#hopefully this is the last one of these i'll be answering. luckily i'm not as annoyed about it right now because it hasn't happened in a bi
front-facing-pokemon · 6 months
…Have you done Shinx yet?
you may be rather surprised if you read the blog description. once again, since i haven't answered an ask about this in a while: i tag every pokémon with their name. shinx is one of those pokémon i've somehow been asked if i've done multiple times, which, again, natdex order. just search shinx on the blog. we're in generation seven. shinx is generation four. now: can we stop asking this? thank you!
now. check out this good and cool ask:
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this is cool and i didn't notice this until now. it answers a lot of those questions about middle-evo lines that stand out from the rest of their evolutionary line that i've always had. so this is a very cool tidbit of information
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cinnamonroll-anon · 10 months
Soft Confessions: Sun Wukong x Reader
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a/n:This is from a Pov I did for a Sun Wukong playlist. This will hopefully be the start of me writing for more characters on fandoms that I enjoy!
Warnings: First time writing, Fluff, Comfort, Gender Neutral, Nicknames, (he calls you Peaches and Baby). After having a particularly long day you find yourself extremely tired, unbeknownst to you, a certain monkey king has grown worried for you and he has a plan to cheer you up.
Today had been a long day. You were exhausted and your whole body ached. You wanted to finally get home and collapse, but fate had different plans. A certain monkey king had missed you the entire day. The day had kept you so occupied that you had to ignore all of Wukong's texts. With his growing emotions for you, and your sudden disappearance, made him grow anxious.
Did you find out? How could you have found out? Was he too obvious? Did you think it was too weird? Did you suddenly grow tired of him? Were you angry at him?
He finally got up from flower fruit mountain and decided that he was going to do something about this. He went to get food from Pigsy's and not so subtly asked if anyone had seen or heard from you.
"I saw them on their way home, but they didn't look so good. They barely waved at me and they looked a bit down" Mei pitched in.
This won't do, not at all in this monkeys head. He had a mission. You, his most precious friend, feeling down in the dumps and not telling him? Unacceptable. He's supposed to be there for you! Luckily for you he already had a plan.
So here you are in your room about to take your shoes off when your phone springs to life. You wearily find your phone and look at the screen. It was Wukong, he was calling you. You quickly answered
"Um hello?", You meekly answered.
"Hey Peaches! Whats the matter? You haven't answered me all day." His energetic voice rang through the phone.
"Um I've just been really busy and tired today. Can you call me later? I'm gonna take a nap." You said as you were just about to hang up.
"NO NO NO! PLEASE DON'T HANG UP!" He practically screeched.
"Okay, okay, I'm listening!"
"Its just that, I've missed you all day and was wondering if you could make some time to hang out with me? Please, I promise you it'll be worth it!" he begged.
"Yeah, I'll hangout with you" you said as you let out a sigh.
"Great I'll be over to pick you up!"
"Wait, pick me up? Where are we going? Um Sun? Hello?" It was too late, he had already hung up the phone. You were okay if he was coming over to chill out with you, but he's taking you out. You weren't sure if you were gonna have the energy to last through whatever shenanigans he had in store for you. A couple of knocks at your door snapped you from your thoughts. You sluggishly opened the door to reveal the one and only Monkie King.
"Hey Peaches, you ready to go?" He beamed with a bright smile.
"Actually, I didn't get time to get changed, I'll quickly get ready-" you replied, just about to go back inside of your house until an arm yanked you backwards.
"Don't worry you look great, now lets go!" He dragged you and pulled you close to his chest. Before you can even process what was going on you were already on a cloud, flying over the city. The sight was beautiful, it was around noon and the sun getting ready to set. You also took in the fact that you were pressed so close to Sun Wukong. He was so warm and comforting, you felt your face heat up at the thought.
"So, is this your plan for hanging out?" You spoke, trying to occupy yourself on anything other than the overwhelming heat on your face.
"You kidding, this is only the beginning. You just sit tight and let me do the rest, okay Peaches?" He leaned down and replied with a mischievous grin. If you weren't burning up before now you were on fire, you quickly pressed your head to his chest in hopes of him not spotting your embarrassed face. Meanwhile Sun Wukong looked down at your antics and allowed a light blush to dust his face, you were just too cute! He quickly looked up, praying to any deity that you didn't see his slip up.
"Looks like we're here" he said as the cloud lowered itself onto a little hill. The wind blew gently on the grass and there was a lonely tree. You felt like you could see the entire world from that hill, the sun letting its golden light swallow the view. As you were taking in the sight, Sun Wukong began walking towards the tree, you spotted him moving and followed behind. When you both arrived at the other side of the tree you saw spotted a picnic blanket, food from Pigsy's, a small bowl of fruit and a box of pastries.
"I heard that you weren't having a great day and decided 'hey why not surprise you", he spoke with a soft voice, scratching the back of his neck while looking away. You felt your heart flutter at his sentiment, so caught up in your head you entirely missed a lovely pink adorning his face.
You both spent the time eating, talking about your individual days and laughing at his jokes. After the laughter died down you both looked at the scene, the sun was now setting letting its most beautiful hues light up the sky. The nearby clouds also dressed in their finest pinks and oranges, all blending together to make a breathtaking sunset. Your attention snapped to Sun Wukong when he began to move around. He pulled up his phone and began to type on it, soon music came from it. He placed his phone on the blanket and got up. He then put his attention to you "May I have this dance?" he asked smugly while bowing and offering you his hand.
You felt that familiar heat engulf your face as you extended your hand into his. He gently pulled you up and you began dancing, at first it was formal but then you both lost each other to the music, simply enjoying the moment. You both had danced for a while before Wukong brought you in close to him.
"Peaches, I've been wanting to tell you this for a while, and its that I love you. Just you existing in my life has made it so much better. I feel honored that you let me be your friend and let me learn more about you. I've lived through alot of things but, I know that if I had to live through it all just to see you, to see you smile, I would do it all over again. And I wanted to know if you'd like to go out with me." He said his face turning a shade of red.
"Sun, yes, I'd love to go out with you. If I'm being honest I've had feelings for you as well, its just that I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I mean you're literally The Monkey King, and your a great person to be around." you responded.
He let out an exaggerated sigh of relief "Thank goodness I was scared that i would've ruined it and that we wouldn't be friends anymore" he said letting his shoulders relax.
You laughed at his response and you gave him a hug. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around you and returned the hug.
"Hey Sun?"
"Yes baby?"
"My feet are tired"
He then burst into laughter. "Wow, i thought I was gonna be the one to kill the mood". He said in between his laughter, then he grabbed your hand gently and led you back to the picnic blanket under the tree. You both sat down and watched how the sun was almost hidden under the horizon. You then felt a wave of drowsiness hit you and you found it harder to keep your eyes open. Feeling sleep slowly creeping over you, you tried to get as comfortable as you could. You leaned on Sun Wukong and rested your head on his shoulder. You felt him tense up before slowly relaxing. He then carefully wrapped and arm around you and gave you a gentle yet reassuring squeeze.
"Its okay peaches, I'll stay here with you" he gave you the softest smile. Soon you felt yourself gradually drift off to sleep. Before you could fully knock out you felt a small kiss on your forehead.
"I love you peaches, get some rest."
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Hi Hi
I have this request cause I came across this earlier
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And I had this idea for a request and it was that the reader decided to get a pet hamster and when he gets to the pet shop he sees a hamster being all distant and maybe even looking evil and he realizes that the hamster acts and looks exactly like kisaki so he gets that hamster. Maybe the real Kisaki will see the hamster and maybe get a bit jealous of him cause the hamster is taking the reader attention and whenever the reader is not in the same room Kisaki and hamster Kisaki just death glare eachother
(Hopefully this makes senses)
Hi! I'm sorry it's so long💀 Once I started on it I got too excited and couldn't stop writing. This has to be my favorite request so far. It was so fun to write! Enjoy!
Kisaki x Male Reader
Mini Tetta
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When Kisaki finally became the 2nd boss of Toman. (Name) thought he'd get more time with him. Well he was wrong. Kisaki spent even less time with him. Luckily Kisaki assigned him a body guard. Unluckily....it was their childhood friend Hanma Shuji. Don't get (Name) wrong he enjoys spending time with Hanma. He just wish it was less violent and less...flirty?
"Oh my lovely (Name)~." (Name) rolled his eyes and continued to stare out the window of the penthouse. Hanma was quiet for a few moments. (Name) felt a hand on his shoulder. "(Name) what's wrong? You usually tell me off. Or use some witty comeback." Hanma had worked written across his face. (Name) smiled softly. He loved how caring Hanma can be sometimes.
"Sorry Shuji. I just miss Tetta. He hasn't come home this week yet. He's been busy with Toman. Apparently he thinks there's a mole in Toman. So he's been working more and more. Which is another reason to why he wants you close to me. Since I'll be a 'Danger' to him and Toman."
Hanma raised an eyebrow. "How would you be a so called 'Danger' to him and Toman?" (Name) shrugged. He didn't know. "(Name) all you do is stay in the pent house by yourself. Your always by yourself-" (Name) looked at Hanma confused by the big grin on his face. "(Name)~ Why haven't you gotten a pet?" "Tetta doesn't like Dogs or Cats. Or Birds. Or Rabbits. Or 'Rodents' as he says."
(Name) looked sad. "Well~ he didn't say anything about a Hamster did he?" Hanma smirked. (Name) looked confused. "Wouldn't they fit under his 'Rodent' category?" Hanma shook his head. "Nope because Hamsters aren't like Mice and Rats." The look on (Name)'s face brightened. "Really?!" Hanma nodded and smiled brightly. "Really. So let's go get you a Hamster."
(Name) jumped from the couch and ran to the door grabbing his favorite jacket. (which totally didn't belong to Kisaki) Hanma laughed and texted Kisaki. 'Taking the lovely (Name) on a date~'. The answer in return made him frown. 'Be safe'. Hanma smirked again. When Kisaki realizes (Name)'s attention won't be just on him anymore.
Once they arrived outside the pet store (Name) looked so excited. Hanma couldn't remember the last time his friend looked so happy and excited. They entered the store and (Name) immediately ran to the Hamaster section. While Hanma walked to the counter talking to the workers about what was needed for the Hamster and, to start gathering the best products.
(Name) was looking through the Hamsters. They were adorable! As he was looking he noticed a group of Hamsters that look earily familiar. The Hamsters were all at the corner just playing around. That's when (Name) noticed a smaller Hamster away from the others. It was by itself staring at the others with a look he'd know anywhere.
"I want that one." (Name) informed a worker close by. The worker saw which Hamster and hesitated. "A-Are you sure sir? He isn't very well liked." (Name) rolled his eyes and opened the container and layer his hand on filling. The Hamster stared at (Name) before climbing into his hand. (Name) closed the container and smiled at the small Hamster.
The Hamster continues to stare at him. (Name) rubbed it's head with his finger and smiled at the worker. "Yes please." The worker nodded showed him to the counter where Hanma was "talking to an employee". More like threatening if you asked him. (Name) tapped Hanma on the shoulder. Hanma turned and stared at the Hamster surprised.
"Do you like the Hamster I picked out?" (Name) asked excited and practically shoved his hands where the small Hamster made itself comfortable. Hanma and the Hamster had a staring contest. Until the Hamster glared at him. Hanma knew that glare. "Holy fuck. (Name) you picked the perfect hamster."
(Name) looked confused at first until he noticed the glare. He brought the Hamster to his face. The Hamster smiled and rubbed against (Name)'s face making him smile more. Hanma stared. "Definitely perfect." Hanma had the most shit eating grin on his face. He took a picture and sent it to his boss. With the caption "You've been replaced~"
When they got back to the penthouse Hanma had the house keepers put together the large tank for the Hamster. Which after paying for everything they found out it was a male. Hamna begged (Name) to name it but he made a condition. "It can't be anything offense or sexual!" (Name) crossed his arm. The Hamster resting on top of his head. Glaring at the grinning male.
"Don't worry my lovely (Name)~ I have the most PERFECT name for him. Kisaki. Since he looks like him!" (Name) stared at him. "He does?" Hanma looked at (Name) with a confused face. "You don't see it?" (Name) thought for a moment. "He looks familiar but I don't think he looks like Tetta." Hanma ran a hand down his face and walked away coming back a few minutes later with something in his hand.
"(Name) can I see the hamster for a minute?" (Name) frowned and softly grabbed the Hamster and held him close. "Why?" Hanma raised his hand. Between his pointer and middle fingers were a pair of doll glasses. "I want to put these on him." (Name) confusingly handed Hanma the Hamster. As Hanma placed the glasses on him the Hamster glared more and bit his finger.
Hanma hissed and glared back at the Hamster. (Name) quickly grabbed him and held him close now glaring at Hanma. "What did you do to him?!" Hanma looked offended while the Hamster looked at Hanma with what looked like a smirk. "That face! (Name) look at him and tell me that doesn't look lie Kisaki!" (Name) glared at him again before looking down and froze. The Hamster stared at him.
"Oh my God. It's Tetta....BUT CUTER!" (Name) kissed the Hamsters head and smiled brightly at him. The Hamster looked like it lit up. "I'm gonna name you Tetta!" The Hamster puffed out its chest and (Name) giggled. Hanma laughed loudly recording the whole thing. Sending it to his boss. "Looks like (Name) has a better Kisaki."
Almost an hour later he front door flung open. Hanma quickly grabbed his gun aiming at the door while (Name) held the mini Tetta close and hid behind the couch. "Hanma! What's the meaning of this!?" (Name) poked his head from behind the couch. There in the doorway was his Fiancee soon to be husband Kisaki Tetta. Hanma relaxed and flopped onto the couch.
"What ever do you mean?" Hanma asked with a shit eating grin. "You've been blowing up my phone about me being replaced and how MY (Name) was stolen from me!" (Name) rose from behind the couch. Mini Tetta in his hands. Kisaki looked at (Name) confused. Then he looked down at the Hamster. "Is that a Hamster wearing doll glasses?"
