#hopefully i finish it one day bc i have the whole thing planned!
ddeongies · 4 months
what's the cinema au?
omg hey i was wondering if anyone would catch that!! cinema au is a oneshot i've been chipping away at since before i started posting nmau! little sneak peak since idk when it'll be done 😅
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shirogane-oushirou · 2 months
[cw vent: chronic illness, general world politics mention w no detail)
"man. i'm so tired. i feel like i can't do anything selfship related. is it because my energy's been sapped from family visiting and everyone wanting to do ~summer activities~ nonstop? am i so in my head about "getting ren's story right without stepping over any lines" that i've backed myself into a perfectionist corner? is the world just going to shit so hard that i can't have one (1) minute of escape on this blog before going back to working through the political hellscape we're in? god even trying to make this plushie pattern is killing me even though i want to hold my guy So Badly AUGH."
/finishes the plushie pattern after trying multiple body bases and literally buying a japanese ebook about plushie face and hair design/
"actually what if i lived forever and spent all of that time making an army of these fuckers to swim in? what then?"
#obviously tagging this as#vent -#lol. lmao. anyway.#when i say i spent all day on this... jumping from base to base trying to find one that worked well for what i wanted#and had the right face shape and the easiest way to map a face onto it and know it'll look Right when embroidered...#and then i just caved and bought a book i'd been looking at since i started making mini ren lol#(by p.iyo p.icco -- their y.outube videos influenced mini ren's design and i plan to give that credit once i post final pics#along with the person who made the 10cm doll base i used.)#and it took so much effort and i kept thinking about how Fucking Tired i am and how frustrating it is that playing cards w family#means i have to spend 2 days recovering bc sitting up + in a chair w no good support + mental games + being social = negative battery.#and then i keep going in circles about ren's backstory and the whole 'this is a story about conditions i have but for anyone#who doesn't know me it DEFINITELY reads like a gross story about a stigmatized condition i DON'T have so i have to tread#very carefully when writing about it... but i don't practice writing like i practice art so i'm simply not at the skill level#to navigate that and it makes me feel like i can't post any of that until i figure it out' Thing...#but i DID finish my plushie pattern. and i will start on it sometime this week? depending on Factors? and if i reeeeally like how it#turns out i might buy The Plushie Making Fabric™... i checked at a craft store and buying 1/4yd of both fabrics won't break the bank...#and then i could make all of his AU selves w different expressions 😏#anyway. recovery officially starts in a few days (doc appts and pest control coming over this week + dogsitting in a few days.#not great for recovery lol lmao.) so hopefully i'll be more Around here by this weekend. idk. don't hold me to that kjsndkjn#i might get sucked into plushie making again and disappear for 3 days straight kjsdnfkjsdnf ;;;#📌 [ my posts. ]#💭 [ my thoughts. ]
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pianistbynight · 1 month
waning summer days
i cheated and recorded in sections, then spliced them together because i can't get a single clean take. if it's not me making a mistake, it's noise surrounding me. this way, the pressure was lessened and i think i did better (far from "perfect" tho) and it was less frustrating.
thursday | 08/15/24
no piano today. i'm tired. but i did read more of sweet bean paste and continued to work on the databases course. today was a bit chaotic, so i couldn't get 2h of studying in, but if i sleep early, i can maybe hopefully wake up earlier to work on it.
friday | 08/16/24
tried to play piano but then stopped because i got tired sooner than i expected. (also tried out a voice recorder app to record the piano audio instead of my phone camera but didn't like it...too much treble.) i finished 1 subsection of the databases course. caught up with @zzzzzestforlife. listened to some lofi and watched some youtube.
i'm trying to get myself in the mood to prep for the upcoming school year 😮‍💨 i...find myself dreading more and more each coming school year for some reason. ... it's not the work i fear. i know i can do it well but it takes so much of me. and i wonder what i'm doing this for. because i don't have all the stepping stones laid out yet. 😮‍💨 i need to work on that, so i'm going to sleep now so i can have more energy to continue doing this tomorrow. good night.
saturday | 08/17/24
i had a much more ambitious plan originally, but the only solo activity i actually had time and energy for was journaling because coming back to my hometown reminded me of and clarified some memories and opinions i had formed long ago, how they've shaped who i am now... the rest of the time i spent with family with real conversation for the first time in a while, so that was nice.
sunday | 08/18/24
sigh. i have never felt like i belonged in my former hometown and the loneliness is striking much stronger now. i was so tired i couldn't do much today except start filling in the YearCompass because who said the new year had to begin in january lol. i'm glad today was a chill day spent at my temporary home.
i will try to sleep early tonight. hopefully i won't wake up in between and be unable to fall back asleep again.
monday | 08/19/24
today was my first day of passable sleep quality in the last couple days. i woke up later than i expected. yet i still didn't feel like doing anything. i forced myself to do some duolingo for cheap dopamine, and later in the afternoon, i attempted to get through 1 more subsection of the databases course but couldn't focus. instead, i researched how to apply to take courses at another university in my area since there are some interesting courses there that aren't available at the one i attend. at night, i practiced the last bit of the clementi sonata and tried to record the whole thing but couldn't get a good one. i'm too tensed and distracted. i need to practice playing while relaxed, focusing only on what's relevant in the moment.
review U1 japanese, start hiragana practice ✅
work on databases course 🟨
practice piano ✅
tuesday | 08/20/24
fill in the YearCompass bc i'm too tired to journal unprompted and i want to be filled with hope for this school year instead of constantly drained and increasingly discouraged, disappointed, and depressed (why do so many negative things start with "d"? even the saddest songs are in d minor...)
practice playing clementi sonata while relaxed throughout and focused only on what's currently relevant
DATABASES COURSEEE - finish 4/13 subsections ✅ (ended up finishing 2 and starting a 3rd...this is harder than i thought it'd be but it'll be good for me to keep going...)
wednesday | 08/21/24
i don't even remember what happened. probably because i wasn't very productive. i was unusually angry and moody. i tried to record a single clean take and kept failing. i merely inched forward in the databases course. it was a day full of frustrating but necessary interruptions. it was tiring. i can't wait to go home.
thursday | 08/22/24
recorded the clementi sonata in sections...with more time and energy, i probably could've done better. almost 50% through the databases course. feeling a little better today than yesterday but always easily tired. this might be my last summer-themed post for the year as i'm already in an "autumnal mood." 🍂😅 i'll see you later either here or on my sideblog @studentbyday 🙂
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spacey-xannabelle · 5 months
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Fateful Encounter...
