#hope mikaelson → underestimate
faeryworlds · 4 months
#₊ ⊹ Gwen Stacy ❙ ❝Fight for what matters to you no matter what. ❝#₊ ⊹ Peter Parker ❙ ❝I made a choice. This is my path❝#₊ ⊹ Yelena Belova ❙ ❝The truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details ❝#₊ ⊹ Kate Bishop ❙ ❝Some people have actually called the world’s greatest archer ❝#₊ ⊹ Harley Quinn ❙ ❝ Treat me like a game and I’ll show you how it’s played❝#₊ ⊹ Mia Queen ❙ ❝ I'm a warrior I fight for my life❝#₊ ⊹ Katniss Everdeen ❙ ❝ fire burns brighter in the dark ❝#₊ ⊹ Malia Tate ❙ ❝I won’t judge❝#₊ ⊹ Allison Argent ❙ ❝I was born with silver between my teeth.❝#₊ ⊹ Emma Swan ❙ ❝ you want people to look at you differently make them!❝#₊ ⊹ Hope Swan-Jones ❙ ❝I am really bad at words I hope you’re good at reading eyes❝#₊ ⊹ Tinker Bell ❙ ❝The question isn’t who’s going to let me… It’s who’s going to stop me!❝#₊ ⊹ Katherine Pierce ❙ ❝ Humanity is a vampires greatest weakness ❝#₊ ⊹ Caroline Forbes ❙ ❝If you want something done right you have to do it yourself❝#₊ ⊹ Luna Mikaelson ❙ ❝I can take care of myself ❝#₊ ⊹ Davina Claire ❙ ❝I can give you a list of people who've underestimated me. ❝#₊ ⊹ Rebekah Mikaelson ❙ ❝ Kill the demon today face the Devil tomorrow. Count me in. ❝#₊ ⊹ Lizzie Saltzman ❙ ❝ I am getting back to me. I am who I am ❝#₊ ⊹ Hermione Granger ❙ ❝I’m hoping to do some good in the world!❝#₊ ⊹ Ginny Weasley ❙ ❝Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.❝#₊ ⊹ Lily Merchant ❙ ❝All I want to do is make him proud.❝#₊ ⊹ Victoire Weasley ❙ ❝As beautiful as the bright moon.❝#₊ ⊹ Lily L Potter ❙ ❝Wandering around aimlessly in the dark.❝#₊ ⊹ Bree Tanner ❙ ❝Rushing into things blind isn’t going to help us win.❝#₊ ⊹ Alison DiLaurentis ❙ ❝Sometimes lies are more interesting than the truth❝#₊ ⊹ Aria Montgomery ❙ ❝When you love someone it’s worth fighting for no matter what the odds ❝#₊ ⊹ Max Mayfield ❙ ❝Be running up that hill❝#₊ ⊹ Nancy Wheeler ❙ ❝Ask for forgiveness not permission❝#₊ ⊹ Mary Stuart ❙ ❝I am Mary Queen of Scots and I have come for my throne. ❝#₊ ⊹ Kenna Livingston ❙ ❝So I say to hell with what people think.❝
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klausysworld · 11 months
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Love is never simple PART 2!!! (Part 1 here)
(I will be changing some things about the original plot, I hope that nobody minds)
After returning home Klaus ordered two of his hybrids to follow and report on Y/n. If she was any good at vampire hunting then he needed to keep a good eye on her. He didn't want her to think she had any kind of upper hand over him.
It was clear to say that he underestimated her.
The second his hybrids set their eyes on her she could sense it. It clicked in her mind immediately that Klaus knew. She had two ways to play: pretend she didn't know or send him a message. She didn't think about it for too long if she were honest, she desperately wanted to behead a hybrid.
It was easy to take them out, they weren't expecting her to be behind them when they followed her round the corner. She called Tyler and yelled t him to get his sorry ass to the street she was on. She them threatened to leave him in a similar state to his fellow mongrels if he didn't do exactly as she said.
That evening, when klaus came home he found both hybrids sat on his bed. Blood covered his bedding, drenching the mattress and staining everything. The hybrids held the others heads in a way that made it seem like it was an offering and it was so psychotically disturbing that Klaus found himself smiling. A laugh left his lips and he pressed his hand to his mouth to quieten himself, unaware that Tyler was messaging Y/n and letting her know of Klaus's reaction.
Klaus changed rooms, not wanting his floors to be stained. The hybrids were burned and he let the others mourn them for a day before getting back to work. He then began to wonder how he should go about Y/n. Clearly she didn't want to be on his side, however he also remembered how she had behaved on the night of homecoming. She had started off being revolted but for a good few minutes she completely forgot what he was. Deep down she was still a just a girl and he could use that to his advantage.
Klaus decided he would try to push her buttons a little. He knew that she had been apart of the reason that Damon and Mikael didn't kill him, this fact made him curious. She didn't want him dead? Or she did but for some reason she needed him alive? He wasn't sure but whatever the reason, she didn't show any warning signs that she was planning his murder. Besides, she wouldn't have sent him his hybrids like that, proof of what she was, if she planned to use it against him. She was smarter than that, he was sure.
He barely slept as he thought of every possibility. He had so many questions that would never be answered and so many theories that would never be proved.
Meanwhile Y/n was sat at her desk, a book in front of her that she had filled out herself. The title?:Niklaus Mikaelson.
She stayed up all night making sure she studied all of his silly little tricks. She found any connections to witches he still had, she needed to make sure he had nobody powerful beside him. She knew that the rest of the originals would be walking around town soon enough and she couldn't have them in contact with witches as well. The whole damn town would be up in flames.
So she set out early, around half 3 in the morning. She sped to get to the desired states, knife in hand and gun hidden just incase she couldn't get close.
Y/n was gone for over week killing off the closest of Klaus's alliances. By the time she returned, Klaus had Tyler bite Caroline and Elena was missing. Damon rang Y/n in a state, telling her that Stefan had her and was threatening to throw her off Wickery bridge.
Y/n had just gotten into town and pulled her car over when she spotted Stefan's car screeching to a stop. Elena's cries could be heard and Stefan's yelling.
Y/n ran over, opening the car door and pulling Elena out into a hug. Elena sobbed into her chest hysterically while Stefan slammed his own door shut.
"Put her back in the car" he demanded, his eyes still void of any emotion. Y/n went to scream at him but Elena was already there "how could you? My parents died on that bridge- I almost died...you know that...you saved me" she whimpered, holding onto Y/n's sleeve like a little child.
Stefan tried to make the argument that this was the only way to get at Klaus. That he had the upper hand and that he wasn't actually going to drive off the bridge but Elena wasn't budging. She begged to know what would have happened if Klaus didn't give in but Stefan didn’t entertain the idea. After letting Elena stand her own for a moment and seeing Stefan so carelessly regard her life, Y/n snapped.
"Elena get in my car" she instructed and Elena fell quiet. She hesitated for a second, but after taking in the expression on her face and knew it was best not to argue. Obediently, she walked to Y/n's car and sat in the passenger seat. She could see Y/n's phone and so rang Damon, warning him that Stefan may turn up bloody and bruised and also crying down the phone over what happened.
She tried her best not to look up when she could hear the muffled yelling and fighting from in from outside.
Y/n had Stefan on his knees, bleeding from the head and stomach, a hand of his 'hero' hair in her grip as she dragged his face up and leant down "Give Klaus those fucking coffins back or I swear to fuck that I will help him destroy you" she threatened but he shook his head with laboured breathing.
"I won't let him win" he panted and she smacked him across the face making his head whip to the side before back to her
"how blind are you Stefan? If this is how you're behaving then he's already won." she whispered, holding his chin tightly. She scoffed lightly when he wouldn't look and her "you're fucking pathetic" she told him. "If you think for one moment that I'm going to let you petrify Elena, torture everyone around you just for some stupid revenge fantasy-"
"He ruined my life, Y/n! He's already destroyed me and I want to watch him hurt" he growled
"why?" she questioned, knowingly
"Because I'm fucking angry Y/n!" he stated and a small smile quirked at her lips. She could work with Stefan if he felt something, his humanity was trying to come back.
"Then you care too" she whispered "you're just not letting yourself feel everything"
"I can't Y/n" he uttered, his eyes watering "If i let myself feel everything- everything I've done...I can't survive that"
"You deserve to feel the pain Stefan. Look around...you need to feel the hurt so that you can move past it." she told him and he looked down. "I give you until tomorrow night to give in before I'm forced to handle this my way" she muttered before placing her hands at his jaw and snapping his neck to the side.
She got into the car and drove Elena and herself to Caroline's. Klaus was just coming out of her house making Elena lower in her seat while Y/n got out the car.
Klaus glanced her up and down, noting the blood she had splattered all over her clothes and the teary doppelgänger in the car. "Caroline's been healed" he told her calmly, keeping his distance.
"I'll be changing the ownership of that house so you can't get in" she warned and he chuckled, watching as she grabbed a white birthday bag from her boot and walking towards Carolines.
He watched her for a moment as she opened the front door, he listened as she gave Caroline a hug and her birthday present before leaving shortly with the promise of seeing her tomorrow. His eyes locked back on hers as soon as she stepped outside
"what?" she barked and he smirked
"nothing, nothing" he claimed and she sighed "I was just wondering whose blood-"
"Stefan's but don't worry, I didn't kill your boyfriend" she mumbled, heading back to her car
"He's not- oh for gods sake" he muttered, following her "Where is he?"
"Hopefully thinking his time over" she opened her door and looked at him once more "You should have you coffins within 48 hours, if you don't...come find me" she told him for sitting down and closing her door. He watched in interest as she pulled out of the drive and Elena began to whisper to her.
Once they got home Y/n told Elena of her and Stefan's conversation and how she hoped that this would bring the Stefan they knew back. Elena looked at Y/n with a soft look
"You think...he could be something less than a monster?" she asked quietly and Y/n swallowed thickly.
"I think...I think he doesn't want to be a monster" she whispered "I- he wasn't always a monster...so maybe he could...I don't know, like, be better?" she mumbled, confused with the situation herself. "But that doesn't mean I like him, or that you should ever feel like you have to forgive him." she told her and Elena nodded.
"I don't think I can... not for a while" she whispered and Y/n nodded
"That's probably a good thing" she smiled weakly and the two sat for a moment before disappearing to their own rooms in an attempt to get over this day.
Thankfully, with an extra shove from Damon, Stefan came to and agreed to make a truce with Klaus. So they decided to give all the coffins back, however before leaving them in Klaus's living room, they undaggered every last Mikaelson. Except of course, the one which was closed but Y/n had witches on the phone to figure out how to open it already.
It took the help of a lot of Bennet witches, dead and alive, they even had to locate Bonnies mother. Surprisingly there was no sight of Klaus or his family for the few days it took them of draining the coffins magic until they were sure that the seal was broken. Y/n had firm words with Abby and made sure to comfort Bonnie as well as she knew how to.
And then they waited.
