#hopefully itll be better written
kideternity · 7 months
Slowly trudging along on Frontiers. Have started watching it on x2 speed to speedrun the show. Most of my feelings are pretty /negative right now but I do find the way the digital world to be written to be compelling at least
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smokedcapybara · 11 months
Me, who literally just sweeps for a living: ah nice the weekend I can rest and hopefully engage in some hobbies
Mom, who spends all day almost every day at home just sitting on her phone: could you sweep the apartment?
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girlbob-boypants · 1 year
Speaking of women. I've been working on Xiaoli and Lydia's stories in gw2.
I think I'm doing a pretty good job? Hopefully?
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arromantica-lucha · 1 year
i got a lot of thoughts about loveless by alice oseman and if this post seems very one sided well thats just how it read to me. my opinion isnt the end-all and i value how everyone interpreted and was affected by this book. this isnt a closed topic lets talk about it
gripes with loveless by alice oseman
took a while to actually explain that ace and aro are two separate identities and still not that well. it makes aro seem like a subset of ace which is entirely false. its cool there was an aroallo character involved but still
the book title 'loveless' is a real term and identity and the entirety of the book kinda shits on it by enforcing the ideal that its still okay to be aspec cause platonic love can be experienced and any type of love is required or at least better than "not feeling anything and being alone forever"
it was weird for her friends to forgive her over gestures that had nothing to do with apologizing before georgia actually apologized and explained but that may just be more of a personal thing that i didnt like. likewise the story being about platonic love it kinda sucks her deepest connection is with her roommate and not the people shes known for years and wronged
kinda sex negative. i mean rooney says she doesnt dislike casual sex but then that whole thing becomes the reason she hates herself and a reason to cope with being "unloveable" and its kinda lame. you can tell that story without making it seem like casual sex is just a means of devaluing yourself. and you can be sex repulsed and still not do that. it just feels unfair to aroallo people especially who are told they are monsters for enjoying and only wanting casual sex when this book is supposed to be about aromanticism too
(can we also be done with harry potter references??? lets stop hurting trans and jewish people thanks)
basically particular identities' stories shouldnt come at the expense of others and other ways of life. its great and important to write different experiences because no one is gonna relate to them all but no one has to replace romantic love with ANY type of love to feel good about themselves and be human. loveless and aplatonic people shouldnt have to read something that uses rhetoric against their identities within a book about aspec people
things i like about loveless
i didnt relate to it personally but the experiences felt very genuine. internalized aphobia, being hounded by aphobic comments, finding it hard to portray love even in a fictional or artistic sense, etc.
I appreciate the references to race and intersectionality that come with being queer even if they were minimal. so few times is it actually acknowledged that there is privilege when it comes to being understood, coming out, being accepted, etc. the references to that were nice to see because too often intersectionality being brought up is brushed off and blatantly ignored or people pretend like they understand
it was written by someone who is aroace even if there are some things that can be less isolating within the aspec community with the language being used. someone being open about their identities and how they choose to define them in the mainstream world is how we get more peoples voices in there
it has helped people discover their own identity though id still recommend further research on the actual identities being named and ones not named. these stories are the first introduction of aspec identities in mainstream and that hopefully means itll start to expand to other identities within that community that have not yet had representation
this should be the start of developing more rep. the first takes are not gonna represent everyone and its a good thing it exists to tell a few peoples story. but that doesnt mean it should be free from any criticism because thats how we make them continuously better. i hope to see an aroallo character soon. i want the term loveless to be properly used in media and expressed for what it is. i want to stop pretending like ace is the umbrella term for all aspec identities. i want amatonormativity explained as the sociological term it is that harms all life not just aromantic and polyamorous people. i want a polyam aspec character and polyam characters in general. i want disabled and ethnic aspec characters where the intersectionality is just as important to the narrative. i want a whole lot more and to stop prentending like any of that should be unreasonable
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pastriibunz · 1 month
heres your letter! i'd rather you private answer this if you do im embarrassed by how gay it is
happy birthday, princess. i know you’ve had a couple rough weeks recently, and im sorry i haven’t been able to do very much for you. i’m sorry last night even happened.
