#hope everyone else is well!! i need to finish some work once i get home
velvetlilith777 · 2 days
It's Too Late To Turn Back Now...
Sebastian x Reader
Author's Note: It's finally finished! Once I had the idea for this I couldn't get it out of my head and had to give it to you guys, too. This is my first attempt at writing anything at all since high school, but the plot is cute I think? If you have feedback please be gentle lmao <3
Also, so sorry the reader is fem identifying in this! I'm hoping to write more gender neutral fics in the future once I feel more confident in my writing.
Synopsis: Sebastian had been your best friend for a couple of years now, but that's all it was. But if that were true, why did everyone else get a different impression?
Inspired by this post by @creativepromptsforwriting! 🖤
Divider by @bunnysrph! 🖤
CW: fem identifying reader (nothing super descriptive but she/her pronouns used), swearing, the concept of sex is mentioned exactly once passively, one instance of name calling, terrible grammar and sentence structure
Word Count: 10.6k
The autumn air was crisp and light as it breezed through your sweater. Making your way through a crowded main street in the heart of Zuzu city proved to be difficult even by yourself, but today you had others to keep safe and sound.
This was the first trip you'd been able to take to the city in what felt like forever. Having been way too busy with your farm and the order load from Lewis' needs for the valley's various festivals to even dream of making the trek back to the bustling streets you once called home. It was hard enough to carve out time to hear the new songs your best friends had finished for their newly successful band, or make it to the weekly game nights you had become so fond of. Your absence had left a noticeable empty feeling in your group, but your friends understood. Often grateful for the times you did make it to the usual hang out spots or managed to say a quick hi to them while you were out running off to your next obligation. But with the Stardew Valley Fair behind you, your busy season was rapidly winding down as the bitter months approached. There was only a handful of crops left working towards harvest, and your animals had been staying outside as much as possible since these would be the last days before they were shut in from the cold until spring came back around. All of this meant your morning chores were finally able to be completed well before the bus out of town opened for the day, allowing a much needed trip with your friends to the city to become a reality.
Though, it wasn't long into the bus ride before you remembered that hanging with your besties wasn't always a picture of stress relief.
When boarding the bus, you followed the trio to the back where you usually sat to be as secluded as possible. You had a decent relationship with Pam, but she was known to let things slip at the saloon if Gus failed to cut her off soon enough. The last thing anyone needed was Robin or Lewis knowing some of the things you had discussed.
There were barely enough people in the entirety of Pelican Town to fill the bus up, so on these trips each of you got a row to yourselves. You took your usual positions, Sam and Abby sat on the left side while you and Sebastian sat on the right. Within minutes of the bus moving, you realized there was a riff Sebastian had forgotten to tell you about. What you had missed was that Sam had slipped and spoiled the ending of the game Abby had been grinding out for months the night prior. Abby - who was justifiably upset - got immediate revenge by telling him the entire plot of the current season of the show you'd all been watching together. Sam had a tendency to fall asleep 15 minutes in and had yet to catch up, so you and Sebastian had been working overtime to not discuss anything he didn't know yet. So much for that.
As the jabs began to get more serious, you turned around to Sebastian with a puzzled look on your face. Seb shot back a look that said "shit, sorry! I forgot." He then began filling you in over text. He recapped and told you that even though they were even in terms of initial offense, they hadn't stopped there and had been bickering ever since. Dramatically, you rolled your eyes rolled into the back of your head, which caused him to let out a small chuckle. This wasn't the first or even hundredth time the two of you had been on the outside of their arguments, and neither one of them liked to stop until they'd had the last word.
Though the fights weren't missed, you missed your friends. It was just nice to be around them again even as your annoyance grew. There was no way you and Sebastian would be able to hear each other over the existing volume of shouting and the old bus engine, so you opted to talk over text while sending each other silent looks reacting to what you had just sent or read.
Out of the group, you two had the hardest time physically seeing each other, but that didn't mean you weren't constantly talking. You saw Abby the most, seeing how often you were at Pierre's for seeds (or emergency fertilizer for the flowers you were sure you had 3 more days to plant) throughout the busy season. Sam also was pretty easy to make quick small talk with, bumping into him practicing kick flips or playing with Vincent while you hurried into Cindersap Forest to harvest the wood you always seemed to be out of. While you were in the mountains pretty frequently on a mission in the mines, Sebastian was a programmer with deadlines just as strict as yours. Often locked in his basement typing away in a language that looked so foreign to you. Sometimes you'd get lucky and see him on a smoke break, which both of you enjoyed, but usually you tried to let him stay focused and caught up with him throughout the day over text. Sending memes or venting about anything and everything whenever one of you managed a spare moment was the norm. He was just someone you could have a consistent and casual stream of dialogue with.
The topics of conversation were small. Seb asking you about your animals, in particular how your void chickens affectionately named Hecate and Malice were doing. He had instantly loved them since their eggs mysteriously showed up at your farm one day. You noticed that he had changed his normal nose ring out for a black stud that glistened a little every time the light caught it. He said he'd been meaning to do it for a while and appreciated that you liked it. Small, comfortable conversation.
That's how it always was with you and Sebastian. Comfortable. It didn't matter how long you went without talking or what you were doing, there was a level of comfort that came with him that you had never felt with anyone else. That's not to say that you felt uneasy with the rest of your friends in Pelican Town. You knew and loved all of your neighbors - well, maybe not always Lewis, but you got along - and Yoba knows you were down to do anything and everything with Abigail and Sam. But something about the way you relaxed whenever Seb was around was different. And if you didn't know any better, you'd say he felt similarly by the way his shoulders visibly loosened when you made your way into the saloon on busy Friday nights.
The ride to Zuzu city wasn't terribly long, but it was long enough for the incessant squabbling from two of your friends to give you a headache. While Sam and Abby's fights were never actually harmful or that serious, they had a tendency to act like siblings and continually yap nonsense at each other. At some point during the ride the arguing had escalated to Sam having his ear yanked by Abby, which lead you to where you were now. Strolling through the bustling crowds of the city, arm linked with Abby's to keep her heading in the right direction. Sebastian had the same job with Sam hooked to his arm. They were still too focused on one upping the other person to safely keep up with you and avoid getting lost. You and Sebastian also served as a buffer between them which had done very little to get them to stop, but at least poor Sam's ear was safe.
After many crosswalks and a few honks from impatient taxi drivers, you could finally see your main destination in the distance. You and the much taller emo shared a sigh of relief and a slight smile over getting everyone there without too much trouble.
The plan was to visit all of your favorite store in the valley, Electric Park Comics and get dinner afterwards. The store was more of a hobby store in its current era than just a place to grab comics, making it a hit amongst your group. There was something for everyone, the comics in the front being what initially drew Sebastian into the shop on one of his late night rides a few summers ago. He'd also grown fond of the back left corner where they kept old copies of games from consoles past, even occasionally getting in a good condition console for resale from someone who was clearing out an attic. He didn't even realize that section was there until the first time he brought Sam, who found it instantly. The pair had made it a monthly occurrence to make the trip to see what new releases the store had in, until one night they decided to swing by with you and Abby after a successful bar show for Goblin Destroyer. They didn't even have a chance to tell you both that you could head to a store nearby instead of having to wait on them before you were squealing over a Sanrio display they'd never taken note of. The boys had also lost the pair of you after browsing because you'd managed to find a staircase leading to the second floor which housed an in depth occult assortment. After that night, it became a group routine to escape the stress and expectations that weigh on each of you in Pelican Town by heading to that hidden downtown shop and nerding out together.
Approaching the building, you shook Abby's arm and pointed excitedly. The front was decorated carefully with jack-o-lanterns and plastic skeleton statues. Paper cats arching their backs and glittery orange and black garland lined the display windows inside. The festive exhibit and your excitement were enough to get Abby's attention away from Sam's quips. The two of you started excitedly muttering and gasping over how excited you were for the upcoming holiday, and how thoughtful the owner's work was. Sebastian let out an affectionate laugh at the commotion you two were causing. He remembered when you first moved into the farmhouse that autumn was something you and Abby hit it off over immediately. It's was both of your favorite season and you were frequently giddy over anything to do with Spirit's Eve.
Sam was looking away, irritated that Abby didn't care to respond to his last cleverly delivered jab when Sebastian nudged him.
"Hey, what was that for?" Sam muttered under his breath.
"Dude, I know you're upset. But could you maybe just drop this stupid argument for now?" Sebastian said in a hushed tone, holding the blonde back a couple of paces from you. "We haven't been here since the Flower Dance as a group. I'd like to have a good time instead of you guys bitching about something that doesn't matter anymore."
Sam looked around the street and then over as you and the friend he was just insulting minutes earlier. You were still too busy discussing costume ideas and who would get scared in the maze to notice any of this happening. He sighed, realizing how hard it had been to actually get together over the summer despite having made so many plans. How excited each of you were that this had really made it out of the group chat. A slight twinge of embarrassment washed over him.
"Yeah, I guess you're right dude. Abby and I can't take back ruining things for each other but I guess we shouldn't ruin this too." Sam pinched the bridge of his nose realizing he'd also given himself a slight headache the last couple of hours. "I'm sorry."
"It's all good. This is just as much on Abby as it is you. She's just successfully distracted right now" Sebastian laughed.
The boys looked over at the two of you scheming ways to get Marnie to let Jas go in the maze with you this year and shook their heads knowingly at each other.
"Let's go in before they figure out a way to actually make that happen and I have to hear Vince cry about it" Sam chuckled.
He swung the door open. The little bell snapped you and Abby out of your festive ramble and both of the boys faked a gentlemanly usher for you two to go in first.
You walked into the shop and waived hi to the owner Henry as you shook off the chill from the outside.
"Long time since I've seen you miss" Henry smiled at you.
You let out a tired laugh. "Yeah, the farm has kept me plenty busy this year. Knowing the ropes made me too confident and I narrowly avoided biting off more than I could chew."
"Well you made it through. Sounds like you have a reason to celebrate." He let out a hearty chuckle. It was warm and reminded you of your grandpa's years ago.
"I sure do!" you beamed back at him.
You made your way over to the Sanrio section to debate which plushy of your favorite character you wanted to add you your collection this time. Sebastian came over to join you briefly before heading over to the comic aisles that would have his attention for the better part of the next hour.
"Hey, they've got new stickers this time." He motioned to a colorful assortment of little animals is various poses. "We should get matching ones for our helmets."
As you began walking over to look over the selection, the smile on your face turned into a frown. You realized in the whirlwind of the summer you'd forgotten all about the helmet that Sebastian had ordered you for when you accompanied him on his bike. His spare was cheap and clunky, he wanted you to have one a little nicer on the nights you were his backpack.
"Seb, shit I'm so sorry. I forgot you'd done that. I've been meaning to ride with you I promise it's just-"
He cut off your panic with a smile and a finger to your lips. "It's okay, it's not like it was running for a month anyways" he snorted at his own misfortune. "What do you think about these?"
He held up a pair of stickers, one being your favorite sanrio character and his being Badtz-Maru giving off some serious side eye.
"Those are perfect" you giggled at his choice, knowing how often you'd seen him give that same look to everyone you knew in town. "But I also like these" you showed him two carefully chosen frog stickers, both funky little guys. One had a knife with a mildly threatening aura and the other had a bow.
"Dude I didn't even see those!" His face lit up at the sight of his favorite animals in silly situations.
"So these ones then?"
"Nah, let's get both" he smirked as he gently ruffled your hair. "As long as I get the one with the knife."
"Oh, I was thinking you needed the pretty little princess frog myself" you smirked back at him.
From across the room Henry chuckled "she's right you know, it suits you."
Sebastian cocked an eyebrow his way. You'd forgotten he still hadn't let off the tough guy exterior around the shop's owner yet, giving off the same reserved energy he gave everyone outside of your group and Robin.
"I'm only teasing, kid. She'd fist fight you over the one with the bow and we both know it." Henry winked, responding to Sebastian's silent questioning.
You giggled at the interaction which caused him to raise an eyebrow back at you in retort.
"Hold on to these, will ya?" You nodded, Sebastian handed the Sanrio pair in his hand to you and headed over to the comic aisles to look at the newest editions.
Your attention turned back to the plushies you were initially interested in. After mulling over the options, you landed on one holding a little pumpkin, perfect for the season.
Heading upstairs to join Abigail in your shared love for the occult, you heard a snicker that you knew meant she was up to no good.
"Abs?" you called out reaching the top of the steps.
"Here! Come help me with something" she ushered by a grand shelf on the far wall.
Glancing around at the intricately designed candles used for different rituals and practices, you were enamored with the possibilities until Abigail spoke up.
"Which of these candles do you think I could trick Sam into thinking I'm putting a curse on him with?"
"Abs, you know that's not how that works" you let out an exasperated laugh.
"Of course I do, we practice together" she rolled her eyes. "But you know who doesn't? Sheltered little Sam."
Raising an eyebrow, you reminded her "just because Jodi is strict doesn't mean he's sheltered." It was true that Jodi didn't let Sam do a lot when he was younger, but Sam had done a lot of catching up in recent years, especially with you three as his friends.
"I know that but spiritual stuff still freaks him out. You've heard him muttering to Yoba when we play certain games. He hasn't shook all of what her and Kent drove into him."
And it was true. He wasn't good for anymore than 3 rounds of Phasmophobia before he needed a break and he refused to be the one to use the spirit box even if he was the only one left alive. But you still weren't sure that a candle would be enough to trick him.
"I don't know Abs. Maybe you should drop this fight? You already got even with him by ruining season 3. Besides, it's still just a candle."
"Yeah I could, but he threw hundreds of hours of my time down the drain with that spoiler and called my dad a 'rat faced bitch.' Which was clever but I'm the only one who can say that stuff about him!" she whined.
"Listen, you do what you're gonna do, but I won't help you" you put your hands up in surrender. "I just want a nice time with you guys before I have to finish out the rest of the growing season."
Hoping your words had some effect, you went to take a look at the crystal display to see if there was anything you couldn't find in the mines back home. Mostly pretty common stuff, but there was a particularly beautiful carnelian necklace that caught your eye so you decided to grab that as well.
Satisfied with your choices, you left back downstairs to see if the guys had found anything worthwhile. Not to your surprise, Sebastian had each new release of his favorite series in his arms and a new Solarian Chronicles notebook to run his campaigns out of. Sam was rambling on about a new album to him with a new game and a figurine of his favorite character from the last series you all played together in hand.
"Successful haul?" giggling as you cut Sam off from his speech while you motioned at Sebastian's armful of comics.
"S'pose. Wasn't planning on grabbing this much but I missed some updates I guess" he shrugged.
Turning to Sam, you asked him about the game he'd chosen.
"They didn't have the game I hoped for, but I wasn't holding my breath cause it's a popular release" the blond explained. "But the did have this one. I don't really know much about it, but Vince has been yapping about it for a while now. Figured I'd pick it up and it would give me a reminder to spend more time with him. Kinda been slacking on my older brother duties between the band and Joja lately." He let out a small sigh. Everyone knew how much his family meant to him, but he'd been having a hard time finding a new balance between his adult life and making time for the people he loved.
"That's really sweet, Sam. He's gonna love it!" You smiled warmly and nudged him in the arm.
"I thought so too" He grinned a smile of relief at you. "Oh, has anyone seen Abby?"
"She was upstairs still deciding on what she wanted when I came down here. I'm sure she won't be much long-"
You were interrupted by Sebastian grabbing the necklace you had picked earlier from your hand. While he surveyed it, Sam let you know he was going to check around and see if Abby was ready to head out yet.
"Which one is this?" the programmer looked inquisitively at you.
"Carnelian. It helps with courage and energy. Positive life choices and such. I have one on my vanity already but I thought it might be nice to keep one on me" you explained.
"I like it" he smiled and held it up near your face. "Makes your eyes a little brighter."
You grinned up at him, but the moment was cut off when you heard yelling from the back of the building. It was a panicked Sam yelling at what you knew was Abby to "get the fuck away from me!" You shared a tired look, knowing you'd have to step in.
"Un-fucking-believable" Sebastian muttered under his breath. The two of you followed Sam's shouts of terror through the maze of inventory. When you finally found him behind a tall shelf holding old Nintendo 64 games you grabbed his arm in an attempt to get him to calm down.
"Sam, what's going on?"
"THAT is what's going on!" He pointed to the wall where Abigail was rounding a corner, hooded by a cloak she'd managed to find somewhere and holding a black and red candle covered in pentacles. Tufts of purple hair were half covering her face while she muttered completely made up words in a hushed tone. She completed the bit by contorting her face in odd ways.
"Abby, knock it off" Sebastian huffed.
The drummer kept coming closer, causing Sam's panic to increase again. "Stop cursing me bro this isn't funny!"
"She's not cursing you, don't worry" Sebastian shook his head.
"Then why is she muttering shit holding that demonic candle? Sounds like a curse to me!"
Abby was feet away from the three of you now. You reached out and snatched the candle from her hands before she realized what was happening, eliciting and whiny "hey" from her.
"No she's not." you cut in reassuring the blond. "You can't curse someone with just a candle. Even if that was her intention, these are pentacles, not pentagrams. They literally just signify the elements. Seb's right."
"Well he wasn't right about me dropping our argument earlier. I should've known Abby would do something like this" Sam grumbled back.
"I did get him to stop" Sebastian looked at you irritated.
"What like this is my fault?! I told her not to do it and to chill out" you bristled at him. "She's the one that decided to find a cloak and commit."
"Well you could've been more effective is all I'm saying."
"Abby is grown and I'm not her mother." You felt your patience for this situation growing thin. "I wasn't even there when this shit started."
Abby spoke up before either of you had the chance to make this worse. "Guys, I'm sorry. I should've listened and stopped when we were even but he's just so fun to torment. Especially when he's ruined something for me."
