#hopefully tumblr will stop being poop too
talenlee · 1 year
July 2023 Wrapup!
Do you know that the majority of people who read my blog are in fact, super great and cool? It’s true, I have the analytics. No, you can’t see them. Why would you want to? Don’t you trust me? I’m very trustworthy and can be relied upon to have normal thoughts in my normal brain. I had it certified.
Anyway, it’s the end of a month, and I think it’d be good if you checked through this list of links and suggestions and see if there’s cool content on this blog you’d care about that you missed!
This month’s game piles were a video explaining the Ur-Quan Heresies, which was – effectively – a rebundling of an older article I wrote, and I wanted it to be more available for non-readers. Then, Fox and I talked about Bloc By Bloc, an excellent cooperative game about opposing fascist occupation by a mysterious fantasy faction called ‘the police.’ I talked about Small World too, which I liked a lot, as both a game that’s a lot of fun and a game that connects me to a beloved friend, with its fun experience of being an ideology. Then I talked about Unblock Gridlock, ASMR, and history of puzzle development.
For the Story Pile this month, I dedicated each week to one season of the series Person Of Interest (season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). I liked it! It’s a cool show! I thought it was interesting and it made me ask interesting questions! Also the way that I watched it during the choking, convulsing torment of the Large Language Model discourse happening, that was kinda weird. And one of the guys central to it, Jim CaVEIIEZEL, is a big ole poop head and he just recently put out a movie that sucks about an idea that sucks because he’s a big ole Qanon weirdo! That sucks!
This month’s other articles have included an ongoing diary working on Bloodwork (and I kinda got more to go on that). I talked about some real life changes, like watching more anime and getting a library card and having the language I use being clearly weird and awful. I also put a lot of work into talking about making things, and put some of that into practice even if uh, it was a bit rough to write!
I also talked about Worldbuilding in D&D a lot! I talked about the way that currency is a byproduct of organisation and technology. I talked about the city of Torrent, and its lightning muscle wizard monks! I talked about how people get started playing games, and I talked about how inadequate critical hits are as a mechanic for my preferences!
Also, I really hate Lord of the Rings in Magic: The Gathering. So avowed a hashtag hater am I that I’ve stopped watching Magic content entirely while I wait for the deforming cards from it to go away, which I really, really hope they do! Stupid bowmasters!
It doesn’t really fit anywhere in this, but I also busted open Camp Osum and got to work on fixing a mistake in its prototype. This means between Camp Osum, the Sonic Runner game, and Goncharov I have managed to conceive of about five games this month.
This month I did two shirt designs – this one because I knew I needed it for class teaching (and hopefully it’ll arrive in time for the semester’s end), but also because I saw a post on tumblr joking about it:
You can get this design here.
It has been a complicated month.
Remember that library card? I got it to try and borrow an ebook of Baru Cormorant because a friend likes that book series more than she likes The Locked Tomb. I figured that’d be a great place to go for that kinda thing. Turns out, while yes, okay, yes, the library has probably got those books, they have the physical books, which is… funny, and embarrassing to realise I didn’t consider that I might have to like, go look at them.
We have a bike. We have a bike that sits in our garage and if I can muster the courage I can get onto that bike and ride it a little down the road to the library. Hell, I could walk to the library! And then I’d be able to have those books to read. I wouldn’t be able to attest to finishing those books in time, of course. In time for what? I don’t know. Brain not work good.
New semester starts in a few days! That’s going to be exciting because it’s going to be able to do a lot of things I don’t normally get to do. I’ll have someone I can defer some work to! We even have lesson plans of structured material to engage with, it’s going to be so fun (That’s also what I’ve been doing these past few days, which is trying to digest lesson plans and make my slides)!
I’ve also been struggling really hard with work. I’m trying, trying, trying to do things, but I feel like I have this deep failure happening, like somehow I’m, not good enough and I’m not doing a good enough job. I promise this isn’t a crisis brought on by my age or by reading a book I liked. Nothing I feel should be seen as an attack on anything that prompted the feeling! It’s just a lot of reflection and personal distress about feeling like I’m always working and that work isn’t good enough.
There are all these things in my day to day life that I feel like I’m somehow just messing up with it on the most fundamental level. Like if I make dinner and clean up there’s going to be something afterwards I forgot to do right so that’s what’s going to stand out, that’s the thing I failed at rather than one small detail out of a large list of successful tasks. I’m very… failure sensitive? I guess? And it’s making me a bit lairy, I think. I want to vent about things that are doing a bad job of what they do, but there’s that ongoing feeling that if I’m too mean to a videogame I’m going to make someone cry.
Anyway, I think I can get a handle on it!
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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delicteflowr · 5 years
Tumblr media
Apologies for being semi-silent. Been feeling sickish but also been working but I’m going to try my best to get to things later this evening after my shift :> But for the time being, SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON if you’d like a random Hilda in your inbox.
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Who is the famous dude who was in your 4th grade class? Spill
ok so the LAST time i complained about a famous person who went to my school on tumblr (this was waaay back in high school) I got anons telling me to kill myself months later and i didnt even tag the dang post so i'm gonna censor his name but. it's ty//*r a//var*z (hopefully that is readable enough while also being unsearchable. im not a tiktok person i dont know how to censor words on the internet)
anyway i am mostly sure that we were in the same class in 4th and 5th grade but all i really remember about him from grade four is that he made a lot of fart and poop jokes that i was really annoyed by but that's pretty much par for the course with 4th grade boys (also i thiiiink we kept going to the same school until he transferred out at some point in hs? but i don't think we were in any classes together after 5th grade, unless i've forgotten something)
but like. my main memories of him from 5th grade are as follows: one time he brought in his macbook for a school project (which, an 11-year-old??? with a laptop???? in 2009?????? unreal privilege imo) and his desktop background was the playboy logo, which, even at that age i knew was Pretty Fucked Up For a Kid
oh also a thing you need to know about me in elementary school was that i had a reputation for being into bunnies and was... kind of bullied for it, which is weird but whatever. (like, i was definitely a weird kid. there were other things to bully me for! and yet, this is why i was targeted. i was as confused by it then as i am now). that being said, one time we had the following conversation —
him: you like bunnies, right? me, extremely wary: ....yeah, why? him: i like bunnies too! my computer background is a bunny :) me: tyler, you do know what... type of bunny that is, right? him: yup :) i like bunnies :)
anyway i recently looked at his wikipedia page and apparently he's gay which has caused me to reflect on this particular incident and be... honestly kind of concerned for him? or at least for the kid that he was. but that doesn't change the fact that he was that type of class clown prick who was constantly mouthing off at the teachers and purposefully annoying me just to get a rise out of me (as many boys like him did; i was, admittedly, easy to get a rise out of) that made me hate him with all the fiery passion that a tiny child could muster (which is a lot)
all of this to say, i have not spoken to this dude in over a decade since he was a prepubescent little dickhead, and we are both now 24 years old. please do not take this as any reflection on his current character. a lot of kids were obnoxious in elementary school. he could very well have grown up to be a very charming and pleasant young man. beyond the recent glance at his wikipedia page, i have made absolutely no effort to keep up with his personal or professional life (he just keeps popping up in shows i watch and it THROWS ME OFF EVERY TIME) so i genuinely have no idea. i hope he's doing well, i guess
this did not stop me from feeling an immense satisfaction when his character got his heart torn out on What We Do in the Shadows
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clawsandblood · 3 years
4 - “Do you trust me?”
link to ao3
first part on tumblr   previous part on tumblr
Once both men were awake enough, Borna told Steven of his strange encounter last night. Steven’s face grew more and more alarmed as the story progressed.
“You won’t believe this,” he slowly said, “but I also had a weird encounter last night and-” He stopped. “There was this woman, looking kinda how you said yours was looking, and in the end she gave me a huge tip, saying that both me and my friend could use some money.” 
“How huge?” Borna asked, brows furrowing.
Steven stood up, walked over to his jacket and dug out his wallet. “This big,” he said, showing Borna the hundred dollar bill.
“Fuck,” Borna swore under his breath. He took his phone, frantically going through his browsing history until he found a picture of Madam Reid. “Is that her?” he asked Steven, showing him the screen.
“Yeah,” he said hoarsely.
They exchanged looks. “How the fuck did she know we know each other?” Borna asked.
“Oh, shit.” Steven was staring at Borna. “You’ve already got a job interview with her company, right?”
Borna nodded. “Tomorrow. They were in an awful hurry.”
Steven collapsed on the couch. “What if they’re some sort of human trafficking ring?” he asked. “What if they’re with the mafia?”
“I think they won’t do anything after one interview,” Borna said. “Or I could just cancel.”
Steven nodded. “That would probably be the safest, yeah.”
Borna opened his phone, thumb hovering over the number that called him earlier in the morning. He sighed, putting the phone down. “But I’m curious,” he said. “Maybe one interview won’t be that bad.”
“Borna,” Steven pleaded.
“I can just decline afterwards.”
Their eyes were locked in a staring contest.
“If your kidney gets sold on the black market next week I won’t help you, I’ll just say that I told you so.”
Borna’s lips twitched into a smile. “Note taken.”
It took some digging through their shared wardrobes to find a presentable pair of trousers and a shirt for Borna to wear to the interview. Steven did have some semi-formal clothes, but Borna somehow felt like most of Steven’s patterned shirts were a touch too vulgar for the occasion.
“How do I look?” he asked, giving a little twirl.
Steven chewed on his lip. “Presentable,” he finally said.
Borna nodded. “I feel like a tuna fish in a can.”
“Stuffed, uncomfortable, about to be half-eaten, half-thrown away.”
“Having last minute jitters?” Steven smiled at Borna and clapped him on the back. “You’re gonna go there, snoop a bit during the interview, go home and tell them you’re actually going to Russia.”
Borna snorted. “Sounds good.”
They went to the building where the interview was going to take place together. It was a modern office building, fairly boring and unremarkable. The entrance had plaques of several different companies on the wall, Northwest Holistic Natural Remedies being among them.
“Well,” Steven said. “This is kinda anticlimactic.”
“What did you expect?” Borna asked him.
Steven shrugged. “Something more glamorous. Or completely rundown. I don’t know how human organ traffickers work.”
Borna elbowed him. “They’re not gonna sell my organs,” he grumbled.
“Yeah, yeah,” Steven mumbled. He gave Borna one last look-over, fixing his hair a bit. “You’ve got this,” he said and patted his shoulder. “Good luck.”
“Thanks.” Borna walked in, going to the reception desk.
Steven stood for a few moments, looking after his friend, and left. There was no need for him to keep loitering and there were groceries to be bought.
Borna found the office that the receptionist directed him to. The doors were slightly open and the plaque on them said “Northwest Holistic Natural Remedies - Madam Reid.” He tentatively knocked.
“Come in,” said a voice.
He entered, closing the doors behind himself. A different lady was sitting behind the desk, looking at him expectantly. There was a sign on her desk that read “Natalie Adams, secretary.” The walls were decorated with various pictures of nature, keeping a cohesive theme. It was terribly bland, yet tasteful.
“Madam is already waiting for you,” she said, gesturing to the doors to the side.
“Thank you,” he said and walked in.
Now that office was a lot different. The furniture was darker, sturdier. Decor was still revolving around nature, but this was darker, feeling more like antiques rather than mass-produced photos printed on canvases. Behind the desk sat Madam Reid, as sharp and poised as the night he met her.
“Hello, Borna,” she said. “Please sit down.”
Borna obeyed, drawing the heavy leather-padded chair. “Good morning,” he said.
Her pronunciation of his name was miles better than what he was used to, though her decision to use his first name rattled him. Maybe she just didn’t want to deal with pronouncing my surname, he thought, suppressing an amused huff.
“It’s two in the afternoon,” she pointed out.
He chuckled awkwardly. “Had another night shift,” he explained. “Those tend to mess with perception of time.”
She nodded. “Understandable.”
“I brought my resume with me in case-” he started, but got silenced by a hand gesture.
“I think both of us know that that’s not why you’re here now,” she said, fixing him with her stare.
“Then what is it?” he asked. He grew hotter in his shirt and dress pants.
She took his hand, unbuttoning the cuff and rolled up the sleeve until the bite mark was fully exposed. “When was it?” she asked, examining the scar. “Three days ago? Four?”
“Four,” he answered. “Are you also a…” He trailed off.
“A lycanthrope, yes.”
“Okay,” he said, still staring at where she was holding his arm.
She rolled the sleeve back up, buttoning it. “We need to keep together,” she said. “Lone wolves don’t survive for too long.”
“There’s an organisation that I’m a part of,” she explained. “It connects people like us all over the continent. We could help you out with things.”
His brows furrowed. “What things?”
Madam Reid gave him a look that he’d describe as sarcastic if she was literally anyone else. “Money.”
“I can get by,” he protested. “I’ve got a job, I can pay rent-”
“You work the graveyard shift at the carwash and have to live with a roommate,” Madam interrupted.
Borna swallowed. “How do you know about my roommate?” he asked quietly.
“I met him the same night as you.” She smiled, but it just looked like a beast baring its teeth. “He is a very friendly man. You two spend too much time together, you smell like each other.”
“We smell-?”
She nodded. “It should come to you soon,” she said soothingly. “You’ll get used to it.”
Borna nodded, staring at his own hands, trying to process all the given information.
He looked up.
Madam Reid was looking at him, features soft and relaxed. For the first time she didn’t look like she was about to swallow him whole, though her eyes stayed the same. “Do you trust me?” she asked gently.
“I don’t know,” he replied softly. “I think you’ve been truthful, but I don’t think I should trust you just yet.”
She leaned back in her chair. “Smart,” she commented. “Not the smartest, but admirable approach.” She drummed her fingers on the table. “I’ve got a proposition,” she said, leaning forward again. “On Friday we’ve got a meeting. I’ll have Natalie email you details and you can come see how things work for yourself. How does that sound?”
He took a moment to consider her offer. “Okay,” he conceded. “Maybe I’ll come.”
“That’s all I ask for.”
He slowly started getting up.
“And Borna?”
He looked at her.
“I don’t think I need to tell you to come by yourself, right?”
He shook his head. “You don’t.”
“Good.” She also got up, offering him a hand. “Hopefully we’ll see each other soon,” she said.
He just nodded wordlessly.
“Goodbye,” she said and then he was already through the door. The secretary gave him a friendly smile and a goodbye of her own as he exited the office.
“How was it?” Steven asked him when he got outside.
Borna took a deep breath. “She’s also, uh-” he gestured at the bite mark on his arm. “She offered help. She knew we live together because we smell like each other.”
“Wait, what?” Steven was staring at him, nose wrinkled, and mouth falling open. “We smell like each other?”
“Yeah, I know.” Borna sighed. “She said I should be able to… detect these things soon too.”
They stood in contemplative silence for a few moments.
“We should go home,” Borna said and Steven nodded. He had his arms occupied with bags from the grocery store and he handed over one to Borna, who automatically took it.
He was working the night shift again. Again, he couldn’t understand why would a carwash service need to be open at such unholy hours. Again, he was reminded that the wealthy, the weird and the criminals were also paying customers.
So far he had to deal with only a few people that seemed a bit too inebriated to be anywhere near car keys. He did have to watch himself physically way more than usual, but the drunk were usually quite generous tippers and that night didn’t prove any different.
He had a long period of nothing, where he almost nodded off several, but the noise from the neighbouring gas station managed to keep him up. Then, just a one hour before the end, a car drove in.
Dorian’s phone rang. He groaned, looking at the caller’s ID. Three poop emojis were displayed on the screen. He groaned again, louder, then finally accepted the call.
“Hi, Gary,” he said. For a few moments he was quiet, listening intently. “Fuck,” he finally said. “A feral one?”
He got up from the couch and turned off the TV, which was showing some shitty horror flick. He sandwiched the phone between his ear and his shoulder as he started pulling on his pants.
“Yeah, give me ten min, I’ll be there. Bye.”
He disconnected the call, putting the phone down. He dressed up, sturdy, warm, practical clothes, and left the flat, remembering at the last moment to take his phone and wallet.
He rushed downstairs and walked briskly to the main street. A car was already waiting for him. 
“Move it,” Gary said, poking his head through the window.
“Yeah, yeah,” Dorian grumbled breathlessly. He sat down on the passenger’s side, fastening the seatbelt. The moment he was done the car peeled off the curb, making Dorian swear quietly, which in turn made Gary cackle.
The car sped through the streets, out of town to the forest road.
“Do you know where it’s supposed to be?” Dorian asked.
“Somewhere in the west,” Gary answered. “Near one farm, the owners complained about the cattle being killed.”
“Not regular wolves?” 
Gary shook his head. “The tracks didn’t fit, plus there’s been rumors of Bigfoot in the woods.”
Dorian snorted. “Of course that’s what they say.”
Gary shrugged. “Not that far fetched in comparison to the truth,” he said.
Dorian sighed. “Fair point.” He started rifling through his pockets for the cigarettes. “Sometimes I still can’t believe this is my life.”
“Yeah,” Gary said absent-mindedly. Then he noticed the cigarette pack in Dorian’s hand. “Hey, fuck off with that,” he grumbled. “No smoking in my car.”
Dorian rolled his eyes. “So sensitive.”
Gary glanced at him with a poisonous look. “Don’t you dare,” he growled.
“I can open the window.”
Gary puffed out an angry breath. “You won’t you-” He pawed at Dorian, trying to take away his cigarettes, when something collided with the car loudly, making Gary swerve and brake.
