiled, he came down to kiss you so fast you didn’t even know what hit you. Was it crazy to rush into something so fast? Maybe. But did it feel right? Absolutely. You’d read all the romance novels of quick relationships, always telling yourself it wasn’t actually like that. Those were just fairy tales you could read about, nothing like that would ever happen in real life.
It took a little more convincing for him to actually let you get out of bed and go to the bridal suite where everyone was getting ready. Of course he had to be with the grooms party, but somehow it never took guys quite as long to get ready.
“Are you sure you have to go right now?” He asked once he pulled away from you. You didn’t want to get out of the nice comfy bed with a pretty man laying in it but duty called.
“Yessss, do you think you’ll be able to survive without me for a few hours?” You started to throw off the covers, but he pulled you back in.
“No, I don’t actually. I might just lay here and cry all day!” You laughed, knowing that both the bride and groom would come for him but let him pretend.
“You’ll be fine, I promise. If you let me go, I’ll let you grab my butt when we dance later.”
“DEAL!” One more quick kiss, and you were finally able to get up. One wave goodbye as you opened the door to leave, and you were off. You had to stop by your own room to get your dress and makeup, and then it was off to the bridal suite. You were surprisingly one of the first ones to arrive, and were able to eat a little bit of breakfast for once. Everyone in the bridal party got to choose their own dress as long as it was within the color palette, and yours was your favorite shade of blue. It fits you in all of the right places, just the way that it should. The bride paid for everyone’s hair to be done, and once everyone was all finished getting ready it was time to take pictures of the bridal party. The photographer seemed to be on her A-game, and for once things were running on time in your life. Anthony already gone to take his place
Finally you got to have a moment just you and your best friend on her big day. The day both of you had talked about since you were kids, the one that you spent planning on pinterest for hours without even a thought of someone in the picture.
“Hannah… you look stunning! I hope today is everything you ever dreamed it would be. I can’t wait to see the look on Anthony’s face when he sees you today. I’ll still beat him up if he ever hurts you though. Are you ready?”
“Have I told you I love you yet today?”
“I love you too girl. Let’s get you married!” Each bridesmaid had their groomsman, and you took your place at the end. Mat walked around the corner and paused when he saw you, stopping him dead in his tracks.
“You like something you see sir?” He offered up his arm for you to take once he made his way to you.
“Tu es le seul que je veux.” He repeated his words from last night, kissing your cheek.
“Me too.” You’d learn how to say it in french, one day at least.
Of course there wasn’t a dry eye in the house after the ceremony. After all of the guests made their way to the reception hall and the rest of the wedding party photos were taken, the evening seemed to go rather smoothly. You may or may not have felt Mat’s hand graze across your butt a few times during pictures, but you kindly reminded him that he wasn’t allowed to feel your butt until you got to dance. He acted like you were torturing him though, depriving him of a dream.
You wanted to get your wedding mingling out of the way first, so that you could enjoy the night with who you wanted. It did not go without notice that Mat’s eyes were following you around the room in a very flirty kind of way. You hadn’t felt like this in a really long time, like you could relax because you were finally comfortable with someone.
“Hey bestie, how is your night going?” Hannah found her way over to you, and more of your friends noticed. You recognized what was happening, they wanted to get all of the dirty details about you and Mat. Of course their plan was successful, but you were also a proud individual. All of them were smiling a little too big at you, asking without actually asking.
“I know what you’re trying to do here!” You accused her.
“Don’t waste time woman, we wanna know! How’s it going with Mat?” Hannah asked.
“I saw you going into his room last night!”
“We know you two snuck off last night, don’t even lie.”
“Where did he take you! Was it romantic?”
“One question at a time!” You were only one person after all, “It’s still very new, we just met this weekend.”
“That smile doesn’t lie sweetie.” You were a bad liar and they knew it.
“Okay fine. Yes we snuck off last night, yes I was in his room but we didn’t do anything but talk and make out, he took me to a beach, and yes it was romantic! Now if you don’t mind, I promised my man a dance and that he could touch my butt. I always keep my promises!”
You ran before they could question you further, right towards Mat, who held his arms open for you. Hiding things was never your strong suit, so you two had decided to not even bother.
“They look like you just told them the world is going to end tonight, what happened?” He asked, bringing you into his arms for all the world to see. Clearly he was ready to make everyone aware you were an item, and you weren’t going to object.
“I called you my man, and then immediately walked away.” You smiled up at him.
“Oh you did?”
“Yes sir.”
“I guess that does leave us with the big question.”
“What question?”
“What are we going to do with us? Did this weekend make you want to see me again?” Great opportunities rarely presented themselves at your doorstep. Mat had treated you better in the last 24 hours than a lot of people and you already knew your loved ones approved. It felt right, your gut always had a good feeling about these things. It would always be fun to tell the grandkids you met at a wedding, you’d tell them the part about the bar when they were old enough.
“I said you were my man, did I not?”
“Well you did keep me waiting ma’am, that’s a criminal offense. I’m not sure if I’m your man yet.” He said through a smile.
“Oh is that so?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Nah I’m just fuckin with you, I’ve been dying to kiss you all night.” He brought his hands up to cup either side of your face, and kissed you in a way that shouldn’t be in the middle of your best friends wedding reception.
“You don’t want to touch my butt?” You ask when you finally pull apart.
“Of course I do, but if I touch your butt right now we would be leaving this party within the next few minutes and I believe we both have important things to do.” He whispered in your ear, giving him a look. A look that said I know you want to take my clothes off right now, so I’m going to do my best to tease you. After pulling away, Mat offered you his hand for the dance you had promised.
Standing in the middle of the dance floor with him, while looking at your surroundings and seeing how happy your best friend was, kind of hit you like a sack of bricks. A few years ago if someone had told you this was where your life would end up, you’d have called them crazy. You felt him kiss your forehead as you danced, and you felt yourself melt into him a little. You had no defenses against him, your walls suddenly disappeared when he was near. If he was out of your sight, suddenly the world wasn’t as clear anymore. Maybe summer wasn’t just a time for flings, because this one felt different. Who would have thought just one summer weekend could be so life changing.
Half a summer and one year later…
You couldn’t believe you were standing where you were. Summer was starting to become your favorite season. The only thing that brought you back down to earth was the squeeze you felt on your hand from your new husband. The look of reassurance on his face told you all that you needed to know, that he loved you and that you’d be fine. Crowds weren’t always your thing, even if it was your own wedding.
“You ready?”
He knew the timing of your entrance better than anyone, and you could hear Tito start to speak from the other side of the door. The doors opened, blinding you with light. You felt one last squeeze, and then your brain managed to get your feet to start moving again.
“My friends, it is my honor and great pleasure to introduce to you for the very first time… MR. AND MRS. MATHEW BARZAL!”
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ninathekillerzblog · 3 months
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A compiled fic rec list of the more longer monoshin fics. All fics can be found on ao3. You should be able to click the title of the fic and be directed there!
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this is for @fraisaa and the very few other monoshin enjoyers in this fandom 🙂‍↕️🙏 pls write more fics.
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My Cat's Name is Jalapeño! by Perkykitties - 100k wordcount & complete - SINGLE HANDEDLY THE BEST MONOSHIN FIC I'VE EVER READ. cough sorry, bias is showing, post cannon fic after they graduated U.A.
Golden Days by hanwritesstuff (hannahkannao) - 208k wordcount & complete - five years after graduation, two heroes are brought together by coincidence, work together by necessity, and stay together by choice, trust, and maybe just a little bit of love.
Welcome To The Better Class by orphan_account - 200k wordcount & incomplete, post-cannon monoshin fic that broke my heart and put it back together again and idek anymore.
I want to kiss (your dumb fucking face) by gingerbreadshinsou - 126k wordcount & incomplete - it irks my soul that this is incomplete, it really really does save yourself and dont read it because you will be hooked and you will cry. Monoma develops a big gay crush on Shinso and his life descends into absolute chaos.
once more, with feelings by orphan_account - 50k wordcount & incomplete, in which Shinso Hitoshi transfers into Class B.
Resilience by Lilac_Demetrius - 43k wordcount & ongoing! Neito Monoma just wanted to enjoy his summer. Falling in love with his roommate's obnoxious boyfriend was never his intention. (omegaverse fic, dont say i didnt warn you.)
Now you know by albanyN - 42k wordcount & complete, in which hitoshi shinsou and monoma neito have more in common than they think.
Get Ready to have a Bad Time by despurrito - 41k word count & complete, honestly i was very very very hesitant on reading this fic because its an alpha/beta/omega dynamics fic. not to yuck anyones yum though! i cannot deny its still a good fic and if thats your thing, read it!
Sore Loser by SmolPidge - 33k wordcount & complete, After Hitoshi's transfer to the hero course is formally approved, he finds himself at the mercy of one Neito Monoma, who will stop at nothing to get him to choose Class B. Unfortunately for Hitoshi, it's working.
Like Turning Against Traffic in a Crowded Intersection by yanderegiran - 31k wordcount & incomplete, In which Shinso's in a relationship and everyone knows but him.
Smoke Rises, Water Falls by KiroAngel - 31k wordcount & incomplete/abandoned, postcannon soulmate au fic where shinsou finds himself growing more attached to monoma than he ever thought he would, but in a world where soulmates mean everything, what is that really worth?
Pink Summer by chromochaotic - 27k wordcount & complete, tooth rotting fluff and honestly the summer camp counselor monoshin fic no one asked for but we all deserve. 💓
Empathy by AuspiciousWhiskers - 26k wordcount & complete, in which Monoma Neito puts the pieces back together, and for once, they aren't just the pieces of himself.
