#hope y’all are lining up those shots because I SURE AN
pinetreevillain · 1 year
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Vignette 3
Timothy gained karma
Part 8
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eureka-its-zico · 1 year
Chaos in Their Bones Ch. 4
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Ongoing Series
Synopsis: All your life you’d listened to your friend, Usopp spin wild tales about pirates and adventure. Pirates weren’t a thing that came often to Syrup Village, but one straw hat pirate and his crew changed all that the day they arrived. Now, you aren’t so sure if your sleepy little village was always pirate-free or if no one had been paying attention.  
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Genre: friends to lovers, frenemies to lovers, slow burn (I hope y’all like aching) eventual smut
Words: 8.7+
A/N:  This chapter is mostly filler from 1.04-1.05. This chapter also, once again has a POV from Zoro. I kept going through my options of what I could do to possibly give these two idiots more alone time and this was the result. The beginning, and introduction, of Sanji begins right at Chapter 5 and I already have too many ✨ideas ✨ that I know what to do with. Also, I did add in Zoro working out. It’s a brief mention, but I just found it weird he didn’t have any of those scenes (probably for damn good reason). As always, thank you guys for all the love and support. I hope you all continue to enjoy this story🖤 Much Love, Jenn
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Previous Next
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“I don’t know, Doc. You’re starting to look a little pale.”
“And green.”
You’d been hugging the side of this particular railing since you’d sailed out of port. It was your first time ever on a ship and it wasn’t going too great. You’d heard about seasickness and even had sailors come asking for Naan’s Elfroot to chew to stem the tide while they were out at sea. You always thought they were being ridiculous. How bad could it be? 
Well, if your dry heaving was any indication - pretty bad. Of course, Zoro just had to make it worse. 
You glanced up from looking at the water that was gently tapping the side of the boat to the growing bane of your existence. One hand was tucked into the pocket of his jeans while the other rested on the hilt of his swords. He looked effortlessly cool as he watched you with - was that a smirk? 
He’d changed into a yellow shirt with fine detailing of gray lines running horizontally and vertically, which matched perfectly with his gray pants. 
Zoro was more of a fashionista than he’d let on. 
“It’s just the reflection of your hair,” you shot back at him. 
You could feel the next wave of nausea thrashing around in your stomach and you prayed you could keep it down. You were going to lose more cool points if you hurled again. Zoro squinted over the sun's rays to regard your current state. He must have been able to tell you were 0.2 seconds from hurling because, instead of replying, he simply twirled his finger indicating for you to turn around. 
You did as he instructed, but made sure to follow it up with a middle finger salute. 
“Man, you two always like this? You just met.” Usopp asked. 
Usopp tried doing the dotting friend routine by patting you a few times, awkwardly, on your back. It felt more like he was trying to get a burp out of you than soothe you. 
“It’s because they like each other.”
Nami pranced out of the galley and chose violence. It only took both you and Zoro to register her words before you both shouted: 
“I don’t like her.”
“I hate him!”
Nami wrapped her arms around herself as she looked you both over. A devious smile tilting the edges of her mouth and you had to look away before it turned into the shit eating grin you’d come to expect. 
“I’m sure you both do,” she teased. 
You wanted to prove to her that you meant it. Zoro would be the last person you would say you liked, like- like that. The man was literally the biggest pain in the ass you’d ever met. 
“Usopp,” you croaked, “can you get my bag, please.”
“I’m on it, Doc.”
At the sound of his feet hitting the deck, a groan of discomfort resonated in your chest. How could anyone think that sailing was fun? This felt like the absolute worst. 
When you first entered the Going Merry you couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. You’d heard Usopp tell you stories since he cleaned it everyday. It was as finely crafted as he’d described, and the white ashwood against the walnut was a stark contrast but complemented each other beautifully. There wasn’t another ship like the Going Merry and a one-of-a-kind ship should belong to someone as extraordinary as Luffy.
The minute you’d cast off into the giant blue you’d almost panicked. What if this was a mistake? You’d never been out in open water before nor had you ever left Syrup village. This could either be one of the greatest adventures of your life or a disaster. The only thing that kept you from flinging yourself over the side and swimming back was when you’d walked the stern and the glint of the sun shone down on the water. 
The sun’s rays illuminated the water like light reflecting off a crystal glass. One minute it was the deepest blue. The color was solid enough that your reflection was easy to see and in a matter of seconds after a ray of light touched its water, it took on a cornflower hue that made the water translucent. 
You’d been able to admire it for all of three seconds before you were embarrassing yourself over the port bow. 
“I’m back, Doc,” Usopp spoke softly as he placed a soft hand on your shoulder. He lightly tapped the bag against your hands to try and coax you to grab it. “Do you need me to get you water or anything?”
“Water is not going to help. It’ll make it worse.” 
You thought he was trying just to be his usual monotoned “Hi, I’m Zoro and I could care less,” self, but when you finally peeled your forehead off your forearm and looked at him he wasn’t even looking at either of you. He was curled up, like a lazy cat, against a couple of crates with his eyes closed and faced tilted towards the sun. With his hands infamously stuffed inside his pockets. 
“It would?”
You nodded your head only once in recognition before you started searching through your bag. Your hands started scrambling inside it a soft, “No,no,” building into a frenzy before you stopped searching.
“I’m guessing your magic little root isn’t in there.”
Zoro was still sitting without a care while you felt like you wanted to throw yourself overboard. 
“No. It isn’t.”
Mental note: Ask Luffy to stop at Irkhaven Isle to get supplies. 
Suddenly, Zoro stood in one graceful motion and walked off towards the galley. 
You turned back to the Going Merry’s railing and held on tight. Your stomach felt like you’d swallowed glass and got punched, it was so empty. Another groan was building in your chest when a cold bottle touched the back of your arm. 
The coolness to your skin sent a yelp of surprise from you, and sent you whirling to the presence beside you. Zoro was leaning back against the railing, looking as calm as ever, with a beer extended out between you. 
“Isn’t it a little bit too early to be drinking?” 
He rolled his eyes as he switched positions. He was now mimicking your current position against the rail but looked effortless and was still holding that damn beer out to you. 
“It’s for you.”
“For me? Zoro, I don’t think now is the time to be drinking-“
“Just drink it,” he growled, an obvious annoyance replacing his earlier calm. 
What hell, what was a beer going to do? At most, it would at least give your stomach something to actually throw up instead of dry heaving yourself into a six pack. 
You reached out and took it from him. Zoro continued to watch you as you placed the bottle to your lips, waiting for you to take a sip. 
“Could I get some privacy here?”
Zoro rolled his eyes but did as you asked looking off into the southside of the ship. You took that moment to take a long pull from the bottle. Surprisingly, it was damn good beer. You waited for the bitter aftertaste to kick in, but found it replaced with the tang of citrus. You immediately took another drink and another. It wasn’t until you were halfway to the middle of the bottle that you noticed the ship had been rocked a few times by the waves and yet…
You went to turn your attention back to Zoro and found him already staring at you. 
I am not blushing. 
You turned quickly to look back out at the ocean with both arms leaning over the railing as you took in the picturesque view. You couldn’t believe beer was making your sea sickness disappear. Out of your peripherals you waited for him to turn away from you. Unable to say it to his face as you played with the label that was peeling off from condensation. 
Alcohol. It was brilliant. You were sure your body was still feeling sick, but the depressant in the beer wasn’t allowing those receptors to acknowledge it. Tilting the bottle at him you asked, “How’d you know this would work.” 
“It’s how I survived all my boat trips. Old guy I’d met aboard my first ship when I was seventeen taught me that trick.” 
“Is that why you have so much booze? Cause you have a weak stomach?” 
Your question came off worse than you intended. You genuinely weren’t trying to insult him. He’d just helped you. Zoro has helped you. 
“No. I just like to drink.” 
His tone was void of all emotion. The little bit he’d given you quickly washed away and you wanted to kick yourself. 
Foot meet mouth. Mouth meets foot. 
You weren’t very good at this. The only friend you’d ever actually had was Usopp. The both of you know the tone of the other and every secret in between. You’d tried to make friends with the other kids in town, but holding up a frog as a friendship gift didn’t seem to go over too well. And on that wonderful trip down memory lane…
You straightened up and took a smaller sip from the beer before you leaned down to pick up your abandoned satchel. 
“Thank you, Zoro.”
The both of you stared at the other until the silence was washed out by the squawking of seagulls and the rush of water. Even now in this weird game of chicken, you knew you would be the first to give. His dark eyes staring straight through you until you felt exposed. You tipped the bottle for good measure and turned on your heel to make your way inside the safety of the kitchen. Your hand clutching the bottle close as your brain tried to make sense of what happened. 
Zoro helped you. He didn’t have too and for all intents and purposes you were surprised he didn’t just let you suffer, but he’d chosen not to. What did that even mean? He was just being friendly. It didn’t mean anything more than that. 
Instead of dwelling on the question, you sat down in the corner booth and took another pull from the bottle. 
After you finished your first bottle, you found another, and another until you’d ended up blissfully passed out in the booth. You were vaguely aware that Luffy and the crew had come into the galley at some point. The sound of Usopp and Luffy struggling to talk over the other was what forced you out of your nap.
“We all know who the Captain is.”
“It’s me.”
Two voices rang out as one with each ending in a high-pitch of surprise. It was his first day and already Usopp was trying to stir up mutiny on the ship. If you weren’t interested in staying unconscious you were positive you would’ve smiled. 
“Just call me Captain Usopp.”
“We already know I’m the Captain.”
It didn’t surprise you they were still giving out declarations of who was Captain. You waited for it to become a campaign, like when Townsfolk ran for Mayor, but the sound of Nami’s laughter followed by - was that Zoro?! - ended both men’s rant. 
“See, this is what it’s all about,” Luffy’s voice chimed in. “From now it’s going to be smooth sailing.”
He was his usual happy sounding self. You were willing to bet it was infectious, making everyone’s earlier laughter remain in the small creases by their eyes and the raise of their lips. Luffy was indeed a Captain and one of the best kind. 
Enjoying the moment abruptly ended, however, when you caught the sound of a whistle outside. It grew more intense by the second. Whatever it was, was slicing through the air with a force that was audible. You weren’t sure why it took so long for your brain to register that it wasn’t a natural sound. It was rectified, however, when something violently slammed into the Going Merry and sent everything trembling. 
Your back immediately shot up off the cushion of the booth. Eyes open wide as you stumble to your feet watching Nami and Zoro do the same. 
“What in the hell was that?”
“Luffy opening his damn mouth,” Nami replied as you followed behind her. 
You were wondering how Luffy’s mouth could have anything to do with the current sounds coming from outside. Your response died in your throat the minute you got out onto the deck. You followed them to the stern of the ship and finally saw what was waiting for you all was a very large, very metal, Marine vessel trailing behind you. 
All the blood drained from your body and whatever buzz you’d had left over from earlier was now completely gone. 
“It’s the marines! We’re under attack!” 
Nami rushed to the wheel to begin to try evasive maneuvers to get you all out of the way of the oncoming cannonballs. Another shot rang out from the marine vessel and you waited to be struck by steaming metal and found yourself vaguely relieved when it crashed into the ocean a few feet from you. 
“How did they find us?”
“Does it matter? They’re trying to blow us out of the water!”
What the hell were you supposed to do? 
What in the hell could anyone do against being shot at by cannons and a marine vessel that was gaining on your small ship by the second. You could see three figures standing at the bow of the ship, eerily watching as if waiting for something - or someone - to appear. 
Luffy grabbed the telescope and peered through the lens. You all waited for him to give an order and what he said next surprised everyone. 
“Did you just call that guy grandpa?” Zoro asked, his eyes carefully watching Luffy as he glanced through the telescope back at the ship. 
He didn’t answer right away. The sound of another shot being fired made all of you space out from one another. You could feel the tension singing through your nerves. The adrenaline was demanding you to move or do something else besides just hopelessly stand like a damn target. The fight or flight in you erupted to life with one key thought hoarding every inch of clarity besides one: run. 
This time when the cannon came crashing down it came right at the edge of the stern. An eruption of water covering you in a fine mist of water. You didn’t get a chance to decide on what to do when another shot rang out. 
“Hit the deck!” 
Usopp’s scream was frantic enough you didn’t ask why, and did as he instructed and became one with the wood. Seconds later, the sound of speeding metal whizzed by you and smashed into the railing behind sending wood fragments everywhere. 
You couldn’t stop the scream that tore its way from your lips as your body curled in on itself. 
What the hell did I sign up for? 
You could hear the sounds of feet clumsily finding their footing again as everyone began to get up. You wanted to stay where you were, but the sharp sound of Zoro calling you a coward resonated inside your chest. 
You could do this. You could totally hundred-percent do this. 
It was your turn to begin to get up from your place on the stern deck, and just as you moved to your knees someone offered their hand for you to take. Color you shocked when you looked up to find that hand was attached to Zoro. You must have been staring too long because he looked away, hand still out, and grumbled, “You going to keep staring at it or take it?”
Yup, and there was the Zoro you’d grown to know and loathe.
“It just burns you up inside to be so helpful, doesn’t it?”
Your voice oozed with sarcasm as you took his hand - maybe a bit too aggressively - and started to get up. Zoro saw your passive-aggressive hand smack and did you one better. He pulled you quickly to your feet, but that quickness came at the cost of your balance. Your feet couldn’t catch their footing back on the deck and you ended haphazardly colliding into his chest. 
As fast as it happened, it was equally as fast that you both dislocated yourselves from each other.
“Is everybody okay?”
“I think so.” 
“No. Not okay. Not even close to okay.”
“I second, Usopp,” you said. 
You weren’t sure why you raised your hand. It could’ve been you just really needed them to know that no - no, this was definitely not okay. 
Luffy took your concerns with a grain of salt, however, and ran over to the cannon - the only cannon - on deck. You’d only just meet him, but Luffy didn’t strike you as someone who held onto any ill will. So, you were surprised to see the determination burn in his eyes and the scowl to cross his face. 
What did your grandpa do to you? 
If you weren’t mortally in danger of drowning at any minute or being shredded in half by a cannonball, you might have asked. 
“Usopp! Fire back at them!”
“Or how about we sail away as fast as we can?”
“I like that idea, actually,” you chimed in, a hand scratching the back of your neck. “That’s a solid plan if I ever heard one, Usopp.”
“Run from the marines?” 
Luffy looked between the three of you. He couldn’t believe that Usopp, Nami, and you were apparently so quick to not want to put up much of a fight. You did enjoy not being a sea decoration. 
“No. Never! Nami trim the…sail thing. Let’s sink their ship!”
“Wait, what? Are you crazy?”
You had to back up to stand next to Zoro as Luffy waved for Usopp to join him on the stern. The two of them grabbed a hold of the cannon to bring it towards an opening in the back. 
“Let’s sink their ship.” 
“Luffy, we don’t have time for this!” Nami interjected, but Luffy wasn’t listening. “They’re going to come up alongside us! If they do, we are finished.”
“Our odds keep sounding better and better,” you mumbled as you made your way over to Nami. 
“You are our Navigator. Do something.” 
Nami let out a groan before her whole demeanor changed. No longer was she trying to flee or get Luffy to see reason. Suddenly, she turned to Zoro and ordered him to go down and pull the sheet in. He didn’t waste a second before he brushed past you and down the stairs. 
You waited for her to order you to do something, anything, but she must have known it would’ve been like explaining math to a baby. You didn’t even know what she’d even just asked Zoro to do. Apparently, neither did he. 
“Which way is port?” 
A heavy sigh left her as she shouted back, “It’s the left!”
“Have you ever loaded a cannon before?”
“Yeah, yeah I’ve loaded tons of them,” Usopp replied coolly.
You had to give Usopp props. He was literally the master of bullshit and could keep a straight face even though you both knew the only thing he loaded was his imagination. 
“This is just a different model I’ve never seen before.”
“Usopp, you load the cannon in the barrel. Light it and then get the hell out of the way!”
Following Nami’s directions, Usopp rushed forward towards the barrel. You thought he was going to make it when the ball slipped out of his hand and landed with a heavy thud on the deck. You rushed forward to grab it before it rolled down the stairs, but didn’t notice Usopp rushing to join you in the hunt. What neither of you failed to notice was that the vibration from dropping the cannonball dislodged the others. 
In a split second, you and Usopp collided into one another and when you stepped back to stand up your heel caught a ball. You had barely enough seconds to lean yourself forward as you slipped down the stairs, taking each stair with a thud just like the cannonballs. 
Your knees slammed into the edge of one of the stairs, but the balls under your hips kept you slipping. You tried bending your knees to slow your descent only to have them successfully bump every step on the way down. 
“Oh shit, Doc are you okay?” Usopp shouted down after you. 
“I’m fantastic,” you grunted as you came to a stop before the last steps. 
You weren’t trying to remove yourself from the stairs. You could feel the pain in your knees growing with each passing second. You were willing to bet when you stood up, that dull throb that was beginning to resonate under your skin would shoot out like lightning the minute you stood up. Unfortunately, you’d forgotten who was at the bottom of the stairs with you. 
“Are you going to get up anytime soon or do you enjoy just laying there?” 
You were ready to tell Zoro where he could shove his swords when a gruff voice you’d never heard cut over the chaos. 
“Pirate vessel, by order of the marines, lower your sails and submit to my authority.”
You were willing to bet a million berries if that man wasn’t Luffy’s grandpa that wouldn’t even be an offer on any table. Ever. The sound of Zoro’s boots coming closer caused you to peel yourself up just enough before he - did he really just step over you? 
“Oh, you asshole,” you seethed. 
You scrambled to your feet to chase after him when you noticed another cannonball headed straight for the Merry. But where was the sound of the gunpowder? What felt even more unbelievable was what came after. 
Sure, Luffy told you he’d eaten a Devil fruit. He’d told you his body was made of rubber but seeing was believing. You watched as Luffy began to inhale air and his body blew up like a…balloon. Luffy was becoming an actual balloon of skin until the cannonball landed in the center of his stomach. He took the entire impact and flung it back at the marine vessel. One minute, you could hear the return fire whistling through the air. The next, you watched as the crow’s nest above the mast exploded and seconds later it came crashing down. 
Everything grew silent aboard the Merry as you all registered what you’d just witnessed. You were still staring at Luffy and back to the now very much on fire marine ship when Usopp’s surprised laughter cut through the silence. 
“That was amazing! You just saved us!”
“You didn’t tell me you could do that.”
You could feel your own smile slide across your face as the adrenaline began to bleed away. The aftershocks of the thrill of battle - no matter how unsuccessful - left you feeling ready to do it all again. Or take a nap. 
You were joining in on the laughter as you looked back at Nami, and at Usopp who was jumping in excitement with Luffy. You looked over at Zoro and found your earlier excitement drained from your body. Sure, you’d seen him smirk and look like the grumpy cat who ate the canary, but you’d never seen him smile. 
Sometime during the battle the wind had tussled up his hair making him appear like he’d just woken from a nap. It made him softer, less broody, and the grin that lit up his face actually reached his eyes and scrunched his nose. 
It was safer in the village. 
You wanted to say the thought was because of what had just happened. Even as Luffy ordered Nami to get you out of the area, you knew it wasn’t because of the danger. Hell, as much as it was a mess of a first battle, the adrenaline of it all was demanding for a release. Maybe you’d be able to use that as an excuse for why your heart was beating so wildly as you watch Zoro run a hand through his hair. 
The ship suddenly felt too constricting. It didn’t allow enough space between you and the swordsman who resided on this ship. You tried to shake your head clear of all those thoughts and turned to run after Luffy. You called his name as you carefully took the stairs down after him. 
“Something wrong, Doc?”
“No, no,” you waved him off. “I just - I wanted to ask a favor.”
“You can ask me for anything.”
You weren’t sure if you would ever get over how genuine Luffy was. Every word he said to you he meant it. You could probably tell him you needed the sun, and whether physically attainable or not, you knew Luffy would try his absolute best to bring it to you. 
Because Luffy was just that kind of Captain. 
“Would it be a bother if we stopped at an island? I’m in need of some supplies.”
Luffy didn’t hesitate to say yes to your request to stop at Irkhaven. It only took you all of four seconds to explain what it was, where it was, and why you needed to go before he sent you to Nami to give her the coordinates. While you’d never physically gone with Naan to harvest the ingredients you’d grown up using, she made sure to tell you often how to get there. 
Just in case the day came she couldn’t. 
What you hadn’t expected as you walked through fields of lavender was to have Zoro trailing behind you. 
“How much longer are we going to be out here?”
“Until I have enough of everything to last us a while,” you called over your shoulder. 
You didn’t need to look behind you to know Zoro was shooting daggers into the back of your skull. While he hadn’t been happy being volunteered to go with you onto the island, he hadn’t argued with Luffy either. 
You stopped midway out of the lavender fields and took out your small knife to begin cutting gently through the stems. After you had a good enough bundle, you sheathed the knife back in its place on your satchel where you reached inside to grab a pre-cut piece of string. 
You could still feel Zoro watching you, as you tied the lavender together in a tight bundle. 
