#hoping itll be more clear once its colored
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Im gonna be coloring this digitally soon enough, but i actually really like the sketch? So i wanted to share. I'll probably explain it more once i post the finished version, but its another fic scene
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eye-raq · 6 years
Who named you?!!!
Erik Stevens x Beulah May Jenkins 😊
Warnings: HUMOR, and I guess fluff.
Summary: (imagine Erik finding out his girl got an old ass name) Erik and his girl get ready to go out to a house warming of her families, but before they go Erik stumbles upon some “new” information.
I hope y’all like this little one shot that me and my friends in the group chat cooked up 😂😂😂 we some goofy bitches. Not really tagging alot of people because this is meant for a little fun to read I guess lol. I hope its good.
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“What the fuck? LAH LAH!!”
Lah Lah was in the middle of laying her baby hairs, putting her faux locs up in a bun, wearing high waisted ligh wash jeans, a crop top in red and a pair of black heels.
“Erik clearly I’m fucking busy babe!”
“Nah this some serious shit here! Don’t make me have to tell yo ass twice.”
She groans loudly, stomping out of the bathroom and down the hall to their master bed room. When she enters, she stumbles backward, her ankle sort of twisting awkwardly now shooting pain up her calve from her heels.
The color drained from her face, she was haunted.
“Who the hell is Beulah May Jenkins?!” Erik was shirtless, only in his Jean joggers and Nike vapor max plus.
She had a pained look on her face as she sped over, snatching up the ID, holding it behind her back.
“None of your got damn business! OOOO!! Damn why you going through my shit?!” She was throwing a minnie tempo tantrum. Erik noticed how jumpy she was, eyes looking anywhere but at him. He had a peering look in his eyes, tongue running over his upper teeth.
“Number one, your shit was near my shit. I found this fucking thing under my side of the bed. Number two-“
“Number TWO sit your big ass DOWN, and shut the fuck UP.” She pressed with irritation, counting off on her fingers dramatically trying to divert his attention away from where he was headed.
“So kindly get dressed so we can be outta here.” She wanted it to be over but surely she knew that Erik wouldn’t let this go. He clapped his hands together so loud it echoed off the walls.
“AYEEE! Let’s turn this shit back around Lah Lah Loopsy!!” He sounded out, holding up two fingers.
“Number two, why the fuck you got Big Mama name on here instead of Lah Lah?!” He gave her a quizzical look.
Lah Lah’s eyes almost left her sockets.
“What the fuck you in Lah Lah land or some shit?!” He glowered, scuffing afterwards.
“It’s-it’s not-I.” She could rip her hair out. She could not believe this was happening right now.
Before she could even think, Erik snatched up the ID again.
“ERIK STOP!!” She could cry hard.
She felt her heart race, her leg jiggled with anxiety. This was a huge secret for her.
Erik scanned the ID with his large muscular back facing her, silence between them. The only sound that could be heard was him tapping the card with his fingers. Lah Lah just stood there hugging herself, eyes burning a hole into his back. After what felt like a minute, she watches as Erik shakes his head, taking in a long obnoxious deep breath, before turning back around, scratching his brow.
“Lah Lah...From What I have gathered, it appears this is, YOUR drivers license and not some practical joke from Spencer’s gift shop.” He spoke with fake professionalism. He gazed, one eyebrow flicked upwards into his dreads.
Lah Lah ass couldn’t even speak.
“The name on this drivers license reads, Beulah May-“ he clears his throat, a fist to his mouth.
“Sorry, I had a tickle in my throat, but the name here reads Beulah May Jenkins.” He pointed to each name, from first to last, confusion written on his face, his own words scrambled.
“So in my head I’m like nah uh uh fuck that shit this can’t be her with this geriatric ass name, but then I look below it and see 10/15/1989.” He laughs as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.
“This is DEFINITELY a real ID and everything too.”
She looked as if she were going to faint. He fixed her with a hard gaze.
“It appears that my girl going to late night bingo with Dolores and Betty.” He stared briefly as if curious and evasive.
Lah Lah let out a long agonizing breath, shaking her head before placing her hands on her hips.
“So basically you wanna play?! Either way you know it’s mines nigga!!!” She could crap her pants right now from the embarrassment.
Erik folds his arms over his bare chest.
“Who did this shit to you? Who named you?!” He tried to convey a sincere tone but Lah Lah... Beulah knew that Erik was working his way up to clowning her more.
“Who was it?! Miss Karen or Mr Rod?” Erik licked at his bottom lip with a smirk slowly rising.
“Ole soul food ass name. You gonna tell me who it was?! Or stay mute?! I’m already flabbergasted.” He was struggling not to unravel with laughter.
“It was my DAD ERIK.” She was hopeless at this point. Trust Beulah always wondered why the fuck her father would do that shit!
“NAH NOT TRIPPLE OG ROD.” Erik shook his head frantically, LITERALLY DISTRAUGHT.
“Yes bitch ass nigga it was my damn daddy! Idk maybe he was drunk or some shit why don’t you ask him yourself.”
“Mannnnnnn” He slid his hand down his face.
“What was your mama doing though? She ain’t have a say?” His voice sort of broke from the laughter that wanted to burst.
“She said my Dad wanted to remember his great grandson through me so..”
“Great Grandson?” Erik scrunches his face, shaking his head slightly while his dreads shifted a little on his forehead.
“You know what the fuck I meant. Grandmom fool.”
“Damn...you remember the Civil Rights Movement?” He sat down then, hand under his chin, his leg crossed animatedly.
She was shamefaced. Beulah wanted to press rewind to stop this shit from happening.
“How about I sing this for you maybe your old ass will remember 🎶 we shall over come/ we shall overcome 🎶 “ you remember that? He had this vacant expression as if to play stupid.
“Erik I sware to fucking God I’m gonna fuck you up.”
“You sure you can do that? That osteoporosis ain’t killing you baby?” He spoke that with a fake elderly voice.
She could literally feel the steam blow from her ears. She just wanted to drink, check out her older cousins new place, stuff her face, and dance. Now things were taking a turn for the worse.
“You know what else makes this shit funny?!” That wide dimpled smile was unstoppable.
“Humor me.”
“You really call yourself Lah Lah in short for Beulah.”
This man was in shambles. He couldn’t hardly breath, the entire situation hard to get over.
“All them times your fingers locked up from stroking this dick, damn baby! You got arthritis, osteoporosis, next thing you know you’ll have kyphosis from me blowing your back out.”
“What the FUCK is Kyphrosis?”
“A hump back.” Erik goofy ass wheezed.
“I ain’t the one using a fake name ERIK STEVENS.” Beulah wasn’t really good with come backs.
“Oh nah uh uh don’t put me in that category I’m not the one with a name that belong to a women who was 30 during the prohibition.”
Lah Lah began to retort but her cellphone rang.
“Hello?! Oh...sorry mama. Yeah me and Erik are on our way now.” Lah Lah snapped her fingers at Erik to get dressed, watching him lift from the bed with his eyes dancing with humor, picking up his plain white t shirt and north face windbreaker in red and black. Lah Lah hung up the phone quick, turning to Erik with a scolding look.
“Now I hope you got all your laughs in nigga. Please don’t keep this shit up at the party E.”
Erik shrugged.
“Not making any promises, depends on how my mind feels.” She rolled her eyes, grabbing her things before heading out with Erik.
“Hey! Lah and Erik are here!”
Erik greets her family, his mind taking in the fact that even her own family called her Lah. Erik felt reassured and happy that everyone were thinking the same thing. While here at the party, it became so unbearable to keep quiet once he saw her father talking it up in the kitchen with a glass of gin.
“Erik! What’s happening young blood?” He shook Erik’s hand, while he said hi to the others.
“Nothing much Mr. Rod, just hanging in there.”
Lah Lah enters, giving her love to everyone before grabbing up a punch bowl, leading her cousin towards the dining room.
“She still got you calling her Lah Lah Erik?” The way her drunk uncle asked that could have had him spitting out his drink in laughter.
“I’m still trying to understand why your old tired ass named your daughter Beulah.” One of her Father’s friends shook his head.
“For as long as I know, I would NEVER ever ever ever get with a girl named Beulah, sound like a name you would give a senior citizen.”
Erik couldn’t take it. He snorted a laughter into his cup, juice bubbles forming.
“Man I remember when I held her in my arms, she was so beautiful, still is. I asked this bastard what her name was.” He friend looked up at Erik, giving him complete eye contact.
“Well, you could probably guess what it was right?”
This caused some of the other men to chime in with chuckles.
“Beulah May Jenkins.” Erik actually took his time to sound that out in a sweet old lady voice, causing an uproar from the men, including her Dad.
“Back then man I was down about my great grandmom so I gave her that name.”
“When was your Great Grandmom born?” Erik asked.
“And when was Lah Lah born?”
“So why in the HELL...you know what.” Her Dads friend waved him away.
“Here, I got you a drink.”
Lah Lah reaches out to grab the cup only to find prune juice inside.
“Erik...What the FUCK is this?!”
“Prune Juice, itll help with your chronic constipation.”
Lah Lah just about had it. She kept from Erik because of this and now he wouldn’t stop. She needed to change her name quick and fast.
“Nigga I sware on my life-“
“Don’t say shit like that Beulah baby! You only 80.”
She tossed the cup in the trash angrily.
The one thing he did that had her ready to leave caused some people to laugh.
Erik made her a plate, bringing it outside to one of the picnic tables. She reached out for it but instead Erik sat it down with his, taking a knife and fork to cut it up.
“Since you so damn cripple I gotta chop this meat up for you.” He hummed to himself, cutting her grilled chicken and steak so fine it looked like already chewed food.
“Keep it up, and I’m chopping the meat between your legs with a butcher knife.”
This man even tried to spoon feed her. She didn’t even bother eating, instead grabbing her things, saying her last goodbyes, and leaving.
