#hopefully it will make them a little bit more self-aware
arabian-batboy · 2 years
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“This character’s development is always erased and he’s constantly reset to an annoying brat, I trust that this will not happen under your writing?“
“Oh, unquestionably! We will definitely fuck him up and make him suffer!“
Sir.......you didn’t even answer the question, suffering isn’t development.
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minty364 · 7 months
DPXDC Prompt #108 Part 1
He remembered going to bed in his own bed last night. His own bed in his own room. This wasn’t his room, his bed, or even his pajamas. The body he was in didn’t feel quite right either, almost like it somehow knew he wasn’t supposed to be in it. Part of him wondered if he was dreaming but he was way too self aware for this to be a dream. 
This room didn’t look like any of his brother's rooms either. It had a bunch of space themed trinkets, glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, and NASA posters on the walls. None of his brothers were into space as far as he knew so this had to be a strangers room. He wondered for a moment if he was kidnapped or something, but that didn’t sound quite right either. He was in a stranger's body so he must be in this person’s room. He had to figure out exactly what was going on. 
Just as he was considering his options the phone by the table side started ringing. Damian didn’t really know where the tune came from but it sounded catchy. He looked at the caller ID and while the phone didn’t recognize the number Damian did. It was his own, hopefully he’d be able to get some answers. 
“Hello?” He answered.
“Yeah, I’m sorry about all of this. My parents are inventors and one of their inventions backfired big time. I’m Danny” The voice on the other line was his own, a little jarring sure but it to be expected, if he was in someone’s body there was a good chance they were in his body. “My name’s Damian, Inventions? This is quite the backfire. I hope you have a plan to switch us back.”
“Yeah, don’t worry, I’ve got a couple friends looking into it, they’ll be on their way in a bit to help with all of this.” 
Damian was starting to get irritated a little at how this was going. Bringing outside ‘help’ into the situation just seemed more like a distraction from whatever ‘Danny’ had planned for Gotham.
“Right, Damian, so right now you're in my body and I’m in your’s… so, my parents' invention was only supposed to strengthen the soulmate pull, but because of my weird biology. We switched bodies instead.” Damian didn’t have word’s, the whole story sounded ludicrous. But at the same time, Damian couldn’t help but believe it was true.
The weird things about the body he was in, helped convince him and then, suddenly a thought occurred to him. Hesitantly he lifted his other hand up to his neck to check his pulse.
It was unusually slow, “Why’s your pulse so slow?” he couldn’t help but ask. He didn’t want to admit it but he was starting to freak out a little. 
“Like I said, I’ve got weird biology. I’ll explain, but it isn’t a pretty story. I don’t really want to explain all of this but since you're in my body, you need to know so you can keep my parents from finding out. Deal?”
Having weird biology still didn’t quite explain things but hopefully a few things didn’t quite make sense, “You said your parent’s were researching soulmates? Why.”
“Alright, I’ll give you this one but seriously you’ve got to promise to keep my parent’s from finding out about things. They were a little upset that I haven’t found mine yet, my sister found hers so they were excited for me to find mine. Long story short, bad things tend to happen when my parents get excited.”
So from the sound of things Danny thought they were soulmates. That might have been true but there wasn’t a good way for them to prove anything at the moment. For now it would probably be better to go along with Danny’s plan. He didn’t like it but he could probably get a lot of information out of Danny’s friends if he played along. “Alright I agree to not intentionally reveal anything to your parents.”
“Work’s for me. What do you know about ghosts?”
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justaslime · 1 year
Okay I’m gonna preface this by saying that while I have read the comic, it was quite a few years ago and I remember very little, so this will be based on the movie but
Holy shit. The Director’s nightmare. Can we talk about the Director’s nightmare? I’m dying to talk about the Director’s nightmare.
She dreams about a crack, she’s the only one who sees it, and it is what inevitably leads to the destruction of the walls that are so fundamental to the way her society is ordered. And I couldn’t imagine a better allegory for the slippery slope political opinions on gay and trans rights, especially in a kids’ movie.
Like, it’s a logical fallacy, and that’s made plain and clear. When she says it out loud, it clearly comes off as someone obsessing too much over one tiny thing, thinking that it will bring about destruction. Her own sense of self-importance, as well as the fact that she’s really only making vague speculations, is emphasized by the fact that she’s the only one who’s seeing it. She’s the only one who even perceives it as a crack. But after so long of fearing it, she lets that fear rule her logic, and even when she says it out loud, when it’s clear to anyone listening that it makes no actual sense, she’s too far gone to realize it herself.
It’s realistic in the way that she does sound like she believes it herself, and it echoes the speeches of actual harmful people spreading similar fear, so it brings to attention that, yes, there are people out there who believe this with all their heart, and you cannot easily, if at all, convince them otherwise.
But it’s also made clear that she’s wrong. Of course we see that Ballister and Nimona were always worthy of being heroes rather than villains, but even in that one scene, her logic is vague enough that it makes sense only to her. There’s no real discussion to be had here, it’s simply a person seeing something that isn’t there.
Idk I just love that some kids will watch this and become a bit more aware of the nuances of the many opinions that they’ll hear in their lives. And hopefully they won’t fall into similar traps of letting their fear rule them.
Anyway go watch Nimona it’s great
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idlerin · 3 months
love sick — 08. we can be friends
romance 101; ideal partner #9 — someone i feel safe around
email from yesterday evening
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you didn’t want to think terushima was a bad person, exactly.
semi and atsumu would look at you judgingly if you ever said that out loud in front of them, but it was the truth. terushima lacked self-awareness, he was a do or die person, which meant he acted before he thought. which wasn’t good at all, for him or anyone else he decided to bother, and he needed serious correcting, but that should’ve been the job of the people who raised him. he was the textbook definition of man-child.
“babe!” terushima exclaimed, looking genuinely happy to see you. looking over his shoulder, his dyed blonde hair reminds you of atsumu in this moment, who you spot laughing maniacally with jai—clearly too occupied to notice your little situation.
you decide to accept your fate and look up at terushima, “oh, hi,” you greet back awkwardly. you were restless, gaze focusing on your peripheral vision and hoping to spot the person you were looking for so you could grab him and go back to his team.
“I knew i’d find you here,” terushima grinned, proud of himself, “you’re not usually at places like these but i figured since you’re dating that suna dude you’d be here, and i was right!”
“ah yeah,” you nodded, stepping back to hopefully avoid the conversation entirely, “nice running into you—” not, “but i was actually on my way to look for—,” you were cut off before you could say rin.
“your boyfriend?” terushima smirked, it was weird in a way as if he knew something you didn’t, “saw him outside with some chick, I told you babe, he’s no good.”
your mouth hung in slight, you don’t recall suna saying he was seeing someone. in fact, the reason he started this with you was because he was trying to get away from people fawning over him. that didn’t make any sense, so it was probably just someone suna knew and terushima was taking it the wrong way. you guessed that was probably why suna took so long, he could’ve at least texted you.
you shake away the thought and focus on terushima obviously trying very hard to bad-mouth rin, brows furrowing, “that’s probably just his friend.”
“they didn’t look friendly,” terushima clicked his tongue, “i’m telling you, he’s being a bad boyfriend.”
“i’d rather talk to rin about it,” you offered him a small smile, you watched as his expression turned sour.
“why can’t you just believe me?” he practically whines.
your smile becomes strained, “i think i’ll just go and look for rin now,” you try to sidestep him but terushima grabs your wrist.
“talk to me more for a bit,” terushima says, gaze heavily focused on you “he’s still busy out there.” “i told you,” tone hardening, eyeing your wrist he held onto tightly, “i’d rather check on him and ask now,” you attempt to tug your wrist away from his grip.
in the middle of successfully doing so, you bump into someone. you were about to apologize but then this person spoke over you, “i was looking for you, sweets,” your eyes widened for a bit realizing it was the person you’d been looking for, of course he decided to show up now, you think how cliché and typical it was.
you look up at him, his jaw set just as he wraps an arm around your waist, “who’s this?” it took a second before realizing he was talking about terushima who was still in front of you both.
“i’m terushima, [name]’s friend,” terushima nods at him, answering for himself and giving suna a big fake smile.
“does she know that?” suna mumbles, something only you heard, making your lips twitch. his hand on your waist pulling you closer towards him.
“what?” terushima asked before shaking his head, “whatever man, if you don’t mind, she and i were talking.”
“i mind,” suna says, looking bored of this already, “we’re going.”
terushima looked dumbfounded, clearly not used to suna’s straightforwardness. terushima couldn’t utter another word before suna was already pushing you forward and away from him.
suna leans down, whispering in your ear, “thought you had no crazy ex?”
“i don’t,” you sigh, troubled, “he just… bothers me.”
suna didn’t take that very well, “and you don’t do anything?” he looked down at your wrist pointedly.
“it’s fine,” you say instead, smiling to placate him, “thank you, though.”
suna bites his inner cheek, ultimately deciding to leave the topic online, “i didn’t get to get your water, i was…” he was looking for the right word, “preoccupied.”
“terushima told me he saw you with someone outside,” you confess, looking at him to see any signs of anything, suna was still really hard to read, “he was saying it as if you were ‘cheating’ on me,” you whispered this part, “it would be bad if he tattled, but i don’t think he will.”
“how are you so sure?” suna doesn’t deny what terushima saw.
“he’s trying to make it up to me somewhat,” you offer that same old small smile of yours, “he wouldn’t intentionally do something that might damage my reputation or something after he uh did it before.”
“alright,” suna chooses not to question you further about terushima which you were thankful for, “can we leave now?”
“it hasn’t been an hour yet,” you check your phone, it’s only been around forty minutes.
“do you want to stay for longer?” suna moves you away from a drunk person passing by, still holding your waist.
“not really,” you say, it didn’t seem like suna was in the mood to be here too and you think you’ve won over his teammates already and showed off your relationship enough.
“we can go and get some yakitori, it’ll make up for your water,” suna offers, to your surprise. you thought he’d just want to drop you off and be alone.
“sure,” you agree, albeit still a little confused with the way he’s been acting all night.
suna nodded before leading you back to his teammates, saying your goodbyes. they didn’t question you leaving early, maybe suna has a habit of doing that? you explicitly tell atsumu to not injure himself going home. suna interrupted saying that bad weeds never die so you didn’t have to worry. it didn’t take long before the both of you were back in his car.
“i wasn’t ‘cheating’ by the way,” suna says after he settles in, starting the engine.
you arrange your bag on your lap nicely, “i didn’t think you were, rinnie bear.”
suna shakes his head, “at least you know i’m loyal.”
“what can i say? i know how to choose them right,” you shrug, grinning. this, this was easy, pretending like everything was completely fine. you were worried about his mood, the mystery person he talked to for twenty or so minutes, and him in general but you had no right to force your questions on him.
you haven’t known suna for long but you guessed he wouldn’t take it kindly if you asked about things that were none of your business. you didn’t know what was happening to suna, but you’d wait for him to reach out to you first. these past several days have made you kind of friends, after all.
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masterlist — previous | next
❥ fun facts !
[name] forced her friends to be on locket and airbuds with her.
sakusa was also decidedly not at the party because he was catching up on some papers (good excuse to not go).
atsumu doesn’t really drink frequently (just when he knows there’s no important tournaments upcoming bc he’s locked in on volley)
you can send your love stories or woes at [email protected] and receive a reply :)
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how to send a letter?
email [email protected] and receive a reply from [name]
you can choose to have your email featured in the story or not and will still receive a reply! — for those who wish to have their emails featured simply leave the subject as is — for those who DO NOT wish to have their emails featured put the subject in [brackets like this]
if you ever choose to have your email thread featured, i will change your gmail for privacy in actual posting! you can choose the name to sign off with :3
this is in no way a professional thing, it's for fun so you guys can send in a made up story or something based on real life stuff but i will always respond seriously as “reader” and the best way i can :)
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love sick ! a suna rintarou social media au
synopsis. cupid! calling cupid! as the resident matchmaker slash hopeless romantic of tokyo university, you are the person people look for to get love advice or to set them up with the love of their lives. when suna rintarou comes to you asking for the opposite, to help fend people away from trying to get with him, to the extremes of even asking to fake date you, you couldn't refuse! mostly because you did owe him since he was on the receiving end of a bunch of your clients’ unsuccessful love efforts (hey, you do warn them your matchmaking only has a 62.3% success rate).
a/n — partially doing the email thing bc its getting hard to think of scenarios PLEEK JEDOEKDJ i mean i still can… i base them off irl or books ANYWAYS ill try to grind as many chaps as i can before school starts (keyword: try) bc like i am brewing smth up also also will close the taglist soon!!
taglist is OPEN ! + (1/3) @yas-mjm @agirlwholovesalot @yenqa @fairywriter-oracle @noideawhothatis @alienvarmint @renardiererin @cheezitwh0re @yaboiithewreck @zephestia @nicerthanu @wolffmaiden @2baddies-1porsche @bluegrey02 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @lylovw @fo-love @cloudsvna @haruskatana @apinu @coyloves @rockleeisbaeeee @geombyu @girlkissersco @reveusecherie @mwhahahalasagna @megumiif @erenjvegerrr @thechaosoflonging @rintarousgirl @ris-krispie @kamikokii @complexivelovely @justabreadslice @hearts4faey @yuzurins @eleanorheartschishiya @hearts4itoshi @justsomeonewhoyoudontknow @rijhi @sleepystrwbrryy @snail-squasher @seiamor @wave2love @le000xxgrd @iuspired @theidontknowmehn @linmabbe @rntrsuna @tenaciouswritersheep
if i can not tag you, please change your mention settings to “everyone” thank you!
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lavenderchqn · 4 months
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synopsis — they get jealous parings — bf! xiao, wanderer, lyney x reader (seperate) warnings — it's written in 2nd person (and although it's been proofread... my english is not englishing all that well); you and xiao get into a minor argument (it gets resolved!); scara is his boastful self and pays a price for that; lyney's just sad I'm sorry :( requested? — requested by @ceneid notes — thank you so much for the request! hopefully it's to your taste, considering I've made it more sad if anything and it's a written piece with some texts messages included!!
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Any occasion to meet with friends is a worthwhile, so when Hu Tao invited both you and Xiao to her upcoming birthday party, you quickly agreed to come — of course, with the ‘pass’ from your partner.