Hanma laughed loudly. "Yes sir~ Meet the new love of (Name)'s life. Mini Tetta." (Name) smiled ignoring the first part of Hanma's statement and shoved his hands into Kisaki's face. "Isn't he adorable! He looks like you!" Kisaki confused stared at the glaring Hamster. "What are you talking about it looks nothing like me? Also when did you decide to get a pet!" Kisaki demanded glaring at the Hamster.
(Name) frowned looking hurt. "I haven't seen you in over a week. Much less had any contact with you. And when I was so excited to show you...." (Name) glared at Kisaki with tears growing in his eyes. "You know what? Mini Tetta and I are going to be staying with Shuji tonight. You can go back to the office!"
(Name) played the Hamster on his head (his favorite spot apparently) and marched into his bedroom. Quickly packing a bag while grabbing the traveling cage (Name) bought so he could bring Mini Tetta with him where. He softly picked up the cutie and lightly placed him in the cage smiling at him. "Sorry about this Mini Tetta. I know you don't like being in here but I don't want anything to happen to you."
While marching back into the living room (Name) placed the cage down on the table, before walking into the kitchen collecting the Hamster food he had just put away. When he arrived back to the living room he saw both Tetta's having a glaring contest until (Name) made his presence know. Hanma was losing it on the couch.
"(Name)! Get this! Kisaki is jealous of the Hamster version of himself." Both glares turned to him and he laughed harder. (Name) confused opened the cage and pick up his pet before looking at his fiancee. "Jealous? Why are YOU jealous?" Kisaki glared at the Hamster again. "Because you belong to me! So you should focus on me! Not the rodent!" Turns out Mini Tetta didn't appreciate the bigger Tetta's attitude.
The Hamster retaliated by sticking its tongue out and (Name) guessing he was insulting the other. Even though Kisaki can't understand what was said his glare deepened. (Name) sighed. "I got him because you ALWAYS and I do mean ALWAYS leave me alone trapped in the penthouse!" (Name) glared. "I was lonely. Also he isn't a Rodent! He isn't like a mouse or rat!" Kisaki ran a hand through his hair.
"(Name) I do it for your protection. I'm Toman's 2nd. Since your engaged to me you have a target on your back. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you..." (Name) looked away and started petting Mini Tetta with his finger. Kisaki glared at the Hamster that once again smirked. "I guess your right Tetta. But now you don't have to worry about me being alone anymore! I have Mini Tetta now!" Kisaki didn't look relived in the slightest.
"Yeah....Mini me...."
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nanabansama · 3 months
Good Day to you! In the last part of Chapter 115, Kou mentioned in detail to Mitsuba the many different spirit-summoning incantations, including the "Tsukasa-Kun" incantation that they were dealing with. In that explanation, Kou compared the Tsukasa-Kun incantation to the likes of the "Kokkuri-San" and Angel-San incantations. While the Kokkuri incantation is obviously based from the Kokkuri boards that the Japanese often used to perform divinations during the Meiji Era, what exactly are the "Angel-San" incantations supposed to refer to? I presume that they may refer to the use of the names of Angels as a form of spirit summoning or divination but I suspect that to be something Western-inspired and too far for any Japanese person to utilize. Note: This is based from the Drunk Bath Salt Scanations version that I read, maybe there is a more accurate version, especially in the offical English versions out there.
And good day to you as well!
Since you already seem well-informed on Kokkuri-san I'll just skip to Angel-san. Note that I'm not talking from personal experience, just reading from multiple sources on google. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Angel-san (エンジェルさん) is just a variation of Kokkuri-san, as was made clear in the chapter itself. It seems to be one of the more popular variations.
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From what the wikipedia page is telling me, instead of drawing a torii gate on the piece of paper, you draw a cupid to summon Angel-san. But the result is generally the same.
As far as I can tell the ritual is 100% Japanese too! And Angel-san is an extremely literal translation of the name, so it's not invoking a specific angel...less you count cupid, I suppose.
If I had to speculate on why they use that name, I think Angel-san just sounds cool and catchy. Angels are also renowned for having mystical powers so it makes sense that they'd be able to answer your questions like Kokkuri-san, a kitsune, does.
Hopefully that's not an underwhelming answer, I just don't think there's much more to it!
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And to cap off here is a screencap from the Japanese version. As opposed to the above screencap, I'd say this is a more literal translation: "it goes by a different name but it's the same as stuff like kokkuri-san or angel-san".
From my perspective, Kou is only listing these names to give Mitsuba (and the reader) a point of reference. Doesn't work as well for a western audience unfortunately, but luckily we have chapter 4 of after-school hanako-kun for that...
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
Evil chuckles *rubs palms together*
Sorry I can't help it!
Imagine his coworker, Bailiff Bucket Barnes, notices that Steve seems to (unintentionally) put a little more detail into his courtroom sketches when reader is in them.
Ohhhhh let the teasing commence 😏
- 👜
court sketch artist!Steve Rogers x lawyer!reader drabble
[super short, just trying to get back into the swing of things. No warnings.]
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Steve uses his middle finger to smudge the line of your leg just as the judge adjourns the court for jury deliberations.
It's not quite perfect, so he focuses on fixing the exact angle of your bare calf in those delicate heels.
"Punk," his friend rumbles from the doorway, securing the emptied room, "kinda missed your cue to leave..."
Whoops. Steve hadn't even sketched the judge behind the bench yet.
"Right. Sorry, Buck. I'll get out of your hair."
"Don't bother," Bucky says, stopping Steve's hand as it rushes to replace the charcoal in its tin. "Not expected to take long for a verdict."
The bailiff adjusts his uniform tie and takes a seat next to Steve.
"Ohhh," he coos with a craned neck, "I see why you lingered. 'Bout time you asked her out, ya think? You've been pining over her for six months."
"Have not, jerk," Steve practically squeaks.
Bucky puts up his hands in defeat. "You're right. You're right. It was this time last year that she started with the DA's office."
"I'm not...pining," Steve muses, running a nail through some black buildup on his thumb. "She's just photogenic."
"Then take a picture. With your phone. And then put us out of our misery and use that phone to get her number."
"The poor stenographer lost her bet in the fall. She was so sure you'd make a move after the Kinsey case."
Steve shrugs shyly. "Nah, that was such a big win for her. I bet the office took her out right after--had a party maybe."
"So? There are seven nights a week, big guy. Court is closed two of those days, too."
"Buck, I'm not gonna--"
"Bud, I'm gonna die of old age waiting for you to get your ass off this pew. Shit, my hair will be down to here--" Bucky gestures to below his shoulders "--by the time you--"
"Language," Steve warns.
Bucky relents and settles on a judging look.
After a long pause, he shrugs.
"Fine. Maybe I'll ask her out. She's got great legs."
Steve's head whips up so fast that his blond hair falls across wide eyes. "You wouldn't dare," he bites back.
Another shrug is his only answer.
A door at the back of the court creaks open.
"Barnes, call them back in."
"Damn," Bucky cards his fingers through his dark locks and whistles, "my girl's fast."
Heat flares across Steve's disbelieving frown.
Bailiff Barnes stands up with a chuckle.
"See, when you recreate that look at home, the color you're gonna wanna pick is Fuschia."
No sooner has Bucky opened the double doors than you flit past him and down the aisle.
"Barnes," you nod politely before your eyes meet Steve's.
Your head cocks to the side in surprise. "Mister Rogers."
It's a split-second in time, but Steve loses all ability to form words. He had no idea you knew his name. The smile you flash over your shoulder after setting your briefcase down, too, isn't just a polite smile or a confident 'I've won this case' smile. No. That smile is just for him.
Steve gulps, letting that gleaming gesture sear into his brain so he can sketch it later.
He plucks out his charcoal again.
At least he has this chance to draw the judge behind the bench...and put all the others he forgot on the page, too.
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[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
Oh boy. Yet another mini-series taking up real estate in my mind... Hopefully, none of you guys are taking bets about how long all these things are taking me!! Luckily, this one is pretty straight-forward fluff--which is, of course, how Threadbare started and that ended up ::checks notes:: at 20,000 words... Whoops, indeed...
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @fallinallinmendes @deandreamernp
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edensbuttercups · 2 years
Ghosts aren't real - Robert "Bob" Floyd x reader
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Summary: You never really believed in ghosts, but after the weirdness of the past few days you're starting to. On Halloween night, after a shift at the Hard Deck, you talk about it and Bob offers to come home with you, willing to find a logical explanation or catch whatever is haunting you.
A/N: I've been slightly blessed with writer's block, yet somehow got the idea for this fic and wrote it in just over a day 🥴 Hopefully I'll get the other's I'm working on out soon, but for now here is this little Halloween treat 🎃 (It's not also so late it's technically not Halloween anymore where I am but shhh) I wish Rhett occasionally wore glasses 'cause it would make the gif fit more but uugh, I guess it will do
Words: 6k
As always, requests are open and comments are very much appreciated! Thank you for reading and hope you're all having a good day ♡
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You felt like you were going crazy. 
Your doorbell ringing with no one in sight, the tv turning on and off even when you were nowhere close to the remote, the motion sensor outside turning on when no one was there. And it didn’t help that all of this was happening in the week leading up to Halloween, the pumpkin and skeleton decorations only adding to your weariness. 
Luckily nothing seemed to happen in the night, only in the hours that lead to it, leaving you to sleep somewhat peacefully. Still, getting home from work each evening left you with a sense of… not quite dread, but something along those lines.
You had talked about it at the Hard Deck before everything started happening, which only made this feel like a wicked joke from the universe or a ghost that had taken you as its victim after your talk with them.
”Didn’t sleep?” Hangman asked you, leaning over the counter as you prepared their usual order.  You smiled when you opened Bob’s lemonade, still finding it cute how he never drank alcohol and always opted for the citrusy drink. “Watched a horror film last night.” You explained with a sigh, “I’m not usually afraid, but I kept feeling like I’d open my eyes to find a ghost staring at me.”  You laughed along when he did, rolling your eyes when he slapped a hand over his thigh, still laughing. “Scared of ghosts?” He asked, making you shake your head in answer as you placed the last bottle on the tray. “Not quite. Ghosts aren’t real.” You explained with a chuckle, as if it was obvious, “But after a horror film it’s easy to forget about my lack of belief.”  He smirked, playfully saluting you before heading back to the pool table, handing everyone their drink and taking hold of a cue stick, challenging whoever dared play against him, Coyote not backing out but accepting the challenge, smirking back at him.  Bob turned to look at you, raising his drink your way with a smile that you returned, loving that he always thanked you, even if Hangman was the one bringing him his drink and this was, after all, part of your job.
A few days after that, things started happening. First it was small things, the gust of wind past your window sounding a little too loud, the scrape of wood against the glass sounding like fingernails, all things that were only scary because of the connections your mind decided to make, but then the tv started turning on and off and the lights outside turning on when no one was even near your porch.
It wasn’t extreme, wouldn’t happen more than once or twice a night, but it started making you wonder, the spooky season only adding to it, with its great selection of horror films each night, amazing both for the entertainment of them and for plaguing your mind with the wonder of what could be haunting your home.
It was Monday morning, and as you looked in the mirror you did everything you could do to make you look less tired and more pretty, doing a simple Halloween makeup for the day, happy that your shift didn’t start until three, ending at nine and leaving you to spend the last hours of the night with your favorite squad, looking forward to teasing Hangman and Rooster and gossip with Phoenix, maybe talk a little to Fanboy or Bob.  Penny had prepared a small witch hat clip you could clip on your head, so you chose a cute black dress, simple black tights and your favorite black boots, looking badass enough to kick whatever ghost was haunting you while also looking pretty enough to maybe find the courage to flirt a little with your lemonade-drinking crush.
Time to leave rolled by quickly enough, and glancing in the mirror you smiled at the reflection, loving the outfit and having worn it as it was on many occasions, but the little witch hat waiting for you at the Hard Deck definitely the perfect choice to elevate the look.
“You look great!” Penny exclaimed when you walked in, twirling when she saw you walking in to show you her own outfit, the dark red dress fitting her perfectly and the little horns she wore to match completing the look. “Look at you!” You smiled, holding a hand out to squeeze her shoulder, “Mav’s going to lose his mind.” You joked, nudging her softly. The look she sent your way made you laugh, and when she patted your shoulder you smiled, lowering your head so she could clip the little hat in place, leaving it resting comfortably on one side of your head. You glanced at the reflection in the mirror, loving the little addition, handmade by Penny the day before.  “So,” she started explaining, pointing around the different parts of the bar, “decorations are sort of put up, we have to add a few more by the pool tables, near the darts, but only what won’t be ruined by whoever has bad aim, and down on the porch.”  You nodded, getting to work with the decorations, one of your favorite parts of the holiday, the little skeletons and pumpkins and spiders, a good mix between cute and creepy as you hung them and placed them around the space. It would all look tied in together when the sun would set, leaving the candles and fairy lights to set the mood. 
You and Penny ended up chatting for most of the afternoon, the first few clients walking in around the time the sun set, some of them complimenting the decorations, others pretending to be spooked, giving the two of you a thumbs up.  “You’re on until 9pm, then you can go with your sailors.” Penny said with a playful glance once the few orders had been taken care of, reminding you about the deal you and her had for Halloween, knowing how much you enjoyed it and wanting you to have fun while still working, since you had insisted. She also knew about your little crush and teased you relentlessly for it, always urging you to do something about it because of how cute you and Bob would look together.  “Yeah, yeah.” You muttered, turning over to prepare a pint for an old regular, a retired man by now but a good pilot years ago, his years of service shown by the wrinkles on his face and the badges that still adorned his jacket. “Here you go, Paul.” You said softly, handing him his drink.