"Abby for the hundredth time I didn't mean to." Sam cut in. "You know how I am, I forget who's played and seen what. I don't even remember to call my grandma, dude."
"Hey, I said I was sorry for not dropping it, okay? Are we good now?" she huffed.
Sam didn't look fully satisfied with her "apology" but thought better than to keep this going. "Sure, fine I guess. But only if dinner is on you for fake cursing me or whatever."
"Whatever, I guess that's fair."
With that, you all silently agreed to go pay for your things and head out. As you walked up to the register and sat your things down, you caught a mischievous glint in Henry's eye.
"You buying this necklace, miss?"
"Yeah, I need the energy these days" you joked.
"Oh I mean I just thought it's such a pretty piece, shouldn't your boyfriend be buying it for you?" he glanced at you with a smirk dancing across his lips.
"Boyfriend?! I don't have a boyfriend." The owner's statement had caught you so off guard that you were fighting not to stumble over your words. You turned around to your trio of friends to find them looking just as confused as you were.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" You turned your attention back to Henry, who was clearly a little flustered himself now. "I didn't mean - I just thought with the matching stickers and the way you guys look at each other. Not to mention you were just fighting like an old married couple in the back..." he trailed off before going back to ringing up your items.
Then it hit you. He meant Sebastian. He thought you and your best friend were a couple? You turned back to the group again to read everyone's faces. Sebastian was bright red and just as shocked as you were. However, the other two looked like they understood what he was saying. Only looking at each other for confirmation, they wouldn't look at either of you two.
You paid for your things and said thank you to Henry who was still a little embarrassed at his assumption. He eased up a little when you reassured him you'd see him much sooner this time as winter was coming up.
The four of you waved goodbye to the shopkeeper and headed back out into the chill of autumn. As your group began to navigate the streets in search of food, no one spoke. The lineup was in direct contrast to when you had arrived earlier, with Sebastian and yourself on the outside this time using Abby and Sam as a buffer for your embarrassment.
Thoughts were swirling around your head like the leaves in the city air. Why would he assume you were dating Sebastian? The comment about the way you look at each other really stuck out to you. And why wouldn't Sam and Abby acknowledge you once he elaborated? Because you and Seb were so close as friends, you'd never allowed yourself to even wonder if you liked him and you were more than sure he hadn't either. Surely this whole situation was just a one off case of Henry misreading your group, right?
After what felt like hours but in reality was maybe 10 minutes, Sam was the first to break the silence. "So we never decided where to go for dinner - any thoughts?" He cleared his throat like he was almost as uncomfortable as you and Sebastian were.
"That new burger place just opened this weekend? But that probably means it's packed" Abby responded. "We could always just stick to tradition and grab some Chinese?"
"Works for me!" Sam smiled.
At least a minute passed before he spoke again.
"What about you guys?"
You were shaken out of your trance when you felt an elbow lightly nudge you and realized the blonde was peering down at you.
"What? Oh sorry, yeah, that sounds good to me."
It came out in a stutter but you smiled back at him to try and reassure him you were fine. Sam knew you better than that, but he smiled back and turned his attention towards the only person who looked more uncomfortable than you did.
"Seb? You here?"
"Ye-yeah that's fine." he mumbled.
"Then it's settled. Chinese it is" Abby grinned.
The rest of the walk was just as quiet from Sebastian and yourself as it had been before the question of dinner was asked. Abby and Sam had filled the silence by talking about the latest gossip on Marnie and Lewis' failed attempts at a hidden relationship. Occasionally you'd giggle at some remark one of them made about the mayor and his commitment issues, but that was all you could manage.
The owner of the restaurant you usually frequented on these trips to the city greeted you with a smile. He did most of the cooking so you'd never actually spoken to him, but he recognized your group and had always been kind. You all smiled and waved to him before heading to take a seat at an empty table. The warmth of the restaurant and the aroma from the kitchen seemed to lighten everyone up, but there was still a twinge of tension in the air. Instead of your usual seating arrangement, you found yourself sitting next to Sam and across from Abby. It was a subconscious decision from everybody, but one everyone noticed. After you'd made your final decisions on your meals, everyone went right back to the usual dynamics.
"I'm paying, did you really need to order the damn menu?" Abby let out a laugh of disbelief at the amount of food the staff was placing in front of Sam.
"Maybe, but it's a small price to pay for what may or may not happen to my bloodline in the future" the guitarist cracked back with a mouthful of food.
Sebastian snorted a laugh at his remark which was the loudest he'd been in a while. While also letting out a giggle, your eyes locked for the first time since the comic shop. He gave you a half smile while a light wash of red colored his cheeks. He was fidgeting with his rings like he would do in most uncomfortable social settings, but not usually with your group. It was hard not to comfort him but you were well aware that you were the reason, so instead you smiled back and turned back to Sam. Not ideal, but it felt a little comforting to know he was in the same boat you were.
Conversation flowed easier after that. Sam insisted that he was getting closer to beating Sebastian at pool, which was denied by everyone else. Abigail ranted about her latest fight with her dad for going out to the Wizard's tower again. Goblin Destroyer had quite a few small shows they were asked to perform at throughout the winter, so you made sure to write those dates into your phone calendar. You had to miss their most recent show because it was your last chance to plant a full pumpkin harvest for Spirit's Eve and you'd been beating yourself up for it. Maybe the worst thing Abigail could've done was asked you if you wanted to hear the fun bits from that night, but you unknowingly said yes thinking you'd just hear about how much the crowd loved the band or the drunk shenanigans of a 40 year old man.
"....Anyway, after the final song I started taking apart my drum kit. I look over and the guys are sitting on the side of the stage and these two girls are almost throwing themselves at them" Abby snickered between bites of food. "They were so cool and pretty I almost warned them about the 45 minutes I was stuck listening to them argue about a plot point in their new Solarian Chronicles campaign on the bus! But then they all went somewhere together so I just kept packing up."
You felt all of the color drain from your face at the emphasis on 'somewhere together,' but you weren't sure why. If they really were so cool and pretty that Abby mentioned it - and Seb went with them. Fuck. That's your best friend. You should be happy for him! Why aren't you happy for him? Why is your stomach in knots?
As confusion and shame bounced in your head, you'd made yourself smaller and started picking at the skin on your fingers. Eyes focused on your hands twisting in your lap.
You didn't realize it, but Abby had been staring at you intensely for a minute.
"Alright. We gotta talk about it."
You peered up through your lashes, now aware that the whole table had been silent too.
"Talk about what?" Your voice came out sincere but barely above a whisper.
"This! Whatever is going on between you two" her eyes flicked back and forth between you and the emo on her side.
Sebastian huffed in annoyance. He was bouncing his leg and staring at the ceiling like he'd rather be anywhere else right now.
"What are you talking about? Nothing is going on" you insisted.
"Bullshit!" she immediately yelled, like she'd been waiting on you to say those exact words.
"Abby, I told you, I don't think they know" the guitarist cut in with a much more gentle tone.
"Don't know what?"
Abby scoffed at your question. You narrowed your eyes at her before turning your attention back.
"Sam, what don't I know?"
The blond looked at Sebastian who was still ignoring everyone's gaze, then turned to you and gave you a pitying side smile. "Henry isn't the first person to assume you two are together."
"Whaaat d'you mean?" Your eyes immediately fixed on Sebastian. His leg bounced even more aggressively as he shot you a look that read 'I don't fucking know either.'
Your eyes went back to Sam's as he spoke. "The other day, I stocking produce at work. Pam was grumbling while rummaging through the pairs I had just stacked" he sighed. "Anyway, so I go over to start fixing them when she's done and she turns to me and starts asking me like what Seb managed to do to get a pretty girl like that? I was lost bro. But then she started in about seeing him in a city and not out with the cows or whatever and I realized she meant you." An awkward laugh left his lips as he looked down at the table for a second. "But I immediately told her that we're all just a big group of friends! Then she mumbled something about me not having two pennies to clink around in my head and walked off."
"What does Pam know? I can't remember the last time the Saloon smelled as strong of beer as she does on a Wednesday morning" the emo puffed from his seat.
"Pam might be a drunk but the rest of Pelican town isn't" Abby sneered at him. "My mom said something about it the other day. Evidently she got the idea from the dance of the moonlight jellies when you two were sitting on the dock resting your heads on each other. Couldn't believe it when I told her you guys were just friends."
"My mom too. She won't ask me how you are anymore unless she's heard you out front while I'm out. She waits for Seb to come over because he always knows more than I do. Heard her muttering something about 'young love' to dad about it the other day."
Your eyes were bulging out of your skull at this point. "Your mom? I see her almost daily on my errands and she's never said anything?"
"Well she figured she'd let you guys talk about it in time or something I'm not sure. Dad came home and thought it was crazy Seb has a girl that looks at him like that and he hasn't 'wifed her up yet.' He dropped it though cause mom yelled at him." Sam awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.
"I don't look at him like anything?! Seb's just my best friend and your parents are crazy" a high pitched laugh left your voice as you spoke.
"Yeah, that may be true," Abby interjected, "but Leah isn't. She came into the store when I was working the other day and asked me if she'd missed something. I guess he was brought up while you guys were on the dock in the forest and the way you talked about him... she just assumed" she shrugged.
You felt like you were in an alternate reality. Here you were, at dinner with your closest friends being told that the entire town thinks you're dating one of them. Was this all a dream? Did the spaghetti you grabbed from Gus last night not agree with you? A chuckle of disbelief slipped past your lips.
"Okay. Is there anything else? Another case of delusion you can think of?" Your eyes bounced between your friends who were making uncomfortable eye contact.
"Yeah." Sam coughed. "I wasn't sure I was gonna say this but, since neither one of you have taken this well I guess I should." He paused, flicking the guitar pick on his necklace finding the words.
"Spit it out, Samson" Sebastian grunted.
"Okay, okay. You know how Vince has started calling you Uncle to piss you off because he's convinced we're old?"
Sebastian nodded, not seeing where this was heading.
"He asked me on Monday if when you got married if he should start calling her aunt because of the joke, or if that was too mean because of how nice she is to him."
Sebastian stared so hard at Sam that he could've put holes through the poor guy.
"Oh my god" was all you could say. You could feel actual panic sinking into your chest with all of this information. Everyone in the valley really assumed you were dating and you'd never thought of him that way. What were you doing? Were you crazy? Were they crazy? Could you even keep a relationship with him after this knowing that your friendship had been so abnormal it fooled the people who were around you everyday?
Your friends broke the silence again.
"It's not just Henry and it's not that anyone else is wrong" Sam stated.
"Yeah. I mean, can you guys really not see that you act as if you're in a relationship? Like, minus the title and the kissing and fucking, you're there already" Abby let out a nervous laugh.
You made eye contact with them both and could tell she was sincere. They both were. Your friends agreed with everyone else.
Appetite now fully gone, you started collecting your things in any attempt to leave this situation. Sebastian had the same idea and went to the register to go pay for his meal. You dug in your purse in a frenzy to find your wallet so that you could leave a tip and head up front to pay.
"Hey, we didn't mean to upset you." A worried tone coated Sam's words.
"I know you didn't, but what the fuck did you think would happen? I've never thought of Seb that way and I know he hasn't thought of me like that either. And to find out it's the whole valley..." your panic was leading to tears. It wasn't sadness, it was the most overwhelmed and confused you'd ever been.
Finally, you opened your wallet only to realize you didn't have the right bills for an efficient tip. In an attempt to get as far away from tonight as possible, you whispered 'fuck it' to yourself and left what was the equivalent of a 60% tip. You had geodes to open tomorrow so it would be fine. You stood up abruptly, leaving Abby and Sam to murmur amongst themselves at the mess they caused and marched to the register.
Sebastian was standing there still when you made your way over. Tears were beginning to fall silently down your face despite your best efforts to hold them back. The anger you felt at yourself for crying right then only seemed to make it worse. As you approached the staff member with your card in hand, the programmer reached his hand out and place it along your lower back in any attempt to comfort you and pull you in.
"I already paid for us" he mumbled in your ear. "Let's take a breather before they catch up."
You both gave a half hearted smile to the owner as Sebastian whisked you out of the door. Inhaling deeply, the air was sharp in your lungs. Winter wasn't far off and the chill reflected that.
Standing silently side by side, you both took in the city lights and the night time bustle while trying to calm yourselves. Fresh air helping to ease your nausea and lower your heart rate a bit. You hadn't planned on being out this late, your sweater was no match for the climate. Noticing you folding your arms over in an attempt to block out the cold, Sebastian took off his leather jacket and tapped on your shoulders to let him put it on you. You obliged. Normally, you would've argued, insisting that he needed it more. But normally, that was met with him reminding you he had a hoodie and a long sleeve shirt on underneath it, which had been the case every cold outing since your first fall in the valley. He knew you'd miscalculate and he wasn't about to let you freeze.
Once the jacket was secure on your shoulders he resumed his place beside you. In sync, you both looked each other in the eyes. Your tears had slowed but were still falling quietly down your cheeks. Otherwise you were expressionless. So was he. Surveying each other didn't help because neither of you were allowing yourself to be read. All you two had was the assumption that the other's brain was running just as fast as yours was. You took each other in silently until you heard the restaurant door open. You knew it was Abigail and Sam finally coming out to head home, but you held each other's eye for a moment longer. Now that the duo had met up with you, you left for the bus.
Everyone stayed tongue tied on the trek home. After climbing on the bus, you slumped down in your seat and turned your overhead light off. The tension was thick and while you couldn't bare to speak, you also hated that your friends weren't. Opting to put your headphones in and listen to your favorite Spotify playlist on the way home to shut out the tension, you shut your eyes and let your mind run through your feelings as the music lulled you.
Something about Sam and Abby agreeing that you two acted like a couple stuck with you. They spent the most time around you and knew both of you more intimately than anyone else ever did. If everyone already say you as a couple, why didn't you? You remembered repeating the phrase "I've never thought of him like that" throughout the night... maybe you should try? Maybe that was the only way to work this out?
Your mind drifted to your favorite moments shared with him.
Days you'd carve out time to play video games with him in his room, he'd reach over and help you stay alive in the first person shooters you were always dreadful at. How he'd chuckle when he saw you accidentally bomb yourself for the 20th time that day and you'd elbow him to stop. You pictured how he always smiled warmly at you when you did that, even though you always followed it with an eye roll.
It was unspoken that within 5 days before a new growing season, you'd be over in his room while he worked. Notebooks, a calendar and your choice of caffeine sprawled out on his floor while you quietly mapped out where each crop, bee box and sprinkler would be most fruitful. Occasionally you'd grumble, stumped on what the best choice was. He'd always look away from his screen, pull you into his lap and ask you to elaborate on the dilemma before helping you through it. Somehow he always chose correctly.
When he did have downtime in between jobs, he'd come over to your farm to help in whatever way he could. It always ended up with him talking to your animals while you worked, but they all were glued to him so you didn't mind. Afterwards you'd sit on the porch and eat dinner together while the sun set. Talking about new dreams or thoughts on philosophy while you soaked up the last of the sun's warmth together. You swear every time that happened a new freckle would appear on him within a few days, but it didn't happen often so you couldn't confirm.
All it took was a text that you were sick, sore or having a bad mental health day for him to pack up his laptop, his mom's pumpkin soup and be knocking at your door. Despite being a recluse, he rarely got sick so he'd always work in your bed or on your couch with you lying against his side. Stopping anytime you needed water, medicine or to be told that everything would be okay and you'd get through it together. You'd watch tv or youtube when he'd finished while he rubbed your back and played with your hair until you fell asleep. He'd never leave until you woke up and he could see that you were better.
Rainy days spent frog hunting. Watching him light up telling you about the different species you could find throughout the valley. Sometimes they'd have distinct markings and you'd see them multiple times so you'd give them names and lore. The rain making you feel like children again, so you'd start play fighting until one of you was in a puddle, giggling and shouting like second graders the whole time. Robin always shaking her head when you inevitably trudged through her house soaking wet, so you'd both started changing back at the farm first.
Or what was maybe your favorite, when he needed his hair dyed. He never got it perfect when he did it alone, and Sam always made a huge mess of it so it wasn't long after you met that he had asked you to help. It was a frequent occurrence because he'd actually rather die than be perceived as a ginger. Whether it was your bathroom or his changed, but the routine stayed the same. You were always wearing his oldest band t -shirts together, you sitting on the sink laser focused on not missing a spot while music blasted. If you wanted your hair done too, he'd of course help you afterwards and go so slowly to make sure it was as perfect as you always did his. It always felt so intimate and you never failed to take note of how much softer and relaxed his features were in that moment than when you were out with others.
Your stomach fluttered but not from nausea this time. It was butterflies. Fuck. Of course it was. How did you not know how you felt about him? Remembering how you'd go out of your way to make him smile every chance you got. His first birthday as your friend, you spent money you didn't have on a sword upgrade to find obsidian because the usual frozen tear simply wouldn't do. The way your heart felt like it was doing a back flip anytime he looked at you, and had even when he asked you "of all places, why would you move here?"
Okay. So you did like him, but that doesn't mean he felt the same way.
You opened your eyes upon feeling the bus come to a halt. You realized you were already back at the bus stop by your farm, guessing that the trip went so quickly because of how hard you'd been thinking. You grabbed your things, stood up and waved a rushed goodbye to your friends before heading home. You hated to leave so coldly but your mind was a whirlwind right now and you had so much to untangle. Sebastian wasn't far behind in leaving for the mountain, which left Abby and Sam to walk each other home and talk about how worried they were for the friendship now that this was out.
Once you'd shut the barns up to keep your animals safe for the night, you unlocked the door to your house and picked up your cat. Burying your face in her fur for comfort helped ground you a little bit. After a couple of kisses, you plopped her down on the couch and kicked off your shoes. Your music was still helping to combat your mind from going haywire, so you opted to keep your headphones in as you padded to your bedroom to change from the cute outfit you'd planned out for two weeks in favor of something more comfortable. Grabbing your comfort hoodie - it was old merch from your favorite artist - and a pair of sweatpants from your dresser, your mind began to drift back to that question you left unanswered as you pulled back into Pelican Town.