Unbeknownst to them, the Mikaelson house was practically a war zone. Klaus had been enduring a series of well deserved torture from each of his siblings, screaming empty threats and promises at them until they temporarily killed him in some of the most painful ways they knew how to shut him up.
Until each of them was silence by the mere presence of their supposed-to-be-dead mother. She claimed the house as her own in a matter of seconds and had her children on a tight leash.
They cleaned up and hid in their rooms, confused, afraid and somewhat hopeful.
Another day went by before Esther decided they needed something special to celebrate their reunion, a ball. She also demanded that they try to find dates. Niklaus especially.
Esther was a clever women, a crafty bitch of a witch. Over her last few years of being on the other side she had kept an eye on Y/n. She had spotted her, seen her potential and invested herself into it. Esther had also happened to see the homecoming, she knew that her son's interest had been captured. She knew how easily Klaus would soften just from a girl being kind to him for a few moments. Whether he liked it or not, Y/n had now taken a place in his mind. Esther also believed that despite Y/n somewhat befriending a couple vampires that her hatred would outweigh any bond she seemingly built and that if she could get her to the ball and spoke to her then she would be of even more use.
And, as expected, Klaus went to the Gilberts house. He had an invitation in one hand and a beautiful ballgown wrapped up in the other. For some reason he had a weird feeling in his stomach and his head ached. He gave a few hesitant knocks to the door and stepped back. He took a breath, fully prepared to be hit and told to fuck off and die.
He did not expect a half asleep Y/n to open the door, her eyes squinted to block the sun, her hair big and fluffy and her face bare of any makeup. Her brows scrunched together when she saw Klaus and she cleared her throat
"Yes?" she asked, trying to sound more assertive but the oversized jumper and sleepy eyes made it far too difficult to take her seriously. He could feel his face twitch to a smile but he tilted his head down to hide it. He shook his head subtly to himself before looking ack to her eyes and opening his mouth to get some words out. Instead, he just ended up staring at her, unable to form the sentence he wanted making her wipe her eyes and wake up more to pay attention.
Her eyes dropped to the gifts in his hands and his awkward, nervous behaviour. "Oh dear" she muttered and his face flushed, was she going to say no before he even asked? With a sigh and an eye roll she reached her hands out and took both items from him, placing the box inside by the door and tearing the envelope over. Klaus watched with wide eyes as she read both the formal invitation and Klaus's personal message where he asked her for a dance. She doubled checked that times before glancing up at him.
"See you at seven" she whispered with a nod before closing the door. He stood there for another minute before turning around and heading home, unsure on what he was supposed to do now.
Meanwhile Y/n walked into the kitchen where the Salvatores, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie and Matt all sat looking to her expectantly. She held up her invitation and in return they each held up theirs.
"Alright so, just so we're all on the same level-" Caroline began, leaning forward in her seat "some guy named Kol has invited me, Elijah invited Bonnie, Rebekah wants Matt and now Klaus has asked Y/n!?" her voice progressively grew louder and higher. Damon and Stefan sighed before Elena spoke
"Yeah.. and uh... Esther, their mother, wants to speak to me...privately" she mumbled and everyone went quiet for a second.
"So do we...go?" Bonnie asked and they all murmured quietly.
"I mean...free drinks and possibly food? Do they do food at dances or do I have to eat before I go?" Y/n asked tiredly and Caroline shook her head
"No no, you'll look bloated if you eat beforehand" She muttered and Damon pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Right" Y/n whispered.
"Screw it, we should go" Elena decided and reluctantly everyone came to an agreement.
The girls would all go to Caroline's to get ready and meet the guys there.
Once they had done each others hair and makeup, made sure they all felt right and ready. They all stayed in Bonnie's car for a little while outside of the Mikaelson mansion
"Something bad is going down tonight" Y/n murmured and Elena sighed.
"We have to face it" she whispered
"Or we get shit faced and forget whatever goes down?" Y/n offered and Bonnie giggled while Caroline placed her hand over her face before opening the door
"come on, lets get" she called and they groaned as they piled out and maid their way inside.
Y/n let them filter out to the Salvatores and their dates while she swiftly weaved her way toward the sweet scent of alcohol. For once she didn't sense Klaus watching her as she downed four flutes of champagne in the space of 60 seconds, letting it rush straight to her head and smiling to herself.
With a quiet chuckle Klaus made his way over, standing just behind her and to her side as he cleared his throat "Y/n?" he called and she whipped round
"Klaus" she greeted and he smirked
"Enjoying the beverages?" he teased lightly
"Uh honestly no, it's rather disgusting but if you drink it fast enough then you don't really taste it" she grinned and he raised a brow
"Well...that's not what I was expecting...then again you've been very unpredictable today...are you feeling alright, love?" He whispered the last bit as though it were a serious matter and she rolled her eyes once more.
"Well everyone else got an invite, I was glad not to be the only one" she told him and he hummed
"I see" he stated, looking her over for a moment before taking a breath and smiling "you look stunning, sweetheart" he complimented and she glanced away from his gaze.
Y/n wasn't the relationship type. She wasn't ever really given compliments, she was rude to most people especially supernaturals and lets face it they covered half the town. The occasions she did attract attention it was because she 'looked hot' or 'sexy' which only pissed her off more and made her avoid any kind of revealing or tight clothes when since the 9th grade. So she didn't really think Klaus meant anything by those words, and she didn't want him or anyone to say things like that if it didn't mean anything.
So she looked past him and ignored the compliment, instead glancing around to spot everyone. "So do you have to like announce the dances or do you just go whenever?" she asked and he tilted his head
"I thought this town had dances all the time, you've never been to one?" he questioned, and she shook her head
"Elena dressed up and did the dances with mom. I went to Aug- I went hunting with dad" she answered and he nodded
"Hunting..." he trailed despite knowing the answer
"Vampires" he repeated. "When exactly did you start hunting vampires?" he asked curiously and she shrugged.
"I don't really know...I was maybe six or something like that when I saw one and it soon after my dad was filling my head with knowledge on them" she explained and he frowned a little but before he could comment Esther was tapping her glass and encouraging her children to come together so should properly announce the occasion.
Esther switched her gaze between the Gilbert sisters and the Bennet witch. She couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement, everything was going her way. So she stood proudly for a moment as she watched her children dance what she assumed to be their last nights away.
Klaus gently placed his hand on her waist, watching her shift and take a breath before taking his hand. She didn't like to touch him, he could tell by the look in her eyes but she didn't push him away, she still put her hands on him with no intention of harm and that was enough to make Klaus smile.
Y/n tried to forget that he was a psychotic thousand year old vampire/werewolf hybrid just for a moment but it was more difficult this time. The music was slow, unlike the homecoming, and there was a specific routine which she was already struggling to follow which meant he couldn't decide to start spinning her around unless she wanted even more eyes on her and he knew for a fact that she didn't. Klaus could feel how tense she was, her eyes never landed on him and when he tried to compliment her she only looked more uncomfortable.
He sighed to himself and watched her for a short moment. She truly did look elegant that night, like a princess. The dress fit her like a glove and for once he was able to see the soft curves of her body though he knew not to comment on that. He wasn't really sure if he was allowed to comment on anything. She was gorgeous, the makeup on her face only emphasised the features he had already liked on her, like her eyes and her lips. But at the same time he wanted to see her like he did early that day again, when she was drowsy and messy. He liked that she didn't cover up every tiny little mark on her skin or feel that she had to sit and style her hair each morning, though he was still fond of how it had been done for this evening. He had so much he was thinking but he couldn't find a way to say any of it to her. Not when she looked like she'd rather be anywhere but here.
Reluctantly he tried to catch her eye "Love?" he whispered and she glanced to him "can I show you something?" he asked and she nodded, anything would be better than pretending to enjoy any part of that.
So he guided her upstairs, to his art room. She was skeptical but he expected her to be as such. Still, he took her inside and let her look around. His eyes followed her, waiting to see if her expression or body language would give away any of her thoughts or opinions.
Curiously she dug through his sketches, seemingly looking for something specific. He came beside her and placed his hand on top of hers "What are you searching for?" he asked quietly and she looked up at him for a moment. He tilted his head and gave a gentle smile to try and show he bared no harm and she hesitantly told him
"The sun and moon curse...you made drawings right? On scrolls and stuff?" she questioned and he smiled
"I did yes" he confirmed and took her had without thinking, bringing her to his room where he then let her go and began digging under his bed making her laugh. He remerged a moment later with a box, he tossed the lid onto his bed and pulled out a bunch of old, tattered pieces of paper. He flipped through them before bringing a few over to her, letting her hold them and study them with genuine interest. He explained what different parts meant and found himself with a hand on her shoulder as he pointed to different sections.
"Just to be a hybrid?" she questioned and he shook his head
"I don't care that I'm half and half, if anything it's only made things more difficult. I just wanted to feel whole." he told her, glancing to find her fully turned to him and listening making him sit down on the edge of his bed and her to follow suit, much to his surprise, before he continued. "When my mother suppressed my werewolf side, it quite literally felt like part of me was locked deep inside me and begging to be set free. I walked this earth for a thousand years, never feeling quite like myself...though I suppose I don't really know who I am anymore. In some ways your mindset is correct, vampirism changes a person. But it was not vampirism that made me a monster... it was my mother and my...and Mikael. I'm sure you know of plenty humans that you and the rest of the world would consider a beast. If they lived as long as I have, even without the urge to drink blood, they would become a horrible creature no matter their species."
She contemplated his words for some time in silence and he let her. She knew he was right. Anyone would go mad if they had been though the masses that he had and had to keep going that that amount of time. Y/n didn't like that there were so many different ways to think about things. She wished that it was as simple as 'all vampires are evil' but it would never be that way.
She looked at him for a minute or so, it was so odd how someone so vicious could look like an angel. She always told herself it was a disguise but really it was proof of who they used to be. Their eyes especially, they held so much. Especially his, she could see the pain and the sadness, the anger and the betrayal, fear and paranoia, but she could also see that little flicker of warmth. Part of her wished that she could go back and never of left her fathers office, she shouldn't have gone near those vampires. She wished she could help Klaus relight that little spark inside him but she just didn't think she could. Her hatred was deep rooted, she had been and secretly still did torture and experiment on vampires. She had been stealing blood samples from her supernatural friends and giving it to Augustine. For years Y/n assumed that she was doing the right thing, protecting her own, but now she worried that she had been behaving almost as badly as the vampires themselves.
She hesitated slightly but Klaus still saw it, he could see a lot going on in her head and let it settle before speaking again.
"You can keep the aztec sketches" he told her and she blinked at him
"Oh- no that's okay" she smiled and handed them back to him but he pulled his hands away
"I don't know why you wanted to see them but I'm glad that you did and that you spoke to me...listened and what have you. I didn't really think you would come tonight and so I want you to have them as a thank you of sorts?" he told her and she smiled softly
"Can I ask...why would you want me to be here tonight? I mean you have a lot of options, less complicated ones. I don't know what you thought tonight would become but surely you didn't think that anything more could become of this right?" she asked and he shrugged softly
"Maybe one day" he offered but she shook her head
"I will never be a vampire" she reminds "and I don't think I could ever truly have feelings for a vampire and even if I did, what would be the point if I just grew old and you didn't?"