“I wasn’t aware picking flowers was life-saving medicine.” 
This time you did look over at him. Zoro, the strong and proud pirate hunter. The demon, Luffy said was his nickname. Looking at Zoro now, even in an endless field of lavender, he resonated power. You held no doubt he had earned such an intimidating name through grit and blood-soaked swords. 
He looked out of place next to you in a place meant for healing and you couldn’t help but wonder if it was more what he projected than who he was. While Luffy told you happily about the scary parts of Zoro (which Luffy by no means actually saw as scary) he’d also mentioned Zoro never went without a specific sword.
Remembering Luffy’s words, your eyes quickly darted down to the white-sheathed katana. If you had to put money on it, that was the one that held a deeper meaning to him. It was the one he clutched the tightest and his hand fell on absentmindedly. 
Once you knew the bundle was secure, you playfully poked it in his direction. 
“It does heal. It calms the mind and spirit. It creates restful sleep.”
“It stinks.” 
“You are absolutely impossible,” you grumbled, your eyes rolling as you turned away from him. 
You placed the bundle inside your satchel and started forward. You didn’t need to look back to know that Zoro would be behind you. This time you were leading him towards an eyeline of trees you’d spotted a few feet back. They looked promising to hold green chiretta. 
“So, why did Luffy send you with me?”
You came out first from the field and onto a path that was being taken over by the vegetation. 
“Because you don’t know how to protect yourself.”
“I can too.”
“A pot doesn’t count.”
You spun on your heels, satchel swinging, and caught it with your forearm just before it swung into your hip. You were pleased to see the unexpected action had caught him by surprise. Not the typical surprise that Usopp, or others, gave where it might be exaggerated or a gasp and step back. No, Zoro’s was the briefest flinch in the corner of his eyes. Blink and you would’ve missed it. 
“Hey, that pot kicked ass.”
“You got lucky.”
“Okay, Mosshead, then what do you call this?”
You lightly tapped your cheek to indicate the very noticeable bruise that was just beginning to fade from his left cheek. 
“I call that luck.”
You let out a huff as you turned and faced forward. Leading him towards where you needed to go and reminding yourself that you needed to focus on the task at hand. Not Zoro. 
“You carry a knife with you but you don’t use it.”
He stated it as a fact. Not a question. Zoro already knew that it wasn’t used for self-defense. 
“I use it to treat and clean infected wounds and forage for ingredients.”
“But not for self-defense.”
You found yourself whirling on him again and this time he was prepared. His hand resting on the edge of his sword and hand infamously tucked inside his pocket. 
“I’m a doctor, Zoro. I follow Naan’s oath to never do harm to anyone-“
“And what if to help someone - yourself - it meant that you had to take a life to save theirs?”
He’d taken a step towards you. His whole body radiated with an intensity you hadn’t been prepared for. You could feel your muscles straining to stay in place; to not retreat. Zoro had closed what space you’d had between the two of you until all he’d left were a few measly inches. 
“I try not to let it come to that.”
“You don’t always get to decide like that, it's not how the world works. You keep thinking like that and you’re going to be a liability.”
Your eyes narrowed in on him and you felt yourself get on your tippy toes without thinking. Your index finger pressed into his stupidly hard chest as you looked up at him. 
“It is not a liability to give a shit about people, Zoro. To care about who they are with their own wants and dreams. What makes someone a liability is not knowing who is worth that effort and who isn’t.” 
You dropped back down onto your heels and turned to stomp your way into the trees. What did he know? So, you weren’t exactly a swordsman or incredibly stretchy, and while Usopp wasn’t necessarily the bravest man on the planet he was a damn fine shot. Nami could kick ass and was the best navigator. What did you bring to the table? 
No. You wouldn’t let him make you think that way. 
You hadn’t realized you’d gone farther than intended into the forest of trees until you noticed not only the green chiterra growing all over the sides of them, but also what looked like gold cap mushrooms. One that you knew to be poisonous. 
You put it in the back of your mind. You weren’t here to get things to harm people. That wasn’t who you were and you wouldn’t let this newfound journey, or anyone, change that. You unsheathed your knife from your satchel and started carefully scraping off the moss from the bark of the tree. 
“I could train you.”
Those four words stopped you mid-scrap. It had been roughly a few minutes - only a few - since you’d both been silent. You expected the rest of your time out here collecting ingredients to go relatively dull with you both pouting in your respective corners. Out of everything you could’ve expected, those four words were most definitely not it. 
God, you really needed to get it together. 
Zoro grunted out a, “Fuck me,” before he gave you his full attention. 
“I said I could train you. If you want.”
Was it possible that Zoro, the demon pirate hunter, was nervous? You couldn’t believe it, and for that exact reason you didn’t think twice about it. However, you couldn’t pass up the chance to tease him. Just a little. 
“Did Roronoa Zoro - the demon pirate hunter - just offer to teach me how to kick ass?”
This whole entire trip was turning into one unexpected thing after another. The last thing you would’ve thought you would earn from your teasing was a grimace, maybe a smirk if you were lucky. Instead, your words generated an actual smile from the demon himself and you were devastated. 
“I thought you said you never heard of me?”
Oh, right. He was talking and he needed you to word back. Right. You could do that. 
“Luffy,” your voice cracked on your captain's name and you pretended to cough to clear your throat. “Luffy was telling me about the first time you guys met. It was truly a riveting moment.” 
“Okay, let’s back up,” you began, your fingers motioning like a wheel. You’d been sitting with Luffy at the table eating breakfast. What had come over you to ask about how he met Zoro was still currently pending investigation. Luckily for you, Luffy wasn’t going to question you on why you wanted to know. “Did you just say you met him tied up inside the marine yard?”  “He’d given himself up. Never told me exactly why he’d done that actually.” Luffy was perplexed for all of a millisecond before he sank his teeth back into the dry meat in his hand.  “Oh, well I’m sure he was happy you let him down.” “Actually, he told me to get lost.”  Yup, you were choking on a piece of toast. Luffy just stated it like it was useless information. Not that his first mate didn’t tell him to essentially fuck off during their first meeting.  “He told you to get lost?” “Yeah, he did.” “So, why did you even bother staying there? You could’ve just left.” A smile began to grow on his lips. It wasn’t his usual radiant one that could rival the sun, but a thoughtful one. It told you the memory of meeting Zoro meant something special to Luffy, and it made you regard the interaction a little less harshly.  “I couldn’t just leave him there. Not when he has a dream to fulfill.” While you were still debating on whether Luffy was a real person, there wasn’t any denying that he searched for the good in people. Whatever it was he’d seen in Zoro told Luffy he was a good guy.  “So,” you drawled out the o, “he told you to get lost and for some reason your brain heard those words as, ‘follow your dreams’.” “He isn’t a bad guy, Doc. I know Zoro is more than just a pirate hunter with a scary nickname. He is someone with a dream, just like you, and I’m going to make sure he reaches it.”
Looking at Zoro now, you could see what Luffy saw in him. Sure, he was quick to anger and even more quick to say shit without thinking it through, but who wasn’t at times? You had experienced first hand the good that lived inside of him. 
He’d helped you when he didn’t have to when you were sick. He shared a part of himself, a small part but still a part, to see who he was underneath all the attitude. While you weren’t in the business of hurting anyone, you debated on whether letting him train you would at least make you useful enough to save other members of your crew - maybe Zoro - if something came up. 
You did hit someone with a pot and punch Zoro in his face. What could learning a few moves going to do? 
“Alright, demon pirate hunter, I’ll consider it.”
He wanted to throttle Luffy. 
The way you kept looking at him - saying his nickname - was stirring something foreign in his chest. He may not know exactly what it was but he didn’t have too. His body was telling him plainly he should take back his invitation to spend more time alone with you. You were only going to get in the way of his goal. 
All of those made sense why he should retract his invitation and head back to the Merry. And yet…
“If it pumps up your ego, I’ll say it as many times as you like. For a price.” 
You wiggled your eyebrows at him and it was so unexpected Zoro wanted to laugh. His offer to help train you had been in the back of his mind, but when he went to offer it, it’d gone rougher than he’d intended. He hadn’t meant to make you feel bad - to call you a liability.  It wasn’t that he thought you would be an actual liability for Luffy. 
You were a liability for him. 
The way you were looking at him now, the smile on your face, gave him all the warning he needed to know you were a dangerous wildcard. He’d made a promise to Kuina and you felt like the one thing that could keep him from it. 
Whatever the feelings you were stirring in him were something he needed to be wary of. Zoro wasn’t going to have any of it. He made a promise a long time ago and he wasn’t going to let you or anyone else get in the way of him keeping it. 
He was so lost in thought that he wasn’t aware you’d gotten so close. It wasn’t until your fingers slid over his ear, placing something behind it, that he was jolted back into the present. 
“Oh, shit I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to freak you out.”
Your voice was breathy and sweet with your wide eyes looking up at him with something dangerously close to reverence. Close like at the dinner table. Close like when he’d tumbled out of the well and landed on top of you. Zoro still had the way your body felt under him burned into his memory. One he’d tried to erase with the bottles of liquor that now sat empty inside his room. 
His hand moved up to feel what you’d placed behind his ear, and his fingertips were greeted by the soft give of flowers. 
“Did you seriously just put flowers in my hair?”
Your response was maddening. Zoro watched as you brought your hands up to join your shrug, as if he wasn’t standing there, flowers now pinched between his fingers. 
“I think you look cute.”
“Yeah. That’s not me.”
In a show that it wasn’t him, that you and your stupid flower giving were just another nuisance, he opened his fingers and let them fall to the ground. Zoro watched as your eyes that had been brimming with sunshine were darkened by clouds of sadness. Even your earlier giddy step was replaced by slouched shoulders that suddenly looked as if the world weighed heavily on them. 
Your reply was meek. If he wasn’t straining to hear it he would’ve missed it. You didn’t give him another glance or yell at him for being an ass. That was what he had expected; what he was still waiting for. Zoro had known you for a couple of days and within that time came to learn you were the most maddening person he’d ever met - second to Luffy. This? He didn’t like this. He liked it better when you fought back. When you told him what an asshole he was and when you touched him without thinking. 
Zoro watched as you went back to gently maneuvering your knife under the bark; skilled hands that removed pieces of that weird-looking fungus. You pulled an empty glass from your bag and, with the same gentleness, pushed it past the lip of the bottle to hold it inside. 
That’s what she’d called him. 
I am not cute. I’m the demon pirate hunter, Roronoa Zoro. 
He could feel his jaw flexing at the thought. Cute. Zoro has been called many things in his life, but cute was never one of them. His hand clenched and unclenched on the Wado Ichimonji as if asking - begging - what he should do. 
He couldn’t stay here much longer. Zoro didn’t know what to say and you obviously had no intention of speaking to him anytime soon. 
“Fuck this,” he whispered as he stalked off back out of the trees. 
He made it to the edge of the clearing where the sun fully broke free from the shade of leaves when you called to him. 
“Try not to get lost, Zoro. We both know you’ve got shit directional
He refused to admit he was happy to hear you say something. Even if that something was your usual shit-talking. Zoro grunted as a reply and quickly went back to walking out of the clearing when something - small and pure white - caught his eye out of his peripherals. 
It was huddled against the bark of a tree. Its petals were open and stark against the darkness. It took him a moment to recognize those white petals. What he found amusing was how the flower always seemed to be carrying its own weight on its shoulders; the neck of it dropping down like it’d just received devastating news. Zoro didn’t know why he gently plucked it from its resting spot. He couldn’t explain why after that he turned to head back in your direction. 
Zoro was trying to get away from you and here he was bringing a fucking flower back. You turned at his approach, your mouth already forming over some word. You never spoke what it was you wanted to say and you didn’t seem like you wanted to try either. 
Zoro placed the snowdrop behind your ear. Perfectly placing it to where the hanging bulb hugged the top of your ear to hang against your hair. 
“You left to go find flowers?”
Zoro shook his head. He stepped back just enough to see how it looked. He was a dumbass for doing this. 
“No, I was going to head back to the ship-“
“When I saw this snowdrop by itself,” Zoro continued over you. “It made me think of you.”
“That feels oddly specific.”
He didn’t like how you were looking at him. More accurately, he didn’t like how you looking at him was making him feel. 
“It’s a snowdrop. They’re one of the most delicate flowers in the world.”
There it was. The darkening of those previous clouds now cracked to life with the spark of your anger. Zoro had to admit, he enjoyed getting you all riled up. What he wouldn’t tell you, is because they only grew at certain times and usually in the snow, it made them one of the most resilient flowers because they could grow under any conditions. 
“Are you calling me delicate?”
A huff left him as his eyes rolled up into the treeline. 
“I was trying to apologize earlier.”
You’d started all that storm building just to deflate but also- 
“You sure have a way with words,” he teased. 
“My bedside manner is not the best, I’ll admit. I once told a dying man a joke about a pirate and marine having an entanglement. Naan said it probably wasn’t the most appropriate time.”
For some reason, Zoro could picture it. A man dying and you, being your nervous self, trying to make him laugh to ease his passing. The thought of it alone made a smile curl at his lips, and he tried to gently shake it away. To look at anything else but you. 
“What do I gotta do to hear one of these world-famous Doc jokes?”
He waited until his face was neutral to look back at you. Both hands rested on his swords as he watched you fill the bottle to the brim and place it securely inside your satchel. 
“For that kind of service? You have to be dying.”
“You’re a real pain in the ass, you know that?”
You were a pain in the ass. A pain in his ass. From the moment he met you until now and probably would continue to be. A pain that made him think of things outside of his goal. You made him think past his promise. Who was he if he didn’t keep it? He should’ve never offered to train you or willingly spend more time with you. He was going to have to take it back. It didn’t matter if it hurt your feelings or made you hate him. Maybe that’s what he needed to do to make you hate him-
“What are you doing?”
Zoro prayed that his face was devoid of any emotion. The panic that bloomed in his chest didn’t spread to where you could see. You’d placed your hand over your chest in a way Zoro knew too well. 
“I,” it was the first time Zoro ever heard your full name. “Promise to be the biggest pain in your - Roronoa Zoro’s ass - from now until whenever.”
For the second time, his hand was clutching onto the Wado Ichimonji today. While you spoke, Zoro could swear he saw flashes of Kuina standing behind you. The look of disappointment growing on her face. 
“You made a promise.”
Zoro couldn’t bring himself to speak. He couldn’t trust what he would say. So, he simply turned back on his heel and made a beeline back for the edge of the trees. This time when he reached it he didn’t stop. He had to get back to the safety of the ship where he could barricade himself from you behind wooden doors and booze because Zoro could really use a drink.
It has been two days inside the fog. Two days of Zoro avoiding you like you carried the plague back with you from Irkhaven. 
When you’d made that promise it was only meant to be good fun. You replayed over in your mind to see if you’d said something wrong - done something wrong to warrant the sudden extreme cold shoulder. 
Besides the time you’d been with Nami and Usopp, all of you shared thoughts about the naval battle that had happened and, who could forget, his very real vice-admiral of a grandpa. Who could launch cannonballs like paperweights. After that, Zoro didn’t come around you or close to you.
Sure, you would see him when he lounged on the deck napping like a cat in open spots. Hell, if Zoro wasn’t sleeping he was either drinking or training. You’d catch glimpses of him on the upper deck lifting weights with his arms and, sometimes, his mouth. 
The first time you saw him lifting eighty pounds with his teeth, you had about a thousand questions racing through your mind. If you thought he would answer you if you spoke, you might have asked him. 
You weren’t sure why it bothered you so much. It shouldn’t have even mattered whether he talked to you or not, but he’d offered to train you. Why bother asking to do something that required his time if he wasn’t willing to give it? These sorts of questions had been your own personal plague since he’d begun to give you the cold shoulder. 
You’d been sitting with your legs hanging out of the side of where the cannonball had blown an unfortunate hole through the Merry’s railing. It killed you to see her so broken; her intricate leafling design ruined all because of what felt like a family spat. Letting out a sigh, you pulled your legs out from over the side with a hand holding onto the rail so you didn’t fall into the sea. 
Once you were securely standing without fear of going overboard, you wrapped the leather cord that secured the pages of your journal around it. You were just finishing up tucking it in when Usopp began to shout, “I see something.” 
How anyone could see anything in this mess was beyond you, but then again Luffy was at the front of the Merry using his nose to guide you guys out of the fog so…yeah. Stranger things could and did happen. 
It was enough to garner your attention and bring you walking up to join the rest of the crew that had assembled. 
“I see nothing,” you stated. 
“I don’t know how anyone could see anything in this soup,” Nami agreed as she stirred the ship in the direction Luffy called. 
“You guys don’t see the red lights? How can you not see them?”
“Because, Usopp, I don't have eyes like an Eagle.”
You could feel the happiness your comment brought him as he continued to point in the direction of said light.
“Just keep your eyes posted right here in the center and you’ll see it, Doc. 
“3 degrees starboard, Nami and keep it straight.”
“I really wish you wouldn’t sit up there Luffy,” you called up to where he sat, legs wide, on the Merry’s headpiece. “What happens if you slip?”
“You're his crew mate. Not his mother. He doesn’t need you coddling him.”
You turned to find Zoro standing a few feet behind Usopp. He wasn’t looking at you but he’d just spoken to you. His first words in two days and it didn’t surprise you in the least they were his usual asshole tone. 
“Oh, so he can speak. What a shocker.” 
Zoro side-eyed you but still refused to acknowledge your presence. The soft bruise that was there two days ago at Irkhaven was all but a faded memory. You were tempted to make it a fresh one. 
“Okay you two let’s focus on-“ Usopp stopped mid-sentence as his eyes scanned over something in the distance. “What’s a baratie?”
You looked where he was and finally saw it. Red neon was bleeding its way into the fog. It was enough to make you forget about Zoro, your lack of clean clothes, or what had happened the last couple of days. It was land. You were finally going to actually put your feet down on something solid that wasn’t just the Merry. 
Nami stirred the Merry in and easily parked it at the next available dock. Immediately, people rushed out to begin tying the ship's ropes to posts to secure it in place. 
“Is it just me or does this look like a restaurant?” 
You meant your question to be open-ended. To allow anyone to answer in case what you were seeing was in fact a floating restaurant in the middle of the ocean. However, you were leaning against the rail next to Nami, with whom you pressed arm and arm. 
“I think it is.”
You were all still staring over the railing when Luffy asked excitedly, “Do you guys know what this means?”
“We stock up on supplies and keep going so the marines can’t find us?”
“We head back to Syrup village where it’s safe?”
“No - let’s go eat!”
You felt the blood drain from your face. You didn’t have much in the way of something to wear at an establishment like this. You were willing to bet you couldn’t just walk in wearing - or smelling - like you all did. You were getting ready to tell Luffy you’d hang back on the ship when you felt a hand gently wrap itself in yours. 
Glancing down at your interwoven hands and back up, you found Nami, her lips together in a soft smile, as she gave you a light tug to follow her. 
“Come on. You can borrow some of my clothes.”
You let out a raspberry, your hand squeezing hers briefly in relief. 
“Nami, you are a lifesaver.”
“That fish better have a bar.”
You weren’t going to say it out loud, but you agreed with Zoro. You were going to need the blissful ignorance of alcohol to make it through a dinner where you possibly ended up sitting next to him. 
As always, thank you so much for reading. Comments and reblogs are welcome.
Tag list under the cut. PSA. I have been struggling to add those who have asked. Tumblr is being a real douche and allowing me to tag some and not others. Please let me know if I need to follow you or anything like that to tag you. I want everyone who asked to be tagged to be included. Your name might also have been in here twice that because I am struggling.
@thegreatesttttttttt@katiemrty@sorasolarium@ponyboys-sunsets@flowersgirl02@spilled-coffee-cup@instabull@charleslec-airlines@dixonsbugaboo@amanda08319@moony-artemis@iloveautumn1@yoheyyosup@ghostyycat7@csmbrainrot @selmasemlan
@scarletrosesposts @yeetedandoboi @snixx2088 @blobfishyy @sourairi @nerdiestmothman21 @lynnieereads @zerosmilesahead @swthxrry @lovestruck-art @throwmethroughawindow @heyitz-julia @sabrinadelreyy @illusory-segurity @naomihatake @mrs--imperfect @shabzy1644 @fckwritersblock @glaciuswduo @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @fangeekkk @tfamidoingwithmylife @zaphira-san @kieth-reblogging @alotofrandomfangirling @emelia07 @hyrdr0citi @kagatinkita @sarcastic-sourwolf @ponyboys-sunsets @yoong1c0re @humblereaper21 @frankenstein852 @asteroidshowers @lflores2008 @yunho-leeknow @zaphira-san
@hwabae8 @sseleniaa @skzoolove94 @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @kaykay0315 @geminidas @carlitosainzz @shuujin @sweetstella @blossomedfloweroflove @shiiiii-okayyyy
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joelmillerlover123 · 2 months
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You and Joel meet at a bar and he instantly notices you. Your little dress and games are wrokin on him.
One shot! Inspired by Workin On Me By Riley Green.