Of Kitties And Parrots by gingerbreadshinsou - 22k wordcount & complete, monoma meets shinsou on a dating website and it's all downhill from there
That's Not a Kitten! by Perkykitties - 20k wordcount & incomplete - sequel to my cats name is jalapeño! i recommend you read the first fic before this one though. takes place when monoma and shinso are married!
fics under 20k words
What Could Have Been by Madame_Hatter - 17k wordcount & complete, three years is enough to change a man, as well as his feelings for his best friend.
Monoma Neito's Foolproof Plan to Get an Awesome Boyfriend and Rule UA by truejoyofsorrow - 15k wordcount & complete, Monoma decides that he should ask out Shinsou, shenanigans ensue.
Becoming a Cat Person by yanderegiran - 14k wordcount & incomplete, aka the pokemon trainer monoshin fic we all needed in our lives.
i learnt to love for the first time when our fingers intertwined by blinding_metaphysics - 12k wordcount & complete, Monoma and Shinsou were invited to a class A and class B camping trip. What was going to be a nice relaxing day turned into a horrible event.
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hope you enjoyed this list! i might make a list of the shorter fics but honestly, theres a lot of those and not a lot of longer fics. we need more monoshin content pls can a very cool long fic writer see this and make my wishes come true?
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nanamis-princess · 3 months
Wait, since you're on your period.... Might as well write a fic of jjk period comfort fics? Pretty please?
They comfort you while your on your period: jujitsu kaisen edition
Genre: fluff!
Characters: nanami kento, Gojo Satoru, geto suguru, Shoko ieiri x menstruating reader
A/n: thank you so much for the suggestion! Requests are open and im working on them in the order I’ve received! Master list
Nanami Kento
he’s prepared a few days before you get it, restocked your pads/tampons along with panty liners
as many others think he does track your period for you, it started because of a pregnancy scare in the beginning of your relationship
he encourages eating whatever you’d like during that time of the month, you want that cake for breakfast? He’s going to get it for you before his shift or he gets it delivered if he’s working.
^^ although he doesn’t mind cooking for you and waiting for you on hand and foot either.
your laying on the couch with a book as you just took a nice warm shower when your phone dings. A text from kento “hello darling i order you something, it should be there shortly. I promise i will make this up to you, i feel awful for not being there. I love you i will be home as soon as i can” you smile at your phone before going to the door. A candle you told him previously about with your favorite snacks along with a bottle of ibuprofen.
Cringing at the cramps as you take your ibuprofen while the heating pad warms up, kento walks in your shared bedroom with the plate of cake along with the drink of your choice. You look up at him with admiration, his light blue sweater sleeves rolled up just below his elbows revealing the watch you got him for Christmas, his hair still intact from this morning just one small strand leaning to the side complimenting his face. Giving you a soft smile while holding the plate and cup for you as you sit back in bed. “You’re so pretty kento” you say looking up at him, he chuckles with a small smile on his face. “You’re pretty too my love” he hums as he leans into kiss your forehead.
Gojo Satoru
you guys must be synced together because he acts like a diva right along with you.
he is stocked on sweets though, you’ll never catch him lacking with sweets. He’s got strawberry candies in his nightstand, he always has some type of cake or bakery good in the kitchen from a local shop. He has a candy dish by the door.
he does become your little errand boy though, anything you need he’s getting it for you. Honestly you tell him to jump he’ll ask you how high. You have the strongest sorcerer wrapped around your finger
you guys have a self care evenings as many times as you want, he’s sitting at the end of your bed rubbing your feet facing the tv with under eye masks on. “Okay but why would she trust him? He’s obviously been hiding something and he doesn’t seem trustworthy” he shakes his head.
The smell of essential oils fills your nose as you lay on your stomach as you feel cold hands meet your skin “your hands are so cold” you huff looking to your side. He begins in slow motions on your upper back “your nice a warm” he hums rubbing gently. “This ones new, its mint i think it smells nice” Satoru hums continuing to rub along your back. You feel yourself getting a little sleep between then gentle rubbing and the heating pad on your tummy. Satoru has you roll over, he gently rubs the bottom of your belly, slowly working the cramps to simmer away.
Geto suguru
he’s very mindful of things like these, he’s the type of person to walk around his home seeing what is running low and put it on his shopping list. This habit came from taking care of the girls. So you never run out of period products.
will do anything you asks of him really but he makes note of the things that you dont want to ask for, the ones you just want him to know to do.
like gojo he will rub your cramps out and not let you lift a finger.
he got really into meal prepping so everything you eat is home cooked, he makes meals with ingredients that may help ease your cramps.
he brings you ginger tea and dark chocolate as a snack
His hands gently rub small circles on your back as you sit facing him in his lap, your head gently resting on his chest. The rhythm of his heart beat, the scent of his amber cologne and the touch of him rubbing your back could just make you curl up and fall asleep. Not to mention the heating pad between you both being the cherry on top. “You are making me sleepy” you whine looking up at him. “That’s a bad thing?” Suguru questions looking down at you. “Mhm” you just hum and before you knew it you drifted to sleep on him.
Shoko ieiri
you guys are both synced together. Twining fr
she gets hers a day before yours so shes the first to notice if you guys are running low on products
if one of you accidentally stains the sheets you rock paper scissors shoot to see who washes the sheets.
sometimes she gets clingy during the last few days of her cycle and feels bad for being clingy. She just wants to be all up on you. She does like when you lay on top of her, the weight of you soothes her.
prefers getting takeout over cooking, she’ll cook for you if that’s what you’d prefer
has a warm beverage in her hand almost all the time during her cycle. If you have to go to work she gets your lunch delivered
She rolls over to face you, her head gently rests on your chest and rubs the bottom of your tummy. Slowly and gently rubbing out the cramps as you both decide on a place to order dinner from. “I’ll go a get it when it comes but keep an eye on it” she mumbles while continuing to rub out the cramps. Ieiri looks up for a moment but not stopping her movements “I know its like healthy to work out during your period but like all i want to do is lay down” she said recalling that her time of studying. She nuzzles her face into your neck and giving it a quick kiss.
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81folklore · 1 year
older - CL16
pairings: charles leclerc x male!singer!reader (fc: luke hemmings)
summary: singer yn ln releases a love song with his boyfriend, and the public are not prepared for who it is about
authors note: this has been on my mind for SO LONG. i honestly dont like how many fics ive been doing on the same people (charles, lando etc) but whenever i go to start a new one on my list for someone else i think of something that i have to do😭 also in this reader is not a part of 5sos but close friends with the 3, wfttwtaf is readers album and older is exclusivly the readers song
authors note 2: i wanted to quickly clarify i am NOT speculating that charles or luke are gay/queer and this is not my intentions. luke obviously sings older and i find it easier to visualise it this way, while the reader in this is male, this could also be read as gn!reader. this is FICTION please do not tkae this as me speculating anything
authors note 3: i didnt really know what i was doing with this so its kind of all over the place and very rushed :/ but then again when arent my smau all over the place?? also can you tell i hate writing comments by the way i just dont😭
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liked by pierregasly, ashtonirwin and 818,937 others
we started this song together back in 2020 and picked it back up at the end of 2022
'Older' was originally a voice memo of a 50’s-style love song that we wrote together, then forgot about. when thinking of concepts for my debut album i stumbled across the memo and fell in love with it all over again, but i put it aside yet again as to me, it deserved more than the album
the song has changed a lot from the original voice memo, but the meaning has stayed the same throughout. despite all the beauty, the ups and downs of a long-term relationship over many years, there’s inevitably going to be the worst moment of your love because one of you is going to lose each other
capturing those feelings in a song was tricky but ultimately we wrote from the heart and i think it shows in the song itself
this has always been a song between us, so having him play on this song was very importnt to me and im glad he said yes
older is now yours
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liked by landonorris, calumhood and 1,727,338 others
im very pleased to announce a very special one off show at the Royal Albert Hall in London this November 18th. I will be playing a bunch of tracks from my debut album and may be joined to play some others aswell! Tickets on sale this monday at 10 am BST. Lots of love always, yn x
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liked by 5sos, charles_leclerc and 2,719,936 others
thank you for an incredible night at the royal albert hall
looking back at the best night of my life, i need to thank each and every one of you who allowed this dream to come true, i will never be able to thank you guys enough
performing in my dream venue, with my favorite people in the world was something i never thought was possible and yet here i am, writing this still on my high from last night
thank you to my friends; michael, ashton and calum who took the time to come to london and perform their songs with me, thank you for always loving me and agreeing to my crazy ideas
to my team and everyone who worked to make this night as special as it could be, thank you. thank you for making my htoughts a reality and making this night as wonderful as possible
thank you to the staff who worked throughout the show to make sure everyone was safe, well and looked after. you truly do not get as much credit as you deserve and i apreciate the hard work you put in to keep everyone happy
thank you to those who joined me, i wish each and every one of you who wanted to could have been there. thank you for singing along and listening to me pour my heart and soul into my music
thank you for letting me do this x
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user55: not the pcd hitting already☹️
user1: and im supposed to pretend i didnt see yn and 5sos perform os/co??
user50: i cant believe i saw this all happen live
ashtonirwin: thank you for everything yn. youre a real life angel
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, michaelclifford and 3,619,273 others
after having time to process this show, I feel so overcome with gratefulness. my music means so much to me and seeing so many people resonate with it in a live space was so special for me.
