#honestly i wouldn't even be surprised if they wrote her out the show in s2 at this point
mdhwrites · 2 years
You mentioned knight Boscha once and it got me into shipping mood for real, I thought a fic idea in milliseconds. Royal Amity having Boscha as knight who's trying to get her attention so hard, add childhood friends to that and it gets even better! And Luz getting into the picture later on, making Boscha jealous for drama points ☕
Luz could be a merchant? Or from a different kingdom.
Also I'm so into the trope of Boscha having a secret crush on Amity even if it's just fanon sadly. Me being a BoschaxAmity shipper just getting excited for little content that I can find with them that's not toxic bs or another mock at Boscha for being a mEan bUlly for the hundredth time 🙄
Seriously people can't see more into a character beyond canon establishment and it's gets boring and lazy, and Boscha has all that potential still intact somehow sitting there not taken advantage of by the fandom. In a perfect world I can imagine L/mity not being rushed and have my bochamity moments beforehand so I can get good fanship content at least. (I don't really ship l/mity, not as much anymore, sucks that Amity doesn't get content beyond that tho)
Well I just felt like rambling about ships 😅 I got no asks about the show rn
As I posted last night, this was the post that for whatever reason made my brain buzz and make a brief AU one off about a Blighted princess, Bosched Knight and Luckless Luzer. If you think this is all the Amischa content I have... Well, I focus a lot on Rich Witch and Power of Love for what I promote here because they're the easiest and tie directly back into themes of TOH because they are the ones that took TOH's ideas and ran with them the furthest. The ones started when TOH was full of possibility and such an open space that I feel it COULD inspire a billion stories, while honestly I feel like each special actually shrinks the potential of it and S2 had already done plenty of damage to the world and characters. Got a bit sidetracked but the point is that I do have a LOT more out there (I have literally 43 different TOH stories and 18 of them feature Amity and Boscha in them) so I thought I'd use this post to share some positivity towards Amischa because I think the ship is great. I think the two's relationship in general is fascinating. Though I actually want to say first that I don't think it was ever something the show really should have explored. Not once the first season came out. Hell, I commonly argued between S1 and S2 that the show had so many other things going on, and Winging it Like Witches felt like such a good climax to Hexide elements, that if we never saw Boscha again I wouldn't be surprised. The show was simply past dealing with bullies at that point as it turned its attention towards bigger threats so now that Amity was a friend... Why not move on? BOY WAS I PROVEN WRONG! *eye twitches at the first half of S2 which just kicks its feet as it focuses on not moving the plot at all* Anyways, let's ignore all that and let me flood your timeline with story pitches, hmm? Oh, I will be linking the Lumischa stuff too because I've also done lots of that because... I mean, when I write Lumity, I'm effectively writing S1 Lumity rather than S2 and I still love those two together. They fundamentally changed what I wrote going forward. Boscha just later kicked down the door, took a seat and demanded she was staying. XD Joro Rigged Pets: The barely fanfiction Lumischa story I really need to keep working on since I actually have the cover already commissioned for when I convert it to original fiction. This one features a non-binary Luz who inherits a pair of spiders who aren't spiders but actually the Jorogumo Boscha and the spider she has been incubating for a thousand years, Amity. And that time of transformation is quite close at hand and with it will come complications, love, fears and hungers the sort that no human can understand. Also has LOTS of identity themes in general.
The Crow House: I won't do a hard sell on this one because it died far earlier than I wish it had. A Swap AU is going to feel more like a fix it fic if you're not happy with the source material and that's not what I want to write. As for who was swapped? So many people. Amity and Luz, Lilith and Eda, Kiki and King, etc. Boscha's swap was with Willow where she actually had so much corrupted physical strength as to not be able to safely TOUCH PEOPLE. She literally couldn't control it so a light tap might accidentally come out as a hard jab. She literally shatters multiple of Hunter's bones in her first appearance while trying to apply only a little pressure back. Not that Amity gives a damn. She'll still grab the demon because while Boscha won't touch her, Amity can still touch her hero, regardless of Boscha's protests. A Player, A Scout and a Lich Walk Into An Evil Resident: Technically a future AU with adult Amity and Boscha already in a relationship doing a mission for the Emperor's Coven that ends up not going the way either expected. Fraught With Emotions: Not an AU! Finally. This one has me having Amity, Boscha and Luz go to the Emotionarium, a place where you can have your emotions soothed, twisted, enhanced or even removed. Now why might two old friends want to be in a place like that?
