#hopefully i can get this off my mind now ugghh
toaster-hair · 2 years
i try my BEST not to let fandom get in my way of how i view ships bc i always see ships in a non canonical way. so if you want you can fold a ship into whatever way you want whether its aus, fix it fics, or whatever. i especially try not to let the popularity of a ship get in the way of how much i like a ship, im very fond of rarepairs and crackships but i dont consider myself someone who cant bring themselves to like popular ships or even brags about liking.. ANYTHING that isnt mainstream
but there comes a POINT where when ALL of the content you see for a character youre fond of is ABOUT A SINGLE SHIP that you start hating the ship and maybe even the other character involved. it hurts even more when its a ship you fell out of love with.
yes, im talking soudam AGAIN bc kazuichi has rotted my brain so badly that i feel like i cant even go a single day without thinking of him, AND I BARELY EVEN INTERACT W/ THE DR FANDOM ANYMORE. one of my ocs was just a genderbent au i made of him that looked distinct enough i just took it and ran. thats how bad it is. (tbh i do just like the color pink and... sharp.. teeth.. so thats probably why. hes pathetic too which just makes it x2 as good)
look, i dont think that ppl who ship soudam are inherently bad ppl. i dont really care about what ppl ship as long as theyre 1) not shipping real ppl and 2) not shoving it in other peoples faces. and i dont see any soudam shippers directly doing that. i was a soudam shipper, and honestly, i can see why ppl ship it. its an interesting dynamic.
bbbutt.. i dont ship it!  i personally dont care for it anymore, or even just general dr stuff. i should probably get into dr stuff more sense i feel like other than skullgirls and cookie run, im a bit lost when it comes to fandoms nowadays. but i still really like kazuichi and, by extension, sonia and their ship sounia. so every now and then i look for content abt them whether its for comfort or horniness, or just bc i want to. and a big theme i see is soudam. everywhere. its not unbareable especially on a site like tumblr where i can block certain tags and words. but even with that blocking, soudam can still clog it up meaning its harder for me to find content i like.
its even worse when some of that content is intentionally made to spam tags. an example would be what happened on instagram a while back, im not sure if that many other people noticed it, where ppl would spam dr ship tags with things such as “hey ur ship sucks xoxo”, feet, and in the worst case scenario, gore and self harm.
its even worse (take a sip everytime i say that) when you bring in stuff like antis and proshippers which, IS A CAN OF WORMS I DO NOT WANT TO GO INTO. i dont use either label, i hate antis but i really fucking hate proshippers. which is why i dont like ppl labeling all sounia shippers as proshippers because.. no. no i am not. you cant dictate what side someone is on in a silly shipping war based of a single thing they like. i know damn well there are sounia shippers who are proship, anti, somewhere in the middle, and the same can be said abt soudam shippers. which is why i hate how soudam shippers are seen as morally good and sounia shippers are seen as gross. i just wanna see some pathetic lil guy try and fail to woo a girl, i dont wanna argue about what ship is superior. neither are illegal, so they are both equal.  
in conclusion; there are and will be a lot of soudam shippers. i dont care. i just want to be left alone, but soudam is hard to ignore. dont try to call any soudam shippers poopyheads, lets all just try to be nice and respect one another. sorry if this seems like a hate rant, because it is. i am frustrated. didnt mean for this to become an 8 paragraph essay, but thats just what happened. 
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amelink66world · 4 years
Love of my Life
Hey guys!! This is the third chapter of my series. Ypu can read it on wattpad too! Enjoy 💞😉
Amelia's PoV:
I have to give Link some credit. He really knows what he's doing in the bedroom. I can safely say that he's the best I've ever had. But he can't know that. Male ego, you know. As far as I've come to know him, he'll start floating ;) Even Owen wasn't ever able to bring about that kind of a reaction from me even after the many years we were together which Link was able to do in just a SINGLE NIGHT !!
I have to say I'm quite surprised.
The amazing sex helped my mood quite a lot. All of the sadness and despair just vanished in thin air with his touch. So far I've been able to successfully avoid him. It's been two days since the conference in San Diego and still I just cannot take him off my mind. I've just seen him around the hospital once or twice. I actively run away whenever I see him. I just dash in the opposite direction. I make sure he doesn't see me. Just one look in his direction brings back all the memories of that night. I just know it in my soul that my self resolve will break and I will jump his bones as soon as I see his muscular arms, his full lips which seem to draw me in unintentionally, his soft eyes, his ton...STOP!! UGGHH!! I'll kill him. I can't even think straight. Ufff.
