#hope you all are doing amazing btw! manifesting wonderful things for u!
doodlebloo · 2 years
Rat Time Approaches......
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boba-beom · 2 years
smilesss c:
hiii! sorry i have been m.i.a for so long, but i finally made it, both flights were terrible, but it's okay because i have had such an amazing time so far. can't believe i'll be flying back in a week :/
OMGGGG how's it going with island guy, i hope you had an amazing time together ahh i'm so excited for the future updates of I Like U now, but take your time, no pressure!! is there something there between you though? did you feel anything?
that's true, thank you🥺❤️ i recently picked up my electric guitar now that i've come home and even though i haven't played in such a long time, i was surprised with how quick i picked up some songs or how easily i remembered others. it made me think about how sometimes there are some things in our lives that we stop doing because so many things get in the way and we lose touch with them, until we discover them again. the feelings i experienced when i was playing the same songs i used to play are honestly indescribable, it was as if nothing else mattered, but that beautiful melody. it made me realise how much i miss performing too❤️ i was wondering if that has ever happened to you too?
i just know beomjun would slay so hard, manifesting fr. when enhypen niki and jungwon did it, i was in awe and i couldn't stop thinking about yeonjun and beomgyu doing one. they could easily suit any genre, but i'm thinking something dark would look so good.
ooooh, i'm excited for the rest of your 80s oneshots - the taehyun one was just *chef's kiss*. and omg beomgyu's look for dream week lives in my head rent free - he looked like an 80s heartthrob. happy late beomgyu day btw🥺❤️
thank you so much smiles❤️, i'm just glad they're finally over. i hate exam season so much. it's always so stressful.
how are you doing though? how's writing going? i have this yeonjun oneshot that i've been working on for over a year now, it's so long and i'm almost finished, i just have three scenes left to write before i get into the editing process lol. i'm the type of writer that takes a long time to produce something and seeing how fast other writers produce pieces makes me feel a bit like i'm missing out? idk if that's the right word, but i wish i could write something good that fast sometimes, but i've also come to terms with the fact that everyone has their own pace when it comes to writing. some write faster, some write slower, but the end product is always amazing❤️
hi lovely, I'm sorry the flights were terrible, but how is it being home?
as for the island guy, he's coming next week I think, so we'll see if he'll come visit me or not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not too fussed about it really. he greeted me on my birthday, not really a greeting, more like a banter "you're getting older" message but yeah other than that I don't really think anything is going on atm :/
that's so beautiful, april 🥹 I haven't played my guitar for a long while, so I feel like when I do have the time and get back into doing it, I would most likely rediscover that feeling again :') I love that for you though, I find it so satisfying when the muscle memory kicks in, yano?
thank you!! I just saw your rb and your feedback just made me so happy, thank you and I'm really glad you liked it a lot! I feel like I'm going to hinder the 80s fics for a little while until I'm satisfied enough with the amount of uni work I have to do for my coursework. my deadline is in 6 weeks and I don't want to rush things so that's why I haven't been as active on here :') happy late beomgyu day too! <3
as for your writing, take as much time as you need. it is for you after all and we just have the privilege to read people's shared works/imaginations. I'm rooting for you and I hope you tag me whenever you do post it <3 but you're right! everyone's writing journey is different but the outcome is always just as beautiful! and I'm doing okay! I've been busying myself! I had a uni trip last week and then went home for my birthday in the same week, so I'm a little exhausted lmao, so the past week I've just been staying in uni longer than usual and doing work which I'm happy with! beomgyu's birthday post was the last thing I've written for a while, everything else has just been in bullet points for now until I have time to write everything in full :> I hope you've been well since you sent this ask!