He wouldn’t consider your friends to be the most enjoyable in the ‘company’ department, mostly because he considered them too loud for his liking. However, despite such displeasure, Xiao could still certainly say that your enjoyment was worthy of a few hours of his torture.. 
Unfortunately, not everything can go as we would like every time and that would be the situation the raven-haired man has found himself in. 
The moment the two of you stepped into Hu Tao’s apartment you were whisked away by some of your friends, leaving Xiao to fend for himself… Although he could see a smidge of displeasure across your face the moment one of the girls - Xiangling if his memory didn’t betray him - grabbed your arm. 
And well, that’s the situation he was stuck in for a while… Feeling like an accessory to your person, all while your friends have been chatting about how life was treating them. Being overstimulated was an understatement to of how he felt at the moment. 
Leaving the living room to get a breather only furthered him in the thoughts of feeling ignored… and perhaps a little bit jealous? Well, it’s not like he could voice his concerns with how you’ve been behaving throughout the evening.
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Your phone vibrating multiple times in the past minute has piqued your curiosity, prompting you to open it to check the messages… Only to leave you in utter shock.
Not only have you realised that the time was more than what you expected… But your partner was about to leave to head home all without you. Guilt was most certainly creeping down your back. 
You replied to him as quickly as you could, hoping that he would stay true to his word of staying for a second longer.
— Hu Tao, we’re gonna head home now. - You tapped her shoulder, informing her that you and Xiao would be leaving in a moment. - Once again, happy birthday.
Grabbing your purse, you’ve made your way to the hall of the house, eyes meeting with the displeased look of your partner’s and the silent treatment already making its debut as you were leaving the building.
The car ride was borderline horrific - the tension between the two of you thick enough to cut with a knife… And albeit confused with Xiao’s behaviour, you needed to start the conversation in order to hopefully resolve the conflict between you.
— Can we talk about it? - You asked shyly, turning your head to search for some signs of willingness on his face. 
— Not that much to talk about. - Xiao sighed, not taking his eyes off the road. - I’m simply upset your friends can hog your attention for so many hours. 
Your eyes widened at the thought of his obvious statement of jealousy… And the next second, turned into immense guilt. You of all people should be aware of how he reacts in settings like those, and yet you kind of brushed that off.
— I’m sorry. - You stated, hearable sincerity in your voice. - I should’ve kept your feelings in mind, and yet I didn’t. 
Xiao… Was most certainly not expecting that. He could imagine multiple scenarios, in which you attack him for being jealous and possessive, and yet here you were - taking accountability for a minor mistake you’ve made. 
— I understand you wanted to enjoy some? time with your friends. - He stated. - Next time I won’t go. I don’t want to sour the mood. Spending time with your friends to the fullest is important, is it not?
Apologies have been exchanged between the two of you, topped with a night of eating fried tofu snacks and watching silly horror movies.
After all, friend time and Xiao time don’t have to land at the same time, do they? 
If you could use only two words to describe your partner - “prideful” and “boastful” are the first ones that come to mind. At this point you’re pretty sure, you’ve heard the story of Haypasia at least twenty times…
To Wanderer, your jealousy makes him thrive. As messed up as it sounds, to him it’s proof that you’re with him for real… That you won’t betray him, given the chance. On the other hand, you don’t appreciate that specific behaviour of his too much — One or two times might’ve been silly but the more he tends to engage in said actions, the more it makes you feel insecure.
His persistence is exactly what resulted in… let’s say a tad of joking.
You’ve known  Tartaglia for many months now. Introduced to you by your partner, the only interactions the two of you shared have been online. According to Wanderer, it’s due to Ajax’s constant traveling…
And yet the ginger says it’s due to other reasons. 
— [y/n], trust me. - He says cheerfully via voice chat during one of your gaming sessions. - That will absolutely make him fuming with jealousy! Hell, I’d be lucky to make it out alive after pulling that. -
You’ve found out that Tartaglia will just so happen to be flying to your city soon. Throughout the last few weeks, the two of you schemed a little plan to show your loving partner EXACTLY what jealousy is like In the end, you trusted the male to take reign over the performance that would happen in due time.
Sure — you felt a bit bad doing something that in your eyes seemed “malicious”, but with Wanderer’s persistent attempts and encouragement… Surely you needed your boyfriend to have a taste of his own medicine. 
And said time was about to come. 
You’ve agreed to pick up Ajax from the airport, excitedly speaking of this  being your first meeting in person. While you’ve sent each other pictures, albeit in your case it was Wandy sending a couple of photos of the two of you, this would be much, much different in comparison. 
— I still don’t understand what prompted you to pick up that ginger from the airport. - The raven-haired man scoffed, looking at the arrivals signs. Him and his silly ways of showing affection… 
— Well, I know that said ginger is quite an important person in your life. - You smiled, partially since you knew you were saying the truth as well as the chaos that was about to happen between the two of you.
Wanderer was almost about to say something, getting when he got cut off by the noise of someone running, getting increasingly louder and culminating in him getting tackled into a hug. 
— It’s so good to see you guys! - Tartaglia said, after leaving your boyfriend alone for a second before turning to you. - It’s so lovely to finally meet you in person, [y/n]… Pictures don’t do your beauty justice. - A kiss on your hand. 
To say you were flabbergasted would be an understatement. Sure, you agreed on him doing mild flirting… BUT THIS? And you were not the only one standing in utter shock. 
— What the fuck was that Childe? - Your partner asked, seeing red at the events unraveling right before his eyes.
— Common courtesy. - Tartaglia winked. - In my culture, it’s quite normal to kiss a lady on the hand when you greet her. 
Oh, the coyness in his voice spoke everything. He enjoyed every single second of the jealousy Wanderer was feeling. And to say that this interaction would be the last of your plan was a huge understatement.
Your phone has been pinging ever so often, with messages coming in from different social media — all from your boyfriend obviously. Tartaglia ordered a lovely dinner on his tab as ‘thanks’ for picking him up from the airport. This was also a way of the ginger giving you space, which posed as an opportunity to check what Wanderer was up to.  
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Lyney feels as if he’s going to suffocate in the next few minutes. It’s not that he’s unhappy to be here. Frankly, he’s here to support you as a loving partner. It’s just that… The atmosphere here is rough. The situation at hand is reminding him is reminding him of all the times he has attended those funding meetings with his Father.
He proceeds to take a deep breath. “Anything for [y/n]” - Lyney whispers to himself. 
Speaking of yourself, here you are trying not to pass out from the stress you feel. You’re mere minutes away from giving a presentation on your project, which if received positively, will land you a promotion with a generous pay raise.
The possibility of this success comes with its price — the need to “suck” up to some of the more liked employees in hopes of getting their approval for your ideas. 
This is precisely how you’ve ended up in this situation… away from Lyney because archons only know why.  One moment you were introducing him as your partner to many of your work besties, and the next you’re in the middle of a conversation with the manager of another branch… Who - you would say - has a horrific sense of humour. 
— And I tell her “Can’t say I sleep like a log! After all, I don’t wake up in a fireplace”! - You force yourself to smile, fully cringing inside at the dad joke you’ve just heard. Hell, this guy isn’t even a dad… nor is he over thirty years old to be making jokes like these! 
— I see, I see. - You reply politely, fully intending not to show your hidden feelings at what you just have witnessed. Your eyes, however, wander to try and find Lyney amongst all these business-oriented people. And indeed you manage to locate him. 
Unfortunately for you — there’s clear evidence that your partner is not feeling his best… And since you’re the reason he even showed up to this setting, you feel like you need to check up on him. Therefore, you proceed to message him. 
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From the messages it seems like your lovely partner is doing much better than before… However there’s this inkling in your brain that he might still feel jealous about this situation. 
— Thank you for the conversation. - You manage to finally get a word in with the manager who has been talking nonstop. - Unfortunately, I’m here with someone… and I feel bad leaving them unattended. I shall be taking my leave now. - 
With those words said, you proceeded to get to Lyney, finally getting a break from acting as a suck-up throughout the entire evening
— Hi lovely. - You say, catching your partner’s hand in yours. - I’m so sorry about leaving you all alone. - 
The guilt inside you can be felt both in your manner of speech, as well as in the grip you have on his hand. Lyney must be able to sense this, as he’s bringing your hand up for a loving kiss. 
— Pay that no mind. You’re absolutely forgiven, Muse. - He whispers, not wanting to bring more attention to you than necessary. - Besides, I’m sure you’ll repay me with all the kisses in the world once we get home.
It always turns out like this. A situation where you were supposed to be the one comforting your partner, turns its tables into him uplifting you with poetic words. The result of it being you - feeling the most courageous you have been throughout this entire business meeting.
In the end, your presentation goes more than well. You’ve knocked each point out of the park and even answered all the questions with merit! 
— I knew you would do amazing, bubs! - Lyney gives you a kiss on the cheek the moment you leave the venue where your presentation took place. - As expected of the magnificent Muse of the magnificent Lyney. 
He’s singing you — and himself by proxy, because he has to be stunning if his partner is that good — praises the entire road home, which makes you wonder… How in the world a singular person can go through so many behaviour patterns in the span of a singular night? 
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date of posting - may 22nd 2024
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hwnglx · 1 year
𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘢 𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘦 - 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙙𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧?
hi loves. i've been feeling this urge to spread some positive energy to some of you who might be struggling a little these days. so, i figured i could make my very first pac. one that will (hopefully) make you feel a little bit more peaceful. breathe slowly, take your time and use your intuition to go with the pile that speaks to you the most. take what resonates and leave what doesn't. 𓆩♡𓆪
pile 1-3 (left till right)
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pile 4-6 (left till right)
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✧ pile 1 ✧ queofp, moon, knofw, 5ofprx, temp, highpr, emper
hi lovely pile 1 person.
so, you're likely to be an earth sign or have dominant earth placements, and some water influences (your moon?). it makes you someone who appreciates hard work and groundedness a lot. however, there might be a tendency for you to lose yourself in your thoughts, and let insecurity take over you sometimes. i can see you blaming yourself for it a lot, and not liking that fact. especially because you have so much ambition and enthusiasm for the things you desire, you hate how your own mind can sometimes stand in the way of you fulfilling it in a way that you wish you could.
but, don't beat yourself up over this. i can see a lot of power in you, especially your intellect can do such amazing things. you're probably very intuitive, but maybe not fully aware of it yet. once you learn how to balance out your deep thoughts and see them as your asset instead of a weakness, you will be able to go so much further in life.
this might take some time, so don't rush and trust the proccess. maybe you still are in need of some more maturing. but believe me when i tell you, you have everything you need within you already. you're an extremely powerful and special individual, who's destined for so many amazing things. i can see you surprising yourself with how much you can achieve, if you just believe in yourself and your capabilites more. the world can be so vast and overwhelming, and this can get too much for you sometimes. but i'm telling you right now, that you were made for this. there's nothing in this world that you can not achieve, the universe put so much potential in you.
you will have your time to be your best self. once you get to a stronger and more stable place, you will be able look back at the times you doubted yourself fondly. stay strong, trust yourself, don't let the unknown make you insecure. you got this. i believe in you 🤍
✧ pile 2 ✧ 7ofp, 6ofw, 10ofw, herm, 10ofsw, fool
hello there, pile 2 person.
my god, i can feel the heavy weight on your back right away. are you very tired and exhausted? i know, you've persevered through so many burdens and draining periods in your life. i know that, eventhough to the outside it might look like you're successful, you're achieving many things and get praised a lot. but deep inside, you feel lonely. i know that constantly being seen as the "hard working, dilligent and persistent person" can be so much pressure, that sometimes you wish you could just give up.
is constantly wanting to look perfect to the outside world draining you? do you sometimes wish you could just let loose, not care about a thing in the world and allow yourself to be free? i know it must be so hard to feel like you can't let anyone in on these thoughts. i know you don't like people looking at you as weak, insecure, lazy or easily tired. but i am here to tell you, that i understand and support you. i am here to tell you, you are not alone in this journey. and there is someone who, even if they can't fully relate, will accept you with all your weaknesses and flaws. who knows, maybe they aren't even weaknesses in anyone else's eyes.
you're so incredibly hard on yourself, and should allow yourself to rest more. you've earned the rest, even by just being you. you don't have to constantly be productive, do or achieve something in order to let yourself relax. you deserve to be at peace at all times, even on days when you didn't do anything.
go outside, let yourself feel the freeing breeze or the beautiful sunshine, allow yourself to just feel life flowing through your veins sometimes. realize how precious you are, by just existing and being you. there is nothing in the world more valuable than the life and soul you were given. don't let yourself be persuaded into having to be anything more than you already are, you and your raw existence are good enough.
i am so proud of you. for enduring through so many burdenful moments in your life. please, tell yourself that it's okay to sit back and enjoy peace sometimes. you are doing an incredible job. celebrate yourself for the beautiful person you are, not only the things you can do.