They stopped abruptly and jumped out of the car. There was a dark figure lying on the side of the road, whining loudly.
Gary glared at Dorian, who awkwardly stuffed his hands into his pockets. They tentatively approached the lump. Coming closer, it was visible that it was a sort of a wolf, only larger and as much as the moonlight permitted to see, with a different coat colouring.
It started snarling as they approached.
“I think we found our feral wolf,” Dorian said quietly and squatted down, facing the creature. Gary stayed a bit behind him, standing.
“We got you pretty hard, didn’t we?” Dorian asked quietly.
The wolf growled in response.
“I know, I know,” Dorian said soothingly. He got up and started taking off his jacket.
Gary groaned. “I’ll get the stuff from the car,” he said and left.
Once Dorian stripped off all his clothes he squatted down, tilting his face towards moonlight and began to change. His body grew, transforming into a lupine form, growing thick fur all over.
He slowly walked over to the hurt wolf, sniffing softly. The wolf whiled quietly, but let him close. Dorian carefully nuzzled the other one and gave the bloodied fur a few careful licks. Finally, he settled, laying down next to the hurt wolf.
Gary sighed. He had thick gloves on and a gun in his hands. “Dorian,” he said disapprovingly.
Dorian looked at him and just gave the wolf another gentle lick.
Cocking the gun, Gary took aim and fired.
With one last whine, the wounded wolf died.
Dorian slowly got up, nudging the wolf with his head, giving it a few small, affectionate licks, before leaving it, walking over to Gary.
“You know I don’t like shooting when you’re right there,” Gary said.
Dorian in between transformed back to human, panting slightly from the effort.
“He was so scared,” Dorian said. “And hurting.”
“We did hit him with a car,” Gary pointed out.
Dorian shook his head. “It was something from before,” he said. “We should take a look at the body before we get rid of it.”
“I’m not hauling a huge wolf back to the city for you to play a doctor,” Gary said. He went back to the car, putting the gun away. “Come help me get the covering, I don’t want blood all over my car.”
Dorian sighed and finished dressing up. Gary had a waterproof tarp in his trunk and they used it to protect the interior of the car before they dragged the cadaver into it. They had to put it on the backseats, the trunk of the car being too small to fit a grown werewolf.
After some more driving they found a muddy road through the forest. Gary parked in the undergrowth and they spent the better part of the night digging a large and deep enough hole.
Dorian wiped sweat off his forehead. “We deserve a bonus for all this,” he groaned.
Gary glared at him. “Like you’re doing that much,” he grumbled.
They were hauling the body out of the car now, Dorian desperately trying to carry an equal share, but he was mostly getting covered in blood seeping from the plastic while Gary was supporting most of its weight.
“Not all of us spend all the time in the gym,” Dorian bit back.
They finally hauled it to the grave and rolled out of the tarp, pushing it in.
“You put the tarp in, I’ll take care of this,” Gary said and started pushing the dirt onto the dead werewolf. Dorian nodded and started folding the plastic, trying not to get blood everywhere.
They were finished soon, getting back in the car. Dorian had the bloody tarp resting in his lap, clothes almost equally as dirty.
“You look like you showered in blood,” Gary said after a while. They were still driving through the forest.
“I kinda did,” Dorian replied.
“My car must look like shit.”
Dorian shrugged. “It’s just some mud.”
Gary huffed. “And blood too.”
“It’s just some bloody mud.”
The car was covered in more or less fresh mud, with a bump in the front that looked suspiciously bloody. Borna approached the driver’s window, squinting at the bright headlights.
“Good evening,” he said automatically.
“Do you guys have anything extra for mud?” the driver said.
Borna barely heard him, because in the passenger’s seat was an unmistakable figure.
Fucking hell, why Dorian covered in blood?!
Alarm must had been written on his face, because the driver laughed awkwardly. “We hit a wolf,” he explained. “Hauling one of those beasts off the road is a nasty business.”
Dorian met Borna’s eyes and quickly looked away.
“I see,” Borna said. “I could clean the dirt manually but it would take longer and cost more.” He tried not to stare at Dorian, who was very stubbornly pretending not to see him.
“Eh, I’ll just take the basic automated wash,” the driver said.
Borna nodded. “Okay.” He directed the car where to go, turning on the wash cycle. The overwhelming smell of the detergent finally overlaid the stench of blood, but Dorian’s blood-soaked image still danced in front of his eyes. Once the car was clean the driver paid, leaving a small tip and left. The entire time Dorian pointedly avoided Borna’s eyes.
Once they were gone from the station, Borna took his phone out, opening the text messages.
“what the fuck was all that??” he typed out, sending the message to Dorian. He leaned back on the wall, waiting for the response and staring at the clock.
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feisty-fae · 4 years
If you still do the flower ask thingys.. 👉👈 𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 𝙜𝙤 :)
HoooH boY hEre we gO-
Alisons: Sexuality?
I sexually identify as a can of beans
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
Cis female she/her
Amaryllis: Birthday?
27 September
Anemone: Favorite flower?
All flowers pretty,, but stargazer lily, rose, dahlia and cherry blossoms
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
I don't watch tv but I'll list some other stuff i like to watch:mha, beastars and aggretsuko
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
Idk depends on scenario??
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
"Kanye West he likes, fingers in his ass."
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
Any Milkshakes or smoothies (mostly banana and strawberry for milkshake and p much anything for smoothie)
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I've never had kith
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
Well you see yes but actually no
Baneberries: Favorite song?
I listen to a lot but to keep it short:baby in the kitchen, in my mouth and friends slowed (chase atlantic)
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
We p chill fam
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
Irl bestie,, shes not on tumblr lol
Begonia: Favorite color?
But i like most colours
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
I'd be like a doggo bc it would be the most fun i think-
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a vet but then when my granny asked me "but whos gonna clean up the animal poop?" I was like "eWW pO0pP!" and then decided that mayb i shouldn't be a vet
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
They're either really kind and sweet
Or literal demons from hell
Legit no inbetween
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
I'm afraid of lot of things-
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
I was one dumbass bitcg-
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?
Idk eat pizza and cry or smth ajakamkw
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
When someone hugs me or just generally spends time with me
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?
I used to have piercings when i was a bab but eHh haven't worn them since and i dont think my ear holes are big enough now-
California Poppy: Height?
4'10 grrr I'm the omega midget and I'll devour ur ankles
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?
Pant, pink top and black hoodie
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
I think i have??
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?
My mom and my dad
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
I never kith
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
I dont have one so imma say sans bc it always looks out of place and makes me laugh-
Columbine: Are you tired?
I feel like screaming and jumping around my room like a crackhead
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
Nothing in particular ig
Coneflower: Dream job?
Smth kinda fun and art or design related hopefully,,,,
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
Introvert but i also get lonley easily
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
I would get run over by 5 monster trucks, jump off a plane, get mauled by 10 bears, get trampled on by a stampede, get brutally tortured for 12 hours straight, yeet myself into the Grand Canyon and then break all my bones with my bare hands if they weren't broken already
Ok basically i care a lot
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
I had this st bernard plush called Sparky and this lion named Sammy,,
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
My memory is legit so bad it's probably concerning uHHH
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
Mayb art??
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?
Ehhh i might reason with them and then if they still disagreed I'd just keep the relationship a secret
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
My parents
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
Ehhh arT
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
EhhHh everything that isn't art-
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
Oh boy here comes my shitty memory-
Idk but I'm mostly happy that I've been more social and stuff and i feel like im kinda coming out of my shell a bit
Not sure what to say for other 2 bc nothing in particular has really happend?
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
Ehhh oK??
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
I hope to pass all my exams and get an okish job mayb
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
2. Fammm
3. eHhh yummy food,,
4. Drawing and uhhh art
6. Ok idk what else aside from like serious stuff like house and etc.-
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?
Drawing, crying, venting to a friend/parent
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
Hugssss,kith,cuddle, *draws u stuff*
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
MmmmmMy aRRt?
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
Wake up
Don't go to school
Vibe with friends
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
Ehh 8yrs? We met in hell school
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
6..?? Aa idk theres some people that idk if they'd consider me a friend or not,,
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
Idk any compliment is best compliment for me,,
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
Ew yucky gröss
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
m y a r t
Also my hair bc its soft and wavy,,
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?
Everything else-
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
Climb trees and do dumb shit
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
Same irl bestie i mentioned before
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
Well I chose Fae bc i thought it sounded pretty
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
Idk what to rlly say lmao
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
Kinda the same but i had toys everywhere-
Also when i was like 5 i had this legit fucking cursed thomas the tank engine shaped bed that i actually found a pic of but it's FUCKING HORRIFYING SO I PROBS WONT SHOW HERE-
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
Hi mom ily ur epic
Onions: Tell about your dad.
Hi dad ily ur epic
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
Omg i miss my grannies sm bc i couldn't see em this year bc nasty pandemic
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
Haha shit memory gor brrRR-
I don't really remember too many specific parties but when i was like 7-10 i had these epic parties in those birthday places with the giant play areas
I kinda wish i wasn't too old to go to them sobs
Peony: What was your first job?
I haven't had a job yet
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
Hmmmm idk? I haven't really thought abt that but i don't really mind i just wanna find someone to vibe with,,
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
I cri
Pink: Where is home?
Home is home home
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change?
Now where do i start...
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
I look up to people that are kind, caring, brave, funny, cool or stronger than me ig?
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
Basically my current life minus school, stress,pandemic and responsibilities lmao
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
I used to believe in ghosts after i thought i encountered one
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
Peoples laughsss also music
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
Bro i dont have one,, my aphantasia makes it hard for me to remember stuff-
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?
I wantttt better chargersss thattt donttt telll meee thatt myyy tablett will finishh chargingg innn 1 dayy andd 7 hoursss
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
Kinda difficult but im opening up more
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
8 hrs
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
Idk ig i kinda have to go to school and do stuff
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
Non existant
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
My black and white stripy top, and all my hoodiess
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.
I don't think i have just one aesthetic bc im drawn to so many different aesthetics at the same time-
Like vintage, neon, dark, spoopy, pastel, cute, etc etc
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
I haven't been reading anythinggg
But i should really finish reading Percy Jackson bc it do be picking up dust-
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
Mmm yummy 👅
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
I am currently living and breathing yes
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sarspax · 5 years
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(Sorry this is a bit of a late update. I didn’t have the time or energy to keep the tumblr post in sync with my DA updates) UPDATE 3.0 (2pmish) : I wish I had been able to update right afterwards but had to immediately leave for work. Just got home a moment ago. I was called in by the vet around 2am. Toby's condition was deteriorating rapidly. He had been stable for a short while but his chest cavity was continuously filling with more fluid. Draining it was only temporarily helpful. The mass was still causing him a lot of difficulty breathing. I got there quickly and was able to spend my last 30 minutes cradling him before he was euthanized in my arms. This particular condition is rare but known for being a silent and fast killer. His symptoms were unnoticeable until things were bad enough that he couldn't compensate for them. It was barely two days ago that I'd taken him in thinking all he had was constipation and maybe a partial blockage causing some gas buildup. As soon as we knew about the mass I knew it would only be a matter of time. I just didn't think it would be so soon. I love you my sweet boy.. I'm glad you're resting now. I'll update with what the post-mortem plan is in a little bit. I've been sitting with this on my heart all day without a chance to fully process it all. I still keep catching myself expecting to see him in his usual places. The vet said they'll get back to me in a day or so to let me know the final balance of the bill. ______________________________ UPDATE 2.2 (10:20pm) : Hospital is extremely busy right now. Attending vet frustratingly unhelpful and seemingly not entirely in the know of what I'd discussed with the vet from the previous shift. Going to try calling again a bit before I have to go to work and see if I can get in to check on him. Once I'm off work I'll be on my weekend and 100% of my time can go into this. UPDATE 2.1: I’m getting ready to talk to the vet again in an hour or two. I’ll have another update when I get home. _______________________________ UPDATE 2: The mass is on the front of his lungs making his airway narrow. The fluid in his chest cavity is lymphatic. The location of the mass makes it inoperable. We're trying a steroid treatment to shrink the mass and make him more comfortable.   ________________________________ UPDATE 1: I just got off the phone with the vet. They found a mass in front of his heart. Its potentially cancerous but we don't know yet. Now that they've removed a lot of the fluid in his chest we're going to see how he's feeling and go from there. I'm trying so hard to just keep moving right now. I need to go back to work from my lunch break already. I don't know what the vet bills are going to look like yet at this point. It'll depend on what the vet thinks his near future quality of life will be like. _________________________________ Original DA journal: https://www.deviantart.com/sarspax/journal/Desperately-Need-Vet-bill-help-799127822 Transcription: ko-fi.com/sarspax ko-fi.com/sarspax ko-fi.com/sarspax So you know how I was just starting to recover from financial crisis, unemployment, near-homelessness, and depression? Life said FUCK THAT! Here's the next fucking course! (Possum, left. Toby, right. Sorry for old photos. I'll dig through my phone for newer ones when I'm not fighting a panic attack) My cat Toby has been on and off lethargic the last month and having troubles with loss of appetite this week. Initially I attributed this to the heat waves we've been having. He bounced back from each of those discomforts just fine but the last few days he's stopped eating entirely and I noticed he was mildly bloated. I did the usual routine for when he's dealing with hairballs or dry poops with no result. I'm glad I decided to get to the vet sooner rather than later. His breathing had been shallow, which at the time I thought may have been from the bloating. X-rays showed he has maybe 1/5th of his normal lung capacity and the rest of his chest cavity is filled with fluid. There's so much fluid the vet couldn't make out his heart. As of right now we have no idea what the cause is and they have to proceed very carefully. If they stress him out too much before they can get some of the fluid out of his chest then he could suffocate. He would have likely died in the next few days if I'd decided to delay any longer. Outside of his lethargy and shallow breathing he wasn't giving any other signs of pain or distress. He still pawed at me for snuggles, gave me headbutts when I came home from work every day, and cuddled up each night with my other cat Possum. This cat got me through some of my roughest years. He does nothing but love everyone who gives him attention. He's changed the minds of so many people who thought they didn't like cats or thought cats were aloof. He's only 8(ish?) years old and hopefully has another 8 to go. I can't give up on him. With the help of one of my housemates, bless their soul, I was able to cover the initial $2,000 down payment. It may cost another $2,000 by the end of the week. That's just for the initial treatment, stabilization, tests, and hospital stay. I don't even have a ballpark for what it will cost to resolve this, if it's even possible. I maxed out my credit card again just to cover this down payment and even with my next paycheck coming on Friday I won't have nearly enough to cover the remainder of the bill as is. I don't even have enough for June's rent or my next health insurance payment. I desperately need help. I can't take on any new commissions. I'm still slowly chipping at commissions now that the nerve damage in my hands has become manageable. I'm trying to hurry and finish the adopts I've been preparing but I don't even think that'll be enough. It would mean the world to me if you could spread the word, or donate, or both. Even the smallest amount helps. ko-fi.com/sarspax ko-fi.com/sarspax ko-fi.com/sarspax The best case scenario is an infection of some kind but there are a handful of other less hopeful possibilities. They'll be giving me an update during my lunch break this morning and I can update this information then if I have time but possibly not until I get off work later. My worst fear is pouring all this money into this and still losing him. But he deserves more than 100% of my effort. Both of my cats do. I would die for them.
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theadorablespderman · 5 years
Please excuse the long post. But I want to write something for women about what I’ve learned, being a 21 year old women, about safety and the shit things women feel we need to do so we’re not attacked by shithead on a daily basis:
Two girls my age have been murdered 30 miles from where I live. The girl who was killed just recently was found and the suspect is in prison, he kidnapped her, killed her, and burned her body. And a girl 6 months ago was killed by a guy she dated for 2 weeks. It’s so scary being a woman and I live in a pretty safe area and it’s just heartbreaking. I’ve had some serious anxiety issues from this and I’m just scared to even meet any men or date or do anything because like this is what can happen. And these girls were smart, strong women and they’re just gone now and that’s terrifying.
Anyways guys I just haven’t been active on tumblr because this has been weighing heavy on my mind. Please women, practice safe dating, be aware of your surroundings, meet in public places, and don’t trust anyone alone until you’re sure you know them. It’s not our fault if we are murdered, it’s the killer, but unfortunately we have to try and minimize the dangers that come with being the sex we are (men get murdered too, I know this, but being a woman you’re raised in constant fear of what some men can and will do to you) I’m just saying women are born into this culture of being the weaker sex, the targeted sex, and dear lord my fellow women I wish we weren’t, so let’s fight back, let’s be safe, and that might not always work but know that I’m being you and so are millions of others. It’s so important to understand that we don’t need to seek protection. We can protect ourselves and police, neighbors, or family may not hear or heed our cries for help, for protection, for understanding but that is their wrong doing.
