#hope this one lasts bro my friend is so sweet and she deserves a MAN
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romanarose · 2 years
Leather and Lace chapter 6:
Santiago "Pope" Garcia X Fem!OC
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Chapter summary: Benny and Laci spend the day together to get a surprise for Santi. Santi is jealous. Laci and Santi spend a special moment together.
A/N: I hope y'all know I stayed up waaaaaaaayyy past my bedtime writing this for you. Stay tuned, cuz the next chapter is angsty and then we can start getting into smut. Just a lil smut. As a treat.
Anyway I need y'all to read My Brother's Keeper by @frankiesbadlanding bc it might be the best goddamn piece of frankie fanfiction I've ever read in my LIFE and I'm OBSESSED!!
Also please read Sunshine State By @brewsterispunkk bc its gotta be the goddamn cutest benny miller fic i've ever read its got my fucking heart bro <3
WARNINGS!!!: This whole fic has mentions of rape and abuse, but this chapter has more of that in the beginning, negative self-talk, brief references to smut, and santi kiiinnnnnnddaaaaa being a bit of an ass, showing some bad behaviors.
This chapter will alternate POV's, mostly between Laci and Benny bc I wanted to give Laci a voice and I wanted Benny's outside perspective, but it will have some Santi closer to the end for narrative reasons.
Okay I'm done talking.
They played friends with the boys, roommates at home, lovers at night. 
With the guys, they pretended to just be friends. No one bought it for a second, but they pretended. During the day, they played roommates, taking turns cooking for each other and cleaning, going to appointments. At night? At night, they kissed. Laci often wondered why it remained just kissing. It was odd, she had never met a man who didn’t jump at the oppretunity to fuck her, not one that was interested in her anyway. If they weren’t interested, a different story. If they were? Well, they expected sex. Sometimes, whether she wanted it or not.
Her time before Pope found her wasn’t the first time she had been raped, and she always figured it wouldn’t be her last. She had practically resigned herself to that fact.
But Santi didn’t need to know that. He didn’t need to know any of that. Santiago Garcia deserved a version of her without all of that. It was one thing that he had to deal with her non-verbal episodes. Oh Santi, sweet, sweet, Santiago… So patient, so kind, so gentle. When she first saw him that day in the basement, him and Frankie, she had been scared shitless, avoiding eye contact with them, and Benny when he came down. Laci had assumed they were just the next round of men to either hurt her or take her to more men who would. Or both. Santi had insisted he was there to help her, but she couldn’t trust his word, she knew nothing about him. But when she had stood up, when he had caught her and she got a good look in his beautiful brown eyes… She couldn’t help but trust him, just a little. 
It was Ben she had first spoken to. She didn’t know why, particularly, but he put her at ease. That was his nature. From the beginning he had treated her with a sense of normalcy he wasn’t used to. He was careful, for sure, but she supposed he didn’t have the intensity Santiago did. Laci felt more at ease with him. Even as she grew to trust Santi, her nervousness had a different source. The way she felt about him was insurmountable, incapable of description. And yet, she couldn’t get a read on him… Why, when they kissed, would he keep his hands so innocently on her back or her hair? Why, when she tentatively slipped tongue in his mouth, did he not open up, why did he not return the action? He had never wanted her to feel obligated to do anything, she knew that. He easily could’ve taken advantage of her situation from the very beginning, but the whole first few days he hadn’t so much stared at her breasts. It was clear he was attracted to her. Sometimes, while they kissed, he’d adjust their placement when she felt him hardening with her on top of him. Had wanted her, that much was obvious. So why had they only kissed? She wasn’t entirely sure she wanted him. Well, she wanted him, that was for sure. He was beautiful and he was kind… but the though of sex made her chest tense, the thought of everything done to her made her sick. Santi didn’t deserve that version of her. He deserved someone that would fuck him. 
No matter Santi’s patience, no matter how much he insisted he just wanted to help, a part of her brain told her no, no men don’t do that, people don’t do that, people don’t just help. He wanted something, he had to want her and it was just his decency that he was taking his time. Santi would get tired of this, he’d get tired of playing house with no sex, and he’d either kick her out or force her. Laci couldn’t see Santi being like that, but she’d been wrong before. That’s how she got here.
And that’s why things were easier with Benny. Benny and her had no sexual tension, no questions about what the future was, what they were. They were friends. When her and Santi had made back to the motel, Benny had clearly been crying when he saw Santiago safe, and had been shot. And yet, once he saw her, all that was out of his mind, he was back to himself, getting her clothes and setting her up with a shower that she desperately needed. And right now, she could sit on the couch watching Always Sunny in Philadelphia with him while Santi worked on the kitchen sink that had decided not to drain anymore.
“I swear, I usually win!” Benny was defending the reminisce of a black eye he had from the last bar fight he had gotten in.
“I’m sure you do, Ben” Laci assured him, lying.
Ben winced “I’m just better at fighting when… I’m sober, that’s all”
“And yet…” she started.
“And yet what, Laci?” Benny gestured for her to continue. Santi crawled out from under the kitchen sink “And yet, most of your fights are when you’re drunk, not in the ring.”
Laci grinned at Santi, looking particularly attractive in a white tank top covered in dirt and the gross mess of kitchen plumbing, then turned to a mock offended Ben.
“Wow, is that what you were going to say?” 
Laci sheepishly tried to hide a smile and shrugged, giving away that yes, this was exactly what she was thinking. 
“Wooooooooooooooooow” Benny drawled out. “Guess you’ll just have to come the fight tomorrow and see me in action!”
Laci’s face lit up. She hopped up on the couch, leaning over the back. “Can I?” She called excited to the man who had re-tangled himself in the sink pipes.
Ben scoffed. “You don’t have to ask his permission.”
She turned to him briefly. “If he’s driving me, I probably should.”
“I’ll drive you!”
Laci gave him a look, then turned back to Santi, taking a moment to admire the bit of skin that showed from his shirt riding up. “Hey Santi?” She called for him, hesitantly. She never wanted to put him out, but he hadn’t gone to a fight since she came into his life, maybe he’d like to go.
Santi crawled out from under the cabinet. That was the thing about Santiago, she always had his full attention. “Yes?” He sounded eager. That was another thing about Santi, he was always so ready to do whatever she asked. Another reason he deserved more than her, she asked for so much.
“Benny asked if we could go to his fight tomorrow?”
Brow furrowed, Santi whipped sweat from his forehead as he sat up. “You wanna go to that? Why?”
She shrugged. “I wanna see Benny get beat up.”
Santi seemed to almost glare as he glanced at Ben, then softening when he turned to Laci. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, a lot of not good people there.” Back to Ben. “What are you trying to bring her to a place like that for?”
Ben raised his hands defensively “She’s my friend! I want you both there, you haven't been in ages” Since I came around, keeping you from your life Laci thought. 
Santi shook his head.
“Fine. Ben said definitely. “I’ll take her then.”
Santiago stood up, giving him the irritated look she only saw him use on the guys, never her. He put a hand on his hip. “And you’re going to keep an eye on her while you fight?” The question was rhetorical.
“Keep an eye- Pope, I think she’ll be fine.”
“And that is why you’re not taking her, thinking you can leave a girl alone with that group of people!”
“Will and Frankie will be there, and you could be too if you weren’t being such an old man.”
Sant shook his head. “She’s not going.”
“It’s her choice, not yours.”
Laci suddenly felt their eyes on her, waiting for an answer. She didn’t want to disappoint Benny, she wanted to see him fight, she wanted to do something different. But Santi was everything to her, her whole world. She looked at Santi, suddenly closing up. Great. Her words were lost on her again. Laci shook her head at him, making a little wave and squinted face. ‘Nah, nevermind’ She knew Santi would understand what she was saying.
Santi looked at Ben “See? She doesn’t really want to go”
Ben groaned loudly, looking at Laci. She just shrugged. 
“Fine. Whatever. Come on, she should get going.” Ben stood up motioning to Laci, who followed him to put her shoes on. Converse. Actual converse, not the knock off’s Laci tried to get. Actual converse Santi had insisted on when he saw her eyeing them. 
Santi suddenly looked nervous, quickly washing his hands. “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive? I can put this off until evening?” He nodded at the plumbing he was not doing well on, then looked at Laci, almost pleading. Laci and Ben were going to the mall by themselves for a particular reason , a reason that banked on Santi not being there. He kept trying to invite himself along. This was the first time Laci had gone anywhere without Santi. At most, she occasionally watched Rosie alone, but that was always under the watchful eye of Frankies in-home security cameras.
Laci tapped Benny, signaling him to take over.
“We’re good Santi, we don’t want to be here when you explode sewage all over the house.”
“I’m not gonna-”
“She’ll be fine, Santi” Ben insisted.
Santi sighed. “Fine, have fun on whatever mysterious mission you refuse to tell me about.” He grumbled more to himself than anything. 
Laci gave a little wave and a smile, and Santi waved back before they headed out the door.
When they got to the mall, Benny noticed how much Laci tensed up. Maybe the reason she was always attached at Pope’s hip wasn’t entirely his possessive nature. He reached a hand out, open palmed. Laci looked at him questioningly, but when he smiled, she took his hand. 
That was the thing about Benny. It was so much easier. Nothing was loaded, nothing had to be read into.
It’s just them.
Ben guided her to the antique store. Last week, Laci had texted Benny asking if he could help her get something to surprise Santi. It took some convincing for Santi to let them go alone. Benny and her couldn’t come up with a good reason as to why Santi couldn’t come; Laci didn’t really want to lie anyway. So they told him it was a secret. Laci wandered through the busy store, hand tightly gasped to Benny’s as she searched. It had to be perfect. It had to be perfect because he was perfect. He did everything for her without complaint. It had to be perfect.
“There it is”
After Laci made the purchase, Benny bought them Panda Express at the food court.
“Fuck, I gotta piss” Benny complained as finished Laci’s left overs and threw away their trash. Laci scampered after him as he headed to the bathroom, grabbing his arm before he went in. “I don’t think you wanna come in here, honey” he laughed, but Lace looked at him wide-eyed, gripping his arm. “Oh come on Lace, you’ll be okay for one minute, I swear”
She continued silently pleading with him, eyes glancing to the busy mall and back to him. ‘Don’t leave me’ her eyes begged.
Benny softened. “Look, I know Santi treats you like a child, but I promise you are not as delicate as he seems to think. If you really, truely, do not want to be out here alone, I won’t go. But…” He looked at her pale blue eyes, nervous, but thinking. “But I think you can do it, and I think it’ll be a big step towards things being normal.”
Benny watched her think for a moment, smiling softly at her so she knew it was up to her. He had to piss so fucking badly, but if she really couldn’t be alone, he’d wait. Slowly, he felt her let go of him, step back, and nod.
Laci waited outside. Eyes watching all the feet that passed by. Back to normal… how was she supposed to go back to normal after everything that had happened? How was she supposed to go about her normal life again? Would that mean leaving Santi? Did getting better mean he’d leave her? Would she even see Will, Ben, and Frankie again? Rosie? Or was she just their charity case?
Ben emerged from the bathroom, immediately being tackled by Laci despite her being a foot shorter than him. 
“Oh god, are you okay?” He wrapped his arms around her, assuring her he was there, she was okay. “Everything alright?”
She peeped her head  up from his chest, grinning. “I did it!” She half laughed.
“You sure did!” Benny lifted her up, swinging her around as she laughed. “Great job!”
“Benny?” Laci asked as he set her down.
“Did you wash your hands?”
As they walked out to the car, Ben didn’t want today to end, not when Laci had been making such big steps. When Ben had mentioned to Will he was taking her to the mall without Santi, Will had started in on him about how now is not the time for this and Laci isn’t someone he should be getting involved with like that, and how Ben knows Santi and her have something going on. It took some convincing for Will to realize they were just friends, and jesus, Ben doesn’t only think with his dick, he thinks with his head too. Laci needed a friend, especially with how Pope is. Ben loved Santi with his whole heart, he respected him, even had crush on him back in the day. 
But Santi was intense. He was a lot. First and foremost, Santi was a protector. And right now, his focus was solely on Laci, and that focus was single minded. Laci would do anything she thought Santi wanted. Santiago Garcia was the kind of person to make you want to be your best self for him. Ben knew better than most how, when that intense gaze was focused on you, you were practically powerless. You wanted his approval, you wanted to make him smile, you wanted him to love you, whichever version you could put forth.
“We can go anywhere, do whatever you want, or just go home and see if Santi flooded the house yet.”
Sam smiled nervously, but replied. “Could we maybe… theres this park near home with a patch of woods, maybe we could go there?”
He laughed “What, Santi not taking you to parks?”
“He does! Well…” she shuffled her feet. “We walk around on the path, he doesn’t like me going off it, climbing around… I thought maybe we could explore a bit?”
Ben wanted to lecture her, tell her that she didn’t need Santi’s permission, didn’t need his okay to do anything. But he lectured her enough for the day. He wanted her to have fun.
When Laci and Ben finally walked into the house that evening, it had started to get dark. Ben was holding a decorated paper bag, both of them sopping wet and covered in scratches.
“Oh my god, Laci” Santi hung up the phone, speed walking around the count and took her into a strangling hug. “Jesus, where have you been? Why are you soaked?”
Laci tried to speak, but words failed her, as they usually did in these moments. 
Words did not fail Benjamin Miller.
“Relax, Pope, she’s fine.” He insisted.
Santi’s soft, worried face turned to Ben, hardening. Ben knew what was coming.
 “What the fuck did you do to her?” He continued to hold Laci’s arms, pulling himself back to skan her. Scraps covered her arms and legs, nothing bad but Ben knew damn well this would send Santi into a fit. When Santi zero’d in on someone, he really zero’d in.
“I didn’t do anything, we went to the park and explored, and we fell in the water… and fell down a few other things.”
“What?” Sant’s confused, annoyed glance went back and forth between Laci and Ben. “Why?”
Benny leaned in for emphasis. “Because she wanted to, Santi. And you don’t let her”
With that, Santi let go of Lace, walking over to Ben. “I don’t let her? I have been worried about her the last 3 goddamn hours, you were going to the mall and back, you couldn’t tell me you were going somewhere? I was just on the phone with your goddamn brother asking if he heard from you because I didn’t know where you two were!”
“Jesus Christ, Pope! You’re acting like she’s your daughter who broke curfew, she is a 29 year old woman!” Ben gestured towards Laci, glancing at her, checking in. She was standing there nervously, mouth closed tight. Benny hoped she’d speak up, call Santi out, but he also knew it took years before Ben stood up to him.
“Excuse me?” Despite the hight difference, Santi sized up to Ben.
“Fuck, Santiago, you treat her like one of Fatimas’s porcelain dolls, I know you have a bunch of unprocessed feelings about-”
“Don’t talk about her.” Santiago’s voice was deadly calm. Ben knew better.
He raised his hands defensively “You’re right, you’re right. I’m just saying, she’s not as fragile as you think she is” Ben continued to glance at Laci whenever he mentioned her, trying to coax her into the conversation. Santi was single mindedly on Ben. 
“Why does everyone say that? I don’t think she’s fragile, I’m just trying to help her.”
“You’re not helping her if you’re keeping her dependent on you.”
Santi blinked back at that “I’m not-”
“She about near had a panic attack when I went to the bathroom, man.”
Santi’s eyes widened. “You left her alone at the mall?”
Ben groaned “Santi, it’s fine, I was gone for one minute…. And then another minute when I went back to wash my hands.” Ben’s eyes met Laci’s, catching a small smile on her face.
Santi scrubbed his face. “Jesus Ben, that’s how people get sex trafficked!”
“That’s not-”
“I think I know how people get sex trafficked, Santiago.” Laci’s voice broke through the boys argument, louder and more irritated than either man had heard her.
Santi turned around, mouth slightly agape. He moved to talk, but Laci put a hand up. She was shaking, but fought to keep her words.
“Can you” She made sure to point at Santi, not Ben. “Stop talking about me like I’m not here?” 
She watched a mix of emotions flit through her face. “I’m sorry, Laci.”
Ben watched her, hoping she’d say more.
“It’s okay, Santi. I’m sorry we didn’t text you, when I fell in the creek, Ben tried to help and fell in, both our phones got waterlogged.” She suddenly looked really guilty. “I’m sorry, Ben says it’ll be okay but if it’s broke I’ll pay you back-”
“I’ll pay for it if it’s broken, Pope.” Ben interjected.
Santi shook his head. “No, it’s fine. I’m sorry for overreacting” Santi looked over to Benny as well, as good an apology as Ben ever got.
“Alright, I think ima head out.” Ben looked at Laci to make sure she was okay, then started to leave. “Oh, almost left with this.” He handed the bag to Laci, then walked out with a wave.
When the door closed, Santi and Laci’s eyes met, Laci with crossed arms.
Santi’s eyes glanced at the bag. “That what you’re mysterious trip about?”
Laci softened. “Feels kinda silly to give it to you now, after Benny’s doll comment.”
Laci saw Santi look at her with… wonder? He seemed mesmerized. “You got me something? H-how?”
She smiled, as the tension in her leaving. “Here” she handed the bag to him. 
Carefully, Santiago took the bag, hands shaking. When was the last time someone bought him a gift? He pulled out a porcelain dolls, dressed up in beautiful Victorian dress, complete with a hat and umbrella. “Lace… how did… how did you get this?”
Laci was rocking on her feet, wringing her hands, taking in his reaction. “Frankie always paid me when I baby sat, I told him not to but he insisted, so I saved up and got you this, to go with the others!”
Santi, for once, was speechless. He stared at the doll, feeling his eyes watering.
Laci watched him, his face almost blank. She couldn’t read it, she couldn’t figure out what he was thinking. For all his ability to read her, she could not read him. Did she cross a boundary? Should she have been saving the money to move out and stop bothering Santiago? Was it wrong to buy him something to put with his dead sisters items?
“Sorry, I probably should’ve asked about it, is this wrong-” anything else Laci was about to ramble on was cut off but Santiago settling the doll on the counter and wrapping her up in a hug. It wasn’t like the hug when she came through the door, it wasn’t possessive. She didn’t know what it was, but she never wanted him to stop.
Santiago woke up his house alarm system going off, every nerve in his body suddenly alight. Laci. Laci. Protect Laci. Grabbing the gun in his bedside drawer, Santi burst through the door, first scanning the front door. Nothing. He turned to his left to see the sliding glass door leading to the patio, and a figure in the door. “HANDS UP” He pointed the gun at the person in the door.
She screamed.
Laci screamed.
Keeping the gun out until he was sure they were safe. “Laci? What’s going on?”
But Laci was standing there, hands up, eyes clenched shut.
Laci, despite the loud alarm, heard Santi run over to her. She flinched when he touched her. What was he saying? Was he talking to her? Logically, he knew he wouldn’t hurt her, he’d never hurt her, but her body didn’t know that. She was frozen. As Santi checked the surrounding area, making sure there was no impending danger, Laci tried to focus on her breathing. It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay. You’re okay, it’s just Santi, Santi wouldn’t hurt you, you’re safe with him, safe, safe, safe…
The alarms turned off, and Laci felt his strong arms wrap around her shaking body. She clung to him, clung to him with everything in her. Was he talking to her? She didn’t bother listening until she calmed down. Finally, she heard him.
“Lace? What’s going on? You alright, Muñecita?” He stroked her hair gently, an extra bit of comfort, calming her.
She nodded.
He sighed, ever so slightly, knowing this meant he wasn’t going to be able to get a word out of her. 
“Did you need something outside?”
She shook her head.
“Did you just want to go outside?”
She nodded. She needed air. The fight, even though it didn’t concern her as much as it did Benny, as well as the big steps of leaving Santi and being left alone had left her shaken. When Santi didn’t come out to watch tv with her, the room had become stifling and lonely, so big and so small at the same time. She was happier outside, in nature. That’s why she explored with Ben, much to Santi’s chagrin. 
“Here, honey, let’s step outside then, get some air?”
She nodded against his chest where he held her close. He knew her so well.
Laci slowly opened her eyes to be greeted with a softly smiling Santiago, his beautiful face so close to her like so many times before. His eyes alone comforted her.
“Hey pretty girl” He spoke gently, letting go briefly to grab a throw blanket he wrapped around her, taking her outside to the bare deck. “Sorry, I promise I’ll order some furniture tomorrow. You can pick it out, whatever you want” That’s another thing about him. It was his house, his home she was intruding on, and yet he apologized to her for not having patio furniture. “Can we sit on the floor?”
Laci nodded. Santi helped her sit, laying her down so her head laid on his lap. She felt his hands in her hair, fingers gently stroking her cheek. For a man who had seen and done so much, he had never been anything but gentle with her. For most of her teen and adult life, Laci had chosen men who were loud, exciting, boisterous, much like her brother. They weren’t always bad, loud men weren’t always the ones to hurt her. Her brother was as extraverted as they came and he was everything to her. Benny was her best friend. But Santi? Santi had a calming quality, something she needed. Something she cherished. Something she never wanted to be without. She’d do whatever it took to keep him.
Santiago watched her, watched her carefully. He had scared her really bad, he knew that. He knew he was a dick today. Benny had been getting him more and more riled up lately, and although Santi would like to blame it on Ben just being more annoying, he knew that was just rationalizing it. He was jealous. Plain old jealous. Jealous of the time Laci and Benny spent together, jealous at how relaxed Laci seemed to be around him, jealous over how much Laci talked to him. She seemed to freeze up less with him around. Did she like him? He was almost certain Benny wanted her, well, who wouldn’t. Look at her. Ben was a good guy. Santi knew Ben wouldn’t just want to have sex with her; he could get that anywhere. If Laci wanted to be with him… so be it.
But damn if Santiago didn’t want her to stay. Stay with him forever, really. Right now, under the moon, she was damn near ethereal. He thought of their song, oh how fitting it had become.
You in the moonlight, with your sleepy eyes
Could you ever love a man like me?
Could she ever love a man like him? He was broken, he was a disaster, he was rough around the edges in a way Benny was not. He’d change. He’d do better, he’d be better, whatever she needed him to be.
Laci looked up at him. She needed something. He brushed a wisp of hair from her face.  “What is it Muñecita?”
Laci held one hand out, palm out, and waved another hand over it. Sign language for music.
“You wanna listen to something? Yeah, let me grab my phone-” He standed to get up, but felt Laci’s grip on his thigh as she shook her head. 
“What… what you want? I’m sorry, I don’t have my phone on me…”
Laci fully rolled over, back of her head on Pope’s thick thigh. She reached a hand up and tapped his lips.
Santo let out a nervous puff of hair. “You want me to sing? I’m not really… I’m not a good singer…” 
But she looked at him pleadingly, begging him… how could he say no.
“Okay, okay Lace, but I warned you.” Santi winked, kissing her nose. ‘What do you want to hear? Leather and Lace?”
She shook her head.
“Uhhh, Songbird?” Her favorite Fleetwood Mac song.
Another no, she frowned.
“A Bob Dylan song?”
Another no, she was growing frustrated, her legs fidgeting. She was trying so hard to talk, she wanted so badly to just tell him… 
“Hey, hey Lace it’s okay, don’t worry, we’ll figure it out… is there a clue you can give me?” 
Laci though for a moment. Then, she reached for his wrist, pointing at his watched.
“Oh. Tanto?” 
Laci nodded, smiling.  It was a song that was obviously so important to him, but she hadn’t heard it yet.
“I can sing that… I only know the Spanish, is that okay?”
She nodded. Santi stroked her face, playing with her hair.
Tú dices que: soy imposible de descifrar
Callada, reservada y temperamental
Que te encantaría que me expresa un poco más
Y hablar de sentimientos a mí no se me da
Pero lo voy a intentar
Santiago combed back her hair away from her face, scanning over her features. His eyes fell over the scar on her forehead. He thought of when he first found her, her forehead bleeding and dried blood on her face. It always upset him to think of everything she endured, and he had to bite back the anger that sss inside him.
Te amo tanto
Tanto que me siento tonta
Tonta que me duela tanto cuando tú no estás
Te amo tanto
Y para que imagines cuanto
Cuenta todas las estrellas y súmale una más
He was everything to her, her whole word. She knew that even when she no longer needed him for a place to stay and for the things he provided, she’d need him for him. Santiago Garcia was her center of gravity, the only thing keeping her grounded and sane. She wanted this forever. The days with Benny, Will, Frankie and him. The nights alone in his arms.
