#hope clown will be cool and active in s6 too! hes so amazing
derww · 4 months
i want to say few words about the players.
their history is full of failures and difficulties, it was never easy for them, but they continued to adapt to new conditions over and over again and look for other ways to achieve their goal. they've jspent an insane amount of time on all of this, and it's impressive.
having started somewhere there, after abyss arc, having lost their way and direction, they found their identity and what they were ready to fight for. neither external nor internal problems ever left them, but they still finished this race together.
the motivation of the players is the torch, which they lit for each other. their whole arc was an arc of struggle – not only for achieving their goal, but also for simple survival, when even they themselves did not believe in success, when they lost the key components of what they were, they still continued to move forward no matter what, and eventually got their good ending.
the very fact how they got this ending, literally crawling out of the chunkban, perfectly embodies everything they are in their own way. no matter how difficult the situation is, they kept going forward because they don't have the right to give up.
i was really glad to see everyone so motivated. i was glad to see bacon with them despite his early ban, i was glad to see zam rooting for everyone, i was glad to see mapicc playing in the windows before parties and graduations and fighting with concussion, i was glad to see ro, who continued to push forward despite the terrible game of exhaustion.
and I was especially happy to see clown – he was not in the original team and at first it was difficult for me to believe him, but he was motivated and locked in so much that it caused only admiration. two days of waiting at the pb&j base, grinding crystals right before the finale... he showed himself to be the true player, and i was very happy to see him really dedicated to the team and their ideas. and, of course, it was wonderful to see that their bond with branzy is still strong. it's beautiful.
sometimes it was physically painful to watch them, but looking back, i'm glad it happened. they made a very good team. back in january, just starting abyss arc, bacon, zam and mapicc were looking for two more members to make a full-fledged team, and it took them another whole arc to find the remaining two people for this five. it is especially ironic that both ro and the clown, just like jumper, were their enemies before that.
i am glad to see such a finale. they're great. they won. and they absolutely deserved it. happy finale!
p.s. honorable mention: dear ally (-teammate?) of the players, wemmbu. it's interesting how he stayed true to their union in his own way, more because of the circumstances than because he felt he had to. zam said that wemmbu changed his mind about making his video about what happened, and it's sad – because his pov must be just incredibly interesting, because he put just some crazy amount of everything into this arc and just because it would definitely be a very cool video. but very understandable.
lifesteal tends to go wrong, and even a small problem can devalue a potential video for you, and there are so many things that went wrong, topped by the fact that your own plugin was turned against you. it remains for us to collect a picture of what happened in the future through the contributions of everyone else, and i hope that wemmbu has not lost the motivation to play on the ls as a whole.
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