Idk guys.....I’m just feeling a lot of things and I want any young girl reading this...even if you’re not a girl, but I want to specifically let young women know:
1. You will never owe anyone anything you feel uncomfortable giving, or feel obligated to provide because the other party made you feel guilty, or lesser for not providing it (this includes your time, sex, conversation, money, or a smile)
2. Unfortunately, what we wear will be considered by some low life’s out there as invitations to take what you aren’t willing to give. You dress how you want to dress, but always be prepared to defend yourself. There are dangers to wearing certain clothing (but guess what, I still wear those items of clothing) but it is nieve to think that in the age we live in men (or possibly other women) will not in their fucked up brains think that’s still some fucked up invatation. Be prepared to slap those assholes, but don’t think they no longer exist because light has been shed of rape culture. Always always be prepared. No matter what your wearing, always know that someone is going to think you owe them something because of how you look (how much makeup you wear, what close you have one, damn it, what kind of music you listen to). They are awful people, but they exist so please be aware of that and do everything in your power to be vigilant of that. (I’m not wanting to victim blame any survivors. If you’ve been raped and have or haven’t done these things it is not your fault, you should never be blamed. It’s the asshole who violate you and no one else, but if there are ways we as a society can try and flush the assholes out before they can hurt anyone else, I want to try and make women aware of this. So please I love and support any survivors and would never dream of making you feel bad or lessor if you’ve been raped or abused. IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT)
3. That leads me to three. Like I said. If you are abused, attacked, raped, beaten, etc. IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. People will ask “why didn’t you do this?” Or “you should’ve done this” and that’s what’s already going through your head to some degree. It’s no ones bussiness to know why you made the choices you did. No is fucking no and fighting or letting whatever happen happen it’s no different. You are a survivor, you are still worthy of everything the worth has to offer ( that is good) and you are not at fault. People who point the finger at you are victim blamers and not worth your time.
4. You should always be aware of your surroundings as women. I’m in college and while walking to your car or anywhere really, my college campus has made sure to post flyers around the school about safety practices. I’ve also read online some things convicted rapists look for in their prey. Often they will look for a women who seems to be alone, most likely who seems distracted, either by taking on the phone, with headphones in, or looking down at something while walking. what I did during my night classes I would keep one headphone in while walking the long walk out to my car in the dark, I’d keep my headphone in, stay on the sidewalk with street lamps and away from any bushes and I’d call my mom because she’s the person I trust most in the world and lives close by that may be a different person for you. Anyways I would have her on the phone and because my headphone was in it didn’t look like I was talking to anyone. It made me feel safer and I still was able to stay aware of my surroundings) I would either but a hood over my head if I had my hair in a bun which is basically every day, but that is something rapists look for. Buns. It’s easy to grab.
Additional safe practices while walking anywhere even during the day in sketchy areas or just when your alone and someone could attack you, I always walk with my keys between my knuckles so I could punch and injure or impale any attackers. I will always text or call my parents (may be someone else for you) to let them know I’m leaving and I’ll let them know once I’m in my car. I also carry pepper spray and I keep my head constantly on a swivel. Looking behind me, side to side, and if I’m going through any parking lots I stay away from large vans or trucks...basically any car I can’t clearly see into from a distance. If I have to go between cars to get into my own I will often do a quick look over the car, under the cars, and check to see if anyone is around. I then will put my phone in hand ready to press the emergency button and I’ll unlock my car because it’s old as hell and I don’t have a remote. I hop in the car and immediately lock it again.
Do not accept someone’s request for your help if it has to do with putting anything in their car or lurering you away from a public place. If you do wish to help, find a local security guard, campus police, or even just a group of friends to come with you. But law inforcement is better. If it’s a legitiment request for help the person should not begrudge you for being extra hands or requesting a security guard help them. Additionally if you feel uncomfortable and someone disabled requests your help getting into a car or anything call 911 or your local police station that a disable individual require help getting into their vehicle and you feel that the police would be more qualified.
Often attackers bank on peoples good nature and disguise their plans in a veil of trying to get you to help them with odd tasks. Should you stop helping and being a good person? No! But be safe and aware while you do it!
5. Get an if I go missing file together. This is something off of Crime Junkies Podcast (amazing go listen if you haven’t already). If I go missing folder may seem grusom and errie but I promise it’s will help. You put all your passwords, account info, for you bank, phone, social media, everything in the folder. Make sure to keep it up to date and file anything away that might come in handy if you go missing. Tell one or two trusted family members or friends about it and it’s location (any access codes or other info on how to get to it) and only tell the people you know you could trust. This way if god forbid something does happen to you. Instead of having to wait for warrants and all that jazz, family members and friends can look into your recent history to see if you have in fact dropped off the grid, if there has been any unusual activity etc, and then they can provide this info to the police who will be days ahead of the investiagtion without having to serve warents to phone, bank, and other companies who other wise would not be able to provide account details unless they have your password and information. Doing a If I Go Missing folder could possibly lead the police to your kidnapped, killer, or if you’re alive, even you. It’s so so so so smart to have!
6. If someone attack’s you, leave as much evidence behind as you possibly can. Spit everywhere, throw up, pee, poop, scratch their bodies, get their dna allother you and get your all over them. If your being raped and can pee or poop or vomit on the attacker that is a very good way to try and stop them, it’s unexpected and they won’t want to be covered in your waste or vomit. Another self defense tactic my dad had told me from the time I was a child (sad he had to tell a child this) but if you can play as though your into the whole sexual getting raped thing long enough to get your hands free, and if your in a position where you can see the attackers penis, reach down like youre gonna touch and participate and then my dads exact words “grab his dick and squeeze tight, yank that thing and don’t stop till your arms are over your head” they might throw up from the pain but you can then hopefully make an excapr and if you were able to really injure them the police should find the guy with the torn scrotum in a hospital or at the crime scene. There are things you can insert into your vagina, it looks like a weird condom almost and I’m sure there are multiple kinds but it’s an anti rape device that when inserted if you are raped the insert will act as though it’s a condom when they insert their penis into the vagina, the insert will allow the penis to enter, but when it’s pulled out the man will find his penis now has a barbed condom basically stuck to his penis that basically will shred it if he tries to take it off. Here’s a picture:
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There are other amazing things out there but don’t let someon threaten you into leaving an area, or threaten you into having sex or anything. You always have a choice and even with a gun to your head it’s better to scream, not always, but most of the time this will scare the attacker and they will then start running. You could be killed still, but people will know what happened, there is most likely be witnesses, and there won’t be a search for the body.
Sorry I know this is so not my normal blog post and it’s not even fandom but I want everyone to feel like this is a place we can talk about how to be safe as a women. If anyone has ideas or things they do to help their safety pleas reblogg or just comment or just share with some one somewhere about our rights as women. I want to know what my fellow sisters do to stay safe, or if there are any questions.
I don’t pretend to know what it’s like as a victim. I was jumped by a man on a date when I thought he seemed like a nice guy, and I let him drive me over to my car in the dark. He put my seat down and was all over me in a second. Hands on my breasts and butt. I said no after unfreezing and I felt so so sick like I was nothing. But he did stop when I said no and I got out of the car and cried and sobbed. My dad held me for an hour when I got home because I knew I was a lucky one. So I’m not a victim, I was lucky because he could’ve easily raped me and he didn’t. So I don’t pretend to know what it’s like, but that pure gut wrenching, sickening terror I felt in that car for five minutes gave me a look what it must be like and I just want the women out there to know we can be safe and then even if we are or aren’t safe you never ask to be raped or killed or attacked. We all have awful stories but it’s important to voice “no” and to fight back. It’s important we she we are not to be trifled with.
Anyways. I’m sorry again for that taking long and thank you for letting me ramble. I feel my anxety has dropped a level. Stay safe out there!
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tclulubell · 5 years
[BSD] excerpt from fanfic idea I’ve had in my head for upwards of 4 months...
Ok, I keep thinking and thinking of this idea, and like a sharknado, it keeps getting messy. Worse still, this was meant to be an emotion-driven character study, maybe some cute WAFF romance, not SAD ANGRY BOI SPOUTING NIHILISTIC POP PHILOSOPHY. D:<
I already have a bunch of random ideas and scenes and conversations stored away so I can use them when I really do decide to really flesh out this story kicking and screaming inside me. But I need to know if, based on this excerpt I pooped out in the middle of the night, if I’m heading towards OOCness even with the justification of this being an AU inspired by the BEAST novel existence and the ramifications this has with the Book and reality itself.
Scene set up: A teenage!Dazai is doing some investigation for the Agency (for the governemnt? personal reason? don’t know, not important). He ends up meeting someone he hasn’t seen in years.
D:< D:< D:<
Horizontal gaze, horizontal brows, horizontal mouth.
Vertical posture, vertical gaze, vertical words.
Blank mirrors for eyes.
“I cannot wallow. I have made my choices. Yes, poor ones. Yes, willingly too. Is that something too far out beyond your understanding of me? Did I not make a confirmation of my unwittingly, painful performance of another’s puppetry of my person? I made losses, for you and for me. In this world and in his. In yours. Perhaps mine, one day, if I choose to bring myself to consider paying any attention to it. That is the past.
“I decided nothing is impossible anymore. I might not be capable for some actions, but I can trust in this vague, indecisive, claustrophobic world to provide bodies of wilfulness and determinism to complete such choices. Just because it’s inevitable, it doesn’t invalidate it. I rather continue to futilely cling and drag it down with me, because it’s worth debasing oneself with feeling rather than to detach yourself to a numbness of your own ineptitude to accept something will happen regardless.”
The mirrors stop reflecting me.
This gaze... too uncomfortably familiar.
I didn’t think he would let them become wet in front of me again. Time, and time, again to lose something important, because nothing is permanent and everything leaves. Why continue to peruse this performance-!
That gaze burns. Odasaku, what did you say back then!? For such a thing to be exist on his face-!
“Do you really think that numbness came from not feeling anything? Form your vast intelligence and understanding of human behaviour, is that your conclusion? Has it ever occurred to you that to receive so much feeling that your are unable to process it in any form, because of our human limitation on understanding ourselves beyond our vastly narrow perspective? We don’t know ourselves and spend lifetimes trying to make sense of the cosmic randomness that is our person. We are all crippled and in pain, deeply isolated from others, never to understand at all. Is that meaningless? Futile? FUCK NO. We are always MEANT to be that ignorant. Living any life, as painful, strange, remorseful, relentless, ecstatically, vapidly, vastly means there is so much more to experience. To be overwhelmed from. To be stuffed, gutted, and our viscera from the breach to be made beautiful arrangements from what been done!”
His arms movement is jerky, flung far and away from his body. Flapping around as he continues to talk. And talk. And Talk. And Talk. AND TALK-! He contorts his posture in one abrupt, backwards motion, to flop his head back, to look upwards into the endless sky. His knees are bent forward, while his back curves and his chest laying parallel to that endless sky. It’s so dark without the stars; clouds are hiding the sky from his exhibitionist-like action. His chest is moving so wide, then contracting into himself, and wide, and into himself once again. Such deep breathing...
“No matter how intelligent you are, and how aware of people you are, and how you can pluck their strings to dance to your melody, and how deeply isolated you are feeling... You are still one stupid, stupid child, playing the fake society role of ‘adult,’ nonsensically clinging to a story that already ended. I don’t think things will play out as you wish; you believe it will. Because people are still choosing, even in ignorance. Your complacency doesn’t absolve you, but neither is your pro-activeness will be deliverance. We don’t Need anything; we don’t Want anything. We only really need to simply need. We only really want to simply want. It just be simply, simple.”
Is he all a giant sigh? Why were you looking at me like that? I was certain you and Odasaku understood where we were all coming from. Just like back then, there are new futures to pursue, to experience, to protect. Odasaku said it is better to be a good man... And I do want to try. I want it so much, so... of all of us who is trying so hard to be good...
What led you towards this path?
You were the last person we believed would become like this...
“Your intelligence only really reveals your mind-boggling stupidity. I just wished I realized it all those lifetimes ago. I wish I was smarter to realize Sakunosuke was already walking the path he dreamed of, with you.”
I know how lucky I am to have Odasaku this time around. But what does that has to do with you and Dostoevsky working together and for-!
Oh, that mirror is back up, alongside your physical self sending itself towards me.
“I’m sure I know what the Agency is planning. And I will do what I can to make it as difficult and uncomfortable as possible. Not because I don’t want you succeed; somehow you will regardless. I trust that much in the Agency, in you, in Sakunosuke. I only ask that whatever may happen, I will receive the Book for a few moments. Hopefully I can grant my final wish before oblivion.”
But where is that heart of yours?
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harrypottersummer · 7 years
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#harrypottersummer is back!
Welcome to harrypottersummer 2017! It’s happening! You get a reread! And you get a reread! Everybody gets a reread! 
So, without further ado -
Cancel all your plans for the summer. We’re rereading Harry Potter.
What’s harrypottersummer?
It’s the most beautiful time of year, aka the time where Potterheads get to reread the entire Harry Potter series over the course of one summer - together! harrypottersummer was created last year, everyone who joined in had a blast, so this is round two and the whole thing is on a very good path to become an annual event.
How does it work?
Starting on June 16th, everyone who cares to join will start reading the Harry Potter series all over, first book to last, whilst sharing but their reading progress as well as headcanons, fanart, fanfics, edits, theories, anecdotes and literally anything else you can think of, on any social media platform you can think of using the hashtag #harrypottersummer. Done!
What’s this year’s schedule?
Last year, we went for a book per week, which was nice for those of us who were stuck with little to no wifi for the bigger part of the reread (-points to self-), but was stressful for busier folks. This year, only the first three books will be getting a week each, and every book from Goblet of Fire onward will be getting two! Yay!
June 16th - June 22nd 2017: Philosopher’s Stone Week
June 23rd - June 29th 2017: Chamber of Secrets Week
June 30th - July 6th 2017: Prisoner of Azkaban Week
July 7th - July 20th 2017: Goblet of Fire Week
July 21st - August 3rd 2017: Order of the Phoenix Week
August 4th - August 17th 2017: Half-Blood Prince Week
August 18th - August 31st 2017: Deathly Hallows Week
Wait, whaat? Meetup???
Well, yes meetup, assuming it all works out as planned! In honour of September 1st, 2017 also being Epilogue Day, anyone who happens to be in London that day is more than welcome to stop by at King’s Cross station to come and wave our childhood goodbye one last time. Are you ready? I’m not ready. Nope.
Make sure you check this blog for updates on the meetup, as more details will hopefully be available soon. For now, just know that I’ll be there, @ronaldswheezy will be there, come say hi and have a chat and take selfies and get emotional over our childhood. Why not. Might be fun.
How do I participate?
Grab your Harry Potter books, cancel your life, and start rereading.
Spread your progress like wildfire. This includes any form of social media you choose to participate in. Tumblr! Snapchat! Instagram! YouTube! Twitter! All the things!
Get creative. Write fanfics. Make fanart. Make edits. Make playlists. Start cosplaying. Write a song. Build your own Lego Hogwarts. Nothing is off limits.
And finally, tag absolutely EVERYTHING with #harrypottersummer. Everything. Even if it’s just a 4am text post that goes ‘do dementors poop?’.
If you’ve got any more questions, the ask box is open! A calendar page with the schedule and an FAQ face and other things are coming up too, as soon as I get around to setting them all up. If you want to message me on my main blog, you find me @stuckwith-harry. 
Happy harrypottersummer! <3
678 notes · View notes
wingsporkhalo · 7 years
A Collaborative Spork of “Why?”: a Lord of the Rings Fanfic-- Chapter 5
Wow, up to chapter 5 now. What a milestone (feels more like a millstone)!
All right, it’s time for @icykalismsts and me to get snarky again--there’s actually some pretty good zingers in here if I do say so myself. As usual, excerpt below, the rest beneath the cut, and if you missed the previous parts, look no further than here: http://wingsonghalo.tumblr.com/tagged/why-fic/chrono
Chapter 5: It’s agreed then. We’ll stay
W: Yeah, that’s pretty much what Kali and I say after every chapter of this mess. We say it while sighing in a long-suffering manner.
K: Exactly.
I got my reviews! O.M.G.! Ureshi!
W: She’s missing an i at the end, but it means “I’m happy!”
Oh, change of plans
about the "crystal's point of view" thing. I have an
alternate fic of this that is completely different except
for the triangle, and characters, that I'll post up AFTER
I've finished posting this fic.
As the girls began to near the gates, an arrow
zipped by the group's faces. Yura's eyes widened, yet
the others remained calm.
W: They were just like
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~ Gomen, gomen, Yura-chan. I thought you
and that big band of yours were some trespassers. ~
' Liar! You can recognize everyone's footsteps
just by listening to them! ~
~ I know, but you were being so quiet... ~
~ Girls, you can squabble all you want AFTER
we finish our business. ~
W: They came all the way out here just to poop?
~ Hai, hai. Diamond-san, you're no fun. ~
K: But I thought diamonds were a girl’s best friend!
"I know. That's why I'm still alive after all these
"But Crystal-sama is fun, and she's more alive then
~ Unasi (shut up) ~
K: Isn’t it supposed to be “urusai?” Why do people keep claiming others are Nazis in this fic?!
W: Because obviously this whole thing is actually a pro-Nazi propaganda piece.
~ Crystal? ~
She glared at him. ~ I don't think that someone who
loathes Dark Elves should speak their language. ~
K: Okay, Dark Elves are a thing in Tolkien’s work, but they do not mean this. Just thought I’d point that out.
~ Demo... ~
W: Man, I wish we’d only read a demo of this fic. Instead, this fic has become a pain in the demo.
' Legolas Greenleaf, I will not tolerate your talking
back to me in my own domain. '
Legolas closed his mouth. * When was the last time
that she gave me such a cold, hating stare? *
W: Last Tuesday?
Then it hit him.
W: “I’VE BEEN HIT!” he wailed as he collapsed. “Deja vu,” said everyone else present.
