#hongice week day 7
ama-the-weeb · 1 year
hongice week day 7... the final day. today's prompts were school / free day. i did both, technically... it ended up being really short but honestly i think its kinda funny and sweet. some sweet fluff to end the week... fic under cut (@hongiceweek)
“Hey,” Leon says to Emil, leaning on the locker next to his. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“Haha, very funny,” Emil mumbles, opening his locker. “You know this is my locker, you moron.”
“C’mon,” Leon whines a bit. “Can’t I have a little fun?”
Rolling his eyes, Emil finishes putting his stuff in his locker and shuts it. “It’s lunchtime, do you wanna get food with me?” He suggests, leaning on his own locker and turning to face Leon.
“Yes!” Leon cheers, smiling.
“Alright,” Emil replies, nodding slightly. “Lunch is on me this time.”
Because both of them are teenagers in high school, they get their lunch at the nearby fast food restaurant with its dirt-low prices. After ordering and receiving their meal, Emil and Leon sit across from one another at a small table in the corner of the restaurant.
“Well, this is kinda nice,” Leon comments.
“Getting treated to food,” Leon adds on. “Makes me feel special.”
With that statement, Emil’s cheeks flush red. “I’m just paying you back for all the times you treated me to food,” he explains, stumbling over his words.
“Thank you,” Leon says.
“It’s no problem,” Emil mumbles. 
The table falls into an awkward silence. 
“Maybe I should treat you to food from a really nice restaurant,” Leon muses, breaking the silence.
“That…” Emil trails off. “That sounds like a date.”
Nearly immediately after those words leave Emil’s mouth, both of them turn bright red. The word “date” completely changes the vibe of their lunch break. No longer does it feel like just two guys hanging out during lunch hour. 
“Maybe,” Leon starts talking again. “Maybe I will take you on a date to a nice restaurant someday.”
“Um, is it bad that I actually kinda like the sound of that?” Emil mumbles his question. Somehow Leon goes redder. 
“Um, I was just…” Leon stops for a moment, laughing awkwardly. “I was just trying to joke a bit. I… didn’t expect you to actually agree.”
Well. This certainly is bringing about a change in their relationship. 
“Um… maybe we could try something like that,” Emil mumbles, his anxiety screaming at him. “We could try dating… if that’s okay with you…”
“Emil,” Leon says. “I would love that.”
Emil feels like his heart is about to pound itself right out of his chest and die a dramatic death on the table. 
“Woah, are you okay?” Leon asks, noticing something. “You went really pale all of a sudden…”
“I… I think I need some water…” Emil mumbles, now panting. 
“Gotcha,” Leon gets up and runs to get some water.
This is so embarrassing. Emil messed up asking out his best friend by nearly passing out immediately afterwards. This is certainly not something his brain will let him forget for decades, probably.
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paty0831 · 6 months
Hongice week 2024 || Day 3
Chapter 3: Watching the other sleep
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Human AU
Advertisement: A little bit of NSFW content
It's official, Emil and Li have been dating for a few months now; they are in a stable relationship. Their parents didn't object to this, as long as it didn't affect their grades at school. While Lukas and Yao did not agree, as they see their younger siblings as little children who cannot take care of themselves. Their brothers did not prevent Li and Emil from continuing their relationship; however, they were annoyed that their siblings saw them that way.
They were both at Li's house having a sleepover, eating pizza and deciding which movie to watch.
“What do you want to watch?” Li asked.
“Anything, as long as it's not something for little kids”
“Let me guess, your brother only lets you watch PG-13 movies”
“Yeah, he thinks I'm not ready to watch age-restricted movies”
“...Emil, are you thinking what I'm thinking?”
“How about, when Yao goes to sleep, we watch an adult movie?”
“Well, I don't think I'll get another chance until Lukas goes to college... OK”
Around midnight, Emil and Li went to the living room TV and searched for a 16+ movie on streaming. They found a movie whose plot was about a teenage couple who wanted to lose their virginity before graduating from high school. The film contained slightly explicit sex scenes, which caught Li and Emil's attention. At the end of the film, both felt an urge to experiment with each other, but they were not sure if the other felt the same way.
“... Did you like it?” Li asked a little shyly.
“...it wasn't bad... did you enjoy it?”
“Yes, it was a good movie”
They both remained silent for a while until they couldn't stand the urge anymore.
-Do you want to do it? - Li asked urgently.
Emil kissed Li and pulled him into his room, where they both let themselves go.
The next day they were sleeping naked in Li's bed, while their clothes were lying on the floor. The first thing Li saw when he woke up was Emil sleeping on his chest and he enjoyed that view until the latter woke up.
“Ah!" Emil was startled to see Li's face all of a sudden, "What's wrong? Why do you see me? Do I have something on my face?”
“No! Of course not, it's just... you look cute sleeping”
“Oh," Emil was flattered, "thank you”
They both got lost in each other's gaze until....
“Li,” Li's mom's voice was heard on the other side of the door, “breakfast is ready”
“... We're coming mom” Li answered, trying to pretend nothing had happened.
To be continued...
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aphfroghat · 1 year
HONGICE WEEK DAY 7!!! the last day...this is sad. ( @hongiceweek )
Todays prompts: school/free day
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They went cloud gazing and Hong gazing
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hongice-week · 4 years
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Prompt: Nyotalia or High School/College AU!
Use “HongIce Week 2020″ in the first 5 tags to join and or mention us @hongice-week​
Send us message if you have something to ask or your submission got skipped!
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a-sad-fried · 4 years
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And finally for day 7, nyotalia. I’m not sure If I can do a week like this again but I may try again someday! I hope you all enjoyed and if you’d like to see more art of hongice I may update on @coolhotspring from time to time.