Maggie has recently introduced three rooms in the hospital as part of her research. I personally like the Blue and Green rooms more. They seem to have a calming effect on me, the green one more than the blue one but it's fine.
Link's PoV:
I've never experienced this feeling before. Not to brag but I'm accustomed with women throwing themselves at me and not the other way around. This woman has been haunting my dreams since the moment I laid eyes on her. I find my eyes searching for her even though she's not in the room. It's been two days since I've seen her. I really think she's avoiding me. I've caught glimpses of her in the hospital but as soon as I reach there, phuushh she's vanished. Ughh. I know she said it'll be a ' one- time thing ' but I just don't want to lose a friend like her. Maybe hopefully in the future things might be different but at least now just being her friend will be enough.
When I heard that Dr. Pierce has introduced three 'mood rooms' , I have to say my interest was piqued. I decide to check those rooms out. Maybe I'll even find her sister in the process, you never know right? ;)
Currently, Maggie and Amelia are sitting in the Blue Room finally having a much needed 'Sister Moment'. Maggie is telling Amelia how the Blue Room works. She wants Amelia to feel better as she knows how she had been recently. If only she could strangle that ginger man and the mother of his child for time and again hurting her beloved sister. Her whole life she had been a single child and now that she has been gifted with two amzaing sisters, she finally understood that she had needed them all along and can't help but feel fiercely protective towards them. No one can hurt them on her watch, she'll make sure of that. She loved them too much to see them hurt.
So here they are in the Blue Room, Maggie trying to uplift Amelia's mood that had been somber for a few days. If only she knew about the conference....
The room has definitely made Amelia curious. She wants to know what this room does. While languidly spinning in her chair, Amelia asks, " Sooo, blue light lowers blood pressure? "
"Significantly. And some studies even suggest that it could even improve your mood." Maggie wants to help Amelia in any way she possibly can and adds, "Well I'm not saying that it's a cure all or anything but you might wanna spend some time...", she trails off after turning her and noticing that she most definitely has lost her audience. Amelia is in her own world lazily spinning in her chair thinking God knows about what. Maggie is surprised to see Amelia in such a good mood after all the Love Triangle fiasco.
She curiously asks Amelia when she sees that she has yet not gained her attention, " Okay the room doesn't work thaaatt fast. I deserve an award if it did but...what's going on? " she smiles looking at her happy expression.
"Nothing" is her only reply. Since when did AMELIA of all people become a woman of a few words? Huh, astonishing.
Maggie probes further, " Nothing?? I can't believe it 'cause the last time I saw you there was a fair amount of crying and absolutely zero chair spinning. So spill, sister."
Finally getting her to answer, " Fine. I might have had some insanely good sex at the conference in San Diego " she says while stretching lazily.
Shock is written all over Maggie's face. How can her sister have sex with a stranger at a complete unknown place? She sometimes just cannot believe Amelia. Many a times Amelia's antics force Maggie to question Tom Koracick's surgical skills. Did that arrogant man leave a part of her tumor behind in her sometimes highly illogical brain? Guess she'll never know.
Chuckling nervously she asks, " Wait, WHAT? You had insane sex with a complete stranger in San Diego? I knew you should not be left alone. I definitely should've gone with you!! Ugghh "
" Hey!! That's mean." Amelia laughs. " By the way, it was not insane sex, it was insanely good sex. And not with a complete stranger. It helped my mood a lot more than your precious Blue Rooom" she sings trying to get under Maggie's skin.
" Oooh, so like a rebound !! "
" More like muscle-bound ", both laugh.
Link's PoV:
I just checked out The Game Room, I realised it can be useful for my patients who have trouble doing PT. Games are a form of PT only. I have to keep that in mind. The Plant Room was actually soothing. I really liked it. Only the Blue Room is left now. I step towards the room when all of a sudden I hear giggling inside the room. I immediately recognize the voice. Amelia!! Finally I found her. I enter the room with a grin on my face, " Knock knock..."
Meanwhile in the Blue Room:
The door suddenly opens to reveal none other than Link, " Knock knock...", he says with a goofy grin on his face. Ugh that mouth!! Ehhhh. What do I do now? I can't even run away! Thank God there's Maggie here.
Link's grin is replaced with a nervous smile as soon as he spots Maggie sitting on the other chair.