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remcycl333 · 2 years
you must've gotten so many asks like this before, so i understand if you don't feel like answering. but ive been spiraling down so hard these days, i feel so powerless and that nothing will pay of at the end or that i'm wasting my time by trying to remain positive, and i know this feeling of powerlessness is prolly manifesting itself but i also have no energy left to keep doing the best i can. is there any solution to this? should i take a break or simply "abandon" the law?
ps: sorry for any grammar mistakes, english is not my first language.
hii! DONT ABANDON THE LAW, never do that!! the law is always working so u can never actually rlly abandon it.
ik this is probably not what u want to hear rn but… work on your self concept. i don’t mean like “i manifest so easy i am god of my reality etc” but instead affirmations like “i love my life, amazing things are coming to me, i know that something great is about to happen to me, i am happy, i feel in control, i am excited about life” etc. in the morning when u wake up and before bed just hype yourself up like this in the mirror. when brushing your teeth or washing your face is a perfect time! even if it feels silly or like you’re lying to yourself at first, push through and keep doing it.
also something i do when i’m feeling down/depressed is i listen to affirmation tapes. it helps me every single time. i recommend this one . within a day of listening to it i always feel better. and u don’t even have to pay attention to it! i would listen to it while reading (adhd tings) and instantly feel better. or just search dylan james on youtube and listen to any of his affirmation tapes they r all so good !
idk if u started school recently (ik it’s back to school season) but just spend ur free time doing things u enjoy!!! my favorite tip when manifesting is distract yourself. it helps so much i swearr
i’m also planning on making a post about this soon but something neville goddard suggested to a woman who was having a hard time was to just fall asleep every night affirming “isn’t it wonderful?” over and over again (lullaby method). within a week wonderful things were happening to her and her life was turned around
i hope this helps!!! we all have those days when we feel down and hopeless. i swear on my life that the law of assumption is real and that thinking positive thoughts is NOT a waste of time. just do some self care and work on your self concept for a little bit until you feel ready to jump back on the horse again. i hope u feel better soon!! <3
(also btw ur grammar and english was great!)
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sageblogsthings · 4 years
Let me be as obnoxious as possible and ask for Cleric + as much of the Arnora cast as you can stomach. pwease.
roman u amazing beautiful human come catch this kith!! <3 just for u i shall do the main cast + everyone’s fave trio of side characters!
tw for very brief mentions of religious trauma
Cleric: What does your character place their faith in - a deity, universal energy, themselves, the government, etc.?
no one places their faith in the government bc it’s uhhhhh v corrupt lol
Vanna: at the beginning of Arnora, Vanna definitely places her faith in others, and not even necessarily her friends. she trusts easily and deeply and while this is a good thing in some ways, it really gets her hurt at times, so a big part of her character arc is learning how to place more faith in herself first. she’s definitely the kind of person to see the best in others though so i don’t think she will ever completely “grow out” of placing a bit too much faith in those around her.
Xalia: she’s a bit the opposite of Vanna, honestly (heck yeah character foils!!). in the beginning she only places faith in herself (even though she works for Verena she does not trust her at all). but throughout the story she will start to open up to others a little more, which she is v grumpy about lol :)
Silaesan: the concept of deities is weird in Arnora, magic and religion are v much separate but some people choose to intertwine them. as a Time Magister, Silaesan has a better grasp of magic than just about anyone in Arnora. but he is not religious at all, especially after some uhhh....events....that happen at the beginning ;p but there’s also some stuff that happens that changes who/what Silaesan places his faith in but if i told u it would literally spoil the entire plotline lol so for now i shall just say that Silaesan places his faith in the Pillars of Time and the magic he manifests from them
Tilaraen: this is another one that’s really tricky to answer without giving spoilers lol (btw if anyone would like spoilers i’m always down to spill the beans i just don’t wanna put em up on my blog) but Til either places their faith in Verena, themself, or Silaesan depending on which point in the plot we’re talking about. As far as religion, the best way I can think to describe it is that Silaesan is the Arnoran equivalent of agnostic, while Til is just flat out atheist. They believe that the best, and worst, things in life are products of humanity and humanity alone.