charlie, my life would literally fall apart without you and this would have never happened without you giving me the confidence to do so, i hold so much love and admiration for you
thank you for joining me on such a special night and performing our song with me, thank you for sticking with me through it all and thank you for allowing me to share this part of my life with you
i sometimes wonder where i would be if i didnt find you, if i wasnt blessed with your love. i try to think about the times before you, before us, but both feel impossible to do after feeling your love
life with you is so special and i promise to always cherish and love you
merci de m'avoir laissé vieillir avec toi, merci de m'avoir laissé t'adorer, merci de m'avoir choisi (thank you for letting me get old with you, thank you for letting me adore you, thank you for choosing me)
yn x
tagged: charles_leclerc
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charles_leclerc: mon ange, je t'aimerai toujours (my angel, I will always love you)
charles_leclerc: je suis tellement privilégiée d'être celle que tu aimes🤍🤍 (I'm so privileged to be the one you love)
yourusername: vieillir avec toi ne semble pas si effrayant🖤🖤 (growing old with you doesn't seem so scary)
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Hii cutie! Sorry bc my first language it's not English.. First of all I LOVE your writing you do write so sweet about everything and I love that you write about actors too with all the respect!! I was wondering.. I hope it's not too much, if you'd be able to do smth like ewan x actress!reader where she plays his love interest in hotd and they're so comfortable with each other and everyone in the cast can see the chemistry between them but they're afraid of showing their feelings to each other and just think that's just friendship, but somehow someone tries to open the eyes to one of them making the other one jealous and... You know, just write it however you want and of course if you want it, I trust you for this one!! Thanks sweetheart <3
Easy To Be
Ewan Mitchel x Actress!Reader (low key Aemond x Reader)
Summary: "It's really hard to be cruel to you," Ewan mutters. I snort, "if that's hard, then it must be hell to have to kiss me." He hums, "quite contrary," he looks off to nowhere, "I enjoy that more."
Word Count: <500
Warnings: Fem!reader, actress!reader, it starts off pretty violent, fluff, pining, annoying!cast members, crack fic, typos, etc.
A/N: Idk why i'm writing this when my head hurts but i hope you enjoy nonnie though i did take liberties!!! OH WAIT I ALSO WANTED TO SAY DONT *EVER* APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR ENGLISH. ENGLISH WISHES IT MADE MORE SENSE /: AND gurl your english was flawless 🤨 fr you better than me. THANK YOU BY THE WAY FOR YOUR SWEET WORDS ABOUT MY WRITING! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I APPRECIATE YOU AND I LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @deniixlovezelda @targaryenmoony @risefallrise @slavyanskiyahui @antisociablewallflower @lxdyred
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Aemond shoves me against the wall and presses me back, hands on both of my shoulders. He huffs, "you must think me either a fool or insane."
I whimper as I try to break away, "no, I know you're insane."
He scoffs and he grabs my jaw, titling my head up just as he draws his dagger and presses it against my cheek, "and do you think I think you're special?"
I make a sound as he tightens his hold on my face. "It will do you good to remember," he leans against my ear, "I can be betrothed to a great many other women. You ought to not test me again."
He shoves away as he storms out of the room.
I release a sigh and gather my dress as a bunch of stylists come up to redo my make up and fix my wardrobe.
Once that was done, Aemond, or rather, Ewan walks back to his mark and looks at me, "are you alright?"
I smile, "a little rough this time around, but all good."
Immediately he stiffens and walks up to me, grabbing my hand, "shit, I'm sorry. Does it hurt somewhere?"
I grab his arm and step forward, "no, no," I shake my head, "it was just a really intense grip," I make a face, "it was kinda hot-"
Ewan and I turn to our side.
Someone makes hurling noises. "KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS-"
"Why are you even here?" I quirk a brow, "you don't even have a sce-"
Ewan rolls his eyes and turns back to me.
Ewan huffs and looks to the side, "and shall I stab you instead?"
My eyes widen at his reaction. The morons lose their shit after hearing that.
He turns back to me and with knit brows, "I will be more gentle next take."
"No, it's fine," I shake my head, trying to ignore the way I was burning up, "I can take it. Honestly, I'm more concerned about how you keep stepping on my dress."
Ewan brings his hands together and chuckles, "sorry. I'm quite eager. I be more mindful of my steps."
I smile some more.
We continue to ignore them.
"It's fine, Ewan. Just don't trip on me or we'll both get hurt."
He nods. "It's really hard to be cruel to you," Ewan mutters.
I snort, "if that's hard, then it must be hell to have to kiss me."
He hums, "quite contrary," he looks off to nowhere, "I enjoy that more."
"... w-what-"
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hoshinasblade · 3 months
Hi I love ur Hoshina fics sm!
Anyway you were asking for headcanons last time, do you think our Hoshina sends dick pics to his s/o? I'm not sure if you write nsfw but it will be fun to read if ever! Thanks x
HAHAHA anon, this is so interesting. minors, please don't interact with this one.
honestly i dont think hoshina is above sending thirst traps - he would be the type to send you a picture of him topless while still sweaty after his workout, and he'll probably throw a peace sign or two and tell you that he's just tryna be cute. liar liar, pants on fire. he gets his kicks on knowing he can fluster you with that. im a bit hesitant on dick pics though, and it's not because i think hoshina is a prude - hell no - but i think it's because he was never able to get a good angle ever so he doesn't think it's sexy enough for you to look at. and let's be honest, if he's gonna send you a picture of his immaculate junk, he would rather go to you and show it personally. im assuming he's got more privileges and therefore freedom so he can roam around even after-hours or get out of the base when he's not that needed.
one nsfw headcanon i have for this guy though is that though he never sends dick pics, he excels at moaning audios. his voice would be deep and husky from both sleepiness and lust, and he would just sound really, really hot. you mentioned to him once that you liked him dirty talking during sex and it activated a switch in his brain that you can't turn back off. he had definitely sent you multiple voice messages where you can hear him moan while he's touching himself. you overheated the first time you listened to it.
also yes, i have some nsfw prompts lined up, just gotta look for some momentum and chance to write. i know i yap a lot here but i also work full-time so that makes writing a bit hard for me since my process takes longer than i sometimes intend it to be. it's always worth it though hehe i like writing for hoshina. if you have a specific nsfw scenario you want me to write about, feel free to let me know and i can possibly whip up even a drabble or a one-shot for you.
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serverusslaype · 5 months
Shameless, pt. 15
Severus Snape x professor!reader fic
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Shameless Masterpost
hey guys.................. dont kill me. i'm so sorry for the incredibly lengthy hiatus.... i had no motivation, each time i opened the file to type i'd type a couple words, maybe a paragraph and close it. i finally found the motivation to finish this chapter recently, i'm hoping it stays. it's been a rough couple months, so hoping this can help me feel a bit better!!
i felt really guilty for sort of abandoning the fic where it was, but i couldn't force myself to write anything, there was no creative juice, i think i sort of burnt myself out. and for the previous posts saying i was back, i thought i was, but i'd have the smallest spark of inspiration and try to write, but then nothing happened, and i felt bad so i didn't want to say something like, sorry, i lied. :(
hopefully this chapter is okay, i know most of you won't like it, but i'm so glad i finally finished it, it was one of the hardest to write because i had so many ideas on how it'd end and effect the whole story itself, so i had to make sure it made sense.
i can't believe you guys are still here after so long, it made me emotional to see all of your asks and comments and likes, i was just floored to be honest, so thank you so much for your unwavering support. i love you all so so much. honestly. holy shit. this has been a journey. <3 i hope you guys are all doing brilliantly.
warnings: lack of snape, swearing, mentions of adultery, slight domestic violence, verbal abuse at the end
You didn't know where to go. You felt... lost. You couldn't exactly go back to your quarters, not with Ben there, you didn't need more questions about why you were crying your eyes out at this time of night. It's not like you could tell him the truth.
So, you did what anyone would: go for a midnight walk. Well, at least that's what you thought anyone would do when they had nowhere to go. You'd hoped that the fresh, cold air would soothe your burning lungs, and the gentle breeze would dry your teary eyes. In an even deeper, darker part of your mind, you also hoped that Black would find you. Perhaps that would make everything... easier.
With tears still streaming freely from your eyes and heavy feet, you padded towards the large, magnificent doors that led to the outside with your arms wrapped around your body tightly; trying your best not to breakdown until you were alone. Your hands were still shaking as you pushed them against the doors, opening it a tad as the cool wind blew through the crack and into your face. You gasped a little at the sharp breeze, but nonetheless you slipped out, and made your way into the courtyard. The temperature was a little more biting than you had anticipated, and so you squeezed your arms around yourself a little tighter, walking towards the infamous wooden, crooked bridge.
As you sauntered through the courtyard, the only noises you heard were the owls hooting in the distance, the gentle breeze brushing through the burnt-amber leaved trees and the faint clack of your heels against the cobblestoned ground. In all honesty, it did feel a little eerie to the say the least, but at this very moment that was the least of your worries. All you wanted was a little time alone to cry, or grieve what could have been with ...Severus.
Gods, it hurt to even think his name, let alone speak it.