Home Lah Lah didn’t speak to Erik and she practically ignored him like he wasn’t there. Eventually sleep overtook him and he was a snoring mess. She had enough of his snoring in her ear, taking her foot and kicking him off the bed rough. He landed in a loud thump that caused her to chuckle to herself.
After about a day of no torture from Erik, Lah Lah-Beulah
Started believing Erik was done with his antics. She had plans to get her name permanently changed to Lah Lah or some other shit. Erik could be heard coming home, Lah Lah in the kitchen cooking chili.
“Hey Lah! I got a gift for you c’mere.”
She put the chili on simmer, finally walking into the living room to greet her man.
“Hey how was work?”
“It was good as always.” Erik pulls out a gift bag for her, a handsome smile on his face.
“Here you go baby.”
Lah Lah was beyond happy, she always loved gifts from him. She made herself comfortable on the couch, removing the gift wrap before staring down at a folded piece of fabric with an ugly floral design.
She pulled out the fabric, letting it fall open to reveal a dress that looked like it belonged in the 1940s to some old as cat lady. It was dingy as well, and it smelled like cat piss.
“I figured you would love it. It suits you fine Beulah.”
She truly believed that this man was through.
Erik pointed to the bag.
“One more gift left, and you better open it Miss Jenkins.”
Lah Lah angrily pulls a small box out the bag that had a gold ribbon. A sudden hope for something perfect came to her but that all came crashing down like a thunderstorm. She was staring down at a life alert necklace.
Lah Lah had this blank expression on her face, eyes never leaving that box. Erik could not control his laughter once she pulled the top off, he was on the floor now clutching his stomach.
“You May need to wear that when we fucking cuz I don’t need your ass to have a heart attack.”
Lah Lah through the box at him, groaning.
“ITS OVER E! The jokes over it’s dead now.”
“Not when you kick me off the bed it isn’t. You try that shit again and I’m calling you Beulah from here on out and I don’t give a fuck who hear!”
She side eyed him before lifting from the couch. She was about done with him dragging this shit out.
“If my name is such a damn problem then bounce nigga!” Erik rolled his eyes, lifting from the floor to follow her.
“You can’t take a joke?! I’m only messing with yo uptight ass.”
“You hate my name admit it!” She was being a cry baby now, folding her arms and pouting.
Erik walks up to her, rubbing her arms soothingly.
“Baby no, Beulah is a beautiful name.” She met his eyes, disbelief in them.
“Okay okay its a little cringe.”
She glared.
“A smidge more cringe..” she shoved him.
“BUT I love you. And I will always love you. It was a good laugh and I’m sorry if I offended you aight?”
He pinked her cheek, causing her too look away.
“Aye, cut that shit out Lah.” Erik pulls out another box, Lah Lah staring at it with caution.
“What’s this? A pace maker?!” She didn’t trust it.
“I promise I’m done.”
Lah Lah grabbed the box, taking off the lid to find pink diamond earrings. She shakes her head, a small smile creeping up before giggling to herself.
“Wow...they are actually beautiful asshole.”
She looked up at him and his goofy grin, the laughter uncontrollable now.
“Now cut that shit out and give daddy a kiss.”
She leans up on her tip toes, kissing him softly.
“You still don’t want the life alert though? You may need it in a minute miss Beulah.”
She couldn’t even argue with him, motioning for him to get the box with the life alert so she could wear it.
Erik was amused by this, watching her put it around her neck.
“I want my back blown out, and DONT give me a hump back.”
They both laughed in unison.
@panthergoddessbast @whoramilaje @allhailnjadaka @hearteyes-for-killmonger @vikkidc @ange-sensuel @thehomierobbstark @blackpantherismyish @eriknutinthispoosy @trevantesbrat 
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unicornofdanger · 6 years
The Girl from the South
Author’s Note: I’m going to make this two parts because I had an idea for it but then it completely changed once I started writing. I am very happy with how this turned out and I can’t wait to start the second part. I have always loved writing for Game of Thrones even if I’m not caught up with the show. I have 12 or 13 one shots that I’m working on that should be posted in the next couple of weeks. I hope that you guys like this.
Masterlist & Prompt Lists
Game of Thrones Prompt List
Requested by @lxdyred
Robb Stark x Reader
14. “This isn’t going to be a war. It’s going to be a massacre.”
33. “I’m with him. For better or for worse.” “It’ll probably be worse.” “I knew that the day I met him.”
57. “Turn the pain into power, darling.”
58. “I love it when someone insults me. That means that I don’t have to be nice anymore.”
59. “Yes, I’m a bitch, but not yours.”
Word Count: 2,952
Warnings: Language, Mention of War
It was a chilly day at Winterfell. The cold wind found ways to seep through every crap and send shivers down peoples' spines. Y/n was bundled up in her furs as she walked down the corridor. She hadn’t been there long, only being married to the oldest Stark boy for a few months. She had just been in the North long enough to not enjoy the cold. Many people had told her that she would get used to the weather, but they were all from cold parts of Westeros as well.
Y/n was from southern Dorne, which was warner compared to its counterpart. It was probably all around better than it’s counterpart if Y/n were to give her honest opinion. Dorne had beautiful buildings, castles that towered over its many cities. When Y/n thought of Dorne she thought of color. She thought of the many different flowers that bloomed in the spring and how they were present throughout the summer. Thinking of Donre was thinking of warmth, of color, of the sun touch bare skin.
The North didn’t conjure such thought. It was cold and dark. It brought about weather that no one enjoyed, yet they stayed there. The North was a horrible place to live, people were able to find joy in it somehow. But Y/n wasn't sure that she would have moved there if it wasn’t for her parents. The North was cold and the people weren’t as welcoming to newcomers. They wanted to keep their traditions and beliefs intact and they thought that people from other parts of Westeros were a threat to that. That those people didn’t understand the history behind what they did.
Whether Y/n enjoyed her time in Winterfell didn’t matter, she couldn’t go back home. Catelyn, Robb’s mother, had made it clear from day one that she was to stay at Winterfell and do her “duty”. Y/n hoped that she didn’t mean just bear children because she did not want that to be her only job in life.
“Y/n!” Sansa called from down the hall. Y/n turned to see the oldest Stark girl approach her, needlepoint in hand. Y/n was glad that she was able to get out of that boring task. Her sisters used to force her to do it with them, gossiping about other girls their age the whole time. “I finally finished the fox,” she told her sister-in-law when she was close enough.
Sansa handed the piece of cloth over, Y/n took it from the girl, running her fingers over the little orange and red fox. In the center of the fabric was an orange and red fox that was surrounded by purple and pink flowers and grass. “It’s beautiful,” she stated, handing it back.
“I thought you would like it,” she beamed. “I had trouble and messed up a couple of times on the stitching, but I finally got it.”
Y/n nodded as the two walked down the hall, side by side. Sansa was one of the only members of the Stark family who treated her with more than respect. She treated her like a friend. Like a sister. Robb’s parents acknowledged that Y/n deserved to be treated well, but they never went out of their way to be friendly and welcoming to her. She would have thought that Catelyn would have since she was married off to Lord Stark years before. She was the only one who would know how Y/n felt. The youngest Stark boys didn’t really pay her much mind as they were busy with their studies or playing around when they were away from their mother. Arya... she was indifferent. She spent much of her time with Y/n, but only because she wanted to escape her mother’s grasp and Catelyn thought that Y/n would try and make Arya act like the lady she was supposed to be. Y/n never cared what Arya didn’t in her presence as long as it made the girl happy. And for Jon Snow, Robb’s bastard brother, the two never spent much time together. He was always keeping himself busy with whatever there was to do.
“What gave you the idea for the fox,” Y/n asked Sansa as they turned a corner, passing a couple of servants.
“Well,” she started, fiddling with the cloth. “Arya doesn’t care much for needlework, but you do. And... well, I thought that you would appreciate having a reminder of your home, your family. They are more important than anything else in life.”
Y/n nodded. Her family had been her life for so long, the day she left them was the worst day of her life. She had to say goodbye to her older brothers and noisy sisters. She missed sitting around the table at their estate, arguing over whatever her brothers brought up. She missed how friendly they were. They were warm and welcoming and everything that Winterfell was not. She missed their laughter and the competitive sword fights that her brothers would get in. She missed being around them. Turning a corner and seeing them there.
Sansa was right, Y/n did appreciate the little fox. It was the symbol of her house. It was the symbol of what her family stood for and no marriage, no union, would change the fact that Y/n was a Y/l/n. No distance, no weather, no man, no king, no nothing could change the fact that she was born a Y/l/n and she would die one as well.
At that moment, she understood why people of the North were wary of those from the rest of Westeros. Everyone held different customs and traditions. In Winterfell, the men of the Stark family executed those that deserved to lose their heads. That was one of there traditions. In Y/n’s family, women were trained alongside the men to maim and kill. They were taught to be more than just pretty objects that men used whenever they pleased. And that was their tradition. Because of that, because of her upbringing, her family’s tradition, people weren’t too fond of house Y/l/n. Many agreed that women should be treated with respect, but few agreed that they should be treated with the same respect as men. So, when Y/n first arrived at Winterfell, she always told people that what they believed of her upbringing was a myth. A lie made up to ruin her family’s reputation. It made it a little easier to adjust. Only a little.
“That’s very thoughtful of you, Sansa. And that little fox-” Y/n pointed to the cloth. “- shows just how talented you are.”
Later that night, everyone was gathered in the dining hall for dinner. Y/n was seated next to Robb, who was talking to Bran about he needed to work on his archery. The poor boy hadn’t been able to catch a break as Arya would always come in a shoot his target before he could. Y/n believed that he was simply nervous. Eyes were always on him, watching his every move. The poor boy only wanted to impress his family, yet there stares prevented him from it.
Robb turned to his wife, tired of fighting with Bran about his stance. “How was your day, darling?”