Verena: she places faith in herself but also,,,,the moon?? sort of?? and also Til?? it’s complicated lol. if you asked her she would say herself 1000% bc she would like to pretend that she doesn’t need anyone or anything. but actually her and Til are really close (can’t say much more atm) and the moon has always been a sort-of deity for her, i talk more about her connection to the moon here if ur inch rested!! Verena very much rejects formal religion tho
Ari: idt i’ve talked about this much but Ari comes from a clan of artificers that live in the desert. the clan is broken up into sub-groups based on what class of artificer you are, so Ari grew up with others who could transmute metal like him (ari is a metalbender confirmed skdjfskldf) but each sub-clan thingy (i haven’t named them yet ok 🙈) has their own patron deity that they worship. Ari is also huuuuuge on family so (even tho it’s technically against his upbringing) he places faith in his family over his patron deity
Mikah: his relationship with faith is incredibly complicated and damaged. he wants to believe in something, but every instance of religion he saw in his childhood was a perversion of it used to hurt him (i’m not using him to process religious trauma wym). Mikah seems like the character who would place his faith in others, but ultimately he places it in himself because every time he’s placed it in others he’s been let down. a big part of his arc is going to be him opening up to other people, and recognizing that sometimes people will let you down and you have to process that and move on rather than internalizing it and shutting out everyone in the future.
Dorian: i’m sensing a pattern here of my characters changing who they place their faith in lol but Dorian is definitely the lone-wolf, “i work alone,” “people will always let you down” broody type in the beginning since he got kicked out of the Thieves’ Guild, and thus only places faith in himself (and Tov, she’s the one thing he can rely on). by the end he learns to be a lot more open and is much more comfortable placing faith in his close friends. he’s not really religious, but he doesn’t mind it, he just is kinda neutral about it. not necessarily agnostic just literally does not feel like committing the brain cells to figuring out how he feels about it lol.
Matthias: matthias is religious! he doesn’t really place his faith in a specific entity, just more a sort of cosmic substance if that makes sense?? it started as him just praying while he was in the Aemornian Army as a way to pass the time and try to process some of the stuff he saw. but he found that the meditation and contemplation really did wonders for him, so he keeps up a habit of going to shrines in Aemorn to meditate. he doesn’t have a particularly deity he associates himself with, he’s just generally religious in the sense that he hopes there’s a benevolent higher power out there that can make some sense of all the chaos in the world
Tov: Tov is similar to Vanna in that she places her faith in a looot of people, but she’s also much healthier about it. she’s an incredibly positive person and she tends to attract positive people because of that. she places her faith in humanity and people not because she is blind to the bad things they can do, but because she truly believes that when you help people and give them the opportunities and chances they need they will choose to be good. i just,,,,i really love her okay i’m too soft for her T^T also she places so much faith in Daisy, like Daisy can (just about) do no wrong in her eyes <3
Daisy: daisy is religious and worships uhhhh a deity i haven’t named yet lol but she’s like Arnora’s version of Artemis basically, the goddess of women and the hunt. she worships this goddess specifically because she has dedicated herself to protecting people, especially women who cannot fight for themselves. she also does enjoy hunting but in a very fair, use-everything-and-thank-nature sort of way. so i would say that Daisy primarily places her faith in this deity,,,,which shall be named soon,,,but she does also trust her troop with her life, and ofc she will place her faith in Tov endlessly
some of these got a bit rambley lol my brain cells are not aligned today but i hope u enjoy!! thank u so much roman!! ☺️💜
dnd themed character asks!
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eludum-a · 7 years
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(scheduled to post this around noon on thursday my time.)
as we head into this (american) thanksgiving, a lot of us are gonna be dealing with some Grade A Bullshit: retail work, bigoted relatives, etc. i wasn’t actually gonna do this originally, but then i realized what holiday was coming up right around the time of my blogiversary and i was like... welp. alright. guess we’re doing this then. things lined up too perfectly NOT to, and things can be kinda shitty for people around this time of year, so let’s put a little positivity back into the community! or something like that.
(yes i realize some of the people here are not american. no reason to deny my love tho.)
anyway, onto the callouts!