Soy reservado no lo tomes personal
Tanta cursilería, me suele incomodar
Si me quedó sin palabras no es intencional, ja
¿Cómo expresar algo que yo no sé explicar?
Pero lo voy a intentar
His eyes were drawn back to hers, finding them glued to him. He was damn near transfixed. Pope could not imagine a more perfect moment, he wanted nothing more than for this night to last forever, just them. He’s doing her every song he knew. Laci and her sleepy eyes, only open to look at him. Santiago had neer been in love before, but he was starting to think this was it. She was everything he could ever want, and she was laying with him, of all people
Te amo tanto
Tanto que me siento tonto
Tonto que me duela tanto cuando tú no estás
Te amo tanto
Y para que imagines cuanto
Cuenta todas las estrellas
Y súmale una más, ja, y súmale una más
Laci was engrossed in his eyes. Beautiful and brown, she felt she could be content looking at them for the rest of her life, nothing else. Still, she scanned over his features on his beautiful face. Strong jaw, large nose, thick curly hair with a hint of gray from all the stress he had seen. His face with lines that carried every horrific thing he had witnessed. Perfect. He was perfect. And he was singing to her, his beautiful voice in his native tongue. Perfect.
Te amo tanto
Tanto que no sé explicarlo
Tanto que hasta yo me espanto
Solo de pensar
Santiago wasn’t a religious man, but tonight, he looked up at the sky, all the stars sparkling at him. He thanked God for bringing him to her, thanked God that it was in time, thanked him that she was alive. He thanked Him that the scar is the worst of her physical scars, and that she was coming along so well, adjusting as well as one could expect. He thanked God for her.
Te amo tanto
Tanto que me siento tonto
Tonto que me duela tanto cuando tú no estás
Te amo tanto
Y para que imagines cuanto
Cuenta todas las estrellas
Y súmale una más, ja, y súmale una más
Laci wanted to kiss him, she wanted to hold him, to kiss him, to feel him move inside her. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, like this, with him, with him… Only Santiago. She wanted to tell him she loved him. Laci wanted to scream at the top her lungs that she loved him and god, did he love her? She opened her mouth.
Santi looked at her patiently. “Yes, Muncecita.”
She tried. She tried to get it out. I love you! I love you! I love you! But nothing happened. Words couldn’t find their way to her lips. Her eyes were fighting to stay open.
Santiago kissed her forehead, prompting her eyes closed, and they didn’t open.
“It’s okay Lace, go to sleep. I’ll be right here.”
When Santiago felt her breathing slow and her snoring start, he carefully scooped her up, carrying her inside the house and to her bed, her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist and arms around his neck. Cradling her head, he laid her down on the pillow. With one more kiss on her cheek, he whispered.
“Goodnight, Lacina, I love you”
THANKS FOR READING!! reblogs help a lot, comments mean the world!!!
Spotify playlist: if anyone has songs you think fit, comment it send an ask!
I would take the handful of you who are passionate about this story that a hundred likes. The fact y'all get so excited and leave such nice comments means the world to me
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@littlenosoul @bensolosbluesaber @milkymoon2483 @gogh-with-the-flow @itspdameronthings @trinkets01 @p0edameronswife @welcometostayingawake @spxctorsslxt @username21mk
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nhie season 3 thoughts
aneesa has screamed bi vibes since her appearance but im so glad they actually made it canon! I wasn't expecting that. I'm glad they decided to scrap her and fabiola though, it was turning out to be kind of a meh ship and it felt like anessa just latched onto the nearest person for emotional support after her terrible rs with ben. also fab didn't seem to be into anessa as much as she was into her :( PLEASE GIVE ANESSA A LOVING GF IN SEASON 4!!!! my girl deserves sm better :( though i will say that it's kind of annoying they had all that "omg who's going to make the first move" tension that eventually led to nothing... it felt so half-hearted
eleanor and trent actually work together stupidly well. I love them your honour <333
fabiola's romantic storyline with eve has never interested me much i felt like it was the blandest thing i have ever watched.... glad they broke up and never mentioned eve again 💀💀💀 i really hope they don't redo that whole storyline with addison i think fab deserves more layers and nuance to her romantic relationships. also the fact that we got to see devi and eleanor lose their virginity on screen (at least the start of the scene) but fab's was just an offhand remark like "oh yeah we just did it offscreen"??? cmon.
rhyah is a terrible but unfortunately realistic character. perfect representation of people who will smile to your face and secretly thank god that they're not suffering your misfortunes. shoutout to the actress for doing such a great job I actually wanted to punch her in the face
paxton continues to steal my heart. I just wish they gave him a more concrete goal or desire other than him being a "kind and nice" person. (and tbh based on all the ghosting of the girls he had sex with wasn't even like. an EXCEPTIONALLY nice and kind person. so.)
I think the daxton breakup was handled the way it should be - the problem with the relationship was there from the start, it's that devi only sees paxton as this unattainable dream that signifies her ascending into popularity or whatever and doesn't like him as an actual person other than for his looks.
also i think it's hilarious how haley appears for like one episode to become best friends with paxton again to make devi jealous then completely disappears for the rest of the show
I don't understand why rhyah introduced des as someone who was bullied a lot and sad and lonely when it's clearly established later on that he's in the popular clique and does have friends??? There doesn't seem to be any logical reason other than for the writers to pull that "he's actually hot" twist on us... and man did not mention sea slugs ONCE
i seriously love nalini so so much.... I have a special spot in my heart for characters who act all tough but are actually soft inside. The scene where devi tells her shes not ready to leave her mom yet she just wants one more year and you know her mom was thinking the exact same thing about her daughter.... i started tearing up fr
every line out of nirmala's mouth is iconic and comedy gold. "I'm a regina" so true bestie
I really hope we get to see more of ben having more male friends in the next season bc the paxton and ben scenes were genuinely sweet. stop fighting over devi!!! just be bros
speaking of ben i go back and forth on him a lot because he's honestly really douchey at times and the way he treated anessa while they were together was just.... not it. but honestly the last scene where devi gave ben the one free boink card is going to live in my head forever. the way they didn't need to say a single word??? the way it should have been cringe but wasn't??? the way they smile at each other and slipped in???? WOW.
also the irony/character development of ben calling devi an "unfuckable nerd" in s1 to him quite possibly being her first in s3 is not lost on me
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pretend-writer · 3 years
Teenagers: Part 2 (Hargreeves x sibling!reader)
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Summary: Y/N tries to convince her siblings to sneak out of the mansion and go out to party with her for the night.
Pairing: Hargreeves x sibling!reader
Title Reference: Teenagers x My Chemical Romance
Word Count: 2.3k words
Warning: swearing, mention of drugs and alcohol, partying/clubbing, mention of sex
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'So where are these so-called friends that you have, Y/N?' Five asked impatiently, bothering me for the last five minutes.
'Shut up, they're coming. We just got here like two minutes ago.'
Allison smiled, 'Someone is eager to go in.'
Five glared at her, shaking his head. 'Ha, you're funny. I'm just tired of wai-'
'They're here!' I waved at my friends and ran to them, hugging them and greeting them. Getting the wristbands that they've promised me, I got back to my family and gave them one of each.
'How's Five going to get in?' Luther asked, but by the time we looked over at our not so younger brother, he was gone.
Assuming Five just zapped himself into the club, we lined up and got ourselves into the building.
Smiles formed on everyone's face, making me smile even more. I was happy that everyone was excited, my siblings deserved happiness and more.
Klaus clapped, 'I'm starting to sober up and that's a big fat no. Drinks on me, who wants some?'
Ben and Klaus went to the back towards the bar, buying everyone rounds of drinks to bring back. While the rest of us stayed, still no sign of Five, I looked at them and smiled.
'What's with the goofy smile?' Diego asked, I rolled my eyes and hit him. 'What? You're really happy tonight.'
'Of course I am, dummy. I'm out with you guys, what's not to be smiling about?' I pulled on his arm, 'Come on. Let's go to the dance floor.'
'Ha, I'm not dancing. Take others with you instead.'
'Luther is busy with those girls that's surrounding him, Allison and Vanya has been gone and you're the only one looking like a lost, sad puppy.'
'You don't think Luther needs our help?'
I looked over at him and laughed, 'He seems like he's enjoying the attention he's getting from them. He'll be alright. Now let's go.'
Diego rolled his eyes, 'I'll just watch.'
'Don't be a butt, come on.' I pulled on him again, this time he walked with me as he groaned.
We walked down to the dance floor, shoving ourselves through the sweaty crowd as we found Allison, Vanya and Five squeezed together.
'Exactly why is this fun?' Five said as he was sandwiched between two giant guys that were jumping up and down.
Allison turned around, dancing to the music the DJ was playing. 'Get drunk, dance your stress away. We're out the freaking house, Five.'
'Huh?' Five shouted, not being able to hear what Allison had said to him. She ignored him and continued to dance as she grabbed Vanya's hands.
I started to dance with my sisters, singing along and jumping up and down. Diego and Five just stood awkwardly, watching us drunk girls dancing.
'Excuse me, sorry. Ah, my fault.' Ben screamed from behind as he came with three drinks in his hand, followed by Klaus who was sipping from one of the cups.
Klaus handed us our drinks, 'Damn. It took us forever to look for you guys. I saw Luther's big ass but he's with those girls.'
'Our boy is busy.' I grinned as I pulled the straw into my mouth, sipping on my drink to get myself more drunk.
Five started groaning, I looked to see two girls talking to him and wondering how he ended up here. 'Aw, little kid are you lost? Poor thing.'
'No, I'm with them.' He replied angrily, arms crossed as he scooted himself towards Ben.
'Ah, you brought a boy to a club? What is wrong with you guys!' The girl said, given how bad it looked I never consider how it'll look from other perspective.
'Wait, no. It's- let me explain!' Ben stumbled with words, stuttering as he tried to reason with them. 'He- he's just a really really late bloomer. We're all actually in our 20s okay.'
'I'm just stuck in this body as an adult. Don't lie to them!' Five tried to defend himself, although it wouldn't really help with the confusing situation.
Klaus frowned and leaned towards the girls. 'Yeah, he's in denial. Very sensitive subject that we like to avoid.'
The girls nodded, awed as they were sympathize of our "situation" that we'd explained to them. 'So sorry, you guys have fun.'
'I hate you guys.' Five mumbled, snatching the cup from Allison's hand and drinking from it.
'Hey, I wasn't fini-'
'Y/N, this is the best night ever!' Luther came into the dance floor, cheerful as ever. 'Thank you for bringing me here because this is amazing.'
Diego chuckled, 'Of course. You were practically having a foursome with those girls over there.'
'You're just jealous.' Luther stuck his tongue out like a seven year old boy. Klaus, Ben and I laughed hysterically; it was even funnier because we were drunk, and Luther, our "daddy's boy" brother was enjoying sneaking out of the mansion.
'One of my friends are single, if you want me to set you-'
'Y/N, drop it.' Diego turned away, 'I need to take a leak. You guys better stay here.'
As Diego walked away with Five to the bathroom, we continued to dance and drink. Vanya was giggling, swaying back and forth as Ben and Allison had a dance-off seeing who can bring out the best moves. Klaus and I were downing the rest of our drinks, practically singing our face off as the DJ played such good music.
'Ah, we need more drin-' Klaus paused mid-sentence, looking back and forth between me and the stage. 'So you are whoring around, you whore.'
'Don't know what you're talking about.' I denied, not understand how Klaus came to this conclusion. 'I don't get it.'
He hit me on my side, 'Don't play dumb with me! I see you and that DJ eye humping each other.'
He wasn't making things up when he had said that; I did have my eyes on the DJ. 'We are not eye humping each other. He doesn't even know me.'
'Well, he knows you now because he's staring at you and I swear your clothes will burn off soon because he won't stop.' Ben chuckled, guessing that he noticed it as well.
'You're crazy.' I didn't think he noticed me at all, I mean he was the DJ. He was overlooking everyone on the dance floor, it'd be dumb to assume he had his eyes on me.
Allison joined in on the conversation, 'I noticed that too! I thought you guys fucked before or something.'
'No! What do you guys think I am?'
'A girl with needs.' Klaus smiled.
'Just because I sneak out does not mean I'm going around sleeping with random people.'
Vanya laughed, 'Okay well, you can with him. There he goes, looking at you. Don't look.'
'You guys lost your minds.'
'Says the girl that sneaks behind dad and her siblings.' Luther joked.
'Okay, Luther don't get me started with you and those girls.'
Luther grunted, 'Ugh. I-'
'Hey, big fella over there.' The DJ got on the mic as he pointed at Luther. 'Why don't you come on the stage, get the crowd going!'
'Go, go!' Ben and Klaus shoved Luther towards the stage, even with him being hesitant and shy. 'Go show what the Hargreeves are all about!'
'I-I can't!' Luther hesitated, planted on the floor even when all of us tried to encourage him to go up there.
The DJ smiled at Luther, then looked at me. 'Dude, bring your friends up here too. We're going to turn this dance floor around for a bit.'
'Come on, he's calling for you!' Allison cheered as she pulled me and Klaus' hand, running up the stage.
Luther, Ben and Vanya trailed from behind, standing next to us while we danced to the DJ's new song he was playing.
Pulling Luther towards me, I gave him the last few sips I had in my cup before I threw it away. 'Here, you are probably starting to sober up. You need more.'
'Ah, Y/N. What makes you think I'm not drunk right now?'
'Because I remember when you were the night-'
'Okay, okay. You and Klaus never let that night go.'
The DJ leaned in as he kept playing music, 'Hey. If you and your boyfriend want more drinks, it's on the house.'
'Ha, she's not my girlfriend.' Luther chuckled.
'Ah, I stand corrected.' The DJ then turned to me and smiled sweetly. 'Would you mind if I buy you a drink?'
I couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or him, but I felt my cheeks getting warmer as the cute guy spoke to me. 'No, I wouldn't mind.'
The DJ bit his lip, taking his headphones off and walking downstairs. 'Alright, I'll be right back.'
Allison tapped on my sides repeatedly as he walked away. 'You lucky! He's so cute.'
'Maybe he has a brother. I call dibs though.' Klaus stared at him, eyeing him as he went up to the bar to get some drinks.
While Allison and Vanya continued to dance on the stage, Luther was once again being surrounded by a bunch of girls from the dance floor.
'Y/N is scoring some tonight and Luther is getting all these attention again.' Klaus shrugged his shoulders, looking around. 'What in the hell did Luther do to have these girls crawling around like crazy?'
'Wait, wait. Scoring some? I barely said a word to this dude.'
'Whatever, man. I need to go back down and look for someone now.'
Ben chuckled, patting Klaus on his shoulder. 'I got your back, bro. Come on I'll be your wingman.'
As soon as Klaus heard those words come out of Ben's mouth, they both left the stage so quick I couldn't even speak to them back. Trailing them down the dance floor, I see the DJ coming back on stage with drinks in his hands.
'Here you go, I didn't know which drinks you like so I hope you like this one.' He was sweet, it could've been an act to try to talk to me but I didn't mind for one night. 'I'm Luke by the way.'
'Y/N. And this is perfect, thank you.' I gave him a flirty smile but then was interrupted when I saw something in the corner of my eye.
I looked through the crowd and saw Diego and Five, glaring at me and my siblings that were on the stage. They seemed like how Reginald would react in this situation; catching his children sneaking out at night and hanging out at a club.
Except it wasn't dad, it was my weird brothers that couldn't grasp what fun was. Watching us as if they were disappointed fathers that just saw their crazy teenager kids discovering drinking and partying for the first time.
'Oops.' It came out of my mouth naturally as I stared at Diego and Five, followed by a giggle that I couldn't help. It was funny watching them being weirdly upset with us, especially when it felt like the club was spinning round and round.
'You guys are screwed.' Five mouthed back, shaking his head as he watched us from down the dance floor.
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My eyes shot open, not knowing where I was at for a moment until I realized I was in my room. I then see Diego sitting on my bed side chair, watching me as if he was guarding me.
'Rise and shine, zombie.' Diego chuckled, seeing how crazy I looked with messed up makeup and a bed head.
'Ho-how did I get here last night.' I turned around and looked around, noticed that the cute DJ guy wasn't in my bed. 'I don't remember anything.'
Diego grinned, 'You're curious huh.'
'Where is Luke-Oh no... Did I do something stupid?' I was confused, so confused because I thought everything was going good last night. But now that I didn't remember anything after I said hi to him, I got scared. 'Oh my- Did I do something embarrassing? Fuck.'
'Well, I don't know what you define "embarrassing" but yeah. You definitely made the crowd go wild last night.' Diego started laughing, his loud voice ringing in my ear from my hangover.
Covering my ears, I shook my head. 'Diego... shh. My head hurts okay.'
'This is why I don't drink.'
I shook my head, 'Is everyone back safely?'
'Oh, don't even worry about everyone else, they're perfectly fine. It was you that we had a hard time bringing home, Y/N.'
'So can you tell me what happened?'
'Sure, after you acknowledge that I'm the best brother ever.' Diego raised his eyebrows, adjusting his positioning on the chair.
A light laugh just escaped my mouth, keeping my mouth closed so I wouldn't start burst out laughing. 'You're kidding me right? Really?'
'Yes really. I had to carry you home, tuck you into bed after you kicked and screamed, help you get up so you can throw up. I didn't even know humans were physically able to throw up so much.'
When Diego put it like that, I felt bad that he had to take care of me throughout the night. 'Okay Diego, you're the best brother in the world. Also I'm sorry you had to do all that for me.'
'Aha, no worries. That was probably the most entertaining night ever.' He laughed, 'You were fucking crazy.'
I smiled, I bet Diego really enjoyed me making a fool of myself or whatever I did last night that got him giggling nonstop. 'So are you going to tell me?'
'Hmm, nope. Thanks for the compliment though.'
'Ugh, I hate you.'
'Not according to yesterday you don't.' Diego smirked.
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(Not) Such A Good Boy
sub!bf!Juyeon x dom!fem!reader (ft. Eric, Kevin and Hyunjae)
genre: smut, slight crack, a bit of fluff towards the end
contains: dom/sub themes, degradation, oral sex (f receiving), marking, biting, spanking, Juyeon is a brat on a choker and a leash, unprotected sex (be safe y’all)
Author’s note: This man right there has been wrecking my existence lately (I blame Kingdom) and this GIF screams sub!Juyeon so yeah, enjoy this filth
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“Lee Juyeon, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me”, you scoff under your breath. You have been waiting for the past twenty minutes in the living room, outfit and makeup on point, since you were about to go clubbing with your group of friends. But apparently, your dear boyfriend had lost all sense of time, trying to get ready.
Visibly irritated, you storm to your shared bedroom, your heels angrily clicking on the wooden floor. “Juyeon, I swear to God-” you mutter and stop mid-sentence, only to see your boyfriend leaning on the door, fully dressed and a lop-sided smirk plastered on his handsome face. 
“You called, babe?”, he asks teasingly and before rolling your eyes, you give him an once-over, processing his choice of clothes - a pair of tight black leather pants that were hugging his muscular thighs deliciously, a pair of black combat boots, a cropped black sweater with holes around his clavicles and a black belt-like choker around his neck. He was the epitome of the emo bad boy that all parents hated and all girls craved. 
“Um, what is this?”, you question him with a pointing finger. "That, is my outfit for tonight", Juyeon states, the previous smirk still on his face, "What, you don't like it?". "Isn't it a bit unfair for me to wear not so revealing clothes all while you're dressed as an emo himbo?", you complain and he laughs, "An emo himbo? Wow, you're getting more creative with your descriptions, Y/N. You're right though, it's a sort of questionable outfit". You perk up at his response, hoping he'll change into something more colorful and less hole-adorned, only to be utterly disappointed, as Juyeon reached into the closet only to drape a black leather jacket on top of his broad shoulders. "Now we're good to go", he turns to you and winks with audacity. Brat, you scoff mentally and pick up the keys to unlock the door and finally leave your shared apartment.
"Finally! What the fuck took you so long?!", your friend Eric yells at you, trying to overcome the loud bass of the club speakers. "Your complaints to your friend over there, he was the one who took twenty minutes to get ready", you roll your eyes pointing to Juyeon, who was greeting Hyunjae and Kevin, your other friends. "Yooo, Juyeon, what's up with the collar, bro?", Eric amusingly points out. "It's a choker, you tasteless twat. But what would you know of fashion, since you only know how to wear t-shirts and ripped jeans?", Kevin comments and Juyeon mouths a 'thank you' to him. "Simple is the best, my dear friend. Besides, I've been getting all the girls, unlike you and your snake print jacket", Eric retaliates. "Excuse you, this jacket is a fashion statement!", Kevin bites back, feeling insulted. "Not gonna lie though, it does look like a collar. Will you put him on a leash too, Y/N?", Hyunjae comments in a snarky way, making Eric cringe in disgust. "Hyunjae, please go get some drinks, for God's sake", you reply with a dismissive manner. "Yes ma'am", he rolls his eyes and goes to the bartender.
You turn to Juyeon, who was extremely stiff after Hyunjae's comment. "You okay, baby?", you nudge him softly and he's brought back to reality. "Y-yeah, I'm fine, no worries", Juyeon replies, praying that the loud bass could cover his shaky voice. "Don't listen to Eric and Hyunjae, they have zero fashion sense, bro. I would wear that choker too, looks hella good on you", Kevin adds while pointing to the choker and Juyeon's smile is back on his face, "Thanks, bro, I really appreciate it", he replies with a chirpy tone.
The music suddenly changes into a slower jam and Juyeon smirks devilishly, as he winks at you and walks towards the dance floor. You watched as he starts swaying his hips and shoulders in the most smooth way possible, his half-lidded eyes never leaving yours. Eric and Kevin were whistling and cheering on Juyeon, all while Hyunjae was snorting at their antiques. You were simply lost in the image of your boyfriend dancing like there was no tomorrow. He wasn't just following the rhythm, he was riding it - and boy, was he good at doing so.
In fact, he was so good that he gained the attention of many people in the club. And you were lowkey proud, because that man was yours. However, a certain girl wasn't aware of that - hence why she approached Juyeon and started dancing with him. You were a bit jealous, not gonna lie, but the next moment made your blood fucking boil.
He had the fucking audacity to put his hands on her waist and dance with her - all while looking to you over her shoulder with the most smug expression on his face. That fucker, you mentally curse. This was definitely payback for everything you said before you left the house. You just knew it. You weren't even the jealous or possessive type of girlfriend to begin with.
But you'd be damned if you were to let a random bitch run her hands over your boyfriend.
Hyunjae catches up to your motions and he grabs you by your wrist. "Hyunjae, what the f-" "Shut up and listen to me. Going there and creating a scene will not end up well for you and you will give Juyeon exactly what he wants", he states and his words hit home faster that you expected. "Since when did you become so perceptive?", you raise an eyebrow and he chuckles, "I have my moments too, Y/N". "So, since your brain decided to actually function tonight, do you have any idea?" you ask in defeat and Hyunjae starts pulling you to the dance floor by your hand, leaving Eric and Kevin completely baffled. He then pulls you into his chest and leans in your ear to whisper
"Just dance, Y/N".
A Cheshire cat-like grin spreads on your lips, as you catch up to his ulterior motive and you start dancing with Hyunjae, hoping that Juyeon will notice the two of you. "Don't think too much about it, it will happen naturally", he adds, "You're too stiff, Y/N, just relax and enjoy dancing".
His words actually succeed in making you relax and you sway your hips more comfortably, actually enjoying the slow jams echoing through the club speakers. Under the dim lights, you lock eyes momentarily with Juyeon, who was licking his lips and his gaze was a mix of lust and death glares, the last one directed to Hyunjae. "Told you it would work", he comments, "You owe me this one". "Shut the fuck up, Hyunjae", you spit back and he laughs.
However, his laughter is cut short by a very jealous Juyeon, who has grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Next time I see you dance with Y/N, I'll break your fucking kneecaps", he growls and Hyunjae takes a step back, "She's all yours, bro", he raises his hands in defense and returns to the table. Juyeon then turns to you, his blood still boiling with jealousy, as you watch him with a proud smirk.