Hard. * This was almost as cold as when I pinned her. For a
crime I wasn't even sure she committed. It's too late to change
the past now though. *
W: Isn’t it always?
K: I think the Defrosting Ice Queen trope came and went...
They both looked up as they heard loud bickering. The
voices of some of Crystal's closest friends since she got loose.
~ Must you be so loud? You remind me of a mansion
filled with little children. ~
W: “You callin’ me as big as a house, buster?!”
Diamond bowed. "Sorry Crystal-sama. I tried to get
them to earlier,
W: Get them to earlier? Weren’t you listening?? It’s too late to change the past!!
but I don't seem to have as much influence over
them as you do." She glared at the two girls.
Crystal laughed. "Honestly Diamond, you act just like
the mistress at a school would! Lighten up some. It's not as if
we were going to war. If we were, that would be a different
matter. As for you, Thika.
W: My Friend Thika. Or would you prefer it to be pronounced “I choose you! Thikachu!”
Did I not ask you to stop practicing
near the gates? You could hurt one of our members."
K: That’s what she said!
"I'm sorry."
Crystal got up, and dusted herself off. "So, who are
your friends?"
Yura coughed. The Fellowship took the hint.
Frodo gave a small bow. " I'm Frodo Baggins. These
are my friends and allies. This is Aragorn," Aragorn stepped
up and bowed. "These are Sam, Merry, Pippin, Boromir, and
K: Gimli defeated Gimili! Woah!
"My, what an interesting group we have here. Two Men,
four Hobbits, and a Dwarf.
W: “...walk into a bar. Then they sing a bunch of songs for some reason. One of the Hobbits disappears briefly.”
What brings you here?"
"We came to ask for our friend Legolas Greenleaf back."
W: “What are you going to give us for him?”
Crystal looked disappointed. "I was hoping that you all
would stay here for a few days. It's seldom he have company,
especially such a varied group of males."
W: She sounds like she’s talking about a dog breeding business.
The Fellowship talked amongst themselves.
"I feel uneasy about this Crystal. She seems too nice."
"We don't care where we are, as long as we have food."
"I will go where the ringbearer goes. I still feel as if it is
my duty to protect him."
"I will go where the Fellowship is, for I have no true home."
Only Legolas remained quiet. The others looked at him.
* Could there be a reason for the always-gay elf
K: The author said it! Not us! W: Oh my god. Oh my god, that is priceless.
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to be saddened
by this place?
Are there memories here? No, it can't be. This place
can be no older then 100 years. *
K: But then one hundred years passed, and then it was older than one hundred years.
They all waited patiently for the
W: ...hundred years to pass...
confused elf to respond.
Legolas shook his head. "It is my duty still to see to it that
you remain safe, Frodo."
"So it is decided than.
W: Than...what?
You all shall stay for a few days, and
hopefully enjoy yourselves. But I must warn you. Nothing you see
here may be repeated to the outside world.
K: Because if the outside world knows they’re Sues, they’ll kill them all!
While you are here, you
follow our rules, and do not go where you are told not to."
W: “For the last time, I’m sorry. I thought it was a chamber pot.”
The Fellowship was awed by what they saw. The place
would shame the most beautiful of places.
They were each
given a tour guide for the remainder of their stay. They were
also shown to their rooms.
"Breakfast is always at 7 o' clock sharp.
W: “Lunch is at 12 o’clock blunt. And blunt is at 4:20.”
Lunch and
dinner times shift around, depending on our schedule.
K: Then what determines what they’re called?
that you have seen most of our city, I'm assuming you would
like some rest for now. I'll leave you to your rooms." Each
room had a beautiful view, depending on it's theme. Legolas'
was the woods; Gimli's an over-looking of mountains;
K: Gimli always was fond of ignoring mountains.
Aragorn's a raging river;
W: Oh, and I suppose he’s also the dark side of a typhoon, a coursing fire, and a great moon. Dammit, badfic, sing the song right!!
K[Aragorn]: I sure hope I don’t almost drown in this river or anything!
The Hobbits, some hills near lakes;
and Boromir's, a view of tremendous waterfalls. They all also
attached to one another, so that they could converse all at one
time in their own rooms.
K: Unfortunately this led to some terrible incidents involving voyeurism and masturbation… W: Honestly. Why didn’t they just have a Skype call if they wanted to converse at the same time. IT DIDN’T HAVE TO END LIKE THIS K: You mean "it didn't have to reach a climax like this" ;) W: LOL "THIS WASN'T WHAT I MEANT WHEN I SAID WE HAVE TO COME TOGETHER IN TIMES OF TROUBLE" (K: [in a tumblr chat] THAT'S INCREDIBLE... PLEASE INCLUDE IT W: I ALREADY PUT IT IN ...WHICH IS WHAT THEY WERE ALL SAYING K: We just keep getting ourselves in deeper, don’t we? ;) W: Omfg.)
As each of them unpacked, they
thought about staying here.
W: I literally yawned while reading that part, and I’m not even tired.
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I know this fic has been going a bit slow, but I'm trying
to add a bit more detail. I'll go over the individual rooms in the
chapters that are coming up.
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K: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eghMntWNeCU
Thanks for reading and see you next time!
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atwinksrecovery · 8 years
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It’s been a little while since I posted on here, but I’ve been in recovery for almost a year now, and I’ve been thinking about how far I’ve come since this time last year, or the last few years vs this one.
My last relapse happened about two years ago when I came home one day and one of my roommates had bought a bathroom scale. I tried really hard to stay away from it, but I eventually gave in and that’s when things started to get bad fast. I was near the same weight as I was at my heaviest in high school, which brought up a lot of bad memories and unresolved feelings, and I stopped trying at all to fight my anorexia. At first when people complimented me on my weightloss I proud and enjoyed the attention I missed so bad. This boy I had a crush on since high scool finally started liking me back, and I was looking more masculine without having curvy hips or a round butt or boobs. In fact for a while I didn’t even have to wear a binder anymore, or even a sports bra if I didn’t want to. I was somehow managing to work full-time (sometimes over 50 hours a week) at a job that paid me more than any previous jobs (still not a lot tho). I was terrible at saving money because on my days off all I would do was get high and go shopping so I wouldn’t have to be at home with all the food. The only person I really hung out with on a constant basis was my best friend, who I still hang out with every day but it’s better, who was just as busy as me so all we would do was smoke a blunt together before bed. I avoided most other people because it meant getting food, and it was becoming too strenuous to find things to eat that wouldn’t blow my calorie goal for the day, a goal that kept shrinking as my weightloss slowed to a crawl. At that point having conversations about anything other than food was too exhausting, doing laundry was too exhausting. I quit my job right before Christmas and wound up passing out in the bathroom at my dad’s. I remembered thinking, as I was laying next to the litter box, if I don’t die I will tell someone I need help.
I told my ex, and when I came back home he suggested I go to inpatient. It was something I was kind of considering before he mentioned it, but I think I needed someone else to tell me to go for me to take it seriously. With how little resources there are for someone with an ED in Iowa, especially a guy, I had to wait a month and a half to get a bed. There were multiple nights where I was waiting and I was afraid I was going to die in my sleep and it was terrifying. At the point right before going in, my entire life revolved around my ED. I’d wake up and weigh myself, then have a cup of coffee or two to hopefully have a bowl movement which I was only having like once a week while looking at MPA, weigh myself again, then just smoke cigarettes and chug water and stay looking at MPA or the thinspo on tumblr, and eat the same two ‘meals’ every day. There was nothing new or challenging or exciting about my life, even the happiness I got from losing weight only lasted a few seconds anymore if I even believed it. I still had people telling me how good I looked even though all I saw in the mirror was death. I understood that I was thin, but I didn’t get how people saw anything other than sickness by looking at me. Maybe I should try playing poker some time.
At that point I didn’t find myself attractive at all, there were parts I thought still had too much fat and parts that I thought were too thin or saggy or just grey. The only point now was to see how far I could go before I got into recovery because I didn’t feel thin enough for recovery. I was the only guy in the EDO group, and I was comparable in weight to multiple women who had been there for months, but I quickly found out none of them were mean enough to point that out. The women that were in my group when I first got there were some of the most supportive people I could have asked for in there. I watched as they helped each other get through their meals and group therapy and even just sitting out in the living area. And they accepted me right away too. I think I talked about poop more in my 2 ½ weeks there than I have in the rest of my life. It was really refreshing to have people who truly understand what you’re going through support your recovery. And they were women from all walks of life, some as young as 19, all the way to a woman in her 60’s. For some of them it was their first time, and some it was their 16th time. Some of the women I saw change and grow, some I saw were not quite ready to let go of their EDs, and some struggled so hard to free themselves that my heart really hurt for them and I really hope they have made strides to recover. Some of them I’m not sure I’ll ever forget.
Inpatient, and recovery as a whole, was probably the most difficult yet rewarding thing I have gone through. There are still things I’m working on, as recovery is a slow process, like sometimes I still don’t think my ED was/is as serious as some of the women who are still struggling with theirs even after being in ip all these times, or the ones who had to be put on a feeding tube, or who’s bmi’s were multiple points below mine. But I know nothing will ever be good enough for my ED and will keep setting the bar higher and higher until I would probably die. I also still have issues with my body image almost daily, but instead of letting that dictate how my whole day is going to go, I can go out and do things and have fun even though I don’t think I’m that attractive. My priorities have changed from centering around how I want other people to view me, to what I want out of life and what I want to give to this world.
So this time last year I was the deepest in my ED I have ever been, a shell of a person, jobless, broke, had a piece of shit car, scared and lost, and was on the verge of death. The meal that I put on this post probably would have made me cry. Today I have a full-time job, a ‘14 Fiat, $400 is savings, nearly $600 in my 401k, got a credit card, my budget is made through April, am doing the preliminary work to move to Colorado in May with my best friend, and am working on going back to school within the next year or two. And I eat what I want when I want and as much as I want. I still have a lot to work on, ED related and life in general, but I have come a long way and I think it’s good to take a moment and congratulate yourself every once in a while. I know this was kind of a long post, but I just had a lot of feelings on this!
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Motorcycle insurance question?
"Motorcycle insurance question?
I recently had an accident on my 2003 Harley Davidson. It is essentially totaled. How much on average will my insurance cover. I have relatively good insurance. Just wondering what you thought.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""What if i don't have a social security number, can i still buy car insurance?""
I am an illegal alien here in chicago, illinois but i have a car that i drive to and from indiana (about a 40 minute drive). I want to purchase car insurance but i do not know if i can. what do i need to buy insurance in illinois. do you know if i can purchase it online or which insurance company would sell me an insurance policy? please help as soon as possible.""
Insurance for a 17 yr old with Lamborghini(took drivers ed & have good grades)?
me and my sister got a lot of money when my grandpa passed away, he gave it to me and her mainly and then some to my mom and aunt and i wanna get a lamborghini with it but my mom will not change her mind saying that no one would ever insure me for that. moneys not really that much of a problem for it but would no one really insure me? i have enough to pay for it myself and i took drivers ed and have good grades in school how much will that knock off of it if so? thx""
Insurance for my business?
I run a small local business that is a Pet Waste Removal service. My question has to do with insurance. I don't know much about insurance and I'm pretty lost right now. I'm the only employee. I go to someones house and scoop their pets poop. Do i need insurance for this business and if so what kind and why? How about being Bonded? Thanks I appreciate your help..
Insurance info on changing them.?
my dad has a certain insurance and i want to switch to another insurance. what is involved switching to a new insurance because i found a nice new place but they don't take his current insurance. i really want to do move because this new place is great.
How much does an ER vist cost w/ no insurance?
I went to the ER the other day. I was there for a few hours and only have an IV. I dont have insurance...how much do you think this will cost?
WHY is car insurance so freaking expensive?
We are insuring two drivers with clean records on a 99 chevy cavalier and a just purchased 09 toyota camry and we are paying about $2,000 a YEAR. Doesn't that seem like TOO much!?""
Life insurance for an elderly sick parent??
I want to buy some life insurance for my dad. He is 59 years old and is a stroke victim. He doesn't live with me he lives in an assisted living facility. Is there an affordable life insurance policy that I can buy for him? I tried Globe Life but they rejected him due to his history of stroke and high blood pressure. I am trying to find something that is very very affordable because I will have to be paying for this myself along with my own personal bills. Thanks
Whats the cheapest auto insurance in texas?
i need to get a 1 month auto insurance for my 94 mustang whats the cheapest i can get it for and also about how much would i have to pay to put it under my name
Pre-existing condition on health insurance?
If I apply for health insurance with a preexisting condition and they give me a 12-month waiting period before covering the condition - does that 12 months start over if I am treated within the waiting period and I pay for the treatment on my own? Or does the 12-month waiting period begin from the date I purchased the insurance, regardless of what takes place during the waiting period?""
In india car insurance have to pay monthly or yearly & how much it cost?
In india car insurance have to pay monthly or yearly & how much it cost?
With no health insurance . . .?
How come I have to pay full price with cash, but if someone has medicaid or some other type of health insurance, the insurance company only pays (for example) $52.00 of an office call that I have to pay $80.00. Isn't that discrimination to people that pay cash?""
How much does does watercraft rental insurance cost?
I want to start a watercraft rental company, but I want to know how much insurance costs are going to be before I start it. If there are any companys out there who already have a watercraft rental business, or any agents that can answer my question that would be great. I plan on having about 4 or 5 jet ski's, 2 jet boats, 1 ski boat, 2 jon boats, 2 sail boats 1 pontoon boat, and 5 canoes, and 5 kayaks. So if anyone can help with this please let me know, thanks!""
Where does it say this about car insurance in California?
I've heard on the news that it's now illegal for a car insurance company to change your rates based on where you live, at least in California if not nation wide. Does anyone know where any official documentation/websites that specific state this fact that someone could site if it becomes an issue with a particular company?""
Insurance on 2002 subaru wrx?
Hello, I am 16 and am looking into getting a 2002 wrx. My dad only wants plpd on it. I would just like to get an estimate of insurance rate. I live in michigan btw.""
Motorcycle insurance for 16 year old?
Just wondering, how much would motorcycle insurance be monthly for a 16 year old, living in NY, say with a 500-600 cc engine bike?""
Is there a published list of average car insurance rates for all insurers?
Is there a published list where all auto insurers report their average rates? Basically a comparison chart or similar type information? If not, are insurers required to list their average rates somewhere? Basically I'm trying to compile a list of insurance rates, hopefully based on the different criteria used by the insurance companies themselves. I'm trying to find a way other than calling each individual insurer to get a ballpark figure on their rates for different types of drivers.""
Is there a big jump in insurance between a 600cc sports bike and 650cc?
I see a lot of bikes that are 600cc, and I'm trying to keep insurance cost down. I have been stuck on Kawasaki because it seems there models have the best gas mileage an comfortable seating positions. The 250r is just out of the question, even though I'm a first time rider. I'm 35 years old and do not plan on racing, but i also don't want to be stuck with a 250cc bike when i purchase, as I plan on keeping whatever I buy. I'm looking at the Kawasaki ZZR600 and the Ninja 650, but not sure if the insurance will be that much of a difference from 600cc to 650cc.""
Can you recommend me a good health insurance?
I missed out on signing up for healthy insurance where I work and I'm becoming worried that I might have to go see the doctor soon. So I'd like to get a good quality ...show more
What is a fast car that is in a relativley low insurance group?
I was looking at a 1.6 Honda Civic Type S as that is insurance group 6, but they seem to be hard to come by. They are mostly 2.0 and that is group 11 which is too high as I am only 19. Budget is around 3500. Any ideas welcome. Can go over budget and put the car on finance for the right car.""
""Cheap auto Insurance in miami, fl?""
I recently moved here and need to buy insurance for my car. Ive been searching on-line and i am overwhelmed on how expensive the rates are here in fl compared to California where i use to live. I have never had quotes in the 100's. so do u know a cheap auto insurance company here in miami, fl I have a 95 ford mustang cv""
Auto Insurance Help....?
I need insurance on my car, and i don't fully own it, my name is on the title and i finaced it so i have a lien on it....i'm only 20 so full coverage is pretty expensive! would it be possible for my dad to be able to add me to his policy?""
Auto Insurance Traffic Violation Question?
Ok, I am trying to get some new auto insurance quotes from other companies. My problem is I have a few moving violations. One speeding ticket and one ticket for running a stop sign. They ask me if my violations have happened in the last 35 months. They said I can be 30 days off of the violation date, if I can't remember the exact date. I can't remember the date or even close. I know I can call the DMV and get a copy of my driving record for around $10. I am just wondering if there is an easier way of getting this information. Possibly through the internet. Thanks""
Which company deals with indemnity title insurance for remortgaging?
I want to remortgage my property and have been given an offer by a lender, however I can't complete without indemnity title insurance. Norwich Union no longer does title insurance due to the credit crunch, is there anyone else who can help me?""
Will it save money to take driving lessons at 17 but not get insurance until 21/22?
I'm nearly 18 now, I've left driving a little late... my family asked me if I wanted to learn to drive at 17 and for some reason I didn't want to, but now I've got uni coming up in September (June now for future readers) I'm wondering if it's worth doing it now. I'd heard from someone that if I start learning at 21 or 22, insurance costs more than if I learn now and have a license for a few years before getting insurance and a car at 22 years, for arguments' sake. Has anyone else found or heard something similar to this? Thanks if you can help!""
Car insurance. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
I pay $177 for just liability with progressive through my mom. I need a cheaper insurance so I wanna switch. I've never dealt with this before so do I get one agent or do I have to get agents from each insurance company to find out which company would be cheapest?