✧ pile 3 ✧ queofc, 7ofp, pagofw, emper, kingofc, 7ofsw, 9ofp, moon, judg, wheel
hi sweet person who picked pile 3.
wow, there's definitely many things going on in you, hm? you might have some strong water placements (i'm feeling cancer strongly..) which makes you a very emotionally intelligent person. i'm aware of how that can impact you and your practical life sometimes. there is this very unique intertwine between being very mature, but on the other hand still getting humbled from time to time, when it comes to certain experiences like.. "wow. i guess i'm not that far in life yet. i didn't think i'd still have so much to learn." i think it's a beautiful thing for you to be able to take those moments and learn from them. adding them to your life experience and turning into an even better person who's more in control, more self-aware. you're truly an incredible human being. so hardworking indeed.
are you struggling to trust people sometimes? i know, it's a lot easier trusting yourself before anyone else. people are so easy to deceive you, take advantage of your trust and use it for their own selfish good. you're such a strong human being for still going through life just doing your own thing, and it's awe-inspiring to watch. i can see people almost being envious of that trait of yours, and maybe even intimidated.
are there some people who tell you you're too independent sometimes? i know, that can be slightly annoying sometimes. it's almost like.. yeah, there's a reason for that. when i needed any of you, no one was by my side. and now that i'm relying on myself, i'm too self-reliant? it can feel ridiculous and, trust me. i understand you incredibly well. but, could be there be moments where you can tell how this security you keep showing others, is slipping from you.. and you all of a sudden feel lonely? can that feeling of loneliness even surprise you from time to time, like.. you usually are so content being on your own, what the hell happened.. maybe you should realize that, sometimes it's okay to need some guidance from others.
time is an interesting thing, and sometimes it can slip by us quicker than we realize. i can strongly feel, that the universe has a very exact and special plan for you. i know, life in general can just get too much, things can confuse you, not knowing where life is leading you can make you feel so so insecure and unsure.
but i'm telling you, trust divine's timing. and realize you're in good hands. everything that is happening to you, is happening for your highest good. i know these moments of feeling so drained and not knowing where to go or what to look forward to, can be scary sometimes. but, even those moments can be so precious for you and your experience in life. i can see you looking back at your low moments and acknowledging how they were just another part of your journey, that the universe is taking you on. you're never being put through anything that you can not handle. have trust in the universe and divine's timing, and you will realize you're here for a reason. i trust and believe in you, i will cheer you on always. you're much more amazing than you know 💕
✧ pile 4 ✧ 5ofsw&kingofsw, devil&death, knofc, magic, 8ofw, wheel&10ofsw, 4ofsw&4ofc
hi there, welcome to pile 4.
so far, you might have the most demanding energy out of everyone. wow. you're definitely a force to be reckoned with.
do you sometimes struggle with always wanting to win, be the best at everything, maybe have a bit of an ego.. i can tell that you felt defeated by it a lot, thinking it makes you extremely selfish and egocentric. in a "am i going too far? is it really that serious?" type of way.
you should know that, using your charming powers to get what you want isn't always a bad thing. even the fact that you're aware of your toxic traits, already makes you much more mature and admirable than some others out there! i do believe it's incredible how you can recognize what is bad and what is good about this side of you. you're extremely powerful, being able to just transform your unhealthy habits into something more beneficial, is so impressive in my opinion. it's like, you are overly competitive? yes you might be, but that's what makes you stand out. that driven nature of yours makes you work on your skills and talents even more than others. so, don't listen to people telling you you're "too much". as long as you're not hurting anybody, you're doing absolutely amazing.
do you love to talk? i can see you being such a great communicator, you most likely are great at persuading people into things. honestly, i see you as such an endearing and charismatic person.. anyone who says otherwise is most likely just envious of your unique character. they're probably a little too boring themselves, which is why your outstanding personality makes them insecure. don't listen.
i think, you might be going through a period of powerful change, that might be scaring you right now. things might be going a little too quick and you're worried you'll lose control.. time can be a terrifying thing, and i understand you're trying your best to just stay calm. maybe you're even bluntly ignoring some signs the universe is showing you. maybe you're just too exhausted to put your mind to certain things, that could be very important for you to recognize. i know it can be tiring to constantly keep up, trying to stay so self-aware all the time isn't easy. but don't let any of these scary experiences discourage you. you have so much potential in you, and the universe has a higher plan for you right now.
whatever ending you had to go through, whatever changed for you so abruptly, was something the universe had planned for you for a long time now. don't exhaust yourself by trying to understand everything all the time, but also don't get discouraged and give up on your journey or your plans. you're an incredibly talented, magical and beautiful human being. life has a lot of amazing things in stock for you. continue devoting yourself to your plans, there will be so many fulfilling things coming for you. you're more powerful than you know, beautiful soul ❣️
✧ pile 5 ✧ kingofsw&tower, queofp, pagofsw, 9ofc, death, 5ofc, strength
hello, dear pile 5 person.
how are you doing? has something unexpected or sudden happened recently, that caught you off guard? i understand you really hate things falling out of balance, and feel like the universe is testing you right now. you feel like a lot of sharp thinking is asked of you right now, and might feel like even worse news could be coming. i have to say, i admire your ability to remain calm and collected, even during uncomfortable times like these.
do you feel like things were perfect just a moment ago, and there was this crucial and fatal moment of loss, that brought you a lot of sorrow? are you disappointed? do you miss someone? i get, that these sudden transformations must be hard to deal with.. like, i can truly feel your sadness. it's absolutely impressive for you to stay so strong. are you aware of how strong you are? you might feel like you took some things in life for granted before, and are now receiving your "pay-back" for that. were things too good to be true? but i'm asking of you, to not think about over what is lost too much. there are so many amazing and beautiful things awaiting you.
sometimes, it's okay to let your feelings loose and just cry everything out. but don't let yourself stay stuck at that point, and learn to move on. i remember when someone once told me "it's okay to cry. but once you're done, make sure you never cry for the same reason again." as hurtful as this might sound, what is gone is gone. you're so unbelievably precious and special, don't let your beautiful heart suffer too much. let some things go, embrace change, as uncomfortable as it might get. i promise, you will only gain strength from it.
i understand that you're getting wary, like every type of news you get makes you nervous. you're scared of things constantly changing, you not having any control over it. you might feel like you got too comfortable before, and are now realizing how difficult it is to deal with changes. but trust me when i tell you, changes are inevitable, and the earlier you practice the acceptance over that, the easier life will get for you.
i can tell you, one day you'll think back to this, and realize the changes were needed. i'm truly wishing you all the best in the world, and hope that your soul will get everything it deserves. you're an immensely strong soul. and not only i am proud of you.. but the universe is too. stay powerful, dear reader 🖤
✧ pile 6 ✧ hangm, 8ofp, queofc&3ofw, moon, 4ofc, 3ofc&5ofp
hi, pile 6 person. i hope you're doing okay.
have you been feeling like things have been very stagnant lately? perhaps your work has been very monotone. you're so hardworking and put so much effort into your craft or career. do you feel worried over it not paying off in the end? are you still waiting for the results, and scared that all the effort will go to waste? are you still waiting for things to finally change for the better?
i understand, that you might've even neglected your social life to an extent, where you're feeling the loneliness now.. it must be hard to feel so isolated and alone sometimes. you put so much of your heart and soul into working on things, that you can easily forget to sit back and let yourself enjoy life a little more. is it always "work hard" but never "play hard" for you? why are you so dissatisfied still? are the results not reflective of the effort you put into your work?
my god, you must be thinking so so much these days. i can just see all the question marks in your head, all these thoughts in your mind just racing.. all the confusion. i wholeheartedly understand how insecure it might be making you. it's actually crazy for me to think you're still so dissatisfied, despite probably being the most hardworking person in your circle. do you ever allow yourself to look back, and not just beat yourself up over how you're never enough, but realize how incredibly ambitious and dilligent you actually are? why do you always see the bad things about yourself so clearly.. but never pat yourself on the back?
you must miss this feeling of someone telling you, you did well. you're doing such a great job.. you must be missing the feeling of just having fun and being happy in the moment. not overthinking about everything all the time. but i will be the one telling you, you're doing so insanely well. and you deserve to be told that all the time, no matter what you might think yourself.. you're amazing.
i know, you're scared to feel guilty if you get back to having more fun in life.. you're worried things will take a turn for the worse. but i can tell you right now, no amount of work is worth sacrificing your happiness and wellbeing for. you're such a beautiful and deserving human being, tell yourself you're doing well, regardless of the results. have patience and trust in the universe working things out for you. i know, practicing patience must be so draining for you at this point. but i can promise you, hard work will never betray you. you can be extremely proud of yourself.
still, i'm asking you to put yourself first. put your health first, put your joy first. the happier you are outside your work-life, the easier it will be for you to not get stressed over everything. allow yourself more rest, allow yourself to socialize more. trust me when i tell you, you will finally get the emotional fulfillment you're craving so bad, if you prioritize your happiness, first and foremost.
i'm so proud of you, dear reader! and i hope you can let yourself have a day filled with fun times today, away from all the responsibilites. remember, you're doing amazing sweetie. *kris jenner voice* 👏🏻🥰
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waywardrose · 4 months
stranger things
eddie munson x reader
rated: teen | word-count: 900
for @theold-ultraviolence
mechanic!eddie, gn!reader, slice of domestic life, complete fluff
Eddie's late getting home. You turn the oven off, yet leave the casserole in to keep it warm. He's never late. He always clocks out at six and is home within fifteen minutes. According to the clock above the sink, it's nearly 6:45. Something is wrong. You eye the phone, debating if you should call the garage. Maybe something last-minute happened.
Like an emergency tow. Or a quick flat-tire fix. Or a gaggle of geese had waddled into one of the bays — again.
He'd called you that first time, laughing and insisting you had to see it. When you'd pulled up, geese were honking and flapping and pooping all over the garage floor. A giggling Eddie crouched behind a station wagon while Wayne rubbed at the seat of his coveralls and Jeff waved a dirty rag at a couple of unimpressed geese. You saved the day by turning on the hose and threatening the gaggle with cold water.
Eddie proclaimed you their knight in shining armor and the slayer of winged beasts. You'd kissed him and told him to bring home dinner. He'd been home at 6:30 with a pizza and a six-pack of Miller.
You walk to the front window and check the street. The old lady down the road sweeps her front porch. Across the way, two kids' bikes lie tangled on the stoop.
Fuck this.
You march to the kitchen phone and dial the garage. The line rings and rings and rings. Wayne and Jeff must've already left for the day. With a sigh, you hang up. If they'd left, Eddie had as well.
For a distraction, you pull the casserole out of the oven. One edge is darker than the others because of the extra cooking time. You pick off the dark bits, flinging them into the sink for later clean-up, and cover the dish in foil to steam it.
That took a whopping five minutes. It's now almost 7:00.
Maybe there'd been an accident. Hopefully, not one Eddie had been in. He had enough trauma for one lifetime. Maybe it's road construction, though you hadn't heard about any…
The front door bangs open. You spin, brandishing the serving spoon. Eddie stands in the doorway, boots grubby and top of his overalls knotted around his lean waist. He raises a stained hand, the other hidden behind his back.
"Where the hell have you been?" you demand as you shake the spoon at him.
"Sorry." He winces and lowers his hand. "I know I should've called."
"Damn straight, you should've called."
"I left work a little late. And, uh, well… I got sidetracked."
That isn't anything new with Eddie. He's a menace when it comes to cleaning alone. He'd volunteer to dust and neaten the living room while you went grocery shopping. When everything was in piles, he'd discover something cool, or something he'd forgotten, and focus on that for the rest of the afternoon. You'd come home to a bigger mess more than once.
He holds out his hand for the spoon.
"Trade ya."
You frown.
"What?" you ask, though you offer the spoon.
His calluses rasp over your skin as he takes it. He sweeps his other hand from behind his back to present a bouquet of orange ditch lilies. He'd used one of his hair-ties to keep the long stems together.
A tightness you hadn't been aware of before uncoils in your chest. Your eyes prickle with unexpected tears.
You whisper, "They're beautiful," and rub a silky petal tip between two fingers.
His voice is rough as he says, "I didn't mean to scare you."
You shake your head and give him a smile.
Silly boy. Sweet, silly boy — the one you fell in love with years ago.
He spreads his arms with a self-deprecating grin and shrug. As if to say he knows he's beyond hope, or useless, or incompetent.
You scoff. "Oh, shut up."
You wrap your arms around him. His old Metallica t-shirt smells like sweat and fresh air. He hugs you tight. The lilies' petals caress your neck, making you shiver.
You pull back enough to look into his warm eyes.
"Thank you for the flowers."
He sways you a little.
"Next time, I'll get you roses."
"Oh? Going to ruin some poor lady's garden?"
"For you? Of course."
You thump your palm on his waist with a delighted laugh. He grins roguishly and moves in to kiss you. Your lips meet, and it's still a spark. You've been burning for him since that first date, that first kiss. Your whole body heats at his touch.
The serving spoon clunks on the floor. His hand presses at your lower back. His lips are as soft as petals and hot like embers. He kisses you harder, deeper. His clever tongue slides against yours.
Urgency like a fever has you pulling him farther into the house. He kicks the front door closed, a grin against your lips. You take the bouquet from him and place it by the sink.
Dinner can wait.
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queenothegeeks · 5 months
Awkward creator Drabble
Awkward creator drabbles part 2 
If you have any ideas for characters you want to see, put it in the comments, or send in an ask. (Warning, this was written before Arlecchinos release, so pls be nice.)
After arriving in Teyvat, you had gotten swarmed with letters asking you (the creator) to come to everything under the sun. Plays, meetings, weddings, requests from all sorts of nobel and rich people, but you always declined. Not only because you knew you would freak out and be awkward, but because you didn’t feel like you would fit into that high-end and stuffy air, where everyone is trying to outdo one another, whether it be with their outfits, their hair, their gold and gems, and their property. But what happens when you get a letter you can’t refuse? 
*Arlecchino edition*
When you got a letter that was sealed with the familiar mark of the Fatui, your heart skipped a beat. Up until now, everything had all been from people you didn’t know, and therefore, in your mind, were not powerful enough or important enough to care about going to meet with them. But Fatui, as you know, was not someone you should ignore. But, instead of a message requesting a fight from Childe or a meeting request from the Tsaritsa herself, it was a mere invitation to a tea party the Knave was holding. 
Deciding to respond, you picked up your quill (you still didnt know how to use it properly), you wrote a letter back to the knave, hoping it sounded professional enough, accepting her invite, and detailing how excited you were, while also asking if there would be any others attending that you should be aware of, and if there was a dress code (god forbid you show up in sweatpants to a formal event). 
A few days later, you got a letter back. It stated that you should “wear whatever felt comfortable” (whatever that means) and that it would be just the two of you, along with a few guards, though they were mostly going to be there for show. Obviously, you took “dress comfortably” as a “you must not have a hair out of place” and panicked slightly, worrying about what to wear. After tearing your closet apart, a mental breakdown or two, and a one way therapy session with a stuffed animal a random kid had given you, you set out.
 (Imagine whatever outfit you want, bc i want to remain gn and be comfortable for everyone) 
When you arrived, your jaw hit the floor. “A simple gathering” my foot! You suddenly felt very self conscious, picking at your outfit and nails, feeling out of place. You were led in by a masked guard, who brought you to a room with 2 massive couches, and more food than you could reasonably eat on a table in between them.