Does he feel the same way about me?
You began to replay those favorite moments in your mind again, searching him for clues one way or the other.
As you began to change, you remembered how when he'd help you stay alive in a video game, he was so gentle with you. After he'd succeeded in stopping your demise, his arms always lingered longer than they needed to. Okay. Coincidence.
You headed to the bathroom to brush your hair that was in knots after being out on such a windy day. Thinking back, he'd never complained about you setting up camp in his room to do planning you easily could've done in your own living room? Maybe that was because it operated as body doubling. But he always pulled you into his lap if you needed help. You couldn't think of an excuse for it so you counted it as a point towards reciprocation.
Leaving the bathroom, you made your way into the kitchen to give your cat her nightly treat. As you sat on the floor with her favorite puree in hand, you pondered how many of his off days he had spent helping at your farm. He hated the sun and had no idea what he was doing, but he never complained. Looking at your cat licking away at the treat, you decided that it wasn't you he was coming over for, it was definitely the sweet lives that roamed your property. I mean of course it was, look at this one.
But what about when you were sick? You didn't even know how to begin to write that one off. Maybe just being a good friend? But it was every time you told him something was wrong enough that you could only feed your animals before getting back into bed. Even if he couldn't get out of work, he went through the effort of bringing it with him. Okay, another tally.
By now, the treat was gone and you'd been petting the little lady for a while. You stood up from the floor and began filling your water bottle and grabbing a snack for when you crawled into bed. Frog hunting was easy to discredit, that was just two friends enjoying nature together and being a little silly. Okay, it's 2 to 3 right now.
As you headed to your bed to take your dishes to your nightstand, yours and Seb's favorite song came on your playlist. The one you always scream sang together when it played. You giggled as you remembered dramatically acting out the lyrics in your kitchen while you made sashimi. That was the last time you'd dyed his hair. Setting your water bottle down by your bed, you remembered how the last three times you'd helped him, he kept staring at your lips and making you think you had something in your teeth. Each time you'd discreetly check and you never did, but it was weird enough you noticed it. In the following nights you'd been reading Elliott's second novel before bed and the main character did this before kissing his love interest. He didn't want to kiss you, did he?
You started to climb into bed and follow that thought when you remembered you'd forgotten to take your makeup off. Begrudgingly, you crawled back out and started to head towards the bathroom again. The song was reaching the climax before the bridge that was always your favorite part as walked through the living room towards your destination. Your eyes landed on a doll that you had bought yourself because Jas owned her best friend and she loved coming over and playing pretend with you when you weren't busy. You stopped dead in your tracks as you stared at the toy. It felt like someone had punched you in the gut.
You were immediately taken back to the end of summer. The two of you had spent the evening after work and school twirling in your sundresses in the forest like you were fairies. Jas asked you if you'd help her with her evening animal chores before heading home and you were never one to tell her no unless you had to. While you were brushing one of Marnie's cows, you remember Jas had asked you a question that you now realized you misunderstood. You thought the question came from the fact that Vince was still young and tormented Jas more than he should, but that wasn't the case.
"Do you think when we're older and grown up that Vincent will be my Sebastian?"
She had asked you with such a shy smile you weren't soon how you didn't understand this sooner. Jas was like your little sister, you should've known that she isn't normally shy about anything around you. She was also incredibly observant. This was the tipping point. There was no way this wasn't a fever dream.
Taking off your makeup could wait. You needed to go for a walk.
You threw on your farm boots so any mud from recent rain wasn't something to worry about and hurried out the door.
You began to take the shortcut from the farm to the mountains like usual when your brain was spinning, but then stopped. Realizing if Sebastian was going through half of what you were, he'd be smoking at the lake and he needed his space too. You turned on your heel and decided the beach was where you'd go to figure this out instead.
Your pace was almost a speed walk, itching to sit down and sort through the tangled wires that were whatever the fuck this mess was of a relationship with your best friend.
Finally, you saw sand. Waves crashing down flooded your ears, telling the story of a storm that hadn't yet hit the valley. Careful not to make too much commotion and wake the writer that inhabited the run down cabin, you crept across the small wooden bridge to the secluded beach across a stream. It was pitch black out save for the moon illuminating the ocean. You turned your phone flashlight on to make sure you were avoiding the tide pools. As you made your way down the dock, you saw a small glow of orange coming from a figure sitting at the end of it. Occupied, great.
You started to turn and walk away when you heard a clear "Hey!" coming from the person you'd interrupted. Turning back towards the ocean you realized the glow was a cigarette and you knew the voice you'd just heard. Even better, it's the person you're in a frenzy over.
You made your way down the ancient wooden slats until you were standing next to where he was sitting, dangling his legs off the side.
"You look cute" smoke left his mouth as he spoke, looking up at you.
Remembering that you were going for bedtime panic and not style, you snorted. "Suuure, thanks. It's the boots, isn't it?"
He smiled and shook his head, the smoke exiting his nose this time. "You been thinking?"
"Yeah. Since we left Zuzu. You?"
"'Course. Hard not to when your friends hit you with something like that" he looked up at you, a soft smile creeping across his lips. "Figure anything out?"
You closed the space between you and plopped down next to him, crossing your ankles and pulling your knees up under your chin. "Well, I knew, and then I didn't know. Then I thought I knew, but I didn't know, so I was thinking, and now I think I know but I'm still not really sure" a tired laugh left your chest after you spoke.
Laughing with you, he shook his head and began putting his cigarette out. "Yeah, that's one way to put it."
A comfortable silence found its way to the two of you again as you sat and watched the ocean. You weren't sure what was right or wrong to say here. It felt like your friendship was at jeopardy but also, like nothing was ever wrong to begin with. That old feeling of ease you felt whenever you were with him washed over you regardless of the stakes at hand.
You decided there was no more point in putting it off. You'd been out in a position you didn't think was possible 12 hours ago. Now that you were here, you couldn't see it as a valid reason to start omitting things from him. That alone would change your friendship from what it had been forever.
"I think I know how I feel. No, I know that I know how I feel." You felt so shaky despite managing to sound so confident in your statement. "I'm just not sure about the rest. I remembered something Jas said to me that has me thinking I know the rest but... that's not enough to convince me I'm right."
The emo looked down at you and smiled. Softly, he said "an elementary schooler is where you're finding your strongest sources of evidence?"
"Shut up" you giggled. "Just because she's quiet around you and everyone else ever doesn't mean you should discard her thoughts. She's incredibly intelligent and observant" you poked back.
"I'm not discarding her. Just thought with everything else that her being your biggest form of proof was funny, s'all." He let out a soft, warm chuckle. "I know how I feel too. I have a guess about the rest but my basis of reason is fully in my head alone and not from the mouth of a child," he teased, "so it could just be delusion."
"I would say that you aren't delusional, but after today I can't confidently say that about anyone" you laughed.
It's too late to turn back now. Might as well put everything out on the table.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Always, angel. What's up?"
You paused. "Remember the last time we dyed your hair?"
He snorted and looked away from you, choosing to stare at the waves instead.
"Did I say something wrong?" you felt anxiety ping at your chest. Were you wrong? Should you shut up now?
"No, no" he hushed you. "It's just crazy for you to bring that night up." He looked away again, swallowing a deep breath. "When you showed up here, I was thinking about you sitting in front of me on the counter, so focused on making sure I looked good. Wearing one of my old shirts mouthing the words to our playlist. Your lashes were fluttering as you looked up at me and just -" he choked on a breath. "Fuck dude. It just hit me like, yeah. Actually I know how I feel."
His head turned to look the opposite way of you and started lightly tapping out a rhythm against the dock. The hard part was over for you, but not him. He had no idea what you were about to say and even though you knew he was anxious he was trying not to show it.
You put your legs down and leaned closer to him, the added feeling of you making him turn back towards you.
"I think that night is why I know too."
He blinked back at you. "You mean lik-"
"I was thinking about that night - those nights - while we were on the bus." You realized you were speaking so fast and tried to slow your words. "I don't know, I just never realized how intimate and I guess right they feel? You don't let anyone near you even emotionally, and then there I am. Helping you with something that makes you feel like who you are, bodies borderline intertwined because I need to make sure I get it all dyed. And you always look down at me with this look on your face and when I think about it my stomach flutters and"
Your frenzy was cut off by the realization of how close your faces had gotten. Sebastian was straight faced, locking your eyes with his dark brown ones. Your noses were brushing against each other as he spoke.
"It's happening again" he muttered plainly.
"Huh?" came out as a squeak from your throat.
"I don't think I knew it fully," he inched closer to you. When he spoke again his lips were ghosting against yours "I think I've wanted to kiss you for a while."
"But you still haven't done it" you whispered back.
Your lips met in a soft, tender kiss. It felt treacherous, yet like this was where you had always belonged. Sebastian reached up and cupped below your ear with his hand, thumb rubbing your temple while he deepened the kiss. You grabbed his arm and your other hand searched for his free one, locking fingers when you found it. When you finally pulled apart, you rested your forehead on his, giggling. He smiled back at you. Both of you went to speak and just ended up kissing again, unsure of why this felt so right and how you'd went so long without doing it.
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The day before Spirit's Eve had you feeling like you needed to be everywhere, all at once. You had to drop off last minute supplies to Abby for your costumes. Lewis had told you that the Wizard did in fact need more pumpkins so you needed to get them fully harvested and ready to be dropped off the next morning. Jas needed last minute opinions on which costume she wanted to wear which would entail an entire fashion show and you promised Willy a fresh Salmon before the snow hit which was 3 days away.
You weren't sure how, but you'd managed to pull it all off by the time the sun set, leaving plenty of room to fulfill your last obligation; dying your boyfriend's hair. You'd noticed an orange twinge when you were out by the lake yesterday and there was no way he was going to the festival looking like that.
You'd already changed into an old shirt he'd left in your room when his motorcycle rumbled in front of the farmhouse. The engine cut, then there was a familiar voice saying hello to your cat. He headed to your room to change into more suitable clothes in case any dye got on them, while you hooked up the speaker and hit play on your shared playlist. Instantly, your ears were filled with the sound of that favorite song, the same one that had been so pivotal in bringing you two together.
You hopped up to your seat on the counter and called out "Sebby!"
He padded into the bathroom, face softening to that same expression that you now knew was love when he entered the doorway and saw you.
"Yeah, babe?"
"I think now's your chance" you teased.
He laughed and made his way against you, leaning down for a kiss. "Yeah, I think it is."
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plasticsandwich · 1 year
one nice thing abt late trains home i that i get to walk with the sunset the whole way
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It started back when he was 16.
His parents found out about him and Vlad thanks to the fruitloop being an idiot and practically outing them both. Danny was so lucky that he had planned for a situation like this. He had go-bags ready with a few changes of clothes, a thermos, some weapons, a star projector, lots of money from Sam and enough medical supplies to make a hospital jealous.
It was a good thing too, after crippling the GIW and destroying all the gear they and the Fentons had they destroyed their research and everything ghost related. Vlad at this point was already dead so he wasn't much of a concern.
Dannys had landed in an alley in a new dimension, only problem now was the parting shot his mother gave him on his back. Due to the placement of it Danny couldn't reach to treat it properly and he didn't know anyone in this dimension who could help him.
Thats when his ghost sense went off. He groaned, hoping he wouldn't have to fight a new ghost in this state when a man in a red helmet (Mask?) walked up to him and motioned for peace.
"I'm not going to hurt you." The man said gently, "I just wanna look at that injury, maybe help."
Danny stared at him. He didn't feel anything off about the guy and Danny prided himself on being a good judge of character. "Okay." He scooted himself around so his back was exposed to the stranger.
"Wow, you're really not from around here." Danny stiffened, had he been tricked? The man made no moves to hurt him, just got to work tending to his wound. The man was swift, and aside from the slight sting of an ointment he didn't recognize there was no pain at all.
Once Danny was all patched up the guy made to leave, "Wait!" Danny called out and the man halted, "Who are you?" The man turned his head to look back at him, still facing away from him, "Red Hood."
As it turned out, Red Hood was the new up and coming crime lord who everyone was talking about. He came seemingly out of nowhere and was making a lot of waves in Gothams underbelly. Gotham...so this was Dannys new haunt.
Danny wanted to protect it but...he wanted to protect Red Hood even more. So when he heard about Red Hood forming a gang he made a decision. He gathered up materials to make his own supervillian outfit- basically an all black outfit with a long hooded coat and combat boots- and to add the finishing touch he put on a all white gas mask that he had made himself, complete with a voice modulator, night vision, heat vision, etc. If Hood ever wanted him to prove it was him he could make his mask glow using his ghost powers. Not that it was needed. Hood seemed to be able to sense him in a similar way that Danny could but in a much much smaller range.
With that being said, hoods men didn't trust him at first, which was fair considering he just started randomly appearing at their operations and helping them out...by force usually. They weren't sure what to make of him but Danny didn't want to go through the usual goon enlistment process as Hood would want to know his name and face and everything else and Phantom was...well a phantom.
Danny liked to hide, even in plain sight. He couldn't deny the little game of cat and mouse they had was fun. Hood would try to follow him home or track him or get him to take off the mask and Phantom would dodge his attempts every time.
It took a while, but Red Hood did eventually come to trust him, going so far as to make Danny his right hand man after 3 years of working together, though that may also be because he had rarely failed any of the tasks Hood had given him.
Maybe thats why he never told any of the bats about him. He had picked up that there was something between Hood and the bats but he never could figure out what it was without prying into his bosses personal life. Still, it was rather shocking when Red Hood showed up one day with a large red bat symbol splayed across his chest.
It also made him look at how freaking chiseled his boss was. He couldn't count how many times he had to drag his eyes away from his abs and chastise himself for thinking that way.
Danny was in love with a man whos face he would never see. But that was fine. He was happier standing by this man's side and yearning than he ever was back in Amity and it wasn't like Hood knew his face or name either.
He felt like a halfa though an incomplete one. He had a core but it felt hollow, like the soul was forcibly removed somehow and only emotions remained. Hood gained a bad reputation for flying into a monstrous rage but was always calm when Danny was near, a fact that even Red Hood himself seemed to pick up on.
Hood began to fall for his second in command pretty quickly, always trying to feed him and take care of him (as is his love language) while Danny was openly obsessed with assuring Hoods safety and well being even going so far as to use his powers (that no one knows about) to overshadow a computer and hack into the bats systems to make sure Hood was okay after a prolonged period of him being MIA.
The bats are freaked but Danny being Danny gets lucky and they always seem to miss his trail by a hair. Lucky ghost.
Things start going sideways when Fenton tech starts showing up in this new dimension only for Danny to find out his parents have remade the portal and are looking for him. The bats are being hunted by his parents and and the now rogue government agency the GIW. Danny tries to explain things to Hood without compromising his own secrets but once the newest Robin gets captured and Hood freaks Danny puts everything on the line to go rescue the stabby bird.
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chasing-dreamers · 21 days
Just For You, Princess
(jjk) MDNI🔞
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After finding out that you were feeling insecure, Sukuna makes sure to remind you that there’s no need for that.
Pairing: fem!reader x husband!Sukuna
Genre: Married human Sukuna AU, 18+, smut, comfort, established relationship
Warnings: MDNI, fingering(f receiving), unprotected sex(don’t do it!), soft!Sukuna, porn with some plot, very slight angst, aftercare, he says princess a lot
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: Hey! So, this is my first time posting any written work since 2019 and the first smut I’ve ever written, so please go easy on me! I have several fics I’ve either started and scrapped or just haven’t finished but somehow wrote this in a whole day! I’m very excited about this and I hope everyone enjoys!❤️
Disclaimer: I don’t own any rights to Sukuna or the JJK franchise, this is solely from my intellect and it in no means tied to anything other than my imagination.
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“Princess, can you please tell me what’s wrong?” The man standing in front of you in your kitchen asked for the thousandth time since the two of you got home. He currently had you caged against the counter because he knew the moment he moved, you’d avoid him and go to sleep without talking to him about it. He refused to let another second go by without knowing what was wrong. Once you could tell him, he’d fix everything he could in an instant. Seeing you this upset was absolutely destroying him. “I don’t know what happened or what to say unless you tell me and you know that.”
You hesitated. It was stupid but it still bothered you more than it should have. Having to listen to a group of girls at Yuji’s party talk about this man and what they would do to him, knowing he had a wife (not knowing it was you). Then hearing that they couldn’t care less who she was because they had seen her and there was no way she’d be able to keep him loyal for that long… it ruined the whole rest of your night, shattering every thought and expectation you had for your relationship. Sukuna was your world, but were you enough? Would he really get bored of you? What was it about you that made them think he wouldn’t stay with you?
“Do you think about sleeping with other girls, Kuna?” You finally said just above a whisper. You kept your head down, looking towards his stomach, afraid to see the look on his face.
“Wha-“ Sukuna’s grip on the counter tightened for a split second as he tried to grasp what you were asking. Was his wife, of all people, really standing here questioning if he thought that or not?  “Why would I…You…Ring…What? Why would you ask me something like that, love?”
You looked up and saw the utter confusion in his eyes and slowly started to realize how stupid that question was. He searched your face trying to find any reason you could have. You took in a deep breath and held back tears as you answered. “Because there was an entire group of girls at Yuji’s party that were graphically detailing what they wanted from you. One of them even said that it would be easy to do because they had seen your wife and that she wasn’t worth staying loyal to and I was literally sitting right ther- “
Sukuna’s arms wrapped around you tightly and pulled you into his chest. You curled into him as you felt him bring his head down to nuzzle into your neck. “My sweet princess, there is no one else ever on my mind.” He pulled back slightly and grabbed your left hand and held it up in between the two of you. “Do you understand what this means?”