Motorcycle insurance question?
I recently had an accident on my 2003 Harley Davidson. It is essentially totaled. How much on average will my insurance cover. I have relatively good insurance. Just wondering what you thought.
Does anyone have a moped and pay insurance for it?
I would like to get a moped when I get my driver's liscence in a few months or so. Does anyone own a moped and pay insurance for it? I've heard it's much higher than car insurance. And also, would the insurance rate be higher for a new driver, rather than one who has had a liscence for a few years?""
Fertility health insurance in ma?
do anybody know where i can get health insurance in ma that covers infertility or fertility procedures like ivf or iui??? please help. thanks
Do you have car insurance through Costco? Did you save money?
Thinking about getting an estimate from Costco. Im a member of Costco and thought I would look into it. Ever have any experience with their insurance? I know its an outside company.
Hi im coming up 17 soon and am hoping I can pass my driving license. Anyway just wondering on how much a quote would be. Im a full time student looking for a 3rd party only, because im going to be buying a old car to start off, besides the car price how much would it roughly be. I was also considering getting a pass plus and getting a car from group 2 insurance. Any rough ideas on how much it will be? any experiences? btw I cant get on the same as my parents untill 21""
Cost to insure a Bentley?
For a school project, we have to estimate the price of insurance for a speicific car. How much would it cost to insure a 2012 Bentley Continental GT? (approx.) I can't call my insurance company, I'm 14. Thanks!""
How much is teenage car insurance?
I am 15 years old and going to have my permit. I want use my dad's car who already has insurance. But, based on certain websites they say i need to include licensed drivers on my dad's car insurance. I think we do not have me listed. Is it possible to include me as a licensed driver. I am currently under Nationwide. Will it cost me to be included? If, so how much or what is the average and how do I do it?""
Car leasing and insurance?
Hi All, My partner is 24 years old and has 6 points on his license for driving uninsured with a provisional license. He now has a license but is obviously having major troubles with insurance prices. We are looking into purchasing a lease car with insurance in the cost, can anyone recommend? We want something identical to the NHS fleet service until we can clear the points but no friends or family work there so unfortunately we are not legible to apply for this. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance, Emma""
Why is motorcycle insurance so expensive?
im looking into a 600 katana with a clean driving record and taking the safety course insurance is still very high like 240 a month just about everywhere with 1000 deductables why is this? what bike would be cheaper on insurance thats kinda sporty still
Need advice on car insurance excess cost?
I had a bad accident yesterday morning and I payed to bring my car home but I didn't inform my insurance company yet because I haven't got the excess fee at the moment. The car seems to be a write off according to the police and the locals who helped me while I was in shock but will there be a problem if I waited a few days until I have the excess cost ready then I'll tell the insurance company what happened? It wasnt my fault and also the traffic lights were out of order at that junction as this person came at high speed hitting my car at the left corner sending me flying towards the road to the right and onto the pavement. I've gathered pictures of everything for evidence. But the problem is at the moment I cant afford the excess fee, If i let the insurance company know will they ask me to pay right away?""
Why does car insurance keep increasing every year?
I got USAA when I was in the military and it seems every year my car insurance rates go up by about $10. I have had the same car the whole time, no accidents and barely ever drive it. Is it normal for car insurance to keep going up like that even though me and my car are getting older?""
Has anyone used e-suarance for a car insurance quote. I called them a few hours ago & they gave me a good...?
quote but they Hadn't run my driving record yet. And they said they can use ur credit report but, Otha than seeing if u hav paid ur car insurance/bills on tym I Don't see Why they need That info, otha car insurance companies I called Didn't want to check my credit history & Every check on ur credit report can make ur credit score lower & my credit's not that gud rite now tho I pay my utilities, rent, my current credit card & my cell bill on tym & my auto insurance in the past was always paid on tym. (I haven't had car insurance for 3 1/2 yrs cuz I haven't had a car.) Also, they were telling me if I call back the quote mite not stay the same cuz I was tryin 2 get the quote number & No Other insurance companies said that, the otha 1's gave me a quote # so I can deal wit the quote later if I decided 2 go wit them. E-suarance (was tryin 2 get me 2 put a down payment down today & then the insurance would kick in automatically but I told them I want to pay for 6 months at once & I don't hav the money now cuz I hav 2 deposit it in the bank tomorrow, it's a postal money order & will clear Tues. & I Don't Need the insurance 'til Tues. &, then I'll need proof of insurance Tues. to take 2 the DMV wit the papers from the dealer 2 register the car & get the license plates. E-saurance said they could send an e-mail upon payment that I could use 2 show proof of insurance at the DMV or if I Can't print that out I could download their app & show them my proof of insurance thru their app. But that sounded fishy 2 me. Also the guy on the phone from e-suarance wanted a credit card # 2 run my driving record but I was like None of the Otha car insurance companies needed that 2 run my driving record. I Don't want 2 get charged for them 2 run my driving record or 4 any Otha charges. Which is making me suspicious now of the low rate or of paying by credit card ova the fone wit them. Since they're backed by Allstate can I go 2 an Allstate office 2 pay cash & get proof of insurance?""
I'm looking for a car insurance in Michigan that's cheap?
All i need is a cheap plpd auto insurance. My car is not worth much and I'm not going to spend a lot on car insurance for it. All I want is for the other driver to be fine. If you know of any cheap auto insurances let me know.
Insurance for a Car Loan..?
The thing is.. I have just recently gotten my aunt to co-sign for a loan on a 2001 Chrysler Sebring lxi. Me and my boyfriend will be the ones who have the car, but me on the other hand, I currently have a Learners Permit so i'm unable to drive it but my boyfriend has a license therefore he can. So for the Financial Company who is loaning us the money has me on file because i'm the only one with income since he doesn't have a job. The problem i have is that the financial company has my information but I can't get insurance for myself as i will not be driving the car, ONLY my boyfriend. So my question is, since i hold a learners permit and he has the license and will be driving, can i just put his name for the insurance? The financial company asked for Proof of Insurance but i don't know if they'll allow him to have the insurance in his name since the loan is in mine? I don't want to get denied because of that one factor since i already got accepted for the loan. I'm sorry, i'm new at all at this :/ Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!""
Health Insurance coverage?
I'm now covered by the employer's health insurance (with dental) plan. After I quit/leave current job, how does this health insurance coverage work? Before I'm hired by other company, what options do I have on the health insurance?""
Honda cbr250 insurance vs Kawasaki Ninja 250r?
If anyone could tell me the insurance rates for both bikes for a 16 year old male rider. I live in Ontario but any canadian rates, or american rates would be appreciated. Rates per year or per month is what I am looking for. If you can give the rates for both bikes or just one bike it would be appreciated. Thanks.""
How much should i pay for insurance of my car as a new driver in toronto?
Do the insurance companies in toronto accept my no claim record of driving from other insurance companies of the other countries or not? I have a 20 years record of driving in asia and a 10years record of no claim in my current insurance co. thanks to everybody who could give me information
""What do you do if you pregnant, and you have no health insurance?
could the baby be covered on the father's insurance?
How much is car insurance for a jeep wrangler?
i am 18 and have a clean driving record
Does getting stopped by the police affect your car insurance?
i got stopped by the police a couple days. i had my car insurance and everything. He took my license plate number. . will getting stopped affect my car insurance in any way?
I need some help with car insurance please.?
About a year ago my husband and I sold a car. We went through the usual channels with dealing with the plates, calling the insurance company and so on. Well today we got our yearly insurance cards in the mail and didn't recognize one of the cars they had given us a card for so I went over the statement. It turns out they have been billing us for insurance on a car we sold over a year ago. We never really noticed how much we should be paying in insurance for our cars and only get our statement once a year with these cars. We only pay $1504 a year for what we thought was two cars and I had assumed that was pretty good. In fact we were paying for three cars and an extra $663 a year on the car we sold. I haven't contacted the insurance company yet but my question is what are my options here? Will they give us the money back for the year we payed on a car we legally sold and what do they need, if any, proof of that? We have paperwork of the sale but no real proof we called them to inform them to take the car off the insurance. Will that we enough?""
Why is our car insurance rate based on our credit score?
It doesn't seem fair to pay higher insurance because our credit is bad! What do you think?
Sports car insurance for a teen girl?
okay, so i am 16. i am looking at a 2003 mitsubishi eclipse gs - meaning it has 4 cyl. instead of 6. is it still considered a sports car? & how much do you think the estimated insurance payment a month would be? please help - im really in need on an answer.""
How much is AAA a month?
I have Roadside Assistance with AT&T and I pay only $2.99 a month for 4 calls every calendar year but they only cover from about 2 to 10 miles if I need a tow. I'm thinking about switching to AAA but I really don't know anything about AAA. Can anyone give me some insight on AAA? PLEASE :-)
""How much is your full coverage insurance cost? 19 year old, 2 speeding tickets, live in WA, for Celica GTS?""
I know it varies from place to place, based on driving record, car, etc, etc etc. Im just looking to get average insurance costs. I am 19 years old, I have two speeding tickets (both 30 mph over), student, live in WA, insuring a clean title 2003 Toyota Celica GTS. What are you paying on average for similar discriptions.""
""How do you purchase a car without insurance, and how do you get insuracnce with out a car?""
I left my insurace expire, and noe I need to get insurance, but I don't know what car i'm going to get, so which comes first, the insurance or the car?""
Motorcycle insurance question?
I recently had an accident on my 2003 Harley Davidson. It is essentially totaled. How much on average will my insurance cover. I have relatively good insurance. Just wondering what you thought.
""California Life and Health Insurance, How can i Lower my Insurance rates?""
California Life and Health Insurance, How can i Lower my Insurance rates?""
Can an uninsured person get affordable dental care?
I have a deep cavity in my tooth. It's really starting to hurt me. I know it needs drilled and filled, but I barely make enough money to pay bills, let alone dental care. My job doesn't offer dental insurance, either. Is there anything I can do?""
Where should i look to get the proper licensing to be able to sell car insurance in the state of california?
Where should i look to get the proper licensing to be able to sell car insurance in the state of california?
""ATTN: New drivers, How much is your insurance a month??
I just got my insurance today and was curious to see what other ppl are paying. Thanks in advance:)
Does anyone know where to get Cheap SR22 Insurance in Texas?
Does anyone know where to get Cheap SR22 Insurance in Texas?
What is the diffrence between an 2007 Mustang and a 2007 Mustang Premium?
Another question is how much will insurance cost for a 16 year old with a license and driving certificate
""What is the best, cheapest car insurance I can have for a 28 year old female?""
What is the best, cheapest car insurance I can have for a 28 year old female?""
""Cheapest car insurance in St.Cloud, MN?""
Cheapest car insurance in St.Cloud, MN?""
Recommendations of car insurance for someone who is an experienced driver but it is their first cover?
My husband has held a driving licence for 10 years. We don't own a car and never have done as we couldn't afford it but fortunately we lived in London so we had good use of public transport. Over this time we have rented a car numerous times and have driven all over England up and down motorways and country roads plus on all our annual holidays abroad. In addition, we have loan of a car for 7 months every year of a family member who goes abroad for the winter (and are on their insurance). We've just moved out of London and have now bought a car but when we've got quotes for insurance (looking at direct quotes as well as websites as via GoCompare) they are expensive ranging from 715 - 1695! When we called up a few insurers to find out why it is this high, they say it's because it's the first insurance he has had and it looks like he's an inexperienced driver. They say that they need proof of his experience to be able to bring the premiums down however when we say we have proof of him being on the family member's insurance as well as being able to show previous car hire rentals they won't accept this. I was wondering if anyone had any advice or know of any insurance companies they'd recommend for situations like this. Many thanks.""
Can I cancel my motorcycle insurance?
Do I have to have insurance on my motorcycle (in IL) during the winter when I don't even ride it? Can't I just cancel it for the Winter and then start it up again in the Spring?
Anyone ever heard of business car insurance to do a homecare job?
Hi I have applied for a job and been told i got it now they saying i need business car insurance because its a homecare job and its to stop being towed away or clamped anyone ever heard of this and what is it
""Since we pay for car insurance in case sh-t happens, shouldn't we get that money back if sh-t doesn't happen?""
Car insurance is the biggest rip-off ever. I hate paying it. Sooo in case stuff happens, insurance takes care of it but then your rates go up!?! WTF? So if nothing goes wrong for a full year, shouldn't we get our money back?""
Will this affect my car insurance?
My car insurance took the money out of my account today and I completely forgot there wasnt enough money in there. But when I checked today I realized they did take the money out even though it put me in the negative. This is the first time ive ever done this. Will they cancel my insurance?
Democrats: So will there be fine for not having health insurance or not?
When I asked this question just yesterday, Democrats assured me there wouldn't be ANY fine for not having health insurance - it was an OPTION.""
Do i need to have insurance if i don't use a car?
Please tell me - do i need to have insurance when i don't use a car? I'm buying car next week but after that i'm going abroad for a month and nobody will use this car. I would like to know if i can keep car in garage for this time without insurance and buy when i go back? Maybe its comuplsory to have insurance for all time when i'm cars owner?
Geiko car insurance?
I want to know from someone who has Geiko car insurance if they like it. I currently have Nationwide, and though I love them, I can get car insurance from Geiko for $40 cheaper a month. I am a college student and with only being able to work certain hours and the expense of college $40 is a lot of money to be. At the same time I want to make sure I get insurance from a company I can get in touch with if I have problems. Thanks for any help!""
Car insurance on a Mustang gt?
I'm a male, 19, years old going on 20 next month.. I'm wanting to save up for an older model (1999-2003) Mustang gt. I know there are different kinds of auto insurance agencies around but can someone maybe give me a rough estimate of how much i would have to pay each month for my own insurance? I've had no accidents or tickets/ felonies ever since my driver's license have been issued to me.. And i drive about 15 miles to work one way and 20 miles to college one way. Thanks!""
""Insurance question I need help with, any help would be great?""
I need some help here... The question is Hans sells his car to Pieter and now has no car and no need of auto insurance. Hans calls his State Farm agent to tell him to transfer his auto insurance to Pieter. The agent tells Hans: A. The transfer will not take place until that night at 12:01 AM B. That Hans will need to put Pieter on his policy as an additional driver C. That Hans must keep paying the premium until the end of the policy period. D. That he cannot transfer the policy to Pieter. E. None of the above. Im pretty sure B and C are incorrect, but otherwise I have no clue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!""
How much to insure a car?
im a 16 year old girl that is trying to save up for a car. im hoping to get a car at 2500 max. is there an amount that the registration and insurance would cost. I need to know how much i have to save. thank you :D ps. in utah
How much would Liability insurance run me for my mobile auto detailing business?
Im looking to start a mibile detailing business within the next year and I need insurance
What is the cheapest but best car insurance for NYC. thank you.?
1967 dodge dart need insurance fast if you can please help.
How can I find a cheap but good dental insurance?
I need braces so I want orthodontics to be included. I am considering family insurance since it usually isn't much more.
What is some cheap full coverage insurance alabama?
What is some cheap full coverage insurance alabama?
Why is Obama all of a sudden denying HIS OWN WORDS health insurance made over YEARS?
in his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/
Where can I get cheap car Insurance ?
Hello, I am 18, and I am interested in a 92 Camaro. Two negatives with trying to get insured for a cheap price, I am 18 and I am wanting a sports car, I got a quote through gieco , and theyre wanting to get 700$ a month. NO WAY am I going to pay 700 a month, thats just beyond ridiculous ! Can someone lead me to a right answer""
Motorcycle insurance question?
I recently had an accident on my 2003 Harley Davidson. It is essentially totaled. How much on average will my insurance cover. I have relatively good insurance. Just wondering what you thought.
If i have fully comprehensive insurance can I drive someone elses car? Im 18?
Basically i got a quote from admiral for about 600 for fully comp insurance on a 900cc fiat, would I then be able to drive someone elses car? As this would work out a heck of a lot cheaper than actually insuring me on the other car [3k cheaper to be exact]""
""What is a reasonable auto insurance liability amount, i don't believe the current legal limits are enough?
Florida State Required auto insurance limits are not nearly enough insurance to carry especially if you live in a larger city in florida. What is a good acceptable liability limit to carry on my vehicles?
Who pays $200.00 for car insurance?
I just got a Nationwide quote for car insurance and it was over $200.00 for the monthly payments. Im just now getting my own car/car insurance(in my name), Im a female in my mid-twenties, had my first two speeding tickets last year. Plan on getting a 2007 Pontiac G6, and I will be driving it to work and school. is $200.00 a normal monthly amount to be paid for me?""
CT Insurance for small business?
Hi everyone, My father and I own a small company and we now both work full time for our company and we would like to get health insurance. My father indicated in the past he read some information that you can get a discount with state insurance if your company makes less than X amount of dollars per year...We can't seem to find this information. Who should we call in CT to get some answers or maybe someone already has information. Any help is greatly appreciated. Many thanks!""
Disadvantages of insurance?
Can any one kindly list the disadvantages of Insurance? or give the link of website?
What is the cheapest way to get insured on a Ford Fiesta 1.2 for an 18 year old?