"I'm sure we'll find out soon sweetheart" he whispered.
They both sat quietly for a moment before a thud and a crack could be heard. They both let out a huff before Y/n groaned "Fucking Salvatores"
Klaus let out a laugh and stood up, offering a hand to Y/n and pulling her up "I'm certain a Mikaelson will have involvement too" he smiled and she tutted
"Oh what ever will we do" she whispered as they made their way back downstairs, finding Kol on the floor and Damon standing over him. She gave Klaus a look to which he smiled knowingly as she followed Damon to his car, before turning to deal with his own family.
They were both to busy to realise the glare that Esther had on her face. She had only heard the last few exchanges of their conversation and then that look at each other. She expected Klaus to fall fast but Y/n was supposed to be strong. She was supposed to help kill Klaus. Still, Esther held onto a small amount of hope that Y/n wasn't completely taken yet and would at least stay out of the way when she eliminated the vampire race.
That night everyone seemed to go to sleep with a bucket load full of thoughts swimming around their minds. Some more dreamy and others leaning more towards nightmares. It was unknown which ones would come true.
(There shall be a part 3, I just didn’t want it to be a drag to read all in one go)
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lanassgirlll · 8 months
Old Faces
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Elijah Mikaelson x Fem!Reader
Summary: The last time you saw the Mikaelson family, you got left heartbroken. Now, you meet a certain member of the family again after centuries.
Warnings: kidnapping (kinda?) tiniest bit of angst, mentions of paranoia, use of y/n!
Words: 1,7k
AN: First of all, it's been a while since I have posted something, but I am back! So, I'm thinking about making this story into two or three parts. Also, I haven't decided which the love interest will be, so I will make a poll and I ask of anyone who reads this, to vote and choose!! Anyway, enjoy my new story and I hope you like it! (side note: please excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes, lol)
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Getting out of the taxi, Y/N took in a deep breath whilst looking around the fascinating streets of New Orleans. She had only been here a few times, long before the city was founded. So, saying the place had changed would be underestimating.
It was almost dark outside, and she couldn't wait to have a shower and get some sleep. The flight she had booked was early in the morning, so she had spent many hours in the air just to get here.
Taking her bags out of the car, Y/N slowly made her way inside the hotel she had booked a room in. The hotel itself wasn't anything special and it wasn't one of the best places to stay in the city. But she liked the simple, rather than the extravagant places, so this would be just perfect for her.
It was now early in the morning when Y/N was getting ready for her day. She had decided that she'd spend the few days she was staying in the city, exploring, and collecting little souvenirs for her home in Europe, instead of sulking and rotting in the bed of her hotel room. Y/N didn't like traveling so far away from home much, as she loved the comfort of it, but whenever she did, collecting things that would catch her eye was like a tradition for her. Her house was full of colorful toys, rugs, all kinds of weird cutlery and even furniture, all of which she had gotten from her travels.
Putting on her coat and grabbing her bag, she made her way out of the room, and outside into the streets of New Orleans.
After strolling around the more modern part of the city, Y/N decided to go to the famous French Quarter, as she had heard many good things about it. At least more good than bad, as the place was known for the wicked vampires and witches who somehow never could make peace between their communities.
The place was truly beautiful, she had to admit. The buildings, the people, the jazz music, which she didn't like much, but it was still charming in a way.
But as she was walking around the streets, simply just admiring the place like a kid would admire a toy store, Y/N couldn't get of the feeling that someone was following her.
Sure, she was known for being a little too paranoid at times, but this time she really couldn't find out why. A thousand questions were running in her mind: Was it because of the stories she had heard about this place? Were the witches trying to get her for being in their territory? The fear was slowly building up as the paranoia was taking over her mind.
Taking a deep breath, she slowly made her way into an alleyway and looked around, just to make sure she was alone.
Just as she was about to open her bag, a man appeared in front of her. And as she was about to speak, the unfamiliar man broke her neck, and her world went dark.
Slowly waking up, a quiet groan escaped Y/N's lips. She figured it had to be from getting her neck broken. As the realisation kicked in, she opened her eyes and looked around.
She was in a big room, big windows letting the bright sun lighten the space. The room itself didn't have much furniture nor people in it. She looked down at herself and saw that she was tied down to a chair, and from the burning that she felt, it was obvious that the ropes were soaked with vervain. Great.
Swallowing the lump in her throat, she managed to speak up.
''Hello? Is- is there anyone?''
She had to admit, she was scared to death right now. She had never really been in any situations like this up until now. She had never gotten attacked by anyone and it's been a few good centuries since anyone has broken her neck. The worst feeling was the anxiety she was feeling at that very moment.
How could she be this stupid? She was such an old vampire and she always let her fears get the worst out of her at the worst moments. Like this one. Y/N thought that this would be the day she'd die.
She was so lost in her thought, she didn't even notice the man that was now standing behind her.
''What do we have here?''
Hearing the deep voice behind her out of nowhere, made her squeak and close her eyes tightly, trying to control her breathing. She was a scaredy cat and at that moment she felt more embarrassed than afraid.
''Who are you? What do you want with me?''
The question started flying out of her mouth as she tried to get a better look at the man behind her.
''The more important question is, who are you? And what are you doing here?''
Just as Y/N was about to answer his questions out of fear for her life, she heard another man walking into the room. Of course, she couldn't see him either and the only thing she could hear now, was the quiet mumbling between the two of them.
Y/N swore that the voice of the man who had just walked in was one she had heard before. She just couldn't place where.
She looked down at her hands, trying to pull them out of the ropes, even though she knew it was of no use. She hissed at the burning feeling and clenched her jaw. Y/N was getting angry now. She had done nothing wrong to deserve this.
''Hello? If you won't tell me what you want, just let me go! I have done nothing to you!''
As she looked up, with the corner of her eye saw one of the men making his way over to her. He stood in front of her and looked her up and down, and Y/N swore she could feel the judgment in his eyes.
''Quick change of attitude, I see?''
The man was tall, with dark skin and sharp face. His expression wasn't giving anything out, and she couldn't read him.
''Look, I only-''
She stopped mid-sentence as the other man now stood in front of her, too. Memories started flooding her mind as she stared up at him. It had been centuries since she last saw him.
The one and only, Elijah Mikaelson.
He was looking at her, like he had just seen a ghost. His brows were furrowed, and his lips were parted, as he was sucking in a breath.
Before either of them could make a sound, the dark-haired man that stood next to Elijah, spoke up first.
''I'm guessing the two of you know each other. Care to explain, Elijah?''
Y/N clenched her jaw tightly, looking away from them without a saying a word. She was getting overwhelmed with all the memories that were coming back. She had been keeping them locked at the back of her mind, as they were too painful. It had taken her decades to get over what had happened. In all honesty, she never truly got over it, but at least she managed to control the thoughts.
''Marcel, would you be so kind and leave us.''
She heard the man, whose name apparently was Marcel, sigh with a hint of annoyance before slowly making his way out of the room.
Y/N reluctantly looked up at Elijah again, her jaw still clenched tight. He looked so different since the way time she saw him, yet still the same in a way. The only obvious changes were, of course, his clothes and his hair style.
''Y/N, this is- a really unexpected surprise.''
She scoffed as she heard his words. Using the word 'unexpected' was a funny way to describe it.
''Then let me go, and we can all continue with our day, peacefully.''
''I'm afraid I can't do that. Just yet.''
''You cannot be serious, Elijah.''
She was so angry at this point, her blood was boiling. What did he want with her? She knew that he didn't know she was here until he saw her with his own eyes. The shocked face he had made told her everything she needed to know.
''Just let me go. I don't know why your friend had to snap my neck and bring me here, but I assure you, I have done no wrong to him!''
Elijah had a small smile dancing on his lips as she chuckled at her words lightly.
''What's so funny?''
''I'm just- I am at loss of words. You've changed so much since the last time we saw each other.''
''I will not sit here and suffer, just because you want to chit chat.''
As she was looking at him, she saw as an emotion flashed in his eyes, but it was gone before she had the chance to figure out what it meant.
Suddenly, he ripped the ropes off her hands and threw them down on the ground.
Y/N quickly stood up and took a few steps backwards, needing space from him.
''Don't expect a 'thank you'.''
''Why are you here, Y/N?''
Her brows furrowed as she heard his question.
''Excuse me? Suddenly you own the world? I was here on a holiday, and now you have ruined it!''
His face was like a rock. She couldn't figure him out and it was slowly starting to annoy her, along with the other hundred things that were already annoying her.
''No, of course not.''
''Listen, Elijah. I don't want to be around you. So, I will get my things and go back home, and you won't hear or see me ever again. Sounds good? Great!''
Just as she started walking towards the door Marcel had walked out of earlier, figuring that had to be the way out of the building, Elijah appeared in front of her, startling her.
''Don't go. Just not yet at least.''
''I don't owe you anything Elijah. And you don't deserve a second of my time. Now get out of my way.''
''Y/N, please, let's talk. Or let me talk. I believe we have much to go through.''
She was looking at him, thinking about his plea. Was she really about to agree with him? She had tried so hard to keep the memories out of her mind, because of how painful they were.
But just like in the past, she really could never say no to him.
Knowing she'd regret it later, she took a deep breath and crossed her arms over her chest, before speaking up.
''Fine, let's talk.''
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imaginefan · 7 months
Slave To Emotion *Part 5*
Klaus Mikaelson!Father X Son!Reader
Word Count: 771
Requested: @emaz-0225
Request: Original Request
*Part 4*
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You continued to be a looming threat, you made no move to pull any of them into a trap or hunt down your youngest sister as Klaus had expected, he realised that you were a lot more like your mother than he had first given you credit for. His temper and your mother's love for a cunning plan made you dangerous.
(Y/S/N) had disappeared after the fight with you and he assumed that she would not be back, that is until a few days later when she walks back into the courtyard with her mother behind her he was ready to call betrayal until they both spoke. “Before you spiral into paranoia, I have brought my mother here because she may be the only person that he still listens to.” (Y/S/N) said, lifting her hand before Klaus could talk. “Klaus we must save him.” Katherine pleaded. “He does not want saving.” Klaus answered. “Some would have said the same of you. When Hope asks what happened to her brother, will you tell her the truth or will that be another story spun in your favour?” Katherine asked. “You were always good at those.” “Careful Katherine, you are no longer a vampire, I could easily kill you with a flick of my wrist.” Klaus warned. “But you won’t.” (Y/S/N) warned “because if you do, I will be the one to tell Hope the truth of what happened, even if it takes my life to do so, she will know you the way we have, she will know that you turned into our grandfather and inflicted the same madness you’ve suffered on our brother and then killed him for the ailments you had inflicted.” “Do you have a plan?” Klaus asked. “Mm.” Katherine answered “I will need Elijah’s help.”