" Oh hey. Dr. Pierce!! ". He's just standing there like a dumb person nervously looking between the two when he suddenly recalls Dr. Pierce's email. Now there's a topic.
" Dr. Pierce I took a look at your sternal reconstruction thing and emailed you some thoughts.", all the while avoiding eye contact with Amelia because he knows as soon as he'll look into her eyes, his smile will give away their secret.
" Sorry it took me so long. I was at a conference in San Diego.", Link says, subtly glancing at Amelia's way.
Amelia's eyes widened at his slip up and she jerks her head towards Maggie. " Oooh ", is her reply. Amelia can practically see the dots connecting in Maggie's head. Her back straightens and she moves towards Link quietly scrutinizing him, silently letting him know that she's aware of their shenanigans. Maggie then looks at Amelia with humor and playfulness in her eyes and then looks at Link.
Link gets extremely uncomfortable under Maggie's scrutiny. He chances looking at Amelia to see her reaction but her head his down in embarrassment and she is trying her best to avoid eye contact with either of them. Oh shit Maggie knows!! Link then goes on to ramble, " Umm, nice room...very blue. Uhhh it's very cool", chuckling humorlessly. He quickly acknowledges Amelia's presence in the room, nodding in her direction, " Dr. Shepherd " and leaves hurriedly.
Oh my God that was awkward.
Maggie swiftly turns towards Amelia judging her slightly, " OH MY GOD!! "
Amelia tries to redeem herself by justifying her actions, " It was a one-time thing!! That is it. I just needed some pain management." Amelia then nervously rambles to escape Maggie's questions, "Does this room change colours? Does it do pink? "
Maggie just looks at her smugly, " Didn't I ask you to totally hit that Ortho God in the beginning? Okay so now you realise I was right all along? Heh? Ohh, this is so great. And to answer your question, no it doesn't do pink", she laughs with mirth.
"Oh shut up Maggie. I have a surgery. Bye ". She quickly leaves to avoid Maggie's further questioning and the look of smugness on her face. Yeah yeah yeah she was right. But I can't just say it to her face. She won't let me see the end of the day with her boasting then. I'll just kill Link. It's all HIS fault!! Why did he tell Maggie he was in San Diego? Where is that gorgeous, no wait, scratch that, stupid man?
Maggie can't contain her joy. She is exultant. I have to tell Meredith! I just don't understand why these two stupid sisters of mine don't acknowledge the fact that I'm the smartest and the most intelligent of them all? On top of that, I'm always right. Heh heh heh. Look in Amelia's case, I just knew Link is right for her. I guess I'm the most sane sister in The Sister Lafy Chiefs or The Lady Chief Trifecta...whatever it is that Amelia likes to call it. With a smug look on her face she leaves to search for Jackson.
Amelia gets paged in the pit. She bumps into Link on her way and corners him with accusations.
Link leans down slightly to hear her better as she is whispering and her body is too small and petite in comparison to his tall, muscular figure. He is smiling at her when she says, " I thought we agreed we weren't gonna tell people? "
" Yeah we did" , he looks at her quizzically.
" Why did you tell Maggie you were in San Diego? " Is she blaming me? He can't help but smile at her restlessness.
" Cause I was. At a conference ", he slightly raises his eyebrows.
" Yeah but I told her I had sex at a conference. She obviously connected the dots! "
" No no no, wait. Hold up. So you told her about the sex but I'm in trouble for mentioning the location?!", he teases her. Amelia realizes how unreasonable and ridiculous she sounds.
That teasing gleam in his eye is distracting her. She starts walking away and says, " Okay. Can I just reiterate that it was a one-time thing. It was..."
" Pain management like you said ", he says in a sing-song voice, completing for her.
" There's more to it. For acute pain, not a chronic. One dose. Do not refill ". She stops. Wait. That sounded really really wrong. " Ew. Sorry ".
Link laughs at the unintentional innuendo. That woman is too damn funny sometimes.
She again quickly walks further away from him. He follows her. " I think to be safe, we need to steer clear of each other for a while."
Link panics. How much longer does she want to avoid me? Why? " You have already managed to successfully avoid me for 2 days. Did that help? "
He asks incredulously, " You really think that's necessary? "
" I do. Because...", she trails off and turns towards him. Her eyes slightly glaze over and she stares at his muscular arms and sturdy chest, her mind obviously in the gutter while saying, "...pheromones"
Her answer somewhat shocks Link but he obviously notices Amelia staring at his chest whilst speaking. He then decides to mess with her a little and steps closer to her, " What about them? ", he says with a teasing grin.