Y/n took a sip of wine before answering. She wished that he would learn to ask other questions as that was the only one he ever seemed to ask her for the three months they’d known each other. “My day was well. Sansa made it better by showing me the needlepoint that she completed. She’s a very talented girl.”
Sansa blushed, trying not to look up from her food.
“Yes, my sister is very talented with a needle,” he noted, getting a glare from Arya who was not talented or interested in needlepoint. Something that members of her family liked to point out.
Y/n returned to her food when a servant appeared at her side, handing her a folded piece of paper. She took the paper, thanking them before they ran off to fill empty wine glasses. No one seemed to care too much about the paper that was in her hands as everyone seemed to have turned the attention to some lord who was going to be visiting in a few weeks time. Y/n unfolded the note, reading what a was written in a foreign tongue. It was her mother’s first language as her family moved to Westeros when she was only a child. She grew up speaking it and that was often the language that her family used to communicate with as few knew it.
“That son of a bitch,” Y/n muttered under her breath as she stood from the table. The Stark family could only watch as she stormed out of the dining hall, unaware of what she had finished reading.
Walking out into the courtyard, Y/n saw a man leaned up against one of the wooden beams. The sun had set a few hours before, the only light being that of the torches that lined the courtyard. Y/n stood in the archway that lead out to the courtyard, observing the man. He looked nothing like any man in Winterfell with his tan skin and light hair, both weathered from the sun.
“And there is my lovely sister,” the man said, turning from the beam. In two steps her was by her side, trying to wrap her in a hug.
Y/n fought him off, to pissed off with him to want any affection. “What the hell is this?” she asked, waving the note in his face. “You can’t be fucking decent and talk to me in front of them!”
Her brother only laughed, his y/e/c shining under the torch lights. “Is that all you care about?” He walked around her, circling her like prey. “What they think of you? Are you ashamed of where you come from, Y/n? Who your family is?”
Y/n shook her head. Y/b/n was doing what he always did. He found delight in ruffling people’s feathers. In pissing them off, hoping that they would swing at him. He had a way of getting into fights and justifying that it wasn’t his fault. And Y/n hated him for it as she was often his target. “Why are you here?”
He clicked his tongue, stopping in front of her. “You didn’t answer my questions.”
Y/n rolled her eyes. She loved her brothers, all of them, but sometimes they had a way of making her hate them. “You want to know how I feel?” Her brother nodded. “Okay, well these people,” she pointed to the doors, “are who I am forced to live with, dine with, and be around until I die! The rest of my life will be lived here! I care what they think because it affects how I am treated, how I am respected!” As her voice grew louder and she grew angrier, her husband and his father and brother peeked their heads out of one of the doors leading to the courtyard, concerned since she hadn’t returned to her food. “I am not ashamed of my family, Y/b/n! I am not ashamed of where I come from or how I was raised, how we were raised! I am only ashamed of how others look at us, thinking that we are the enemy! How they treat us, thinking they know everything about us when they never care to even share a word with us!”
Her brother sighed, growing impatient with her. “Are you done?”
Y/n wrapped herself in her arms, cursing herself for not bring some layers with her. The wind from earlier had stopped but that hadn’t kept it from being cold out. Y/n had a feeling that the ground would be frozen, covered in a thin layer of frost, in the morning. “Only,” she paused, poking her brother in the shoulder, “if you tell me what the hell this is about.”
Y/b/n shoved his hands in his pockets and muttered to himself about how cold Winterfell was. Neither of them were used to the weather, but at least he didn’t have to live with it for the rest of his life. “The note explains it all,” was all he said.
Setting her jaw, Y/n glared up at him. How her brothers could be so difficult! It wasn’t just one, it was all of them. Y/b/n simply learned it from the others. “No. It. Doesn’t.”
Robb moved where he stood, walking over to be by his wife’s side. He was bundled up in furs, smart enough to grab them before he came out. “What’s going on here?”
Y/n glanced at him, not in the mood to answer his question. Behind him she could see his father and Jon standing outside the door, ready to jump into to the mess if necessary. They wouldn’t have to, Y/n didn’t intend to hurt her brother. Not yet, anyway. When her brother didn’t answer, Y/n did for him. “Fine. Maybe it does. I just don’t know what you bastards think you're going to accomplish with this,” she gestured to the note. “This isn’t going to go over well for anyone and I hope to the fucking gods that you did not come here to ask me to be a part of this.”
“And what if I did?”
Robb looked between the two siblings, confusion written on his face. He wasn’t sure if stepping in would solve the problem as Y/n looked like she was about to murder someone. She was showing him a side of her that he had never witnessed before and he was entirely sure how to handle that.
“You stupid bastards!,” Y/n yelled turning away from her brother. She couldn’t stand one more minute of the cold northern air or the stupid southern man. “This- whatever the fuck you want to call it- this isn’t going to be a war. It’s going to be a massacre. And I don’t want to be involved! I don’t want to watch thousands of people die for no fucking reason!”
Y/b/n rubbed the back of his neck as Robb and he watched her walk across the courtyard towards Eddard and Jon.
In their mother tongue, her brother yelled at her as she grew closer to the men. “It’s always you that has to go and be a fucking bitch! You know that! You seem to forget that we have no choice in this ‘massacre’ as our allies across the damn waters are waging this war!”
Y/n stopped dead in her tracks. Her family always found a way to force her into situations that she didn’t want to be in. Her father made arrangements with Lord Stark to have her marry there oldest child. That left her stuck in a land where she could easily freeze to death. And now this! Yes, it was customary to help one's allies in times of war, but at what cost. This fell onto Y/n’s mother’s family. If they had kept to themselves and learned that greed never got men far, then they would think twice about joining some war. They would think twice before dragging their whole family in it.
“I love it when someone insults me,” she muttered to herself. “That means that I don’t have to be nice anymore. Even if it is family”
Turning on her heel, she looked her brother dead in the eyes. I’m well aware that you have no choice,” she seethed in a language that the men around her could understand. “I’m also well aware that you have the choice to take a different stance on this. Because if you are doing this because that tyrant of a man thinks it’s right than you are not my brother! None of you are!”
Her brother was taken back, opening his mouth to say something but he didn’t know what could match her words. She was right. There were other options that still pleased their allies. But those options often went overlooked. And he had expected her to help, that’s what she always did. Her father raised her to be his right hand. To be able to take care of herself and lead armies.
“And, yes, I am a bitch, but not yours. So, don’t you ever come here and expect anything of me. Don’t expect my help, my respect, or my loyalty. I may have been born a Y/l/n name but I am no longer one. Not here, anyway. Not in the North. Not in Winterfell.” With that she swiftly left the courtyard, moving passed Eddard and Jon.
With the door shut behind her, Robb looked towards his brother-in-law who could do nothing but shake his head. Robb wasn’t sure what was going on, but he knew that he had just seen part of his wife that she never intended him to see.
For Y/n’s brother, he knew that she would change her mind. She always did. When their grandfather came calling for help, the family was forced to do whatever the man pleased as he always told them that they owed him everything. Y/n would remember that and she would come to the family’s aid. She was right in the fact that there was more than one option on the table and that all should be considered. Y/b/n turned from the Stark men and walked out of the courtyard.
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viralhottopics · 8 years
‘Rugrats’ Characters Ranked By Betchiness
For this weeks TBT, were going to take a look into the lives of the most influential baby friend group of the ’90s. Im talking, of course, about the Rugrats and, most importantly, how betchy or not betchy each Rugrat is. Is it polite to rank toddlers who have not yet learned to speak based on arbitrary social categories? Probs not. Is it fun? Fucking duh.
1. Cynthia
Heres what we know about Cynthia: 1) Shes a really cool dancer, 2) Shes got cool moves (as long as you move her arms and legs), 3) Shes movin out on the floor, 4) Shes ready to break some eggs (make an omelette Cynthia!) How do we know all this? We know it from her workout tape, which I am shocked has not been sampled by Avicii or Kanye or someone yet (dont listen unless you want this song stuck in your head all day).
Cynthias resting bitch face is on point, and she manages to look great in her belted orange dress despite the fact that she is missing of her hair. Cynthia didnt say or do shit for all 9 seasons of, yet she is still one of the shows most memorable characters, and it is her ability to do no work and remain popular that has earned her the number one slot.
2. Susie Carmichael
Susie Carmichael is cool AF. Did Susie need to appear in every episode? No. Susie had other shit to do. Shell check in every once in awhile to see what the babies are up to, teach them about Kwanzaa and generally let them know whats good, before going back next door to hang with her real friends. Whenever she does come over, the babies flip out because theyre like, obsessed with her (everyone is). Shes also the only person who has absolutely no time for Angelicas bullshit, probably because Susie has better hair, a better outfit, and wears a cool red bangle, which is more than Angelica could ever hope to have. Susie is three, which makes her older and wiser than most of the babies and probably accounts for the sheer lack of fucks she has to give. Did Susie get her ass lost in the woods when Dil was born? Fuck no, she was chilling in Paris getting turnt up with her older sister! Did Susie almost die with the Rugrats in EuroReptarland? No bitch, I just told you shes already been to Paris! Susie Carmichael always comes correct, and thats what earned her the number two spot.
3. Tommy Pickles
Tommy Pickles is the star of the show, which virtually guarantees him betchiness. Tommy also has the whole dressing like a slut thing down and spends all nine seasons of wearing nothing but a crop top and booty shorts. His outfit never stops him from leading his friend group on adventures, and you know once he can talk and operate a phone hed be the person managing the group chat, suggesting what clubs and parties to go to, making sure everyone is getting the free shots they deserve, and seeing you into your Uber at the end of the night. The thing holding Tommy back from the top spot is that hes too fucking nice. Hell let any baby with shit in their diaper come hang with him (cough CHUCKIE cough), and that means his friend group is riddled with duds (HI CHUCKIE). Be a little more discerning about your friend group, Thomas, and maybe well see you up at the top with Cynthia.