but i can do this. by the time you read this, sotbaw will be done and hopefully fully posted or queued it least. i hope every fic i've written for you this month brought you just a sliver of joy, even if they were all late lol.
this is the only letter i'm writing. i scrapped the other ones because of burnout, but this one was so easy to finish, it barely affected me at all. i’m still not the best letter writer, but i do my best.
you’re incredible. i don't want to talk about kai this whole time, but i think she deserves a mention or two at least. nothing goes unanswered (forever) or unturned when you write, and that shines when you write kai. she’s saved you, i know, but she’s saved me, too, and seeing the way she’s developed over the years (although i've missed almost all of them) is so genuinely amazing. both your drawings and writing come to life around her, no matter the tone. sotbaw would’ve been nothing if not for the little bits you helped out on, and really would’ve been nothing if you hadn’t started it, and boosted me along those first few days, not to mention the fact that you created this.
everything you touch, you improve. from our other friends, to the hatchetfield community, to me, my life, and my writing. nothing i’ve ever seen you do has been less than wonderful, and most things have exceeded even that. 
you’re kind, creative, hilarious and gorgeous. somehow you’ve wormed your way into my heart, and my daily routine in just a few months, and if i have any say, you’ll stay there. from the way you connect to other people, to hearing you sing and read while we’re on call, every moment from you is worth keeping in a locket.
and yes, i mean every single moment. the more time i get with you, the more i believe that there may be a god, and he’s gifted me with the most incredible person in the world.
you’re everything to me. i hope, somehow, i make you even a fraction of how happy you make.
i can’t wait to marry you someday. to see you dancing with your friends, singing at the top of your lungs, dressed in what i’m sure will be the prettiest dress in the world, just for the fact it’ll be yours.
i’ll see you in seattle, with our book on the shelf in our living room.
happy 16th birthday. i hope you enjoy your present. you’re the best friend, and best qpp i could ever have dreamed of, and ever have asked for. here is fic 21 and 22, 
surprise! and finale.
          raspy <2
im. im literally gonna cry
listen. im not the best with words. not when im not talking about kai. but. i really do love you. i think youre the best thing thats ever happened to me. youve made me better. thank you for everything you do. i love you more than anything.
i cant wait to see you. youll be the most gorgeous woman ive ever seen. not that you arent already are. i just feel itll be better in person.
i love you, raspberrysmoon. thank you for loving me.
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kitskko · 2 months
puppet on strings
erm so chapter 8 (the last chapter) is actually being written now! but at the same time im in a massive depressive slump so i really have no motivation. but yeah hopefully itll be a good chapter at least bc my others were ass and the whole plot sucked ass but whatever ty for reading the fic! i have bigger and better things planned for after im just really trying my best to finish so i can be free. but idk ill probably take a huge break from updating bc i really dont wanna be in this position again. heres some future plans anyways: -finish latte love (going to be short and im going to do whatever the hell i want with it) -write 2 new long fics, 1 one-shot and another chapter fic. but thats all in the future and so yeah, why did i even make this post
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thestraystarproject · 11 months
oh right also. i found my notes on the different 'phases' of tss, their names as i put them down are: the preparation phase, the big reveal phase, the conflict phase and the resolution phase.
something about these phases is that not only do they describe each of the four arcs but also those arcs contain sub-phases of their own. like, we are in the preparation arc, but we are ALSO in the preparation phase of the preparation arc.
maybe this sounds a little insane when written down to the average reader but hopefully itll make sense later. and in general what ive found myself liking about outlining the phase system is that it helps me design each step of the story better. like 'oh, we are in x phase within x arc thats in this phase, so we should do this'. it keeps a specific flow that is nice and readable for an audience to understand 'this is the pieces that we have and the board, this is a new thing were introducing that changes the game n adds new rules, now the game gets real n full of conflict with these changes, and finally things eventually resolve n the conflict dissipates'.
er... like i said, itll probably make more sense later when we have more examples.