Katherine found you easily, you were still at the cemetery, as much as you loved being around ancestors, it was starting to feel like a prison when leaving meant that you were always looking over your shoulder. “You’ve made quite the home here.” You turned fast, coming face to face with your mother. “Your here.” You breathed tears gathering in your eyes, you fell into her arms, you realised a moment too late that you weren’t alone and your head swung with the sudden and instant darkness of death.
You woke up tied to a chair with vervain ropes and Klaus standing in front of you “this must be a nightmare if you're here.” You muttered as you looked around, trying to figure out the best options for escape, but you could sense the magic barriers, it would take too long for you to get out of this room while he was watching you, it seemed that they weren’t underestimating you this time. “Son.” Klaus started. “I am not your son!” You yelled. “ Y/N M/N Petrova Mikaelson born June 5th 1492 you were born first and you like to practise magic and your favourite colour is Aqua and you like art. You are my son! I am sorry that this has happened but it is time that the fighting stopped, so I offer your mother a place to stay where she will be protected and safe, and all you have to do is promise to stop this, you don’t have to stay, all you have to do is promise that you will stop attacking us and attempting to kill me.” Klaus pleaded. “And you will leave me, no matter where I go?” You asked. “I promise.” Klaus answered, with the deal made you were freed and allowed to leave.
You were walking through the house when you caught sight of your sister holding Hope and talking to Hayley, she seemed to feel your presence and turned to you. “(Y/N/N) I missed you.” She said with a smile, you looked at them for a second before taking out a small bracelet and handing it to Hayley. “Do as you please with it, but know that if you ever need to, you will be able to find me with that bracelet.” You explained before saying goodbye to your sister and leaving to find your mother. “Mum.” You said softly and she smiled as she opened her arms “are you sure that you’ll be okay here?” “I will be fine, it’s time that you stopped fighting for everyone else and a home for yourself my little prince.” She said pressing a kiss to your forehead before turning you towards the world, where you left to make a name for yourself one that you could be proud of.
Requests and general question!
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crimsonlyinglilly · 5 months
Day 18 Broken Glass
For day 18 of whumpril
Familiar faces, Set episode 10 of season 3 Originals, follows after this days 16, 18 and 27 of febuwhump.
Elijah deals with the consequences of his own overconfident and underestimation of Tristan.
Hayley and Jackson happen to time their talk at a bad time but manage catch Elijah before he does something drastic
Warnings for self harm and discussion of drug use, withdrawal and self harm.
It was a good thing Elijah was familiar to muscle aches, from his episodes and gymnastics or his problem would have been noticeable during their confirmation to deal with Tristan. He wouldn’t want Tristan going into the dark with the belief he won anymore than Elijah wanted him to.
Yes Elias had loved him, but to Elijah he was nothing and would be forgotten.
He just needed to get through this, the after effects that Tristan likely hadn’t even thought for or planned.
Elijah didn’t like his reflection, he had gotten used to the fact it was never the right face looking back at him, too old, too young, black eyes and a wide smile or blood covered, this time it looked like he felt tired and fragile.
With his hair a mess from the way he had been pulling at it, he looked like an addict jonesing for a fix.
It wasn’t completely wrong.
Klaus was away helping Cami, Freya had human hearing and should hear it and Sage had gone out for the night after making him promise to stay inside. He’d complain about her protectiveness but he brought her back for this reason and then foolishly went off alone, placed himself back into Tristan's hands and ended up reliving his last two lives at the same time.
Dealing with the itch under his skin he hadn’t had to deal with for decades and hoped he never would again.
So he shattered the mirror, uncaring of the sound it would make or the broken glass that was going to cut him.
If he fell back into old habits he'd be dead within weeks OD-ing the moment he got high enough to forget his current body didn’t have years of build up endurance.
It made it better, easier to ignore the burning itching under his skin when he could focus on the burning stinging cuts now decorating his hand. The ache from his chest and the ghost of a feeling of Tristan’s hand in his chest had long faded.
He had hoped dealing with Tristan would chase away the lingering consequences of his brief return to Elias, knowing Tristan was trapped.
It hadn’t.
He had barely had a taste of his once addiction, Tristan wanting to use his time with his pet in other ways, and yet the hunger for it was back.
He had already healed those bitemarks and bruises but removing them had just left him with the withdrawal.
The burning itch, the need, the skin crawling. 
He wasn’t a desperate run away on the street anymore, looking for a way to first escape his nightmares and the black eyed monster in his reflection and then the memories of what he did to earn the money for his habit.
He was Elijah Mikaelson, one of the original vampires, currently a witch that had power others would flinch from.
Reminding himself of that didn’t get rid of the crawling under his skin, the trembling that was trying to take over his limbs..
He swallowed as he eyed the broken glass in the sink, red staining white.
Before he could reach it the door slammed against the wall and two hands settled on his arm.
He pulled his eyes away from the remains of the broken mirror and his blood staining them and the sink to look at intruders.
Hayley and Jackson stared at him in horror, anger and concern.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, smiling at them as if nothing was wrong as the words came out calm and controlled. 
Surely the married couple should be at home comforting each other at the pain and near loss they had suffered today, because of Elijah’s first sired, the grudge he had created and the personal army he had also made for Tristan to use.
“We came here to talk to you.” Jackson explained as Hayley seemed speechless as she took him in, Elijah shifted his shoulders slightly, as he realised what a mess he likely looked like, the movement caused Jackson to release his arm but Hayley just pulled it closer to her examining his glass littered skin..
“What do you think you were doing?” Hayley snapped pulling him from the sink, Jackson followed as she pulled him from the bathroom..
Elijah was at a loss, first in how to explain his actions that wouldn’t worry her more or sound so obviously a lie and second why she was here, so instead of speaking he stayed quiet.
She pushed him to sit on the bed, sending Jackson a look over Elijah’s head that he couldn’t muster the strength to try to read before she vanished back into the bathroom, returning with his first aid kit.
“I’m not going to ask you to heal that.” she told him as she ignored the collection of healing plants and pulled out the rest of the tools. “You don’t really look in the head space.”
“I’ve already healed the rest of the damage” he told her realising as he struggled to focus on either of them she was right about his head space, his skin was crawling and his attempt to control his jitteriness had failed as he noticed he couldn’t stop the way his legs were bouncing. 
“Tristan got into your head.” Hayley said more likely to herself as she treated his hand, plucking out shards of broken glass.
“He trapped me in my own head.” he replied, as he switched his glaze between Hayley and Jackson, he wasn’t sure what to say, why they were here or how to convince them he was fine and that they didn’t need to bother themselves, he rarely struggled with knowing the right words to get what he wanted but now he was useless.
Neither of them should be stuck dealing with Elijah as he failed to keep control of himself, he was a thousand years old he could deal with memories of a damaged teenager.
Apparently not.
“You want to tell us what happened between the pair of you?” Jackson’s voice broke the silence that had grown and Elijah looked up from where he had lost himself watching Hayley work on her hand to be surprised that Jackson was sitting on the bed beside him instead of standing.
Was he really that unaware? He had never been so careless around Mr M- Tristan.
“He was my first s-” he winced as Hayley pulled a partially deeply embedded piece of glass free.
“We got that,” Hayley interrupted him, bringing his attention back to her “that doesn’t explain why you followed him into the warehouse.” ‘or why he kissed you’ Elijah thinks she also wants to ask. 
“I’m guessing it happened sometime since you lost your original body.” Jackson added as Elijah stared at Hayley.
Elijah thought about correcting him that he hasn’t lost his original body, it was downstairs besides his sibling’s coffins but instead gave them the answer they were after, the sooner he said it the sooner they could move on and never think of that life.
“Tristan found a messed up teenager on the streets and had him for about a year. He wanted his pet to love him and he got what he wanted.” it was easier to explain as if Elias was another person, to put some distance between them, like Elijah didn’t remember desperate for his praise, as if he couldn’t feel his own happiness at Tristan’s gentle touch.
“You loved him.” she almost choked of those words, stopping her work to stare at him,in horror-pity-disgust, Elijah couldn’t tell.
“Elias did.” He tried to correct them but even his own voice was shaky and unsure.
“Stockholm syndrome.” Jackson mused leaning closer to Elijah to see Hayley better perhaps, Elijah couldn’t help but melt into him, warm-solid-real, better than the strange floaty feeling he had started to feel besides the itch under his skin.
Some small part of him noticed the way Jackson froze for a moment but that part was quickly losing against the hunger and need for a fix.
“He’s gone now.” He shrugged, already tired of any more talk of Tristan. “these no need to pay him anymore, mind.”
“Then what was this about? you hurt yourself.” Hayley asked as she finished taping down the bandage.
“A distraction.” the answer escaped him before he realised how bad it would sound if he expanded on it.
“What?” she asked 
“I needed a distraction.” he offered instead of what she really wanted, he couldn’t admit what he was, that even after a whole new life he was still a desperate addict.
“And cutting up your hand and arm was what you chose?” she said incredulously. Elijah stared at his bandaged hand not looking at either of them as he chewed the inside of his lip to stop himself from adding anything else, he could feel the weight of Hayley’s stare but she made no move to let go of his hand and with Jacskon at his side it was nice, not to be alone. 
“You're shaking” Jackson’s words distracted him and Hayley from wordless standoff, any words he had stalled on his tongue as Jackson spoke again. “Withdrawal?”
Elijah glared at his other hand, the one not held by Hayley, that had joined his legs, moving without his permission.
“From what?” Hayley asked, he didn’t look up from her hand moved from his wrist to carefully curled around his bandaged own. “Elijah.” she called, ducking her head into his view to catch his eyes.
It was Hayley’s tone and the way she looked at him that had him giving in, the lack of judgement.
“Heroin.” he admitted, it wasn’t much, more likely Tristan had given it to him out of amusement than true attempt to harm but it had brought his memories of Elias’s withdrawal with it and while his body didn’t really need it his mind thought they did.
There was a growl from Hayley.
“He drugged you.” Jackson spoke, while his tone didn’t carry any feeling Elijah looked between them to notice a growing yellow colour to their eyes
“It wasn’t much,” he tried to reassure them. “give it a few hours and it will pass.”
“A few hours.” Hayley echoed.
Elijah shifted slightly leaning away from Jackson and then violently shuddering at the sudden chill that sinks deep into his bones.
“What did you want to talk about?” he asked looking between the two, the sooner they spoke the sooner they could leave and no longer waste their time on him failing.
“Not while you're like this.” Jackson said quickly, Elijah looked up to meet the other’s eyes, finding himself closer than he had expected.
“My mind is clear, it’s just my body’s reactions.” he countered, his mind was mostly clear, he admitted to himself as found he couldn’t remember when he had returned to leaning against Jackson’s side.
“So you need some sleep and you'll be free of this in the morning?” Hayley queried, forcing him to look back to her.
He nodded, not at all surprised as Hayley pulled him up and started to help him into the bed, he allowed her, too tired to bother trying to argue, relieved he had thought to change out of his suit earlier for a looser set of clothes.
He was a little surprised when Jackson and her didn’t leave once Elijah let her man handle him into his own bed.