4. Angelica Pickles
We cant talk about Cynthia without getting to her BFF and designated Rugrat BSCB, Angelica Pickles. Angelica spent most of torturing the dumb babies (who were really only like a year younger than her) and making them miserable, yet still somehow being invited to all the group hangs, play dates, and brunches. Angelica spends a lot of time telling everyoneincluding the adultshow beautiful she is and is absolutely desperate for attention, probably because her rich AF parents never pay attention to her. Shes your friend who cries and starts shit at the club anytime she feels like shes not the hottest girl there (and she frequently is notthanks Cynthia!) Also girl, lay off the cookies.
5. Charlotte Pickles
Charlotte Pickles is Angelicas mom who is literally always on her phone. Like, always. Even in a time before cellphones could fit in your pocket, Charlotte is always on the phone with her assistant Jonathan (Cheban? We dont know) and ignores basically every member of her family to do so. When phones dont work, Charlotte straight up makes her husbands brother carry a fax machine around so she doesnt miss any important texts. Charlotte alternates between a power suit and workout gear, always accompanied by an Ariana Grande level high ponytail. In , Charlotte displays clear signs of some seriously botched cosmetic surgery, which is what has dropped her down to slot #5. Never try to cut corners on botox, Charlotte! Itll always go wrong. Honestly, Jonathan should have told you that.
6. Grandpa Lou
Grandpa Lou is another character who gives absolutely zero fucks and is down to hang. Much like Corinne, Lou loves naps and often falls asleep halfway through finishing his stories. Despite his old age, Lou is still a fuckboy, and is often seen hitting on women and generally trying to find ways to get laid. If had taken place in 2017, Lou would have definitely had a Tinder and that Tinder definitely would have had a picture of him from 20+ years earlier. Lou is eventually successful in finding a new wife, Lulu, who he moves in with pretty fast after they start hooking up (risky choice, Lou!) Outside of his strangely active love life, Lou also has many frenemies, including his own cousin Miriam; his bowling rival, Billy Strike Maxwell; and some other wrestling guy named Conan McNulty. This proves that when push comes to shove, Lou is just not very popular and kind of an old perv. Sixth place for you, Lou.
7. Phil And Lil Deville
Okay Im sorry, but Phil and Lil are fucking gross. Their diet is a mess, always eating fucking worms and mud and shit. Do you know how many calories are in a ball of worms, kids? Do you? Seriously. There is a episode where Phil and Lil drink straight-up toilet water. What the fuck is that? Is that something babies do? Phil and Lil also have no creativity when it comes to fashion, and instead just dress alike every damn day in greena color that is flattering on exactly 0 people. Their mom is a hardcore feminist, which is cool, but maybe the twins have been empowered to do a little bit too much. Like sure, Lil can do whatever she wants with her life, but maybe eating a giant pile of shit should not be one of those things? Idk. Seventh place.
8. Stu Pickles
Good Lord is Stu Pickles a sad man. Seriously. You have a beautiful house, two healthy babies, a cool Jewish wife who has managed to maintain her pre-baby body, and youre still fucking complaining! Look around, asshole! You have all this shit despite the fact that your dumb ass hasnt invented one successful toy. In fact, you havent even invented one toy that didnt explode and almost kill your entire family. You are literally #blessed but youre too blind to see it! The only thing keeping you from the bottom slot is this meme which, in the current political climate, is legit all of our lives right now:
9. Chuckie Finster
No. Just no. Im sorry, but again, its gonna be a hard pass on Chuckie. Here are all the things Chuckie would have to improve if he ever even wanted to hope to be betchy. 1) His voice, which is terrible. Do you have a cold, Chuckie? Go to the damn doctor. Its the ’90s. Hillary Clinton has passed the State Childrens Health Insurance Plan. You can go to the doctor. Go. 2) Grow. A. Pair. Dude. You know when Chuckie gets older hes gonna be your friend who calls the cops on his own party for getting out of hand. Hes gonna be that guy who side eyes you for doing molly at Coachella, making weird comments under his breath about how you never know whats in that stuff and generally bringing bad vibes despite the fact that Beyonc is literally pregnant and dancing in front of you. 3) The hair is a problem. Comb it. Dye it. Do something. Its a problem. 4) Tie your fucking shoes, dude. 9th place.
10. Chas Finster
There was no character on television from 1991-2004 that was less betchy than Chas Finster. He has all of Chuckies problems, but he is a fucking adult which means he has literally no excuse for being such a narc. Chas seems to be suffering from whatever health problems are affecting his son, and despite being a bureaucrat, apparently has no ability to get his ass to a doctor either. Like many sad old nerds, Chas must travel to a foreign country to find a wife, eventually convincing a way-too-hot-for-him Japanese woman to fly to America and be his Melania. Chas also has a double-Hitler mustache, which is 100% unacceptable, no matter what decade you live in. Sorry, Chas. Last place.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mavumx
from ‘Rugrats’ Characters Ranked By Betchiness
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jane--thors · 4 years
first draft of backstory plot points
Sozen looses Rokku to and incident in the ///// air temple and reflexivity blames the air nomads as a whole in his grief.
The two were dancing around each other but any chance for them dissipated into ash when Rokku found out Sozen was militarizing the fire nation in an effort to combine the nations under his own rule and the two fought bitterly.
Rokku leaves for the /// air temple that day on a ship leaving his dragon with Sozen’s{the dragons were a mated pair} thus leaving a sliver of a chance for the two in Sozen’s mind.
This hope is dashed when Rokku dies in an accident two days after leaving Sozen.
As Sozen is planning how he will react to this development his body go's weak and his mind go's numb and fuzzy [like it was just before and during the fight he had with Rokku].
Then Sozen vanishes from the public view for a week
[the public worry that the grief will best him]
[no one is allowed into the throne room as Sozen doesn't want them to see that the rooms cold blue fire (a sign of Agnis approval) had gone out the night Sozen found out about Rokku’s death
During this week Sozen hires 4,000 disgraced/banished Dai Le assassins (loyal only to coin) and begins sending them out to poision the dragons withen the borders of the fire nation[Sozen’s die first and Rokku’s  is sent into a coma]{90% of ALL dragons live withen the borders of the fire nation}
withen two months of Rokku’s death the last dragon withen the nation is rokkus
Rokku’s dragon is extremely weak and when the public go’s to the palace for help they find Sozen cradling the dragons head in his lap. The dragon is weak ans has shrunk drastically and is barely breathing. The public is shocked to find the Sozen’s dragon is dead and that a second ROYAL dragon is dying and quickly realize that the fire lord can do nothing for his own dragon much less theirs or the wild ones and are left to watch as to their horror the last dragon within the borders of the fire nation takes its last breath.
Sozen PERSONALLY and PUBLICLY cremates the dragon and sits vigil for a WEEK.
Then Sozen disapears into the palace
The next day the outer wall of the throne room is pulled away revealing Sozen sitting on the throne behind a wall of HOT RED fire.
Agnis is blue and cold but the public assumes that the color and heat show Agnis rage over the loss of his favorite children {the dragons} [the public dosnt know that there are dragons out side the fire nation as they are tied to the ]]]]]]]] air nomads and a deeply gaurded secret]
then Sozen adresses the public
{royals, nobls, ambassadors, state oficials, city officials, colony representitives, tribal leaders, and as many citizens that can fit in the streets are in attendence}
[the sun priests are blatently missing comething that makes EVERYONE uncomfertable but no one dares mention or question it]
Sozen then addresses those in attendenceand explains that:
the air nomad had killed rokku so that they could gain an avatar of their own and use them to gain control
however when the child was awoken they remembered their life as rokku and refused to do as he was told
the child tried to escape the air nomads and was beaten chained and locked away {the poor child barley knew air bending how could he defen himself}
the air nomads in their rage hired assassins and sent them after the dragons to further weaken the nation that JUST lost rokku
Those gathered are so enraged by the loss of rokku and the dragons that they believe it desperate for an enemy to fight
Those gathered begin to demand the air nomads be punnished and that sozen save the young avatar as rokku could not do so
Sozen ‘bows to what his people want’ and declares war on the ///// air nomads
first he bannishes the ambassadors from the nation.
The earth and water ambassadors leve without incident not beleiving sozen’s claims or that he will ACTUALLY rage war on the momads and actually forget about the declaration and the reasons before they get home, to focussed on how to save the internation trading
the air nomad ambassadors dont even make it out of the nation
the official story is that they escaped their gaurds and ran to the tratoris sun priests and they were all dead of suicide when the gaurds caught up
the air nomad ambassadors were poisioned by their dai le gaurds
the sun priests were killed by more dai le as they would have known what the throne rooms fire color and heat meant{that the fire lord had lost agnis blessing}
four months later sozen personally escorts the 2,000 of his ‘most suited’ men{most creul} soldiers out of the fire nation (4,000 dai le meet them once their out of sight {sozen wants it to be believed that only 2,000 men and himself were needed as they had agnis blessing}) and they arive to the //// air temple two days later
on arriving the 6,000 men and women loyal to sozen immeadiatly put every man woman and child to death save for two individuals
salah {a 17 year old female airbender} and aang {a 12 year old male avatar}
aang ~12~ had ran away the night before
sozen takes salah~12~ captive {using dai le drugs to keep herblocked from her bending}
on the ship back all 4,000 dai le die when sozens men poison their food their bodies are dumped overboard
sozen and the 2,000 soldiers arrive home and go to the palace{salah~12~ is put in a locked roome eight floors underneath sozens personal rooms}
sozen calls another meeting
the royals, nobles,  state officials, city officials, colony representatives, tribal leaders, and as many citizens that can fit arrive withen hours
sozen breaks the news that the child avatar wasnt at the temple and that he is either dead or at another temple and swaers to find the trueth before making a hand motion and the palace servents bring out a feast fit for the fire lord himself {identical meals and leters covering the speachare sent to every single citizen who could not arrive}
he stays until the feast ends and sends everyone home
then sozen uses dai le tactics {drug mix and lights}to convince salah~17~ that:
she is a fire nation native
that she and sozen have a history of close freindship
that the air nomads tortured for being born in the fire nation  and daring to come to them for training
that sozen had found and rescued her  when he came looking for the avatar
the sozen moves her to the room next to his own and warns her that with the anger the fire nation has against the air nomads that she should hide her bending, she agrees.