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i have been a not very good writing partner because i haven't written in like 3 days
its about to get worse because i'm (hopefully) starting my barbie/openheimer outfit sewing project today maybe itll get better tho who knows a bitch is burntout and upset half the time im here these days anyway
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ateriblewriter · 1 year
sorry again about earlier this week. still not 100% but better. i did find out why friend hasn't been very nice and it still doesn't excuse the behavior.
thank you guys for the love you gave. you guys didn't have to but it was nice. thank you again.
im hoping to post a baby ducky thing tonight. im really proud of it, but considering how the last two pieces went im not confident y'all will like it.
also im almost to 200 followers?!! thank you guys. it means a lot. im thinking of creating a prompt list? would you guys like that idk.
here's an update on a couple of pieces:
PO4 - hopefully this weekend. i believe ive found the right spark for it. because i decided to deviate from the original plan. im also going to be experimenting with part 2. it's the only one that's going to be different. itll hopefully make sense.
baby ducky: ive got some head cannons written that need to be typed. ill work on that tomorrow. (also does anyone even like this? with all the aus out there now im never sure)
family is everything: remember that 2k piece i was writing for that but never posted because i didn't like how it was turning out? well ive figured out how to fix it. ill try working on it tomorrow.
summer date series: ill be experimenting with a currently untitled jack thing and depending on how well that does it will dictate how i do this series
Seven Stages: i might relook at the idea and repost the idea differently. idk. i spent a lot of time on it for it flop like it did was my fault. it may be stupid.
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lelly-belly · 2 years
Whumpuary No. 9 Magic Healing
hello! Of course the moment I say I’m going to get some writing in, my dad passes and I catch Covid. yayyy. enjoy what will likely be my last entry into whumpuary because I am legit so sick rn its not even funny. 
I dont think I’ve written about Cassius and Clifton before on here, but theyre my two most recent additions to my collection of gay people being whumped. I’m still having trouble writing fantasy. it definitely takes some getting used to. this one’s short and sweet. enjoy!
“Gods, what the hell was that thing?!” Clifton screeched, clutching his side. 
“A manticore,” Cassius answered. “And it'll be back. It can probably smell your blood. Let me see where it got you.” Clifton shifted and removed his hand. The injury was truly disgusting to Cassius, even though it was only a graze. Blood flowed onto the ground as Cassius took a cloth from his bag, poured water from his flask on it, and cleaned the blood up. As he wiped, more blood flowed. He resolved to placing the cloth on the wound. 
“I don't normally do this, but I can heal the wound. Its going to hurt, though.” 
Clifton sighed. “How bad will it hurt?”
“Itll hurt like the manticore got you with its poisonous tail.” 
“Do I have a choice?”
Cassius shrugged. “Kinda yeah. I can bandage it and hope for the best, or I can heal it and you’ll feel pain for like five seconds.” Clifton thought about it for a moment. 
“Will you hold my hand?” he asked quietly. Cassius suppressed a sigh. It really was like talking to a child. 
“If that will make you feel better, yes.” 
“Okay then. Lets do this.” Cassius nodded, extending his hand to Clifton. Of course, Clifton put his blood soaked hand onto Cassius’ clean one. He almost gagged. The blood was squelching between their hands, slipping and sliding his hand in Clifton’s grip. Cassius felt faint. He focused on the wound, which also made him want to faint. He removed the cloth and pressed his bare hand to the wound. Clifton shivered. Cassius took a deep breath and whispered the incantation. 
Pale golden light flowed from his hand as Clifton braced, but the pain didn't come. The wound just healed itself until all that was left was a thin scar. “Hey, I don't thin--” and then the pain hit. It was like a wall of shocks shooting from his wound up through his body as it violently shook. He clutched Cassius’ hand as if his life depended on it. The moment it had started, however, it had stopped. 
“Holy mother of Toph that hurt,” Clifton cried. 
Cassius’ face burned with embarrassment. “Sorry I forgot to tell you it happened at the end, not throughout.” Clifton looked up at him with tears in his eyes. 