“Of course, it means I married you and…” You trailed off as you looked up and saw his knowing look.
“And that I married you, Princess.” He said sweetly. “It means that I have made a promise to devote myself to you and love you and not a single soul else.”
You nodded and gasped as he brought his mouth down to your ear, purring gently. “It also means that you are the only one I want to fuck as well. The only person I want to watch fall apart on my dick every night and make love to any chance that I can get.”
“K-Kuna.” You cried as he pushed you back up against the counter and hungrily latched his mouth to your neck. His hands ran down the sides of your body and then raked back up your thighs. He covered your body with his as he ran his tongue down your shoulder and back up. Your arms wrapped around his waist and your fingertips digging into the hard flesh on his back.
“It means that you are the one I’ve chosen to devour and consume for the rest of my life. The one I’ve chosen to relentlessly fuck in our bed every night. The one that I have to give these reminders to every time she thinks I would choose anyone else.” He grabbed the back of your thighs and picked you up as his mouth continued its attack on your soul. He carried you through your house and towards your bedroom. You clung to his desperately as he pressed you up against the wall in the hallway. You could feel his dick hardening against you as he ground his hips into yours.
“I have never wanted a single soul other than you since the day I met you, princess. If I need to keep reminding you like this, then I will happily do so.” He growled before smashing his lips into yours. Your mouths worked together, trying to express the emotions and promises swirling through the air around you. Sukuna’s tongue slipped into your mouth and you groaned at the feeling.
He hummed happily and pushed further into your mouth. You kissed his back with just as much force, wanting to show him how much you wanted, no, how much you needed this. Then he pulled you from the wall and turned into your room. He continued towards the bed, not skipping a beat in trying to devour you, nipping at your bottom lip and sucking it into his mouth. You huffed as he separated long enough to toss you onto the bed and strip your clothes off. He ripped your shirt over your head, then removed your bra, then quickly removed both your jeans and panties as well. You shivered as the feeling of cool air washed over your body, but Sukuna was quick to cover your body with his own again. He kissed you again as he ran his hands over your body. He brought them up to massage your breasts and you could feel him grin against you as you moaned into his mouth. One of his hands moved to hold your waist as the other continued down to settle in between your legs. “Gotta make sure my princess is prepped for me.”
He pushed one of his fingers past your folds and slowly began to push it into you. He watched in awe as your pussy swallowed his finger. You gasped as he began thrusting it in and out of you. He head shot back up and he grinned at your as he began thrusting it faster. Soon, he added a second finger and your moans got louder. “K-Kuna. Kuna. Kuna. Kuna.” You chanted hid name as a third finger went in and he curled them up just right. He hit that spot repeatedly and just stared at his hand disappearing into your cunt over and over again.
Then your orgasm hit your like a truck and you screamed his name. He smirked at you, licking his lips as he continued to coax the rest of it out of you. The squelching noises coming from your pussy made him even harder and he had to be inside of you right now before he lost his mind. Seeing your eyes blown out and your body trembling made his own body feel hot.
He pulled his hand out and made sure you were watching as he sucked your juices from his fingers. His eyes were also already blown out as you watched him crawl back off of the bed. He grabbed the bottom hem of his short and pulled it over his head. You ogled at his body as he began discarding his pants, your eyes raking over his tattooed chest before finally resting on his cock as it sprung out of his boxers. You tried to press your thighs together but Sukuna was too fast and was in between them in an instant. His cock rubbed against you, causing you to mewl and grab for him wherever your hands could reach. “Fuck, princess, you are so fucking wet for me.”
“J-just for you S-sukuna.” You stuttered as he began rutting against your clit. The stimulation was just enough to make the heat start spreading through your body but that alone wasn’t what you wanted. “P-please..”
“Yeah? You feel that, princess. That’s just for you.” Sukuna purred into your ear as he continued grinding down onto you.
“Then give it to me, Sukuna.” I used whatever sense in your mind you had left to spit your demand out. You needed him, all of him, so desperately and couldn’t wait any longer.
“As you wish, my princess.” He growled as he pushed his dick all the way in until you could feel his balls pressing against your ass cheeks. You shrieked at the stretch and the immaculate pleasure that came with it. He held himself up on his hands and watched at your face contorted with ecstasy. Your pussy welcomed him quickly and squeezed around him as began to slowly thrust in and out of you. The moans the two of you were swallowed as he leaned back down you pull you into a passionate kiss. He moved his lips against yours sensually as he used his hands to cup your face.
He began thrusting slowly, more caught up in how it felt to kiss you in this moment, trying to pour all of his emotions into it to show you how he truly felt. The love and longing and needing and knowing you were everything he could ever want and more. The bliss in being your husband, relishing every second of it. You hummed and moaned against his lips as his hips found a sweet spot in his pace to keep your toes curled without pushing you over the edge. Just enough to keep you right at the top without spilling over just yet.
Sukuna pulled away and pressed his forehead to yours, sighing deeply. “My sweet, sweet girl. Fuck, you feel so good every time.”
You moaned in response and he grinned down at you. Your hands ran up and down his back, following the contours of his muscles, locking them into your memory. “You feel so good, Kuna. I feel so full.” You panted as you began to feel the heat in your stomach intensify and your moans began to turn into whines and whimpers. “Faster…please.”
Sukuna moaned at the sound of your begging and he braced himself with his hands back on the mattress. His thrusts pick up into a very fast pace that had you mewling and begging with in coherent words. He marveled at how you looked underneath him falling apart. The best sight he could ever imagine.
Sweat begins to pour down his face as he continues a brutal pace. You feel so fucking good around him and he doesn’t want to stop. Your pussy sucks Jimin and the way he feels your walls drag along his dick as he pulls out with every thrust. It’s intoxicating and he can’t get enough. “Just. For. You.” He chants with every thrust. His jaw clenches and he can feel the release coming quickly as you rake your hands down his chest. You begin to get tighter around him with every thrust and he almost loses his breath.
He pushes through the fight of coming already to keep the sight of your shaking with pleasure underneath him. He licks his lips and growls more as he watches your boobs bounce up and down with every moment. There’s sweat all over his body now and he sees your skin begin to shine with a thin layer of your own on your body.
He dips his head down to swipe his tongue up in between your breasts. You push your body up into him and squeeze his shoulders as he trails his mouth up to your neck once more, nipping and sucking and whispering praises into your ear.
One of his hands runs over your breasts, twisting your nipple just to feel your whole body arch into him again, then down your stomach until you feel his thumb rubbing circles into your clit. You instantly feel yourself unravel around him.
“Gonna…gonna…gonna cu-“ Your whole body tenses and Sukuna grunts and goes faster as he feels your pussy clamp down onto his dick. He moved his hand back and continues picking up the pace until the whole bed is shaking and you’re screaming his name. He moans out your name as he pushes his dick as far into your pussy as he can and comes hard. His whole body twitches as you both come down from your highs.
He slowly pulls out of you and kisses you gently as you whine at the overstimulation. He pats your hair and copes to you as you come down from the last bit of your orgasm.
“Shhh princess, I’ll be right back.” You nod in response and listen as he runs into the bathroom, turns the shower on, and comes back into the room with a wet cloth. “Let’s clean you up and then go take a shower, princess.”
“Mmk, Kuna.” You hum, still feeling euphoric. He cleans you, then scoops you up and walks you to the shower. You sigh constantly as you feel the warm water cascading over your body. Sukuna places you down where you can stand, then grabs subs up a loofa to clean both of your bodies.
“Such a sweet princess, aren’t you?” He asks sweetly as you finally peel your eyes open to look up at him. He grins down at you and kisses you softly. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Sukuna.” You reply, wrapping your arms around him. “My Kuna.”
“Yes, princess,” he chuckles. “All yours.”
He finishes cleaning your bodies and then you take turns washing each other’s hair. He giggles when he has to lean down so you can reach his and kisses your pout away.
Once your shower is over, you both dry off, slip into cozy pajamas, change the bedding, and slip into bed together to go to sleep. Sukuna hums the tunes of the song you danced to at your wedding and cards his fingers through your hair as you quickly fall asleep. Then he wraps his arms around and drifts peacefully off with you.
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This was so nerve wrecking to post, but I hope you all enjoyed it! Thank you so much for reading!
All right reserved © 2024 chasing-dreamers. Do not translate, copy, modify, or repost any of my works on any platform.
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
Love notes (Charles Leclerc)
A look into Charles' notebook allows words and feelings to be exposed
Note: english is not my first language. The request didn't specify this, but friends to lovers was the first thing that popped into my mind and I know I'm not the only one whose favourite trope is that one so I did it ✨️
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Cw: mentions Charles' father and his passing and implications of the loss of someone close to the reader
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog @hiireadstuff @c-losur3
"And you want me to tell you that code?", you asked Charles over the phone.
Your boyfriend needed to go to the bank to sort a few errands out, and since you had finished moving the last boxes of your belongings to his apartment, you stayed back to tidy them and organise them within the apartment. As it turns out, he forgot to take the documents with the codes.
"Yes, please amour - it's in my notebook on my desk on the office", Charles asked, "I think I went as far as taking the paper out a little so it peeks out but I forgot to take it with me", you could hear the smile and blush on his face.
"Let me go there - don't you mind me looking on your notebook though?", you said as you moved through the apartment, "by the way, I have already found some space in the kitchen for mug collection - yay! Okay, found the notebook - is it the document with your signature or the one that has the details?", you questioned.
"The one with the signature, at the end, left side", Charles repeated what the bank assistant was telling him so he could help you find what he wanted, "and it's the third and fifth number on the Mobile Key".
"Okay, I have it - it's 4 and 1", you informed him, "those are the third and fifth numbers".
"Merci amour, I don't think I need anything else! Once I finish up here, I'll head home to you, I love you! And Y/N, I trust you with everything I have - I have nothing to hide", he offered, making you bid him goodbye before ending the call.
His words ressonated with you as you flickered through the pages, noticing some doddles and racing notes before you decided to look at it from the beggining.
The first page had what looked like a poem and it dated back to the end of 2016.
My father told me to be careful
- Try to slow down a little
You don't ponder nor stay still
You don't belong or give yourself to anywhere
He said - my boy, you know what you're capable of
The world awaits you, go ahead and smile
You don't want to be left behind
It's not been easy dealing with everything. There's hope and there's the want to do more to prove everyone that I belong in Formula One. Still, I'm happy that Prema decided to have me race for them next year in Formula Two and things should go up from there. Time and patience, work and rest. Spending time with the people I love most and care about me the most.
Y/N also progressed on her studies and she's doing really well - she makes our friend group very proud! The guys are investing on their careers too and it's nice to see that, in a way, we're all growing up.
The page went on about all the whereabouts of the group, who had gotten together with someone, who had moved out of their parents' house and the ones who got work offers. There were jotted up plans for the summer holidays that, in hindsight, were mostly realized.
When you turned it to the next one, the poem continued with the same tone.
My mother said to me
- You have to see what's happening
That girl is much more than a friend
And you don't want to lose her
She reads it in my eyes
Or in my open soul
I don't know how she does it
But no matter how much I deny it
My mother is always right
I really like Y/N. Not just as a friend, but also as someone who I want to share my life with.
Whenever someone wonders how I think my life will be like in five, ten, fifteen years, she's always there. There's racing - me climbing up the ladder to points, podiums, wins and championships -, and there is my family.
Y/N and our own family.
Mum claims she noticed it since we were kids and that right now is the right time. Y/N is single again and I can't afford to lose her. Lose her as a friend or lose the opportunity to confess my feelings, or the worst one: lose her because she doesn't feel the same or feel like being in a relationship right now?
It's funny how this works, how much I care about her and how it hurts me when she isn't feeling well. Or how bad I feel because I keep missing some of her university milestones because I'm racing somewhere in the world but she always call me and I'm right in her hand while her family and our friends are in the stands or waiting area.
Even though I'm the one that's furthest away, she keeps me close.
Charles had notes about you? He always carried the little notebook around but you assumed it was because of important information he wrote there. You didn't expect this.
His words rang in your ears as, while your boyfriend had told you he had been crushing on you for a while, he had never admitted feeling this doubt. Not to this extent.
Suddenly, it felt like you were taking a look from a different angle at Charles' soul. The intimacy and vulnerability wasn't foreign and you fell in love with him a little bit more.
Today is the day to get closer
To face her and see what she says
And if luck follows me
As I'm writing this, I hope Y/N is getting ready to meet me in the park. She looks beautiful in anything, but I'm hoping she wears one of her dresses that make her look like a real life princess.
Maybe we will be happy
What I have planned isn't elaborate, because I don't think she would like a big production, and I hope it's enough to show her where I stand.
I asked maman for some help with the cakes and cookies and got the rest from the shop, we're going to have a picnic and I've decided today is the day where I tell her how I fell about her.
There is no point in hiding it, and Joris and Riccardo seem so sure that she shares the same affection.
Today is the day to grab her
I hope she does.
To be with the one I always wanted
And if the nervous voice doesn't fail
Y/N said yes to being my girlfriend!!! As it turns out, she does feel the same and we both agree that it was a mixture of stubbornness and bad timing for eachother. Now, it's the right place and the right time.
I hope we will be happy
The memory is clear as day on your mind.
I confessed how much I love her and she reciprocated it.
Charles asked you to meet up with him at the park because he wanted to talk to you. The seriousness of the text was confirmed when you arrived, Charles pacing around the picnic blanket until his eyes found yours.
"I can't pretend anymore", he said, "you're the first person I look for when I get somewhere I know you will be too, I can't stand to see you hurt or upset and I will kick myself every day if I'm ever the reason you hurt, which I hope I'll never be. You deserve the world, Y/N, the moon and the stars, and I'm going to get them for you because I love you", he offered.
You had been so dumbfounded that you could only approach him and kiss his lips, cupping his face closer to yours, "I've been in love with you for so long, Charles", you whispered back.
It was the day where your love story truly began despite having existed for all of your childhood. You were his and he was yours.
Come with me, love is not time
Continuing to look through the notebook, you spotted some racing notes with numbers and acronyms you weren't sure that they meant, taking a while to find another page that had similar writing.
It's not even time that does it
Come with me, love is the moment
In which I give myself
Y/N is asleep right now as we fly back home after the race. She hasn't left my side and I think this is the first time she's sleeping since we got the news. We knew it was coming, but it doesn't mean that it hurts any less.
In which you give yourself
The feeling is unbearable. Someone who gives you so much also takes so much away from you when they go away. There's so much to go through, and all of the feelings haven't come up yet.
Maman is waiting for us with Lorenzo and Arthur, and I hope we will all find peace with this heavy feeling together.
Y/N told me the feeling may never leave, it creeps up when you least expect it and there are no rules to it.
Time is precious and I want to spend as much time as I can with the ones I love. God knows I did that with papa and it still feels like it wasn't enough.
The creak of the floorboards alerted you that someone else was inside the apartment before Charles' head peeked, "Hello, mon ange", he smiled, coming up to kiss your forehead.
It's these moments where we're not doing anything particular or special that mean the most. Y/N has given me all she's got and I've given her all of me, at the end it's the most human thing to do. Be there. Be present. Allow the other to feel everything they need to feel and protect them. Y/N has protected me and she's never let me doubt that we are for each other.
"I looked through these - I didn't mean to invade your privacy but I got curious", you admitted. It would be no use to lie about it or try to hide it away.
Time will wait, stop there
"Did you like what you found?", Charles asked, pulling the other office chair to sit at the table with you, "I have this one here that I really like actually", he flickered through the pages.
So I can stay like this looking at you
Time knows well, even time understands
That someone doesn't rush
"I wrote this one when we were on holiday, it the boat", Charles tapped the page, "you looked so beautiful that day and I felt like I was running out of time to appreciate you. Then I spent the whole afternoon watching you and I felt like time slowed down a little bit because it knew I was appreciating you", he charmed.
That looks at you like I do
"These are very beautiful, Charles - this one is so beautiful", you smiled, kissing his cheek and cuddling up to his arm as he continued to leaf through the notebook.
Call me an adventure and come and have an adventure
There were also drawings and loose poems along with some photos he kept of you two. One of the hike you had done in Ibiza last year caught your eye. You stood on top of the rock and by the way your arms were positioned, you were calling Charles to join you in there while he snapped the picture.
Change my plans and I promise I'll believe
That I'm the only one you want to see when you wake up
Your haven if the world collapses
Come and deceive me with that look of yours
The sweet way that trips me and without counting
Quench my thirst with a kiss to shut me up
Make me a poem and let me stay
I do not forget
But I want to hear from your mouth all the words that make me blush
Speak softly in my ear
And grab my hand
"This was last year, one of the seasons where I had to deal with so much disappointment in racing, and you never let go. You were there to hold me everytime things didn't go well, to celebrate my achievements and my podiums, and you still make it feel like an adventure every single day", Charles mused, "being loved by you is assuring, comforting, liberating, soothing, amazing, incredible and the best feeling I have on the world! Loving you? It's as incredible as it is a big responsibility because I have to make sure the adventure is still there and that we're both in it", Charles admitted.
Before the night is over
"Being loved by you makes me feel like the only other person in the world", you looked up at him.
"Loving you is making sure the time stops when you're with me so I can tell you all the silly stories I know just to make you smile, all of this to make sure you know you're the reason behind my happiness and the one behind the longing that never lies when you're not there. It's hugging you back tight and have my heart wide open because it's yours to take", he sighed with a smile on his face.
"I love you, Charles - being loved by you is the best thing I get to experience in this life", you smiled before kissing his lips.
"This helps me a lot when you're not with me, it's like I can talk to you", Charles muttered, "and I get to have the memories written out too, you never know when this can come in handy".