She takes a while to answer, still looking at him.
" I really like yours " , she says straightforwardly. Ooh I like women who know what they like.
" Okay then. I'll avoid you completely ", he whispers seductively. Amelia stares at him a second longer, nods and then turns around sharply. She thinks, I have successfully managed to embarrass myself twice in less than 15 minutes. What is the matter with me today?!
" You paged? ", both simultaneously question Richard entering Trauma Room 2. Both of them look at each with surprise. Link has a very happy and teasing grin on his face. Amelia is a different story. She just wants to run away from there. How will I survive this day around him? I know I'll jump his bones before this day ends if he keeps looking at me like that!!  She has a shocked expression on her face.
Both of them now put their game faces on and examine the patient. But the whole while Amelia keeps bumping into Link. Is he doing this purposely? He just knows I cannot resist. Ughh I don't like him at all!
Link is just having a blast. He finally came to a conclusion that the patient needed and MRI stat.
He informed the orderlies, " I'd like to take her for an MRI". He realised that he was not the only one saying this sentence. He turned towards her to realise that she had said the exact same words as him at the exact sa.e time. He smiled at her in a flirting way and she got extremely flustered and turned her head away softly whispering. " Oh God ". Thi bwas going to be an interesting case.
In the Scan Room:
They are waiting for the scans to come up. Amelia is sitting on the chair with Link leaning on the wall behind her. Both of them are painfully aware of each other's presence but don't say anything. Link gets tired of the wait and rests his hand on the armrest of Amelia's chair. Amelia glances at his hand and sharply turns away her head recalling all the beautiful things his hands are capable of doing. She blushed fiercely and quickly whispered, " I have to get off this case."
Link obviously understood why Anelia said what she said and smirked. Before he could say anything, the scans were up. They were disastrous. The patient was at an increasing risk of paralysis if they didn't do anything soon. They agreed that the patient needed both of their surgical skills and put aside their feelings and teasing for a few hours.
In the OR :
It would be an understatement to say that Link was impressed by Amelia's surgical skills. She had precision, stable hands, perfection, calmness, confidence and she knew exactly what the patient needed. This made her even more attractive to him.
He complimented her surgical skill and engaged in light flirting with her. He noticed her obvious smile behind her surgical mask which reached her eyes making her eyes gleam in a very captivating way. For a second there, they got lost in each other's eyes and seemed to forget that there was a patient open on their table. They quickly recovered and the surgery was going really well.
Suddenly a nurse informed them that the patient just lost motor signals in all of her extremities. Both the surgeons looked at each other in panic, double-checking their work but they had yet to make any mistake. What had happened?! Did they do something wrong? But we were nowhere near those nerves!! In the end, the patient ended up quadriplegic.
Both of them were deeply disappointed and disheartened. They were continuously thinking what had gone wrong there? Both came up with nothing. Amelia was more bothered by the surgery and was devastated. She quickly disappeared after updating the patient and her daughter about the outcome of the surgery. Link was worried for her. Where did she go? He was feeling oddly protective towards her and wanted to take away her pain. He wanted to comfort her and quickly found her in the only place he knew she'd be at the moment.  The Blue Room.
He silently entered the room to find Amelia leaning on the wall dejectedly. He closed the door and leaned opposite to her, near the door. She noticed him and walked in his direction. Link saw her sad expression and wanted to wipe that expression off her face. When she came face-to-face with him, he clasped her hands in his and held on to them tightly.  Amelia freed her left hand from his grasp and locked the door quickly. She then held his hand tighter and started leaning towards his lips.
He quickly understood what she needed. He could really use some pain management himself. When their lips finally touched, the failure of today quickly relieved their body and the whole world seemed to just vanish until there were only the two of them holding each other. The kiss soon became heated and Link let go of her hands to wrap his arms tightly around her slim waist. He swiftly glided his hands up her back, one rested just above her hip and the other just below her shoulders eliciting a long moan from her.
She quickly wrapped one hand around his neck to deepen the kiss and the other hand held onto his arm for dear life. Her knees grew wobbly. Link pressed her body to his until there was no space left. Amelia could not even describe this exhilarating feeling. He changed their positions so that she was now pinned  to the door by his sturdy chest. They continued kissing desperately. She slowly started backing him towards one of the chairs until he was sitting. He pulled her to him, deeply aroused, until she straddled his lap. The were sitting chest to chest vigorously kissing in the Blue Room taking away each other's pain. They stayed there taking away each other's pain until there was no hurt left and laid there in each other's arms in peaceful silence for the long night.