No/Pre outbreak AU! Fem!Reader. Age gap (Reader is 23 and Joel is like 35/40 ish idk) HEAVY flirting. Cowboy!Joel (sorta). It’s cute this is cute.
Work count ~ 750 ish.
𐚁 𐚁 𐚁 𐚁 𐚁 𐚁 𐚁 𐚁 𐚁 𐚁 𐚁 𐚁 𐚁 𐚁 𐚁
(those r supposed to be cowboy hats but they don’t rlly look like cowboy hats. its fine.)
Joel saw you as soon as you stepped into the bar. You were wearing white cowboy boots, a little red sundress with spaghetti straps that tied into bows on your shoulders and big gold bangles that jingled when you walked. Gosh, you were gorgeous.
Joel tried his best not to look too obviously but you were making it real hard with your gorgeous smile and long hair trailing behind you. You were there with a group of friends, he guessed. Y’all all looked awful friendly, laughing and singing to the songs, line dancing when a good song came on. He hoped that meant you wouldn't notice him, but you did. Of course you did.
You noticed him as soon as you stepped in the bar. Gosh, he was just your type. Big and broad, nursing a beer. Of course it was a Corona, a lime sticking out of the lip. What you would do to get a beer out of him. You were a Michelob girl yourself but you would drink Corona for him. You would drink any kinda beer for him. You immediately alerted your friends that the hottest man you’ve ever seen was at the bar.
“The old man?” Your friend asked, wrinkling her nose. You just laughed. You’d always like an older man. Maybe it was a thing. Maybe he was just your type.
You tried to ignore him looking at you, mentally high fiving yourself for wearing this dress.
Eventually, though, with a shot or two in you, you had the confidence to ‘bump’ into him when ordering your next drink.
Your shoulder touched his, slightly harder than you meant it to but clearly enough because he just smirked as he sipped his beer again.
“What?” You smiled at him and played dumb. “Sorry about that,” Your voice lowered slightly so that only he could hear.
Your voice shot through him like a lightning bolt, he hid his nerves with a smirk and another sip from his bottle.
“Corona?” You ask, hoping to strike up a conversation about beer, a topic you knew plenty about.
“Ol’ reliable,” He replied, lifting the bottle.
You took his response as the invite to sit down while you waited for the drink you just ordered, facing him.
“What’re you drinkin’?” He asked, smiling a lazy, half-lidded smirk.
You practically shivered from the excitement of talking to this hot man. Sure, you’ve talked to your fair share of barflies but this was no barfly. This was a man.
“Usually Michelob, but tonight,” You look over your shoulder at your friends who are dancing, “Tequila.”
“Tequila?” His eyebrows shoot up, chuckling a bit. “How old are you?”
“I’m 23,” You say, confidently. He couldn’t have been more than what.. 35? Maybe 40?
He laughs again, looking at her head on, “You’re a little young to be chattin up an old man like me.”
“Well, maybe I like older men,” You pull out your best seductive voice which sounds a lot less cool in your tequila-buzzed ears and more awkward than you meant it to. No matter, Joel’s cheeks blush a deep red anyways. You smirk. Hook, line, and sinker.
He looks at you now, really looks at you. Not a half-lidded lazy grin. No, his eyes are anything but lazy, sweeping over your dress. He can’t help but wonder how many guys have looked at you in that dress. Surely you picked it on purpose. And to top it all off, his favorite color was red.
“Yeah?” He said, his voice deeper than before, “A little thing like you likin an older man?”
“What? You think boys my age can take care of me?” You laugh as nonchalantly as possible, and then shake your head.
“Oh, I see. You want a real man,” Joel’s eyes sweep over you again. What is it with him and this red dress? He can’t help but wonder what it’ll look like on his bedroom floor.
“Somethin like that,” You reply, smiling. The bartender comes and hands you the drink you forgot you ordered and you smile politely at him and turn back to Joel. You decide to go in for the kill. Now or never. “So, am I gonna have to take this shot and ask you to leave with me or are you gonna take me to yours?”
Whatever this little game you were playin with him was, he liked it, and it was working.
“Come on,” He said, putting down some cash for his drinks and hers, “Let’s get outta here.”
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msbigredmachine · 1 year
The Return (Jey Uso/OC)
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You have your own reasons for wishing he just stayed his ass on Smackdown. Jey Uso/OC one-shot.
Warnings: SMUT
Word count: 3.6k
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His baby girl is a stunning sight to behold, so much so that he stops in his tracks to drink you in from his vantage point next to the equipment crates lined up along the hallway backstage. The long locks of your honey-blond wig frame your beautiful face. Your world title belt gleams on your shoulder, shining as bright as the star that you are. Your eyes twinkle and your smile is wide and warm as you chat animatedly with Raquel Rodriguez. That smile used to be preserved for him and him alone, once upon a time. 
He may have come over to Raw to break away from the Bloodline, but it’s not the only reason he’s made the jump. Cody brought it up during their rather bizarre phone call, the American Nightmare weaponizing this information in that annoyingly eloquent manner he has perfected…
“I know you’re looking for a fresh start…but not just in the ring…I’m pretty sure there's a certain new Women’s champion you’d like to reunite with…”
Jey has been separated from you for a long time, admittedly by his own doing. It’s been torture. The hours have felt like days and the days like weeks. He’s yearned for your touch, your scent, the warmth of your smooth, soft skin, the taste of your lips. He’s stumbled through the rougher days by thinking about you and what you mean to him. He’s fantasized, and even pleasured himself, to mental snapshots of his past sexual adventures with you, paying tribute to the most incredible orgasms he’s ever experienced. He misses it all; the shudders of your voluptuous body, the pull of your wet, tight pussy around his dick, your fingers dragging across his hair and skin as you come apart for him, as he comes apart for you. The pillow talk and sweet words and soft kisses as you bask in the afterglow together.
The memories are beautiful, but he doesn’t want just ‘memories’ anymore. He’s made mistakes and he wants to fix them, and he only hopes you will let him. Five months is way too long to be without his favorite girl. He has to tread lightly, because even the nasty glare of Drew McIntyre and the conflicted countenance of Matt Riddle are tame compared to the wrath of a woman scorned.
A chill zips down your spine out of nowhere. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up. A familiar men’s cologne invades your nasal ducts. The knowing look on Raquel’s face right before she slips away confirms the reason your body is reacting so strongly. Only one person does this to you, and he just debuted on Raw as a solo act.
Against your better judgment, you turn around. For what feels like an eternity, you remain frozen as his gorgeous, expressive eyes lock you in, bleeding out your surroundings and everything else until it’s just him, and you, and the pain and hurt he caused all those months ago. 
"Sup, champ," he greets, his hands in his jacket pockets, leveling you with his breathtaking smile. 
Clearing your throat, you break the trance and present him with your most platonic smile. “Welcome back. Cody must really like you to do what he did, considering y’all’s past.” 
Jey shrugs. “He surprised me, too. But whatever I gotta pay back to him, it’ll be worth it.” His eyes travel down the length of your body, appreciating the up-close view. You have on a cropped black tank top and a tight zip-up denim skirt that stops mid-thigh. Your legs are ensconced in knee high boots that have him biting his lip. However, the oversized biker jacket hanging halfway down your arms looks like it belongs to someone else, specifically a certain Señor Money in the Bank. Jey has heard the rumors. Apparently, you’ve moved on. He plans on testing that theory. 
“You look amazing, Y/N,” he compliments, his tongue darting out over his lips reflexively.
So does he. Your gaze wanders for a little longer than you’d like. The added bulk to his frame makes him look more intimidating and sexier. His abs are on full display behind his black hooded jacket. Then the dimples and the cheekbones and the full, kissable lips...He’s more mouthwatering than ever, calling out to you to take a bite.
When he moves in for a hug, you flinch and back away, maintaining your cold expression when he pulls back with disappointment. “Come on girl, don’t do me like that,” he sighs.
“Like what? Just cuz I said hi don’t mean I forgot about how you did me,” you answer coolly, “I’m being the bigger person here.” 
“Aw, babe, you breakin’ my heart right now.”
“Like you did mine?” you snap, “I ain’t your baby no more. You made sure of that.” He’s lucky you’re even addressing him after everything he’s put you through. Just this April after the Draft, Jey made the decision to leave you all alone on Raw and stay exclusively on Smackdown with his family. The same family who ultimately stabbed him in the back, something you would have never ever done to him in a million years. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back after two years of the most intense, deliciously chaotic entanglement in which you were a source of…comfort…for him, during his tumultuous time with the Bloodline. But, as you soon discovered, so was Kayla, and Liv, and Jakara from NXT, and some other chick named Rashida that he claimed was his childhood ‘bestie’. Somehow, you were roped into his weird harem of revolving women. But you stayed because he needed you…he told you so. He cared for you, he said, and like a fool, you believed him, because you wanted so badly for him to feel the way you felt about him.
Feel about him.
Shaking your head, you resolve to stand your ground. Nope. You will never be used again. You will not give into whatever game he’s trying to play, not this time. You don’t know why he’s come to Raw and you don’t care. You’re the Women’s World champion now. You no longer have room for fuckbois in your life and you need to let him know so.
Jey huffs, looking away for a second before turning back to you. “We need to talk,” he says.
“About what?”
“About us,” he whispers, licking his lips. “I miss you.”
His words cling to you, embracing you. But you shake them off. “Right. Miss me, or my pussy? Them other lame bitches ain’t tight or wet enough?”
Exhaling heavily, Jey meets your death glare head on. “Baby, I fucked up. I admit it. I been fuckin’ up when it comes to you. It’s on me, and I’m sorry. I wanna make things right between us, especially if we’re gonna be on the same show together.”
Scoffing at the words you’ve heard before, you toss your hair back haughtily. “Might be a little too late for that,” you inform him smugly.
“Really? Why? Cuz of your new man? Where his big ass at, anyway?” he taunts, looking over your shoulder for an unseen entity. 
“What are you talking about?” you retort, brushing off the guilt lurking for not being honest with him about Damian. Why feel guilty about someone who wasn't honest with you?
“I know about you and Priest. I know that’s his jacket you wearin’.”
You glare at him, incredulous. Is he seriously doing this? “You got no right to be jealous, Jey. Who I am or am not fucking is none of your business. And it’s not like he and I are official yet, so calm your tits.” You pause, wondering why you’re giving an explanation when you owe him nothing.
His lips pull into a smirk. “Huh. So you sayin’ I got a chance...”
“No, I did not say that!” You thought you could get through this unscathed. That a quick ‘Hello’ would suffice and you’d both move along. You didn’t expect him to lay it on you this thick and this quickly. He knows exactly what he’s doing, making you vulnerable with his sugary sweet words and his penetrating stare that sends a shiver of longing down your spine. 
"Stop looking at me like that," you hiss at him in that husky voice of yours that raises goosebumps all over his arms. 
“Can’t help it, baby. You beautiful as fuck,” he counters smoothly, stepping closer to you. 
“There you go again with the sweet talk. So am I supposed to just forgive you? Forgive and forget and fall right back into your arms? You got me fucked up, boy.”
It’s clear that you have no plans to make it easy for him. He doesn’t blame you. He’s done some unscrupulous things at your expense, none of which you deserved. But he can't stop his body from thrumming at the way your eyes speak volumes to him without using any words. He loves how your long lashes try to hide the real emotions swirling inside you, the hurt peeking through the bravado. You clutch your title to your chest, as though protecting yourself, hiding your body, forgetting that he’s since mastered every inch of it, every inch of you. He’s studied you long enough to detect your defense mechanisms. That’s how intimately he understands you. He has come to the realization that the connection he and you have is a lot more than just sex. His feelings for you run deep, far more than any other woman he’s messed around with.
He just needs to convince you that this is the case.
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Taking your hand in his, Jey pulls you close, relieved when you don't shy away this time. He smiles down at you and has to stop himself from kissing your full lips. "Come kick it with ya boy later. Let's grab some dinner after the show. I got a lot of apologizing to do and I want to earn your trust back," he implores.
Just as you feared, your entire resolve starts to crumble at his plea. This is a bad idea. You’ve managed to recover from him once, and you risk relapsing if you allow this to happen. But god, he looks so good and smells even better. You can feel his chest rising and falling in rhythm with yours. Your gaze flickers to his lips, remembering how soft they feel against yours, his tongue dancing sensually with your own…
Jey sees through your hesitation and cranks up the pressure. "I promise I'll be good, I'ma keep my hands to myself if that's what you worried about." He releases your hand for emphasis.
As always, when it comes to this motherfucker, your emotions prevail. “Fine,” you concede with a roll of your eyes. “I got a backstage segment with Rhea in twenty minutes and then I’m done for the night. I’ll meet you right here afterwards.”
The smile that lights up his face thaws your heart a little. “A’ight. I’ll be here,” he says.
“Dinner, Jey. Nothing else,” you remind him sternly.
“Scout’s honor. I gotchu,” he says, as you turn away. He looks on with a smirk as you walk down the hallway, sensing your reluctance to part from him. “Let your man know you’ll be home before midnight!” he calls out.
“Whatever, Uso,” you shout back. “And stop staring at my ass!”
Jey snickers at that. He likes that you know him so well.
"Mmmm, fuck!"
Your groans trigger his own, the deep, guttural sound filling your ears, thick with need and exertion. Your fingers thread through his blond mullet, pleasure surging through you like potent aftershocks as he pounds into you with breakneck speed, the movements rocking the Chevrolet Equinox marooned in a secluded corner of the empty parking lot. 
"God, I've missed this good pussy," Jey pants heavily against your neck, inhaling your intoxicating scent, “Fuck, you so wet. Missed you so much, babe.”
Damn it, you should have known…Known it was all a big set up from the jump. You should have smelled trouble coming when he let you order your favorite meal from the obscure little diner you frequented whenever you came to town; that it was a trap when he opted to invade your space by cornering you in the booth and not sitting across from you; You should have known better than to let him rub on your thigh all through dinner, should have steered the conversations back to less intimate, sexual topics. You should have pushed him away when he leaned in for the kiss he’d been seeking all night, knowing damn well that once your lips touched, you’d become so desperate for him that waiting to get to the hotel would no longer be an option. You should have known he rented this big ass SUV because the backseat would be more comfortable and private than any dark alley you could sneak into. You should have known better than to think tonight would turn out any other way; He’s learned a few tricks from his Tribal Chief cousin and carefully and deviously orchestrated this outcome knowing that you could never resist the charms of the man you are, deep down, still hopelessly in love with.
Jey pushes your legs back further towards your head, taking advantage of your famed flexibility, and plows his thick, meaty cock in and out of your pussy, creating the sexiest, filthiest wet noises. Each thrust is deeper and more demanding than the last as he bears down on you, his big body hunched over yours, making you take every inch of him. His grunts and your moans are the only things spoken, the only language understood right now. The smell of sex permeates the thinning air inside the car, the heat of passion scorching, suffocating you both in the most sensuous of ways.
Jey looks down between your bodies and smirks at what he sees. "Damn, look at that, look how wet your pussy is. You definitely missed Daddy," he groans, parting your legs wider for a better view. "This dick feel good, right baby?
“Aw, yes Daddy, you feel so good, fuck me,” your words trail away with a whimper, and you sink your nails into his newly tatted back as he obliges your request. Your eyes roll in the back of your head, lost to the sensation of his big dick plunging deeper inside your wet heat.
Truth be told, you have never had a lover like Jey Uso. Rough. Tender. Chaotic. Gentle. Primal. Passionate. He is all-consuming, a Samoan whirlwind of sexual energy and skill and stamina. He makes you feel like nothing else matters but you and him and the orgasmic moments you share. One look into his darkly luminous eyes and you’re gone every time, a puddle of ruined panties and pussy juice. He never fails to turn you upside down and inside out, expertly coaxing endless orgasms from you. You’re his marionette and he’s the puppet master, the true owner of your body and your soul and your entire being. 
And this is a stark reminder of that.
“Damian fuck you like this? Huh?” Jey asks, his sweaty brow furrowed with lust and a hint of curiosity as he scouts out his competition.
Definitely not. Damian is not bad in bed - quite the opposite, in fact. But his efforts can never compare to this. Too wrapped up in ecstasy to speak, you manage to shake your head no at the question, but it's not enough for Jey. His palm slips from your breast to swat your inner thigh, causing a stinging pain that reverberates through your heated skin and surges straight to the pressure point of your clit. 
“Use your words, baby,” he orders. He wants to hear you say it, to confirm what you’ve both known all along.
“No, Daddy…” you answer, your mouth falling open in a silent moan as he angles his hips, grinding himself right up against your g-spot the way you like it, his long, determined strokes hitting just right... 
“I know he don’t, cuz he don’t know this pussy like I do. This my pussy, baby girl. I can tell you missed this dick too, you grippin’ the shit outta me…”
As much as you hate to admit it, he’s spot on. You haven’t been fucked like this in so long and your kitty is singing for joy. This animalistic side of him as he drives into you is making you delirious. Waves of pleasure wash over you as he reverts to hard, steady, pounding thrusts, lodging his dick in your stomach. You glide your dainty hands all over his chest and abs, letting your fingernails scrape his sweat-slick skin. The slight shudders of his body and his whimpering groans as he reacts to your touch leave you all giddy inside. You dare to cradle his bearded face in your hands and hold his gaze. What stares back at you is so deep and intense and full of emotion, reflecting everything you’ve felt for each other in the past two years. 
“Jey…” you whisper after a long, charged moment.
“My baby girl,” Jey breathes back, “I lo-”
You don’t let him finish, tugging him down for a sloppy, unhurried kiss, winding your hips to match his thrusts and ride that edge with him as he moans into your mouth. This spurs him to nudge your thighs even further back with your toes touching the roof of the SUV, opening you up to more pummeling thrusts until your legs tremble in the air and you have to break the kiss from how breathless he's leaving you.
“Uh huh, you comin’ for me, baby?” he asks, brushing your lips together again as his own release creeps ever closer. “I know you 'bout to nut. Lemme have it, come for Daddy.”
With one hand, he grips the seat above your head, his hips snapping into you, drilling you faster, harder. You're soaring higher and higher, and then, you crash, contracting around his throbbing shaft as you come so hard you start to convulse. Stars explode behind your eyelids as your arms tighten around his neck, holding on for dear life as you tumble headfirst into the sweet cavern of euphoria.
“Ahhh shit, goddamn, Y/N…” Jey moans along with you as his dick twitches inside your warm depths. You’re still coming all over him, your pussy squeezing and suckling every inch of him to the point that his body tenses on top of yours, and he grunts out, "Gah, finna come!"
Ripping himself out of you, he scrambles upright and pumps his slippery dick in his hand, releasing himself on your lower belly. Both of you moan at the sight of his warm, milky cum gushing all over your brown skin. His groans of pleasure are music to your ears. He keeps massaging his cock, ensuring he’s all emptied out, while his other hand runs up and down the back of your upturned thigh in a sensual, soothing touch.
“Fuck, I almost nutted in you. This pussy too damn good, babe," he pants, resting the semi-hard length on your pussy lips. Feeling it pulse temptingly between your folds, you close your thighs together before the thought of going another round can creep in. You squirm into a seated position and slowly start to clean yourself up, adjusting your clothes as Jey does the same with himself. When you’re both done, his arms come around you as he sweeps his lips, soft and inviting, over the crook of your neck, your cheek, and finally landing on your lips. Inevitably, you melt into his embrace, enjoying the warmth and affection that you’ve needed from him for months.
“You wanna know the real reason I switched brands?” he speaks up after a few moments, waiting for you to look at him. “It wasn’t just to get away from my family. I did it for you.”
The notion has lingered in your mind ever since you saw him return two nights ago at Payback, but to hear it uttered out loud ignites a reaction neither of you expect. 
“Don’t. Don’t do that,” you warn, shaking your head.
“Do what?”
Tears inexplicably fill your eyes as you speak. “That. You do it all the time. Say shit that sounds sweet and amazing only for you to do the opposite. I’m over that shit, okay?” 
A look of hurt clouds his handsome face. “Baby, I know I made a lot of mistakes that I regret. I own that shit. I also know I’d be a fool to fuck this up again. Real talk.” His beautiful eyes are sad and hopeful and pierce your soul. “I really miss us, baby girl. Truth is, I don’t feel right with no one else but you. I miss you. Don't you miss me?”
At this juncture, lying is pointless. “I do,” you admit, a tear slipping from the corner of your eye. “But I can’t handle you hurting me again, Jey. I won’t let you.”
Jey reaches up to catch the tear with a brush of his thumb, letting his hand linger on your soft cheek. “I know. That’s why I’m here. For you. I’m sorry about everything and I want us to start over. Can we start over?” He gazes intently at you, wanting to say more, but he holds back, shelving it for a more appropriate time. “Take me back. Give me another chance, baby. I’ll be better than I’ve ever been, I swear to you,” he continues softly. 
This man always makes you question how strong you really are. Each time you think you've escaped, he finds you and reels you back in, like steel to a magnet. Your brain wants to reject him, but your heart is desperate for him, craving to fall back into him and his empty promises. He has a hold on you that you probably will never be able to break free from, and maybe it’s time you accept this fate.