Then he continues his war and at night he invites her to sit with him as he handles ‘nation buissness’ {food, territory lines, trade routes, ect} and begins to court her
she agrees to marry him after he asks her to do so {he claims he hopes itll help keep her safe from fire nation and air nation alike}
shes given the tyitle of royal concubine instead of fire lady to keep the fire nation nobles from complaining to much
the night of their wedding;
sozen sires a child with salah~17~ {a boy who will be born 7 moths later in the middle of a monsoon and be named Azulon}
a battalion of 4,000 man and women are sent out in secret to the ]]]]]] air temple to wipe out those air nomads
however this batallion betrays sozen and jointhe air nomads
They send letters to the other nation telling them of the air temple attacks {a fire nation scout intercepts them and reads the one ment for the southern water tribe and alerts sozen early the next morning
sozen tells the scout to wait until he is given word to send the letters to their intended recipients and settles in to wait
two months later the painted ladies comet comes into range and sozen chanels it to single handidly wipe out every man woman and child in the ]]]]]]] air temple {fire benders air benders and non benders alike}
unlike all of her other channelers the painted lady does not allow sozen to take her marks {she couldnt stop him from using her comets power}
five moths later salah~17~ gives birth to azulon but tragically dies and takes sozens unborn daughter azulons sister with her.
In his pain and rage {he had fallen in ‘love’ with salah} sozen raises azulon to hate anyone not firenation
oddly as azulon grows in size and strength sozens rage fades and just after azulon turns 19 sozens mind clears fully for the first time in years.
He is DISGUSTED with his actions and confused as to how he could have done such things.
He is terrerfied of the implications of his actions being SO disconnected from his mind and ideals.
He pretends he is stil under the influence of WHATEVER that was and in private he begins to research.
He finds that some sun preists had avoided the massacre and were nearby
he goes into the throne room and tells everyone hes going to commune with agni for guidence{the fire is still red agni must still be angry and he needs to know whats wrong} and forbids enyone from even aproaching that wing of the palace [sending azulon into town to meet a trade delegation from the colonies {to teach him to care for his citizens} hell be gone for weeks]
then he secrets himself away and meets with the preists who examine him and find out that tttttt,
{agnis enemy a mortal who had consumed vvvvv’s [tu/seas/ siter goddess of lightning and is agnis wife] mortal form and stole her abilities locking her mind into a stone he hid in the south pole. Ttttttt had died but managed to evade agni in the spirit realm for centuries [that time had twisted what was left of his sanity]}
had possesed him as a teen and had slowly gained control and then after rokkus death full control
then tttt had used sozen to capture salah and combined their blood to form a proper host
however he could only plant the seed he couldnt posess the babe until it took its first breath and he couldnt further influence the pregnancy to busy pulling his sozen puppets strings and thus couldnt stop vvvv from creating her own human host
he could however ensure that host never took a breath thus destoying vvvvs ability to do so {she can still bless a child but she can do little more then that and ttttt/azulon still controls her element [though the element itself fights back the lightning burning him when he forces it to obey him] much to her rage}
salah was a decendent of tttt/azulons origional human body and sozen had power
ttt/azulon also used sozen:
to destroy the strong skilled battle tested avatar {hopeingto stael the avatar spark from the next avater {an untrained weak child} much like he did to vvvv
and to destroy agnis blessed people{the fire nation} by turning the other nations against them
with ttttt/azulon in human form and 19 and strong and a gigantic threat sozen is advised to take precautions before going against him in a fight by the sun priests
first he writes ALL of this down and locks the scrolls into a smal chest that only one with agnis aproval {lightning and blue fire or duel bending of fire and water} can open [the chest will at a touch tell them how to open it]
luckily tttt/azulon cant see this as he is now more or less trapped in his human body
then he  rushes back to the palace and hides the chest in the palace
then he writes out his last will and testament disowning ttt/azulon
then he calls ttt/azulon back to the palace {its an emergency}
then he tries to kill ttt/azulon~19~
sozen fails unable to kill salahs child {he did truly love her even with them both twisted by tttt} and falls at ttt/azulons hand
then he hides sozens last will and testament {right beside sozens chest ironically}
the next day tttt/azulon~19~ is crowned fire lord
he convinces the public that sozen was murdered by an assassin and he would find out the trueth but leaves it vauge
things become stabile but tense
tttt/azulon increases the army size and adds a spy ring to ‘track down the contractor of sozens assassin’
this fire nation becomes far more militirised
the scout that caught the traitor soldoers letters gos to tttt/azulon and asks what he should do with them tttt/azulon takes them and will use them later
however there is a problem
when ttttt became human again to escape agnis reach he didn’t know the CONSEQUENCES of his actions
the longer tt/azulon is human the more he forgets his history as ttt and as a spirit
when ttt/azulon was crowned he refused to take a wife or concubine as he knows that the combination of his bodies bloodline [fire bending and blessed by Agni from Sozen’s line and air bending and a royal line from Salahs] and his status as a body-anchored-spirit would cause any child he sired {by any partner} to be a FLASHPOINT {someone whos child would be a pivit point in history} [also any of his bodies grandchildren could ‘steal’ his power {vvvvv’s lightning} as vvv could still bless that child and the blessing would tie the power to the child and when ttt/azulons body dies the power would stay with the child not with tttt’s spirit.
But as the years pass and tttt/azulons memory of being tttt fades he forgets why he didnt want a spouse or children
eventually at 48 he caves to his advisors and weds rita~19~ [a noble woman daughter of one of his advisors] and at the end of that year rita~20~ gives ttt/azulon a son, iroh
just five years later rita~25~ gives tttt/azulon a second son, ozai [making iroh~5~ a big brother], but sadly rita~25~ dies in her birthing bed {oddly a LOT of the mothers of the fire lords heirs die in this mannor no one knows why}
for the next twelve years ttt/azulon~53-65~ raises iroh~5-17~ and ozai~0-12~ to be the perfect soldiers and hate everyon outside of the fire nation
fostering hatred against the fire nation
when iroh turns 17 a dragon is discovered and the public has a breif glimmer of hope only for it to be dashed when tttttttt/azulon~65~ explains that it isnt a real dragon but a monstor made by the last of the air nomads and sun priests and orders its death {it has no fire so it CANT be a child of agni} and the public demands that these ABOMINATIONS be exterminated
ttt/azulon agrees to do so
that year ttt/azulon~65~ marries iroh~17~ to  vihanni~22~ [irohs best friend] and after the wedding he begins sending soldiers after the false dragons
by the end of that year onley 12 false dragons are dead and so is vihanni [she died a week after giving iroh a son, luten {thought to be birth fever but ttt/azulon~66~ poisioned her once iroh~17~ had a son and heir and she was no longer needed and she was a threat [she had started to make moves against tttt/azulon~66~] to ttt/azulons rule}]
three years after LuTen’s~3~ birth azulon[ttt is gone in memory]~69~ begins to look for a proper wife for ozai~15~ {since iroh’s~20~ line is already secure} and in his search he finds out that rokkus daughter, Asaso had wed a man, Demi and had a daughter, Urza[a girl of just 9].
Azulon~69~ tries to convince Urza’s~9~ parents to send the girl to the palace where she could grow up beside Ozai~15~  and to agree to the two being wed when Urza~9~ turns 17.
Asaso~21~ and Demi~19~ panic as Urza~9~ is a WATERBENDER and Azulon~69~ has recently begon sending troops to the water tribes {looking for the avatar so they could be ‘protected’[azulon wants him dead] form whatever air benders remain[their arnt any] in hiding} and takeing waterbenders captive {they dont know where they are or if their alive} ans flee the fire nation afraid of what azulon~69~ will do to urza~9~.
The trio makes their way to the southern water tribe hopeing for amnesty on a stolen fire nation ship but just a day out from shore a storm hits the ship
the ship is torn apart and Asaso and Demi are killed
urza~9~ washes ashore a day later half frozen only alive due to her bending {and tu and lies blessing}
she is found hours later by hoddick~22~ and his wife kana~24~
the couple takes her in {and some of her things that washed ashore beside her}
they dont tell anyone of her as they saw the fire nation sails
when urza~9~ wakes they find out that she is fire nation yes but shes a water bender
kana~24~ is afraid of how people will react and decides that she and hoddick~22~ will claim her as their own {they tell all but their imeadiate family that she was their daughter, kya’s~13~ twin sister that was born weak and sickly you see thats why shes so small and pale and we hid her away to avoid heartbreak if she were to die}
the girls know their not blood but that they are sisters all the same and raised as such
{kana~24~ makes a copy of her bethrothal stone{chain itself is the proposal while the stone was a heirloom of kanas family} and puts it on a chain identical to the one iiii gave her, then each necklace went to each of her daughters {kya~13~ gets the origional necklace and the copy stone while urza~9~-13-{{now ursa[zaa vs sa-ha}} gets the origional stone and the copy necklace} [the stones are slightly different and distinct from each other for those who know what their looking for]
she does this to tie them together as sisters
hoddick~22~ also teaches ursa~9~-13- to bend {even blood bending something his wife knows and approves of due to the constant threat of fire nation raides}
kya~13~ though not a bender memorizes the lessons and writes them all down
ursa~9~-13- also meets hakoda~4~ and bato~~9~ and the three and kya~13~ are IMMEADIATLY close friends and inseperable regardless of their age differences
six years pass
[Azulon~75~], [Iroh~26~], [Ozai~21~], [LuTen~9~], [Urza~15~ Ursa-19-], [Kya~19~], [Bato~15~], [Hakoda~10~], [Hoddick~28~], [Kana~30~], and {Aang~12~frozen}
ozai takes over azulons search for urza as he belives she is the one he is fated to be with and his only chance for love
iroh takes to hunting the false dragons
hakodas parents begin asking kana and hoddick to allow the boy to court kya or ursa when he turns 17
four more years pass
[Azulon~79~], [Iroh~30~], [Ozai~25~], [LuTen~13~], [Urza~19~ Ursa-23-], [Kya~23~], [Bato~19~], [Hakoda~14~], [Hoddick~32~], [Kana~34~], {Aang~12~frozen}, and [Haki~72]
azulon sends another raid to the southern water tribe during a kkkkk eclipse  not knowing urza is there only that the water benders wont have accsess to their bending
hoddick and ursa are captured by the soldiers kya never forgives herself for failing them regardless of hakodas and batos insistance that she didnt
hoddick is to well trained to be broken into a healer so he is quickly executed on deck in veiw of his daughter ursa
the soldiers also stole many items from kanas home{most are kyas hakodas and ursas}
ursa is left tied up on deck
this is when she finds out that she can also bend FIRE and her fire is STRONG in her rage
ursa escapes the ship with her fathers body and her things but found that all the other benders were already dead
she swims to shore and finds herself in the fire nation
she finds her way to her grandmothers home
haki an elderly widdow is utterly thrilled to see her grandaughter and takes her in instantly
when she hears that ozai wants her she decides to act rather then react
she travels to the        air temple and hides all of her things there {she keeps her necklace with her though}
then she returns as urza and hides ALL of her bending
then she focusses on hideing from ozai
but she accidently falls into her destiny when she finds the teenage LuTen drowning in a river she used to fish for pearls
she would water bend specific sand sized minerals into the oysters and then slip out the pearls without harming the animal
she rescues the boy and takes him into town where iroh and ozai are frantically searching for him.