“The knave will be here shortly. She thanks you in advance for your patience, she is merely checking the perimeter of the building. Enjoy your tea party” 
They said, quickly leaving the room, presumably to return to their place guarding the building. 
“Thanks, you too!”
Realizing what you said, you were suddenly very glad they left as fast as they did. After waiting for a little while, Arlecchino walked in, not a hair out of place, walking with purpose.
“Thank you for waiting for your grace. I had some…issues that needed to be taken care of.”
“It's not a problem at all!” 
You quickly interjected.
“Pardon my question, but was there a specific reason you wished to meet with me?”
“Do I need a reason to speak with the creator, and thank them for all they have done for this world? Or a reason to hopefully make an alliance?” She said,
“Nononono- not at all. It was just because I know back where I’m from, you would use tea time as a way to get important information across. With the prophecy approaching and everything, I was wondering if that's why you called upon me.” 
“You would be correct. I’ll admit, I was a bit surprised you agreed to meet with me, considering you haven’t met with anyone else, no matter how important.”
You tensed a bit, not liking her tone. It wasn’t threatening, but it seemed like she knew more about you than the fact you hadn’t met with other people. Wait a minute…how did she know that?
“How did you know that?”
“Know what?”
“You said I haven't met anyone else. You aren’t wrong, I haven’t. But the public doesn’t know that. In fact, one glance at any newspaper, and it's boasting about how “the creator themself was there”.  
You started to ramble, your brain not worrying about being high end or fancy. The only thing on your mind was piecing together the information, just like how you would whenever a new genshin trailer or quest would come out. 
“The only way you would have the truth would be if you were hella good at catching someone in a lie or just calling bs, which I know you are, or that you assigned people to watch me, which, using the information I have about you based on stuff from my world, wouldn’t be that far off. The House of the Hearth is very versatile, so it wouldn’t be a stretch to say you could implant your children, and- you're smiling.” 
“I didn’t truly know if you hadn’t met with anyone else. I was mostly seeing if you would reveal any information about these nobel’s if you had, if you were any good at lying that you had or hadn't gone, or, seeing if you would reveal things you knew about me, thereby showing the extent of your knowledge about this world and its people. Now, back to the topic from before, now that I know you are aware of who I am, tell me, what's going to happen to Fontaine, and how do I save it?”
Oh sh*t. 
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chibieggplant · 5 months
Doodles ~ Part 2
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Trafalgar Law soulmate au | Imagine a magical connection between you and your soulmate, where everything you write on your arm appears on your soulmate's arm, too.
Part 2/3 | Part One | Part Three
Law sighed in relief. After all those chaotic shenanigans, he was glad that the day was almost over. He was exhausted as he walked back towards his temporary room aboard the Sunny. He'd spend some time alone and relax before bed; as long as he kept himself occupied he'd be fine...right? Well, that's what Law had hoped. But unfortunately, now he was alone with his thoughts. As he glanced at his arm for what had to have been the 20th time today? No, it had probably been more times than that, he lost count…he couldn't help but continue to think of his soulmate. Or rather lack of. Every time he thought he was making progress, his mind wandered off again. He was trying so hard to avoid thinking about them, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.
Now lying in bed, it was silent and dark. He was tossing and turning. Once again, he couldn't seem to fall asleep. Nothing foreign to Law. Maybe it was because it was too quiet? He missed the droning hum of the Polar Tang. He let out a sigh and desperately attempted to get some sleep. It was too quiet…and still not a single damn doodle from his soulmate...
Every time he shut his eyes, a wave of frustration, loneliness, and sadness came over him. It was such a strange thing to get worked up about, he shouldn't have to care this much. After all, it’s not like he ever wrote back. Still, for some reason, his mind was starting to wander, he could feel all of his pent-up emotions wanting to overflow. Combined with the added stress of the upcoming mission and being away from his crew, was he finally losing his mind?
Law agitated and restless turned on his back and stared into darkness before getting up to walk around the room. He was just too restless and it was starting to drive him crazy. Walking around made things worse. There was this odd feeling in his chest, which only grew exponentially once he became aware of it. It was a deep, dark sense of loneliness. It felt like a heavy weight. The longer Law continued to walk around the worse the feeling grew. Air…he would go outside and get some fresh air to clear his head and hopefully calm his mind.
The cool night breeze instantly hit his face when he stepped outside onto the deck. The air was clear, the night was dim but star-studded. The quiet of the night was soothing. He stood there, looking out, silently admiring the view. It was a perfect, calming night. A contrast to his thoughts that were anything but calm. He glanced at his arm again…nothing. His eyebrows furrowed. “Where are you?”
Maybe he was just a little bit stressed. He shook off that notion, he had been through far more stressful situations. So what if he didn’t hear from his soulmate right now? He wasn’t fit for a soulmate anyway. Law could feel the stress slowly beginning to wane just a little bit. So he had not heard from his soulmate in a few days, so what? He didn’t need their reassurance. He was not weak, he had endured much worse things in his life. He was being irrational and overly emotional. He would get through this. He was confident he was handling all of this much more maturely than he should. So what if his soulmate didn't write to him? So what? He didn't even need their affection.
He let out another breath. So what? He could endure this. He was fine. A few days was nothing. He was being silly. He was strong. So he didn't hear from his soulmate, who cares? It was probably for the best that they didn't write. Law was completely okay. In fact, he was downright happy about the matter! He was fine, better than fine, he was damn near delighted. He did not need his soulmate's validation! He did not need anything. He was self-sufficient.
Law kept standing there, staring out at the ocean, continuing to reassure himself. His mindset was a complete mess, and he was having a hard time figuring out his feelings. He knew he was lying to himself; he knew he was unhappy, deep down. But he didn't want to think about it. So he continued to convince himself that he was content with this. The fact that his soulmate hadn't written back didn't even bother him. He was fine with it, he was more than fine. He did not need them.
The silence of the night continued to press on, the calming air did nothing to stop the thoughts that were eating away at him. Law's eyes narrowed, he was not fine. He was being a fool. The fact that his soulmate hadn't written to him in these last few days did bother him. He was just too stubborn to admit the truth. He wasn't self-sufficient at all. He needed something. He needed...“God dammit just draw a stupid bear or something!” he stared at his arm as if his soulmate could hear his words as if it wasn’t the middle of the night and they weren’t asleep right now.
Law clenched his fist, he was irritated at himself. He was feeling a whole wave of emotions, he almost wanted to punch this railing. Everything was too confusing, his mind was such a jumbled mess. Law was so frustrated. Why was he so bothered by something so silly? Why did he even miss those silly doodles? Why was he so lonely? Why did he feel so damn empty inside?! “Just a stupid squiggle or…anything” he mumbled to himself.
He sighed as he leaned against the railing, it seemed pointless yelling at his arm. It was his damn fault he didn't hear from his soulmate. He didn't reply to them, after all. Was he really surprised? But that didn't make any difference. He was still angry, frustrated, and empty. He just wanted to see something, anything from his soulmate. Any stupid doodle would make him feel better, maybe he would feel less alone. He was acting like a complete idiot, and he knew it.
And then, as if by some miracle, as if his soulmate knew he needed them right now, a little drawing of a star slowly appeared on his arm.
Law stared at the small star on his arm. He wasn't sure, maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him. Was his mind really this far gone? Could he have been so desperate to see this that he just imagined this? He rubbed his eyes and looked again, still the small star was there. Law blinked and looked once more. The star was still there before it slowly disappeared.
Did...did that just happen? Law felt the tension he was feeling in his chest loosen a tiny bit as a wave of relief washed over him. He ran his hand over the spot where the doodle had been a second ago. He was filled with a mixture of relief and hope, though the latter he quickly dismissed as silly. His soulmate had drawn a doodle for him. Maybe it meant they didn't hate him for not writing back. He liked to think that. Law let out a sigh and then gave a small smile as another star appeared on his arm.
Law continued to stare as now a second one was appearing right next to it. Two stars. He felt somewhat happy as he ran his fingers over the doodles. Law smiled again, though it was a bit of a dumb smile. He let out a few laughs, he was letting himself get stupidly happy over some insignificant stars. He felt slightly idiotic, but he couldn't help the warm feeling forming in his chest. And with each additional star that appeared next to the one preceding it, Law felt like a happy fool. He was getting so excited over something this ridiculous. He couldn't help but smile. He was now grinning like an idiot, as the stars kept appearing and disappearing from his arm. Law had no idea why his soulmate was drawing these little stars, but he didn't care. He was just glad they were still there. He'd take this over nothing at all.
Law couldn't help but notice that his smile had grown bigger with each doodle that star on his arm. And with every star that appeared, Law's happiness continued to grow. He felt ridiculous, but it was such a simple gesture. The tiny doodles were so unassuming, but they had managed to cheer him up in a way that very few things could.
The cold night breeze caused him to shiver, and he decided it was time to go back inside the ship, hopefully, he could get some sleep now that he felt more at ease. As he left the railing, he couldn't stop looking at his arm. It made him feel less lonely knowing that they were there. Before heading inside his eyes flicked towards the crows nest. He knew you were on watch tonight and a wave of guilt hit him as he remembered his brief conversation with you earlier. Maybe it was the newfound good mood but he felt a need to apologise, you were only trying to be nice to him after all.
As he was climbing the stairs he decided to head to the crows nest instead. Now that he was a bit calmer, he wanted to apologise to you. He was being a dick earlier to you, even if it was unintentional. Before he could reach the crows nest he could see your silhouette looking over the sea. Law was about to open his mouth and announce himself before you spoke first.
“Sanji I told you I can do the night watch on my own just fine” you said without even turning around.
Law froze up for a moment before finding it amusing that you just assumed he was Sanji without even turning around to check who it was. “It’s just me, I was coming over to apologise for being a dick earlier, I know you were only trying to be nice,” he said, as he walked over to you.
You stopped speaking upon noticing Law’s approach. You let out a small laugh, though it seemed more out of surprise than anything else. Your gaze had been stuck on the horizon and your mind was elsewhere seemingly preoccupied with something else. Still, you were at least polite enough to respond even if you didn’t turn to face him. “Oh, you don’t have to apologise but thank you”
Law was amused by your reaction. You were still being friendly towards him, which he was quite happy about despite the awkward moment earlier. He was going to leave his apology at that and leave but decided to check in on you out of curiosity as you seemed to be busy doing something “What are you doing?”
You let out a small sigh in response and pulled your sleeve over your arm as you continued to stare over the horizon. Something was bothering you as the expression on your face was one of slight frustration. At the question you simply muttered, “nothing, don’t worry about it”
Law sighed as well, he could tell there was something wrong. Not just about your response but your overall demeanor, there was a sense of frustration about you. Law also noticed your arm as you pulled your sleeve down. Were you...“Are you drawing? Or writing to your soulmate, perhaps?” Law decided to ask. He was intrigued as he took a step towards you. He could have sworn he saw something written on your arm.
You froze up momentarily and then let out a sigh before turning around to face him. “It’s just a few doodles to pass the time, I don’t know why I’m even drawing them—“ Law’s curiosity peaked even more as he moved even more closer, he didn’t understand why there was so much secrecy behind some simple doodles. You let out another sigh knowing you couldn’t keep it a secret from Law. He’d only keep pestering you about it, so you might as well just explain it to him. Plus it’s not like it was some big secret. You had already previously mentioned to him that your soulmate never wrote back. “I’m... I’m just drawing silly star doodles for my soulmate, not that it matters…”
Law stopped dead in his tracks, what he thought he had heard must have been wrong. There was no way that’s what you had just said, you must’ve misspoken. Law couldn’t move, he felt like all the air was being sucked out of him, and he could barely breathe. “Can you repeat that?” He asked in the most calm and collected tone he could muster right now.
“I sometimes draw stupid doodles in hopes that they might draw one back one day. Not that it matters…I gave up writing messages a long time ago.” you added with a small sigh. Your frustration slowly began to creep back up as you thought about how you never heard back from your soulmate. You were tired of this whole situation, you just wanted to hear from them, even once. Just to know that they even existed.
Law froze up completely, as he started to connect the dots. You were waiting for some sort of follow-up question, but Law was completely dumbstruck. Nothing came to his brain, no words, or even a damn thought. All he could feel was his heart beating in his chest, loud and hard. He struggled to get his next words out. “W-what did you say drawing?” Maybe he was getting ahead of himself. It’s not uncommon for people to doodle things, right?
You tilted your head as you noticed Law freezing up and his struggle to get his words out. “…just some stars?” you asked puzzled, not understanding why Law was making such a big deal over this. But then again, you also wasn’t aware of the full scale of his emotions in this moment. All you knew was that you had mentioned ou were doodling stars and he suddenly started acting like a deer in headlights.
Law could feel his heart pounding violently in his chest, his breathing was uneven. He could feel his entire body was shaking. It all felt so surreal as this realisation sunk in. Was this happening? It felt like the entire world was spinning even though he hadn’t even moved. There was nothing else in his vision besides the two of them. “C-could you draw another one?”
Your eyebrow perked up in confusion by the odd behaviour from Law. Was this some bad joke? Did he think you were drawing something important or something? The way Law continued to stare at you did make it seem as if he was waiting for something. As you thought about this, you thought maybe he was playing a prank or trying to catch you out. Maybe he thought you were hiding something. “Erm sure...I guess?” you mumbled as you went to draw another star.
“C-could you do a bear this time?” Law requested as if he already knew the outcome of this situation. His voice trembling even more so than the mere seconds before. He continued to stare at you as you continued to be confused as to what was happening. He was still frozen in place. Still slightly dazed. The possible realisation was starting to set in but still felt so outlandish.
You let out a slight chuckle in bewilderment at his request. You didn’t mind though, you hadn’t thought of drawing a bear, but it was a simple enough request that you could indulge him in. Without a reply, you began to work on a little bear doodle. A bear was the perfect way to distract you from your frustrated mood as well, something was soothing about drawing cute animals.
Law watched you intensely as you began to draw. As the bear came together it only seemed to push him even further down the path toward a startling realisation. He had seen this bear before. He held his breath as he watched you. His heart beat at an even faster pace, his mouth went dry but he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. The bear doodle was taking shape before his very eyes, and he could feel the world slowly spinning even faster.