Last month, at around April 10th, I decided to revisit an old project I started months prior which was to polish up a test sketch of a comic page about Lucy encountering Lumi in the dreamspace. And after slowly making progress on this, I'm finally finished with this!
I'm gonna leave some artist notes under the read more, but overall I'm super proud of how this turned out!! This is pretty much my first serious attempt at making comics in general so this has been a very interesting learning experience!
Artist notes: So this is what the original sketch for this whole thing was. It was just me scribbling out a scene I had in my head for Startrails that I wanted to put on paper:
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This I'd say was made around 2020-2021 ish. At the time, I didn't really do much with it. Until several months ago, I thought of trying to redraw this page and expand upon it.
But my first attempt at doing this didn't quite lead anywhere. I barely got through the thumbnailing process and just gave up bc I lost motivation (and life/work stuff was Happening so yea I had to put this aside as I figured stuff out). Here's the first draft of the thumbnails:
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It was just two pages at the time and was pretty simple. I left this project sitting in my files for a while until I one day just, started binging videos from Thestarfishface on YouTube, primarily her webcomic guide videos. And I decided I'd give this project another go.
It was here where I began making a second draft of the thumbnails and this was what I had to work with:
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I wanted to experiment with the panels and get funky with the compositions this time around. The 2 page draft expanded to a 3 page thing. But I thought it would've been better if I added one more page at the end with Lucy waking up as a conclusion to wrap this whole thing together.
And in the middle of working on page 3, my friend had suggested to do a an impact frame page, which I hadn't considered during the thumbnailing, so 4 pages became 5. And this was the result!
I posted the pages as I finished them onto my deviantart so that's where a lot of my thoughts were journaled as I went along dfjsdh. To summarize my ramblings there, this project was a very fun (and a bit frustrating) learning experience! I'm hoping to keep practicing and improving my workflow, and hopefully one day make Startrails a full fledged webcomic :')
Additional ramblings:
The structure that Lucy finds Lumi in is inspired by an orrery.
For page 5, I initially didn't plan for much dialogue but as I drew it, it felt just a liiiitle bit empty, so I kinda just threw in some dialogue for Mira. But bc I was already in the inking process (and I just wanted to have this project completed), I didn't redo the page to even include Mira in it. So Mira's just out of frame sdfjskdh. If I had more time and energy to keep this up, I'd have made a revision of the page so I could include her.
This experience has taught me that I could seriously work on my rendering process a bit more, and that my layer management is just atrocious sdkfjksdfh
This has also taught me that while Medibang has the tools needed for me to draw these pages just fine, it also lacks some stuff that I personally need if I were to do a longer project like this. So I'll be experimenting with CSP next!
The dialogue throughout this whole thing wasn't all that planned out- I really just stuck close to what the initial doodle had which probably wasn't the best idea bc I just have like, 2 pages of Lucy's awkward sounding dialogue aaaa. I might do something a bit more dialogue heavy to help improve this skill next time.
Anyway, thank you for reading through my 1 am ramblings on this little project of mine shdkjhks
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studentbyday · 10 months
week 12/14
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sometimes trying to keep up with school and trying to improve your health and be a better person (and seeing slow progress in every domain) makes you feel like this... i've been here before and it took a long, long time to get out. i thought i outgrew it/learned from it, so i would never have to experience it again, but here we are once more 🤷🏻‍♀️ either the challenges got more challenging as i grew older or i have not learned my lesson. i don't know. maybe it's a bit of both... (as in i improved just enough to get comfortable, then comfortable led to relapse when things got harder and i didn't adapt. i think i must've improved somewhat tho bc on the whole, it's not as bad as it once was... this is my sign to keep trying.)
📈 study stats (50-60/10/30):
M: 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 T: 🍅🍅🍅 W: 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 Th: 🍅🍅🍅🍅 F: 🍅🍅🍅🍅 S: 🍅🍅
🎒 school:
mol bio section 5-7 ✅✅✅
mol bio quizzes (M, F/S) ✅✅
mol bio asst (T-Th) ✅
mol bio lecture 3 (last week) ✅
mol bio lecture 1-3 + overview (this week) ✅✅✅✅
biochem section 4 ✅
finish biochem paper + reflection (T) ✅
biochem discussion post (F) ✅
psyc ch 2-3 (last week) ✅✅
REVIEW FOR PSYC EXAM (weeks 1-2, 2 weeks per day) (guess who relapsed into rereading her notes? 🙋🏻‍♀️ but since i might not take another psyc course after this, idrc. i still plan to review actively for mol bio and biochem tho cuz that's what i really care about. and i might do some re-organizing of my psyc notes cuz they're a mess and i hate how the learning and memory notes are scattered and how my notes on diff chapters repeat themselves at times bc the chapters repeated themselves, etc.) ✅
psyc lab (end of week) ✅
psyc ch 1-2 + overview (this week)
review for biochem exam (hopefully)
review for mol bio exam (hopefully)
🩺 self-care:
no phone first thing in the morning ✅✅✅✅
water goal 💧🥲
clean bathroom
meditate ✅✅
journal ✅✅
physio exercises ✅✅✅✅✅✅
outside!!! 🌲 (why: it's been a while and the air was so fresh one night, the sharp smell of pine and laundry soap, i wanted to cry it was so beautiful)
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tiredmamaissy · 2 years
hey, i want to get into writing but like idk how 😭 like how would i even start it off, how to finish, how to write smut? yk but i wanted to ask u bcs ur so good at it, so maybe u could help😋😋, perfectly okay if u don’t 😭
Hey! Thank you so much :').
I'm flattered that you're even asking me this question.
I honestly have no specific way of writing! (not that I'm aware of at least). I kind of feel like my writing is forever changing. When I wrote 'neteyam's first rut' (first post) I had the idea in my head for like days. One night I was like 'I literally can't keep this in my head any longer'. So I wrote it out, in no specific way/style of writing and did a quick proofread and decided:
"hey, why not post this shit? lol people probably won't even see it. and then i won't have this filthy smut in my hard drive for people to find when i'm dead (not even joking, this was literally what was going through my head.)"