Hey, I just passed my driving test and the trouble is insurance :( I've found the perfect car for me which is a Ford fiesta 1.25 studio, 2006 model which has done 49000 miles and is valued at 3800 pounds. The insurance is nearly triple the amount of the car which is something I simply cannot pay. I was considering coverbox or insure the box but I'm not too sure. I've been researching online for a good few months now and all price comparison websites and insurers' websites seem to be suggesting the same price. So please if you know how to get cheap car insurance for a 18 male who has 0 months no claims, I would appreciate your help :)""
Which company offers the best priced automotive insurance? I have a teenage driver and the rates are killing!
I have seen many ads for GEICO but I do not know anyone that has tried them. I currently have PROGRESSIVE but do not think I am getting a great rate with them.
Has Tort reform had a beneficial impact on Health Insurance rates in California.?
California has had Tort reform in medical malpractice for 30 years. Has this kept Health Insurance affordable in California? Ask the parents ofNataline Sarkisyan how they feel about tort reform. Rather than pay for an expensive transplant and a lifetime of expensive care, her insurer simply denied the claim knowing they most her parents could get in punitive damages was $250,000. Seems to me that tort reform is another name for death panels!!!""
How much is the townhouse insurance in South Florida for a 3/3?
The HOA does not include insurance.
How much does car insurance cost in Ontario for a new female driver?
I'm getting my G2 license in a few days, and want to start looking into buying a car. I'd probably get the first cheapest, used car I can find. I need to know how much insurance will cost, roughly. I am seventeen-years-old, I get average, or above average grades, and I am a new driver and legal citizen of Ontario, Canada.""
Does my international travel insurance cover rental car?
Hi, I am going on a holiday from Australia to the USA and Canada in March. I have purchased travel insurance and it states Section 16 Rental Vehicle - Up to $3000 Cover for car excess payable on Motor Vehicle Insurance resulting from your rental vehicle being: * Stolen * Crashed * Damaged and/or cost of returning rental vehicle due to you being unfit The $3000 would cover the excess from the rental car company but do I need some sort of liability insurance too? As I will be hiring a few cars for about a month. The companies I'm looking at are National car rental and Thrifty. I'll be picking up the car at LAX Any advice would be good thanks""
How much should i settle my auto injury claim for? please someone help me out!?
i was in a wreck as a passenger and both cars totaled. other driver complete a fault. coming up on 2 yrs nov this year and med expenses 12,000. i have no health ins. so i paid all out of pocket and can't continue treatment in phsical therapy right now. bills come first like rent. insurance company never made an offer, what should i do? i really don't want a lawyer, spoke to a few and they're all money obsessed understandably. it's their job. please leave opinions or help me out. thanks.""
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
""Hit and run accident, should insurance pay for my auto damage?
Here is my situation that I'm confused about. About a week ago I went to church and parked my car. Next thing I know is that someone was driving stolen (Yukon) car and has hit the ...show more
""I am 16 and want a 2003 BMW m5, how much would that cost to insure?""
I live in San Diego, California and have not gotten any tickets.""
What steps are needed to obtain a license to sale Insurance in the State of California?
I have a college degree, but just had a baby and I'm looking to obtain a license to sale Insurance for when my son gets older so I can have a flexible schedule. What is the process in the State of California to obtain a license to sale Insurance? (car insurance, business insurance, home insurance, etc.) Is there a seperate license for each kind of insurance? or does one license cover all of them? Also, what are the steps to obtain a license? Any information would be great! (also, how long is the process of obtaining a license?)""
When we ask for AFFORDABLE health care?
maybe we should control the Hospital, Doctor, and Insurance company's cost. That would bring it down. Then the government wouldn't have to get stuck with it all.""
What are the pros and cons of purchasing a car and leasing a car. Also how to purchase insurance.?
what are the pros and consof purchasing a car and leasing a car. And how do you purchase insurance?
""After a car is stolen, how long does it take for the insurance company to make a payment to me?""
I had full covrage, they didn't even off me a rental car, due to the police report.So now I'm just playing the waiting game for my settlement.But for future reference,who do you all recomend for good insurance coverage,without alot of bull up their sleeve?""
How much insurance cost for an infinti g35 coupe?
i am 19 years old about to turn 20 in a couple of months and have state farm insurance. i am tryin to get a infinti g35 coupe. 2006 black infinti 2 door thanks.
How much is motorcycle insurance?
I'm only 14 right now but when I hit 16 i'm planning on buying a motorcycle. Planning on buying a Kawasaki Ninja 300r 2013 around my birthday and I remembered a rough factor. How much would insurance be for a 16 year old on a sport bike like that? Don't refer me to a Quote site just a rough estimate I live in Illionois
VW Golf third-party insurance for a new driver?
Looking at getting a car, just passed my test and considering a VW Golf Mk4 (1.4 - 1.6l as a max) I'm not 17, I'm 20 - Would this go in my favour? How much can I expect to be paying, is it manageable?""
Compare long term insurance prices?
compare long term insurance policies from the recomended insurance companies genworth, metro life, coastline federal, ltci""
Where i can find the cheapest car insurance rates for my 18 year old daughter? What I've seen so far is 2 $$$$
Where i can find the cheapest car insurance rates for my 18 year old daughter? What I've seen so far is 2 $$$$
I just received my license and the cheapest insurance I can find is geico at 295 a month I need something less?
I have a 2002 nissaan maxima im 18 & single I really need something cheaper
Motorcycle insurance question?
I recently had an accident on my 2003 Harley Davidson. It is essentially totaled. How much on average will my insurance cover. I have relatively good insurance. Just wondering what you thought.
0 notes
Percentage wise, how much can car insurance go up after fender bender?
"Percentage wise, how much can car insurance go up after fender bender?
I am currently with Esurance and I got into a fender bender where the insurance company paid out a little over 1,000 dollars. Around 1,400 dollars. I wish I knew it was going to be that cheap because I could've paid out of pocket but it's too late now. Lesson learned. Does anyone know around percentage wise how much my insurance premium will go up? I've never had an accident before this and I don't have any traffic violations or tickets. The insurance company says they can't tell me anything right now, but I'm looking to get another vehicle and I don't want a surprise come my next renewal. Thanks
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Suspend my insurance without it lapsing?
Im having some mechanical problems with my car that Im financing, and I am too young to rent a car while its in the shop, so Im considering buying a cheap car to get me by until I can fix it. Unfortunately Im still financing the first car and want to know if there is any way to put a hold on my insurance so im not paying $200 a month to insure a car Im not driving. I will still be making the car payments but it would make it a lot easier for me to afford the repair bill if I could skip on the insurance without the bank I finance thru getting upset.""
Who are the best insurance companies for young drivers?
Who are the best insurance companies (in terms of low prices) for young drivers?
How much did your car insurance rate increase when your 16 year old began driving?
he amount my insurance went up may have nothing to do with your insurance increase. There are way, way too many variables""
What are some cars that look good and are cheap?
Well it's time i can almost actually get a car and drive... I'm a teen so obviously my first car can't be to expensive.. i'm looking for any cars that look good and hopefully people can tell me some that would look good.. i know i shouldn't care as much about looks but basically i'm trying to find a used car around 100,000 miles maybe a little more or less for under $6000... i can't get a real expensive car because of insurance i'll have to start off on basic so i'm wondering if there are any nice looking cars that are cheap... I had in mind an eclipse or something but i'm really not sure if i want something like that but thanks...""
How much is auto insurance for a minor?
I'm about to get my license, how much is it to add me (16) to my parents car insurance? Don't give me anything like, It's different for everyone. I know. Just tell me what you are paying, or what you used to pay.""
About how much would it cost to for a year of car insurance for a 17 year old in new york?
I am planning on getting a used 2001 Mercedes-Benz C-Class C320. Before I buy the car I will have a senior license and will have taken drivers ed and a defensive driving coarse.
Cheap Car insurance in Montreal?
Hi, I moved to Montreal on a new job and would like to take new insurance for my Toyota Corolla S 4DR. Any idea which insurance is cheap??""
What are some good dental insurance carriers with affordable premiums and copayments?
I live in Southern California ( High Desert area ) and I am looking for a good dental plan and dental carrier with affordable premiums and copayments. I need mostly restorative dental work, like replace too llings, bridges, crowns, root canal and braces.... I currently have Kaiser medical insurance and would like to try Kaiser dental and I am also considering Aflac or Delta Dental.... anyone have experience with any of these carriers or have any good advice for me? Thanks in advance!!""
Does anyone know where i could get a car for my driving test? I need insurance as well. I am 16 years old?
I am going to go get my licence. I am 16 years old in California. The problem is, i don't have a car. Please don't ask me what i'm going to do with my licence if i dont have a car (it's a long story). I need a car i can take with me to do my road test. The DMV also needs proof of insurance. Please tell me where i could get a car and get the proof of insurance. Thanks!!!!!!!!""
What is the best company for car insurance?
I think I pay way too much for car insurance right now and I have no tickets on my record. I want to switch too a cheaper company. The monthly payment is killing me. Anybody know of a really cheap company I can switch too?
Which company offers the best priced automotive insurance? I have a teenage driver and the rates are killing!
I have seen many ads for GEICO but I do not know anyone that has tried them. I currently have PROGRESSIVE but do not think I am getting a great rate with them.
Help - Advice on car insurance!?
I will be getting my british license this month because i will be getting a new car, even though i have been driving for the past 4 years but in Qatar. (for those who don't know Qatar its next to Dubai) Ive been searching online for car insurance under my details but i keep on getting really high rates. (Too high!) I'm 20 years old, have been driving here on an international license, and none of my family members have British licenses.... Is there anyway that i can get a cheaper car insurance? Maybe under a friends name or uncle or something? Thanks""
Best home insurance in ma?
best and lowest home insurance in MA
How much would car insurance be a month for a 20 year old driving a mid nineties car?
I'm 20 years old and I've been driving since I was about 17. I currently share a car with my parents and am under their insurance. However I'm looking into getting a car ...show more
How much does it cost to insure a 1999 Audi?
I am a 16 girl and just bought a 1999 Audi in Vermont. How much will it cost to insure the car?
What is a rather cheap but reliable car insurance company?
So I need to buy insurance for the 2002 Kia Optima. I used to have The General, but that is REALLY cheap insurance and I don't know that they would pay out. Now it is winter and if it snows there is more chance of an accident so I want to make sure the car is covered. What is a good insurance company? And NOT State Farm. Our family has had horrible luck with them. Also, please no ads or spam, I will report you. I want real peoples opinions. Thanks.""
""After buying a used car, could I drive it right away without auto insurance?""
After buying a used car, could I drive it right away without auto insurance? Do I have to have auto insurance in CA? Thank you!""
Question about car insurance...?
Me and my partner are looking to buy a car. He is the only one who drives and so the insurance would be for him. We have noticed that all insurance policies ask whether you have any children under the age of 16. If the answer to this question is 'yes' it significantly increases the insurance quote. I am currently 15 weeks pregnant and so at the time we take out the policy we will not have any children. Would it be ok for us say no to the question about children as technically we wont have any? Thanks
""What does 100,000 300,000 coverage mean for auto insurance?""
Does that mean 100,000 per person injured? 300,000 max per accident?""
How come muscle cars are cheaper to insure than japanese tuners?
It would cost me 179 a month to insure a pontiac firebird trans am, but it would cost me 620 to insure a subaru WRX. Another example is it would cost me 152 to insure a 89 camaro IROC-Z v8, but 213 a month to insure a mitsubishi eclipse gsx, I'm pissed off""
I don't have insurance ?
I don't have any insurance. Any cheap one? Please any suggestion ?
Insurance for my business?
I run a small local business that is a Pet Waste Removal service. My question has to do with insurance. I don't know much about insurance and I'm pretty lost right now. I'm the only employee. I go to someones house and scoop their pets poop. Do i need insurance for this business and if so what kind and why? How about being Bonded? Thanks I appreciate your help..
My car was hit and I have no insurance?
Hi, I have just moved to Alberta from Ontario, I cancelled my insurance and then was not able to get insurance with out an out of province car inspection...... totally my fault I'm not covered but when I stopped at a pedestrian crossing a truck slammed into me from behind. who claims from his insurance company if I don't have insurance doing it on my behalf? I also sustained some injuries where do I stand on this matter?""
Does my auto liability insurance cover me while driving a rental car?
I am going on vacation in Florida and am renting a car. I have auto collision coverage through my credit card company but want to know if my regular liability insurance covers me while driving a rental too or do I need special insurance?
18yr old with an provisional can i drive my brothers car without me being insurance to drive it?
im 18 yrs old i have a provisional and my brother is takeing me out in his car im just woundering do i need to be on his insurane on his car cos he said thta all i need is L plates and my provisional i just want to make sure thanks ps can u reply asap he taking me out today in his car for the first time
Percentage wise, how much can car insurance go up after fender bender?
I am currently with Esurance and I got into a fender bender where the insurance company paid out a little over 1,000 dollars. Around 1,400 dollars. I wish I knew it was going to be that cheap because I could've paid out of pocket but it's too late now. Lesson learned. Does anyone know around percentage wise how much my insurance premium will go up? I've never had an accident before this and I don't have any traffic violations or tickets. The insurance company says they can't tell me anything right now, but I'm looking to get another vehicle and I don't want a surprise come my next renewal. Thanks
Insurance policies and pre existing conditions?
i have been looking into to health insurance policies.Since i no longer can carry a HMO through my state since they are doing away with the program altogether. I dont know what to look for, for the best usage of my money. I have had some medical issues come up but have not really been diagnosed with anything yet and need to have a procedure and a few test done but because i do not have insurance then they want an outrageous down payment that i can not afford. So my question is, what policies should l look for? should i be looking into pre existing health insurance? Is short term health insurance something i should steer away from? i need health insurance like yesterday!""
Which cars/trucks get the best auto insurance?
I know that insurance companies look at things like color, model, and things like that, please help!!!!""
How to select health insurance in the US?
I recently moved back to the states after living overseas for an extended period of time. I've started working as an independent consultant and need to find/sign up for health insurance. I've done a bit of internet research and contacted the groups I'm familiar with in the area I live, but it all seems absurdly expensive. What's the right way to approach finding an affordable plan that suits my budget and lifestyle?""
Can i get insurance just to do a title transfer??
i just sold my truck which i took the insurance like 4 months ago since i didnt drive it, and to get the title signed and notarized so i can sell it i have to have insurance. can i get like temporary insurance just to do that? how much is it?? thanks!""
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old guy?
i live in the chicago suburbs and wanted to know how much car insurance would cost if i got a car, either something like a ford probe or eagle talon in the 93-97 year range(definetly a 2 door car though). i don't know either to open it on my own or ad onto my parents. i know that adding on to my parents would be cheaper but they don't exactly want to add another car at the moment but im ready to get my own car, so how much would it cost to open my own policy? i honestly know little to none about car insurance so please help. Also, don't tell me to just wait till my parents are ready please cause thats not the question i just want some prices for the insurance please. thanks!""
What should insurance depreciate previous damage to a car after accident?
My car was rear ended while parked in front of my house and insurance has declared it a total loss. We have been going back and forth on the value of the car and have finally gotten them to a value that we agree with but we disagree with how much they are taking off for previous damage to the car. There was a dent to the left fender and a scrape on the right back door, Farmers is saying it would cost $1100 to repair which is close to some of the estimates I have gotten from body shops. But they are not depreciating that value down for a used car. We were going through Safeco as well and they were taking 40% of the cost to make those repairs and deducting it from the value. Does anyone know what is standard practice for deducting previous damage to a value of a car? Thanks for your help!""
Who offers cheapest auto insurance in ontario canada?
Please suggest the cheapest auto insurance company in Ontatio, Canada.""
Car insurance???????????????
im 17 and bout 2 insure my car, iv got 1 year no claims bonus on a moped, can that be used to save money on my car insurance.??""
My car insurance is to high! How can I lower it?
I'm 18 years old, I have been in no accidents. I have health insurance. My car is a buick 2002 century. I pay 400 and don't even have full coverage! I only work part time I don't have 400 dollars every month. Anything I can do?""
""Stolen care, will insurance cover it?""
Hi, My car was stolen a week ago, and just got recovered now. The are dmg on the body that i know insurance will cover. But what about the engine? i dont want that engine anymore, a friend of mine saw them thrashing the car like 150+km/h. and my clutch are probably warned out by them. I dont want the engine, as it could break down on me anytime after the theif been through it... If with JustCars Insurance.""
Is car insurance cheaper if your a dad?
i'm soon to be a father of two and was wondering if it makes insurance any cheaper, does anybody know?""
I need help with car insurance?
My parents are divorced and i live with them each 50% of the time. I just turned 16 and was put under my dads insurance. When im at my moms house am i allowed to drive her cars even though i am not listed under her insurance and live in her house part time???
""Anyone in Miami, Florida have preferred medical insurance?
I am looking for affordable heath care for myself and children and was offered health insurance named preferred medical insurance. Is it any good? Is their any other affordable insurances out there in south Miami Florida?
How much for car insurance i need the cheapest price?
i need the insurance the requier for the law
Car insurance.......?
I'm 25 years old and a first time driver and I am currently looking at car insurance and have some questions: SKODA FABIA 1 (60) 1198cc What does the (60) mean, is that the top engine speed? Also I was on Gocompare's car insurance website and I was wondering if the 'Proposer Excess' was added into the Annual Premium price or if it is to be added on top of it. I know these might sound like silly questions but I am new to this and any help would be appreciated. If you need more information just ask.""
""How much a month will insurance be on a 2003 Nissan 350z with a 19 year old driver, (2 yrs exp)?""