Without realising it, you had drawn an identical bear to the bear that Law had seen appear on his arm many times before. As you finished putting down the last few little details of the bear’s mouth, you stopped and took a look at it. You were pleased with the results of your brief doodle. “There” you smiled. However, you looked up and saw Law watching you. He seemed pale and confused. Thinking that you must’ve done something to cause such a dramatic reaction from Law, you moved to see if he was alright. “Hey, are you okay? You look—“ Law cut you off despite struggling to get the words out. He still appeared confused as he tried to explain to you the reason for his reaction. He was trembling more than ever, and he didn’t appear to notice his state as he continued trying to explain.
“T-the bear…” he started as he grabbed your arm. “Th-this stupid bear…you—“ Law looked completely dumbfounded. He struggled to form any coherent thought. He then looked down at his arm despite already knowing what he was going to see. The exact bear doodle from your arm was right there, staring back at him. He looked up to you with even wider eyes, almost as if he was being confronted with the most absurd thing he had ever seen.
Your expression quickly shifted from a mixture of confusion and concern to pure shock and disbelief as you caught on. Your eyes were now just as wide as Law’s as you tried to take in what was happening. The bear doodle was right there. There was no doubt about it. The exact bear doodle was right there on his arm, identical to the one you just drew on your own. Your mouth slowly opened up, as you struggled to form any coherent thought. You simply remained in shock as you continued to look at the bear doodle before it slowly disappeared.
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gatorbites-imagines · 11 months
Kinktober day 31
Boba Fett + Oral fixation
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Finally finishing up kinktober, thank you all for sticking around, hopefully my studies will be less hectic next year.
Kinktober 2023 masterlist.
Boba Fett was a man of action, even now as the ruler of Tatooine, he rarely had much time where he wasn’t doing one thing or another. He may not be running around the galaxy as one of the best bounty hunters out there, but being a ruler still came with many duties.
That was why he enjoyed the days where the sandstorms ran across the desert planet, as no work could be done of those days, and no one would find their way to the palace for an audience. It also meant he got to spend time with you, his lover and companion, his riduur.
You were both busy men, where Boba had retired from bounty hunting, you had not, though you had gone down in time. Nowadays you mainly did it to keep active, and to keep in contact with old allies, or people you owed Boba and you favours, making sure they knew you hadn’t forgotten.
Boba let out a groan as he leaned back against the many pillows you had stacked on your shared bed, both of your armour having been removed a long time ago and placed on their stands near the door. His strong hand ran through your hair where you were settled between his thighs. There was no hurry in what you two were doing, the craving for orgasm wasn’t even weighing on either of you.
There were times you two just needed this after being apart for a while, it made you feel closer in a way. Boba could lay back and flick through different holo-movies he had saved, or holo-novels, stuff that he had had to put off because of his duties. And as he did this, you would lay or kneel comfortably between his thighs, lips wrapped around his cock as it rested heavily on your tongue.
Most times he wouldn’t even be hard, just basking in the comfortable warmth of your mouth as you breathed peacefully, hands resting comfortably on his thick and powerful scarred thighs. At times you would trace the scars on his body, those left by his life as a bounty hunter or from the sarlacc pit.
For a long time, Boba had been self-conscious of those scars, even as you worshipped them with your hungry mouth and tongue and praise fell thick from your lips. He still felt that way at times, but it was less and less these days. Maybe it was old age, or you were just both growing comfortable in the less stressful life you both had stumbled across.
You had always craved things in your mouth, even when you were both young bounty hunters and making names for yourself, back when your relationship was a little more kink based than love. Back then Boba had been your dom and you his sub, and you had followed his rules or been punished. And he had used your need for something in your mouth many times, from his fingers, to his cock, to his blaster, the list went on.
But as you both grew older, especially after you thought he had died to the sarlacc, the old dynamic bled away completely and became fullhearted and deep love. The old roles you played were still used at times, but they only truly came forward in the bedroom. According to your allies you both acted like an old married couple, and truly, you were.
Boba felt you sigh out your nose between his thighs, your form wiggling a bit to get into a more comfortable position. Checking the time, he could see it had been over an hour, and he had worked his way through a good chunk of his novel, so he put his pad away on the side table.
Your awareness bled back into your body little by little as he started petting your hand, his deep rough voice speaking softly to you to get you back into your body. When your eyes met, and Boba could see you were fully aware, he used his careful grip on your hair to pull you off his still soft cock, leading you to crawl up into his arms.
You both fell back against the pillows, pushing a couple of them around to get comfortable as Boba pulls you to his chest, mumbling sweet words in Mando‘a as you laid against him, resting your head against his shoulder.
He kisses the top of your head as he pulls the pad back into his hands, flicking through it to find the series you had both gotten interested in. Something old, from before the clone wars, but it had its charm. After he set it to play, he chuckled softly as you pulled his hand close to your mouth, sucking two of his thick fingers into your mouth. There was nothing lewd about the act, it was just another way you two shared your closeness. He rubbed the fingers across your tongue, before letting them brush the back of your throat before going limp, letting you do as you pleased as the show played at a comfortably low volume. There truly was nothing like snowstorm days.
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seafoamreadings · 12 days
week of september 15th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: it's eclipse week! most of that will happen without too much effort from you or even conscious awareness of it, which is probably going to suit you just fine. what you may be more aware of is the mars-nodal square around the same time. consider getting out of the house a bit, going somewhere for a change of scenery but without feeling too out of your element; the house of a close friend, a favorite place in nature, etc.
taurus: romantic dalliances may turn tumultuous if not actually sour this week, especially if not all has been above board. friendships can also get a little bit, let's say, interesting. use your good will as a defense; a little good karma never hurts. do your best not to act with malicious intent in any matter.
gemini: something puts you in the public eye with this eclipse, or at least under the scrutiny of a supervisor or someone in a similar role. this brings about changes, which hopefully are for the best! if all your action has been in alignment with your best self and highest goals, this goes well. otherwise, perhaps not.
cancerians: any eclipse is a big deal for you as the lunar creature you are. the full moon ones perhaps even more so. this one is in watery pisces, and can have you reconsidering or being forced to change academic pursuits, philosophies, and even deeply held spiritual beliefs. above all, don't try to hide or deny truths. be flexible as new information arises or events occur.
leo: i've said it before and i'll say it again, leos feel eclipses every bit as much as cancerians. you don't get a free pass by not being lunar, because you are the epitome of solar and the eclipse doesn't happen without the sun! this eclipse focuses on your resources, the ones you've shored up for yourself or were born with as well as the ones inherited, married into, or otherwise shared.
virgo: relationships are often a core theme for you due to neptune and saturn both long in your sign. this week it's all amplified and brought to a head by the lunar eclipse in pisces - which of course requires input from the sun in your sign. you don't have to be scared of eclipses, but don't expect things to still be the same after this week.
libra: although the eclipse is not directly involving your sign, the nodes of the moon are along the aries-libra axis. and mars is squaring them from your fellow cardinal sign of cancer. you do not have to act on the urge to Do Something, but you do need to heed it, take note of what it is telling you and how much comes from yourself vs what comes from expectations or fears. actions can come later; this week focus on stillness, patience, and collecting information. the eclipse will churn up plenty of it.
scorpio: as a fixed sign, chaos and volatility may not be your favorite vibe. but mars is in a position such that you can actually manipulate the situation in your favor. for one thing, while most people are uneasy about the unknown because it is scary, it also is full of hope - things might go horribly awry but... they also might go better than you ever dreamed of.
sagittarius: current high mutability is a blessing and a curse. you're so mutable yourself that in many ways it fits. on the other hand, anything you try to make stable and sturdy this time is likely to refuse to cooperate. just be as flexible and flowing as you can.
capricorn: mars in cancer is making many aspects all week, amidst a powerful lunar eclipse period. this creates a tense environment for you and yet that tension can certainly lead to a constructive decision or act (or several). take action, but avoid impulsivity.
aquarius: prominently featured this week are your resources, money, inheritances, and the taboo. this is an important time to see the sacred in the mundane, and even in the profane! be open to positive change even if it seems that things are sort of in shambles. and don't spend any more money, time, or energy than you absolutely critically need to. this is not a time to be doing excessive favors.
pisces: a lunar eclipse in your sign is of course the first order of business. this occurs over your self/others axis, so relationships and your self image and self concept are in the spotlight. or it might feel more like being an ant under a magnifying glass? at any rate, this is not all there is. so get your rest where you can get it. don't skimp on sleep, nutrition, or self care.
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wayfayrr · 9 months
By your side from day one <3
finally set aside some time to finish off wilds turn for being self aware, the smartest one who found a way to get out without breaking your tv and getting the glass shards of screen everywhere. I'll be back on requests and such soon though!! <3
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“Come on [name], you can’t be serious about missing out on plans just to talk to someone you don’t even know is real.”
“You say like I would want to go clubbing tonight either way, besides he’s said he’s just been working up the courage to video call.”
“And you trust that?”
They’ve got enough of a conscious to look a bit ashamed when I look at them, I know they’re worried for me but of all the things to be so worked up about this seems harmless. 
“What if I told you that he was messaging me and telling me to stop talking to you.”
“Can you show me the proof.”
“Well… no. he deleted them immediately afterwards.”
Are they just jealous? This is so unlike them that it’s offputting. I know they can get a little worked up when I get close to other people but accusing my online friend - accusing wild - of threatening them? It’s petty and childish. Are they afraid I’ll replace them or something? 
“Okay, alright. This isn’t going to make me cut him off you know?”
“Reach out when you don’t feel like senselessly trying to cut me off from others. I’ll see you around.”
Hopefully, it’s sooner rather than later, but if they don’t? It’s their own fault they thought they would need to sabotage my other relationships to get closer to me. They even have the audacity to call out after me as I’m leaving, still trying to warn me about him, like they can’t accept I would dare get close to anyone else. Not like it doesn’t feel awful potentially losing a friend like this, but what can I really do?
The trip home seems to pass in a blur, until I’m already collapsed onto my couch with a familiar notif going off on my phone. Opening it proves it is exactly what I expected it to be, a message from him, asking me how my day has gone showing me more care than nearly every other person in my life ever has. Not expecting me to drop everything on a dime for him, even if recently he’s been getting more possessive in his messages like he wants to be serious when I’ve never seen his face. 
- I’ve been decent, met up with a friend. Not much really, you? - 
- Had to do chores for someone I don’t like >:( wanna get away from everything tbh - 
- why not just up and leave? - 
- I mean, it’s not like I haven’t been planning something - 
Seems like the possessive streak has worn off now then, so I don’t have to worry about mentioning friends again. There isn’t even a reason he should be possessive of me though, unless he’s got a secret crush or something. Which I hope he doesn’t, he’s been speaking to me for barely a couple of weeks. 
- You free to call tonight? It’s been a while. - 
- I’m good rn if you are. I’ll just grab my headphones - one sec - 
- :DD perf perf - 
Honestly a call will be nice, I can just zone out for a bit, play some games and chat. It’s the perfect way to destress after everything that happened earlier, I still can’t believe they threw away our friendship over something so small. Maybe I should just block their number and drop them even if they do try and apologise, I don’t really need people like that in my life. 
“So then love, any plans for tonight?”
“I thought you said you were gonna drop calling me that?”
“It’s silly and you didn’t answer my question anyway.”
“Nah not really. I’m just loading up breath of the wild, been a bit since I’ve -”
“Oh shit.”
Has wild been link this whole time, wait - how did he get access to the internet, HOW IS HE SENTIENT?  
He’s just sitting in his hateno house, holding the sheikah slate like a phone and silently, through the switch anyway, talking. The look of horror on his face is gut-wrenching though.
“You - you…”
“Oh - uh - I mean. Come on love it’s not that bad is it? I - I’m not going to hurt you, I swear.”
“I don’t think I want to deal with this right now… I’m sorry I just.”
The look of horror and shame shifted terrifyingly fast when he noticed me moving to turn off the switch, replacing itself with fear and anger before he steeled himself, and presses his hand against the slate’s screen?
He - he’s reached through my phone to grab onto my wrist. 
“No, don’t turn me off, I can’t go back to being just a voice. Please”
“How… how are you DOING THIS?”
“That… Isn’t what matters right now.”
His grip feels so nervous, he looks it too - which makes sense, I would probably be petrified if I lost my body just because I was trapped in a game. I can’t turn him off that would be cruel… he deserves better than that. 
It instantly lightened as I moved to sit back down, a sigh of relief echoing through both my tv speakers and my phone, as he let go the second I sat with his hand retreating through my unbroken phone. 
“Okay, you promise you won’t try to turn me off?”
“I won’t if you’ll explain.”
“That - that’s fair, I can do that for you love and - if I told you that I think I’ve figured out a way to get out? Would you let me live with you?”
“So that’s why you were so forward abou- yes you can. When you’ve explained everything. And made it certain you’re not planning to kill me because you’re scared of me sending you back.”
The reverb’s stopped now, which makes talking a lot more pleasant and less like he’s trying to intimidate me now, not that I blame him for it if I was about to condemn him back to that hellscape. I just, I really hope he isn’t trying to get out just to kill me, I don’t think I would ever be able to get over my childhood crush wanting to kill me even if he has every right to want that.
“What- No no I don’t - why - why would you think I would ever want to even hurt you let alone KILL. I - love I. I love you. That’s why I’m doing all of this - I - I.”
He’s crying. I should’ve known that he wouldn’t do anything like that - it’s within his right to - but he’s link, he’s the hero, the protagonist who was stuck to my side through it all. I know I shouldn’t have said that it wasn’t meant to be cruel but it was careless enough to hurt him. 
“I’m sorry, I came on to strong, you - you have every right to be scared of me. I promise though love I - I will never hurt you ever.”
“I know… I just panicked. You can explain now I won’t overreact again I swear. Or if you’d prefer -”
“If I would prefer..?”
“Why not get out first, then explain?”
Lighting up a firework in my face would have been less blinding than his smile in that moment, it’s such a sweet smile - a genuine one too. Meaning that I said the right thing, that I’m doing the right thing by giving him this chance. 
Hopefully, I won’t regret it.
“Really? You’ll let me do that?”
“I think it’s a good idea, it’ll be easier to talk to you as well. Just - how are you going to go this?”
