#hoping this is coherent as i am running a fever ๐Ÿ‘
alreadyundermygenjutsu ยท 1 year
What happened with 4lung again? All i heard was a bunch of people hating them for wearing a diaper and some sus messages of them messaging a minor, thats not the cause or???
it's very easy to make a new discord account to "convincingly" fake some messages without using photoshop. Basically her ex wrote an entire callout over an interpersonal conflict that stemmed from said ex disliking (and repeatedly mocking her for) her kinks that she wanted to explore. Ppl blew it way the fuck out of proportion - writing a callout in the first place was uncalled for. A lot of the harassment happened over twitter (on accounts that are long since deleted) and in a discord server run by the ex who had no problem riling everyone up, getting kids to publicly attack her on their behalf. The loudest voice they egged on was another musician who went by Slimousine, and they went so far as to accuse 4 of KIDNAPPING, based on a photo one of their friends took from the backseat of a car, in which 4 is clearly in the passenger seat and someone else is driving. They were all going through the Arby's drive thru after a show 4 performed at. About a year later Slimousine admitted on twitter to making it all up, the "sus messages," the "attempted kidnapping," everything. Unfortunately I have not been able to find a surviving screenshot of this, but i was following them at the time it was posted. It didnt change anything, the damage had been done, their friends and followers were convinced they were somehow harassed/pressured into making the post by the "pedophiles" defending 4. Yes, anyone who defended her was labelled as a pedophile by this crowd.
If you'd like to verify any of this for yourself i'm sure the callout is still up. It's a lot of transmisogyny and taking OBVIOUS jokes with complete seriousness, in the same tone a parent would yell at their kid for "being pregnant" when they said "zomg i am so preggers just from lookimg at him hes sooo smexeh xD" like. it is SO so so unserious.
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