But since I feel like my writing has changed a bit, hopefully not too drastically or out of character. Of course I've also gotten a little more comfortable on this site, too. :)
My experience with writing goes back to high school and university. I majored in a 'soft science', as they like to call it. Did tons and tons of research papers (way too fucking many to give it a number). So all I can really say about that is the more you write the easier it becomes - kind of like a muscle memory? Eventually it just flows out of you. Also reading. Reading helps ya know, the more you read the more you're exposed to other styles of writing, vocabulary, the whole shabang. Like @lovemyavatar, I love her style of writing, literally obsessed (and she knows it, hehe.)
I'd say write when you're motivated, inspired - driven. Or else it'll kind of dull the sparkle and take the fun out of it (wasn't fun writing any of those papers). So when an idea pops up, just go for it. Don't even think about grammar, vocabulary, etc. Just get that shit out of your system. You can always go back, fix any errors, and change things up - switch out a word with another, rephrase a sentence (or a paragraph or two), change up the plot - whatever you see fit. If I'm mid-washing the dishes and I get an idea I'll stop and make a quick voice note or a note in my phone.
As for starting and finishing, hmm. These are good questions, because I kind of feel like there's no standard or set way to start or finish literature. It all depends on what you're writing about and what your intentions are with it. What are you trying to portray? How do you want the reader to feel? What tense do you want to write in/most appropriate? What's your plot, if any? Where does it take place? What tone of voice do you want to use? How do you plan to differentiate the characters? I like to imagine the character's voice in my head actually saying the phase, or ask myself if Neteyam/Lo'ak would really say this.
For example I did a double POV for the first time, and when researching about it the article said "...you should be able to flip to a random page, read a couple sentences, and know which character is speaking." Which is so true. So I tried to keep that in mind, and focus on the characters development and make their voices more distinct.
I read a Lo'ak one-shot on here and a lot of people (including me) wanted a part two - I'm assuming so we could get some sort of closure/feel better/happy ending. But, the authors intention was to portray him in a dark light - to hurt the reader so to speak. So well-written and I really love their other work, too.
As for smut 👀. I'm honestly still new to this so I'm learning as I go. I love to consume smut so that has definitely helped - seeing other people and what terms and vocabulary they use. Overall, I just try to be very descriptive, so that the reader can really immerse themselves into the scene and feel what their character is supposed to be feeling. I try not to go overboard with the words though, because that can take away from it at times. For example, I wrote about a fight scene with Neteyam and Auzo (in 'with my life') and I kept it short and simple - "He throws a punch to his jaw, knocking him off his feet." type of shit.
I also do some research (lool thought I was done with the research life). My google searches are riddled with "synonym for..." "how to describe [this action] in writing". No shame in doing your research. There are a few blogs on this site that actually help out in regards to basic knowledge of coitus, cunnilingus, fellatio etc. as well as other sites, too! They list descriptive words, alternatives to 'she said' (lool i eat those up), other do's and don'ts.
And of course, I do some research about the na'vi. I try to make it somewhat realistic, especially with the fic I posted 'with my life' (longest one to date). I did some deep digging on their website about the 'first blood' ritual, and just other simple information about the flora and fauna of the planet.
This is my favourite source of information for smut.
Out of all the sources I've read, this is the best one so far. If I'm ever in a stump, or I feel like I need a better fitting word - I'll refer to this. This author also includes some really good points about sex, down to first times, anal - the whole works.
This is my favourite source of information for avatar.
I hope this helped somewhat and that I was able to answer your question! If you do get into writing, and you do decide to post it, I'd love to read it.
Sorry this is kind of lengthy, I have an issue with overwriting, and overall just talking too much. lmao
~ issy 💜
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junowritings · 4 months
Hi! I heard your requests are open and I know you don’t know me very well but I thought I’d send an ask 💛 my first ever 🤭
I’m a 24 year old woman, 5’3, brown hair to my shoulders, brown eyes and glasses. I can be a little introverted at times but when I’m comfortable with someone I tend to come out of my shell. I’m an only child 😔 I love all things creative and I have a love for all things supernatural and nerdy (80s vibes)
For my ideal partner I’m not very specific really I’ve got a vague idea.
My first ideal partner would be someone who’s always willing to challenge me and humour my constant ramblings, taking in even the smallest detail and adding their own spin on what I have to say. An animal lover for sure who can do their own thing but would come home at the end of the day and just sit together and exist. Someone I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my life with even if he isn’t over his crusty dusty musty ex who’s got something in common with drake (and it’s not rap)
My other ideal partner is a little vague so please forgive me.
Male, 6’1 Half-Elf paladin who has a tumultuous relationship with being alive. Grey hair, beard, fuelled by grief - possible dead family. Slight homicidal tendencies (I can fix him) previous dalliances in governance. Girth 15cm, length 16cm, Tip #c88d94
Thank you can’t wait to hear your thoughts your stuff is amazing!! 🥰🤭💛
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The way I immediately knew who this is I SWEAR-
I had to go a lot off my own knowledge for this one (also I need to brush up on BG3 a bit bc I think I need a better grasp on the characters.) so hopefully this is a fun to read as it was to write lmao
You know what ask and ye shall receive you joked about him but y'know who I'm gonna match you with...
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Let’s just start this off with the obvious. It’s a miracle in itself that you’re still alive after an initial interaction with Ketheric. Anyone who remains in the tower are either prisoners, loyal worshippers of the absolute, or whatever poor souls have somehow managed to survive the shadow lands just to get here. And then there’s you, who exists as what is essentially the weird third party in this whole scenario. 
It’s not as though you intended to be here (or maybe you had who knows), but here you are,   Perhaps those first hours of quiet was what kept you out of sight, keeping to yourself and merely watching as each of the cogs in this plan moved and shifted as though little more than puppets. But once Ketheric takes notice of you he watches. You stand out like a sore thumb afterwards, if only because of how noticeably alive you are compared to everyone around you. Yes there are many there who are alive in a sense (unlike him), but you’ve got a gung-ho way about you that feels like you’d be better suited to be literally anywhere else than here.