“Um, oh, well uh, I think I could possibly make your switch into a mock version of a warp medallion? Then link my slate to it and just well”
“That makes sense, you can go ahead then, shouldn’t take long right?”
“No, no it won’t.”
A couple of seconds was all the wait it needed for him to stumble out of the blue lights and right onto me, clearly disorientated by the shift into reality. Probably not as bad as any of the 2d links would have struggled to be fair to him. It was an even shorter wait for him to jump onto me and cling even tighter than a koala could ever hope to, nuzzling up against my neck like it’s the only - because - it’s the only real touch he’s ever felt. 
“So you want to explain then?”
“Could we wait? That took much more effort than I thought. I just want to rest a bit if that’s alright.”
“As soon as you’re rested enough to. You going to sleep for a bit then?”
“No I still want to talk, just about something less taxing?”
Seems like he’s more dodging the topic than anything, which is fine I can get him to talk about it later, there really isn’t a rush for anything. It’s fine. Besides he’s like an excited kid that’s staying up way past his bedtime right now, where’s the harm in staying like this for a bit?
“Mind if I ask why you’re so determined to call me ‘love’ then?” 
“Because you’re everything to me, my light, my love, my life - you’ve been with me through everything. From when I woke to killing ganon and you didn’t abandon me there. You’ve shown me your favourite cities, stuck with me when you had the choice to choose others because you said I am you favourite, so really? How could I not love you?”
“You were aware even in Mariokart?” 
His giggle is sweet, he’s so charming right now, especially with how unaware of it he is. It’s so earnest and unfiltered, just so raw, I could go the rest of my life with that being the only thing I ever hear again. Compared to how he acted in cutscenes as well? He’s happy. Tired but happy.
“Oh before I forget, You should be expecting a delivery actually!”
“I’ve been wanting to get out of the game for a while so I ordered some things to try make myself more appealing to you.”
“Like what? Link you didn't need to do anything like that.”
He just shrugged, seems like I won’t be getting an answer to that till whatever arrives whenever it does. Seems he really wasn’t lying about being tired though, he’s already starting to fall asleep laying against me like this. Thankfully he’s light enough to move to a more comfortable position, although theres nothing I can do about how tightly he’s holding me and truthfully? There’s nothing I want to do about it.
“Y’know I think I could get used to this.”
“Yo’ will I pr’mise, I’ll make you addicted to m’.”
“Well that isn’t ominous at all… and you’re already asleep.” 
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rascal-xo · 1 year
Hi ! I hope you’re doing well, I wanted to request the 141 & perhaps Los Vaqueros (I am a sucker for Ale) with y/n (preferably for her to also be in the military with these fine men) whose ex boyfriend ends up recently joining either the military or tags along a mission (I would love if their rank was below the 141/los vaqueros just to see how they would react, not intimated by the ex but more like cocky because they know they are better than them). Also maybe add a bit of NSFW… (pls & thank you). I’m sorry if it seems too specific or detailed but this plot has been nagging at my brain and I love the way you write so I was like okay, I know who can write this perfectly ! I appreciate you taking the time to read my request ! Have a good one !
Loose Ends | Alejandro x Female Reader |
Chapter Summary: You find self face to face with a toxic part of your past…
Warnings: Angst, violence, language, fluff, some minor smut |READERS CALLSIGN IS “RED”|
Word Count:
Tags: @satorisgirl
A/N: Ahh sorry it took so long but it’s finally here! I hoped you enjoyed the fic :))
——> Some stuff is not canonically accurate to MW2 or CoD in general
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“Alright, gather around!” Price calls out to the team, There’s maps and documents sprawled over the top of the table where you and the rest of the team stand around it. “We’ve got one hour until we’re back out in the field, thanks to our lovely General Shepard, we’ve got our work cut out for us.” He says, with a hint sarcasm on his tongue.
You exchange a knowing glance with Soap, both of you aware of the tension between the Task Force and Shepard.
“We’re joining forces with Los Vaqueros for this one,” Price continues. “As you know, we’ve been tracking Hassan in the city for weeks now, and we’ve been tasked with assisting them in finally taking him down.”
The 141 and Alejandro’s men were hand in hand the past few weeks hunting down Hassan and the rouge missiles.
In the few times you had the pleasure of working with Colonel Vargas and his men, you always enjoyed it a little more than you liked to admit. You look over at Colonel Vargas, and he meets your gaze, nodding a smile.
But then, Price's voice interrupts your thoughts. "Another one of our company contacts will be joining us on this mission. They’ll be leading behind the operation alongside Colonel Vargas."
You feel your stomach drop as Price gestures towards the door. The man walks in question walks in, and you immediately recognize him as Phillip Graves, your old commander and ex boyfriend.
You had worked with the Commander side by side for 3 years, when you were recruited for the Shadow Company by Shepard.
The last time you saw him was when you announced your decision to leave. You had a huge fight, and things ended on a more than sour note. Hitting closer than personal between you and Phillip. You never expected to see him again so soon, especially not on a mission like this.
“Commander Graves, good to have you and the Shadows here.” Price greets him. The rest of the team seems oblivious to the history between you and Dom, but you can't help but feel awkward and uncomfortable.
You try to make a quick exit as soon as the briefing comes to an end, but Graves catches up to you, “Hey, Red, it’s been a while.”
You turn to face him, trying to keep a calm demeanor, “Not long enough, unfortunately.” You say before you have time to really think it through.
The commander smirks, “Don’t worry, Y/N, I’m just here to do my job.” He pauses, looking you up and down. “Hopefully you won’t be too distracted.”
You internally roll your eyes and walk away, not wanting to engage in any more conversation than you have to with him.
As you gear up and head to the chopper, you can feel the weight of the mission and the added tension of the Shadows presence weighing on you.
“What’s got you quiet, Roja?” Alejandro says, leaning closer to you.
“Just thinking.” You answer, “Don’t have much time to do that in peace lately.” You chuckle.
“Say I’ll buy you a drink once we make it out of this shitstorm alive, huh?” He raises an eyebrow.
“I’d like that.” You smile.
Once you're on the ground, you and the rest of the team move quickly, working alongside Los Vaqueros to track down Hassan's whereabouts.
The mission is intense, with gunfire ringing out and explosions rocking the city. Despite the chaos around you, you stay focused, your training and instincts kicking in as you move with precision and purpose.
It's only when you and Graves are alone, working together to take down a group of insurgents, that things begin to take a turn.
You look over at him, out of breath from taking a hard blow to the ribs, taking in his features. He looks older, more weathered than you last saw him. But he’s still annoyingly good at his job.
“Not like you to take hits.” Graves suddenly says, breaking the silence between you two, once the coast is clear. You two are alone in one of the emptied buildings, awaiting clearance to evac.
Like you’re perfect.” You reply, trying to keep your annoyance at ease.
Graves smirks, “I never said I was perfect, just better than most.”
You roll your eyes, “Is that what you tell yourself to sleep at night?”
He chuckles, “No, that’s what you used to tell me.”
You feel a pang of memories hit you, remembering the times when you and Phillip were together, laughing and messing around during your downtime. But the memory is quickly replaced by the bitterness of the person he’s become, or was all along.
“So, this is what you left our unit for, coverts?” He says, leaning against a broken door. His demeanor suddenly shifts, and you feel the hostility radiating off of him.
“That’s one less person you can have at your disposal for good old Shepard.” You scoff, meeting his dark expression.
“You know, Y/N, you always did have a problem with authority. It's no surprise you didn't last long with the Shadows.” You feel your blood boiling.
"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" you snap. Graves takes a step towards you, his voice lowering dangerously, “Watch it. Don’t wanna start anything you can’t finish, Soldier.”
Before things can escalate any further, Alejandro suddenly appears comes through the doorway, pausing in his steps when he takes in the tense atmosphere between you and Graves.
Without hesitating, Alejandro strides forward, stepping between you and Graves.
"Graves," Alejandro says, his voice low and controlled. "You need to back off of the Sergeant. Now."
Graves sneers, "What, you gonna protect your little girlfriend?"
Alejandro's fists clench, but he remains composed. "I'm not playing games, Cabrón. Back off."
Graves takes a step forward, his face contorting with anger. "You don't know what you're getting into, Vargas. This has nothing to do with you."
"It has everything to do with me when you're threatening a member of my team," Alejandro says, his voice sharp. "If you can't handle working with Y/N, then you can leave."
Graves looks like he's about to say something else, but the sound of the C-130’s engines outside interrupts him. "Don’t butt in where you don’t belong, Vargas." Graves says through gritted teeth, before turning and stalking out of the room.
You take this as an opportunity to brush past Phillip as you move towards Alejandro.
You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding as he turns to you, concern etched on his face. "You okay, Roja?"
“Yes i’m okay. We just have a long past.” You exhale, fixing your red bandana that seems to have slipped a little from your forehead.
“Let’s get out of here.” You say, relieved to finally have an excuse to get away from Graves.
Alejandro nods, and the two of you head out of the building together. Once you're outside, the weight of the mission and Graves' presence finally lifts off your shoulders.
“I need a drink.” You say, trying to lighten the mood as you head towards the evac.
Alejandro chuckles, “I remember promising you one earlier.”
You smile, “Lead the way, Colonel.”
As you make your way back to base, the two of you decide to leave the the post-mission bar celebration earlier than the rest of the team, and you decide to go back to your quarters, which Alejandro happily obliges to.
As you walk through the quiet halls, you can feel the heat and electricity between you and Alejandro, and you know that you're not the only one who's been thinking about it.
Finally, when you reach your door, he turns to face you, his eyes meeting yours in a way that makes your heart race. Granted you too are reaching tipsy at this point.
“Y/N…” He says, his voice low and husky.
Before he can finish, you reach up and pull him down to meet your lips in a heated kiss. The passion between you is electric, and you can feel the heat building as you explore each other's mouths.
As the kiss deepens, you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer as he presses you against the wall. The world around you fades away as you lose yourself in the heat of the moment
Eventually, you pull away, both of you gasping for breath. You look up at Alejandro, seeing the desire and intensity in his eyes.
The moment you enter the room, he presses you against the wall once again, his mouth claiming yours as his hands roam over your body.
You feel the heat building between you, the need for each other growing with each passing second. Without breaking the kiss, Alejandro begins to tug at your clothes, revealing more and more of your skin.
Soon you're standing there in nothing but your underwear, your body flushed with desire. Alejandro steps back to admire the sight before him.
You reach down to palm him through his pants, eliciting a low groan from his lips. He breaks the kiss to look at you, his eyes dark with desire.
His hands slide down to your panties, tugging them down your legs and throwing them aside.
With one swift movement, he lifts you up and carries you to the bed, laying you down gently before climbing on top of you.
Your bodies are a tangle of limbs and heat, desire and passion taking over.
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arandomperson5647 · 1 year
Encanto info from Jared Bush's Q&As
This is a little place where you can find (hopefully) a lot of info Jared has said in his Q&As. This is if you wanna check smth and don't wanna go on a hunt to confirm it since it's been so long. Idk if I got everything, I highly doubt I did, so if you have a piece of info I don't have and have a link to it, I can edit it on. Ngl I'm also kinda doing this for myself cuz I was curious to know everything he's told us. I'll mostly summarize the answer so it isn't longer than it needs to be, but I'll also copy+paste if I'm too lazy.
The info here kinda varies from interesting, to obvious stuff, to potentially pointless but really any of it can be used to do whatever.
Some of the answers he provided aren't concrete solid ("I think __ would happen", "I always thought ___", etc), so take this all with a grain of salt. I'll try to phrase the uncertain ones differently so you know they're not 100% (probably, possibly, might, etc). If the answer he gives is completely up to interpretation, then I won't include it. Some might be repeated cuz I don't feel like looking back to see if he answered the same question twice.
Just to warn you guys before you click "keep reading", this is a LONG post, so if you don't want it fill up your page, don't click it unless you really wanna read everything.
Antonio's Birthday Q&A #2 (5/21/23)
Canon universe:
Dolores never truly believed Bruno was still around. She heard stuff, but everyone told her he was gone, so she thought she was imagining things. "I knew he never left" was her way of saying "I shouldn't have doubted myself."
Antonio was a shy kid and animals are were easier for him to make friends with.
The potteries in Bruno's room were because it was fairly public for people who want visions, so they're probably a nod to that.
When Pedro went to the attackers when he died, he was planning to reason with them.
Luisa's associated with donkeys because they’re beasts of burden and that’s how everyone treated her.
Mirabel has her embroidery because she loves her family, but potentially also because she subconsciously want to make sure the villagers know despite having no gift she is every bit a Madrigal.
Isabela might potentially secretly like Pepa's chaos.
Julieta's really good at hiding her feelings about the pressure of being the town's healer, but she's also a naturally strong person.
There's a reason why Bruno's single but Jared didn't tell us.
Bruno's favorite food is Ajiaco, but potentially also big butt ants.
Julieta probably noticed Mirabel wasn't in the pic at Antonio's ceremony immediately after it was taken, but Mirabel had already left by then.
For a while, Bruno's limit for future seeing was until the fall of Castia, but now it's limitless.
Alma didn't necessarily approve of Agustín at first because he wasn't overly spectacular or confident.
Mirabel and Camilo got along well when they were young, but after Mirabel's ceremony, Camilo felt more pressure to perform and show off.
Even before his gift, Bruno probably worried and wondered about the future, which is what caused his gift.
The Madrigals mostly assumed Bruno had somehow left the Encanto after his disappearance.
The birth of the miracle happened near the turn of the 20th century, and Antonio's ceremony was 50 years later.
The 5th birthdays for the Madrigals is the big one. The others are "regular".
Camilo often annoys Isabela for fun and also because he's a bit envious of her. They're kinda opposite, perfect vs a clown.
The post-movie relationship between Mirabel and Isabela is probably mischevious.
Bruno probably already was breaking from pressure when Isabela was only in single digits.
Alma was loving to all her grandchildren, but sometimes it felt conditional due to her expectations. She wasn't self-aware enough to realize.
Félix can play the tiple, but not shown in the film.
Agustín and Félix probably wore their respective colors before marrying their respective wives. Their colors are also a nod to regionality.
Alma might've seen cracks before Mirabel saw them at Antonio's ceremony (not at the moment tho), giving her a reason to actually believe Mirabel and pray to Pedro.