You reached the wooden bridge, and you stopped in the middle of it; leaning against the intricately carved columns to gaze out at the highlands. The moonlight casted a gorgeous glaze-like reflection upon the Black Lake, and it twinkled beautifully, almost hypnotising you like an illusion. Your eyes flicked up to the moon and glanced around it, staring at the glittering stars surrounding it like a perfect painting. Only times like this did you miss teaching Astronomy. As your mind reeled back to your first year teaching at Hogwarts, you relished in the time where you did not know the man named Severus Snape, and suddenly your heart sank in your chest like an anchor dropped at sea. You were so naive back then, unknowing of what was to come.
As the memories of you and Severus flooded your mind like a dam breaking, you let yourself cry. You could still feel his lips on yours, his fingertips gently tracing the curves and grooves of your skin, the words he'd whispered into your ear - it was all there, stained on your skin, like a tattoo - or perhaps a branding. And now you had to live with it. You weren't sure if you'd survive this time, especially not with how deeply you felt for him. You were torn between pretending he didn't exist and trying to talk to him, perhaps even telling him how you felt, but truth be told you were petrified of how he'd react. Would he even look at you again with those glittering black eyes you'd come to adore so hopelessly? Would he dare speak to you again, knowing that he'd charmed you? Maybe he'd relish in the fact that he'd done so, take pride in bewitching you, and make you hurt for it. You knew Snape could be rather cruel, your school days here with him as your teacher was enough for you to know that.
All these unanswered questions swam through your head and you felt yourself becoming suffocated from them, and it suddenly felt as if your lungs had filled with water, drowning you. You sobbed helplessly as you slid down the wooden wall behind you with your hands against your face, the rough edges scratching your back through your clothes rather uncomfortably.
"Y/N?" A voice came from beside you, and you froze. You turned your head away from them and quickly used your sleeve to wipe your eyes, drying the tears that had fallen from them. Only one person has a voice as soft as the one you had just heard.
You gave yourself a moment to gather yourself before even attempting to use your voice.
"Hello, Remus." You croaked quietly, sniffling.
"What on Earth are you doing out here so late?" He questioned gently, and you heard him take a step towards you. "Are you alright?"
"Quite dandy," you sarcastically quipped, sighing deeply, "I'm brilliant..." You turned your head to face him, and immediately, his face softened at the sight of your own. You were sat up against the side of the bridge, knees up against your chest and your arms wrapped around them; nose and eyes red, wet with tears. Remus quickly dropped down to his knees beside you, placing a soothing hand upon your forearm.
"What happened?" Remus asked, careful to keep his voice quiet and soft. With empty eyes, you stared into his worried ones, and instantly you felt terrible. The last thing you wanted was people worrying over you.
You looked away, down at the ground. "I..." you mumbled, sighing, "it's a... long... story." You spoke slowly. From the corner of your eye, you saw a small smile quirk up on Remus's lips.
"I've got time, my dear." He replied as his thumb brushed your forearm, silently encouraging you to talk. You felt at ease in Remus's presence, it was almost like he had a calm aura around him, and naturally your body relaxed beside his. You took a deep breath.
"Erm," you choked, sniffling again, "it's Se... Snape." You couldn't bring yourself to say his first name without crumbling into a million pieces.
Remus let out a gentle breath. "Snape, of course," He tutted, glancing between you and the ground. "What's he done?" The fact that Remus reacted like he had expected Snape to have hurt you, further broke your heart. Were you the only one to have seen through his icy exterior?
"Broken my heart," You laughed dryly, and you had to fight back another bout of tears. Remus's brows furrowed in confusion at you. "We... I... Look, I'm not sure how to explain this to you. But... I fell..." You trailed off, unable to finish your sentence. Your heart hurt too much. You only hoped that Remus knew what you were about to say.
Remus blinked and stared at you, shocked. Clearly, the two of you had hidden your 'relationship' well - so well that everyone was oblivious to it. "You fell...?" He frowned.
"In love... with him..." You almost whispered, avoiding Remus's eyes. You weren't sure if you'd be able to handle the look in them.
"You're in love with... Severus?" Remus repeated, and you squeezed your eyes shut at his words. They were like daggers, stabbing your bleeding heart. It was almost like you could feel it trembling inside of your chest, begging you to free it from this cycle of torment. "But... Aren't you with... Ben? And... Severus... he's..."
"I know," you sighed, noticing his confusion, "I had feelings for Severus before I met Ben. And it sort of just, like, spiralled out of control, and now, erm, here I am- Gods, I should have just listened to Minerva, I wouldn't be here right now, hurting like this." You ranted, another strangled sob leaving your throat. Remus watched you, and his eyes softened. He felt terrible for you. "She warned me, Remus, why didn't I just listen to her?!" You cried, letting your head fall into your hands.
"Y/N," Remus whispered, reaching out a cautious hand to pry your face from your hands. With a soft gasp, you looked up with teary eyes, and he wiped a stray tear from your cheek. "We don't get to choose who we do and don't fall in love with. We follow our hearts blindly, most of the time, unknowingly." He said, and moved his hand from your wet cheek to your shoulder, rubbing it soothingly. "It's beyond our control who we love."
There was a moment of silence.
"...What do I do, Remus?" You sobbed softly, sniffling, looking at your knees.
"Have you told him?"
"I think you should."
"But what about Ben? Shouldn't I... deal with... that first?" You sniffled again. "And what if Severus doesn't feel the same way about me? Then what?"
Remus paused for a moment, thinking. You looked up at him. "What if he does?" He said, a small, comforting smile tickling his lips as he stared at you.
"Well- from the way he treated me earlier... I truly doubt it, Remus." You scoffed, glancing away from his pitying brown eyes.
Remus sighed, and you clenched your jaw. "Regret is a terrible thing, Y/N," he said, "it's such a short word, yet it stretches on forever." Your eyes were glued on the ground and your body was still, but your mind was running a million miles an hour.
You sat there in silence for a short moment, thinking deeply. Remus was right. You'd regret it for the rest of your life if you didn't tell Severus how you felt. That chance of him reciprocating your feelings was small, but it was still there. If he didn't feel the same, fine, you'd move on. Eventually. And if he did?...
"...Alright," You nodded sheepishly. "I'll tell him. I just... need to, erm, work out when and more specifically, how. Like, do I just straight up blurt it out? Work my way up to it? H-how do you know it's the right time?" You rambled with tears still falling from your eyes, glancing through them at Remus who sat beside you with a soft expression upon his features.
"You'll know." Was all he said before slowly standing and holding out a hand for you to take. Graciously, you took it, and Remus pulled you to your feet. "Feel better?" He hummed, casting a glance out at the moon, then a worried look suddenly struck his eyes. You noticed and frowned slightly at his behaviour.
The moon?
"A little." You forced a smile upon your lips, and lifted up a hand to wipe the remaining stray tears upon your red cheeks. Remus looked back at you, and returned your smile. "How come you were out so late?" You asked curiously, brushing off his odd reaction to seeing a moon.
"A walk in the night does me good," Remus shrugged, and began to walk back towards the castle with you beside him. "Clears my head."
"Ah, well, I suppose I'm glad you found me, then." You chuckled awkwardly, folding your arms against your chest.
Remus smiled at you and placed an arm around your shoulders, giving you a squeeze. "Let's get you back to your quarters, Y/N, you look like an ice block." He hummed and lead you back to the castle, but not before throwing another glance over his shoulder to the almost-full-moon.
Faint, footsteps trailed down an empty corridor, and a billowing black cape followed with it. As Severus marched, his chest felt horribly heavy, almost like there was a boulder chained to it, weighing him down. He couldn't figure out why he felt like this, and it was starting to make him a little irate. He knew it was something to do with you since it had started after you'd stormed out of his office.
As Severus was about to round a corner, the sound of familiar, sweet laughter rattled through his bones, and immediately he froze. Without a doubt, he knew it was you. Only you could have laughter that sounded like the sweet songs that birds chirped in the summer mornings. The breath in his lungs suddenly vanished and he quickly swooped himself behind a bookcase, poking his head out from the side of it to see who you were with.
The moment you appeared, that boulder chained to his chest became heavier, and he felt himself lean against the bookcase he hid behind. Severus's eyes widened as they glued themselves to the man beside you - Remus Lupin. His blood boiled at the sight.
What could have Lupin have said to make you laugh like that? He'd only heard you laugh like that when you were with him, not Lupin.
From a distance, he couldn't make out what the two of you were talking about, but it was obviously hilarious. Severus's jaw clenched as he watched Lupin place a hand upon the small of your back, guiding you.
Guiding you... inside your quarters?
Snape hissed silently to himself as he stared, his sharp and hardened eyes welded to the back of Lupin's head like molten metal. As your door shut, Snape could only huff in disgust with bared teeth. What were the two of you doing in there? It was past midnight and you and Lupin seemed happy as Larry to go into your quarters. Snape couldn't bear the idea of you and Lupin alone together - let alone the fact that Lupin had had his damned, grubby paws on you. Severus clenched his jaw in a violent fashion, very clearly upset at how you'd moved on so quickly, especially with another professor at Hogwarts. Was this your thing? Bewitch every lonely professor that you laid your wretched eyes upon and then move onto the next? Did it make you feel better about yourself in some fucked up way?
An uneasy, bitter feeling twisted inside of his chest as he pictured the two of you alone and he whipped around out of spite; the swoosh of his long, black cloak filling the silent hallway. How could you move on so quickly, so... easily? 
"Never did I think I'd see the day that someone told me they fell in love with a man like Severus Snape." Remus laughed softly as he waddled to your sofa, glancing at you as if to ask if it was alright to sit. You nodded at him.