Ketheric is heavily involved, as the general of the absolute’s army it is an unspoken must. When he’s not at Moonrise’s peak he is working across every inch of the tower, ever present as the time to strike grows ever closer. Because of this there are plenty of times where you cross paths, with you always throwing an over dramatic abbreviation of his name in greeting as you dart off to hells knows where before he can decide if today is the day he’s had enough. 
You always somehow manage to toe the line of the wrong word at the wrong time, but if that line exists none of the out of pocket commentary have pushed past it yet. Were it anyone else, it’s unlikely that Ketheric would have humored them long enough to finish a joke before making an example of them for anyone foolish enough to get the same idea. And yet you seem to walk away unscathed all the time, whether it’s rattling off a niche fun fact about something so out of the blue, or being straight up sat on his desk or on the floor beside his throne picking apart his war strategies with an eyeroll worthy pun at the end of each one.
You’re a walking anomaly - no one at the tower knows how you showed up or when, and any attempts that his followers have made to ascertain your origins only returns little to nothing that gives a definitive answer. Not to mention the few times that followers wishing to prove themselves have make an example of you somehow seem to always end up the fool. 
In regards to your penchant for any and all things supernatural, it’s safe to say that an undead general, dwelling within the shadowlands where a single wrong misstep out of the tower’s perimeter could lead to your unfortunate end, counts as something that’s right up your alley. There’s not a single inch that he hasn’t caught you hemming or hawing at. With undead creatures roaming the halls, anyone within their right mind would feel but a shred of terror; and yet all he sees upon your face is awe, watching you trail after ghouls where others would deign to keep fair distance.
That fascination extends to Ketheric. He’s already aware that you know of his undead disposition - the tales themselves paint a pretty picture of the dead man walking before you every day - but the true invincibility is new to you. The first time you experienced it firsthand, Ketheric had taken an arrow or two to the jugular from fools wasting what little remained of their lives. Where others' faces were grim at the sight and others horrified, Kethric still remembers the distinctive “HOLY SHIT!” you so eloquently shouted as he’d plucked the arrows from his throat like splinters. After that it’s a miracle if he doesn’t hear you ask about it. Ketheric waves off any attempts of concern for these injuries - they’re but mottles on dead flesh that will knit back together with time. But if you express fascination? That’s…new, and he won’t outright refuse to indulge your curiosity. Feel free to rattle off questions about the limits of his invincibility - just don’t ask how he does it, for your own safety and sanity.
Your habit to lurk and wander doesn’t go unnoticed - not even locked doors can stop that curious nature from getting the better of you and more than once Ketheric has caught wind of his followers’ latest gossip of your whereabouts. He sees it for himself firsthand, even when you haven’t actively been caught red handed. He’s seen you slide through corridors with armfuls of books and blood still dripping from your clothes after an unfortunate slip in Balthazar’s room; has seen the occasional ball roll out from the doorway to his old chambers from your attempts to coax squire into a game of fetch. And he has seen how you worm your way out of trouble you’ve caused - whether it’s being chased from the kitchens for trying to pet the gnolls or somehow convincing the traders for freebies whenever new wares come in. All the while laughing as you do so, grinning as though these foolish little acts mean such a great deal to you.
When had Ketheric last heard the ring of such laughter in the tower’s halls? A century at least. It almost feels out of place here, within the old bones of a place that holds so many memories for such a vengeful man. It should be nipped in the bud; should not be tolerated from a man who’s every waking moment is consumed by his loyalty for the one thing able to bring the only things he had cared for back from death itself. And yet he never stops you, never once cuts that laughter and smile short. Instead he pauses, for but a moment, and listens to you as you disappear into the safety of the chaos on the lower floors for a place to hide away and savor your spoils. It’s only until you’re from sight that he continues on as though nothing occurred, but even after your laughter has died down it persists, nagging in the corner of his mind at fond memories.
For whatever reason you seem content to exist within this abysmal place, and should you prove yourself competent enough to not hinder the big three’s goal with the netherbrain, Ketheric decides that having you here around him till that time comes isn’t the worst thing in the world.
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angst-in-space · 7 months
february '24 writing progress
words written: 7.9k
most words written in a day: 1,502
least words written in a day: 0
yearly total: 18.7k
projects worked on:
ya sci-fi book rewrites
sylvix pacrim au
matchablossom bedsharing fic
sylvix dreamscape fic ch 10 edits
planning some bsd fics...
works published in february:
february goals:
*stares into the camera* please let me finish ya sci-fi book rewrites. please for the love of god
keep working on query package
perhaps send out one query for funsies
finish editing sylvix dreamscape fic ch 10 and send to betas
work on fic at least a little??
maybeee at least touch one of my other books i.e. keep working on arctic monster book or planning space dads book, idk we’ll see
march goals:
if i don't finish ya sci-fi book rewrites this month you all have to kill me fr
errrm work on query package some more...?
finish editing sylvix dreamscape ch 10
work on other fics if i have time
keep planning bsd fics
haha... pain...
idk. rough month for me, lads. my mental health was hmm not great. i'm still not done with my ya sci-fi book rewrites and to be frank i feel like shit about it LOL. only rewrote like One Chapter and i still have like 7(??) more to go so....urrgghh. some delusional part of me believes i can still finish it this month somehow but at this rate it'll probably take me the rest of the year so lmao who knows at this point!! not me!
i did at least work a bit on my query package this month so wooo!!! a friend was helping me out with it so i still have a ton of edits to do on my query/synopsis but that's a problem for future me.
i did have some stupid plan to send out a single query just for funsies by end of february—and honestly i was gonna do it, but... missed the deadline to query the one agent i was going to query, and took that as a sign for the universe that it was an idiotic idea anyway. lol. maybe by end of march, but i am feeling so hopeless about my book currently that that's a very very big Maybe.