Based off the book "Mystery in the Rainforest", Dolores and Mariano are engaged and planning a wedding soon.
There is a school in the Encanto, but since it's closed off and was formed in the beginning of the 20th century, new info would cease.
Pedro might've been the one to know sewing and embroidery. He taught it to Alma, who taught Julieta and Mirabel. She probably taught others but Mirabel did it the most.
Bruno's door might've started glowing again during his vision in Antonio's room because Mirabel is making him feel included in the family (and therefore Casita) again.
The Madrigals do have friends groups, just not shown.
Camilo's gift can be tiring. Like an actor playing their part.
Mirabel probably would've had a negative or even traumatic impact from the fall of Castia, mostly due to a near death experience.
The Madrigals have never tested their gifts beyond the Encanto, so it's still a mystery on what happens.
Antonio probably can talk to animals from different countries, not just Colombia.
Camilo sometimes tries to impress everyone with his gift.
Mirabel's birthday became "stressful" ever since her 5th.
Isabela would probably help Antonio decorate his room with crazy plants.
Behind the scenes:
5/21 is Afro-Colombian Day, which is why that's Antonio's bday.
There used to be a deleted scene of Mirabel getting grounded by Casita.
The Guzmans originally had the same number of family members as the Madrigals, and each member was like a doppelgänger of each gifted Madrigal child, except Mirabel, who was represented in the Guzman family by a goat.
There used to be a scene where Camilo's gift goes haywire at night or smth (can't figure out the full pic for this one).
Writers considered early on that Mirabel would want to leave, but they decided that from a character and cultural perspective, leaving her family would have been the absolute worst thing she could imagine.
It's never been established how long the ceremony doors appear before the ceremony, but 9 months has been considered.
Early versions would show that Alma had strict parents. It may or may not be true now, but it would make sense.
Mirabel used to have a gap in her teeth to show her quirkiness, but was removed because they wanted to show it in other ways.
Encanto Disney+ Hollywood Bowl Q&A (12/28/22)
Cannon universe:
Emotions can sometimes affect Bruno's visions.
Camilo often helped take care of babies even before Antonio's birth. He was just naturally good with them.
The stairs in Bruno's room probably grew as he became more distanced, so they probably lessened when Casita came back.
Luisa's favorite sister is probably Mirabel.
Camilo would probably sometimes be happy that Isabela found her true self, while also a bit jealous. It depends on the moment.
The Madrigals' reaction to someone entering the Encanto would probably be chaotic.
As a way to protect them, Alma was always a little strict on her family.
Julieta and Agustín often worried how Mirabel was doing, especially for Antonio's ceremony.
Alma tried to show she loved Mirabel in her own way after her ceremony and before the movie.
Camilo's experience being the only boy in the house for a while was...interesting. Not the easiest.
Pepa and Dolores' gifts have caused some difficulties between the two.
Especially post-movie, Bruno, Agustín and Félix would be a ridiculous trio.
The candle is now gone, but a new miracle took its place.
Félix and Mirabel have a good relationship, especially post-movie.
Isabela's 5th birthday was the first gift ceremony for the grandchildren.
Bruno was probably superstitious before moving in the walls.
Before the house fell, Alma probably wouldn't like Dolores marrying Mariano. After, she'd accept it.
The other Madrigals might have hidden potential in their gifts, much like Isabela did.
The townspeople mostly either put the Madrigals on a high pedestal or see them as equals.
Isa probably had at least one flower she'd intentionally give Mirabel allergies with.
Bruno was probably a bit popular at one point.
Adopted Madrigal kids that were 6+ would probably still get a gift.
Mirabel's near-sighted.
Camilo's probably gotten in trouble for his disguises at times.
Bruno's mostly a rat guy because he's around them the most.
Pepa has a sweet tooth but doesn't let her self have too much due to her weather.
Isabela can grow trees and crops.
There's no definite reason why Isa was the favorite grandchild, but being the eldest didn't help.
When Alma said "the magic is strong, and so are the drinks", she was really trying to get everyone back to the party.
The gifts can tire out the Madrigals if used a lot, sometimes physical pain can occur.
Alma might have siblings, but it's not confirmed.
Behind the scenes:
There used to be a scene of Mirabel getting grounded. Idk if it's the same scene as the previous one mentioned, but the context of the question might suggest otherwise. ("What would've happened to Mirabel if she was found after the dinner?")
There were versions in the end credits of everyone reuniting with Bruno.
There is potential for a Madrigal with OCD, autism, etc, but not yet confirmed.
Triplet's Birthday Q&A (8/17/23)
Cannon universe:
Bruno and the grandkids now watch telenovelas together.
Julieta's favorite food is probably ajiaco.
Mirabel's first word would potentially be "sita" because she loved Casita but couldn't say the full word.
Dolores' room has a lot of soundproofing.
The reason Mirabel seems to interact with Castia the most out of the Madrigals is because she was mostly an outsider, with only Casita to talk to.
Encanto is a hidden place, so simply finding it is near impossible.
There are respected town elders in Encanto, but Alma is considered the founder.
Pedro said something to Alma before he died, potentially in Spanish, but it's not confirmed what.
In terms of personality, Mirabel is the closest to Pedro.
For adoptive kids, Casita may be able to anticipate the arrival of someone new even before the family is consciously aware of it, giving them a new door.
Bruno's a fan of chocolate.
Mirabel loves every color. She has no known favorite.
Julieta got married first between her and Pepa.
Bruno's rats aren't sentient like humans, so Bruno would have to train them to do whatever.
It's possible another Madrigal felt resentment towards Bruno after he left.
Julieta's gift possibly only works with a combo of cooking and giving, but not confirmed.
Bruno learned how to use his gift through practice and invented customs. It was complicated.
Julieta probably needs to know the person's injury before healing it.
The majority of the Madrigals' dominate hands are right. Julieta and Antonio are left handed. Luisa is ambidextrous. It's unsure, but Mirabel is potentially left handed.
Mirabel's favorite food is arepa con queso.
Antonio's favorite snack is nailed rice.
Agustín and Félix have jobs in the town, but not confirmed what.
In a book, it was mentioned that Bruno was the golden child of the family. He probably fell from that position in his late teens.
Agustín's favorite meal from Julieta is chocolate santafereño.
Gifts can possibly be repeated, but not in the same generation.
The refugees/townspeople had brought everything from home they used to start farming when the Encanto formed.
Isabela and Mariano still have a good relationship after the movie. Neither were too wild about the engagement.
The bedrooms can change if their owner wants them to.
The gift ceremonies will now be different without a candle.
Madrigals still do the traditional quinceañera.
The Encanto doesn't have electricity.
Bruno has left the walls a few times for a break.
Isabela will probably keep switching up her outfit now that she can.
Luisa has always felt protective of Mirabel.
Behind the scenes:
Casita used to have shown that it has only 1 bathroom, which was located in the back right corner under Bruno's tower.
There was a deleted scene where Julieta yelled at Alma in front of the entire town after Mirabel went missing.
Julieta is the one singing w/ Mirabel during the "constellations glow/the seasons change in turn" lyric.
There used to be a version of Bruno using water with his vision.
The line said by Mirabel, "Even in our darkest moments there's light where you least expect it" was cut after Lin Manuel Miranda wrote Dos Oruguitas and the emotional thrust of Mirabel’s words needed to evolve to encompass what she’d just learned.
There was a Waiting on a Miracle reprise that was cut because they felt they didn't need it.
The concept of a new door appearing was considered to start with the doorknob.
No one intervened during Alma and Mirabel's argument because the writers felt that it was Mirabel's moment to shine.
VERY early on, Bruno (then known as Oscar) was Mirabel's estranged cousin.
Indestructibility was a gift they wanted to use. It was actually Pepa's original gift.
Dolores' Birthday Q&A (8/31/22)
Cannon universe:
People in Isabela's position wouldn't really have the chance to have authentic relationships because they're hiding their true self. This could potentially apply to Isa herself.
Before Mirabel's ceremony, her family was excited for her. After, the family’s ability to see Mirabel clearly was too obscured by their unhealthy dynamics but were probably unaware of that until Mirabel brought it to light.
Bruno's oversized clothing was by personal preference, potentially because of his awkward nature.
Before Isabela showed up in Bruno's vision, another person was there, who is possibly a young Alma. While not confirmed, it is implied in Jared's answer.
Félix and Agustín already had gifts, just not in a way that others could see.
Isabela lets herself break the rules, so while not confirmed, it's possible she could recreate mythical plants.
The town probably functions like a combination of where everyone came from.
The triplets used to have little meetings in Bruno's room when they were little.
Behind the scenes:
There used to be a scene where Bruno revealed he had a secret elevator in his room.
Agustín's Birthday Q&A (6/19/22)
Cannon universe:
Part of what fuels the miracle is unconditional love. When Mirabel and Isa showed that during What Else can I Do?, it affected the magic.
Julieta often gives people the food they like rather than something random.
For a long time, Isabela was the favorite grandchild for Alma. Before her ceremony, Mirabel was. After Casita's rebuild, many dynamics changed.
Agustín was born in the Encanto, but his family was from a city, so he was raised with the city-vibe.
Luisa's favorite food is bandeja paisa.
Every gift can be affected by emotions in some way.
Casita probably helped Bruno hide, but not confirmed.
If Mirabel and Bruno decided to leave the Encanto after Casita fell, the entire family would've fallen apart.
The only people in the Encanto were the ones who traveled with Alma. They all got there at the same time, no one got in or out.
Behind the scenes:
There used to be an exit for Bruno's wall room behind the family tree, but it wasn't used.
Antonio's Birthday Q&A (5/21/22)
Cannon universe:
Mirabel's canonically 5'2.
Mirabel has good relationships with Pepa and Félix. Félix loves everyone and likes hanging out with pretty much anybody. Pepa is a good tia, she’s just very emotional, but for most of the movie (and her life before) felt she had to bottle her emotions which only made them worse.
Bruno probably doesn't need the sand for visions, but as time went on he added his own superstitions.
The color of the magic in the end changed. It wasn't the color of the candle anymore, but the colors of Mirabel. What that means? No one knows.
Bruno "felt" his vision cave collapsing and investigated. That's how he knew it was destroyed.
Camilo couldn't really hold a form forever because of how tiring it could be.
Mirabel did have a quinceañera.
Casita has a mind of its own with its own emotions. Sometimes it could play pranks on the Madrigals or be too upset to move anything.
Behind the scenes:
Earlier versions had a negative dynamic between Mirabel and Camilo.
The gifts are based off family archetypes. Antonio is a shy kid but opens up to animals.
Random Q&A (3/19/22)
Cannon universe:
The main reason for Mirabel and Isa's falling out was because they couldn’t see the difficulties the other was experiencing, because they were fixated on their own struggles. They were probably closer when they were younger.
Despite being shy, Antonio does have friends in the town.
Due to the triplets' bday being the same day as Pedro's death, it's a mixed day.
Pepa can try to stop natural disasters, but doesn't usually succeed.
Mirabel would sometimes have sleepovers with her sisters when they were younger. There was a deleted scene showing it.
The pink cloud scene in Surface Pressure represents the stuff Luisa wanted to do without the pressure.
Behind the scenes:
Tbh there wasn't any answers that could qualify as behind the scenes sooo... 🤷
Stuff that didn't come from Q&As but is still good info
Madrigal Birthdays (I'm not doing a link for each, just take my word for it lol):
Félix: November 11 (11/11)
Julieta, Pepa, Bruno: October 17 (10/17)
Agustín: June 19 (6/19)
Isabela: August 7 (8/7)
Dolores: August 31 (8/31)
Luisa: November 14 (11/14)
Camilo: December 28 (12/28)
Mirabel: March 6 (3/6)
Antonio: May 21 (5/21)
Madrigal ages:
Alma: 75
Julieta, Pepa, Bruno: 50
Isabela: 21
Dolores: 21
Luisa: 19
Camilo: 15
Mirabel: 15
Antonio: 5
I don't believe the husbands' ages are confirmed, but Félix is confirmed to be a little older than the triplets, while Agustín is a little younger than the triplets.
Julieta is the oldest of the triplets, Pepa in the middle, and Bruno is the baby.
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moonshynecybin · 6 months
YAYYYY okay so. for dani and jorge it HAS to be after one of the most intense races of their lives. don’t ask me which I DO NOT KNOW ! i’ll leave it up to you to decide if one fits specifically but it was CRUCIALLY a knockdown drag out fucking fight. high effort. satisfying. one millionnnnn overtakes. and eventually they BOTH podium, and the race was so bananas —kinetic and tense and somewhere HOT— that they feel like the blood in their veins is legitimately made of GASOLINE— and they HATE each other at this point, but on days like this the space between them is also filled with this like. singular electricity that makes them feel like NOTHING else. the emotional release of a hard won battle… all of those endorphins panting shiny with sweat sticky with champagne… critical awareness of where the other is at all times, leftover from the track… and then they DO decide to shake hands on the podium and there’s. a moment. a spark. something a bit different than static electricity, but not far off. and they don’t think anything of it until after the race, when dani is about to get whisked away by honda to debrief— and jorge shouldn’t even notice when dani walks away but he DOES, he can FEEL it, and something prickles and begins to TEAR. jorge feels some deep instinctual part of himself seize up with panic, and theres a shout from dani’s direction and suddenly jorge’s body is moving without his permission and he’s got dani’s face in his hands and big brown eyes are looking up at him and they are fucking ANGRY. and it’s then that he knows something is very very veryyyyy wrong.
and off they go to the motogp doctors™️ ! who are like. yep! you’re cursed ! (magic ass universe where looney tunes shit like this occasionally happens to riders who ride the edge of rivalry a little too hard. rosquez have gods biggest storm coming for them in a few years.) so you have to stay as physically close as possible to each other for a couple of months!! it’ll hopefully pass. these curses don’t effect in track stuff really so you’re are both cleared to ride 🤗👍 and PEDRENZO are both like. you have to be FUCKING kidding me. dani sitting there picking at his fingernails COMPLETELY shut down and jorge just posture tight frown dialed to ELEVEN tiny little stormcloud over their heads :) and they’re holding hands because it’s the only way they don’t feel like live ants are under their skin :) THEN the doctor is like. and you guys should probably share a bed :)
and it’s rough at the beginning! they are both VERY stubborn and while dani remains the people’s princess i think when he was younger he had the capacity to just. shut the fuck down when he was pissed. close off. and jorge is NOT shy about how uncomfortable he is about the whole thing so he’s dialed the cuntress factor allll the way up. and there’s no quick fix! it’s just time! and dani is also SELF ADMITTED !!! not a patient person. SO i IMAGINE sitting next to jorge in bed and imagining himself attempting to suffocate in his most evilest of enemy’s tits is FUN but is also not a SOLUTION. action oriented guy methinks. loves solving a problem hates when the only solution is WAIT. so it ends up being this escalating arms race of belligerent horny tension where they’re literally living in each other’s pockets holding hands touching ankles sleeping in the same bed and being TORTUROUSLY aware of the other’s body the ENTIRE time. every SLIVER of skin contact i feels like a brand. passing dani in the kitchen reaching for cereal and jorge brushes a hand on dani’s waist to lean and he feels CRAZY. INSANE. that kind of stuff. and eventually i think dani (NOT PATIENT !) fucking snaps and just. jumps him. might as well make the fucking lemonade if you have the goddamn lemons !!
the REAL problem os after the curse gets lifted (of course. the second after they fuck.) when they are USED to each other’s presence and have begun to realize how much they COMPLIMENT each other and suspect (creeping at the edges of awareness) that this mighttttt be love. but they know the other was only around for months because they were literally cursed. and now they are free to go back to the status quo. where rivalry is expected. what do they do…
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chaotikanvas · 1 year
Ok, ok, so incoming ramble about the Glamrocks that I keep thinking about under the readmore! 