Urza is suprized at how kind ozai is and as the two dance around each other she realizes that ozai could fix the war and help HER people[the southern water tribe]
six years pass
[Azulon~85~], [Iroh~36~], [Ozai~31~], [LuTen~19~], [Urza~25~ Ursa-29-], [Kya~29~], [Bato~25~], [Hakoda~20~], [Hoddick~32~], [Kana~40~], {Aang~12~frozen}, and [Haki~78]
in the spring of the sixth year of their dance urza agrees to wed ozai
oddly that same week kya weds hakoda
at the end of that year urza gives birth to a pair of twins a son-zuko and a daughter-izuna, while kya gives birth to a son-sokka
is perfectly healthy
takes after his southern tribe father and maternal grand father in skintone and  blue-black hair but takes his northern tribe maternal grandmothers silver-blue eyes
is born not breathing but once he is made to he is fine {hes still weak}
he took his fathers dark black hair and drastically pale skin but his eyes are STIKEING his left eye is dark blue almost black{matching his mother} and his right eye is a mix of dark are bright golds
is born sleeping and while she continues to breathe and eat she does not wake or cry
she has pale silver blue eyes and blue-black hair
azulon berates ozai for producing such weakness
four years pass:
iroh convinces ozai to take urza izuna zuko and Luten to the emerald isles for rest and recuperation they’ll stay there for four years at which point luten will leave for military training for the war{iroh insists he wait till then hoping to save his innocence having begun to loose faith in the wars reasons}
meanwhile a year after sokka is born kya~30~ gives hakoda~21~ a daughter, katara{she is clearly a bender given her eyes that look silver blue in the daylight but nearly pitchblack in the moonlight} and is as such seen as a blessing but one that would be forever in danger
oddly the day katara is born izuna~1~ wakes and zuko~1~ breathes fire
ozai~32~ and urza~26~ are thrilled but only tell iroh~37~ and luten~20~ as they dont want to deal with azulons~86~ scruiteny
two years after that urza~28~ makes izuna~3~ and zuko~3~ older siblings by giving ozai~34~ a second daughter, azula{named as such for fire that dances around her fingers when she crys}
ozai has iroh~39~ stay with izuna zuko and luten as he and urza take azula tomeet azulon~88~
meanwhile at the same time hakoda~23~ and kya~32~ bring bato into their home and he becomes a third parent to sokka~3~ and katara~2~
a year after that luten~23~ leaves for training
Iroh~40~, Ozai~35~, Urza~29~, izuna~4~, zuko~4~ and azula~1~ return to the mainland of the firenation
after greeting azulon~89~ they follow iroh to their new home a recently reopened wing of the palace closed by sozen
then iroh leaves for ba sing se
meanwhile katara~3~ waterbends for the first time {kya~33~ bato~29~ hakoda~24~ are thrilled but terrorfied}
this same year toph beifng is born
three years pass
iroh~43~ gains the name
ozai~38~ begins to worry over izuna~7~ and zuko~7~ not activly bending and becomes creul in his fear
urza~32~ trys to soothe things over but it only gets worse when azula~4~ becomes an absolute prodigy and azulon~92~ takes notice of the older twos lack of bending
luten~26~ completes his training and joins his father in basingse
meanwhile azulon~92~ hears rumors of a southern water bender and sends another raiding party to the southern water tribe
hakoda~27~ bato~32~ and sokka~7~ are on a hunting trip and kya~36~ and katara~6~ are in their tent alone {kya reading the skrolls she wrote on her father and sisters bending[their in code and katara only knows a little of the code] to teach the girl what she can}
a fire nation soldier comes into the tens as the raiding partyhits the villiage and makes it clear that hes looking for the water bender.
Kya claims its her while meeting the mans eyes and the soldier nods and holds his hand out to make her stand{even though he knows she is lying for the child, he cant spare the ‘bender’ but he can spare the child}
kya takes his hand stands and gives katara her ncklace{now has two chains added to it from hakoda and baotos proposal}and after telling her to find her fathers leaves with the soldier
the soldier takes kya to the other soldiers expecting to take her onto the ship only for one of the soldiers to quickly slit her throat{merciful in comparison to the fate she is destined for on the ship}
the soldiers leave kyas body there and leave the pole for home.
Hakoda bato and sokka return to all of this
kana hakoda bato sokka and katara try to cope with the loss of kya
meanwhile the 3 year old toph makes her way into the tunnels
three yars pass
hakoda and bato leave for the war front less then a year into it unable to cope with the loss of kya
luten visits his cousins aunt and uncle and they all go on vacation to the emerald isles in the first year
luten and zuko bond quickly and luten teaches zuko to use the deul dao {he also teaches izuna in secret}
then luten returns to basingse
toph lives this year in the caves with the badger moles
the next year repeats the same save for toph returning home and chaffing under her parents ‘care’
the last year while ozai~41~ urza~35~ izuna~10~ zuko~10~ and azula~7~ are in the emerald isle the news arives that luten is dead killed in basingse at just 29 and iroh~46~ had retreated sent his men home and vanished
this breaks the family
azulon~95~calls ozais family home for the funeral
on greeting azulon the three children preform{azulon perfect zuko flailing and izuna purposly messing up}
urza leaves but the three children sneak back into eavesdrop on ozai and azulons talk
ozai angers his father and the man orders him to kill his son
ozai gos to urza instead
urza puts the children to bed tells them she loves them and after leaveing a chest of her things{her necklace the saved items from the raind and gifts from ozai in zukos room} she sneaks into the throne room and uses blood bending to shred azulons lungs with his own blood then she flees{so that if what she did comes out her childrenand husband would be spared and kindof fearing the spirits backlash for regicide}
while gone she plans to find her sister
azulons now half human half spirit ghost twisted with rage ans out of agnis reach now permenently as a schade, begins manipulating ozai as his memories begin to return{iroh is to filled with greif to touch}
toph~6~ meanwhile has started to sneak out at night
katara~9~ and sokka~10~ begin aiding kana~50~ in leading the remnents of the southern water tribes{the scaterd tribes have moved closer to each other but arnt yet merged}
three years pass
in the first year:
toph~6-7~ begins snaeking out to the fighting rings
kana~50-51~ begins preparing sokka~10-11~ and katara~9-10~ for her eventual death wanting them to be as ready as they can be
and ozai~41-42~ begins to quickly fall apart under azulons influence becoming colder and creuler to everyone in an attempt to scare them away so that those he loves are out of azulons reach
azula~7-8~ becomes more twisted {she is a sociopath and has no guidence} but mai~9-10~ and tylee~6-7~{sent to be livein friends by ozai to further protect his daughter from his ‘madness’ even though he dosent know just what is wrong with him}
izunas~10-11~ sight begins to fade {her pale eyes being damaged by the bright fire nation sun}
zuko~10-11~ continues to disapoint ozai and his mere presence infuriates his madness so ozai avoids him
izuna zuko azula tylee and mai cling to each other but only tylee knows about izunas eyes{she teaches her gymnastics to help with her balance}
the second year is the same as the first
the third year is when things take a turn
iroh~49~brings his ship and crew into port and gos to the palace
the kids pack their things so that they can have a slumber party on the empty ship
zuko~13~packs his and izunas things into his moms trunk{that now has sozens trunk inside it because izuna had found it and put it with her moms things thinking it was important to her mom[its in water tribe colors]
zuko wears his moms pendent in an old diffuser pedent from her mother on an earth nation chain from luten around his right ankle
the twins send their chest ahead when they find out iroh cant take them immeadiatlyas he has to attend a war room meeting {azula~10~ tylee~9~ and mai~12~ just decide to not go impatient}
the trunk arrives at the ship JUST as izuna and zuko convince iroh to take them into the meeting
in the war room a creul general makes a joke about the army needing more kindling zuko aks what he means the general explains and zuko freaks out on him
the boy is then challenged to an agni kai and since he thinks hell be fighting an old war hawk he agrees
two hours later hes on the dias waiting for the general only to turn and finds ozai instead
azulon is thrilled to have a chance to rid himself of zuko but wants to punnish ozai
azulon locks ozai in his own head he can see hear and feel but cant act as azulon stalks forward
zuko goes to his knees and refuses to fight his father
azulon leans down and puts both of ozais hands on the boys face brushing away tears as he guides the boy to stand
then the speech zuko is confused but izuna and ozai arnt
then azulon brings ozais flame into his right hand  and while holding zukos face tightly with his left he presses his right hand over zukos left blue-black eye and burns it
as zuko screams out in pain as hes forced to stand and take it :
iroh looks away knowing he cant challenge the fire lord
azula pretends to be excited hoping it will distract ozai so he wont kill zuko{burns can heal}
everyone else stares in shock
but izuna looses it and tackles zuko away covering his body with her own gaining burns of her own across her back and neck
azulon has the children taken to the healers rooms and follows
he allows the healers to bandage them and bannishes the both
iroh offers to take them and ozai accepts before azulon reasserts control
iroh and the children leave withen the hour
zukkos burns cover his:
face left side hairline down to the chin down the far left side of the neck the left shoulder and 90% of the left arm and 65% of the left hand
he losees most of the sight in his left eye  and is mostly deft on that side
izunas cover her:
98% of her back and 95%of her neck front and back the back of her right arm and hand
she looses the ability to speak as the wound on her neck pulls it so tight even breathing hurts
iroh directs the shipname to one of the seaside colonies and finds an apothicary to take in and treat the kidsin trade for rare herbs that iroh sends the shipname to collect
zukos hair has to be shaved into a phoenix tail to aid in the care of the burns while izunas escapes unscathed
the apothicary cares for the twins for the next {4} months as they drift in and out of conciusness[zuko constantly screaming in both states izuna erily silent]
but then their awake and strong enough that iroh is comfortable bringing them back on to the ship where they hide away from the crew for another month{until their strong enough to stand and walk on their own}