“Would've been a good thing to tell a man beforehand.” 
“That much pain was me only healing the skin too, so you’re lucky it was just a graze or it would've hurt a lot more.” 
“More?! How in the world could it have hurt more?”
“Believe me, it can get a lot worse. Hopefully you won't need to experience that.” 
“Lets get out of here before the beast comes back.” 
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iso-enokuthula · 2 years
I worried that I write too slowly for my hand to follow so typing has always been, marginally, easier. Except I'm also not very good at typing. I look at the keyboard instead of the screen and I don't use all my fingers the way you're supposed to. So is typing easier, so far yes. In handwriting I never would have gotten this much down in this little time. I wish I was better at handwriting though. Not for the appearance of it but for remembering what i write down. Or so I thought, I just reread a lot of stuff, “a lot”, it was 2ish pages. Anywho i read them and i didnt really remember any of it. I mostly remember the act of writing it down but not so much what I wrote. Also its easier to go back and edit, though so far im not sure if i should. Keep it authentic you know? Well except for spelling mistakes. Those will be fixed. But back spacing over what i wrote, my thoughts, no i dont think ill do that. 
I also dont quite know where i want to keep these typed journals. Right now its google docs, but they may move. Its also easier to move around in typed spaces. Hey maybe i coiled move to an online journal and maybe one day someone will find them and read it. Either find some stuff helpful, or see what a crazy person sounds like. Both should be fun. But yeah, none of the grammar is gonna be correct. Its just getting thoughts down. More of a record. Maybe ill type out those few pages of written journal.  
Well, as i said in the written journal when i dwell on my thoughts for too long i get weird. And oh boy do i. Tumblr. Ugh itll most likely be tumblr. One of those blogs i never really use. Iso probably. My second oldest, and the one that is just vibes. My attempt at aesthetic tumblr. 
I dont know what else this journal will be. What else ill talk/write about. But heres to a start. A start of something i will hopefully keep up with.
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mar-bluu · 2 years
Anyways don’t mind me re-uploading this incoherent ramble about that magic/fantasy/gang au from like almost 2 years ago, the link to the previous upload doesn’t work anymore
and who knows, maybe this’ll get me back into writing the rest of the 10 chapters i had planned out for this?
People with powers are very common, they are usually born with them but can develop later in life. Kids usually take on the power/s of their parents, (e.g. a pyrokinetic and a hydrokinetic have a child, that child will have both powers though one power will develop stronger).
However, people can learn a different power by training with someone else. They will take a while to actually develop, and it can take months or even years for trained-in powers to even start to work/appear.
Powers will ‘lock in’ by 21 though they can grow stronger, they cannot change. People can permanently have two powers (occasionally three but that’s incredibly rare) but they either won’t be as strong compared to if they had just focused on the one, or one will be stronger than the other.
Elemental magic is by far the most common and some of the most powerful (meaning the ‘main’ elements i.e water, earth, fire air). Hydrokinesis is the most common, followed by pyrokinesis, then aerokinesis, with geokinesis being the rarest, taking the longest time to control properly. (other ‘elemental’ powers are branches of the others; Ferrokinesis-earth, cryokinesis- water etc.)
Powers such as invisibility, shapeshifting, revivals, and time/interdimensional travel being the rarest and often the most taxing, not unknown for the occasional death.
There tends to be large influxes/groups of people with the same powers. This can be because of families and genetic similarities in the area, environmental factors, or because people learn from each other.
(name)- Most important/main character (appearing in fics or possibly larger  chaptered story)
(name)- Secondary important/ main character
(name)- Won’t appear the most but does have relevance to the (possible)  larger chaptered story
- this is a brief and fairly basic summary of some of the important characters and their powers, think of it like a list you can go back to if/when you see a character and are like ‘who the fuck are they again??’