"You have no excuse if your speech in our wedding feels impersonal or doesn't have any memories then", you joked as Charles' finger lightly pressed down on the remaining pages of the notebook, making sure you don't get the idea to flicker through the random pages he has used to doodle the perfect engagement ring for you, smiling at the thought of having you be his forever.
"I definitely don't, amour - I'll make sure it's a good one when the time comes", he smiled.
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arcanumofthestars · 7 months
sorry if its weird- I just got out of a toxic relationship and have been absolutely LIVING! for the Hazbin and Helluva boss boys being sweet! Could you maybe do something like ideal dates they would do with a reader? Anything really- just in the genre of like 'cute little scenarios you'd make up before falling asleep'
ps loved your alastor headcannon <3
Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss boys' ideal dates (part 1)
Sum: Where they would prefer to spend their time with you as a date.
Characters included: Alastor, Lucifer, Angel Dust, Blitzø, Stolas, Moxie
Warnings: none, it's just fluff, except for like, three curse words and Angel Dust's job (I've put a note on where that part starts). Reader is gender neutral, if I have missed a pronoun here or there please let me know.
Alastor lived in the 1930s. That’s all that needs to be said. A really classy dinner in the most expensive restaurant there is, with low lights and candles. And live music. Oh, the live music. Hell might be a filthy place, but the songs are… well… heavenly. You chat and laugh and eat with the soft sound of the sax playing in the background, the Imp on the stage singing “Somewhere over the rainbow” in a sensual voice. Once you finish eating, Alastor gets up and goes over to the stage. He says something to the musicians and they start playing a quicker rhythm, which you quickly recognize to be one of the most popular dances in the 30’s, called the jive. And you’re not surprised when your date offers you his hand and guides you to the dancing floor.
After a long night, you two go for a walk outside, chatting mainly about the Hotel. You tell him that you believe in redemption, and he finds it foolish, yet adorable. After that, the conversation gets deeper. You talk about secret hopes and regrets, about your lives on earth, what you would have done differently. It’s the first time Alastor is being this open with someone, and you know it. Your date ends with him walking you back to your hotel room and kissing your hand gently, before he wishes goodnight and walks away with one of his few real smiles.
Lucifer gets easily bored- no, tired with all the “King of Hell” bullshit. After all, he’s just a father whose wife recently dumped him. And at first it was really hard for you two to get close, him being afraid you would leave him like everyone else did. You’re not that kind of person, and he knows that now. Still, going out can sometimes be too much for him. All the Sinners and Hellborn running the moment they see him, it makes him feel more lonely, even with you by his side.
So he prefers to stay at home. You two make something to eat, like pancakes (they’re his favorite, trust me). As you eat, you start talking about anything and everything- except ducks, that’s a sensitive subject. The conversation will most likely end with Lucifer showing you some old album with photos of him playing with Charlie when she was a child. After you finish eating, you cuddle on the couch, watching TV. He ends up falling asleep in your arms (you’re the big spoon and I’m not negotiating over that), your fingers caressing his blonde hair.
Angel Dust
Before you proceed, I would like to note that this work includes mentions of Angel Dust’s job. If this kind of content is triggering for you, I would suggest reading only the second paragraph.
Angel’s job is a great part of his life. He might hate it because of Valentino but it is what he does best. So of course he wants to show you his talent- pole dancing. The best place to do that is a famous club near the Hotel (one that Valentino doesn’t go to often.) The owner is more than happy to have the famous Angel Dust dancing exclusively in their business, even if it is only for one night. The show starts, and Angel dedicates the night to you, making all the sinners turn around to see the one that stole the pornstar’s heart. The Spider Demon doesn’t fail to make you blush repeatedly during the show, teasing you openly, in a way you haven’t seen before, not even in his movies.
After the performance ends, you’re too shy to even talk to him, a situation that ends with huge amounts of laughing from both of you. After that you go for a walk outside, and probably have some takeout, because, well, Charlie decided that four times a week the Hotel will be serving boiled vegetables for dinner, “so everyone can stay healthy”, and it isn’t exactly the ideal food for a day. You two end up dancing in the music of some other club in the city, hidden from all eyes. Angel is amazed with the fact that you can enjoy something as simple as that. When you finally head back to the hotel, he replays the sweet moments over and over again in his head and that’s maybe one of the first times he’s blushed from something like that.
When I say Stolas has money, I mean you couldn't spend one milionth of it in this lifetime, even if you wanted. He's used to paying for everything, so he really doesn't mind you choosing where you want to go- even if it is the most expensive place in Hell. He has a small panick attack on what he should wear, poor thing hasn't been to a date since, well, forever. He is extremely nervous when he comes to pick you up, but quickly relaxes when you start a conversation. The place is absolutely adorable after all you chose it, and the food is really delicious. Well, I don't have to say much, it's your typical ideal date.
After you two finish eating, you go to the Owl Demon's house (or castle I don't think something that huge is a house). You stand at the balcony for a long time, gazing at the stars, occasionally making a comment on astronomy (after you found out about Stolas' obsession with celestial objects you made your own research). The moments are truly blissful, and when he takes your hand and guides you inside, it's the most sweet thing you have ever seen- he doesn't want anything but you close to him, to feel you scent as he wraps his hands around your waist, burying his face in your neck, trying to get as much of you as possible. Not in a naughty sort of way. Just you, him, and the stars.
Blitz simply doesn't have the time. Don't mistake me, he loves you, but his job is taking up most his days and even with Moxie and Millie's help, he barely manages. He always finds a way to be with you if not daily, three or four times a week. Sometimes you just visit the I.M.P. "facility" and tidy up a bit while he's away, maybe make lunch for everyone and hang out with Loona, who surprisingly thinks you're a very cool person. Sometimes you join him in his little "adventures" in the human world, after all it's a great workout and you have to keep fit.
If Blitz actually finds some time to spend with you exclusively, it will either be eating snacks, cuddling on the couch with him complaining about work. Or. The most extreme fucking thing you ever imagined, like, extreme sports or something. The Imp loves the adrenaline in his veins, and you do too, once you get used to it. After all you'd do anything to spend time with the man you fell in love with. You're a bit dazed afterwards but for some reason he loves seeing you tripping around.
Moxie is what you'd call a lovebird. The stereotype one. He buys you flowers and escorts you to the car, putting a rose in your hair or something like that. His suit is literally perfect and you wonder how many times he must have ironed it before he came to your place. Moxie is nervous. Really really nervous. He wants everything to be perfect, but once you reassure him, telling him that everything will be perfect just because you two are together he finally gets to relax. As he drives you there, you constantly ask where you're going (he only told you to dress classy and he's not disappointed with the results), but he doesn't tell you anything. "It's a surprise, you'll like it, I promise". The place is absolutely gorgeous but you can't help but wonder how much it cost... But Moxie's got you covered.
It's the ideal date. And gosh you have so much to talk about. When it ends (the Imp implies every four seconds that there will be more), the moment finds you standing in front of your house door, starting into each others eyes. Because in Hell, you found a soulmate.
That's all for now! I'm sorry that it's too short, I didn't have more time with my upcoming exams. I promise there will be a lot more though! I'm already working on a part two.
The characters that will be included are: Husker, Vox, Valentino, Adam, Sir Pentious, Fizzarolli, Striker.
If you want me to add any more, feel free to ask.
My requests are closed at the moment, regarding anything else. I will open them again around mid or end of March, though it's not sure yet.
Thanks for reading!
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melanieph321 · 5 months
If you can write for Kenan yildiz where he gets jealous because you’re friends with your ex
PS I like your work and I hope you have a good day😌🫶🏼
Ugh, love this! 😩
(DAY 5)
Kenan Yildiz x Reader - The Perks Part 1/2
Part 2
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You stared at the invitation in your hand, feeling your heart sinking into the depths of the school grounds. "Marco, what is this?"
He stood before you with a cheap smile and box of chocolates in his hands. "Don't play dumb Y/N, it's an invitation to prom, what else?"
"Why are you inviting me to prom when you know that I have a boyfriend?"
"Who, Kenan?" Marco laughed. It was hard to believe that you used date him once. Marco was technically your ex boyfriend, but sharing the same friend group made it nearly impossible for you to avoid him.
"Be real Y/N, Kenan is not coming to Prom. Juventus has a game on Saturday."
"He might make it." You hissed. Although you knew how important Juventus game against Napoli was. The perks of dating a professional football player.
Kenan wasn't like any other guy though. He was muture and very determined about his sport. You met him through family connections, and what started out as an innocent friendship quickly turned into something more. Kenan however, never finished high school. A tradition like prom probably had little significance to him.
"Okay, let's say he does make it...." Marco explained, "Don't you think it will ruin everything?"
"How so?"
"Well, you'll never get any time for yourself, let alone on the dance floor. People, especially the girls, are going to flock after him like wild chickens, meaning the two of you won't have a moment for yourself. Is that really what you want your biggest night in high school to be like?"
You thought about it and remembered the last time Kenan came to visit your school. Along with your parents, he came to watch your performance with the school orchestra. However, all hell had broken lose, with even faculty members jumping Kenan, asking him to sign their belongings. Where you came from in Italy everyone was a fan of Juventus. It was as simple as that.
"Fine." You nodded. "I'll be your date to the prom."
"Yes." Marco punshed the air with his fist.
"But don't get it twisted, we're only going as friends."
"And we'll have a great time together."
You rolled your eyes, accepting the chocolates that were handed to you.
"See you Saturday beautiful." Marco blew you a kiss before running off. He was such a kid. But he did have a point about taking you to prom. Question was, how would your boyfriend feel about it?
Instead of going home that afternoon you went straight to Kenan's house. However, his car wasn't in the driveway when you arrived, meaning he had yet returned home from training. Instead you were greeted by the maid, Rita, who made you a snack as you waited.
After a long day of school you ended up falling asleep on Kenan's couch, only to be woken up by wett kisses serenading your face.
"Stop it." You muttered.
A chuckle. "Why? You look so cute when you sleep."
"Kenan?" Your eyes flung open.
He smiled down at you. "I didn't know that you were coming over. I would've picked up some food on my way here."
"No need." You sat up, rubbing your tired eyes. "Rita made me your favorite..."
"It was delicious."
"You little..."
Kenan threw himself over the couch. You were pinned down with your arms above your head as his weight fell on top of you.
"Say you're sorry."
"Say your sorry for eating my Kisir."
You squealed as lips targeted your neck, searching for your tickle spot.
"Say your sorry."
He continued to trace the kisses downwards, one had letting go of your pinned arms.
"Kenan, please." You giggled. Your laughter quickly turned to soft moans as Kenan's free hand slipped down your skirt, snaking it's way between your  trembling thighs.
"Relax." He whispered. "I'll make you feel good baby."
Although it felt good, really good. It was not what you came here for.
"Kenan, we need to talk."
It was the panic in your voice that made him stop. He sat up, cheeks flushed. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No!" You pushed off your elbows. "Of course not, no."
"T...then why did you want me to stop?" The worry in his eyes was heartbreaking.
"Beacause..." You sighed, never having imagine how hard it would be to confess to him. "I have something to tell tell you. It's the reason why I'm here, not to..."
A moment of clearity appeared on his face. "Right..." He coughed. "Shoot...I guess."
He sat back on the couch, stretching for your legs to rest in his lap. "What would you like to tell me?"
"Well..." Where to begin? "I told you that my high school prom is coming up...."
"The party?"
"Yes, the party." You nodded. "With all of my classmates.
He shrugged his shoulders. "Sounds like fun."
"And it's gonna be. It's just that..." You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. "...Marco asked me to be his date and I said yes."
"Marco, as in your ex boyfriend Marco?"
"Yes, Marco Lazzarini."
"Okay, but why would you want to go to prom with that fool?"
"He is though, a fool. You told me so yourself."
"Yes, but he's also one of my closest friends, ergo, I'm going to prom with my friend."
"Your ex boy-friend."
You legs fell as Kenan stood. He was clearly upset.
"Kenan, you know I would've asked you to go with me."
"So why didn't you?"
"What do you mean, Juventus is playing Napoli on Saturday, remember?"
He stiffened. "It's this Saturday?"
"Yes." You sighed, finally getting your point across."
"S...so you're only going with Marco because I'm not able to?"
You nodded. "That and other things?"
"Other things?"
You thought about what Marco said, how Kenan coming to Prom would ruin things.
"It's better this way." You nodded. "People would have bothered us if you came with me to prom."
Kenan frowned. "So that's it? I'm a burden to you?"
"What, no."
"Sounds like it."
"What, no Kenan? That's not what I meant and you know that."
"That's what it sounded like to me."
"Kenan, you got it all wrong."
He shook his head. "Nah, if you want to go to prom, go. I hope you and Marco Lazzarini have a great time together."
"Kenan?" His gaze, his tone. It was all spiteful.
"You heard me Y/N, go! I have to rest anyway. "
It felt like a shot to the head. You stood from the couch, your body trembling like noodles. You left Kenan's house with a lump in your throat soon replaced by hushed sobbing as you made your way home.
Part 2
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spdrwdw · 9 months
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Art by peachypie
Pairing: Miguel x f!Reader
Warnings: None, just fluff
Summary: You and Miguel attend a Christmas party at work where you receive the best Christmas gift you could ever hope for.
Word Count: 3k
A/N: Decided to whip up a quick little Christmas fic. Sorry for it being posted last minute lmao. Hope everyone has a happy holiday!
☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆ ☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆ ☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆ ☆*:.。. o .。.
It was the week before Christmas and the bakery where you worked was just bustling with people. Nonstop orders were coming in as you continued baking various breads and pastries. 
Your face and apron were just covered in flour and frosting and who knows what else. You just looked a hot mess, honestly. But, on the positive side, you being busy with orders made the time just breeze through, and you were thankful, because everything was hurting by the end of your shift. Arms, legs, neck, back. Everything ached. 
“I could really use a massage right about now,” you sighed as you began your clean up routine after the doors closed. 
Miguel, your coworker and best friend, was up front counting the till for the night. 
“Yeah? Hmm, well, I happen to be pretty good at giving massages, you know. If you want some relief,” he replied, shooting a smirk and a wink your way as you walked past him. 
You rose a brow at him, feeling your cheeks heating up at his words before finally shaking your head at him. 
“Why do I feel like you mean something completely different by that?” You questioned. 
“Maybe you should get that mind of yours out of the gutter,” Miguel shot back at you, causing you to flinch. 
“Rude,” you muttered under your breath as you headed back into the kitchen. 
Once Miguel had finished counting the funds made that day and finished cleaning up at the front of the store, he made his way to the back to help you with whatever else you needed. 
“Don’t we have that Christmas party going on in two days?” You then asked, trying to remember when the shop’s Christmas party was going to be held. 
Miguel nodded his head as he cleaned up the mixers. “Yeah. It’s gonna be on Saturday. We’ll be closing shop early for it. We’re also doing Secret Santa during the party, too.”
“Oh, crap! I honestly forgot about that! Crap crap crap!” You hissed, shaking your head as you swept the floor. You definitely had to drop by the mall and buy something for Jess. You really forgot all about the Secret Santa thing. You were so preoccupied with school and finals that it had just slipped your mind.
“Well, you’re welcome for the reminder,” Miguel snickered.
You rolled your eyes at him, however, grateful for the reminder. You didn’t want to attend the Christmas party without your secret Santa gift. 
Once everything was cleaned and checked off, Miguel closed up shop for the night. 
“You’ll be okay getting home?” Miguel asked as he locked the front doors. 
“Yeah, I should be alright. I can catch the last bus home,” you assured him as you zipped up your jacket and stuffed your hands into the jacket’s pockets. 
“Alright. Keep your phone on you and text me when you get home.”
Miguel may be a pain in the ass at times. But, he was still your best friend and he always looked out for you.
“I will. Promise. Have a good night, Miguel,” you smiled up at him, nodding your head.
It also didn’t help that he made your heart skip a beat sometimes when he acted so sweet towards you. Just fueling the silly little crush you had for him since you both met during your freshman year of college, 
“Good night,” he smiled back at you as you turned at your heel and began to walk the opposite way.
Miguel watched you for a moment before you turned the corner, waiting a couple of minutes before he walked the opposite  direction to head home. 
As promised, you texted him once you got to your apartment, even sent him a selfie of you at the front door, sticking your tongue out and giving him a peace sign before you opened the door and stepped inside. 
The next couple of days were a blur. You did not remember the events that happened during those days that had led you to the day of the Christmas party. 
All your coworkers were there. Including Miguel. Of course, he would be there. 
Everyone was dressed up, either wearing ugly sweaters or Christmas themed clothes. You settled for a cute Santa dress. 
People brought in food, either store bought or homemade. You decided to bake some gingerbread cookies to bring in. You did work at a bakery, after all, and everyone seemed to enjoy them despite constantly being around baked goods. 
The party was going well. Everyone was mingling, eating, drinking, and even dancing around in the shop. You were talking to Jess and MJ, sitting down on a booth over at a corner of the shop. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Miguel staring at you, or possibly at the table. 
Since he was your best friend, he sometimes acted like a sad puppy when he wasn’t allowed to be part of the ‘girl group’ that was you, Jess, and MJ. 
You couldn’t help but smile in his direction. He caught your expression and smiled back at you before moving his attention back to the conversation he was having with Peter and Ben. 
While things continued to go great, something else had caught your eye. Ben. 
He was staring at you. You noticed he had been staring at you the entire time. You didn’t think anything of it at first. While he wasn’t a close friend of yours, you did talk to him from time to time. Either during work or if you ran into him on campus. 
But, it had gotten to a point that it made you feel a little uncomfortable. You were aware of his crush on you. And you did even go on a date with him one time a while ago, but it just didn’t click. You didn’t like him like that. And him staring at you at that moment, made you cringe a little.
Miguel seemed to notice it, too. And he didn’t like it. Not one bit. He knew why Ben was staring at you. It was your outfit. While there was nothing wrong with what you were wearing, you looked absolutely cute in it. 