Amity? is Your Baby Tonight: Inspired by a very good Whitney Houston song in my opinion, it's time for Amity, while still having green hair, to serenade and seduce the girl she loves. Where did she get such confidence though?
Amity's Many Misspellings: First just Amischa story with a coffee shop AU! And Amity of all people for some reason being unable to ever get Boscha's name right. Amity's Private Penstagram: Luz and Amity go on a trip down memory lane to pictures Amity had never shared with anyone else before. Especially the one who's picture she took most. Boscha's Best Bedside Manner: A bad night gets worse? when Boscha shows up out of the blue. How could someone as rough and blunt as Boscha ever help with a problem after all? Let alone one that seemed so entirely insurmountable to Amity? (This might easily be the best one off I have for showing why I think Boscha helps complete Lumity as a note). Under a Tree of Love: Two links on this one. This first one features a very short story about Amity growing up under a suspiciously alive tree while finding love with her best friend Boscha under its same branches. If you like it though, I actually expanded it into a full length novella, with a similar but more thorough structure, called Under the Boughs of Love that you can check out through the link on this paragraph. Chapters Left Behind: Amity and Luz sure did abandon their club stand in Sport in a Storm, didn't they? What happened to those books that were left behind? Discarded like Amity had once thrown away a large chapter of her life before? And was there still room for both in her life? I left out a couple AUs that hadn't ever gotten very far and two stories stories that I wrote for a friend that are more sad than anything else rather than hopeful like all of these. I do hope this shows JUST how much I've done with these characters though, especially when I remind you that The Power of Love is still over 300k words, The Eyes Beneath the Water (which has barely had the Amity and Boscha inspired characters even talk to each other, hence why it wasn't linked) is over 80k minimum (haven't done a word count check in a while for it) and Rich Witch is also over 80k words. And most of that writing was done back in 2021 when something about TOH and its community opened up my brain and just let me type. Type so much that in the span of 8 months, I wrote over five hundred THOUSAND words. And boy would I love to return to even a fraction of that strength again. *sigh*
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caatws · 1 year
Speaking of what if scenarios with the skrulls, do you know if there will definitely be a season 2 of what if where we might finally see Gamora's episode? I'm beyond glad she's not a skrull but I do hope for a tiny bit more content for her and I think What if would be the way to do it.
And since you posted about merch before do you know if there have been any updates or information released on Gamora getting more? I have mostly resigned myself to her never getting anything else but part of me is still not comfortable with this and I'm hurt they brought her back only to ignore her this badly. I know vol 3 should have done better but she was still there and had more of a role than some characters. They act like she didn't exist or was only in one scene. I think I remember seeing Taserface get a funko after vol 2 and he definitely had a smaller role than Gamora has in vol 3.
so it's been previously reported that what if was greenlit for a s2 and s3, and last year at sdcc marvel announced that we'd be getting what if s2 in "early 2023" (this announcement is still the pinned tweet on the what if twitter account, even), but it's kinda fallen to the wayside bc of disney/marvel re-evaluating their content output on disney+ this year. like you know how a bunch of streamers have just been randomly deleting shows and movies over the last couple months? the companies are trying to save money by reducing how much streaming content they're hosting, so i think that's what's been delaying what if s2. i wouldn't be surprised if s2 (and maybe even s3) is already completely finished and disney's just hoarding the files and biding their time, just to be fucking annoying, frankly
on the gamora front—yes, it's been confirmed since s1's release that there's an ep featuring her that was missing! the gamora we saw in the guardians of the multiverse was supposed to be in a tony-centric ep that had to be delayed due to covid:
An episode that centered on Tony Stark was supposed to premiere in this first batch of episodes, What If…? creator A.C. Bradley confirmed to Polygon. But due to COVID-19-related production issues, the episode was unable to be completed on time for release, forcing producers to bump it off to What If…? season 2 (which is good news for anyone hoping for a What If…? season 2). While “What If… The Watcher Broke His Oath?” now raises some accidental questions about Tony and Gamora’s relationship in a pocket of the multiverse, Bradley says it was worth the trouble. “Given the global tragedy of the pandemic, pushing an episode is nothing,” she wrote to Polygon. “I only hope viewers have been entertained these last 9 weeks, and enjoyed the ride as much as I did.”