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a-hong-kong-a-day · 4 years
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DAY 31: 4. 9. 2020
Leona and Emilía having ice-cream
I rarely draw the nyos but omg theyre so cute 😍 also i find myself smiling a lot when i draw Icelands little smile so precious i cant 🥺🥺🥺
Day 7 of @hongice-week : Nyotalia!
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paty0831 · 5 months
Hongice week 2024 || Day 7
Chapter 7: Final
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Human AU
Warning: Mention of NSFW
It was Saturday morning, the Asian family was having breakfast. They were all talking, but Li wasn't paying attention.
“What are your plans for today?” asked their mother.
“I wanted to take my brothers to karaoke, to cheer Li up. He's been very depressed," said Yao.
“It's OK, Li's situation is worrying," their mother replied.
“Did you hear that Li?” Yong Soo said, touching Li with his elbow, "We're going to karaoke”
“Wait, what?” Li reacted, realising what was going on.
“We're going to karaoke, pay attention," replied Yong Soo.
“Well, have fun”
“You too” said Mei.
“Why? I don't want to go”
“To make you feel better. You've been depressed lately,” added Mei.
“I don't want to sing”
“Come on Li,” Yao interjected, “Food's on me”.
“...well," said Li unconvinced.
When Li and his siblings arrived at the karaoke, Li was surprised to see Emil there, accompanied by Mathias and Lukas.
“Li?” Emil was equally surprised.
“What a coincidence," said Li rather cheerfully.
“Not exactly," said Yong Soo.
“I knew how much you missed Li," said Lukas turning to Emil, "so I called Mathias”
“And I texted Yao to meet again," added Mathias.
“So we agreed to meet here and decided to surprise you," said Yao.
“Thank you very much," said Emil smiling.
“Thank you," said Li gratefully.
Emil and Li hugged each other tightly and kissed for a minute.
“I'm glad to know that you still love me," said Emil.
“Of course I love you. I will always love you”
“Me too”
“How about singing a duet for us?” said Mei.
“Yes! To share an experience together,” added Mathias.
“I don't know, I have stage fright,” said Emil.
“Come on Emil,” said Li to encourage Emil, “Besides we probably won't do something together again for a long time”
“OK, but I'm only doing it for you,” he said referring to Li, “and I don't want anyone to laugh at me. It's my first time”
They all nodded, although Emil knew Mathias and Lukas wouldn't laugh at him anyway.
“What do you want to sing?” asked Li.
“...do you know the song "I don't want to miss a thing" by Aerosmith?”
“Yeah, I know it. It's a good one”
That said, Li and Emil went on stage and sang the song as a duet. Li sang the first verse, Emil joined him during the chorus. During the second verse Li fell silent, allowing Emil to sing it alone; Emil noticed this, but did not want to make a fool of himself by remaining silent, so he continued. Afterwards, the two sang the rest of the song together. At the end of the song, they both received applause from the rest.
“Well, I enjoyed it," said Emil smiling, which surprised Lukas and Mathias, as he doesn't smile often.
“Yeah, me too”
“Hey,” said Mathias, “We have a lot of time, we can sing more songs and then we can go to other places”
That said, the whole group stayed for an hour at the karaoke and then went to an amusement park, where they split into groups. Yao, Yong Soo and Mei went their way, Mathias, Lukas went their way, and Li and Emil went their way. This allowed Li and Emil to spend time together as a couple: they went to attractions such as the Ferris wheel and the tunnel of love. Afterwards they both went for candyfloss and sat down together to chat; first they caught up with each other, then they decided to change the subject.
“Do you think we can have a long-distance relationship?” said Emil.
“We could try, I don't think it will turn out bad if we try hard... I just hope it doesn't turn out bad like in Romeo and Juliet”
“Maybe it shouldn't end like that... you know, I had a dream that we were figure skaters, our families were at odds, but we defied your parents and ended up together, but when we wanted to talk to our parents I woke up. We were together anyway despite your parents' complaints”
“Your dream was better than mine. I dreamt a sort of Romeo and Juliet in the middle ages, which ended tragically... I can't believe that in your dream we defied my parents”
“Yes, we did, and when I woke up I wondered if it might be possible for us to be together again”
“Maybe so," said Li.
The next morning, the table was ready for breakfast. The whole family was there, or almost the whole family, only Emil was missing. His mother went upstairs to wake him up, but she got a shock...
“Emil is not here!”
Emil's dad got scared and ran upstairs, Lukas came up after him.
When they saw this, both parents decided to get ready to go out and look for him. Lukas stayed behind in case Emil came back. As soon as they left, Lukas called Emil to ask where he was.
“Emil, where are you? Mom and dad are worried, they're out looking for you”
“I'm sorry Lukas, but I can't reveal my location. I'll just tell you that this is the only way that Li and I can be together”
“Of course not, there must be another way. You just have to think for a while”
“Don't you think we have already looked for another way to be together? This is the only solution we could find”
“Please Emil, come home. Here we will help you to think of something”
“...I'll think about it,” saying this, Emil hung up.
Lukas was worried about his brother; he hoped that he would consider it and come home.
At Li's house, his family was also worried, as Li was missing. His parents went out to look for him anyway, while Yao, Yong Soo and Mei stayed behind.
“I think Li ran away with Emil to start a new life somewhere else," said Mei.
“I'd say you got that from one of your romantic movies, but I think you're right, why else would he run away?” added Yong Soo.
“We have to find out where he is," said Yao, upset, "He could be somewhere dangerous”
“So that mom and dad can catch him? Better not," said Yong Soo.