You were wearing the red santa dress, and you had put on some makeup to match the outfit. While you did wear makeup every now and then when you were up to it, you usually didn’t wear it as you did today. It made you look..different. In a way in which Miguel just couldn’t describe. It made his heart skip a beat every time you caught his gaze and smiled at him. 
However, your outfit had caught Ben’s attention as well. And while Miguel was good friends with Ben, he wasn’t going to have him staring at you, either. 
“What are you looking at, Ben?” Miguel asked, trying to divert the blonde’s attention. 
“Hmm? What?” Ben hummed, still looking your way. 
“What are you staring at?” Miguel repeated, with a tiny hint of aggression in his voice. 
Ben raised a brow as he finally looked over at Miguel before shaking his head. “Nothing.” 
Ben shrugged. “Okay, maybe I have been staring at the girls over there, but I mean, dude, can you blame me?” Ben slightly nudged over in your direction.
“She looks really good in that outfit. Don’t you think? Like..damn,” Ben chuckled a little. 
Miguel simply grunted in response. However, he didn’t like how Ben kept staring at you. It made him feel some type of way. He wasn’t possessive of you. He had no right to be. But, it did irk him a bit when other guys stared at you. And he lowkey wanted to punch Ben at that moment. His hands were already clenched into tight fits, getting ready to strike.
“Yo, Miguel. Helllooooo. Earth to Miguel!” Peter waved his hand in front of Miguel, trying to catch his attention. 
“W-what?” Miguel blinked as he was snapped out of his thoughts, looking back over at Peter. 
“Sorry. What was that?”
Peter rolled his eyes. “I asked if you were gonna want another beer? I was gonna grab some more from the cooler,” Peter repeated. 
“Oh. y-yeah yeah. Sure. Thanks,” Miguel nodded his head as Peter and Ben both went into the kitchen to grab more beers. 
He then looked back over to the table and noticed that you were no longer there. Where did you go?
“Miguel? You okay?” You asked, appearing beside him, causing him to jump a bit in surprise before looking over at you. You simply looked up at him, head tilted slightly in curiosity. 
“I noticed you’ve been a little out of it today. You alright?” 
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine,” Miguel assured you, giving you a gentle smile. 
“You sure?” You asked, not really believing him.
“Promise,” he nodded just at Peter and Ben made his way back out. 
You then nodded your head and took a step back before making your way over to your other coworkers to talk to them for a bit. Miguel could hear everyone complimenting your outfit. He realized that he hadn’t said anything about it yet. He should bring it up before the night ends. 
About another hour or so had gone by, people were a little more loose, a little more rowdy. The music was louder, the conversations produced more laughter, and people were just a little more bold and daring. 
You had gone into the kitchen to grab yourself some more food, feeling your stomach growling. You grabbed a plate and began to load it with food, humming softly to yourself along to the music that was playing on the other side. You didn’t notice someone entering the kitchen, approaching you. 
“Still stuffing your face with food?” Miguel smirked as he appeared beside you, causing you to flinch slightly in surprise. You pouted and glared up at him before rolling your eyes. 
“This is nothing compared to your sixth helping of this entire table you had a couple minutes ago!” You pointed out. 
“I can’t help it. I’m a growing boy,” Miguel joked, shrugging his shoulders. 
You rolled your eyes again before going back to serving your food. “You want me to get you anything?” 
Miguel shook his head. “Nah. I can grab my own food. I appreciate it, though.”
The kitchen fell silent for a moment. The only thing that could be heard was everything going on on the other side. People were still chattering and laughing, music still booming. Yet, it was dead silent in the kitchen. A sort of tension then filled between the two of you. You could feel your heart beating against your eardrums. 
You were about to open your mouth to say something before you felt Miguel pressing himself against you from behind , but not hard enough to hurt you. You still had some wiggle room to turn around. And you did just as Miguel leaned down closer to you. 
“I hate what you do to me sometimes,” MIguel practically growled as he grabbed you by the arm, squeezing just a bit, but not hard enough to hurt you. 
You looked up at him with wide eyes, caught completely by surprise as you gave him a confused expression. 
“What? What are you talking about?” 
Miguel’s nostrils flared as he exhaled, looking at you with darkened eyes. 
“You make me feel these feelings that I feel like I should not be having.”
“Miguel..I really don’t understand what it is that you’re trying to tell me,” you stated. Which was true. You had no idea what he was talking about or why he was looking at you like that. Yet, you could feel your heart racing a bit. Was it excitement?
Miguel let out a frustrated sigh. He knew he wasn’t making any sense at that moment, but he really did hope you caught on to what he was attempting to spew out. 
He was terrible at explaining things anyway. However, this was the one thing that he didn’t want to be terrible with. 
“Just..come here for a moment,” he said as he pulled you away from the table, pulling you deeper into the kitchen over to a more secluded area. 
He then took your hand and placed it over his heart. Your eyes widened when you felt his heart racing against your palm. 
You then looked back up at him, meeting his eyes. He had those puppy eyes that made your knees buckle. 
“Miguel I-”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he interrupted, shaking his head. “I just..wanted to let you know.Or..let you feel, rather.”
He let go of your hand and took a step back, biting his lower lip. It made your heart skip a beat. 
“Look. I know you may not feel the same. But, I just wanted to let you know. I’ve..been feeling this way for a while. And..I don’t know why I waited this long to tell you. But, seeing how Riley was looking at you the entire time made me feel some type of way. I know you two were somewhat of a thing before and it kinda made me feel a little jealous..” he rambled. He was honestly really cute when he did that. 
He then awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck when you didn’t answer. What were you supposed to say after that? You were completely stunned that you just couldn’t find your voice. 
But, as he began to take a step back, your hand shot forward and you grabbed hold of his wrist, pulling him back closer to you. You were like a robot. You had no control of your limbs or movements. 
Stretching up on your toes, you hooked your arms around his neck, pulling him down closer to you until your lips touched. Again, you had no control of your movements. It was as if your mind had stepped into another room in your brain. 
Miguel’s eyes widened in surprise, obviously stunned by your sudden reaction. However, he quickly shook it off and wrapped his arms around you, pressing you closer to him.
You two kissed for what felt like hours. At one point, he had picked you up and placed you on top of a stack of boxes so neither of you would strain your bodies. 
Eventually, you had to pull away for air. Your cheeks were warm, and your body felt jittery. You couldn’t help but to look away shyly. Yet, Miguel caught your chin with his fingers and had you look up at him. His lips were swollen from your heated kisses. There was also a twinkle in his eye. 
Before you could get a word out, his lips were on your once again. This time, just a little softer. A little sweeter. Gentler. It made you melt into his arms. 
He pecked your lips a couple more times before taking a step back, but never let go of you. 
“Had I known you felt the same I would’ve done that a lot sooner,” he chuckled, giving you a shy smile. 
Your cheeks warmed again and you nodded your head in agreement. “Yeah. Same here.”
He helped you back down, taking your hand in his. 
“Also. Ben and I were never a ‘thing’. I only went out on one date with him. He’s..not really my type,” you shrugged your shoulders, looking up at him with a slight smirk. 
“I like them a little more rugged. Like more..jackass,” you teased. 
Miguel’s jaw dropped for a second before letting out a laugh, shaking his head a little bit. 
“Not sure if that’s something to be proud of,” he pointed out. 
“Didn’t say I was,” you countered with a shrug before grinning up at him. You felt butterflies in your stomach, and you couldn’t help but to feel excited. Stretching back up on your toes, you gave him another peck on the lips. 
Remove his hand from yours, he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close before grabbing your plate of food from the table. 
“Come on, let’s go sit down so you can eat,” he said as you two made your way out of the kitchen. 
“Oh, by the way. You look great in that outfit,” Miguel complimented. 
“Yeah?” You beamed up at him. You’ve been getting compliments all night. But, you didn’t think you’d get one from Miguel. 
His cheeks turned a little red as he nodded his head. “Yeah. I couldn’t stop staring at you. You’re like a Christmas present. Mind if I unwrap you later?” He then smirked. 
You gasped and lightly smacked him, causing him to burst out laughing. 
“Absolutely not! Pervert!”
Miguel continued to laugh. “I’m just messing with you, muñeca. I’ll wait until Christmas Eve to unwrap you.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Peter suddenly appeared in front of the two of you as you exited the kitchen. His mouth was stuffed with food and was a little red in the cheeks. He may have been just a bit drunk. 
“Nothing.” You and Miguel both said in unison before passing by Peter. 
Still. You couldn’t have asked for a better Christmas gift. Miguel had confessed his feelings to you. And shared a set of kisses with you in the kitchen. It was all surreal. It felt like a dream. 
“Look! It’s snowing!” MJ called out excitedly as she stood by the window. Everyone gathered around the windows to look outside as the snow fell. Including you and Miguel. Your food was now forgotten on the table as he kept his arm wrapped around your waist, the two of you looking outside for a moment as if neither of you had seen snow before. 
“Merry Christmas,” Miguel whispered softly to you. 
“Merry Christmas, Miguel,” you whispered back, leaning against him as you continued to watch the snow fall and coat the streets in white. 
Yeah, this was definitely a Christmas you were never going to forget. 
“Also, if Riley stares at you like that again, I’m going to punch him,” Miguel muttered. 
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kyletogaz · 4 months
heal me (part two) | MDNI
part one
cw: angst, mentions of p in v sex, alcohol consumption, unhealthy coping mechanisms
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you don’t move back to the house you once shared with simon. it holds too many memories.
“it just doesn’t feel right without simon,” is what you tell kyle and johnny one day when they come over to help you pack.
you’ve decided to sell the house. you tell them to take whatever they want. you have no use for it. the only thing you intend to keep is photos of you and simon, his journals, and several articles of his clothing.
“are you sure you don’t want anything else?” kyle asks when the three of you are finally done packing.
“i’m sure, kyle,” you reply, sounding as tired as you look. you’re so done with the day, you’re ready to go home.
johnny and kyle help you finish a few things around the house, before they take their leave. you don’t stick around any longer than you have to. if you remain in that house, you’re going to lose it. so you lock up, silently promising yourself that you’ll come back to deal with the rest of the boxes later.
when you get home, you go straight for the liquor cabinet to pour yourself a drink. you grimace at the taste of whiskey when it hits your tongue, ignoring the slight burn of it on it’s way down. you’re not much of a drinker, but you need something, anything to help with the pain.
you find yourself consuming a second glass as you rummage through your box that contains some of simon’s belongings. you sit the glass down on the coffee table when you feel the fabric of simon’s hoodie against your fingers. you pull it out of the box and press it to your nose, inhaling the scent of him that still lingers.
tears make their way down your cheeks before you can gain control of your emotions. you let out a soft sigh, willing yourself to stop crying. you’re surprised you still have tears left to cry, because it’s been non stop for the last few weeks. every time you think you’re done crying, thoughts of simon make your eyes well back up.
when you’re not working or running errands, you’re home in bed reading simon’s journals or just sleeping the pain away, and ignoring everyone’s calls and texts.
everyone wants to know if you need anything, or if you’re doing okay. you lie to them every single time .
i’m fine.
i’m doing a little better.
lies. all of it is lies. all you want to do is scream no i’m not okay.
the only person who knows how you truly feel is johnny.
“have you gotten out of the bed at all today?” he asks you one day when he comes to visit. he’d let himself in with the spare key you gave him.
“to shower and eat, yes” you reply flatly as you stare at him. he’s standing in the doorway of your bedroom with a frown on his face.
“that’s all?” johnny asks with an expectant look. he’s hoping you were productive today.
you sit up and shoot him a glare. “what else do you expect me to do, mactavish?” it comes out a little snappy, but you don’t care.
“go outside?” you roll your eyes at him and tell him that you went outside yesterday, to which he scoffs and says, “goin’ to work doesn’t count.”
you let out a small snort of laughter, not missing the way johnny’s eyes light up at the sound, before asking him if he was still going to cook dinner like he’d promised over the phone.
“o' course, lass. we cannae have you starving now can we?”
dinner is a quiet affair. you and johnny are both stuck in your own thoughts. the food is good though. and johnny’s not being subtle at all with the way he watches you to make sure you’re eating and not pushing your food around your plate.
“i read the letter,” you say once the silence becomes too much. you see him pause, but he doesn’t say anything. “he said he wants me to be happy, but i don’t think i know what that means anymore. how can i be happy when he’s gone?”
you have to blink back tears when johnny places his hand over yours. he tells you that it might take some time, but you can be happy again.
“he said you would take care of me,” you say later that night as you walk johnny to the door.
let johnny take care of you, lovie.
you’re not sure what he means by that, but when you repeat simon’s words back to johnny, he has a look in his blue eyes that you can’t decipher. you don’t ask him to tell you what it is that he’s thinking. you’re almost too afraid to ask, so you bid him goodnight as he wraps his arms around you to hug you tight, before he tells you that he’ll be seeing you later.
after that night, johnny’s visits start to become more frequent. he tries to stop by the house to see you whenever he gets the chance. he’s been busy lately, so you’re very thankful whenever he shows up on your doorstep. sometimes you two talk. other days, you two don’t talk at all, as you lay on your back, legs spread with johnny’s head between your sticky thighs. no words are exchanged when johnny’s got his cock dragging against your g-spot, or when he’s got a firm grip on your head as he guides himself between your lips.
it’s fucked up, but it’s how you cope.
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a/n: i can’t believe my audacity 😵‍💫
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lostinforestbound · 7 months
Hi! Could I request hcs from you on Rolan being jealous?
Absolutely! I had fun exploring this topic, so I hope you enjoy! This will be Rolan and a GN!Tav. To the people reading, Please feel free to add on to this and share your ideas!
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Rolan and Jealousy
In Rolan's opinion, Jealousy is an improper and ugly thing to have; it sounds hypocritical when he gets jealous of a lot of things himself.
It's instinctive; his life has never been fair to him, and he never got to have what a lot of others do. It's deep rooted into his insecurity.
Loving parents? He wanted that, as his own family abandoned him. Food on the table? He wanted that too, why did he deserve to starve? Wizard Schooling? As an orphan, he never stood a chance of getting into one. No matter though, he doesn't need schooling! He's a prodigy!
Gods, he knows he shouldn't be jealous at all anymore, he will have everything he could ever want soon. It's unbelievably petty.
This jealousy starts extending towards Tav without him meaning to.
When they start taking interest in someone else, even if it's a simple conversation, his mind trails into the thought "That should be me."
As much of a loud, prickly person he is, he surprisingly says nothing about it. Instead is stews in his heart ready to burst, but he keeps it together.
Why is he so jealous if they're not even his partner? It's absurd and childish. Especially since he is unworthy of their attention. Once he has everything to provide for Cal and Lia, then he'll be worthy.
If Tav and him are together, it is a different story.
His jealousy is still quiet, but they notice how he holds their hand tighter when they speak to certain people. How his tail wraps around their calf. How he glares when other people decide to flirt with them.
Once he works on his own insecurity and Tav's reassurance that he's the only one for them, his jealousy starts fading away to nothing.
That doesn't stop him from playfully stealing them away from their companions with a "fuck off, they're mine".
Writing Blurb
When did he become such a prickly, bitter person? When, at some point of his life, did he become so jealous? Why is he so jealous of Tav, of all bloody people? Is it because they're a savior? That they saved his siblings where he couldn't? He should be grateful!
So why is he bitter, even though they saved everyone, including himself? Is he truly this entitled?
He doesn't see them approach him as he stews in his own thoughts. Usually he's not this insecure with himself, but he feels unworthy of them. He doesn't deserve them, not yet. The tower is not truly his, he has to refurnish everything to make it all of their homes. Cal and Lia love it so far, but there's still so much to be done.
Files need to be organized. All of the dealings fall on his shoulders now thanks to Lorroakan's demise. There's so much to do so he cannot truly have them yet-
His thoughts stop short when Tav kisses his cheek. "You're still dealing with these people? Don't you think it's time for a break?"
He subconsciously leans into the touch but stops when he realizes they pulled away. "I can't yet. There's too many-"
"You can do it later. Come have tea with me, or would you prefer some wine?"
He waves a dismissive hand, staring back down at the mess of papers in front of him. "I can't, Tav, they're all-"
A hand comes to his face, gently but firmly turning his head towards theirs. They don't say say anything at first, looking him straight into the eyes which makes him shut up instantly. He knows that determined look too well, and his mouth goes dry.
"You know I love you very much, right?" Before he could speak up, they continue on, "I'm already impressed with you. I don't need you to work yourself to death to prove you want to make this work. I love it here, and I love you. You shouldn't have to 'prove' anything to anyone, especially not to me."
"You're a savior-" Finger press to his lips before he finishes.
"I couldn't have done that without your help. Your arcane cannon saved my life that day. I thought I was done for until I called for your help," They state, pressing a kiss to his jaw then lips, "You're more than enough for me. Now, how about some reading and wine?" He closes his eyes briefly before that playful smirk returns, looking up at them. "I suppose if you want me to read to you that badly, I shall."
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trevvylovesspence · 5 months
I have a request. This is my first time but k love your stories. Okay what if reader is 23 and she is the secret Blossom daughter anyways she is also dating FP and she gets super jealous of Alice (who I’m sorry don’t like) anyways what if she gets down and sees maybe FP would do better without her but he changes her mind? With some smut?!! Hehehe ahh I’m so excited
I am so sorry this took so long 😭 I so forgot about it, I'm so sorry hun!!! (Also dw I totally hated Alice too) (Also I totally forgot about the Blossom's secret child so idk how they treated them, I ain't watched the show in a bit so just pretend I added that to the story) also it became MOSTLY SMUT tbh
F!reader x FP Jones
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Alice Cooper was highly unlikable. Always being around FP because of her daughter and his son was one thing, the way she constantly nagged everyone else was another reason. But you didn't need many reasons to dislike her, your first reason was well enough. She was always around your man FP. At first it was a mild annoyance, and soon it was every second.