that's likely part of why gamora still got what if merch in 2021, though i still maintain that if gamora being in what if of all things could warrant her getting merch, then she should've gotten merch for vol 3, 100%, straight fax no printer. like, there is no way that animated, non-mainline mcu, d+ series WHAT IF had more viewers who'd be interested in buying merch than a LITERAL THEATRICAL MAINLINE FILM ☠️ like...yo LMAO
i haven't personally seen any updates about gamora getting vol 3 merch on any of my social media feeds, but i've seen some of the funko collectors on reddit speculating abt another wave of vol 3 figures that she could be part of or something. but now that we're nearing 2 months post-vol 3, i honestly don't have high hopes for any new merch featuring her to come out :/// esp with marvel now seeming to have shifted focus to secret invasion (which just started releasing on d+ today), i'm not rly expecting any new anything in general on the gotg/vol 3 front tbh
however, if what if s2 ever returns from war and we finally get the tony & gamora ep, maybe we'll get some more merch of her for that? 😵‍💫 lol i hate it here
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regalpotato · 2 years
I don’t wanna sound upset or maybe I’m trying to hold myself back. Ik snw is only allowed 10 eps and that restricts screen time a lot but… I thought the whole purpose for pushing the main trio was so that they can all get the spotlight. But all we’ve gotten is a lot of Chris and Spock both individually and together but like I’m getting crumbs with Una.
You're preaching to the choir, Anon.
I've been incredibly vocal (mostly on discord, a tiny bit on twitter, just not much here on tumblr) about it.
Read more, because I went off
All the interviews, articles, previews for SNW before it came out, sold this show as a Pike, Number One, and Spock show. But when it came to it, there was barely any Una. She was actively written out of a number of episodes (Memento Mori, All Those Who Wander, A Quality of Mercy - are the main culprits), and she wasn't vital to a lot of the others.
She's the first officer. No other Star Trek show in history has had this little screen time from the main cast first officer. Spock, Riker, Chakotay, Kira, T'Pol, Saru/Burnham, even god damn Ransom when the bridge characters aren't even the main ones we follow in Lower Decks (also it's funny because Ransom is voiced by Rebecca Romijn's husband), all have more screen time and more importance than the very first ever Star Trek first officer, Number One.
And it's not about my favourite not having screen time - Effie Trinket is one of my all time favourite characters and she's barely in the last THG book and I didn't get mad over it - it's that this was billed as a show where she would have screen time, and she just...didn't.
If you took her out of Season 1, nothing would change, she hasn't been the driving force of any plot except for her centric - which tbh is less about her (she's been Illyrian her whole life, and we didn't even really see her struggle with hiding it or whether or not she should risk exposing herself to save the crew) and more about a plot point (yes in episode 1, Pike was sent to rescue her, but he could easily have been sent just to rescue the other crew sans Una).
Meanwhile, if you take Chris (most episodes), La'an (Strange New Worlds, all the gorn stuff), Spock (do I even have to explain this one), Christine (Spock Amok/Serene Squall), Erica (Elysian Kingdom/A Quality of Mercy), Hemmer (most of his episodes), or Nyota (Children of the Comet/all her Hemmer friendship stuff) out of episodes, there would be vast differences to the plot and feel of the show.
I think Joseph M'Benga is possibly the only other main cast member who (aside from his centric episode) hasn't been vital to the show.
Una's mistreatment by the show hurts me a lot. She's been in my top 5 favourite Star Trek characters ever since I saw The Cage (and Discovery and Short Treks didn't change that) and I was so excited to see her and Pike work together as Captain and First Officer. AND WE'VE NOT REALLY SEEN THAT?? I think the only time we've actually seen them work together as CO/XO is the Serene Squall mutiny.
I'm really hoping Una has a bigger part in Season 2 (part of me does wonder if it's a scheduling conflict with Rebecca Romijn as she is the most famous cast member, which hopefully changed as filming went on.) because this is ridiculous. I know there’s the argument that they wanted to put more emphasis on the new characters, but Chris and Spock still got hella development, and they were already far more developed that Number One...
Though I can't imagine her arrest will last over one episode (or otherwise we're gonna get entire episodes without her in).