“I’ll think about it,” you conclude.
“I can grovel if you want. That's fine with me, baby. I’ma grovel as long as you want me to. I know you like the things I do when I’m on my knees.” He winks cheekily as you gasp, blushing profusely.
“Matter of fact, you comin’ back to my suite with me. I’ma show you just how good I can grovel,” he adds. His straight white teeth sink into his bottom lip, and the heat that simmers in his eyes leaves you weak-kneed.
“Oh my god. What am I gonna do about you?” you lament.
His chuckle is joyous and relieved as he holds you tighter in his strong arms and repeatedly, playfully kisses your cheek. “Whatever you want, my baby girl. Whatever you want.”
You roll your eyes in response, but you fail at masking your grin as the thrill of reuniting with your man warms you all over. You figure that a couple extra hours in his company won't hurt. One night only.
Just tonight.
That's it.
Thoughts? Should she believe him?
Please leave feedback/comments. I appreciate them as they help me improve my writing.
Thank you all so much for reading!
Banner made by me. Jey gifs by @jeygif and @jeysuso respectively.
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harlowtales · 8 months
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Chapter 4 - Final Revenge
Y/N gains the upper hand on well…everyone ❤️‍🔥 🎨
18+ Adult Themes - romance/drama/language
“Y/N I’m so glad you called I came right over” the bartender said. Last time you saw him he was trying to break you and Jack up, conspiring with Jack’s female friends. If everything was going to go according to plan to get back at them you had to reel him in.
“I missed you. After Jack and I broke up I…” you started to say.
“Yeah about that..” he attempted to say.
“Let’s not talk about all that. How are you? Class isn’t the same since we don’t sit near each other.” You said pretending to seem upset.
“What are saying Y/N? Do I finally have a shot?”
“You always did silly.” You joked sexily “Want to go to the Drake and Cole concert with me?”
“Do I! YES” he said excitedly
“Ok great it’s tonight. Meet me at the South entrance ok?” You said
“Awesome thanks Y/N. What will Jack say?” He asked
“Do I look like I care?” You said rolling your eyes. It worked. He was hooked.
Later that afternoon you met Jack to go for couples counselling.
“Y/N why are we here on the day of my show?” Jack complained “I should be at sound check.”
“You said this was important to you too.” You reminded him. Just then you got called into the office. The session was great for you to get a bunch of issues off your chest but Jack kept bouncing his left leg impatiently wanting it to be over to hit the arena.
“Could you have been anymore disinterested?” You said angrily as you both left the therapist’s office.
“Baby. I swear on a day when I don’t have to perform with my two god tier idols I’ll be fine.” Jack said pecking you on the cheek “Anyways is everything set for tonight?”
“Yup! All is going to plan.” You assured him
“Make sure nothing really happens. I’ll knock him dafuq out.” Jack said furrowing his brow.
“What about on your end?” You asked him and he seemed less sure. “Jack?”
“I think they think what they’re supposed to think.” He said a bit cautiously.
“This was your idea so don’t fuck it up or no happy life with happy wife.” You threatened. “I will not marry you and be terrorized by those little obnoxious cunts.”
“Damn baby tell me how you really feel.” Jack laughed
A line up around the block was starting to form. Jack quickly ran through soundcheck with Drake and you were waiting for your bartender friend at the south entrance.
On his way the bartender texted the girls in the chat.
Operation Get The Bag Chat 💬 🤑🤑🤑
Bartender: “I think I’m in. Y/N and Jack are super done. I’m meeting up with her right now and we’ll be together in Jack’s face!”
Girl #1: Amazing. Of course we’ll be in Jack’s section. I’m all dolled up. If not Jack then Drake or Cole ☺️
Girl#2: Cole is married. Like super married 💍
Girl#3: Yeah we know. Sugar Daddy is the aim 🍭🙌🏽
Girl#1: K I’m here. Let’s enjoy the fruits of our labour ladies! We did it!! Jack and Y/N are done and now it’s may the best woman win…by best I mean me…respectfully.
Bartender: Well I got Y/N that’s all I ever wanted 🥹
Girl#3: You can have Y/N she is too much all up in her little corner studying at parties. Girl is a joke. Jack is a star. He needs to be with someone like me to match his shine ✨She always dressed like a nun.
Bartender: Well you don’t have to show everything all the time. Men like a little mystery.
Girl#1: Remind me to exit you from this chat when our mission is complete cuz you too slow to be in here 🙄 See y’all in 10mins.
Girl#2: I’m already backstage! I just met Drake and Jack invited us to the afterparty of course. It’s at 21C! I hope you know we could snag a billionaire tonight ladies! Jack is fine but he small time 😒
Girl#1: Yeah we been knowing Jack. Time to level up ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
You connected with your bartender friend and headed into the show. You walked by all the girls in Jack’s section who just looked you up and down and laughed at you because you were on the crowd side of the barricade. They thought they were in and you were out. One of them was holding Pups and that really hurt.
As Drake and Cole came out they had to act like they didn’t know you or see you in the crowd. The bartender stood behind you in a boyfriend stance for a lot Drake’s love songs. Jack had to not show he was losing his mind. He went into the green room to let out his negative energy with Urban calming him down.
“Fuck! He’s standing right behind Y/N with his hands on her hips!” Jack fumed.
“Remember it’s all worth it to teach these bitches a lesson.” Urban reasoned. “Besides you’re up soon. You gotta get it together.”
Jack got his head back in the game. He put his earpieces in, grabbed his mic, and walked the hallway to the stage where he would walk out. He saw Y/N in the front and the bartender cozied up to her. He looked past them out in the crowd and everyone was whispering about her being there with another guy and Jack pretending not to notice. This was definitely going to be on Instagram in about 10 more minutes if it wasn’t already. The girls backstage were eyeing the whole situation delighted.
“Poor baby Y/N. Jack hasn’t even looked at her.” One of them said sarcastically.
Y/N decided to have a little fun and piss Jack off. He hadn’t always been faithful so she had some fun and got back at Jack too. She threw her ass back on the bartender and twerked into him as he held his own and stood behind her with a big smile on his face. Jack’s face was red as he seethed with anger as he rapped his part of Churchill Downs. He shot several looks their way and was resisting the urge to jump into the crowd and beat down the bartender. The girl’s in Jack’s section backstage noticed he was getting angry.
“Guess Jack is still jealous.” They scoffed. “She definitely isn’t invited to the afterparty after that behaviour.
After the show, Y/N and bartender slipped out to head to the afterparty. The bartender texted the girls to say they were in fact going that according to Y/N Jack said it was only fair since she did so much work with Drake and Cole’s teams. There was a couple hours before the afterparty would go down.
“That was so fun! Did you see Jack’s face!?” You giggled
“Bro wanted to kill me!” The bartender said laughing
“Let’s grab something to eat.” You suggested“Quidoba or Indis?”
“Imma go Indis” He said “Y/N I…Ummm…I’m having a good time.”
“You know what? Me too.” You said because honestly you were. It was kind of nice to not have the pressure of being Jack’s girl and enjoying a show like a fan. Just then you got a text from Drake.
“Baby girl I better see you later.” He said
Then Cole hit you up. “Thanks for everything. I don’t do after parties. I’m headed back to the fam. We gotta talk about your art tho. You mad talented.
“OMG. Cole wants to talk about my art.” You gasped.
“That’s dope!” The bartender exclaimed “You deserve it Y/N”
You started to feel bad playing this game with him as you could see he really liked you. “Look, I need to let you know. I love Jack. I am in love with Jack.” You said
“You think I don’t know that.” He said “I see it, but I was a winner tonight.”
You took a selfie together and he posted it to IG immediately. This set the internet on fire. The Shade Room reported breaking news that you and Jack were over. Had this little charade for a little clap back gone too far?
Jack texted. “You taking this too far Y/N.”
“Relax it was just dancing.” You replied
“Maybe for you but dude was all up on your ass.” Jack spat back. “Fuck that guy, and now this fucking selfie?”
“Cole wants to talk about my art!” You texted in excitement.
“Dope.” Jack said flatly as he was so mad he could barely control it, but his short answer made your heart sink.
“What’s wrong?” The bartender asked concerned
“Nothing. You ready?” You said. Jack and the girls had to be taught a lesson.
All the girls and Jack’s crew arrived and took their spot in the party. It was in a private suite at the 21C Hotel. Jack was friends with the eccentric owner of the art themed hotel. Jack had a surprise for you. The owner was to unveil a collection of your work at the party. There was a special exhibition under black drapery. When you and the bartender arrived Jack couldn’t wait to talk to you. It was worrying him that this whole situation was getting out of hand.
“Meet me in the bathroom.” He texted you.
“I have to run to the bathroom.” You said to the bartender and excused yourself. Jack was waiting for you and quickly locked the door.
He pressed you into the door and kissed you hard and deep. “Remember who you belong to Y/N” he said breathlessly
“Jack stop.” You said “It’s just a game remember?”
“Is it?” He asked quizzically “You sure it’s just about the girls?”
“Of course.” You lied “Besides it’s kinda nice to have someone crush on you so hard.”
“I am your man. Don’t forget that.” Jack said firmly
“Oh like how you seemed to forget sometimes that I am your girl?” You shot back
“Y/N…that’s not me anymore. You have to believe that.” Jack begged.
“I will when those bitches are put in their place. Especially the one you were with.” The pain in your voice was still at the surface.
“I will do anything for you.” Jack said “Anything…just say yes to me.”
You walked back out into the party. The bartender had a drink waiting for you with a smile and put his arm around you. Jack sure was getting a taste of his own medicine and it hurt like hell looking at you with another guy. You felt his intense gaze on you and leaned into the Bartender sexily flirting and laughing at nothing. He realized now more than ever he would never be the same if you left him. How could he ever criticize you for not wanting to hang out with those girls especially when he had cheated with one of them. Sure you guys were on a break and he was high but it was no excuse. Then there was a couple on the road. He was determined to do right by you.
The girls were working the room trying to see which eligible bachelor they could latch onto. One of them was trying to get Drake into her, but he was interested in catching up with you. “What’s up with you and Jack.” Drake asked you.
“Oh you noticed?” You asked him.
“Yeah of course. I thought this was going to be some fun little game to get back at some chicks, but my man looks devastated.” Drake said motioning over to Jack.
“Jack and I are…figuring things out.” You offered vaguely.
“Y/N he loves you.” Drake said plainly “Don’t ever doubt that.” Drake left you speechless as he went to continue mingling and settle behind the DJ booth.
“Can I get everyone’s attention please.” Jack announced “We got something special for someone special. Raise your glasses for a toast to someone I can’t say enough about. She is my reason for getting up in the morning. My life has never been the same.”
One of the girls that Jack had been with on Y/N was getting ready to receive her praise. She started walking towards him to stand beside him.
“Y/N if you can come to the front please.” Jack said stopping the girl in her tracks in embarrassment. Her friends were all looking around in shock. Everyone thought Jack and Y/N were over.
You made your way to stand beside Jack. “Y/N the 21C wants to unveil this exhibit of your art.” With a cue to drop the drapery a beautifully curated exhibit of your paintings was revealed. The owner of the 21C shook your hand and the room erupted in applause as camera’s flashed.
“Jack I…Ummm. Thank You so much.” You said “How did this happen?”
“We loved your work so much we bought the whole collection.” The owner said “Congrats”
“Jack OMG!!” You exclaimed, hugging and kissing him. The girls drew gasps of horror. What was happening? This was not according to their plans.
“Oh one more thing.” Jack continued “I want to talk about friendship for a sec. There’s some real ones here tonight, and some not so real ones.” The crowd started murmuring and looking around as if trying to identify who Jack was about to put on blast.
“Some people found it in their best interest to break me and Y/N up. Well I’m here to say, Y/N, I’ve asked you now at least 20 times. Will you marry me?”
Urban led the puppy out on a her pink diamond fancy leash for special occasions with the engagement ring around its neck. “Awwww” the crowd said to the cute scene. Jack took the ring from the puppy and went down on one knee as had done almost every other day since you ran out of the barn crying refusing to say yes.
“I’ll get rid of those girls over there and do all the counselling you want, even if there’s a soccer game on.” He said
“Whoah you doing too much now.” Urban said at Jack’s soccer comment.
Jack pointed out the girls who were trying to shrink away and hide their faces. “Actually security can you escort them out so we can enjoy the party?” To his orders they were promptly removed and humiliated as it was live streamed.
“Yes Jack.” You said calmly as now it finally felt right. “Yes. I will marry you.” Jack was ecstatic. He picked you up and twirled you around and planted a long kiss on you.
Your bartender friend smiled at the whole scene. He knew Jack was your whole world. He didn’t tell you but right after graduation he was leaving town for an internship at a gallery in New York. He had wishes you would consider leaving with him, but he could see there was no way you were leaving Jack. He had no plans of playing second fiddle to Jack and was just grateful for the time he had with you. He decided to leave quietly and exit from the group chat with the girls who had taken to IG and Twitter to launch a smear campaign against Jack that he knew would be coming.
TMZ breaking news⁉️: Jack Harlow Proposes to Ex GF in Same Night She Shows Up at Concert With New BF!
“Mom!” Jack said as he called his mom to tell her the good news
“Oh hey hunny! Congratulations!” His mom said
“Thanks Mom.” Jack said
“I’m so happy I’m finally going to be a grandmother.” She said
“What? No, Y/ N said yes.” Jack said confused
“Oh yeah yeah that’s what I meant.” His mom back tracked.
“Mom?” Jack questioned “Is Y/N pregnant?”
“Well maybe… well yeah. We did a home test. Sorry hunny you weren’t supposed to know until we took her to a doctor. She came to us to tell us and let us know seeing as you broke up she didn’t want it. Hunny we had to talk her out of not having it” She said. “We were so hoping and suggesting you get married because your grandmother doesn’t want you having this child out of wedlock. Y/N is the daughter I never had. To see her in such distress…I had to help her and keep her secret.”
“It’s ok mom. I understand. Thanks for being there for my girl.” Jack thanked her.
“Y/N” Jack turned to you. “Why are you drinking ginger ale in a champagne glass?”
“Just tryna stay sober like my man.” You said snuggling up to him.
Jack took a better look at you and noticed a slight curve in your stomach. He was over the moon inside. He hugged you from behind and rubbed your tummy.
“Boy or a girl?” He said in your ear.
“How do you know?” You said shocked
“Should’ve made my mom sign an NDA” he said
“Ah shit” You groaned
“Congrats dog.” Drake came up to Jack and patted him on the back. You ready for all this? Marriage…kids”
“Drake knew?” Jack said incredulously
“Duh we’re besties.” Drake said rolling his eyes
“Don’t roll your eyes like that. I have PTSD from those bitches.” You said laughing.
Drake said “I have PTSD from one of them trying to rap for me.”
@itsyagirljaz @ride4harlow @okaaay-mice
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i dont know if this will be odd but i hope its understandable! could i request if the bachelorettes found out their wife has gotten pregnant, maybe after tries w artificial insemination? i dont know if it makes sense feel free to ignore and i know you kostly do for bachelors ><
I love the bachelorettes I just feel like I do a bad job writing for them 🥲 I will try though! Also I’m so excited for when Julie and cam update us on the numbers today pls someone understand who I’m talking about because these TikTok lesbians deserve the world, lemme know if y’all want the labour and birth!
She’s always wanted kids but she’s never wanted to be pregnant so when you guys decide to do artificial insemination she’s so excited
Never misses a single appointment, by your side the whole time, helps with all the shots to make sure your eggs are mature
When you guys finally get a positive pregnancy test after three failed rounds she’s so excited, sobbing happy tears
She’s holding your hair back when you puke, getting all your cravings for you, rubbing your back
Hope you don’t wanna go mining for the next nine months, or do much strenuous work at all
All but takes over the really hard farm work, she doesn’t want you to push yourself to hard
Has a whole nursery theme picked out already, loves buying baby clothes and toys and books
She’s so excited to have a little family with you 💜
She’s thrilled when you bring up starting a family, she loves kids and would love to have her own
After lots of discussion and saving up making sure the farm has steady income you come to the conclusion that you would carry your first child and she would carry your second
Y’all get really lucky and only have to go through one round before you get pregnant, she’s there every step of the way to support you
She gets a little nervous about all the needles you have to take but she helps you with them regardless
Loves cooking healthy meals for you while your pregnant
Sews you some very cute maternity clothes, absolutely cry’s a little while she does because that’s her baby in your tummy!!
Lots of purples and blues in your baby’s wardrobe, tons of stuffed animals in a cute gem theme toybox
She’s always got a hand on your bump when your snuggling so she can feel the movements
Similar to Abigail she’s always wanted at-least one kid but does not want to be pregnant, labour does not appeal to her
She’s thrilled when you tell her you want to carry the baby though
It takes two rounds for y’all to get pregnant, she’s thrilled to see those two lines on that test
Holding out her actual excitement until you get the blood test done at Harvey’s clinic though
Try’s not to cry when it’s confirmed that your pregnant but literally can’t help it, she’s emotional
Constantly taking pictures of you throughout, wants to make a photo album of how beautiful you look while carrying her child
Holds your hair back for you when you puke, comforts you when you get sad that none of your clothes fit anymore
“Awe sweetheart your carrying our child, your growing a whole life, that’s more then worth your jeans not fitting right. Your still as beautiful as ever and we’ll get you some real cute maternity wear”
Holds true to that promise, she loves shopping and absolutely loved buying a whole new wardrobe for her lovely wife (and so many baby clothes as well, cannot stop herself Theyer just so tiny and cute)
Loves feeling the baby move, cries at basically every appointment because you get to hear the heartbeat
Has the ultrasound images on the fridge and in her little photo album
She’s probably the one who brought up the idea of having children
You both want to be pregnant at some point so you decide you’ll go first and then a year later she’ll have the second child
It took a while to get pregnant for y’all, around five rounds total, she’s been your rock just has you have been hers throughout
So excited and then extremely nervous
Constantly hovering, making sure your not overdoing it on the farm, making sure your eating proper meals and good nutritional food
Will one hundred percent go out at three am in search of that one limited edition berry flavour ice cream you woke up and decided you absolutely needed
Loves baby shopping with you, probably has way to many onesies put in the cart, along with toys
Will make little teddy bear carvings to put on the bookshelves in your baby’s bedroom
Loves being the big spoon at night so she can wrap her arms around your growing tummy and cradle both you and your unborn child
Knows so much about pregnancy and ivf or insemination
Does not want to be pregnant but is thrilled that you want to be
Another lucky situation where you only had to go through one round before you became pregnant
Tells you all the fun facts about pregnancy that you may not know and may not want to know
Holds your hair back for you and puts a cold cloth against your forehead when you having morning sickness
Constantly going to the saloon to get whatever meal your craving from there
Tells you all the fun facts about baby’s growth week to week
Has one of those pregnancy Calendars that tells you things like “week 15 baby is the size of a cabbage”
She also doesn’t let you overdo it on the farm, lots of little breaks through the day
Constantly asking Harvey about what she can do to be more supportive
Asks her mom for advice as well, probably buys you the biggest pregnancy pillow she can find
She loves kids, and she loves teaching them too as seen with jas and Vincent so she’s thrilled when you tell her you want to start a family with her
You guys decide you’ll carry the baby and after a few rounds you fall pregnant
She’s very excited but also very nervous, she’s never really had a good example for a parent
She asks robin and Jody a lot of questions about being a parent
Does her best to support you while your pregnant, she feels bad every time you throw up, rubs your back soothingly and helps you wash your face and brush your teeth after
Tried to cook once but almost set the kitchen on fire so quickly gave that up, you teach her a few simple meals (that are mostly cold dishes)
Loves to shop for the baby, being finally financially stable she doesn’t feel as bad spending a bit extra on the tiny human your growing
Also goes to the saloon to pick up whatever your craving
Has a lot of anxiety about weather or not she’ll be a good mom but you assure her you wouldn’t want a baby with anyone else
Jas and Vincent are honorary big siblings to this tiny human and are very excited for when the baby is born, Vincent asked you to name the baby after him and was very sad when you very politely declined
Sonogram pictures are all over the fridge, she loves looking at them
Panics when you start crying for no reason, pregnancy hormones are a bitch
Asks Harvey so many questions but he’s very patient and will listen and explain as much as he can
She sobbed the first time she felt the baby move
You also sobbed
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iced-blood · 9 months
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Ice.
I’ve been quiet this year.
This isn’t to say I haven’t been doing anything, as folks may have noticed. I’ve put up a whole mess of links to the work I’ve been doing in 2023—a grand total of 105 chapters—and that’s what I want to touch base on, at this tail-end of the year.
I found out early on in January that a dear friend of mine, my creative partner and the reason for my Paved with Good Intentions series, passed away in 2021. I’m not sure what it was, but that news hit me in a particular way. I realized that two of the projects in that aforementioned series, Blue Eyes, Violet Eyes and Lightbringer, were unfinished.