Disclaimer: I can’t promise too much structure to this since I’m just putting some thoughts down, but hopefully it’s still an enjoyable read or something to think about ghfdkñkjgh
A while ago, when I was first planning my first ever fic for SB (which has been thoroughly planned but not written and I haven’t talked about it here at all but that’s! Beside the point!), I started really wondering how the glitch/virus worked (I will keep referring to it as virus as I think it fits a bit more).
And I was so happy that the DLC seemed to be in line with what I was thinking or at the very least it supports my headcanon in a way!
(And oh gosh this is gonna take setting the scene a bit at first so bear with me)
So, I’d like to make a note first of all, that I’m not entirely convinced Glitchtrap is gone, because the end to the princess quest 3 minigame means Vanessa gets freed from possession (via opening the door). There is not a fight with him as a boss that seems to deactivate or get rid of him once and for all, at least. But what happened to him is entirely guesswork on my part. Also, while the DLC implies very strongly that all the other endings are not canon and more stories Gregory drew himself, there are still elements from those endings that I feel cannot be discarded, and they help understand the story. (The blob does exist after all and that is only discovered in the Burntrap ending, and it is my belief that the friend that has the schematics for the underground mentioned by Gregory must be Vanessa, because Freddy seems to have only vague recollections of the place when Vanessa had him clear the way for her before, and also he is not capable of accessing all areas of even the main pizzaplex)
(Also, I squint a little wondering if they changed their minds on which ending was the true ending because the Burntrap ending is the one that has animated cutscenes and a cgi ending image. I actually like that Princess Quest is the canon ending now, since Vanessa gets to be free, but it does come with some inconsistencies. But anyways!!!)
So taking all of that into account! To me, the way the virus works, and considering that there must be a supernatural element to it due to the existence of Glitchtrap, has to do a lot with it locking away the “consciousness” of the animatronics. Much like in the way Vanessa’s true self was locked away actually! In past games, the animatronics only seemed to act outside of their programming due to possession of some kind, but these specific ones seem to actually have self-awareness. I have no doubt that the way they were programmed influences their personality, but the DLC has really emphasized that they are not actually just limited to their functions. 
They have true intelligence! Not a surprise, since Freddy was clearly self-aware since SB, but I like that it seems to be a confirmation of it being the case in general and not just an exception. And I believe this because there are animatronics that are able to snap out of it after Cassie interacts with them. They do seem to think things are normal like any day in the pizzaplex, at first (Eclipse and Roxy) and it would seem like this means they are not truly sentient, but considering that Sun was aware all this time that things were very wrong, and that Moon would attack Cassie if not rebooted, and that Roxy later awakens, realizes the danger and goes to rescue Cassie from the Mimic, makes it clear to me that their self-awareness is the real deal. 
So not only would the virus have to infiltrate the robot’s systems, but it also would have to fight against the “consciousness” of the animatronics to gain control. While we know the Burntrap ending didn’t happen, I think when we see Burntrap trying to take over Freddy is a good visual representation of what might have happened over a long span to the other animatronics.
Ok, ok so! With all that said (again gfkjh)! I’m getting to the main point of this post, which is that I cannot stop thinking about the little backstory we got for Monty and what might have happened with Bonnie!
The damaged model of Bonnie we find in Ruin makes it clear to me that yes, it must have been Monty the one who destroyed him. The scratch grooves that join with the hole in his chest do match with the marks we have seen on other spots, (I thiiink Monty’s room has them), and we know the claws are the characteristic associated with Monty.
(And here I make a sidenote acknowledging some buts, because I went back to read the SB messages, and according to those, Monty only received the upgraded claws to play the bass, which means Bonnie was already gone by then. One of the messages states clearly that Monty received modifications only after being moved to the position of bassist, when Bonnie was out of commission, so either Monty already had really strong claws or it's a bit of an oversight there, but I digress!)
But! Even with that clear evidence, and here it’s where I admit it’s more speculation on my part, I find it a bit hard to believe Monty, the real Monty, at least, would destroy Bonnie just like that. Which makes me think Monty must have been one of the first, if not THE first of the band being infected with the virus. I think it’s a generally accepted headcanon that the virus alters the glamrocks personalities in a way that some of their main character traits are twisted in a destructive way. 
Now, Monty already clearly existed back when Bonnie was in the band. He had his own (large!) area even though he wasn’t part of the main band. The DJ is large and has his own section too, but he seems confined to it and was bought from outside the plex. And Monty seems to have been able to roam around anyways, so I think that probably means the higher ups were counting on Monty being a main animatronic in the future. (I have to wonder if the whole one man band thing from the backstory was something he did do for a brief time at the start, but admittedly that could have been added just in the cardboards). 
With all this in mind, Monty was probably the newest addition, a newcomer in a place that already had the four main animatronics. Almost known by no one in the public and without an established personality in a franchise he’s never been part of before. One of the messages says Monty could be more popular than Bonnie, after Bonnie’s disappearance, which makes me think he was mostly a side attraction, and nowhere near as known as the main glamrocks. Why mention that he could be more popular if the audience was as aware of him as the band right?
So, I think the main trait programmed for Monty’s personality is ambition. The backstory in his ride seems to hint at that. A young Monty with his own little music business, looking in amazement at the Glamrocks and dreaming of one day reaching their level. It would make sense to have one of the robots have this as their main trait, since kids would relate to the big dreams. And it seems to fit with other main traits from the other Glamrocks: Roxy seems to have been made with self-confidence in mind (winning races and having a beauty salon) which might be for encouraging kids, Chica is obviously all for being chipper and energetic and enjoying food (useful in an entertainment establishment that wants kids to indulge and get their parents to spend their money when they’re having a good time), and Freddy is meant to be nice and fatherly and the approachable gentle main face of the franchise.
(Though I am a bit sad Chica gets pushed aside a bit in regards to explicitly showing what she’s really like)
(As a small parenthesis from all this, I want to say that the Pizzaplexes troubles with the virus (or at least the more worrying behavior of the animatronics) are likely relatively recent before Gregory’s arrival. Could be months or a couple of years, don’t know how much exactly, but the fact that there are old messages all around, how some of those help give Gregory hints to where he can find stuff that is still there, how Bonnie’s Bowling Alley has not been rethemed to get rid of the evidence of his existence, Freddy’s hurt over Bonnie being gone sounding (at least to me) still fresh rather than from that long ago, and the message about the disappearances makes me think it can’t have started a decade ago or something like that)
The Monty “rise to fame” story from the ride establishes that Bonnie “gave” his bass to Monty in order to have him join the band, though that Bonnie cutout is obscured. If they really wanted to make it seem like Monty had retired, why not make a cutout with the most important part of the story clear? They made one with Roxanne styling Monty’s hair! So maybe the plan had been to establish that (in the “in universe” narrative for the animatronics) Bonnie would be the Glamrock that took Monty under his wing and teach him the ropes of being a star? Though probably not with the plans of having him be a Glamrock at all, but maybe appearances with a Glamrock would increase the chances of the new gator attraction succeeding (again, speculation on my part, I know).
Coming back around Monty likely being the newest addition, him still not being established as a popular character would maybe mean that he was an easy target to spread the virus. Way more attention would be paid to the main stars, I think, so I think the probability of him being infected from almost the start is high. And with his main trait being ambition, and Bonnie maybe having been planned to be a sort of pathway to him being more known, it wouldn’t surprise me that by the time the incident happens, the virus has already twisted Monty’s ambition into jealousy and aggression and so he ended up destroying Bonnie that one day. Was Bonnie summoned by Monty? Did Bonnie go to Monty out of his own will because he noticed something was wrong? (which ouch if that was the case. It could very well be even that Vanny noticed that Bonnie noticed something was off and had Monty dispose of Bonnie in order to not have any secrets exposed) Who knows! But this is mostly what I think happened.
And why am I so convinced Monty would not have done this without the virus’ influence? Well… Mostly because of Roxy.
In the main game, Roxy is such a bully. Many of the phrases she says are outright cruel, and at a point where Gregory has done nothing to her yet. But in the DLC we see Roxy as she was meant to be. Encouraging. Lifting a child’s spirits up. Assuring them that they are fantastic how they are. 
We know that Cassie is a lonely child. A bit of an outcast who probably spent a lot of time in the plex while her dad worked. We know that her friends did not show up to her birthday and she treasures Gregory as a friend for being there when she was down. Cassie, seems to me, is the kind of child that would be an easy target for bullying. Insecurities and loneliness seem to be main struggles for her, which is why, if Roxanne was already a bully without the virus, why would she be Cassie’s favorite? Why would she be so nice to this kid that obviously needs the confidence boost Roxanne was made to provide? One of Roxanne’s literal lines in SB towards Gregory is “I bet you don’t even have friends!” Knowing that Roxanne knows this is an issue for Cassie, it seems even more brutal that if she’s in her right mind she would use that as an insult when chasing after Gregory. The Roxanne we see in Ruin is so kind. She is a source of comfort for Cassie, soft spoken, and making sure she feels like number one, instead of being self-obsessed (even if it’s born out of extreme anxiety over her own image). 
So if there is such an extreme change from a virus riddled Roxy, why would Monty’s extremes not be the same? We know not even Freddy is exempt from this sort of change though this one is more evidence from the books (slight not too consequential book spoiler and can’t quote from which book exactly it was, but I remember there was an off handed mention of Glamrock Freddy fighting over a plushie with a kid and then feeling dejected when people got angry at him, so it seems if Freddy was ever truly infected, his change of personality would entail being a spoiled main star?).
And it makes sense! Because Freddy considers all the Glamrocks his friends! We know Chica cares for him, because in the intro to SB she takes a step towards him when he malfunctions. And in the base SB game it looks like Freddy is just in denial about his friends (with the arcade minigolf game even having the famous Freddy in a trashbin course to hint at Monty’s jealousy, which you know could very well a real danger with what happened to Bonnie) (and now that I’m writing that it makes me squint a little at that arcade, since it’s very heavily implied the arcade in Sun and Moon’s room infected them so hmmmmmmm, but I digress), but honestly, seeing Roxy acting how it seems she’s supposed to act right before Cassie turns her off as the final node, really makes me think that the true selves of the animatronics are pushed back by the virus to replace them with a caricature of themselves that will obey Vanny’s commands. I mean, the Glamrock Freddy body is completely headless, and doesn’t even appear in the AR world! I don’t know whether it “attacks” because it’s what it would do if infected, or if it is simply leftover code from the way Freddy hid Gregory in his chest, but there sure as heck isn’t anything resembling a consciousness in there. Besides, we know Vanny was invisible to Freddy.
And if consciousness really is pushed aside by the virus, then it would explain why Monty is like that right now. (At least if my speculation of him being the longest with the virus is true) He would know nothing but anger and at this point he is acting like all he knows how to do is attack. Monty’s mind seems to truly be absolutely gone by now. :(
But aaaah this is getting way too long now fkjdghkjf
I guess I just want to talk about Bonnie a bit more, because we don’t have that much more about him that I can form any conclusions about. I do love the poster in his room! The fact that he really was this close to Freddy! They saw each other everyday and Freddy still decided to write a heartfelt message for Bonnie, that Bonnie decided to hang where he would see it clearly everyday! It really seems that Bonnie cared for Freddy just as much and that makes me so happy! It makes it all the sadder to know how heartbroken Freddy is over Bonnie’s disappearance…
Also I am incredibly confused by the whole wetfloor bot stuff! I don’t know if it’s implied that Bonnie’s “consciousness” somehow managed to transfer to the small bots (or why children screams can be heard from them), and if he managed to stay present through them after all. The little bots never really try to harm or sound alarms on Gregory unless shot at I think, so there’s that to think about! Or maybe Glamrock Bonnie was able to connect himself to them but not transfer? Kind of as long as there are any functional he too would be able to hang on? (Or did someone did that for him and it wasn’t himself who did?) Because deactivating the ones where we find Bonnie makes Bonnie’s eyes go dark. But why?? This I really have no idea about!
There’s also that one floorbot that remains beside a pile of Monty’s merch! And if Bonnie is looking or controlling the wetfloor bots that could mean a lot of things!! If Bonnie is in control, is the bot gathering the merch? Is it a negative thing? A sort of attempt to just collect the merch so it can’t be found ever again like Bonnie himself was? Or maybe, if Bonnie did have the most contact with Monty, did he get to know the real not-virus-infected Monty, and saw the merch as a way to remember someone that was briefly a good friend before things went terribly wrong? Hmmmmmm…
Well, I think that’s all I have! Just wanted to get my thoughts out there! It’s not very organized but if you made it all the way to here, thank you for reading!
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