*NOTE: These are just the ‘main’/canon characters, and a few others that may be important if I can find the energy/time to do a multi chapter thing (I’ve had to make up so many other filler characters to pad each gang, e.g. ‘Zip’ so I’ll be excluding a LOT of them 'cause they don’t really matter lol)
Manhattan Ink and Thorns
·       Jack Kelly- ;)
·       Crutchie Morris- Psychic, agrokinesis (used for potions and spells, he works with Davey)
·       Davey Jacobs- Linguistics (sigils mainly, but works with spells and potions with Crutchie. He also has extensive knowledge on ‘magical’ history and artefacts)
·       Les Jacobs- He’s quite young, so his powers are still developing, but he does have a tendency for pyrokinesis
Pins and Needles
·       Sarah Jacobs- Sews charms and spells into clothing (protection, strength, spotty invisibility. She knits blankets and sews clothing for those in need eg. Homeless people, infused with heat and relaxation charms.)
·       Katherine Pulitzer/Plumber- Partial persuasion on people (she stills works for The World)
Poisoned Daggers
·       Racetrack Higgins- Shapeshifting,
·       Albert DaSilva- Invisibility
·       Finch- Teleportation, Deadshot
·       Elmer- Energy/power absorption,
·       Buttons- Electrokinesis/ energy manipulation
·       JoJo- Manipulate gravity (mainly his own, but can manipulate it for others with great strain/effort)
·       Specs- night/x-ray vision, basic future sight (in the sense of heightened reflexes)
·       Romeo- Hydrokinesis, aerokinesis
·       Mush- Teleportation, barrier creation/manipulation
·       Blink- Increased strength, minor healing abilities
·       Henry- Flight, intangibility (phasing through walls/objects)
·       Sniper- Toxikinesis, revive (Toxikinesis is very taxing, and people can only be revived if they’ve been dead for under ten minutes)
·       Mike- Increased agility, wall running, pyrokinesis
·       Ike- Increased agility, hemokinesis, hydrokinesis
·       Boots- Hydrokinesis
·       Snitch- Increased agility, shadow mimicry
·       Itey- Photokinesis/light-bending
·       Skittery- Aerokinesis
·       Bumlets- Illusion manipulation
·       Zip- Increased speed, pyrokinesis
·       Tommy Boy- Electrokinesis, hydrokinesis
Brooklyn Bloodhounds
·       Spot Conlon- Telepathy, telekinesis
·       Myron- Freeze time, rewind time (up to an hour)
·       Bart- Hydrokinesis, cryokinesis
·       HotShot- Ferrokinesis, hydrokinesis
·       Kenny- Regeneration
·       York- ??
·       Graves ??
·       Split ??
·       Tilly ??
 Richmond Ivory Pistols
·       Adela Yates ???
·       Moira Blane- Hydrokinesis, magnetism
·       Mitts ??
·       Bitters ??
·       Anja ??
·       Honey ??
Bronx Glass Skulls
·       Smalls- Shapeshifting
·       Dauncey ??
·       Plex ??
·       Aster ??
·       Cicada ??
·       Marjory/Maggie- ???
·       Veera- ???