@ultimatetalentless have i talked about how much i love sin’s hinut lately? his and nanami’s friendship/rivalry (and his and chibot’s unresolved romantic tension) is so much fun to write and it’s so great having an Angst Partner to shoot terrible ideas at. on top of that i love talking to sin out of character and sharing some of the things we come across that remind each other of our muses. 
@mideoku​ julie followed me and the following day, snakes started manifesting physically in my house. i get no peace from them. they follow me home every day and beat me down with a two by four while yelling down with cis. but if we’re being real here julie’s shitposting lights up my dashboard every day for better or worse and theyre actually a really cool person. we’ll fight in pokemon when u catch up to me binch
@steinways​ sarah’s one of my oldest mutuals from all the way back when she just had her mahiru and i?? love sarah?? she’s such a sweetheart and all of her characterizations are so absolutely stellar. 10/10 would sarah again and also she made my theme so. yknow. amazing all around
@ongakuvoices rio’s a special brilliant soul w so much love for their muses and it shows in everything they write... i adore both their ibuki and their nagisa to pieces!! i know theyre gonna go places in life and ill be over here cheering them on from the sidelines, probably holding up some signs with memes on them
@jrco-disd actually i hate seth. nevermind. i’m not doing this
@nullverum​ boss was like one of the first ndrv3 blogs i interacted with long before the game had its official english release. i remember i made a post a while before saying that i thought ouma/nami would be a strange but cute brotp and hell! i was absolutely right in every way. its even funnier upon finding out ou/ma kind of plays the na/nami role just as much as the ko/maeda role in actuality (he’s gotta do both since a CERTAIN SOMEONE gets fridged at the beginning), so they’re surprisingly good (bad, actually) for each other. 
@ayatsurii sparkle’s peko is great ok? best sword girlfriend, would shower her in love and affection and cute things. nanami apparently has a thing for taller, stoic individuals with red eyes who could kick her ass one-handed. (don’t we all tho??) ahem. anyway. would recommend sparkle’s pekpek.
@kibouzuru i know we were mutuals for a while before i got involved with truth syndicate stuff? i feel silly not having interacted with u before because i rly should have. im really glad i got a chance to bc u and ur egg are cool (well, naegi’s a total dork) and now i can have nanami tease leggy and eggy about their relationship. she’s gotta get back at hinata for all those years of short jokes somehow, too bad naegi’s just collateral
@hikaup i remember i was on the lookout for pokemon blogs a while back and i stumbled across ur blog and was like... what the heck, this hikari seems way too cool... and wow!! i was totally right!! i love ur portrayal so much it’s such good shit and chiaki and hikari already have such a good dynamic. i hope chiaki gets to do Spooky Shit with hikari someday (and maybe even hold hands???? lets not get ahead of ourselves here) btw i get whiplash from how often u put out amazing themes
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and yes, im gonna be at your basketball game tomorrow. stop telling me about it
@cantalazarus u know how i feel about u. ur smart and funny and talented and ur take on ur muses is So Good and 
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@malchancevilain​ watchy is another one of my oldest mutuals and its always great to see their togami on my dash! we’ve been in a few group verses together now and i love seeing how he handles different situations (always with a great degree of salt) and just hanging out ooc! also: greg grimaldis wherever you are you better believe im getting those fifteen dollars back *mic drop*
@seineijashu​ oh.