“I didn't say anything about ratting him out; I just want to know where he is so I can help him”
Then Yao took out his phone and called Li.
“Calm down Yao, I'm fine”
“Yes, but where are you?”
“I'm not in a dangerous place; do you think I'm an idiot?”
“I know you're not, but I won't calm down if you don't tell me”
“Well, I'll just tell you that we're safe. Bye, I have to go”
“Don't hang... - Li hung up before Yao finished the sentence.
“Li, I'm not entirely sure this is a good idea," said Emil uncertainly.
“You'll see that it is”
“I have a feeling they're going to find us quickly”
“I don't think so. Everything is going according to plan; we just don't have to tell anyone where we are”
“The plan isn't even well thought out, you improvised it yesterday and I don't know how you convinced me”
“It's just that you love me and you didn't want us to stay apart”
“Well, yes, and now what's next?”
Their parents searched all day, their siblings tried to call them again, but they did not answer. Both families were worried. Emil's parents went to the police headquarters to speak to the chief:
“I'm sorry, but a person cannot be considered missing until 24 hours have passed,” the chief told them.
“We're talking about a minor! What if something bad happens to him in the course of the night?” Emil's father replied, upset.
“It's the law”
“Please help us, officer," pleaded Emil's mother.
“I can't…” she heard a knock on the door, “Come in”.
“Excuse me, officer," said the receptionist opening the door, "but there's a couple who insist on talking to you”
 “Yes, send them in. We're done here”
The receptionist let the couple in, who were Li's parents.
“Officer, we are desperate, our son Li is missing," said Li's mother in despair. Emil's parents heard that as they walked out, which got them thinking.
Li's parents were leaving the headquarters in annoyance and Emil's parents intercepted them:
“Is your son missing too?” asked Emil's mother.
“Yes," said Li's father in surprise, "Yours too?”
“Yes, and we think the boys might be together," replied Emil's father. Li's parents realised that it was true.
“I know we have our differences, but we should work together to find the boys, since the police won’t help us”
Li's parents hesitated for a moment, but in the end, they agreed.
Li and Emil's parents spread out in different parts of the city to search for their sons, and asked their closest friends to help them cover more ground, including Mathias' parents. Hours passed and there was no sign until Mathias' father arrived at a gas station on the outskirts of town, where one of the employees told him he had seen Li and Emil:
“Yes, I remember them. They came here; they asked me to look after their bikes while they went into the store for food”
“And did you see where they went when they left?”
“That way," he said pointing to the road, implying that they were fleeing the city.
“Thank you very much”
Afterwards, Mathias' father told the others.
Li and Emil are on the road walking, as they got tired of cycling. They found a sign that said the nearest town was 20 km away.
“Li, I still don't think it's a good idea”
“Of course it is. We're pretty far away”
“Yeah, but at this rate we'll get to the next town by night”
“Well, all right. It wasn't a good idea, but what do we do about our parents? They'll surely separate us forever”
Emil was sad to remember that.
“I'm sorry Emil, I just wanted to be with you, even if it meant running away from home, moving to another town and starting a new life”
“Do you know why I followed you even though your plan is absurd? Because I love you and I would do anything to be with you”
They hugged each other and decided to go ahead with their plan. They kept walking until a car approached that Li recognised immediately, it was his father's car.
“Emil, I think they found us. Let's go"
As the two were about to get on their bikes to go, the car parked in front of them. Afterwards, Li and Emil's moms came out, who were upset and ordered them to get in the car. They, knowing that they already were in too much trouble, decided to get in without arguing. In the car, their parents scolded them:
“What were you thinking boys, we were very worried!” said Emil's mother.
“I'm sorry mom,” said Emil apologetically.
“That's not enough! They deserve to be grounded,” said Li's mom, “Li, you are forbidden to talk to that boy again. We'll make sure you’ll lose all contact with him”
“That's enough, Mom!” said Li on the verge of tears, “It's been enough punishment being away from him for a year! That's why we ran away! Because we don't want to be separated for another minute!”
“That boy is a bad influence on you!”
“Wait a minute! My son is not a bad influence!” said Emil's mother.
“Yes, mom! Emil is not bad! Besides...! I was the one who incited him to run away,” Li said that last part in embarrassment.
“Yes, this was all my idea. Emil is not to blame, just for loving me too much to follow me... But mom, I don't want to be separated from Emil again”
“I love Li too," said Emil, "I love him very much, it was his idea to escape, but I followed him because I don't want to be separated from him again either”
“...if we let them get back together, they would do bad things at night again," said Li's mother.
“We didn't do anything wrong that night. I just went to sleep at his house”
“Yeah, plus we promised Lukas we wouldn't do that”
“What? Lukas already knew?” said Emil's mother in surprise.
Both families arrived at Emil's house, consulted with Lukas about what had happened and he told them what had happened, and Li and Emil confessed that they had already had sex before what had happened with Lukas. Li's parents realised that Li and Emil were willing to give up these practices in order not to be separated. After hours of discussion, Li and Emil's parents decided that they would no longer separate them, but that they would be punished for running away. Li and Emil had their phones taken away for a month; however, Li returned to the same school as Emil so they could see each other more often. They did not resume sexual activity until after school.
Their relationship lasted for a long time. They both entered the same university and after graduating they got married. Today, they live in a house in the suburbs, where they live a quiet life with their children.
The end
@hongiceweek Sorry, I'm late
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paty0831 · 6 months
Hongice week 2024 || Day 1
Chapter 1: School dance
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Human AU
Li and his family have just moved from Hong Kong to the United States with the aim of living the American dream. In this unknown country, Li was afraid, but he didn't want to show it. He wanted to be confident, adapt quickly. His first day of school arrived and Li was determined:
“For establishing my social life I will become popular in school," said Li masking his nervousness.