“We came to talk about our relationship.” Jackson explained, Elijah blinked perhaps he was wrong and his mind was affected because the words were not making sense. 
Relationship, ‘our’ as in the three of them, he was in love with Hayley which he thinks she might return, but she was married and loved Jackson, he remembered her screams in the warehouse, the fact that it had broken through to the nightmare he was trapped within his mind.
Jackson loved Hayley.
Elijah's reluctant admiration and attraction towards Jackson was one sided.
So he wasn’t sure where they were getting with the ‘our’.
“Yeah.” Jackson nodded at Elijah’s silence, “ so we’ll talk about it after you’ve slept this off.”
“Easier said than done.” He couldn't help but argue slightly, being left alone with this feeling and his own thoughts was the last thing he wanted or needed. 
He wouldn’t undo Hayley’s care and work binding his hand but once they left he could find another way to distinct his body's nerves and heal it with magic in the morning once the worst of it had passed.
Hayley and Jackson looked at each other in silent communication. Elijah had to accept he really did need sleep as he found himself again unable to read a thing that passed between them, normally he was better at this.
“Well you're not going to be alone.” Hayley told him and Elijah couldn’t stop his audible noise of confusion as both of them started undressing slightly to join him in the bed.
Maybe Tristan had given him more than he thought, as he watched in stunned silence as the bed shifted and he found himself between the married couple.
His bed wasn’t too small, it was twice the size of his bed back in mystic falls and yet he still found himself sandwiched between the two, one of Hayley’s hands reaching out to entwine with his bandaged one as the over reached over him to hold Jackson’s.
He felt Jackson’s other arm move to rest above their heads, nothing was making much sense to Elijah as he laid in the quiet, but the feeling of both of the either side of him was working as a much better distraction than the cuts had as he couldn’t feel the itching under his skin.
He closed his eyes and decided to stop thinking. Hopefully in the morning he could think clearer and he could understand what was going on.
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thewispsings · 24 days
Hi! I am Fae ;) I found you on wattpad and I'm absolutely in love with your fanfics <3 I want to know all about them!
hiii! sorry it took me so long to reply, i’ve been busy 😓 but let’s talk about my 3 books i’m most excited to write about!
let’s start with…
falling behind (carlisle cullen x female!oc)
i plan for this one to be cute and fun! the title ‘falling behind’ is from the song by laufey!!
“everybody’s falling in love and i’m falling behind” will 100000% represent carlisle as he will be the only one in the family without a soulmate (until faye comes in)
faye is harboring a big secret (you could probably guess what) and you shouldn’t underestimate her…
i plan for faye to have the best relationship with emmett and jasper!
i still haven’t fully planned out her backstory but i’ll try to make it as interesting as possible
from eden (mikaelson men x female!oc)
this one is going to be a bit different from my other books
for starters, the main character (amara) is borderline insane
like she is not a good person, and she knows that. she will be obsessed with the mikaelsons, and will do anything to have them to herself
amara is a devil worshipper, so this book will be more dark then my others!
with that being said; the mikaelsons will be just as obsessed with her as she is with them!!
amara is a super super super powerful witch!! and i’m so excited to start writing this one :)
would that i (seth clearwater x female!oc)
these book will be my baby
i have so much planned, seth and sage (main character) will be the cutest!!!
it’ll most likely be a bestfriends to lovers story
sages father is hiding something (probably will be revealed in the first chapter) and he’s not very fond of the cullens OR the wolves
the cullens love sage and they are her biggest protectors (besides seth and her father)
i’m still figuring things out, but for the most part i know where it’s going!!!
hope you enjoyed this!! and thank you for asking :))
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katherineholmes · 2 years
I love how Rebekah goes from wanting to hurt Elena to protecting her and her nephews from Damon! It's like she's gone into "overprotective aunt/sister-in-law" mode. Kol also seemed to soften when he found out about the pregnancy, I can't wait to see Elijah's reaction!
Irresistible is one of my favorite fanfics, I hope you update it soon! ❤️
Thank you so much for the ask ❤️
I think Rebekah of all the Mikaelsons, would refuse to hurt Elena the moment she finds out Elena’s pregnant. It doesn’t help that Damon was being so impulsive. Kol isn’t attached as such, but I think he realises he underestimated how much Elena matters to Klaus, plus, he really does see using Elena as a means to an end. It’s not like he hates her or anything, he just wants to get back at Klaus. By the end, he doesn’t necessarily feel guilty but he is a little more subdued.
Elijah knows! It’s sad that I had to do it off scene, but he knows now, and he’ll be back in town soon. In fact, I suspect he’s going to be a significant part of the story now.
I will update soon - I have a test next weekend, that is important for my admission to my masters program, so I’ll update after the second week of March.
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apehks · 2 months
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i   am   your   opus,   i   am   your   valuable, the   pure   gold   baby   that   melts   to   a   shriek. i   turn   and   burn.   do   not   think   i   underestimate   your   great   concern.   herr   god,   herr   lucifer   beware   beware.   out   of   the   ash   i   rise   with   my   red   hair   and   i   eat   men   like   air.
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independent,   highly   selective,   and   mutually   exclusive   hope   andrea   mikaelson   of   the   originals   /   legacies   with   a   main   arc   set   in   iwtv.   this   blog   is   not   short   on   triggering   and   occult   themes   and   isn't   suitable   for   anyone   under   the   age   of   18,   viewer   discretion   advised.
EXPLORING   THEMES   SUCH   AS:   girlhood   vs   godhood,   enfant   terrible,   berserk   button,   chronic   hero   syndrome,   action   girl,   dying   is   an   art,   and   she   saved   the   world   a   lot.
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wiccanblud · 1 year
as far as magic goes, where do you think davina ranks as far as witches in the tvdu?
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it would be hard to say as no two witches are alike, and powers are shaped by time, traditional roots, and how a witch is raised, so it would be unfair to declare one witch as stronger than the other and most witches in the tvdu are beautifully strong in their own way of magic in which they are raised in / learn of ???
However , I do think she’s one of the smartest witches on tvdu. she studied esther's grimoires and reverse engineered as well as modified her own spells. I think she’d be able to do quite a lot of damage and hold her own ( which she has ). she created a dagger to put klaus to sleep ( with kol ), wrote the spell to break his sireline ( albeit I made a small canon change in that not happening with my davina thus she brought kol back without needing the sisters ), cursed finn into his body, brought back kol on her own, basically even in death untethered the ancestral plane, and among other powerful spells she was able to do on her own. . .
like she definitely couldn't go against someone like dahlia or the hollow ( perhaps maybe when she had 3 others harvest girls powers in her she could ??? or maybe stand on her own now that she's the gatekeeper of all ancestral magic in new orleans, with enough power to incapacitate witches and vampires alike )??
I do believe just like vampires , age and practice plays a factor in a witch's magic/powers unless you're someone like hope ( i love hope ) who basically has an endless supply of magic as she draws power from being a first-born mikaelson, her vampire side is an original which freya compares to unlimited magic, shes a crescent wolf which due to hayley and jacksons marriage is the most powerful wolf pack. hope isnt just every species, her witch side draws power from each one of her sides and each of her sides come from some of the strongest of their kind. but she is still young and still learning much like davina, who has that advantage too.
anyways im sorry if im rambling, I think deeply about these things lol but Davina is definitely underestimated by most and it a no brainer that she's adept in various forms of magic, and while I don't really considering her the most powerful, she’s definitely not a just your basic witch. when it comes to those in new orleans she is known to be ONE OF the most powerful witches from there, even after the harvest. she's clever enough to hold her own if she plays her cards right.
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peppyanddeadly · 4 years
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blood sentence starters; accepting @storieswrittcn​ said; “ is that blood? ” from hope
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The query caused the Slayer to glance down at her arm. In the midst of battle, adrenaline pumping through her system, she hadn’t even felt the slash to her flesh. But the fabric was starting to stick to her skin now, moist and coated in drying scarlet. “It seems that it is.” Despite the dull sort of throbbing that was taking over the appendage, Buffy’s tone remained casual. Still, she cast an examining glance upon the wound. “I wouldn’t worry too much about  it. I’ve had worse, really. And I do heal pretty quickly.”
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“ who told you that?! i didn’t say that! “ ( leah @ klaus, if that's ok! )
KLAUS tsked under his breath, shaking his head in disapproval. “Oh, Leah...” he said, a quiet chuckle escaping his bearded lips. His sister had a habit of being loud-mouthed, it would not surprise him if she had let something slip about their plan. He knew how she could be impulsive and short-tempered. “WELL, someone let their lips fly loose, and I come to believe that it was probably you,” he quipped.
“Somehow, Marcel is aware of our plan. I know Elijah mustn’t have said anything, so my next guess was you, LITTLE SISTER.”
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faeryworlds · 1 year
Tag Drop (part 1)
#*•.¸♡  Musing: Gwen Stacy: ❝Fight for what matters to you no matter what. ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Peter Parker: ❝I made a choice. This is my path❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Yelena Belova: ❝The truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Kate Bishop: ❝Some people have actually called the world’s greatest archer ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Harley Quinn: ❝ Treat me like a game and I’ll show you how it’s played❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Mia Queen: ❝ I'm a warrior I fight for my life❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Katniss Everdeen: ❝ fire burns brighter in the dark ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Malia Tate: ❝I won’t judge❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Allison Argent: ❝I was born with silver between my teeth.❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Emma Swan: ❝ you want people to look at you differently make them!❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Hope Swan-Jones: ❝I am really bad at words I hope you’re good at reading eyes❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Katherine Pierce: ❝ Humanity is a vampires greatest weakness ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Caroline Forbes: ❝If you want something done right you have to do it yourself❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Luna Mikaelson: ❝I can take care of myself ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Davina Claire ❝I can give you a list of people who've underestimated me: ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Rebekah Mikaelson: ❝ Kill the demon today face the Devil tomorrow. Count me in. ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Lizzie Saltzman: ❝ I am getting back to me. I am who I am ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Hermione Granger: ❝I’m hoping to do some good in the world!❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Ginny Weasley: ❝Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Lily Merchant: ❝All I want to do is make him proud.❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Victoire Weasley: ❝As beautiful as the bright moon.❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Alison DiLaurentis: ❝Sometimes lies are more interesting than the truth❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Aria Montgomery: ❝When you love someone it’s worth fighting for no matter what the odds ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Max Mayfield: ❝Be running up that hill❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Nancy Wheeler: ❝Ask for forgiveness not permission❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Callie Adams Foster: ❝You don’t know what it’s like to not have enough to not be wanted❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Arya Stark: ❝Fear cuts deeper than swords.❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Elle Evans: ❝You can either follow the rules or follow your heart. ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Katie Matlin: ❝The way has become clearer I’m finally free❝#tag drop
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Cassie on Crack presents:
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A/N: While I write part three of Rational Thinking, have this headcanon. Why? Because it's healthy to write absolute crack every once in a while. Here lies my Masterlist.
The Rules:
Head shot = you're out.