That didn’t sit right with me.
I set out to fix that.
There are many projects I’ve started that I never finished, and have been left languishing for . . . ten years? Yeah. Ten years.
That’s just ridiculous.
I decided that 2023 was going to cooperate with me whether it wanted to or not.
So, I bought a day-planner and set to work. Let’s go over the list, shall we?
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Coronam Crepusculum
This was first on my list because it was a work that I owed a good friend of mine, who is no longer a regular user of Tumblr. It’s a take on the Soulsborne universe, built around a series of personal interviews with relevant characters conducted by an OC I created specifically for this purpose, Wandulfin of Vinheim.
(the latin title translates, hopefully, to “crown of twilight”)
                                51,377 words.
Paved with Good Intentions: Blue Eyes, Violet Eyes
The first of the two stories I knew I needed to finish in memory of my departed friend, I resolved to write the 19 chapters required to reach a clean finish line for this one-shot collection of 100 installments. It felt like the right way to go about things, and I think I worked out a lot of important elements of the Kaiba brothers through those 19 chapters.
                                165,386 words.
Paved with Good Intentions: Lightbringer
The second of the two stories written in my friend’s memory, this is still being published every Saturday. I wrote what amounted to the second half of this story, 55 chapters to be exact, for a grand total of 110 (of which 98 are published as of this post). I think it’s some of my best work to date, and I can only hope my partner would have appreciated what became of it. Have you ever wondered how Seto and Mokuba would react to meeting their parents again? If so, this is the story for you.
                                Published + Rough Draft: 159,930 words.
The City That Wouldn’t Die
The first full storyline of my personal take on World of Warcraft and my main character’s place in it, this story has undergone a lot of changes since I last touched it. This year, I resolved to end it at a part that made at least some amount of sense, but I won’t pretend that it’s entirely satisfactory. All I can say at this point is that I do intend to come back to Azeroth eventually. And this time, I hope to give my characters the story they deserve.
                                41,890 words.
Cult of the Dragon King
I’m pretty sure this is the one that’s been left alone the longest; if it isn’t, it’s close. The basic thrust of this story is that Atem failed in his quest to gather the Millennium Items and put them to rest properly, and so it falls to Seto Kaiba to try this time. I could go into detail why I picked Seto to be Atem’s successor, but I think y’all know what to expect here. I picked Seto because he’s my favorite. Anyway, this one isn’t ready to resume publishing, but it has been drafted. Anyone who’s been waiting for this one to continue will want to pay attention to this blog in 2024.
                                Published + Rough Draft: 175,246 words.
The Lost Dragon's Lullaby
Another AU centered around the Kaiba family (what can I say? I'm a creature of habit), this story wonders what it would have been like if Noa had lived. What if Seto and Mokuba had another brother when they were adopted? What if they had a mother? What would the Kaiba family look like if it were whole?
Approx. 62,609 words.
Watching the Lights Go Down
One of two stories I revived this year, and will resume publication in the new year. Do you Blueship? Do you wonder how Seto and Kisara might interact in the modern world, regardless of romantic intentions? This is the story for you. I took a set of 100 words to use as prompts to build this story, and through these 100 snapshots I think you’ll get a pretty clear picture of how I imagine Seto’s relationship with his favorite dragon would unfold if said dragon was a woman. And his bodyguard.
                                Approx. 52,789 words.
Letting the Cables Sleep
This is a sister story to the one I just outlined. Taking place concurrently with Lights, this story explores the relationship between Noa Kaiba and Ryo Bakura. Why these two? Why not? I don’t really have an answer, except to say that I found their dynamic interesting. Unlike its other half, Cables is explicitly romantic. So if you’re interested in Domino City’s resident white-haired cryptid hooking up with an android, well, here’s where you wanna go. I used the same list of 100 words, but in reverse order, to build this story.
                                Approx. 52,708 words.
Butterflies and Hurricanes
The other contender for “story Ice left to languish for the longest time,” I’m not sure I have to explain to anyone reading this why I might have stopped working on a Harry Potter story. Put basically, this story is an exploration into what would happen if a fae prince took an interest in taking down Lord Voldemort, and then settled on Sirius Black as his instrument. It’s a time travel story at its core, with all the nonsense you might expect from such a thing.
Regardless of anything this series’ author might have to say on the matter, my writing this story does not in any way endorse or condone transphobia or any of her other myriad bigotries. I have not given this woman money in 20 years. I do not support her in any way, shape, or form. This story’s completion is for my own satisfaction, and for the interest of anyone who might want to read it. That is all.
                Published + Rough Draft: 80,506 words.
The Whitest Lace of Light
A continuation of my pet take on the Bleach setting, focused again on Toshiro Hitsugaya and Rangiku Matsumoto and their Tenth Division. Throughout the 50 chapters of this story, they face off with a new threat to Soul Society as they try their hardest to rebuild after the Thousand-Year Blood War. Throughout this . . . suspense? Thriller? Thing. They come across new faces and old, and might just learn some things along the way. Or something. Look, I just wanted to write one of my favorite ships again.
                                Rough Draft: 30,033 words.
At Sixes and Sevens: A Prince for His Kingdom
The shortest work I completed this year, but certainly not the least important. This is a continuation of my pet take on the “Kaiba Bros Age Swap AU” as first shown to me by my dear friend @kintatsujo. How might Seto have handled an invitation to Duelist Kingdom if he’d been 9 years old when it took place? What about Mokuba, if he was 15? Shenanigans abound. I hope you like where I took this one, Kinta.
                                5,000 words.
Last but not least, I resolved to break my record for my longest NaNoWriMo project this year, because I’m ridiculous and don’t know when to quit.
Much like I approached World of Warcraft,I take every MMORPG I play as an excuse to build a story. Nowhere is this more obvious than Final Fantasy XIV. My take on Eorzea and its various magical idiosyncrasies—which I call The Song That God Forgot—set me on a road to 125,000 words this past November.
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These projects, alongside various redrafts of my older stories in preparation for what I hope to be 2024’s migration from Fanfiction.Net to AO3, netted me a grand total of 902,580 words written in 2023.
I don’t say this to brag or to pat myself on the back (okay, maybe a bit), but to say . . . just hold on. Keep going. You’ll hit your stride eventually, even if it doesn’t seem like it. I’ve struggled to write regularly and with consistency for a decade now, and here I’ve got nearly a million words in a single year.
I believed in me this year, and I believe in you too.
Keep on truckin’. You’ll get there.
Happy New Year, y’all. I love you.
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cornerstoreclown · 2 years
His Blessing
Summary: This is a short one-shot ( 3454 words approx. ) where the reader has convinced Art to roleplay a hostage situation with them where they get to be one of his victims. Don’t worry, the reader comes out of this fic fine! I genuinely promise, I would tell y’all if otherwise. The reader is gender neutral and has a vulva. The reader is not specifically mentioned to have breasts either, so that’s up for the reader to decide what their chest looks like. 
Content and Warnings: Consensual rough sexual activities, some light BDSM, vaginal fingering, biting, marking, some slight blood, hair pulling, knife play mention, mention of guns and the standard Art paraphernalia, corruption of the reader’s mind, slight transformation (?) that’s more along the line of new abilities of the reader during their descent to whatever Art is making of them. Art’s gift, as it were. Being his ‘favorite’ comes with benefits, after all! 
Author’s notes: This was VERY hard for me to write but extremely indulgent. I struggled a lot, HAHA. I’ve written smut plenty a time, but doing it in a canon x reader fic is something I’ve done rarely. This one took so much time because of that. Anyway, I hope that those who are into this sort of thing, enjoy it! For those that are looking for more domestic stuff, stay tuned--I got you. 
“Safe word is red,” You tell Art, looking over your shoulder at the man who has just tied you up with metal chains to a chair. You don’t get a response, but you know he’s listening. Your hands are bound to the armrests, your ankles tied to the legs of the chair, thighs parted for him. He finishes the job with a gentle boop to your nose, and you feel butterflies in your stomach, before you feel a little bit of chills down your spine. The room was cold, and being in nothing but a tank top and shorts didn’t do you a whole lot of favors. 
However, given the circumstance, you anticipate that you’ll be warmed up in no time. 
Art barged his way into your life, and you willingly let him in. He kept you safe, and you gave him a home. You were his, and he was yours. You’re not sure at what point when you were together that you began to feel less and less like the you that you knew before the Miles County Clown, but whatever influence he’s placed upon you without your initial knowing, you like it. 
You were once shy, reserved. Now, he’s made you brave. He’s made you proud. You fear very little now. And for better or for worse, you’ve even found your mind a little twisted in the process, the thought of danger a thrill to you, and the very concept of others getting hurt a little… funny. People now notice how you look so much healthier, you seem happier, and that you’re far more charismatic than what you’d ever been. As of late, however, you’ve found yourself having a penchant for violence. The craving itches under your skin like a parasite, and hasn’t stopped since you first noticed it. It’s been driving your nuts, feeling like if you don’t act on it soon enough, you’ll go mad. 
You remember telling him about your feelings and those urges, and Art only looked surprised, but your familiarity with him allowed you to see past that response–he was pretending like he didn’t know what you were referring to. Whatever he was doing to you, he was aware of it, and you were too. And yet, you didn’t bother to slip away from it. The red string of fate that is wrapped around your soul is attached to his too, but he’s not ensnared in it like you are–no, he’s the one keeping you restrained in it and has the string between you both wrapped solely around his arm, pulling you along with him like it were a leash. 
The room is full of stained blood splatters at various locations that range anywhere from the ceiling, to the floors, and the walls. The chair you’re sitting on is also stained, and you’re not at all bothered by any of it. You’re not sure if Art had actually killed someone in here, if it was like this before he got here, or if the blood was his own–it was hard to say. He was pretty notorious for bleeding out and taking damage from time to time when wrangling someone. You’ve even tended to some of his wounds before in the past. What you do know is that the place smells a little musty, and there’s one light source, which is the single swaying lamp from the ceiling at the center of the room. Art has a workbench here full of improvised weapons behind you that you saw when you walked in. Things such as forks, glass bottles, scissors, screwdrivers, a hacksaw, an ice ax, pliers, some dental tools–it’s really a mix all out on the table and you didn’t have the slightest negative reaction when you saw it. In fact, you felt a little tickle.
So many things to torment you with if he wanted, and you’re exposing yourself to him trusting him to not kill you with any of it. He’s inflicted pain on you before because you’ve asked for it, and even then, you knew he was showing self restraint during those times, waiting to see if you’d beg for him to stop, and you never did. He’d cut you, choke you, slap you, yank you by your hair, but all of it was wanted. It was something he was even happy to oblige you on.
Something along the way of all those times, there was a change to your body. Your wounds healed fast in the way that his would, and the sensation of pain in your brain transformed to pleasure. It had to be because of him, you reasoned. There was no other way, there couldn’t be. He was changing you, not just mentally, but physically. You don’t know how, but you do know you don’t care to know anymore, because it is what it is at this point. He’s molded you into the perfect toy, built you up from the ground up in such a way that any sensation of pain only fires off reward signals in your brain. You’ve been completely rewired.
Being tied up and at his mercy is what you wanted. You told him yourself that you wanted to be in his victims shoes, that you wanted to feel the way that they felt. This wasn’t something that you ever initially wanted and even once would be horrified to humor. But people were allowed to change, you told yourself. You were allowed to change. What’s wrong with a little consensual roleplay with a killer clown? Nothing like feeling like you’re walking on a tightrope at all times.
Art runs a hand across the side of your face as he lingers behind you and the chair you sit in. You lean into his touch, feeling yourself melt a little. For someone who could kill and maim so effortlessly, those same hands were capable of much kindness, but only reserved for you. Hands that could rip your jaw clean off the hinged joints, don’t. They only caress. 
With his other hand, you feel his fingers massage your scalp before they sharply ensnare your hair and yank your head back to look up at him. It’s then that you are forced to see him looking down at you and towering over you, and you admit—he looks a little intimidating and there’s not a glimmer of kindness on his face to be found for the role he’s playing. The tug hurts a little and draws a light huff of air out of you, but you’re fine. You’re great, actually! You feel the way that your lips are beginning to turn upwards, the muscles on your face aching with just how wide your smile is. He’s smiling at you in turn, and when your eyes meet in understanding, you feel a glow erupt from your core, enveloping you like a warm blanket. He was aware of his position to play, but to see that flicker of awareness only solidifies your trust. He’s gone this far to put this much work into you, why stop now? 
Anticipation has your heart beginning to race and you sigh, desperate to get more air into your lungs to keep up with your body’s demand for oxygen.
Despite all these tools he has around him, you noticed earlier that he has none in hand. He could have used the knife on you again, he could have made you fellatiate a gun like last time. He could have pulled out a saw like that one night when he tried to frighten you. It’s during this smile of his that you realize that the choice of weapon tonight is not anything handheld, but instead part of him–his mouth. He bares his teeth behind those curled up lips like a hungry lion, and how fitting when you’re easy prey, having nowhere to run as you’re bound up like a little present for his consumption. His jaw is strong, capable of tearing through bone and sinew, and yet it only further riles you up. 
“I love you,” You tell him, and you mean it. You do. He knows you mean it, too. He enjoys the way that you adore him, and the way that your will bends so easily to him and your submission to him. You were at his mercy at all times. You’re alive because he decided to keep you alive. Every breath you took, it was because he let you. Even when the both of you were far apart, you felt him in you. His presence. His essence, implanted in the deepest depths of your being, growing and flourishing like an invasive vine feasting on the endless affection you held for him, strangling out any potential of who you could be without him. It’s gotten to the point where the thought of a life without him doesn’t even occur to you anymore. 
Art lets go of your hair and makes his way near your side now, bending down as he seizes your face by your jaw, meeting you at your level. It happens too fast, and you don’t have much time to react when he comes close. You barely have time to register that his lips are pressing to yours, but when you do, your stomach flips. You feel his tongue trying to pry its way in your mouth, and you let it happen, eyes screwing shut tightly and exhaling heavily through your nostrils as the familiar taste of his bitterness registers upon your tastebuds. It’s not terrible, surprisingly, and you’ve learned to crave it. To crave him.
His kisses are always intoxicating, and with each one, you feel as if a part of you is being sucked away. And maybe it is. He’s forceful against you during, pushing against you so hard that your head goes back a bit. You taste iron before you feel it—pain doesn’t have time to settle as pleasure takes over and you realize that the clown bit your tongue. It’s not a lot of blood, but enough that it floods the space between your kisses together and flavors the exchange. He’s sloppy when he kisses, and each time you try to pull back, he follows in such a passionate way that you think he’s almost trying to eat you. When he does finally back away, you innately know that your lips are stained red with your own blood. 
Your eyes meet his again when he pulls back, and there’s no sign of anything that indicates that he’s got much thought behind them beyond the calls of carnal desire, ravenous hunger, or brutal violence. 
You think it’s all three right now. At least, until he went for your neck.
“Art–!!” You only manage to get out his name, gasping as he drags the top row of his teeth across your throat, yanking your head back by your hair again, this time to expose your jugular to him proper. He gives a nip, then a suck and a kiss. Your hands ball into fists as you stare at the ceiling and the various blood spatters. It’s the only thing you COULD do. 
He’s marking you, and you can’t do a single damn thing about it. You can feel that where he’s doing it, that cheeky bastard is kissing and licking and sucking the spaces on your neck that’ll be hard to cover up if you don’t use something like a scarf or a turtleneck. Your eyes shut tightly again as you feel his other hand traveling down your bare shoulder, leaving a trail of fire that has your body temperature rising. You’re a whining and pathetic, whimpering mess, and you can’t do a damn thing. 
It didn’t take much to stimulate you, not when it came to Art. He had a way with you, a familiarity with your body that made you ache and yearn for him. He knew what you liked, what you didn’t, knew how to unravel you from the inside out like it was a game, because it was. This was a game, for now, until he decided it wouldn’t be. And you’d hope he’d never have a second thought otherwise. 
The way that his nails drag across your chest, where he could rip out your rapidly beating heart from your chest cavity and devour it whole, it bothers you not. It doesn’t bother you at the notion of how his hand is sliding down to your stomach, that he can rip and yank out your intestines to spill across the floor in front of you. Your eyes shoot open amid the kisses and nips at your neck when you recognize that his hand is slipping into your pants. He’s gone past your undergarments and settled that hand of his right between your thighs, with his middle finger teasingly tapping at your clit. 
You inhale sharply, face twisting as you lurch back in your seat, squirming as he keeps your head in place by your hair. His kisses are trailing down from your neck to your collarbone. Art bites there too, and it stings before it feels awash with the buzz of pleasure that endorphins provide you. He’s dragging it out, testing your patience while he’s sliding his fingers up and down between your thighs when you just want him to get straight to the point and fill you with him, whether it be his dick or his fingers. You ache, you feel empty without him, and he’s got you gritting your teeth, nails digging crescent shapes into your palm from your clenched fists.  
The clown drags his tongue back up your neck, causing you to shiver as the hair on your arms and the back of your neck stand up. Your face twists into something ugly when that hand of his between your thighs presses against you, palm against your clit and his fingers dangerously close to penetrating you. Instead of following through on that, he forces you to grind into his hand, and you do, desperately. 
The heat between your legs only grows, his touch stoking the fire. You know you’re soaking his fingers–you can feel it. When he lets go of your hair once more and you have control again, you move your neck to get a look at him. 
The moment you make eye contact is the moment that he inserts a finger in you. Your jaw drops and you gasp loudly. 
He wanted to see your face the instant that he slipped in, and he’s not disappointed, going so far as to part his lips in the way that you are now, a reflection for you to see of how your own expression appears, like a mirror. Only, he eventually gives you an amused and twisted smile.
“Art…” You get his name out a second time, but once he’s got you set, he’s back at your neck again like some sort of goddamn vampire. This time you expose your throat to him in devoted submission, offering him the opportunity to rip your trachea straight out of you between his teeth if he wanted. Instead, he bites and sucks again. Your neck is going to be so bruised up after all this, you think. He wanted people to know you were his, and his alone. He’s made that quite clear, and that’s not a fact he’s shied away from in the past with you. Hickeys are nothing compared to literal murder he’s done for you as a means of showing those feelings. 
One finger turns to two after a few thrusts, and he stretches you out so good with both fingers. He makes a scissoring motion with his index and middle, taking the time to prepare you for the third one. 
You can only moan.
He’s even taking his time with the pacing, putting his whole hand into it as his fingers move in and out in such a way that, while still satisfying, you wish he’d go faster. You’re not chasing your release–he’s bringing it to you, building you up in such a sickeningly sweet and leisurely way that’s torture, and it’s plain to see on your face. No amount of improvised weapons could make you look as agonized as you are when the eventual third finger goes in and he’s got you whimpering and shaking. The only noise that’s heard in this otherwise silent space is you, the rattling of your metal chains keeping you stuck to this chair, and the sounds of Art’s fingers sliding in and out of you. 
His easy pace begins to transition into a faster one, and you feel the shift that would otherwise have your legs shut if they weren’t forcibly chained open. 
“Fuck…” You whimper. 
The sound of his hand smacking into your thighs is loud, to the point where it’s eventually the only thing in your ears you can really register, and you’re sure it’s the same for him too. 
Your climax is close, and you feel it rising inside you like an ocean tide. Art’s kissing your shoulder again, but you're too lost in the tingling between your legs. It’s hard to think right now—he’s since gone from pulling you up the mountain to pushing you right to the ledge, and now he fully intends on shoving you off.  
You feel your muscles tighten and your toes curl, your breaths becoming sharp as your lips part, jaw slack. He can feel it coming, he can feel the way that your thighs and muscles clench and your body begins to tense up.
You feel as if your soul is about to separate from your body, until there’s a slight jolt of pain, right in the middle space between your shoulder and neck. Warmth and endorphins flood to the source as your eyes open and your head turns, where you see that Art is biting you. 
It’s too late, not even those jaws could seize your soul to put it back into your body as your orgasm wracks throughout you, the initial pain that’s since transformed into pleasure working in tandem with his fingers between your thighs. He did it on purpose, waiting for the perfect moment, and it worked.
Your eyes shut again and behind your lids are fireworks, a collage of colors all at once, and then there’s nothing. You feel light as a feather, and then the steady decline as you feel yourself weighed down by gravity again. It’s enough all at once for your head to slump. 
You need a minute or two to recover. And Art gives it to you. He’s at least that merciful.
As you regain yourself again, you feel his fingers slip out of you, leaving you empty, but satisfied, and when you finally lift your head, he’s licking his fingers, tongue curling around his digits, reveling in the taste of you. He’s looking rather shameless about it too, sucking his fingers like he’s just handled the best dessert. You even see that your blood is on his lips, smeared down his white chin. The muscle between your shoulder and neck has a distinct marking of where his teeth were, along with the unmistakable crimson smudges that you know is your drying blood. The wound is already clotted, impressively enough, your skin is well on its way to knitting itself back to pristine condition as if nothing had ever happened to begin with. In three days tops, it’ll be gone. Pretty impressive, actually.