"You find this funny, huh? Dancing shamelessly with my friend?", he clenches his jaw. You then thread a finger through his choker and pull him close to your face, making Juyeon gasp. "Funny? No honey, I'm fucking fuming right now, because you decided to act like a brat and put your hands on the first bitch that threw herself on you", you retaliate, your chill facade slipping away. A sickly sweet smile adorns Juyeon's face as he watches every single movement of yours. He lowers his head, his lips hanging mere centimeters over yours and he slyly pokes out his tongue to lick your lips, hissing at the wet feeling.
"You're so fucking hot when you're mad, baby".
That was the last straw.
"Get your stuff, we're going home", you announce and he flashes a toothy grin. "Yes ma'am", he replies almost immediately and you return to your friends' table. "Guys, we'll be leaving now, hope you enjoy the rest of the night!" you announce and Eric looks between Juyeon and you. "Do I want to know what's going on?", he questions and Kevin pats him on the back while shaking his head as in 'no'. You both bid farewell to your friends and you walk out of the club, jogging towards your car. Juyeon whips out the cars keys and he opens the door for you, his gentleman-like gesture a complete contrast to his previous bratty behaviour.
The ride back home feels like it lasted for hours, when in reality, it lasted only ten minutes - maybe it's your sheer desire to fuck your handsome boyfriend to oblivion. By the time you entered your shared apartment, your lips were on Juyeon's neck, your hands roaming his toned body and his arms wrapped around your waist.
"You love acting like a bratty slut, don't you?", you sneer at him and he releases a breathy chuckle. "Yeah, and so do you", he whispers and he trails kisses upon your neck and behind your ear, nibbling your earlobe. "Are you going to punish me for being a bratty slut?".
You thought you came right there and then, 'cause fuck, he is so hot like this.
"Is that what you want? Fine then, you'll get the punishment you deserve, slut", you hiss while gripping Juyeon's jaw, your manicured nails raking his porcelain skin, "Don't say I didn't warn you", you whisper into his ear and he releases one of the lewdest sounds you've ever heard in your life. "God, you're a desperate little bitch, aren't you, Lee Juyeon?", you ask while removing the detachable strap of your bag and clasp it on his choker, creating a make-shift leash. "Only for you, baby", he replies with a sultry voice and half-lidded eyes.
You pull him by the make-shift leash, and you push him onto the couch, where you settle yourself on his lap, his hard cock straining his already tight pants. You remove his shirt, exposing his chiseled body. Wasting no time, you attack his collarbones with your lips, trailing red and purple blotches on his soft skin. You bite the juncture of his neck teasingly and he releases breathy moans, making you chuckle. You grind your clothed core on his bulge, and the sweet friction makes Juyeon mewl again. He tries to reach for your crotch with his hand, but you stop him by pulling the leash, making him gasp.
"No sweetheart, no touching tonight", you chastise him, as you pull back to remove your clothes and his pants, leaving the both of you only in your underwear. Juyeon's bulge is even more evident now, the thin material of his boxers having a wet spot, due to his cock leaking pre-cum. The sight in front of you makes your own wetness pool in your panties - your boyfriend on a leash, his perfectly styled hair now disheveled, his upper torso covered in love bites, his muscular thighs fully spread and his cock straining against his boxers.
"Baby, fuck, please do something", he pleads with bleary eyes. "Lie down for me", you order and he's laid flat on his back with one swift motion, his desperation showing. You remove your underwear and place your naked pussy right in front of his face. He reaches for your thighs with his arms, but you slap them away. "I said, no touching", you say sternly, "But-", "You should have thought twice before touching that bitch with your hands. Now, be a good boy and use your pretty mouth", you demand.
Juyeon pushes his wet tongue into your heat without second thought and he's lapping up your juices like a starved man. You can't help but moan with satisfaction, having him under your control like that gave you a huge adrenaline rush. You raked your nails from his torso to the hem of his boxers, the sensation making him moan and momentarily halt his actions. You slap his left thigh to alert him and his cock twitches, the vibrations of his moans coursing through your body as well. Juyeon now flattens his tongue against your folds with a faster tempo.
"You like it when I spank you, huh? Naughty boy", you smirk and land another slap, this time on his right thigh. Juyeon retaliates by sucking on your clit harshly, making you yelp from pleasure and you feel him smirk against your pussy. You find the leash and tug it, pulling Juyeon's face even closer to your core. "Behave, or you'll sleep without cumming tonight", you warn him and he whines, but resumes his efforts nonetheless. "Good boy, k-keep it u-up", you stutter as you feel your high approach with each passing second. His tongue is alternating between circling your clit and pumping in and out of your hole, the squelching sounds creating a pornographic scene.
You scream as you cum on Juyeon's face, your whole body shaking, as he helps you ride out your orgasm with kitten licks. You pull yourself together and turn around to face him, as he nastily licks his lips to taste your essence. "Sweet like fucking candy", he comments, "Want a taste, baby?". You pull him by the leash and crash your lips on his, tasting yourself, as your tongues dance crazily in a battle of dominance. "You're still acting like a brat, but since you did as I said, maybe you deserve to cum after all", you state and bend down to remove his boxers and free his painfully hard erection.
"Y/N, stop fucking teasing already!", Juyeon whines again and you slap his thigh again, "Where did your manners go, baby?".
"Please, Y/N..."
"Please what?"
"Please use my cock to cum"
"Fuck, such a good boy", you moan and spear yourself onto his hard cock, the sudden stretch tipping between pain and pleasure. You give yourself almost no time to adjust and you start riding Juyeon like a mad woman. He pistons his hips in unison, pounding into you with a speed neither of your brains are able to register. You put your hands on his broad chest for support and he holds your hips with his hands so tight you might get bruises the next day. Neither of you are able to contain your obscene moans nor form coherent sentences, way too lost in pleasure and lust.
"Fuck, Juyeon, you're such a good boy, so good for me", "Only for you Y/N, shit- only yours", he groans and his hips start to falter, signaling his upcoming orgasm. "I-I'm close again, nngh..", you mewl as you feel your insides clench around his cock like a vice. "M-Me too, Y/N please let me cum, let me f-fill you up baby", "Oh God, yes, fill me with your cum, babe", you moan loudly.
Juyeon moans with you as he stills himself, his cock twitching uncontrollably and flooding your cunt with his hot cum, painting your insides white. You collapse on top of him, panting heavily, the both of you sweating and spent, laughing breathlessly. You muster all the strength you have left in you to remove the choker from Juyeon's neck.
"Oof, thank you baby", he nods, rubbing his neck softly. You swipe a few dark strands of his forehead. You notice the marks on his neck the choker left and you can't help but feel a little regretful. "Did I hurt you?", you ask sheepishly and Juyeon smiles softly and presses a kiss on your nose. "No baby, you were perfect. We should do this more often, actually. You look hella sexy when you take control", he teases and you playfully smack his chest.
"So you intend to dance with random girls in clubs?", you ask and Juyeon smirks,
"No, but I intend to be not such a good boy for you".
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creepytoes88 · 4 years
Angry sex with Vinnie
So this is a very bratty reader and there is hitting in this I AM NOT ROMANTICIZING ABUSE! I can NOT stress this ENOUGH
But this might be one of my favorites I choose Bryce cus he’s problematic so it seemed realistic to me just imagine him and Addison aren’t a thing lol COVID DOESN’T EXIST IN ANY OF MY STORIES Covid makes me sad 😢 OK LOVE YOU GUYSSSSS ♥️🤌🥸
I’m almost done getting ready when I hear Vinnie come in the room. Vinnie and I are going to Jake pauls ( he literally has nothing to do with the story) party or one of the biggest parties in LA everyone gets shit-faced and either you have to crash there or you have to get a Uber. Needless to say, I'm scared shitless but I'm not gonna let Vinnie know that he's way too excited for me to bail on him. So I just keep getting ready and keep telling myself tonight's gonna be great, because it is gonna be great. Vinnie comes into the bathroom with his hair maintained and non-frizzy no matter how much I wanted to run my hands through it, I also knew Vinnie would KILL me so I resisted.
”Hey you,” I say with a smile ”Hey you look hot,” Vinnie says looking me up and down, I stopped and turned around with a straight face ”and absolutely breathtaking just say the word, and ill go ring shopping m’lady. Vinnie says with a shit-eating grin as he bows to me I smile ”well now that you mention it...” I place my finger on my chin pretending to think about it ” I would love a ring pop” I continue to do my make up as Vinnie chuckles. He walks up behind me wrapping his hands around my hips rubbing his thumbs on my dress before leaning into my ear
”you look amazing baby” he kisses the side of my neck ” I could take you right now,” Vinnie says in a deep voice. I turn around putting my hand on his chest ”don’t even think about it, I love you but we have to leave in 20 minutes and I'm still not done with my make-up.” I turn around again continuing to do my make up I feel a slap on my ass. I gasp at the sting of the hit ”such a brat.” Vinnie kisses your neck again before leaving the bathroom It's gonna be a long night.
Time skip to party
As soon as we pull up to the party a group of Vinnie's friends immediately take him away to play beer pong. I roll my eyes as I walk to Maddy and Avani, we get drinks and walk to the dance floor, about an hour has passed, and was done dancing and kinda just wanted to check on Vinnie. I stand up and tell the girls I'm gonna find Vinnie they nod and I walk in the direction he went when the boys pulled him away. Just more dancing people but no Vinnie, ok maybe the back yard I walk towards the back door and as I step out did I hear the most the last thing I wanted to hear ”KICK HIS ASS VINNIE” I hear people yelling ”FUCK YEA, GET HIM VINNIE ” I see Jordan and Kio high-five as they encourage Vinnie to beat the crap of someone. I run over to Jordan and Kio ”What the fuck is wrong with you guys stop him!” I screech at them Jordans head whips around with scared eyes as he runs to me and grabs me ”stop you didn’t see what happened and what Bryce said!” ” He fucking deserves it!” Kio yells kinda drunk.
Vinnie's POV
After the boys came and pulled me away from Y/n we played pong and shotgun a couple of claws (gross) before I know it I was feeling the alcohol. As I'm talking to Jordan and Kio I feel a slap on my shoulder ”ssssssup man” Bryce wraps his arm around my shoulder. I could smell the alcohol on his breath not that his slurring wasn't enough evidence to show he's drunk off his ass. ”hey bro what's up?” I ask
”not much but *burp* I do wanna tell you *hiccup* that Y/n looks like a million dollars tonight man” I look at him as I try to keep me cool knowing he's just drunk ”Like honestly dude*hiccup* if you weren't dating her I would totally hit it *hiccup* like her ass is perfect man, and her tits dude. Does she ever wear a bra I can always see her *hiccup* nips but it makes me so horny man?” Bryce laughs as he claps me on the back. I look at Jordan and Kio who look at me shocked, unfortunately for Bryce, I was far too buzzed to even think about what I was doing before my fist collided with his face.
Y/n’s POV
I push my way through the crowd and when I get to the front I see Vinnie on top of Bryce trying to curve his face in, both of his fists pounding into Bryce's face. ”VINNIE STOP” I scream immediately he stops and turns around seeing my scared face he stands up coming towards me but I walk past him going straight to Bryce and start to shake him. I hear him groan ”are you ok?” I ask as he slowly opens his eyes ”look I'm in Heaven” Bryce says with a wink before passing out all the sudden I'm being pulled up by my arm like a child. I look up to see an extremely angry Vinnie I could see him shaking with anger. ”ow Vinnie you're hurting me” I whine as I try to pry his hand off of my arm ”VINNIE STOP” I yell at him in front of everyone.
”YOU CAN’T JUST GET JEALOUS, BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF PEOPLE! AND THEN YOU WANT TO DRAG ME OUT OF THE PARTY LIKE A FUCKING KID I THINK THE FUCK NOT!” I yell at him with sass. As soon as the words leave my mouth I see his usually sweet and loving eyes change before me becoming almost emotionless. They fill with absolute rage Vinnie narrows his eyes at me picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder holding my legs so I can't kick him.
”PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN RIGHT NOW!” I pound my fists into his back and scream having an absolute tantrum, I'm so angry that I'm seeing red, not a few minutes later I was put on the ground.
Before I could push him away I was turned around and push against the car ”such a fucking brat!” He slaps my ass
”fuck you,” I say as I try to get my hands free I hear the car door open then the back of the seat being moved. Vinnie sits in the car pulling me I'm with him so I'm sitting on his lap and start to push on his chest to get away I know what's about to happen and I know it gonna hurt a lot. ”STOP YOU FUCKING BRAT!” Vinnie yells and finally holding my hands behind my back. Vinnie looks up at me and chuckles he holds my hands with one of his own, his other hand pulling on his belt wrapping my wrists together ”NO DON’T DADDY IM SORRY!” I say as tears start filling my eyes and my bottom lip quivers.
Vinnie looks up at me his eyes showing no emotion ”I'm not gonna hit you till I'm calm-” My eyes widen ”NO FUCK YOU!” I yell as I try to get away even though I know I can't but I don't want a spanking. I know Vinnie won't touch me till we’re home and it's a long-ass drive at least an hour or two depending on traffic meaning I'm gonna be hot and bothered AND my ass is gonna be on fire. I feel a harsh slap on my right cheek I let out an involuntary moan grinding against him ”STOP talking to me like that.” Vinnie rubs my cheek turning my face towards him ”you’ve made daddy very mad and after your punishment, we will be having a conversation about tonight right now I need you to take your punishment like a good girl.” Vinnie says softly rubbing my cheek I know he's trying to make a point about my attitude and he’s somehow being so sweet. I wish I could say it was me being extremely horny and slightly tipsy but honestly, it was just my pride I don't wanna admit that I'm wrong, for talking to him like that and hitting him in anger, which I have never done before, I feel bad but still, the words came out.
”NO! DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!” I shout right in his face Vinnie’s eyes lock with my own I gulp that was the last straw and I know it. All of a sudden my face is in the passenger seat my chest is against the armrest in the middle Vinnie puts his left leg over my legs so I couldn’t kick him or grind myself against him.
”D-Daddy don't please.” I sniff looking back at him with wide eyes ”I-i I'll be good daddy-” Vinnie lets out a dark laugh he then grabs a first full of my hair and yanks my head back I gasp ”I hope you cry.” Vinnie whispered in my ear before pushing my head back down ”Don’t fucking move or you get five more.” Vinnie lifts my dress so it's around my waist he ripped my underwear off throwing the ruined material on his dashboard. ”count” Vinnie demands ”How many-?” I start to ask ”DID I SAY TO FUCKING SPEAK!” Vinnie lands a hard slap on my ass
”OH FUCK!” I yell trying to get away ”thats 25 now.” Vinnie says as he pulls me back into place ”Now I said count, so fucking count slut!”
I feel the first one on my right cheek ”OW one” I said as I sniff holding my tears in. Another one SLAP! This time on my left I let out a cry as I try not to move an inch. ”TWO!” this time a tear slips out but Vinnie doesn't see it, his hand lands on my right cheek way more hard then the last one and before I could even cry he lands another one with the same power onto the left cheek. A sob escapes my mouth as tears fall down my face ”FUCKING COUNT OR USE THE SAFE WORD!” my heat throbs as he yells at me my arousal running down my legs. ”THREE FOUR!” I scream as a sob comes up my throat it hurts so bad but feels so good.
”T-T-TWENTY-FIVE!” I scream sob, my face soaked with tears and my wetness has been running down my legs, I could feel the puddle on his jeans. My ass is on fire and it's bright red with handprints all over the place, I have my head resting on the seat trying to calm down my breathing and crying. Vinnie silently runs his thumbs from the puddle on his jeans all the way to my slit, collecting all of the wetness from that thigh before sticking the digit in his mouth ”mmhm” he moans before doing the same to the other thigh, once again putting his thumb in his mouth again. I am however still sobbing ”you can cry all you want baby...” he kisses my red ass cheek ”you are just making me so much more hard.” Vinnie says before he licks my clit softly ”mmm daddy” I say with a small voice ”I’m still mad at you baby.” He says as he slaps my clit making me whimper ”please daddy” I try to grab his shirt with my hands.
Vinnie immediately pulls away so I can't touch him or grab him ”No, don't fucking touch me.” he says repeating what I said to him not long ago obviously, it had hurt his feelings and stuck with him. ”oh, daddy I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way.” I look back at Vinnie best I can from my position ”I really am sorry Vinnie, I love you.” I say with wide eyes making sure he is paying attention. He rubs my thigh ”I know you are brat!” he then slaps my thigh ”sit in your seat and buckle up I don't wanna hear a word.” he pulls his belt off and puts it in the back seat. A tear slips down my face, is he really that mad at me that he won't say I love you back, I crawl to my seat and fix my dress before I sit down soft and slow my behind still in major pain.
The pain makes me feel even worse knowing he's very mad at me I stare at my hands I didn't even realize I was still crying till he said something ”turn around baby let me see” Vinnie says softly. I look up at him and I sniff slowly I pull my knees up and stand on them and use the window for support as Vinnie pulls my dress up around my waist once again ”fuck baby I'm sorry” Vinnie says in a sad tone as he begins to leave light kisses on my cheeks ” I love you baby so much I'm just pissed at Bryce and then you were being a bitch about-” My eyes widen ” W-What? I was being a bitch! You dragged me around like a fucking kid!” I say angrily as tears run down my face ”you're a fucking asshole” I say to myself getting ready to sit back down but then I feel pain on the skin of my ass so much worse then before and it didn't feel like a hand.
A giant sob jumps from my throat and moaning I feel my pussy clench around nothing for the hundredth time this night. I whip my head around to see Vinnie holding his belt in his hand with an angry face and black eyes filled with lust and rage mostly rage. ”You never fucking learn, unless I treat you like shit so get in the fucking back! Don't say a goddamn word or I'll whip you with my belt again.” I gasp and I scurry between the seats my ass getting stuck between my seat and Vinnie's shoulder. ”My lucky day huh.” I feel him smack my ass a cry leaving my lips and I fall into the back seat my ass in the air. Another slap is delivered to my ass tears running down my face as I try to buckle up fast even with the pain in my behind, my makeup was definitely fucked up.
20 minutes later we pulled into a nice-looking hotel Vinnie grabs a napkin and hands it to me silently ”don’t say a word unless spoken to and just sit down till I come get you.” I nod as I wipe my eyes trying to stop the tears Vinnie steps out of the car and opens the back door on my side grabbing my hand and pulling me out after I unbuckle. I know this sweetness is going to be short-lived as it's just a front so people don't think something is actually wrong. Vinnie approach soon but first he turns around and asks how late room service is open ”24/7 sir” the lady says as she hands him two room cards.
”Perfect.” Vinnie says as he grabs my hand pulling me to the elevator the second the elevator door shut Vinnie grabs my neck and slammed me against the wall.
A loud moan leaving my lips ”i had to get the most expensive room so they wouldn't kick us out for all the screaming you're going to do from your punishments.” Vinnie licks my lips and cheek ”Open your fucking mouth!” he says immediately my mouth drops and my tongue falls out past my teeth. Vinnie spits in my mouth I moan loudly ”Swallow” so I did ”Again”
he grunts squeezing my neck and one of my boobs, my mouth drops open Vinnie spits but it doesn't all go in my mouth I shoot my eyes open looking down at the spit on the floor disappointed. I start to lean down ”Don’t baby I'll give you more.” I look up at Vinnie and grab his waist, a slap is delivered to my face ”I said don't touch me do you want me to spit in your mouth or not!” I moan dropping to the floor on my knees mouth open ”YES!” I say rushing to taste him again.
”I-I’m sorry daddy I won't do it anymore.” I say with puppy eyes my mouth open waiting for him to give me a gift. Vinnie looks down at me with a disgusted look tears fall from my eyes as I look up at him mouth still open waiting patiently. ”You're a nasty slut!” he slaps me before forcing my mouth open spitting inside. I moan at the taste and at the pain on my face I swallow reluctantly wanting it to last forever I then lick my lips and hold my cheek ”we’re the only people on this floor so strip and crawl to the room. Stay on your knees where you belong, for now at least”
He Pushes me to he ground It didn't hurt because I was only on my knees I take my dress off and my dra I go to kick my heels off
”Don’t! keep them on.” Vinnie says leaning down picking up my clothes as the doors open I see a long hallway and all the way to the end is a double door I crawl out and wait for Vinnie ”Come here, Now.” I crawl as fast as I can ”sit” my eyes widen I'm not a fucking dog I think to myself all the sudden I feel something around my neck.
Vinnie had fastened his belt around my neck like a collar ”Crawl bitch!” I gasp as my hands hit the ground we slowly move towards the door Vinnie behind me. I feel pain on my ass once again I whip my head around to see Vinnie whip my ass with my own bra. I moan I'm gonna have bruises for months, he hits my ass every once in a while I moan every time. We get to the door and he opens it with his key card. ”I have to run to the store you can shower if you wish and watch tv but I expect you naked and ready when I get back” Vinnie starts to walk away ”oh and don't touch your self, I'll know if you did.” he turns to me and looks down into my eyes before walking out.
I hop in the shower and then I lay on the couch with a homemade ice pack I made, with supplies from the room and the mini ice machine in the room, pressed against my sore ass. It's been barely been an hour, but I already miss Vinnie. I can't wait for my punishment to be over so he will hold me and kiss me I don’t wanna fight, I wanna sleep. My head lefts up at the sound of the door being opened. ”Get on the bed it's time for your punishment.” Vinnie says as he comes in with a couple of different black bags I Eye them suspicious of what's inside.
”Don't worry about it and lay on your stomach.” Vinnie says in a slightly angry tone I rush on the bed and lay my head in a pillow I feel Vinnie slightly sit on my lower back making the bed dip. All of the sudden my hand is being tired to the headboard then the other he gets off me before doing the same to my legs. I'm spread like a starfish and I can't turn my head to see anything. ”scream and cry all you want I don’t care.” and with that, he gets off me not a second later I hear him fiddle with the bags and then silence then I hear... Buzzing?
My eyes widen as I realize what my punishment is ”NO DADDY PLEASE I-I IM SORRY NOT THAT PLEASE!” tears immediately pour down my face I pull at my restraints even though it's useless. ”Maybe you will listen first then run your loudmouth Brat.” I feel the head of the vibrator enter me and I moan immediately pleasure runs through me I hear another vibration and then out of nowhere, Vinnie pulls a smaller vibrator out and positioned right at my clit. I moan even louder I can feel my first orgasm approach. I feel a slap on my ass ”n-no more daddy please I will behave and l-listen.”
I sob as he delivers more smacks to my overly sore ass my orgasm ripping through me another already on its way. I hear Vinnie start to look in the bags again he pulls my hair back ”see this” Vinnie shows me a stick or so I think. He pulls on one of the ends and it comes off releasing a bunch of leather strings my eyes widen in fear he's gonna whip me with a real sex whip my second orgasm making me shakes and convulses almost pushing the vibrator out. Vinnie pushes it back in all the way before he starts whipping my ass with the whip my third orgasm approaching fast ”AAAH MAKE IT STOP VINNIE IT’S TOO MUCH TO FAST!” I yell tears running down my face
”what’s that? turn them on high! ok whatever you say.” Vinnie chuckled deeply ”Nooooooo” I moan as the vibrations make my third orgasm be forced out I scream nonsense orgasm after orgasm driving me crazy.
-two hours later-
I was sobbing and screaming as another orgasm ripped me apart it feels so good but it hurts to breathe at this point. ”CORN MUSTARD” I yell the safe word. Immediately the vibration stop and are pulled from my body Vinnie unties my hands and feet ”BABY ARE YOU OK” he softly turns me over on my back and I hiss in pain everything hurts ”NO FUCK YOU!” I yell not meaning a word of it ”oh baby I'm so sorry-” I push him away I'm not even mad at him I'm just in pain and still unsatisfied ashamed I still want his dick and his mouth on mine I feel a Slap ”WHY CAN’T YOU FUCKING LEARN??!? DO I HAVE TO HURT YOU WITH MY COCK AND WORDS TO MAKE YOU FUCKING LISTEN!” he slams his rock hard cock into me I didn't even know he was naked till now ”UGH I HATE YOU.” I yell
Vinnie stops and pulls out of me he slams back in making me moan ”FUCK YOU, THAT'S WHY YOU’RE A SLAVE FOR MY COCK, YOU FUCKING WHORE!” Vinnie yells as he slaps my face. Begin to moan uncontrollably it feels so good I can feel him in my belly his big ass cock ramming into my uterus. ”FUCK DADDY IM SORRY I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO YOU I DON’T HATE YOU I LOVE YOU S-SO MUCH DADDY! IM YOUR SLUTTY WHORE PLEASE PUT YOUR CUM IN ME AND FILL ME UP, DADDY” I was shaking around his cock his breath in my face I just wanted to taste him so bad ”p-please kiss me daddy.” Vinnie looks down at me ”WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I KISS YOU BITCH, YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT BE A PAIN IN THE ASS TONIGHT!” I sob I just wanted to feel that he loves me I feel so stupid and useless right now. The sobs no longer from the pleasure but from my broken heart Vinnie slows down looking at my devastated face as real emotional tears and gasps left my body as I just laid there.