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asfdhgsdkjhgb · 3 years
heartbreaking news cozy masc king no longer cozy due to the fact that he remembered that theres school tomorrow and he needs to plug his phone in. cozy masc king also turned miserable pile of stress due to finals week- barely begun but already kicking his ass
#we didnt even have school today but yeah finals week#how fun#i was going to record the audio for my film project over the weekend bc tomorrow is the LAST DAY to finish it up so i was gonna#real quick get audio done over the weekend so i could just pop it into premiere and finish up my final touches during class#(i already got all the video clips filmed and edited n stuff last week) but of course i totally forgot to record the audio and its way#too late in the night rn to do any of that which means ill either have to use up class time tomorrow recording (which i dont think is#a good idea time wise i dont think ill have enough time to both record and finish editing) or more likely ill just go into a practice room#during my lunch period and hope that im able to get a good take#(to be fair its not like i eat lunch at school anyways but i do have the same lunch as 2 of my friends and itll suck not seeing them)#and also the reason ive been up this late was bc i was starting to build a muppet (for my history final)#which once again i am running short on time on that final is wednesday so i have to finish it tomorrow after school#even tho i was hoping to spend most of my weekend working on it i wasnt able to get supplies until today so i had to try my best#to get a start earlier and rn my brain is too tired to do any more#urg at least i already have part of one of my classes finals done and over with i had a performance final last friday and it wasnt the worst#like i couldve done a lot better and honestly my team did a lot better the day BEFORE the final when we were running our sets but whatever#and then the written part is thursday and hopefully i wont do too bad#the one class i havent mentioned yet tho... yikes i am not hopeful. we did a review in class the other day and i remembered JACK SHIT#its fineeeee everything is fineeeeeeee#finals (derogatory)#god and i cant even say i cant wait for them to be over bc them being over means next semester which means NEW SCHEDULES#and i honestly really CANNOT emotionally handle having a completely new schedule rn. everything is changing all my classes and#whos in my classes and even my lunch is gonna be different which im pretty sure is gonna make me have a breakdown its fineeee#breaking news stressed king spotted actually being active on tumblr for once (to avoid thinking about life)#just me rambling again#vent post#<- kinda?
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. once the trial plot line is finally wrapped up (at best maybe itll end in december) we still have to deal with apollo, and leto, and thetis, and eros and psyche, AND kronos, oh and you know, the actual hymn to demeter and even just hxp getting together, which is both rushed and dragged out. like how has it almost been four years and still so little has happened and we still have way too many plots to deal with?
2. i see one excuse for LO is "well its free content! dont critique it!" like girl, we know she's making a lot of money just off fast pass alone, not counting books, merch, etc, also she's being paid by the company too as well as ad revenue, so its not really free, is it?
3. LO Persephone is Veruca Salt from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.
4. lets be very frank here. if rachel was a woman of color pulling the shit she does in comic and on social media, shed be so hated as a regressive person with conservative ideas who is selling a horrible story and messages to her young fans, but because she's a white lady they hold her up as the goddamn messiah. theres so many better BIPOC creators who know what to do with this mythology and make it fresh and interesting and yet shes held up as the authority on it and coddled? sounds about white.
5. i dont get where lo fans claims antis are "apollo apologetics" bc literally none of us like him, we like actual mythology apollo and hate rachel took an interesting and diverse god and made him That Way to push her badly written romance along. No one is excusing him and idk where they're claiming thats from?
From OP: Exactly! I have no clue they got that from. Plus, every “Apollo Apologetic” I’ve seen so far likes LO and/or is active in the fandom.
6. that other anon hit the nail on the head. persephone isnt a character dictating the story like she should be, she's just being pulled along by everyone else or just rachel forcing it, all so persephone cant be held accountable for any action, good or bad, it just happens to her. this wouldnt be a problem if it werent for the fact it claims it's about "empowering" persephone and giving her agency to make her own choices, yet she doesnt even have that in this story, even less than the myths, IMHO.
7. does rachel know having hades be a threatening dick towards his pseudo son thanatos actually makes him less qualified to be a father? you cant tell us his biggest dream is to have a family yet when given the chance to care for a child he mentally and emotionally abuses and threatens them with physical violence over any little temper tantrum hades has. how is demeter seen as the abusive parent when she clearly doted and spoiled persephone, but hades is held up as the one "deserving" of a family?
8. hades' whole 'you should be grateful that i raised you FOR FREE and mentored you' is literally verbatim something my physically and emotionally abusive father said to me. that, PLUS him flinching away from hades/shivering, PLUS hades' constant anger at thanatos. just really rubs me the wrong way.
9. im also confused? bc persephone clearly isnt comfortable with how violent and angry hades is, yet she never pushes back on this, and even if she tries he does nothing but a momentary "apology" at best but goes right back to it, and seems to have only upped it recently much to her discomfort. it's (hopefully unintentionally) like how we saw rhea and kronos, where she only dealt with his anger with her body. idk why but rachel is making a strong case their eventual marriage won't be a happy one.