Leg shot, arm shot, chest shot, and back shot = Target joins shooter's team. (E.X: Hayley hits Marcel's arm, Marcel joins Hayley's team.)
Gut shot = Target has 10 minutes to take out as many players as possible. Gut shot enemies CANNOT be killed during this time, but die after their 10 minutes is up. If a team leader is the target of a gut shot, their team is disbanded and it's once again every man for himself.
Weapons and Ammo are hidden throughout the compound/mansion. Obtainment of weapons and ammo is up to each player. No freebies. Hiding one's own weapons and ammo stashe is completely legal.
Finder's keepers.
If a team leader is killed or shot onto another team, their previous team is disbanded and the members thereof return to free for all combat.
Butt and groin shots are cheap... and absolutely legal.
Any magical modifications to any weapon is strictly BANNED. That means no homing rounds, no cloaked stashes, and no silencing charms. (We're looking at you, Freya.)
For those without enhanced senses, perception altering charms are legal, however such magic can only be used to dull footsteps, breathing, and heartbeat. NO SILENT RELOADS.
Rule breakers are out and forced to observe for the rest of the round and the next three games.
The last player or team standing wins!
How it Starts:
In an alternate universe where everyone is alive and happy, the birth of Hope Mikaelson inspires the whole family to do better when it comes to petty disputes. This decision brings about a new Mikaelson Family tradition... THE NERF WAR...
A war can be started at any time and they can last for days. (The longest was two weeks and where Klaus was hiding that entire time remains unknown.)
The cause can vary from a serious argument to an off-handed insult. Really, it just depends how close the nearest weapon is to whomever is involved.
This particular time, Rebekah tosses a snide remark at Kol - something about being the pop-tart hog - then suddenly Kol is reaching under the table. The sound of duct tape ripping pierces the air and a loud click rings out across the compound. Rebekah cries out, holding a hand to her cheek as a little yellow sphere rolls across the table. Kol grins.
The lights go out and everyone scatters, some breakfasts remain on the table - unfinished though they may be - while others seemingly disappear as fast as their respective owners.
A teenage Hope, more than sick of losing to various family members, murmurs a quick spell to dull her footsteps and breathing before rushing to the kitchen.
There, atop the cabinets she has previously hidden a Nerf bolt-action sniper rifle and six packs of ammo.
She reasons this should be enough to get her through the first hour or so for she has grown up learning her family's strategies and now plans to use their strengths against them.
Hayley finds her daughter first.
The unsired hybrid is dangerous as she's rather unpredictable. She's smart and her aim is fantastic. She is NOT to be underestimated.
"You're exposed, Hope-ers," Hayley's voice calls out from the darkness, just beyond the kitchen doorway.
Hope dives behind the kitchen island as a foam dart whizzes past her left ear. She bites her lip to contain a laugh as she shoves her first clip into her rifle.
"Didn't think you'd be coming so soon," Hope replies, inching her way to peak around the corner. She sees a dark silhouette outlined against the door frame and peaks her gun out just slightly to aim.
"Think again!" Hayley says with a chuckle.
Two more darts fly past the kitchen island, one just a hairsbreadth away from Hope's hand wrapped around the handle of her rifle.
Knowing she has little chance if she doesn't act now, Hope empties her clip as fast as she can.
Two of the rounds tag her mother in the bicep and Hayley steps out from the corner with her hands up - she's holding a post-apocalyptic lookin' thing with four revolving barrels and a slide-action reload.
"Guess you're on my team now." Hope smirks proudly, standing up from behind the island.
Hayley hugs her daughter, pressing a kiss to the teenager's forehead.
"Guess you're right."
Both take a moment to retrieve their ammo before cautiously leaving the kitchen and moving into the lower floor sitting room.
"So who should we go for first?" Hope asks in hardly a whisper - talking any louder would draw more attention then they can currently handle. She knows teams are already forming and the mother daughter duo is unlikely to last long if their numbers remain as they are.
"Aww... My baby's all grown up and plotting world domination! I'm so proud!" Hayley snickers.
Hope rolls her eyes. "Thanks mom."
"Any time, princess. Anyway, we should definitely go for Elijah. We don't want that absolute monster of a drum sneaking up behind us. I think he'll probably still be in the attic by now," Hayley hisses back, checking behind an armchair for any hidden assailants.
Elijah is the strategic one of the family; he goes floor by floor and room by room, mowing down anyone who happens to fall into his path with the biggest gun the world has ever seen. Sacrificing accuracy for sheer firepower, Elijah's weapon bears more than one hundred rounds on its own. Not to mention the various slings and bags worth of extra ammo he straps to his person at the beginning of every game. Suppression Fire is Elijah's M.O.
"Okay." Hope nods, passing by the old dumbwaiter hatch beside the bookcase.
No one's used it in years, of course... At least, that's what a very certain someone wants the family to think.
Hope smirks and waves at Hayley who regards her with a questioning look. The girl presses a finger to her lips and points at the dumb waiter shaft. She carefully tip-toes over to it and wraps her hand around the handle. Hayley nods in understanding and raises her weapon. Hope begins mouthing a count down. 3...2...1
She throws the shudder open and Hayley opens fire, Hope joining in a second later. A voice cries out in surprise from inside the shaft as mother and daughter pummel the poor sod with round after round of foam darts. There is no mercy from them.
"Alright! Alright! You've got me! I yield!"
The family likes to refer to Hope as their miracle, but the real miracle is how her father manages to jam almost six feet worth of Original Hybrid into that miniscule dumbwaiter shaft.
Positioned in there like a spider lying in wait with his arms and legs curled up to protect his face, Klaus spends the next minute or so grumbling under his breath as he somehow dislodges himself from his hiding spot.
"One of you hit my knee first," He admits, brushing off his jacket.
"Thanks for the easy win, dad!" Hope grins.
Klaus opens his mouth to object, but Hayley shoots his arm.
"Bloody hell, what was that for? I'm already on your team!"
"That was for being a camper." Hayley smirks.
That's right, Klaus Mikaelson the big bad Original Hybrid is a camper. He's always preferred to wait for his enemies to come to him and, in all fairness, his tactic is extremely effective. He wins a majority of games simply by outlasting other players. But he'll always emerge and pounce when there's only a few players left. He also keeps an enormous stash with him wherever he's hiding.
"Fork it over, Klaus," Hayley says. He rolls his eyes and reaches back into the elevator shaft, drawing forth a huge sack of darts, guns, and even a few snacks.
"Santa Klaus," Hope mutters. Her father shoots her a scathing look.
"How'd you find me anyway?" He demands, swapping his rival pistol for a tri-shot weapon that looks suspiciously like a Winchester rifle.
"Well I know you have like 8 hiding spots that you rotate every game - this is the only one I've found, though." Hope says with a shrug. Klaus' expression softens.
"Clever girl." He nods. Hope smiles.
Moving on from the sitting room, the trio hope to find a safe path to the attic.
"Status report?" Hayley whispers.
No matter where he chooses to hide, Klaus - paranoid genius that he is - always finds a way to keep track of team compositions.
"No one's had the guts to confront Elijah yet, so he's still alone which means Marcel can't be far behind. Though, I believe he's on his own as well," Klaus says.
Predictable as his tactics might be, Elijah has never been beaten by any other family member on their own.
What Elijah doesn't know, however, is that Marcel tends to follow him as he clears each room, eventually picking one to hunker down in. He then proceeds to camp with almost the effectiveness of Klaus.
The Hybrid continues-
"I do believe Keelin has managed to locate her custom bow as she has shot Freya onto her team. Freya then shot Cami in the face, so she's out of the game."
Keelin's modified bow is the bane of just about everyone's existence as it is a legal silent-load weapon. She's customized it with a more durable string and a higher draw weight, giving it greater accuracy and range. It also hurts like a mother.
Freya typically uses a semi-auto Rival assult rifle. She's a scavenger when it comes to ammo, preferring to fill her weapon with the darts other players have been foolish enough to leave behind.
Freya's solo tactic is to go straight for the kill regardless of who she's facing, while Keelin prefers to build a small team - three people at most. (That way there's fewer people to deal with should she be shot onto another team.) When the two of them team up, they are queens of the corner rooms, using any and all entrances as extremely effective ambush points.
Poor Camille has yet to win a Nerf War. She tries to use the hallways as choke points but her aim just isn't the best. Although, she is excellent at turning on her former teammates should she be shot onto another team. Her skills of escaping are unparalleled. She's also the family's best cheerleader when she gets 'killed' early on.
"As usual, no one's heard from Finn," Klaus tells with an annoyed eye-roll.
Finn practically invented the term 'silent as the grave'. No one hears him coming. Ever. Preferring foam knives, axes and swords to guns, he hides out in the darkness of the basement/dungeon, waiting for a brave wanderer to enter his domain. Although he despises being a vampire, he's learned that his undead state is not without it's advantages, such as not needing to breathe. The man will actually stop his heart and hold his breath for however long is needed in order to lull other players into a false sense of security before silently slipping out to slit their throats or stab them in the back. He's won his fair share of games this way. Oh, and his knives, axes, and swords are weighted accurately to their more lethal counterparts.
Unfortunately, Finn's not that great of a team player. He does his best work from the shadows and tends to get knocked out pretty quick otherwise. He and Cami have had some pretty fantastic conversations from the sidelines.
"Rebekah is once again queen of the courtyard," Klaus reports. There's a simultaneous groan from his other two team mates.
Despite other family members casual use of long range rifles, the youngest Mikaelson sibling is the only true sniper of the bunch.
Rebekah's infamous use of sniper rifles has won her quite a few games, though more often than not it ends up being spectacularly annoying. The blonde's favorite spot is lying prone on the actual roof, looking down over the courtyard. Her aim is impeccable and she will not hesitate to shoot her brothers out. However, Marcel and any female who happens to wander into her line of sight can just as well count themselves as the newest member of her team.
So far, Keelin and Kol are the only ones who have managed to shoot her down from that position.
Although, Rebekah does have the unfortunate tendency to underestimate the amount of ammo necessary for some of the longer games. She's most vulnerable when she ventures down from the roof to restock on ammunition. That's when other players or teams usually wait to ambush her.
"And to everyone's great surprise, Kol has allowed Davina to shoot him onto her team for the sixtieth time in a row," Klaus finishes with a grimace.
See, those two are tricky.
Davina has somehow mastered just about every Nerf weapon ever made. She'll carry several on her person and will not hesitate to switch between them at any time. Her unpredictability makes her a tough adversary to fight as she roams the maze of hallways and staircases that make up the compound's second floor.
Davina's default weapon choice for her patrol is a double barreled shotgun paired with a foam knife. Though her small stature makes for something of a disadvantage against the actual mountains of Viking that are the Mikaelson boys, it should be noted that she can and will tackle and slit the throats of anyone and everyone who crosses her path.
Kol, on the other hand, has mastered the art of being an absolute nuisance. His primary weapon is a four barreled pistol that can split into two separate pistols on command. He's the third best shot in the family and the king of dual-weilding. The variable arsenal he packs on his body is also annoying, not to mention the Nerf gatling gun he keeps strapped to his back in case of emergencies. Whether it be hiding under the main stairway or dropping down from the ceiling of a seemingly empty room, the guy is always bringing some weird new strategy to the table. More on his insane tactics later.