“How can you only think about that? You should be thinking about catching up on your studies this late in the year," said Yao, Li's older brother.
“Li is right," said Li's younger sister Mei, "the most important thing is how you look”
“If that affects your grades...,” replied Yao until he was interrupted.
“If you embarrass us, we’ll deny that you are our brother," Yong Soo, Li's younger brother, older than Mei jumped into the conversation, "besides, I deserve to be the most popular of us, because I am the strongest, smartest and most handsome”
“Yeah, right," Li replied sarcastically, "seriously, you don't even believe that”
“Wanna bet? I bet you I can get into the popular group before you," said Yong Soo proudly, "in fact, I bet you I'll be the first of us all”
“OK, but if you lose you'll stop listening to kpop at high volume for 5 months”
“Yeah, you've already saturated us with Jungkook and his entire discography," added Mei.
“Fine, but if you lose,” replied Yong Soo pointing at Li, “ you'll stop watching Jackie Chan movies for the whole year and if you lose,” he said now pointing at Mei, “ you'll stop wearing skirts for the rest of the year”
“Done," Li agreed, feeling confident that he had more chances than his siblings.
“...Fine" Mei agreed reluctantly.
Before Yao could scold them for gambling, his siblings ran off.
Weeks went by and, surprisingly; Yao was the first one to befriend one of the popular guys. That was because he joined the Gourmet Club, whose leader is Francis Bonnefoy, one of the most popular guys in school. He and Yao became friends to such an extent that he also interacted with Francis' friends.
However, none of the three succeeded with the popular boys. Their strategy was based on attracting the attention of the popular people hoping that they could join their group.
The school dance was approaching and it occurred to the three of them that it could be the perfect opportunity to attract attention. All three had the same thing in mind, to be prom king or queen, so they campaigned for it.
The day of the dance arrived and the three went with confidence that they would win, or at least that's what they wanted to pretend, because deep down they were nervous. To relax, Li decided to have some punch, but someone accidentally bumped into him, spilling punch on his suit. When Li looked up to see the person's face to complain, he saw the most beautiful face he had ever seen. A boy with light yellow hair, snow-white skin and purple eyes with a beautiful glow.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to get you wet," said the boy apologetically.
“Don't worry," replied Li, "it was an accident”
“Really? There is a big stain on your suit”
“It doesn't matter, it washes off”
“Well, if you say so”
“By the way, who are you? I haven't seen you before”
“I'm Emil Steilsson. We're in the same class, you're the new one”
“Oh” Li felt embarrassed not to notice that Emil was in his class, “sorry, I guess I was distracted with other things”
“It doesn't matter, the class is big and I don't usually draw too much attention”
“Thanks for understanding”
Li and Emil talked and realised that they had a lot in common. Their older siblings treated them as little children, they want to become independent as soon as possible and pursue a career in the artistic world.
“And, who is your brother?” asked Li.
“That's him," said Emil pointing to his older brother, "his name is Lukas and when he's not overprotecting me he's kissing his boyfriend Mathias”.
When Li turned to look, he saw that Lukas' boyfriend was Mathias Kohler, one of the most popular boys in school and one of Francis' friends. Li realised that befriending Emil might benefit him more than he thought.
“I see, so I don't think your brother will mind if I ask you to dance," said Li.
“I don't think he'll mind what I do now”.
Li and Emil danced to as many songs as they could, until the announcement of prom king and queen. Yong Soo and Mei came out as prom king and queen respectively and Li, instead of being angry, was relieved not to have an awkward dance with his sister. He had also just met Emil whom he liked more and more as he spent time with him and not just because his brother was Mathias' boyfriend.
To be continued…
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paty0831 · 6 months
Hongice week 2024 || Day 6
Chapter 6: Medieval
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Human AU
Warning: Dead of main character
It was Friday night, Li and his siblings were in the living room watching TV. After a long fight to decide who’d choose what to watch, Mei was victorious and decided to watch West Side Story. That upset her siblings.
“What's wrong with her? Why is she forgiving him after he killed her brother?” said Yong Soo.
“Because she loves him with all her heart, it's true love," answered Mei.
“That doesn't justify, she is a fool”
“Shut up you asshole, I can’t hear the movie”
“Seriously, what a cheesy movie, don't you think?” said Yong Soo asking Li and Yao, who didn't listen. Li was distracted and Yao was sleeping.
Noticing that, Yong Soo grabbed two glasses on the table in the living room, poured water from the pitcher next to them and poured it onto Li and Yao’s faces.
“Ah!" shouted Yao.
“What's wrong with you!” claimed Li.
“Wake up you idiots; I’m the only one who’s paying attention. Who wrote this anyway? Someone who only watched telenovelas? - said Yong Soo.
“It's inspired by a Broadway musical inspired by Romeo and Juliet. Telenovelas didn't exist in Shakespeare's time," replied Mei.
“Argh,” Yong Soo replied.
Li got distracted again because he missed Emil and watching that romantic movie didn't help, it only made him feel sadder that he couldn't be with his boyfriend. At one point, he couldn't stand it and went to his room before the movie was over. He lay down on his bed to mourn and fell asleep.
Li opened his eyes and realised that he was wearing a suit of armour like soldiers wore in his country in the Middle Ages, as he saw in movies. He went to meet his father, who was with the other soldiers, including Yao and Yong Soo.
“What is going on?”
“We will leave immediately, we will attack at dawn," said his father.
“To whom?”