So you decided you felt stupid. You kept your distance from FP, you were absolutely downed, thinking about breaking up with him so he could go date Alice, it made sense after all, you were a bit young. Keeping your distance worked well at first, for the first two days he was too busy to notice, but after a while he was calling all the time, showing up unexpectedly, he was trying to find out what was wrong. "Honey, you gotta talk to me, you can't hide forever." He mumbled while he was standing in front of you at your job. "I'm not hiding, nothing's going on, go spend time with Alice."
Okay, so maybe your sadness and insecurity fronted themselves as anger. You had snapped at him and he looked like a kicked puppy for a second before his eyes glimmered with recognition. "Oh, dear, is that what's wrong?" You just turn to the clock, hoping to check the time until you leave. "Five minutes." FP says quickly, already knowing you well enough. "And as soon as you're clocked out you're coming home with me."
And so with barely any room to argue, that's exactly what happened, once you clocked out he took you home with him. You felt absolutely stupid, sitting on the edge of his bed while he stood in front of you, looking down at you. "Look, i-" you couldn't even finish, as he quickly sank to his knees right in front of you. "No." He said quickly pressing a kiss to your right leg. "No?" You asked and he nodded, kissing further up your leg, gently spreading your legs before sucking a hickey into your inner thigh.
"Yes, I said no." He turned his attention to your other leg, kissing, licking, and nipping hickeys into your pretty skin. "You don't even know what I was about to say." Your sentence comes out breathy, stutter filled as you try your best to not become absolutely soaked at the sight before you. He just looks up at you for a moment before speaking, "I know exactly what you were gonna say," his tone is harsh, strict, and absolutely sexy, "it was gonna be about Alice, and I don't wanna hear it."
His tone alone has you ready to give up your endeavors, he stands up in front of you however and you decide to keep pushing. "FP-" you're quickly cut off again, his rough lips against yours, hands roughly grabbing at your hips. "No more talking." He mumbles against your lips. You again decided to push your luck, leaning back to protest but the second you even tried to speak he gently pushed you down onto the bed. "No more talking." He repeats, tone much more strict than before, if it's even possible it made you wetter too. "Now, do I gotta fuck this little idea out of your head or are you a smart girl who can get rid of it yourself?" That was a comment no one else could possibly get away with, but FP was different, his condescending tone was something laced with sweetness somehow.
"Need your help." You mumbled, and he smiled, hands gently rubbing your thigh. "Good girl." Was his reply, leaning down to kiss you as his hand slowly travelled up your leg. It went past your inner thigh and slowly his fingers pressed against your panties, the wet fabric making him smile as he pushed them aside, fingers teasing your clit. "Good girl, so ready for me." He praised, slowly sinking two fingers into you, watching your nose scrunch in pleasure as you let out small whines. He continued to plunge his fingers in and out of you, watching you moan beneath him. "Good girl, look at your pretty face, the only face I wanna see."
He sped up his fingers, making you let out a high pitched squeal of pleasure. "There it is, oh, that's my favorite sound. Something no one else could achieve." You couldn't even reply, on the brink of crying at his praise, he was slowly making the insecurity fall away. Who else could ever imagine he'd be in love with another woman while he's saying such things about you? And soon you feel that coil snap, and you hear more praise. "Oh, just dirtying my fingers, aren't ya? Mhm, doing so good." He coos, praise making your head spin as his fingers come up and he sucks your juices off of them like the sweetest nectar.
"Think you can handle anymore?" Always the gentleman, making sure you're ready for him completely. Making sure to give you time, you nod and he smiles softly. Taking off your panties completely he flips your skirt up, looking down at the prettiness that is you, leaning down to kiss you once more before leaning back again, undoing his belt.
That had been hours ago, he was still plunging into you, moaning at your tight walls around him. "Good girl, my only girl, only girl I want." You whined at such words, face buried in a pillow while he held your hips up to fuck you from behind. "Taking me so good, the only girl that could take me this good" he praised. "Only girl that could make me want you this much, only girl so irresistible." His praises were mixed with your whined of pleasure, his small grunts of pleasure. He finished with one thrust, filling you up, smiling down at your shaking form.
"Good girl." He praised sweetly, kissing your shoulder, pulling out and laying you in a more comfortable position. "My girl, my only girl." He praised, peppering soft kisses across your face. "Ready to give up your silly idea?" You nodded, cuddling against him and laying your face against his chest. "Yeah, it was really stupid anyway." He smiled broadly, "ain't that the truth." He kissed you once more before you fell asleep. Happy and content in the arms of a man who you were now certain, was yours and only yours.
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miloformula123fan · 8 months
okay, I know this is short, and yes part 3 is coming and yes it is angsty but I need to get it done
lmk if you want to be added to the taglist, anyone tagged is just people who asked for a second part :)
Please keep requesting - y'all have awesome ideas we agree on a lot of stuff :) - my guidelines are here, and if you want some prompts, they are here.
also feel free to come in and start chatting to me in my asks, would love to get to know y'all better
part 1 is here
part 3 is here
george russell x sargeant!reader
“No, no, it wasn’t. Y/N, you have to understand…-”
“What? What do you mean, you’re done.”
She looked won, took another deep breath and looked George in the eyes. ‘I meant, I’m done george. I’m done with this relationship. I’m finished. I can’t forgive you after learning that our relationship was based on you treating my brother like a decent human being, and you planning on winning me over ike that. Well congratulations it worked. And now you’re back to treating my brother like absolute shit, because you finally got the girl. Congratulations. If you want to ‘win me back’, then maybe start with treating my brother like a human being again. But you’ll have to do more than that, Russell.’
And she walked out. George put his head in his hands. He’d signed so many NDAs, you would’ve thought he wouldn’t have left his laptop open and unlocked, particularly with Logan coming over. He really should remember to close his old files. Particularly when your girlfriend, no ex-girlfriend, had looked through your old powerpoints and found an old presentation he’d made to alex about how he was planning on wooing y/n. With the first slide being ‘treat logan nicely.’ and yeah maybe after he’d started dating y/n, his priority to include everyone had fallen behind.
And yeah, Logan was nice. He had learnt that after many morning jogs and coffees and dinners and hanging out after races. He still remembers how scared he had been a year ago, when he had first officially met Y/N.
“Well, then why is he telling me that there have been 2 people, Oscar and Alex, who have actually welcomed him to F1. Everyone else has snubbed him and he doesn’t understand why you don’t like him. He’s lonely. So fucking sort your shit out.”
And he had. Or at least he had tried. And Logan had really warmed up to him and started participating in the driver evenings, but George always visited his house, partly for the runs, partly because his trainer was less strict and he could make a better breakfast at Logan’s, and maybe partially for the hope that Logan’s sister would rock up.
And then she had. And logan had still been asleep. And she obviously still was a professional athlete so she had been more than willing to do a run with him. And then have breakfast when Logan had finally stumbled out of his bedroom. And then get her phone number
And then yeah maybe he had deserted Logan, assuming he now had enough interaction with the rest of the grid to be okay.
Until Logan had called Y/N last night, asking her to come over because it turned out the grid had gone to dinner without him, and he was feeling a little hurt. And she had promised to once George got home, and then she had absolutely laid into him. And now she was gone, presumably to Logan’s and George didn’t know what to do.
taglist: @folklorsweet @the-untamed-soul @thatgirlmj @cstads-blog
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killedpink · 2 years
thinking about minho is never healthy
🏷 contains: dom minho x sub reader, makeup application, fingering, heavy hand kink (have you seen that man's hands?), dacryphilia, oral sex, so so so domestic, hair pulling, slight marking, small minuscule spit kink, snow day, deepthroating/throatfucking, possessive minho if u look closely, cum consumption, slight praise
the grip the snow had on the land was tightening, the earth slowly being obscured by a freezing, white blanket of snow. it made everyone stop. work, school, all of it was paused as the roads grew too dangerous to travel on. this included you and minho, safely tucked away at home with every heater on max, candles lit, windows blacked out. at first, it felt like a well-deserved break from your busy lives, giving you both all the time you needed to sleep in, or binge watch whatever tv show you just couldn't find the time to finish, or even try out that new dish you both have been putting off. but, after a few hours in, you had exhausted every one of your plans, burnt through every show and every recipe in your cookbook. you felt defeated, truly. your back to the couch, facing the ceiling with your eyes closed, it all felt so bleak. and to make things worse, minho was out of sight, pattering around upstairs for some unknown minho reason.
"get up, lazy." minho nudged your arm that was dangling off the side of the couch with his socked foot, causing you to jerk it into your lap and spring up. you intended to tease him for bothering you, but once you saw him, your words fell into nothingness. "is that my makeup..?" your brows scrunched in confusion, a delighted twinkle in your eyes. minho rolled his eyes, "wow, your eyesight is working! move up." doing as he said, you turned your body to face the tv and sit like a normal person, giving minho the room he needed to sit down and more. "are you finally letting me put makeup on you?" his face turned blank at this. "no." he turned away from you, plucking a black nail polish from the bag he brought with him. "i'm letting you paint my nails." minho bargained, thrusting the bottle into your lap.
it wasn't exactly what you hoped for, but at least it was something. you shrugged, "is this the colour you want?" you shook the bottle to mix the solution into itself. minho's eyes followed the bottle, "yeah, it's the nicest one you have." you gasped, "how rude!" you cradled your heart in faux offence. "neon green wasn't to your liking?" you teased. minho resisted his smile, yet he simply couldn't fight it off, his pink lips curving into a grin and his front teeth showing slightly, not unlike a rabbit's teeth. "that was such a bad joke. we need to socialise you fast." it was your turn to roll your eyes, before twisting the cap, snatching minho's hand and bringing the brush to his fingernail. "don't get it on my hands." he warned. you scoffed, "do i look like an amateur to you? no? then keep your mouth shut." minho's jaw dropped. "as soon as i'm free im gonna throw you out in the cold." he threatened. you giggled quietly, "remind me who's in control of your nails again?"
the banter went back and forth for a while, all in good faith. "is it dry now?" minho asked, taking good care not to smudge his nails and therefore tarnish your hard work. "i think so. it looks fine." you said into your mug of hot chocolate, taking a slow sip. "ah, me too!" minho perked up. "i really think you can do this yourself. you're just lazy." you muttered as you held minho's mug to his lips, taking good care not to pour too much into his mouth. "but you still do it for me," minho swooned, once you brought the mug back onto the coffee table. "so, how does it look?" he held both his hands up to face you, showing off his nails. "you actually look really good," you took one of his hands to inspect it, his veins not going unappreciated by your attentive eyes. your gawking didn't go unnoticed by minho, either. "wanna see what else i brought?"
minho took out your favourite lipstick and mascara from behind him, holding one in each hand. "do you trust me?" he spoke seriously, his face saying otherwise however. your eyes widened, "you're so nice to me today!" your hands held his wrists, planting a grateful kiss on his cheek. his ears swelled red in response, his smile so wide it reached his sweet chestnut eyes, which were always beautifully inquisitive. "well, i do love you." minho's voice was small, whispering it into your hair, believing the quieter the more intimate it was. it was snowing harder, now, the force of the frozen rain slamming on your windows ungracefully.
snuggling into his warm, mellow middle made you grow tired, even if you weren't actually sleepy. tearing yourself away from his black hoodie that radiated a comfortably high heat, you tilted your head up slightly to face him. "make me pretty, minho," you spoke dramatically, looking up at minho through your lashes. "you're already pretty." he kissed your forehead, unscrewing the applicator from the mascara. "look up for me, baby," doing as you were told, minho got to work on your bottom lashes, becoming more pronounced as he swiped the brush onto your eyelashes, taking good care not to accidentally hit your eye. "how's it looking?" you asked, barely being able to see what was going on as your vision was focused on the ceiling, showing off only your sclera to minho. "sh, you'll distract me and i'll blind you. the ambulance would take forever to get here in all this snow, too." how imaginative.
"i'm done. take a look, you don't look so ugly now." to be fair, he didn't do a bad job. he didn't let your lashes stick together, separating them individually to give off a dollish effect, your eyes now looking bigger and your dark, long top lashes kissing your brow bone as they curled up, giving you an innocent, doe-eyed look. setting the mirror onto the table, you turned to face minho, "you actually did a good job, minho," he beamed at this, "i've watched you too many times." he muttered, plucking your lipstick from the table. "is that next?" you asked, interested in his plan. he uncapped it, and kept eye contact with you while he applied it to his own lips. confused, you watched him carefully, without exchanging words.
he took your face in both of his freshly panted hands, and pressed his lips against yours. he was firm, but so passionate that it trickled into you, kissing him back excitedly. although they were the same lips, minho never kissed you the same way twice with them, each kiss unique and each kiss as addictive as the former. he broke the kiss, eyes inspecting your lips meticulously. you realised what minho was trying to do — stain your lips with the lipstick he was wearing. he pecked your lips a few times, essentially slamming his lips onto yours. once they were saturated to his liking, minho rubbed off what little product was left on him using a makeup wipe, rubbing it back and forth on his lips to clean them. "that was strangely possessive," you noted, amused. cupping your chin, minho looked you in the eyes as he shook his head, "it looks better that way. trust me."
"hm, whatever you say." you muttered before leaning into minho, meeting his lips with your own, your hands cupping his cheeks. the pink, soft swell of his lips are, of course, pressed hot to your own. the space between you was nonexistent, your legs straddling minho's lap as he leaned against the edge of the couch, his hands on your waist creeping up under your shirt. your underwear grew uncomfortable around your body, rolling your hips onto the curve of his muscular thigh, moaning into the kiss as you caught your clit on his clothed thigh. minho parted his lips, his tongue peeking out of his mouth to prod at your tongue, sucking the muscle into his hot mouth, letting it go and flattening his tongue, affectionately licking yours.
using your shirt, he scrunched the material in his hands and tugged it away from him, urging you to pull back. "strip for me." he ordered, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face. you knew better than to argue with minho, and besides that; you wanted him, too. your shirt was gone in a matter of seconds, your sweatpants a little more time-consuming, but it didn't take much effort to get rid of them, too. all the while, minho watched you, not even needing his concentration to rip off his hoodie, ruffling his dark brown hair in the process, falling to both sides of his face as if he had curtain bangs, just barely touching the lobes of his pierced ears.
using the back of his hand, he stroked your soft, fleshy thigh, leaving soft kisses along your jaw; his hand pulling down your underwear — sinking his teeth into your neck. not enough to break your skin, but harsh enough that it'll have a bruise blooming before he gets to fuck you properly. he kisses your throat like he's trying to pierce it, making you dizzy from the brief lack of oxygen. your back is embraced by the couch seats, minho leaning above you, in between your bare legs. his veiny hands stroked your sides, following the curve of your waist, cupping your breasts and leaving a long lick straight down the middle, following the natural valley between them. his knee pressed against the pocket of fat above your cunt, stopping you from squirming. minho's hair brushed against your collarbones, tickling your skin as he feverishly nipped your skin, venturing down by your pubic bone.
"i see the way you look at my hands, baby." minho spoke slowly, his voice hypnotically low. one of his hands brushed against your sex, his fingers tracing your slit at a feather-light pressure, just barely touching you. he chuckled when your hips involuntarily bucked, chasing his touch. "please, minho. please, just touch me," you whispered, face buried into the crook of your arm, unable to look at him when you were so flustered. "oh, don't worry. i will.." he kissed the side of your thigh, "eventually." he added, feeling his smirk against your inner thigh was dizzyingly torturous. both of his arms were now between your head, elbows digging into the surface below, his knee once again pressed firmly against your cunt. minho moved your arm from your face, his grip firm. "open your mouth, darling." his index finger tapped your lips, which parted without argument, your eyes watching him curiously. his index and middle fingers slotted into your mouth, stroking your soft tongue. you could just about feel the veins lying under his skin, curling and uncurling his fingers, your tongue brushing against his smooth, black nails. your spit pooled in your mouth, having to swallow excessively to ensure it didn't spill out the sides of your mouth. minho's fingers burned inside of your hot mouth, his cooler fingers quickly warming up as you suckled obediently onto his fingers.
minho pulled them out, a string of your spit connecting to your mouth, before snapping from the stretch and falling onto your bottom lip. your breath hitched once you saw minho put his fingers in his own mouth, his pink lips wrapping around the base of his fingers, cheeks hollowing as he sucked them clean of your spit, letting them fall out of his mouth. "minho, can i suck you off? please? wanna make you feel good," your voice was tremulously light. minho grinned proudly at you, "my pretty girl. how kind of you." he kissed your lips, "tell you what. i'll fuck your throat for five minutes, hm?" you nodded desperately, eager to please him. minho lifted himself off of you, no longer caging you in, allowing you to move onto the floor where you sat with your thighs pressed together a little too tightly — the outside of your calves holding your weight as they relaxed on the floor.
he was still in his boxers, the last piece of clothing to be removed from his body. you leaned your cheek against his knee, admiring him dutifully. he looked so good in black it was a shame to remove them, the elastic clinging to his hips, showing off his v-line, and the unmissably huge tent due to the bulge of his cock, which always made you drool. you helped minho shrug them off, throwing them behind the couch to join wherever the rest of your clothes went. you exposed the flat of your tongue to latch onto the underside of his heavy cock. ever so eager to taste more of him, your tongue licked from the middle of his cock to the tip, pulling him almost entirely out of your warm mouth, flicking the tip of your tongue onto the slit of his head, spreading your spit onto his cock, and in exchange tasting the precum that you quickly collected into your mouth, moaning at the taste. your lips were a puffy, glossy ring around his cock, sliding him further into your wet mouth, his head rolling on your tongue as you bobbed on his cock vigorously.
minho's hands threaded into your hair, using the handfuls of your soft hair as a handle, tugging at the roots so harshly it stung, his fists balled up tightly as he guided your head along the length of his cock, giving a quiet moan in encouragement. your eyes wandered to his muscular body, each muscle growing more defined as he tensed and trembled from your actions. he was hard in your mouth, pushing more of his cock into your mouth, until your nose bumped against his pelvis, his cock buried to the hilt inside of you, his head pressed so snugly inside the channel of your throat, brushing against your larynx, bruising the back of your throat and leaving a noticeable bulge in your neck where his cock was settled under, stuffing your mouth with the better half of nearly an entire foot of his cock. you didn't realise your eyes were swelling with tears until they quickly started trickling down your face, taking some of your mascara with it, smearing your under-eyes with a sheen of ebony black, your face resembling spilled ink, unintentionally sobbing on minho's filling cock.
you were grateful when minho tore your mouth away from his pubic bone, leaving an arch of lipstick from where your top lip had unintentionally kissed his pubic bone from being so full of his cock. the head of minho's cock pressed into the flesh of your cheek, swelling from the outside consequently, a rounded lump prodding from your cheek. minho's eyelids fluttered closed, dark umber eyes shielded by his eyelids as his lashes kissed the swells of his cheeks. you felt his cock twitching in your mouth, which you gratefully rewarded with a swallow, your throat tensing around him as you did so. minho's abs twitched with a sharp gasp, his thighs simultaneously trembling around your head. you looked up at him through stuck-together, wet lashes, staring at him intently. his hands lifted your mouth from his cock, "that's enough," his voice was throaty, heavy and husky as he spoke, evidently shaken up by your efforts.