after the month the two meet the crew
izuna stays silent still unable to speak above the faintest whisper due to the tight skin of he burns
zuko speaks rarely{blaming himself for izunas wounds and the loss of izunas ability to sing} but when he does hes a bundle of unrivaled rage and pain and is visciously cutting in his tone and dialouge
the crew dosnt like them:
they were told their burns came from a training accident and that ozai had sent them ‘to find the avatar’ to keep them out of trouble and the crew are underpaid babysitters for a spoiled prince and princess
but they respect iroh to much to say this publicaly
for the next three years
the twins heal as they travel
in the first year they visit the nnnn air temple and find the skeletons
they bury them all {fire nation and air nomads alike} it takes months and they finish three days before the end of the month
though isuna is blind she gains the ability to ‘see’ heat marks as she heals
as they bury the skeletons and heal a bit more zuko accidently water bends out of frustration leading to izuna trying and succeding in it
after the skeletons are buried zuko searches the library for any mention of deul benders and finds that and writing on the avatar test
they both take the test as a joke
but izunas test is positive and zuko is petrified
the next day {first day of the second year}the twins rejoin the crew bringing pounds of scrolls with them and the shipname ships out
the crew stayed on the ship and think the twins are just playing around
iroh spent most of his time on the ship thinking that the twins are exploring and wanting to let them be kids
the twins know they will be powerful but dont know how theyll get there
only a week into the second year the ship is stopped by zhao who demands a private audience with zuko~14~
on zhaos ship zuko notices almost all of the crew is under 14
zhao makes it clear that ozai demands that zuko and izuna stay out of the fire nation until they have the avater in hand and offers to help
zuko carefully declines
zhao mentions that azula~9~ is still withen ozais reach
zuko assures him hell do it himself and returns to his uncles ship
the third  year starts with a storm that pulls zuko overboard
more southern water tribe men leave to join hakoda~32-35~ while kana~52-55~ katara~12-15~ and
sokka~13-16~ condence all the remaining elders women and children to one teritory
toph~9-12~ begins fighting as the blind bandit and pretends to be the perfect daughter in front of her parents
start of story
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They had dressed and sprayed air freshener, but the musky scent of sex still seemed too obvious for their father to miss. He had his feet up on the coffee table with Camdens head in his lap. Were fine, Jacob assured her. Dad came in through the kitchen. Molly heard the garage door open and scanned the room one last time. Camden had lovely feet, with perfectly pink nails. Jacob, Im gonna need you to run me to the airport and pick me up again on Sunday afternoon. Molly was sitting with Camdens legs across her lap and was tracing her bare feet with trembling fingers. Molly had painted those nails a hundred times over the years, but touching them now created a new kind of flutter in her stomach. The satisfied smile on his face made her chuckle. Jacobs eyes were wide as he glanced between Camden and Molly. She smiled at him and nodded. Hey, he muttered, sounding tense and tired. Im gonna have to fly out tonight to fix a screw up in Atlanta. You make a nice pillow. Camden sighed happily, then sat up. Molly was tempted to tease him, but something in his eyes seemed vulnerable just then. He whispered, Youll wait for me? Dad packed in minutes and by the time Jacob had his shoes on they were ready to go. Camden had sat up and was looking over the back of the couch as they came back into the living room. Oh, hey Camden, Dad said with a weary smile. I hope you fix the problem. I didnt see you there. I dont mind Camden hanging out, but no parties, no guests, and no drinking my liquor. Camden gave him a sympathetic smile. Sorry you have to work all weekend. Well clean up and get ready for bed, but well wait. Yes, sir, Molly and Jacob answered in unison. Its for food and emergencies. He looked to his two kids. Of course they will, Camden said. Ill tell Mom so shell know to keep an eye on them for you. Im sure Camdens parents will be happy to help you if you need anything else while Im gone. Heres a hundred bucks, but this isnt spending money. I doubt well even only hairy pussy pics leave the house. Jacob gave them a sly smile as he helped his Dad carry the bags out. Its just technical stuff, but I need to be there to see the problem and fix it. Im trusting you guys to be responsible. Now that she was alone with Camden, Molly felt butterflies in her stomach and couldnt understand why. Lacking anything intelligent to say, Molly asked, You okay? I expect to get change back with receipts. She paused for a moment as her face flushed pink. I never wanted to before. Yeah, she sighed and smiled over at Molly. Itll be fine, Dad, Molly said. Camden sat close and quiet as Robot Chicken played on the unwatched television. It feels that way looking back. I guess I always wanted to kiss you. Call us if you get worried. She took Camdens hand and ran her thumb across the back. Is it weird that I want to kiss you now? She shivered and chuckled to herself. It seemed like the clear categories of brother and friend had run together like a painting in the rain. Then when you were really getting into it, I suddenly wanted to taste you. Im changing the subject, Camden declared with a sigh. The picture may be different, but the colors were just as beautiful to her. Can I borrow some clothes? Sure, we could probably use a shower before Jacob gets back anyway. Theres lube in my panties and it feels weird. It never bothered me or anything. Molly got up and pulled her friend up after her. We were always kinda touchy. Molly turned the experience over in her mind. The dresser was crowded with cosmetics under a large mirror with pictures tucked in along the frame. Her room had white furniture with purple accents. They continued to hold hands as they went down the hall to her room. Molly pulled open a drawer and got out panties and long night shirts for them both. There were pictures of the three of them through the years, always smiling and always together. Camden had begun undressing, folding her clothes and placing them on the storage bench under the window. No, not to me anyway Molly said, feeling relieved. Her full size bed was unmade, with the purple and gold comforter pushed all the way down against the foot board. This is long enough to perm! God, I should keep trimmed but I never had a reason to during winter before. Getting a towel, she headed back to find Camden climbing up on the bed. Let me get Jacobs trimmer. She pulled her pubic hair in a fist to show Molly how long it was. Molly grinned as they bumped shoulders when they passed through the doorway. Turning on the buzzy trimmer, Molly focused on her task. He goes apeshit when I use it, but I imagine things may be different now. The first few passes got the fluff on top of the mons down to a reasonable size, then she pushed her legs open to trim along her vulva leaving enough hair so it wouldnt itch. Molly stepped into the shared bathroom between their rooms and grabbed his electric trimmer off the charger. Once she got the majority of the bushy hair out of the way, she realized Camden was biting her lower lip. Hop on this towel so I can keep the hairs out of my bed. Can you help me do it? Youre lips dont stick out, Molly noted as she mushed the skin around to get into the creases of her legs. It only took a few more passes to leave her neatly trimmed atk natural and hairy ready for a shower. Her strong scent wasnt unpleasant, but the combination of arousal, lube, and personal chemistry kept her from attempting what she wanted to do just then. Like when you give me a pedicure and paint my toenails. Just the opposite, she whispered. She blushed as she asked. Molly answered and quickly removed her own clothes, throwing them at the clothes hamper near the door. Like Camden said, the sensation of being sheared was more pleasant than she expected and she soon found herself biting her lower lip. The tingling in her stomach intensified as she climbed up to place herself on the towel. I told you it was nice. Camden asked with a grin. She wiggled her nicely painted toes and laughed. Lift up your knees, Im going in. Camden said when she noticed. The buzzing of the trimmer felt almost as good as the little vibrating egg shed picked up. Its just so interesting! Camden had a curious expression on her face as she felt around with her warm fingers. Im more pink, but I like the way your lips look tan here. I can only see mine with a mirror. Molly sat up and tried to see, but she couldnt contort herself enough. And I think your opening is smaller than mine. Camden trimmed down her labia and pushed her skin around to get the trickier areas. When she parted her inner lips, Molly looked to see what she was doing. After warming some on her fingers, she stepped back to the bed. Molly asked with a chuckle. Go ahead, Molly said as she watched, more curious than aroused now. Hold on, Camden said, then got the lube from the dresser drawer theyd hidden their toys. It felt tight and tingly, but then Camden started feeling around along the front wall. Like too small or just smaller? Camden took her first two fingers and slid them inside Mollys opening. That makes me feel like I need to pee, Molly said through clenched teeth. Molly put her hand out as Camden coated her fingers with a bit of lube. One hand rubbing up top, two fingers inside pushing here. See if you can find it. Mine swells up when I get close and pushing on it makes me cum so hard. Molly slid her middle and ring fingers inside, feeling along until she hit a kind of rough spot along the smooth front wall. I wanna see something. I feel like were two guys looking at a cars engine. The kiss warmed quickly as Molly scooted closer, but when it cooled again it left them both breathless. Camden stepped closer with an impish grin on her face, then tilted her head as she reached Mollys lips. Thats the spot I have to hit when Im playing with myself. We promised wed wait, Camden whispered. While Molly put their hair in the trash and the towel in the dirty clothes hamper, Camden got the water running in the tub to get it hot. Want me to scrub your back? They didnt waste much time to avoid the temptation of playing without Jacob. It does feel kinda nice to push there. Molly did explore a bit while she had the soapy wash cloth and enjoyed he attention she received as well. Camden was playing with her her hairy pits phone as she waited, sometimes