"And yet here we are." You hummed with a flat mouth, clearly not as amused as your friend was. "Sometimes I wish I was as emotionally guarded as he was, but then I remember how bloody miserable that would be." You mumbled, earning an abrupt laugh from Lupin who'd settled on the couch with a soft sigh.
Ben was nowhere to be seen, so you assumed he was asleep in the bedroom.
"Severus is an interesting character, most definitely," Lupin nodded and you turned around, walking towards him to join him on the sofa. "And I applaud you for being able to tame him. If it's any consolation, only one other woman had been able to, though I think it was... unintentional, if you will."
"Unintentional?" You questioned, your tone curious. Though almost instantly, that curiosity was killed as the thought of Severus with another woman stabbed at your fragile heart. "Actually, I'm not sure if I want to hear this right now." A dry laugh slipped from your lips and you exhaled sharply as another wave of tears prickled at your waterline.
"Alright." Lupin said softly, taking notice of your quivering voice. He stood up with a breathy groan and shuffled towards you, slinking an arm around your shoulders to pull you into his chest. It was calming, and the way he hugged you reminded you of all the times your parents would comfort you as a child. As Lupin gave you a supportive squeeze, it was as if he'd accidently pushed the button for the waterworks - hot tears began to stream down your cheeks once again, and you sobbed quietly into his wrinkled shirt.
"Hey," Lupin sighed as he watched your shoulders shake with sorrow. His hand sat on the top of your arm, squeezing it gently: a dire attempt at consoling you. "Don't cry, Y/N, it'll pass."
"Idon'twantitto-" You mumbled into his shirt, sniffling loudly. Lupin's brows furrowed together in confusion as he paused for a brief moment, silently trying to decipher what you'd just said.
"What?" He asked gently, leaning his head down so he could hear you a little better. You lifted your head from him, sighing, another heartbreaking sniffle sneaking out of your reddened nose.
"I don't want it to." You repeated yourself, lifting a hand up to wipe your wet eyes lazily.
"I know. But it will." Lupin sighed too. "Severus is... a very... damaged man," He cringed slightly at his choice of words, but he continued, "I'm not even sure that you could help him- or fix him."
At this point, you were staring soullessly at the floor, and the only thing you could feel was Lupin's chest against your shoulders. Were you and Severus really a lost case? You felt like you'd made so much progress, he'd opened up to you, he'd... he also ran away again. Perhaps your friend Remus is right.
"I think I want to be alone." You suddenly blurted out, slowly glancing up at the professor with glossy, red eyes. Lupin blinked at you, confused for a moment, though he quickly came to. He didn't blame you for saying such a thing - you'd just had your heart ripped out, to put it simply.
Remus didn't say anything, he only nodded, offering you a kind, yet pitiful smile - and that hurt you slightly. You didn't want his pity, in fact, you didn't want anyone's pity. "If you need anything, you know where to find me." He muttered, brushing a hand through your hair softly. You shut your eyes for a moment and sighed, a small gush of guilt filling your body. Here Lupin was, trying to console you, and you're kicking him out. You hoped he didn't take it personally.
"I'm sorry, I... I just need to be alone." You quickly offered. Remus shook his head and frowned at you.
"No, I understand. See you in the morning, Y/N. Feel better soon." The professor smiled at you and this time it wasn't rich with pity, but kindness. He tipped his head at you and began to shuffle his way towards the door, opening it with a quiet creak from the oak. Before he disappeared out of your chambers, Remus turned around and smiled at you once more, slipping away.
Seconds after the door shut, a drowsy-looking Ben opened your bedroom door, popping his head out. He squinted at the bright light, clearly having just woken up. That settled your nerves slightly, since you'd just spoken about Severus with Remus, only a few metres away from Ben.
"Are you crying?" Ben yawned, his bushy brows furrowed in either confusion or annoyance - at this point you couldn't tell.
"No," You coughed and turned around to pretend to do something else as you wiped at your eyes. "I'm fine, go back to bed, Ben." A curt sigh fell from your lips, and almost immediately you heard footsteps padding closer to you. "I'm fine." You repeated, listening as his feet stopped behind you.
"What happened?" Ben asked, the tiniest hint of sympathy in his voice made you shiver slightly.
"Nothing, it was just a rough day at work, honestly. I'd rather not talk about it." Your brows shot together as you tried to keep the tears at bay, but you couldn't help but think about Severus as Ben placed a hand on your waist in an attempt to pry you away from the countertop and towards him. You didn't want anyone else's hands on you but his.
"Hey," Ben said softly, though it felt heavy in your chest. "It's work. It won't matter in a day or two." You were silent. "Y/N?"
"I need a drink." You muttered and forced yourself to look at Ben, cringing slightly as you walked past him and towards a glossy wooden cabinet in the corner of your chambers. You rarely drank, and if you did, it was to either celebrate something, or forget something.
Another uncomfortable silence fell on top of the pair of you.
"Want one?" You asked with no emotion in your voice.
Ben hesitated for a moment, his groggy eyes staring at the back of your figure, silently trying to deduce you. "...Sure."
You were going to regret this.
You'd changed into comfier clothes, more specifically a pair of forest green silk shorts and a matching camisole top. Sitting on the edge of your bed, you faced Ben as he was sat on the windowsill opposite you, nursing his glass of wine. After a few strong sips, the pair of you were chatting and reminiscing like old pals. "Remember that time when I turned Peter Kipling into a weasel in McGonagall's class?" Ben giggled drunkenly, elbowing you gently as you nodded with tears in your eyes, an amused grin spread across your face.
"Oh my- I forgot about that!" You wheezed, smacking your lips together. "Didn't you get... like... at least- like a month's detention for that?" You laughed, slurring, taking another sip of your glass of Elven wine. You winced slightly at the strong aftertaste as it burned your throat. That was to be your last drink, you couldn't take much more.
"Ohh, yeah, I d-id," Ben hiccuped, his laughter dying out as he sighed; his tired eyes falling onto you. Shuffling under his gaze, you felt slightly uncomfortable. A brief yet thick silence suddenly engulfed the two of you like a slow-burning fire. Ben stood from where he'd been sat, stumbling over to where you were, stopping just in front of your knees.
"I miss talkin' to you, Y/N." He sighed, taking his hand and placing it upon your cheek; carressing the apple of it with his rough thumb. The strong scent of alcohol on his breath made you gag a tad - you were drunk as well, but the smell of it wasn't pleasant, especially from his mouth.
Your breath hitched slightly at the sudden contact.
"..Yeah." You answered quietly albeit awkwardly as you stared up at Ben. Though, all the wine you'd consumed was making him look like someone... else - the darkness wasn't helping either, in fact it was fueling your hallucinations. The dark cast of a shadow from the lit candles behind him made his nose appear larger, and his cheekbones a little more pronounced.
Slowly, he crouched down until you two were eye-level, his hands slipping to your ankles. Your body stiffened slightly at the feeling. "Ben.." You warned, sighing as the drunk buzz and pleasurable tingle from the pads of his fingers was starting to cloud your mind.
"Whaat?" He whispered, heavy-lidded eyes still glued to yours as his fingers began to trail up your calves. Ben began to stand up slightly, pushing his face dangerously close to yours, and so you leant backwards to avoid him, your back gradually making contact with the bed. He shuffled forwards slightly, pressing a knee against the edge of the bed to balance himself.
You shouldn't be doing this, you knew that, but Gods, the alcohol was truly fucking with your morals and mind.
Would it hurt?
Just a little... taste...?
You shut your eyes as you became lost in the feeling; his fingers reaching the backs of your soft thighs, a breathy sigh falling from your lips. Slowly, you opened your eyes again as Ben's smalelr nose pressed into your neck, followed by his wet lips. You gasped as his hands found your torso, his fingers pressing a little too harshly into your flesh. 
Memories of him suddenly flooded your mind like a reservoir breaking a dam, flushing out anything that didn't embody him. All the times Severus had attacked your supple flesh beautifully; pulling gorgeous moans from those pink lips of yours. Your brows furrowed together as your body silently yearned for his touch. It hurt.
You were stuck between stopping this and just shamelessly indulging in the dark, twisted fantasy of pretending that Ben was Severus. You were being so selfish. And yet, you didn't care, all of the emotional turmoil that you'd been through tonight was pushing you to the edge - all you wanted was the man who didn't love you, who only saw you as a quick fuck, maybe some midnight company. 
You shut your eyes again and tried your best to imagine him. With a sigh, you ran your hand up Ben's neck and into his hair, though it wasn't the same. You missed the way you'd tangle your fingers in his raven-black locks, gripping on it as he'd ravish your neck and breasts like some mad professional. Sighing frustratedly, you moved your hands down to his shoulders, expecting the rough, black fabric of Severus's robes, and yet you were met with the flimsy, thin fabric of Ben's white cotton t-shirt.
You felt so fucking pathetic.
Knock, knock.
You froze, eyes snapping open as quick as lightning. Was there someone at the door?
"Did you hear that?"
"Hear what?" Ben groaned drunkenly as he continued to kiss your neck. Unfortunately for him, the feeling had worn off the second you heard those knocks.
"The knocks at the door."
"You're.. imag-ining things, baby." Ben sighed and hiccuped once more, his uncomfortably hot breath on your neck made you shiver. At this point, Ben was much more drunk than you, and so with your remaining energy, you rolled him off of you. "Whoa- heey-!" He groaned as you slipped from underneath him, padding to the door. You didn't bother to check if he was alright, the only thing on your mind was who was at your door at this time of night.
Was it him? Did you want it to be him?
