#hopefully this was tagged properly and no one who hasn't played/finished the game will get spoilers
lealikestodraw · 2 years
Spoilers for OMORI
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shadeswift99 · 3 years
More Hermempirescraft thoughts but it's just me missing the WRA and Team ZIT:
(Hermempirescraft premise here)
- a little while after the Reality Smooshing Incident™ after everything has settled down a bit, the WRA find Cub and xB's minigames. They are OBSESSED. They immediately start up an endless and increasingly competitive tournament where the win conditions change nearly every day, and Sausage and fWhip get so much fun out of changing the rules to annoy Gem that by the end of it Cub and xB aren't even sure how to play their own games anymore
- Sausage claims that Gem cheated at Leaf Speef by taking longer to fall because of her massive hat. He didn't live long after that. (of course fWhip lost the next three rounds because he was laughing too hard at the joke and the fight to keep his footing)
- Gem makes a game out of slowly replacing Impulse's rock candy with Gem crystals and seeing how long it takes before he accidentally bites into one (not long.) (and the size of the resulting wild magic burst was Not Small)
- it takes a while for fWhip to properly meet Tango, but in the end it happens when he tags along with Zed to "permanently borrow" from his storage room. They get caught and Zed manages to hide before fWhip can, so he spends a panicky couple minutes trying to find an excuse for why he's rooting through the supplies of this random foreign ruler he doesn't know and is this going to start a war come on I don't have time for a war right now - (for a while near the beginning the Empires folks generally assume the Hermits are royalty just because of the size of structures and the sheer amount of Stuff they have.) Thankfully though, Tango doesn't seem too keen on storming the gates of the Grimlands. He's mostly just having a great time watching this guy sweat to come up with excuses (and also watching Zedaph thinking that he's hiding behind those oak trapdoors which Very Much Do have holes in them)
- Tango's only condition for letting fWhip go is that he gets to wear his goggles for the day. fWhip agrees if he gets a pair of Big Eyes glasses. It's a deal
- The Grimlands' gunpower mine is just a little bit under the ocean in the whole zWhidaph's Laforgeboratorylands situation, so fWhip makes a deal with Tango for gunpowder until the workers can finish draining it. fWhip and Tango are the only ones who think that deal is a good idea in any way (the two of them...sharing gunpowder...at least this way they'll both have less of it? Maybe? Hopefully?)
- Zed is completely incapable of telling the two Gems apart. You'd think it would be easy, one of them has ANTLERS, but nope, he still manages to forget. It's become a kind of running joke, at this point no one knows whether he genuinely can't tell or if he's just keeping up the act (....he still can't tell. Hey, it's tricky!)
- Sausage talks to some of the villagers and hears [Sausage Lore Voice] ancient legends of a great powerful being that can be summoned in these lands! He must unearth these secrets! He spends nearly a week flipping through ancient tomes and messing around with different rituals at the mostly-still-intact Mythland summoning circle, and finally manages to conjure...Impulse. Summoned from literally just a few hundred blocks away. The poor guy hasn't even finished his coffee yet, and now he's sitting in a cauldron in his bathrobe with some guy in a cloak laughing slightly unhingedly and tossing red wool at him... it's way too early for this (At least he seems happy though...?)
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