i also worked a bit on sylvix dreamscape fic ch 10 edits... unfortunately there was a big chunk in the middle i've had to basically totally rewrite bc i changed some stuff and also hated what i'd written but akdfjdk i really do want to finish it this month ;; i know some people are anxiously waiting for the ending so i feel terrible that it's been so long... hopefully i will make the wait worth it 🙏
umm wellll ALSO fell into bungo stray dogs hell this past month. i had actually been watching it since...september?? (can that be right?) but took me like six months to get through the whole thing, then suddenly the brainrot hit haha. and i ended up getting like three fic ideas for it soooo... i've been vaguely working on planning those! no idea when i will have time to actually write any of them (esp considering the 14938 fic wips i already have) but hope to at least keep planning them during march.
aaaand yeah that's all for now folks! 💃
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lion-buddy · 1 year
I must ask: what's your favorite Precure series (or Precure character), and why?
ah! you see the thing is, I’ve only ever finished star twinkle hehe. but i have seen a few episodes of tropical rouge and the 2020 miracle leap movie too! im also planning to watch the new all stars F movie when i can!! [hopefully soon ahh]. So yeah I don’t have much to say about any other season
but!! I have a lot to say abt star twinkle! like a lot. I watched star twinkle because I saw Yuni's wiki page, got interested, and proceeded to stay up till 4am watching it all. So yeah! I really enjoyed it, I don’t even know where to start
yuni is my favorite character if it wasnt obvious lol, she is literally like. the perfect character from personality to design. shes an antagonist aligned shapeshifting phantom thief catgirl with a blue/yellow/rainbow color scheme who struggles with self perception and relationships in general and gets found-familied by the narrative [whether she likes it or not]. [[this sentence is meant to all be said in one continuous breath]] TLDR she could not be any more perfect, she scores a 10/10 for character of all time. i could say a lot abt yuni!! but ill hold myself back for now since i feel that could be a whole essay of its own. hikaru is also a character that's growing on me a lot. im not sure how to put it into words, but! shes really really interesting to me, which surprised me since i dont typically lean towards her character type. maybe i can find the words to talk abt her one day, bc i see way too much slander directed at her, she does not deserve all that
ok but star twinkle itself! i adore its themes of friendship, forgiveness, and learning what it means to grow up and grow apart. typical for a show of its demographic. what really got me was how it expanded on all of that, it introduced the concept of figuring out your place in the world, and learning how to continue living happily even if the people you care about most aren't here with you. it kinda hit really close to home for me. its so obvious how much the whole cast cares for each other, and i could see them building up to a finale where they would all have to say goodbye to each other forever. i wasnt sure if theyd actually commit all the way but!! they sure did!!!! watching them get separated at the end like that really hurt!!! like a lot!!!!!! im such a baby when it comes to cast separations but. man. star twinkle did it really well.
also also its ost is really really good??! this is aside from the intro and outro themes, im focusing on the instrumental backing tracks that play throughout the episodes. i was surprised to find them on youtube, and found myself blown away by how emotional they were. its got such a strong central motif that plays throughout the tracks, and obliterates you at the end when it shows back up to deliver an extremely emotional farewell song. i have cried several time listening to it, i dont think any ost has ever done that to me [aside from a few select songs from various medias. and undertale lol]. but yeah. listen to the star twinkle ost if you havent it will make you feel things.
i could also add that the movie kills me every time. watch the star twinkle movie if ur at all interested in anything ive said. its a good starting point if u want to see some action and get the vibe of the characters
on the topic of movies, final little note! im really interested in the new all stars F movie and prim, or cure supreme. literally know nothing about them but!! im staring so hard, they look exactly like my type of character. also the songs that have released are really really good ahhh scratching at the walls i hope it releases somewhere soon so i can see them in action. hopefully itll get me interested in checking out other seasons as well :]
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
I'm with everyone else on my first thought being about you when i saw the new card 🤣 I'm debating if i should keep pulling bc i kindaaa want luci, but I'm not crazy for him y'know? I just like the art, but i have two copies of Barb so far
And yes, the last event I ended up finishing at 117 in rank. I haven't ranked this high in a while but my luck was great with the cards and it was the anniversary so i really wanted to be up there. I only go crazy and grind for the anniversary events, or if my fave is in the spotlight. This event i think I'll be chilling, I'm sure I can get all the cards by the last day
anyway how do you think everyone determined what foods are human safe for mc? Like has it just been learning from past humans trial and error?? Do they only use common ingredients?? Like mc DOES canonically eat devildom food (that one brain dish belphie likes is my first thought... Quetzacol...?) so idk??
they just have potions at the ready in case mc wants to try a new dish (i am an extremely picky eater but curiosity might beat me on trying food)
imagine if mc has dinner plans at purgatory hall or the castle and lets the brothers know in advance, and they get all excited to make a devildom dish that isn't human safe 💀
imagine craving something really bad for dinner that night, but mc can't have it. I could be bribed with takeout and ice cream if they want it that bad. Like "yes you can make this dish, but you are responsible for making sure mc eats". Reminds me of my mom making separate dishes for me and my brothers (usually non spicy ones)
Also the first day open at my new store was wild (i think we made $7000 in sales??), and trying to train everyone is hard. I think I'm possibly the favorite manager as well?? I'm the first one everyone seeks out when there's a problem 😭 But that might be because the majority of the team is the same age as me and feels more comfortable. Apparently I'm the 'chill' manager LMAO (I'm just anti social and tired). But this means I'm running around like crazy, I need a step counter at this point. My knees are dyinggg (our printer for online orders is on the second floor until we set up the portable one 💔)
anyway i hope you have a good day !! Or night !! i saw the post about barb/mammon and i was like "aw shit, another ship for me to be crazy about." BUT IT SOUNDS LIKE SUCH A GOOD SHIP, I LOVE IT, OKAY BYEEE
- ✨ anon
LOL it means so much to me that so many people think of me when it comes to Barbatos cards!
No, I totally get it the art is so good! Lucifer also just looks good in those casual skateboard outfits!
OHHH nice!! Congrats on getting such a high rank! I sometimes get higher if I go hard in the beginning, but I usually don't maintain that lol!
Ah yes, quetzalcoatl brains. Belphie you little weirdo we love you. I think they are implying that this is some kinda snake, but Quetzalcoatl is an Aztec deity who sometimes takes the form of a feathered serpent. So it's kinda like, what even are quetzalcoatl brains?!? I'm going with the snake theory because nothing else makes sense.