Reluctantly, you reached out your hand to open the door.
Nobody was there.
You frowned and leaned forwards, poking your head out to glance around. The corridor was empty, completely empty. That was incredibly weird, did you imagine those knocks? You sighed softly - perhaps you were a little disapppointed. Turning around, you shut the door, only to be faced with Ben sat sloppily in a chair with a face like thunder.
"Waitin' for someone?" He asked with a flat tone, his head lazily cocked to one side, still clearly drunk.
"You know what I'm talkin' abou', Y/N." Ben said with the same tone, standing up, albeit unsteadily. You swallowed as he inched closer towards you, dragging his feet, your toes burying themselves against the hard wooden floor beneath your feet. "I know about the notes you kept. From him." He spat, pointing his finger at your face. Your heart instantly began to gallop; the pounding of its beats echoed in your ears like a harrowing scream in the night.
The notes...
"Excuse me?" You choked out, brows furrowing together in complete shock.
This was not how you wanted this to go down.
"I went through yer little drawers. In yer greenhouse," Ben scowled, his nose turning upwards in what you could only describe as disgust. "All of his little notes were perfectly preserved, and mine? Well-" Your mind was running so quickly that you could barely even listen to what he was saying - the fact that he went behind your back and invaded your privacy was the only thing sticking out to you as of right now. Your skin felt like it was on fire as the anger began to flood your veins.
"You went through my drawers, Ben?!" You yelled, shoving a finger in his face.
"That's the only thing you care abou'?! Not the fact that you secretly- obviously, have some sort of fucked up... thing for a man who treats people like they're the tiniest bit of shit on 'is shoe?!" Ben screamed back drunkenly as he bared his teeth, stomping towards you and smacking your finger away. "The fuck is wrong withya?"
You knew this could get ugly quite quickly, especially as Ben was drunk - a lot drunker than you. But at this moment, your anger was far too hot to even think about cooling things down.
You scoffed at him, your lips twitching upwards into a disgusted sneer. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Going through my stuff?!" You shouted at him, taking a step backwards as he began to get a little too close for comfort. "That's not okay, Ben!"
"How long has it been going on?" Ben asked, his tone suddenly calm. That put you on edge.
You paused for a moment, pondering on his question. It was probably best that you didn't answer that. "We're done here, Ben." You clenched your jaw, silently readying yourself for some sort of explosion.
"How long, Y/N?!" Ben yelled. The way the whites of his eyes were basically screaming at you made you feel terrified. In this current moment, there was only one pair of arms that you wish you were being held in. The man in front of you backed you up to the door, and you could only stare at him, for your wand was foolishly placed inside the pockets of your robes hung in your bedroom. Tears burned in your eyes as the guilt you'd tucked away was finally waking up and holding your body hostage with it's incredibly heavy weight. "Did you fuck 'im? Is that why ya never slept wit'me for months? Because you were too ...busy being his fucktoy?" Ben slurred, his face red and lips wet with saliva from how he'd been shouting.
"Shut up!" You cried at Ben as the tears began to break free from you and run down your cheeks like melting diamonds. This was so not the way you wanted this to go. "Please, just stop!" You were sobbing at this point as his words pierced your heart, quickly reminding you of what Severus truly thought of you.
"Oh, fuck sake, stop with the cryin'," Ben growled, drunkenly shoving a hand into your shoulder, sending you barreling backwards and into the door. You winced slightly as the bone of your shoulder blade made contact with the metal bar on your door. "Whiny bitch, yer the one in the wrong, not me!" He grumbled with a heavy sigh, turning away from you.
"Shit, Ben-" You gasped as you leaned forwards and pushed yourself off of the door, however, a sharp and excruciating pain shot across your shoulder as you tried to move it. "What the hell were you thinking?!" You whined, stumbling to the countertops of your kitchenette to lean on it. Your shoulder was fucking killing you.
"Me? What was I fuckin' thinkin'?!" A sarcastic, manic laugh fell from his lips and immediately you regretted your choice of words. The man spun on his heel, and suddenly he donned a wand in his hand. Now, you were scared for your life. "You're one to talk... you know what... I'm going to have you fired... yeah... blacklisted. From every job in this fuckin' area! That'll teach you to be a whore!" Ben screamed the last word so loudly that you were sure every sleeping student and teacher heard it. Your jaw ticked, and you had to look away, your face painted an embarrassed shade of scarlet.
Your heart dropped at his words. No way was this happening.
"You can't do that." You whispered, tears still streaming from your eyes as you stared at the ground.
"I work at the Ministry, darlin', anything is possible."
"Fuck you."
"What did you just say t'me?"
"Fuck you!" You cried out hoarsely with one hand on your shoulder and the other gripping the countertop. An animalistic like growl fell from your ex-boyfriend as he stormed towards you, fury burning bright in his eyes. He raised his wand, and you squeezed your eyes shut, bracing yourself for some sort of spell to hit you.
"Stupefy!" A familiar voice commanded, the swish of a spell following it suit. Then, a loud thud.
Reluctantly, you opened your eyes to see Ben laying on the floor, unconscious in a pool of his own saliva. Your chest heaved with fear, and you were incredibly scared to look up to see who had come to your rescue. Frozen, you stood still in your place, though you could feel your knees beginning to buckle. Within seconds you were on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably, your lungs on fire from how harshly you were breathing. Merlin, you could've just died.
uh oh.. who saved her?
i'm sorry if you weren't tagged, i went through the majority of my notes and tried to find you all!! pls forgive me :( there was a lot due to my absence <3
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crazyyluvr · 5 months
hi. same anon from the mreader appreciation thing. if ur comfy with doing it, a part 2 for the james fic? or anything more with gn and mreader honestly,,, only if ur inspired to do it though, i know pt2's can be boring to do sometimes 😥 anyways you dont have to lol. i just like ur writing
I Think James Likes Beaters!
pairing: james potter x male!ravenclaw!reader
summary: James can’t get over his new crush when he has a Quidditch game against Ravenclaw — with you as their new Beater.
genre: fluff fluff
wc: 2.1k
content: reader is a Beater (sorry I'm a sucker for Beaters), quidditch game, he/him reader, James is down bad and very gay, flirting
note: thank you for requesting anon, and i'm glad you like my writing!! i hope you enjoy this oneshot <33
oneshot under the cut :: not edited :: part 1 | part 2
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Life in Hogwarts is always full of unexpected twists and turns, both in academic and social life. They tend to make the students feel stressed and demotivated, feelings that are much more common in the older students as their requirements and tests fire one after the other.
But what can distract them from the stress and schoolwork better than Quidditch?
Whether the students of Hogwarts play Quidditch or are just familiar with the sport, most of them use the inter-house Quidditch matches to scream their hearts out, pouring all the academic frustration out with it.
And besides, it was also the perfect opportunity for both girls and boys alike to find new people to crush on.
This was one of the things James Potter lived for. He lived for the cheers of his house as he scored a point as one of their Chasers, the swooning of the ladies when he'd smirk at them as he flew by.
Now, one more thing slithered into the list.
Today was the day of his match against Ravenclaw, and he was anxious to see you in the stands. Although you would most probably be cheering for your own house, he knew that you just being there would motivate him to do better in the game and hopefully impress you (perks of having a crush I suppose).
If only you would just support him...
"Prongs, you're staring again," Remus prompted, James's gaze turning away from you to look at his friend. He hadn't even realized that he spaced out while looking at you, not that you noticed anyway. You were too busy laughing with your friends.
You looked even more handsome when you laughed.
Sirius sighed, shaking his head with a teasing grin. "With how obvious you're being, you might as well be carrying a big 'I LIKE YOU!' sign over your head."
"Oh piss off Pads," James rolled his eyes, stealing one more glance at you before focusing back on his plate of toast and bacon.
"Do you think he'll watch the match?" James asked his friends. You most probably would, but he didn't know enough about you to be sure. Did you like Quidditch? Did you play? Were you interested enough in the sport or supportive enough of your team to want to watch the match?"
Peter Pettigrew shrugged, swallowing his toast before sharing his thoughts. "I never really noticed him in our other matches against Ravenclaw, but I think he will."
"Whether or not he'll focus on you is the real question," Sirius said, making his voice lower to make himself sound more "mysterious."
Remus flicked the back of Sirius's hand, making the boy overdramatically whine in pain, before turning to the messy-haired boy. "Don't overthink it, James. I'm sure he'll be there, and I'm sure that he'll look at you during the match."
"How can you be so sure?" James asked, his voice sounding desperate.
Remus looked beyond James and smiled before looking back at him. "Because he's looking at you right now."
James immediately twisted his body despite the flare of pain at the sudden movement, hopeful to catch your eye, and he did. You smiled and gave him a small wave. It was a simple gesture, but enough to make James grin giddily and return the wave enthusiastically.
He turned back to hide his pink cheeks, the smile still plastered on his face. His friends snorted at his lovesick expression.
"What?" He demanded, the smile fading but the tinted cheeks remaining.
"You're bad down, mate," Sirius sniggered, clapping him behind the back harshly as if congratulating him. "You better not play bad later."
James scoffed at the mere suggestion that he would have a bad performance, especially with you in the crowd. "Like hell I will."
He was too busy messing around with his friends to notice your lingering gaze at the back of his head.
After giving his team his motivating speech as Quidditch Captain ("Beaters, hit hard. Chasers, score and don't fall off brooms. Keeper, whack the Quaffle away. Seeker, try not to die. Ready? Ready."), James led his team out of their tent, squinting a little at the bright sun glaring down at them.