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alrightsnaps · 3 years
I don’t see how the fairytale (and honestly kind of ridiculous) LW reveal in the book can play out on the show. Penelope wrote awful things about Daphne and hurt the family’s reputation with the Colin/Marina thing. The Bridgertons are very clannish, I don’t see why they’d forgive Penelope at all, let alone clap for her…show Penelope is basically a villain (and this makes her a lot more interesting tbh). Since LW was very important to S1 plot machinations, I’d be surprised if what LW writes in S2 is significantly milder. Because then what’s the point? Who cares about a gossip columnist who only has benign takes? I suppose Penelope might befriend Edwina or have some kind of kinship with Kate as a fellow “spinster,” but she seems to like the power too much. I’m sure LW will still write unfavorable things about Kate or Kate/Anthony.
I don’t care for Colin/Penelope couple, so I don’t have any particular stake in how the show adapts it, but tbh, it would be a lot more romantic/dramatic if it were “them against the world” and they flee the ton/London to be together because they are shunned by society and their families after the reveal. That’s how I would do it at least.
In the book I didn't think the LW reveal was such a big deal (at worst the ton would be mad they were taken in by her for so long) so I guess the united front they presented made sense. It seemed a bit too fairytale-ish, but then again it is a romance so my meh reaction could have to do with not being interested in them as a couple or individual characters lol. Maybe they'd have to sit out a few events for a time but that's it, especially with all the Bridgerton clan by their side.
I agree about her being more of a villain in the show. And I have no clue how the Bridgertons could forgive them if she treats more of them the way she treated Daphne in season 1.
Also, keep in mind that much of the audience actually believes that Marina was in the wrong for ~trying to trap poor innocent Colin into marriage~ due to misogyny. So, there is a chance they wouldn't even have to try so hard and just present her actions as well-intentioned to Colin and the Bridgertons. And maybe “forget” about the Daphne thing if her reports about the family are not malicious in the future.
Though since Marina will be in season 2 and they also had Daphne sympathize and help her after the revelation, there's hope for a more nuanced approach that would actually hold Penelope accountable I guess? Definitely not to a satisfying degree as far as I'm concerned (because I don't think they'll deviate from book canon enough for Penelope/Colin and Eloise/Philip not to be endgame, which would mean Penelope gets her HEA and Marina gets to die) but still. At least it wouldn't be the nightmare scenario in which Penelope is portrayed as the Good Guy in regards to the Marina revelation.
The two of them pulling a Benedict and Sophie definitely makes much more sense but I don't think the show would go for it. They'll probably spend their season trying to redeem Penelope in the eyes of the audience and/or Colin but in the end I don't think the consequences she'll face will be proportional to the harm she caused, though I hope I'm proven wrong. 🤞
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buddha-in-disguise · 5 years
100 episodes of Supergirl. And let me tell you it was a doozy.
Well that was an episode and then some. I haven't had a rewatch yet, so no doubt will pick up on some things once I do, but for now here are more immediate thoughts.
The first thing that struck me - it's now canon that Kara and Lena's destinies are intertwined. Who they become, who they were to who they are, whether or not they survive, hell, even whether or not those around them survive, depends on the other person. No-one else has the same impact in their life. Argue all you want, but that sure as hell is a definition of soulmates to me, platonic or otherwise.
If anyone of you are like me, and old enough to have been Xena fans, let me tell you this is so reminiscent of the “When Fates Collide” episode from season 6, which showed that in any alternate universe, Xena and Gabrielle still find each other. That it always comes back to the two of them. Fast forward some 18 years, and this parallels that message. Fate or destiny, call it what you will, but Lena and Kara's lives are intricately linked. I know a few other SG fans are Xena fans, and we've discussed the similarities between Kara/Lena v Xena/Gabrielle numerous times. This is another for that growing list.
So other than that, here are my immediate takeaways from it all.
Mon-El. Now he is a divisive character, and one I honestly have had a lot of issues with. However, this episode I felt showed the better side of him.
I also watched with widening eyes as Kara went to her ex-boyfriend for no reason other than to ask him about Lena! Seriously telling moment for me. I was also pleased Mon-El made the point that he and Lena both came from abusive childhoods and families. At last, the point of Lena having reacted in part like she has is because of abuse, as mentioned. Only the other day I said I was frustrated how Mon-El was forgiven for his actions because of his upbringing, but Lena wasn't afforded the same. It wasn't much, but it was a start. I will add, abuse or not - Lena still is accountable for her own actions (more on that later), just as Mon-El was.
The other thing. Winn has already said to "Give Lena time." Mon-El mirrored that line. Brainy believes in Lena. All three are from the future. Plus, the whole reason Mon-El can even be there? Because L-Corp develops a cure for the Daxamite lead allergy. Not LexCorp. Not Luthor Corp. L-Corp. Now I know that Supergirl and continuity are really poor at times, but I truly hope this is another nod that LexCorp is defeated, and Lena takes control of L-Corp once again, and she does good things, that lead L-Corp into being the cause for good she has always wanted it to be.