But anyway, I assume part of is trial and error... I can't imagine they haven't tried out all kinds of things on Solomon and possibly other humans who somehow ended up in the Devildom. I mean it's not like you know how a whole different species is going to react to food until you feed it to them, right?
But they do seem to be aware of some things already, such as lunatic pudding and the golden hellfire newt syrup or whatever it's called. So if they know some stuff, then they must have had humans trying it before.
As for MC trying new stuff, I think it's probably okay. I mean they have seven demons at their disposal on a regular basis. And if the brothers can't fix whatever the problem is, I'm fairly certain Solomon or Barbatos (or both) could. I do think MC would be taking a risk with some things, but hopefully they have enough help and their own magical knowledge to help them out!
I personally would fall victim to all the suspicious dishes. I like to try everything, no matter what it is.
I kinda like the idea of the brothers being excited to have something not safe for humans when MC isn't around lol. Like that sounds adorable! They're all guys guys we can have bloody bat legs for dinner because we won't have to worry about them turning MC into a vampire!
I also like the idea of them just having different stuff. Like I would absolutely be like I don't care, have all the bloody bat legs you want, as long as I have something else that I can eat!
I've often thought about what human world dishes I'd make for them if I had to cook. I can make more elaborate things, but I tend to fall on my easy staples because... well, they're easy. You can be sure I'm making them fried eggs all the time. Maybe I'll even put them on some avocado toast! Maybe I'd make a Devildom variant with cockatrice eggs and uh... whatever the equivalent of an avocado would be. Bread seems to be the same? Hmm.
Wow congrats on the high sales!! Training can be tough for sure, especially in a group situation! I don't doubt that you are the favorite manager~ if they're seeking you out, it's definitely because they trust you to help them! Ah, but I hope your knees feel better soon...
Honestly, I'm amazed at how many people seem to be interested in the Mammon/Barbatos ship?? Here I thought I was the only one lol. I just really like to consider different characters together and the way their relationship could go... I find it fascinating...
I hope you have a lovely day/night as well!! 💕💕
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golbrocklovely · 5 months
I fucking need to get it off my chest , because if I don’t i might kll someone :
Sam posted an ask , simply something like “what was your least fav video/thing from our recent videos?” And i saw some people reacting to it like : “EVerything? You guys are all empty promises about nee videos on Sunday , but you barely even post” or some shit like this. And when i tell you my blood BOILED ! First of all , Snc never or at least nothing I remember made empty promises. They always tells us on which sunday the vid is gonna drop and it alzways does ( and when there are some complications , they tell us as well and inform us about unfortunate delay of a vid… but that happens… rarely) and second of all!!!!!!! ————-> SAM AND COLBY ARE NOT FUCKING MACHINES AND YOUR UNGRATEFUL ASSES ON TWITTER NEEDS TO CALM DOWN! They do basicallly everything on their O w N ! They film , they montage it and then upload it … It takes time ffs. Like when did they filmed the vid with Boys ? Two moths ago? And we will probably get it this Sunday ( almost Fcking May! ) . Sam and Colby put a good amount of work for their every video. The videos are so well done and so entertaining to watch that even non believers admitted to watch it for pure entertainment, because those videos are just genuinely good and interesting. But guess what? To create something great you need a lot of timeee and a lot of worrk. Snc are humans too and i am so pissed that some of their “fans” do not seem to get that and treat them almost like ma chines. “Omg boohoo poor me , it’s another sunday and no Snc video” . You guys are so annoying. Find a life! Ok? Then maybe you would stop crying about ridiculous things like people being people and not machines that post every Sunday , 1h+ long videos with great montage that includes sound effects, cuts , extra images etc. Sam and Colby at least have life and do some work yk? Maybe if you could find yourself one then you wouldn’t care that much and reduce your time spent on Twitter and Internet and realize that there is a life outside of it in which people do not cry over some YouTube videos omfg.
what a timely ask (from yesterday) for what came out today from xplrclub lol
i agree with you. any fan that expected every sunday to get a vid from them just hasn’t listened to snc, who literally gives us a couple days notice of when they plan to post.
the issue with the videos taking so long, and thus only having one a month, will hopefully be solved soon since they hired on more editors. bc that was their main issue since colby has been the only one editing while sam gives notes to the other editor about the (basically) finished video.
i can understand why fans are upset for the very slow build up of videos this past year, but that frustration doesn’t mean you get to go balls to the wall crazy, saying whatever you want about snc in the hopes that things will changed.
not to mention they have been posting once a month for years now (maybe twice if they get lucky) minus hell weeks, so…. why is anyone acting surprised by this? not to mention they have a whole ass other channel where they post weekly/biweekly - the react one.
and if anyone brings up the old days, aka xplr era, those videos were only 20 minutes long max most times and were all filmed in succession in one state with JUST snc. the times have changed. move on and accept it or leave 🤷🏻‍♀️
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elskiee · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tag @justhallucinating!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
currently i have 2 works! 1 completed and 1 wip
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
50,450 words (and counting!)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
as of right now i only plan to write for peaky fandom (shipping tommy with, like, every man in the show ever), but who knows!
4. Top five fics by kudos
i only have 2, so... it's daylight that gets the most kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
oh if you comment on my fic not only will i respond but i also will be planning our spring AND fall wedding, as well as preparing our brand new house and farm by the countryside
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
no fic of mine will have angst ending bcs i take things too seriously sometimes so angst ending will absolutely traumatize me <3 no angst ending in this household !! (and also bcs like i write fics abt my comfort characters so i want them to always be happy and jolly)
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
all of them!! guaranteed!!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
thank god i haven't got one! and pls refrain from leaving hate comments on any fics possible... it's okay to leave constructive criticism, but plain and borderline hate???? baby let's take some fresh air for a little bit shall we
9. Do you write smut?
i try to... :'D
10. Craziest crossover?
not like a whole crossover but i definitely plan on getting other characters from outside the peaky fandom (who were working in the same movie as tom hardy and/or cillian murphy) into my tofie fics... for example MAYBE i'd get someone blonde, British, great with cameras, loves physics, and whose name probably rhymes with gistopher molan to be one of tommy's exes... or i'd get someone brunette, slender, very into the concept of lucid dreaming, whose name rhymes with barthur to be alfie's love interest before tommy... who knows right... 😶
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i haven't and let's keep it that way!!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope, i don't even think my fics r worthy of such dedication :'')
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but i'm open to do it!!