You can tell he’s smug, even though it might not be direct. It’s there. You know it is. It makes you huff another laugh. You’re not in any pain. You’re fine, fit as a fiddle. 
You have his blessing, after all. 
“Shit,” You mumble, just above a whisper. “That was good. Can you free me?” 
When you expect that he’d oblige your request, Art has a glint in his eye, with a smile to follow through. You thought you were done, but it’s clear you’re not. Your stomach flips again in delight.
He instead heads somewhere out of view behind you, presumably to his bench, but you don’t really know. Was he finally getting the knife out? Was he going to try and scare you? You’re not sure, but you’re ready for anything. He’s trained you well. 
No need to worry about strapping yourself in for the ride, you’re pretty secure as is right now, aren’t you? 
“Remember, the safe word is red,” You remind him, glancing over your shoulder. 
His back is to you when you look behind you. He’s fiddling with something purposefully hidden from your view, but he does give you a glance, and an understanding nod. He knows. 
You look forward again, face turned away from him, and smile to yourself.
The fun was just getting started. 
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I’ve been SO excited to post today, because just LOOK! ☝️☝️☝️☝️Look at the absolutely gorgeous banner the amazing @larkral has made for me! I feel so legit and I’m just beside myself!
Naturally I had to make sure I wrote something to post so I could show it off, and I’m really happy with this crucible AU bit I have of Baz introducing Simon to his siblings for the first time. Hope y’all like it! Except and tags under the cut 😊:
“BAZ!!” A chorus of young voices takes up his name and I dare a peek inside the nursery. Baz is being swarmed, but he doesn’t seem overly concerned by it. Two girls who might be twins are trying to climb his legs, while a slightly older girl—nine? Ten?—pushes a fat screaming toddler into his arms. They all look exactly like Daphne, with dark brown hair and little Billie Piper mouths that barely close over their teeth. None of them has a widow’s peak like Baz’s, even though I think he got that from his father. Baz bumps his nose against the baby’s, still smiling, and leans over to the side to scoop one of the twins up onto his hip. This is...not what I expected. He doesn’t seem like the sort to be good with children, but he doesn’t even wince as two pairs of sticky hands slap across his cheeks and tangle in his hair.
“Snow, get in here with those biscuits,” he gasps, laughing. “They’re going to devour me, elsewise.”
“Biscuits!!” The older girl and the twin still on the floor pound toward me, and the two in Baz’s arms twist around until he puts the girl down. He carries the baby toward me as the others flatten me against the wall beside the door, quick hands snatching biscuits from the plate. They’d have a fair shot in the care homes, they would.
Baz’s eyes are gleaming wickedly as he takes in my alarm; he makes a sharp whistling sound that, improbably, causes the lot of his wild siblings to fall in line and stand up straight, even as they shove the last of the crumbling biscuits into their faces.
“Snow, this mob of ill-mannered monsters are my siblings.” He taps them on the head one by one. “Mordelia, Sophronia, Petra, and this fellow here is Swithin. Girls, did you not save him a biscuit?” The one he’d called Petra looks abashed and offers up a sad half-chewed biscuit that little Swithin snatches up eagerly nonetheless. Baz rolls his eyes. “Hellspawn, this unkempt gentleman is Simon Snow, my new husband. Say hello, politely.”
His impressive control over them evaporates immediately; I’m assaulted once more by greedy hands pulling at my shirt and vying for my attention, as if I could focus it anywhere else. “Basil! You didn’t tell us you got bonded at the Crucible ceremony!” the oldest girl yells.
Baz wipes at his brother’s mouth, looking bored. “Haven’t been back but a minute, have I, Mordelia? Snake’s sake, Sophie, stop yanking at him; he’s disheveled enough as it is.”
Wait a second. Unkempt? Disheveled? “Excuse you,” I begin, when suddenly a loud, gonging sound resonates through the house, drowning me out. “Doorbell?” I sputter as the girls abandon me to run squealing from the room.
Baz shakes his head sardonically. “Dinner bell, Snow. I’m sure soon enough it’ll have you drooling in response like Pavlov’s dog.”
I scowl. “Screw you. Just because I have a healthy appetite—”
“Packs of wild hyenas have healthy appetites, Snow, and better table manners to boot.”
Have an amazing Sunday, everyone!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Posting this early for once means I get to load up on tagging folks! I tag @larkral of course, and also: @alleycat0306 @artsyunderstudy @cutestkilla @palimpsessed @mostlymaudlin @onepintobean @fatalfangirl @facewithoutheart @bazzybelle @orange-peony @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists @ileadacharmedlife @ivelovedhimthroughworse @c0nsumemy5oul @papierhaikuphoto @basiltonbutliketheherb @letraspal @stardustasincocaine @captain-aralias @valeffelees @thewholelemon @fucking-gay-frogs @whogaveyoupermission @shutup-andletme-go @rimeswithpurple @imagineacoolusername @asocialpessimist @takenabackbytuesdays @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @stitchyqueer @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @supercutedinosaurs @confused-bi-queer @sailorblossoms @raenestee aceumbrellaheroes @martsonmars @bookish-bogwitch @shrekgogurt @erzbethluna @aristocratic-otter @ebbpettier @hushed-chorus @thehoneyedhufflepuff and anybody else who wants to share! ❤️
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namor-shuri · 1 year
Your tags on my venn diagram post are gold and should be a fic.
LMAOOO not me forgetting y’all read my tags 😭 Look, your venn diagram is accurate af and I really hope you bless us with more. The world wants to see these talented men come together and team up on a project [or in my case, tag team me]. But hey, I support both scenarios. Your fic comment got me thinking “what if I actually wrote a fantasy, porn without plot one shot about them?” So then I attempted it [HEAVY on attempt because I haven’t written a fic before 🥲] But here goes nothing *gulps*. Hope you like it op! @scruffylookingpiratecaptain 💗 *deletes my entire account and moves across state lines afterwards* lol
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Gael Bernal Diego Luna Tenoch Huerta Pedro Pascal Oscar Isaac
“I want to fuck like we’re filming in the valley.”
**Warnings/ Disclaimers: NSFW, 18+, group sex, language, fiction [this is only intended to be fantasy], porn without plot**
We have a routine down. They stop by my apartment Friday night, fuck me, we eat together, and then they leave. Repeat. No cuddles. No pillow talk. No strings attached. No bullshit. Just straight fucking. I would be lying through my teeth if I said I didn’t develop feelings somewhere along the way for each and every one of them, but I’ll take that to my grave.
It wasn’t always like this.
It first started off with just Tenoch and I. We met one another through a drunk threesome one night after a friend’s birthday party. We instantly clicked and he quickly learned how to turn me on. The man could make me cum round after round till I forgot my first and last name. He knew all the right buttons to push and he got me hooked on him quickly. His dick game drove me insane and I hated that it admittedly elevated my standards for any man who was blessed to be entangled in my sheets. We became a casual “friends with benefits” type of a situation until one day he wanted to spice things up between us.
“Have you ever had sex with more than one guy at the same time?” He asks me out of the blue while we chill at a nearby cafe.
To my surprise, he wanted to add more guys to the mix. I wasn’t opposed to the idea but was honestly a little concerned at first.
“I want to watch other guys fuck you while I take part. That would be so fucking hot, you know? And I promise you would be safe, no funny business. I know these guys. They’re good guys, trust me. What do you think?”
Call me a whore. Lonely. Bored. A pick me. A girl with daddy issues. Some twenty-something big tit wide-eyed naive bitch finding intimacy in all the wrong places. Whatever. I could care less. I don’t need the judgement from my girlfriends, friends, family, or coworkers and I sure as hell don’t need it from you. The only thing that was running through my mind in that very moment was having an adventure and so I kept our little arrangement to myself. No one has to know.
I sipped my drink watching him over the rim of my cup. He met my gaze with those curious eyes of his like he was trying to read my mind. I looked down and smirked, finally swallowing.
“I’m in.”
Like clockwork, Tenoch always came by my apartment first. I opened the door to the sight of this goober holding a pack of beers and striking a funny pose with damp curls. He must of showered before heading over because he smelled heavenly.
“Hey beautiful.” He kissed my forehead then waltzed right in, draping his stuff over a nearby chair.
We made small talk about his shit boss and how she underpays her staff. “And now she’s doing layoffs!” In this economy?? I crack open a couple of beers for us and hear the doorbell ring. “Tenoch, can you get that?” Diego and Oscar are here. Funny enough, they live in another apartment complex only a couple of streets down. What are the odds, right? Shockingly it’s not weird, but hopefully it stays that way.
Tenoch throws a movie on while I pop open a bag of chips Oscar brought over. Gael swings by next and as always, without fail, Pedro comes last. Hours later, I might add!
“Sorry for the delay guys, I had an emergency come up.”
We all boo him in unison while Tenoch throws a cheeto at his head.
“I don’t deserve this abuse! I promise I have a good excuse this time.” Pedro chuckles, dodging another chip successfully.
Yeah don’t feel bad for him. This fucker always has an “emergency”. He couldn’t be on time if his actual life depended on it.
“Blah blah blah. Just hurry up and sit down. You’re interrupting an important part of the movie dipshit. Mulan is meeting Mushu.” Oscar excitedly motions him over to the couch like we all haven’t seen this masterpiece 50+ times already.
I giggle and look around at everyone enjoying themselves. I have a lot of fun with them. I mean outside of our little scheduled orgy we got going on, I truly enjoy their companionship. I know they have my back and I have theirs. I wouldn’t dare be sappy and say this out loud but I love these guys and would do anything for them.
What’s wild to me is even though we have made this a routine by now, they still get shy around me before we start. No one wants to make me feel uncomfortable and I appreciate that more than they’ll ever know, but someone has to have the balls to make the first move. Thankfully, Diego does. He starts to massage the back of my neck while we all laugh at Mushu screaming “dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow!” He looks over at me and notices me purr in approval. While his hand works out the kinks in my neck, he leans in and sensually kisses the side of my neck licking all the way up to my earlobe, catching it in between his teeth. He whispers sweet nothings in my ear about how gorgeous I am and how he can satisfy me better than any of these so called “men” here. I know it’s all for the fantasy factor but fuck does it turn me on. Only I can hear his ramblings and that gets me even hotter. He invades my personal space and breathes me in deep. I tilt my head and expose my throat to him like a cat on it’s back surrendering. Mark me, Diego. I start to squirm in my seat. I can feel my wetness already pooling in my panties.
My whimpers play over the movie and Oscar proceeds to join in on the fun. He directs my attention towards him and softly cups my cheek before going in for a blistering kiss. I close my eyes and let him lick into my mouth greedily. I surrender to his demanding touch while Diego starts to leave a trail of hickeys from my neck down to my clavicle.
Gael gets up from the other side of the couch and kneels down in front of me. He carefully unties my shoes and slips off my socks. He starts to caress my legs and massage my feet, looking up at me with heat behind his eyes. I watch his eyes shift to peek underneath my skirt. I’m trying to get friction to my clit by grinding my thighs together but Gael holds my legs in place with a strong grip. He then slides his hands slowly up my thighs till he gets to his destination. He hooks his finger over the top of my lingerie and brings them down one inch at a time, leaving a trail of hot kisses along the way.
I shutter as the air immediately exposes my wetness, revealing my sweet arousal. Gael finally slips my panties off and takes in its dampness. Oscar distracts me by gliding his hand over my breasts till he settles on my neck, roughly gripping my throat while he licks up into my ear.
I yelp.
“Be gentle.” Tenoch possessively asserts while he comes over and starts to pull his shirt over his head, exposing his happy trail and tattoo.
“Calm down. I’m only doing what the slut likes.” Oscar counters, looking over at Tenoch with a challenging stare before directing his sexual frustration back to me.
“Isn’t that right, baby? I want to hear you beg for Daddy.” He taunts while I make eye contact with him through submissive eyes. I’m thoroughly turned on right now and he knows it. Oscar’s tight grip on my neck is sending me over the edge and I want more. I need more. His authority is sending waves of pleasure through out my entire body and my hair raises on my arms. My pierced nipples start to harden and peak through my shirt and a wave of desire goes straight to my cunt.
Diego ceases to kiss my shoulder and looks down at my pebbled flesh.
“Well, would you look at that. Our brat likes to be choked.”
Diego goes to undress my top half and unclasps my bra with a swiftness. My breasts spill out of their cups one by one and he fondles one nipple as he laps up the other in his mouth eagerly. My breath hitches. I bite my lip, holding in a strangled noise.
Pedro moves over to my line of vision and begins to unbotton his pants in front of me, giving me a show. He starts touching himself as we lock eyes and creates a mess in his jeans. He whips out his exuding member and I shamelessly stare, taking in all of its glory. He watches me watch him and delights in the attention. This fucker.
“You like what you see, sweetheart? It’s all yours, just be a good girl and open your mouth wide for me.”
I love it when he calls me his good girl and tells me what to do. He doesn’t repeat himself twice. Ever. Whatever Pedro wants, Pedro gets. I pay the consequence if I misbehave. But God, do I love misbehaving.
I don’t budge one inch and go to kiss Oscar, dismissing Pedro’s very existence. That sets him off. Mission accomplished.
“Alright, play times over Princess.” he snarls.
Pedro yanks me away from Diego and Oscar by my hair and forces me forward to the edge of the couch, bringing me at eye level with his hardened cock. He holds my head firm in place as he steadily rubs his throbbing wood over my lips, painting them with his pre-cum. His breath goes ragged and his composure quickly diminishes. He wants this badly, but so do I. Pedro shoves his dick past my lips to the back of my throat without warning and I can see his pupils blow from his dominance over me. He tastes like sea salt and musk. I bring my hands up to grip his shaft and brace myself on his waist, sliding back and forth. He’s rough with me and forces me all the way down till my nose touches his pubes. I gag and my eyes starts to water. He finally releases his grip on me, and I exhale and spit on his dick. I go in for seconds and savor the taste, licking circles around his sensitive tip.
“Ah, just like that.” He affirms, letting his head fall back.
Everyone moves to claim a piece of my flesh to grab, squeeze, suck or fuck. I aspire to be their personal fuck toy to use and abuse for their own selfish gain. Is that too much to ask for?
Oscar repositions me on the couch so that I’m flat on my back as I resume sucking Pedro off. He pushes my skirt up out of the way and coats his fingers with saliva. He begins to slick up my folds, steadily working his way into my tight entrance. “Look at you.” He coos. He kneels down and without hesitation shoves his face into my juices and begins to devour me whole. He licks a line from my tight asshole to my sopping pussy lips and engulfs my clit with his large tongue. He hums around it, sending a wave of vibration to my core.
I loudly moan with Pedro’s penis down my throat, generating a low growl from him. I take him out of my mouth and start to plead as Oscar relentlessly works my sensitive clit with no sign of letting up. He sets my body aflame with little to no effort and it’s truly diabolical.
Tenoch comes to my side and begins to gently massage my breasts, bending down and taking one nipple in his mouth while he jerks himself off. Oscar prys my legs open to stop me from squirming. The overwhelming sensation of his scruff on my bundle of nerves is killing me and the mix of pain and pleasure is intoxicating. Gael grabs my calf and begins to suck my toes, one by one while touching himself. He closes his eyes and takes his time savoring them greedily. He sucks and sucks like he’s making love to them and perverted noises start to fill up the room. My body riddles with ecstasy and the heat in my lower belly grows.
Diego squeezes some lube on his hand and continues to jerk himself off while watching this provocative scene unfold in front of him. He comes over to my side and replaces his hand with mine on his leaking erection. I slowly jerk him off while not breaking eye contact with him.
I can feel my arousal taking over. My brain is having trouble functioning and focusing on one particular thing at once. I am incoherent. I know I definitely heard my phone go off three separate times by now. Mulan is already beating Shan Yu’s ass on the roof. My AC unit turned off about an hour ago and it’s hot as shit in here. But none of these distractions matter to me right now. My ears tune into the sweet symphony of their joint moans and hisses, while I witness their hungry eyes fixate on me, mouths slightly parted in a fucked out bliss. The air is thick with sweat, sex and sin.
I come to and feel Oscar between my legs as I jerk Diego off with purpose while Pedro tilts my head towards him and fucks into my mouth, panting with each thrust. I create a tight vacuum, swallowing him with intense suction that my lips create a *pop* sound when I let go. He curses under his breath in satisfaction.
Tenoch breaks things up and takes control. He grabs hold of me and tears me away from everyone’s touch. He picks me up with one arm and lays back on the couch’s sweaty surface before positioning me on top of him. I straddle his waist and lean down for a kiss, exchanging fluids in a raunchy french kiss. He matches my energy and sucks on my tongue. Fuck, he’s such a freak. We continue to make out as he reaches over my ass and rubs my entrance in a circular motion, slowly dragging his thick digits along my folds. Tenoch replaces his fingers with his slick dick and coats his penis in my juices before tapping himself on my clit. Oscar prepared me for the taking and Tenoch is about to have his way with me. His thick cock promptly slides right into my walls and we moan in each other’s mouths. I’m convinced my vagina was made to please him. I try and adjust to his thickness, slowly making room for his size. My greedy cunt eventually swallows him whole. He gasps in approval. I dig my nails into his big chest as I begin to ride him, throwing my head back. Oscar promptly grabs my neck from behind and whispers nasty shit in my ear while I take Tenoch’s cock like a good girl. Tenoch holds onto my waist with a bruising grip, displaying his possessiveness over me. He sits up on one elbow and sucks my sensitive nipples, playing with my piercing with his tongue in a circle motion. My cunt flutters around him, making him buck.
Goosebumps break out all over my skin as a chill runs down my spine. I whine loudly, succumbing to my pleasure in waves. The sounds of Tenoch’s dick slamming into my tight hole as my ass cheeks hit his pelvis is delicious and it makes me wetter each thrust. He’s giving it to me so good right now but Oscar decides to test how much I can truly take at once.
He cups my ass and halts my bouncing. Tenoch’s member slowly slides out. He grabs my cheeks and spreads me wide, admiring the stretch of my asshole and vagina with his tight grip. Oscar leans in and dips his tongue in and out of both holes, indulging in my natural taste. He pulls back and spits on my tight asshole. He sucks his thumb first before bringing his slick finger to my hole, spreading his spit in a circular motion. Oscar deepens the pressure until his thumb successfully slides in.
A raspy moan leaves my lips and I cry out.
“Mmmm I know baby, I know. Daddy knows what to do.“ He confidently mutters between pants. He’s so turned on right now.
He spits on his pointer and middle finger next, slipping in two digits and stretching me out. His calculated process is driving me crazy and my thighs tremble around Tenoch’s waist. I gasp and stop sucking and jerking off Pedro and Diego, focusing on my breathing.
“Don’t be greedy Oscar, there’s enough of her to go around.” Tenoch gripes, assisting in spreading my cheeks to give Oscar better access. I whimper in anticipation.
Oscar continues to work open my hole with a squirt of lube, fucking me with his fingers until he deems I’m ready for his thick shaft. I grow impatient.
“Ah…f-fuck me Oscar, please. I need you!”
Pedro starts to laugh.
“Stop playing with your food Oscar. The lady is getting tired of you.”
“I thought you like when Daddy plays with you, baby.” Oscar taunts before spontaneously slapping both of my ass cheeks one by one, again and again and again. Left. Right. Left. Right. He spanks me so hard that the pain becomes unbearable. Tenoch proceeds to choke me, holding my neck in place. I scream but no sound comes out. My voice is hoarse from sucking and fucking. Gael ducks down and starts to suck on my nipple while twisting the other between two fingers, playing with its jewelry.
Once he deems me ready, Oscar takes his throbbing wood in hand and aligns his coated head with my stretched hole. He grabs some lube one last time, lathers me up and slides in. He takes his time to make sure he doesn’t hurt me but I want it now. He relishes in my tightness and cusses under his breath. Tenoch licks his fingers and lubricates my pussy with his saliva before re-entering me. My eyes roll back with the overstimulation of being filled to the brim. They start to move together in unison and I resume bouncing on both Tenoch’s and Oscar’s dicks together. Oscar looks down, watching himself go in and out of my ass, cheeks bouncing back on his pelvis and jiggling. He bites his lip from the glorious sight.
“Fuck y-your so tight…ah-“ They both rant together.
Sounds of skin slapping skin echo throughout my entire apartment and Oscar steadily grips my shoulder while Tenoch grabs my waist. I feel like I am being split in two as my holes stretch and adjust to being double penetrated. A bitch is on cloud nine and I can barely string two sentences together. They are deep in my guts and I think I’m going to black out from the overwhelming sensation. This is a ride I never want to get off of. Tenoch picks up the pace and fucks up into me with no mercy while Oscar follows suit. He looks determined, sweat dripping down his forehead. Tenoch gawks at my bouncing breasts in his face, matching the fast pace. He reaches down and thumbs my clit.
My orgasm is on the rise and I can feel my climax is near.
“Daddy, I’m….I’m close!” I moan.