Author's Note:
Sooo how was it?? I was just too excited having started my first story that I just couldn't stop!! I just wish that these scenes could be included in the show. Anyway, please don't forget to comment your thoughts !! Until then.
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Ahhh the shippy starter is so cute ghhh May i ask for bede x gloria with “wait a minute. Are you jealous?” Or “i’m pregnant” prompt from shippy starter? Thank you!
Ahh OMG! Yes you can...oh my heart! 
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?” 😳
Bede sat silently sipping his drink. He loved spending a quite afternoon with only Gloria, he didn't care much for...other people but her? Her he could definitely get used to. 
“So how has everything been going at the gym” Gloria’ s chocolate eyes sparkled slightly as she looked over the rim of her cup. Bede felt his breath hitch just at that...he couldn't understand why he was having such a hard time with these feelings that kept popping up. It was always super inconvenient and troublesome.  
He cleared his throat. “Things have been pretty busy now that the gym challenge is starting up again. Opal pretty much wants to leave me on my own for now.“ 
Gloria smiled. ‘Dammit why does she have to look so cute all the time?’ Bede thought to himself, feeling the rose color swell upon his cheeks. 
“Wow! That’s great Bede, you’re pretty much a full-fledged leader now! That must be a lot of responsibility huh?” 
He puffed up his chest. Bede did love bragging about himself, only because he didn’t really have much TO brag about himself so he always took the opportunity. “Well actually...” he began. 
“Hey Gloria!” A voice shouted from across the café. They both looked over and saw it was Hop. Bede growled lowly. ‘Ugghh this guy...’ But Gloria was all smiles. 
“Hop! Oh my gosh! Hi!” she stood up waving at him and he pulled her into a tight hug.
“Hey mate! It’s been a while huh? How’s champion life treating you?” he asked before shooting Bede a quick glance. “Oh yeah...hey Wooloo head.” Bede gritted his teeth while Hop turned his attention back to Gloria.
“Oh... you know, really busy. It’s good to see you, you look good.” Gloria sweetly smiled. 
“Hey thanks mate, you’re looking pretty swell yourself, but my looks aren’t all that’s changed.” Hop eyed her in a way Bede wasn’t exactly comfortable with. I’ve gotten a lot stronger too...say....how about a battle? For old rival’s sake?”  Hop held his arm out to her all gentlemanly like and Bede had had enough.
“Ahem...I am still here you know...” he snapped, crossing his arms. His cold demeanor didn’t deter Gloria who giggled to herself. 
She turned to Hop. “Perhaps another time? Me and Bede haven't been here long.”
Hop smiled. “Nah don’t worry about it mate, I’ve still got your number, I’ll reach out. See ya!” He ran off. 
“What an idiot...” Bede commented. 
“Aww he’s just the same as ever, don't worry. I haven’t forgotten about you.” she gleamed at him.
“Wh-what are you on about?” he stammered out, cheeks clearly red.
“It’s ok if you’re a little....jealous?” she smirked.
“And who says I am?!?” blushing and turning away from her.
He suddenly felt the softness of her lips touch his cheek and he couldn't help but utter a gasp.
“I think it’s sweet....I think.. you’re sweet.”
“I’m pregnant” (Bede and Gloria are over 18 here) 🤭
“What....?” Bede stopped, eyes bugging.
Gloria sighed. “I said...I’m pregnant...”
“With a baby???” Bede questioned, looking like his mind wasn’t fully present.
“Of course dummy! What else would I be pregnant with?” 
“Bu-but I thought you were on the pill?!?” 
“And I thought you used a condom!”
“I did... I mean I think I did...wait ok, let’s start over.”
Gloria tapped her foot impatiently. Bede sighed.
“I mean...Gloria, it wasn’t planned but I mean...we’ve been together for a few years.”
“Yeah....?” waiting to see where he was going with this.
“Well I don't see us breaking up, you’re the one I want to be with.” He stepped over to her and hugged her tightly.
“We can do it....we can do this! Together.”
⭐️Ahhh sorry if the pregnancy one wasn’t that great. I was trying to think of how I would react but a child is something I’ve never wanted so hopefully I would never be in this situation. Writing about not wanting one is really something I don’t really want to explore. So I gave it my best shot! Hope you like it! 🙂
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