“Well, well, well. You clean up nicely.” Hangman said loudly the second he walked in, interrupting your small talk with Paul as Coyote, Phoenix and Bob followed behind him, all of them looking you up and down with a smile. You always got along with Hangman, always answering back and never backing down, telling him when he was being a jerk and ringing the bell on him when he was being nothing but annoying.  “Why, thank you, Bagman, and what are you supposed to be?” You asked, leaning over the counter and smirking, the fangs in his mouth, pale skin, exposed veins and bloodied shirt giving a pretty clear idea. “Yeah, he’s original as always.” Spoke Phoenix from behind him, slipping ahead and sitting on one of the free bar stools, placing a little Frankenstein’s Monster plushie on the counter. “You’re one to speak, Doctor.” Hangman scoffed, clearly not having noticed the plushie. “It’s Frankenstein.” She said, rolling her eyes and smiling at you when you placed her drink in front of her, not needing her to order anymore, knowing her choices by now. “Why don’t you have the scar and green skin then?” He asked, as if she was the one in the wrong, still oblivious. “Frankenstein’s the doctor.” You and Bob both said in unison, making Phoenix smirk up at you, another person that had figured out your not-so-secret crush. “Which, arguably, the real monster.” Bob added, knowing that the small freckles drawn on his cheeks were doing nothing to hide his blush. “Good observation, Milo.” You smiled his way, handing him his lemonade.
You loved his costume, not far from his usual attire, wearing a beige tank top and khaki green pants, the easiest clue as to who he was dressed as being the round frames resting on his nose and his hair parted in the middle, always having loved Milo as a character.  His mouth fell open, a silent oh slipping from his lips that only made his blush darken, earning a chuckle from Coyote, his makeup matching Hangman’s, with the only addition of a bite mark on his neck. “He didn’t think anyone would get who he was.” Coyote explained, raising his drink your way in a silent cheer.  “Yeah, I mean who the hell knows about Milo?” Hangman asked, practically draping himself over the stool. “Clearly not you, you didn’t even know about Frankenstein.” You joked, earning a scoff from the blond aviator. “What’s up with your neck?” You then asked Coyote, looking at him instead of granting Hangman more than a glance as you pointed at the two little bite marks, odd on a vampire.  “I can answer this one.” Hangman proudly announced, sitting up straight. “The one thing he knows.” Bob muttered, his voice low enough for you to hear.
No one else seemed to, anyway, making your laughter seem out of place, yet Bob seemed to appreciate it, always loving when he got you to smile or laugh, a personal accomplishment he carried close to his heart. “We decided that I’d clearly be the first one to turn into a vampire, being the jock and all, but as a vampire I’d definitely turn Coyote with me. He’s my best friend, if I’m living forever, he’s suffering along.” He said, landing a loud smack on Coyote’s arm, the other man looking like he was ready to fight back. “I’m kinda surprised to see how much thought went into that, Count Bagman.” You bowed lightly, hoping he’d get at least this reference. He chuckled, tilting his head to the side and smirking as he always did, pointing to the pool tables. “Count Hangman has to show these people how to get beaten by him at pool, will you join us later?”  “Yep. Shift finishes at nine, so I’ll be there around then.” You replied, checking that no other clients needed a refill or wanted to order. “Pretty good. See you in a few hours then!” Phoenix said with a smile, walking her way to the pool table and standing on one end, rolling the sleeves of her white coat up. She looked effortlessly cool, the black dress under the coat suiting her perfectly, and the fishnets were a fun touch, making her look the coolest out of the group of monsters and ghouls that were sitting around the table. “I’ll see you later.” Added Bob softly, giving you a little nod as he made his way to join her, smiling when he heard you shout a see you later, Milo! his way. 
Nine pm rolled by quickly, making you sigh in relief when you sat by Nat’s side, joining the conversation effortlessly as you sipped on your drink. It hadn’t been a long shift per se, the bigger part of the work starting an hour before your shift ended, but you were glad to be on the other side of the counter and surrounded by your friends, finally catching up to their stories once more. “So,” Nat spoke after finishing her conversation with Fanboy, leaning more into your side, “Gonna talk to Bob?” “What?” You asked, never having mentioned that you would, too scared of ruining the perfectly great friendship you had built to risk it. “Oh, c’mon. You’ve both been staring at each other all night, and he couldn’t help but keep that blush on his cheeks after you called him Milo. He likes you too.” You shushed her, nudging her back. You wouldn’t talk to him, no, even if you knew that eventually your feelings would bubble out. That, or everyone that knew would carry on looking at you with that teasing or pitiful look. Either way, you could deal with it. “What about you, Nat?” you teased instead, tugging lightly at her white coat, “Got your eyes set on anyone tonight?” She looked around the room, taking a sip from her drink when she found who she was looking for. Following the direction of her gaze, you immediately could tell who she was looking for, the sparkling red dress hard to miss. “Wow. She’s really your type.” “There’s a lot of pretty people tonight.” She defended, looking around, “But yeah, she’s really my type.” She repeated, chuckling against you, setting her empty glass down. “Go order another cocktail. She’s near the bar and probably will come over, and if not…” “If not I don’t chicken out on my feelings like some of my friends.” She muttered, winking at you as she stood, grabbing her glass and making her way to the bar, her eyes darting to the woman as she did, not going unnoticed.  With Natasha chatting to the mystery woman, and you perched on the pool table, jokingly judging each single one of Hangman’s hits, you soon grew tired of the loud music and chatter, needing a moment with some quiet and fresh air. “Count?” You called after he stopped cheering, his smirk still plastered on his face when he moved to look at you, raising an eyebrow. “Yes?” He drawled, resting some of his weight on the cue stick. “Heading out for some fresh air.” He nodded, his smirk dropping to a sincere smile. Your friendship with Hangman wasn’t free of arguments or tense moments, but he always looked out for you, and telling him when you were stepping out of the Hard Deck was one of the things he had asked you to mention, after spending a night with his heart in his throat when he couldn’t find you, the crowds thick and hard to get through. He found you eventually, hiding just by the porch after the overcrowded rooms grew too loud and rowdy, needing the moment of break before heading back in to finish the last hour of your shift. 
The porch was full of people, some dressed up and others in regular clothes, so you sneaked further ahead, on the sand, looking at the waves crash and turn into foam, the warm glow of the moon making everything more special. You felt someone sit next to you after some time had passed, looking up to see Bob and smiling at the sight, resting your head on his shoulder, the sound of the waves repetitive enough to make your eyes grow heavy.
“Enjoying the party?” He asked, voice hushed after having to talk so loudly over the music and the chatter. “Yeah. Just needed some fresh air.” You said softly, eyes still closed as you stifled a yawn. He chuckled, grabbing a handful of sand and watching it slip past his fingers, “you sound tired.”  “Haven’t been sleeping too well.” You muttered, lifting your head from his shoulder so that you could look at him. “How come?” He asked quickly, his expression growing slightly worried, something that did nothing to help your quick heartbeat. “Oh, well… I mean, it sounds stupid.” You said with a laugh, his serious expression making you go on as you shuffled, crossing your legs as you fully turned to look at him, your knees resting against his when he mirrored your position. “It started a few nights ago. Things are slightly weird at home, and I know it sounds stupid but it almost feels like there’s a ghost haunting me.” 
He looked at you for a moment, expression serious, before his lips twisted upwards, a quiet laugh bubbling from him, easily going unnoticed had it not been for the movement of his shoulders.
You placed your hands over them, holding them down as if that could stop his laughing fit, starting to laugh with him when his hands flew up to grip onto your arms for support, head tilted forward as he tried catching his breath.
“Sorry,” he muttered, looking up to find your face inches away from his, his blush returning as quickly as yours, laughter slowly dying, even if his smile remained. “Sorry.” He repeated, pulling back. “It’s just, the other day you said that ‘ghosts aren’t real’.” You didn’t think he had heard, considering he was all the way at the pool tables. Or was he? You tried thinking back, not remembering him anywhere near Hangman. “Stealth pilot, yeah.” He answered, almost replying to your question. “You didn’t see me, but I had gone to the bathroom. I had just walked past Hangman when you said that.” He continued his explanation, a playful look in his eyes. “Huh. Impressive.” You replied, letting your hands fall on his knees for a moment only, not resisting the touch. “But yeah, a ghost is haunting me, look at that.”  “What kind of haunting?” He asked, suddenly curious. He had always enjoyed paranormal programs, ghost hunting and the likes, even if he was a non-believer, simply not finding the idea of ghosts, ghouls or demons realistic. “Tv turning on and off, motion sensor light activating when no one’s there, doorbell ringing when no one’s there, … oh, weird sounds. Stuff like that.”  “I feel like most of that can be explained. Maybe you need to switch your batteries out?” He offered, still finding the whole situation hilarious. “Sure, everything started happening at the same time four days ago because all of my batteries are dead.”  “Almost dead.” He corrected. “Okay, almost dead.” You said, rolling your eyes, “but if that ghost decides to kill me tonight, my life’s on you.” You joked, this time watching him roll his eyes. “Okay, okay, well, I…” he rarely was shy around you, having grown used to your presence and humor and having hung out enough to truly consider you a friend, but he looked a little uncertain as he spoke, this time. “I could come over, if you’d like. Watch a scary film, catch the ghost, eat candy and tell each other some scary stories.”  “You really don’t want me to sleep, huh?” You jokingly said, pushing his shoulder back to tease him. 
“Floyd planning on keeping you up all night?” Phoenix spoke, draping her arms around your shoulders, her words carrying the sweet smell of the strawberry cocktail she was sipping on.  “Nat.” You heard him whisper, sending her a warning glance. You understood the connotation of her words, knowing they were a silent dig at you, not at him. After all, you were the one with the crush. “I have a ghost at home and he offered to help me catch it.” You said looking up at her, her head slipping from resting on the top of your head to rest against your cheek instead. She clearly was a little drunk, taking the chance to be since they had the next day off, and she became a little more clingy than usual when she was.  “Ah, of course he did.” She smirked, and even if you couldn’t see that you could perfectly see Bob’s reaction, his eyes begging her to be quiet while her words tinted his cheeks to the color of her drink. “Well, good look with that.” She mumbled, sending Bob a wink as she slipped back inside, the door clinking as it closed behind her.
You sat in silence for a moment, looking up at the stars, the salty air kissing your skin. He kept his eyes on you, unable to peer them away from your lips, their dark colour suiting you so well.  He truly was bewitched.
“I love the night.” You whispered, looking back down at him. He looked so cute, his hair parted differently and glasses big and round, suiting him almost as much as his regular glasses did. But it was the blue and red neon lights from the Hard Deck that completed the scene, casting purple highlights on his skin, his look almost ethereal, somehow. “Can I take a picture of you?” You asked quietly when he only nodded at your statement, watching him stutter out an answer. “Well, I-… I mean, sure, I just- I… don’t usually look good.”  You pulled up your phone, looking at him through the viewfinder and snapping the first picture, his eyes still wide from your question. “You’re very photogenic, Bob, and you do look good.”  You snapped another picture after speaking your words, his smile genuine in the second snapshot. “Look.” You said, turning the phone his way to show him, his eyes still on you. “Can we take a photo together?” He asked you, this time. You had few photos with Bob, always getting lost in the moments you shared with him, often enjoying the time together too much to remember to document it with a picture. “Sure.” You said, standing to sit next to him, handing him your phone as you rested your head on his shoulder, smiling at the camera. 
It was a cute picture, one you surely would print to hang on your wall, his smile soft matching your own, except you both were secretly looking at each other, the cause of your smile kept a secret from one another.
“I like myself next to you.” He said softly, studying the photo on your phone.  It was a simple comment, but it still made you blush, the honesty behind it. You stayed like that for a little while longer, resting your head on his shoulder, stifling a yawn when the tiredness snuck up on you again. “Tired?” He whispered, lowering his hand to meet yours, interlocking your fingers together and squeezing them once out of reflex, feeling how well they fit together. “A little.” You mumbled back, smiling up when you looked at him, his lips a little too close for you to think anything other than how easy it would be to reach up and kiss them.  “Let’s go then.” He said, breaking your thought process and tugging you up with him, his hand never leaving yours. You walked hand in hand in hand, ignoring Phoenix’s look and smirk and just squeezing his hand once, walking towards the rest of the squad to wish them a good night. 
He held your hand all the way to your home, thankful that it wasn’t too far, considering that the pretty heels you were wearing that were slowly starting to hurt, but you ended up wishing it was a longer way when his hand slipped out of yours, setting on the small of your back as you opened the door and inviting him in, taking his jacket and leading him to the couch. “Would you like something to drink? I have lemonade.” You offered cheerfully, this whole routine familiar from the many late night chats and occasional movie nights you had shared. 
You always made sure to be stocked up, occasionally buying different ones to try to find his favorite, keeping some snacks you knew he liked too, knowing he’d never request anything specific but slowly picking up on what his favorites were. “I’d love that.” He said with a small nod, leaning back and resting his head, grabbing a hold of the remote when you handed it to him. 
With the drinks set on the table you sat by his side, going through the movies being shown and settling on a cheesy horror, more than happy to chat rather than watch jocks and cheerleaders being killed one by one. “I’ll put the remote over there, so if the ghost decides to turn the tv off there’s no doubt about it being one of us.” You said with a smirk, choosing to joke about this, no matter how much nervousness it had caused you over the past few days. “Sure. But what if the ghost doesn’t appreciate our film choice?” He teased, pulling his tongue out at you. “Then said ghost will have to suck it up.” 
You sat on the sofa, your legs resting on his as the movie played, the blonde cheerleader screaming as she ran away from the killer, the scene cliché enough to not even phase you. “Do you think you’d survive in a horror film?” You asked him after a while, lifting your head to look at him. “People barely see me most of the time, so hopefully a killer also wouldn’t.” He chuckled, hand resting on your leg, the warmth of his hand making your skin buzz beneath it. “I see you.” You said, wishing you were closer to hold his hand, or show him that you cared, somehow. “I know.” He said honestly, smiling.  You kept his eyes on him, feeling like maybe you could say something, but the doorbell went off, making your legs jolt away from his, suddenly feeling tense again. “I’ll go check.” He said, standing and moving towards the door, feeling your hand grip his arm after less than a step. “Not letting you go alone.” You mumbled, knowing he was wondering why you had joined him.  And just like each night, the door was opened to reveal nobody there, the chilly air making its way into the apartment.