hey nerd. we havent rly spoken much in a while but im still out here 100% in ur corner and i love everything u do. i know i dont know like anything about Boruto’s Dad like i said (im more a hunter x hunter guy myself,,,) but even if roleplaying opportunities are scarce im still totally down to talk like any time. now if only our time zones would line up. ps theres a secret message hidden here did you see it
@hopefromtheordinary​ it’s so great to see you back in the dr rpc! i loved your komaeda and your kamukura way back when. i love the twin shenanigans you and sin get up to (serious or crack) and i really can’t wait to get more chibot/kamukura stuff going! im excited i hope ur excited too
@gamblingqueen ANOTHER person i’m so glad to see back over here!! u were one of the first people to rly plot with me to any extent ooc and i am very excited to get right back into it! chiaki and celes are such an odd pair, but it’s wonderful to see them interact after they’ve both been brought so low. im over here rubbing my hands together at the speed of light in anticipation
@mxssias if naegi tries to get nanami to watch sword art online with him one more time shes gonna kill him and hide the body in the reserve course grounds. ahem. anyway. alex you’re such a little shit but you’re funny and i love your egg boy even if he’s constantly getting himself into trouble and sacrificing himself like he doesnt have anything better to do. get that boy a better hobby? thanks
and sorry if i forgot anybody! doing these is kind of exhausting for me and i might have gotten a little lazy, but i tried to hit most of the people i’ve been in contact with ooc at least a bit (who have been active within the past week or so).
@jrco-disd ok fine fuck you. seth was one of the first people in the fandom to reach out to me and even if he’s often belligerent at me for no good reason (ok, fine, maybe i deserve it) i still really appreciate his friendship and am glad that we can exchange shitty sonic memes with each other. the day we get that sonic forces monster factory is the day we both can die happy, probably after strangling each other
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tumblunni · 8 years
Miscellaneous Rune Factory 4 Secrets/Lil Cute Things I Noticed!
Dunno if any of this is helpful, and probably most people already know cos im a dummy who didnt read any walkthroughs or anything, but MEH I wanna squee about how neat these details are anyway! :D
* Every super giant version of a vegetable has a unique name (E.g. Doom Pumpkin, Ultra Toyherb and Maximum Pink) And did you notice that in the credits all the english translation team use one of these as a nickname? That’s adorable! * One of the requests is a tad confusing cos it asks to harvest a ‘Shining Tree’ but the crop is actually named Twinkle Tree. (Even though the seed is Shining Seed) I got stumped on that for a while cos I thought the tree still had another growth stage if I watered it more. Aside from that I havent seen a single translation mistake, which is amazing! * You can get unique dialogue if you have a character in your party while inspecting certain parts of the map. So far all I’ve found is that Arthur explains all the mysterious crates of trading items on the airship, and margaret gives you free fruit if you check the various things in her house. (only once though!) She also talks about how some famous historical composers were part of the De Sainte Coquille family. (for example Beet Hoven XD) * You can befriend boss monsters which is Really Friggin Cool and I’m glad I discovered it by accident instead of reading a guide! Its just so badass to use their hella annoying attacks against enemies and tear them aprt, or ride about on something that takes up the entire map! * But yeah anyway the fun trivia part: the secret boss recruitment items for the guardian rematches are the same as the best friendship items for the characters themselves! Marionetta is the easiest to recruit cos she just loves the highest level cake items, which you can get fairly often in Porco and Dylas’s daily food shop. Oh bonus fun tip- they each sell different dishes each day so check both if you’re looking for something! It can help a lot when you need like thirty damn Apple Pie/Cheesecake to capture your best friend’s monster self. *Thunderbolt likes the giant crop version of carrots, but i havent grown one yet. I’m not sure what exactly Ambrosia and Sarcophogus like, is there even a higher level version of honey and mushrooms...? Maybe its a high level flower and one of the lategame salted fish recipes...? * Oh and it seems some boss monsters who have a particularly large amount of attacks have some that they cant use while you’re riding them, since there’s only three buttons. Marionetta cant use the one where she throws plush toys unless you dismount. And it seems she can’t ever use the one where she locks you in a treasure chest while she’s a pet monster, I guess it was hard to reprogam the animation for different enemies? * Also i just find it silly cute that marionetta’s ride animation has her as