14. All time favorite ship?
tofie, definitely. but i also LOVE cherik (charles and erik from x-men). and i love every ship that has cillian murphy's character in it 🤷🏻‍♀️
15. What's a wip you want to finish but you doubt you ever will?
i'm the type of writer that HAS TO finish all WIPs before even picking up other ideas, so hopefully none! hopefully I'll get everything completed!
16. What are your writing strengths?
frankly speaking, i don't think i have any.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i rush and i unintentionally create plot holes. i make mistakes with grammar too (i only write in English, and it is my third language). there are a lot of things that i need to work on :'D but I'm trying every day!
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i'm cool with it!
19. First fandom you wrote in?
ever? definitely one direction LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL but on my current ao3 account so far i wrote my first fic for peaky
20. Favorite fic you've written?
based on how much it's challenging me and how it brings me joy, daylight
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4beomy · 2 years
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idk if anyone even enjoys my work enough for this sorta ...update? lol but just in case..
im writing something completely new right now T-T im gonna finish with Totally Not Endgame probably by the end of this month..heh.. (so much world building and character development its a big project) and ill update get over him! a week from now!! (i think. hopefully)
but anyways, it was in the spur of the moment and i got super super inspired and made a roommate!au oneshot for yeonjun. yes, yes im writing for another member that is not beomgyu lmao. i was abt to make it a beomgyu oneshot since i thought the personality fit him but then...idk cute whipped yeonjun is something i've been looking for on here FOR SO LONG. so i was like, why not make one myself! so i made it. and i got carried away with it.. but whatever, i think its genuinely my best work so far T-T (out of all my drafts)
heres the synopsis if anyone sees this and is curious ^^
choosing to live with a complete stranger was...not the smartest thing you've chosen to do. but it's okay! it can't be too bad. well, except it is. it is bad. especially when you're kept awake with music blaring through the walls of your room. just what's up with your roommate?! (this can be changed later on) genre: fluff, crack, enemies to lovers (kinda) word count: IDK BCS IM NOT DONE YET T-T w my layout in mind, i think this will probably be really...really long.
if anyone wants to be in the taglist (though im not planning on making one lol but just in case <3), sending an ask would be great </3 but anywho this is just an update to show that im working on something hehe
edit: ok. what if i include smut. and a fwb relationship. im contemplating rn. bcs like this is the idea i have rn, when they get over the enemies arc (which wont be that important honestly) and become friends, they get like super close, super intimate bcs both oc and yeonjun like skinship then boom, one day, they're both super drunk and !! yeah. then they have this whole thing abt whether or not it matters, and they both decide nope it doesnt. but but but, it happens again, and its like the inevitable atp. so they decide on having sex casually cuz they realize they both enjoy it, sowhat!! and yk how those go, someones gonna catch feelings eventually but im thinking i wanna make them as oblivious as possible and also include one jealousy driven sex where yj just lets out his feelings ??? idk.
the issue is, im not the best smut writer LMAO and its hard for me to convey sexual tension UGHHH IDK ANYMORE THIS IS BASICALLY JUST A RANT
honestly, id prefer to make it just fluff and some angst ig because its comfortable and easy for me. but then theres this thing with long fluff fics getting barely any traction so im kinda demotivated in that aepsct of it all T-T and i do know theres some kinda demand for long smut fics with plot, so in terms of growing this blog thatd probably be the best option.. idk if someone can give me their preference and ill just base it all on that lmao
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cabinofimagines · 2 years
to D.I.Y or to buy?
I may have ... persuaded Danny to read the fic with motaur in it by promising her a Leo fic so! 
Yes it is Halloween themed
Pairing: Leo Valdez x gn!reader Request: Cryptozoology!AU Leo and reader go to buy halloween decor. a bit of complaining bc Leo insists that he could make the decor but reader just wants to 💕hang out💕 Word count: 1k Warnings: None! 
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You were planning to, for once, immediately go to your dorm room instead of greeting your boyfriend as you finished class. You still had some things to finish from the lecture you just had and figured that Leo would in fact distract you immensely. Even better, you hoped that if you finished your course load today, you could have a little mall date with your boyfriend tomorrow. However, as you walked past his dorm you were almost certain you smelled something burning. As you contemplated for a second to ignore it, a loud crash sounded combined with the clear sound of Leo cursing.
“¡Me lleva la que me trae!”
You quickly knocked on the door, before trying the handle. As expected, the door sprung open, and you poked your head in. Leo whipped his head around, looking at you intensely for a few seconds before he smiled at you.
“(Y/n)! How was class?” He stepped towards you, clearly trying to stand in front of whatever he was working on. You looked at him, slowly moving your head to see behind your boyfriend. He clearly did not agree to this, and quickly ushered you out of his room. “Sorry, it’s a little messy in there, mi amor.” Leo carefully cupped your cheek and kissed you on the lips. You broke the kiss and grabbed his hand. “What are you working on? It smells like it’s burning,” you pressed a kiss into Leo’s hand before removing it from your face.
“Oh, that’s hopefully the hot glue gun,” Leo shrugged, “I promised to decorate our floor for the Halloween party and figured I could handcraft the decorations!” Leo grinned, looking proud of himself. “Hopefully? Leo, love, didn���t you get a budget to buy decorations?” You asked and Leo nodded cheerfully. “I did! But I could use this opportunity to impress the whole floor, so!” Leo did jazz hands and you pursed your lips. You softly shoved Leo out of your way and opened the door to his dorm again.
It was utter chaos. There was an immense amount of orange, purple and black paper on the floor. A half-done papier-mâché pumpkin was leaking glue on Leo’s bed. His bureau topped with fairy lights and newspaper. Wool strings were everywhere on the floor. You saw a dubious number of blankets stacked onto of a desk chair. In the middle of the floor were skeletal remains???
“I just dropped the skeleton before you came in, Will’s boyfriend let me borrow it, but it is harder to assemble than Ikea furniture.” Leo spoke from behind you. “Why-“ you turned to face your boyfriend, “Leo, we are going to the mall tomorrow.” “But I just need a little more time!” Leo looked hurt but you shook your head. “See it as a date?” Looking in Leo’s eyes made you feel a little guilty about it but you had to be strong, “Then, if what we find doesn’t suffice we can do a second crafting date the day after?” Leo’s eyes lit up as he smiled brightly. “Two dates for the price of one? Deal!”