Bob took another step forward, stepping outside and keeping you behind him, shielding you from whatever was waiting in the dark. “Hello?” He called out, shushing you when you laughed. “What?” He asked you then, looking at you curiously. “Think you’ll need a ouija board if you want to talk to it.”  “Maybe it wouldn’t be angry if you stopped calling it it.” He said back, pulling his tongue out at you. “You just called it it too.” You argued, smirking up at him. “Guess we’ll just have to be haunted together, then.” He teased, letting go of your hand to wrap his arm around your shoulder instead.
You felt so comfortable in his arms, so safe, and even if you wouldn’t reveal it to him, you couldn’t help the feeling blooming in your chest, and you mentally cursed when you reached the coach again, thinking that he’d let you go, but he didn’t, making you rest on his chest instead as you watched the unfortunate future of those teens, too dumb to make any right choices, it seemed.
He chuckled at the exaggerated scream another character let out, holding onto you as he did. You could barely concentrate, too focused on how it felt to be in his arms, how his heart sounded under your cheek, how his arm was wrapped protectively around you.  You looked up again, taking in how he looked in these lights, the colors changing as the film went on, his lips settled into a relaxed smile, his blue eyes shining bright.  He looked down at you, eyes darting between your eyes and your lips, feeling time slow down. Yet you both looked up when the detective on the screen shouted “Hands up!”, the volume sounding louder that it initially had, making you jolt as the killer was soon to be revealed. You held your breath in, not really for the revelation that was about to happen on the screen, but for what had almost happened between you and Bob. 
Your eyes were trailed on the tv, too afraid to look anywhere else as the killer was slowly getting illuminated by the police lights, the camera panning up, reaching higher and higher until…
The tv turned off. 
You glanced at the screen, seeing the remote resting near it, glancing up at Bob to prove what you meant. “See? I didn’t turn it off.” You huffed, cheeks still red from the almost-kiss, even if now the paranormal was back in mind.  “This is the most annoying ghost. Right before we get to find out who the killer is.” He muttered, head turning to the side when he saw the motion light turn on.  “Huh.” He hummed at that, furrowing his eyebrows. You tried not to mind that he seemed so normal, unable to see his cheeks in the dark, but still, he didn’t seem bothered by you two almost kissing. Were you reading too much into this? “You see, motion lights usually die when the batteries do, and ghosts wouldn’t activate them, technically.” He said, suddenly an expert ghost hunter. “Which means…?” You trailed on, not liking where this was going. “That this is a person.” 
His expression switched from a softer one to a harsher one, seeing what Natasha had once described to you as his “serious look”, one he only donned while taking notes about important maneuvers, up in the air and when he felt in danger.
Only this time he didn’t feel in danger, he felt like you were, which was worse.
“You stay here.” He said sternly, pushing you back against the couch, both of his hands holding your shoulders, not wanting you to move. He was going to deal with this. “I’m going out.” It wasn’t a question, and his eyes were focused, cold, as he looked at you once again, gaze falling to the window behind you, looking over the garden. “You stay here.” He repeated, studying your face for one moment longer before standing and walking out back, his steps quiet enough that you didn’t even hear as he descended the stairs. You couldn’t get his eyes out of your head, how different they looked when they sensed danger, how quickly he leaped into action, how he glanced at your lips once more before going out the door. You cursed yourself for not moving sooner, getting distracted instead by the tv when what you had been waiting for was finally happening. 
A scream broke the silence, and your train of thought, mainly, yet not close to Bob’s, meaning it must’ve been the mystery man.  It was when his name was said that you realized who was in your garden.  “Bob?” you heard coming from outside. 
You had been scared of Hangman.  Not a ghost, not a demon, not even a creep that had decided on scaring you around Halloween. 
No, Hangman.
“What the hell are you doing here? Ow! Ow, ow, Bob, wait!”  You stood, knowing that there was no danger anymore, standing at your door with your arms crossed. You watched as Bob dragged Hangman by the ear up to your front porch, the scene funny enough to make you smile. “Happy Halloween!” He said, trying to free himself from Bob’s hold. “Dick move, Hangman.” You spoke, giving a small nod to Bob, fine with letting him go now, but Bob shook his head, pulling on his ear, making him hiss at the tug. “Dude!” “Apologize.” Bob said back, set on not letting him go until he did. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled, looking more annoyed than sorry. “Did that sound sincere to you?” Bob asked you, his eyes finding yours with a sweetness they had lost when the motion light had turned on, determination having taken its place.  “Not really, no.” You said, playing along. You didn’t really mind, seeing Bob holding Hangman by the ear enough of an apology for you. Actually, this was a great image. You raised a finger, telling Bob to wait a moment, running to the couch and grabbing your phone, opening the camera as you walked out, snapping a picture of the scene. “Oh, c’mon.” He grumbled, trying to pull away. “Apologize once more and you’re free.” Bob said, smirking at you when he saw you were still pointing the phone at them. “I’m sorry.” He said again, this time his tone was deemed sincere enough, making Bob let go of him.
He straightened up, wiping his shirt down in a theatrical manner, swinging the cloak behind his back like a truly ridiculous vampire. “How did you do it all?” You asked, not really out of curiosity, but because you needed to make sure it didn’t happen again.  “Universal remote for your tv. Doorbell was… me ringing your doorbell and hiding.”  “Like a child.” Bob muttered as you nodded along. “Motion sensor was an accident. I just happen to be a physical being.”  You chuckled, shaking your head. “Go enjoy your night, instead of ruining mine.” you said, still annoyed but less so now that you knew what, or who, was causing all of the weirdness.  “No more?” Bob asked, not wanting to be disturbed anymore tonight and not wanting you to get disturbed in the future. “Promise I’ll stop. It just felt funny with the whole ‘ghosts aren’t real’ talk.” Bob hummed, pushing Jake away with a quick good night, having had enough of him.  He reached you and closed the door behind the two of you, smiling when he saw your relief. “We never found out who the killer was.” You muttered, breaking the silence. “No, but we caught the ghost.” He joked, his hand reaching up to rest on your cheek, making your breath get stuck in your throat once again, the touch new and foreign. 
You were great friends, and often cuddled, held hands or simply rested on each other, it wasn’t new, but this was, feeling more intimate somehow. “There’s something else I never found out.” He whispered, thumb rubbing your cheek softly as you looked at him, his blue eyes peering into yours once more. “What?” You asked, eyes glancing at his lips before focusing back on the shade of blue you loved so much. “If we were going to kiss.” 
He waited, smiling when you nodded, glancing at his lips again.
“Can I kiss you now?” He asked after another moment, leaning a little closer, leaving you to close the distance between the two of you.  “Yes.” You hummed, pushing yourself up to meet his lips, taking a deep breath when you felt him against you, the hand that wasn’t holding your cheek slipping around your waist, pulling you flush against him. Your arms rose to wrap around his shoulders, smiling against his lips when you felt him melt into you, all of that nervousness you had held when it came to him leaving the second he deepened the kiss, pulling away to look at you again, the thumb grazing your cheek falling over your lips, tracing where his had just been. He chuckled, resting his forehead against your own. “So, I promised you a scary movie, and we watched one. Promised to catch a ghost, and we caught him.” He spoke matter of factly, tilting his head to the side, “That leaves…” “Candies and scary stories.” you said, quoting his earlier words. “Now, as much as I don’t think there’s anything as sweet as you…” he trailed on, laughing when you scoffed at his words. “You’re so cheesy.” You said softly, dropping your arms to rest at his waist, holding him close to you.
He tilted his head, reaching down to press a feather-light kiss on your lips, not getting enough of it now that he knew what it felt like.  “I’ll grab some snacks, and we can snuggle on the couch?” You offered, untangling from him and immediately missing him, walking towards the cabinet to grab a few different things, from savory to sweet, along with another bottle of your drinks, the taste of his lemonade still lingering on your lips. “I’d love that, yeah.”  He moved back, grabbing a fluffy blanket and placing it on his legs, waiting for you to place everything on the table before enveloping you in it, his strong arms wrapped around you as he kissed you again. “Out of all the trick or treating I’ve done, this is definitely the best treat.” He whispered as he pulled away, gaze raking over your features before leaning back towards you, your lips meeting his again as you giggled, pulling him closer still against you, not wanting to let him go.
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arvensimp · 2 years
I want Different Kinda Jelly Pt. 3 so muccccchhhhh! Dom!arven is so hot.
I'm glad you like it so far!!! This isn't anywhere near done yet (i keep digging myself into a bigger and bigger hole), but here's where we are now!
Different Kinda Jelly Pt. 3
Jealous!Arven x fem!reader, ft. Leon - part 1 - part 2
"Can you make him go away?" Arven whispers. You can feel how hard he is against you, and fuck, you want it. You want him. At the same time though, Leon's at the door, and...
"He just bought us food..."
Arven groans, pressing his face into the pillow. "I'll go take a shower." And with that he gets up and storms into the bathroom.
For your part, you just need to pull your panties and pants back on and adjust your shirt before answering the door. As it swings open, you hear the rush of running water.
"H-Hey... Uh..."
"SO sorry I took so long. Got lost on my way there, but the food should still be warm!" Leon says as he barrels past you into the room. "Your boyfriend taking a shower then?" He asks as he sets the bags down on the table.
"Yeah... Ya know, long day, long flight..." You shuffle anxiously from foot to foot, trying to discretely position your collar in such a way that your neck is properly covered because as it stands, you're not entirely certain Leon won't be able to tell what you and Arven had just been up to. You haven't had a chance to check a mirror, but you're fairly positive you're going to be covered in bruises.
Leon nods, understanding. "Well hopefully he doesn't take too long! Would he mind if we dug in without him? I'm starved, really. Barely ate a thing all day."
"Uh..." You look over to the restroom door, as if it would give you some answers. "You can go ahead. I'll wait for Arven."
Leon shrugs. "Cheers then." He says as he fishes out a takeaway container and starts eating. "So! Like I was saying!" Leon bounds off, telling you in Galarian about all of the plans that have been made for this trip. You get a decent amount of what he's saying, having decided to study the language a bit more since your last trip, but even then, Leon tends to talk quickly, and his accent isn't the easiest for you to understand, so sometimes you need to slow him down or ask him to repeat himself or even speak in Paldean, which he happily does to the best of his ability.
It seems like he really is trying to get to know you better and be a better communicator compared to your last trip here.
After what feels like a lifetime, but in all likelihood was probably only about 15 or 20 minutes, Arven returns from the shower. He's got a pair of loose fitting sleep pants and a baggy shirt on, as well as a towel around his shoulders to help stave off some of the dripping from his hair.
He narrows his eyes at Leon. "Hey--"
"Hey, mate! Welcome back!" Leon greets him cheerily, fishing into the takeaway bags to pull out containers for the two of you. "Like I was saying earlier, so sorry I was late. I'm just pants with directions, ya know? Luckily the food should still be good and warm. Stuff's from one of my favorite curry places, and their chips are top notch. The owner and me are mates actually, and he's an absolute ledge, ya know?"
He speaks so fast and with too much slang for Arven to entirely understand. He just takes what looks to be a container of...curry? With french fries? and lets him keep talking.
The two of you open the container, and fuck, it really does smell good. You each grab a fork, dig in, and end up moaning simultaneously.
"Oh my god?"
"That's so good!" The two of you say at the same time, and Leon just laughs.
"What did I tell you? Was I right?"
You both nod, stuffing your faces with more of the delicious curry. Arven wipes a bit away from the corner of his mouth with his thumb. "You said..." He swallows another mouthful. "You know the owner?"
Leon nods. "We're mates."
Arven gives him a confused look.
"Uh...friends?" He switches to Paldean quickly.
Arven nods, understanding. "I'd love to get the..." He pauses, pulls out his phone and does a quick translation. "Recipe..?"
Leon claps his hands together, thrilled. "Absolutely! I can see about bringing you over tomorrow if you like? Or..." He thinks and looks to you. "I may just have to give you an address. I'm not sure...with the press and all that."
Your boyfriend huffs, and you set a hand on his knee. Arven secretly thrills at the bit of contact from you in front of this guy. Leon sees it and at least has the grace to look apologetic. "I really am sorry...again. I promise, I won't do anything...ya know...untoward this time." He raises a hand. "Champion's honor. Or, well. Former Champion."
Arven gives him an unsure look, but silently goes back to eating, which seems to infinitely improve his mood. You do notice that he moves his knee over to touch yours and doesn't move it though.
So Leon and you continue talking. Or, really, Leon continues talking excitedly as you eat and listen to him, trying your best to understand his fast paced Galarian.
"And then there's Raihan. The banter from that one, I'm telling you. Ya know, you may have actua--" Leon pauses when Arven leans over just a bit and turns you to face him.
"Got a bit of curry on your cheek..." He tells you softly and low in Paldean, swiping it off with his thumb while still holding you in his grasp. "Say, 'ah'..."
Without thinking, you comply and open your mouth to lick the curry off him.
Then you realize what you'd just done.
In front of Leon.
And you turn red.
And you look to Leon.
He looks similarly embarrassed, his honeyed eyes darting around the room, anywhere but at you.
You look to Arven.
He looks incredibly smug. In fact, he's never looked quite so much like a smirking mabosstiff before, it's nearly shocking.
He leans in and kisses your other cheek. "Good girl." He says just softly enough that Leon likely doesn't hear the words.
There's a hideously long pause.
"So!" Leon starts. "I should probably get going, haha..." He clears his throat and stands. "We'll have a long week ahead of us, so, uhh... " He starts heading to the door.
You stand to follow him, and Arven follows suit, sticking close behind you with a lithe arm around your waist like a toedscruel's vine.
"We'll see you tomorrow, Leon?" You ask.
"U-Uh...Yup! Definitely." He replies, still refusing to meet your gaze. Behind you, Arven narrows eyes as his grin widens. "So, uh. Right-o! I'll see you then. Cheers!"
And he's out the door with a quick slam.
Arven only gives it a few moments before he bursts into laughter.
"Why would you do that?!" You ask, still as red as a tamato berry.
He snakes his arms around your waist. "C'mon, can you blame me? He's the worst!"
"He's not!" You argue. "He's kinda, I dunno...maybe not the brightest electebuzz in the bunch, but he means well."