On their own, the witch and former witch are extremely dangerous. But together? It's a well known fact that, these two are absolutely deadly.
Kol and Davina are undisputed masters of the Sword and Shield technique. They have used it to single-handedly win dozens of games.
Back when the Nerf Wars first started, Kol managed to obtain a S.W.A.T Riot Shield. You know, those huge full body ones? Yeah. One of those. No one wants to know exactly how he got it. He holds the shield with one hand, and uses that four barreled pistol with the other. Davina stands between him and the shield, either weilding two hammer-load pistols or a fully automatic assault rifle. Together they roam the halls mowing down anyone they can find.
However, this tactic leaves them extremely vulnerable from the back and slightly weak from the sides. During a particularly long and competitive game, Finn successfully snuck up behind the two. He threw Kol to the floor and stabbed him in the back no less than twelve times before throwing a knife at Davina's head. Kol and Finn on one team was nothing short of disastrous.
Now if Kol gets separated from Davina, then things really get interesting. Kol will intentionally try to get himself shot in the gut.
He's affectionately dubbed this tactic: BERSERKER MODE.
This is when the gatling gun comes out. Within the next ten minutes the best chance any other players have to survive is simply to find the best hiding spot they can and stay as quiet as possible. He'll gladly go about slaughtering as many players as he can find, all while singing Fulsome Prison Blues.
"That's just spectacular," Hope complains softly. "Do you think they'll go for Marcel or Rebekah next?"
"Definitely Rebekah. With Kol and Marcel on a team, they'll lose any element of surprise," Hayley snorts.
On their way up to intercept Elijah, the trio encounter Freya and Keelin in the second floor study.
Battle ensues.
Hope ducks and scrambles back as Hayley dives forward and rolls behind a couch. Klaus rushes in and takes cover behind the desk, standing up every now and then to open fire on Freya and Keelin who move to flank Hayley. Freya turns to shoot Klaus but misses and in the split second it takes her to reload, Hope pokes her gun out from the doorway and hits Freya square in the jaw.
"I'm out!" She declares, raising her hands and stepping aside.
Klaus grins and makes eye contact with Hayley, together they hop up and pepper Keelin with darts.
"Ha! That's a gut shot!" She cries out a second later.
"Oh, bloody hell..." Klaus and Hayley are out of there faster than Freya can cheer. "Hope, run!"
Luckily, the wolf has to gather her foam arrows before she can go after them so that gives the trio some time. They rush through the rooms of the upper floor, not really caring who they might alert to their presence. Barring themselves in the library, they take a moment for Hope to catch her breath.
They chose the wrong room.
There's a loud whirring noise just before a spray of yellow Rival rounds attacks Hope's legs. She jumps in surprise and dives to hide behind a book case. Her other team members follow her example.
"You guys just missed Elijah," Marcel's lazy New Orleans accent draws from his hiding spot. He's taken a page out of Rebekah's book it seems, laying prone atop a bookshelf. Hope wonders how he managed to climb up there without attracting notice.
"Yeah, well we were a little bit busy running for our lives!" Hayley exclaims. "Keelin's been gut shot-ed."
Marcel's chuckle trails off into a mutter. "That's gonna be a pain..." He's absolutely right.
"Come now, Marcellus. It's three against one, the odds aren't exactly in your favor," Klaus reasons. "You should just surrender now."
"Not a chance!" Another barrage rains down over Klaus who grins as the rounds fly by him, missing by inches.
Without warning, Hayley makes a mad dash for the center of the room and jumps onto a table, giving her the extra height needed to nail Marcel in the forearm.
He lets lose a string of curses and climbs down, like a grumpy, six foot Rapunzel descending from a very unsteady tower. The bookshelf nearly topples on him during his dismount.
"Alright, so aside from a gut-shot Keelin, who are we up against?" He asks as he picks up as many of his discarded rounds as he can find.
Hope counts off on her fingers. "Freya and Cami are out. Davina and Kol are a team - shocker, I know - but that leaves Elijah, Rebekah, and Finn on their own."
"Sounds like fun." Marcel grins and cocks his gun, fully loaded once more. "Elijah's in the billiard room, if we hurry, we should be able to catch him before he reaches the lounge."
"Yeah, I'm totally with Davina on the whole 'you guys live in the Clue mansion' thing," Hayley huffs.
They stop in the hall just outside the billiard room. There are no volunteers to enter first.
"Uncle Elijah, we have you out-numbered and out-gunned!" Hope announces, pressing her shoulder against the door frame. "Surrender willingly, or die a painful death - the choice is yours!"
"Are you sure about that, little one?" Elijah questions. "Because, from where I'm standing, the odds of any member of your team subduing me before I take out any number of you seems rather low. Out-numbered... Perhaps. Out-gunned... I think not." He sounded extremely smug. "Oh, and hello Hayley."
"Hi, Elijah," Hayley tosses back.
Klaus sighs dramatically before sharing a glance with Hope. "Tell my story," He says.
Klaus throws himself through the doorway, catching Elijah just slightly off-guard. He fires, but misses and is met with a shower of foam darts. He cries out and staggers back as Marcel pokes just his gun around the corner and shoots blind.
"That was an incredibly lucky shot," Elijah observes.
Hope peaks around the corner to see just what had happened. Elijah had apparently flipped the billiard table on its side to use for cover with only his gun resting on his leg sticking out from behind it. Marcel had hit him in the leg. Lucky shot indeed.
"And that was my eye, Elijah," Klaus bites back, rubbing at the injury.
"I do believe that removes you from combat, brother." Elijah smirks, hoisting his enormous gun over his shoulder. Klaus glares at him.
"Cocktails for the loser squad!" Cami's voice calls from downstairs. That seems to lighten the hybrid's mood.
"Ah, now there's a party I can get into." He walks off pretty quickly after that.
Elijah doesn't bother to collect his expended ammunition. He's got more than enough. "Where to next?"
All other eyes turn to Hope.
She shrugs. "I dunno, I didn't really expect to make it this far."
"Oh, that's a shame; you were doing so well."
Everyone turns just in time to see Elijah's head get 'lopped off' by a foam axe. Standing behind him is Finn, armed with a foam sword, an axe, several knives strapped to various places, and another axe slung across his back. He's ventured from the basement and is grinning like a mad man.
Elijah chuckles and follows after Klaus.
"So, who's next?" Finn asks. He throws the axe in his hand and it hits Marcel square in the chest and he immediately turns to shoot Hayley who yelps and dives for cover.
But before Marcel can fire a shot, a loud snap rings out from behind Finn. A rubber tipped arrow sails into the back of his head and he hisses in pain, glancing over his shoulder to see Keelin and her bow at the end of the hall.
"I'm back, suckers!" She laughs.
Finn sighs and walks away, grumbling about how he actually had a chance this time.
Hope is quick to shoot Marcel back onto her team.
"Gahh Dayum!" He complains. "Again? Really?"
"You better believe it." Hope grins though her face falls when she sees Keelin barreling towards them. "Yeah, time to go!"
At this point, however, they find themselves cut off. With nowhere else to run, aside from trapping themselves in the lounge, they're forced to risk an unprotected dash across the courtyard. It's a long distance to cross - even longer when they know there's a sniper waiting to rain fire on them. They make their break for the stairs anyway, skipping down the steps two at a time.
Exposed as they are, they dash across the length of the courtyard, aiming for the formal dining room.
"Anyone care to notice the lack of darts whizzing by our heads right about now?" Hayley points out as she and Marcel push the sliding doors shut.
Hope blinks, tallying up the fallen players in her head. "Wait, that means..."
Cami, Freya, Klaus, Elijah, Finn...
"Kol and Dee have Bekah." Marcel nods shrugging. "That's it, we're screwed."
"No, we're not!" Hayley smacks his arm.
"Either way, Keelin's got one minute 'till she's dead," Hope offers, trying to be helpful.
"Which means, we gotta be outta here by then 'cuz five bucks says those three musketeers are right on Keelin's tail... Which is probably where they've been this whole time!" Marcel groans, shaking his head. "Have I ever told you guys how much I hate Kol?"
"Only every other day." Hope smirks.
"He's a damn snake," Marcel rants. "Hiding right behind the most dangerous player until she's out of time? What a lousy move."
"You're just jealous you didn't think of it," Hayley says.
"I am not!" He protests. "See, I have better ideas, such as using the servant's passages to get outta here."
With time running out, Marcel's idea is the one they end up going with. The servant's passage leads them back to the kitchen, right where they first started.
From the kitchen stretches two hallways, one of which leads to the lower floor sitting room, while the other leads to a foyer-type space. As the trio emerges into the kitchen, they catch wind of voices drifting from the second hallway.
"Really feeling the sibling love here, Kol." That voice belongs to Rebekah and she doesn't sound too happy.
"I bet you are, sister," Kol hums, smug as a bug.
"Why do I have to be cannon fodder?" She whines.
"Because you're lucky!" Davina chimes in.
Hope waves what remains of her team forward. Once in the foyer-like space, they take up positions on opposite sides of the room, hoping to catch the other team in a crossfire.
A moment later, Rebekah appears from a side hall. She's armed with a Rival pistol, her sniper rifle is slung over her back.
"Well I haven't been shot yet, so I guess that means this room's clear," Rebekah huffs a moment later. She takes a few steps further into their trap.
Behind her, Davina steps out, full-auto machine gun in hand, and hair tied up in a ponytail. She's followed by Kol with that riot shield on one arm and his pistol in single-hand configuration.
"I dunno, Bex," Kol says. "I smell a trap."
Rebekah turns on her heel to stare at him, raising a brow. "You've said that in literally every room we've been in."
"Yeah, well which one of us hasn't gotten shot?" He quips.
"Me." Davina smirks and Kol opens his mouth to reply but closes it a second later.
From the way the three of them have positioned themselves in the room, only Marcel has a feasible shot at any of them. Hope sends him a meaningful look and he just winks.
Throwing away any and all chance at a surprise attack, Marcel steps out from behind his pillar with a lazy grin spread across his face.
He opens fire, and as for what follows...
Kol swears loudly as he moves to shield Davina and poor Rebekah is left to fend for herself. She dives behind a couch and turns her aim on Marcel. Kol and Davina also fire on him and he just manages to duck back behind the pillar to avoid being hit.
Just as Marcel takes cover, Hope and her mother move in for the attack. It's a pincer maneuver - the one thing Kol and Davina's sword and shield tactic can't handle. With fire incoming from two directions, the two of them are out flanked.
Hayley lands two shots to Kol's back and for a moment, the shooting stops.
"Wait Kol, are you dead?" Davina wonders.
The Mikaelson boy tosses his riot shield to the side and looks up with regret in his eyes.
"I'm sorry, darling," He says.
"DAVINA, GET DOWN!!!" Rebekah screams.