if she’s on an invisible motorbike, for no logical reason! * It seems Pico actually was part of the Marionetta guardian monster, even though she could still manifest as a ghost? or something? The concept art shows a pair of monsterous hands with eyeballs that operate the marionette strings, and Marionetta’s pet monster description gives this other monster the name Handetta and seems to talk about it as if it has Pico’s personality. I dunno, maybe monster-dolce manifested a pico duplicate because she was lonely, or pico was casting a spell to create those marionette hands so she could keep her monsterified friend from hurting people? Its an interesting lil trivia that gives me fanfic ideas! * The Dead Tree boss monster’s apples are apparantly flat 2D textures, you just cant see cos it never turns its head while fighting you. But it looks kinda hilarious when its your pet! * If you wear a costume and go on a date with someone, it seems they’re quite likely to change into their version of the costume too. And if they’re wearing a costume on the world map they’ll stay in it if you add them to your party, and won’t change back until you send them home. I had fun always grabbing everybody during beach day and slumber parties before I was able to unlock the costumes for myself! It was a nice preview cos certain characters wear the same costume as the protagonist, just in different colours. (Btw this only works for swimsuit and pyjamas, not the rainbow of recolours for the default outfit) * For some reason characters still say ‘i wont go on a date til you get rid of that third wheel’ even when your other party member is just a monster. I would have thought it would be perfectly fine to bring my pet along :P I kinda hope that if we get a rune factory 5 then maybe there could be two-seater monsters where you can both ride while on a date and get special cuteness! :D * if you clear the leon karnak revisited dungeon before getting the super secret postgame quest to revive [certain person who died in the ending], you get a bonus awkward scene of reaching the top and nothing is there but Leon’s two shrine fox statues. Protagonist says ‘i just wanted to visit you guys’ and they’re like ‘wtf this is most irregular’. You can even give them gifts! (but they dont have a friendship bar to raise so youre just wasting your items lol) * if you clear the maya road snowfield dungeon before starting the act 2 quest where you’re SUPPOSED to clear that dungeon, nothing actually happens and you just cant walk through the final door to the next dungeon. Then annoyingly when you do initiate the quets all the switches in the dungeon reset so you have to do it again even though your map shows that you already finished it. I just find it odd cos Leon Karnak showed the developers thought about sequence breaking, but here they didnt. I was annoyed cos I stumbled in there entirely by accident and didnt even realize I had to initiate a quest first! * For some reason Doug hates bread and toast but is fine about sandwiches. And its a bit unintuitive to figure out Leon’s ‘likes poisonous things’ tip, cos he reacts the same as everyone else when you give him most poisonous dungeon items- getting pissed off that you gave him ‘trash’. IM SORRY LEON! It seems he only likes mushrooms and certain fish thatre stated to be poisonous uncooked. But then every other fish he only likes it if its cooked. Why u confusig, Leon?? * Dylas has the most favourite items, loving carrots, milk, fish, sashimi and anything else related. Kinda ironic that the self-proclaimed grumpy guts is the easiest to befriend! * I’m not sure if this is official canon or not, but it might be possible that Doug is related to Zaid from Rune Factory 3. Both of them have a backstory of their tribe being destroyed by invading humans, and they share silver eyes that might possibly be that tribe’s trait? (I dont think any other character has them) * Daria from RF3 could also possibly be Margaret’s sister. Raven says that there’s a resembelance between Margaret and ‘an elf in my village’, and Margaret mentions having a sister who’s an artist, so it might be her? * Oh and more obviously Porcoline is related to the De Saint Coquille family from RF3. And I havent personally played RF1 and 2 yet but from what I’ve heard there are other De Saint Coquilles cameoing in every game in the series? Thats cool! I wonder if they all share that same weird art style? * For some reason your son/daughter character always has Frey’s colourscheme even if you play as Lest. That’s really weird! I guess maybe they ran out of memory space to add two sets, but why didnt they just make the male and female protagonist have the same hair colour? * The promotional Nintendo Dream manga has the romances for the protagonists set as Dolce for Lest and Dylas for Frey. So thats the closest thing we have to an answer on the developers’ favourite routes, and we can assume maybe they liked Frey as the main protagonist? Though I’m not personally too hung up on which option is more canon, lol!
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