"That dumbass didn't notice a single one of your hickeys until I literally put your neck on display for him." Arven tells you, still laughing.
"So that curry thing with your thumb?"
"Two purposes."
"You've just embarrassed him hideously!"
"So? Why should I care about him?"
"Fine. You've also embarrassed me."
Arven pauses and seems to come down a bit. "...I'm sorry. I just...I need him to get it, you know?"
"Get what?"
He leans into you, fixing his face into the crook of your neck. "You're...you're not his. You're mine." Arven doesn't say it meanly or childishly or even possessively. He almost says it like he's a bit frightened.
You squeeze him tighter into the hug. "I know I'm yours...and he does, too. He's really trying to be good, I think."
Arven hums. "Maybe. ...I did, uh...kinda like...showing you off like that. Is that weird?"
You sigh. "I don't think so, and I love the idea of you being more interested in PDA, but I'd prefer if we talked about it beforehand, especially in front of someone who has shown interest in me in the past. I... I dunno, I don't want him to feel bad."
"I do."
"Don't be mean. He's sending you to that restaurant to learn about curry or whatever."
Arven huffs. "Yeah, I guess."
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velneer · 8 months
A pup to remember [pt. 1]
Velvet, Veneer, and a puppy. What could go wrong?
First story here. Hopefully it makes sense cause I'm sleep deprived at the moment. Also, I'm making it into two parts. I swear it's a one shot but it kinda turned into a two shot.
ps. English isn't my first language. Also, I'll fix this in the morning.
Characters: Velvet x Veneer
Warnings: brother/sister relationship, a little hint of incest if you squint hard enough. Not much warning here. Velvet is really really sleepy though.
Mornings were never Velvet's type. The loud horns of the cars and the morning sun hitting her eyes ruined her perfectly beautiful sleep, it was soooo not cool.
Veneer was different. Instead of getting annoyed by the horns or the sun interrupting his beauty sleep, he'd make all those things his alarm clock. Always says the stupid quote that he got from the troll they keep in their recording room at work. "The early bird gets to sing the first note of the day!" or so it goes.
That's why standing near the kitchen counter preparing her coffee early in the morning on a Saturday, Velvet wished she was back in her cozy bed sleeping the morning way.
She already made up her mind to leave the coffee behind to return to her bed until Veneer walked in calling out her name in excitement.
"Vel! Vel!"
"What?" She groaned, taking the cup out of the machine, which was still pouring out the coffee to take a sip.
"Can we keep him?" Veneer asked, eyes sparkling in hope while looking at his sister.
Velvet looked at him in confusion, sleepy mind not following on what he meant. She was about to question him until she heard a bark.
The drink in her hand was completely forgotten as she stared wide-eyed at the thing that made the noise. "What's that?" She asked, her free hand pointing below to where Veneer stands.
"It's a puppy!" Veneer exclaimed excitedly, both arms opening wide towards the small dog, emphasizing the clueless puppy who was happily wagging his tail on the floor.
"I found him on the streets. He was so cute all whining and shivering from the cold. He reminded me of you when snow falls; always wanting to snuggle up underneath a warm blanket and demanding hot cocoa."
"Hold up, bro. Did you just say I'm a dog?" Velvet asked, eyes narrowing, offended by the thought.
"Oh no! I think you're more of a cat, honestly." He said while picking up the cute dog. " You have very sharp nails too. I still have the scratches on my back, by the way, new ones too from last night. Luckily, we don't have a photoshoot this week, or the next, cause I'd have to find an excuse as to why I can't wear anything backless for the shot."
The puppy in Veneer's arms wiggled trying to get down. Both the siblings' attention reverted back to the puppy whose tongue was now out. Its saliva dripped on the clean floor making both of them cringed.
Without a clue, the puppy happily wiggled its tail, rolling over as if demanding to be petted in his belly.
"Awww. Vel, can we keep him?"
Velvet looked towards Veneer as if he'd grown a second head. "Are you kidding me?" She asked. "It was literally making a dog spit puddle in the middle of our kitchen floor a while ago and you still want to keep it?"
Going up to his sister, Veneer did his best to make puppy dog eyes in hopes of swaying his sister's opinion to keep the small dog. His energy seemed to have affected the puppy as it got down to its front legs whining cutely.
"It's too early for this," Velvet mumbled, putting her hands up in surrender. She left the coffee, walked towards the living room, and sat down on the couch quite dramatically, sighing in relief to finally get her feet off the ground.
Veneer and the puppy followed her, both eyes wide expecting an answer from the girl who would decide their fates.
Velvet couldn't help but groan in annoyance knowing that Veneer would not leave her alone until she answered.
"Look, I don't even want to know where you got it. But—" She knows when she wakes up, she'd blame her sleepiness for giving out this answer. "—fine, you can keep it."
Perking up from the news, Veneer stood up to raise the puppy in the air. His excitement was so contagious that even the puppy let out happy barks as they spun around in celebration.
"You hear that boy! I get to keep you!"
As both Veneer and the puppy's excitement mellowed down, Velvet continued, fighting off the heaviness of her eyelids to give out her condition before she fell asleep on the warm cozy couch.
"I have conditions. So listen up."
Standing in attention, Veneer looked up expectantly. The puppy in his arms grew silent, curiously watching the exchange.
"I'm listening."
"As he stays here, you will be in charge of it. Meaning, if it poops, pees, or breaks anything. You, my dear little brother, will take full responsibility. You will also need to clean up after it, and I swear, if it breaks anything important there will be no getting cozy under the blanket for the rest of the week."
Veneer, with a look of nervousness on his face, slowly nodded in agreement. He definitely can clean up after a puppy. It wouldn't be that hard, right?
Part 1 | Part 2
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makeitastrength · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you so much to @cfr749, @sisterofficerlucychen, @mamadoc, and @queseraone for tagging me in this! I was on vacation last week which is why it's taken me forever to answer.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
On AO3, only The Rookie. But I used to write for Castle on ffnet
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The spaces in between
Unless it is
The (E-rated) spaces in between
Tell me you love me (without any words)
Put me back together piece by piece
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I used to be very inconsistent about this, but now I always make sure to reply to every comment because I want people to know how much I appreciate every single one
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I generally at least make sure the ending is hopeful, even if it's not completely happy. I guess the most angsty ending is either this one or this chapter
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmmm... most of them? But if I have to pick just one, I guess maybe this one since the whole thing is really just them being so completely in love and happy
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Luckily, no. Not in this fandom. I got quite a bit for Castle though, which is part of the reason I left that fandom behind
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do. I seem to be incapable of writing just plain old smut, though. Somehow the emotions always find their way in. So if you're looking for porn + feelings, I've got you covered
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have not, and I don't think I ever will
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, once, when I wrote for Castle. Someone took it from ffnet and posted it under their own name on AO3. Luckily, someone from the fandom noticed and told me, and I was able to get the fic taken down
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Yes, a couple people translated a couple of my Castle fics back in the day
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not, but @queseraone and I have an idea for one that is hopefully going to be a summer hiatus project 😊
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
For so many years it was Caskett, but I think Chenford has taken over the top spot now
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh gosh, I have so many partial ideas and little tidbits jotted down on my laptop, and I have no idea which, if any, will ever see the light of day. In theory I will some day write all of them, but I know that's not actually going to happen
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'd like to think my strengths are characterization and attention to detail
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not a very creative writer. I never have been. I'm not good at thinking up characters on my own or building my own story from scratch. But if you give me the characters and universe and all of those details, I could write about them all day
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Hmmm. I don't think I've ever done it. If I did, I'd definitely use multiple translation tools to ensure accuracy. And if I knew someone who spoke the language, I would reach out to them too
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I've been asked this question multiple times over the past couple years, and I keep thinking someday I'll write something new that I really love and I'll be able to give a different answer. But nope. It's still this one
I think most everyone has already been tagged in this over the past week, so I'm tagging anyone who hasn't answered these questions yet but wants to!
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Sneak Peek of Chapter 3|| The Isekai’d Oracle
Sorry for disappearing, just been handling stuff and working on a project. I'll probably post something about it soon but eh. Also I'm doing fine!
Also since I barely got to writing it, this version may have stuff added, taken out or changed completely, in the final product. Hopefully it doesn't change too much.
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MK lays on the ground breathing heavily. Staring up at the blue sky, his mind racing. He lost another practice battle to the Great Sage, like always. Even when he should be focusing on his mistakes he made or the battle. His mind just couldn’t stop thinking about what happened earlier this week. That earthquake, no, he know it wasn’t that simple. There was a blast, a powerful one that made his whole being shiver. It wasn’t supposed to be here. Yet it was.
Monkey King crouches down near MK’s head. He looks down at him worried but quickly pushes it aside, putting a smile on his face.
“You’re doing great bud! You almost had it, just a little more practice and you'll be getting the hang of this. Just…focus a bit more during battle. Your head was up in the clouds and not in the fight.” Monkey King helps MK up to his feet, and pats his back. To show off his encouragement to his student.
“A simple but deadly mistake in battle. You’re opponent will use it to their advantage. Luckily this was practice and you can try as many times, as you need… So what’s on your mind kid?” He asked, but he knew what he going to say. Though he doesn’t entirely know why he was so hung up over it.
“I know but I just got a bit distracted. I was thinking about... stuff.” MK brushes Monkey King aside. 
He frowns a bit, feeling a bit guilty. Monkey King sighs, frustrated not with his student but with himself. He knew, that he should have been more open than being vague with him. Especially when the kid went to him for answers.
MK tensed up, feeling he might have accidentally disappointed or upset his mentor.
“You’re still thinking about that earthquake from earlier this week-” Monkey King's tone was flat but quiet and soft. Trying to be firm and serious and at the same time being gentle and kind. Wanting to be reassuring to his student. 
“It was NOT an earthquake.” MK says cutting the ginger simian off. He quickly turns around and face Monkey King, both were shocked by his sudden outburst.
“I’m sorry, Monkey King, it’s just… I don’t know. It didn’t feel right, I know you told me it was nothing and best to leave it alone. For some reason, something in me, whatever caused it, isn’t suppose to be here. That it was-” 
“Look kid, you can trust me. You are right though, something did cause that earthquake, but it will bring no harm. She’s…pretty harmless… sometimes.” Monkey King focuses his gaze on the ground, not feeling confident enough to look at MK when saying it. Knowing he'll try to be even more vague if he sees his students panic state.
“She? Sometimes?!”
Monkey King got tense as he look at him. The color drained from MK’s face making him nervous. A bitter feeling formed in his stomach, knowing he messed up. He raises his hands up, in a defense stance. Then slowly outstretches them towards him. Defensive, yet slowly reaching out to calm the student down.
“Look kid, her and me go way back. She’s simply doing a task and will leave when she finishes it. There’s literally nothing to worry about. Just stay out of her way and leave her alone. It’s for the best, we’ll only get in the way and mess it up.”
 Monkey King states as he keeps his strained smile on his face. The smile falters slightly at last sentence. It was quick, but MK saw it. He only sees it a few times, when the two take breaks and just talk. It was similar when Monkey King talked about his past. As if something was burdening him.
MK never liked seeing him like that so he never push it. This time wasn’t any different either. MK took a deep breath and smiled. Brushing off the tense and serious mood.
“I guess you’re right, sorry about that. I was just stressed and overthinking things. So she’ll leave when she finishes whatever she needs to do?” 
Monkey King relaxes his stance and put down his hands. There was obviously a shift in his demeanor when he saw MK calm down. Though there was a slight hint of hesitation. 
“Yeah, and things will be back to normal. Like I said there’s nothing to worry about. Just…” He frowns and his gaze went to the ground. Lost in thought.
“Monkey King? Are you okay?” 
He shot his gaze up to his student. Tensing up, feeling a bit embarrassed of getting so lost in his head while talking.
“Oh yeah definitely, like I said, stay out of it and leave her be. She’s harmless and won’t cause too much trouble… I hope.” Monkey King clears his throat and straightens his posture. MK stares at him worried but doesn’t question his words.
“Anyways, you did well on training. You're getting a good hang of your powers, I'm proud of you kid!”
MK was quiet, trying to settle his thoughts. He wanted to ask more about who this person was but he didn’t want to upset his mentor any more than he has. He let out a sigh and smiles brightly.
“You think so Monkey King? I feel I gotten stronger too!” 
“Oh yeah, soon you’ll be changing your size, transforming into animals, you’re going to be a great, kid!” 
They laugh, as Monkey King puts his arm around MK's neck. Ruffling up his hair, as the student try to push his teacher off with a smile.
Maybe it’s for the best they let go of this topic. It was made very clear, that talking about it made them upset and tense. Anyways, Monkey King truly believes that the Oracle can handle anything by herself. It wasn’t right if he shows up and ruin everything. This time he’ll stay out of it for good.
‘The Oracle is strong and smart enough to figure everything by herself after all.’
Your body felt numb, as the freezing cold winds surround you. The ground dark and dead. Trees twisted and dead from the cold harsh temperatures. It felt like the freezing cold was consuming you.
You continue to travel down the dark path. Stumbling on a sharp pillar of ice.
Where the hell are you at now?
You were in the motel room, going to bed. So how did you end up here?
The pillar of ice was thick and tall, your cloudy reflection stare back at you. The details smudge made it hard to see yourself. Though, it didn’t felt like you were. No, the colors of your clothes were different. You reach your hand to touch it. The closer it got, the more the reflection hanged and shift. Your hand turning blue, either from hypothermia or something else completely.
Low whispers filled the air.
“Are you really going to let it play out like this?”
The shock of painful coldness burns your hand, the moment you touch the ice. You pull away, looking around to see who was with you. 
No one.
You were alone.
However, the whispering didn’t stop. It kept getting louder and louder as your hand burns even more. Then it clicked.
You have seen this place before.
A groan escaped from you when you felt Almond lick your cheek. She was laying on top of you. The room felt oddly cold as you slid the small dog off of you.
You sat up from the bed and yawn. Brows furrowed, rubbing your hand. The same hand, that touched the frost on the window and that ice pillar in your dreams. It didn’t hurt, but you still felt a phantom pain to it.