Gael lets go of my breast and runs to grab my vibrator from my bedroom. He turns it to the setting I like and places it close to Tenoch’s groan so that it’s touching my clit at the right angle. He looks up at me as my mouth falls open. I’m slowly becoming undone and can’t hold on any longer.
Diego makes the split decision to get up on the couch and position himself in line to face fuck me. He holds my hair as I bounce and proceeds to have his way with me. I moan around his dick as spit pools and drips down my chin. Pedro leans down and fondles a breast while biting one nipple just the way I like it.
It was truly a sight to see. A real group effort. The one group project where everybody wins. My question is why didn’t we think to film any of this and post it to porn sites world wide or only fans and make millions?? You should have seen us! We fucked like real professionals. I could see it now: “Sexy whore takes 5 big cocks like a champ” as the title. Hmmm. Now that I think about it, we would have probably ran into some copyright issues with Mulan playing in the background. The “A girl worth fighting for” song blasting at full volume was a nice touch though.
I feel myself choking on his penis and Diego reminds me to breath through my nostrils as he shoves my head forward. He yanks me off of his dick to give me a second to breath and a string of saliva connects from my lips to his tip. He slaps me a bit and roughly grabs my cheeks. Diego leans in for a sloppy kiss and purrs “that’s my fucking slut.” He’s genuinely proud of me.
“Now suck!” He demands and plunges back into my mouth without any hesitation. He’s pumping me so fucking good while his thrusts start to become sporadic and his breath goes ragged. I know he’s close. He slips his throbbing dick out of my mouth and readjusts so that I give his neglected balls some lovin. He bites his lip in approval.
“I’m cumming…I’m cu-“ Tenoch goes silent as he spills his hot seed deep into my swollen pussy. My vagina pulses around him as I feel him paint my walls. I shake involuntarily as he comes down off of his high. His dick slides out of me and goes limp, while his seed leaks down my thigh. He lays there catching his breath as everyone continues to use me for their own satisfaction. He watches me bounce on top of him as Oscar continues to pound me from behind.
I quickly follow suit and climax hard, squirting all over Tenoch with Oscar deep in my ass, Pedro sucking my nipple rings hard, Gael rubbing my clit with my vibrator on high and Diego stuffing his balls in my mouth.
Everyone let’s go of me for a second as I buckle and grip Tenoch’s chest before completely collapsing on top of him. All of my energy leaves my body. He catches me in his arms and caresses my back, making sure I’m okay. He kisses my forehead and I feel his chest rise and fall.
Once my breath evens out, I look up and see everyone staring at me with concern. The Mulan end credits continue to roll on the TV. I sheepishly look around and immediately get shy in front of them for the first time.
“So…..round two?”
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89 Days Until Tears of the Kingdom Release. The Trailer Breakdown is here. Sorry Tumblr killed the image quality. This is Part Two, Part One is HERE.
Same Warning Applies: This will be obscenely long. I have spent hours of my life on this and I even went around Hyrule in BOTW to double check things. I have also watched only one reaction/analysis video (Limcube) whose ideas I reference a few times but the rest is all me. Now, I know many of the oddities and differences could easily be explained by saying we time travel into the past but I’m going to approach this for the most part as if we are not time traveling because it's more fun this way. Also, the colors refer to the corresponding arrows/circles on the image above it.
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General thoughts: Another picture of a cube man because you can bet your life savings that I’m gonna try and run up this thing's arm. I wanna climb on top of it and recreate some anime scenes. Can’t wait to scuttle up its arms like a particularly annoying mouse and stand on its shoulders going hehe can’t hit me now can you? Can y’all tell I’m hyped for this fucking game. Also, watching Link backflip frame by frame was super cool. Pink: What kind of rusty ass sword are you using Link? Unless it's just crudely made.
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General thoughts: So I’ve seen people argue for Demise and others argue for Twilight Princess Ganondorf. Admittedly, that big hole in his chest reminds me of the way TP Link stabs Ganon in the chest at the end of the game. However, I’m of the opinion that this is probably Ganondorf but one that is far closer to being Demise. Ordering his servants to wipe everyone out is big Demise vibes.
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General thoughts: The cracked Hyrule crest right in front of the malice consumed castle is kinda a dick move Nintendo. Great shot but a dick move. Hyrule is suffering.
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General thoughts: Someone should edit this part with Ganondorf screaming. He’s doing a screech pose or maybe an evil laughter pose. Or maybe an ow my back pose. Whatever, everything is crumbling.
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General thoughts: Jumpscare. Seriously, this part was still super creepy even going frame by frame. The eyes look the same as those Calamity eyes which you shot with arrows in BOTW. Maybe Ganondorf’s body is being possessed.
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General thoughts: Wow we sure are high up. It’s like looking out an airplane window. Words: Zelda says “But Link, I’m not sure you’ll be able to stop him.”  This line really makes me think that we will be dealing with a Ganondorf that’s closer to Demise’s power level. I’m hoping for a tough and epic final fight then. Nintendo, you are basically promising us a harder game so I hope you deliver.
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General thoughts: We are over death mountain and man what a view Blue: That cube is freaking taunting me. It’s in so many frames. I wonder if we can climb the outside of it. Red: This really long multi piece vertical island thing is even weirder than the cube. It’s the weirdest island by far in my opinion. Just had a thought about ragdoll physics and hitting every piece on the way down, ouch. Green: Neat that you can see the tower shine from way up here.
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General thoughts: And the epic music hits here as Link free falls. The islands in the back sure have some interesting shapes (I literally cannot stop mentioning the islands. I really wanna explore.) Green: Taking the chance to mention these glowing green cylinders. I know we’ve seen them already but what the hell are they for? Also why are the bottom four empty and shorter than the top ones? Are we gonna have to collect eight things or are the top four like charges of power that replenish over time after we use them?  Pink: I can’t thank Nintendo enough for the cool hood with gold buttons. Stylish.
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General thoughts: Closer look at Link makes me realize that this new outfit is very much a combination of the Champion’s Tunic and the Hylian Tunic. It looks really good.
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Red: These threads? ropes? descending from islands. What the heck are they? Are they purely visual or can we climb them or do they serve some other purpose? Maybe they are tying the island to the ground so it doesn’t float away. In that case, can you imagine an island where if the wind blows the ground moves? I mean the Twilight Princess area in the sky had gusts of wind that tried to push you off so maybe Nintendo will re-use that.
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Pink: I saw this area and got so excited on call with a friend, lol. I was like I KNOW THIS PLACE as if TOTK isn’t reusing parts of the BOTW map. Yeah, it’s the area near the road to Hateno but on the opposite side of the river, Cliffs of Quince.
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Note: I climbed around the Pillars of Levia and Dueling Peaks to compare the area from far away. Then I walked around the Cliffs of Quince (and accidentally triggered a talus fight) and nearby just to do more comparisons.  Pink: Hateno Tower should be here but it is, like the others, missing. Green: The new tower thing is not in the same place which means we shouldn’t expect them to be one to one. Blue: This is probably a malice pool but it looks like it’s sinking into the ground. Limcube mentioned that it might be a hole in the ground which you would use to travel to an underground section which is an interesting idea. Would that mean you could enter Death Mountain and go to the center? Anyway, this is, as far as I can tell, on top of Meda Mountain. Yellow: You can just barely make out Dueling Peaks stable. Nice to see the stable system still up and running… probably Red: To me it looks as if the broken guardians in Hateno field are gone. Maybe Zelda and Link had them cleared away in the aftermath of BOTW which would be understandable considering he died there and it’s a potentially dangerous area for wandering travelers. Another option is that Ganon resurrected them to be fully functioning guardian stalkers or brand new guardian enemies but that’s a worse case scenario.
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General thoughts: The symbols. Who put them there and what are they for? Every time I see them I’m seized with a burning desire to know. I’m suspecting Zonai involvement. At the very least, they do make for a pretty sight. Blue: Towers but they aren’t glowing. Does that mean these are already activated towers? Green: New enemy camp sitting in water. Looks like they stacked three skulls on top of each other which props to the monsters for that feat. Red: The cube continues to haunt me.
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Blue: First thing I noticed was the glowing hand. Link’s new hand seems to only glow when he’s using his new powers. So is this new tracker arrow part of the new powers? I’m struggling to see how it fits together exactly. Do you need to use the new arrow type plus the hand’s power in conjunction? Can you use the hand’s power on other types of arrows? Red: Looks like a cave entrance. I mean it’s practically confirmed at this point that we get to explore both the skies and beneath the ground. Sadly, I think this might rule out exploring underwater but I can still hope. Yellow: Odd rocks again I think. They really seem to be scattered across most of Hyrule.
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Note: I found this place in BOTW. Apple trees and all. It’s slightly North of Irch Plain on the map. I fought a Silver Lynel so it wouldn’t bother me while I was comparing. Red: It’s my old friend the cube. Green: The enemy camp is not there in BOTW.
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Blue: FUUUUUCK YEAAAAH SHIELD SKATEBOARDING. This is beyond cool and amazing and I can’t wait to travel the rails like this. I wonder if it's going to be like the mine cart game in Skyward Sword and whether or not you’ll need to worry about balance. Pink: Also I’m pretty sure this is Death Mountain but with less death?? I mean the lava seems to be gone which I guess makes sense with the malice but it's still an odd sight.  Green: Different odd rock from the past ones. I wonder what this is for and if we can blow it up or break it open. Red: Why’s the man standing there like that? Idk it looks a little funny since I’m so used to bokoblins and lizalfos standing on the lookout platforms, not moblins.
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Green: I’m pretty sure these are the pieces of that hovercraft we see later in the trailer. We are probably going to have to build that thing by collecting all the pieces. I wonder if we have to give them to someone to build it for us or will it just automatically assemble once we have all the parts.  Pink: Kinda rude that they put a box there. Let Link skateboard down the rails in peace.
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Red: Storm tornado. This and the cube haunt me in this trailer way too much. It’s like Vah Medoh in the sky just begging you to check it out. Yellow: The red and blue directional arrows are very interesting and tell me that we can move this mechanism horizontally and vertically. It also looks like motion controls which ugh the motion control puzzles in BOTW were not my favorite. Another interesting thing is that we are using Link’s new arm instead of a Sheikha terminal and that this big green ring kinda reminds me of one of those terminals. The comparison makes sense since Link is moving the structure behind it by manipulating the currently glowing green ring.
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General thoughts: Again we are so clearly underground. There’s even stalactites. Green: I’d bet ten bucks there is a Korok hiding under that rock. Red: What are these glowing spots? Pink: This is one hell of a luminous ore deposit. I wonder how much that spot is worth in rupees.
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General thoughts: Now this weapon is truly insane. I will be acquiring one as soon as possible because it’s like an ancient Zonai missile launcher. There is also no way that the durability system is taken away because I know that Nintendo will not let us have this forever. There has to be some sorta drawback. Either it needs fuel or it takes a long time to recharge or something. Green: Note that Link’s hand is not glowing so he isn’t using the arm’s power for this weapon. Pink: It looks like a freaking black hole. I will feel so badass with this weapon.
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Note: I went into BOTW and launched myself from high places/jumped from different heights just so I could hit the attack button while holding a Royal Claymore and compare the flip and slam down that Link does with this weapon. I broke that Claymore but it was for science. As far as I can tell it's the same animation as what's in the trailer. General thoughts: Since this is the second weapon we’ve seen with some kind of homing aspect (this thing aimed right for the talus’s weak spot) I wonder how that works. Is it related to the lock on function? I mean I know from messing around with instant flurry rushes that you can essentially set a target in BOTW so maybe it has something to do with that.
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First thoughts: HYLIA!!?? Either her or some other deity because this shot just makes me think of divinity. Second thoughts: It could be Zelda but is it BOTW Zelda or some past Princess (I’ll explain in a bit.) Obviously, the clothes seem Zonai in nature so maybe it’s someone important in the Zonai tribe. 
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General thoughts: Hmm, hand holding could mean many things. This could be similar to the Skyward Sword moment when SS Zelda and Link reunite or this could be Hylia lending her power to BOTW Link via the arm. Of course, this could be a memory that Link inherited from a past hero and this is that hero and his Zelda grasping hands and promising to work together to face Ganondorf.
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General thoughts: Link looking at his hand while he makes a fist really makes me think he could be emerging from a memory. So that’s why I think the previous shot might be from whoever used to own the hand. Black: Looks like a little gear but with a glowing green button. I like this little detail. Blue: Idk why but this island reminds me of Cara Cara Bazaar. It’s got a funky shape. I love it.
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General thoughts: Link’s arm is glowing with what looks like the spirit flames that are around the Champions in BOTW. Makes sense since the arm probably used to belong to someone long dead given that it was stuck holding Ganondorf down under the castle.
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General thoughts: First the obvious, the car wheel. I mean it’s already neat that Link can seemingly levitate Zonai tech with his arm but then we are gonna get to use these pieces to build vehicles which is even more exciting. I’m pretty sure this is replacing Magnesis though. We can lift and manipulate Zonai tech instead of metal. Pink: Brand new looking chest. It looks a lot like the other Zonai tech. Blue: There’s usually a Korok here but not this time. Red: This is one of those weird rocks but it’s in a mud pit. They really are everywhere. Green: Again malice pools (same ones as in a previous plateau shot). I wonder just how many places are gonna have malice lying around.
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General thoughts: Tractor car. This thing looks so goofy but also fun at the same time. It’s pretty obviously Zonai tech. Can’t wait to play Deja Vu and drift in Hyrule Field. Pink: This looks like the power source. I wonder if we’ll have to feed it items to fuel up like with the Sheikah motorcycle. Blue: Why is there a giant hole in this mountain structure? I tried to find anything that looked like this in BOTW but came up short.  Red: Them rocks again. Can’t wait to find out why they exist though.  Black: Another tower spotted but it isn’t glowing. I’m still of the opinion that they only glow with those spotlights before you unlock them.
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General thoughts: Not gonna lie I never expected them to give us an air balloon. It makes sense though with the varied island heights and distances. Stamina and the paraglider can only do so much and I don’t think we will have bombs for wind bombs anymore. Blue: This green stuff that’s holding the balloon together is the same stuff that appears to be holding the car together. Maybe it’s Zonai glue or something. Red: So above this is what I’ve decided to call Jenga Tower island. This bit right here is probably connected to the rest of Jenga Tower island. It makes me think of a minigame where you have to fall down the middle perfectly to land at the bottom or the bottom piece has an air current that lets you travel upwards through the middle of Jenga Tower island.
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General thoughts: There is a lot happening in this shot. First and most obvious, the glowing green hovercraft. If I didn’t think Nintendo would give us an air balloon I definitely did not expect a hovercraft. I can already tell this is gonna be my favorite vehicle even if it ends up motion controlled. Blue: The Zonai green glue is here too. Kinda reminds me of silly putty for some reason. Orange: These long rope things again. I really can’t think of a purpose for these at the moment besides what I mentioned earlier. Maybe they are just for aesthetics but that would be sorta boring. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could fireman slide down these? Pink: Goddess statue? Temple? It seems important for some reason. Red: The cube may be hiding but I see the darn thing.  Black: First the cube and now an orb. I can’t recall seeing this anywhere else in the trailer which really makes me curious about what it is. It’s pretty big.
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General thoughts: A beautiful view of the many sky islands. I cannot stress how much seeing all the floating islands visually reminds me that we are getting a new game. Yeah its the same engine as BOTW but the possible changes and alterations are tantalizing. Blue: More malice pools. Although, I do have to say they look quite different from the ones in BOTW. I think these might be more energized. I wonder if they will eat at your hearts far faster than the malice we are used to.  Red: I wonder if this large cube structure is made up of the same material as the weird rocks lying around everywhere.
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maxbegone · 1 year
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happy sunday/i keep forgetting it's actually sunday. my head's a mess, ignore me. are we tagging people now? i'm gonna tag @hrhwrites @iboatedhere @rmd-writes @kiwiana-writes and @lilythesilly
i hope the week treats you well ♥️
So one afternoon, Alex follows Oscar out to the barn to assess the damage in the loft. There’s a decently-sized hole from breakage, about a foot or so up and down, that they’re really going to have to get a jump on if they don’t want it to get worse. But there isn’t anything they can really do about it permanently until the weather clears. His dad mumbles under his breath about supplies as they at least patch it with an old piece of tarp.
“Los Bastardos are gonna have to get some more wood,” he says, hands on his hips as Alex stands on a stepladder affixing the tarp with a hammer. They’ve already moved the bed out of the way and removed the sheets to bring back to the house and let dry.
“You bringin’ shiner?” He grunts, and Oscar cackles.
“If you think I’m letting either you or Luna around shiner with an ax in hand, y’all are sorely mistaken. You two rile each other up enough, I don’t need to run a missing appendage back to the house because of it.”
It was worth a shot at least.
Oscar sighs. “I’ll think about bringing a flask. But I ain’t babysitting.”
“We’ll behave, Dad.” He leans back to assess his work. “How’s that?”
“Eh, I think it’s as good as we’re gonna get right now. Come on down.”
The tarp was an honest bitch to work with, what with the wind folding it back and nearly beheading Alex, if that’s at all possible. He’s cold and his hair is wet from the rain that came through, so he happily takes the towel that’s offered to him when he’s back on solid ground.
He points to the roof. “What are the odds that thing is just going to come off?”
“You used the nails right?” Oscar claps him on the shoulder. “We can’t control what we can’t control.”
“Since when are you all lax?”
“I’ve always been lax, you little shit,” he says, picking up the tool box. He turns back to Alex. “Your sister started making me meditate with her.”
“Oh my god, you’re kidding,” Alex gawks. “She got you into that, too?”
“All those years in California, never picked it up. Why not now?”
“Still,” Alex says, lifting up the hatch and making his way down the ladder. When he gets about halfway, Oscar passes him the toolbox. “Can’t believe she roped you in.”
“Your sister is persuasive.”
“Persuasive or nagging?”
When Oscar gets to the floor of the barn, he gives Alex a mild look. “Be nice.”
“I am nice. I’m the nicest person ever.”
His dad makes a noise as he heads down the line of stalls to where his horse, Poncio, is sticking his head out. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a treat, Poncio taking it from his open palm. “You think those two are really gonna head up to Niagara?”
Henry and Pez. Right.
Even after the conversation he had with Henry on the porch the other morning, he and Pez are still talking about it. He’s really not sure what to think about it. “They don’t really have anywhere else to go, right?”
“Does anyone?”
That’s true. Alex pushes off the wooden column he’s leaning against to stroke down Poncio’s neck. His coat is silky and black, and he throws his head up and down happily a few times before settling again. Alex chuckles. “I mean, they seem determined.” A beat. “Why?”
He eyes his dad tentatively as he takes a long pause, still focused on the horse. For a second, Alex thinks he didn’t hear him, but then he says, “It sounds like a suicide mission with a castle in the sky at the end.”
“What, you don’t think the Niagara safe haven even exists?”
“No, I believe it exists,” Oscar starts, “I just don’t believe in that whole reconnection thing they’re talking about. As much as I hate to say it, I don’t think there’s much effort from the people running these places. They care about keeping people in and the bad stuff out.”
Alex’s brow furrows. Unfortunately, he does agree a little bit. Mostly because he’s always assumed the safe havens were false hope. Military-run cities with tight curfews and propaganda. Sure, it might grant protection, but it seems like hell, especially from Raf’s stories and the very few they’ve gotten over the years from people they’ve traded with. And these so-called reconnection attempts? Alex just can’t wrap his head around that actually working out fruitfully. 
And yes, they have their own radios here so they can communicate with each other and Zahra and Shaan, and they occasionally pick up on another channel or frequency, but it’s localized. He’s not too sure about something so…worldwide.
“What if it was us?” Alex finds himself asking. “Do you think you’d believe in it more?”
Oscar turns to him with a mournful smile, one hand on Poncio’s muzzle. “I would burn the world down to find you and June again. And I sure as hell wouldn’t need a radio system to help me.”
Alex drops his gaze.
He steps over and places his hands on Alex’s shoulders. “I can only focus on what I have, right? What we have. I’ve got my kids, that’s all I need in the end. My worries start and end with you. So if those two believe that going to Niagara will help them find their families who are oceans away, then we can’t stop them and we can’t break their hope.”
It’s a fair and somber point. Alex nods.
“Look,” Oscar continues, “talk to Raf if you want another opinion.. He wasn’t in Weehawken long, but he was there long enough to know the ins and outs at the time. Or even Zahra; she’s had contacts in the zones since this shit started. Maybe it’ll be enlightening.”
So that’s exactly what Alex does.
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starrylayle · 2 years
The SGE Movie —> Racism, anti-Semitism and More.
Holy fuck there is so much shit to unpack here it’s not even funny.
Okay, starting with the casting.
Will you guys shut the FUCK up about Agatha being Black. Sofia Wylie’s beginning to see the comments and she even had to make a statement about it. I understand people’s concern over Agatha’s self-image issues being cut out and how, visually speaking, she seamlessly fits in with the Evers. Yes, that part is frustrating — I wish the directors had made more of an effort to make Agatha stand out — perhaps being too masculine, too goth, too scruffy, or etc.