“The Kingdom of Eloris to take their land, don't you remember?” Yao replied.
“Yesterday we were talking about strategy all day long until we were exhausted," added Yong Soo.
“To the kingdom of what?”
“Take your positions," said his father.
Instinctively, Li stood between Yao and Yong Soo and the army left. The army reached the outskirts of Eloris Kingdom in the early morning and prepared their formation until sunrise.
Li found it difficult to move in his armour, it was too heavy. He was already tired even though the fight did not start; he wanted to sit down but his father did not allow him to.
It was time, the soldiers started to attack, but they received a counterattack from Eloris' army. Therefore, the soldiers of both armies began to fight. Li found it difficult to lift his sword, it was hard to lift and the fact that the armour was also heavy did not help. Realising that everyone was distracted, Li decided to escape, but someone pushed him from behind. It was someone wearing Viking armour. When Li looked into his eyes, he realised it was Emil.
“Li? Sorry, I didn't know it was you”
“Thanks for not killing me”
“Let's get out of here," saying this, Emil helped Li to his feet and the two quickly left the battlefield. They both hid behind some trees and took off their helmets to look at each other.
“Emil, I don't understand why our kingdoms are at enmity?”
“Don’t you remember? Our kingdoms have been feuding for generations because your kingdom wants territory from mine.
“I'm sorry, I'm just... I'm shocked”
“At least you still remember me” saying this, Emil kissed Li on the cheek.
At that moment Li realised that he and Emil are a couple.
“Do you think there is a way to stop this?”
“The way to solve this in a non-violent way would be an arranged marriage. However, it can't be us, we're not royalty”
“And what would you think if we ran away?”
“What? Are you crazy?”
“That would be the only way for us to be together without anyone telling us anything”
“I don't know”
“Come on Emil, or do you want to keep fighting each other until one of us dies?”
“No... Fine. Let’s run away”
Li and Emil decided to leave, but one of Eloris' soldiers saw them and moved in to kill Li with his sword. Emil noticed this and pushed Li, but the sword went through Emil’s chest and he fell to the ground. Li saw that and got scared because Emil didn't react.
“Come on Emil, wake up, please wake up!” said Li between sobs and cries, shaking Emil's body.
While Li was distracted, the soldier ran towards him, hurting him with his sword and left. Li didn't care as he didn't find it worth living without Emil, so he lay down beside Emil's body and died. Quickly Emil's father arrived with the soldier. The father was sad to see his son's body, but it took him by surprise that Emil was breathing. The soldier only gave him a wound, but it did not hurt his heart, he was just unconscious for hitting his head when falling. Suddenly, Emil opened his eyes and saw his father. Before he could say anything he groaned in pain, so his father ordered him to go back to the camp to get medical attention. Before leaving, Emil saw Li's dead body next to him.
“Li! Li, talk to me! Please!” cried Emil, crying and moving Li's body, waiting for him to wake up.
“Emil! Stop! Go to the camp”
“He's dead! Li's dead!”
“Emil, he was the enemy. It was for the best”
“If he's dead, I don't want to live anymore”
“Soldier!” called Emil's father, "Take my son back to the camp, and let him receive proper medical attention”
“No!" said Emil as the soldier took him away.
Li woke up instinctively, as he realized that some of the events in his dream did not make sense, how could he see what happened after his death? Then he started to think about how he missed Emil and wanted to see him again, at least one more time.
To be continued...
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paty0831 · 6 months
Hongice week 2024 || Day 5
Chapter 5: Figure skating
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Human AU
It was a year and five months since Li and Emil last saw each other, both of them were sophomores in high school, but in different schools. As months passed since they last spoke, Emil felt embarrassed to talk to Li again, wondering if he was no longer interested in continuing their relationship.
It was Friday night; Lukas wanted to see his brother before bed, but was surprised to find him sad.
“What's the matter?” Lukas asked, “You should be happy, the winter holidays have started”
“Do you think Li still wants to talk to me? Do you think he still remembers me?”
“Don't torment yourself thinking about it, try to sleep”
“I don't think I'll be able to sleep until I know if Li still remembers me”
“...boyfriends come and go, but your family will always be by your side," Lukas said as he hugged Emil, who was crying.
“I miss him so much”
To calm his brother down, Lukas sang Alvedansen by Christine Guldbrandsen, a song both brothers liked very much. With that, Emil fell asleep and Lukas put him to bed.
Emil opened his eyes and realised that he was at a skating rink, wearing an extravagant purple shirt and black trousers, which surprised him as he doesn't normally wear fancy clothes, he always preferred to wear lopapeysas. He noticed that his family was by his side, and decided to ask:
“Why did we come here, weren't we supposed to stay at home today?”
“We are in the qualifiers of the World Ice Skating Championship, don't you remember?” said Lukas.
“Get ready son, it's your turn after the next one” said his father.
“What? Am I going to skate?”
His parents and brother looked at him strangely, until they heard a voice calling the next skater who was Li, to Emil's surprise.
“What is Li doing here?”
Suddenly Keung To's 黑月 started playing and Li started skating. Emil was surprised that Li can do figure skating.
“When did Li learned to do figure skating?”
“You’ve have been rivals since you were kids, don't be afraid," said Lukas.
“How?" Emil was surprised.
“Just don't let him take away your chance to get into the championship.
At the conclusion of his routine, the jury revealed Li’s scores, and they were quite good, so he secured a place in the championship.
“Remember Emil, you have to score equal or better to qualify for the Winter Olympics," said his mother.
“You'll do well, we've been practising the routine for months," said his father.