”b-baby?” Vinnie asks still pounding into me he stops still inside of me I look up at him and hiccup ”y-you don’t love me anymore because I said a-all those nasty things I d-didn’t mean it a-and you hate me now” I cry into the pillow Vinnie grabs my face wiping all of my tears and kissing me on the lips sweet and passionately taking my breath away.
”mmmmm” I moan into his kiss sliding my tongue in his mouth putting my hand in his hair and hugging his body close to me I was drooling at his taste kissing him harder and grinding against him. I feel Vinnie smile as he begins to fuck me again this time with passion and love not anger and resentment. We both are kissing sloppy and moaning into each others mouths as he pounds into me.
”FUUUUCK I LOVE YOU SO MUCH IM GONNA CUM” He moans as he cums deep inside of me causing me to release ”DADDY YESS THANK YOU IM SORRY.” I lay there as Vinnie pulls out my head snaps up ”Nononono I want it.” I open my mouth for his slightly stiff cum covered cock.
”fuck such a nasty girl...” he moans as he puts his cock down my throat choking me
”mmmmm baby I forgive you, you’re so perfect in every way.” he moans taking his soft cock out of my sucking mouth I start to whine but Vinnie pops his finger in my mouth keeping me busy still I pass out.
Vinnie’s POV
”My sweet girl.... No more alcohol for you but I do love you very much you have never been so bratty.” I kiss her lips and turn off the light's pulling my brat closer as I snuggle into her neck I couldn't ask for more.
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hangovercurse · 4 years
Blind Date
After being single for three months, your friends decide to set you and Colson up on a blind date.
Request: Hey!! Could you do one about the reader and Colson meeting by a blind date? Let your creativity go wild ❤️
Colson x Reader
Warnings: Cursing
A/N: This is a little bit different from how I normally write, so let’s see how this goes.
Word Count: 1916
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It’s funny how the universe makes things happen. While some people are having their first kiss, others are taking their last breath. Every moment in time is so intricately woven together, it sometimes seems ironic how things happen.
Like tonight, on two sides of California, two very different people were having the same conversation.
“I’m not sure about this.”
“What if she thinks my tattoos are too much?”
“What if he thinks I’m too weird?”
“What if she hates music?”
“What if he hates art?”
“I don’t know if I’m ready for this.”
“I don’t think I can do this.”
Your best friend stared at you from your bed as you paced around the room. “Y/N, you’re going to be fine. You said it yourself, you need to get back out there. Baze says he’s a good guy, and I trust Baze.”
Baze was in a similar situation, laying on the couch as Colson paced around the house. “Colson, dude. It’s gonna be good, she’s gonna like you.”
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous. It’s not like I’ve never been on a first fuckin date before. I used to do this shit every night.” He sighed, sitting down.
You let out a frustrated groan, “I know. I just feel like after everything in the past few years I feel like I’ve forgotten how to do first dates.”
“You’re gonna be great, just be yourself. And remember, it’s a blind date, so if you guys don’t hit it off or something goes horribly wrong, you never have to see him again.” She smiled as you threw her a playful glare.
“Colson, I love you man, but you have to do this. I don’t think you’ve even looked at a woman who isn’t Ashleigh in like three months.”
The light-haired man sent his friend a glare, “I’m sorry that I was recovering from the worst heartbreak of my life.”
You finally sat down, pulling on your shoes. “Maybe it’s too soon. Maybe I’m not as ready as I thought I was.”
Your friend sighed, sitting up and placing her arms around your shoulders, “It’s been three months since you and T broke up. You grieved, and now you need to move on. You deserve this.”
“Dude, you said you were over her. You are over her. Now you get to find someone else and try to be happy. You deserve this.”
“Maybe don’t bring up your disastrous ex, Y/N.”
“But please, for the love of god, bro, don’t bring up Megan.”
 You entered the small, classy restaurant, your hands shaking slightly. The entire place was dimly lit, with candles scattered around any surface available. You walked to the hostess stand, “Baker for two.” You told her, a small smile gracing your features.
She nodded, leading you through the floor. “He got here not 30 seconds before you did.” She laughed and you blushed a little bit.
You were grateful he wasn’t late, but you were also grateful he wasn’t extremely early , or else you would have felt awful for making him wait.
You were finally brought to a small table in the back of the restaurant to find one of the prettiest men you have ever laid your eyes on. When his eyes met yours, he stood up immediately, a smile on his face. “Y/N?” He asked.
“Colson.” You responded. He pulled your chair out for you, and you felt heat rushing to your cheeks at the kind gesture. None of the guys you had ever dated pulled your chair out for you, especially not your most recent ex.
“Baze told me you were pretty but this is…” He trailed off, seeming a bit lost for words. “You are absolutely gorgeous.”
He was good at this, good at making you nervous, making you blush like a teenager. “Thank you.” You whispered, “I think you are one of the prettiest people I have ever met.” You returned his compliment with one of your own.
The redness in his cheeks made you smile, a bit of pride rising in your chest. “Baze truthfully didn’t tell me much about you.” He started, “so, what do you do?” He was kicking himself for the lame question, but his mind was half occupied with the color of your eyes and he couldn’t form a coherent thought.
“I’m an artist.” You probably didn’t realize it, but Colson could see the slightest bit of a light in your eyes as you spoke about your passion. “I do graphic designing for websites, making logos and designs and such. That’s my day job, at least. I do some painting and sketching on the side, though. Eventually I’d like to be able to make that my whole job, but it is a hard industry.”
Colson nodded in understanding, his eyes holding the same weight as yours when you spoke of your flailing dreams. You wondered how he knew exactly what you were talking about.
Seemingly reading your mind, he answered. “I get that so much. I’m a musician, so I’ve been there. Luckily, I did make it my full-time job, but I remember before I made it, all the stress and struggles. It gets better.”
You smiled, “easy for you to say, aren’t you like, a big Rockstar?”
He chuckled, looking down, “yeah, sort of. But I wasn’t, you know? Like before all this I was dirt poor and the picture of a starving artist. I mean I’m still not like, winning Grammys or shit now, but I’m not there anymore either.”
You nodded, studying him. “I was lucky, I had support through art school and got a job as soon as I graduated. I’ve never had to struggle in that sense. I don’t think I’d be happy staying where I’m at for the rest of my life, but I am definitely in a stable place right now.”
He seemed so interested in what you were saying. Soon the conversation moved into the type of music he made, and then to your art styles. You flowed together easily, never becoming awkward or uncomfortable. As the night went on, your nerves fell away, as did his.
You were talking about your favorite movies when your food arrived, but even then, your conversation continued. At one point, he paused mid-second. “You’ve got something, “ he pointed to his face. “Fuck it, this is gonna be so cheesy.” He grabbed his napkin and wiped the bit of sauce you had on your cheek off.
You blushed in embarrassment, “thanks.” He was right, the moment was very cheesy. His hand pulled away slowly, lingering near your skin a bit longer than necessary. You didn’t mind though.
As much as you hated to admit it, especially since you had only known him for one night, you could be really into him. And that scared the fuck out of you.
Colson was, too, scared shitless. Why the fuck was his heart fluttering every time you giggled. He’d just met you. But already he could tell you were something special.
 He paid for dinner, like a gentleman, even though you protested. “It’s our first date, I am paying.”
You liked the way that he said, “first date,” implying there may be more. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to pay next time.” You said, smugly.
His eyebrow raised in question, a small smirk on his face. “We’ll see about that. I might just give them my card ahead of time.”
“Then I’ll just have to get there before you.”
You two laughed at your small competition as he led you to the parking lot, his hand in yours. “Did you drive?” He asked and you shook your head no.
“I called an uber. Speaking of…” You reached for your phone before he stopped you.
“Let me drive you home. If that’s okay?”
You let him lead you to his car, hand still tightly in his. He pulled the door open for you, guiding you in. Everything with him seemed like a new experience, his gentleman gestures catching you off guard.
“You should play me some of your music.” You told him when he got in. He smiled at that, pulling his phone out and opening his library.
“I don’t know if you’ll like the type of music I make.” He blushed, scrolling through to find a song he thought you might like.
You rolled your eyes, “well I like you so I think, by proxy, I’ll like your music.”
He bit his lip to hide the way his face lit up at your subtle confession. “Just don’t say that I didn’t warn you.”
You heard a somewhat familiar rhythm, something you had probably heard on the radio. “Wait, this is you? I swear I’ve heard this before.”
He smiled, glancing over at you before turning his attention back to the road. “Yeah, me and my friend Matt dropped this right before my last album release.”
You let the music play, listening to his voice as he sang. “You know, this somehow sounds exactly like you and nothing like you at the same time. Like if you hadn’t told me I don’t think I would’ve known this was you. But I do know so I can hear it.”
He chuckled but didn’t say anything, occasionally looking at you as you nodded your head to the music. A few more of his songs played from Tickets to My Downfall and you seemed to enjoy it. “You’re really good.” You commented. Your voice was truthful, you weren’t trying to flatter him, you were just saying what you thought. Your words were genuine.
He didn’t know why but hearing that from you meant so much more to him than he expected it to. He finally parked in front of your house, getting out and opening your door for you. Like a true gentleman, he walked you to your door, pausing before you unlocked it.
You turned to face him, looking up into his bright eyes. “I had a really good time tonight.” He said softly. “Probably the best night I’ve had in a while, honestly.”
You smiled widely, “I did too, Colson.” You grabbed his hands in yours, swinging them slightly. “I’m really glad we did this.”
He nodded, leaning closer to you, “would you, maybe, wanna do this again?” He asked, his voice falling closer to a whisper.
“I was hoping I had made that obvious when I said I’d pay next time.” You giggled, leaning up closer to him.
He rolled his eyes playfully, “just wanna make sure you didn’t change your mind.”
“Trust me, I didn’t.” You whispered, before leaning up and connecting your lips with his.
The kiss was short and sweet, but it seemed like everything you had ever wanted. When your lips left his, you both stayed very close to each other, hands still clasped. His face was still only inches from yours, eyes studying your every feature.
Eventually he let out a small sigh and leaned back up. “Well, uh, goodnight, Y/N.” He smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck as he took steps backwards towards his car. You smiled at him, waving a small goodbye before turning to unlock your door.
Your hand touched the handle before you turned around, finding Colson in the same situation at his car door, still looking at you. “Do you maybe wanna… come in?” You asked, biting your lip. His face lit up, a smirk highlighting his features.
“I would love that.”
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fireemblems24 · 3 years
Azure Moon: Chapter 17
I'm an emotional wreck right now.
If you're looking for a coherent review of events - this isn't it. I'm going to need to cry in a corner for a bit first.
Pre Battle:
Oh, right. Now Gilbert and Rodrigue are talking about fog. Did they just forget to make this Fog or War or something? Not that I'm complaining.
Oh, boy, Duscur talk. Poor Rodrigue. He lost a best friend and two sons that day 😭I still hope Felix forgives him. I really don't think Rodrigue did anything wrong.
So I had to look up who Lady Patricia was again, and please, dear God, no. Please tell me Dimitri's step-mother didn't arrange that.
The writers are like - how much trauma can we shove into one character: all of it. Oh, wait, oh wait, let's have his step-mother arrange his brutal death too! Oh, great idea. 😑
So he spent the whole time talking about how everyone else got hurt and didn't even mention he ALMOST DIED 😭😭😭😭. This character makes my heart hurt.
So are we gonna see Patricia again? Is she part of that evil mage group?? God I hope not.
Oh, no, the messenger to the Alliance got killed. That explains how the game is going to be like - no two lords for you! - even when it makes more sense to team up in AM. Did this happen in VW too? That would explain why Dimitri didn't want to join Claude tbh.
Sounds like a pretty brutal death too. 100% picked it was the Empire. Dimitri's all about it lol.
Oh, "Maiden" Fleche is back.
Good God this feels 100x more epic on AM than VW. I'm honestly starting to feel sorry for Claude. He got done dirty compared to the other two.
And now it's Ferdinand's birthday. Now is not the time, bro.
I'm betting it's the same cut scene? I get to see Dimitri say "Kill every last one of them again" lol.
Edelgard be like - last time we were classmates fighting, this time I'm here to kill all of you and take over your lands.
Alright - the battle. Thankfully I have Bernie recruited so no more fires for her, poor thing.
Lysithea and Ignatz are on here though. I'm assuming Claude retreats? Probably not the other two. But I'm trying to stick to the "kill everyone" (or I guess I should say "Kill every last one of them!" lol).
Gotta have Dimitri fight Claude and Edelgard to get that sweet-sweet dialogue.
Dimitri's just going to solo the alliance troops. Batallion Wrath/Vantage/Retribution is one hell of a drug. Just gotta watch out for gambits, but only really worried about Claude tbh.
Claude's range is too big, which is why Dimitri's taking that route. Thematically I'd love to watch him just solo all the Empire troops, but I can't risk Claude flying around if I want that unique battle dialogue.
LAMO - Byleth crit Hubert. Though, interesting note. In VW, Dedue insists he can still fight when he's defeated, and Dimitri tells him to get off the battlefield and live (rudely). Hubert says he needs to retreat, and Edelgard says nothing about his injuries.
Oh, shit, Petra too. Didn't see her there.
And now Leonie and Hilda too. Does Hilda retreat like Hubert and Dedue?
So Leonie, Lysithea, and Ignatz are dead. Hilda, Petra, and Hubert retreated. Hubert really likes to show up, get his ass handed to him, and then retreat. Who do you end up doing this to more, Hubert or the Death Knight?
Guys, I think Dimitri might have an issue with Edelgard. If you let them fight each other in VW, does he say the same thing?
OMG Edelgard philosophizing about death after Dimitri's like - pick a way to die. For some reason this is amusing.
And then he crits. Dimitri likes doing that.
Oh, shocking, she retreats too.
OMG Dimitri was MVP (shocking, I know), but it's so amusing to see "Dimitri's motivation is maxed out" right after criting Edelgard.
Post Battle:
So Dimitri goes to chase after Edelgard, which kills him in VW.
Man he sounds so enraged - like a setback after the progress. And yelling at Rodrigue 😭
Oh, shit, what is Fleche doing here.
Man, this is so much more intense than VW.
Oh shit - Fleche stabbed Dimitri. OMG. Saw that coming. Rodrgue's so worried.
Oh shit. Oh God. Rodrigue just died saving Dimitri, didn't he? Dimitri wasn't even going to fight back, was he?
OMG 😭😭😭😭😭😭
He's really dying guys. Why.
"Live for what you believe in. Your life is your own."
If I ever hear anyone shit-talk Rodrigue, I'm going to have words.
Oh, shit Felix. Felix never made up with his father.
Nevermind, I want VW back. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
(Oh, wait, nevermind, Dimitri just died in VW. I take that back)
Chris Hackey though. (I get the feeling he really liked Dimitri. How could you not, though?)
Oh shit guys, I'm getting watery-eyed.
Rodrigue just fucking died saving Dimitri.
Yo - Lambert is hot though. WHY DO ALL THAT HOT OLDER GUYS DIE? Please someone look out for Seteth.
Oh, shit Lambert should've listened to Rodrigue.
Rodrigue is so loyal and good. Fuck any haters.
On a side note - Byleth pretty badass taking Fleche out.
Ok - here comes the Byleth part.
Dimitri's "I haven't slept in a week" look is gone.
Oh, shit, where is he going? He's going to leave, isn't he?
C'mon, Byleth, don't let him leave. 😭😭😭
Dimitri thinks he'd just too far gone 😭😭😭😭😭😭
There's Survivor's Guilt, and then there's Dimitri, holy shit.
OMG his little voice wavers asking the professor for answers. Dimitri's going to be the end of me.
Also - Chris Hackney is a gem. Like, all the VAs are pretty good with a few exceptions, but Dimitri demands more range than most of them, and he sells all of it. It's what Dimitri deserves though.
I picked "You must forgive yourself," because holy hell 😭😭😭
He really just thinks he has no value, doesn't he. 😭😭😭
"As the sole survivor of that day, do I . . . Do I have the right to live for myself?" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
And Byleth just reaches out her hand again 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
"Your hands are so warm . . . have they always ben" 😭😭😭
Shit, man, I don't like Byleth much, but this is good shit. Maybe I like Byleth a little.
Next Chapter title is "The King's Triumphant Return" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Hell yeah, we're going to free the Kingdom!
Does this mean I get Dimitri's supports now?
Oh, boy, Dimitri's here. And Dedue's worried about his wounds. OFC he is.
He sounds so normal now.
Dimitri's apologizing. Is it weird to feel proud of a character? Because I feel proud of a character.
"I wish to do the right thing from now on." 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
OMG, Dimitri, this route is an emotional ride.
Hell yeah, let's go kick the Empire out of the Kingdom!
He's finally going to start living for himself, I'm just feel like a proud mom.
I love all the Blue Lions so much. They're all precious.
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nicknellie · 3 years
Anonymous requested: “tricked into 7 minutes in heaven at a party” AU with willex, where theyre close friends and apart of the same friend group, and their friends know they both like each other and are tired of watching them dance around each other so they devise a plan to have a party and play seven minutes in heaven, and get them to be alone together in a closet or room or something. so a sort of getting together/modern AU with some kissing cause the boys deserve it?
I had to Google what 7 Minutes In Heaven is. Anyway!! I love this prompt so much, it’s so so sweet. We love some getting together fluff. Thank you so much for suggesting it!
Title from Alone by Heart.
The Secret Is Still My Own
Alex could have kicked himself for not realising what this was much earlier. It was probably Luke’s idea. Maybe Julie’s – she could be sneaky when she wanted to be. It didn’t really matter who had devised the plan, all that Alex was worried about now was the fact that he was about to spend seven minutes locked in a small room with Willie and the likelihood was that it was going to be utterly dreadful.
A few months ago when Alex and Willie had first met, it wouldn’t have been so awful. Their friendship had been fresh and exciting and there had been an easy banter flowing between the two of them that made Alex feel light and giddy. He had been glad to spend time with Willie then, looking for every excuse to hang out with him because who wouldn’t? Willie was funny, kind, intelligent, and everything good in the world. Alex would have been mad to not want to spend time with him. It didn’t take long for Alex to realise he was falling for Willie, quickly and with no signs of stopping.
And he made the grave mistake of telling that to Luke.
“Dude,” Luke had said, grabbing Alex’s shoulders. “You gotta ask him out!”
“What? No!” Alex had protested. He tried to wriggle free but Luke’s grip was like iron and he gave up after a moment or two. “I don’t want to. I like being friends with him.”
“Yeah, but imagine if you were more than friends,” Luke pressed, grinning wildly. “It’s not like he’d say no – he’s head over heels for you, man.”
“He is?”
“I think so.”
“That’s not proof,” Alex deadpanned. “You also thought that if you ate watermelon seeds one would grow inside you. Then you cried when Reggie ate them.”
“That was ages ago!” Luke whined.
“It was last week, but alright.”
“Alright, fine, I’m a bad example,” Luke admitted. “But what if I told you that Julie thinks Willie likes you?”
Alex considered it for a moment. Julie was definitely more reliable than Luke, and where Luke was almost definitely guessing about whether or not Willie had feelings for Alex, Julie had probably spoken to Willie herself to find out. So he shrugged and gave Luke a short nod.
“Does she think so?” he asked, trying to keep the hope out of his voice.
“Dude,” Luke scoffed. “She was the one to point it out to me. You and Willie are made for each other, bro! Ask him out or I’ll have to do it for you.”
Alex hadn’t asked Willie out. It hadn’t been because he didn’t want to or because he didn’t think Luke and Julie were right – it was because he simply didn’t know how. How was he supposed to go up to Willie, a literal angel, and ask him on a date without spontaneously combusting? He didn’t want to make a fool of himself, not in front of Willie.
He had thought that Luke was joking about getting Alex and Willie together himself. That had, of course, been an incredibly naïve thing to believe. When Luke said he’d do something, he meant it – Alex should have learnt that from the time Luke had said he would lick an electric fence and then followed through immediately and without hesitation. So really he shouldn’t have been surprised when Luke made it his mission to get Alex and Willie together.
The first time it had happened was when Alex and Willie were hanging out alone in the studio. They had been talking, just catching up with each other, and it had been nice. Willie had been halfway through a story about one of the kids at the nursery he worked part-time at when all of a sudden the lights in the studio had dimmed and slow, romantic music had begun drifting from the stereo in the corner.
Willie had looked utterly bemused, a quiet half-smile gracing his features. “What’s all this?”
“I don’t know,” Alex told him, standing up and flicking the lights back on, then going to the stereo and turning the music down all the way. “Sorry about that. It’s never happened before.”
“You mean you didn’t set it up?” Willie asked.
“No,” Alex replied, looking around the studio. Unsurprisingly, he had spotted Luke in the attic, hidden amongst the beanbags, the stereo’s remote in his hands. He didn’t even have the good grace to look guilty, instead giving Alex a cheery wave.
“Oh,” Willie had said. His tone made Alex turn to face him – there was something in it he couldn’t quite put a name to. “Okay. Anyway, so, as I was saying…”
Luke’s plans had not improved from then on. He had pulled the classic “invite both of them to hang out but don’t show up so they’re just spending time together one-on-one”, he had dedicated an entire setlist to Willie at their most recent gig and told the entire crowd that it had been Alex’s idea, and every time Alex and Willie had a conversation he would find a way to muscle in and very unsubtly suggest they go on a date.
It was making Alex’s life a misery.
Because now every time he saw Willie felt painstakingly awkward. The both of them were just waiting for Luke to show up and do whatever he’d planned, after which they’d be steeped in brittle, tense silence until one of them found an excuse to back out of the situation. The ease and light-heartedness their friendship had once been built on was pretty much shot to pieces. Alex knew that Luke meant well, but he was almost certain that he had ruined everything.
It didn’t help that Luke had got Julie, Reggie, and Flynn in on it too, though they were much less heavy-handed than he was when it came to getting them together. Reggie’s main tactic was ask if they’d been on a date yet every time he saw them but leave it alone once they said no, while Julie and Flynn tended to talk to Alex away from Willie and try and convince him that they were, in Flynn’s words, a match made in heaven.
“He totally wants you to ask him out,” Flynn gushed on one of these occasions. “Did you see the way he was looking at you earlier? He’s in love.”
“Things are awkward enough between us as it is,” Alex had explained. “I’m not going to make it worse by asking him out.”
“Well, maybe you don’t need to ask him on a date,” Julie suggested, ever the voice of reason. Alex inwardly thanked her – at least somebody was on his side. “But I do think you need to at least talk about what’s going on between you.”
He revoked his inward thank-you.
“We don’t need to talk,” Alex insisted. “If we just leave it alone then the problem will eventually go away.”
“That’s always your solution,” Julie said.
“And it never works,” Flynn added.
“If you just face your feelings head-on and actually try communicating with him you might get somewhere,” Julie said. Alex looked at her and knew she was telling the truth – her eyes were wide and kind, her mouth set into a gentle smile, and she looked as if she wanted nothing more than to help Alex. “You’ve been dancing around each other for so long, all you need to do is figure out where you both are. Trust me.”
He had shrugged inelegantly and let Flynn change the direction of the conversation, grateful to be talking about something else.
But he hadn’t taken Julie’s advice. Talking to Willie was difficult. Their banter was all but gone and their conversations lasted no more than a few minutes at most. It was a lot easier when they were with all their friends, in a big group where they could talk to others, which had been exactly the reason that Alex wasn’t worried about the impromptu party Julie had invited everyone to that night.
And look where it had got him.
It had been Luke who suggested it during a lull in conversation.