That’s right, your dream…
Almond lays next to you and waits patiently.
“We are going to a different motel. I am not dealing with this or the Lady Bone Demon. Fuck this shit.” 
You got up from the bed and packed the little items you have in your backpack. As much as you love the show and the characters, which you would love to meet someday. Just not the Lady Bone Demon, and as much you can be naive and an airhead most of the time, at least you have some common sense and take that nightmare as a sign to go hide for a while.
You’re not risking anything when it comes to her. Maybe that nightmare was just simply a nightmare and just a by-product of the stress of yesterday. It would make perfect sense for your mind to use the area where the Lady Bone Demon had her mech at. As the perfect setting for a nightmare. A reasonable explanation if you were in a world where there are no such things as magic and demons.
Sadly, you’re currently are in a world where such things exist. Better safe than sorry, and hope you can hide out for a while.
You pause as you place the bag on your bed.
“Where can I even go?” 
Almond whines, as you mutter. You’re completely on your own, with no one to help. You have no powers and are basically homeless. If that dream was a sign, then for what? What can it be telling you?
You groan before putting on your backpack. Guess your only option currently is to go to a different motel and hope nothing dangerous happens.
“Come on, Almond we have a stressful day ahead of us.” 
Hopefully, you enjoyed it and this chapter should be filled more with the show cast. A little bit more of an adventure. You can say. Though I hope I did write the Mk’s and Wukong’s teacher-student relationship properly. Since this is before season 2, they aren't too close yet and setting up walls around one another. Especially Wukong, hopefully, it translated well, and could feel that they aren't exactly comfy with one another yet.
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silenzahra · 1 month
I know this is late but since we just became moots, I want to do this.
Orange, green, blue, and pink are the colors that come to mind, especially green after you lost your original blog and everything you've gone through in your personal life. It was heartbreaking to see both of those things happen to you, considering you are one of the kindest people here.
For the former, it was because there was a lot of great content on there I enjoyed reading, and it was a shame to see all of that disappear over something out of your control. Fortunately, many friendly mutuals put in an admirable effort to recover some of your best work, which shows anything is possible if we put our minds to it.
Unfortunately, I can't speak much on the latter because I don't know what went on there. All I can do is hope things are better for you now and will continue to be so.
As for your Green, Orange, and a Bit of Purple repost, I haven't gotten around to it yet. However, I do plan on getting to it at some point because it's my favorite story of yours.
Wow, this was longer than I thought it would be. 😂 All that to say I think you are a positive influence with great insight, and I look forward to seeing more from you when you're ready. 😊
Hello, @teegeeteegee! First of all, I'm incredibly sorry that I didn't get to this ask earlier 🙏 I went to a concert last Friday and took Saturday to rest and recover, and on Sunday and Monday I've been catching up with some stuff here and there IRL, so I really didn't have much time to spend on Tumblr (something I hope I can fix from now on).
But truly, your ask has filled me with so much joy and warmth! 🥹 I'm HONORED that green and pink come to your mind even though we haven't interacted much yet, and I'd LOVE to go on a picnic with you so we can fix that! As for the blue part, I understand as I also have a hard time reaching out and most times I simply don't know how to approach people 😅 But I'd say this is a great way to break the ice! I'd really LOVE to get to know you better! 🥰
Oh 🥹 You truly are SO kind. Thank you so much 🫂 I can't even express how lucky and blessed I am that I'm part of this wonderful community. The fact that so many people went and saved some of my old content so as to help me build up this new blog, I just. I have no words 🥹 And it makes me so happy to know you enjoyed my content! Hopefully I'll soon be able to resume the task of bringing it all back 💖
As for the personal stuff, you know, I'm doing fine right now thanks to the concert, my dogs and this amazing community, and I'm trying my best to keep myself protected and safe. I simply realized something that is not easy whatsoever to take in... but I'm in the process of doing it so I can be 100% fine and at peace with myself again. Luckily I'm doing much better lately, and I really can't complain. Thank you so much for your support and your kind wishes 🫂💖
And please don't worry about the repost of Green, Orange and a bit of Purple! It's not going anywhere 🥰 I'm just SO happy to know it's your favorite story of mine! I truly LOVED writing it, Luigi and Daisy are my sweet little babies and I adore them so much 🥹
Also, I haven't forgotten about your story that you recommended a while back! I'm afraid I haven't read it yet because of this reader's (and writer's) block I'm still in the process of overcoming, but it's saved on my AO3 TBR list, and I really hope I can get to it soon 🥰
Hehe, my answer was also very long 🤭 I truly and deeply LOVED your ask! You're seriously so sweet 🥹 Thank you so so much, I just, I'm so touched right now! 🫂🫂🫂
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I really hope I can get back at writing sooner than later, and it'll be a pleasure to read you too when I'm ready! 💖💖💖
(In reference to this ask game ✨)
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harmonyckrs · 3 months
Act 4, Scene 5 of Twisted Veronaville: An Unraveling World
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Bottom: So, who was that?
Puck: Ripp, and one of the most...interesting people that I had ever met. He reminded me of Tybalt, but if Tybalt was...insufferable and unlikeable.
Bottom: So, regular Tybalt?
Puck: I mean, he didn't try to fistfight me, at least. And I don't think he's inherently bad. Just...I don't know. Very overwhelming.
Bottom: Wow.
Puck: ...Do you think it's possible that aliens are replacing people who get abducted by them?
Bottom: Beats me, I'm ten. I don't think about that kind of stuff.
Puck: Fair...I'll just...avoid thinking about it...
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Ripp: Well, that was Puck. Also the next time we talk to someone, at least give them your name before going on a racist rant about aliens.
Tank: I was just concerned, because of his ears.
Ripp: You made him uncomfortable and by now everyone probably heard about what happened. But luckily, there's a lot of other people in Veronaville you can try to befriend that'll hopefully look over what you did.
Tank: Who else is there?
Ripp: Besides Tybalt and Mercutio, there's Juliette and Hermia. Both of them are pretty cool. Not to mention-
Ripp: ...Romeo.
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Romeo: Mercutio's missing, and it's YOUR FAULT!
Ripp: Woah, what the fuck? He's missing?
Romeo: Yep! If you hadn't set him up with Tybalt, none of this would've happened!
Tank: Hey, back off! He was only trying to end the feud!
Romeo: You know what would really end the feud? If all of the Capps just died!
Tank: What's wrong with you? Isn't one of them your ex?
Romeo: Yeah, and? We're not dating anymore, thanks to him! Now get out of my way!
Tank: No!
Ripp: (Finally, a chance to get out of this mess!) I'll go get that!
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Hamza: Hello, Rippert. Is Aktu there?
Ripp: That's not my name. And why should I tell you if he is?
Hamza: It's not? Your dad actually just named you Ripp?...wow, he's a lot stranger than I thought. Anyway, just give Aktu the phone.
Ripp: No.
Hamza: Oh, I get it. Your dad told me you would act out a lot. You're mad at me because I'm an antagonist, right? Stopping you, Sita and Aktu from messing up the plot of the story and all?
Ripp: That and the kidnapping.
Hamza: Oh, right. Well, I'm sure you must hate me. It must irritate you to hear my voice over this phone. Which is why you should just give it to Aktu.
Ripp: ...Answer my...three riddles...first.
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Hamza: Hm. Well, alright. Not to brag, but I'm pretty good at solving riddles. Give it to me.
Ripp: (Oh shoot, I didn't think this far.) Can I have some time to think of some first?
Hamza: You asked me to answer your riddles when you don't even have any? What sort of joke is this? At least go with a basic one like "what has four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon and three legs in the evening" or something like that!
Ripp: Wait, what's the answer to that one? I've never heard it before.
Hamza: Seriously? That's the most basic riddle! The answer is a man! You would've gotten eaten by the Sphinx with this little knowledge!
Ripp: What does the Sphinx have anything to do with this?
Hamza: You uncultured swine, that's the origin of that riddle! The Sphinx asks Oedipus that riddle and it made him the tyrant of Thebes because he answered it correctly!
Ripp: I don't know what any of those words mean.
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Crystal: Wow, he's really going at it.
Aktu: Yeah. How long do you think it's going to take before he realizes I'm not even home?
Crystal: Hard to tell. And he's talking about riddles of all things. Imagine if Ripp asked him about something that he was actually interested in, like tech or witchcraft.
Aktu: Indeed. Oh, and sorry Sita threw you under the bus earlier. We were getting a bit desperate, and Zoya was being pretty annoying.
Crystal: Oh, no worries. Hamza didn't even mind. Said something about how "he'll always love me no matter what I do." He's taking this fake dating thing really seriously.
Aktu: (Didn't they have fake twins together?) Yep. No hard feelings though, right? Maybe we could all get sundaes together once this is all over.
Crystal: Yeah, that'd be nice. Just like old times...it's a shame Vidcund and Lazlo couldn't join us this time, though.
Aktu: I wonder where those two are. It's been a while since I've talked to either of them.
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In an unusual series of events, Zoya had somehow managed to track down Vidcund and Lazlo's location and bring them to Veronaville. And the three had discovered something else earlier in the day, too - the coffin holding Tybalt's supposedly dead body.
Zoya: To think that Aktu and Sita made clones of your parents to guard Tybalt...
Lazlo: Yeah, that was wack...probably not the weirdest thing we've seen, though. I'm more surprised Crystal was helping them.
Zoya: (Crystal's not the only cloner, is she?) Well, we should prob-Hey! You! Where do you think you're going?
Tybalt: I'm going to find-
Zoya: Nope! No! Absolutely not. You'll be staying with us.
Vidcund: Zoya, maybe we should just let him go.
Zoya: And let Aktu and Sita get the upper hand again? I have to complete what we started. And besides, they defiled your parents' graves! Aren't you upset about that?
Vidcund: They always liked Pascal more.
Zoya: (Well, that's messed up.) Let's just capture him before he gets too far, and bring him with us.
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eponymous-rose · 2 years
Something I wanted to do in the New Year is be more aware of how I'm spending my time at work, so I think I'm gonna try to do little summaries here of what each day entails. Hopefully also kind of interesting/useful if anyone's interested in academia?
For reference: we're on the quarter system, classes started on the 3rd, and I currently teach one class per quarter (heavy research-focused department, so very light teaching load). I also currently supervise 1 PhD student, 2 Master's students and 2 undergraduate research interns.
Checked email on the bus to work, which mainly consisted of me seeing a colleague had received an endowed professorship, me writing her an effusive congratulatory message, and then me editing back the message a bit so it was less embarrassingly over the top. Also sent my students a reminder about their homework due on Wednesday and our little field trip tomorrow morning and accidentally sent it to last quarter's class, whoops. Luckily a former student quickly notified me of my mistake and I got it fixed!
Class was great - lots of flipped-classroom stuff that worked well even with only two students in the room (it's a conference week, everyone's traveling). I knew from previous years that the students had really, really struggled with this one equation, so I had them do a couple of examples in class and after working through the first one together, they both nailed it on the second try. Had to cancel a meeting with one of my undergrad research interns after class because the other members of our research team are out of town this week. Where is everyone? Well, at a conference and doing a two-month-long field campaign on the east coast. Forgivable. She offered to send me some of the work she's done thus far, so that's handy!
Went to check email after class and found that apparently a new remote meeting had popped on my schedule for immediately after class with an old peer mentoring group of mine (fellow 4th-year assistant profs in tangentially-related fields - we all did a professional development course last year together). Luckily it was cameras off so I could snack and decompress a bit while we caught up and made some strategic plans for the quarter.
Okay, FINALLY time to check email in earnest before my next meeting. 36 new messages since I checked last. New software package I need to bookmark and keep in mind for later work. Updates from the conference I'm technically attending virtually this week. Reference letter request from an undergrad student; add to calendar! Title and abstract to get added to the website for a seminar I'm hosting in a couple weeks. Reminder that the Zoom recording of my class is available to put online (which I promptly did). Triple-check with our tech guy that we're good to go up on the roof tomorrow to set up instrumentation for my class's term projects (all good!). Time flies, so here's the email with research progress from my undergraduate research intern and a handful of questions, we'll answer those and see how she likes jumping into a new dataset. New grant opportunities, job listings, a bunch of easy stuff to mark off. An essay about allocating time each week into the categories of Teaching, Research, and Service and strictly adhering to the percentages laid out by your tenure/promotion committee. Got a few minutes before my next meeting so I'll try it this week? Ish? Maybe? Looked sidelong at the new schedule, sure, we'll try that this week. Sent an email to my collaborator who's on a field project to see if we can do a remote meeting tomorrow to chat about a couple research proposals. Queued an email for next week's seminar speaker to see if he can send me the title and abstract for his talk/PhD entrance exam next week - no sense freaking him out before Wednesday, so we'll do a scheduled send.
Next up, meeting remotely with my former postdoc advisor! We've set up these meetings to "work on research projects" together but honestly this week it was just listening to him tell a very entertaining story about his car breaking down in rural Missouri and also listening to him describe a truly tragic tale of his very fancy sandwich getting thrown out of the office fridge by accident. That's scientific collaboration, baybee. We did talk research for a bit and he mentioned wanting to collaborate on a paper (he offered to pay for it out of the much more substantial research funds that come with his 30 extra years in the field) so I'm gonna come up with something for that by our next meeting in two weeks. I like working with him - we've published a couple papers in some pretty high-impact journals and he's always let me take the lead and go for first authorship without butting in, only providing support - so this is a fun prospect! I do have to submit an abstract this week for a European conference that'll be happening this spring, so maybe I can go ahead and lean into that idea a little.
It's now getting a little dark and rainy and I'm flagging a bit but I still have an hour before the afternoon seminar, so probably time to do a little course prep. Did some "grading" (just checking completion certificates for an introductory module the students had to go through). Fixed a mistake in Wednesday's lecture (why is there an anemometer when I'm talking about thermometers???). Reviewed some of the more complicated topics in Wednesday's lecture to make sure I'm not totally lost (some thermodynamics I haven't looked at in a while, thermocouples, semiconductors). Replacement slides uploaded to our course management system.