Onto Dark Lena. I'd already said to hubby that I wouldn't be surprised if in one of those timelines they didn't show an evil Lena. After all, we've had Kara gone bad now a few times in various scenarios. We even have had a bad Alex (S1, mind controlled anyone? Hmm. Mind controlled Alex. Oh wonder where we've heard that before? Yep, Alex this season. No idea if that is relevant in future episodes if Alex and Lena actually ever have a damn conversation, but it should be, whereby Alex can tell Lena just how mind controlling anyone, regardless of intent is a huge, bad thing, because of her own experiences with it).
So evil Lena was so good. It was pretty obvious to me, once they said that Lena had been injured, then disappeared and came back 2 years later changed, that Lillian/Cadmus had her. Lo and behold, Lillian had kidnapped her, and Lena version of Metallo was born. Even faced with that, when Kara refused to fight Lena, for that split second you could see the flicker in Lena's facial reaction. That split second moment of doubt. Honestly one of the things that I love so much with Supergirl is that they often have these nuanced moments throughout the seasons. Put those moments in the hands of Melissa and/or Katie and they're elevated to another level.
So only the other day on a different post I wrote this: 'Also, in reference to that S2 episode, (note - also ep 13), as Mxy disappears, he says that all he ever wanted was to have someone to love him, but Kara says that "love can't be forced on anybody; it needs to come on its own."'
Then we get the line in this episode of: “You were right what you said. You can’t force magic. It must be found.” Okayyyy then. Wow. Parallels again.
So talking of nuanced moments, let's talk about that ending. Although, before we delve into that I just want to talk about it a moment before Kara lands on Lena's balcony.
Did Kara actually watch that tape?
I find it strange it was left and I believe it wasn’t left by accident. Why else pick it up, and show that title so clearly? Why have that scene in at all unless it has relevance?
Is that why she decided she needed to take the stance she did?
I personally believe this was why it played out like it has. Kara saw something in that tape to take this route.
So the last scene. Again, watch the nuances of expression on Lena’s face as Kara speaks.
From the shock when Kara says “not this time.” to the way she frowned at the last line. Which isn’t calling Lena a villain by the way. For goodness sake please don't misrepresent exactly what was said. Kara is saying *if* Lena becomes a villain.
But there is far more here for me.
Lena knows Kara's true identity. Kara is trusting her with that knowledge even now, and especially with Lex in the picture. We know from the earlier timelines explored that by Kara openly showing who she is to the World, it causes all those around her to be targeted and killed. That is the trust Kara is showing and Lena almost certainly knows it, even without knowing that timeline alternative, and even if she doesn’t want to admit it yet.
A best friend isn't someone who always agrees with you and tells you that you're right.
A best friend is someone that helps you be the best version you can be, reminding you what your values are and what is important. They hold you accountable when you mess up, and support you when you need help. That is exactly what Kara did. She was telling Lena she would be the for her, but she would also hunt her down if she became a Villain.
We also have to remember numerous times, Lena has stated she is not a Villain. And she isn't. Not yet. She is misguided, making some terrible decisions, but ultimately Lena also stated just ahead of when she jumped off the cliff that 'Supergirl will save me.'
Now Lena knows, Kara will save her. But the boundary lines have been set by Kara (who by the way, I still think could never fight back against Lena. Not fully, because she wouldn't even when Evil Lena was killing her. She saw that flicker in the eyes just as I did).
Kara has firmly placed it all into Lena's court. Lena has to make the decision, to meet Kara half way and that Kara shouldn't have the burden placed entirely on her, and they shoulder it together. To realise her mistakes. We know Lena is craving friendship as much as she denies it. Remember this with Hope in 5.08, The Wrath of Rama Khan, and the nuanced reaction Lena gave there as the reality set in?
L: "You're the only friend I can count on."
H: "But, Ms. Luthor, I'm not your friend. I'm something you created to serve a purpose."
Ouch. That one hurt.
This whole end scene is more powerful and pivotal than perhaps realised.
Overall, I loved the episode. I truly did.
I just wish there wasn't another small break between this and episode 14, which isn't until March 8th. Damn all these breaks so close together! It would be so much nicer to be able to watch them without all these interruptions.
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