At least this Saturday's a sunny one, James thought. I can see him better now... I hope...
Ravenclaw took their time in leaving their tent. The Gryffindors were already in a line when they finally showed up, all of them walking with surety in their steps. In the previous matches that James would have against their team, they never looked that confident.
"What's got your head held high, Harlow?" James asked the Ravenclaw Captain Eliah Harlow. "Your replacement Beater any good?"
Their old Beater got into an accident during practice (he forgot to swing when the Bludger was coming right at him), and he was still in recovery at the school's hospital wing. From what James heard, they found a last-minute replacement just this morning.
The captain grinned. "Indeed he is. Best we've ever had."
James raised an eyebrow at that, intrigued. Who was this new Beater, and how good is he to be able to pick up a team's morale?
He looked through the lineup, but he couldn't see any new face. Some Ravenclaw players were freakishly tall, so maybe he was hidden behind them.
"Captains, shake hands," Madame Hooch said, the two boys slapping their hands together and having a short grip contest before they both pulled away at the same time.
“Players, mount your brooms,” The referee said, making the players swing their legs over their rides. “Kick off on my whistle.”
James kicked himself off the ground as hard as he could, sending a few specks of dirt away as he flew up in the air.
His team worked like clockwork; their Seeker getting out of the playing field to survey the place from sides; Sirius whacking the Bludger with his signature intensity; and of course, his fellow Chasers following him as they met the opposing team's defense.
He caught the Quaffle from one of his teammates and zoomed towards one of Ravenclaw’s rings to score.
He heard the whistle of the air and turned to his left to look at the source. His eyes widened when he saw the Bludger coming right after him at an alarming rate.
It’s the damn new Ravenclaw Beater, isn’t it?
James dove, narrowly avoiding the Bludger and throwing the ball in his hands into the middle ring, causing Gryffindor to erupt in cheers at the gained point. He looked around for the new Beater that seemed to have taken a liking to him as their new target. He saw no new face around him.
Until he heard a faint laugh from behind him and a faint thwack.
James threw once glance behind him to confirm his thoughts, and sure enough, a Bludger was barreling towards him — again.
He also saw the face of the new Beater.
The only thought coursing through his brain as he sped up on his broom was that you had a hell of a swing.
He made a sharp right turn, making the Bludger almost hit the bystanders on the stands. This gave him the opportunity to make eye contact with you. You had a big grin on your face, one hand on the bat leaning on your shoulder, and the other one on the sleek handle of your broom.
Holy shit he looks so hot.
“Watch yourself, James!” You called, your voice gleeful. “You might just get knocked off your broom if you aren’t careful!”
James couldn’t help but laugh in response, veering away from you to play defense with his teammates — and to hide his flaming cheeks from your view.
“Seeker, find the damn Snitch!” He roared at his Seeker, who was barely flying around. He immediately started moving again after getting shouted at by his Captain.
And then, he spotted it and made a great dive. The Ravenclaw Seeker followed suit, tailing Gryffindor.
“It seems both Seekers have caught sight of the Snitch!” the commentator said. “But who will get to it first?!”
James maneuvered around the Chasers, passing by Sirius who cheered him on as he batted the Bludger away from him again.
“Gryffindor gets close to the Snitch!”
James focused on his own part of the game, Quaffle in his hand again as he swerved around the Ravenclaw Chasers as gracefully as he could.
He looked around, his previous encounters with you making him antsy about the big black ball that you always seem to hit towards him.
But the Bludger wasn’t aimed at him this time. It was barreling straight towards their Seeker, just grazing the space between their outstretched fingers and the small golden ball.
Instinctively, the Seeker pulled his broom up to avoid the collision with the Bludger that was never really going to happen. Ravenclaw took the opportunity to surge forward and secure the Snitch in their grasp.
“Ravenclaw has the Snitch! The game is over with them as our winner!”
The blue side of the stands erupted with cheers. The Ravenclaw team flew towards each other, congratulating their Seeker and shouting victoriously.
James sighed. Although normally after a lost Quidditch match, he’d be in fumes, but he couldn’t bring himself to act upon anger that wasn’t present in the first place. He felt strangely satisfied with the match — they didn’t lose by that many points, and you looking so beautiful during the game was enough to satisfy him.
Sirius flew towards him, Beater’s bat limp in his hand. He used his free one to pat James in the back consolingly. “We’ll get 'em next time Prongs.”
"Yeah..." He looked over to the celebrating Ravenclaw team, catching a glimpse of your victorious grin as you praised your teammates for their performance. "We will."
James stepped out of the shower, a towel around his neck as he rubbed the excess water out of his hair. He was on his own, since Sirius normally went straight to the Great Hall after matches to eat, and James liked to take his time with his shower.
So he was fine with being alone.
Until he saw that he wasn't alone.
James stopped in his tracks when he saw your bare back facing him as you busied yourself with the contents of a locker.
You must have heard him, since you turned around and smiled slightly. "Hey. Good game today."
Shirtless. Shirtless man. What the fuck, how is he able to hide that FIGURE??????
James cleared his throat. "Yeah, uh — you too. I didn't expect you to be a Beater."
You chuckled, turning back to your locker to fix the stuff inside. "I wasn't a Beater until today, actually. Just filling in as a favor to Carter. He said he doesn't trust anyone else with his empty position."
"You did good for a new Beater, though. Really good." James nodded as he spoke despite you not seeing him.
Thank goodness. He felt like his face was going to implode with how warm it felt.
If you didn't put on a shirt any time soon, he might actually faint.
It was as if you heard his prayers. You took out a big shirt and put it on, hiding your body underneath cloth once more. Now James didn't know if he really wanted that to happen.
You turned around, your other clothes gathered in your hands. "You would have won, you know."
James tilted his head, confusion overpowering his flusteredness a little bit. "Sorry?"
"You would have won the game," you repeated. "You gathered a lot of points for your team through the Quaffle. If you went on any longer, us catching the Snitch wouldn't have gathered enough points to win."
You smiled, eyes softening as you continued to hold James's gaze. "You did really well today. I'm proud of you."
James felt his heart stutter in his chest.
You let out an amused huff at his shocked reaction. You walked past him, not without patting his shoulder. It was a gesture that was normally a small one, but the gentleness and the honesty it had was enough to pause the rotation of James's world for a splitsecond.
"Eat up tonight. You deserve it." You gave him another smile, one as soft as your gaze.
You let go of his shoulder, continuing your trek out of the tent, but you called over your shoulder before you left. "Go to Hogsmeade with me next week. My treat."
You disappeared without waiting for his reply.
James turned, staring at where you were moments before. Your words just processed in his head, enabling a giddy grin to form on his face.
"Was that... a date? Did he just ask me out on a date??????"
He was lucky he was alone in the lockers. No one had to go deaf from his cheers as he won his own personal victory that day.
A date with you.
And boy did that end well.
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plleeeepppyyyy · 1 year
I absolutely adore your Wally fanfics!
If it’s alright with you, can you make a slightly jealous Wally fic? Again, it’s okay if you don’t want to, but if you do, here’s how it would go—
You’ve been hanging around with Barnaby, Julie, Frank, Poppy, Sally, Eddie, and Howdy quite often. Usually it’s because some of them request help, or it’s because they just want to hang out with you!
Unfortunately, this comes at the (slight) dismay of Wally. At first, he’s delighted you’re making friends with the others, or at least getting to know them better. But as time goes on, hanging out with him is less and less— of course, you still try to MAINTAIN hangouts with him, but it seems that fate dislikes him so! Every time you’re just having the best fun with him, someone has to come and take you away.
(Like say Frank needs you to catch butterflies with him just when you and Wally are drawing, or Eddie needs your help delivering packages.)
Either way, it makes Wally more jealous.
How he deals with it is all up to you! Again, if you want to write this, I hope I provided enough detail for you to base a story off of this! :)!!
iiiii think i accidentally made wally a bit more than slightly jealous? its really fun to write him being jelly ngl!! it was really fun to write this, ٥(¯ ³¯)
i also made him a bit (maybe too) rude to julie,, so sorry julie! :(
(i also would’ve posted this earlier but i had a busy day, sorry!!!!)
“slightly” jealous wally + reader!
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•wally is just so…. happy that everyone wants to hang out with you!! so… happy… (ง'̀-'́)ง
•honestly he’s jealous at times, he’s honestly a very jealous man.
•like dont get wally wrong, he’s happy that you’re getting on great with his friends! it’s just he prefers to have all of your attention on him.
•just him, he wants you all to himself.
•but just as long as you hang around him, it’s perfectly fine—
•no it wasn’t. why’d you stop hanging out with him more? :(
•he doesn’t blame everyone for being excited , after all.. you were y/n. just great, fun, a good person to be around. how could people not stay by you?
•and that’s what wally wanted to do, stay by you.
•even if you guys hang out with the others, his eyes are only on you. like said before, you’re the apple of his eye. his bff, everything, ofc he wants to look at you.
•he notices quickly on that everyone else is just taking ur attention further and further, which makes you more busy and busy to not hang out with him! he’s legit so distraught, he immediately runs to house for some advice.
•like, how can he get your attention more?!
•he’s handsome, he’s entertaining, he’s got like,, everything, why do you pay more attention to his friends more than him?
•you guys could just be sitting around sketching, as wally watches you intently, someone has to come up and poof! you’re being whisked away..