Emil was about to run away, but his name was called, it was his turn, so his family pushed him out to the rink. Emil was nervous because he didn't remember his routine, until his song, Hear them calling by Greta Salome, started playing. As the song started, Emil moved fluidly, as if he knew the routine. He himself was surprised to notice that he could perform pirouettes such as a twizzle or a triple Axel.
At the end of his routine, his scores were revealed, which were similar to Li's, securing him a place in the Winter Olympics with Li.
During the preparation time for the championship, Emil realised the reality he was now:
He and Lukas are figure skaters and both are representing Iceland in the World Ice Skating Championship.
His parents were also figure skaters but are now retired and are their coaches.
Li's family are their strongest rivals.
This time they will compete against Li and Yong Soo who are representing Hong Kong in the championship.
The good side was that his parents were fair to him, they didn't over-exploit him, let him choose the song and let him have a voice in the routine. The bad side was that there was a lot of pressure to win and do better than Li's family. Emil still loved Li and didn't want to compete with him, but he wondered if Li loved him back. Unfortunately, the thought distracted Emil while training so he fell more than once.
“Emil, maybe you should rest," said his mother.
“Lukas, let's practice your routine”
“Yes dad," said Lukas as he walked out to the rink.
The day came; the World Ice Skating Championship were taking place. There was a big turnout, which made Emil feel even more nervous.
“You'll do well," said Lukas trying to encourage his brother.
Normally Emil tries to look confident in front of his brother, but at that moment he was scared and sad, so he hugged him tightly. Lukas hugged him back.
Suddenly, a voice rang out calling Lukas because it was his turn. Gate's Ulveham started playing and Lukas started his routine. To Emil, Lukas skated with great agility and finesse. Emil asked himself "Why am I competing? Lukas is very good; I even feel he is better than me".
When the scores were revealed, Lukas rejoiced, as his score was the highest so far. Emil came over and congratulated him:
“Congratulations Lukas, you did very well”
“You will do well too”
Then it was the turn of Yong Soo, who was doing his routine with IDOL by BTS. Emil was surprised to see Yong Soo skating. As far as Emil knew, Yong Soo was not very disciplined, but watching him skate showed the effort and dedication he had put into his routine.
Emil panicked and ran to the restroom before Yong Soo's routine was over. He was washing his face until he heard a familiar voice.
“Hello Emil”
“Li?” Emil was surprised that Li was talking to him, as the tension between the two families was palpable from the moment they entered the rink.
“Yeah, how are you?”
“Sad, I don't feel like competing”
“Me neither”
“If I have to compete against you I don't want to”
“...” Emil was surprised to hear that, “I think the same”.
“Why compete with each other, it's our parents' rivalry, not ours”
“Right, that's what I thought... Li, there's something I want to ask you...” said Emil nervously, “do you love me?”
“How did you notice? Is it because of the way I look at you?”
“No, it's just that... I love you too”
“You don't know how glad I am to hear that," Li hugged Emil tightly.
After being silent for a while, Emil spoke:
“Don't you think that being separated because of our parents is unfair?”
“Yes, and I can't stand it anymore... What would you think if we retired?”
“What? We can't do that”
“Sure we can, to give a message to our parents”
“Right, they shouldn't separate us, it's not like we're a bad influence on each other”
“That's the spirit... by the way Emil, would you like to be my boyfriend?”
“More than anything in the world”
Saying this, they hugged and kissed each other. Afterwards, they approached Li's parents, holding hands to tell them:
“Mum, Dad, Emil and I have decided to leave”
“You can't leave!” said Li's dad, "Was it his idea?”
“No! It was my idea. I don't want to compete if it's against Emil”
“But Li..." said his mother, upset.
Ignoring their parents' claims, Li and Emil walked away, heading to where Emil's parents were.
“Dad, Mom. I don't want to keep competing if it's against Li”
“But Emil, we worked so hard," said his father.
“It's not right that we have to compete with each other just because you and Li's parents have a rivalry. Besides, Li and I love each other”
“Emil..." said his mother, "wake up”
“What? I don't understand”
“Wake up son” now his father is the one who spoke.
Emil opened his eyes and found himself in his bed and his parents were talking to him to wake him up.
“Get up son, it's 8:00 and breakfast is ready," said his mother.
“What? Was it all a dream?”
“Come on son, Lukas is waiting for us in the kitchen”
During breakfast, Emil pondered about the end of his dream and wondered if questioning Li's parents would be okay, while his family noticed that he was distracted.
“Emil, Mathias and I are meeting some friends, would you like to come?” Lukas said, trying to cheer his brother up.
“I'm not in the mood to go out”
“You should go,” his mother intervened in the conversation, “it would be good for you to go for a walk”
“I don't know, I don't think I'd enjoy it, plus I think I'd be in the way”
“Mathias and his friends don't mind your presence, you know that”
“...fine, but only if you buy me liquorice on the way”
To be continued...
Note: The World Ice Skating Championship isn't real, it was invented by me
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paty0831 · 6 months
Hongice week 2024 || Day 4
Chapter 4: Borrowing clothes/It's not what it looks like
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Human AU
Advertisement: A little bit of NSFW content
“Li," Li's mother's voice was heard on the other side of the door, "breakfast is ready”
“On our way mom” Li replied, trying to pretend nothing had happened.
Li and Emil got up and picked up their clothes quickly, as they were scattered on the floor. While trying to put on his trousers, Li fell down. The family, who were eating breakfast on the kitchen on the first floor, heard this. Immediately, they went upstairs to see what was going on.
Emil and Li panicked when they heard accelerated footsteps approaching, so they tried to get dressed as quickly as possible. As the family entered the room, they surprised Li and Emil…
“Are you all right?! We heard a bang!” said Li's mother.