“Why don’t we play Seven Minutes in Heaven?”
The suggestion had been met with excited ‘ooooh’s from most of the group sat around the studio, all except Alex. The last time he’d played Seven Minutes in Heaven had been in middle school – he had been locked in a closet with a girl in his class, she had kissed him incredibly awkwardly, he had blurted “I’m too gay for this” and fallen ungracefully out of the closet with six minutes still left on the clock. While that had been years and years ago, the memory still burned with embarrassment.
“Count me out,” he said. “That game is cursed.”
“I think you’re thinking of Bloody Mary in the Mirror,” Reggie supplied. “That game is cursed. This one’s just a bit of fun.”
“Absolutely not,” Alex said, shaking his head. “You guys can play, I’m staying out of it.”
“Oh, come on, Alex,” whined Luke, “everyone has to play! Otherwise it’s no fun.”
“You might not even get picked,” Julie said helpfully.
“But also you might,” Luke added.
Alex looked around the room at his friends – Reggie was smiling encouragingly, Luke looked put-out that Alex had even thought about refusing, Julie and Flynn were looking at him with hope and excitement in their eyes that he really didn’t want to crush, and Willie… Willie was avoiding eye contact altogether.
He didn’t know what it was that did it, but finally he relented. “I’ll play.”
Luke punched the air triumphantly and began entering everyone’s names into a generator he’d brought up on his phone. Alex watched with bated breath as the little wheel spun, slowing down until it landed on a name. The screen lit up with an over-the-top fireworks animation and the name ‘WILLIE’ in garish bubble writing.
Alex didn’t look at Willie, but he did feel his own insides squirm. What if he was picked next? He wasn’t sure he could last seven minutes alone with Willie. What was he supposed to talk about? What was he supposed to do? How was he meant to act like it wasn’t the most awkward thing he’d ever done especially after everything that had happened in the past few months?
Luke set the spinner off again and Alex watched nervously as it ticked through all the names. The firework animation lit up the screen again and when it was cleared the name ‘ALEX’ was left behind, glowing in all its bubble writing glory.
He tried not to sigh in defeat and he stayed put, no matter how much he wanted to leg it from the room and never come back.
“Alright then!” Julie said, clapping her hands and beaming. “Alex and Willie! You guys feeling up for this?”
Alex didn’t have an answer, but it appeared that Willie did. He stood up and offered a hand to pull Alex to his feet too, smiling gently.
“I’m ready,” he said, though Alex didn’t miss the waver in his voice. “How about you, hotdog?”
He could feel his friends’ eyes boring into him like lasers, but kept his own eyes trained on Willie, searching his expression with no idea what he was actually searching for. Eventually though, he gave a resolute nod and said, “Yeah. Yeah, I’m ready. Let’s do this.”
“You can go into the bathroom,” Julie said, pointing towards the little room at the back of the studio. “You’ll have to lock the door yourselves.”
Alex nodded and mutely followed Willie into the bathroom. He shut and locked the door behind them, then flicked the light-switch on. Immediately, Willie flicked it back off.
“Why can’t we have the lights on?” he asked. “I can’t see you.”
“Those are the rules, hotdog,” Willie returned. His voice sounded like it was coming from the opposite side of the room, but Alex couldn’t be sure. After all, he couldn’t see anything.
He could feel his heart hammering in his chest and sweat starting to bead on his forehead as he slid himself down the wall to sit on the floor. He had no reason to feel so nervous right then; he’d been alone with Willie a thousand times, this didn’t have to be any different just because it was in a small dark room and they had a time limit ticking over their heads. Admittedly, he hadn’t been alone with Willie all that often recently, but he shouldn’t have been too out of practise.
“So,” he ventured, rubbing his hands along his legs, hoping the repetitive movements would dull his nerves. “What do you want to talk about?”
Willie was silent for a moment and Alex was sure that he’d somehow already put a foot wrong. Briefly, he considered unlocking the door and trying to leave very quietly so that Willie wouldn’t notice, but he realised quickly that plan wouldn’t work because he would never get past his friends in the studio. All he could do was stick it out for six and a half more minutes.
But mercifully, Willie finally spoke.
“Things have been weird recently, huh, hotdog?”
It teased a laugh from Alex, if only a small one. Because yes. Yes, things had been incredibly weird and he hated it.
“Yeah,” he agreed, “it’s been weird. I’m sorry about Luke and the others.”
“You don’t need to apologise,” Willie said. Alex could hear the smile in his voice and found himself relaxing. “It doesn’t really bother me. But… I mean, it seemed like it was bothering you. I’ve been trying to give you a little space but I don’t know if that’s what you want.”
“No,” Alex said, far too quickly. He tried to rein himself in a little, not wanting things to descend back into that dangerous awkward territory. “No, I don’t want you to give me space. I really like hanging out with you, Willie. I don’t want to stop that. I just wish they’d stop teasing.”
There was another pause, smaller this time, barely perceptible.
“Why?” Willie asked quietly.
“Because,” Alex began, but he quickly found himself lost for words.
How was he supposed to explain it to Willie when he found it hard to explain it to himself? He didn’t like their teasing because he was scared. He didn’t like their teasing because he didn’t want to make Willie uncomfortable. He didn’t like their teasing because this thing, whatever it was, between him and Willie was theirs and only theirs and he wanted to keep it between that way. Because he wanted to make these decisions on his terms, not when his friends decided he should.
“Because?” Willie prompted.
Alex swallowed his pride and his nerves and made himself speak.
“Because I really like you, Willie. And when our friends try and find ways to get us together it just feels awful because I want to do it myself. I don’t want them to intervene or mess this up. I want to do it my way. They keep saying that you like me too – is that true?”
Silence again. Alex could hardly stand it.
“Yeah,” Willie said finally. With that single word Alex felt like he could breathe more easily than ever before. “I do. Like you, I mean. And I get it. I’m sorry this whole thing has been such a mess.”
Alex huffed a laugh. “Blame Luke.”
“Oh, I will,” Willie replied through a chuckle.
Alex heard him shuffle across the bathroom floor and felt their sides press together as Willie came to sit next to him. Without thinking he laid his head down on Willie’s shoulder, then felt Willie rest his head on his in return.
“So,” Alex said again. “What does this mean for us?”
“What do you want it to mean?” Willie asked teasingly, the smile on his face evident in his voice.
“Are we dating?” he asked. He could feel his own smile tugging at his lips as Willie slipped an arm around his shoulders.
He felt Willie press a gentle kiss to the top of his head. “Yes, Alex. We’re dating.”
Maybe it was the late hour, maybe it was the dark room, maybe it was the rush of adrenaline he got from hearing Willie day the words “we’re dating”, but something gave him a warm and welcome rush of courage and he said, before he could think better of it, “Can I kiss you?”
“Well,” Willie said, “I think that’s what usually happens in this game.”
“I don’t want to kiss you because of the game,” Alex told him. He knew Willie was probably joking, but he wanted to be certain. He wanted to make it clear that none of this was because of the game (mainly because Luke had probably rigged it somehow and Alex still wanted to do this his own way). He needed to show that this was for Willie and for himself, nothing else.
“I know,” Willie said gently. “I don’t either. I just want to kiss you.”
Alex slid a hand up to cup Willie’s jaw and they slowly came together. Willie’s lips were softer than Alex thought should be allowed, the kiss gentle and slow. It felt perfect, like fireworks had been lit in Alex’s soul (though much better fireworks than the terrible animation on Luke’s random selector wheel). He felt Willie’s fingers knot through his hair and pull them closer together.
It hadn’t gone the way Alex would have really liked. He didn’t get to ask Willie out on his terms. But from now on, with Willie as his boyfriend, they could do everything else on their terms. They could go at their own speed, hand-in-hand, with no ticking time limit set by their friends. They could move at their own pace with nobody but each other.
And Alex could breathe easy.
Taglist (if you want to be added or removed just let me know): @ace-bookworm @williexmercer @willex-owns-my-heart @itstiger720 @the-reckless-and-the-brave @that-one-newsie @bluedarkness @lookingthroughmirrors @teammightypen @salty-star @julieandthequeers @lmaohuh @sunnysbright 
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fairyoftbz · 3 years
rêveur | b. jacob
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☕ pairing: (shy) pastry chef! jacob x fem! reader (with barista!kevin) ☕ word count: 4.2k (。_。) (oops i got carried away) ☕ genre: fluff, sort of slow-burn (more like jacob and the reader rejecting their feelings) ☕ tw: maybe some occasional swear words and one (1) mention of the reader’s ex but nothing too crazy.  ☕ synopsis: you find yourself always coming back to the café down the street where you absolutely loved the pastries and befriended the barista, but you’ll soon discover the culprit of your sweet tooth. ☕ a/n: gosh it’s long but i couldn’t stop myself writing for him 🥺 i’m just too soft for him. ☕ requested: yes! i hope it’s not too bad!
No matter how hard you tried, the efforts you put to prevent you from coming back, you always found yourself going at the local café every single week. You didn’t understand if it was the atmosphere or the warmth of the place, but you always found yourself there. The fact that it was located just down the road gave you the excuse of hanging around there more often than you should.
You could be busy, studying for finals or hang out with friends, the café was always hidden in the corner of your mind. As soon as the street works ended, your neighbourhood became the most tranquil place you’ve ever lived in. All your neighbours were friendly and polite, sticking a little note in the lift to warn the other neighbours of a potential party or loud reunion, helping each other at any occasion. Some residents, including you, owned a pet, and you were grateful that none of them was a pain in the butt for the rest of the building. When you told your friends how quiet and different it was from your former apartment, they never believed you.
While some of them would have killed to study or sleep at a place like your current one, you always found yourself going back to this local café. This little, Japanese-like coffee shop became your new obsession over the months, randomly finding it once while you wanted to go to a flower shop at the end of this street. The employees were welcoming and caring, completely catching you off guard as you were used to going to Starbucks, where some baristas and waiters could use a good lecture about politeness and respect. In the small coffee shop, their goal wasn’t to make the most money possible, it was more to please people and make them discover new coffee or pastries flavours. Everything was homemade, and that’s what encouraged you to become their number one fan. The workers, especially one, started recognising you by dint of your regular appearances at the shop, remembering one of your visits.
“Morning Y/N! Caramel macchiato, as usual? Nothing else?” Kevin, the barista, greeted you with a smile, which you returned alongside with a nod.
This barista was a social butterfly, always striking up a conversation with everyone. And he didn’t care, he just kept going, even if the customers were rude or remained quiet. You were admiring because you were among the people that stayed reserved yet polite when he started talking to you, but his ease made you comfortable enough to joke and laugh with him, striking a conversation with him whenever you had the chance, quickly becoming friends over your many visits.
“Yes, please! I need a lot of caffeine today,” you murmured, and he sadly chuckled, understanding your great need for energy. “Rough night?” he asked, and you agreed again, chuckling as you realised how lame it was. “I assisted my dog being in pain while giving birth,” you explained, and the barista’s eyes widened, his mouth falling agape in excitement. “But that’s amazing! How many did she have?” he seized your credit card without even telling you the price of your purchase - in his defence, you were so used to coming here that you knew the price of your order by heart by now - and typed on his screen, closing the cash register in a slam as it randomly opened.   “She gave birth to four healthy puppies, they’re so adorable,” you replied, and the man in front of you smiled as brightly as you were.
“Those are great news! Oh, by the way, would you like to have a taste of the discovery of our pastry chef? You should have seen how happy he looked when he finished the batch this morning,” he explained, and you followed him to the window display, indicating with his finger what resembled a mille-feuille. “That looks nice, I’ll have one, then,” you stated as you were to hand him your credit card again, which he hesitantly took before looking at the back office. You asked him if something was wrong, but he shook his head with a smile and gave you a tray with your drink and the pastry. “Have a great day Kevin!” you thanked him while he washed his hands, head turning to you before shooting you a friendly wink. “You too, Y/N! And you can always tell me if you need someone to take one of the puppies, I’ll gladly adopt one. I only have to talk with my girlfriend first,” your eyes turned into crescent moons filled with joy at his words, and you lifted your thumb excitedly. He quickly waved before serving the next customer, his signature undying smile plastered on his face.
Comfortably sitting down at an empty table, you took off your coat and gulped a sip of your drink, your mouth salivating at the sight of the food. Grabbing the fork, you slid it against the pastry and brought it to your mouth, the sugary taste melting against your tongue. You ate more and more until you finished, almost tempted to go back to Kevin and ask him for another one. But you ignored your love of good food and started getting to work, getting a book and your computer out of your bag, touching up your project that you had spent a lot of time working on. It was one of the last things you had to do for university, and you were delighted to get it done to finally move on.
“Is everything okay?” You recognised the voice of your favourite barista, smiling as you watched him clearing your tray. “Yeah, thanks! Actually, can you tell the chef that it was amazing? I loved how incredible it tasted,” you explained, and Kevin smiled brightly, nodding. “I promise I’ll do it. Jacob gets so happy when he receives recognition, I’m sure it’s going to brighten his day,” nodding at you, he took your empty tray back to the counter.
Quickly saving your paper on your computer, you turned your head to the side to stare at the barista, smiling as you noticed him disappearing in the back as he called his friend’s name.
“Jacob!” Kevin spoke as he wiped his wet hands on his apron, his friend slightly flinching as the voice filled the silence he was used to working in. “Are we out of something?” the baker worriedly asked, and Kevin shook his head, a chuckle escaping from his mouth. “No, no, I’m just doing my job, being a messenger,” Jacob slightly frowned and stopped spreading yolk on the biscuits. “One of my friends, Y/N, came and ate the mille-feuille you made this morning. She said that it was excellent, and she wanted me to tell you,” Kevin explained, and the baker blinked a few times, the tip of his ears getting progressively red as he processed his friend’s words. “Thank you, I appreciate it,” the baker replied with a smile, peeking out of the back office to try and get a look at the customers. “Is she still there?” he asked, and Kevin peered closer, shaking his head as your seat was now found empty.
Jacob nodded and went back to work, a bit disappointed to not have been able to see you, hence the pout forming onto his face, but he was touched that someone complimented him on his skills. Of course, it was his job after all, but it always felt nice to receive compliments and validation that what you do is fantastic. Jacob wasn’t the most confident person in the world, so your words only brought him the daily dose of happiness and the credits he deserved.
You came back the next week, the atmosphere of the café had changed into something quite hectic, almost stressing you out when you came here to relax and chill out from your day at uni. Now that your project was done and submitted, you had some hours to kill before meeting up with some friends. Without even noticing, you arrived in the middle of rush hour, people jostling one another to get some pastries or a quick coffee before going back to work. You had to put back into place a businessman that tried to overtake you to place his order, feeling your heart hammering in your chest while doing so. The excuse of being in a rush didn’t persuade you, riposting that you also had to go somewhere so he went back behind you, breathing out of frustration to make you feel guilty, but it didn’t work. You only rolled your eyes and waited, smirking to yourself as the man behind you gave up and left, cussing.
A hand settled the pastries in the window display in a rush, people massing together to decide on their order. Kevin was all over the place but still an angel, a tired yet bright smile adorning his face. Once it was your turn, a man walked behind your friend and recognised the thin hands that placed the pastries in front of you a few minutes earlier. “Jacob? We ran out of chocolate chip cookies, we need a new batch asap, bro. We’re selling them like hot cakes.Y/N, hi, the usual?” Kevin said, and you looked up at the name, the baker stopping in his tracks and nodded, a tired look on his face. Kevin seized the opportunity to grab a chocolate croissant from the tray his friend was holding, wrapping it in a napkin.
Your eyes connected with Jacob’s for a second, his light brown pupils holding something warm and gentle towards you. He wiped the flour off his apron before quickly looking back at you, pushing the strands of hair away from his eyes before replacing his baker cap. He looked in great need of sleep, the bags under his eyes enhancing the empathy you had for him. He was handsome and adorable at the same time, your heart not being able to choose what side to fall for. The baker tiredly nodded at his friend’s request and disappeared, hearing him hastily get back to work.
“Oh uhm, yes, please,” you stammered, and Kevin smirked, humming in agreement, and typed on his screen. You shyly cleared your throat as your friend probably understood your train of thoughts since you weren’t so discrete in observing the baker, but thankfully, he didn’t raise it.
Once the rush hour had calmed down, and the coffee shop quieted down again, just like it was when you came last time, Kevin took his break with Jacob. The manager took over, leaving the two employees time to take a much-needed break and breathe for a while, gathering enough energy to make it to the end of the afternoon.
“It was her that complimented your mille-feuille,” Kevin revealed as he motioned to your table with a nod, where you were happily calling a friend and munching on the pastry the barista had placed on your tray.
Jacob followed his friend’s finger, and an honest, tired smile emerged on his face when he noticed how bright and sunny you looked. You looked so soft and nice to have around, making the baker wonder how it was to have a conversation with you. Eyes turning into crescent moons as you laughed at one of your friend’s joke, you failed to notice the employee looking in your direction, his colleague observing him out of the corner of his eye while sipping his iced americano.  
“She’s pretty, right?” Kevin mumbled, but Jacob didn’t hear him. “What did you say?” The pastry chef mindlessly asked, gaze trailing on your figure. “Y/N. She’s pretty, don’t you think?” Jacob’s eyes widened and stared back at his friend, who was giggling. “It’s okay, I’ll keep it a secret,” the barista nudged his tired friend in the ribs, finishing his drink. “You better,” his colleague finished his coffee, throwing the paper cup in a bin before going back to work, leaving a chuckling Kevin behind. “Why do I feel like cupid out of a sudden?” the barista mumbled to himself, a smirk appearing on his face as he stood up and went back inside.
The next week, as you hung around, you felt the same way of tension as soon as you stepped into the café as last time. Jacob was surprisingly serving customers, juggling between the coffees and the pastries baking in the back office. “H-hi!” you greeted Jacob, and he slightly froze at your word, greeting you with a bright smile. You were surprised when he didn’t even ask for your order, getting straight to work and wishing him a nice day as you walked to your usual seat. However, as you took your first sip, you felt your stomach churn and a disgusting taste landing on your throat. Shivers travelled down your spine as you swallowed the bitter liquid you recognised that belonged to the iced americano. A wave of memories invaded your mind as you remembered how terrible it tasted once you took a sip from your ex’s drink, who was addicted to this type of beverage.
Jacob got your order wrong, and you swallowed thickly several times, pondering if it were a good idea to add more stress to the poor baker’s shoulders by pointing at his mistake, but you couldn’t bring yourself to drink this no matter how hard you tried. You stood up and walked to the side of the counter, waiting for the people to get served before you caught the baker’s attention. You started to calmly explain the uncomfortable situation you were in to the barista, his ears became bright red as another customer came and seemed to have your drink in your hand. The customer got extremely mad as he was apparently in a rush, yelling and cursing at the baker.
“You are paid for doing this, how could you make an order wrong? It’s not that difficult!” the man exclaimed, and you noticed Jacob’s eyes darkening. You knew that he wanted to talk back to the customer, but he didn’t plan on getting fired, so he just listened and nodded. “Jacob, don’t worry I can wait, serve him first,” you said before walking back to the table after offering him a smile, noticing him nodding again and take the two drinks that you and the other man laid on the counter.
The baker cleared his throat as he arrived a few minutes later with your correct order and a slice of chocolate cake.
“I’m sorry for giving you the wrong order. I am the only one here because Kevin is on holiday and my manager was supposed to come, but he left me in the lurch. So… I’m a bit stressed out,” Jacob explained quickly, earning a reassuring smile from him. He swallowed thickly but felt a wave of relief crash onto him as you didn’t look mad at all.  “It’s okay, Jacob, it’s human to make mistakes. If it were another drink, I wouldn’t have said anything but I really can’t drink strong coffee. Thank you for the pastry, and uhm… good luck for today?” you said as he stood up, his tired eyes shining with thankfulness as he got back behind the counter. You quickly enjoyed your food and left after trying to wave at him timidly, but sadly, he didn’t notice you.
When you visited the café on the other days, he disappeared again in the back office, Kevin taking back the lead. There, with your caramel macchiato in hand, you started daydreaming about the pastry chef, his dreamy hands and beauteous face. You imagined romantic dates and activities you could do together, such as baking you new pastries before offering them at the coffee shop or even spending a day at the park together, a lost yet gentle smile on your face.
Everything about him made you dream. He exuded comfort, fondness, and warmth, his eyes always pearly with delight. Even a blind man would not have missed how amazing and passionate he is when it came to baking. You once overheard a conversation between him and Kevin, talking about a new receipt he found on the internet and how excited he was to try it out. His soft voice never failed to make you smile, his fluffy hair making you wonder how soft it was and how good it’d feel if you carded your fingers through his locks as you hugged him.
It was undeniable and inevitable, you had tried to deny those feelings during the past few weeks, but you couldn’t reject the fact that you had a massive crush on Jacob. Kevin gently teased you about this when his friend appeared, making sure to say his name aloud to catch your attention when you sat at a table, only to watch him quickly find a hiding place. You also wished you would see him more often, feeling quite defeated to see him escape your gaze as soon as he saw you. With the number of times you came to the coffee shop and saw your friend, your crush’s brief appearances weren’t enough to fulfil your little heart’s happiness. You wanted more of him, but, much to your dismay – and secretly Jacob’s – you didn’t know what to do.
“Ah Y/N! I talked with my girlfriend today, and I was wondering if I could adopt one of the puppies? I showed her the pictures you sent me, and she is all over the moon for this one,” Kevin said as he placed your order on the tray, quickly getting his phone out after checking whether some customers were waiting or not. “Yeah, no problem!” you smiled as you recognised the crazy, adventurous one. “I asked the vet, and he told me that they are old enough to be adopted. Is it okay if you come with your girlfriend within the next few days? I can’t wait for you to have one, they are precious!” you exclaimed but calmed instantly, heart hammering in your chest as your lovely baker appeared from the back office, visibly in a bad mood. He didn’t even glance at you, his attitude sent a pang in your heart, but Kevin just shook his head, winking at you. “Can we come tonight to your place? I’m excited to meet my future baby boy!” Kevin made sure that his friend heard, noticing that he was listening carefully yet discreetly, hence his movements coming suddenly to a halt. The barista gave you a knowing smile and kept on chatting with you as if nothing happened.
That night, someone knocked at your door, and you excitedly walked to the main entrance, happily greeting the couple, and welcoming them in, eyes widening as Jacob had tagged along.
“What a great surprise!” you awkwardly mumbled, and he nodded, his smile outshining the sun as you let them all inside. Kevin and his girlfriend were quick to follow the yaps of your dogs to her newborns, leaving you with Jacob, who was quick to grab your wrist gently to make you stay with him. You mindlessly smiled, but deep down, you were sure that Kevin did this on purpose.
“I couldn’t help but hear your conversation with Kevin, and I’ve always loved dogs, and since yours gave birth, I wanted to see them,” he explained, and you smiled, heart hammering in your chest. “Yeah no worries, you are welcome here! Let’s go see them before they steal all the puppies.” 
With Jacob on your heels, you went to the spare room that became your dog’s nursery, the couple already cooing at the black puppy as you slowly opened the door.
“Look how proud she is,” his girlfriend said, looking at you with twinkling eyes. Your dog walked up to you, tail wagging as she got all the attention on her and the puppies. Since your dog only allowed you to reach inside the box, you were quick to lift the only black puppy out of the four and placed it in your friend’s arms. “I named him Squishy, I had no inspiration for the names,” you giggled as Kevin pet its belly, the puppy trying to lick his finger.
You brought everyone to the living room, where you offered your guests some drinks and started talking together. Your friend’s girlfriend was adorable, over the moon with the dog, just like Kevin had predicted it. Jacob was more on the reserved side, just like at the café, your dog climbing up the couch to rest her head on his thigh, asking for caresses. You felt a sense of betrayal rushing through your veins as she preferred a perfect stranger over you, retrieving her head every time you tried to pet her. Your dog looked at you almost with a mocking look, as if she wanted to show you that she dared to go up to him, unlike you.
It was getting late, but you were having fun, the couple confirming that they adopted the puppy. You helped packing everything necessary for the puppy and got ready to leave, thanking you for your kindness and hospitality. You were happy but felt a bit sad that someone already adopted one of the puppies. It was hard not to get attached to those cute little creatures, but you were reassured that he’d be treated like a king by living with your friends.
