#hopefully they're ok with the science version
ihatebrainstorm · 6 months
Ok I got a bunch of work I need to finish but also just need to spitball some long winded Half Life/Portal universe Transformer crossover thoughts:
(Will contain Half Life 1 & 2, Portal 1 & 2, Aperture Desk Job, and ofc TF IDW spoilers btw)
Perceptor fitting as more of a Gordon Freeman role in Half Life's Black Mesa Institute bc he matches the more gritty atmosphere and serious tone of the Half Life games + Both Gordon and Perceptor taking on similar "scientists by trade, but still a competent as hell fighter when the situation calls for it" roles... Their appearances even kinda give similar vibes? But that could just be me
Brainstorm's fascination with the Dead Universe in IDW working well with Black Mesa's dubious research into Xen and all the alien life there- I can see him being incredibly interested in headcrab parasites? But he also sorta matches more with the eccentric type of experiments ran by Aperture Science.. Turrets and portal gun technology seem right up his alley,, (Also not to mention the mantis society human DNA stuff has weird Brainstorm type experimentation written all over it)
Percy working at Black Mesa while BS is in Aperture bc they're rival companies etc. etc. u get the gist hopefully
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I need to look at Portal's lore again bc it's been a long while and I don't remember what his story was, but whenever I look at that one photo of Doug Rattman, he reminds me of BS sdkfs
Shockwave and Glados. I know technically Glados and Caroline are separate, but the parallels behind Caroline/Glados and Shockwave's backstories are still there ksdkfsd- What if Glados and Shockwave swapped places actually, and Shockwave were to run Aperture..... hm
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Domestication and their parallels to the procedure done by the Combine to create stalkers.....
Whirl having a pet headcrab? Like Lamaar? Maybe?? Similar to his scraplets I dunno
Brainstorm would have so much fun with potato Glados and all the personality cores I think
Rodimus meeting and yelling at the G-man because I think it'd be funny
Brainstorm jokingly speculating that the G-man's briefcase is a plagiarized version of his time-case bc of how he's always carrying it around, able to blip in and out of random portals, as well as control time-
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jellyfishwarden · 7 years
If you're not drowning with requests, could I ask for a kustard for Mercy? No worries if you don't want to/no time etc. Still
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not a problem at all (: 
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uncloseted · 3 years
ok, those two asks you got, one that said that trans people are attention seeking and another one apologising, that wasn't me (the person who sent the original question about what it means to be a girl and the other one saying f- you). you can even see that they're written differently. i can tell you my instagram handle, my full name and location, or you can check my ip, whatever you want. but anyways, i won't bother you anymore.
Anonymous asked:
i could go on forever about trans people and the concept of gender, and i originally had a really (and i mean really long) post about this, maybe even longer than your 4000 word response, but one thing led to another and now we're here. maybe i'll come back with more questions in a few months when we've all cooled down
Anonymous asked:
Ok, so obviously my question did offend u and I’m still sorry about it. was it more the way it was worded or the questions at hand ? So how should I ask those questions in a better way, because it’s worse to live in a world where ur afraid to ask questions and called names such an transphobic (ik u didn’t) for asking questions.
Admittedly, this is not what I was expecting to wake up to this morning, and I don't quite know how to feel about it. If I'm being honest, I don't really care if you're the same person or two different people. I'm not going to track down your IP addresses to compare them (although I am kind of curious to see your insta) because it just doesn't have that much impact on my life whether you're one person or two. When I answered those asks, I wasn't really assuming they were the same person as before, just that they hadn't read what I had already written on this topic.
I truly don't feel offended or bothered or heated by these questions (save the one with the suicide threat, which was concerning, and I'm glad to know you're still here). I hope I don't come across that way in my posts. I do my best to take a rational, philosophically sound approach to these questions. My goals are to have nuanced conversations about these topics, to help people think about these topics in different lights, and to encourage people to be respectful towards trans people. So if you have 4000 words worth of rebuttal to my points, please, send them in. I'm not married to my positions on what gender is, and I would love to hear where you think my reasoning fails. But I do encourage everyone to remember that I'm a real person on the other end of this computer, and while I do my best to be empathetic and polite, that doesn't mean it's okay to be rude. Write as much as you want on these topics. I'm really looking forward to hearing your thoughts. But please keep it civil.
To the second question, it is important to live in a world where you can ask questions in order to understand topics more deeply. But there are no questions in the ask you're talking about. It's just you talking about your issues with trans people and saying why you don't like them.
A good question should come from a place of curiosity and be non-judgmental. To get at some of the same points you made but in a curious and non-judgmental way, you might ask things like, "what evidence convinced you that more than two genders exist?" or "why do trans people make inclusion one of their big goals?" or "why do trans people feel like they need to remind people of their transness?". Those still aren't super polite questions if you're talking directly to someone who is trans, and a lot of trans people aren't interested in engaging in a discussion of the metaphysical validity of their identity whenever someone asks. But it at least presents a question that can be discussed and answered to improve understanding. In that ask, I kind of had to figure out which questions were being implicitly asked and then engage with them to the best of my understanding. There were also some general red flags, like "science doesn't care about your feelings" (which is a version of Ben Shapiro's "facts don't care about your feelings"), but I'm willing to make the assumption that that's more of an catchphrase in "gender critical" spaces than it is that you're an avid fan of Ben Shapiro. Hopefully that helps you to understand how you can present your questions in a better way in the future, both offline and online, in order to better understand someone else's viewpoint.
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