Aha! Email back from collaborator, she's going to be on a research flight tomorrow and won't be able to meet. All good, I don't have much to report anyway. That frees up an hour tomorrow, woohoo.
Okay, students have a homework assignment due a week from Wednesday, so I'm gonna post it this Wednesday. I have a good homework assignment prepared, I just needed to go in and write up a nice answer key. Got that done (along with some sample Python code to provide them with) and the homework assignment is scheduled to be posted, so it's time to look at next week's lectures. I've inherited this class from someone whose course notes can be a little scattered, so this is usually a bit of a process. Only two lectures to prep for next week, though!
Took a break from lecture prep to go to today's seminar, which purported to be about a really dodgy geoengineering scheme (redundant descriptor, am I right?) but in fact just rigorously tested said scheme and demonstrated it would actually have the opposite effect. Super fun and interesting seminar!
Okay, back to working on lectures for next week. Somehow got both of next week's lectures done before the end of the day, so those should just need a little polish and they'll be ready to go! Uploaded them to the course management system but sneakily and they won't appear to students until I've checked them over.
Tomorrow: going to the roof with my students to set up their term projects, then tons of sweet, sweet, meeting-free office time carved out. Hope this doesn't come back to bite me with a million meetings on Wednesday (...it will).
Important: work is done by 5PM. I try very hard to adhere to "leave work at work", which is not as much of a pipe dream as it seems, even for R1 tenure-track.
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silv3reyedstranger · 11 months
20 Questions
thank you @appropriatelystupid for tagging me! i just finished my french exam this morning so doing this is an awesome way to spend my afternoon🥳
How many works do you have on AO3?
i was not aware that i had seven written and posted?? that's wild :0
2. What's you total AO3 count?
31,822 words?? also a massive surprise since i don't write or post nearly as often as i'd like...but hey, i'll take the win!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
okay, so obviously supercorp lives rent free in my head, but i'm also deeply entrenched in the cissamione and bellamione fandoms. i've got a fuck ton of wips for them, but i haven't put much out yet. however, recently, rojarias (reignjas) has been taking up ALL my brain space—i'm dying to write a lawyer au.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
erm. well, since i only have seven, i'll give you the top two? 1st: i'm home when i'm with you...2nd: this color looks better on you than me
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i used to be really into and really good about responding to comments because i really appreciate every single one (and i still do) but it took a lot out of me and made me a little anxious, so i don't do it anymore. that being said, i still love and cherish every single comment that's ever been left!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i'm really not the biggest fan of angsty endings, so i don't write them very much. i'd much prefer piling on the angst throughout and giving them a happy ending. there's too much sadness and grief in the world already, i feel like everyone should get a happy ending.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oo, okay, i'm not sure about happiest since they feel pretty even, but if i really had to pick maybe oh how love stings?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i don't currently, which i think is in part because of how lovely most people in the fandoms i'm in now are, but years ago i wrote a dramione fic and people had a lot (which wasn't necessarily hate, but it was still unnecessary) to say about that.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
i've tried on occasion, but let's just say i'm still working out the kinks (pun intended)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i don't and i don't think i will anytime in the near future because i feel like a lot of planning will have to go into that and i don't have the brain space right now. but secondly, i don't feel an immediate urge to merge any two worlds currently.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
luckily, no, not that i'm aware of—hopefully it stays that way!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had someone ask in my comments before, but as mentioned above i don't really answer comments and i'm still not sure if i'm entirely comfortable with translations even if it allows a larger audience access to the fic.
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
i was working on one with @glitterslytherin a few years back, but we never quite got much of it finished haha
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
it's gotta be supercorp, but currently, rojarias and cissamione have me in a chokehold (i suppose i'm on my supercorp detox atm? maybe i'll be able to churn out fics after this little break)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i think this applies to all my WIPs to be honest. obviously i want to finish them all, but motivation is a bitch and she tends to come and go as she pleases XD
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'd like to think i do a pretty good job with dialogue. i used to be better at descriptions, but i think the balance has tilted the last couple of years.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
being able to just write and not edit on the way (another reason i rarely finish things) also planning is very much not my forte💀
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
while i am bilingual and almost trilingual, i do tend to stick with english since i feel like it's jarring to have a bit of a different language suddenly pop up and then the reader has to read the translation. and two, i'm not even grammatically accurate in english all the time, so forget about another language!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
oh, this is so mortifying...i believe it was percy jackson, but following closely behind was harry potter.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
i don't think i love any of the fics i have out at the moment—like, don't get me wrong, i'm super proud of them—but there's not one finished one that parades in my head all the time. the rojarias lawyer au and a supercorp orchestra au are constantly being thought about though?
tagging a couple of mutuals if ya'll wanna take part!
@theredcapeofk @yanana94 @belladonnainbloom @coffeeshib @naralanis @an-organism
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yourmomni · 1 year
The Kids Of The Sun-2
A/N: IM BACKKK okay so I'm having a little to much fun writing this story so I guess I'll be posting a new chapter every day but it's only going to be 5 parts so please enjoy it while it last.
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Niki and I rushed to the side of the camp counselor office where we saw the boys go into. We ducked down when we made it to the window listening in to the conversation
" They followed us all the way here, if it wasn't for the barrier we wouldn't have made it." One of the boys said. He was shorter then the rest, the taller one put his hand on his shoulder. " Jungwon was the first one to see the fury, it was in our school." I looked at Niki but she was still looking through the window
" It attacked him first but luckily he got away, when he found me and Jake 2 more appeared we knew something was up."
Chiron was sitting behind the desk nodding. " Zeus must have angered someone for them to go after all 3 of you, the furys don't usually come together like this." He rubbed his chin.
Niki looked at me " they were attacked by furys, like us this totally fits the story the scroll told us about."
I nodded, " He's the son of Zeus, the one we've been waiting for." " Who have you been waiting for?" We both turned around to cover the girl's mouth who appeared beside us. " Kayla shush." The men stopped talking
I waved my hand making the bush that was beside me hide us. " Are you trying to get us caught?" Niki whispered. Kayla rolled her eyes, lowering the girl's hand. The men went back to talking
" Don't worry heeseung, we'll figure it out. Now while we take care of this, is still the first day of camp and I believe you boys would like to clean up and join the others for the festivities we will have throughout the day. Go with Dionysus he shall lead you guys to your respected cabins."
We rushed from behind the bush and rain back towards the center of the camp where our cabins were. " what's going on?" Kayla asked, walking beside us.
Kayla was the daughter of Aphrodite. She had beautiful brown curly hair reaching All the way to her lower back, with hazel eyes and beautiful brown skin.
She was one the first friends we ever made when we arrived to camp 5 years ago. The best part about her was that she wasn't as conceited as her other brothers and sisters.
" Those kids are the answer to our prophecy the scroll told us about 3 years ago." She looked at us confused. " You meant the group of demigods that's going to shake the underworld and Olympus or whatever that scroll said."
Niki nodded and we made it to our cabins and sat on the stairs to mine. Kayla began fluffing the inside of a rose that was sprouting out of the Crack of one of the stairs. " What took them so long to be found and brought here? Usually things like this happen at least 4 months after it's told but we had to wait like 3 years."
She pulled the rose out of the bush and I winced rubbing the spot she pulled it out of blooming a new one
"Hey if you do that again I'm going to grow poison ivy in your bed." Niki leaned back on the steps
" I think this is going to be a big step into the future of demigods. Hopefully it's a huge battle."
A bell was rung signaling the start of the camp games. Niki was literally jumping for joy running to the center. She met up with her siblings who were already ready for the event that was going to unfold
The ring of fire
That's what we liked to call it. It was basically a ring surrounded by fire. It was farther from the cabins just in case one of the flames engulfed the whole camp.
Basically 2 people would go head to head in a match, to see who was the best or strongest.
The ares cabin lived for this event, maybe because it was based off of their father. Niki was the champion beating everyone who would step up to her.
" You think she can go for another year as champion." Kayla smirked looking around at everyone refusing to go against her. I nodded
" Yeah maybe." Chiron walked up the stairs that led to the ring and got in the middle of it.
" Any new challengers." I looked around and everyone was silent. " I'd like to try." I looked over and saw one of the boys from earlier walking up the stairs to get into the ring. Niki raised one of her eyebrows. It was the Jungwon guy.
" Oh no she's going to beat him to a pulp I can't watch." Kayla turned around. Niki looked over at me and I shrugged .
" Okay pick your weapons, the first one to knock the other person off the podium and into the water wins."
Niki grabbed a sword twirling it in her hands warming up her wrist. Jungwon grabbed a sword as well. He looked over at his friends and they gave him a thumbs up.
" Begin." Niki threw the first kick hitting Jungwon in the side, making him fall to the ground. She brought her sword down and he blocked it with his.
He pushed his sword back knocking Niki off her balance. He regained himself holding the sword in front of him.
" Your stance is pitiful." Niki swung her sword and Jungwon blocked it. " But you do learn quickly." Jungwon swung his sword at Niki feet and she jumped over it stepping on his sword he looked up at her in fear and she kicked him in the chest making him fall back
The crowd screamed
" Omg she's going to destroy him." Kayla covered her eyes again. I frowned my eyebrows
Niki said something to him and he shook his head. She raised her sword and he dodged it. The sword was stuck in the ground and she was trying to get it unstuck which gave jungwon enough time to crawl and grab his sword
" He's lasted longer than anyone else in the past 4 years." That's made Kayla turn around.
Everyone started cheering for jungwon which set a fire in Niki
Finish him
Her father's voice ringed in her head. This was embarrassing. She's never gone this long in a battle with anyone but this boy was quick.
He dodged every hit that she threw at him, he was good at defense even she could admit that.
He started getting cocky and it was pissing her off.
Everyone was invested in the fight even Kayla couldn't tear her eyes away from the fight in front of her.
Then something unexpected happened
The boy smirked, dropping his sword to the ground and throwing a punch at niki which she dodged, then he threw the next one quicker than the other.
Niki was now on defense
" What the heck just happened." The kids beside began to whisper everyone was on their toes. " I think niki just met her match."
Jungwon wasn't going easy either. He tried to kick her side but she blocked it, faltering a little with her steps then he threw a punch that she blocked with her arms that made her falter again dropping her sword .
She was trying to find an opening where she could get out but everything was moving too fast.
Way to fast
That's when it hit her.
She had been deceived, he was playing with her this whole time. He tricked her. He was never weak, he was never scared.
He was analyzing her. Every move, every decision she made he was watching her.just so he could throw it back.
He was the son of hermes
Niki finally caught on to his antics, lucky she knew how to handle the god of tricks.
Niki noticed she was getting closer and closer to the edge of the ring. So she was going to throw Jungwon off his game.
Once his left hand came swinging out for the punch Niki grabbed it instead of dodging it. Making Jungwon look confused. In one quick motion Niki pulled jungwon close to her
He was looking down at her and his breath hitched. She was so pretty when she wasnt swinging a sword at him.
But niki smirked at him. She had him right where she wanted she turned around her back on his chest and flipped him over her shoulder, Jungwon yelped in surprise and the girl who probably weighed half his weight threw him over her shoulder and into the water below ending the match.
The announcer yelled in the mic making the crowd erupt in cheers Niki looked down at Jungwon in the water smiling at him. " You served your father well, but I'm the best."
Her cabin ran on the podium lifting her up and cheering for her. " That was exciting." Kayla jumped running towards the podium
By the time everyone calmed down it was already time for the next game.
The day went on and I grew more impatient. " I wanna talk to them." Kayla looked at me "are you crazy, they just got here give them a little peace before you drop the news on them." Niki was eating a popsicle not paying attention to us trying to soak in her win.
" I've been calm and patient enough with this situation." Kayla threw her hair over her shoulder and I got a wift of her berry-smelling shampoo. " Maybe I can seduce them Into telling us." I sneered at her. " no thanks ."
We stopped when we saw the 3 boys walking the opposite direction of us. My eyes widened in panic. I needed to get my words together before I met them. I need more time. I was trying to see if we could go another way to avoid them but it was too late.
Niki was already walking up to them " Niki." I yelled but she was already in front of the jungwon guy. " You know I could have killed you right?" He smirked at her. " Oh please I was just going easy on you. You know I would have won if you didn't throw me." She scoffed
" No, you would have still lost." I put my hand on her shoulder. " Sorry she's really competitive."
I tried to usher her away but she didn't move." You know for a Hermes kid you have pretty good defense." He chuckled ." And how do you know I belong to him?" She raised her eyebrow
" Well for starters the sharp nose, the mischievous grins and of course the speed."
He smiled. " Wow you can read me like a book, can you tell me anything else?" He was towering over.
" Well the fact that you have Chiron golden bracelets is definitely a give away." She smirked up at him. They were inches apart
Niki opened her hand and he dropped the bracelet in it.
" Maybe be a little more discreet next time you try to steall." He rolled his eyes looking away from her.
Demigods that were Tied with Hermes were known for their speed and quick hands. They could steal the mustache right from under your nose if you looked away long enough. But it's not their fault their dad was a notorious thief.
The boy beside him cleaned his throat." Hello sorry about him, when he gets nervous he sorta steals." I laughed, " Yeah that's what usually happens."
They tried to go around us but I stood in their way. " You're Heeseung right." The boy looked at me with no emotion. It felt like his eyes were digging into my soul. He stayed silent.
" He doesn't talk much." Jake said quickly. " You're the son of Zeus everyone's been talking about." I said he finally looked at me and I could see it
His eyes were a dark Gray almost black. " What do you want? An autograph."
I clenched my Jaw taken aback not saying anything back to him." If not get out of my way? I don't have time to talk to petty demigods let alone girls."
I scoffed. " Oh please you think you're all strong and bad because you're the only descendent of Zeus in camp. You're not. Not even close."
He smirked. " And you must know a lot of things about being strong?"
My hand closed into fist, he was definitely a Zeus spawn. Always thinking they're better than everyone.
" She was just saying how it was Cool to meet a kid from the big three that has actually survived out in the world for a long time without getting killed, you don't have to be an asshole." Kayla said standing beside me crossing her arms.