Jacob, on the other hand, was stuck on the couch as your dog prevented him from doing the slightest movement.
“She is quite stubborn,” Jacob shyly giggled as he tried to move his leg, only to have the dog whining and yapping. “Luna, stop! Let Jacob go, now!” you walked up to the couch, and she fled, strolling away from you each time you tried to get closer to her.
After many unsuccessful attempts, you managed to lure her into the nursery, shutting the door shut and she barked, but the apartment was quick to fall in silence.
“Finally,” you said as you went back to the living room, where Jacob was quietly admiring the photos on the wall. He gave you a quick smile and went back to his observations, you standing next to him with a slightly embarrassed smile. “It was nice to come here, but I’ll still reconsider my choices. I don’t want to decide on a whim, I wanna make sure that I’m settled and ready to welcome a puppy.” You nodded at his words, throwing him a reassuring gaze. “I completely understand, Jacob. You can take all the time you need. I’m planning on keeping one anyway, so if you change your mind, you can always come and visit,” you said, and an awkward silence installed around you two, Jacob scratching his neck as he avoided your gaze.
“Y-you know. I enjoy… what you bake, really, and I can’t wait for your next pastries,” you shyly mumbled to the man in front of you, who looked up with red adorning his cheeks. “I’m touched by what you’re telling me, thank you so much,” he said and quickly looked outside before inhaling and turning back to you.
“I’m going to go, but… I was wondering Y/N… y-you know, you’ve been friends with Kevin for a while and come around the café regularly, so I was wondering if we could also hang out, but you know… only the two of us? Maybe without Kevin?” Jacob was finding his words, thickly swallowing as he tried his best to tell you what he wanted. You giggled at the way he said things, imagining Kevin on his own while you were together. “Sure! Sure thing! You probably have a hectic schedule, but we can find something that works for the two of us?” you suggested, and he smiled, taking out his phone from his jeans pocket, holding the device with a nervous grip.
“Can I get your number, then? It’s gonna be easier to communicate rather than you coming around the café all the time. I- It’s not what I mean though, I really like having you around the shop, but you know, it’d be easier for the two of us,” you both shyly giggled as he messed up, the tip of his ears glowing bright red.
You were quick to enter your number in a new contact, confirming it before returning the phone to its owner, who gave you the warmest smile you had ever seen on his face.
“I’ll call you tomorrow then,” Jacob said as you walked him to the door, him thanking you just like your friends did. “Drive safe,” you whispered, and he nodded, giving you a soft smile before getting closer to you and softly pressing his lips on your cheek.
Your eyes widened at the sudden display of affection but smiled, feeling a wave of embarrassment invading your body. You waved at him until the elevator arrived, closing the front door with your heart pounding in your chest, doing a little dance of joy in the corridor as something concrete was starting to form between the two of you.
And the best was still yet to come. ♡
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skycollides · 4 years
if you havent done something like this already could you do something where angel and reader argue like crazy and frustrate each other but really they're crushing on each other but wont admit it, and then it suddenly comes out when they're in a screaming match or something?😂
Hey darling! Thanks for the request I hope you enjoy it.💜
Take Me Home Reyes
Angel x Reader
Authors note: I apologize in advance for grammar mistakes
English isn’t my native language.
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist or add yourself to the 
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Warning: insecurity, swearing
Words: 1.424
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Having a crush is not a bad thing. Having a crush on a guy who has women all over him all the time is weighing heavy on you. You thought about telling him but seeing him with these women you know you won’t have a chance.
’’You need to move on Y/n. ’’ your best friend says.
’’I know.’’
’’Glad we’re finally on the same page. I hate to see you running around with a fake smile. I wanna see a real one. You deserve to be happy. Tonight my dear Y/n we’re heading to the clubhouse. Ez would me that some charter is visiting and there’s a small party. So I’ll be playing matchmaker and find you a decent guy. Not buts and I won’t accept a no for an answer.’’ she says.
’’Let’s do this. I’m mean how bad can it be.’’ you give in knowing there is no room for a discussion.
’’That’s the spirit Y/N!’’ she exclaims happily.
Later that day
It didn’t take Y/bf/n long to find someone who seems to be interested in you and is your type.
So now you’re sitting here drinking and having fun with a guy you’ve just met.
’’What brings such a beautiful and intelligent woman here into a clubhouse full of outlaws.’’ he asks you and you your cheeks heat up.
’’My best friend is dating the prospect. One day he invited her and she didn’t want to go alone so i tagged along. Thats how I ended up here.’’ you explain to him.
’’And you stayed because?’’
’’They’ve grown on me. I never was that kind of person who enjoyed going to parties and large groups of people but I enjoy spending my time here. It feels like a big family get together I-’’ before you can continue Gilly interrupts you.
’’Sorry to interrupt but here’s the beer I owe you sweetheart.’’ he says handing you the beer.
’’You didn’t have to Gilly.’’ you try to argue.
’’Nonsense you won’t the bet and I lost.’’ he says.
’’Well thank you.’’ you smile.
’’I’ll leave you to lovebirds be’’ Gilly says and winks at you before walking away.
’’Sorry about that.’’ is all you get out.
’’It’s fine really. Wanna go outside?’’ he asks you and you nod before getting off the couch and following him outside.
Meanwhile - Angel’s Pov
’’How long do you wanna stare at them Bro?’’ Ez asks his older bother.
’’Depends on.’’
’’On what?’’ he wants to know but doesn’t get an answer out of him.
’’You sure you don’t have a thing for our sweet Y/n?’’
’’I don’t Ez why would I?’’ Angel says with a firm voice.
’’Look at those two. I’m glad she finally found a decent guy. I guess I did a good job. Don’t you think guys?’’ Angel turns his head to see your best friend taking a seat next to Ez.
’’Playing matchmake now?’’ Ez asks while Angel stays silent.
’’Yep someone has to.’’
’’You think this is a good idea? I mean you don’t know him you don’t know what his intention are.’’ Angel says not taking his eyes off you.
’’Neither do you Angel. C’mon Ez the pool table is waiting for us. You still owe me a rematch.’’ they leave while Angel continues to stare at you and your new friend.
When he sees the two of you leave the clubhouse something in him snaps. He decides to do something about it and follows the two of you outside.
Your Pov
’’Wanna go for a ride?Get away from here for a bit?’’ he asks you and before you can reply you hear a voice behind you.
’’C’mon Y/n leave that poor guy alone. He doesn’t deserve this.’’ You hear Angel say.
’’What is he talking about Y/n?’’ he asks confused.
’’I have no idea’’ you reply just as confused.
’’Stop playing around girl. I’ll explain it to you. My dear Y/n is fishing in the same water as we are and still from time to time she checks if she still could get a man which you just proved. Since I’m such a nice guy I try to save you from the heart break.’’ Angel explains while wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
’’Wow I better get going. Have fun playing your sick little game with someone else.’’ he spits out and you don’t really know what is happening.
’’Wait!Please! None of this is true.’’ you try to explain while shoving Angel away but he won’t listen. You turn around and see Angel standing there his hands in the pockets of his jeans smirking.
’’What is you fucking problem Angel?.’’ you yell and make your way over to where he is standing.
’’Don’t have one’’ he says and gives you a smile which makes you even more furious than you where before.
’’This isn’t funny asshole’’ you say and shove him again and again but the only thing he does is laugh.
’’STOP LAUGHING’’ you yell.
’’C’mon that do you even want with a guy like him? I was doing you a favor. You should be thankful Y/n.’’
’’Thankful! I should be THANKFUL? Did you run into a wall or something. The last thing I am right now is thankful. You’re a piece of shit Angel. I can’t believe I’m friends with a guy like you.’’
’’What guy am I? I’d really like to hear that’’ he asks you with a bight the smile on his face. You explode because he doesn’t take you or this conversation serious.
’’You Angel Reyes are an excuse of a human being. You can’t stand not being the center of attention. Which is why you did this. Since no woman was paying attention to you tonight you bored and decided to go out and ruin my chances with a sweet guy. God I don’t even know why I fell for you.’’ you said the last part more quiet and realized really quickly what just left your mouth hoping Angel didn’t hear you but he did.
’’What? Say that again Y/n.’’ he says and walks towards you while you take a step back.
’’Why so you can make fun of me. I know that I don’t have a chance with you. Let’s just forget this happened so I don’t have to feel more humiliated than I already do.’’ you say and your voice breaks. Tears are streaming down your face and before you know it you’re standing in the middle of the snap yard sobbing. Before you know it Angel pulls you into his chest and wraps his arms around you tightly. 
’’It’s okay mi dulce! It’s okay. I’ve got you Y/n.’’ he says while kissing your head. You give in and wrap your arms around his waist.
’’The reason why I said those things is because I can’t stand seeing you with a man that is not me. You had me hooked from the moment we met Y/n. I was just too much of a fool to make a move on you. You ARE good enough do you hear me sweetheart. You are. Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise okay?! Can you forgive me?’’ he asks and you nod.
’’I should be the one asking you for forgiveness Angel. I’m sorry that I called you that.’’ you say and move away from him to be able to look at him properly.
’’It’s okay. I was an ass. I guess I kinda deserved it. You can make it up to me.’’ 
’’How?’’ you ask.
’’With a kiss’’
’’I guess that can be arranged.’’ you say and laugh.
You wrap your arms around his neck and his hands find the way to your hips. You stare at each other for a moment before you give him a soft kiss on the lips.
’’Wanna know how you can make it up to me?’’ you ask him and he nods.
’’Take me home Reyes. With you.’’ you say and he smile like a cheshire cat.
’’I like the way you think Y/n.’’ he says and smirks.
’’Forget it Reyes! I won’t be sleeping with you. No sex before the first date.’’ you say.
’’I guess I can live with that. I hope you’re not busy because I’ll take you out tomorrow night babe.’’
’’Cheeky bastard’’ you laugh.
’’That’s what made you fall for me.’’ he jokes.
’’Stop talking and get me out of here Reyes’’ you say and slap him playfully.
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I wrote a little ironfalcon & sarahbucky fic! Thank you to @warmachinesocks for sensitivity reading it for me, I really appreciate the help!
This fic is also on ao3 but tumblr hates links so no links for you
The first thing Bucky sees when he walks through the door of Sarah’s house—Sarah’s house! He gets to stay with Sarah!—is Tony Stark washing the dishes. He stops in the doorway, not sure why he’s so surprised to see Stark there—he’d known that Stark had retired somewhere quiet after the battle with Thanos—but he definitely is. He hesitates, not sure if he can—or should—say something. Sure, he and Tony had talked things out after the battle, cleared the air between them, but he’d assumed that was based on them never having to see each other again.
“It’s rude to lurk in doorways,” Tony says, before he can think of anything to say.
“Uh,” Bucky says intelligently. Then, “What are you doing here?” He winces. His ma would absolutely have something to say about how rude he’s being if she could hear him.
Fortunately, Tony just chuckles and says, “I live here. What are you doing here, Freezer Pop?”
“You live here?” Bucky asks.
“Yes,” Sam says from behind him, startling him enough that he jumps. “Now get out of the way, Barnes. You’re blocking the door.”
Bucky steps inside, clutching his overnight bag in front of him like the shield he hadn’t thought he would need. Sarah and the boys are right behind Sam, and Bucky gives her a shy smile. She smiles back at him before ducking her head, and now that she’s turned away, Bucky looks back at Sam, who has made a beeline straight for Tony.
“Hey sweetheart,” Sam says in the softest voice Bucky has ever heard from him.
Tony leans over to kiss Sam’s cheek. “Hey, honey. How’s the boat?”
“Looking good,” Sarah says. “No thanks to you.” Bucky starts to get a little worried, but Sarah is grinning as she says it and Tony’s expression is one of mock outrage so he relaxes again.
“Excuse you,” Tony says in a faux-offended voice, “I was busy for five years.”
“Yeah, taking care of my boys and being an Avenger, so you’ve said many times. But what, you forgot about my poor boat?”
“Hey, I did offer to help pay for the repairs.”
Sarah’s face softens and she walks over to rub Tony’s metal shoulder, uncovered by the sleeveless shirt he’s wearing. “And that was sweet of you,” she says. “But I could told you I could—”
“—take care of it,” Tony finishes. “Yeah, you said.”
Sam rejoins Bucky by the door and tugs his bag from Bucky’s limp hand. “Come on,” he says, jerking his head toward the living room. “They’re gonna be at it for a while. I’ll show you where you can put your stuff.”
As they’re heading into the living room, Bucky quietly asks, “So how long have you and Stark—”
“Don’t let him hear you call him that,” Sam interrupts. “Just call him Tony, he hates Stark or Mr. Stark or anything else like that. And since 2005. We met working on the EXO-7 project. He was my technician. Got married right after he came back from Afghanistan.”
He remembers Steve telling him about Sam taking the plea deal after the Avengers split. Steve hadn’t been able to understand it, but he thinks about how they’d all understood Clint and Scott taking the same deal for their families and wonders if it was something like that.
“And how did you handle the—uh—”
Sam gives him a flat look. “With a lot of communication and a little bit of make-up sex,” he says. “When you’ve been together as long as we have, that’s something you learn.”
“What, that make-up sex helps?”
“That communication is important. And trust me, it can feel like pulling teeth, trying to get Tony to talk, but it’s worth it.” He plops down on the couch and motions for Bucky to sit down next to him, waiting until Bucky does before he continues, “Speaking of communication, a couple things about Sarah since you’re clearly going to ignore the Bro Code.”
“The Bro Code?”
“Yeah, don’t date sisters of friends, that kind of thing.”
“I don’t think that was a thing in the forties.”
“I’m pretty sure it was.”
“No, I think I’d remember that.”
“Steve didn’t have a sister, why would you remember that? Besides, your memory is as good as swiss cheese, and don’t think I missed you not arguing with me about that friend thing. Anyway, the Bro Code, since you’re ignoring it—”
From where they’re sitting, Bucky can see Sarah in the kitchen, putting away leftovers that someone had brought them while they’d been working. She looks real pretty with the evening sunlight lighting her from behind, making her glow like an angel. Bucky smiles a little, thinking about the way she’d laughed at his horrible jokes.
“Seriously man,” Sam interrupts. “Smitten-with-a-capital-s. Now look, Sarah’s had it rough these last few months. Blipped just like you and me, only she had to come back to a rundown boat and her boys all grown up. Tony did what he could around here, but he was grieving too and he had the duties of being an Avenger on top of taking care of AJ and Cass. He forgot about taking care of the boat and Sarah’s paying for it now. She’s been hurt a lot, so if your intention is something quick and then leaving her just like her husband, it’s not just me you’ll have to answer to. It’s Tony too, and the whole town on top of us. We look out for each other around this area.”
“Yeah, I got that today when the whole town showed up to help out.”
Sam grins and shakes his head, seemingly awed that he and Sarah would inspire enough loyalty for people to come help them. Bucky doesn’t get it. Both Wilson siblings are absolutely incredible. Hell, only a few weeks ago, he himself thought he’d be happy if he never had to deal with Sam ever again and now he’s staying at the man’s family home.
“My point is—” Sam begins.
“Samuel Thomas Wilson, I know you’re not giving that man a shovel talk,” Sarah interjects, coming into the living room, drying her hands on a dish towel. “You’re gonna scare him off, same as you did to all my boyfriends back in high school.”
Sam holds his hands up. “I’m just making sure he knows to treat you right.”
“Believe me, the poor man knows. Besides, I don’t need you to do that. I’m more than capable of making sure he treats me right all by myself.”
Bucky thinks about what that might mean and shivers pleasurably.
“Look at him, you broke the poor guy’s brain,” Tony complains. “AJ and Cass Wilson, can the two of you set the table?”
“Aww Uncle Tony, do we have to?” AJ complains.
“Hmm, how about you set the table or I’ll sell all your toys.”
“You wouldn’t do that,” AJ says, but gets up anyway and joins his brother in the kitchen.
“I might if you keep challenging me,” Tony shoots back, but there’s no heat to his voice and AJ is still grinning as he grabs plates out of the cupboard so Bucky turns back to Sam and Sarah, who have gotten quieter now that they’ve got an audience beyond just him.
“—want to see you taken care of the way you should be,” Sam is saying.
Sarah’s face softens. “Thanks. I don’t need it—”
“—but you should be anyway. After all you’ve done for our family, you deserve it.”
They both glance at Bucky, who smiles quickly to try to assure them that he’s a great option for Sarah. He’d heard some of the things the townspeople were saying about her while they were working on the boat today: she’s an impressive woman and all he wants to do right now is to prove that he’s worthy of her.
“Well,” Sam says eventually. “I guess there are worse people you could go for.”
“Gee, thanks, Sam,” Bucky says flatly.
“No problem, man.” He looks back at Sarah. “Fine, I’ll lay off of him. But the first time he hurts you—”
“—you’ll let me handle it like the grown-up I am?” Sarah finishes firmly, hands on her hips. She seems to decide that the conversation is clearly over because she heads back into the kitchen, swatting Tony away from the sauce on the stovetop with a wooden spoon.
Sam deflates. “Yeah, okay,” he calls after her. “I’ll let you handle it.”
“Hey, I get it,” Bucky offers quietly. “I had sisters too and they hated it when I got involved with their relationships.”
“She deserves the best. And I really hope that you can be the one to give it to her. I saw how she looked at you. I haven’t seen her look like that since high school.” There’s a pensive look in his eyes, his hands clasped together in front of him. “I didn’t realize how much I missed seeing that look.”
“I like her too,” Bucky tries to assure him. “I don’t want to hurt her.” He hesitates, then adds, “I don’t want to hurt anyone. Except maybe Walker.”
Sam laughs. “You and me both.”
“I’ll toast to that,” Tony says cheerfully, coming back into the living room. “Sarah says it’s dinner time.”
Dinner is a loud affair, full of the boys talking about what they’ve been up to with their friends, Sam and Sarah bickering about repairs that need to happen on the boat, Tony and Bucky comparing their prosthetics (Tony’s arm is Stark Tech and he’s curious about how it compares to Bucky’s Wakandan one), and Sam, Tony, and Bucky discussing what’s going to happen with Walker now that the shield’s been taken away from him.
“I don’t think this is over,” Tony says, and Bucky agrees with him, remembering how much more determined Steve had gotten every time an opportunity had been taken away from him, but Sam is less sure.
“He’s grieving. I don’t think he’s in any state to be trying to take the shield back,” Sam argues.
“Grieving men can be unpredictable. You said he didn’t catch Karli, that’s got to be weighing on him,” Tony replies. He eyes the shield in its leather case, leaning up against the wall. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt because he decides the shield is still his. Him with that serum, it concerns me. You don’t have that kind of advantage.”
“I don’t want that kind of advantage,” Sam says, surprising Bucky. He’d known Sam is leery of the serum, not nearly as bad as Zemo but still uncomfortable with it. Tony doesn’t seem surprised though, just nods understandably.
“I know,” he agrees. “But I still worry.”
Bucky interjects, “Hopefully the suit the Wakandans made will help even the playing field some.”
Tony blinks.
“You got a new suit?” Sarah asks.
“And I didn’t make it?” Tony asks.
“I haven’t seen it yet,” Sam says, “but yes. Bucky asked for a favor after Walker destroyed the old one.”
“Hmph,” Tony says grumpily, softening only when Sam leans over to kiss his cheek. “Well, I guess I can’t blame you. Shuri’s tech is incredible. The things that girl can do with vibranium… blows that shield out of the water.”
“Is she still refusing to let you take a look at T’Challa’s suit?”
“They’re very protective of it,” Bucky says.
“And I don’t blame them,” Tony says quickly. “It would just be nice.” He glances at Sam pleadingly, who laughs.
“I’m not gonna let you take a look at it either.”
Tony grumbles wordlessly, but doesn’t complain any further, instead turning to Sarah to ask her about something with the boat. Bucky eagerly joins in, interested in hearing more about Sarah’s life. It’s so different from his, even before the war. He wants to learn everything he can, both about the boat and about her.
By the time dinner is over, he’s stuffed, something that rarely happens. The serum means he has a higher metabolism than the average person, which also means that he’s typically hungrier, and when he’d been with HYDRA, they hadn’t worried about making sure their Asset was well-fed. He offers to help the boys clear the dishes, hoping that will impress Sarah. She smiles at him, but heads out to the porch. The sun is setting over the bayou, and Bucky can just barely make her out through the glare from the sun.
He watches her a little wistfully until Tony comes up beside him and passes him two glasses of sweet tea. “What’s this for?” he asks.
Tony jerks his head toward the door. “She likes to watch the fireflies.”
Sam passes him with an armful of plates on his way to the dishwasher. “Better make sure you grab some bug spray. The mosquitoes are vicious at this time of day.”
“I heal fast,” he says confusedly.
“But it’ll show you’re thinking of her,” Sam says as Tony grabs a can from under the sink and slaps it into Bucky’s empty hand. “Go on, we’ve got this.”
“You’re sure?”
Sam and Tony share a wordless glance. Bucky can’t quite tell what they’re thinking. “Yeah,” Sam says after a moment. “Really, man, get out there.”
So Bucky gets.
Sarah glances up at him when he steps out onto the porch, smiles, and then moves aside on the swing for him to join her. “Let me guess, Tony told you to come out,” she says dryly.
“How’d you know?”
“He likes to think of himself as a matchmaker.”
Bucky hesitates in passing her one of the glasses. “Is that a problem?”
She takes the glass out of his hand, deliberately brushing her fingers against his. “Only if you think it is.”
In answer, Bucky hands her the bug spray too. Her smile broadens.
“Thanks,” she says. “You ever watched fireflies before?”
He shakes his head. “We didn’t have them in New York.”
“That’s a shame. They’re one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.”
They’re silent for a moment, both sipping from their glasses. Then Sarah says, “You can put your arm around me, you know.”
Bucky glances at her quickly and then slowly puts his arm around her shoulders. She leans into him, warm and perfect and slotting just right beside him. It’s nice, he thinks, and he leans his head on top of hers. She makes a pleased sound and snuggles just a little bit closer. He lets out a long sigh, feeling the tension drain out of him as the first few fireflies twinkle in the gathering dusk.
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wenwenbittercake · 3 years
✨Hanma x reader✨
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(Hii sorry for not posting for a long time. Here's a Hanma x reader fan fiction. All of the characters are all from the time past where hina UK lost her legs. Yea that time past part. So all the characters are all grown up. I got the idea from the let me love u by Ariana Grande our queen. 👑👑👑
Warning-a little bit of spice, cheating, swearing enjoy💕💕✨✨
⚡thunder sounds 💥
The sound of ur heels can be heard through the sound of heavy rain. Black Mascara run downs your cheek not due to the rain but due to the fighting and crying you had with Kisaki.
You both had been dating for a few years now and things didn’t get better. He’s always busy with work and when you both finally have time together. He would fuck you and go back to work. It’s been a circle.
But what he did just this evening really pissed you off bad. You’re fine with him fucking with his assistant, coworkers, even whores he find in clubs, but calling you Hina while in a middle of a make out section really hurts you like a bitch. You had enough with him.
You finally made it in front a familiar building. You ring the bell on the door. “Click” the door knob turned and open to see and tall man with yellow highlights.
“*sigh*What happened now?”
The man asked. You look up with teary eyes to see Hanma looking at you with annoyance mixed with a dash of sadness. To be honest, it ach his heart to see his beloved Y/N crying due to that jerk. He doesn’t know how lucky to have a cute bitch like you.
When Hanma first saw you, you were bratty. He thought you’re the type of girl who only want money and gifts from Kisaki but noo. He was wrong. You’re the type of girl who’s bratty and teasing outside but inside, you’re a soft, carrying person. The more he knows about you, the more he fell for you.
The first time he seen you cry was when you found out Kisaki was cheating on you with his assistant. You were crying outside of his office door. He can fainting hear that bitch moaning. That day he took you outside to a carnival. He bought you a lot of snacks and play many carnival games with you but in the end, all of it turned to waste when you run into Kisaki arms when he come pick you up from the carnival. You look so happy running up to his arms. He doesn’t deserve someone like you.
Now you’re crying on his sofa, explaining what happened. He listens to you as you wipe your mascara stained tears away as you bash your shitty boyfriend.
As for him, he’s drying your hair from the rain. You had changed into his T-shirt that’s too big for you and his shorts that cover your knee.