“Yeah ma..." said Li until he was interrupted.
“Why are you wearing Emil's ugly sweater?” Mei asked, turning to Li.
“Hey!" replied Emil angrily.
“And isn't that your red shirt?” said Yao, pointing out that Emil was wearing Li's shirt.
“Ehm...no” replied Li.
It was obvious that they were wearing each other's clothes, Emil's sweater was too big for Li and Li's shirt was too small for Emil.
“What’s happening?” asked Li's dad.
“...well, it's just that... we thought it would be fun to exchange clothes for today," lied Li.
The family thought that answer was odd, but they let it go.
“...you'd better give your clothes back," said Li's father.
With that said Li's parents and siblings left. Emil and Li sighed in relief.
Emil and Li decided to keep their secret, knowing that if their parents found out they would be grounded and probably forced to break up their relationship. However, they took every opportunity they had to have sleepovers so they could be intimate with each other.
Their intimacy secret did not last long as they were discovered a few months later at a sleepover at Emil's house. They were seen by Lukas, who had difficulty sleeping because of the noise they were making.
“What are you doing?!”
“Ehm... Don't you knock?” said Emil, not knowing how to defend himself.
“Are you f***ing? You’re just kids, you know that's inappropriate at your age?
“...” Emil and Li didn't know what to say in their defence.
“It would be best if they never saw each other again” saying this, Lukas turned to leave.
“No Lukas! Don't tell mum and dad!” said Emil, “what if... we don't do it again?”
“Ehm...” Lukas was about to answer, but he noticed the sad look on his brother's face so he decided to accept, “it's OK, I won't tell if you don't do it again”
“OK” promised Emil.
“...OK” added Li with no option to refuse.
As time passed, Emil and Li refrained from doing so and Lukas did not tell anyone what he saw; however, this became complicated as time went on.
One night, Emil was in his room trying to sleep until he heard knocking on his window. When he saw it, it was Li throwing pebbles.
“What are you doing here?”
“I couldn't sleep, so I snuck out and came to see you... can I stay?”
“I don't know, if anyone sees you, we'll be in trouble”
“Please, It will only be a while”
“...fine, just don't make any noise”
Emil went downstairs to open the door for Li, and they crept up to his room and lay on Emil's bed covered with a blanket.
“Don't you think it's unfair that we can't do it, we're basically of age now”
“Lukas doesn't want to accept that I'm growing up. To him, I'm still a five-year-old boy”
“Doesn't he do it with Mathias?”
“If he does, he knows how to hide it well”
They were both silent for a moment until Li said:
“I'm cold, shall we hug?”
“All right, but just that. Remember that Lukas's room is next door”
They hugged and kissed, but went no further. Afterwards they fell asleep.
The next day, Emil's mother came into his room to wake him up, but was surprised to see the scene.
“Emil, wake up," she said as she tapped him on the shoulder.
Emil woke up and, after a few seconds, realised that Li slept next to him and his mother saw them.
“Mum! It's not what it looks like!”
“Don't worry about it; I did the same thing when I was young”
“It's normal at that age, but you should have told me. We would have had a talk”
Emil was surprised that his mom wasn't upset, at the same time he was relieved.
Li, Emil and his family were having breakfast together. Lukas was surprised that his parents had taken it well that Li and Emil were intimate, so he was considering telling them that he had already been intimate with Mathias.
All was quiet until the doorbell rang several times. Emil's mother went to open the door and found Li's parents.
“Li's bike is outside, is he here?” asked Li’s mom.
“Yes, he spent the night here with Emil”
Li's parents were shocked to hear that, assuming Li had sex last night with Emil. Therefore, they both went into the house:
“Li, what do you mean you spent the whole night here!” his mother asked.
“Why not? He's my boyfriend. Besides, you gave me permission to have a boyfriend”
“Not to do those things! You're underage!” his father intervened in the conversation.
“We didn't do anything last night!”
“We know you did! Now let's go home! You're grounded!”
Li went home sadly with his parents. His parents grounded him; they took away his mobile phone deleting Emil’s contact and forbade him to see Emil.
A few weeks later, Li's parents moved Li to another school so that he would never see Emil again. For a while, this did not stop them from continuing to talk via text messages when his parents returned his mobile phone. Emil still had Li's number registered in his mobile phone.
Emil and Li maintained a long-distance relationship for the rest of the school year. Unfortunately, over time, they stopped talking to each other, as they were busy with their studies and their friends and family.
To be continued...
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paty0831 · 6 months
Hongice week 2024 || Day 2
Chapter 2: Is it possible to die from embarrassment?
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Human AU
Months passed and Li and Emil became close friends. They always met after school to do something like going to the movies or for coffee; but if they had a lot of homework or a group work they would meet at each other's house to work. During these meetings, Li met Mathias, who visited Lukas every day and was like a big brother to Emil. Li became friends with Mathias and his friends. Eventually, Li became popular, but he didn’t care anymore because he was starting to have feelings for Emil.
Li was in his room reflecting on his time with Emil, realising that what he feels is more than friendship.
“What's wrong with you Li? You've been acting weird for days”
“Mei?! What are you doing here?”
“I can't find my pen and I came to ask you if I could borrow yours, but you don't listen to me”
“What? How long have you been here?”
“For half an hour, this is the fourth time I'm asking you”
“Oh, right. It's on my desk”
When Mei went to pick up the pen, she realised something.
“Are you in love with Emil?”
“What?! Why do you say that?”