-----FP Spoilers/Mention-----
10. fp spoilers
dude 😭 i dont have words. badly written characters be like: barely 1 minute in we have perse all “*is forced to share her trauma due to fear*” meanwhile hades: “*has a temper tantrum* *2 seconds later* you should not be consoling me” trash can fire comic.
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hanymelon · 4 years
Hi! Your art is *chef's kiss* and the ways you draw Mammon solo or with your MC are super cute and I love the way you detail his blushes and expressions so much. I get excited everytime I see you post a new drawing 💕
I was wondering if you had any tips for a beginner artist on, like, anatomy or just starting off in general? I usually just write and stick to that for OM, but some ideas feel like they should be drawn. I get confused with where I should start practicing and usually just drop the idea altogether.
Sorry if that put you on the spot or anything, don't feel bad if you don't wanna answer. I also really just wanted to gush about your art and ty for drawing so much good stuff!
Hi! Awwh thank you so much! ;v; Im so happy you get like my art enough to say that <333 💕💕💕 I know what you mean about getting ideas that feel like they should be drawn. Sometimes i get ideas that i think would be better done in writing. If you wanna share what you've written, id love to give them a read :)) No pressure tho! Ah, i get excited when someone is starting to pick up drawing. It can be challenging but super rewarding. Before i give specific tips, firstly I'd say if you are just starting out, have fun with it and dont stress too much about the technicalities. If you get too caught up with how something doesn't look right or how your anatomy is wonky, you'll bog yourself down and end up not creating at all which is sad :( In the end, its really about getting your ideas down on paper and it shouldn’t be something too too stressful since youre doing it for fun anyway! I have to remind myself that no one is holding me at gunpoint and forcing me to create drawings with perfect anatomy or proportions, im still learning! And thats okay!
[More under the cut bc this got kinda long!]
With that out of the way, here are some tips you can hopefully use. Im not that great at anatomy either, but what helps me a lot is references. Its pretty typical advice, but it really helps me understand form and what the human body can and cant do. like can the arm twist that way? Idk, look up a reference. Although it is the best way, sometimes its really overwhelming to look at actual pictures of humans and trying to translate that to a cartoony anime-ish drawing so you can start out by referencing anime (or cartoons) instead. When i was starting out i used to do little studies on styles that i liked. That can help a lot with seeing how artists you like draw certain things. For example how they make the arms and legs not look stiff, the specific curves they use for the waist, the folds in the clothes, etc etc. (Goes without saying here, but just don't upload your studies or copied drawings on the internet and claim it as your own and you're all good) I’d insert pictures of my own studies but i dont have them with me where i am rn so i cant do that unfortunately sorry! So lets say you have this super specific pose in mind and you cant find a reference for it or youre just too lazy to sort through hundreds of pictures on google or pinterest to find that one perfect ref img. You can just pose and take a picture of yourself. i do this a lot and sometimes get my friends (who are also art students so that makes things easier haha) to help if i need it. If you really dont want to do that tho, something i also do a lot is to do the pose while drawing it. Feeling and seeing where my body naturally leans and where body parts are relative to each other in a certain pose really helps. for example if im drawing someone waving, how far away is the hand from the head, should the elbow be out or close to the body, how long should the forearm be etc etc. Yknow the thing where you make the same expression as the character you're drawing? The way you kinda feel the way its supposed to look? Yeah its like that but for poses fjsv i hope this makes sense. Personally im not a big believer of the "Draw everyday!! Even when you dont feel like it!!" advice. But If youre really enjoying what you do, youd wanna be doing it every day anyway. And the more you draw, the more comfortable itll become and the more things will kind of make sense when you notice patterns as you practice. I guess what im trynna say is make the practice fun and not feel like a bother so you'd wanna do it more and in turn improve more. Its a cycle haha.  Im not the most qualified to give advice but i hope this helped a bit? There are plenty of sources on the interwebs that are very useful and can probably help you a lot. I hope you keep drawing anon! Tldr; Draw what you want, use references, strike the pose and feel your body, make practice fun (whatever that might mean for you), the more you do it the better you’ll get
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