"ah, i got some lipstick on you," you noted, seeing your lips stamped his pelvis, his inner thighs and the base of his cock in your lipstick. "leave it there," minho beamed, his bronze skin slightly shining in the light from an excited sheen of sweat. a few strands of hair stuck to his forehead and the sides of his face, saturating them in colour as a consequence. "you're always so pretty when i fuck you." minho was affectionate now, stroking your ruffled up hair lovingly, tucking the strands away from your face. he didn't even touch your tear-streaked cheeks, or your smeared lipstick, or your half-opaque mascara stained face, opting to admire it proudly instead of meddle with what was already perfection in his eyes.
you climbed back onto the couch, settling into your previous position of having minho between your legs, your sex now exponentially more wet than last time. you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to fully relax when you felt minho kiss your sex, littering you with his affection, his black-painted thumb pressing against your clit, rolling around the pearl in tight, lazy circles. you sighed contentedly, your hips slightly rocking in place against him. minho's fingers dipped down into your slit, gathering up your slick and slid into you with ease, after leaving a quick kiss just above your entrance that made you quiver in delight, anticipating his next move. your eyes raked over his forearm, veins travelling up his arm and bicep, catching the light and shadows simultaneously. your hand wrapped around his wrist, tracing over his smooth skin and feeling his veins underneath the pad of your thumb.
minho leaned into you, kissing your neck and the dip of your collarbones encouragingly. "you're doing so well for me, darling," he whispered into your skin, his hot breath on your skin resembling what you imagined paradise to feel like. your free hand travelled to his hair, twirling a lock in-between your fingers and letting it go, entangling your fingers in his hair like he did to yours earlier; although you were much, much kinder to him. then minho fully invested himself, pushing the blunt parts of his fingers into the good part inside of you, curling and stroking your walls attentively, his thumb quickly stroking your puffy clit, his fingers curving and circling. your eyes widened in realisation, your chest rising and falling quicker as you took a breath in, sharply.
he was spelling his name inside of you.
your walls tensed and quivered around his long, skilled fingers, your eyes screwing shut as his fingers brushed against your cervix. "you like that? does it feel good, baby?" minho muttered, cooing over your whines — you nodded, otherwise speechless. he dipped his head down to your cunt, his pink lips latching and suckling on your clit, the front of his tongue licking up and down your slit rhythmically, cleaning you of your slick, your legs trembling and your hips buckling under him, your back arching. gasping for breath, your hands tugged at minho's hair to entice him off of your sex, his fingers painted in a thick white coating of your cum, drooling out of your hole no matter how much minho tried fucking it back into you, instead using the flat of his tongue to lick you clean. his fingers followed soon after that, his pink, plump lips wrapping around his fingers and skilfully suckling them clean, minho's mouth now full of your orgasm. he manoeuvred himself to be inches away from your flushed face, his thumb tapping against your lipstick-stained lips again. your brows momentarily knitted in confusion, before opening your mouth wide for him. he cupped your chin with one hand, fingers splayed over your neck. minho let a rope of your cum mixed with his spit fall from his lips, falling onto your waiting tongue. he swallowed what was left in his mouth, his head lolling onto the base of his neck, throat on display as he gracefully swallowed your cum, his adam's apple bobbing as his throat opened and closed. "swallow it for me," he used the back of his hand to stroke your cheek delicately, as if you'd break if he added too much pressure onto your skin. you tipped your chin up into the air, letting minho watch as your throat tensed and released as you did as you were told and swallowed what he gave you.
a smile bloomed on minho's pink, swollen lips, the shadow on his sharp cupid's bow becoming more defined as he grinned. "you're so good for me, my love." he muttered proudly, brushing the hair from your face to tenderly press a kiss to your forehead, hands falling to his sides. you leaned into his touch, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. "rest up, we'll go for round two soon enough."
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Lumine, Eula, Noelle (obviously), and anyone else of your choosing with a late night working S/O, how would they go about persuading their S/O that they need to go to bed and sleep?
(Genshin Impact) Jean, Noelle, Shenhe, Dehya, Lisa, Xinyan, and Ei forcing their S/O to sleep
...Maybe I should sleep after writing this considering it's 12:45 AM. Also, Lumine and Eula's parts were done in a prompt very similar to this one!
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"My goodness my glass house is sparkling delightfully in the morning sun, what a nice day to indulge in my favorite hobby of projectile mineralogy! - Yahtzee Croshaw
Yeah, Jean has absolutely zero room to criticize her S/O for working late into the night.
She does the exact same thing, usually passing out for doing so.
But ever since S/O had come into her life, she had been working on adjusting her schedule so she can properly rest at the behest of Barbara, for both their sakes.
Not to mention S/O was also concerned for her well being, so a compromise is made between the two.
(Jean) "If you rest S/O, then I will too. Like Lisa says, there's always tomorrow."
The last thing everyone needed in the Knights was two workaholics falling unconscious after all.
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Noelle also has no room to criticize S/O for working too hard.
That being said, Noelle usually brings some tea for S/O, gently sitting it next to them.
(Noelle) "S/O, I know that I may not be the right person to say this, but you should get some rest."
Similar to Jean, Noelle also makes sure to take better care of herself so S/O doesn't have to worry, and hopes that they would do the same for her.
She has no problem helping S/O get tucked into bed before quickly settling in next to them.
WIth Noelle, she doesn't take long to convince them at all.
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(Shenhe) "You should be resting S/O."
Shenhe is quite confused as to why S/O is up at this hour.
They should be resting, surely the work can wait until tomorrow?
At first she offers to stay up, thinking it was something related to no one keeping watch.
Only for S/O to explain it was just some work they could be finishing tonight instead of the morning.
(Shenhe) "It'd be far more efficient to have a clear mind and work later, would it not?"
Shenhe stares at S/O with an innocent expression, eventually making them break and relent.
It makes her feel more at ease, knowing S/O won't suddenly pass out from exhaustion.
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(Dehya) "Jeez, you're still at that? Come on, it can wait till morning!"
Dehya playfully wraps her arms around S/O's upper body.
If they refuse to budge she'll make a loud and obnoxious sigh.
(Dehya) "If you don't put the paper down, I'll pick you up! It's reaaaal easy for me to do that, y'know!"
When they relent, Dehya chuckles and stretches her arms.
(Dehya) "Finally. Some shut eye will make you feel better too. Can't get paid for your work if you're paying for medical bills."
Part of her wishes that they would try to continue working, just for the excuse of getting to pick them up and embarrass them.
But alas, that would have to wait for another day.
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Lisa refuses to bring any work home once she's done for the day.
And by all the damned souls in hell, Lisa will enforce that rule upon S/O as well.
(Lisa) "Darling, no bringing work home.~"
Despite her teasing tone, she is 100% serious.
Lisa was a hard worker herself, but that was only when she was supposed to be on the clock.
Their home was a place to relax and not think about work, so she'll first take S/O's hands gently and have them wrap around her hands instead.
Archons forbid S/O tries to continue working, then the tone of her voice becomes more lethal as S/O starts to feel electricity in the air.
(Lisa) "Won't you pay attention to little ol' me instead of some papers, S/O?"
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(Xinyan) "S/O, get your tush into this bed! Don't make me sing some crappy ol' love song, I'll do it!"
The tone of Xinyan is half playful and half serious.
She doesn't want to play some cheesy song just to catch S/O's attention (mostly).
Xinyan just doesn't want S/O to overexert themselves when they don't have to.
Even she didn't write songs that late into the night
...Well, mostly, but S/O didn't need to know that little detail.
(Xinyan) "Trust me, your brain will make the work flow waaay better when you sleep, speaking from experience here!"
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Ei convinces S/O to rest, though not in the way most would imagine.
Being an Archon, she could simply use her godly authority to force S/O to heel.
Or if it was the Raiden Shogun, then smiting S/O was an option.
Instead, Ei has S/O stop their work simply by being herself.
(Ei) "S/O, if you are going to stay awake during this time, can we eat some dessert?...It's too late at night? If you're working, then we can drink some dango milk!"
Simply put, it was annoying them for sweets if they stayed up for too long.
While it was because she was concerned for their well being, since humans are meant to rest, she was holding out for some hope that she can sneak in extra dessert for the night.
So far, it didn't work, much to her quiet dismay.
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Screaming at an Empty Room -
Hello everyone! Probably too late to do an intro, given that I've been writing on this blog since 2017, but since I've returned after a few years away from writing, I wanted the opportunity to talk about my blog and projects completed and my upcoming plans!
I go by Avaleon everywhere else on the internet, but respond to pretty much anything, including Screaming, hey you, etc! Started this blog in my mid 20s, and aged normally into the early 30s from there. I love writing, have always loved it, but between work and life, it's definitely something that I mostly do late at night and on weekends. I love hearing from people, but I usually answer asks in bunches, and typically right before I post writing. Love hearing about other people's projects as well!
I write short stories, novellas, and occasional full length novels. I am not published, but actively working on self-publishing some of my full length works. Everything I write is posted online, I enjoy sharing my work. The main reason to self publish for me is to have physical copies for myself or anyone who might want one!
My short stories can be found under the #writing tag on my blog. As for the long completed stories, I'll post them below the cut!
Love you Tumblr, happy to be back!
A. Full Length Novels (100,000+ words)
Please Fix the Story!
I don’t know who I am. I don’t know why I’m trapped in this never ending cycle of rebirth. All I know is that I wake up inside the worlds of unfinished stories, with a mission to accomplish the author’s wishes and stabilize the worlds now headed for destruction. I do my best, hoping, praying that maybe if I complete enough missions, I’ll be able to remember my past and return to my home.
It’s just fixing stories, it should be simple enough.
So can someone explain who this random villain is who keeps following me to each world?
Masterpost linked here
2. I Can’t Eat Love
Lenora did not have a wonderful life. After her engagement to Prince Ronan is broken, she loses everything… her reputation, her home and her family. Starving on the streets, she dies angry and bitter at how her life unfolded… only to wake up in her old bed, fifteen again, five years before her death. 
Now she must struggle to change her fate, and the fate of the around her. This time she won’t trust in something as flimsy or changeable as love. No, this time she’ll have the power and the money she needs to protect herself. 
Lenora has already lost everything once. She’s not going to lose again. 
No matter the cost. 
Masterpost Linked Here
B. Novellas
I Refuse to be a Named Character
I woke up inside the world of one of the best selling fantasy book series “Deadly Crown.” Intrigue, handsome heroes, adventure… sounds great, right? Just one problem: all the named characters except the main hero and villain die, are replaced and their replacements die. Being important in this story is a death sentence, so I plan to move to the middle of nowhere, and avoid the plot! 
It should be a fool proof plan, so why do the main characters keep dragging me into the story?
Masterpost Linked Here
2. Living in a Rewrite of my Own Book World
This is the story about an author who gets hit by a car right before she can finish her bestselling book series. Trapped in the role of a terrible side character antagonist, she must find a way to change the story’s ending. Not just for her own survival, but for the characters that seem just a little too real to be fiction. (30K words)
Masterpost Linked Here
3.Baby’s First Revenge!
When Charlotte is betrayed and killed by the friend she sacrificed everything for, she thought it was the end. Instead, she found herself reborn as a baby, with her killer still enjoying the fame of stealing her work. Now, she's coming after him, and plans to make him pay... But first, nap time.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
4. The Supervillain’s Daughter
The story of Erica, a girl who finds out that her brother is the kidnapped child of superheroes, and that her parents are villains. Years later she is the best agent in the Villain Suppression Unit, and hates everything to do with superheroes. So of course she isn’t pleased when she is paired with the strongest man alive, especially because she knows him. But with even darker parts of her past surfacing again, she will have no choice but to join forces and save the world. 
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Other smaller works and the incomplete ones can be found on this page
Thanks everyone!
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wildsupernova · 5 months
too sweet.
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summary: she was too sweet for him, everybody knew that. still, he couldn’t stay away, and neither could she, even when the sugar made his head spin and the bitterness burned her throat.
pairing: steve harrington x reader
warnings: brief mentions of sexual content, nothing too serious really
word count: 900
a/n: hey! just wanted get something up while i work on some longer pieces. i’m currently finishing up my second semester of my second year of college, so i haven’t had time or energy to write much of anything lately. figured i’d write a little blurb when i got the time to keep the content coming for you guys. anyway, hope you enjoy! hopefully new longer content will be coming soon. if you enjoy, leave a like, reblog, or a comment, whatever, any little bit of engagement helps. :)
masterlist | prompts list
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She was too good for Steve, everyone knew that. She was a delicate, well groomed rose bush and he was the patch of weeds that grew in her planter box, stealing every last bit of water from her until her leaves turned brown and fell from her stem. He wasn’t someone a girl like her should ever be associating with, but something kept him coming back to her, and her to him. 
They didn’t speak in school, sharing stolen glances from across the hall, soft stares that turned desperate when they were filled with memories of two nights ago. To Steve’s friends, she was nothing more than a conquest, and to hers he was nothing more than a walking red warning sign telling her to run the other way. To each other, they were something they couldn’t quite name, unsure if it was love or boredom or something else entirely. But boredom wouldn’t have you running back to someone like this, wouldn’t have you lying awake thinking about them and your heart racing every time you shared a glance. 
He was the type to fall asleep when the sky was dark and wake long after the birds had already started singing, and she never crawled in or out of bed any later than the sun. He’d tried to see her once, crawl through her window after every streetlight had flickered on, but she hadn’t answered his taps on her window, duvet blocking out any sound that might disturb her early sleep. Two mornings later and he’s woken from his own sleep by the ringing of his phone, her sweet voice begging him to watch the sunrise with her at Lovers Lake. He had complained and told her it was far too early, but when she told him she got up that early everyday he simply laughed and grabbed his keys from the bedside table.
He asked her once if she’d ever thought about sleeping in, or staying out late to watch the stars around a bonfire. She’d shook her head, told him routine was what she needed, that she could get the most out of her day if she went to bed early, but that same night she’d made it back home long after the moon took its place in the sky, hair frizzy and skirt twisted sideways. 
She reminded him of when he’d drank a Screwdriver for the first time, far too sweet for him to handle without his head spinning, but giving him enough of a buzz that he couldn’t stop sipping it. He reminded her of the single sip of her father’s whiskey spiked coffee, the kind that turned her tongue bitter and burned her throat on the way down, but had her heart racing all the same. 
He always laughed at the way she’d scold him for his dirty mouth. He didn’t think he’d ever heard a single ‘bad word’ come out of her, and everytime one came out of him, she was quick to smack him on the shoulder and tell him off like a mother. She kept her body guarded, rarely letting his hands wander too far until it was two hours later and she was desperate for them to be anywhere else but on her face. He started to wake up earlier just to hear the birds sing about her. 
He started seeing her in everything. In the rainy days where the sun was still in the sky, the soft patter of raindrops hitting his window sounding more and more like her laugh every time. He saw her in the wisteria vines that climbed the trellis in his mother’s garden, in the sip of wine he stole from his mother’s glass. He told himself he could wait a few years until he didn’t burn so much, until he became a better man who could handle how sweet she was. She told him she didn’t mind the burn, didn’t mind the bitterness, but if he wanted to wait until he was smoother for her, she could do that. She could wait.
2 years later and she's still just as sweet, smooth like an aged bottle of wine but with that small bitter hint you don’t really notice until you’re two glasses in. He’s smoother, like the shot of bourbon sitting next to her on her kitchen counter, but he still burns just enough for her to recognize him. She downs the amber in the glass and tells him she can handle the burn, and he tells her that sweet still makes his head spin, even after all this time.
Suddenly he’s the one waking before the sun, slaving away over an oven and a glass of wine left out from the night before, birds singing the same song they used to years ago. He’s in bed by sunset because she’d pulled him to the bedroom by the arm, lips lingering on his skin in the same way he used to linger on hers. He finds himself watching his language and she lets a few dirty words slip now and then, and her hands move his lower when she gets tired of them on her waist. He still sees her in the rain and the roses outside of his apartment, down to the small thorns hidden just beneath the beautiful crimson petals. She sees him in the thunder storms and the dandelions, beautiful and dangerous all the same. 
Suddenly, Screwdrivers aren’t too sweet for him anymore, and whiskey doesn’t burn her throat quite like it used to.
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