sliding her toes to tickle along Mollys thigh. Just doing normal things like this felt exciting to Molly now. Dressed in Mollys panties and night shirts, the girls sat on the bed together while Molly stripped the chipped polish off her fingernails and applied a fresh coat of her favorite pale pink color. Camden kept glancing at the door while she rubbed lotion on Mollys feet. Molly grinned, then they both laughed at the situation. The silence was comfortable, their occasional touches sweet, but under it all was a passion that bubbled to the surface whenever she stared at Camdens face. Hed have called if something came up. It made her feel jealous in a way, but not as badly as she expected. With her nails finished and drying, Molly lay back with her fingers spread over her stomach. Yeah, she whispered and blushed a deep pink. Watching her friend worry, Molly recognized how strongly she felt about Jacob. She felt her stomach churn as she considered how to say what she needed to say. Their new intimacy had changed things, but if anything it felt warmer and deeper between them. Ive always had a crush on him, ever since we were little. Camden wasnt always assertive, but this was obviously something she felt strongly about. Wait for him to get back, she commanded. He really likes you, you know. Maybe we should call him. Hasnt it been too long? Camden was suddenly nervous, like she didnt know how to act. Okay, Molly agreed and shut her eyes for a moment. Hey, if you guys want some alone time this weekend, she started and was stopped by the hard look in Camdens eyes. Just then the rumble of the garage door signaled his return. I know its corny, but I had to bring you something. I mean, he paused as his flush deepened. She ran her fingers to show where she meant. How the hell did I get this lucky? When Jacob appeared in the doorway he had two small bouquets of three red roses with babys breath all atk hairy amateurs wrapped in green paper. Hey, he said, bluffing a mature air, but it didnt last a second until his cheeky grin appeared. She changed her position on the bed three times before assuming a casual pose next to Molly. I just spent an awkward trip to the airport with Dad, then a long trip home just thinking. And you, he said almost as a question. Shit, youre both so gorgeous. All my twin brothers get to sleep with my hot friend. Are you sure youre both okay with this? Rather than jump in, Molly held herself back and let Camden speak for them both. Weve been talking, Camden whispered. Im never gonna stop crushing on you, either, apparently. Being my brother, of course, Molly laughed. I know its gotta be weird for you two, but Im pretty sure we can work something out, cant we? He walked into the room and joined them sitting on the bed. Im never gonna stop being Mollys friend, even if things change a little from now on. And then you kissed me. Her flush deepened as she took both of their hands. Then maybe Im the weird one, because I liked it. He looked at Molly with his frown fighting his smile. In case you have almost any inquiries with regards to in which as well as the way to employ atk hairy kingdom hairy amateurs (their website), you possibly can email us at the website. Its kinda hard to get my head around, but I cant deny how hot is was watching you two. And I definitely liked kissing you. he shook his head and gave up trying to be cool. I mean, really kissed me. Jacob finally broke the silence when he said, Lets see what happens this weekend. Camden laughed and the tension was gone like it had never been there at all. Camden watched from the bed as Molly straighten her room. Molly got their toys and put them on her nightstand while the shower was running. Now that she knew how powerful the experience was it scared her a little. Molly said and took his hand, then looked at Camden. It is weird, Jacob admitted. In just one afternoon so much had changed. Me too, but mostly happy. In that case, go shower because I can smell you from here, Molly said as she pushed him to get off the bed. Penny for your thoughts, Camden prompted. It was hard to judge if it was better or worse or just different at this point. Jacob came in dying off with a towel. The three of them sat there with the roses between them on the bed, staring around at each other. It just flops around, Camden whispered. He was naked and his vigorous rubbing made his cock and balls bounce around. It was nerves, she knew it. Molly climbed back into bed and huddled next to her friend. Watching him had a hypnotic effect on both women. Oh, Camden exclaimed, nodding as she seemed to get it. I guess its not any weirder than running without a bra and your tits going all over the place. Fucking dance belts, Jeez that was torture. The worst was when Molly made me do ballet with her one year, Jacob said with a wry look in Mollys direction. I always wondered why you guys had to wear those if you had underwear. I have a picture of Molly singing into her hair brush wearing a towel with curlers in her hair. Thats why we wear jock straps. Then they all laughed about it. He turned off the lights in the bathroom, then turned off the overhead lights in Mollys room. Oh, yes, the threat of getting a full page ad in the yearbook is my half of our mutually assured destruction pact. The lamp on the nightstand offered more than enough light for him to climb into bed next to Camden with Molly on the other side. Camden clapped her hands and said, Please tell me theres pictures of him in tights! The full bed was cramped, but the three of them settled in together in the dim light. Molly pulled up the sheets, then made Camden her little spoon. Molly heard them kissing and grinned. At some point Jacob rolled over slightly and sighed. Jacob tossed the towel over the shower rod to dry. Camden scooted down to sit between his legs. I want to taste you, Camden whispered to Jacob. Molly was interested, so she rolled closer to Jacob and put her head on his shoulder. She snuggled against Camdens back and drifted off a little. Camden shot Molly a look of horror. She could tell how intense it was by how hard he squeezed her fingers. Her tongue licked down the front of his shaft as she took him in. His erection was growing as Camden rubbed him along his shaft with her open palm. Camden rolled into his side as he slipped his arm under the pillow. Beats me, no ones ever done it for me before. The effect on Jacob was immediate as he gasped, lifted his head, and squeezed Mollys fingers white. When she lifted it up and licked his head Jacob sighed and took Mollys hand. Camden asked, then slipped his swollen head between her lips. That is so fucking hot, she murmured when Camden gagged silently, then gamely kept on. Up and down, Camden took his shaft in her mouth as she watched his reaction each time she came up for air. Finally he gasped and sat up slightly, straining against some invisible weight as Camden moaned. Then kill me, he replied through clenched teeth. When she did that to me I thought I was gonna die, Molly whispered to her brother. Jacob had been silent for a while with his legs straight and toes pointed down. Her eyes began to water and her breath came in gasps as she tried to keep him deep inside for longer periods of time. Molly realized she was squeezing Jacobs hand just as hard as he was. It tastes better from the source, Camden said as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Molly moved her knees apart and lay down between her thighs. When he collapsed back against the bed, Molly touched his sweaty face and blew cool air on him as he panted. The warm musky smell of Camdens arousal made her mouth water. Sitting up as Camden returned, Jacob rolled over to kiss her and rub his hand over her breasts. Camden exclaimed, then reached down to grip Mollys hair in her fists. Tasting her friend was like licking a penny, all bright flavors of copper and sparks. Right there, oh yeah, right there! Pushing her thighs up to open her completely, Molly kissed her swollen lips while pushing two fingers inside slowly. From the noisy wet sounds above she knew they were kissing, but Molly didnt care. Ignoring the discomfort as Camden pulled her hair, Molly opened her mouth to rub the flat of her tongue against the top of her slit. Molly wanted to play and explore, licking the edges and creases, kissing her deeply to press her tongue as far as it would go, all the while massaging that little spot deep inside with her two fingers. Come up here, Molly said as she moved back to her side of the bed to let Camden come back. Camden must had had enough playing and pulled harder on her long hair to direct the attention where it was needed most. The flood of arousal increased, soon covering her face and hand with Camdens sticky emissions. Taking Camdens erect nubbin between her lips, Molly sucked and released like she was giving head to the tiny bump. Camden froze, her legs out straight as she alternated between panting and holding her breath. Following the command, Molly sucked the bump all the way into her mouth, rolling her tongue around it over and over. The frenzy continued as she flexed her hips until the pulses slowed, then stopped. Keeping a steady cycle of motions was more difficult than shed assumed. God, Im so hot right now. Jacob looked up at her with a half-grin that looked like he was proud of her for some reason. Released at last, Molly sat up to sexy hairy pussy girls look at her friend. She was focused on her friends pleasure and knew Jacob was as well. I want to say something stupid right now, Camden whispered. Wiping her face on the sheet as moved, Molly lay next to her best friend, kissing her softly while Jacob caressed them both. Camden uttered a long, low groan as she forced Mollys face into her wetness. Im not sure I know myself, Molly chuckled. Being with Camden clicked in a way kissing her old boyfriend Brian McCue never had. After the tender moment, Jacob whispered, You have to show me how you did that. As she touched her friends flat stomach she wondered what it might mean. Molly realized she wasnt as curious about being with a guy anymore. Her fingers felt like they were sucked in deeper as Camden tensed, then she felt the rhythmic pulse of her inner muscles that signaled her orgasm. It no longer seemed important somehow. She put her head down on the pillow with a sigh. Camdens scent was all over her face, her flavor was still in her mouth. It was more satisfying than anything shed done before. Camden was still running her fingers through her hair, rubbing the spots shed pulled so hard moments before. Come here and kiss me so I dont. After taking a deep breath and letting it out in a low hum, Molly said, Yes. She could tell Jacob was falling to sleep from his deeper breaths. Camden asked this time in the silence. She felt wet drops fall from her chin as Camden stared at her in the dim light.
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