In one swift movement, Kol splits his gun in two, leveling one each at Davina and his sister.
Pulling out her sniper rifle, Rebekah uses it as a shield/baseball bat combo as she races to Davina's side. She twists and swings the bulky weapon, knocking Kol's darts out of the air with it in an excellent effort to keep both of them protected as she and Davina climb the foyer's staircase.
With Kol laying down covering fire, Hope, Hayley, and Marcel rush for the cover of a small doorway. Hope throws the door open and waves her team inside. There's a smaller, cozier study space waiting beyond. Hayley's in first, followed by Kol, and then Marcel.
Rebekah rushes to set up a shot from the catwalk adjacent just as Marcel closes the entrance. The doors are nearly shut when her dart streaks through the gap and tags Marcel right between the eyes.
"Well... Damn," He sighs.
Kol whistles. "Nice shot, Bex..."
Marcel smacks him upside the head and stalks off to join the rest of the losers for cocktails.
"That was quite the epic betrayal, Uncle Kol," Hope smirks, snatching Marcel's gun from where he left it on a sofa.
"It was perfect, wasn't it?" He grins.
Hope shakes her head. "Should'a kept the shield."
"Nah, that would have made this next bit far too easy," Kol says, waving a hand. "Now, I take it the two of you have something of a plan?"
"Oh, yeah, let's see-" Hope ticks the bullet points off on her fingers. "Shoot, try not to die, win... That's about it."
Kol nods. "Solid plan. Simple, easy to remember." He turns to Hayley. "We're going to die."
Hope answers his comment instead, shrugging. "Maybe, but if you purposefully gut-shot yourself, I swear I'll kick you."
"Ooh, somebody wants to win," He laughs, grinning cheekily.
"What can I say, I'm sick of losing!" Hope declares.
Before Kol can come up with something more to tease his niece with, a whooshing noise turns all three heads towards the back of the room where a dart flies out from the darkness. It hits Hayley's nose before she can duck.
Crouched in the dark is Rebekah, that alcove is one of those maze-like passengers of halls and stairs between the first and second floor. This is the counter attack.
Hope revs up her new weapon and aims at the shadowy figure, laying down suppressive fire as she and Kol make for cover. None of her shots seem to hit, however, and she crouches behind a bookcase.
Kol, who flung himself onto a sofa, is closer to Rebekah's hiding spot. He reaches one pistol over the back of the couch with the blind confidence of Jack Sparrow and fires two shots.
"Bloody hell! That was my throat!" Rebekah coughs a second later.
"You're dead, sister! Cry about it!" Kol laughs as he reloads his pistol.
Without warning, Davina flings herself over the back of the sofa, landing on top of her husband.
"What the bloody f-" He doesn't even get to finish his profanity.
"Hi." Davina grins.
Kol raises a brow. "Would you kill me, my love?"
She kisses his cheek as she drags her foam knife across his throat.
"Yep!" She cheers, jumping up to her feet again. She turns to face Hope, switching her knife out for a pistol and shotgun while Kol shuffles off to pout like a child.
"Just you and me now," Hope says, leveling her gun on her aunt.
"Just you and me." Davina's smile is razor sharp.
Hope hesitates.
Then she turns, and high-tails it out of that room, screaming over her shoulder.
"You'll never take me alive!"
"That's the idea!" Davina laughs and gives chase.
Hope dashes into the kitchen as fast as her legs will carry her and hops up onto the counter, carefully aiming.
Davina rounds the corner hardly a second later and Hope, heart pounding, shoots first. The rival round bounces off Davina's cheek and all goes still.
"Di-Did I just win?" Hope whispers in awestruck delight.
Davina smiles and droops her weapons, giving her niece a hug. "That you did, Hawkeye."
Hayley wanders in right after with a loving smile. She gives her daughter a kiss on the forehead. "I think this calls for ice-cream," She whispers conspiratorially.
"Who said what about ice-cream?" Cami shouts from across the house and soon there are six or so voices arguing about where to find the best ice cream in New Orleans...
Tagging: @yn-ymn-yln @r13mar @rootbeerfaygo @iiskittles16ii @fandomrulesall-blog @dark-night-sky-99 @railingsofsorrow @apolloroid @thatweirdoleigh @misswe03
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isagrimorie · 2 years
Seriously though, I am worried about Lizzie and the Triad brand she’s now forced to wear.
In terms of danger component, her sire bond with Hope is a lot more preferred than this.
Aurora is wily and cunning. And while she might have a fondness for Lizzie that has historically not stopped Aurora from killing the people she’s fond if it served her own agenda.
Aurora is going to trigger that Triad brand at an inconvenient moment, and it’s not going be great.
TBH, Aurora as an antagonist is the best to happen to Legacies since Kai Parker made an appearance. She’s adding in a wild card element.
Also, Lizzie is underestimating Aurora, she hasn’t lived a thousand years, gone up against the Mikaelsons and be the only remaining member of the First Sireds because of luck.
TBF it was Klaus, Freya, and Elijah who underestimated Aurora. Contrary to what Aurora believes it wasn’t Hayley who wanted her to sleep forever. Hayley finishes her business. If anyone ever made it into Hayley’s kill list, they’re dead. Hayley agreed with Camille, that Aurora was too dangerous an enemy to leave alive.
But Aurora was Klaus and Elijah’s problem, not hers. And they didn’t finish what they started and left her alone.
Now she’s Hope’s problem. Talk about inheriting enemies.
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crimsonlyinglilly · 2 months
Day 8: trap
Part two of Day 8 for @augustofwhump,
back to Caged Founder - while Klaus was sulking Freya arranged her own plan for her lost little brother.
Follows on from Day 8
Elijah was about to return to Tristan to get the answers on what Mohinder was planning to make him the target of tonight's play when a voice called to him.
“Elijah Mikaelson,” he turned to find Jackson Kenner, his niece's step father and the more experienced alpha of the crescent pack standing alone, “right?”
“Yes, Jackson Kenner” he greeted, a small mannered smile on his face as he wondered where Hayley was, while no one here would dare harm her, it was concern raising to have misplaced one of their guests.
“You know-” the man started,
“I have kept an eye on my family and you are my niece’s family.” he explained even if part of him wanted to know how the man managed to survive Niklaus’ possessive jealousy. 
“You’ve been spying on your family, since when?” Jackson asked and Elijah’s smile widened slightly.
“Decades now,” he confessed, “but that doesn’t matter, how can I help you?” he replied with a question of his own, while he was interested in getting to know this man who managed to force Niklaus into accepting him without bowing to his tantrums or just being killed, here was not the place as the longer they spoke the more attention they were gaining from those around them.
“Hope.” The man admitted gruffly, 
“What?” He raised an eyebrow, something he wanted those around him to hear even less but did want to hear more about.
His niece, his miracle niece who seemed to be changing Niklaus in the way Elijah had tried for centuries.
“Your- cap- partner-” Jackson stumbled over the words but Elijah did manage to catch the one he tried to cover over the most cap cut off before he could say captor, he froze his smile before it could give him away.
It seemed it wasn’t just Niklaus and Marcellus who knew, it did add to more questions on why Hope’s step father was told of Elijah’s failing but he ignored his curiosity along with his shame and anger, and kept his attention on the man who was just growing more fascinating the longer the spoke. 
“Tristan talked to us about your son, and while Hope’s gonna have kids from the pack to grow up with she won’t have anyone on her dad’s side.” Jackson explained.
“I’m not sure my brother’s willing to accept my son as family currently.” he mused, instead of giving into his want and asking more about her.
“Doubt it, given what he’s like about family and you.” Jackson muttered mostly to himself but he had Elijah full attention despite himself.
“And what do you mean by that?” He asked knowing he shouldn’t, it was giving himself away but he doubted Jackson was that much of a danger, physically yes, Elijah had no interest in experiencing hybrid or enhanced werewolf venom again but unlike Lucien and Klaus he wasn’t familiar with him or Tristan at all to notice his tells and clear weakness. 
“Look, can we take this elsewhere?” Jackson requested, adding “I don't really want to talk about Hope surrounded by so many of these blood suckers, no offence.”
“Understandable, none taken“ he smiled, ”lead the way.”
He should have known better when he followed the man out the way to a side room close to an exit. 
It was a trap, he kept his smile up as Jackson stopped with an apology and another masked woman stepped into the clear behind him.
A false promise to lead him out from Tristan’s view away from his guards, yet if they thought he’d fall to a werewolf or two, no matter how enhanced they was they were mistaken.
He wouldn't harm them but he didn’t like being underestimated.
Elijah had shifted his weight to prepare for a fight, his smile vanished as his eyes widened in shock when a wave of heaviness hit him. One very similar to what he remembered a near hundred years ago when he had hesitated and the same had caught him, he couldn’t stop the flare of fear, the last time he had woken up chained in the dark.
But fear didn’t help him against the spell, he tried to stay awake as he fell to his knees, a powerful witch to overpower his will so quickly, he really should have noticed. 
“Sorry little brother.” He heard and almost smiled, he was only the younger brother to two people.
Freya, the missing sister, it seemed she shared the family’s inability to simply talk. ‘Tristan and Aurora were going to be unbearable after this’ he thought before darkness took him.
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multixvibes · 3 years
I'm so late... anyways. I gotta post this so I can talk about 4x05!! This is a long one so sit tight.
If Hope goes to peace will she not wake up?
Not her Mikaelson necklace!!
Ew why does the mud come out of his mouth
Wade and Jed my fav himbo duo
Dive. Hope. Dive
Her emotions and senses are heightened!!!!
I wonder what the weapon was that Cleo saw in her vision that could kill “THE TRIBRID”
I hate how people underestimate Jed and Wade
Finch and Josie getting back together!? Called it.
I love how Lizzie is the only one who drives Damon's car. I guess she technically owns it (wait Landon drove it too)
“Don’t hurt him” *sobs in Methan*
Legacies and their Slo-mo
Oh he’s the Invisible Man now
I don’t think I say this enough but Ethan is hot
A fight scene where Leo Howard can actually use some of his karate skills… this is a shock
"How can I help" "Be quiet" CLANDON FRIENDSHIP
Also I don't really like her new hairstyle
"You brought me back" *cries*
Hope feeding off Alaric. Okay
Hope is the Tribrid. SHE LOOKS SO GOOD
Did Lizzie just shock this man back to life
MG and Ethan's look ahhhhhh
"deserve to be in the line of action" this is a call out to the writers
The CW really went off with CGI and special effects this episode
Hope turned her blood into a knife idk how but cool
Malivore is scared now
Hope you still gotta kill him
I love Landon with my whole heart but you gotta do it
He said "always and forever"
Hope shut it off didn't she...
Hope just really walked off
Neither. MG and Ethan are in love. Sorry Lizzie
Ethan turning invisible and visible is adorable
MG, ETHAN, and LIZZIE are a cute trio
Why is he still part dragon??? I don't like it
I like Ethan's powers but not Kaleb's....
So I was right Hope turned it off
I wasn't expecting that this early
Hope k*ll Alaric challenge. Oh did she???
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