How much a month will insurance be on a 2003 Nissan 350z with a 19 year old driver, (2 yrs exp)?""
What is a good cheap auto insurance company?
I had missed some payments from geico a while back, and havent had insurance for a couple months so now it is getting more expensive to get another insurance, but I need just a cheap, basic policy with minimum liability and collision, any suggestions/""
I need help finding medical insurance?
I found out I am pregnant and I was denied medicaid due to income. I figured since I need it asap I would pick something with a higher monthly figure and a lower deductible I don't understand a lot of it though and not sure where to look .My old work health insurance was very expensive so I had cancelled it only to realize months later I should have kept it :/ any advice? Thanks
If i change my car insurance will my lien holder be notified?
I want to change to a different insurance company and have a an auto loan through my bank so my question is if i change will my bank be notified? I know it is wrong but for a few months i only had liability and if they are notified they can take my car if they see i didnt have full coverage right? I want cheaper insurance but dont want to get in trouble!
Just got a car insurance quote for 6000?
Ok, Im a 17 year old male driver, so I expect my insurance to be through the roof, but come on can this amount be real ? This was for a 1997 2 door corsa""
Whats the cheapest way to get car insurance for a 17 year old male?
im a 17 year old boy learning to drive whats teh best car for me to get and cheapest way to insure it cheapest companies best cars for my age to insure thanks
How do people with serious health problems make it without health insurance?
I know that some people don't. But those of you who are in that situation and are doing okay, how do you do it?""
Car Insurance????
Hi does anyone know any cheap car insurance companies. Thankyou
What is a toll free phone number to get auto insurance quotes from Farmer's Insurance?
I just want to get a quote for car insurance via a toll free phone number. Competitive quotes would be nice from a National Independent Agent that also offers Farmer's Insurance.
Emancipated 16 year old car insurance help?
I am currently living with my parents and am soon to be emancipated. I was looking at some geico quotes, turned out for minimal coverage was 475$ per month. This was outragous and obviously way to much for any one to be able to afford. To have the type of coverage i would like was 10,000$ per year, the numbers were staggering. Anyway my question is it possible to get insurance at 16 years old on your own for a resonable price. If so with what car insurance company. I have a 3.0 and a perfect driving record, i do drive a camero z28 so i understand its going to be a little higher than average....""
Percentage wise, how much can car insurance go up after fender bender?
I am currently with Esurance and I got into a fender bender where the insurance company paid out a little over 1,000 dollars. Around 1,400 dollars. I wish I knew it was going to be that cheap because I could've paid out of pocket but it's too late now. Lesson learned. Does anyone know around percentage wise how much my insurance premium will go up? I've never had an accident before this and I don't have any traffic violations or tickets. The insurance company says they can't tell me anything right now, but I'm looking to get another vehicle and I don't want a surprise come my next renewal. Thanks
Can I dispute my insurance adjuster's estimate of value of a totaled vehicle?
I have a vehicle which was totaled. Insurer is Progressive. I live in WA, so the adjuster is not allowed to use NADA or KBB to determine value. He's supposed to provide fair market value. He got two estimates, both of which seem very low to me--less than half the replacement cost of a vehicle from the same year in the same condition. I've asked whether I can submit Craigslist listings from my half of the US to prove the value is higher. He says any documentation must be from within 150 miles of my home, which puts me at a disadvantage since I live in a rural area. I'm wondering: 1) Is my insurance company obligated to accept competitive estimates of value in determining my vehicle's value if I can find local shops that determine that the value is higher? 2) What mechanisms are in place to ensure that value estimates made by dealers are accurate, and can a dealer's estimate of value be disputed? 3) What other options do I have if my adjuster refuses to budge on value?""
Can i go on to parents insurance and get car loan ?
okay can i go on my parents insurance and apply for a car loan iv asked many times on this site about how i could get car loan and how and if i need co sighner im 20 and want to buy a 08 for 4x4 estimated value is 25,000 i have now credit history just got job now i have a way around it can i go on to my parents insurance and get a loan cause they have good credit and ill pay everything cause if i try to get this done on my own people will give me high interest and throw it at me i could only afford 200$ a month can i let my parents show there good credit and get mea good payment a month""
Car insurance?!?!?
last week i crashd my car =( and its pretty much a write off ... just got to wait for my insurance to confirm that it is. anyway im wonderin if anyone knows on avarage how long it'll take for insurance to pay out?? cheers
How can the health care be made affordable to every citizen of United States?
Health care has become very expensive due to needless tests and lawyers and frivolous lawsuits.
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
iv found a car ita a puegout 206 n its 2002, 50000 miles n its a 1.1. i expected the insurance to be cheap but everywhere i look i keep getting insurance quotes which are around 2000 quid im like what the hell!!! so does anyone know anywhere tht gives gd qoutes???""
Car insurance question?
My fiances insurance is OUTRAGEOUS on a truck he has liability only on ..due to his driving history. He's paying $300 a month (for liability ONLY now) ..my insurance on my car, for full coverage is not even a fraction of that a month, even though my cars value is at least $10,000 more than his. My question is can we put his truck in my name and I'll go to an insurance company and get liability only on and list myself as the only driver. We are expecting a baby and I'm sick of us throwing away that much money a month for CAR INSURANCE! Is this illegal? I mean if I'M the owner and I'VE insured it what can happen if he wrecks or something while driving it and is not listed on my policy? We live in Georgia if that's relevant!""
How much will my insurance rise for having a speeding citation?
I've done a bit of hunting around the Internet, but I haven't been able to find an objective answer to this. For some background, I'm 19 years of age. Unfortunately, I ...show more""
How much would car insurance cost for me(2010 camaro)?
alright...I am finally getting my car this summer! im turning 17...and im thinking about what car im going to get...im pretty settled on a camaro 2lt or one of the ss's. I was just wondering how much insurance would cost for that...since im so young and its a brand new sprots car...are there some companys that would be a little cheaper or would all of them be pretty much the same?
Do landlords usually have homeowner insurance?
Do landlord usually have homeowner insurance? Also is it true that most homeowner insurance have liability coverage? And if they took out a mortgage does the mortgage company require them to have some kind of homeowner insurance?
Is it true that you are not required to have Auto Insurance in the state of New Hampshire?
I heard that you're not.
Car insurance Premium?
(I have only had car insurance for about 6 months, so I am still pretty new to this). My question was that my 6 month renewal policy states that my premium is $728.86; however, when I first got with this company, I paid around $368 down because I am in that age bracket where they stereotype you as a bad driver. Will I have to pay the $368 again along with monthly payments of $66.60? Or will I just continue to pay my monthly payment as it is?""
POLL: How much do you pay for car insurance?
i asked about how much car insurance costs but didn't get any great answers, so i'm just going to do a little survey""
1.0 60 ps vw polo se insurance for a 17 year old?
just thinking of an average insurance quote price on the new 2014 model? i havent used comparison websites as they need your driving licence number and i dont have one yet.
Accounting for Insurance Premium that is Financed?
I'm learning bookkeeping. I have some difficulty getting the right balance sheet entries. ABC LLC has their insurance financed by a third party. Which specific balance sheet accounts are involved in this? I'm assuming it's not a Note Payable - Cash relationship and I don't think prepaid exps are involved either. Much appreciated help
Car Insurance And 18?
I have a question, i'm 18 and I need car insurance. dont tell me to google it, cuz ive tried and tried, but no results. i live in indiana. any help. wood be great, doesnt have to be the cheapest car insurance, but the best for my age. thanks. 2 am in the morning, sorry 4 the terrible writing""
Tricky Car Insurance Quotes?
Right, I am really at ends to get cheap car insurance... I'm probably an insurers nightmare: 17 years old, male, living in London, living with parents whilst at college etc... I've just qualified with a full UK licence, but the insurance for a '97 Saxo is 3500 and it only costs 300!!!! Anyone any ideas on how to get this down to about a grand or less? Or any suggestions for any good cars to insure a 17 year old on? :)""
What are the best/ cheapest private health insurance providers in wisconsin?
23 yr old male, good health medical, dental, and vision plans? Thanks!""
Where can I buy rental car insurance online?
If I don't want to buy LDW or ALI offered by the rental car company, where can I buy a cheaper rental car insurance online? I tried Travel Guard, but since I am not a U.S. resident I am not eligible.""
How much would my insurance cost if i an a new driver age 16 in CT without a car ( i just use my parents car)?
My parents are good drivers and have no real accident record and i havre no criminal record and get decent grades. my dad saqys rates would go up 1500 dollars is he being accuratge?
Can i lease a car with my own credit but insure it with my parents insurance?
can i lease a car with my own credit but insure it with my parents insurance? i am under my parents insurance policy.what i would like to do is lease a car with my credit, and insure the car with my parents insurance (which i'm under).is this possible?""
What is better option for buying health insurance plans?
I am confuse about where I should buy health insurance; directly from company or I should consult agent?
Uninsured parked car got hit. Am i covered by their insurance? MASSACHUSETTS?
My car has been parked outside of my house due to no insurance. BUT it is still registered... In the state of MA it is illegal to not have insurance, especially on a car that I have a loan on. The accident was a hit and run, but the police found him and got all his information and he said his insurance will take care of it and he is taking full blame. I am wondering since i DO NOT have insurance, will i still be able to receive payment from his insurance company to fix my car?""
How much is renters insurance?
I've lived in several apartments, but none that required renter's insurance. I'm planning on living alone in a 1 bedroom apartment in the Tucker/Stone Mountain Georgia area and several apartments I've looked at say they require it. How much can I expect to pay (approximately) for renters insurance? What factors determine rates for renters insurance? Is renters insurance always monthly, or can you pay yearly or every 6 months? 10 points to the best answer! P.S. I've tried looking around online, but all the sites want an exact address where I'll be living and my social security number just for a quote. Just looking for the ballpark.""
Insurance (perscription) cost question?
Ok, I just started getting birth control. My insurance requires a $100 deductible and after that my prescription is only $30 a month. So, the first pack of pills I received cost $52 and some change. I was assuming my second pack would be like, $48 and then after that would be $30 a month. Well, I got my second pack and it was like $57 and some change. That is what my birth control cost with no insurance. So what happened? I felt like I have paid more than my deductible. I expect next time my pack of pills to be only $30. Thanks!""
What health insurance can I apply for?
I'm in California, in my 30s, and just recently been laid off. Though my plans are to become a full time student this summer. What health insurance plans can I start applying for besides COBRA?""
Percentage wise, how much can car insurance go up after fender bender?
I am currently with Esurance and I got into a fender bender where the insurance company paid out a little over 1,000 dollars. Around 1,400 dollars. I wish I knew it was going to be that cheap because I could've paid out of pocket but it's too late now. Lesson learned. Does anyone know around percentage wise how much my insurance premium will go up? I've never had an accident before this and I don't have any traffic violations or tickets. The insurance company says they can't tell me anything right now, but I'm looking to get another vehicle and I don't want a surprise come my next renewal. Thanks
Another car insurance question to British drivers!?
My brother's car was written off yesterday [was the other party's fault]. He was told today the car wasn't redeemable so that's that! So he is waiting to see how much they are going to pay him for the loss, but the question is does he have to keep paying full comprehensive insurance when he no longer has a car to drive? Can he now pay a reduced rate until the insurance is sorted out? It seems unfair to continue paying out for fully comp insurance when there is no car to insure!""
Does insurance compaines cover the person or the car at fault?
The girl that parks right next to me in my apartment swiped the side of my car. she is now claiming her friends park her car sometimes, but she knows she didn't hit my car. Personally her car is her responsibility and I feel like even if a friend of hers was parking when the incident happend, she is responsible for damages because its her car. Would she be responsible? Can I take her to court if she doesn't have insurance? And if she does have insurance would they cover this? I also have good pics.""
How can we insure our car?
My feoncee and i bought a Car he lives in the state of WA and i live in OR about 30 minutes away. We bought the car here in Oregon. he bought it so he can teach me to drive i have my Learners permit and he is a WA licenced driver. he is going to be moving to OR after we get married so he doesnt want to change the Plates and such to WA. We need to insure the car before either of us can drive it. so the question is how can we go about this. He again is a Washington licenced Driver and i am in OR with a lerners permit the car is here in oregon and we need to put insurance on it
Can my husband leave his life insurance to his mother?
My daughter was recently married to the man of her dreams . Well as it turns out he is not such a great guy after all. My daughter changed her life insurance policy beneficiary from me (mom) to her husband as she should. Her husband on the other hand has decided that he will leave his mom as his beneficiary for good. They are really fighting about it, and I think he can't leave everything to his mom anyway. Will his mom really get everything if by some horrible event he passes. He is in the military and will be deployed very soon, so this is a real concern.""
What's a low cost yet good car insurance co in California(northern)?
I have a gas hog and I am trying to lower my bills since the economy slump and I am trying to find if my car insurance is high and if I should switch and to who I pay every six months 681.00.Thanks in advance.
Is everyone that gets insurance through work getting their notifications that insurance is going up?
Has anyone else noticed a great number of questions complaining about ins going up. These people are getting insurance through work. The notices must have gone out this week?
What is the best health insurance for my family?
We are started to look for health insurance for our family and I was just wondering what everyones opinion was. We have 2 young children.
2003 350z or new altima coupe? (insurance costs)?
I'm an 18 years old male. What's the smaller of the two evils and by approximately how much? The 350z would be the enthusiast trim and the coupe would be S trim. Both automatic
Buying sunglasses using health insurance ?
hi i am trying to buy sunglasses using my health insurance because aetna health insurance allow me to buy sunglasses on their charge, a lot of my friends did it this way, but every time i call a store they say that they don't do that!! any info ? thanks""
Which insurance company is best?
ok so im 19 and just got my drivers license a few months ago (i never really needed it before now). its tax time and im buying a van to fit all the kids i lug around. well since i've never had to get auto insurance im not sure on what place would be best to go to. i know my age and how long i havent had my DL will effect how much i pay, but im trying to go the cheapest route possible. does anyone have advice on where to go? also what is a 'premium'? i did a free quote online and it told me what my downpayment would be, my monthly payment. and my premium? plz help""
Do auto insurance brokers/agencys lie . they said ill pay 49 monthy and 134 down for insur. could this be lyin?
ya basically this auto insurance agency asked sum ? in person and compared rates and the lowest price was some company was offering $49 monthly and $134 down .. i was trying to get 40 a month and shes like there is nothing i can do .. then i was asked how can i be sure that this will be the monthly fee and they wont charge more and she said there will be no hidden fees this is what they charge . we are ligitiment insurance agency ... but i dont know i feel like the down is probly profiting them big time and i feel like the monthly payments will some how be higher than 49 monthy and she is lying about hidden fees
Does defective equipment increase insurance rates?
I live in Virginia and it's time to renew my auto insurance policy by the end of this month with Progressive, and I've got a Defective Equipment charge coming back from 3/8/2010 causing my rates to go up. I am not sure why this is causing my rates to go up because its not a moving violation and it carries no demerit points with DMV, its simply an equipment charge. The charge is vague and could mean anything really...from a taillight out, to a hanging exhaust, to a bent wheel, to even a headlight out. I'm going back and forth with the insurance company about this because its rediculous that this kind of charge would cause an increase in my rates. They stated that this info came from a C.L.U.E. report...I know what a C.L.U.E. report is and its pretty much a bunch of reports in one including my Motor Vehicle Report, which is where they are getting the Defective Equipment . I spoke with a lawyer that I know from a few years back on a seperate traffic case, and he even mentioned that he thinks it's a lie to have rates go up for this sort of charge. He also advised to look for different insurance which I would rather not do, simply because it does not seem right and if they raise my rates for it, then they are raising other peoples rates who have the same charge Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.""
""What is the difference between term, universal and whole life insurance? Which is the best way to go?""
What is the difference between term, universal and whole life insurance? Which is the best way to go?""
What is a good type of health insurance for younger married couple.?
My wife and I are both 20 years old and don't have health or dental insurance which we definitely need. We have had a lot of hospital bills and can't keep up with them. We were denied for medicaid so I am looking for a type of health insurance that will be cheaper but include health and dental benefits. I just wanted to ask you guys before I spend all day researching stuff so if you have any advice that'd be great. Thanks
Is my insurance going to pay? california?
I have a car thats fully covered by Murcury. I lent my car to my boyfriend (not knowing he didnt have a current DL), he was picking something up for me and coming home when he got into an accident. He was found to be at fault and it involved 3 other cars. I am freaking out because we do not have the extra cash to pay out of pocket. will my insurance pay? I know my deductable will go up and so will my rate. I am not worried about that right now. I just want to know if he will be covered because he(even though he has no DL) was driving my fully covered car. CALIFORNIA ONLY""
How much would insurance be?
how much would insurance be for a mustang convertible perhaps 90's-2002 no more than 2003. the car is around 6 grand im thinking it would be about 3k a year but i don't know. i get bad grades i get about 150 a week at my job. when i bye the car i will be about 18 years old
Who has the best & affordable dental and medical insurance?
I need a lot of work on my teeth and I will know it will be expensive. I'm trying to find a good and affordable insurance for dental and medical. I would like my copay to be no more than 20% and my deductible to be no more than $3,000 & doctor visits no more than $30. Can anyone help me out? I'm also looking for not only me but my child as well.""
Can my daughter be on my mom's car insurance even if they don't live together?
Hi, my name is Kathy, I'm 19 year old female and want to buy a car but car insurance is just expensive. I want to be put on my grandmothers car insurance but we don't live in the same city. Do you think it would be possible for me to get on there! Thanks for your answers...""