Jake was now standing beside Heeseung with his arm on his shoulder. " Let's just go man."
They began to walk away but not without heeseung giving me the meanest glare I've ever seen.
" What a dick." Kayla said, frowning her eyebrows. " Yeah totally."
During dinner time everyone was crowded around Hessung, Jake, and Jungwons table fawning over them. I rolled my eyes as I sat down with my food.
" They're getting treated like royalty, Jungwon literally just lost a battle. To me I should be the one getting free juice and extra bread rolls." Niki grumbled frowning at the table that was in front of us.
The girls were laughing at whatever heeseung said touching his shoulder. " if only they knew how he really acted." Kayla scoffed. " They don't care, trust me my sisters think since he is the son of Zeus they might get special treatment. "
Kayla pulled out her mirror looking at herself fixing her hair and lipgloss. " They're so conceited." I snorted. " sure they are."
" Niyah." A girl ran up to our table sitting her tray down and I smiled at her. " Hey rose wassup." She had a flower crown on her head which meant she was feeling a really strong emotion
She was one of the newcomers from last year. She was only 14 but she was smarter than anyone in our cabin.
" Did you see the new guys, they're so cool" I huffed. " Yeah. Cool." She smiled. " Jake is in the Apollo cabin and he said he would teach me how to shoot an arrow isn't that great." No wonder she was so excited
" Why don't you just let me teach you." Niki asked, obviously looking a little hurt. I mean her dad was literally the god of weapons.
" Well he seems a little bit more...nicer than you are." I looked at Niki expecting her to retaliate but she didn't. Instead she shrugged " Well you're not wrong." She laughed
And daisy bloomed at the top of roses head crown. " Isn't that amazing, they're so nice, well bye I have to go help out some girls in the demeter cabin. Apparently they don't know the difference between an orange, a mandarin and a tangerine isn't that weird." She waved goodbye to us and walked away
" I'm the one who taught her the difference between them and how dare she betray Me." I stabbed my chicken breast with My fork. The flower crown popped up on my head with marigolds.
" Let's go visit the scrolls after dinner. Maybe they got the prophecy wrong." Kayla said, staring at my crown.
I glared at Heeseung as he was talking to the girl that was sitting on the table in front of him.
He smiled up at her nodding at whatever she said then without skipping a beat he looked at me.
" Yeah, let's go tonight."
Everyone in my cabin was sleeping making it a good time to slip out. Usually we would cuddle up on eachother on the floor but since it got so hot tonight we opted to sleep in our beds.
I quietly opened the door, stepping out and closing it. I looked Both ways making sure no one was out doing nightly patrol and I ran across the way to the ares cabin. I saw the window was cracked open.
I kicked at the dirt under my feet making a dent in the dirt then I bent down hovering my hand over the spot. A spout popped out of the ground. I waved my fingers making the plant grow longer and longer. Once it reached my shoulder I directed it in the Crack of the window.
I went over the beds of the sleeping people all the way to niki's bed.
She had the cover thrown off her sprawled out on her bed feet and arms dangling off. I gently cast the flower bud down to her face, shaking it a little, causing it to tickle her nose. Niki swatted and rolled over
I groaned, blooming the plant into a sunflower and smacking her with it causing her to sit up quickly.
She rubbed her eyes looking at the flower frowning then at the window. "Let's go." I whispered. She huffed pulling her basketball shorts down a little and fixing her bonnet.
" i'm not taking this off." She retorted back pointing to her head. She grabbed a zip up and quietly walked out her cabin.
" This scroll better not waste any time tonight or I'm burning it." She stumped down the stairs and I followed.
We started walking to the Aphrodite cabin getting ready to wake Kayla when she stepped out. She had on a silk pink robe with a matching silk bonnet, she also had a white face mask on
" I could hear you a mile away. Let's make this quick. I need at least 8 hours of beauty sleep." She walked past us and started walking to the counselors office building.
Me and Niki rolled our eyes and caught up with her trying to discreetly make it to the office without being seen by the Apollo kids who were guarding the camp.
We ran to the office, entering and closing the door. " Okay I saw Dionysus head to the other side of camp with Chiron probably to discuss the fury problems that's been happening so we have at least an hour."
We headed up to the attic where the scroll was. " This place was always so creepy to me." Kayla said, looking around at the Cobwebs and fanning her face.
" This place is disgusting." She groaned, swatting the air around her. " Well I'm sorry your highness it doesn't smell like the new Chanel perfume or roses."
Niki retorted back, making me stifle a laugh and making Kayla glare at us.
The scroll was sitting there with its head down in the old rocking chair it was always in.
" Okay wake it up so we can get out of here." Niki groaned pushing me forward, I swatted her hand way." Okay okay." I walked over to it and tapped it 3 times. " Hello scroll ma'am sir whatever you are I would like to have a prophecy." The scroll lifted it head up making me stumble back in fear. It's eyes opened with blue glows of light shining out of it
The prophecy you seek is soon going to come true. 6 demigods being led by one of the big three descendants shall shake the lower and upper kingdoms, changing it forever.
Niki looked at me, dropping her hands, making a sound when they touched her legs. " See nothing new we did this for nothing lets go."
We looked at the scroll as it raised its hands
A new danger will be coming soon and it will test you all.
I looked at the girls beside me." That's new."
No one is safe
No one is safe
No one is safe
" turn it off." Kayla said " I said turn it off." She screamed and I waved my hand making the scroll shut down. We looked at eachother fear in all of our eyes. " what..what did it mean by No one is safe." Niki asked. We stared at the scroll as it sat lifeless in the chair. " We have to tell someone." I said. " We have to tell Mr.D." Niki breathed out turning around
" No need."
Dionysus with Jake and Chiron standing beside him were there looking at us.
" What are you doing in my office?" He asked with his arms crossed. Jake was standing beside him smirking.
" snitch." Kayla glared at him
" We can explain." I said looking up at Chiron as he glared at all 3 of us
" Yes you will."
Taglist: @jaehyunsblkgf
Tell me if you guys wanna be added to the taglist😇🩵🩵
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acacia-may · 1 year
YTTD requests, you say?
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Hello hello, hopefully this isn't a clog or too much of a bother; and most importantly, I hope you're having a great day right now! But I thought I may as well drop in and get a YTTD headcanon request in, seeing as I may or may not have been the cause of you getting into that series in the first place 😶
So, I'll try to indulge you a little by putting down two characters I know you have a really deep love for. Sei and Kai. 💙 + 💛. Maybe for the friendship one, how they deal with the other getting closer and having more friendships with other people? (I wonder if Sei would be the jealous type that's worried someone might try to take advantage of his brother's kindness 😅)
That's all from me. Do take your time with all the asks getting thrown your way in your inbox, and make sure to get plenty of rest and stay in good health! Have a lovely day ahead of you!
Oh my goodness, Repo! Your ask could never be a bother at all! Please don't ever worry about or apologize for sending in asks about anything. I enjoy them a lot and appreciate each and every one of them that comes in (even if it sometimes takes me a while to answer). I'm actually so excited for this one especially, you really have no idea! Thank you so, so much!! 🥰 It's my first YTTD ask ever so I feel very accomplished and also very excited! 🥳
It does feel appropriate that my first YTTD ask would come from you since, yes, you are absolutely the reason I am now suffering... (I'm only kidding of course. Thank you so much again for the recommendation of such an amazing story and game! I've got some of my friends irl playing it now, and my sister absolutely loves it. I would have never even known it existed if not for you so many thanks for that even if I am now heartbroken over a lot of dysfunctional fictional siblings 💕). On that note, there is especially no need for apologies for sending in an ask that is so incredibly self-indulgent for me. Seriously, I feel so spoiled right now. I don't deserve this! 🥺 My problem sons and their dysfunctional brotherly relationship really is so dear to my heart even if (at the same time) thinking about them makes me want to curl up and cry...
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Why do I do this to myself?! 😭 KAI AND SEI DESERVED BETTER!!! I want to adopt them and give them cake 🎂 *cries*
Anyway, thank you so much again for the ask and for all of the kind words, friend! I hope you have a wonderful day as well, and I really hope you will like these headcanons! Please feel free to stop by anytime (and send in another ask if you want something more self-indulgent for yourself/an ask about your favorite characters too 😁). Cheers!! 💖
Headcanons are below the cut. Thank you for playing my Bye Bye Writer's Block Headcanon's Game! 🥰
(Warnings: Mentions grieving, food, sickness, injury, child abuse, death and angst. MAJOR SPOILERS for YTTD especially the Kai mini-episode)
Kai & Sei Friendship/Family Headcanons
💙-- Hurt/Comfort
During his childhood, Kai once contracted a terrible flu that lasted nearly two weeks. In general, he and Sei were essentially "on their own" when it came to sickness and injuries as children since Gashu believed that they should be strong enough to get over whatever it was on their own and if they weren't, then it was probably for the best that they just succumb to their wounds or illness. Just luckily neither of them were particularly sickly (usually), but they were often injured as part of their training and mostly learned how to care for and dress wounds for themselves. In this case, however, Kai was the sickest he had probably ever been, but as he wasn't expecting any sort of help, it was a complete shock to him that Sei jumped in to take care of him almost immediately.
In Sei's mind, Kai was such an airhead that he couldn't take care of himself on a good day--there was no way he could take care of himself while he was sick, so even though he really didn't know what he was doing he tried his best to play caregiver--mainly just kept his brother warm, making sure he had plenty of water, trying to keep his fever down with cold compresses, and preparing him meals of instant noodles (the only thing he really knew how to make) while worrying far more than he would ever admit. Sei told Kai not to make a big deal out of it--insisting that he was only helping to patch him up so he could beat him at sparring practice later, but Kai, who had never actually been taken care of before, was truly touched by his brother's actions and tried his best to repay the favor going forward.
(Related) Bonus HC [though this one is more angsty]: The first meals that Kai ever learned how to cook were Sei's favorite foods which Kai learned to make for his brother when he was injured (or on the rare occasions that he was sick). Gashu allowed the hobby because he thought it may prove useful one day (And it eventually did when Kai's cover became 'homemaker' and housekeeper for the Chidouins). Sei was always a bit jealous of Kai's cooking skills, especially since when he was recovering, he got these gourmet meals from his brother, but when Kai was recovering, all he got was instant noodles (since Sei really couldn't cook to save his life). Kai insisted he loved the instant noodles, however. (Of course what he really loved was the fact that his brother had taken the time to make them and take care of him).
When he lost Sei, Kai couldn't bring himself to make his favorite foods for a long time, but he spent many a night for those first couple of months without him crying into a cup of instant noodles.
💛-- Friendship
(A/N: I really loved your prompt! Thank you for that. My sister and I were actually just discussing this very topic a couple of days ago, so I'm more than happy to run with it for you! Also 100% agree with your interpretation of Sei as a protective brother!)
Sei is much more jaded and mistrustful than Kai--believing that other people are always playing some sort of angle and/or only looking out for themselves whereas Kai wants to believe in the best in others and is a truly generous person who will genuinely put other people's wants over his own without expecting anything in return. As this is a foreign concept to Sei, it takes him a long time to realize that Kai genuinely cares about him in altruistic way without any strings attached. Sei who has never had such a relationship before recognizes what a gift and a privilege it is to be loved unconditionally, and as such, his bond with Kai quickly becomes one of the most important things in the world to him.
One of Sei's greatest worries as far as his brother is concerned is that someone will twist or trample on what he considers his brother's greatest strengths and take advantage of Kai's selflessness and generosity. For this reason, Sei can be very protective of Kai. While he admires Kai's kindness and good-hearted nature, he thinks it can make his brother a bit airheaded at times and can cause him to put his guard down around other people when he shouldn't--ultimately, leaving him vulnerable to being taken advantage of. Since Kai is kind of aloof, he can seem to be unapproachable to people who don't know him well, and since he is naturally quiet and not one to take much initiative in social situations, it can be difficult for him to make friends. This is, truthfully, a bit of a relief to Sei since it protects Kai from falling in with a more manipulative group who might try to take advantage of him. That said, Sei would be genuinely sad to learn his brother was lonely and wanted friends when/if he didn't have them.
If Kai ever made some good friends, it would take Sei a very long time to warm up to them. They would likely be incredibly confused upon meeting Sei for the first time since Kai always speaks so warmly about his brother and describes what a caring person he is--failing to mention the fact that his brother is a tsundere so that caring nature is hidden under a frosty exterior of bluntness, callousness, and snark.
Sei would have absolutely no problem telling Kai's friends exactly what he thought of them and would likely tell Kai (on multiple occasions) that he can do better. Ultimately, however, Sei wants good things for Kai. As soon as Kai's friends prove that they care about him just as much as Sei does and really do have his best interests at heart, they will likely become endeared to Sei forever, and Sei will feel very grateful and indebted to them for looking out for his brother.
Kai on the other hand would immediately love any friend that Sei made. In fact, he would probably consider them Sei's friends even before Sei would acknowledge them as such--saying things like "It's so nice to meet your friends, Sei!" while Sei (the indignant little tsun) huffily insists, "They're not my friends. They're just some people I know." Kai would be absolutely thrilled to know that Sei had friends (especially since Sei is pretty vocal about his opinion that "friendship is overrated"), and he would try to include them in all of their activities and basically bring them into the family. Sei would very quickly get huffy and annoyed with Kai constantly insisting "Why don't you invite your friend(s), Sei?", muttering under his breath or bitterly thinking to himself "I wish I had never told you I had friends" at least once or twice a week.
Unlike with Kai's friends meeting Sei and being thoroughly surprised, Sei's friends meeting Kai is exactly what they expected--well once they get past that initial awkwardness and aloofness from Kai being naturally shy and quiet person, that is. It is a very short-lived period of time, however, since Kai really tries to push himself to be more outgoing when meeting the friends of his brother. He likes them very much for taking such good care of Sei and befriending him, so he tries to be more openly warm and friendly towards them. He also always treats them very formally (similar to how he addresses Sara as "Sara-san" or "Miss Sara" in the game), and he actually, genuinely thanks them all for being Sei's friend (which embarrasses his brother to the point that his ears turn pink. Poor Sei).
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