“There, there stop crying over that jerk. You’re getting snort all over my shirt.” Hanma said as he ruffles your hair.
“You Jerk.”
“Hey I’m not the Jerk here. Your little boyfriend is.” He said as he sits beside you.
“EX- boyfriend.” You correct him.
Hanma just laugh but deep down he knows you still claim that jerk as your boyfriend after you feel better.
“Right right , now come eat dinner before it gets cold.” You nod as you follow him to the kitchen.
There you feast on the food on the plate hungrily. Hanma talks about his day as you eat. If a stranger walk in, they would think you both are lovers due to the warmness you both share. Hanma wish you both were but no. Your still Kisaki’s in the end of the day. He sighs at the thought of it.
“What’s wrong?” you asks with puffy eyes.
“Nothing just thinking about work.”
“Aww, you shouldn’t stress to much about it. Ik it’s tough but u should relax in your free times.”
“Thx princess, I’ll keep that in mind.” You look up in surprise by the nickname. He only gives you a wink in return.
“Cocky bastard.”
“And what was that?”
“Nothing. Oh can we watch a movie?”
“Yea sure, go turn on the TV. I’ll join you in a min.” He said as he washes the dishes.
“Ok!” You said excitingly and hopped to the living room.
“Cute” Hanma whisper under his breath.
Your favorite show is now casting live on television. It’s called friends. A classic. A few minutes later, Hanma sits beside you comfortably.
“This is new.”
“Wdym new? This is Friends. You don’t know Friends?”
“umm Nope.”
“haa you suck.”
Hanma just scoff at the insult. But not long you start to explain the plot and all the character. Your explaining about your favorite character but he can’t focus.
You put your legs on Hanma’s lap and he’s massaging your foot but he wonders what would it take for him to slowly move his hands up from your feet to your thighs. Would you scream? Push him away and run out of his door. Would you cry? The possibilities are countless, but this excites him even more.
With that he slowly starts to move his hand upward massaging your calf to groping your thigh. You seem to realize his advances. You stop talking and look at Hanma’s eyes when his hand moves to your thighs. His right hand moves slowly, groping the fat of your thigh. You look into his eyes with excitement and lust. He has the same look in his eyes too but more like a child trying to steal a treat from his mom.
Your heart starts to beat fast but not out of fear but lust. You want him to touch more. Not just thighs but everywhere. Every inch of you. The air starts to feel hot and your face feel like burning.
Fuck it
You pull Hanma’s collar and kiss him in a deep and rough kiss. Like the desperate one. Hanma kiss you back too. Both of you feeling desperate and wanting to feel more of each other. You shifted on his lap. Not breaking the kiss. Tongue exploring each other’s and roaming on each other’s. You start to tug his shirt he’s wearing. He took that as a sign and picks you up in a swoop. Like you’re a pillow. He carries you to his bedroom without breaking the kiss.
He drops you on his bed making you go oof. He didn’t take much time to undress as his hands quickly goes back to your body. Undressing you and groping you in the same time.
His wildest fantasies have finally come true. Fucking you, making you scream his name after every orgasm you have. Marking you with hickeys and having your nails scratch his back. Making you cry not out of sadness but out of overstimulation. Hanma make you feel like it’s your first time. Making you feel all his love and craving you. Making you feel so special.
Next morning, Hanma expect to wake up with an empty but much to his surprise. He sees his princess still sleep soundly beside him. So peaceful, so adorable. He was going to take a pic but he was interrupted by loud ringing. He got up and put on a jacket and walks to the door to see Kisaki on his door.
“What a surprise seeing you here.”
“Is Y/N here?’’
“Um yes, After what u did last night of cause she’s here.”
“Can you please call her. Tell her I’m here to take her back home.”
“I’m already home.” You shout at Kisaki.
Wearing Hanma’s shirt. The shirt is loose enough to show all the hickeys that he left last night. You hug Hanma’s side and he smiles back with satisfaction.
“Wdym you’re home? Stop playing with me Y/N. I got things to do.” He said as he pulls you hand towards him but you yank him off.
“I said NO!”
“GO BACK TO YOUR BITCH HINA IF YOU MISS HER THAT MUCH!’’ you raise your voice to him. Kisaki’s jaw dropped. His once obedient bitch is now yelling back at him.
“Oh right, I forgot, she chose a rat over your ass.”
“Now piss off, I got Hanma beside me. I don’t need your shrimp of a dick.” You said as you turn and leave.
“Y/N wait..” Hanma stop Kisaki from entering making him more pissed.
“I think she’s done with you bro.” Kisaki face is now as red as a tomato.
“I’ll talk about this with you in my office.” He said as he left.
Hanma rolls his eye and close the door. He turns around to smell the smell of fresh toast. He walks into the kitchen to see his lovely Y/N making breakfast for him. How sweet. He hugs her from behind and kiss your neck.
“Want some Breakfast?”
“Yes please.”
(Thank you everyone for reading my fanfic. I hope u all enjoy it. I definitely enjoy roasting kisaki and I expect u to enjoy it too. Love u all and have a nice day 💕🤭🤭✨✨✨)
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(Me simping for this magnificent boi💕💕❤✨)
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lafox · 3 years
I just finished watching Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness and made some scene pack which you can find here. 
I’m not the biggest fan of putting my opinion out there on the internet but I'll try to write my opinion while still be careful.
Anyhow, I need to talk about it! 
First of all, amazing character design and rendering. All the characters looks amazing and I adore the little details, for example, Leon's little head twitch or look at the president’s facial details. I think we all agree that they aced in that department. (will talk more about that subject after character analysis)
Now, the plot... the plot.
Look in all honesty it was a nice plot but i felt it went a bit too fast, not enough build up and stuff. I don't have much to say on it, only a few default on the characters and why and how things happen but I'll talk about that through character analysis. 
Okay, about our main character Leon.
He was badass, I'm so surprised he knew what to do in the submarine, honestly that was a good scene I was really anxious for him. He did care for the people around him but I didn’t get that sweet side of him like he had in RE2 or in DAM, I'm saying this because even if he saw Shen May’s brother, he didn’t have the empathy of his last wishes, like Shen May basically said: “He doesn’t want this to happen again and that why this *the chip* can help us.” And what annoys me the most and that both the ‘villain's’ didn’t deserve to die so the least he could do is to not make it *the virus* happen again. 
I am revolted at Leon for not giving the chip to Claire, not even telling the president about this shit! LIKE BRO. Also denying Claire, thinking he knows best?! Excuse me but Claire literally interviews people, she knows the Press! Anyhow, Annoyed...
Now let’s talk about Claire. 
My girl Claire! They made her a side character that didn’t have much to add only confirmation to our suspicions which is good yes, but it isn’t Claire’s job, she deserve a much bigger role in the RE universe! I get it, she was also a ‘side’ character in RE2 and Leon is the star but still tho! She did give #girlboss energy which I am LIVING for! She was stunning! her character design and CGI was beautiful and I've seen a lot of people saying that she is ‘ugly as shit’ as i quote. I’m sorry but she looks realistic and you are going to cry about it? She is around her mid-tweenies, maybe around 27 and you gonna tell me that her being realistic is ‘ugly as shit’?! Yeah nah sorry pal, go and like Shen May (no hate to her, she is gorgeous) then and not our OG Girl Claire! 
Claire deserved a bigger role and she is smart, like she is fucking smart! She almost decoded everything before the agents came and kidnap her, one of many reasons she should’ve had a bigger role! (Also please, your hand in marriage Claire ilysm)
Next on the list is Jason.
Okay, I'm sorry but i am in love with him.
I’m sorry okay! He fits the dilf characteristics and I cant-
Anyhow back to analysis. 
I feel horrible, he didn’t deserve to die, the man had serious mental illness and PTSD involved, they showed that but they killed him off. Why? Because he wanted to stop the virus from ever happening by his own ways? Even if it is a violent way, there is still, there was a logical and reasonable. Honestly i think and/or probably, a lot of people might relate to him and Shen Mei, because he has PTSD and mental health issues and Shen Mei lost someone close to her and they are both trying to make the world better, in their own way and for Capcom to kill them both is such a shame.. 
Jason is such a badass tho like.. damn~  He was really well written as a side character, like, I enjoyed when he was on screen (Maybe because i like him but whatever) 
Last but not least, Shen Mei!
I’m gonna be real and probs a lot of people are not going to like this but she was the least prominent character for me, like, yes she stands out a bit but for at least 2 episode she is.. just there and having little dialogue. But i did enjoy her twist, i felt like all that nothing from her was worth in someway. She is definitely #girlboss *chef kiss* and i can relate to her on a deeper level. I enjoyed that she silent for 2 episode because i can relate that she doesn’t talk, that she only listen and observes. I enjoy how she will do anything to help the people she love and that think that's what make Shen Mei a great character! Overall i did enjoy her character and i think her side role is very well placed with her personality.
CGI and Rendering Rant
I need to talk about the amount of details in the male characters but lack of it for female characters... You can see how, The President, Jason or Leon have detail, you can see their pores on their skin, you can see their history and age through those CGI detail on their skin and others but.. Claire or Shen May, their skin is  perfect. They do have a few details under her eyes but no pores, no small wrinkles, nothing. I think that's a shame. Shen Mei looks absolutely perfect, you cannot tell me that there is any default on her. I think that is marketing.. what I mean is that Shen Mei is an attraction for people to watch REID. She is absolutely stunning and has no default. 
I was talking with a friend of mine that studies human biology and we were talking about those details, we went on the subject of the women representation and rendering and we both suspect makeup is involve. What i am saying is that Capcom doesn’t show those pores because : Makeup. 
It can be a valid point. Exhibit A is Shen Mei eyelashes and slight makeup, she is meeting the President after all. So of course she would whip out some makeup. (I know i would.) Shen Mei eye Lashes are way longer longer than Claire’s which would go back to out theory of make up.
Photo comparation: 
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Claire in her hotel room.
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Shen Mei in the submarine. You might think that it’s not convincing enough but keep in mind that Shen Mei is looking up as her head is downwards!
Coming back to skin. In the last two picture, yes, you can see pours and details of the face of Shen Mei but i want to talk about normal viewing of the two character VS male character same view point.
Photo comparation: 
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The girls, looking perfect (ily both sm) 
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Leon at the (almost) same camera leveling and depth and you see way more characteristic then other female character even when Leon and Claire are around the same age. But they did nail it when the camera was close on both women. 
Adding a note that Claire does show a it of characteristics, more than Shen Mei and the we get people calling her ‘Ugly as shit’ for having a realistic face.
Maybe Shen Mei is younger, Probably and surely but I'm 18, i have facial characteristics. the only thing that is realistic is her beauty spot which is a really nice touch I love it. 
Anyhow i think I'm done talking about it. 
I enjoyed watching the show and i was excited for it! i hope everyone enjoyed it! Also I love all the character, I'm not bullying them or critic them for their physic or anything else! I’m just ranting about things that was ‘negative’ only because i enjoyed so many aspect of it that the post would be longer aahh. 
A few positives I will list are:
Camera angles (immerced) 
Character movement (No awkward movement or glitch) 
Motion blur (None sickening blur, right place Motion blur)
Lighting (Accurate lighting, not forgetting lighting through hair, ear etc)
Animation (Overall fucking amazing like holy shit)
Tension (Performed very well through animation and plot) 
Emotion and facial expression ( I could write a whole essay on that, that’s how well they did it)
I think that's it :) 
I hope you enjoyed me rambling on about this, i will write soon I've just had a holiday! scheduled writing around the end of next week!
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Second Chances - Mark (Midsommar)
Warning: Major spoilers for the movie, drug use, this fic is dogshite, toxic relationships, and just overall fucked up situations
(my gif actually)
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“Dani, do you really think it’s a good idea to go?”
Dani sighed heavily when you asked that exact question for the fourth time while she was marking her calendar for when their flight to Sweden would take place. “Yes, Y/N. I’ll be fine. I’m fine.”
You knew she wasn’t fine.
“I just, I do think getting out of this tiny little apartment would be good for you...but does it have to be on the other side of the world?”
Dani scoffed. “It’s not on the other side of the world, babe, it’s just across the Atlantic.”
“It’s far enough.” You pouted. “Plus, going with that guy isn’t a good idea either.”
“You’ve known Christian as long as you’ve known me, Y/N. You should know his name by now.”
“I do know his name, I just don’t like saying it.”
Dani frowned. “He’s my boyfriend, you’ve gotta learn to accept him at some point.”
You shook your head. “He doesn’t give you what you need, Dani. He’s terrible at supporting you all the time. He’s an asshole.”
“It’s my relationship. Not yours.” Dani snapped, quickly sighing in frustration and sitting next to you. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped.”
“No, I’m sorry. I...just want what’s best for you, that’s all.”
Dani smiled weakly, placing an arm around your shoulders and pulling you in for a side hug. “I know, babe, I know. I gotta believe this trip to Sweden is exactly what we need.”
“I really hope so, for your sake.”
Dani subtly wiped away a shed tear off her face, faking a wide smile. “So, did you decide if you wanted to go to the party tonight?”
“Depends, is Mark gonna be there?”
“You know he is.”
“Then no.”
“Come on, Mark’s a good guy.” She’s stifled a chuckle.
“Girl, you can’t even keep a straight face.” You laughed.
“You used to be date him and actually enjoyed spending time with him, ya know.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me.”
“Please, it’ll be fun! Pelle and Josh will be there too, it won’t just be Mark.”
“Josh is a smart ass who gets on my nerves. I mean, who the hell studies anthropology?”
“Oh hush, you’re studying psychology.”
Dani rolled her eyes. “Okay, Ms. Environmental Scientist.” She said, making you chuckle. “So, are you coming to that party with me or what?”
You didn’t really enjoy going to parties...like, at all. Even if Dani invited you to one, you always made some sort of excuse to get you out of going. But ever since the incident with her family, you felt you needed to spend every waking moment with her, mostly out of fear that you’d lose her forever. You probably spent more time with Dani than her so called boyfriend. 
You felt selfish for feeling pained that Christian was the first one she called when she got the news. You knew her family, actually made an effort to get to know them unlike Christian, and always saw her parents as your own and her sister was always kind to you. You felt like you lost a lot too, but you didn’t allow yourself to feel that way for long, not when they weren’t actually your family. If you were being honest, you haven’t allowed yourself to grieve at all. You spend most of your time taking care of Dani, never having the time to do anything for yourself.
The company Dani kept also was one of the reasons you never wanted to go to one of those parties. Pelle was nice, you could actually see him as a friend. Josh was a know-it-all. To be fair, you were a know-it-all too, but at least you didn’t brag about it every chance you got.
You couldn’t stand Christian. You always saw how awful Christian treated Dani, and how she just took it. One day, you actually almost got into a psychical fight with him for how he gaslighted her. Dani didn’t talk to you for a week after that, and after that, you tried not to let your anger out because you didn’t want to lose your best friend.
Mark...god, Mark could be so annoying. You used to be a couple, it’s true. But after seeing him not do anything about his “best friend” mentally abusing his girlfriend, you couldn’t just stay with him anymore, it just didn’t feel right. Plus, him being way too overprotective was not something that you liked in a person. It was heartbreaking since you actually liked him a lot, you could’ve truthfully say you loved the guy.
You didn’t dislike Mark as much as Christian, but he constantly got on your nerves after your break up. But Dani always reminded you how insecure he must’ve been after the fact. Doesn’t excuse his behavior, of course, but it did help keep your anger in check whenever he tried to push your buttons. If he wasn’t such a dick, you probably would’ve seen an actual future with him, that could’ve been happy.
Yeah...you really didn’t want to go to this party. But seeing Dani’s almost pleading face, you couldn’t argue with her.
So, you were dragged to the last party you would attend before Dani and her friends were shipped off to Sweden, until she got back.
You could see the obviously look of annoyance from Christian when you and Dani entered the apartment. He took Dani to the one of the corner’s of the room and you could faintly hear their conversation, “Why’d you have to bring her, Dani? She almost punched me in the nose last time...”
Your fists clenched instinctively, making your nails dig into the soft flesh. It hurt, but at least it kept you from socking the dude in the face like you’ve always had the urge to do. A dull glared expression settled on your face.
“Aw, is someone happy to see me?”
You immediately rolled your eyes when you heard Mark’s voice, him walking up to you with a shit eating grin plastered on his pale freckled face. “No, I think she’s probably thinking up ways to kill you, friend.” Pelle joked, making you smile a little.
“Honestly, he’s not that far off.” You shrugged, half joking.
Mark scoffed, rolling his eyes, brushing off your hurtful comment with a bitter smile. “Why are you even here? We didn’t invite you.”
“I’m here for Dani.”
“Well, we didn’t explicitly invite her either.” Pelle smacked the boy behind his head so you didn’t have to. “Dude, ow! Hey, it’s not my fault Dani’s a buzzkill.”
Almost as if you could only see red, you were about to punch the ever loving fuck out of his handsome stupid gorgeous face when Christian came up and pulled you out of the room.
“What the fuck do you want?” You hissed, forcibly pushing him away from you.
“Hey, hey, hey, I’m not looking for a fight. Okay? I have to ask you something.” He sighed.
“Spit it out then.”
“Do you want to come to Sweden with us?” He asked monotone, not hiding the glare directed to you.
“Wow, you must really want me to go.”
“It was Pelle’s idea. He thinks it would be good for Dani.”
“Since when do you care what’s good for Dani? Oh, wait, you don’t. It seems Pelle cares more for her than you do.”
“I care about Dani, okay? I care. That’s the only reason I was convinced to ask you. Please, just...she needs you. She’s your best friend, you don’t want to let her down, do you?”
Gaslighting. You knew that Christian wouldn’t be able to convince you without his number one douchebag power to make your heart bleed more than it already does. He didn’t even have to ask a second time.
And next thing you knew, you were on a plane headed to Sweden. Of course, they had to torture you with booking you a seat next to Mark. But you could handle it for Dani.
“God, I can’t wait to see all those Swedish ladies.” Mark mused, a slight smirk on his face, knowing that comment would upset you.
If those Swedish ladies had any sense, they’d stay away from the giant man completely, is what you wanted to say. But deciding to keep your comments to yourself, you just tried not to gag, rolling your eyes and keeping your eyes trained out the window, seeing the ground getting farther and farther away until your flying above the clouds.
“Silent treatment, huh? I always took you for a social butterfly.” He teased.
You took a deep breath, turning to look at him with a sickeningly sweet smile. “You do know there’s a mosquito flying around your head, right?”
The smirk on Mark’s face quickly went away, turning into a panicked expression. “Where? Where?” He almost shouted, flailing his arms around his head to swat away the imaginary insect. His panic made you laugh. You felt evil, but you convinced yourself he deserved it. When he heard you laugh, he quickly realized you lied. “Not fucking funny.” He pouted, running his hands through his hair, still paranoid.
You sighed when he kept a frown on his face, still looking around for that fake fly. “I swear, there’s no fly. This is the cleanest plane I’ve ever seen in my life, okay? There wouldn’t be any bugs in here.” You never could stay mean for long, even if it was Mark. The small grateful smile Mark gave you made it worth it, and suddenly felt your heart yearn for him against your will.
Many hours later and you finally arrived in Stockholm, only to be told you guys had to travel four more hours to get to Hälsingland. “Oh my god!” Mark whined, like a little bitch you might add.
Thankfully, you always came prepared, sticking some ear buds in and blasting music at full volume to avoid possible small talk and annoying remarks from the two frat bros. You really loved your preparedness after taking your ear buds out for one second only to hear Mark talking about seeing some video about a woman with three clits, what a moron, a cute moron...
You looked at the time, it was nearing 6 pm, but the sky was still blue as ever. It was a bit unnerving, but you tried to ignore the sense of dread you felt when you guys finally arrived to one of your destinations.
You tried not to laugh as Mark pulled his socks over his jeans and walking in a panic to try to avoid potential insect threats in the grass. “Dude, just fucking walk!” Josh fussed.
“Don’t you see all the bugs?!”
“I’m sure all those bugs are much more terrified of you than you are of them.” You voiced.
“Yeah, well, what if they’re so scared that they gang up to attack me in retaliation, huh?”
You rolled your eyes, speeding up your pace to catch up with Dani. Pelle introduced his friend, Ingemar, and his friends, Simon and Connie. They seemed like good people, until they pulled out the shrooms.
It’s not like you hated drugs, you smoked pot pretty much every other day before bed, but shrooms looked hardcore compared to grass. You did not want to partake. But Dani surprised you when she accepted the offer of the tea. “Do you think that’s a good idea, Dani?” You asked concerned.
“She can think for herself.” Christian voiced with a happy and calm tone, but you didn’t mistake the threatening undertone in his voice.
“Hey, it’s okay. Promise.” Dani reassured. You just didn’t want her to have a bad trip or anything, it’s not what she needed, as if you actually knew what she needed. You didn’t even know what you needed half the time. “Are you going to?” She asked, her hand holding onto the bag of shrooms outstretched to you.
“Oh, no. I’m good.” You backed away slightly.
“Are you sure, Y/N?” Mark asked mockingly. “You gonna be a pussy?”
Your eyes narrowed in annoyance. If only looks could kill...You grabbed the bag, popping a couple mushrooms in your mouth, immediately cringing in disgust at the taste. You chewed quickly and swallowed, almost regretting the action as soon as you did so. Since when was Mark of all people able to successfully peer pressure you into doing something you didn’t want to do? The fuck?
“There’s a nice place to sit over here, guys!” Pelle voiced, motioning the group over to a tree in the middle of the field.
It didn’t take that long for the drugs to kick in. You’d never taken shrooms before, but you definitely noticed when you came up due to how the world around you was starting to look warped, almost like nature was breathing. You felt more appreciative of nature in that moment, and with Pelle talking all philosophical like, it wasn’t hard to relax into the sweet embrace of the drug.
You looked over to Dani, she was the most calm you’ve ever seen her, but you weren’t sure if that was a good thing. You snapped out of the thought, not wanting to hyper focus on a drug. “Oh fuck, a new person.” Christian groaned.
“What? I don’t want new people right now!” Mark whined.
“Now who’s being a pussy.” You mumbled, loud enough for him to hear it.
“I’m going lay down. Everyone else lay down too.” Mark settled on the ground, still breathing heavily. “Guys, do it, it feels so nice. Josh, Y/N, can you lay down please?”
“Fuck off.” You spat while Josh did as he was asked.
“Y/N, please, lay down.” You furrowed your brows when you heard the desperation in his voice, almost like he was going to cry.
“Jesus, fine.” You huffed, laying down on the soft grass.
The sun shining through the leaves of the trees was enough to put you back into a relaxed state, almost giggling at the warped rays of light. “This is nice...” You whispered to yourself.
You jolted when Dani stood up all of a sudden. “I need to go for a walk.” Dani voiced, the waver in her voice clear as day to you.
“Dani, are you okay?” You stood up, wobbling slightly, Dani’s figure waving as she walked away.
“Fine, I’m fine.”
You wanted to follow her, but were you capable enough to give her support if you were high as a kite? It didn’t matter at the point. You probably stood there trying to decide for about five minutes before you actually starting walking in the same direction Dani went, but then it was too late. You didn’t see her anywhere.
Walking into the woods, you immediately got lost in nature, enjoying the colors that seemed to be amplified from the drug. You smiled to yourself, not even the arms wrapping around your shoulders could force your mouth to pull downwards. “Hi.” Mark whispered, giggling as he tightened his embrace.
You turned yourself around in his arms. “Why’d you follow me?”
“I’m not allowed to see what my friend is doing out in the woods?”
“I’m looking for Dani, and we’re not friends.”
Mark pouted. “We used to be more than friends. Why’d we ever break up?”
You frowned. “Cause you excused Christian’s behavior towards Dani. Plus, you were always a dick.”
“Rude. And to be fair, I’ve been trying to convince Christian to break up with her. They should’ve called it quits awhile ago.”
“The first thing you’ve said in your entire life that’s actually correct. How’re you an undergrad again?” 
If you were sober, you would have never let Mark lean in and kiss you. At least, that’s what you hoped you would’ve done. But his lips were so soft and he was so gentle, you almost wished you were sober to experience the kiss better. It almost felt nostalgic in a way, even though it hadn’t been that long since you two broke up. You had to stop yourself from leaning back in for more when he pulled away.