So many of you guys say that the solution to this, to Agatha’s ‘ugly’ arc was too cast a white actress. First of, all those fancasts y’all are choosing are fucking models — so no, the problem is not Sofia Wylie being too pretty, it’s about her being Black.
Second of all, if a non-conventionally attractive woman of colour had been cast as Agatha, I just KNOW there would have been even more racist backlash. Like, idk know what kind of world y’all are living in… but u do realise being white is a big part of the beauty standard? So many women of colour feel ugly just coz they are woc and surrounded by skinny white girls. (btw this is not me saying that white people can’t have self image issues — they def can — but with woc it is more of a racist systemic issue).
Again, just to reiterate, the directors/crew could have made more of an effort to make Agatha stand out, visually and personality wise — like they did when she was in Gavaldon. However, they were too busy making sure that Agatha looked like the pure embodiment of beauty and femininity in every shot, so a lot of that story arc was sacrificed. BUT, as unfortunate as that decision was, it was not because Agatha was Black. Far from it, actually.
Before I move on to the anti-Semitism, I just wanna talk about Anadil’s casting briefly. Would have I preferred for her to be cast by an Albino actress? Absolutely. Albino actors deserve more representation. Look, the casting directors did try, they set out a casting call for teenage actresses with albinism but couldn’t find any. Perhaps an argument could be made that they could have tried harder, which is fair. However, most of the people I see complaining about Anadil’s casting, fancast a white, non-albino actress in place. How is that any better? IMO, that’s far worse — as it would seem like that the casting directors would have gone with what seemed ‘close enough’ and providing zero representation. I’m happy with Anadil’s casting and loved Demi’s performance (wishing she had more lines tbh 😭😭). I hope that in the next movie, now that more people will know about it, they can hire an Albino actress for another role? (Perhaps Princess Uma? That would be cool).
Okay, now moving onto the antisemitism. Why — just why did they do that. In case you didn’t realise, as Sophie was turning into a witch and becoming more ‘evil’, she basically she became an anti-Semitic caricature. This is 2022 — I thought we had left the whole ‘evil is when long crooked nose’. Look, I’m not Jewish, but as some one from a middle-eastern background, I remember watching this moment with my family (who have long crooked noses btw) and we all cringed. This is 2022, why the fuck did they decide keep that anti-Semitic stereotype, I don’t know, but we have to hold the crew accountable.
I don’t know if this was Soman’s decision as I don’t remember it being in the books — however either way they could have easily just made sophie turn old and stuff. (Actually, now that I think about, that could be bordering ageism. Why does evilness have to be depicted through physical appearance anyway? Is there no other way to portray evil? Man, we are really screwed up as a society.)
Anyways — Can we please not be racists/anti-semites/bigots? Please?
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oh goodie, more teasers for Clementine Book Two
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because if anyone is keeping one eye open at all times for Clementine Book Two news, it’s me... and probably only me, let’s be honest. 
We have a look at four new pages, except they’re not full pages, they’re more like chunks of pages here to show us something that makes us gasp and go, “oh no, Clementine! That’s not good!” 
Let’s talk about ‘em. It’ll be quick, there isn’t too much to talk about, but it’s worth updating y’all on. 
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Wow... much exciting. I’m sure those hands are meant to be Clementine and Ricca’s, and they’re touching... anyone who has been a follower of my blog for a long time now and knows anything about TWDG knows that it’s all about the *hands*....that’s how you can tell they’re in love. 
Except they’re not really holding hands yet. I guess they’re not quite ready for love yet. I see Tillie’s really taking the slow burn route then. 
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Yeah, the big “oh no” is that Clementine has a fever, and as we’ll see in the next page, it might have something to do with her leg. Remember how in Book One Rabby was lookin’ at her leg all, “Clementine, you have to wash your leg to avoid infection, infection bad, don’t get that.” 
We didn’t see Clementine do much of that in Book One... which if she was doing it, that’s something you’d think would be shown to us, no? Kind of important? 
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Alright well, the cat’s still alive at least. 
Also I’m assuming this is after they got away from the weirdos who grabbed Olivia in the previous teaser pages we got. Clementine’s got a fever and they’re covered in mud, shit, and blood...not great things to have on an infected leg, y’all. 
Also, “We’ll eat fish.” .....insert AJ’s “I like fish!” line here.
Oh wait, you can’t, because AJ’s not here. Because he’s back at Ericson. Because Clementine left. I bet her leg wouldn’t be covered in mud if she had just stayed... just sayin’. 
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I really like that establishing shot with the moon and the clouds... I said this previously, but I think Tillie’s found a better footing with the art in this one. She’s always been great with shots like that, even in Book One, but also the characters look a little better, too. They’re still not my favorite design and I don’t think Clementine looks like Clementine, but I see improvement. 
Anyway, what I take from this is they’re still traveling and Clementine’s not doing great. 
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Yeah, that’s all I really have to say. I said there wasn’t too much to talk about as the big takeaway from this teaser is that Clementine’s feverish and her leg might be infected, which isn’t great. I’m sure she’ll put through, though... unless Tillie’s pulling a power move and killing her off in the second book only to turn the third book into....I dunno, Clementine’s adventures as a walker? She dies and it’s revealed to be one big dream and she never actually left Ericson? This Clementine turned out to be a fake and the real Clementine shows up to take her out? 
I guess we’ll have to wait to find out. 
Do y’all have thoughts? Are you excited for Clementine Book Two? I doubt you are since most aren’t, but you never know. 
Personally, I’m excited to be disappointed, but hopeful to be proven wrong. Either way, I win. 
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hey hey! idk if this is where I submit for the match up! but I would love to see who you think I'd fit in with! I'm a creative soul who tends to try to develop deep friendships with people above everything. I have a bit of a savior complex as well lol I work hard and play harder, trying to find new adventures to go on with those i care about. I tend to support others before supporting myself, and while im happy to let others open up to me its hard for me to open up in return. the best way i can feel close to someone is deep conversations and being creative with them!
My current fav song has been Maybe IDK by John Bellion, specifically the lyric "i guess if i knew tomorrow i guess i wouldnt need faith"  just the idea of living today to the best you can just because you don't know what will happen tomorrow. the worries of the future should keep you down today
My current fav Redacted audio has to be the Helping your Werewolf bf shift again. Specifically the acting is just so good to me. Erik did an amazing job of portraying Milo's anguish and pain at not being able to shift. Plus the relieved sobs at the end is so satisfying and emotional. 
The one boy i cant get the hype around is Ivan. like sure the yandere thing is somewhat attractive to some, but i just don't like the idea of an actual psychopath being obsessed with me.
my favorite movie is definitely the Secret Life of Walter Mitty by Ben Stiller. its less of a quotable movie and more of i remember every scene very distinctly. its a movie that envelops my own escapism. its beautifully shot, wonderfully acted, and a wholesome story on a rainy day.
my platonic redacted crush has to be Damien. he seems like a blast to interact with and tease. he's a hard worker and is tied close to his goals which i can admire. i would love to body double with him if i had some tasks to get done
space is also 100% my ramble subject when im sleepy, that and greek mythology
My guilty pleasure media is currently the animated shows Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Lego Monkie Kid. despite being kids shows, both of these are beautifully animated and shockingly well written!
I hope that gives you an idea of me! I look forward to who you think i match with!
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Hmm, lots of good tidbits of information to consider. You strike me as really thoughtful, really caring, and I think Lasko could really benefit from a partner like that.
A savior complex, from what I understand, is just wanting to help people and make their lives better, and Lasko’s a guidance counselor, so y’all would have that in common. What’s good about pairing two people like that is y’all could keep each other in line, so to speak. Something that’s important when you’re always looking out for other people is to make sure someone is always looking out for you and vice versa. You and Lasko together would always make sure you’re taking care of others, each other, and yourselves.
Another reason I like the two of you together is that you like being creative with one another as a bonding activity. You know what’s the ultimate way to be creative together? Tabletop role playing games! If you don’t already play, Lasko would be so excited to help you with a character sheet, to help you craft a backstory, paint some mini figurines, go out and buy the perfect game dice and notebooks- the greatest combination of nerdy and cute in a couple.
There now, steady love, so few come and don't go/ Will you won't you, be the one I always know?/ When I'm losing my control, the city spins around/ You're the only one who knows, you slow it down
One, the whole vibe of “you slow me down, I’ll look after you, we’re here for each other” vibes are exactly what I’m picturing for y’all. Also, Lasko and I are around the same age, and I heard this song a lot growing up. I have some weird, like, emotional resonance with it from childhood, and I think Lasko does too. Like, it makes him nostalgic and longing; maybe he always wanted someone to look after and to look after him, and now he’s finally found that in you.
A very reasonable runner-up for you would be Camelopardalis because he would do a great job making sure you balance work and your personal life and that you don’t put others before yourself too much. A more fun runner-up would be Guy because I love sticking that beautiful Creative Writing major with other beautiful, creative people!
note: thank you for waiting, dear, and I hope you like your match-up! 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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allbark-no-bite · 2 years
On His Knees || Elvis Presley x reader
summary: forget your pastor boyfriend, Elvis Presley is the only man who can make you believe in a god
warnings: 18+ smut
word count: at least 1k. I usually write on wattpad but it crashed so idk
authors note: y’all this gif makes me absolutely feral. I’ve only just just watched the Elvis movie so please, if you consider something to be “inaccurate” it’s not my fault nor intention, I literally pulled this fic out of nowhere. it’s not meant to be based off of anything anyhow. also, this was my first time actually trying to write good smut so bear with me
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Other people are not medicine, but that boy from Memphis was my opium, my crack cocaine, my Saturday night high.
Now, I was raised a good Christian girl and had never touched anything stronger than a shot of whiskey in my life. My daddy saw to it that I saw the inside of a church every Sunday, and I was even marrying the preacher's son soon as he bought a house. But I'd never known religion until the King of rock 'n' roll got onto his knees for me and kissed a prayer to the flesh of my thigh.
He was fresh out of Germany when we met. His first appearance in the states in over two years. Much to the nation's surprise, the army hadn't changed him a bit. If anything at all, it had made him into a fine young man with ramrod straight posture and a frequent habit of saying "yes suh" in that throaty southern drawl.
And so one Sunday afternoon, at a chapel in my hometown, Elvis Presley was planting himself back down again into the world of music. He claimed he had wanted to return to start his career out ‘the right way’, in the same place where that gospel music had begun coursing through his blood all those years ago.
Truth be told, I hadn't even known he was there, hadn't even realized that we'd already crossed paths until we stumbled across each other at the bar that night, him laughing at me, faking a laugh over some stupid joke my boyfriend had made.
His laugh came boyish and rumbling from beside me; he had caught me in the act, the forced smile dropping off of my face as soon as my boyfriend turned away. Alarmed and unaware of my admirer, my eyes shoot towards him, his body leant against the side of the bar. His mouth tilts into an amused smirk, and he just shakes his head, turning back to face the bar.
Glancing back at my boyfriend once more, who is still turned away chatting, I slip away from his side and make my way over to the other end of the bar.
I am greeted again by careful and twinkling blue eyes, a stark contrast to the flawlessly styled, oil black hair that is disrupted by a singular coil, which hangs over his forehead. A strong jaw line accentuates his perfectly shaped face. His high cheek bones are softened by his full, almost baby faced, cheeks. He was pretty to the point of being girlish, the hard edges of his masculinity softened by an air of femininity.
A dixie boy at his finest.
"My daddy says a rich man's jokes are always funny," I explain wryly.
He looks up at me from where he's sat on the barstool, his mouth half agape in a smile, a tease of prefect pearly white teeth revealed behind the lift of his lip.
"That so?"
I lift an eyebrow and relax against the bar beside him, looking back over my shoulder. Andy, my boyfriend of two years, is utterly unaware of my disappearance. His daddy was the preacher at my family's church (the church we had been in this very afternoon), and thus my daddy, a devote Christian, saw to it that we were destined to be together.
I didn't mind him at first; sure, he was a nice boy, save for his pretentious attitude. Just because he was raised in his house and following in his daddy's footsteps, I was certain Andy thought he was God sometimes. We had grown a part, but with no reason to spoil the match our parents had made, at least not without causing a ruckus as my mother would say, I turned a blind eye to my misgivings.
"You tell me, Mr. Presley."
There was no need for him to introduce himself.
"I'd say I hope his jokes are better than his sermons but from the looks of it you were fallin' asleep then too." The teasing smile on his lips tells me he saw me struggling not to nod off in the pew.
"You think you could do better then?” I kinda of laugh it off, a rhetorical question in an attempt to make small talk.
His cheeks flush faintly, and the heel of his shiny shoes quivers, but he nods softly.
"Yuh, ma'am. I think I could."
I nearly choke on the air I breathe in. Immediately, I begin to sputter an apology, an excuse, obviously not having meant to be so forward.
“Wha— I—“
“C'mon, baby. We're goin' home," a voice interrupts, Andy, beckoning to me. From behind the lenses of his rounded glasses, his whiskey blurred eyes hardly even register the man sitting beside me. Thankfully, he seems to either have missed or been too drunk to have overheard our conversation. He just nods politely at Elvis and tugs on my elbow before turning away.
I turn my face away from him, partially to hide the startled redness of my face and partially to avoid him all together. He smells like whiskey and arrogance.
Elvis, hardly deterred by the intervention of my boyfriend, just nods along back politely, his bottom lip trapped coyly between his teeth. Acting as if he hadn’t just hit on me with my boyfriend inches away. His less than innocent blue eyes remain fixated on me, hardly giving Andy a second glance.
Suddenly, I'm reluctant to go. Reluctant to go back to the future that had been mapped out for me since I was a child, not yet even old enough to understand what it meant to love. I’d been raised on a pretense of love that involved unyielding obedience on my part and the toxic habits of a man playing God in his own house.
Possessed by a sudden onrush of boldness and disdain for my miserable future, my feet remain bolted to the ground, and I watch my oblivious boyfriend leave the bar without me.
Rising up from the stool, Elvis slowly sidles—saunters—over to plant himself in front of me. Now that he's standing, he towers over my much smaller frame. My chin tips back slightly to meet his commanding gaze. The roles of confidence have been reversed, and suddenly I feel like a child despite my likely two years on him.
"Look at you, mama. Needy for some attention,” he tsks. His voice is dark, sultry, honey thick.
I feel my heart stall in my chest. I breathe a quivering exhale though my nose. 
Please. Please, please, some voice in my head pleads. 
Another part of me immediately scoffs. Please what? You’re dating the pastor’s son.
But I knew the corruption that went on behind closed doors. While I was a virgin and had yet to have been tainted at the hands of a man, I knew the many beds my boyfriend had lain in.
Please, ruin me.
Elvis brings his hand up to touch my cheek, his fingers dragging along the underside of my jaw until my head is tipped completely back, my throat yielding to the expanse of his calloused palm. His hand lays heavy on my throat. He's so close yet so far. So close that I can feel his hot breath on my face, see the dark tint of eyeliner surrounding those doe shaped eyes of his. So far that my body aches for him to touch me.
“What do you want, hmm?”
Anything. Anything that you’ll give me.
Without waiting for an answer, he kisses me against that bar top as though he had intentions to savor every breath and pant that came out of my mouth as his own. It starts out reserved, not hesitant, but demanding at the same time. As he gains confidence, a hand presses to the small of my back, pulling me into his body.
His lips are soft, consuming as he forms his mouth to my own. It’s the sweetest kiss I’ve ever had.
I follow his every movement, pliantly shuffling along as he toddles us backwards, all while remaining entrapped in his arms. His hand moves momentarily from my back, and I hear him push open the back door to the bar. The cool air of the night gushes around us, but I hardly feel it.
Elvis doesn’t stop kissing me until he has me pinned against the side of his pink Cadillac, and only then does he pull away. He grins at me, all boyish-like, looking blissful and pleased with himself.
“You like tha’, mama? Like what these hands do to you? Want me to touch you, huh?”
I whimper. Yes. God, yes.
Then he is kissing me again, his lips gentle but firm and full all at the same time.
My whole body feels as if it's been pulled under the surface. Water is pounding in my ears, dulling my senses until the universe no longer exists outside of the man in front of me and that ridiculous pink Cadillac. Teeth clash together, tongues explore each other's mouths, and I can consciously feel myself sinking, sinking, sinking deeper and deeper.
Elvis pulls away, and I am yanked back to the surface so abruptly that I physically feel myself gasp for air.
“Breathe for me, mama. That’s it,” he encourages with all the tenderness in the world. He dips his head down to the curve of my neck, teeth nipping at my ear, only to be soothed by the lavishing of his mouth.
With one large hand cradling my waist, I feel his other one travel up my thigh. Confidently, all the while with his face still in my neck, he rucks up one side of my dress, his hand sliding up until it reaches his desired destination.
I swallow hard.
Blindly, his fingers trace the edge of my panties. They’re wet, and by the way his breath stalls beside my ear, he can feel it through the fabric.
Shyly, I tense beneath him, but he plants his thigh between my legs to keep them from closing.
“Relax, mama,” he drawls into my ear. “I’ve got you.” The southern drag to his voice goes exactly where he intends it to, and if it weren’t for his body pinning me against the car, my trembling legs would have given out.
His thumb catches the edge of my panties and pulls them aside so that his duo of fingers can rest against me.
The mewl that escapes me spurs him on.
“Want my fingers, pretty girl?”
“Yes, please,” I whine, becoming antsy beneath him.
Slowly, his two fingers venture back. And when he reaches just where I need him, he stops, tapping his index finger just outside my core. “Right here?”
Desperately, I nod, and he laughs kissing the corner of my mouth again. “Alright, darlin’.”
However prepared I think I am, I’m not ready for the stretch of his two fingers as he pushes into me. It burns in the most pleasurable way possible, but I still whimper against him. He peppers kisses to the sides of my mouth until the pain subsides.
When he curls his fingers inside of me, my vision goes blurry, and heat pools in my stomach. I clench around him and Elvis groans heavily. “God, mama. You have no idea what you’re doin’ to me.”
I realize that he’s uncomfortably hard at this point. “Here,” he whispers hoarsely.
Still seeing stars, his hand guides mine to the tent that has formed in his black dress pants. Cupping his bulge with his own large hand on top of mine, his beautiful doe eyes shut and his head tilts back.
With me falling a part on his fingers with very stroke of my velvet walls, and his own release close against my palm, Elvis suddenly pulls away.
“Elvis—“ He cuts me off with a laugh, pecking my lips with his own swollen ones.
Ceremoniously, he drops to his knees in the back of the parking lot.
“I’m religious, ain’t I, darlin’? Gotta have you on my knees.”
It’s early. Too early to be awake, and I’m oh so tempted to fall back sleep, but sleep is an impossibly hard task to do when God’s favorite creation is shuffling about the bedroom in nothing but a pair of boxers and a toothbrush in his mouth. Not bothered enough to make myself move into a state of consciousness just yet, my eyes lazily follow Elvis, admiring him as he returns from the bathroom.
That night we had met at Club Handy was months ago, and I’d become all too familiar with the inside of his Graceland bedroom. With my boyfriend on the back burner, Elvis Presley had become an increasingly bad habit. I still went to church, played the part of the doting girlfriend that I was supposed to be every Sunday morning, but there was only one man who could drop to his knees and make me believe in God.
Finally, he catches me staring, and a smile over takes him lips. “I know your daddy raised you better than to stare.”
I huff against his fluffy cotton sheets. “My daddy raised me to do a lot of things.”
Elvis chuckles, crawling across the bed to lean over me and peck my lips.
“An’ look at you now. Naked in my bed.”
I hum, humoring him and my poor daddy as I kiss him again but pull away before he can kiss me a third time.
“Aw, c’mon, mama,” he whines falling dramatically against the bed as I narrowly escape his grabbing hands so that I can pull myself together for Sunday mass.
Nevertheless, he allows me to escape with one more kiss and a promise to see him later.
I rush out the door an hour later so that I can slide into my family’s pew at the front of the chapel and be seated before the church doors close.
“You’re late,” Andy reprimands as I sit down next to him, my mama just beside him.
“I couldn’t find my shoes,” I whisper back to him, keeping my eyes to the front, where his father is beginning the sermon.
It isn’t a total lie. It took me a half hour before I finally found my flats at the bottom of the staircase, where Elvis had helped me discard them the night before.
Andy hums, and I can tell he doesn’t believe me.
Elvis and I had done a clean job of making sure no one outside of his family knew what we were up to, so the disapproval in Andy’s voice comes as a surprise. But I don’t harp on it for long because the church doors chime again, and in walks the devil himself.
A few heads swivel in Elvis’ direction as he saunters though the doors, carelessly flicking holy water in an unenthusiastic sign of the cross. His eyes catching mine as he takes a seat in the back.
It wasn’t unusual for the king of rock ‘n’ roll to make an appearance at the chapel, but he usually participated no further than to liven up the choir.
Without looking at me, Andy speaks out in a dangerously monotone voice. "Everybody knows."
A few heads turn to stare.
“Everybody knows that he fucks you."
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