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Surprisingly, Leo hadn’t been too picky on where to go, or what to buy. Sure, every time you picked something up to ask if Leo likes it he scans over it with his eyes and goes onto a rant on how he can make it himself but-
It’s cute to see Leo get excited about these things. At some points he carefully looked over the things you were suggesting for a minute before a smile engulfed his face and he started pointing out how the thing exactly was made. Other times, he sounded angry while talking about the “trash” that was for sale.
“See that’s just a glass jar with some paint on it! I still have jars in the cupboard, and we can paint them together!” “Those garlands are just paper and string, I was already working on one.” “Those ghosts don’t look half as good as the ones I had planned!” “Did you not see the pumpkin I was making? It is much bigger than these.”
As you held up balloons he relented, for even the ingenious Leo Valdez could not craft those with his bare hands. You also sneaked some webbing to put around the dorm, and a Halloween tablecloth plus paper cups. Maybe after lunch you would be able to convince Leo to get some more basic decorations, but your hope was dimming with the minute.
You were sitting in a small café. There was some chatter around, but all in all the atmosphere was calm. Leo had grabbed your hand as he sat before you, softly holding it while you rest your arms on the wood. You had just ordered your food, and you could see your boyfriend enter one of his sappy moods.
“Have I told you I love you lately?” Leo lifted you hand to his lips as he pressed a kiss on them. “I don’t remember,” you smiled, “perhaps a reminder is deserved.” Leo gasped, moving towards you. You reciprocated the movement, and right before your lips met Leo whispered; “You would look hot as moth man for Halloween,”
You snickered as you sat back into your seat, Leo only slightly disappointed at missing the kiss. “It’s our first Halloween together, and you don’t want to do a couples costume?” you asked him, and he shook his head. “If it means seeing you as moth man, I will sacrifice anything besides,” Leo shrugged, “I can also dress up as a cryptid. I’ll me bigfoot!” “You are too small to be bigfoot, love.” You smiled and Leo laughed. “Height doesn’t matter, just the feet.”
“Please do not dress up as one big foot,” you groaned, “I will break up with you.”
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blondiest · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @ashleyfanfic !
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
21 on neallo, 5 on blondiest
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
212k: 121k on neallo + 91k on blondiest
3. What fandoms do you write for?
death note and (allegedly) stranger things
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
i'm going to exclude my stranger things ones or i will only have one death note fic listed lol.
there's nothing i hate more than what i can't have
hot soup on a cold day
i want to hold you (hostage)
there's nothing i want but you
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
on neallo, yes. every single one. i reply bc it's a nice way to connect with the readers :-) i am really really behind on blondiest comments but there are also fewer since it's been so long since i updated anything 😭
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably nothing hurts like you do, though idk if that counts bc it's a prequel to holdyouhostage. shot in the dark has a not-happy ending, but it's meant to be very open-ended.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmmm!!! most of my fics have happy endings, to be honest. i think i would perhaps say it's you and me, that's my whole world bc that's my most indulgently hurtcomfort story 🥰
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have! but only on one occasion (though it was a decent number of comments). i was told that i was an example of why modern fans can't write mello and near lmfao (<- was into death note in 2008. if i suck at writing them, i come by it honestly 😇)
9. Do you write smut. If so, what kind?
hehe. yes. i have written a pretty good variety of types of smut. i tried listing out the various acts here and then was like... let me not do this to myself. “what kind” ? hopefully the kind that is at least kinda hot 💋
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
no not really! i wouldn't rule it out but i've never had an idea for one. i did once write a fic loosely based on ‘this is just to say’ by william carlos williams, but it is not on neallo or blondiest and isn't for a fandom i have posted about on here.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
lmfao yeah, very recently
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! i had a very short fic translated into french on the aforementioned mystery account lol
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
yes!!! voted most likely is a collaboration with my darling friend dee, and i have several fics with the beloved @empressofthewind
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
meronia. it hit me so violently and has not let go for a full year. it's so over for me forever
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
hmmmm. honestly, i have my doubts about finishing voted most likely, sadly. i feel like the major, real conflicts were already solved, and the plans i had for the rest of the plot feel very drawn out now. i just want to let them be happy immediately lol. maybe i need to brainstorm a new ending 😔
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think my dialogue skills are pretty strong :-)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i am not, i don't think, particularly strong at descriptions of locations or of physical appearances lol
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i prefer to have it in english and italics rather than including actual full phrases from the other language, bc i don't want to fuck up the grammar in another language and i also don't want to confuse readers. occasionally i will use individual words from another language (ingerasul meu lol), but i try to always provide in-text cues for what it is being said.
19. First Fandom you wrote for?
lmfao...................... time princess
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
oh god. i want to hold you (hostage), hands down. it's not close. i spent so much time on that story, and i became very fond of it.
i am soooooooo sleepy so i'm doing the lazy bitch thing and saying that if you see this you should consider yourself tagged 💋
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decafdino · 1 year
When do you believe the 3rd part of the brain damage fic will be finished and posted? I’m eagerly awaiting it!
Sorry to say probably not for another month at least 😅 I’ve been pretty burnt out with all my finals upcoming and I wrote a… not very large amount last week overall. But also this whole wip challenge thing is def keeping me from ignoring it I just honestly need more time in the day. But it’s happening!
I don’t like to give myself really strict deadlines when it comes to writing fic bc that stresses me out so bad I can barely function with normal day stuff and kills my desire to write. But depending on how long it gets (bc if I’m honest I never know how long my Fics will end up) if it’s over 10k it will definitely be more like May than April, but hopefully not any later than that (and for context the draft so far is ~7k unedited)
On another note I plan on having at least one more part of this au after the one I’m currently writing, tho I can’t say when that will happen bc I have something else planned for mermay :) but we’ll see if I can get it together by then :) then ofc I also signed up for the Big Bang for the first time ever. And I!!! Haven’t forgotten!!!! About my!!!! Medieval au!!!!
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