“You reciprocated.” Mark smiled softly, caressing your face gently.
“Did I? I didn’t mean to, sorry.”
“I miss you, Y/N, a lot. I know you miss me too.” He whispered.
You shook your head and quickly walked away, not feeling like talking about...well, your feelings. Sobering up quickly after that, you kicked yourself for allowing that to happen, even if you happened to enjoy it very much.
You pretty much avoided Mark after the encounter in the woods, you were too awkward to confront your problems with other people, in that regard anyway. But thankfully, six hours after finding Dani peacefully sleeping off the drugs, it was time to hike through even more woods to get to Pelle’s village. 
“So, we’re stopping in Waco before we go to Pelle’s village?” Mark joked.
Yeah, the all white clothing everyone wore did put you off just a bit, almost giving you Jonestown vibes. But they were so nice, taking your bags and giving you strawberries. They seemed like okay people.
You looked over to Mark, rolling your eyes as you saw him exhale smoke from his vape pen. Even in the presence of strangers, he still had no respect apparently. Josh even had to stop him from eating prematurely during one the first meals of the day. The ritualistic part confused you, but you just wrote it off as culture shock.
Sitting in between Dani and Pelle, you almost hit yourself for not remembering a very important fact. “Happy birthday, Dani!” You grinned. “I can’t believe I forgot, I’m so sorry.”
“Oh, it’s okay.” Dani rubbed your shoulder. “Pelle actually gave me a drawing, which was incredibly sweet.” She said, causing him to have a slight blush on his face.
“I actually did get you something, but it’s in my luggage. Make sure to remind me tonight. But what about Christian?” Dani frowned. “He forgot...of course he did.”
“It’s not his fault. I forgot to remind him, that’s all.”
“Dani, you shouldn’t have to remind him.” You scoffed. “Let’s just hope he remembers soon, else I’ll have to castrate him.”
“Anyway, what’s up with you and Mark? You’ve been avoiding him ever since we hiked here.” She whispered.
You internally groaned. “I always avoid Mark.” Dani just gave you an unimpressed look. “Can you like, stop being a mind reader for once in your life?” You whined.
“What happened?”
You sighed, leaning in to whisper in her ear. “We kissed...” You quickly put your hand over her mouth to stop her from squealing like a school girl. “Shh. It was when we were both high. Didn’t mean anything, at all.”
“You’re a terrible liar, you know that right?”
The conversation didn’t sway your decision to not stop avoiding Mark, you were going to avoid him for as long as possible and not even Dani could convince you to do otherwise. But you kept thinking about that kiss, and you suddenly found yourself wondering if there was any shock therapy places in Sweden.
Walking around the village a bit more by yourself to try and get some more bearings, Pelle joined you with his usual calming smile. “How are you liking it here so far?”
“It’s pretty interesting, I’d say. Living in New York never really gave me opportunities to be in nature, so this is great. I probably never wouldn’t come if it weren’t for you, Pelle.”
Pelle nodded. “I felt it was best for Dani, considering. She needs someone she can count on.”
“Yeah. It’s great that you’re looking out for her, it’s like you should be with her instead of Christian.” You cringed. “Oh god, sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Damn it.”
Pelle chuckled nervously. “It’s okay. Speaking of couples, are you and Mark-”
“Nope.” You quickly interrupted. “Not a chance.”
He hummed in thought. “I don’t mean to pry. It’s just, he told me about what happened...”
You groaned. “That little shit.”
"You know, I think you should give him a second chance."
You laughed. "That came out of nowhere."
"No. It didn't. Mark has always had a thing for you. And I probably shouldn’t tell you this but, he always talks about how he regrets how things went between you two. He still cares about you.”
You frowned, the feeling of missing the bastard starting to bubble up in your heart. “We weren’t good for each other. He needs to grow up.”
“Yes, I do agree he’s...a bit immature.” 
“An understatement, Pelle.” You snorted.
“Personally, I am a big believer of second chances. I just think what if I die tomorrow, would I be happy with my choices in life? You never know when that time will come.”
“Jesus, since when have you been so dark?”
“I’m serious, Y/N. You don’t know when you’re gonna die, so I’d try to live life without regrets.” He smiled calmly.
You kept thinking about what Pelle said well into the night. You had trouble getting over the creepiness of his statements at first, but you knew he meant well. You did miss Mark, more often than you’d admit. You hated that you kind of agreed with Pelle about the whole regret thing.
The next morning, you woke up with a terrible headache. Thinking way too hard for hours on end wasn’t good for your brain. But, it did give you some perspective on how you’d go about interacting with Mark. You admitted to yourself that you did want to be with him, but you also didn’t want to rush into giving him another chance, knowing that just a smidge of eagerness would give the man an overinflated ego.
“What was the name of that activity you said last night, Pelle?” Dani asked.
“Ättestupa.” He answered.
“Sounds fun.” You said, half joking. “Wish we knew what was going to happened, but you seem to love surprises.” You directed to Pelle, a cheeky smile on your face.
From afar, Mark couldn’t help but glare at Pelle. To anyone one else, you were just being friendly, and if Mark had any sense at all, it would’ve just been a friendly smile to him too. He couldn’t help but feel jealous, but even he knew he had no right to be jealous since you two weren’t together. Maybe that was his problem, he thought, being too overprotective when you were in a relationship with him. God, he knew being an immature bastard would bite him in the ass one day. He just didn’t realize someone important to him would be scared away in the process.
The brief eye contact the two of you made threw you for a loop, that sense of longing for one another.
“Can you two stop eye fucking each other, please?” Josh voiced rudely. Strangely, it didn’t phase the two of you. Josh only rolled his eyes. “Fine. Miss breakfast then.”
You eventually forced yourself to look away from Mark, the both of you following the rest of group outside for the meal. Of course, the only seat left was next to Mark. How convenient...
Mark was silent as you stood next to him, taking short glances at you and the ground nervously. “Somebody should tell those girls they’re walking stupid.” He joked, trying to lift some of the tension. It didn’t work. 
A boy rung a bell, an old man and woman walked two their assigned seats, and everyone only sat down until they did. Another rack of culture shock moved through you were the couple started chanting in what you assumed was Swedish, but it was honestly hard to tell.
After that, you just ate your food in silence. You were annoyed that you were too awkward to even look in Mark’s direction. But eventually, he cleared his throat to speak. “Did you sleep well?”
It was odd, hearing him sound so timid and quiet. “Uh, I guess so. I don’t really remember falling asleep.” You chucked nervously.
“Please, don’t.” You interrupted with a huff.
“I think we should talk about it at least.”
You bit your lip in thought, silently agreeing with him. “Not right now. Maybe after, whatever Ättestupa is. Okay?”
He sighed, nodding his head. “Fine. Fine.”
Mark stayed behind as you, your friends, and the rest of the Hårga journeyed to wherever this activity was taking place. You all were standing at the bottom of a cliff, waiting. “What’s this activity supposed to be?” You asked, but no one gave you an answer.
You sighed, crossing your arms around yourself. Whatever was supposed to happen was taking a long time, you almost felt bored. But soon you really wished you’d stayed behind with Mark back at the village.
Everyone watched as the old woman stood at the edge of the cliff, holding her arms outstretched to the sky. You could sense Dani hyperventilating, and you also felt a feeling of dread. You had no idea what was happening, and it scared you.
You let out a loud gasp as the woman fell from the cliff, her body falling onto a stone platform below, her face hitting it hard enough to completely mutilate any recollection that this woman was a human being once. Her face was caved in, it almost didn’t feel real.
You were in silent shock, not comprehending anything else around you, even with how loud Simon and Connie were freaking out.
All you could do was watch as the old man did the same, walking off the cliff and hitting the platform leg first.
“Oh my god, he’s still alive...”
All of the Hårga cried out when they saw the poor man was still alive, sharing his pain that he must’ve been feeling. A few members of the village ended his suffering, taking a large mallet and caving in his face like his partner in the senicide.
One of the elders, Siv, said that taking their own lives was a great joy and that this ritual had been done for many years. You couldn’t believe how barbaric these people were when they were so nice at first. Why were all these people so unfazed by seeing their own people die violently in front of them?
All you could do was follow everyone to the village in silence. You did the same as Dani. You needed to be by yourself right now. You sped walked to the woods surrounding the village, leaning against a tree in exhaustion. Did that really happen, you asked yourself. 
You slid down to the ground as you let the tears start flowing. You didn’t want to be in this place anymore, how could you? You thought back to what Pelle said. He knew that the ritual was happening and he didn’t warn you guys at all. Why would he do that?
“Y/N?” You heard a voice call out. You didn’t answer, you didn’t trust your voice not to come out distorted from your sobbing. Finally making his way through the clearing, Mark saw you hugging yourself on the ground in tears. “Are you okay? I...heard about what happened.”
“No. No, I am not okay. I just saw two people jump to their fucking deaths!” You tried not to cry.
Mark was never good an emotional support, so he simply walked over and sat next to you as you cried. You didn’t know how he managed to pull you onto his lap without you noticing, but you didn’t find it in yourself to care, so you just held onto him like your life depended on it. You didn’t want him to let you go.
“I wanna leave this place...” You mumbled.
“I think that’s understandable.”
“How’s Dani? Did you see her at all?”
He shook his head. “No.”
“I don’t want to leave without her. I gotta find her.” You wiped the leftover tears from your cheeks, standing up with along with Mark. “Will you come with us?”
Mark didn't expect you to ask that. “You want me to go with you?”
“I have a bad feeling about this place. I don’t want any one of us to stay here, but I want you and Dani to come with me at least. I...I still care about you too.” Mark blushed as soon as you said that, making you chuckle lightly. “Seeing those poor people die...I don’t want to live with regrets, I already have enough of those. I don’t want to give up on us without trying to make things work. I admit, I gave up on you too easily. I don’t want to do that again. Okay?”
Mark couldn’t help himself, he soon planted a passionate kiss on your lips. You smiled into the kiss, you weren’t afraid of opening yourself up to him anymore. You wanted him, you’ve always wanted him. It just took a rough wake up call to remind you of that.
You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, standing on your tip toes to meet his lips easier. You felt safe in his arms, him holding you so close that the world and the messed up situation you both were in seemed to fade away. But you knew you were limited on time. You both pulled away breathlessly, wearing smiles on your faces.
“I love you.” Mark said, shocking you. “What? Live life without regrets, right?”
You laughed softly. “Yeah, you’re right. I love you.”
“Now, let’s get outta here.”
Yes, I left it open ended on purpose. I’d like to think that they escaped the Hårga. But if they didn’t, at least they’re together lmao. 
Whenever I feel bad that Mark died in the movie, I just think to how he must’ve put up a fight since that cunt who led him away had a busted lip. Did he deserve it? Yes, probably. But...but...he was a cutie pie🥺
Also, I’m trying to write a fic with Kenny from We’re The Millers, but IT’S SO HARD. Kenny, in general, is hard to write since he’s so...well...himself. Another thing is that the plot is all over the place and my mind keeps bouncing between a bunch of ideas so, it’s literally starting to look like gibberish. But i’m trying
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kingexpl0sionmurder · 4 years
Earl Grey and Lavender - Shinsou Hitoshi
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Author: @kingexpl0sionmurder​ Rating: 16+ Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi/F!Reader Words: 2,713 Warnings: Language (Bakugou has a potty mouth), adorableness, Denki is a crack head, I have weird taste in ice cream. AN: Welcome to my contribution to the BNHarem SFW server collab for June! The prompt was summer! I got lucky and nabbed Shinsou and this is just wholesome and adorable. Also yes, Earl Grey and Lavender ice cream is real, you can get it in the Harry Potter park at Universal and it slaps. Check the rest of the collab submissions HERE HERE is my masterlist Buy me a Kofi! ---
There was only one thing that you loved about working at The Ice Creamery during the summer, and that was the free ice cream. 
The hot and shirtless guys walking past the shop on the daily were a nice treat too, of course. But the fact that you could have a free scoop of whatever flavor you wanted once a day was the highlight of your summer, and there was no man that could walk into that shop and distract you from it, no matter how handsome or stacked they were.
That was until you met Shinsou.
There was something about him that had you immediately attracted to him. Maybe it was the color of his hair, or his eyes, or the way he smirked at you and quirked his eyebrow when you made fun of him.
It started on a regular Friday afternoon. The shop was busy as usual, the summer bringing tourists to the beaches in droves. You happened to work at a location that was close to the water, so a lot of people would stop by on their way back to their cars or hotels for a cone or sundae. You were manning the freezer case, taking orders and scooping flavors, when you heard the bell jingle on the front door, signaling the arrival of new customers.
You barely spared them a glance, concentrating on scooping ice cream into the metal cup in your hands, and then spinning around to add milk and shove the cup into the milkshake machine. It wasn’t until minutes later when your co-worker came by, whispering excitedly in your ear about the pro hero Red Riot, that you took a good look.
A group of pro heroes were standing toward the back of the shop and peering at the chalkboard menus behind the counter, talking among themselves as they decided what they wanted. You could immediately recognize Red Riot, his bright red hair held back from his face with a bandanna. To his left was Ground Zero, the ever-present scowl adorning his pretty face as he glared daggers at the menu like it had personally offended him.
On his right was the pro hero Pinky, who was leaning against Cellophane, the two of them arguing over the merits of a waffle cone versus a sundae cup. Chargebolt was beside them, talking to a guy with purple hair that you’d never seen before. His equally purple eyes were trained on the menu above you, his lips twisted in a frown as he read through the flavor choices.
Deciding that you were probably being creepy by just standing there, you cleared your throat. “Can I help who’s next?”
Red Riot flashed you his shark-toothed grin, stepping forward and dragging Ground Zero behind him. “Hi! Can I get two scoops of rocky road on a waffle cone, please?”
“Sure! You want a regular cone or the chocolate-dipped?” Pointing at the different cones you had on display, you held back a laugh when you saw his look of confusion.
“Oh no, I don’t know!” The pleading puppy dog look he gave his grumpy friend was comical. “Bakubro, what should I get?”
“How the fuck should I know?” Clicking his tongue, he folded his arms across his chest and glared. The sour look was short-lived as he caved under the pouting bottom lip of his red-haired friend. “Get him the chocolate-dipped one. And let me have 2 scoops of mango, in a cup.”
“Please and thank you!” Red Riot perked up, grinning at you again. 
You nodded, getting to work on the order, passing it off to your coworker who was working on the toppings, trying not to think about how adorable that entire exchange had been.
“Mina, I don’t know why you were even arguing with me, we all know you’re going to get the same thing you always get and then complain that you can’t eat it all.” Cellophane teased as he walked up to the counter. 
“And then she’ll force me to help her finish it and I’ll feel like shit later because I ate too much,” Chargebolt added, shaking his head.
“Shut up! I just know what I like, okay?” Mina chirped, bounding up to the counter and leaning on the glass. “Can I get a banana split, please? Go hard with the chocolate sauce, I can handle it.”
“You got it. Is that for here or to go?” You grabbed a banana from under the counter and got to work on peeling it open. 
“For here. We need to sit and cool off, it’s so hot out there!” She slumped forward, resting her cheek on her palm. “These boys are running me ragged. I don’t know why I agreed to go on this vacation with them.”
“Because you love us?” Cellophane supplied helpfully from behind her. “You’ve been putting up with us since we were 15, Mina. Did you forget how we are?”
“I think I was trying to repress it.” She deadpanned, winking at you. “But you keep reminding me, Sero.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. Enjoying a glimpse into the personal dynamics of these pro heroes was the highlight of your day. Everyone knew them as celebrities who saved the world on the daily, but it was kind of cool to witness them being normal people firsthand.
Once you had the banana situated in the dish, you added the ice cream to the middle and added the whipped cream and copious amounts of chocolate sauce. “How’s that?”
Peering through the glass, she smiled. “Perfect!” 
“I went HAM with the chocolate sauce as requested.” You slid it over to your coworker for the rest of the toppings. “Give her extra cherries.”
“Aw, you’re sweet. I like you!” Mina cheered, shuffling over to give her friend some room.
Sero ordered an orange creamsicle milkshake. “I know it’s lame but…”
Chargebolt patted him on the shoulder. “It’s not lame, bro. It would be lame if you just got plain vanilla.”
“I half expected Bakugou to get vanilla.” The purple-haired man spoke for the first time, his deep voice surprising you.
Snorting, Chargebolt laughed, clutching his stomach as he bent over. “I mean, he does go to bed at like 8 pm. He seems the type, doesn’t he?”
“Shh, Denki, he’ll hear you!” Cellophane pushed his friend, rolling his eyes. “You have a death wish, I swear.”
You glanced over to see their explosive friend was concentrating on his mango ice cream at a table in the back, Red Riot beside him and chattering happily, struggling to keep up with the ice cream dripping down his cone. You were pretty sure he couldn’t hear them, anyway.
“What can I get for you?” You asked the blonde, pouring the milkshake into a cup and finishing off the top with some whipped cream. You handed it to Sero with a smile, turning your attention to the electric hero in front of you.
“I can’t decide between the cotton candy and the bubble gum.” Sighing dramatically, he scrunched his nose. “Life is so hard.”
“Why am I friends with you?” His nameless friend looked exasperated. “Just pick one.”
“That’s rich coming from you, Shinsou. You don’t even know what you want yet.”
Shinsou opened his mouth, but you cut him off. 
“Why don’t you get a scoop of each? Then you don’t have to choose.”
Gesturing to you, the purple-haired man raised his eyebrows. “Look at that, Denki. I know that’s a foreign concept to you, but we call that problem-solving.”
“Shut up!” Denki pouted at his friend. “I know what problem-solving is, you overgrown troll doll.”
“Ha!” Eyes wide, you slapped your hand over your mouth, realizing you’d laughed a little too loudly.
“He looks like a troll doll, tell me I’m wrong! The way his hair defies gravity like that? It’s completely natural, too. He doesn’t even put gel in it or whatever.” Denki giggled, leaning on the counter. 
“I wouldn’t sleep tonight, Kaminari,” Shinsou threatened ominously, crossing his arms across his chest. 
“Great! Well, cutie, since I’m going to die tonight, I think I deserve a scoop of each like you suggested, in a cup.” He winked at you, and you blushed, nodding and moving to replace your gloves before you got his order together.
“I hope this doesn’t give you diabetes.” You said sincerely, handing him his ice cream, frowning at the sour patch kids he’d requested for the top. “My blood sugar is through the roof just looking at that thing.”
“Diabetes is nothing compared to how Shinsou will be murdering me in my sleep!” He said cheerfully. “Gotta go out with a bang, you know?” He saluted you and wandered over to the register to pay for his ice cream.
Finally, it was just you and Shinsou. You were relieved to see he was the last one in line as well, so you would have ample time to check him out and flirt with him shamelessly.
Remembering what Denki had said earlier, you smiled at him. “Did you figure out what you wanted yet? I can give you some suggestions if you’re not sure.”
Amethyst eyes trailed over the menu again. “I don’t know...”
Clearing your throat, you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “I have a secret talent, you know.”
He blinked at you. “You….what?”
“I can tell what kind of ice cream is right for you just by looking at you.” You glanced down at your nails, feigning disinterest. “It’s a gift, I guess. I’ve got second sight when it comes to desserts.” You looked back at his face, fluttering your eyelashes.
Shinsou’s chuckle made you shiver. “Okay, you’ve got my attention.” He leaned against the counter, smirking at you. “Go ahead.”
Clapping your hands, you bounced on your toes. “Oh yay! Okay, let me see…” 
You stroked your chin, squinting at him, watching him squirm under your gaze. He was wearing an old and faded band t-shirt over his black swim shorts, and you could see his biceps bulging beneath the short sleeves. 
“Well?” He interrupted your blatant staring. “Have you figured me out?”
“Mmhm!” You turned and grabbed a cup, walking to the end of the freezer, and sliding open the door. You moved over the chocolate chip to reach a hidden tub of ice cream, filling the cup with 3 scoops of the pale purple treat.
“What is it?” Shinsou asked when you placed the cup in front of him and shoved and spoon in it. 
“It’s a secret flavor. It isn’t on the menu, and they really only make it because it’s my favorite and I begged them to keep a tub of it for me. I’m allowed one scoop a day for free and this is what I have.” You pushed it toward him. “I’m trusting you with this secret. No one can know I have this.”
“You make it sound like it’s forbidden. Is there some kind of Ice Cream FBI that’s going to come in here and arrest you or something?” He smacked his palm on the counter, leaning in and speaking lowly. “Is it like the Vegan Police?”
Snorting at his Scott Pilgrim reference, you shook your head. “No, I just don’t want anyone to know because I don’t like to share it. But, I’m making an exception for you.”
“Why me?” He asked, looking surprised.
“I don’t know. It kind of matches your hair, so I feel like you’re worthy.” Shrugging, you crossed your arms. “It’s Earl Grey and Lavender.”
“Like the tea?” He looked down at it, puzzled. “Hmm. That sounds...good.”
“It’s a revelation. You can thank me later.” The bell jingled above the door, signaling that you had to cut your flirting short. “Let me know what you think, okay?”
Long fingers wrapped around the cup as he picked it up. “Thank you…” He squinted at the name tag on your shirt. “Y/N.” Clearing his throat, he smiled at you. “I’m Shinsou, by the way.”
“You’re welcome, Shinsou.” It took everything in you not to watch as he walked over to pay for his ice cream, turning your attention to the new customers walking up to the counter.
You busied yourself with helping them, trying not to glance over at the table in the back where you could hear Denki starting some kind of trouble. You were taking a chance with that ice cream flavor. It wasn’t for everyone.
You didn’t have any kind of sixth sense like you’d said, obviously. You’d just wanted to get him flustered and maybe get his attention. There was just something about him that told you he would like it. You just hoped you were correct.
Telling your coworker that you were taking your break, you got yourself your free scoop and headed into the back to enjoy it in peace. You were about halfway through it when she poked her head in the room.
“Some guy with purple hair is out here asking for you.”
Jumping up, you forgot all about your ice cream, leaving the cup sitting on the desk you had been leaning against. Patting down your hair, you walked out into the shop, noticing it was completely empty, save for the man who was looking for you.
He was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed, waiting patiently. You walked around the counter and smiled at him. “Everything okay?”
He stood up straight, letting his arms drop to his sides. “Everything’s great. I just wanted to thank you again.”
Waving your hand in dismissal, you blushed. “Aw, don’t mention it. Did you like it?”
“It was probably the best thing I’ve ever tasted. How did you know I’d like it?”
Smiling at him, you shrugged. “I’m a firm believer that your taste in ice cream flavors says a lot about your personality. You just looked like the type of guy who likes tea and reading books with a cat on your lap while you listen to The Smiths. That’s the kind of person who likes earl gray and lavender ice cream.”
“That’s eerily accurate. Is that the kind of person you are then?” He raised his eyebrow. “Cause if that’s the case, then I’m going to need your phone number.”
Your heart flipped in your chest at his words. “I could be. Give me your phone.”
Grinning, he pulled his phone from his pocket and unlocked it, pulling up his contacts and handing it to you. “What time are you off work?”
Your hands were shaking with nerves as you typed in your number and handed it back to him. “I’m off at 7.”
“Good. Want to hang out after? My friends want to go to a bar, but we’re not sure what’s good around here.” He took the phone from you and slipped it into his pocket, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “I mean if you’re not busy.”
Pretending to think about it, you teased him. “I mean, I guess I can make some room in my nonexistent social life for you and your friends.”
“I’m flattered.” He smirked. “As long as you’re prepared to deal with them, that is. They’re kind of a handful.”
“I think I can handle it.” The bell above the door chimed again as more customers came in. “I’ve got to go back to work though. Text me?” You bit your lip, glancing up at him from under your lashes. 
“You can count on it.” He blushed, shoving his hands in his pockets. “See you later?”
Nodding, you walked backward a bit, not wanting to say goodbye so soon. “Yeah, see you later.”
You walked back behind the counter, watching as he left the store, your heart hammering in your chest. You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket a few minutes later, your face hot as you blushed at the message you received.
Unknown: I think I have a newfound appreciation for ice cream. I wonder why?
You threw yourself back into your work, forgetting about the ice cream you’d left on the desk in the back room. That was the first time you’d let it melt before you’d finished it, and it was all because of Shinsou.
It wouldn’t be the last time, either.
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