How much does car insurance cost in a month?
How much does car insurance cost for inexperienced driver? I'll be a newcomer in Winnipeg. I'd like to buy used car to drive to college. Can I buy a car and get a drivers license with a student visa? Thank you.
Is It Cheaper To Be Added As A Named Driver On My Mother's Insurance?
Hi, Ive got my test on 5th april, so i am looking to buy a cheap car soon, as expected insurance for 17 year old male is very expensive. i was wondering if anyone had a rough estimate how much my mums insurance would go up by if she added me as a named driver. she's got 21 years no claims discount and she pays about 400 a year. do i have to pay a deposit or anything? Thank you in advance for your answers :)""
How much would my car insurance be?(State farm Insurance)?
I'm a teen driver, and ill be 16 years old when i get my license. i'm a 3.0 + gpa or higher student and have had no issues with the law.i drive a 1997 mazda protege with a clean title (idk if that helps) I live in Portland,Oregon Car is 1997""
I was in a car accident with no insurance.?
It was a minor accident no injuries and my insurance ran out 3 days before the accident, i have got insurance again but The person I was in an accident with is taking me to court to try and get $2800 for the damages. Now I know his vehicle is not worth more than $1000. Could that mean that I can pay the price that the car books for and then he will have to give me the title, like insurance companies do?""
2007 Cadillac Escalade Insurance Quote?
What would the Auto Insurance Price be on A 2007 Cadillac Escalade in 2013. A 17 Year old would be driving it? Liberty Mutual
Car accident and insurance?
I got into a car Accident the other day which, i believe, totaled my car. I was still paying on this car. I have full coverage car insurance What exactly is the whole process for this? How much will i get back? If the settlement check isnt enough, will i have to pay back the bank? Does the cost of the property damages come out of the settlement check? Anything you know will be MUCH APPRECIATED!!! thanks""
What is the best health insurance in california?
i could either choose blue cross hmo or ppo or kaiser hmo..not sure which is best?
Percentage wise, how much can car insurance go up after fender bender?
I am currently with Esurance and I got into a fender bender where the insurance company paid out a little over 1,000 dollars. Around 1,400 dollars. I wish I knew it was going to be that cheap because I could've paid out of pocket but it's too late now. Lesson learned. Does anyone know around percentage wise how much my insurance premium will go up? I've never had an accident before this and I don't have any traffic violations or tickets. The insurance company says they can't tell me anything right now, but I'm looking to get another vehicle and I don't want a surprise come my next renewal. Thanks
0 notes
spiritinabody · 7 years
August 26th, 2017
My last day in Kanab! This week has seriously flown by. I hope Colorado doesn’t go even faster. This morning I got a ride from Madi that I met yesterday to Best Friends and started what ended up being the longest hike of my life. Seriously. I think I hiked at least 8 miles today.
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(One of only two mushrooms I found in Utah. Way too dry.)
First I started on a trail right by bunnies which took me to Angel’s Overlook, a smaller pet cemetery. It was hauntingly beautiful. I started to tear up at the thought of how loved these animals were. Then, after finishing my morning coffee, I realized I was going to have to poop and went on the hunt. Once I actually was going the right way, it was 1 mile to Angel’s Rest. I hope they would have SOME kind of bathroom, but I was wrong. I gave my condolences, took some pictures, and continued on. Finally I realized where I was and that a lady I volunteered with yesterday had used a bathroom nearby. I made it just in time. Best. Poop. Of. My. Life.
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Then I explored the area nearby and read some of my book as I watched a pack of wild turkeys graze. I found a feather from one and stuck it in my hat on my way out. Twice I stopped to hike through the mountain to try to get to the river below, but to no avail. There was too much brush that could have potentially held a rattlesnake nest. Finally, at least another mile later, I came to the Welcome Center and bought a few things to be shipped home. I decided I just wanted to get back to Kanab. I hiked all the way up to the road and probably at least another mile down that highway before someone stopped to pick me up. His name was Digs, he had a dog and dreads, and he was originally from Columbus, Ohio!!! Very nice guy. Dropped me off in town. Then I went in search of lunch as I had had nothing but granola and it was almost 1:30PM.
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I stopped on a bench outside of a restaurant to collect my thoughts and ended up talking to a woman from another part of Utah for 10 minutes or so. She invited me in for lunch which was very sweet but I politely declined. Found my way to Wild Thyme Cafe which was very nice and had salad and vegan stew. It was super good! Then I walked home to pass out for an hour or so. Around 4 PM I headed to the historical museum just to get my Kanab history fix. After that I headed to my favorite gear/coffee/book store for coffee and to sneak some pictures of the map of Colorado, since I ain’t buying the whole damn atlas. I left a note in the guest book for folks to follow my travels via Tumblr.
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Then I finally watched the sunset, which wasn’t impressive, and stopped at the grocery store for dinner. For my last night with a kitchen, spaghetti and soy sauce brussel sprouts, my favorite. Ryan drunk called me after. Laurie, the lady here with the cats, is going to give me a ride to St. George so I can get a flight to Denver tomorrow. The ride I thought I had bailed. :( Aw well, such is life. I saw a bunch more hummingbirds too! I also sent mom’s letter so hopefully that will make her happy. I think that’s it! Still have to get up early to get lots done.
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(So excited I finally figured out how to tie my sleeping bag to my backpack.)
xoxo Kelsey
**Nobody Knows My Name by James Baldwin
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baekhoneyed · 7 years
tagged by @kokokysoo for one of those “get to know me” memes! (under the cut cuz its so long)
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people (idk how many people ill end up tagging and dont feel obligated!!)
1. Drink: water but like i think my flatmates put vodka in the ice cube trays so?? not sure exactly how much is accidentally Not Water
2. Phone Call: uhhhhh a study abroad program advisor
3. Text Message: my older brother tryna convince me that i’ll make friends eventually lmao
4. Song you listened to: i actually stopped writing this to grab a sweater but then TT came on and i instinctively dance to it now so that happened
5. Time you cried: almost last night but like... not enough feelings to actually cry yet just wait
6. Dated someone twice: never even dated someone once, bro...
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: i never regret giving my dog kisses but sometimes my cat swipes at me :/
8. Been cheated on: gotta have a boyfriend first to get cheated on
9. Lost someone special: yup
10. Been depressed: only since i was 12 years old  l m f a o
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: i hate puking so i never go past being tipsy
12. red!
13. millennial pink fight me
14. rose gold fight me again
15. Made new friends: yyyes but i sure would like to make some more Here, at my Current University
16. Fallen out of love: mmm not Love but definitely Like? i stopped Liking someone who i had a crush on
17. Laughed until you cried: so frequently it’s worrisome
18. Found out someone was talking about you: um did u mean middle and high school? i was such a petty bitch tho i put em in their places after crying in my room alone lmfao
19. Met someone who changed you: yes yes yes! dallon is the first who comes to mind he’s... no words
20. Found out who your friends are: ummm i dont know?
21. Kissed someone on your facebook list: ...my mom??? lmao
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them except a few who ive just added bc we’re all transfer students to the same university this year and im Desperate
23. Do you have any pets: yes!! 2 cats, Harry and Kai (shut up ok i’ve always liked that syllable in chinese) and one dog, Lady my perfect cuddle angel baby
24. Do you want to change your name: honestly... sometimes yeah? but only because it’s so boring when it’s translated into chinese/korean so maybe i’d just change my names in those languages idk
25. What did you do for your last birthday: probably just went out to dinner w/ my family, but when i got back to my old college my friends and i went to a store in Queens it was such a good day...
26. What time did you wake up: like... noon probably lmao #depression
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: rewatching exo next door and gettin emotional over ksoo
28. Name something you can not wait for: THE POWER OF MUSIC BITCH LESS THAN 12 HOURS NOW
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: a couple weeks ago when she and my dad helped me move in to my apartment
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i didnt have fucking depression! anxiety is easy to deal with for me but depression isnt
31. What are you listening to right now: walk on memories
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i have a 2nd cousin named Tom he’s like 50 years old
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: ......so much
34. Most visited website: netflix/facebook/tumblr
35. Mole/s: one on my back, one on my neck, one under my left boob... i think that’s it
36. Mark/s: mostly bruises on my shins bc im clumsy; also some shaving scars from like 3+ years ago (one of em bled for 4 days while i was in china!)
37. Childhood dream: typical american kid stuff like ballerina and movie star
38. Hair color: medium brown i guess? it used to be lighter but it’s been getting darker as i get older
39. Long or short hair: i just cut it short again so it’s just touching my shoulders when dry (it’s wavy-curly so it’s a bit longer than that in reality)
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yeah can i have uhhhhhhhh byun baekhyun? no one irl tho
41. What do you like about yourself: ive got a great complexion that has really calmed down in the past few years! and i love my eyes ive got gorgeous eyes and a nice smile and a cute body and ive been doin self-love the past year can u tell?
42. Piercings: just regular ear piercings that i only got... a year ago...
43. Blood type: i never remember but maybe O? whichever one is the most common i think idk tho
44. Nickname: lulu is a nickname, ummm ive had a few friends call me em or ems which is cute
45. Relationship status: chronically single and repulsive to the male population, perhaps?
46. Zodiac: sun in pisces/leo rising (fun fact when i was little a kid asked me my sign so i said pisces and he called me fish poop so i cried) (he was probably a gemini the fuckin asshole), year of the tiger
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite tv show: pushing daisies, 30 rock, scrubs, grey’s anatomy but only up til the 8th season then it’s bad
49. Tattoos: i actually almost got one a few weeks ago but then i lost my job :/ i wanted to get “je ne regrette rien” tattooed on my hip bone real small
50. Right or left handed: right - i used to be able to write pretty well with my left hand but alas...
51. Surgery: yyyup wisdom teeth removal, eyelid surgery to get rid of some bumpy things, broken arm when i was like 1.5 years old, and im getting lasik next summer probably
52. Piercing: ya already asked ya doofus
53. Sport: my dad made me play basketball in middle school i got 2 technical fouls bc i had anger issues so i stopped playing basketball. i got Decent at ballet tho!
54. Vacation: we havent really had the money lately
55. Pair of trainers: i just bought 2 new pairs bc i ruined my only pair in seoul and had to throw them out (they got soaked in the rain and then mildewed n all) (side note: they’re so expensive?? the adidas and nike were as expensive as the new balance which is Silly so i just bought adidas and nike)
56. Eating: nothing rn but i need to go get dinner...
57. Drinking: did we not already go over this
58. I’m about to go: either to the dining hall or to a nearby restaurant im honestly not sure 
59. Waiting for: exo to move in next door to me only to discover that one of them is my childhood best friend-slash-first love and another has fallen in love with me and my clumsy but lovable personality :)
60. Want: byun baekhyun (im kidding kind of, um i want to make friends here and be less anxious about my classes and life in general)
61. Get married: yeah one day but so far no one i’ve met is Vibing with that seeing as no one will even ask me out im not Super Hopeful :/
62. Career: chinese major/korean minor at a university um hopefully after i graduate someone will hire me and give me money to do something i dont completely hate but we’ll see
63. Hugs or kisses: i literally would not know so i will say Hugs because they’re the only things ive experienced! and i could use a really long hug rn
64. Lips or eyes: ...eyes... but lips r important too cuz i cant even look at a photo of amy schumer anymore w/out staring at her terrifying lips
65. Shorter or taller: taller but someone around my height would be ok too (.....im just sayin im like the same height as bbh...)
66. Older or younger: older bc im not about to go dating a freshman or a high schooler lmfao
67. Nice arms or nice stomach: arrrrrrrrms
68. Hookup or relationship: never had either but i think i’d prefer a stable relationship to some extent?? we just dont know
69. Troublemaker or hesitant: im a troublemaker when im comfortable w/ people/places but other than that hesitant
70. Kissed a stranger: no
71. Drank hard liquor: yeah it’s nasty :/ but it does the trick
72. Lost glasses/contact lenses: somehow no
73. Turned someone down: ya this one guy hit on me when i was walking thru myeongdong but he was a) a stranger b) 25 years old c) from egypt so like it was never gonna happen buddy
74: Sex on the first date: gonna need a first date before i can even answer (the answer would be no i am not down w/ that) 
75. Broken someone’s heart: probably not, ill dont think im capable of doing that plus im still so young that realistically it just hasnt been a possibility
76. Had your heart broken: not really, my silly crushes have all been resolved easily bc i never talk about them and then i notice things i dont like about the person and stop liking them like that
77. Been arrested: no but a friend of mine got arrested for trespassing on a roof in nyc last year lmao
78: Cried when someone died: yeah
79. Fallen for a friend: sort of? briefly? it never went anywhere it was silly
80. Yourself: i try to most days but it’s rough
81: Miracles: i mean im not a non-believer but i also don’t actively wait for them to happen or really put much stock in them
82. Love at first sight: im not sure because bbh hasnt seen me yet so how would we know??
83. Santa Claus: not anymore i think when i was 8 i sorta stopped
84. Kiss on the first date: never even had a first date or a first kiss ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
85. Angels: um yeah actually! proof they exist - byun baekhyun do kyungsoo kim jongdae kim jongin the list goes on,,
90. Current best friends: dallon, lilli, ida, stephanie, aria!
91: Eye color: light green. i have Gorgeous eyes!!!
92: Favorite movie: a taiwanese movie called Secret, i rly liked ksoo’s movie Hyung, Chicago the Musical... there are more but im drawing a blank
i guess ill tag... no one but if ur reading this and u wanna do it feel free to say i tagged u! i love learning about u guys it makes me feel less alone
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suckitsurveys · 7 years
1. When you hear the word “satanism” what do you think of? That my brother in law is probably the actual person Satanists worship.
2. If you are a smoker, how long does a pack typically last you? If you aren’t a smoker, does anybody you are close to smoke, & if so, are you against the fact that they’re a smoker? People can do whatever they want.
3. Think of somebody on Xanga that gives really interesting responses. What makes their answers so interesting to you? I honestly only really read Kayla and Ellen’s answers. And sometimes whoever I take the survey from. So no one really sticks out unfortunately. 
4. What is something that many people seem to have in life that you don’t? Does it bother you or does it not really affect you? I can’t really think of anything. 
5. Have you ever wondered something about somebody on Xanga but didn’t want to ask in case you seemed to be getting too personal? Yeah. 
6. What was the last promise you made yourself? Have you broken it? That I wasn’t going to eat all of my Pad Thai in one sitting. Oops. But I didn’t feel insanely full like I overate after it, so I forgave myself. 
7. Do you have more subscribers or more people that you are subscribed to? More followers.
8. Is there anything that has been drilled into your brain since you were young & you finally decided to stop listening to? How did it feel once you decided to listen to yourself over what you were told? My mom was kind of weird when it came to clothes. She only wanted me to wear stuff that flattered my body type and told me shorts did not look good on me. I am SO GLAD I pushed her one year to let me leave the house in a pair of shorts and I have never looked back. 
9. Do you ever feel like you have so much on your mind without a way to get it out? What do you do when this happens? Yes, a lot. Doing surveys kinda helps. And crying. A lot.
10. If you are currently in a relationship, what is one thing that seems to be unique or different about your relationship with this person, compared to other relationships in general? If you are currently single, is this more of a choice or is it more just the way things are going, not really something you chose? If you are neither “single” or officially in a relationship, what are your feelings on your current situation? Mark has suuuuuuuper bad anxiety, so we rarely go out together as a couple. Since he’s on my insurance now, we got him an appointment and hopefully the doctor can give him something to make it not so horrible.
Another thing is that he and I are EXTREMELY open with each other and talk about anything and everything bodily-function-wise, while I notice some couples won’t even tell each other when the other one is pooping. 
11. Do you feel that it is acceptable to hang out with the preferred sex alone when in a relationship (besides with your significant other, of course)? Is this something that does or might cause problems in a relationship for you? Yeah, of course that’s okay.
12. When you feel jealousy, how do you deal with it? I don’t know. When I do get jealous I just kinda remind myself it’s not worth it?
13. Do you like the feeling of relying on or being emotionally attached to somebody or do you try to avoid that feeling? This doesn’t just mean in relationships, but being close with people in general. I like the feeling of love in friendships and romantically, if that’s what you mean? Or like closeness in general. I don’t like the terms “relying on” or “attached” because that gives it a negative connotation and there’s definitely nothing wrong with having strong emotional connections with people you are close to. 
14. Think of somebody famous that you have a lot of respect for. What is something that you really admire them for? Rowan Blanchard. She’s young but she’s so well spoken and she stands her ground. And, for lack of a better term, she woke af. 
15. Do you think you’ll ever get bored of taking surveys & give up on them altogether or do you think you’ll stick with them for a long time? I get tired of them sometimes but I don’t think I’ll completely give them up any time soon. 
16. If somebody were to leave a harsh comment on a survey you took, judging you on one of your opinions, how would you react? Shrug it off.
17. What is one unhealthy way you tend to deal with stress? What about one healthy way? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAT and also take it out on people who don’t deserve it. I guess I exercise as a healthy way to deal.
18. Are there any other sites you use to find surveys to take on Xanga? What sites do you use? Tumblr and LiveJournal.
19. Is it often that people tell you that you’re intelligent / smart? Not really.
20. Are you ever asked questions in person that are similar to those asked in surveys? Do you feel comfortable answering these questions in person like you are answering them on Xanga? I mean, sure?
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