•okay, he feels a bit guilty thinking of his friends in a not so friendly manner. but they keep taking you away from him! you were supposed to be his!
•he’s also kinda in his delulu arc,, he makes himself feel better that you’re just busy! ofc you want to hang out with him! you like wally, he likes you! literally he keeps trying to convince himself that everyday you’re just YEARNING to be with him 24/7. (like he is with you.) wally also convinced himself he is justified for feeling this way. i mean, you’re his best friend, he didn’t go all this way to bring you back just for you to be distracted from him.
•if one of the neighbors like for instance,, barnaby come up to you while you and wally are spending time together beautifully and grabs you away,, he’s so heartbroken. like don’t go! :( barnaby’s jokes can wait!
•as patient as wally can be, he gets a bit snarky.!(not a bit, a LOT) literally if frank comes up to you asking for help with something, wally spews out a quiet sassy comment. he’s so passive aggressive. as you ask him what he said, he turns to you with the most innocent face ever and says, “nothing, darling!🫶” (lies,,)
•you know how elmo got passive aggressive if rocko and susie? that is wally, elmo is wally..
•if sally walks up to you guys, wally will legit glare at her and be like, “hello sally.” and just eyeing her. like WALLY??? are you okay? 😭
•he can get SO desperate for you to stay with him, he comes up with every excuse in the book. he’s on the brink of grabbing you and just running away. he’s very on the verge of going on his knees of begging.
•he’s honestly like a dog who cannot live without your attention for a second. it makes everyone else so confused, like why is wally being so clingy to you?
•if you ever notice the snarky comments he’s been making and call him out on it. he apologizes and comes up with an excuse. that he was stressed; whatnot.. well,, it wasn’t a lie.
•if anything he’s starting to envy his friends, which is something he wouldn’t want to happen. but, if they keep taking him away from him. sometimes he just gets frustrated. you’re his bff!
•just as things start to get great, someone has to swoop on in and snatch you. he wants you to look at him and him only at times.
•hell, he even getz a bit jealous of barnaby! his other bff, even if you both hang out with him, he still gets a bit jealous.
•as he is left there alone as you go help howdy with his shop, he just thinks to himself. why can’t you stay by him? you’re supposed to be friends, the best of friends! doesn’t howdy have four arms? what did he need help with? it should be him getting attention from you, its just not fair. why?
•he literally is on the verge of breaking down as he goes back to home miserably. wally legit starts ranting again to home, what is he doing wrong? he rants a lot to the point where tears of frustration are clouding his eyes. why is he upset over you? no, you were his best friend, he had every right to be mad.
•just as he kept ranting, his telephone rang. it was you!
•finally you were able to give him at least some attention, and he could hear your lovely voice.. (attention starved i swear,,)
•you apologize to him for leaving, that stuff was just getting busier, but then offered to hang out with him.
•of course he said yes!! he felt excited, but it dawned on him. how was he going to keep you to himself? where it was just you and him.
•simple, just be stern.
•this time, he was going to keep you right, beside him. :)
“again, i’m sorry i’ve been so busy lately. its as if i’m just a celebrity here, huh?” you chuckled, it was a normal day. sunny, nice, and it was just you and wally. walking around, trying to find something to do.
“hah, you could say that.. it’s okay though, y/n. i’m just glad we have time together. especially now.” wally hummed in happiness, he wouldn’t lie. he was really happy. you sighed and nodded, you couldn’t but feel bad.
it was if you kept leaving wally behind, so you might as well give him some time too, right?
“yeah, me too. i’ll try to be around you more, of course if you want it.”
wally wanted it, definitely, it was like he couldn’t live without even talking to you for a day.
“mhm, i’d very much like that.” he nodded, finally some time to be alone with just you. no one else.
“i’ve been feeling bad for just leaving you by yourself, and..” you sighed and shook your head, clearly thinking as wally looked at you.
“wally i really want to have more time with you. thanks for being understanding about this whole thing.. don’t get me wrong, i like how your friends are so welcoming!” wally winced at the “welcoming” part, if anything they were too welcoming. but he listened on.
“it’s just.. sometimes they leave me barely any time to just hang out with you, you know? and for sure in the future, i’ll be sure to give you some attention.” you said in confidence, seemingly determined as you grabbed his hands.
which made wally a bit taken back, wow.. did you really felt this determined to make it up to him? he felt so happy at this fact and held your hands back.
“well, thank you.. y/n. i know it’s out of your control, since you are so exciting to be around. i guess people can’t help themselves but be around you.” he huffed jokingly.
“you’re a good friend though, y/n. i really appreciate you being this considerate.” wally smiled at you, which made you feel a bit better about the whole situation. you hummed and shook both of his hands, then let go. despite wally’s disappointment.
“yeah, of course! don’t wanna make you feel left out.. hey, you wanna go?—“ as you were about to finish your question, both of you heard julie. much to wally’s dismay.
“heyyyy y/n! hiya wally!” julie hummed as she skipped over to both of you. wally glared at her ever so slightly as he looked at you, you were smiling. maybe out of kindness? manners?
he felt his heart sink a bit, “oh, hi julie! what’s up?” you greeted as wally stared directly at julie. if she even tried to steal you away this time..
“sooo, uhm, i need some help with something.” she sighed as she poked your cheek lightly, seemingly a bit shy.
“uhm, what is it?” you asked, wally kept looking at julie. practically serving knives right into her, as bad it would make him feel afterwards. he couldn’t just have you go away, not again, not now. you were his today. nothing was going to change that. home even agreed that you should give wally more time!
as wally begged internally for you to not go away again, julie explained her situation.
“so, i was gonna do this surprise for poppy, but i really need some help with some suggestions. could you—?” as julie was about to continue, wally quickly grabbed your hand and tugged you close.
“ah, sorry, julie! y/n’s a bit busy with me today, why don’t you ask someone else?” wally asked, if you listened close enough you could almost hear the passive aggressiveness. you and julie were both startled as wally basically held you. he smiled his usual smile, keeping you close. and tight. to him, you weren’t going anywhere without him.
“uhm, but it’ll only take a bit, i swear!—“ wally quickly shot her down and glared at her, his smile slightly faltering. “ask someone else. they promised to stay with me, right y/n?” wally said sternly. he looked at you, you were a bit taken back. a little flustered, yet confused.
“uhm, well, i did..” you mumbled back, you were a bit taken back as well. she seemed to be a bit scared and pitiful. “oh, uh, okay.. sorry for bothering you two. my bad!” she sighed and gave you both a pity smile, as if she was a bit embarrassed.
“it’s fine— uhm,” wally let go of your hand and smiled at you, “anyways, what place were you going to say, y/n?” you paused and looked at julie. feeling a bit bad as she looked around, backing up a bit.
“uh, that one cafe i talked about a couple days ago! remember?.” you stammered out, wally nodded and smiled at you. “lead the way then!”
you paused and nodded, mouthing a sorry to julie as you tugged on wally’s cardigan. motioning for him to follow you, you started to walk after you did so. thinking of how weird the interaction you just had.
wally lingered a bit and whispered to julie up close, “sorry julie.. but they’re mine.” he smiled at her, the way he mumbled to her made her confused. a bit embarrassed as well. what did he mean by that, you can’t just..
“for today at least, you know how it is.” wally winked and walked away, julie looked at him. a bit confused, no really confused. is wally okay? why was he being rude? she sighed sorrowfully and made her way, maybe someone else could help her.
you looked back a bit as you were paused in your steps, what did wally say to julie that made her run away? you felt really bad for that encounter, why would wally do that?
wally caught up to you and took your hand, “sorry if i was a bit.. stern to julie. she just.. needed to back off a bit, you know?” he assured you, you looked at him with confusion.
but you nodded, holding his hand back. “uh, you’re right.. i did promise you that i was yours today. huh?” you asked him. you decided to try to least not be too tense today at least. it was the least you could do for wally.
he nodded and kept his grip on your hand tight enough. adoring at the statement you recalled.
yes, you were his today.
and no one was going to change that.
•over the whole time this is happening he becomes more clingy, more around you. to the point where he just drags you along with him.
•he’s dismissive of his other friends at times too, he focus all on you. he waves eddie off and just listens on what you have to say. which does make him a bit more distant from the neighbors.
•even over the time, he gets more jealous and slightly more convictive, snarky, and just overall mean. in fact if you didn’t reprimand him for those comments he could’ve been way rude. it still makes him feel a bit bad too, those are also his friends. yet he’s just being rude. he can’t help it but feel annoyed though..
•he is trying to work on himself be less rude, to the point where he went to you and talked about it.
•you, being an understanding person thankfully, offered to help him out. make him less tense, jealous, and whatnot.
•and with your help, he does get better with his jealousy issues too! which makes him glad, it def gets him out of his delulu arc too.
•at times though, the thought of jealousy comes up.
•even if he tries to calm down, he can’t help but feel it. the emotions spring up at times.
•wally is still jealous nonetheless, and even if it is an ugly thing. it won’t go away for him. he just appreciates you so much, that’s what friends do, right?
ackjjj,, okay went a bit overboard ngl. but writing a jealous wally is just fun ! ( ̄▽ ̄)
thanks to anon for givin me some stuff to work with too, you got some good writing ideas!!(•̀��•́)و
yet again; sorry for posting this one later than usual! days are getting a little busy for me, but i’m definitely trying to get all of these requests done!
i also realized how much traction my clumsy and silly reader fic is gettin too, so thanks for that! i’m glad my writing is getting somewhere,,´・ᴗ・`
love y’all!!
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