“You wrote his name many times in your notebook. Besides that your desk is full of pictures of you...that explains why the printer is out of ink”
“Does writing his name and printing our photos indicate that I am in love with him? I don't think so”
“One of the photos is in the heart-shaped frame I gave you last year”
“...I've run out of frames”
“It's the only frame you have; the other pictures are taped on your desk”
At that moment Li realised that he couldn't hide it any longer. He was in love with Emil and he had to tell him.
“How do I tell him that I’m in love?”
“Prepare something nice for him, like sing to him outside his house”
“How about if I invite him here to watch a movie and then I'll tell him?”
“You always watch movies here”
“Yes, but we do it after doing our homework. This time we'll just watch the movie”
“Li, you don't know anything about romance”
“Besides, knowing you, you're going to want to see another Jackie Chan movie," said Yong Soo who heard the conversation from outside, "also, remember that you lost the bet”
Being prom king and queen allowed the whole school to get to know Yong Soo and Mei, so it didn't take long for their popularity to grow. However, it took Li longer to gain Emil's trust.
“By the way, brat, your pen ran out of ink," added Yong Soo.
“You moron!” Mei replied as she gave him a few bumps.
“Back on topic, how do I propose?”
“I insist on singing outside his house”
“To do that you have to lose your fear of singing. That's why you're going to debut tomorrow at the karaoke,” said Yong Soo.
The siblings go to karaoke once a month. Yong Soo and Mei are the ones who sing while Li and Yao just listen to them.
“NO! Of course not! I'm not going to sing!”
“How about singing a duet with someone?” Mei proposed.
“Why should I sing with Li?” Yao asked annoyed.
“Because he's afraid to do it alone," said Mei.
“Why not one of you?”
“Because you have to debut too," said Yong Soo.
“And why did you wait until we got here to tell me?”
“Li, are you ready for your debut?” Yong Soo asked, ignoring Yao's question.
“Yes, but wouldn't it have been better to practice before coming here so as not to make a fool of myself?”
“Maybe," replied Yong Soo.
“At least we're the only ones here," Li remarked, since it was only them in the karaoke room, "By the way, what are we going to sing?”
“Don't worry, I chose a song according to your standards," said Yong Soo.
“No kpop!” Yao shouted.
“Yeah, I know”
The instrumental of the song Loser, baby started playing and Yong Soo pointed at Li to start singing. Li got nervous and didn't say anything, so they stopped the music.
“Li!” Yong Soo shouted.
“There's no one else, just us," added Mei.
They turned the music back on and Li started singing. At first he felt embarrassed, but at one point he felt confident and let himself go, since this is a song he really likes.
While they were singing, Mathias, Lukas and Emil came in, but Li didn't notice, he was more focused on the screen with the lyrics of the song. The one who did notice them was Yao, so he did his best to make sure Li didn't notice so he could sing confidently.
“Aren't those Li and Yao singing over there?” said Mathias.
“It seems so;" said Emil, "but Li told me he didn't like to sing”
“If he was encouraged to go up there and sing, you should do it and so should you Lukas”
“Of course not!” said the brothers in unison. When the three of them went to karaoke, only Mathias was encouraged to sing.
“I will convince you somehow”
When they finished singing, the others applauded. Mathias stood up and raised his arms to applaud them.
“Bravo! Bravo!” Mathias shouted.
Li turned to look at Mathias and noticed that Emil was with him, so he felt embarrassed and just wanted to disappear.
“Hi Mathias!” Yong Soo said as he walked over to say hello. Mei and Yao followed him. Li wanted to run away, but Emil saw him and waved.
“Hello Li”
“Hi Emil,” he replied, looking confident, but he was nervous.
“I liked the way you sang”
“Really? Or are you just saying that to be nice?”
“No, I’m serious”
“Oh, thank you..." Li felt more confident and realised that Mei’s idea might work.
“Do you think it will work?”
“Yes, Emil will love it," Mathias replied enthusiastically.
“OK, if you say so" said Li with some insecurity.
Li was in front of Emil's house with some friends, including Mathias and a speaker. Suddenly an instrumental version of "Just the way you are" by Bruno Mars started to play, Li started to sing the song while the rest of them sang along. This caught the attention of Emil and his family, so they all came out to see what it was all about.
After finishing the song, Li confessed his feelings to Emil and asked him if he wanted to be his boyfriend. Emil accepted, trying to hide his excitement but failing, making it obvious to everyone that he was very happy.
“See Emil, I told you he liked you back," said Mathias.
“You don't have to mention that in front of everyone," replied Emil in annoyance.
To be continued...
@hongiceweek sorry I'm late!!
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hongice-week · 4 years
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HongIce Week 2020!
Date: August 29 - September 4
Prompt list:
Day 1 (Aug 29): Time Zone or Childhood Friends Day 2 (Aug 30): Fairytale/Fantasy AU or Fireworks Day 3 (Aug 31): Date or Family Day 4 (Sep 1): Free Day! Day 5 (Sep 2): Mutual Pinning or Music Day 6 (Sep 3): Stargazing or Soulmates AU Day 7 (Sep 4): Nyotalia or College/High School AU
1. Put “HongIce Week 2020″ in the first 5 tags of your post and or mention this blog to join the event so I can reblog it~ 2. You can choose one of the prompts provided or use both of it, feel free to use your creativity! 3. Any kind of content is acceptable as long as it’s originally made by you. No stealing allowed! Don’t forget to provide the link if your content is made outside of Tumblr~ 4. Late submissions are accepted until around 1-2 weeks after the event had ended, so don’t miss it! 5. We are here to have fun so...
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hongice-week · 4 years
The week has officially ended! Thank you for joining HongIce Week 2020!
But late submission will still get accepted until 7 days from now (Sept 11) so, don't worry for being late!
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